Karel Ziminsky The Sith strangled the entire Galaxy with so much Darkside energy that most of it's inhabitants could barely remember anything remotely Force related. This maybe why there was an abrupt Awakening in Episode VIII.
Actually, he only refereed to it as a hokey religion and not from ancient times. Plus, there were only 10,000 Jedi at any given time in a galaxy of quadrillion species. Encountering a Jedi would be really rare.
Karel Ziminsky my biggest problem with the discussion to make Vader lukes dad. It made so the empire was a round for like 30 years. Not that threatening. Star Wars has been around longer then the empire.
30 years of complete control over the entire known galaxy with hardly any large threat present? He could literally do ANYTHING he wanted to do - anything. Think about that for a minute - if he wanted to kill every high ranking military official in the Empire, he could - if he wanted to enslave every alien in the known galaxy, he could & did to some degree lol That's pretty freaking powerful for a single individual The only Faction that came that close were the Rakata & that was because they created all the technology you see in the Star Wars history before any other race even came close I mean - Palpatine did something that no one has ever done in the history of the galaxy - maintaining control of it for 30 years is unbelievable
akba666, It reminds me of the germans in WW2 let's make a big tank yes it can take on ten British tanks who cares if it breaks down easily it's terrifying and a symbol of our power.
I think a moon sized space station with a single shot planet destroying beam cannon would be more intimidating than a few capital ships that would take forever to destroy a planet. To me I think Sidious was more focused on fear and intimidation than practicality.
Kira121086, If he wanted fear why blow up a planet, use the ships to drop bombs with a gas that eats the population from the inside out, Nothing says terror weapon like a person falling apart.
Aside from its impact as a fear weapon to the rest of the galaxy, as a military asset, the Death Stars were siege weapons. Yes, you could have multiple star destroyers beseiging a shielded planet, but it would take too long and it would allow the defending party to amass a relief fleet to help lift the siege. The Death Star bypasses this siege mechanic by completely penetrating the Planetary shield and hitting the planet surface directly. As shown in Rogue One when they shot the planet through the Planetary Shield. Also, Yuuzhong Vong Worldships if you want to get into the Extended Universe stuff.
Considering Palpatine's downfall and death were both directly caused by his obsession with superweapons (both in the canon and in Dark Empire), yes the Empire would have been better off without both Death Stars.
Empire Strikes Back has shown why a death star was necessary. The shields and ion cannon of a base is enough to hold off several star destroyers and a super star destroyer. With enough shield generators to cover the entire planet, which an industrial planet would have, you do not have to be afraid of star destroyers anymore and the planet has to be singed for a long time.
I think against the Jedi he maybe wanted to appear less imposing to catch them off their guard as he probably knew it would be just him and Windu after a mere moment, and against Maul and Opress he was probably trying to be as intimidating as possible, and he wanted to toy with Opress for longer before killing him so having the two blades probably helped defend against both opponents for more of an extended amount of time, and more importantly made it appear more effortless, and kind of a mockery of them by using a combat style he doesn't show very often, on the other hand maybe while he has mastered all forms, knowing that Palpatine doesn't like lightsabers that much, maybe he is better with one blade instead of two, so he didn't want to face Mace Windu with two blades because the guy hits like a truck and Palpatine could afford to mess around a bit more against Oppress and Maul
If one assumed that fighting with lightsabers was similar to regular sword fighting, then scholagladiatoria has a very informative video about the advantages and disadvantages of using multiple blades, especially disadvantages of using long blades of equal length. There are very good reasons that dual wielding usually involves shorter weapons such as in the Philippine martial art 'escrima' (sp) or a long and short weapon pair such as sword and knife.
We only need to look at the history of Dreadnaughts to see the military folly of the Deathstar. With Dreadnaughts, no country was willing to risk their prized possession in a battle hence they spent the war in safe harbours for both sides. The potential loss of a Dreadnaught was just too great a risk. However, there might be an economic reason for something that can pulverize an entire planet, that of mining. Normally, we can only mine resources in the crust of a planet yet most of the desired heavier elements would've sunk into the core. It is only by volcanic action that ore veins rich in desired minerals are accessible in the crust which to a planet is much like the thickness of an apple peel to the apple. This is a very very small percentage of the available resources of a planet. However a pulverized planet makes all mineral resources accessible including the planetary core. This is one of the reasons why we are interested in asteroid mining because it is possible that some of the asteroids might have been part of a proto-planets core. Of course, there is the problem that if you actually pulverized a planet but did not accelerate the mass to escape velocity, gravity would pull the pieces back together and the collisions would melt the material forming a new planet with an uninhabitable molten surface which would take hundreds of millions of years to cool down. Face it, it's a movie, it's fiction, it simply doesn't make sense.
This is 100% true. My one gib with Star Wars lore is not only was the empire dumb enough to risk this once- but the empire and the first order were dumb enough to risk it TWO more times. And if you think the 3rd installment of the new trilogy won't have a BIGGER superweapon- you overestimate Disney's plan to pretty much copy the original trilogy.
Hitagi Senjougahara I would rather have a story plot that works than when the Prequels didn't know what the fuck it was doing. I would further go on to bash George Lucas for completely dropping the fucking ball with the Prequels.
Jodee Rebecca Davey No they are in Gall Force and are essentially a far more powerful version of the Star Killer device. Instead of destroying multiple planets by draining a star, the system destroyer unleashed a blast which obliterates whole star systems by annihilating the star and all the planets within the system.
In expanded Universe there might be a explanation for Death stars, The worlds ships of Yuuzhan Vong. The death star might have been the best way to eliminate them with least casulaties.
I imagined that the reason for the Death Stars had something to do with darkside magic or Sith alchemy providing a large sacrifice of life to draw power from the darkside.
The Imperial Navy just needed expansion, as Tagge, Thrawn and likely Vader would condone; problem being, Palpatine and Tarkin were looking to scare people.
the empire would of been better off using the mats and credits on more super destroyers, gear, and troop training facilities. and more social programs to distract the common people like how the romans made the gladiator fights.
how ever if the empire put their supplies in what i listed above over time they would of crushed the rebellion and then and only then would a death star be a viable project to under take. how ever on a larger scale like the star killer base but cover the entire planet with massive ground to space weaponry and houses its own shield gen like the star killer base did. and the emperor could of used this massive artifical planet as his main fortress.
basically is nar shaddaa was a military facility instead of a place for normal citizens. and once such a station is complete then to focus on the people and research facilities to help the galaxy to win their hearts, if you have the hearts of your people they will be less willing to betray you and in turn will be willing to snitch on the rebels
Ninvus Gaming I can't comment on Death Star, but these kind of thought (allocating resources on multiple cheaper asset is better than pooling it into fewer number, but stronger one) have been used in many military analysis, for example Nazi's wonder weapon projects. It's said that if Nazi use the resources needed to build V2 rocket into other things, like more Panzer IV, they would be able to build tens of thousand more tank and won the war. However, these kind of thought usually fail to recognize the true situation (logistic, availability of certain resources, workforce, dynamic between the military leaders, etc) that the contemporary planner/commander face.
+Ninvus Gaming And they would have been better off using those extra credits to hire more skilled marksmen to create better training programs then they had....Ones that actually trained the Storm Troopers how to shoot their targets! XD
Now that we know a bit more about "kyber crystals" and their connection to the death star, and the force, it conjures new "hmmm factors" when thinking about why a Sith might want to build such a thing. More than just a planet killer, perhaps, a massive force amplifier as well.
Just a few other things i want to add to this video... The death stars would have been very expencive yes but in the grand scheme of things couldn't have put too much of a strain on the empire. In rogue one, it is confirmed that the first death star was a secret project as they mentioned that the senate did not know of the existence of the battle station and the second death star was also a secret project because the rebelion didn't know it was being built until it was almost done. This shows that it couldnt have been too much of a strain because during the time of rogue one, the senate still had SOME power and would begin raising questions as to where over 1 trillion credits were disappearing to. Also, legends shows the emperor learning of the youzon vong (not how you spell it but oh well) and most likely created these as a counter measure against the new threat.
I feel like they should have been more focused on things like the Conqueror and Eclipse. ISDs and SSDs with superlasers integrated into the hull. Imagine how many of those they could have built with the resources of the first Death Star alone. Or a second try at the Phantom Fleet, for those who have played Rebel Assault II. They were able to cloak an entire SSD and a station which had several ISDs docked with it. Sounds like a great way to set up traps.
I always theorized that the death stars "primary" purpose was to instill fear throughout the empire. Not just in a military/political sense, but also that a greater pervasive sense of fear would mean more darkside power for the sold sith master to 'tap' into. I always, felt/wondered if the military & political benefits were totally secondary to Sideous.
Thrawn himself warned against contrasting and using the death star as well. He felt like a large Navy with capital ships and tie fighters was the best and most flexible option.
One practical purpose Thrawn saw in the Death Star was to curb the ambitions of high ranking Imperial leaders by giving the Emperor a monopoly of violence over them. We have to remember that though the Empire was a very centralized state, its considerable military assets were spread out across the galaxy and under the direct command of regional governors, generals and admirals. The Death Star ensured that rebellion against the Emperor from such powerful authorities in the Empire very suicidal.
The idea of that many Star Destroyers in space sounds pretty scary, as scary as the Death Star itself. But, weirdly enough, such an armada would also required way more man power altogether than the humongous satellite the Emperor was constructing. Having after considering how big the Death Star is, I don't think the Empire would had enough soldiers to take care of all of these new ships.
Another important point is that Sidious loathed the need of an army and other lackeys, he wanted to conquer everything by himself, so having a bunch of death stars would make most of his army obsolete, being able to destroy any rebellion in an instant.
Personally I think that wiping a planet off of the map INSTANTLY is a pretty strong intimidation factor. It makes both the planet, and all nearby moons uninhabitable. It likely even makes the nearest two planets to it uninhabitable due to the gravity effects of planets
The wrench in all of this is that, in New Canon, the novel Tarkin and other materials heavily imply that the Emperor wanted the Death Star even before he decided to become Emperor, and in fact may have decided to take over the Galaxy as a way to get it. We don't know what he wanted it FOR, but it's implied it's use as a terror weapon was secondary to some other, unknown, Dark Side purpose he had in mind for it. Maybe something deep in the core of a planet that he wanted to access? Either way, this just goes to show you shouldn't leave important military decisions up to wrinkled old trolls who really would rather spend more time in their basements meditating on the Dark Side.
You happen to forget what Grand Admiral Thrawn Said to the emperor about the Death Star and Thrawn is always correct he only disagrees when he is sure something will fail. Even Darth Vader advised the emperor and supported Thrawn's idea.
I always thought it was dumb that after a mere 20 years in a society as advanced as the Star Wars one that everyone seemingly forgot about the jedi and the force and so on despite the fact most of them were old enough to be alive for potentially decades when they started to be killed.
Perhaps another good question is, if the plans where never drawn up for the Death Star what else would Sidious of made? Or what else, if anything was he considering?
I think a large part of it was having a weapon so powerful that a growing rebellion could not beat, and the senate would not then have the power to remove him as the head of the empire. Should the senate, or a large/important aspect of it decide they have had enough ( say for example a faction with the largest ship yards ) they could then create a very large and extremely powerful fleet to fight the empire. This was an uncertainty which i think the emperor did not want to have stick around. Having the death star meant to matter who left, their planet was vaporized within days and no matter what they had... it didn't matter. therefor leaving the emperor in total control, and consolidating the empires grasp over the galaxy.
I support the idea of expanding the Empire's navy and its military in general with the resources that would have gone to the Death Star, but there is another option that the Emperor could have used. Rather than destroying a planet and losing the manpower and resources native to it use the Death Star as the ultimate siege engine. As a space station it could be used in long sieges of a planet if necessary, blockading the planet, orbital bombardment, base of operations for both Naval and ground engagements, and a repair and resupply point for ships. This might take longer than simply destroying a planet but it would have a better outcome allowing the Empire to reclaim territory and use propaganda to say that the necessary actions were taken to destroy the rebellion. Lastly the Death Star was a weapon that even the most loyal to the Empire would question whereas a battle station built to siege worlds to bring them under the Empire's control may have been easier to accept.
Anybody who has played Star Wars rebellion knows that a deathstar is a huge drain on resources and could be used instead on other assets. Love that game.
There was also the belief that Darth Sidious knew of the Yuuzhan Vong, knew of the extra galactic invasion force making its way slowly towards the Empire. That the Death Stars were meant to be ready to face the onslaught. Had even one Death Star, supported by the majority of the Imperial Fleet, been there to intercept the Yuuzhan Vong as they arrived...
I think people misunderstand the purpose of the death star. It's not meant to only preserve the empire's power, but also the emperor's personal power. An expanded star fleet would have required that the emperor assign men and materiel under the control of his subjects who could have potentially turned the empire's fleets on the emperor himself. By contrast, the death star would have enabled the emperor to rule the galaxy from a single power base with a single weapon so powerful it could destroy any rebellion on any world and thwart any attempt by the imperial armed forces to usurp his authority.
Can we talk about how the prequels' dark sidious was so much better at strategy than the original? Originals' plan- build a single, space station. Prequel plan- become chancellor, gain insight into the Jedi, use his power of both the republic and separatists to blind the Jedi as well as spread them thin, create the clones, use a over-qualified Jedi-knight to kill the weaker Jedi alongside the clones, convince the senate to give him emergency powers to become emperor, and rule the galaxy.
I have a theory about the Death Star itself. It wasn't primarily for keeping the worlds of the Empire in line but rather an effective weapon against the Yuuzhan Vong which the Emperor knew were coming. If any worlds conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong were destroyed, the Yuuzhan Vong would find it nearly impossible to push further into the galaxy using a ship based invasion without the ability to use the worlds they conquer as manufacturing bases and as sources for resources. Just a theory.
I feel the Death Stars would have been better all around if not for the superlasers. Taking a good look at the size of that damn thing, I find it would make much more sense to use something that enormous as a troop garrison. If all that space wasted on a weapon (which we only see fire, what - 5 times between the both of them?) were used to house troops and supplies, the station's enormous scale would look more intimidating. Remember that scene from Rogue One where it blocked out the sun? Imagine the goosebumps if instead, you thought it would be here to stay, and rain hell from above via troop transports and conventional bombardment?
The Death Star is a machine. It doesn't run on force magic. It can't snuff out the force, and even if it did it would destroy the source of Sith powers, you know, the force.
How different was the Death Star from the ship sized light saber program mentioned in rogue one. I know that people thought it was referring to the dark saber from rebels, but I couldn't remember the book that it was mentioned in.
My take based on playing RTS games such as Command and Conquer, Warcraft, Z etc etc etc. is that the Death Star is a waist of resources. Having a force multiplier (I.E. a large lethal force) is the way to go.
If I were an advisor to the empire on building a death star or thousands of star destroyers, I'd recommend the death star. Assuming I'm unaware of Galen Erso's betrayal, I would assume that the completion of the death star would significantly reduce if not halt the creation of new star destroyers and therefore actually be cheaper in the long run (assuming thousands of years). The critical information would be how much does it cost to maintain the death star and how much does it cost to maintain star destroyers. Also you still need the ability to subdue local insurrections as you may not want to destroy whole planets and cities for insurgencies that are bound to occur.
Interesting. The only problem is that the DS can only be in one place at a time. That many extra ships could have become a far more effective presence as it would simply have swamped anyone who tried to stand against the Empire. Palpatine may have been protected from the Light Side striking back, but, in doing so, he made the empire vulnerable to plain old military attacks. Because a thousand warships can't be taken down by one torpedo. His defence was unbalanced. If he'd built a half size Death Star it could have accomplished almost the same thing, it would have been more mobile, used less resources, and allowed for an increase in the fleet. Then again, the leadership (both Sith and Jedi) were pretty short sighted. The Jedi were blind-sided by the clones turning on them. And you would think someone would quality control check the programming /before/ ordering a few million of them. Its the same mistake. They put all their credits into a single technology that they apparently didn't bother to quality check before they spent the money. Same thing with the Death Star. Seriously, did NO ONE asses the damned thing for engineering vulnerabilities BEFORE they sunk however many trillion credits into the building process. Assuming nobody could hit that thermal vent was arrogant and it should have been addressed before it started construction. The empire definitely had quality control issues just like the Jedi did. Seems to me both the Sith and the Jedi suffered from a huge amount of hubris that left them blind to their enemy's attacks.
Technically speaking, wouldn't a compromise have been a far more efficient solution? The Death Star when barely brought online was strong enough to vaporize cities, continent or perhaps leave the planet uninhabitable for the forseeable future. A downscale variation of that super weapon could have possibly been installed into specialized capital ships like perhaps some variation of the Executor class dreadnought. Such a weapon could be both a weapon of fear much like the Death Star though not quite on the same scalle, a strategic asset in a fleet battle as show when the DS 2 eliminated a capital ships fairly fast while probably not fully online. A downscaled weapon could also probably be produced in larger number preventing the empire from keeping all it's eggs in one basket + possibly allowing more funds to be spent on other military projects (*cough* star fighters *cough*)
They're supposed to leave that up to the professionals now. This is why Poe blew up Starkiller Base and not Rey. Kids from the sand box are now apparently expected to focus more on martial arts...
when you're already top dog, superweapons aren't really necessary, now if they were losing or just barely winning (basically if the clone wars lasted for decades) then sure the death stars might have been useful.
Wait, wasn't the Death Star plans made before the empire was formed and the Clone Wars began. That fly guy in the Attack of The Clones gave Count Dooku the plans to the Death Star, at least the bases of how it can be made. So technically Palpatine should have already thought about making the Death Star in advance. I just want to point that out. If you think about it, Starkiller Base was a bigger Death Star but how it was made and how it can be used was a better choice when it comes to making a powerful weapon. A) You have a planet that you can use as a base to make it. So it would cut down on both time and money for the long run. B) The Death Star can only destroy one planet at a time and has to be new said planet for it to work, where as the Starkiller can take out more than one planet at the same time and far from the targets. Whoever made Starkiller Base knew what they are doing. Plus if you think about it, The Emperor kind of fell into that trap that his master warned him about when making the second Death Star.
In fairness, it did make more sense against the New Republic due to demilitarization. Because the NR was so determined to prove that it was not like the Empire, it did not spread its military out. Keeping the bulk of the fleet in orbit around the capital made it all very vulnerable to a single-shot superweapon. In this regard, the First Order got their money's worth, which is probably why Snoke wasn't more upset over Starkiller Base's destruction.
Personally, the Death Star could've acted more as a Mobile Military Research Lab where its Super Laser & Star Fighters would've been Useful in keeping it safe & a secret. From there, Super Star Destroyers armed with Super Lasers could've been built & deployed accordingly.
I've thought about it for a while and I think they would be much better off without the Death Stars; the amount of funding that went into them was massive and for virtually no payoff (blowing up Alderaan probably lost more followers than was worth it, and blowing up one Mon Calamari cruiser and intimidating people was totally not worth it) and, as most people probably have noticed, the only movie in which the Empire really won was the movie in which they didn't have a Death Star, but instead took it to the enemies' turf and attacked them there, and I wouldn't be surprised if Episode 8 is a First Order victory in the same way, so I'd say they would have been better if they put the funding into the rest of their military instead, since it is often more difficult to attack a lot of small targets than one big one, and I think if the Rebels had to face a fleet of Star Destroyers instead of one Death Star it may have gone quite differently, and something that is kind of amusing is that the Executor may have survived if it wasn't for the Death Star since it wouldn't have anywhere to crash after getting damaged on the bridge, and other than that very specific move, I can't think of anything the Rebellion has that can destroy Super Star Destroyers save for either their entire fleet attacking it with lots of casualties or somehow infiltrating the inside and sabotaging it
UnicornBunny actually you mistaken empire strike back was no win scenario also I recommend you watch astroid scene again pretty sure they lost 2 star destroyers because Darth Vader's relentless search for Luke Skywalker.
I can't seem to find any source on how the death star laser moves from above the equator to below it. Like when firing on Jedha. Is is just rotating and spinning around and some kind other gravity thing for the personnel inside?
It's basically why they always lose. Sith strategy getting in the way of the Empire's military strategy. :P I swear one of these days someone's going to write a batch of "history" somewhere in a part of the unwritten Star Wars timeline where the Empire gets sick of it and just does their own "Order 66" and executes all of the sith and just gets it over with because they're sick of the sith mucking up military strategy that's already solid and locked down. Republic / Rebellion wins because the jedi stay out of military strategy and politics except as a last resort and even as generals, let military strategists and local consultants do most of it and they take the front lines to help protect everyone else. Ofc a few exceptions but yep! You don't see the Mon Calimari or Correlians or Kuat making a giant death ball, nope!
As far as we saw, Leia was the *only* woman to ever set foot on either Death Star. So the strippers have to have all been dudes. That or the computer network was flooded with porn. On the flip-side, they only needed men's rooms...although they were probably like locker rooms what with the need for armor removal.
I did say "saw", not "read". For decades one of the main purposes of the EU has been to produce fix-fics to cover all the gaps in what is shown onscreen. Such as the all-white-human-male depiction of the Empire (and until RotJ, the Rebellion) in the films. So much EU lore has been produced that a surprising number of fans don't realize that most of these characters were not developed very much in the actual movies.
Snoke must have had the same reasoning as Palpatine then, because he went and did the exact same thing. I really hope they don't pull a Starkiller 2.0 in episode 9. I'd be happy seeing the Eclipse, or something like it, but not another Death Star knockoff.
Star Wars is an occult allegory, search for the video series "Full disclosure" in Ricin Toxin's channel. That's why they repeat the same story, it's not that they aren't creative and couldn't tell a different story, they simply don't want to. In so many movies there is a chosen one. Look how many similarities there are in two supposedly completely different movies, like Harry Potter and The Matrix. Both have chosen ones who have part of their enemy inside them, a connection. They're not copying each other, it's just the same allegory
The SW galaxy is about 2 or 3 times the size of our galaxy. Do you know how many star systems and planets are already in our galaxy? Billions. Don't you think if all these civilizations figured out that the Empire only has 32.000 SDs which can at max be in 32.000 systems they would rebel? Yeah they would because it's common sense that 32.000 can't patroll billions of systems which are all instantly connected by something such as the HoloNet! This is why I think the EU offers a much more accurate number of millions of SDs and trillions of soldiers.
The empire didn't control the whole galaxy, nor does it need to patrol every single planet or every single inch of its borders. Much like the Roman legions, they merely had to respond to threats and rebellions and the fear of the prospect of facing off with just one imperial star destroyers was enough to keep most systems in line.
Nasmr 1. You can't compare a futuristic, stellar military to the Roman legions. 2. It de facto controlled the galaxy (de jure more than 80%), the Hutt Empire isn't that big, nor does it actually controll shit - Stormtroopers on tatooine which is in Hutt space and all the other 'independent' factions like Hapes are also de facto controlled by the Empire. 3. Compare the numbers of, - because only a little more than half is directly controlled, plus some secret planets and bases which were heavily controlled in wild space - and 32.000. Do you see why 32.000 or even 48.000, if they had used the death star resources to expand the imperial fleet, are not even remotely enough to control and administrate the galaxy? Either you can't comprehend these enormous numbers or you're eatin' the shit disney wants to sell us. In either case, 32.000 SDs are not enough to manage the galaxy. If you still not believe me, please look at Warhammer 40K. It really well presents the scale of such an galaxy wide empire. The Empire of Man controls the whole Milkyway which should be on part with the space the empire controls or even smaller. If you look at their military it gets clear how much is already needed to control a galaxy, and they don't patrol every system either. There is a theory out there that the Emperor was expanding the military because a big threat to the galaxy - probably the Yuuzang Vong, dunno how to spell that - was coming. Therefore we know that the Empire was at least semi mobilized.
I know that you're well documented in EU and canon explanation of how strong can be any ship in Star Wars. But regarding what's really shown in the movies, star destroyers while powerful ships don't seem like to have the potential of whiping an entire planet population AT ALL. Given this the Death Star is more relevent, even if not the best option in context. Also the purpose of the DS is like our own nuclear weapons: more to intimidate and strike fear than to be really effective, and Rogue One shows exactly that in the rebel council scene. So yeah, I respect your opinion, but I have to disagree.
If you ask me, I'd say that the Death Star was completely worthless in almost all regards to logic in terms of how they used it, I mean, the first non-test target was a small rebel base that a single star destroyer could crush with one strafe across the surface, like grass being cut by a lawn mover
I just realized. Does the cost of the death star (> 2 billion) include all the transports, tie fighters, at at, crew and equipment? If not than we could totally get all those star destoryers and use the crew that would crew the death star to crew the star destroyers.
So wait does this mean the death star was constructed with its super laser but then had its super laser removed and refitted at some point during construction??
They were a Galactic money pit! I would relate them to construction in our early 20th century, of the various Dreadnought & Battleship types as opposed to many more lesser Capital ships. The economic drain construction of these 'Battleship' types had on their respective nation states was crushing!
Wasn't the Deathstar build to deal with the Vhong's world size ships? Star Destroyers are nice and all, but why continuously buy star destroyers when you can have a one and done solution?
Alexane Rose what, you actually liked the Vhong? The Species of "Hurr Durr, we dont know how to write an intresting story without the good guys being the underdogs so lets use some ass pull invaders from annother galaxy to steamroll everything"?
TeylenSun I liked the threat of the vhong and the idea that the empire was doing what it did to fight them. Makes the rebels lok like the overall douchebags. they won, true but the empire would've done it better.
What if the Death star didn't have the super laser? It could have been some sort of massive fleet staging station, designed repair, build, refuel, and resupply ships, field thousands of troopers, move anywhere in the galaxy and be the literal hivemind of the Imperial Military?
Mr.Mr. & More Mr. true! but it was said that they tried to make it seem like "under construction" but it was just outside look. it is just a theory tho!
I'm split pure military wise the extent of the size of the death stars were huge making a smaller super weapon thus making more star destroyers + super weapon, but I also am of the mind that the sith ruling needed a way to disable the light side of the force so nowhere
I know comparing fantasy currency to real-life equivalent is going to be imprecise, but is there a ballpark figure for what a credit is in dollars, pounds, euros, etc? Just to get an idea of how much these figures mean? A trillion sounds like a lot, but it could be a bargain, considering you're making a space station the size of a moon with a giant death ray attached, assuming a credit is roughly equal to a dollar.
Quick question for everyone; Is it just me or does the front of that explosion, along with the fiery part, and where the red first starts to form the front bottom part of the mask (which would be the top section of the eyes where the helmet starts...? Does the whole front of that explosion not resemble Darth Vader? ...just wondering, because the entire background of that picture as a whole look similar to Bendu, also
Considering that they stocked them full of very high-ranking officers, just to be blown up, then I'd say that they could have done without them. At least Starkiller base was able to inflict some actual damage against the new republic before being taken out. All the Death Star ever got were some lousy weapons tests and a few rebellion battlecruisers
That guy you keep bringing up about doubting the deathstar... Wasn't that the guy who dissed Vader in the movie saying the battlestation was the best thing since sliced bread?
I hope snoke hires you as the treasurer of the first order
I find it funny that in the original trilogy, the force is a "hokey religion" from ancient times, yet it had only been 20 years since order 66.
Karel Ziminsky The Sith strangled the entire Galaxy with so much Darkside energy that most of it's inhabitants could barely remember anything remotely Force related. This maybe why there was an abrupt Awakening in Episode VIII.
Karel Ziminsky
Actually, he only refereed to it as a hokey religion and not from ancient times. Plus, there were only 10,000 Jedi at any given time in a galaxy of quadrillion species. Encountering a Jedi would be really rare.
Karel Ziminsky my biggest problem with the discussion to make Vader lukes dad. It made so the empire was a round for like 30 years. Not that threatening. Star Wars has been around longer then the empire.
30 years of complete control over the entire known galaxy with hardly any large threat present?
He could literally do ANYTHING he wanted to do - anything. Think about that for a minute - if he wanted to kill every high ranking military official in the Empire, he could - if he wanted to enslave every alien in the known galaxy, he could & did to some degree lol
That's pretty freaking powerful for a single individual
The only Faction that came that close were the Rakata & that was because they created all the technology you see in the Star Wars history before any other race even came close
I mean - Palpatine did something that no one has ever done in the history of the galaxy - maintaining control of it for 30 years is unbelievable
It's a terrible investment. A massive fleet of star destroyers is enough of a symbol.
akba666, It reminds me of the germans in WW2 let's make a big tank yes it can take on ten British tanks who cares if it breaks down easily it's terrifying and a symbol of our power.
akba666 The DeathStar was the ICBM of the Star Wars Universe.
Multiple Super Star Destroyers with mini-super lasers would be better development path.
I think a moon sized space station with a single shot planet destroying beam cannon would be more intimidating than a few capital ships that would take forever to destroy a planet.
To me I think Sidious was more focused on fear and intimidation than practicality.
Kira121086, If he wanted fear why blow up a planet, use the ships to drop bombs with a gas that eats the population from the inside out,
Nothing says terror weapon like a person falling apart.
Aside from its impact as a fear weapon to the rest of the galaxy, as a military asset, the Death Stars were siege weapons. Yes, you could have multiple star destroyers beseiging a shielded planet, but it would take too long and it would allow the defending party to amass a relief fleet to help lift the siege. The Death Star bypasses this siege mechanic by completely penetrating the Planetary shield and hitting the planet surface directly. As shown in Rogue One when they shot the planet through the Planetary Shield.
Also, Yuuzhong Vong Worldships if you want to get into the Extended Universe stuff.
I think we all know the answer to that, judging from your admiration of Thrawn alone XD
Considering Palpatine's downfall and death were both directly caused by his obsession with superweapons (both in the canon and in Dark Empire), yes the Empire would have been better off without both Death Stars.
Sounds familiar.... Hitler and Germany in WW2.
Empire Strikes Back has shown why a death star was necessary.
The shields and ion cannon of a base is enough to hold off several star destroyers and a super star destroyer. With enough shield generators to cover the entire planet, which an industrial planet would have, you do not have to be afraid of star destroyers anymore and the planet has to be singed for a long time.
I always love that bit at the end... "if not for me... for _____" makes me watch to the very last second :D
Could you talk about why Darth Sidious used twin blades against Maul and Opress and only one against four Jedi masters?
Because it looks cool. That's like literally half of the logic behind the Clone Wars show.
I think against the Jedi he maybe wanted to appear less imposing to catch them off their guard as he probably knew it would be just him and Windu after a mere moment, and against Maul and Opress he was probably trying to be as intimidating as possible, and he wanted to toy with Opress for longer before killing him so having the two blades probably helped defend against both opponents for more of an extended amount of time, and more importantly made it appear more effortless, and kind of a mockery of them by using a combat style he doesn't show very often, on the other hand maybe while he has mastered all forms, knowing that Palpatine doesn't like lightsabers that much, maybe he is better with one blade instead of two, so he didn't want to face Mace Windu with two blades because the guy hits like a truck and Palpatine could afford to mess around a bit more against Oppress and Maul
Unchainedmaple888, If it's looks cool and sells toys then do it! That's the mindset of the producers of the clone wars.
If one assumed that fighting with lightsabers was similar to regular sword fighting, then scholagladiatoria has a very informative video about the advantages and disadvantages of using multiple blades, especially disadvantages of using long blades of equal length. There are very good reasons that dual wielding usually involves shorter weapons such as in the Philippine martial art 'escrima' (sp) or a long and short weapon pair such as sword and knife.
ROFLMAOLOLForfun No This theory jibes with actual history, where using two swords is usually more to show off than it is any kind of advantage.
We only need to look at the history of Dreadnaughts to see the military folly of the Deathstar. With Dreadnaughts, no country was willing to risk their prized possession in a battle hence they spent the war in safe harbours for both sides. The potential loss of a Dreadnaught was just too great a risk.
However, there might be an economic reason for something that can pulverize an entire planet, that of mining. Normally, we can only mine resources in the crust of a planet yet most of the desired heavier elements would've sunk into the core. It is only by volcanic action that ore veins rich in desired minerals are accessible in the crust which to a planet is much like the thickness of an apple peel to the apple. This is a very very small percentage of the available resources of a planet. However a pulverized planet makes all mineral resources accessible including the planetary core. This is one of the reasons why we are interested in asteroid mining because it is possible that some of the asteroids might have been part of a proto-planets core. Of course, there is the problem that if you actually pulverized a planet but did not accelerate the mass to escape velocity, gravity would pull the pieces back together and the collisions would melt the material forming a new planet with an uninhabitable molten surface which would take hundreds of millions of years to cool down.
Face it, it's a movie, it's fiction, it simply doesn't make sense.
the emperor be like I know it's a waste of money but it's so cool 😎
This is 100% true. My one gib with Star Wars lore is not only was the empire dumb enough to risk this once- but the empire and the first order were dumb enough to risk it TWO more times.
And if you think the 3rd installment of the new trilogy won't have a BIGGER superweapon- you overestimate Disney's plan to pretty much copy the original trilogy.
Your second one was what was in my head.
Katsarelas Exactly what I fear above all.
Katsarelas Better plot than Prequels
Ominethious Calistian are you serious? You would rather horrible lifeless copies of the original trilogy over the prequels? Original content>rip offs.
Hitagi Senjougahara I would rather have a story plot that works than when the Prequels didn't know what the fuck it was doing. I would further go on to bash George Lucas for completely dropping the fucking ball with the Prequels.
Im tired of death stars, what's next? A Death star that can Deastroy a whole Galaxy
they should just get to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion already
Ever hear of the system destroyer?
DemitriVladMaximov no,Were They in Star Wars?
Jodee Rebecca Davey No they are in Gall Force and are essentially a far more powerful version of the Star Killer device. Instead of destroying multiple planets by draining a star, the system destroyer unleashed a blast which obliterates whole star systems by annihilating the star and all the planets within the system.
Well, the Starkiller was almost that...
In expanded Universe there might be a explanation for Death stars, The worlds ships of Yuuzhan Vong. The death star might have been the best way to eliminate them with least casulaties.
I imagined that the reason for the Death Stars had something to do with darkside magic or Sith alchemy providing a large sacrifice of life to draw power from the darkside.
Star destroys are the way to go. More at-at’s!!! Beef up the training, armor and weapons for the infantry. Thanks again for your show! Happy new year
The Imperial Navy just needed expansion, as Tagge, Thrawn and likely Vader would condone; problem being, Palpatine and Tarkin were looking to scare people.
What do all empires with power always want? More power.
because their goal is *UNLIMITED,,, POWER!!!*
lemme get anumber nine just like his.
And a large soda
Isn't this meme dead?
the empire would of been better off using the mats and credits on more super destroyers, gear, and troop training facilities. and more social programs to distract the common people like how the romans made the gladiator fights.
how ever if the empire put their supplies in what i listed above over time they would of crushed the rebellion and then and only then would a death star be a viable project to under take. how ever on a larger scale like the star killer base but cover the entire planet with massive ground to space weaponry and houses its own shield gen like the star killer base did. and the emperor could of used this massive artifical planet as his main fortress.
basically is nar shaddaa was a military facility instead of a place for normal citizens. and once such a station is complete then to focus on the people and research facilities to help the galaxy to win their hearts, if you have the hearts of your people they will be less willing to betray you and in turn will be willing to snitch on the rebels
Ninvus Gaming I can't comment on Death Star, but these kind of thought (allocating resources on multiple cheaper asset is better than pooling it into fewer number, but stronger one) have been used in many military analysis, for example Nazi's wonder weapon projects.
It's said that if Nazi use the resources needed to build V2 rocket into other things, like more Panzer IV, they would be able to build tens of thousand more tank and won the war.
However, these kind of thought usually fail to recognize the true situation (logistic, availability of certain resources, workforce, dynamic between the military leaders, etc) that the contemporary planner/commander face.
+Ninvus Gaming And they would have been better off using those extra credits to hire more skilled marksmen to create better training programs then they had....Ones that actually trained the Storm Troopers how to shoot their targets! XD
Now that we know a bit more about "kyber crystals" and their connection to the death star, and the force, it conjures new "hmmm factors" when thinking about why a Sith might want to build such a thing. More than just a planet killer, perhaps, a massive force amplifier as well.
Just a few other things i want to add to this video... The death stars would have been very expencive yes but in the grand scheme of things couldn't have put too much of a strain on the empire. In rogue one, it is confirmed that the first death star was a secret project as they mentioned that the senate did not know of the existence of the battle station and the second death star was also a secret project because the rebelion didn't know it was being built until it was almost done. This shows that it couldnt have been too much of a strain because during the time of rogue one, the senate still had SOME power and would begin raising questions as to where over 1 trillion credits were disappearing to. Also, legends shows the emperor learning of the youzon vong (not how you spell it but oh well) and most likely created these as a counter measure against the new threat.
I feel like they should have been more focused on things like the Conqueror and Eclipse. ISDs and SSDs with superlasers integrated into the hull. Imagine how many of those they could have built with the resources of the first Death Star alone.
Or a second try at the Phantom Fleet, for those who have played Rebel Assault II. They were able to cloak an entire SSD and a station which had several ISDs docked with it. Sounds like a great way to set up traps.
0:42-Like the Tie-Defender?
3:15-Was she still breathing after that?
I always theorized that the death stars "primary" purpose was to instill fear throughout the empire. Not just in a military/political sense, but also that a greater pervasive sense of fear would mean more darkside power for the sold sith master to 'tap' into. I always, felt/wondered if the military & political benefits were totally secondary to Sideous.
Thrawn himself warned against contrasting and using the death star as well. He felt like a large Navy with capital ships and tie fighters was the best and most flexible option.
One practical purpose Thrawn saw in the Death Star was to curb the ambitions of high ranking Imperial leaders by giving the Emperor a monopoly of violence over them. We have to remember that though the Empire was a very centralized state, its considerable military assets were spread out across the galaxy and under the direct command of regional governors, generals and admirals. The Death Star ensured that rebellion against the Emperor from such powerful authorities in the Empire very suicidal.
The idea of that many Star Destroyers in space sounds pretty scary, as scary as the Death Star itself.
But, weirdly enough, such an armada would also required way more man power altogether than the humongous satellite the Emperor was constructing.
Having after considering how big the Death Star is, I don't think the Empire would had enough soldiers to take care of all of these new ships.
Another important point is that Sidious loathed the need of an army and other lackeys, he wanted to conquer everything by himself, so having a bunch of death stars would make most of his army obsolete, being able to destroy any rebellion in an instant.
Personally I think that wiping a planet off of the map INSTANTLY is a pretty strong intimidation factor. It makes both the planet, and all nearby moons uninhabitable. It likely even makes the nearest two planets to it uninhabitable due to the gravity effects of planets
The wrench in all of this is that, in New Canon, the novel Tarkin and other materials heavily imply that the Emperor wanted the Death Star even before he decided to become Emperor, and in fact may have decided to take over the Galaxy as a way to get it. We don't know what he wanted it FOR, but it's implied it's use as a terror weapon was secondary to some other, unknown, Dark Side purpose he had in mind for it. Maybe something deep in the core of a planet that he wanted to access?
Either way, this just goes to show you shouldn't leave important military decisions up to wrinkled old trolls who really would rather spend more time in their basements meditating on the Dark Side.
You happen to forget what Grand Admiral Thrawn Said to the emperor about the Death Star and Thrawn is always correct he only disagrees when he is sure something will fail. Even Darth Vader advised the emperor and supported Thrawn's idea.
I always thought it was dumb that after a mere 20 years in a society as advanced as the Star Wars one that everyone seemingly forgot about the jedi and the force and so on despite the fact most of them were old enough to be alive for potentially decades when they started to be killed.
the death stars were simply the ultimate in badassery. building one is NEVER a mistake!
The General has spoken....
Perhaps another good question is, if the plans where never drawn up for the Death Star what else would Sidious of made? Or what else, if anything was he considering?
I think a large part of it was having a weapon so powerful that a growing rebellion could not beat, and the senate would not then have the power to remove him as the head of the empire. Should the senate, or a large/important aspect of it decide they have had enough ( say for example a faction with the largest ship yards ) they could then create a very large and extremely powerful fleet to fight the empire. This was an uncertainty which i think the emperor did not want to have stick around.
Having the death star meant to matter who left, their planet was vaporized within days and no matter what they had... it didn't matter. therefor leaving the emperor in total control, and consolidating the empires grasp over the galaxy.
I support the idea of expanding the Empire's navy and its military in general with the resources that would have gone to the Death Star, but there is another option that the Emperor could have used. Rather than destroying a planet and losing the manpower and resources native to it use the Death Star as the ultimate siege engine. As a space station it could be used in long sieges of a planet if necessary, blockading the planet, orbital bombardment, base of operations for both Naval and ground engagements, and a repair and resupply point for ships. This might take longer than simply destroying a planet but it would have a better outcome allowing the Empire to reclaim territory and use propaganda to say that the necessary actions were taken to destroy the rebellion. Lastly the Death Star was a weapon that even the most loyal to the Empire would question whereas a battle station built to siege worlds to bring them under the Empire's control may have been easier to accept.
Anybody who has played Star Wars rebellion knows that a deathstar is a huge drain on resources and could be used instead on other assets. Love that game.
There was also the belief that Darth Sidious knew of the Yuuzhan Vong, knew of the extra galactic invasion force making its way slowly towards the Empire. That the Death Stars were meant to be ready to face the onslaught. Had even one Death Star, supported by the majority of the Imperial Fleet, been there to intercept the Yuuzhan Vong as they arrived...
I think people misunderstand the purpose of the death star. It's not meant to only preserve the empire's power, but also the emperor's personal power. An expanded star fleet would have required that the emperor assign men and materiel under the control of his subjects who could have potentially turned the empire's fleets on the emperor himself. By contrast, the death star would have enabled the emperor to rule the galaxy from a single power base with a single weapon so powerful it could destroy any rebellion on any world and thwart any attempt by the imperial armed forces to usurp his authority.
TheTokkin This is one very potent reason why Darth Sidious found the rule of fear and it's Deathstar mistress so irresistible.
Can we talk about how the prequels' dark sidious was so much better at strategy than the original?
Originals' plan- build a single, space station.
Prequel plan- become chancellor, gain insight into the Jedi, use his power of both the republic and separatists to blind the Jedi as well as spread them thin, create the clones, use a over-qualified Jedi-knight to kill the weaker Jedi alongside the clones, convince the senate to give him emergency powers to become emperor, and rule the galaxy.
I have a theory about the Death Star itself. It wasn't primarily for keeping the worlds of the Empire in line but rather an effective weapon against the Yuuzhan Vong which the Emperor knew were coming. If any worlds conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong were destroyed, the Yuuzhan Vong would find it nearly impossible to push further into the galaxy using a ship based invasion without the ability to use the worlds they conquer as manufacturing bases and as sources for resources. Just a theory.
I just read about the great Holocran,interesting info on it.I never knew that a lightsaber had to be waterproofed.
I feel the Death Stars would have been better all around if not for the superlasers. Taking a good look at the size of that damn thing, I find it would make much more sense to use something that enormous as a troop garrison. If all that space wasted on a weapon (which we only see fire, what - 5 times between the both of them?) were used to house troops and supplies, the station's enormous scale would look more intimidating. Remember that scene from Rogue One where it blocked out the sun? Imagine the goosebumps if instead, you thought it would be here to stay, and rain hell from above via troop transports and conventional bombardment?
The Death Star is a machine. It doesn't run on force magic. It can't snuff out the force, and even if it did it would destroy the source of Sith powers, you know, the force.
How different was the Death Star from the ship sized light saber program mentioned in rogue one. I know that people thought it was referring to the dark saber from rebels, but I couldn't remember the book that it was mentioned in.
My take based on playing RTS games such as Command and Conquer, Warcraft, Z etc etc etc. is that the Death Star is a waist of resources. Having a force multiplier (I.E. a large lethal force) is the way to go.
So Palpatine wanted to build a wall to keep the light side out... and make them pay for it.
If I were an advisor to the empire on building a death star or thousands of star destroyers, I'd recommend the death star. Assuming I'm unaware of Galen Erso's betrayal, I would assume that the completion of the death star would significantly reduce if not halt the creation of new star destroyers and therefore actually be cheaper in the long run (assuming thousands of years). The critical information would be how much does it cost to maintain the death star and how much does it cost to maintain star destroyers. Also you still need the ability to subdue local insurrections as you may not want to destroy whole planets and cities for insurgencies that are bound to occur.
Interesting. The only problem is that the DS can only be in one place at a time. That many extra ships could have become a far more effective presence as it would simply have swamped anyone who tried to stand against the Empire. Palpatine may have been protected from the Light Side striking back, but, in doing so, he made the empire vulnerable to plain old military attacks. Because a thousand warships can't be taken down by one torpedo. His defence was unbalanced. If he'd built a half size Death Star it could have accomplished almost the same thing, it would have been more mobile, used less resources, and allowed for an increase in the fleet.
Then again, the leadership (both Sith and Jedi) were pretty short sighted. The Jedi were blind-sided by the clones turning on them. And you would think someone would quality control check the programming /before/ ordering a few million of them. Its the same mistake. They put all their credits into a single technology that they apparently didn't bother to quality check before they spent the money.
Same thing with the Death Star. Seriously, did NO ONE asses the damned thing for engineering vulnerabilities BEFORE they sunk however many trillion credits into the building process. Assuming nobody could hit that thermal vent was arrogant and it should have been addressed before it started construction. The empire definitely had quality control issues just like the Jedi did.
Seems to me both the Sith and the Jedi suffered from a huge amount of hubris that left them blind to their enemy's attacks.
Technically speaking, wouldn't a compromise have been a far more efficient solution? The Death Star when barely brought online was strong enough to vaporize cities, continent or perhaps leave the planet uninhabitable for the forseeable future.
A downscale variation of that super weapon could have possibly been installed into specialized capital ships like perhaps some variation of the Executor class dreadnought. Such a weapon could be both a weapon of fear much like the Death Star though not quite on the same scalle, a strategic asset in a fleet battle as show when the DS 2 eliminated a capital ships fairly fast while probably not fully online.
A downscaled weapon could also probably be produced in larger number preventing the empire from keeping all it's eggs in one basket + possibly allowing more funds to be spent on other military projects (*cough* star fighters *cough*)
But what is every scrappy farm kid from every sand planet supposed to blow up now?
They're supposed to leave that up to the professionals now. This is why Poe blew up Starkiller Base and not Rey. Kids from the sand box are now apparently expected to focus more on martial arts...
when you're already top dog, superweapons aren't really necessary, now if they were losing or just barely winning (basically if the clone wars lasted for decades) then sure the death stars might have been useful.
Have you ever considered using FaceRig with a custom Thrawn skin? That would be neat.
Could you do a video on the Inconsistencies of Lightsaber Sounds or The Inconsistencies of Republic Uniforms
Please explain how a Duros like Cad Bane was able to fit inside Clone Trooper Denal's armor in the Clone Wars. : )
Wait, wasn't the Death Star plans made before the empire was formed and the Clone Wars began. That fly guy in the Attack of The Clones gave Count Dooku the plans to the Death Star, at least the bases of how it can be made. So technically Palpatine should have already thought about making the Death Star in advance. I just want to point that out. If you think about it, Starkiller Base was a bigger Death Star but how it was made and how it can be used was a better choice when it comes to making a powerful weapon. A) You have a planet that you can use as a base to make it. So it would cut down on both time and money for the long run. B) The Death Star can only destroy one planet at a time and has to be new said planet for it to work, where as the Starkiller can take out more than one planet at the same time and far from the targets. Whoever made Starkiller Base knew what they are doing. Plus if you think about it, The Emperor kind of fell into that trap that his master warned him about when making the second Death Star.
The "hindsight" of "high ranking imperial officers" didn't prevent the creation of Star Killer Base.
Anthony Hargis I wonder if there will be another star killer base in episode IV?
+Steve Huff; Can we doubt it? LOL
Darth Sideous is going to be pissed off when he realises the ultimate secret of the Dark Side is,
Don't Eat The Yellow Snow
In fairness, it did make more sense against the New Republic due to demilitarization. Because the NR was so determined to prove that it was not like the Empire, it did not spread its military out. Keeping the bulk of the fleet in orbit around the capital made it all very vulnerable to a single-shot superweapon. In this regard, the First Order got their money's worth, which is probably why Snoke wasn't more upset over Starkiller Base's destruction.
Personally, the Death Star could've acted more as a Mobile Military Research Lab where its Super Laser & Star Fighters would've been Useful in keeping it safe & a secret. From there, Super Star Destroyers armed with Super Lasers could've been built & deployed accordingly.
I've thought about it for a while and I think they would be much better off without the Death Stars; the amount of funding that went into them was massive and for virtually no payoff (blowing up Alderaan probably lost more followers than was worth it, and blowing up one Mon Calamari cruiser and intimidating people was totally not worth it) and, as most people probably have noticed, the only movie in which the Empire really won was the movie in which they didn't have a Death Star, but instead took it to the enemies' turf and attacked them there, and I wouldn't be surprised if Episode 8 is a First Order victory in the same way, so I'd say they would have been better if they put the funding into the rest of their military instead, since it is often more difficult to attack a lot of small targets than one big one, and I think if the Rebels had to face a fleet of Star Destroyers instead of one Death Star it may have gone quite differently, and something that is kind of amusing is that the Executor may have survived if it wasn't for the Death Star since it wouldn't have anywhere to crash after getting damaged on the bridge, and other than that very specific move, I can't think of anything the Rebellion has that can destroy Super Star Destroyers save for either their entire fleet attacking it with lots of casualties or somehow infiltrating the inside and sabotaging it
UnicornBunny actually you mistaken empire strike back was no win scenario also I recommend you watch astroid scene again pretty sure they lost 2 star destroyers because Darth Vader's relentless search for Luke Skywalker.
I agree, any Death Star scale superweapon was a huge waste of resources
I can't seem to find any source on how the death star laser moves from above the equator to below it. Like when firing on Jedha. Is is just rotating and spinning around and some kind other gravity thing for the personnel inside?
It's basically why they always lose. Sith strategy getting in the way of the Empire's military strategy. :P I swear one of these days someone's going to write a batch of "history" somewhere in a part of the unwritten Star Wars timeline where the Empire gets sick of it and just does their own "Order 66" and executes all of the sith and just gets it over with because they're sick of the sith mucking up military strategy that's already solid and locked down.
Republic / Rebellion wins because the jedi stay out of military strategy and politics except as a last resort and even as generals, let military strategists and local consultants do most of it and they take the front lines to help protect everyone else. Ofc a few exceptions but yep! You don't see the Mon Calimari or Correlians or Kuat making a giant death ball, nope!
Could you make a video on where the toilets and stripper bars
are located on the death stars? Thanks.
As far as we saw, Leia was the *only* woman to ever set foot on either Death Star. So the strippers have to have all been dudes. That or the computer network was flooded with porn. On the flip-side, they only needed men's rooms...although they were probably like locker rooms what with the need for armor removal.
In Lost Stars some of the officers stationed there were women, so there was at least some
I did say "saw", not "read". For decades one of the main purposes of the EU has been to produce fix-fics to cover all the gaps in what is shown onscreen. Such as the all-white-human-male depiction of the Empire (and until RotJ, the Rebellion) in the films. So much EU lore has been produced that a surprising number of fans don't realize that most of these characters were not developed very much in the actual movies.
Is TheLegend27 here?
I tried to hide
Don't draw attention to yourself, TheLegend27 will find you !
Eduardo Cureno what the fuck is legend 27 is
A new meme based on a mobile game commercial.
I heard he could throw boulders further FURTHER than Chuck Norris.
well being educated by your counter parts. Yuuzhan Vong invasion with a death star= very quick dead mother ship thingy.
what he said.
rsbandbj1 funny thing is that the emperor knew about the vong before the clone wars lol
Random Canadian
i know!! i think fact free did a legend's video on it and i was like WHA??!?!?!?!
rsbandbj1 yeah I know I read about it then saw his video, and now the emperor doesn't seem like such a horrible person lool
exept ofc the Vhong have been retconned from this universe forever, you my friend are all what remains from this ancient legend.
Snoke must have had the same reasoning as Palpatine then, because he went and did the exact same thing. I really hope they don't pull a Starkiller 2.0 in episode 9. I'd be happy seeing the Eclipse, or something like it, but not another Death Star knockoff.
@ the end -What he said
TheGuardianofAzarath to be fair to snoke, being able to destroy entire systems every 12 hours is a lot better than a planet ever 24 hours
Star Wars is an occult allegory, search for the video series "Full disclosure" in Ricin Toxin's channel. That's why they repeat the same story, it's not that they aren't creative and couldn't tell a different story, they simply don't want to. In so many movies there is a chosen one. Look how many similarities there are in two supposedly completely different movies, like Harry Potter and The Matrix. Both have chosen ones who have part of their enemy inside them, a connection. They're not copying each other, it's just the same allegory
Only 32.000 SDs? I think the Empire would've had more than that to control a GALAXY!
Blank the thing is that those sd's can be anywhere almost instantly
The SW galaxy is about 2 or 3 times the size of our galaxy. Do you know how many star systems and planets are already in our galaxy? Billions.
Don't you think if all these civilizations figured out that the Empire only has 32.000 SDs which can at max be in 32.000 systems they would rebel? Yeah they would because it's common sense that 32.000 can't patroll billions of systems which are all instantly connected by something such as the HoloNet!
This is why I think the EU offers a much more accurate number of millions of SDs and trillions of soldiers.
Blank hmm...
I wonder if there's a star wars alex jones trying to prove to the public that the emperor is a follower of an ancient dark religion.
The empire didn't control the whole galaxy, nor does it need to patrol every single planet or every single inch of its borders.
Much like the Roman legions, they merely had to respond to threats and rebellions and the fear of the prospect of facing off with just one imperial star destroyers was enough to keep most systems in line.
1. You can't compare a futuristic, stellar military to the Roman legions.
2. It de facto controlled the galaxy (de jure more than 80%), the Hutt Empire isn't that big, nor does it actually controll shit - Stormtroopers on tatooine which is in Hutt space and all the other 'independent' factions like Hapes are also de facto controlled by the Empire.
3. Compare the numbers of, - because only a little more than half is directly controlled, plus some secret planets and bases which were heavily controlled in wild space - and 32.000. Do you see why 32.000 or even 48.000, if they had used the death star resources to expand the imperial fleet, are not even remotely enough to control and administrate the galaxy?
Either you can't comprehend these enormous numbers or you're eatin' the shit disney wants to sell us. In either case, 32.000 SDs are not enough to manage the galaxy.
If you still not believe me, please look at Warhammer 40K. It really well presents the scale of such an galaxy wide empire. The Empire of Man controls the whole Milkyway which should be on part with the space the empire controls or even smaller. If you look at their military it gets clear how much is already needed to control a galaxy, and they don't patrol every system either. There is a theory out there that the Emperor was expanding the military because a big threat to the galaxy - probably the Yuuzang Vong, dunno how to spell that - was coming. Therefore we know that the Empire was at least semi mobilized.
Well, the Deathstar is what got Palpatine killed. So it is a good creation at the end.
Accel for the rebels it is. But if the empire didn't built it then they would've expand their fleet.
The fact that it also was taking most of the budget of the defender program
I thought in the EU/Legends, the reason SIdious made both Death Stars was the forseen impending threat of the Yuuzhan Vong....
I know that you're well documented in EU and canon explanation of how strong can be any ship in Star Wars. But regarding what's really shown in the movies, star destroyers while powerful ships don't seem like to have the potential of whiping an entire planet population AT ALL. Given this the Death Star is more relevent, even if not the best option in context. Also the purpose of the DS is like our own nuclear weapons: more to intimidate and strike fear than to be really effective, and Rogue One shows exactly that in the rebel council scene. So yeah, I respect your opinion, but I have to disagree.
The key phrase is.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
If you ask me, I'd say that the Death Star was completely worthless in almost all regards to logic in terms of how they used it, I mean, the first non-test target was a small rebel base that a single star destroyer could crush with one strafe across the surface, like grass being cut by a lawn mover
How many Star Destroyers and Super-Star Destroyers could have been built instead of a single Death Star?
I just realized. Does the cost of the death star (> 2 billion) include all the transports, tie fighters, at at, crew and equipment? If not than we could totally get all those star destoryers and use the crew that would crew the death star to crew the star destroyers.
"James Earl Jones' voice is now the ultimate power in the universe. I suggest we use it."
1:09 Why is Henry Cavill Admiral Thrawn?
I know, right? David Morrissey would be so much better as Thrawn.
You can always tell the most corrupt governments build the biggest engineering feats while good governments build basic needs.
I think the emperor just liked big balls.
does rakghould still exists in episode IV-VI?
Reminds me of Germany in 1944. Investing on Tiger Tanks, Rail Guns and stuff
So wait does this mean the death star was constructed with its super laser but then had its super laser removed and refitted at some point during construction??
They were a Galactic money pit! I would relate them to construction in our early 20th century, of the various Dreadnought & Battleship types as opposed to many more lesser Capital ships. The economic drain construction of these 'Battleship' types had on their respective nation states was crushing!
Please explain why Grand Moff Tarkington doesn't wear a white uniform like Trawn or Ularen.
Great video.
Can you do a theory on what would happen if the empire was still as powerful as its prime during the yuzong vong war (or how ever you spell it)
Wasn't the Deathstar build to deal with the Vhong's world size ships? Star Destroyers are nice and all, but why continuously buy star destroyers when you can have a one and done solution?
the Vhong are, thank the Force, not canon anymore.
TeylenSun And THAT is why I'm starting to hate disney
Alexane Rose
what, you actually liked the Vhong? The Species of "Hurr Durr, we dont know how to write an intresting story without the good guys being the underdogs so lets use some ass pull invaders from annother galaxy to steamroll everything"?
TeylenSun I liked the threat of the vhong and the idea that the empire was doing what it did to fight them. Makes the rebels lok like the overall douchebags. they won, true but the empire would've done it better.
What if the Death star didn't have the super laser? It could have been some sort of massive fleet staging station, designed repair, build, refuel, and resupply ships, field thousands of troopers, move anywhere in the galaxy and be the literal hivemind of the Imperial Military?
don't you think maybe the 2nd one could solve the problem from the first one?
rebel scum was just lucky the second one was still under construction.
Mr.Mr. & More Mr. true! but it was said that they tried to make it seem like "under construction" but it was just outside look. it is just a theory tho!
I'm split pure military wise the extent of the size of the death stars were huge making a smaller super weapon thus making more star destroyers + super weapon, but I also am of the mind that the sith ruling needed a way to disable the light side of the force so nowhere
I know comparing fantasy currency to real-life equivalent is going to be imprecise, but is there a ballpark figure for what a credit is in dollars, pounds, euros, etc? Just to get an idea of how much these figures mean? A trillion sounds like a lot, but it could be a bargain, considering you're making a space station the size of a moon with a giant death ray attached, assuming a credit is roughly equal to a dollar.
Can you make video about planet Earth in Star Wars Universe?
Well, considering star wars is set a long, long time ago in a galaxy far far away I dont think there is much to talk about concerning Earth.
10:10 R.I.P seventh sister. :'(
What's the sith shrine?
Quick question for everyone; Is it just me or does the front of that explosion, along with the fiery part, and where the red first starts to form the front bottom part of the mask (which would be the top section of the eyes where the helmet starts...? Does the whole front of that explosion not resemble Darth Vader? ...just wondering, because the entire background of that picture as a whole look similar to Bendu, also
Considering that they stocked them full of very high-ranking officers, just to be blown up, then I'd say that they could have done without them. At least Starkiller base was able to inflict some actual damage against the new republic before being taken out. All the Death Star ever got were some lousy weapons tests and a few rebellion battlecruisers
I didn't bother with rogue one, what is the flaw that your talking about in the death star design.
Question... isn't it true that Sidius wanted the Death Star against the yuuzhan vong aswell ?
it could have helped. Alot.
But the Force is an energy field. Why would it be stopped by the existence of something that effects matter?
That guy you keep bringing up about doubting the deathstar...
Wasn't that the guy who dissed Vader in the movie saying the battlestation was the best thing since sliced bread?
Wait no nevermind that was another person at that table.