OK, now I get it. After flashing your SD card, put it back in the Anbernic then enable WiFi. Exit the wifi menu. This actually triggers the WIFI to show up on your network. Even if the Run command fails, just go to My Computer. I saw my hand held device on the network and began transferring files wirelessly. They did this as there can be issues with SD cards that are formatted on a Windows machine being recognized by a Linnux OS. While a bit cumbersome, I can totally understand where KNULLI is coming from. This method of file transfer is fantastic as I don't have to remove my SD card a ba zillion times. Thanks for the video.
@RetroFunTech- Thank you for another great video! I was just looking for a custom firmware for my RG40xxv. Looks like I have something to tinker with now. I really like the vibe and style of your channel. It's very chill and just feels like I'm hanging out with a cool friend. Keep up the great work!
Great tutorial! Have a 40XX V arriving in 2 days and will be using this guide specifically. After watching several Knulli/MuOS comparisons I'm opting to install Knulli. Subbed!!
@@RaduPNTits so much more stable and the vast majority of games just run smoother on it. The integrated scraper and theme downloader is awesome too. The main reason I switched was for Daphne integration and then everything else that came along with it, ease of use, overall polish and performance was just a bonus.
This was really helpful for troubleshooting an issue I’ve been having with Knulli, getting some serious battery drain on the 40 and probably switching to another :(
I had one huge hiccup but that was out of my own stupidity but this was a very easy guide, thank you for that! Also Knulli is 100x better and much prettier to use than what it was on my stock 40xx. I'm going to use this for just purely old retro consoles and some arcade stuff and my retroid 4 pro for all the higher end stuff.
HA! Coulda used this a few days ago but I followed their online guide and was tweaking my 40xxv for a good part of the weekend. Wait till you get to trying to change retroarch settings or hotkeys, then it gets really difficult lol. I love Knulli! I just wish I knew some details before taking it on, Russ left out some kinda important details! Good tutorial!
Thanks Kyle👍. I love Knulli too. It's the most user friendly at the moment. MuOS is great but requires a few more steps. What did parts did he leave out?
@@RetroFunTech My pleasure! Retroarch hot keys, missing systems like 3do and cdi, and the ext4 file system, in his video's, in his written guide? I'm sure it's complete, but his video? Not so much.
Is there a way to get retroarch to use overrides? I’ve tried to disable the emulation station overrides so it takes in retroarch but nothing works, not even overlays.
Hello there, just want to ask if u ever encounter missing bios? I am new to this and when I did check my missing bios settings, a lot of them is listed. Would really need some help
I'm tired of youtubers saying "we're going to do the 1 card method because it's better" or some BS like that. It's not better. It's MUCH worse. They just don't know how to do the second SD method, which is VASTLY superior for every use case other than only loading that single SD card with 8 and 16-bit ROMS. You try transferring PS1, DC, TG16CD, SegaCD libraries over WIFI....you'll wish you took the extra 10 minutes to setup that second SD card...
Hi, I currently have an anbernic rg40xx h with default os and I want to install Knulli. I just got one question: do I have to backup some data from the sd such as bios or something? Or does the new os came with already installed bios?
Yes, if you don't have that info saved already. I would back up the whole card or the systems that you want and then you can use those games after the CFW update. Just throw them back on the card after.
Genesis Plus GX is the goat IMO. The music is accurate to real hardware it just give you the option to use the FM module on the Master System for the two different kinds of sound chips on the Genesis
Thanks for the video. I am, however, confused; my understanding is that the Knulli OS works on EXT4 formatted disks. How come you format the SD card in Fat32?
How to make a micro SD card backup of the knulli system? I would like to make a perfect backup with or without rom/bios. I want to preserve all the changes I made to the system and all the games.
Idk if it’s just me, but whenever I reboot, I get an error that says, “We couldn’t find any systems! Check that your paths are correct in the systems configuration file, and your game directory has at least one game with the correct extension.” Also, I’m missing a LOT of systems as well (when it working, before the reboot). Any ideas?
I bought a knulli os plug n play 128 card slot for my rg40xx h with pre installed games to every game consoles. Would anyone know how could we activate rgb Lights for analog stick. It seems it is not available in the settings
Im stuck after the knuli download. I dont understand how to extract the download to proceed... i have windows 10 Downloaded it. She says to extract all its grayed out on my pc? 😢 help the less tech savy 😅
Hello! Thanks for this tutorial. I have followed closely your guide and with Knulli's Wiki, however, I am always encountering issues with Networking sharing. I have enabled network sharing in my PC, checked network settings in anbernic, but I still cant \\KNULLI. I am unable to copy files from my pc to my rg40xxv. I've checked reddit and any sites with info on this, but the guides provided doesn't seem to be the same case as mine, since everthing should work fine. I have another device connected to my network, but my anbernic doesn't seem to be detected. Have you encountered this same issue before?
Try rebooting the anbernic device. I did have to do this once to get my computer to see the device. If that doesn't work, maybe try rebooting both the Anbernic and the Handheld. Hopefully that works!
@@RetroFunTech Thanks for the response! I tried rebooting both my pc and the handheld, it did connect once and I was able to transfer some roms. But that was it, no matter what I did or how I tried I can never connect it again. What really fixed it was reflashing the SD card, haha. I really didn't wanna reflash it because I thought it worked when I rebooted it, the copying and pasting time was too long for me to redo everything. But yeah, I reflashed knulli on my SD card and now it works.
Hey, i have the abnernic 40xxv coming in the next few days, i have 2 new SD cards, one so i can replace the original stock SD card and to hold the firmware/os etc, the other for roms (both 64gb) Would i just remove the stock sd card and follow the process in this video for one card, and then format my other card to fat32 so i can store roms on it ? any help would be great (im rubbish with these things ) great video too :)
What I reccomend is to get multiple and replace the stock card(keep it) but also make back up file of it on pc and use fresh card for what ever forward you want to use but don’t put games on that card use another card for games in tf2 slot. I personally use the modded stock is it personally my favorite and easy to use. But I have multiple cards for the os for the system so this way I have choices. A lot of these videos and guides are pretty easy and good for those not that great with it
Can you make a video tutorial on how to expand the partition of the SD card because I was able to clone everything from the 64gb sd card to a 512gb SD but it shows that I only have 43gb max capacity and 8gb free space. This is for the stock firmware btw.
@RetroFunTech I have pre-installed games on my Anbernic, Will installing this firmware, follow your tutorial, remove my pre-added games? my device came from China so I guess that is why I have all these games already setup... Thank you.
I always recommend using a different SD card for custom firmware so in case you don't like it or something weird happens, you have the original card. But yes... Flashing will wipe the card and everything on it. Make sure you have a backup of the games
You can't , i'd stay with stock OS personally, Knulli is pretty looking but that's about it , you won't be able to play Sega Saturn on this FW , you will need Batocera 33 bios files to get the bios to show also. Admittedly the stick OS is ugly but it works .
Suddenly, my knulli started to fail. No game could be launched, and when i change anything, like time or something, it resets inmediatly. It happends whit my second sd card, the one with the games. If i use internal storage, it works, but it is a smal sd without games
My concern is everyone in the community talking about the bad battery drain. I really want to give this a go, but I think it's going to be MuOS right now.
good luck with channel, but i did knulli on 40 v, i used 512 ssd, that i , was able to get it to see, and it looked just like Emuelec/emu station, it looked great, but it "hard froze up constantly, had to use reset button, over and over, then finALLY degraded to soon as "knulli" logo popped, it locked up hard. I was ready to just return, it , but decided to just put back in sd1 that came with it, and now it works PERFECT, (though ugly, as you now get to choose from your storage options, now 1 or 2), no cool art, BUT, its is no longer crashing , and unless Knulli has major update, wow, its just not worth hassle yet, but the unit is really cool, i dig it, but on knulli, as others have said, its cool, but just wait for a bit, its just not stable for this 40xx line, YET, (i said others were wrong on this, telling folks not to do KNULLI, now, they were correct) its not ready
I flashed Knulli for RG40xxv with same steps as you using Rufus, but initial boot is stuck at resizing filesystem like forever. I tried two cards one 64gb one 128gb but to no avail. Both cards are brand new and one of them is bricked now because Knulli stuck on Anbernic. Can you advise what's wrong
@xS0UL3ATERx well that's what it is supposed to happen. Which in my case did not. My 64Gb did get filled UP with only a few psx isos. Anyway I just got back to the Stock OS, getting the stick LEDs to work on Knulli was a chore. And even if the emulators on Knulli / bactocera are better, It made my Anbernic going to full battery to empty in less than an hour. Not an option for me.
@@RetroFunTech I got it all installed and your guide was extremely helpful, I do have a question is there any way to change the da stylist sensitivity and size?
It got partitioned. I had that happen to my card as-well. Its something knulli OS does makes it partition. But I had to go into terminal and type a command or two to get it back to 128gb. Idk how to do that on windows tho I have the commands if you’re on Mac too
OK, now I get it. After flashing your SD card, put it back in the Anbernic then enable WiFi. Exit the wifi menu. This actually triggers the WIFI to show up on your network. Even if the Run command fails, just go to My Computer. I saw my hand held device on the network and began transferring files wirelessly. They did this as there can be issues with SD cards that are formatted on a Windows machine being recognized by a Linnux OS. While a bit cumbersome, I can totally understand where KNULLI is coming from. This method of file transfer is fantastic as I don't have to remove my SD card a ba zillion times. Thanks for the video.
thank u, i was so confused
@RetroFunTech- Thank you for another great video! I was just looking for a custom firmware for my RG40xxv. Looks like I have something to tinker with now. I really like the vibe and style of your channel. It's very chill and just feels like I'm hanging out with a cool friend. Keep up the great work!
Great tutorial! Have a 40XX V arriving in 2 days and will be using this guide specifically. After watching several Knulli/MuOS comparisons I'm opting to install Knulli. Subbed!!
Great Tutorial.
Got my RG40XXV, will try to install Knullis tomorrow.
Keep the great content coming
How did the install go?
Love your content!! Please continue to make amazing videos 🧡🧡🧡
Tried both Knulli and muOS on my Rg40xxv and Knulli is by far the winner.
@@RaduPNTits so much more stable and the vast majority of games just run smoother on it. The integrated scraper and theme downloader is awesome too. The main reason I switched was for Daphne integration and then everything else that came along with it, ease of use, overall polish and performance was just a bonus.
@@shaunyd9658 Thanks for the response.
Thanks for this comment👍🏼 the interface just looks overall more appealing too
Dreamcast run better on the original os @@shaunyd9658
Wonderful tutorial walk through.
This was really helpful for troubleshooting an issue I’ve been having with Knulli, getting some serious battery drain on the 40 and probably switching to another :(
I had one huge hiccup but that was out of my own stupidity but this was a very easy guide, thank you for that! Also Knulli is 100x better and much prettier to use than what it was on my stock 40xx. I'm going to use this for just purely old retro consoles and some arcade stuff and my retroid 4 pro for all the higher end stuff.
Thank you for this guide, subbed!💜
Good video, keep making them !
HA! Coulda used this a few days ago but I followed their online guide and was tweaking my 40xxv for a good part of the weekend.
Wait till you get to trying to change retroarch settings or hotkeys, then it gets really difficult lol.
I love Knulli! I just wish I knew some details before taking it on, Russ left out some kinda important details!
Good tutorial!
Thanks Kyle👍.
I love Knulli too. It's the most user friendly at the moment. MuOS is great but requires a few more steps.
What did parts did he leave out?
@@RetroFunTech My pleasure!
Retroarch hot keys, missing systems like 3do and cdi, and the ext4 file system, in his video's, in his written guide? I'm sure it's complete, but his video? Not so much.
Is there a way to get retroarch to use overrides? I’ve tried to disable the emulation station overrides so it takes in retroarch but nothing works, not even overlays.
why knulli doesn't have LED LIGHT system rg40xx
Have you a answer?
With the new updat KNULLI firefly you have it go to advaced option and activate.Restart console go to tools and set your favorite rgb color
Thank you, This is an easy and awesome tutorial🥰
Hallo i already have sd card with anbernic os.must i delete all that data of card first or i could do your tutorial directly?
Hello there, just want to ask if u ever encounter missing bios? I am new to this and when I did check my missing bios settings, a lot of them is listed. Would really need some help
Thank you for this!! Great Video!! just subbed!!
Excellent video, thank you!
where do you download rufus from? or is that included?
I'm tired of youtubers saying "we're going to do the 1 card method because it's better" or some BS like that. It's not better. It's MUCH worse. They just don't know how to do the second SD method, which is VASTLY superior for every use case other than only loading that single SD card with 8 and 16-bit ROMS. You try transferring PS1, DC, TG16CD, SegaCD libraries over WIFI....you'll wish you took the extra 10 minutes to setup that second SD card...
Hi, I currently have an anbernic rg40xx h with default os and I want to install Knulli. I just got one question: do I have to backup some data from the sd such as bios or something? Or does the new os came with already installed bios?
Yes, if you don't have that info saved already. I would back up the whole card or the systems that you want and then you can use those games after the CFW update. Just throw them back on the card after.
Is that automatically replace or not?
Genesis Plus GX is the goat IMO. The music is accurate to real hardware it just give you the option to use the FM module on the Master System for the two different kinds of sound chips on the Genesis
Thanks for the video. I am, however, confused; my understanding is that the Knulli OS works on EXT4 formatted disks. How come you format the SD card in Fat32?
I've added all bios but it's saying it can't find them . I've put them all into the bios folder I just copied everything over from the stock firmware
Does Knulli works on Trimui Brick?
Thx a lot. What about video shaders and filters on Knulli? And Bluetooth headphones?
How to make a micro SD card backup of the knulli system?
I would like to make a perfect backup with or without rom/bios. I want to preserve all the changes I made to the system and all the games.
Idk if it’s just me, but whenever I reboot, I get an error that says, “We couldn’t find any systems! Check that your paths are correct in the systems configuration file, and your game directory has at least one game with the correct extension.” Also, I’m missing a LOT of systems as well (when it working, before the reboot). Any ideas?
what do i need to do, i accidentally formatted the free sd card of my rg40xxv? my console doest turn on anymore.
I just bought the rg406v. Would I use the rg40xx file? Sorry. I just find the names a bit confusing.
I bought a knulli os plug n play 128 card slot for my rg40xx h with pre installed games to every game consoles. Would anyone know how could we activate rgb Lights for analog stick. It seems it is not available in the settings
Can this be done using an andriod tablet instead of PC?
How about the standby battery drain?same as ofw?
Can i drag and drop games via sd card on a otg adapter(windows) on this knulli os?
Im stuck after the knuli download. I dont understand how to extract the download to proceed... i have windows 10
Downloaded it. She says to extract all its grayed out on my pc? 😢 help the less tech savy 😅
Are you also using Knulli on the SP?
Does Knulli have a setting for the RGB light underneath the analog stick, or does the RGB light stay off permanently when using Knulli?
Google it I know there’s a patch or such for the rgb for joystick
my 40xxh is so hard to turn on.. any idea why?
How do we turn off led lights on our system using this firmware?
systems settings - services - analog stick led
On my don't appear analog stick led! But have one service led spice!!@@Fang5290
@@Fang5290 led spice is the service that appears on mine
Hello! Thanks for this tutorial. I have followed closely your guide and with Knulli's Wiki, however, I am always encountering issues with Networking sharing. I have enabled network sharing in my PC, checked network settings in anbernic, but I still cant \\KNULLI. I am unable to copy files from my pc to my rg40xxv. I've checked reddit and any sites with info on this, but the guides provided doesn't seem to be the same case as mine, since everthing should work fine. I have another device connected to my network, but my anbernic doesn't seem to be detected. Have you encountered this same issue before?
I'm experiencing the same problem. Noo matter what I do it won't connect to the internet.
Try rebooting the anbernic device. I did have to do this once to get my computer to see the device. If that doesn't work, maybe try rebooting both the Anbernic and the Handheld. Hopefully that works!
@@RetroFunTech Thanks for the response! I tried rebooting both my pc and the handheld, it did connect once and I was able to transfer some roms. But that was it, no matter what I did or how I tried I can never connect it again. What really fixed it was reflashing the SD card, haha. I really didn't wanna reflash it because I thought it worked when I rebooted it, the copying and pasting time was too long for me to redo everything. But yeah, I reflashed knulli on my SD card and now it works.
Hey, i have the abnernic 40xxv coming in the next few days, i have 2 new SD cards, one so i can replace the original stock SD card and to hold the firmware/os etc, the other for roms (both 64gb) Would i just remove the stock sd card and follow the process in this video for one card, and then format my other card to fat32 so i can store roms on it ? any help would be great (im rubbish with these things ) great video too :)
What I reccomend is to get multiple and replace the stock card(keep it) but also make back up file of it on pc and use fresh card for what ever forward you want to use but don’t put games on that card use another card for games in tf2 slot. I personally use the modded stock is it personally my favorite and easy to use. But I have multiple cards for the os for the system so this way I have choices. A lot of these videos and guides are pretty easy and good for those not that great with it
I run all 64gb cards for os and 128 for roms
how to enable wifi? there's no menu in advanced system setup
Can you make a video tutorial on how to expand the partition of the SD card because I was able to clone everything from the 64gb sd card to a 512gb SD but it shows that I only have 43gb max capacity and 8gb free space. This is for the stock firmware btw.
ok and what about the second card, will it be supported too?
You have to format it for fat32 then put it in system and the system will add all the folders need then use it to store all your roms
Thx for the tutorial 👍 Beautiful OS. Everything is working as expected, except for CPS2 and CPS3. Do you have the same issue ?
I will check those and get back to you.
I have pre-installed games on my Anbernic, Will installing this firmware, follow your tutorial, remove my pre-added games?
my device came from China so I guess that is why I have all these games already setup...
Thank you.
I always recommend using a different SD card for custom firmware so in case you don't like it or something weird happens, you have the original card.
But yes... Flashing will wipe the card and everything on it.
Make sure you have a backup of the games
how does Knulli handle the configuration of the lighting for the 40xx h sticks? is it better than the stock OS?
It actually doesn't support the rgb but there is a patch online that you can get to fix that.
Where? @@mitch19852
how do you save games
can this be done using a Mac book because i am having issues. followed all steps well. HELP please n thanks
It can be done on Mac book but it’s a little tricker that I know of
Do you just copy the bios over from the stock card?
Hello how can we enable led on the analog of the 40xxh
You can't , i'd stay with stock OS personally, Knulli is pretty looking but that's about it , you won't be able to play Sega Saturn on this FW , you will need Batocera 33 bios files to get the bios to show also. Admittedly the stick OS is ugly but it works .
do you have to do the single card system?
No all OS support 2 card
How do I transfer my Roms to the second SD card only? Like I just want my second SD card to hold the games.
I believe there is a way. Check the Knulli Wiki that I have in the description. It will run through that process.
when i plug the sd card back into my device the device doesnt want to turn on anyone have a fix?
My rg40xxv came with a 128gb sd card with games preinstalled on it, how do I switch to that sd card for game roms
Did you work this out?
Any reason why you picked this custom firmware over muOS?
I honestly was waiting for MuOS to be updated. I like both operating systems.
Hello!, your video is perfect for creating my own selection of roms. How can I access the emulator menu while playing? Thank you very much.
I found it, Menu + B
Suddenly, my knulli started to fail. No game could be launched, and when i change anything, like time or something, it resets inmediatly. It happends whit my second sd card, the one with the games. If i use internal storage, it works, but it is a smal sd without games
You may want to consult the Knulli Wiki that is in the description.
Great video, what about Sega Saturn? i can't run it's game
Does Bluetooth work? Can you connect Bluetooth headphones?
I’m having trouble getting my Bluetooth headphones to work with my RG35xxsp.
There's no custom firmware for RG34xx
This video does not work for rg40xxh :( broke 2 sd cards trying this method
thank you for your video how to turn on the rgb joystics please thank you very much Thanks a lot
Tutorial for Macbook users please!
My concern is everyone in the community talking about the bad battery drain. I really want to give this a go, but I think it's going to be MuOS right now.
I'm getting my 40xxv tomorrow! Can you help with getting roms? Only really looking to play Pokemon Black and White
Great tutorial. I just completed it, but the only thing that doesn’t seem to work is the led lights on the joysticks. How do i configure those?
good luck with channel, but i did knulli on 40 v, i used 512 ssd, that i , was able to get it to see, and it looked just like Emuelec/emu station, it looked great, but it "hard froze up constantly, had to use reset button, over and over, then finALLY degraded to soon as "knulli" logo popped, it locked up hard. I was ready to just return, it , but decided to just put back in sd1 that came with it, and now it works PERFECT, (though ugly, as you now get to choose from your storage options, now 1 or 2), no cool art, BUT, its is no longer crashing , and unless Knulli has major update, wow, its just not worth hassle yet, but the unit is really cool, i dig it, but on knulli, as others have said, its cool, but just wait for a bit, its just not stable for this 40xx line, YET, (i said others were wrong on this, telling folks not to do KNULLI, now, they were correct) its not ready
Just wish it had rgb functionality to work in the firmware instead of patching it through ssh.
is there a tutorial on patching it?
I flashed Knulli for RG40xxv with same steps as you using Rufus, but initial boot is stuck at resizing filesystem like forever. I tried two cards one 64gb one 128gb but to no avail.
Both cards are brand new and one of them is bricked now because Knulli stuck on Anbernic.
Can you advise what's wrong
Check the wiki. Knulli requires a some other steps in order to use the 2 card method.
why using a 128gb sd? by formating it with rufus you trash a 128gb sd card into a 4 gb 🤔
It creates partitions. There is a larger partition on it that is for your roms. Then partitions for the system
@xS0UL3ATERx well that's what it is supposed to happen. Which in my case did not. My 64Gb did get filled UP with only a few psx isos. Anyway I just got back to the Stock OS, getting the stick LEDs to work on Knulli was a chore. And even if the emulators on Knulli / bactocera are better, It made my Anbernic going to full battery to empty in less than an hour. Not an option for me.
I am trying to do this on a Chromebook it’s killing me 😭
Oh goodness! I have no idea if that will work. I doubt it? Hopefully you have a friend with a computer.
@@RetroFunTech yes I’m actually about to try on my cousins in a about a hour
@@RetroFunTech I got it all installed and your guide was extremely helpful, I do have a question is there any way to change the da stylist sensitivity and size?
@@alexrodriguez-xb9jr did it work on a Chromebook or PC?
Explain stylist. You mean for DS?
@@alexrodriguez-xb9jrstylus *
I like the look of Knulli but this thing just drains your battery like crazy
i followed it correctly and my 128gb sd card shrinked to 3.99 storage. wtf
It got partitioned. I had that happen to my card as-well. Its something knulli OS does makes it partition. But I had to go into terminal and type a command or two to get it back to 128gb. Idk how to do that on windows tho I have the commands if you’re on Mac too
Dreamcast doesn't work well on knulli
Of course it does not, Dreamcast is hard to run on the H700 chip
But it works well on the original os...@@mattRlive
I smell a Subaru in the driveway.
psp is very bad with this knulli