This is my second Q5. The first one went to 188k before being totaled by hail. The only thing that broke on my first Q5 was the passenger side sun visor clip. This Q5 PHEV is at around 60k. Zero problems. EV range is 15-25 miles, depending on if you’re doing highway or city miles.
@ 15-25 miles maybe winter range? summer must be more. nice car, I’ve phev Volt and very satisfied just low clearance and fwd and space already too small
hi, can you tell me how good is this car means what is main issue? frequently problems? and real ev range
This is my second Q5. The first one went to 188k before being totaled by hail. The only thing that broke on my first Q5 was the passenger side sun visor clip. This Q5 PHEV is at around 60k. Zero problems. EV range is 15-25 miles, depending on if you’re doing highway or city miles.
@ 15-25 miles maybe winter range? summer must be more. nice car, I’ve phev Volt and very satisfied just low clearance and fwd and space already too small
EV range doesn’t change with the season.