Real life glider pilot here. It is the most exciting way of flying but ... absolutely not relaxing! You are always in search of thermals and when you don't find them ... oh oh .... it is a very serious sport flying and the skill you accumulate flying a glider is second to none. In MSFS has come the king of school gliders, the ASK21. I have learn to fly on them, did my solo and SLP licence examination in one of them. Lovely and relatively easy to fly. The Stemme instead is very difficoult to fly even for a very experienced pilot. There are two on my RL airport (only about 40 avalaible in the whole world!). I have flown that of one of my flying instructor, more then 50 efficiency, spectacular aerodynamics but... won't land and that narrow and high undercarriage is good if you are in search of trouble. Perfect landing is a must if you want survive. Thanks AvAngel!
Looking forward to gliders and balloons (which I’m hoping we can do tasks with, eg drop flags and markers closer to targets etc) more than anything else in FS2024
This might sound weird, but to me the thing that made me the happiest in this video is seeing actual farm fields/crops instead of just different colored ground... This already makes me love MSFS2024
We are incredibly excited for everyone to get to experience the S12-G! It's a remarkable aircraft, and truly the best of both worlds when it comes to powered flight and soaring. Great video AvAngel!
Real glider pilot soloing in 1994 glad to see 2024 sim taking this side of flying seriously at last ,Condor 2 big following in racing etc.Hope to see on-line events in microsoft. For me looking forward to what microsoft 2024 Asobo thank you for recognising gliding huge world and real flying, great content and video
😂😂😂 Ok I love the way you opened this video. Exactly how I feel, program your commercial plane... Go run errands return and land lol This has always confused me. Bush flights, GA and military are fun and hands on. I have yet to fly a commercial in 24. Maybe flew 2 or 3 times in all of 2020
Solo'd in gliding at 16 then stopped but still enjoy soaring in sims. This news about gliding is key for me with 2024, also really positive to see gyros make an appearance, the existing flight model just didn't allow for them. Thanks for sharing😊
People rave about the fabulous airliners with all their computer systems and automation BUT....if you really want to fly and learn how to control an aircraft then the glider is the way! It is you and the elements, your skill counts for everything and there is little more rewarding that a good landing after a successful flight. The gliders are not bad in FS2020 but 2024 looks incredible,,,,,,
Once upon a time, a long, long, time ago, I managed a commercial glider operation in Texas where I flew the operation's Super Cub tow plane and gave demo glider rides to prospective pilots and fun seekers in the venerable Schweizer SGS 2-33, but there is nothing like a high performance glider. I used to get a tow in our Lark to 3000 AGL and then kick off to soar for hours among the endless cloud streets while listening to classics on my Sony Walkman. (Yeah, it was that long ago). Soaring is by far, the most relaxing type of flying one can do. Like sailing, after learning the basics, proficient soaring is really more art form than just a skill. The challenge is always there and always changing. On the other hand, ag flying and jump planes are the most unrelaxing forms of GA flying one can do and may explain why I could relax totally in a sailplane. I mean, after all, what could happen in a sailplane? The engine might quit? Not really a problem when the aircraft has a 40 or 50 to 1 L/D. Those who "land out" typically don't know what they are doing. I never saw that happen, despite the fact we had pilots take their aircraft on long, all day cross country flights to return just before dark. In some cases reality was even stranger than a sim anomaly. Often I would look out to find a large bird of prey, usually a hawk or a vulture, flying in close formation. Sometimes they would soar off the wingtip, but often I would find the bird giving me the eye just outside the canopy as I thermaled ever higher, close on the stall. I suppose those birds figured if something this big found food, there would something in it for them. I'll put it this way , soaring is the only type of flying I would ever pay to do again and now I have it in the sim where I, uh, pay to do it again. One of the really neat things about the sim is the cross country. I never had a chance to fly cross country, as my position required I stay close to the field. Old habits die hard and at first this is what I did in the sim until I realized the sailplane was equipped with an auxiliary jet engine and I had the teleport feature as well. So I began flying long cross countries. In the sim its was no big deal to catch thermals along the way. Although I would like to see an improvement in ridge lift dynamics. Just leave out those rotors that are most unrelaxing. I had trouble initiating the tow plane launch until I figured out that it was the rudder that signaled the launch, just as it does in nonvirtual life. But whoda thunk it? As I said, it was a long, long, time ago. One thing missing is wake turbulence when on tow. It's hard to "box the wake" when there isn't one. By the way, standard procedure for collision avoidance is for the sailplane to break right upon release while the tow plane breaks hard left to go into a steep, spiraling descent back to the field. Those were the days, long, long, ago. ~ Flyingwrench ~
A fantastic tale! I really enjoyed reading this recollection! Thank you for posting it! On the point of wake turbulence, that's a definate feature of 2024, will make towing interesting!
There's no better way to develop "stick and rudder" skills than as a glider pilot. As you said, you're forced to focus on energy management, which also includes scanning the landscape for a place to land if the next thermal or ridge lift doesn't pan out... a good habit to get into as a powered pilot in case of engine failure. The high aspect ratio of the wings means you need to actually use your feet to stay coordinated--which is also a good habit you're forced to become proficient at. Also, you become much better at reading the sky, the terrain and the clouds around you, which not only makes you a better pilot in general for noticing weather patterns "on-the-fly", but makes you a much safer pilot in mountainous conditions, and with that knowledge, taking advantage of (and being mindful of dangers) flying around high altitude terrain with a powered aircraft too. I once heard of light twin that lost an engine over the Sierra Nevada mountain range, but was able to use mountain waves to stay above the mountains which were much higher than its single engine ceiling.
great review Rach, i am so glad Asobo / Microsoft also invited you to the pre launch event in Arizona. i do like gliders and so nice to see them come with MSFS 2024.
I can't think of another flightsim video that would feature the words "Where's my head? Who knows"! I love it XD. Thank you for another great video. Your enthusiasm is infectious!
Who ever made this start with the winch - this is not hoe it is done 😅 Don’t push the stick forward so soon. Wait until you got the maximum height and the glider will level itself. You didn’t even got 30% of the possible altitude. But thanks fir the great content! Very excited to play it 😍 If you are interested in a very realistic glider sim - especially ultra realistic physics - try Condor soaring. Highly recommended in VR. So much better then MSFS except the detail of terrain and texture. But a lot smoother and doesn’t eat your GPU like msfs doas
Thanks for supporting gliding and the work that GotFriends have done whilst not forgetting Ian Lewis (B21) for his great avionics. Let's hope that thermals improve in 2024 so that RL memorable flights can be re-enjoyed in the fantastic digital twin that is coming soon. In the meantime ridge soaring in the Alps is a real pleasure in the wonderful AS33 Me which will no doubt be updated for 2024 by Ian Lewis. Let's hope that gliders form part of the Career mode, preferably with the sort of trainer that thousands of us learnt on like the ASK13 or ASK21 before moving on to a more advanced trainer for cross country soaring.
so nice to see the grass is not 3 meters above the ground mesh anymore it got so frusterating taxing out and the grass it hovering above you i cant wait to do gliding cause xplane really slacked at it
One of the most things I am looking forward in MSFS2024 is the improvement for better gliding experience with more realistic weather and thermals along with better physics.
Looking forward to this. Been in the Airliners and enjoy the programming. But after 2k hours in MFS, even if most was in general aviation, i just can't do airliners anymore as soon as the departure is done, so am i. Would be cool if there was a job type to set up the plane, fly the departure and then finish, say the other pilot takes over. But the gliders and helos are going to be great i think. Even in MFS i managed to have a 2hr flight over south east Krete in a glider. Lot's of updraft from the wind hitting the mountains there. Irl have flown RC only and when i went to RC gliders, that was a whole new way of flying, it is fantastic. A whole different mindset and very different type of fun. I miss that.
The more of MSFS 2024 the more excited I can’t and really can’t wait for November 19th 😭 Everything looks so much better and the foliage makes the world look so much better than before 😁 I hope more footage of different areas is coming.
The thing MSFS really needs for gliding is support for competitions, multiplayer races etc. Hopefully the weather model has improved because it wasn't great before, and flight model updates and modelling local assets etc is one thing, but what glider pilots want from a simulator is the ability to race using checkpoints. I hope this is something easy for the developers to add in later if it isn't in the released game.
I learned to fly Sailplanes in Fulda Germany, the Schweizer 2-33...then on to Glasser-Dirks DG-100...your spot on. Even MSFS 20 does pretty good with gliders, performance and realizm...good job sweeetie!
Hello, first time I've heard my name mentioned in a TH-cam video (Ian aka B21) so thanks, I'll now wait for the Hollywood offers to roll in. The LS8 & DG1001 are suspiciously similar to how they are in MSFS2020 but there's a possibility those might get an update - the DG is more feasible in terms of instruments as at least that has a panel modelled in. The Stemme (pronounced Shtemma if you want to impress your friends) is a modelling work of genius by GotFriends and I can confirm it has a flightmodel which closely matches the real plane's polar and the vario/nav are the most functionally capable so far including anything so far in the freeware gliders. The Stemme is fun to power launch and transition to glider mode with comfy side by side seating, but probably isn't going to be the glider of choice for the racers, and GotFriends are aware of that. There's a comment below re aerotow launch in MSFS2020 & I have to say I disagree with it, IMHO aerotow being the main thing MS did get pretty decent for gliding in that sim and we all use it routinely. Overall I'm fairly positive for gliding in MSFS2024, it'll be an uptick on 2020 and we're already making good use of that sim. Thanks very much for posting this enjoyable 'review'.
As a real glider pilot that the worst Winch launch i have ever seen but u cant know if yo uhave never done it so still thank you for going into depth about gliding 😄
@@AvAngel okay thats crazy haha 😂 thats not even a low launch thats a completly failed extremly dangerous launch he should have pulled up after lifting off and passing the trees he had like 10% of the height. IRL you would probably be dead or had an Outlanding if you did that
@@paradoxicalcat7173 I think its gonna be a big improovement but still not perfect. Its crazy that Official MSFS footage contains a completly failed launch and Glider Flights. They let somebody who doesnt know anything about gliding fly for the footage... In msfs 2020 the LS8 had tons of buggs the termals were extremly bad i hope they do it properly.
I am now quite excited for 2024 now , wasn't so sure at the start but the more and more I see the more I think it's going to be a far better Sim . Cool video as always .
@@wjadams2 gotfriends has a freemium addon which allows you to be towed by another player's aircraft the main problem with gliders in msfs2020 is the sound it depends on the vertical speed instead of the airspeed and it's confusing and it sucks
Thank you for pointing this out. Like me, if you’re new to gliding in the sim there’s not much help out there. Lots of videos on lots of planes but very little help with gliding. I hope that changes because the learning curve can be significant.
Nice to see an exotic glider like the Stemme, much nicer would have been ordinary gliders like LS4, ASK21 or an ASW20. Or one of these beautiful classic gliders like the Glasfluegel Libelle. Anyway the holy grail of simulating soaring is the interaction between ground, clouds and thermals.
@@mark_delfino Yepp the Libelle is something. We have one in our club. Elegant lady. I bought a Glasfluegel 206 Hornet this year. Built in December 1975. Also a special bird with its trailing edge airbrakes and parallelogram control stick.
Great informative video and makes me look even extra forward to MSFS2024. Hope we can all join like an open beta aka technical test version late October what they mention in of the many interview video's I watched.
What fun! I'm gonna try some ridge soaring again in the sim tonight. If you've ever watched some of Bruno Vassels'videos.. it's an awesome pasttime!I just need to get me one of those silly hats that glider pilots wear, for complete immersion :)
i hate them. i prefer the baseball caps with a short rim and no knob on top. I frequently turn them backwards when i need to concentrate, or forwards for sun protection.
I never been much into the big commercial airliners in MSFS. I may never have actually played the game, however I watched a lot of MSFS 2020 and ngl: Just sitting in front of a Livestream for 8 hours, watching a plane fly itself from A to B never was that intresting to me (and that's even though I only got into Aviation, because my dad actually works for Airbus Finkenwerder, where he once upon a time helped build the A380)... But the more time I spend watching MSFS content (and just aviation content in general) the more I realized how fascinating it is watching a guy fly through some of the most remote places ever (looking at you Alaska) or, how much thought actually goes into gliding around
Thanks for the review. I was clutching the sides of my seat during those 51 knot glides a couple of hundred feet above the ground, thinking when are you going to land. Need to pull back much more on the winch launch. Looks nice but will remain very marginal for real glider pilots until we get proper thermals, ridge lift, etc which can be properly modeled into the flight. Until then Condor will remain the standard and of course Condor includes multiplayer contest flying which is an essential element for many sailplane pilots.
That intro, haha... feeling right positively attacked here! But srsly, I got the Got Friends gliders in 2020, really quite liked them... its good fun drifting from place to place with nothing but the wind and the variometer to keep you comapny... need to use them more. Seeing that map and other stuff here makes me excited to give them a whirl in 2024 again.
I think the main question many glider pilots would ask is, how does the flight model/realism compare to Condor 2 or 3? My guess is that while MSFS 2024 looks much better it probably still is lagging behind the flight models of Condor ... which means this will remain their primary choice for training.
i hope there will still be some turbulence, not the way it existed in msfs2020, but in more realistic discrete manner.... something like what a2a simulations did with the comanche.... now all promo material of 2024 seem to be without turbulence... i hope they did not go to the other extreme, having basicly no turbulence
There is a small video glitch at around 5:55 and onwards. I don't know if it's even fixable afterwards. No biggie but I assume you wanted to show the cockpit and avionics.
I would love to se an aerobatic glider like the Swift S1. I'm trying to start my glider pilot license but might not be able to get my medical due to ADHD and meds.
Is the thermal simulation also improved? I mean like if you seeking under clouds for example? in 2020 it was not feeling really well made and that's a big part of the Glider experience
With all due respect, calling the unfinished, unlaunched product "the most realistic gliding ever" is a bit of an overstatement. Have you ever tried Condor 2? This sim is dedicated to gliders, you cannot fly anything else, and the thermals, waves, and generally speaking, atmospheric simulation is something MSFS and X-Plane can only dream of. For two years, the gliding community has been asking for the implementation of gliders into MSFS. Then there was a great update and - in my tongue, we have the saying "the mountain gave birth to a mouse". It was terrible, the thermals were modelled all wrong, they did not react correctly to the time of day, wind direction, surface, cloud coverage and the like. The relationship between thermals and clouds, if any, did not reflect the real world. Ridge soaring was modelled in an unrealistic way. That is why there is no glider pilot I know of who would use MSFS for leisure flying or for training. All glider pilots, including the pros, like instructors and competition racers, use Condor 2 for training and fun. I have no financial interest in C2, to make things straight. I simply do not believe the '24 would be any better in this respect. I hope it will be, but MSFS/Asobo already failed in this department. And, last but not least, the selection of gliders is far from impressive. These things are not glider pilots (of course, I cannot speak for everyone) would like to see. But what I would welcome would be Blanik, BOciam, Junior, Puchacz, Diana, ASK, ASW (many variants), Ka, and so on. Good birds that are still used in many Clubs everywhere, flying history and at the same time the present day reality. Those rare experimental motor gliders are... well strange. What is the chance that I could ever fly in the real thing? Second to none. The whole purpose of flying the sim is to pursue the dream, to feed the dream that becomes the urge, that becomes that imperative and one day you find yourself in the real thing...
Hopefully we will see many of those made for the 3rd party market. No one genre of aircraft gets tons of options by default so no there’s not many. Why call it the best? Because it’s going to be a huge leap forward . Remember I’ve actually played it, this isn’t hyperbole
@@AvAngel But have you played other glider-dedicated sims (there are also Silent Wings and little something from Aerosoft I cannot remember the name; very good behaviour but very limited world; it is on Steam). The comparison would be great thing to have.
I too am very curious how MSFS 2024 will compare with the physics and weather of Condor 2. If Asobo could get weather physics on the same level as Condor 2, it would improve realism for all aircraft on the sim.
I always found it funny that they couldn't even get the yawstrings right. The asobo ones work nonsensically and are nearly unreadable. Though it looks better in 2024. Hopefully they do make some solid improvements, but I do have a feeling it'll be a little underwhelming. Would be great to have the Puchacz
Holy Cow... I was about to buy Condor 2 and Condor 3 is around the corner but this might trump that with all the LX Nav stuff enabled. When does this come out?
While I enjoyed the information in this video, watching the stock Asobo gliding footage made me very uncomfortable. Super low, zero attempt to find lift, was clearly being flown by someone with no gliding experience. That said though, it was good to hear that at least one of the main Asobo developers did actually do some gliding in the past. It was also super cool to hear Ian Lewis' name being mentioned as well as Got Friends. I'm remaining optimistic about soaring in MSFS 24, its certainly a great opportunity for the devs to address our issues with the current state of gliding in the sim. Looking forward to giving it a try in November.
I'm afraid I'm very limited on what footage I'm able to use at this stage. I had a hour to record at the event and otherwise, stock B-roll, You'll see a lot of it at the moment :S
I fly gliders in real life (check my channel) I really hope they have better mechanics on gliders here. In 2020 the aerotow was broken and the thermals didn't exist. Condor 2 is much more realistic but the graphics and world map sucks.
I flew gliders for two years in real life. I didn't like it, I now moved to engined planes. But I'm very excited to fly general aviation planes in FS24
What's up with the blurred and smeared shadows on the ground of the glider towards the end of the video. Looks horrendous. I hope this can be fixed before release
It never was going to all be photogrammetry, its still a blend like 2020. What else? not much! We didn't get a lot of time! My own flying was limited to float, some bush, and some heli, i didn't get chance to touch more other than some menu digging.
Because as I said in the previous video, I was kindly invited to the global preview event by Xbox. This is where I recorded footage, was given presentations on it and shown content from the sim.
I mean, there's nothing to talk about between PC and Xbox currently... because this sim is... the same for both. We've only been able to test on pc, and I am a PC pilot so... yeah, nothing to say?
I think in terms of graphics this game will be a big disappointment to most of us. When i see at what distance the details of the fields load in I assume there won't be a big difference to msfs 2020 in most cases.
I hope the people that program the gliders have more understanding about soaring than the people flying the gliders in the video footage. Low, slow, aweful winch launch. The outlanding demonstrated 0 knowledge, of field or approach selection, speed selection.. even the field direction was completely wrong. The physics felt aweful on that outlanding.. if you put a DG 1000 (of all gliders) on its nose in any situation. The thing needs 3 people on the nose to lift the tail.. has a 60cm or so high gear... ) At least soaring in MSFS2020 felt.. clunky. I hope to be proven wrong.
Yeah that's stock footage, probaly someone just doing a quick test flight. From what i know it's absolutely a bad example, but the ONLY example I had of gliders in 24.
Real life glider pilot here. It is the most exciting way of flying but ... absolutely not relaxing! You are always in search of thermals and when you don't find them ... oh oh .... it is a very serious sport flying and the skill you accumulate flying a glider is second to none. In MSFS has come the king of school gliders, the ASK21. I have learn to fly on them, did my solo and SLP licence examination in one of them. Lovely and relatively easy to fly. The Stemme instead is very difficoult to fly even for a very experienced pilot. There are two on my RL airport (only about 40 avalaible in the whole world!). I have flown that of one of my flying instructor, more then 50 efficiency, spectacular aerodynamics but... won't land and that narrow and high undercarriage is good if you are in search of trouble. Perfect landing is a must if you want survive. Thanks AvAngel!
It is complex for sure, and certainly more so than a typical glider. However once you get the hang of it, it is an absolute dream to fly!
Now in the game you don't need to worry about thermo
@@Sherlock245 The sim models thermals, so yeah you do.
@@Tuskin38 oh but you can turn it off.
@@Sherlock245 Why would you want *no* thermals in a glider?
Looking forward to gliders and balloons (which I’m hoping we can do tasks with, eg drop flags and markers closer to targets etc) more than anything else in FS2024
This might sound weird, but to me the thing that made me the happiest in this video is seeing actual farm fields/crops instead of just different colored ground... This already makes me love MSFS2024
We are incredibly excited for everyone to get to experience the S12-G! It's a remarkable aircraft, and truly the best of both worlds when it comes to powered flight and soaring. Great video AvAngel!
Thank you! Great to see it in the sim!
Real glider pilot soloing in 1994 glad to see 2024 sim taking this side of flying seriously at last ,Condor 2 big following in racing etc.Hope to see on-line events in microsoft. For me looking forward to what microsoft 2024 Asobo thank you for recognising gliding huge world and real flying, great content and video
😂😂😂 Ok I love the way you opened this video. Exactly how I feel, program your commercial plane... Go run errands return and land lol This has always confused me. Bush flights, GA and military are fun and hands on. I have yet to fly a commercial in 24. Maybe flew 2 or 3 times in all of 2020
Solo'd in gliding at 16 then stopped but still enjoy soaring in sims. This news about gliding is key for me with 2024, also really positive to see gyros make an appearance, the existing flight model just didn't allow for them. Thanks for sharing😊
People rave about the fabulous airliners with all their computer systems and automation BUT....if you really want to fly and learn how to control an aircraft then the glider is the way! It is you and the elements, your skill counts for everything and there is little more rewarding that a good landing after a successful flight. The gliders are not bad in FS2020 but 2024 looks incredible,,,,,,
Once upon a time, a long, long, time ago, I managed a commercial glider operation in Texas where I flew the operation's Super Cub tow plane and gave demo glider rides to prospective pilots and fun seekers in the venerable Schweizer SGS 2-33, but there is nothing like a high performance glider. I used to get a tow in our Lark to 3000 AGL and then kick off to soar for hours among the endless cloud streets while listening to classics on my Sony Walkman. (Yeah, it was that long ago). Soaring is by far, the most relaxing type of flying one can do. Like sailing, after learning the basics, proficient soaring is really more art form than just a skill. The challenge is always there and always changing.
On the other hand, ag flying and jump planes are the most unrelaxing forms of GA flying one can do and may explain why I could relax totally in a sailplane. I mean, after all, what could happen in a sailplane? The engine might quit? Not really a problem when the aircraft has a 40 or 50 to 1 L/D. Those who "land out" typically don't know what they are doing. I never saw that happen, despite the fact we had pilots take their aircraft on long, all day cross country flights to return just before dark.
In some cases reality was even stranger than a sim anomaly. Often I would look out to find a large bird of prey, usually a hawk or a vulture, flying in close formation. Sometimes they would soar off the wingtip, but often I would find the bird giving me the eye just outside the canopy as I thermaled ever higher, close on the stall. I suppose those birds figured if something this big found food, there would something in it for them. I'll put it this way , soaring is the only type of flying I would ever pay to do again and now I have it in the sim where I, uh, pay to do it again.
One of the really neat things about the sim is the cross country. I never had a chance to fly cross country, as my position required I stay close to the field. Old habits die hard and at first this is what I did in the sim until I realized the sailplane was equipped with an auxiliary jet engine and I had the teleport feature as well. So I began flying long cross countries. In the sim its was no big deal to catch thermals along the way. Although I would like to see an improvement in ridge lift dynamics. Just leave out those rotors that are most unrelaxing.
I had trouble initiating the tow plane launch until I figured out that it was the rudder that signaled the launch, just as it does in nonvirtual life. But whoda thunk it? As I said, it was a long, long, time ago. One thing missing is wake turbulence when on tow. It's hard to "box the wake" when there isn't one. By the way, standard procedure for collision avoidance is for the sailplane to break right upon release while the tow plane breaks hard left to go into a steep, spiraling descent back to the field. Those were the days, long, long, ago.
~ Flyingwrench ~
A fantastic tale! I really enjoyed reading this recollection! Thank you for posting it!
On the point of wake turbulence, that's a definate feature of 2024, will make towing interesting!
There's no better way to develop "stick and rudder" skills than as a glider pilot. As you said, you're forced to focus on energy management, which also includes scanning the landscape for a place to land if the next thermal or ridge lift doesn't pan out... a good habit to get into as a powered pilot in case of engine failure. The high aspect ratio of the wings means you need to actually use your feet to stay coordinated--which is also a good habit you're forced to become proficient at. Also, you become much better at reading the sky, the terrain and the clouds around you, which not only makes you a better pilot in general for noticing weather patterns "on-the-fly", but makes you a much safer pilot in mountainous conditions, and with that knowledge, taking advantage of (and being mindful of dangers) flying around high altitude terrain with a powered aircraft too. I once heard of light twin that lost an engine over the Sierra Nevada mountain range, but was able to use mountain waves to stay above the mountains which were much higher than its single engine ceiling.
Can't wait, got everything crossed that this runs smoothly on xbox.
great review Rach, i am so glad Asobo / Microsoft also invited you to the pre launch event in Arizona. i do like gliders and so nice to see them come with MSFS 2024.
I can't think of another flightsim video that would feature the words "Where's my head? Who knows"! I love it XD. Thank you for another great video. Your enthusiasm is infectious!
Who ever made this start with the winch - this is not hoe it is done 😅
Don’t push the stick forward so soon. Wait until you got the maximum height and the glider will level itself.
You didn’t even got 30% of the possible altitude.
But thanks fir the great content! Very excited to play it 😍
If you are interested in a very realistic glider sim - especially ultra realistic physics - try Condor soaring. Highly recommended in VR. So much better then MSFS except the detail of terrain and texture. But a lot smoother and doesn’t eat your GPU like msfs doas
Condor z jego fizyką i szybowcami w scenerii MSFS - marzenie, które chyba się nigdy nie spełni...
The foliage alone makes the entire world look so much more real
My first gliding lesson was back in 1978 in a Blanik glider :)
Thanks for supporting gliding and the work that GotFriends have done whilst not forgetting Ian Lewis (B21) for his great avionics. Let's hope that thermals improve in 2024 so that RL memorable flights can be re-enjoyed in the fantastic digital twin that is coming soon. In the meantime ridge soaring in the Alps is a real pleasure in the wonderful AS33 Me which will no doubt be updated for 2024 by Ian Lewis. Let's hope that gliders form part of the Career mode, preferably with the sort of trainer that thousands of us learnt on like the ASK13 or ASK21 before moving on to a more advanced trainer for cross country soaring.
@@paradoxicalcat7173 I seem to get weather radar on the TBM 930 and Beech Duke that correspond to where cumulous clouds are spawned.
That isn't how it works, nor is that how 2024 works :D
so nice to see the grass is not 3 meters above the ground mesh anymore it got so frusterating taxing out and the grass it hovering above you
i cant wait to do gliding cause xplane really slacked at it
Looks amazing. In FS2020 I flew a lot of ultralights and tried the gliders a few times. Looking forward to the paramoters and gliders in FS2024
One of the most things I am looking forward in MSFS2024 is the improvement for better gliding experience with more realistic weather and thermals along with better physics.
First Here! You are nailing it! More on bush flying please ! 👏
Looking forward to this. Been in the Airliners and enjoy the programming. But after 2k hours in MFS, even if most was in general aviation, i just can't do airliners anymore as soon as the departure is done, so am i. Would be cool if there was a job type to set up the plane, fly the departure and then finish, say the other pilot takes over.
But the gliders and helos are going to be great i think. Even in MFS i managed to have a 2hr flight over south east Krete in a glider. Lot's of updraft from the wind hitting the mountains there.
Irl have flown RC only and when i went to RC gliders, that was a whole new way of flying, it is fantastic. A whole different mindset and very different type of fun. I miss that.
The more of MSFS 2024 the more excited I can’t and really can’t wait for November 19th 😭 Everything looks so much better and the foliage makes the world look so much better than before 😁 I hope more footage of different areas is coming.
The thing MSFS really needs for gliding is support for competitions, multiplayer races etc. Hopefully the weather model has improved because it wasn't great before, and flight model updates and modelling local assets etc is one thing, but what glider pilots want from a simulator is the ability to race using checkpoints. I hope this is something easy for the developers to add in later if it isn't in the released game.
One of the many features I'm really looking forward to. Thanks for pointing that out!
I learned to fly Sailplanes in Fulda Germany, the Schweizer 2-33...then on to Glasser-Dirks DG-100...your spot on. Even MSFS 20 does pretty good with gliders, performance and realizm...good job sweeetie!
Yet another thing to look forward to in the new sim. I appreciate your contributions to our hobby.
Hello, first time I've heard my name mentioned in a TH-cam video (Ian aka B21) so thanks, I'll now wait for the Hollywood offers to roll in. The LS8 & DG1001 are suspiciously similar to how they are in MSFS2020 but there's a possibility those might get an update - the DG is more feasible in terms of instruments as at least that has a panel modelled in. The Stemme (pronounced Shtemma if you want to impress your friends) is a modelling work of genius by GotFriends and I can confirm it has a flightmodel which closely matches the real plane's polar and the vario/nav are the most functionally capable so far including anything so far in the freeware gliders. The Stemme is fun to power launch and transition to glider mode with comfy side by side seating, but probably isn't going to be the glider of choice for the racers, and GotFriends are aware of that. There's a comment below re aerotow launch in MSFS2020 & I have to say I disagree with it, IMHO aerotow being the main thing MS did get pretty decent for gliding in that sim and we all use it routinely. Overall I'm fairly positive for gliding in MSFS2024, it'll be an uptick on 2020 and we're already making good use of that sim. Thanks very much for posting this enjoyable 'review'.
As a real glider pilot that the worst Winch launch i have ever seen but u cant know if yo uhave never done it so still thank you for going into depth about gliding 😄
That isn't my launch, that's some B roll Microsoft gave me :D It was quite a low launch tbf, it didn't get any altitude at all.
@@AvAngel okay thats crazy haha 😂 thats not even a low launch thats a completly failed extremly dangerous launch he should have pulled up after lifting off and passing the trees he had like 10% of the height. IRL you would probably be dead or had an Outlanding if you did that
I came here to say this 😂. Loved winching the bf3 in the early 2000s.
@@paradoxicalcat7173 I think its gonna be a big improovement but still not perfect. Its crazy that Official MSFS footage contains a completly failed launch and Glider Flights. They let somebody who doesnt know anything about gliding fly for the footage... In msfs 2020 the LS8 had tons of buggs the termals were extremly bad i hope they do it properly.
@@eckiger_luki6424 same with the helicopter footage 😂😭
I am now quite excited for 2024 now , wasn't so sure at the start but the more and more I see the more I think it's going to be a far better Sim . Cool video as always .
I can't wait to try out gliding. It's alright in FS2020. I wish we could tow gliders up. I haven't seen that since Flight Unlimited did it.
" I wish we could tow gliders up." MSFS2020 offers winch and air tow. In MP the tow plane can be controlled by anther player, as far as I know.
Lol. It IS very much in 2020. Tow planes, all of it. add on stuff.
@@MrLuumpy Interesting. I wasn't aware I could control the tow plane. That's awesome. I'll have to check it out.
@@wjadams2 gotfriends has a freemium addon which allows you to be towed by another player's aircraft
the main problem with gliders in msfs2020 is the sound
it depends on the vertical speed instead of the airspeed and it's confusing and it sucks
"Standard instrument departure to your bed for 8 hours" 🤣🤣🤣
Too harsh?
@@AvAngelNaaaaaa.. 😉
@@AvAngel Actually, brilliant!
Thank you for pointing this out. Like me, if you’re new to gliding in the sim there’s not much help out there. Lots of videos on lots of planes but very little help with gliding. I hope that changes because the learning curve can be significant.
Try Condor 2 simulator. It is dedicated for gliders and has a community ready to help you
Ooohhhh, I love it ❤
Thank you very much.
Nice to see an exotic glider like the Stemme, much nicer would have been ordinary gliders like LS4, ASK21 or an ASW20. Or one of these beautiful classic gliders like the Glasfluegel Libelle. Anyway the holy grail of simulating soaring is the interaction between ground, clouds and thermals.
Libelle, oh yes. Would also like a K6 and pretty much any of the wooden stuff
@@mark_delfino Yepp the Libelle is something. We have one in our club. Elegant lady. I bought a Glasfluegel 206 Hornet this year. Built in December 1975. Also a special bird with its trailing edge airbrakes and parallelogram control stick.
My thoughts, exactly. Some Polish gliders would be nice to have too. Pirat, Foka, Puchacz, Bocian. Or Czech ones like Blanik.
Id like to see my 24b in there, but till then im ok with flying those super expensive ones in the sim, that i can never afford 😊
@@tedstriker4278 I can't afford an ASW 24 :-D At least not one in an excellent condition.
I thought I was done with computer games, but apparently I am not. This looks incredible.
"If flying were the language of men,
then soaring would be its poetry."
I love that :)
Crossing the Andes in a glider was really the best thing I've ever done in msfs
Great News! I was hoping they would do this. Thanks. Laurie. NZ.
Great informative video and makes me look even extra forward to MSFS2024. Hope we can all join like an open beta aka technical test version late October what they mention in of the many interview video's I watched.
"It is truely a relaxing experience" he says while gliding 100ft over the treeline towards a town (1:36)
Not my footage lol
thank you kindly for your video and chill voice.
What fun! I'm gonna try some ridge soaring again in the sim tonight. If you've ever watched some of Bruno Vassels'videos.. it's an awesome pasttime!I just need to get me one of those silly hats that glider pilots wear, for complete immersion :)
i hate them. i prefer the baseball caps with a short rim and no knob on top. I frequently turn them backwards when i need to concentrate, or forwards for sun protection.
I never been much into the big commercial airliners in MSFS. I may never have actually played the game, however I watched a lot of MSFS 2020 and ngl: Just sitting in front of a Livestream for 8 hours, watching a plane fly itself from A to B never was that intresting to me (and that's even though I only got into Aviation, because my dad actually works for Airbus Finkenwerder, where he once upon a time helped build the A380)... But the more time I spend watching MSFS content (and just aviation content in general) the more I realized how fascinating it is watching a guy fly through some of the most remote places ever (looking at you Alaska) or, how much thought actually goes into gliding around
Thanks for the review. I was clutching the sides of my seat during those 51 knot glides a couple of hundred feet above the ground, thinking when are you going to land. Need to pull back much more on the winch launch. Looks nice but will remain very marginal for real glider pilots until we get proper thermals, ridge lift, etc which can be properly modeled into the flight. Until then Condor will remain the standard and of course Condor includes multiplayer contest flying which is an essential element for many sailplane pilots.
That's the point... we're getting proper thermals, ridge lift, and all the trimmings :) (This clip isn't my flying, its stock footage)
I love your channel, thanks
Thank you too!
That intro, haha... feeling right positively attacked here! But srsly, I got the Got Friends gliders in 2020, really quite liked them... its good fun drifting from place to place with nothing but the wind and the variometer to keep you comapny... need to use them more. Seeing that map and other stuff here makes me excited to give them a whirl in 2024 again.
:D All in good fun!
Traumhaft,Danke für Dein Video!!!!!!!!!!👍👍👍🙂
Gern geschehen!
I think the main question many glider pilots would ask is, how does the flight model/realism compare to Condor 2 or 3? My guess is that while MSFS 2024 looks much better it probably still is lagging behind the flight models of Condor ... which means this will remain their primary choice for training.
I appreciate that you posted the video before the actual release but the comparison would be interesting, now that it's out.
You crashes into an ACTUAL cornfield?! My god, the new groundwork is absolutely amazing.
Not me :D That's stock B-roll sadly :D but the physics look cool!
im looking forward to hot air balloons
i hope there will still be some turbulence, not the way it existed in msfs2020, but in more realistic discrete manner.... something like what a2a simulations did with the comanche.... now all promo material of 2024 seem to be without turbulence... i hope they did not go to the other extreme, having basicly no turbulence
basically we had stock weather, so its really hard to even tell
I am not a fan of commercial aviation. I prefer general aviation and bush flying. I am very excited about trying gliders in 2024.
There is a small video glitch at around 5:55 and onwards. I don't know if it's even fixable afterwards. No biggie but I assume you wanted to show the cockpit and avionics.
Hi Angel A....what is this new Quest 3 "S" thats now all over TH-cam? Is it a cheaper version of VR for MFS2020/2024?
No clue, I had the Rift S, Quest is a new thing? i don't follow VR myself.
@@AvAngel It might be for smaller platform stuff, less involved gaming. Do you do Tobi Eye Tracker? Hey, thanks for the quick response.
I do not, I use Grass Monkey Simulations Pick head tracker.
moar gliding is never wrong
interestingly, they have added all kinds of fauna BUT birds
I would love to se an aerobatic glider like the Swift S1. I'm trying to start my glider pilot license but might not be able to get my medical due to ADHD and meds.
If you are in the US, no medical certificate is required for any glider rating.
@@bruceirving7080 I live in Brazil. Here it's required a class 4 medical.
Real glider pilot here and that flying scenes gave me anxiety
Blame Microsoft who shot the footage lol
Is the thermal simulation also improved? I mean like if you seeking under clouds for example? in 2020 it was not feeling really well made and that's a big part of the Glider experience
That is what they said yes.
Is the "view system" the same. One thing I hate about MSFS is trying to get the camera to do what I want, compared to the simplicity of DCS.
With all due respect, calling the unfinished, unlaunched product "the most realistic gliding ever" is a bit of an overstatement. Have you ever tried Condor 2? This sim is dedicated to gliders, you cannot fly anything else, and the thermals, waves, and generally speaking, atmospheric simulation is something MSFS and X-Plane can only dream of.
For two years, the gliding community has been asking for the implementation of gliders into MSFS. Then there was a great update and - in my tongue, we have the saying "the mountain gave birth to a mouse". It was terrible, the thermals were modelled all wrong, they did not react correctly to the time of day, wind direction, surface, cloud coverage and the like. The relationship between thermals and clouds, if any, did not reflect the real world. Ridge soaring was modelled in an unrealistic way. That is why there is no glider pilot I know of who would use MSFS for leisure flying or for training. All glider pilots, including the pros, like instructors and competition racers, use Condor 2 for training and fun. I have no financial interest in C2, to make things straight.
I simply do not believe the '24 would be any better in this respect. I hope it will be, but MSFS/Asobo already failed in this department.
And, last but not least, the selection of gliders is far from impressive. These things are not glider pilots (of course, I cannot speak for everyone) would like to see. But what I would welcome would be Blanik, BOciam, Junior, Puchacz, Diana, ASK, ASW (many variants), Ka, and so on. Good birds that are still used in many Clubs everywhere, flying history and at the same time the present day reality. Those rare experimental motor gliders are... well strange. What is the chance that I could ever fly in the real thing? Second to none. The whole purpose of flying the sim is to pursue the dream, to feed the dream that becomes the urge, that becomes that imperative and one day you find yourself in the real thing...
Hopefully we will see many of those made for the 3rd party market. No one genre of aircraft gets tons of options by default so no there’s not many.
Why call it the best? Because it’s going to be a huge leap forward . Remember I’ve actually played it, this isn’t hyperbole
@@AvAngel But have you played other glider-dedicated sims (there are also Silent Wings and little something from Aerosoft I cannot remember the name; very good behaviour but very limited world; it is on Steam). The comparison would be great thing to have.
I too am very curious how MSFS 2024 will compare with the physics and weather of Condor 2. If Asobo could get weather physics on the same level as Condor 2, it would improve realism for all aircraft on the sim.
I always found it funny that they couldn't even get the yawstrings right. The asobo ones work nonsensically and are nearly unreadable. Though it looks better in 2024.
Hopefully they do make some solid improvements, but I do have a feeling it'll be a little underwhelming. Would be great to have the Puchacz
@@SkyborneVisions Sure thing, this will be for the benefit of all
Holy Cow... I was about to buy Condor 2 and Condor 3 is around the corner but this might trump that with all the LX Nav stuff enabled. When does this come out?
19th November
Me waiting on the Saab 340 and the ATR update😶
Ngl, fancy me some Saab too. ATR... i could never get the throttles to behave >>
While I enjoyed the information in this video, watching the stock Asobo gliding footage made me very uncomfortable. Super low, zero attempt to find lift, was clearly being flown by someone with no gliding experience. That said though, it was good to hear that at least one of the main Asobo developers did actually do some gliding in the past. It was also super cool to hear Ian Lewis' name being mentioned as well as Got Friends. I'm remaining optimistic about soaring in MSFS 24, its certainly a great opportunity for the devs to address our issues with the current state of gliding in the sim. Looking forward to giving it a try in November.
I'm afraid I'm very limited on what footage I'm able to use at this stage. I had a hour to record at the event and otherwise, stock B-roll, You'll see a lot of it at the moment :S
That's what I figured. Very informative video, despite with the B-roll footage. Always good to see folks posting about gliding in the sim.
i'm sold
Wondering what Seminole-Lake Gliderport looks like....
I fly gliders in real life (check my channel) I really hope they have better mechanics on gliders here. In 2020 the aerotow was broken and the thermals didn't exist. Condor 2 is much more realistic but the graphics and world map sucks.
It does seem significantly better
Maybe this will be the impetus to get the Condor Soaring Simulator guys off their butts to finish Condor 3 and get it released.
@@hangflyer907 yes hopefully
In 2020 at launch, you’re right, no thermals, but they were added later, and aero tow was much improved too n
Can I ask where you got your list of glider airports?
Adobo themselves
Shame they didn't add the electric Taurus
Well. The drawdistance of the grass and crops on the fields seems very low. I hope this is not the max you can get.
The winch launch was not very realistic 😂 but can't wait to see the Stemme ingame.
I flew gliders for two years in real life. I didn't like it, I now moved to engined planes. But I'm very excited to fly general aviation planes in FS24
What's up with the blurred and smeared shadows on the ground of the glider towards the end of the video. Looks horrendous. I hope this can be fixed before release
It's called unknown graphcs settings :D
2:25 is this Pritzwalk?
Bottom right
Look like the world is not all photogrammetry. What else did you try at the event, AvAngel?
It never was going to all be photogrammetry, its still a blend like 2020.
What else? not much! We didn't get a lot of time! My own flying was limited to float, some bush, and some heli, i didn't get chance to touch more other than some menu digging.
Is there also a included towplane in the sim so you don't need mods?🙏
Current 2020 doesn’t need mods for a tow plane either?
And msfs 2024? Can you tell already or is it to early to tell
But will it accurately simulate going through a barbed wire fence on an outlanding.
Haha not sure
hopefully you can actually use tge doors on aircraft now😂
In a fair few I tested yes.
@@AvAngel does this also apply to gliders?
no old school gliders?
Not stock
How do you have access to it. It doesn't release till november.
Because as I said in the previous video, I was kindly invited to the global preview event by Xbox. This is where I recorded footage, was given presentations on it and shown content from the sim.
@@AvAngel Ohhh. Sorry I haven't watched your last video yet.
Do i need to be an expertt to enjoy this😊
One thing I haven't heard a lot about. I've got a PC myself but what about the Xbox pilots nobody's talked about them not even TH-camrs
I mean, there's nothing to talk about between PC and Xbox currently... because this sim is... the same for both. We've only been able to test on pc, and I am a PC pilot so... yeah, nothing to say?
Stemme is pronounced "Shtemme". also at the end it is pronounced with "e" and not with "i"/"y"
It's a german name😉
My bad :D It was said that way to me so I repeated it, but I blame Americans for that :D I'd have said it differently with a Sch
I think in terms of graphics this game will be a big disappointment to most of us. When i see at what distance the details of the fields load in I assume there won't be a big difference to msfs 2020 in most cases.
I can’t even tell you what the settings are in these clips but I’ve seen a variety so it’s not straightforward
Thank you 💓 💓 💓 !
I hope the people that program the gliders have more understanding about soaring than the people flying the gliders in the video footage. Low, slow, aweful winch launch. The outlanding demonstrated 0 knowledge, of field or approach selection, speed selection.. even the field direction was completely wrong. The physics felt aweful on that outlanding.. if you put a DG 1000 (of all gliders) on its nose in any situation. The thing needs 3 people on the nose to lift the tail.. has a 60cm or so high gear... ) At least soaring in MSFS2020 felt.. clunky. I hope to be proven wrong.
Yeah that's stock footage, probaly someone just doing a quick test flight. From what i know it's absolutely a bad example, but the ONLY example I had of gliders in 24.
I want to see a glider do 430 kts!!
✅ ☑ 🏁
Dat voice :/
Is amazing, I know.
Gliding simulation will never be any good until they really perfect a new force feedback joystick. No value whatsoever without it, bar the cosmetic.
Trees in places they obviously shouldn't be. Different day, different sim, same sim issues. Good grief.
it's autogen, it cannot be perfect all the time, its the planet, have some paitence.
@@AvAngel Well said!