I discovered this band while lying in the hospital after breast cancer surgery. Dark room. Alone. In pain. Headphones and iPhone. Listened to everything I could find-for hours. Felt stronger. Alive. A warrior. Makes sense Heilung means cure, healing.
It's actually youtube who has the video monetized but they didn't put any ads and YT's algorythim is doing everything. Source? Well, I listened two times to this video in two different times of the day. What happened was that I got first an ad at the end and the second time an ad at the beginning.
The song's title can be found in the Mesogothic Anglo-Saxon glossary as "In-Maidjan", which means "deceptively change" or "corrupt". This makes sense since the entire story within the album consists of a peaceful village that is corrupted by having to go to war. Therefore, Proto-Germanic seems to be the language. Harigasti Teiwa Harigasti Teiwa "is a clear Germanic reference to the Negau helmet. This helmet contains several Etruscan alphabet inscriptions that include the words" Harigasti teiwa which are the first words of the song. This could be translated as Harigast (the priest) although it could also mean, the priest of Teiwaz (Tyr). "Harigast" is often (not always) seen as a personal name and that it could be made up of the words "harjaz" (army, troop, warband, war) and gastiz (stranger, guest). The forms "Hari" and "gast" is particularly found in west-germanic. As such the name could mean "war guest" or "foreign army". Tawol Athodu - I accept the invitation. Ek Erilaz - I am a runemaster. The word has been interpreted to mean magician or runemaster. The word is an ablaut variant of count and it is believed that it could be linguistically related to the name of the tribe of the Heruli or Herulos. The Heruli were a Germanic tribe from Scandinavia that was invaded by the Roman Empire in the 3rd century. So it is probably simply an old military title of Germanic provenance. Owlthuthewaz - owlthu (glorious) thewaz (servant). Means servant of the glorious Niwaremariz - Priest of the god "Ullr" / famous, renowned. From the proto-Germanic term Wulþuz (glory) wolþu- is possibly a reference to a God, surely the God Ullr. Saawilagar Hateka - My name is Sawilagaz. Harja - Army - leader of the army; commander; Warrior Wuotani Ruoperath Wuotani - Oh, Wodan! Ruoperath - famous and brilliant. This could be interpreted as the following: I, Priest Harigast. Aaccept the invitation (to battle) I am the Heruli. I am a renowned priest of Ullr. They call me Warrior. Oh, Wodan the famous and brilliant! The next chant are the names of the 24 Norse runes of the Elder Futhark. This is also known as runic song. Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raidho, Kenaz, Gebo, Wunjo, Hagal, Naudhiz, Isa, Jera, Eihwaz, Perthro, Algiz, Sowelu, Tiwaz, Berkano, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingwaz, Dagaz, Othala. In English: Wealth, Aurochs, Thorn, Divine Breath, Travel, Torch, Gift, Joy, Hail, Need, Ice, Harvest, Tree, Luck, Elk, Sun, Creator, Birch tree, Horse, Man, Water, Fertility, Day, Home. Odin, prepare for battle! A hug.
You got that right. I’m a veteran of lots of concerts over 45 years and I saw them in January 2020 and walked away feeling like I saw something that felt quite different. It was totally enthralling.
Normally I hate live recordings because I feel the cheering is always interrupting the music. But here? It feels so organic like they're singing it at a bonfire and there's a massive crowd dancing all around hooting and hollering. This sounds, by far, MUCH better than the studio recording. This one emanates raw, unconstrained power. And I love it.
I bet that's what they were aiming for in their music. They're trying to show history with their music, and you didn't have fancy recording studios and computer editing 2000 years ago in the forests of Gaul or Germania. You had your tribe and the shaman. And the occasional human sacrifice.
Imagine being a Roman legionnaire. Sitting in your camp waiting for a battle the next day and you hear this in the distance but sung with a chorus of 100,000 voices. In the trees. In the dark. Far. Far from home. Dudes had balls.
Romans probably didn't mind too much, probably found a lot of comfort in being the massively superior fighting force, also there would probably not be 100,000, "barbarian" tribes generally had a hard time working together and generally avoided the legions in pitched battle in favor of quick strikes on vulnerable Roman cohorts or columns
@@peachieos9477 ha, sorry, I got my masters in ancient history and kinda love to dig in whenever i get the opportunity, sometimes end up writing an accidental novel
No the Romans would have been absolutely terrified. The Germanic tribes were notorious for their cruelty and the terror they ensued in the legions. Imagine being a member of the legions in Teutoburg Forest, after the initial assault, the legion was split. Many ended up in the swampy areas of the forest and were hunted like prey by the Germanic tribes.
That vocal solo of Maria Franz is one of the most hauntingly beautiful things I’ve ever heard in music, across all songs and genres. The instrumentals backing her are an absolute perfect fit. That whole part of the song just puts me into a trance every time.
Some of the things she does with her voice are like what kids do when they are just mumbling to themselves. Its like they are normal human sounds but language and social norms discourage them.
It's Elder Futhark, a lot of Norse Pagans know at least some of the language, and from 3:55 to 7:15, they're literally just singing the alphabet, so......
yes...I can imagine...been trying to learn Norse...."d o e s n o t c o m p u t e" I think it would be easier to learn German at this point and then try Norse...
I see loads of people complaining about new people comming because of hellblade, but i have been a folk metal listener for 3 years and just now discovered the band because of hellblade, new people are enjoying not because is some kind of trend, but because the band is really good.
I hope this kind of music never dies. This is our roots and it doesn't matter who you are, this music makes you feel something. It's something old and ancient but you feel it in you and it brings people together, especially with nature.
Not everyone, apparently. My mom finds it creepy and weird, and my dad just thinks is "Viking Music" so that's the only reason he even gave it a chance. He doesn't see it as history but more like those modern "viking style" songs that may not even have a tie to the culture. It feels like im the only one in my family that feels anything about it.
In our current timeline, its politically incorrect for whyte Europeans to acknowledge their own history or claim anything is exclusively theirs. Our ancestors' ancient symbols were banned after WWII, our statues and monuments desecrated, and we can't even celebrate the accomplishments of our forefathers without giving credit to the third world, as if they played a role in creating western civilization. Reject the globalists' propaganda and their prescription for diversity, equity, and inclusion. It's okay to love your people, to feel a connection. This is love speech, not hate speech lol.
Lyrics expanded or why I love this song. 1. *harigasti teiva* This inscription was found on one of the so called Negau helmets, written in Etruscian alphabet (there are some conspicuous similarities to the runic alphabet!). Dated back ca. 350 BC - 200 BC, though the inscription is younger, still these may be in fact the earliest attested resp. oldest known words written in Germanic at all! Yet there is something odd about their appearance: As obvious as Harigasti matches the reconstructed Germanic compounds _Harja-gastiz_ , therefore read as the name of the helmets owner, it's hard to avoid the fact that such personal name never became widely used, no Gothic Harigasts, no Old Norse Hárgastr or Hergestr, no Old English Heregiest, only once at least there were few persons named Herigast in Old High/Low German. Although Harigasti represents the first sound shift (Grimm's law) in a seemingly finished state, yet around 120 BC the names of the Cimbri and Teutones still appear in a reverse shape when romanized Chimbri and Theudones should be expected - therefore still provoking tempestuous debates today. The most logical opinion may be the Romans received both names via Celtic transmission. because solving their linguistic inconsistency by labeling them just as Celtic tribes (utterly ignoring what some Roman authors stated) doesn't simply work. Wandering southward they raided other Germanic and Celtic tribes as they also confederated with Celtic tribes, e.g. their leader's name _Boiorix_ (Celt. _Boio-rîkos, Boio-rîx_ > Germ. _Boio-rîkaz_ ) obviously traces back to the Boii they met in nowadays Bohemia (lat. _Boiohaemum_ = actually a loanword brought to Romans by Germanic tongue, meaning homeland of the Celtic Boii, a compound of Celtic _Boio-_ > Germ. _*Baia-haima_ ). And the Cimbric name _Gaesorix_ appears latinized for Celt. _Gaiso-rîkos, Gaiso-rîx_ which in turn might have been a celtisized form of Germ. _Gaiza-rîkaz_ (Goth. _Gaisarîks_ = Geiseric) Nevertheless, ancient scholars considered them both Teutones and Cimbri to be Germanic, aside the fact, that some labeled the Jutlandic peninsula (Jylland) as „chersonesus cimbrica“ resp. Greek „kimbrikè chersónesos“ = „Cimbrian peninsula“. I know, far off topic: it's overall important for this matter to mention both Danish regions Himmersyssel (older: _Himbersysæl_ ) and Thyland (older: _Thythæsysæl_ ), whether some Celto-philes like it or not. Tracing back to Proto-Germanic stems _himbra-_ and _þeudana-_ 2. *Tawo-laþodu* Bracteate II 189 near Trollhättan (Västergötland) between 200-600 CE read: _tawô laþôdu_ „(I) prepared (the) invitation“ could be taken as a funny reference for this song itself: „Let's get the party started“ 3. *ek erilaz* „I the Earl “ (the Heruli tribe to *Erula/*Erila? Otherwise they belong to _heru-_ ) Northwest-Germanic _erilaz / erilaR_ a title found on a few inscriptions that continues in Old Norse _jarl_ . See Old English _eorl_ (some may think of the „Eorlingas“ = the ones descending of Eorl, in LOTR) where in Modern English „earl“ is still used. Goth. _„ik airils (irils?)“_ OHG. _„ih erl“_ OE. _„ic eorl“_ 4. *owlþuþewaz - niwajemariz* Thorsberg chape ca. 200 CE read: _„Wolþu- = Wulþu-þêwaz, ni-waije-mâriz“_ „Wulþuz-thew“ „*not-woe-mere“ = Servant of Ullr / *Wuldor - the not bad famous one = the renowned one“ Goth. _„Wulþus-þius, ni-wai-mêris“_ OHG. _„Wuldar-dio, ni-wê-mâri“_ OE. _„Wuldor-þeo, ni-weo-mǣre“_ 5.(ek erilaz) *sawilagaz haiteka* Lindholm amulet around 200/300 CE read: first interpretation: _„Ek erilaz - sa Wilagaz haiteka“_ „I (the) earl - the wily hote-I“ (the keen/deceitful I'm called) O.N. _„Ek jarl - sa Vílagr heitek“_ Goth. _„Ik airils (irils) - sa Weilags haitik“_ (ik haito) OHG. _„Ih erl - der Wîlago heizzih“_ (ih heizzu) OE. _„Ic eorl - se Wîliga hâtic“_ (ic hâte) second interpretation: _„Ek erilaz - Sawilagaz haiteka“_ „I (the) earl - Sawilagaz hote-I“ 1. = Sunny / 2. Saiwilagaz? = Souly ON _„Ek jarl - Sólagr heitek“_ Goth. _„Ik airils (irils) - Sunnaga (Sauilaga) haitik“_ / _ Saiwalaga haitik_ OHG. _„Ih erl - Sunnago (*Sôligo?) heizzih“_ / _Sêlago heizzih_ OE. _„Ic eorl - Sunniga (*Sôliga?) hâtic“_ / _Sæliga hâtic_ 6. *harja* Vimose comb 120 CE, probably the oldest known inscription in Elder Futhark. As in Harigasti,the element was commonly used adressing a warrior. Especially the large data we have from personal names. In the first century a Batavian named _Chariovalda_ , he bore one of the most common Germanic names: Hariwald, Harald, Heralt, Herold, Harold etc. 7. *fehu ûruz þurisaz ansuz raido kênaz…* The reconstructed names of the runes in their supposed Proto-Germanic shape based on early manuscripts written around the 8th and 9thcentury containig runic alphabets, also found on the Frankish-German continent, many of them trace back to an Anglo-Saxon origin, like the Isruna-Manuscript (9th century, St. Gallen, Cod. Sangg. 270) influenced by Old High German, another list of Anglo-Saxon runes was found in the Alcuin-MS. (8th / 9th century, Vienna, Cod. Vind. 795), followed by the one time only attested names of the Gothic letters on the back of the same folio. Also the Hrabanic-Runes (the monk Hrabanus Maurus, his OHG name Hraban literaly means Raven) or so called Marcomannic Runes, which are still a mystery, partially influenced by Anglo-Saxon runes, they may be in fact remnants of the otherwise unknown continental Germanic tradition (Suebic>Alemannic/Frankish) of the pre-Christian era. Examples of just a few mythological names we will clearly recognize: ansuz - aza (Goth. ans / anza > âza?) Alcuin Gothic / _anseis_ plural in Jordani Getica - os (O.E. ôs) Alcuin A-S / Isruna _oos_ / plural dative _êsa_ in the Lacnunga: Wið færstice - ans (OHG. ans) cf. names Ansberaht, Ansgêr, Anshelm, Ansolf etc. - as (Proto-Norse *ans- > O.N. áss) s. Edda Tîwaz - tyz (goth. *Teiws [*Tîws] > *Tius) Alcuin Gothic - ti (O.E. Tîw) Alcuin A-S / Isruna / cf. tîwesdæg = tuesday - ziu (OHG. Zîw > Ziu) Hraban Marcomannic Runes / cf. *zîwestac > zîestac = Zeistag - tyr (Proto-Norse *TiwaR > *TiuR > O.N. Týr) s. Edda / plural _tívar_ = gods / týsdagr > tisdag Ingwaz (cf. Ingvaeones) - enguz (Goth. *Iggws read *Ingws > *Ingus) - ing (O.E. Ing) s. _frea ingwina_ in Beowulf (Ingwina-Frea) - ing (O.N. Yngvi, Ing-) s- Ingvy-Freyr - ing, inc (OHG. Ing) cf. names Ingberaht, Inghild, Ingmâr, Ingolf 8.**wuotani ruoperath* (th ht) I've never heard of these words, first I thought the only reference to connect both components at least might have been commented in Grimm's Deutsche Mythologie (Teutonic Mythology), even there no signs are given. We know, there is a mythological figure named Ruprecht in Germany (in Tyrol/Austria also kown as Krampus). Old High German _„Hruodberaht / Hruodbperaht > Ruodberht, Ruodbreht“_ (Rubrecht, Ruprecht / Rubert, Rupert, Robert … OE _Hrôþbeorht_ > Robert) both elements of _Ruprecht_ O.H.G „(h)ruod“ + „beraht“ mean the „famous+bright“ one (bright=shining, glory) and are often considered to be attributes, based on a pre-Christian figure, likely _Wuotan_ himself, s. The Wild Hunt in the Alemannic terms Wüetisheer/Wuetesheer (O.H.G _Wuotanes heri_ > NHG _Wutens Heer_ ) an army of dead/ghosts lead by Wuotan (Wodan) during the nights after Christmas, with a link to the so called _Perchtenläufe_ in Bavarian/Alpine regions. Also a faint look at the hypothetical Bavarian goddess „Perchta“ next to the term Rauhnächte for the Twelfth Night (OHG _rûh-nahti_ = etym. _rough nights_ ), _Rûh-perchta_ obviously implies „ _Ruodperht_ “ = „Ruprecht“ . Certainly it shouldn't be attached to much importance on it, even if there were connections, but one cannot deny it is incredible eye-catching (!!!) - So, whether these words „Wuotani ruoperaht“ do exist or not, it's most likely to read in a vocative case „Oh, Wuotan (the) famous and bright one“, but wuotan-i could also suggest a dativ case "(to) Wuotan, the famous and bright one ", depending on the virtue of the piece of metal or stone this inscription was written. About the spelling of Wodan, Wotan, Wuotan etc. in short: _Wuotan_ is the actual standardized and seldom attested Old High German form next to the earlier _Wôdan_ (the oldest known evidence of the name, the runic inscription of the Nordendorf fibula _„wodan“_ in the 6th century, Paulus Diaconus Historia Langobardorum _„uuotan, uuodan_ ). Even _uuodan_ in the Merseburger Charms has to be read as uuuodan (Wuodan) actually, Germanic ô appears completely diphthongized throughout both charms! Cf. place names as found in the Breviarium St. Lulli _wuodensberg / wuodaneshusun / wuoteneshusun_ . Compare the unattested Old Low Franconian (Old Dutch) „Wuodan“ (hence _Woeden_ in _Woensdag_ ) In the late Middle Ages the so called Nachtsegen mentions a _wutan_ and _wutanes her_ , a rather mysterious piece written in a form of dialect older than the mansucript itself, the supposed Middle German dialect is indicated by the reducing of O.H.G and M.H.G „uo“ to the monophthong u, as it then became a main feature of the standardized spelling of New High German ( _wuotan_ > _Wuten_ cf. guot > gut) unlike Upper German dialects, where we still speak the diphthong ( _Wueten_ - see Alemannic: _Wuete_ < _Wuetesheer, Wüetisheer_ , in my own dialect it would be _Wuata_ ).Though as it seems common sense, the modern usage of „Wotan“ has to be nothing more than a created spelling by Wagner, one may not forget the Langobardic „wotan“.
every time I set this video on to listen I read this post again and learn something new from it- thank you so much for posting the background on the lyrics!
Kinda wish that @Heilung would pin it actually so it doesn't get buried and people can use it as a reference for their further research. Also- just have to say I absolutely use the runic invocation to help me learn and remember the furthark and while it's been said many a time before- it is *the* best ABC song ever.
@Antipersonenmine Neither of them. At the age of 14 (2001) when I fell in love with the ancient Germanic history, I did a rather amateurish presentation for my school class, a sketchy outline about the history of German and its dialectal variety. Since then, almost every day, I think and work about the question, how the German (Alemannic-Swabian) spoken in my hometown might have sounded, especially during the Old High German period and further back in time, yet, to be honest and moreover realistic, it's even not quite sure, what the vernacular just around 1500 exactly sounded. My comment had no other purpous, than to show the meaning of the words in a lose/vage common Germanic context, although, often, I start to get nitpicking, when I read names as Donar and Odin placed next to each other or vice versa Thor and Woden. Of course, there was never such a thing, as a common cultural spirit in the mind of Germanic tribes, otherwise we wouldn't have to read about "hundreds" of different tribal names fighting and confederating with each other throughout the centuries. On the one hand, it may be assumed, the actual Viking culture represented a more or less untouched Germanic culture in the 8th century, whereas the Anglo-Saxon and Frankish-German areas were heavily influenced by the Romano-Celtic world centuries ago until the christianization had the final impact. On the other hand though, at some early point around the Great Migration and before, the Norse culture already diverged from the south, the cultural sphere on the Scandinavian peninsula experienced a different fate, it could be argued, that the North Germanic (Scandinavian) branch was cut off the continent, thus, the Jutes and former tribes of the Jutlandic peninsula originally were Ingvaeonic (West Germanic) until the Dani (Danes) came from modern Sjælland. The major problem is, the linguistic evidence on this topic isn't clear enough, in our recent decades the predecessor of Old Norse, Proto-Norse got almost synonymous with the model of the so called Northwest Germanic branch, grouping the North and the West Germanic languages by shared features (s/z > r rhotacism / lowering of Germanic ê to â : *swêƀa- > *swâƀa-) in opposition to the East Germanic branch (represented by Gothic and very little traces of Vandalic and Burgundian) which didn't underwent those changes, yet, it is not quite sure, if Gothic and Vandalic were completely unproductive about umlauts, after the Gothic bible translation by Wulfila, during the following centuries attested names as well as the mentioned Gothic alphabet by Alcuin show yet small but exisiting hints. Well, I lose myself again ;-) - I just wanted to be clear on the linguistic level, nevertheless, my methods are amateurish, actually, a lot of details and connections I had to withdraw. Far too often, the Germanic and Norse cultures are mingled without the actual context of time. Sure, I like to recreate mythological names attested in the Edda in their supposed West Germanic resp. German form, but that's just fun, because we don't know, if a Suebi around the first century BC believed in the nine worlds. Although, the belief in the idea of a divine triad was stated by Tacitus. Mannus (*Mannuz/*Mannaz) father of men/humans (cf. in Hinduism Manu), son of the earth-born Tuisco/Tuisto (the remaining copies of Taciti Germania show both variants, the proximity of both graphs t and c in older manuscripts makes it impossible to say, which reading should be regarded as the original. Tuisco/Tuisto, the hermaphroditic entity (1. from *Tîwisko sing. neut. the "divine being" relating to Tîwaz name | 2. to the root twist- or twisk-, cf. Engl. twist, (be)tween, betwain resp. O.E. *tweosc > (be)tweox, compare Germ. "zwischen", speaking for its dualistic nature). The three sons of Mannus are seen in the names of Istvaeones/Iscvaeones, Ingvaeones and Erminones. *Ermanaz / *Erminaz = The Great One *Ingwaz, the actual meaning remains unsure, some speculate an ablaut (gradation) to the *ang- stem (Angli, Angri) *Istwaz? / *Iskwaz?, a name that didn't survive, thus, no logical interpretation can be given. If we might neglect other unnamed sons of Mannus, the three main examples could be regarded synonymous with the mythological triad as in the Norse mythology, even their alliterating nature (Ing-, Ist/Isk-, Erm-/Irm-) is echoing 1000 years later through Óðinn (Wôđinaz), Vili (Wiljo), Vé (Wîha[n]), a rather particular fact that has to be pointed out.
People who knew Heilung before Hellblade, good for you People who discovered Heilung thanks to Hellblad, good for you, too! We are all brothers and sisters!!
@@Nobrain_videos If you are so upset about the motto of Heilung you better leave quickly. >"Remember that we all are brothers All people, beasts, tree and stone and wind We all descend from the one great being That was always there Before people lived and named it Before the first seed sprouted"
I worked at a used bookstore, and one of our regulars is a guy about 65 or so who is a music fanatic. Any style, any era, he will listen to it. He has stories of meeting every band you've ever heard of from the 60s and 70s when they passed though Cleveland. My wife and I love trying new music, and he came in one day and handed her a piece of paper with "Heilung: LIFA" on it. She said she would listen to it later on lunch break. He quickly held up his hand. "No." You have to watch the video of the whole live performance. Trust me." Of course, we did. When she went home she brought up the video of the performance, figuring she could try it for a few minutes as the performance began, then she would have dinner. She said she suddenly noticed that the performance was ending, it had been an hour, and she had not thought of food or anything else. The music had CONSUMED her.
I introduced Heilung to my partner and he loved them, too, which was fucking great. We watch their live sets on TH-cam all the time and talk about how amazing it would be to watch them in person. Turns out they’re touring Australia next year and we looked up buying tickets but they were $348 each so we agreed we couldn’t afford it (also out of our city so add in costs for travel and accommodation). This morning was Christmas morning and among other gifts, my partner totally surprised me to say the he had booked us two nights stay in Sydney AND tickets to see Heilung play in Sydney 😭😭 I am soo fucking excited to see them, finally, for myself!!!
I counted 26 thumps of the drum before the cycle repeats so I think it’s TECHNICALLY 13/4 but it’s funny because only now do we really worry about time and how everything fits. Back in time drums were more like a running current than a backbone.
Headphones + closed eyes make one able to hear all the many nuances melting into one perfect flawless 12 minutes harmony, and to really realize how talented these people are. Her voice is out of this world, sometimes it sounds more like an instrument than that of a human voice.
Randi: all you say is how this group makes me feel, the musical talent is beyond any thing I have heard, then when you add in the theatrical element, they move beyond all others.
Everyone’s talking about Maria’s incredible solo in the later part of the song and her chanting with the other singers (both instances are incredible) but what really shook me was her banshee howl at 2:37. Seriously that sounded like a demon had come to reap my soul when I first heard it.
I'm trying to imagine a world where a band like Heilung is invited onto the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson back in the 60's, and the ensuing freakout from the general American population who would undoubtedly see this music as "Satanic"; and I can't help but marvel at how much musical tastes have changed over a few short decades. For people who say that there's no good music being made anymore, my response to you is that you're not looking hard enough.
100% this. They're never looking hard enough. But my God that's a glorious mental image both imagining Johnny Carson's intro and then reaction to these guys, and imagining all the "perfect" little families in their little suburban homes hearing this. Children crying, women screaming and fainting, men smashing their beer in indignation, grandma's clutching their bibles, but as they keep chanting and beating those drums, Johnny Carson and some of the viewers start ripping off their shirts and stomping around their living rooms while their children run in terror. Sorry I got a little carried away there lol
It's the cycle of culture-counterculture. I mean, you have actual satanic music published nowadays and nobody bats an eye. The soccer mums and their ilk have been the laughing stock of pop culture for decades. And it'll probably change again by 2050. Maybe we'll go evangelical once more. Maybe something completely different.
@@semaj_5022 at the end we are nothing but one people split into multiple tribes by geographical limitations, those limitations are being broken and we will become one people once again. I see this type of music not European or African or whatever, I see it as a universal language. Everyone can understand the emotions conveyed by this music.
I seriously am blown away by Maria's singing. When she's singing and holding those notes with the drums in the background my entire body gets goosebumps the hairs on my arms stand up my eyes get very watery and my breathing gets heavier. Not exaggerating I mean this literally. I see myself running in a field much like a wheat field on a sunny day gentle breeze blowing, everything seems in slow motion. I seriously feel different when I listen to them. As I've stated in others videos of this same concert. I feel so comfortable so relaxed. I feel a sense of familiarity something seems familiar and I can't explain it. I feel as if I'm remebering myself of a different life. I love this group. Maria has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard and is my favorite female singer. The male singers throat singing are very talented and as a whole they sing so well together
I know that band from years...and listened to this song for first time in a long time... the same reaction as yours. Something familiar....home...tears coming down, heavy breathing, sadness, power, just a blast of emotions...all kinds
maria's part in this is probably the most beautiful thing i have ever heard in my entire life. i've listened to this so many times and every time it feels like the first time hearing it. i have to literally stop whatever it is i'm doing and just let it go through me
Feeling the same way for the past few months. Incredibly depressed, been keeping myself locked up in room, and when Im outside, I stay away from everyone and keep headphones on. Been feeling really numb. This music has been helping a bit though.
To Corrupt Come, guest Tyr For this invocation I, the Rune Master, servant of Odin, call upon the one of the Sun to aid our army Ha Hu Hi He Ho He Hi Ha Hu
Wealth, Aurochs, Thorn, Divine Breath, Travel, Torch, Gift, Joy, Hail, Need, Ice, Harvest, Tree, Luck, Elk, Sun, Creator, Birch tree Horse, Man, Water, Fertility, Day, Home
Odin, prepare for battle! The title itself can be found in Mœso-Gothic Glossary from Anglo-Saxon as "In-Maidjan" which means "to change deceitfully" or "to corrupt". This makes sense since the entire story within Heilung's album consists of a peaceful village being corrupted by having to go to war. Therefore, Proto-Germanic seems to be the language this is from. "Harigasti Teiwa" is a Germanic reference to the Negau Helmet that contains various inscriptions including the words "harigasti teiwa(z)" which means "Harigast the priest". Though it could also mean "war god" since "hari" can be translated to war/warbringer, "gasti" as guest/person, and "teiwa(z)" as "god". Teiwa(z) (spelled as Tiwaz) is also the proto-Germanic name for the Norse God, Týr. For the sake of the song's theme, I went with "Come, guest Tyr" as this line was about invoking a God for war. Part of "Ek Erilaz Owlthuthewaz Niwaremariz Saawilagar Hateka Harja" can be found in the Lindholm Amulet where the line "ekerilazsa[w]ilagazhateka" or "Ek erilaz Sawilagaz haite'ka" is carved. Based on what wikipedia says about this: "This translates to "I am (an) erilaz (a rune master), I am called the wily" (or "I am called Sawilagaz). If the word in first line is translated as a name, Sawilagaz means "the one of the Sun (Sowilo)." If the word is translated as "the wily" or "crafty one" or "deceitful one," then it may be related to a byname of Odin or another god." We can use this to help translate. "Harja" from Anglo-Saxon means "army". "Ha Hu Hi He Ho He Hi Ha Hu" means nothing other than a chanting. The next bit are just names for Old Norse runes from the elder futhark, also known as the rune chant. They hold no particular meaning together in a sentence and instead are just supposed to be individual names. I did translate the runes in the chant based off their meanings but, again, did not put them into a sentence considering that that would be like trying to say the alphabet as a sentence. Note: certain runes (such as Ingwaz (Ing) and Perthro) can have slightly different translations based on the source. "Wuotani Ruoperath" seems to mean "Odin, prepare for battle" in Old High German. "Au Is Urki" (actually Alu Is Urki) can be heard in the last line of their last song "Hamrer Hippyer" where it means "May it be of help" or "may it heal/stop them" in Old Norse. Though i wasn't able to find anything on the other lines in the last bit, so I only translated Alu Is Urki.
It's always so exciting to see ppl use that "w" sound, not just Odin, cuz on my homelands ppl actually used V due to pronouncing differences and the name was pronounced as Vodin and literally meant a man who leads people, we still have the name Vadim which was flexed from it, sad thing is that ppl are just too lost to remember that
Now I finally understand why I liked to travel alone wondering in the woods at my childhood... true spirit of nature. It allways surround me some mystic ways and makes me calm.
The reason why everyone was so quiet was because we all were in a trance. I talked to people the next day and they all said it was the craziest thing I have ever experienced yet the best thing ever😍
I'm high enjoying this, but I saw this comment. It made me think of two tribes, Hellblade tribe and the Heilung tribe. You saying that sounds like what they would say if they came to visit them lmaooo.
I'm high enjoying this, but I saw this comment. It made me think of two tribes, Hellblade tribe and the Heilung tribe. You saying that sounds like what they would say if they came to visit them lmaooo.l
first time listening: its ok. second time listening : its good. third time listening: TAWOL ATHODUEK ERILAZ OWLTHUTHEWAZNIWAREMARIZ SAAWILAGARHATEKA HARJA
From all Heilung songs, I can sing this one back to end flawlessly (probably not, but I sure have had a lot of practice :D). This entire song, is an incredible breathing exercise. It requires long sustained breaths, especially the chant, but it's a great way to oxygenate your body. In that sense alone, they are true to their name. Such wonderful souls
Some good mushrooms and it will be the trippiest thing on the planet! I know the northmen did them all the time! That’s how the got to the berserker state when fighting!
Ever since i found this group it became my favorite. The sound is just fucking amazing! The way they present is so raw and ancient-like. Hail from Brazil!
@@maykmaciel2552 cara, to uns 3 anos atrasado pra te responder kkk Conheco Wardruna, Skald, Einar Selvik e alguns outros, e sao muito bons, mas nao possuem essa mesma potencia, infelizmente
No matter how many times I listen to this, I'm always caught off guard by how visceral and raw it is. The crowd cheering definitely adds to the atmosphere of the song, and Maria Franz's heavenly voice sounds so much better live. The studio recording is great, don't get me wrong, but this performance definitely amplifies the song to the next level. It's absolutely incredible.
@sninctbur3726: Hi! You really should check out 'Khusugtun, Asia's Got Talent'. They are a Mongolian ensemble with an intro that'll make your hair stand on end.
@@moonstenebrocity that's because they were using Wardruna's music, which is similar to heilung, I'm happy with both bands taking their spot on respective seasons
There is something about Heilung that makes me feel better. Coming from someone who has suffered depression for years now. Every time I've felt really low, their music helps bring me back. Amazing :-)
Makes sense the group's name means healing in German. I listen to this and their other songs on my drives home when I've had a stressful day. It really helps.
Listening to them always makes me feel like we've all strayed too far from where we are supposed to be as animals, and the what we've done to the world is unforgivable. That I'm not supposed to be sitting at my computer in a room on the third story of a concrete building, in an urban sprawl with no real wilderness for a hundred miles around me, and working at a job I hate day in and day out. It makes me feel like there has to be more to life than this
Thats exactly the same shit im thinking about. Who needs money and time and making technology that grows cancer. We call ourself human, but were still animals, and every animal should life in the nature
I think the problem is we build us a cage with money and time, i meant the sort of time:" you have to be at your job again in 12 hours."- no, the only thing i have to do is looking for some food for the day, thats it. And i think if we could pass this cage we wouldnt feel like "there should be mor like this in life"
Ya know.. I was just thinking about how everytime I attempt to listen to a mere 12 and a half minutes, there's like 2-3 ads.! Wtf!? TH-cam must know that there is power in Galdr, and don't want us hearing this in it's entirety w/o interruptions..
Side Effects of Heilung include: spear making, beard growth in men, a feeling of power and a warrior spirit in women. If the urge to strip naked and howl at the moon lasts for more than 3 hours consult your local shaman.
Nah, they're in ceremony. Send a night raid while they're busy. Stealth is key. Send the rest of the legion to encircle. Maybe more of them will die then us.
At this point I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve rewatched this video, and still, every single time I’m enraptured. After seeing them live every time I hear their music it just feels 10 times more powerful.
ok I have to express utter admiration as a classically trained musician here: When they're singing the main verse (aka the Elder Futhark rune names) they're singing it in 7/4 DO YOU KNOW HOW DIFFICULT IT IS TO PLAY/SING ANYTHING IN 7/4????? these guys REALLY know their stuff!!!!
in every really lifting and communicating harmony and rythm, i've always noticed that they used an odd number as a base. pair numbers are boring in music.
I want to stress just how good this sounds for a live recording. Everyone is just playing their part perfectly and its mixed so well. Whatever crew you guys have touring with you know what they are doing and I hope to see you guys live one day just to experience this in person.
I had the opportunity to go to Scandinavian countries and all my trip I listened to Heilung, this song specially during my navigation through the Gudvangen Fjord I had my headphones & this master piece, it was like to be connected to the nature and ancient days, magically lived this song ❤
Seriously unearthly. The beginning reminds me of a swan call. I wonder if she is really channeling an animal. (Which is what Sámi Shamans would do in a trance)
The entire experience is next level powerful and Maria's vocals from 7:44 are like another dimension altogether. Those who saw this live were truly blessed. Thanks so much for sharing this powerful musical experience.
So here I was watching the game awards, all hyped up for the new games being anounced and stuff and phil spencer anounces the new xbox and a new game made by ninja theory... and then senua shows up on screen and then THIS starts playing and senua singing the words... i couldnt care less about everything shown after this games trailer! i kept saying WTF just happened??? easily one of my favourite games is getting a sequel and theyre using Heilung for the soundtrack???? ive played heilung and lifa over and over and over again in my car for the past year! cant get enough of this! WOW!
@@Getnodrama wach word represents a rune. We named this runic system "futhark" after first sounds of first words on the list. Fehu, Uruz, THurisaz, etc. Think if this as one badass alphabet song.
You ever hear something that resonates deep within the forgotten realms of your soul? As if waking from a slumber in recognition of something long forgotten. That is how this makes me feel. Down to my bones.
Listening to this always strengthens my resolve when I’m down. Something about the energy of this is just so lifegiving in a very ancient animalistic sense.
Even though I am an Indian, but listening to Heilung makes me feel more related to them. It's like the music brings out a primal nature inside you which you can feel more related to.
i am a filipino my maharlikha spirit is resurrecting i hope my country bring back our pre-colonial music, culture that is lost because of spanish occupation of Philippines
I have Aztec roots from my mother's side, and Nordic culture is probably the second "ancient" culture that really speak to me after my own, in my mind, Central/South American tribes and the nordic people have always sort of felt like kindred spirits despite living on almost opposite sides of the world
A friend recommended this song to me, I never thought that a simple song can put you in a trance so fast, this song gives me enormous warmth from inside and I don't understand why, and I can't stop listening to this song, I think this song is addictive ,is curious i think.
Be proud of your roots, in the end we came all from the same. I'm a Native German and I'm proud, we have all a powerfull past, we just have to remember Liebe, Hoffnung, Dankbarkeit
My 5 year old nephew just grew the manliest beard when he walked in and heard this playing on my speakers. It took a mere 2 seconds and suddenly he was wielding an axe
All of the words they sing in this song have amazing stories behind them, but I'm writing this comment to share the story of the rune Sowilō which can be heard in the middle of the chant. You the reader probably already know what this word means on an intuitive level, but just to make sure, it's Sun, or Saule if you're latvian, or солнце if you're russian, or sol if you're portuguese or słońce if you're a polack, etc. Every slavic person, every anglo-saxon or germanic person, most Europeans like French, Spanish, Greek, whatever for this matter will see their word for "sun" in Sowilō if they try hard enough. It's an ancient word indeed. But it is young compared to the original. Before Sowilo was born, there was only one sun for all of our ancestors, and it was called Sóhwl̥ in the common tongue of the Indo-European nomads. Take a break from whatever you are doing right now and spare a thought or two on this matter. Try to remember that we all are brothers and sisters under one sun. Just like our words, our traditions, our gods, our morals, our ways of life evolved from a single common seed. Carve its image into your mind and your heart, live by its calling. Reflect on it next time you deal with your brother or sister and treat them as such. It is never too late. You have the power to change yourself and the world around you for the better!
Very true Artyom. It makes me think how family and relationships meant more to our ancestors than it does to us now. Perhaps we have forgotten something throughout our centuries under the same sun.
I didn’t even connect the different entomologies and their Indo-European origin! I really wish that civilization wasn’t essentially erased from history.
This music takes away my fear of going outside, staying inside for days, so much so that I am actually coming to see you live next January, which for me in a crowd that size will be a huge achievement for me, I don't even like getting on a bus lol. I feel stronger mentally. May the God's bless you and all the Heilung Tribe.
Scandinavian and German Pre-Christian culture is very, very similar. I love those old pagan songs so much! I am originally from east asia and a lot, especially music and their beat reminds me also of mongolian folklore. Absolutely stunning!
Pre-Christian Scandinavians and Germans were just different tribes from the same people. They had the same culture, language and religion. That's why they are so similar.💪
@@EpicMania18 Well yes, because Germanic and Celtic people have the same ancestry. But as Germanics, Scandinavians and Germans are more similar in culture, while the Celtic people developed an own culture independently.
@@simonpantermuller6997 I still find it interesting that you can still see the shared traits in all of them. I guess it also makes sense due to the Nordic influences as per the vikings.
Being somebody with Germanic, Nordic, and Anglo-Saxon root in my family tree, I love this music. I feel it connects me with my ancestors more than anything else.
Desde que encontré a Heilung, Wardruna, A Tergo Lupi, Gealdýr.. Mi vida ha ido mejorando poco a poco, estoy agradecido de haber hallado este tipo de música, le da presencia y esencia al espíritu, lo que habita en nosotros.. Gracias 🕸️ Saludos desde la Tierra de la Mitad, Ecuador 🇪🇨
*Katame Kothriis posted this four months ago on another video and I felt so happy about knowing this that I just had to copy it here. Katame incase your post is here already you now are here twice. Thank you!* This song is actually a hymn for the god Tyr, who is the God of War and Justice. This is essentially a war chant, something said by the rune master as a sort of blessing over the warriors who are about to fight. They are saying *"Tawol Athodu Ek Erilaz Owlthuthewaz Niwaremariz Saawilagar Hateka Harja"* which means "I, the Rune Master, servant of Odin, call upon the one of the Sun to aid our army". The second part of the chant are the runes themselves which are elements of nature. The chant is as follows: *"Fehu Uruz Thurisaz Ansuz Raidho Kenaz Gebo Wunjo Hagal Naudhiz Isa Jera Eihwaz Perthro Algiz Sowelu Tiwaz Berkano Ehwaz Mannaz Laguz Ingwaz Dagaz Othala"* believe it or not they are actually speaking in old norse/futhark. The specific dialect is an older version of Icelandic which in itself is the closest to old Norse. Also, most of the vocalisations are meant to sound animalistic, as norse beliefs and Seiður magic have strong connections with animals and nature.
.. ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚲ ᚷ ᚹ ᚺ ᚾ ᛁ ᛃ ᛈ ᛇ ᛉ ᛊ ᛏ ᛒ ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛜ ᛞ ᛟ Fehu Uruz Thurisaz Ansuz Raidho Kenaz Gebo Wunjo Hagal Naudhiz Isa Jera Eihwaz Perthro Elhaz Sowilo Tiwaz Berkano Ehwaz Mannaz Laguz Ingwaz Dagaz Othala *(As originally posted by Raze in a comment which i found very helpful in learning to sing along and learn the runes. Runes spaced out for ease of learning. Thank you Raze!)*
Prehistoric drums were often meant to simulate the beating of a heart. It’s how many cultures were able to attain trance and ecstasy states. It’s not just audibly grounding but physically as well, with the vibrations of the drums and dancing of feet.
I was fortunate to be a part of a Heilung crowd this summer. It was different from every other show I've ever seen. An absolutely remarkable experience.
I've been without my anti depressants for over a week now, I was starting to feel the worst I've felt in a while and yesterday I discovered Heilung and I don't even feel like I need them anymore, this music fills you with such a sense of power, strength and confidence. I adore this.
Got to see them in Greensboro this week and this was their opener. Words cannot express how the roof of that place tore fucking OFF once those drums started. Absolutely insane, mind-bending amounts of energy.
I discovered this band while lying in the hospital after breast cancer surgery. Dark room. Alone. In pain. Headphones and iPhone. Listened to everything I could find-for hours. Felt stronger. Alive. A warrior. Makes sense Heilung means cure, healing.
Continue your worthy battle! Stay strong warrior!
Heilung helps me a lot, the trance they induce me reduces a lot my depression
And a wish for heilung to you
Stay strong, Shieldmaiden!
Get well soon Michele
Whoever put ads in the middle of this song deserves the blood eagle.
Get ad-block extension for Chrome. Easy as that.
addblock proteccs
If you skip to the end then press replay there wont be any ads
@@moistcr1tikalsfifthtesticl952 holy shit thx
It's actually youtube who has the video monetized but they didn't put any ads and YT's algorythim is doing everything.
Source? Well, I listened two times to this video in two different times of the day. What happened was that I got first an ad at the end and the second time an ad at the beginning.
I'm boycotting every business that interupts this masterpiece.
It's TH-cam.
Stop giving TH-cam money with your eyes. get Adblock.
I agree it takes the piss.
@@itchykami addblock actually stops working ...it throws errors instead of ads and freezes up the video
Scroll to the end of the video, then hit replay, ads dissappear
The song's title can be found in the Mesogothic Anglo-Saxon glossary as "In-Maidjan", which means "deceptively change" or "corrupt". This makes sense since the entire story within the album consists of a peaceful village that is corrupted by having to go to war. Therefore, Proto-Germanic seems to be the language.
Harigasti Teiwa Harigasti Teiwa "is a clear Germanic reference to the Negau helmet. This helmet contains several Etruscan alphabet inscriptions that include the words" Harigasti teiwa which are the first words of the song. This could be translated as Harigast (the priest) although it could also mean, the priest of Teiwaz (Tyr). "Harigast" is often (not always) seen as a personal name and that it could be made up of the words "harjaz" (army, troop, warband, war) and gastiz (stranger, guest). The forms "Hari" and "gast" is particularly found in west-germanic. As such the name could mean "war guest" or "foreign army".
Tawol Athodu - I accept the invitation.
Ek Erilaz - I am a runemaster. The word has been interpreted to mean magician or runemaster. The word is an ablaut variant of count and it is believed that it could be linguistically related to the name of the tribe of the Heruli or Herulos. The Heruli were a Germanic tribe from Scandinavia that was invaded by the Roman Empire in the 3rd century. So it is probably simply an old military title of Germanic provenance.
Owlthuthewaz - owlthu (glorious) thewaz (servant). Means servant of the glorious
Niwaremariz - Priest of the god "Ullr" / famous, renowned. From the proto-Germanic term Wulþuz (glory) wolþu- is possibly a reference to a God, surely the God Ullr.
Saawilagar Hateka - My name is Sawilagaz.
Harja - Army - leader of the army; commander; Warrior
Wuotani Ruoperath Wuotani - Oh, Wodan! Ruoperath - famous and brilliant.
This could be interpreted as the following:
I, Priest Harigast.
Aaccept the invitation (to battle)
I am the Heruli.
I am a renowned priest of Ullr.
They call me Warrior.
Oh, Wodan the famous and brilliant!
The next chant are the names of the 24 Norse runes of the Elder Futhark. This is also known as runic song.
Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz,
Raidho, Kenaz, Gebo, Wunjo,
Hagal, Naudhiz, Isa, Jera,
Eihwaz, Perthro, Algiz, Sowelu,
Tiwaz, Berkano, Ehwaz, Mannaz,
Laguz, Ingwaz, Dagaz, Othala.
In English:
Wealth, Aurochs, Thorn, Divine Breath,
Travel, Torch, Gift, Joy,
Hail, Need, Ice, Harvest,
Tree, Luck, Elk, Sun,
Creator, Birch tree, Horse, Man,
Water, Fertility, Day, Home.
Odin, prepare for battle!
A hug.
Thanks for the whole explanation!!!
Awesome, thanks ❤
Underrated comment. This analysis is amazing! Many thanks. 🖤
To The Top Sir!
Молодец 😊
This isn't a concert
This is a bloody experience
You got that right. I’m a veteran of lots of concerts over 45 years and I saw them in January 2020 and walked away feeling like I saw something that felt quite different. It was totally enthralling.
Heilung don't do concerts they do rituals... Their words... ;)
It's a ritual invocation, the entire thing
Can confirm!
Christus oder Satan...
Satan weiß den ganzen Erdkreis zu verführen
Normally I hate live recordings because I feel the cheering is always interrupting the music. But here? It feels so organic like they're singing it at a bonfire and there's a massive crowd dancing all around hooting and hollering. This sounds, by far, MUCH better than the studio recording. This one emanates raw, unconstrained power. And I love it.
Even excluding every possible crowd noise - the live recordings themselves sound a lot better than their studio output.
I was worried this being live would butcher the atmosphere, but honestly, I can absolutely see myself putting this in the background for D&D
I bet that's what they were aiming for in their music. They're trying to show history with their music, and you didn't have fancy recording studios and computer editing 2000 years ago in the forests of Gaul or Germania. You had your tribe and the shaman. And the occasional human sacrifice.
I feel as though this music was meant to be played live. I get goosebumps every time!
Don't know if that's your kind of music but.. you gotta try the live performances of Blind Guardian. Especially "The Bards Song" and "Valhalla"
Imagine being a Roman legionnaire. Sitting in your camp waiting for a battle the next day and you hear this in the distance but sung with a chorus of 100,000 voices. In the trees. In the dark. Far. Far from home. Dudes had balls.
Romans probably didn't mind too much, probably found a lot of comfort in being the massively superior fighting force, also there would probably not be 100,000, "barbarian" tribes generally had a hard time working together and generally avoided the legions in pitched battle in favor of quick strikes on vulnerable Roman cohorts or columns
Dave Darcy whew way to kill the mood haha
@@peachieos9477 ha, sorry, I got my masters in ancient history and kinda love to dig in whenever i get the opportunity, sometimes end up writing an accidental novel
No the Romans would have been absolutely terrified. The Germanic tribes were notorious for their cruelty and the terror they ensued in the legions. Imagine being a member of the legions in Teutoburg Forest, after the initial assault, the legion was split. Many ended up in the swampy areas of the forest and were hunted like prey by the Germanic tribes.
@@DGDarcy If you were a major in history then you'd know they would be terrified.
Maria's voice is so pure and otherworldly, this isn't a concert...this is literally Heilung taking us back in time
vicar amelia*
@@shastacat9632 eh?
when she really gets cranking it up around 9:00, jesus, chills
It is what the band name sais: Heilung. Thats "Healing" in english. Heilung for the soul.
@@shastacat9632 i never expected to see a bloodborne reference here but i’m happy i did
The Elder Futhark rune alphabet chant @3:53 mark:
ᚠ - f - Fehu
ᚢ - u - Ūruz
þ - þurisaz
ᚨ - a - Ansuz
ᚱ - r - Raidō
ᚲ - k - Kenaz or Kauną
ᚷ - g - Gebō
ᚹ - w - Wunjō
ᚺ - h - Hagall (Old Norse*in the chant) Hag(a)laz (reconstructed Proto-Germanic)
ᚾ - n - Nuadiz
ᛁ - i - Isa (Old Norse*in the chant) Isaz (Proto-Germanic)
ᛃ - j - Jēra
ᛇ - ï/æ - īwaz / ēwaz
ᛈ - p - Perþō
ᛉ - z - Algiz
ᛊ / ᛋ - s - Sōwilō
ᛏ - t - Tiwaz
ᛒ - b - Berkanan (Berkano*in the chant)
ᛖ - e - Ehwaz
ᛗ - m - Mannaz
ᛚ - l - Laguz
ᛜ / ᛝ - ŋ (ng) - Ingwaz
ᛞ - d - Dagaz
ᛟ - o - Ōþala
I thought I heard Dagaz, and thought Awakening has begun.
So they're just singing the ABC's? LOL
@@TepesEdi more or less
The ABCs but the children go to war
That vocal solo of Maria Franz is one of the most hauntingly beautiful things I’ve ever heard in music, across all songs and genres. The instrumentals backing her are an absolute perfect fit. That whole part of the song just puts me into a trance every time.
Now you know where the various legends of sirens come from.
Some of the things she does with her voice are like what kids do when they are just mumbling to themselves. Its like they are normal human sounds but language and social norms discourage them.
it is called kulning or herding calls🙂
I get goosebumps every time!
Wow.....that has got to be THE single most beautiful sound I ever heard.
Listened to this while shaving. Sacrificed myself to the gods.
Listened to this while shaving, my beard grew longer instead.
So I take it you got a cut on your face XD
7:24 When you apply aftershave over cuts.
Odin sacrificed himself to himself on the branches of Yggdrasil.
That’s why I don’t shave
I’m not dying until I see Heilung live.
I'm not dying after I see Heilung so I can see them again (September!!!!)
Can you imagine the amount of work that goes into memorizing an hours worth of an ancient language that you dont speak?
Not that difficult. I'm a Hindu who doesn't know Sanskrit.
The vast majority of Hindus don't understand Sanskrit.
@Castle Smith Yeah they do alot of rune chants i think so to the untrained mind these powerful sounds might sound made up
It's Elder Futhark, a lot of Norse Pagans know at least some of the language, and from 3:55 to 7:15, they're literally just singing the alphabet, so......
Victoria Kenny it sounds scary to the christians but its just the runic alphabet.
yes...I can imagine...been trying to learn Norse...."d o e s n o t c o m p u t e" I think it would be easier to learn German at this point and then try Norse...
Whoever put ads in the middle of this deserves to have wet socks for the rest of their life
I could stand them at the very start and the very end but ruining the flow by putting them in the middle of ANYTHING music related is fucked up.
Woah dude, settle down
true, it shouldn't interrupt a full MV like this
Mad Lad .. and the worst curses that i ever hear
I see loads of people complaining about new people comming because of hellblade, but i have been a folk metal listener for 3 years and just now discovered the band because of hellblade, new people are enjoying not because is some kind of trend, but because the band is really good.
All that matters is you like it.
Haven't seen anyone complaining, just a lot of love from everyone.
that's a great attitude to have. really ignorant of me but i never even heard folk metal before! could you recommend any good bands to check out?
@@TheBeastInBlack thanks Nicky i'll have a look.
I hope this kind of music never dies. This is our roots and it doesn't matter who you are, this music makes you feel something. It's something old and ancient but you feel it in you and it brings people together, especially with nature.
Bold of you to assume i have roots. *joke
I agree bud
it does matter who you are.
We our Europeans, it is ours.
Not everyone, apparently. My mom finds it creepy and weird, and my dad just thinks is "Viking Music" so that's the only reason he even gave it a chance. He doesn't see it as history but more like those modern "viking style" songs that may not even have a tie to the culture. It feels like im the only one in my family that feels anything about it.
In our current timeline, its politically incorrect for whyte Europeans to acknowledge their own history or claim anything is exclusively theirs. Our ancestors' ancient symbols were banned after WWII, our statues and monuments desecrated, and we can't even celebrate the accomplishments of our forefathers without giving credit to the third world, as if they played a role in creating western civilization. Reject the globalists' propaganda and their prescription for diversity, equity, and inclusion. It's okay to love your people, to feel a connection. This is love speech, not hate speech lol.
Lyrics expanded or why I love this song.
1. *harigasti teiva*
This inscription was found on one of the so called Negau helmets, written in Etruscian alphabet (there are some conspicuous similarities to the runic alphabet!). Dated back ca. 350 BC - 200 BC, though the inscription is younger, still these may be in fact the earliest attested resp. oldest known words written in Germanic at all! Yet there is something odd about their appearance: As obvious as Harigasti matches the reconstructed Germanic compounds _Harja-gastiz_ , therefore read as the name of the helmets owner, it's hard to avoid the fact that such personal name never became widely used, no Gothic Harigasts, no Old Norse Hárgastr or Hergestr, no Old English Heregiest, only once at least there were few persons named Herigast in Old High/Low German.
Although Harigasti represents the first sound shift (Grimm's law) in a seemingly finished state, yet around 120 BC the names of the Cimbri and Teutones still appear in a reverse shape when romanized Chimbri and Theudones should be expected - therefore still provoking tempestuous debates today. The most logical opinion may be the Romans received both names via Celtic transmission. because solving their linguistic inconsistency by labeling them just as Celtic tribes (utterly ignoring what some Roman authors stated) doesn't simply work. Wandering southward they raided other Germanic and Celtic tribes as they also confederated with Celtic tribes, e.g. their leader's name _Boiorix_ (Celt. _Boio-rîkos, Boio-rîx_ > Germ. _Boio-rîkaz_ ) obviously traces back to the Boii they met in nowadays Bohemia (lat. _Boiohaemum_ = actually a loanword brought to Romans by Germanic tongue, meaning homeland of the Celtic Boii, a compound of Celtic _Boio-_ > Germ. _*Baia-haima_ ). And the Cimbric name _Gaesorix_ appears latinized for Celt. _Gaiso-rîkos, Gaiso-rîx_ which in turn might have been a celtisized form of Germ. _Gaiza-rîkaz_ (Goth. _Gaisarîks_ = Geiseric)
Nevertheless, ancient scholars considered them both Teutones and Cimbri to be Germanic, aside the fact, that some labeled the Jutlandic peninsula (Jylland) as „chersonesus cimbrica“ resp. Greek „kimbrikè chersónesos“ = „Cimbrian peninsula“. I know, far off topic: it's overall important for this matter to mention both Danish regions Himmersyssel (older: _Himbersysæl_ ) and Thyland (older: _Thythæsysæl_ ), whether some Celto-philes like it or not. Tracing back to Proto-Germanic stems _himbra-_ and _þeudana-_
2. *Tawo-laþodu*
Bracteate II 189 near Trollhättan (Västergötland) between 200-600 CE read:
_tawô laþôdu_
„(I) prepared (the) invitation“
could be taken as a funny reference for this song itself: „Let's get the party started“
3. *ek erilaz*
„I the Earl “ (the Heruli tribe to *Erula/*Erila? Otherwise they belong to _heru-_ )
Northwest-Germanic _erilaz / erilaR_ a title found on a few inscriptions that continues in Old Norse _jarl_ . See Old English _eorl_ (some may think of the „Eorlingas“ = the ones descending of Eorl, in LOTR) where in Modern English „earl“ is still used.
Goth. _„ik airils (irils?)“_
OHG. _„ih erl“_
OE. _„ic eorl“_
4. *owlþuþewaz - niwajemariz*
Thorsberg chape ca. 200 CE read:
_„Wolþu- = Wulþu-þêwaz, ni-waije-mâriz“_
„Wulþuz-thew“ „*not-woe-mere“
= Servant of Ullr / *Wuldor - the not bad famous one = the renowned one“
Goth. _„Wulþus-þius, ni-wai-mêris“_
OHG. _„Wuldar-dio, ni-wê-mâri“_
OE. _„Wuldor-þeo, ni-weo-mǣre“_
5.(ek erilaz) *sawilagaz haiteka*
Lindholm amulet around 200/300 CE read:
first interpretation:
_„Ek erilaz - sa Wilagaz haiteka“_
„I (the) earl - the wily hote-I“ (the keen/deceitful I'm called)
O.N. _„Ek jarl - sa Vílagr heitek“_
Goth. _„Ik airils (irils) - sa Weilags haitik“_ (ik haito)
OHG. _„Ih erl - der Wîlago heizzih“_ (ih heizzu)
OE. _„Ic eorl - se Wîliga hâtic“_ (ic hâte)
second interpretation:
_„Ek erilaz - Sawilagaz haiteka“_
„I (the) earl - Sawilagaz hote-I“ 1. = Sunny / 2. Saiwilagaz? = Souly
ON _„Ek jarl - Sólagr heitek“_
Goth. _„Ik airils (irils) - Sunnaga (Sauilaga) haitik“_ / _ Saiwalaga haitik_
OHG. _„Ih erl - Sunnago (*Sôligo?) heizzih“_ / _Sêlago heizzih_
OE. _„Ic eorl - Sunniga (*Sôliga?) hâtic“_ / _Sæliga hâtic_
6. *harja*
Vimose comb 120 CE, probably the oldest known inscription in Elder Futhark. As in Harigasti,the element was commonly used adressing a warrior. Especially the large data we have from personal names. In the first century a Batavian named _Chariovalda_ , he bore one of the most common Germanic names: Hariwald, Harald, Heralt, Herold, Harold etc.
7. *fehu ûruz þurisaz ansuz raido kênaz…*
The reconstructed names of the runes in their supposed Proto-Germanic shape based on early manuscripts written around the 8th and 9thcentury containig runic alphabets, also found on the Frankish-German continent, many of them trace back to an Anglo-Saxon origin, like the Isruna-Manuscript (9th century, St. Gallen, Cod. Sangg. 270) influenced by Old High German, another list of Anglo-Saxon runes was found in the Alcuin-MS. (8th / 9th century, Vienna, Cod. Vind. 795), followed by the one time only attested names of the Gothic letters on the back of the same folio. Also the Hrabanic-Runes (the monk Hrabanus Maurus, his OHG name Hraban literaly means Raven) or so called Marcomannic Runes, which are still a mystery, partially influenced by Anglo-Saxon runes, they may be in fact remnants of the otherwise unknown continental Germanic tradition (Suebic>Alemannic/Frankish) of the pre-Christian era. Examples of just a few mythological names we will clearly recognize:
- aza (Goth. ans / anza > âza?) Alcuin Gothic / _anseis_ plural in Jordani Getica
- os (O.E. ôs) Alcuin A-S / Isruna _oos_ / plural dative _êsa_ in the Lacnunga: Wið færstice
- ans (OHG. ans) cf. names Ansberaht, Ansgêr, Anshelm, Ansolf etc.
- as (Proto-Norse *ans- > O.N. áss) s. Edda
- tyz (goth. *Teiws [*Tîws] > *Tius) Alcuin Gothic
- ti (O.E. Tîw) Alcuin A-S / Isruna / cf. tîwesdæg = tuesday
- ziu (OHG. Zîw > Ziu) Hraban Marcomannic Runes / cf. *zîwestac > zîestac = Zeistag
- tyr (Proto-Norse *TiwaR > *TiuR > O.N. Týr) s. Edda / plural _tívar_ = gods / týsdagr > tisdag
Ingwaz (cf. Ingvaeones)
- enguz (Goth. *Iggws read *Ingws > *Ingus)
- ing (O.E. Ing) s. _frea ingwina_ in Beowulf (Ingwina-Frea)
- ing (O.N. Yngvi, Ing-) s- Ingvy-Freyr
- ing, inc (OHG. Ing) cf. names Ingberaht, Inghild, Ingmâr, Ingolf
8.**wuotani ruoperath* (th ht)
I've never heard of these words, first I thought the only reference to connect both components at least might have been commented in Grimm's Deutsche Mythologie (Teutonic Mythology), even there no signs are given.
We know, there is a mythological figure named Ruprecht in Germany (in Tyrol/Austria also kown as Krampus). Old High German _„Hruodberaht / Hruodbperaht > Ruodberht, Ruodbreht“_ (Rubrecht, Ruprecht / Rubert, Rupert, Robert … OE _Hrôþbeorht_ > Robert) both elements of _Ruprecht_ O.H.G „(h)ruod“ + „beraht“ mean the „famous+bright“ one (bright=shining, glory) and are often considered to be attributes, based on a pre-Christian figure, likely _Wuotan_ himself, s. The Wild Hunt in the Alemannic terms Wüetisheer/Wuetesheer (O.H.G _Wuotanes heri_ > NHG _Wutens Heer_ ) an army of dead/ghosts lead by Wuotan (Wodan) during the nights after Christmas, with a link to the so called _Perchtenläufe_ in Bavarian/Alpine regions. Also a faint look at the hypothetical Bavarian goddess „Perchta“ next to the term Rauhnächte for the Twelfth Night (OHG _rûh-nahti_ = etym. _rough nights_ ), _Rûh-perchta_ obviously implies „ _Ruodperht_ “ = „Ruprecht“ . Certainly it shouldn't be attached to much importance on it, even if there were connections, but one cannot deny it is incredible eye-catching (!!!) - So, whether these words „Wuotani ruoperaht“ do exist or not, it's most likely to read in a vocative case „Oh, Wuotan (the) famous and bright one“, but wuotan-i could also suggest a dativ case "(to) Wuotan, the famous and bright one ", depending on the virtue of the piece of metal or stone this inscription was written.
About the spelling of Wodan, Wotan, Wuotan etc. in short:
_Wuotan_ is the actual standardized and seldom attested Old High German form next to the earlier _Wôdan_ (the oldest known evidence of the name, the runic inscription of the Nordendorf fibula _„wodan“_ in the 6th century, Paulus Diaconus Historia Langobardorum _„uuotan, uuodan_ ). Even _uuodan_ in the Merseburger Charms has to be read as uuuodan (Wuodan) actually, Germanic ô appears completely diphthongized throughout both charms! Cf. place names as found in the Breviarium St. Lulli _wuodensberg / wuodaneshusun / wuoteneshusun_ .
Compare the unattested Old Low Franconian (Old Dutch) „Wuodan“ (hence _Woeden_ in _Woensdag_ )
In the late Middle Ages the so called Nachtsegen mentions a _wutan_ and _wutanes her_ , a rather mysterious piece written in a form of dialect older than the mansucript itself, the supposed Middle German dialect is indicated by the reducing of O.H.G and M.H.G „uo“ to the monophthong u, as it then became a main feature of the standardized spelling of New High German ( _wuotan_ > _Wuten_ cf. guot > gut) unlike Upper German dialects, where we still speak the diphthong ( _Wueten_ - see Alemannic: _Wuete_ < _Wuetesheer, Wüetisheer_ , in my own dialect it would be _Wuata_ ).Though as it seems common sense, the modern usage of „Wotan“ has to be nothing more than a created spelling by Wagner, one may not forget the Langobardic „wotan“.
Woah, slow down there professor! Let me get some popcorn first.
Where'd you learn all this anyway?
every time I set this video on to listen I read this post again and learn something new from it- thank you so much for posting the background on the lyrics!
Kinda wish that @Heilung would pin it actually so it doesn't get buried and people can use it as a reference for their further research. Also- just have to say I absolutely use the runic invocation to help me learn and remember the furthark and while it's been said many a time before- it is *the* best ABC song ever.
Scandinavian linguistics major / phd?
Neither of them. At the age of 14 (2001) when I fell in love with the ancient Germanic history, I did a rather amateurish presentation for my school class, a sketchy outline about the history of German and its dialectal variety. Since then, almost every day, I think and work about the question, how the German (Alemannic-Swabian) spoken in my hometown might have sounded, especially during the Old High German period and further back in time, yet, to be honest and moreover realistic, it's even not quite sure, what the vernacular just around 1500 exactly sounded. My comment had no other purpous, than to show the meaning of the words in a lose/vage common Germanic context, although, often, I start to get nitpicking, when I read names as Donar and Odin placed next to each other or vice versa Thor and Woden. Of course, there was never such a thing, as a common cultural spirit in the mind of Germanic tribes, otherwise we wouldn't have to read about "hundreds" of different tribal names fighting and confederating with each other throughout the centuries. On the one hand, it may be assumed, the actual Viking culture represented a more or less untouched Germanic culture in the 8th century, whereas the Anglo-Saxon and Frankish-German areas were heavily influenced by the Romano-Celtic world centuries ago until the christianization had the final impact. On the other hand though, at some early point around the Great Migration and before, the Norse culture already diverged from the south, the cultural sphere on the Scandinavian peninsula experienced a different fate, it could be argued, that the North Germanic (Scandinavian) branch was cut off the continent, thus, the Jutes and former tribes of the Jutlandic peninsula originally were Ingvaeonic (West Germanic) until the Dani (Danes) came from modern Sjælland. The major problem is, the linguistic evidence on this topic isn't clear enough, in our recent decades the predecessor of Old Norse, Proto-Norse got almost synonymous with the model of the so called Northwest Germanic branch, grouping the North and the West Germanic languages by shared features (s/z > r rhotacism / lowering of Germanic ê to â : *swêƀa- > *swâƀa-) in opposition to the East Germanic branch (represented by Gothic and very little traces of Vandalic and Burgundian) which didn't underwent those changes, yet, it is not quite sure, if Gothic and Vandalic were completely unproductive about umlauts, after the Gothic bible translation by Wulfila, during the following centuries attested names as well as the mentioned Gothic alphabet by Alcuin show yet small but exisiting hints. Well, I lose myself again ;-) - I just wanted to be clear on the linguistic level, nevertheless, my methods are amateurish, actually, a lot of details and connections I had to withdraw. Far too often, the Germanic and Norse cultures are mingled without the actual context of time. Sure, I like to recreate mythological names attested in the Edda in their supposed West Germanic resp. German form, but that's just fun, because we don't know, if a Suebi around the first century BC believed in the nine worlds. Although, the belief in the idea of a divine triad was stated by Tacitus.
Mannus (*Mannuz/*Mannaz) father of men/humans (cf. in Hinduism Manu), son of the earth-born
Tuisco/Tuisto (the remaining copies of Taciti Germania show both variants, the proximity of both graphs t and c in older manuscripts makes it impossible to say, which reading should be regarded as the original. Tuisco/Tuisto, the hermaphroditic entity (1. from *Tîwisko sing. neut. the "divine being" relating to Tîwaz name | 2. to the root twist- or twisk-, cf. Engl. twist, (be)tween, betwain resp. O.E. *tweosc > (be)tweox, compare Germ. "zwischen", speaking for its dualistic nature). The three sons of Mannus are seen in the names of Istvaeones/Iscvaeones, Ingvaeones and Erminones.
*Ermanaz / *Erminaz = The Great One
*Ingwaz, the actual meaning remains unsure, some speculate an ablaut (gradation) to the *ang- stem (Angli, Angri)
*Istwaz? / *Iskwaz?, a name that didn't survive, thus, no logical interpretation can be given.
If we might neglect other unnamed sons of Mannus, the three main examples could be regarded synonymous
with the mythological triad as in the Norse mythology, even their alliterating nature (Ing-, Ist/Isk-, Erm-/Irm-) is echoing 1000 years later through Óðinn (Wôđinaz), Vili (Wiljo), Vé (Wîha[n]), a rather particular fact that has to be pointed out.
People who knew Heilung before Hellblade, good for you
People who discovered Heilung thanks to Hellblad, good for you, too!
We are all brothers and sisters!!
No we are not
@@Nobrain_videos then fuck off from here
@@Nobrain_videos If you are so upset about the motto of Heilung you better leave quickly.
>"Remember that we all are brothers
All people, beasts, tree and stone and wind
We all descend from the one great being
That was always there
Before people lived and named it
Before the first seed sprouted"
@@amitabhp666 I don't give shit
@@gpapenburg1737 I'm not upset... I'm not ur brother
I worked at a used bookstore, and one of our regulars is a guy about 65 or so who is a music fanatic. Any style, any era, he will listen to it. He has stories of meeting every band you've ever heard of from the 60s and 70s when they passed though Cleveland. My wife and I love trying new music, and he came in one day and handed her a piece of paper with "Heilung: LIFA" on it. She said she would listen to it later on lunch break. He quickly held up his hand.
"No." You have to watch the video of the whole live performance. Trust me."
Of course, we did. When she went home she brought up the video of the performance, figuring she could try it for a few minutes as the performance began, then she would have dinner.
She said she suddenly noticed that the performance was ending, it had been an hour, and she had not thought of food or anything else. The music had CONSUMED her.
I introduced Heilung to my partner and he loved them, too, which was fucking great.
We watch their live sets on TH-cam all the time and talk about how amazing it would be to watch them in person. Turns out they’re touring Australia next year and we looked up buying tickets but they were $348 each so we agreed we couldn’t afford it (also out of our city so add in costs for travel and accommodation). This morning was Christmas morning and among other gifts, my partner totally surprised me to say the he had booked us two nights stay in Sydney AND tickets to see Heilung play in Sydney 😭😭 I am soo fucking excited to see them, finally, for myself!!!
that's a great surprise!!
@@shelena9922 How exciting! They are fantastic live!
How was it?
From a musical standpoint. The fact that their main verse is 27 beats still shocks my senses every time I hear it.
many would cough their lungs out, if they tried this....
thank you for acknowledging this, as many overlook that....
I counted 26 thumps of the drum before the cycle repeats so I think it’s TECHNICALLY 13/4 but it’s funny because only now do we really worry about time and how everything fits. Back in time drums were more like a running current than a backbone.
The sound engineers deserve an OSCAR for this. Get the Blu Ray version of this show and you will feel the sound of the mother Earth. Guaranteed!
Grammy, actually.
@@tikhongilson3770 Grammy's wouldn't even know what to do with this perfection.
Yes it’s extraordinary. The sound mixer is a master
i want this on Vinyl
@@Praxus42 why would ypu want it on a worse format?
Headphones + closed eyes make one able to hear all the many nuances melting into one perfect flawless 12 minutes harmony, and to really realize how talented these people are. Her voice is out of this world, sometimes it sounds more like an instrument than that of a human voice.
It's perfect treadmill music!
Randi: all you say is how this group makes me feel, the musical talent is beyond any thing I have heard, then when you add in the theatrical element, they move beyond all others.
@@CptMadHowlinMurphy a1
I thought it was a flute at 1 point
Everyone’s talking about Maria’s incredible solo in the later part of the song and her chanting with the other singers (both instances are incredible) but what really shook me was her banshee howl at 2:37. Seriously that sounded like a demon had come to reap my soul when I first heard it.
I'd say an angel
@@vincentfinn292 A realistic angel that is 😄
And the spirits answering her banshee cry. Chills.
This was the most hardcore teeth brushing session I've ever done in my life
You brush your teeth for 12 and a half minutes? You bloody legend.
That's the funniest comment I've ever read.
omg 😂😂
Ended up in a Viking ship fully prepared for battle with a toothbrush in hand like, "how did I get here?"
I'm trying to imagine a world where a band like Heilung is invited onto the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson back in the 60's, and the ensuing freakout from the general American population who would undoubtedly see this music as "Satanic"; and I can't help but marvel at how much musical tastes have changed over a few short decades.
For people who say that there's no good music being made anymore, my response to you is that you're not looking hard enough.
100% this. They're never looking hard enough. But my God that's a glorious mental image both imagining Johnny Carson's intro and then reaction to these guys, and imagining all the "perfect" little families in their little suburban homes hearing this. Children crying, women screaming and fainting, men smashing their beer in indignation, grandma's clutching their bibles, but as they keep chanting and beating those drums, Johnny Carson and some of the viewers start ripping off their shirts and stomping around their living rooms while their children run in terror. Sorry I got a little carried away there lol
It's the cycle of culture-counterculture. I mean, you have actual satanic music published nowadays and nobody bats an eye. The soccer mums and their ilk have been the laughing stock of pop culture for decades.
And it'll probably change again by 2050. Maybe we'll go evangelical once more. Maybe something completely different.
people would listen to songs about asses and tits but won't listen to someone praying their god. What a dreadful world we live in?
@@semaj_5022Your comment ist pure gold
@@semaj_5022 at the end we are nothing but one people split into multiple tribes by geographical limitations, those limitations are being broken and we will become one people once again. I see this type of music not European or African or whatever, I see it as a universal language. Everyone can understand the emotions conveyed by this music.
I seriously am blown away by Maria's singing. When she's singing and holding those notes with the drums in the background my entire body gets goosebumps the hairs on my arms stand up my eyes get very watery and my breathing gets heavier. Not exaggerating I mean this literally. I see myself running in a field much like a wheat field on a sunny day gentle breeze blowing, everything seems in slow motion. I seriously feel different when I listen to them. As I've stated in others videos of this same concert. I feel so comfortable so relaxed. I feel a sense of familiarity something seems familiar and I can't explain it. I feel as if I'm remebering myself of a different life. I love this group. Maria has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard and is my favorite female singer. The male singers throat singing are very talented and as a whole they sing so well together
Man the power of music.
Yishun Siva it’s really powerful
I had the exact same response. Well dayum
I know that band from years...and listened to this song for first time in a long time... the same reaction as yours. Something familiar....home...tears coming down, heavy breathing, sadness, power, just a blast of emotions...all kinds
Your heart gets in sync with the drums and your inner self vibrate to her voice :)
maria's part in this is probably the most beautiful thing i have ever heard in my entire life. i've listened to this so many times and every time it feels like the first time hearing it. i have to literally stop whatever it is i'm doing and just let it go through me
I still get chills every single time I hear her sing this!!!❤❤❤
Her voice is less a voice, than an actual force of nature. You almost don't have a choice but to let it pass through you. It's that powerful
found my way to the viking music during my ongoing fight against depression..... today i found Heilung and i already feel energized and stronger :)
Hope you keeping strong
Continue the healing
Feeling the same way for the past few months. Incredibly depressed, been keeping myself locked up in room, and when Im outside, I stay away from everyone and keep headphones on. Been feeling really numb. This music has been helping a bit though.
Thats protogermanic its Older Than Vikingsmusic ☺️
Perhaps you should examine what the gods have done for you in showing you this and give them credit
Everybody gangsta till the trees start speaking Proto-Germanic
You aint lyin my G!!! 😂😂😂
*Screeches in Roman* 😱
MrTrollsen They sing in many Germanic languages, but this chant is in old norse
To Corrupt
Come, guest Tyr
For this invocation
I, the Rune Master, servant of Odin, call upon the one of the Sun to aid our army
Ha Hu Hi He Ho He Hi Ha Hu
Wealth, Aurochs, Thorn, Divine Breath, Travel, Torch,
Gift, Joy, Hail, Need, Ice, Harvest,
Tree, Luck, Elk, Sun, Creator, Birch tree
Horse, Man, Water, Fertility, Day, Home
Odin, prepare for battle!
The title itself can be found in Mœso-Gothic Glossary from Anglo-Saxon as "In-Maidjan" which means "to change deceitfully" or "to corrupt". This makes sense since the entire story within Heilung's album consists of a peaceful village being corrupted by having to go to war. Therefore, Proto-Germanic seems to be the language this is from.
"Harigasti Teiwa" is a Germanic reference to the Negau Helmet that contains various inscriptions including the words "harigasti teiwa(z)" which means "Harigast the priest". Though it could also mean "war god" since "hari" can be translated to war/warbringer, "gasti" as guest/person, and "teiwa(z)" as "god". Teiwa(z) (spelled as Tiwaz) is also the proto-Germanic name for the Norse God, Týr. For the sake of the song's theme, I went with "Come, guest Tyr" as this line was about invoking a God for war.
Part of "Ek Erilaz Owlthuthewaz Niwaremariz Saawilagar Hateka Harja" can be found in the Lindholm Amulet where the line "ekerilazsa[w]ilagazhateka" or "Ek erilaz Sawilagaz haite'ka" is carved. Based on what wikipedia says about this: "This translates to "I am (an) erilaz (a rune master), I am called the wily" (or "I am called Sawilagaz). If the word in first line is translated as a name, Sawilagaz means "the one of the Sun (Sowilo)." If the word is translated as "the wily" or "crafty one" or "deceitful one," then it may be related to a byname of Odin or another god." We can use this to help translate. "Harja" from Anglo-Saxon means "army".
"Ha Hu Hi He Ho He Hi Ha Hu" means nothing other than a chanting.
The next bit are just names for Old Norse runes from the elder futhark, also known as the rune chant. They hold no particular meaning together in a sentence and instead are just supposed to be individual names. I did translate the runes in the chant based off their meanings but, again, did not put them into a sentence considering that that would be like trying to say the alphabet as a sentence. Note: certain runes (such as Ingwaz (Ing) and Perthro) can have slightly different translations based on the source.
"Wuotani Ruoperath" seems to mean "Odin, prepare for battle" in Old High German.
"Au Is Urki" (actually Alu Is Urki) can be heard in the last line of their last song "Hamrer Hippyer" where it means "May it be of help" or "may it heal/stop them" in Old Norse. Though i wasn't able to find anything on the other lines in the last bit, so I only translated Alu Is Urki.
NO SOUP Bless you
Colourful. Thank you.
It's always so exciting to see ppl use that "w" sound, not just Odin, cuz on my homelands ppl actually used V due to pronouncing differences and the name was pronounced as Vodin and literally meant a man who leads people, we still have the name Vadim which was flexed from it, sad thing is that ppl are just too lost to remember that
Thanks for this
0 autotune
0 cars
0 money
100% praise of Odin
hail the Allfather !
I have it on good authority that they are Óðinn's favorite band.
Woden is pleased
0 guns
0 flexing
0 Tiddyies
0 Twerk
actually, this is PRE Odin...
Now I finally understand why I liked to travel alone wondering in the woods at my childhood... true spirit of nature. It allways surround me some mystic ways and makes me calm.
The reason why everyone was so quiet was because we all were in a trance. I talked to people the next day and they all said it was the craziest thing I have ever experienced yet the best thing ever😍
I can feel how they felt then, although I wasn't there. I wish I knew them before
Thank you. Wish I could be there.
They were quiet because they do not want to ruin anyone's experience with the music
Jesus loves you
@@harbingersev-oh-wohne nah thank u
Im really happy Heilung is getting more recognition since the Hellblade announcement. Theyre really an incredible band.
I discovered them not to long ago and I have to agree my friend there amazing
Just saw them in Maryland and it was absolutely packed! They're amazing
Am glad the studio decided to use a lesser known band. Fits the game perfectly and acts as advertisement that works
Me: *preparing to go to the gym*
Me: *plays heilung*
Me: *now preparing for battle*
I believe this a healing a ritual not a battle one?
@@weltmeister this is actually a ritual for the war god Tyr, right before battle, so yea
I play their music throughout my gym sessions.
@@Sactown15 Oh dear! Don't lose yourself in the music! You'll suddenly find yourself pillaging a village xD
@@WolfFireheart in search for bones to make some music xD
Welcome people of HellBlade. We've been waiting for you. Sit down, stay a while. May Odin bless you.
Glory to the Allfather.
world war 3 coming. we all die
Eduardo R. I’ve never been more impressed with a group
I'm high enjoying this, but I saw this comment. It made me think of two tribes, Hellblade tribe and the Heilung tribe. You saying that sounds like what they would say if they came to visit them lmaooo.
I'm high enjoying this, but I saw this comment. It made me think of two tribes, Hellblade tribe and the Heilung tribe. You saying that sounds like what they would say if they came to visit them lmaooo.l
first time listening: its ok.
second time listening : its good.
From all Heilung songs, I can sing this one back to end flawlessly (probably not, but I sure have had a lot of practice :D).
This entire song, is an incredible breathing exercise. It requires long sustained breaths, especially the chant, but it's a great way to oxygenate your body.
In that sense alone, they are true to their name. Such wonderful souls
Even tho When the trailer was like Hellblade 2 Trailer song
🤣🤣🤣 Agreed
Imagine camping with these guys
Kanderesraide you made me laugh my ass off! I can only imagine camping with them would be...intense. 😆
Some good mushrooms and it will be the trippiest thing on the planet! I know the northmen did them all the time! That’s how the got to the berserker state when fighting!
Well they use human bones in their instruments , just watch your back xD
go to wacken festival :D
with her voice she can control all 5 elements of the nature. So powerful.
Dear god but these vocals give me goosebumps. Absolutely spectacular and I cannot get enough of it.
Ever since i found this group it became my favorite. The sound is just fucking amazing! The way they present is so raw and ancient-like.
Hail from Brazil!
Melkior Kael please come to Brazil
Myturiel Melkior conhece outros similares.
Bruh Check Hellblade 2 Trailer. OMFG
@@maykmaciel2552 cara, to uns 3 anos atrasado pra te responder kkk Conheco Wardruna, Skald, Einar Selvik e alguns outros, e sao muito bons, mas nao possuem essa mesma potencia, infelizmente
No matter how many times I listen to this, I'm always caught off guard by how visceral and raw it is. The crowd cheering definitely adds to the atmosphere of the song, and Maria Franz's heavenly voice sounds so much better live.
The studio recording is great, don't get me wrong, but this performance definitely amplifies the song to the next level. It's absolutely incredible.
The dark, subtle throat singing starting at 3:12 is vastly underrated
@sninctbur3726: Hi! You really should check out 'Khusugtun, Asia's Got Talent'. They are a Mongolian ensemble with an intro that'll make your hair stand on end.
Finally someone says it!
lol they used that particular segment it for a fight scene in the last vikings season and it made the battle that much intense
@@danielgrusuk5758they fr needed to add so much more of heilung’s music 😭 but i can’t wait to hear what they do with the hellblade 2 soundtrack!
@@moonstenebrocity that's because they were using Wardruna's music, which is similar to heilung, I'm happy with both bands taking their spot on respective seasons
When the female vocalist reached her peak, I legit cried. This is the first time I cried because of the pure sound of music. Wow🔥🔥🔥
She's incredible! The name of her is Maria Franz❤😍
There is something about Heilung that makes me feel better. Coming from someone who has suffered depression for years now. Every time I've felt really low, their music helps bring me back. Amazing :-)
Makes sense the group's name means healing in German. I listen to this and their other songs on my drives home when I've had a stressful day. It really helps.
Listening to them always makes me feel like we've all strayed too far from where we are supposed to be as animals, and the what we've done to the world is unforgivable. That I'm not supposed to be sitting at my computer in a room on the third story of a concrete building, in an urban sprawl with no real wilderness for a hundred miles around me, and working at a job I hate day in and day out. It makes me feel like there has to be more to life than this
Thats exactly the same shit im thinking about. Who needs money and time and making technology that grows cancer. We call ourself human, but were still animals, and every animal should life in the nature
exactly my thoughts!
You need bushcraft.
@@keynotebushcraft something like that, without returning to normal life and civilisation
I think the problem is we build us a cage with money and time, i meant the sort of time:" you have to be at your job again in 12 hours."- no, the only thing i have to do is looking for some food for the day, thats it. And i think if we could pass this cage we wouldnt feel like "there should be mor like this in life"
That woman has complete control and mastery of her voice! Absolutely stunning!
*Is enjoying listening to Heilung but an Ad comes up*
"Odin isn't pleased."
Ya know.. I was just thinking about how everytime I attempt to listen to a mere 12 and a half minutes, there's like 2-3 ads.! Wtf!? TH-cam must know that there is power in Galdr, and don't want us hearing this in it's entirety w/o interruptions..
Yeah, effin annoying that some music videos got a fuckin' ad in the middle!!!
@@josephseed9010 doesnt work on mobile lol
@@CaatsGoMoooo That's sad ads are really annoying
Side Effects of Heilung include: spear making, beard growth in men, a feeling of power and a warrior spirit in women. If the urge to strip naked and howl at the moon lasts for more than 3 hours consult your local shaman.
What if I get strange dreams in which I see my ancestors hunt mammoths and other giant beasts?
@@carniiliar590 *gasps in Proto-Germanic*
@@iampixel4086 Join them...
@@carniiliar590 So are you, most likely.
I feel like a valkyrie
Romans hearing this in the middle of the night in german forest:
Current objective:survive
Bruh imagine the fucking horror
i am not a fanboy of the romans. imagine a roman legion with silence walking towards. no battle cry no drums or horns just pure silence
@@aron5835 yeah thats the other side, that made the romans very intimidating they were like a silent slaughter machine without mercy
Nah, they're in ceremony. Send a night raid while they're busy. Stealth is key.
Send the rest of the legion to encircle. Maybe more of them will die then us.
@@aron5835 *clanking intensifies*
when a band is not only original but sounds better in person live than in a studio, that's true talent.
Maria's voice is just ✨ heavenly ✨
*The voice of valhalla*
At this point I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve rewatched this video, and still, every single time I’m enraptured. After seeing them live every time I hear their music it just feels 10 times more powerful.
They have songs I listen 2-3 times every day and I'm better for it
@@gonzotom78 damn right
@@BobiR-bl9fchope you find her bro
Seeing them live in Chicago last year was one of the highlights of my life, they are just amazing
This masterpiece resonates in me 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 greetings from a Tengrian girl and Kazakhstan 🇰🇿
All hail Tengri!
ok I have to express utter admiration as a classically trained musician here:
When they're singing the main verse (aka the Elder Futhark rune names) they're singing it in 7/4
these guys REALLY know their stuff!!!!
Try singing it yourself, it is a good breath exercise :)
in every really lifting and communicating harmony and rythm, i've always noticed that they used an odd number as a base.
pair numbers are boring in music.
I feel you. People who sing in musicals throw time signatures around like its nothing, absolute nightmare of concentration
what? it's in 4/4
I want to stress just how good this sounds for a live recording. Everyone is just playing their part perfectly and its mixed so well. Whatever crew you guys have touring with you know what they are doing and I hope to see you guys live one day just to experience this in person.
It’s fucking amazing that a human voice can do what she does with hers. This is like, the greatest vocal performance by a human in the universe.
Pure notes, no vibrato, closed vowels....
Lady can sing.
An addendum... Lady can mesmerize. 100% without a doubt.
That is the norm where she comes from. Vibrato and open vowels are not normal in folk music around here.
Probably the best vocalist outside of classical singers. Then again, they probably couldn’t imitate. She was born with a gift she used to the max.
Maria was the first person who managed to give me goose bumps through music
I've always preferred this sort of singing to the operatic vibrato and wide vowels.
I had the opportunity to go to Scandinavian countries and all my trip I listened to Heilung, this song specially during my navigation through the Gudvangen Fjord I had my headphones & this master piece, it was like to be connected to the nature and ancient days, magically lived this song ❤
In Maidjan:
Tawol Athodu
Ek Erilaz
Owlthuthewaz Niwaremariz
Saawilagar Hateka Harja
Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raidho, Kenaz, Gebo, Wunjo, Hagalaz, Naudhiz, Isa, Jera, Eihwaz, Perthro, Algiz, Sowelo, Tiewaz, Berkana, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Inguz, Dagaz, Othala.
Wuotani Ruoperath
Gleiaugiz Eiurzi
Ai au is urki
Uiniz Ik
Shit looks like the black speech off lord of the rings
Shit is simply the Runic alphabet. Futhark. Look at the first line‘s words and their first letters...
Apaan tuh?
remind me about Inkubus Sukkubus
Isis Astarte Diana Hecate Demeter Kali Inanna
but this
щит звучит по словянски
at 7:43 when Maria started to sing, I started to tear up. This is incredible
Those highs damnnnnnnnn
Bruh her singing is so fucking omg!!!!!!, I get literal chills down my spine.....
Dusza się oczyszcza.
Seriously unearthly. The beginning reminds me of a swan call. I wonder if she is really channeling an animal. (Which is what Sámi Shamans would do in a trance)
The entire experience is next level powerful and Maria's vocals from 7:44 are like another dimension altogether. Those who saw this live were truly blessed. Thanks so much for sharing this powerful musical experience.
Yeah... dunno what could possibly top this
Maria, your singing brings tears to my eyes. "Skal" to you Maria..!!
This made me cry I felt something awaken inside of me I can't describe it.
I recently got into heilung and I can't stop listening to them.
Probably a demon 🤔
Its the power of odin
same here!
TheGACKTfan I know what you mean. Even weirder for me is that I felt myself becoming, uh..- bit aroused! Wtf? They do awaken something!
Just started listening today. Holy Shit they are Fucking BadASS!
So here I was watching the game awards, all hyped up for the new games being anounced and stuff and phil spencer anounces the new xbox and a new game made by ninja theory... and then senua shows up on screen and then THIS starts playing and senua singing the words... i couldnt care less about everything shown after this games trailer! i kept saying WTF just happened??? easily one of my favourite games is getting a sequel and theyre using Heilung for the soundtrack???? ive played heilung and lifa over and over and over again in my car for the past year! cant get enough of this! WOW!
Harigasti Teiwa
Tawol Athodu
Ek Erilaz Owlthuthewaz Niwaremariz Saawilagar Hateka Harja
Fehu Uruz Thurisaz Ansuz Raidho Kenaz
Gebo Wunjo Hagal Naudhiz Isa Jera
Eihwaz Perthro Algiz Sowelu Tiwaz Berkano
Ehwaz Mannaz Laguz Ingwaz Dagaz Othala
Gleiaugiz Eiurzi
Au Is Urki
Uiniz Ik
Where do you found these lyrics?
What does it mean
@@Getnodrama wach word represents a rune. We named this runic system "futhark" after first sounds of first words on the list. Fehu, Uruz, THurisaz, etc.
Think if this as one badass alphabet song.
Wuotani ruoperath ...
My friends and family don't get it but there is something about this music I crave and can't get enough of.
its your ancestors calling to pay heed.
You ever hear something that resonates deep within the forgotten realms of your soul? As if waking from a slumber in recognition of something long forgotten. That is how this makes me feel. Down to my bones.
FATHERRRR! The sleeper ... has awakened!
this has awakened something inside of me... I never knew was there. Thank u .. and I am happy that we are all one family
i had the same feeling, like it channeled my fucking ancestors or something. something ancient
Same. It was like a religious epiphany!
@@FantasticDimensions yeah demons repent
Listening to this always strengthens my resolve when I’m down. Something about the energy of this is just so lifegiving in a very ancient animalistic sense.
Fun fact! Krigsgaldr is an actual pagan blessing. This music is meant to heal you.
@@mochitheceltiberian4007 Interesting
Ваша музыка помогает мне справиться с депрессией, спасибо вам
Wow, Maria Franz's vocals at the end gave me goosebumps
Even though I am an Indian, but listening to Heilung makes me feel more related to them. It's like the music brings out a primal nature inside you which you can feel more related to.
BARMAN I'm native American, black, Irish and Scandinavian. They speak to all parts of me
Indian and European languages are related
i am a filipino
my maharlikha spirit is resurrecting
i hope my country bring back our pre-colonial music, culture that is lost because of spanish occupation of Philippines
I have Aztec roots from my mother's side, and Nordic culture is probably the second "ancient" culture that really speak to me after my own, in my mind, Central/South American tribes and the nordic people have always sort of felt like kindred spirits despite living on almost opposite sides of the world
Being an Indian, couldn't agree more
I am 78 I want to go to bed,I need my sleep,BUT I CANNOT TURN THIS OFF, FAN
I'm 28 and hope to be you in 50 years
@@caesarvalorvmsheevpalpatin8755 HELL YEA
@@visitor5198 tf
Tho, you still have some time to become brave enough to reach the Valhalla
A friend recommended this song to me, I never thought that a simple song can put you in a trance so fast, this song gives me enormous warmth from inside and I don't understand why, and I can't stop listening to this song, I think this song is addictive ,is curious i think.
Be proud of your roots, in the end we came all from the same.
I'm a Native German and I'm proud, we have all a powerfull past, we just have to remember
Liebe, Hoffnung, Dankbarkeit
But the nazis though
@@imperialhistorian4201 so what
I have never felt a stronger presense of the Aesir and Vanir than whenever I listen to Maria and Christopher's art styles.
My 5 year old nephew just grew the manliest beard when he walked in and heard this playing on my speakers. It took a mere 2 seconds and suddenly he was wielding an axe
Underrated comment.
Bahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!.......... Best TH-cam comment I've heard in years!!!
This is the most gorgeously apocalyptic piece of music that I have ever heard. 🙏
"The wi-fi password is on the back of the router."
The password on the back of the router: 3:54
So underrated lol
So, your Wi-Fi password is the Elder Futhark? Good to know. :)
U made my day ahahahahahaahahahaah
Here's the password :
ᚠ - f - Fehu
ᚢ - u - Ūruz
þ - þurisaz
ᚨ - a - Ansuz
ᚱ - r - Raidō
ᚲ - k - Kenaz
ᚷ - g - Gebō
ᚹ - w - Wunjō
ᚺ - h - Hagall)
ᚾ - n - Nuadiz
ᛁ - i - Isa
ᛃ - j - Jēra
ᛇ - ï/æ - īwaz / ēwaz
ᛈ - p - Perþō
ᛉ - z - Algiz
ᛊ / ᛋ - s - Sōwilō
ᛏ - t - Tiwaz
ᛒ - b - Berkanan
ᛖ - e - Ehwaz
ᛗ - m - Mannaz
ᛚ - l - Laguz
ᛜ / ᛝ - ŋ (ng) - Ingwaz
ᛞ - d - Dagaz
ᛟ - o - Ōþala
You're welcome
best comment ever
My son (who is 7 months old) loves this song and will only fall asleep while listening to the live version 😅 also his name is Loki
Huh I can see why now
Ahahahah opasno ime
my daughter (2,5 yo) loves Heilung, or, in her words: the people that sing!
May he live a good life!
The soul holds memories of old lives. That explains the resonance with this culture.
I feel like my heart is about to fly out of my chest. I feel oddly moved as I listen these people.
This. This is music. This is humanity distilled. Thank you so much for sharing this beauty with the world.
When I first watch Hellblade 2 trailer then the song come up I got chills man.. This band is frickin awesome!
All of the words they sing in this song have amazing stories behind them, but I'm writing this comment to share the story of the rune Sowilō which can be heard in the middle of the chant. You the reader probably already know what this word means on an intuitive level, but just to make sure, it's Sun, or Saule if you're latvian, or солнце if you're russian, or sol if you're portuguese or słońce if you're a polack, etc. Every slavic person, every anglo-saxon or germanic person, most Europeans like French, Spanish, Greek, whatever for this matter will see their word for "sun" in Sowilō if they try hard enough. It's an ancient word indeed. But it is young compared to the original. Before Sowilo was born, there was only one sun for all of our ancestors, and it was called Sóhwl̥ in the common tongue of the Indo-European nomads. Take a break from whatever you are doing right now and spare a thought or two on this matter. Try to remember that we all are brothers and sisters under one sun. Just like our words, our traditions, our gods, our morals, our ways of life evolved from a single common seed. Carve its image into your mind and your heart, live by its calling. Reflect on it next time you deal with your brother or sister and treat them as such. It is never too late. You have the power to change yourself and the world around you for the better!
Very true Artyom. It makes me think how family and relationships meant more to our ancestors than it does to us now. Perhaps we have forgotten something throughout our centuries under the same sun.
Very assertive comment indeed!
I didn’t even connect the different entomologies and their Indo-European origin! I really wish that civilization wasn’t essentially erased from history.
Indians too
Under the same sun and the same moon, since first men walked.
God that lovely female voice is givin me goosebumps
Memento'sOf TheOldIndia Maria Franz got awesome vocals haven’t she
@ᴛᴀᴘ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ sᴇᴇ Sofia what's with your name?
This music takes away my fear of going outside, staying inside for days, so much so that I am actually coming to see you live next January, which for me in a crowd that size will be a huge achievement for me, I don't even like getting on a bus lol. I feel stronger mentally. May the God's bless you and all the Heilung Tribe.
Scandinavian and German Pre-Christian culture is very, very similar. I love those old pagan songs so much! I am originally from east asia and a lot, especially music and their beat reminds me also of mongolian folklore.
Absolutely stunning!
Pre-Christian Scandinavians and Germans were just different tribes from the same people. They had the same culture, language and religion. That's why they are so similar.💪
Simon Pantermüller Well most Celtic, Germanic and Scandinavian groups spread from the same points.
@@EpicMania18 Well yes, because Germanic and Celtic people have the same ancestry. But as Germanics, Scandinavians and Germans are more similar in culture, while the Celtic people developed an own culture independently.
@@simonpantermuller6997 I still find it interesting that you can still see the shared traits in all of them. I guess it also makes sense due to the Nordic influences as per the vikings.
@@EpicMania18 That's true! It's fascinating how often our different cultures have influenced each other...
Being somebody with Germanic, Nordic, and Anglo-Saxon root in my family tree, I love this music. I feel it connects me with my ancestors more than anything else.
I heard this song while making breakfast. It ended by making a human sacrifice to the gods.
I hope the breakfast was raw rolled oats with goat's milk.
Cracking eggs doesn't count... ;)
Does accidentally cutting one’s finger with the bread knife count as human sacrifice ?
Junior Ademola my misses didn’t mind;)
I could use some human sacrifice myself.
Desde que encontré a Heilung, Wardruna, A Tergo Lupi, Gealdýr.. Mi vida ha ido mejorando poco a poco, estoy agradecido de haber hallado este tipo de música, le da presencia y esencia al espíritu, lo que habita en nosotros.. Gracias 🕸️ Saludos desde la Tierra de la Mitad, Ecuador 🇪🇨
*Katame Kothriis posted this four months ago on another video and I felt so happy about knowing this that I just had to copy it here. Katame incase your post is here already you now are here twice. Thank you!*
This song is actually a hymn for the god Tyr, who is the God of War and Justice. This is essentially a war chant, something said by the rune master as a sort of blessing over the warriors who are about to fight. They are saying *"Tawol Athodu Ek Erilaz Owlthuthewaz Niwaremariz Saawilagar Hateka Harja"* which means "I, the Rune Master, servant of Odin, call upon the one of the Sun to aid our army". The second part of the chant are the runes themselves which are elements of nature. The chant is as follows: *"Fehu Uruz Thurisaz Ansuz Raidho Kenaz Gebo Wunjo Hagal Naudhiz Isa Jera Eihwaz Perthro Algiz Sowelu Tiwaz Berkano Ehwaz Mannaz Laguz Ingwaz Dagaz Othala"* believe it or not they are actually speaking in old norse/futhark. The specific dialect is an older version of Icelandic which in itself is the closest to old Norse. Also, most of the vocalisations are meant to sound animalistic, as norse beliefs and Seiður magic have strong connections with animals and nature.
.. ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚲ ᚷ ᚹ ᚺ ᚾ ᛁ ᛃ ᛈ ᛇ ᛉ ᛊ ᛏ ᛒ ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛜ ᛞ ᛟ
Fehu Uruz Thurisaz Ansuz Raidho Kenaz Gebo Wunjo Hagal Naudhiz Isa Jera Eihwaz Perthro Elhaz Sowilo Tiwaz Berkano Ehwaz Mannaz Laguz Ingwaz Dagaz Othala
*(As originally posted by Raze in a comment which i found very helpful in learning to sing along and learn the runes. Runes spaced out for ease of learning. Thank you Raze!)*
This should be played in schools. Not only to summon odin, but also for children to learn runes.
Dominik M it really should. The kids would benefit from it.
Odin Approved
Place the rune class on Wednesdays.
Actually the next song, alfahihaiti is the one that summons Odin, but you're not entirely wrong
did you misspell "rules"? :)
Prehistoric drums were often meant to simulate the beating of a heart. It’s how many cultures were able to attain trance and ecstasy states. It’s not just audibly grounding but physically as well, with the vibrations of the drums and dancing of feet.
I was fortunate to be a part of a Heilung crowd this summer. It was different from every other show I've ever seen. An absolutely remarkable experience.
That feel when you you make it to "Othala" without missing a single syllable.
And in one breath.
Yessss 100%
u klinkt decadent en arrogant, Wodan en Donar lachen zich de piemel uit de broek
@@Hamrik_Oswald Need to have well trained lungs to do this with one breath! 😎👍🏻
Fehu | Uruz | Thurisaz | Ansuz | Raidho | Kenaz | Gebo | Wunjo | Hagal | Nauthiz | Isa | Jera | Eiwaz | Perthro | Algiz | Sowilo | Tiwaz | Berkano | Ehwaz | Mannaz | Laguz | Ingwaz | Dagaz | Othala |
Growing up in a Swedish family, I heard many times the phrase; “just hope Freyja doesn’t sing”.... Now I understand....
What's that mean?
Tell us!!! What's it mean?!
I am part Swedish too☺️ Mainly German though🙂
I've been without my anti depressants for over a week now, I was starting to feel the worst I've felt in a while and yesterday I discovered Heilung and I don't even feel like I need them anymore, this music fills you with such a sense of power, strength and confidence. I adore this.
Got to see them in Greensboro this week and this was their opener. Words cannot express how the roof of that place tore fucking OFF once those drums started. Absolutely insane, mind-bending amounts of energy.