ESPECIALLY useful for Savage Deviljho who permanently stays enraged once he does get angry and won't be knocked down by Flinch Shots. Just use another Monster who happens on by to knock him down.
1:05 Wallbanging monsters (or "Yeeting") 4:52 Bring Dust of Life/Lifepowder 5:43 How to create and Attack Weak Spots 6:34 Use your Raider Ride to Mount Monsters 7:31 Using Glider Mantle to Mount Monsters after Grappling
Something else you didn't mention: If you Clutch Claw a monster with a Light weapon, slapping the monster 2-3 times before using the Weapon attack lets you instantly wound it.
I think you missed some vital information regarding the Clutch Claw. Smaller weapons can wound a monster in one go by filling up the (hidden) wound gauge before initiating the final attack. A claw attack (circle or B) does 2 wound damage, a weapon attack (triangle or Y) from a weapon in the light category does 5 wound damage and a weapon attack from a weapon in the heavy category does 10. In total it takes 10 wound damage to soften up a specific area. I think it’s worth to note that light weapons can for example mount a monsters head and do their weapon attack for 5 wound damage and to refill their slinger. If they then remount the monster and claw attack trice they’re able to wound the monsters head and follow up with a flinch shot. TL;DR: Light weapons can wound in one go if they precede their weapon attack with three claw attacks. Extra tip: While mounted on a monster part that the monster uses to attack you’ll take the full damage of the attack and will be thrown of the monster, the Temporal Mantle completely negates this allowing you to easily navigate and/or wound the monster. Edit: Extra tip.
@@danea6431 careful with that though. I almost got deleted doing that to a Tigrex. It's charge was doing rapid continuous damage to me so I had to jump off lol
Best tip: don't do the clutch claw yeet if someone has mounted the monster. If hunter 1 mounted the monster, hunter 2-4 should use clutch claw to generate slinger ammo and weak points before hunter 1 knocks down said monster.
Yes, agreed. Hunter who has toppled monster after mount can also clutch claw onto the monster before hitting the ground and cause another weak spot if no one else has done so already.
For anyone still new to iceborne here's some tip's for weakening parts when weakening a monster it's best to think of it as 10 points to weaken the part, a claw attack (the little slap with the claw) does 2 points of weakening, a light weapon does 5 points and a heavy weapon does 10, meaning if you're using a light weapon you can slap the monster 3 times and then do a weapon attack for an add up of 11 points, therefore weakening the part, and well heavy weapons are simple, 1 weapon attack = instant part weaken Light weapons: Longsword, dual blades, sword and shield, gunlance, bow, light bowgun, insect glaive Heavy weapons: Great sword, hammer, Lance, heavy bowgun, charge blade, switch axe (I think), hunting horn Although the dual blades and sword and shield have a special attack that wounds in one hit, with dual blades after doing a circle, circle, circle (or b, b ,b for Xbox) you can press L2 (or LT for Xbox) to grapple onto the monster to wound the part with one hit. For SnS players I'm sorry but I have no idea how to do it.
The clutch claw has an intended opening during monster fights that allow a grapple to happen no matter what. When the monster staggers back and appears to be tired and drooling but isn't, you can grappled the monster and it'll actually make them still a bit longer which simulates an exhaust period and allows said grapple to wound or generate ammo rather safely.
Another tip: If a monster isnt near a wall. Shoot the monster toward another teammate near a wall and your teammate could latch on and finish the job before the monster could react. Its kinda hard to pull off due to the monster getting pissed off at failed attempts to do this. But its an option. And looks fuckin awesome when you pull it off.
I feel like its worth noting that the Temporal Mantle lets you dodge monster attacks while clutch clawed to them, letting you wound or yeet whenever you want with no possibility of getting thrown off.
I killed a nergi with the claw itself...didn't even get to sling him into a wall just boinked him with the claw and got the victory screen forgot to hit save on it tho
A couple tips I thought would be helpful is, if you’re on the face of a active flyer with the clutch claw, you don’t have to aim them into a wall, if you just press RT or R2 they’ll fall straight into the floor. And tip #2 use the vigor wasp spray, it will give you a free cart after you level it up to 11. 1 free cart per quest, I don’t know the recharge rate for expedition mode yet.
That Vigor Wasp free cart, playing solo using it I ended up just lengthening my death animation. The monsters would always just line up the next attack so I get drilled after Palico says “not on my watch” 😂 I was rocking the Melody 🎶 Drum but the Plunder 🔪 blade is just too awesome
One thing I noticed about the clutch claw is that if you see a monster has become exhausted then wait about 2 seconds and then use the clutch and attack it. This is helpful in multiplayer cuz the monster won't start moving until u finish the clutch claw attack and this lets ur teammates get a good chance to unleash strong attacks
I always bring dust of life or lifepowers with the lower ranks because they tend to take lots of damage from single attacks or do questionable acts. Toestra got a double kill supernova last night on the low ranks, one of them literally ran away then ran back into the nova.......nothing a dust of life can do there lol. We need dust of knowlege and common sense 😅.
@@Virjunior01 I've been picky on choosing random rooms, not sure if they're just lazy or they're noobs who relied too much on multiplayer hence the lack of basic knowledge, sadly my teachers/cousins who taught me back in the first MH I 2004, will get Iceborne a month later, so I have to rely on randoms if I get lazy on solo material grinding
I’m having internet issues at the moment, so this will greatly help, because I’m not gonna be able to call for help. On the bright side, my palico has maxed all her weapons, and our affinity with the Gajalaka. Plus, I’ve significantly improved my dodging and blocking skills. Thank you, Damascus armor. I love your guard skill. That said, I want the Mind’s Eyes gem, but it’s proving quite elusive. Really working on that build we talked about.
Why? Because some people treat the new expansion like a speed run even though they are not speed’s kinda annoying for me but hey it’s their choice..
Tip: Slinger Bombs can be mixed into your attack combos for major damage. instead of shooting them normally. Use "slinger burst". The only downside is, You'd have to be very close to the monster😬 It works with other slinger ammo. But only half the weapons have this feature.
Yeah they kinda added the heartbeat thing in World, and my friends like to guess when to capture the monster based on it sometimes. And when it fails it always makes me wonder what the point of the damn thing is. I've played since Tri, and I'm used to just observing / laying off when I get the feeling they're low, and watch for a limp. But the new generation doesn't have time for that shit; their helmets have a god damn short-range heartbeat monitor tuned to big ass bitch monsters dying in the desert or forest or cave or wherever the fuck it needs to read them. I felt myself getting more aggressive as I typed that.
so, Step 1: mount with GS step 2: turn monster towards guy with CB and Offensive guard step 3: launch monster while CB readys the guard point step 4: monster impact and activate SAED into glorious finishing combo ?
A helpful tip with the clutch claw yeet is that if a monster is flying you don't actually need to run them into a wall, you can just fire your slinger ammo while on their face like normal and when they hit the ground you will get the same effect as running them into a wall. Just saying this because I didn't hear Arekkz say this.
I'm absolutely loving Iceborne, I've been so addicted to it, that it's been keeping me from playing Borderlands 3 lol. I've been trying to pickup GS lately, I'm slowly getting better at it. I'm going to be fighting Nargacuga for the first time today. I'm going to see how I fair taking it down with Great Sword.
am i the only the one appreciating the super cool detail of that Dante's clutch claw( i assume) how switches from claw to slinger cannnon when you going to yeet the monster? i thought that was COOL
Fun fact: enraged monsters are are yeetable exhausting a monster to the point when they starve or get hungry mid-rage they can be steered and veered regardless. How would you know if they reached this point? They drool and halt their action and start panting, they're exhausted and in which fully yeetable enraged or not :3 Hope this helps!
Run a exhaust build high drain I use switch axe in my case remember it's not when they stagger back stunned drooling it's when they sorta just drop whatever their doing to take a breather pink rather is a prime example: she'll keep a straight posture and pant drooling but when struck back stunned shes curled in a defensive position this stance isn't when you latch on and yeet, it's the stance former.
Woah nice !!! I didn't know you could tell a monsters enraged by just looking at the icon on the minimap! I just observe them when they're nose/mouth is steaming ! Thanks arekkz !
Right, that's why I grew 2,000 Gloamgrass Buds. I was planning on making Dust of Life on mass so that could add as a permanent item to my item loadout. Thank you for reminding me.
@@DiligentD Thank you're luckier than me. I'm luck if I get 1 per overdrive. I get (in this order from possible yellow tier rewards) Advanced Armor Sphere, Max Potion, Mega Barrel Bombs, Steam Tickets, and then Dust of Life.
OMG! I already use Glider Mantle on my Hammer set! The clutch > glide > aerial attack technique is going to be so useful for even more KOs and mounts! Thanks for this!
Plus the 2x rank 4 gem slots and 60%+ uptime isn't bad either I generally end up bringing just Glider+ and and elemental+ mantle because I can have the gems up all the time and both mantles are still really useful. Nice to run something other than Temporal/Affinity Booster or Rocksteady
I think you understated the importance of tenderizing monster parts via the clutchclaw. Perhaps you coulda mentioned Kirin as example of a monster that gets insane armor when enraged. But if you clutchclaw the body and weaken it, your weapons will stop bouncing off. That stuff makes all the difference
"in an area that doesn't typically have ledges". As a hammer main I am personally offended by the notion of fighting in such an area. How am I supposed to deal damage if I can't slideattack or ledgejump?
@Leon Coombes what yes it does. There is literally a quest to teach you everything about the clutch claw. Don't be acting like it's the games fault you're bad
Something about the raider rides worth mentioning: If a monster is limping and is going to sleep, make sure you get off the raider ride when you get close but never let them get to the monster because they will just wake them up automatically and effectively waste the sleep.
I love your vids that point out the basics that some people look over accidentally sometimes, which includes me too, so thanks for this one and all those before and following.
I find it easier to monitor a monsters enrage state by looking at the life line under the monsters icon. If its consistently blue with no yellow in it its calm, but if it has a yellow hue its enraged.
Hey, here's a cool little tip I've discovered recently: You can give the monster a direction while you're doing the wallbang thing, and I don't mean the slapping animation, you'll have 2 small seconds, just when you're shooting him in the face, move the left stick to your right or left and the monster will follow that direction.
I'm amazed by the amount of hunters who stop and sharpen as the monster flees, meanwhile I've built the habit of immediately hopping on my mount and sharpening as I ride past my teammates. I'm pretty much always the first one back in the fray.
Perfect video, covers all the things I think are huge for master rank plus some bonus material. Never heard the glider mantle tip, I'll definitely give this a try!
Had this playing in the background mid hunt and this def changed the flow of battle..! Never seemed to nail down when they were or weren't Yeet Ready™ lol--life saving tips, man
The 3 powders have always been apart of my multiplayer item setup. An now, applying dust of life to the pack has made me a better support for the team.
on ps4 when using a bow and you dodge while aiming and you press triangle immediately after the dodge you can do an attack with an arrow. this attack can let you mount monsters so if you got the stamina you don't need ledges and you can easily mount monsters with a bow. I do it all the time :D
Tips in this video: 1. Use the new Flinch Shot 2. Bring Lifepowder 3. Soften monsterparts with Clutch Claw attacks 4. Use Raider Rider 5. Mount with the Glider Mantle
Great video as always! I was trying to figure out how to yeet monsters, I was doing it sometimes but other times it wouldn't work, and now I know why. Thank you, Arekkz
Ah sweet so you don't have to upgrade reg life powder. In other words i can bring 2 dust of life 3 life powder 10 gobugs 10 of the material you mentioned and effectively have a good chunk of emergency heals. I always like bringing any powders herbal demon etc
Holy shit that glider mantle tip is a huge game changer especially with the Safi Siege because you always want to mount to bring him down and have a moment to attack the head tail which is hard to hit because it's constantly moving
Personally no. Because then you'll waste your slinger ammo and won't have any when its ready to be rammed into a wall. And will waste the players mount.
Nope, let the mounting team member complete mounting process, do dps, if not enraged, send it towards the wall. i see quite a few people that while a mounting animation is happening use that to send the monster into the wall instead of waiting. your just missing out on more dps by interrupting.
Another thing that's cool to know is you when you're on your raider ride you can farm materials on the back of them faster. While you're on the back it cancels out the pickaxes animation and digging for bones animation.
@@amw2663 it can yeet, just dual blades are lite weapons, so I rather have a hunter with a heavy wpn do the clutch claw yeet/generate a weak spot then have them drop slinger ammo. Also lite weapons can create a weak spot, either by doing the clutch claw attack twice to same body part or press mount clutch melee (O on ps4) then doing their weapon melee. But why go through all the hard work of clutch claw twice?
@@amw2663 1) Hammers, HH and impact CB can KO a monster, LS can't. LS is great for cutting tails because of it's reach 2) getting tripped and staggered all the time, mostly by LS or DB. LS is especially obnoxious because of its range (and because there's so many of them). As a hammer user you basically can't get near the monster's head let alone hit it when a LS player is there. From personal experience I get staggered for the full duration of at least one or two monster knock downs by LS players per hunt.
That glider mantle technique is really cool - I was hunting with a Velkhanna CritDraw/Boost Greatsword build last night and that'd make it extra spicy.
Brendan Lewis I mean impact CB does KO damage also since we use the SAED most of the time it’s likely your own fault if you get tripped. Perhaps don’t assume you’re the only one with a reason to hit the head?
@@SS2LP naaa i am CB main but i know that some users just spam the button B (circle on PS) and trip players also, tose aren't CB users, tose guys just use CB :)
@@cross6325 LOL that's a lie, you can do hit every attack and still not going to do as much damage that a Big bang or the charge attack from a GS, tose weapons also have bonus damage for those parts, please stay were LS should be, tail and feet to trip monsters :)
Voku purely solo? If so you must be new and uninformed because plenty of people do like myself. I love my palico and all but it’s not needed after you max it out for trophies.
Voku wym proof it’s been going on ever since monster hunters been a thing I don’t understand why you think there isn’t a lot. Do you not understand how palico can take the attention away from the hunter and mess up positioning? This isn’t new at all lol like I said you’re uninformed and I said you were new because you said almost no one plays like that.
Voku you’re going off of your experience though and I’m also on ps4 I don’t see anyone using palico unless it’s to level them up for the trophies if we are talking endgame or speedrunning or some vets it all depends on your play style. I’m not saying there’s not a a lot let’s just both just say half because I’m not talking bad about anyone who uses them I just prefer not to and not saying I don’t use mine at all or trying to argue from my experience it’s different. Even when I watch streamers that palicos aren’t on. It’s just preference tbh.
Honestly, I had to teach myself to use the clutch claw, it took me a bit to use it to it's full potential and to know when to use it. You explained it very well tho and everything else on how to be a better hunter, this will help lots of newcomers and intermediate players to be better in their hunts.
Tip: If you're playing with a dedicated healer be sure to not completely rely on them, heal yourself when necessary, we aren't always able to heal you and waiting 10 seconds to be healed is a bad idea.
Had no clue about the yellow eye for yeeting. I normally clutch claw after a stagger and now i know why they wont run with a flinch shot, gotta look for the eye now. Also didnt know the pet rider mount attack, awesome tips!
Stop only capturing monsters. Some of us are trying to carve mantels. Dont come into my gameing caping my monster, very disrespectful to the host of the sos or hunting party
if you want mantles then you should farm investigations with multiple gold rewards, preferably single monster hunts. and sever the tail if possible, that also has a good chance. comparatively, very very low chance from body carves
I don't see it as all that disrespectful especially if the head and tail are broken I've gotten as many as four mantels at once a couple of times as rewards for capturing.
It is disrespectful when i ask don't please dont capture in multiple languages. An i am already aware of the other methods of Investigation rewards and cat stealing one. You have more chances to carve then only relying on invest rewards and cat stealing you can maximize your chances.
@@toxic1698 no you havent. In investigation you get the gold silver chance or bronze doesn't matter if you break it or not, check your in game hunting notes no where does it say you get mantels as a reward for caping. only carveing after you break said part or cut tail off then carve
To add, while Heavy weapons can make the mark in one attack and it is true that with a Light weapon 2 times works, you can actually do it in a single grapple, given you don't get thrown off. All you have to do is slap the enemy 3 times, then the weapon attack. Even with Light weapons, this will not drop slinger ammo, but instead cause the weak point to appear after that single grapple. You can do this on any part of the body, slapping doesn't only have to be done to the head, you're just not turning them or able to send them yeeting if not on the head.
Just a PSA since we’re talking about yeeting : this doesn’t seem to work as intended in the Guiding Lands, specifically in the area between Forest and Coral. Try to yeet one there and it’ll just run along the wall. I hope they fix this in an upcoming patch.
Just touching on some additional yeeting info. You can flinch shot two times back to back at the start of every monster encounter, just yeet them into a wall, do your damage, grab ammo and repeat as soon as they get up for two knock down times. After this they'll instantly become enraged, so just be mindful of that and make sure you ONLY yeet when the whole team is there, otherwise you've wasted precious attack time for your team. If you're generally paying close attention to when enrage wears off, you can do it two times again, but sometimes monsters might enrage instantly after one wall banger. Another bit of info; often times, exhaustion will be met with enrage fizzling out, but try not to yeet them as soon as they become exhausted. There's a slug period for the monster where they stop moving entirely, this makes a flinch very tempting, but what I would instead recommend is trapping them, as traps tend to last twice as long when the monster is exhausted. After trapping 1-2 times, you can start flinch shotting them.
I know this is super late but I unfortunately found this out late game. The heartbeat sensor basically does the same as the yellow/red eye or skull you’ll see on the map. If the heart beat is flashing blue and yellow, it’s enraged, and when it’s almost flat, they’re dying. I tend to read the heartbeat more since it’s easier for me to see.
The part about softening the monsters body is very useful, as a hammer i always go for the head but if i have unruly hunters going for my target all the time i just soften the legs and do solid damage.
Something I noticed for myself and fixed and see that a lot of people don't capitalize on is that when you stagger a monster such that it reels it's head back to the side and starts drooling from the mouth like it's exhausted is a free grapple moment. To some this may seems like a duh thing but the game actually makes it free because no matter where in the window of that state you use it, the game will let you grapple and give you the time to perform a weakening attack. It's so often that I see other players just use normal attacks when a monster does this instead of using the moment to keep the monster's head or other body part in a weakened state for free.
Something me and my group have made a habit of doing If you mount the monster, we give a callout to a body part/s that we want wounded where we want to do the final mount attack and focus damage after they fall. So if you want to finish on the face (lol) the mounter stays on the back or tail (to not draw agro attacks on the face) and someone else will jump on the face and weaken it, and then the mounter will move to the face to preform their final attack.
Best tip: read, watch and learn as much as you can, including those tool tips during loading, watching/listening to TH-cam's and streamers AND the in-game large monster information. After my first Namielle, I immediately checked the hunter's notes... check this out: using a brightmoss on the water puddles Nami leaves on the ground ABSORBS some of it, effectively reducing the range of electricity she can send through it, and making spots safe from currents. Apparently, this can be done with torch pods as well, but I haven't had a chance to confirm that yet. Give it a shot!
in addition, if you're having a hard time looking at the mini map, you could check thr LifeLine below the monster's icon, if blue - free to clutch, if yellow, nope
Another good item tip: Trade in your unneeded Steam Tickets from the Steamworks + other unneeded items for Mega Demondrugs/Mega Armorskins and ATK/DEF Powders at the Elder Melder. Great way to complement your Botanical Research Center material/item cultivation.
Also, how to check if someone's eaten for safeguard yet. It's basically a free life. And you just press Options > Triangle > click on the teammate's name, then "Inspect Equipment" and hit L2 to see if they have any food skills applied yet
I'm one of those hunters who never carries life powders. Gotten so used to relying on myself to stay alive that I've admittedly never thought about keeping others alive. After this video I still don't think I'll carry any life powders unless I play a support role. Cool tip for the glider mantle though I'll still never use it either unless I'm trying to reach Legiana in the Coral Highlands up top quickly. Some points you missed though that others in the comments also got are the following.... 1) You can "Yeet" monsters into each other as well & knock both over while dealing damage. This works against even monsters who are enraged so long as the one you "yeet" isn't enraged. 2) You have to stay a good distance from the monsters sleeping area if you want them to go to sleep. Can't count the times MR hunters just kept running after the monster thinking it'd fall asleep only for it to stay awake & attack them. 3) When using a light weapons & clutch claw, after wounding or slapping a monsters body part 3 times it becomes a weak spot on the 4th & any consecutive wound you apply. I've not yet tested if this last for the entire quest for the same body part but it was something I noticed & so did a few others. There's other small tips for beginners to this game but I don't think you'd want a list of likely 50 things a hunter can do to make things easier as a simple comment.
How to be a better hunter in master rank: Normal burst gunlance Lvl 6 shelling Artillery lvl 5/capacity up Insert wymstake blast Rocksteady mantle Congrats, youre a god
if you use slinger 5 you'll still have amo left after a wall bang EX 45 stones , 20 left after wall bang, all others you have 1-2 left depending on amo
i have no sources to confirm this but something interesting cosmetically is that the master rank teostra male armor seems to be a walt disney beauty and the beast reference. the alpha is the beast form and the beta is his human form. just look at the helmets
You can flinch shot monsters into each other, off cliffs and out of the sky as well. Also, you can flinch shot every monster that isn't always enraged twice before they go enraged. A lot of ppl always smack the monsters then flinch shot but if they are already facing a wall or cliff no need to smack them. If you succeed or miss you usually can try again but after this it'll enrage for sure hit or miss.
Worth noting, you can yeet monsters into each other and it will damage and knock down both.
I had such a big smile on my face the first time I did that
ESPECIALLY useful for Savage Deviljho who permanently stays enraged once he does get angry and won't be knocked down by Flinch Shots. Just use another Monster who happens on by to knock him down.
It’s pretty situational but still useful
oh i was wondering what happend when i did that
It’s especially helpful getting back at Banbaro 😈 I do love my Furrie Boi, but man does he interrupt a lot of my hunts.
1:05 Wallbanging monsters (or "Yeeting")
4:52 Bring Dust of Life/Lifepowder
5:43 How to create and Attack Weak Spots
6:34 Use your Raider Ride to Mount Monsters
7:31 Using Glider Mantle to Mount Monsters after Grappling
Does anyone else kinda chuckle when they say wallbang out loud
Something else you didn't mention:
If you Clutch Claw a monster with a Light weapon, slapping the monster 2-3 times before using the Weapon attack lets you instantly wound it.
Really ? That is some very usefull information. Upvote this Man!
@@cartoonvideos5 circle
3 hits then Y (if not throwing into a wall) or 2 hits (plus the wall hit) then Y
Aaah. I was wondering about that. Was trying to figure out why I was wounding with GL and IG
It also instantly enrages them, which is good if you’re running agitator
I think you missed some vital information regarding the Clutch Claw. Smaller weapons can wound a monster in one go by filling up the (hidden) wound gauge before initiating the final attack. A claw attack (circle or B) does 2 wound damage, a weapon attack (triangle or Y) from a weapon in the light category does 5 wound damage and a weapon attack from a weapon in the heavy category does 10. In total it takes 10 wound damage to soften up a specific area.
I think it’s worth to note that light weapons can for example mount a monsters head and do their weapon attack for 5 wound damage and to refill their slinger. If they then remount the monster and claw attack trice they’re able to wound the monsters head and follow up with a flinch shot.
TL;DR: Light weapons can wound in one go if they precede their weapon attack with three claw attacks.
Extra tip: While mounted on a monster part that the monster uses to attack you’ll take the full damage of the attack and will be thrown of the monster, the Temporal Mantle completely negates this allowing you to easily navigate and/or wound the monster.
Edit: Extra tip.
From an LS main thanks for this wound in one go strat. Thank you
Rocksteady also prevents from being thrown off
@@danea6431 careful with that though. I almost got deleted doing that to a Tigrex. It's charge was doing rapid continuous damage to me so I had to jump off lol
Uhhh holy shit man. Thanks alot for the shout out!!!
No problem :D Great video!
They also drop material very often when they hit a wall. *Almost* 100% in my experience.
thesamuraiman ah yes the shiny bois
You can see what the material can be in the Monster Encyclopedia within the Hunter's Notebook. It is labled as "dropped material".
Excellent for getting those damned G. Lands only materials
Yeah their dropping the teeth they just broke running into that dam concrete wall.
@@TheSinexdeath no you first need to get the research of the creature to lvl 3 wich means you need to kill them
Best tip: don't do the clutch claw yeet if someone has mounted the monster.
If hunter 1 mounted the monster, hunter 2-4 should use clutch claw to generate slinger ammo and weak points before hunter 1 knocks down said monster.
Yes, agreed. Hunter who has toppled monster after mount can also clutch claw onto the monster before hitting the ground and cause another weak spot if no one else has done so already.
Step 1. Don’t get hit
Step 2. Hit monster really hard
Ah man, thanks. Super helpful
King kobra If we kill them, they can't murder us. It's genius!
@@ftsvectors2164 so kill it till it dies?
toonlinkssbb515 Yeah, don't you know that people die when they are killed?
I was doing something wrong, I wasnt hitting it hard enough
I actually killed my first Velkhana by running it into a wall. It actually sounded like glass broke because of the ice on his body lol.
I once slayed a Namielle with the Yeet. Lol.
Nice xD
Got Acidic Glavenus with the wall
One time I killed a monster with the turn stab
Once i killed a Monster with a stone
For anyone still new to iceborne here's some tip's for weakening parts
when weakening a monster it's best to think of it as 10 points to weaken the part, a claw attack (the little slap with the claw) does 2 points of weakening, a light weapon does 5 points and a heavy weapon does 10, meaning if you're using a light weapon you can slap the monster 3 times and then do a weapon attack for an add up of 11 points, therefore weakening the part, and well heavy weapons are simple, 1 weapon attack = instant part weaken
Light weapons: Longsword, dual blades, sword and shield, gunlance, bow, light bowgun, insect glaive
Heavy weapons: Great sword, hammer, Lance, heavy bowgun, charge blade, switch axe (I think), hunting horn
Although the dual blades and sword and shield have a special attack that wounds in one hit, with dual blades after doing a circle, circle, circle (or b, b ,b for Xbox) you can press L2 (or LT for Xbox) to grapple onto the monster to wound the part with one hit. For SnS players I'm sorry but I have no idea how to do it.
The clutch claw has an intended opening during monster fights that allow a grapple to happen no matter what. When the monster staggers back and appears to be tired and drooling but isn't, you can grappled the monster and it'll actually make them still a bit longer which simulates an exhaust period and allows said grapple to wound or generate ammo rather safely.
Another tip: If a monster isnt near a wall. Shoot the monster toward another teammate near a wall and your teammate could latch on and finish the job before the monster could react. Its kinda hard to pull off due to the monster getting pissed off at failed attempts to do this. But its an option. And looks fuckin awesome when you pull it off.
Know when to stop chasing a monster and heal yourself. A lot of people forget this fact.
It's an eye...? ITS AN EYE!
I can't believe I never realized what that minimap icon was
I always thought it was odd monsters were marked with two 'U's
You on some strong drugs not to see that it is really a taco.
Well they do call it an 'Eye'-con
underrated, take my Like
I feel like its worth noting that the Temporal Mantle lets you dodge monster attacks while clutch clawed to them, letting you wound or yeet whenever you want with no possibility of getting thrown off.
Killing a monster with the clutch claw yeet is so awesome
I killed both ruiner nerg and shara with that, so worth it
I killed a tempered seething bazelgeuse with it...but it was a capture quest. 🤦♂️
@@tiny_tenor oh that's terrible 😭😭😭😭
I killed a nergi with the claw itself...didn't even get to sling him into a wall just boinked him with the claw and got the victory screen forgot to hit save on it tho
A couple tips I thought would be helpful is, if you’re on the face of a active flyer with the clutch claw, you don’t have to aim them into a wall, if you just press RT or R2 they’ll fall straight into the floor. And tip #2 use the vigor wasp spray, it will give you a free cart after you level it up to 11. 1 free cart per quest, I don’t know the recharge rate for expedition mode yet.
Was going to say this, it's really good against flying monster and almost all times works. Thanks for bringing this up 😎
That Vigor Wasp free cart, playing solo using it I ended up just lengthening my death animation. The monsters would always just line up the next attack so I get drilled after Palico says “not on my watch” 😂
I was rocking the Melody 🎶 Drum but the Plunder 🔪 blade is just too awesome
The more wounded parts on a monster before you yeet them the more damage it does.
also a good tip: don't yeet them into a wall when the guy that is mounting it is nearly done with the mount!
But now its harder to flash somebody off a monster thats being mounted, so people need a subsitute...
...Why would you do that?
@@cybertronprime2030 I don't know
I am usually the frustrated guy that is mounting
Can you do 300 Damage with a Mount or not?
@@kingknightisbestknight7398 yes
One thing I noticed about the clutch claw is that if you see a monster has become exhausted then wait about 2 seconds and then use the clutch and attack it. This is helpful in multiplayer cuz the monster won't start moving until u finish the clutch claw attack and this lets ur teammates get a good chance to unleash strong attacks
I feel like I’m the only one who uses Dust Of Life
Even lifepowders and demon/armor drugs I seldom see hunters bring those
Veteran struggles @_@
@@michaelcotejar3990 and the absolute worst.... somebody carts, then they DON'T eat again, or use Nutrients/Max Potions/etc
I always bring dust of life or lifepowers with the lower ranks because they tend to take lots of damage from single attacks or do questionable acts. Toestra got a double kill supernova last night on the low ranks, one of them literally ran away then ran back into the nova.......nothing a dust of life can do there lol. We need dust of knowlege and common sense 😅.
@@Virjunior01 I've been picky on choosing random rooms, not sure if they're just lazy or they're noobs who relied too much on multiplayer hence the lack of basic knowledge, sadly my teachers/cousins who taught me back in the first MH I 2004, will get Iceborne a month later, so I have to rely on randoms if I get lazy on solo material grinding
I’m having internet issues at the moment, so this will greatly help, because I’m not gonna be able to call for help. On the bright side, my palico has maxed all her weapons, and our affinity with the Gajalaka. Plus, I’ve significantly improved my dodging and blocking skills. Thank you, Damascus armor. I love your guard skill. That said, I want the Mind’s Eyes gem, but it’s proving quite elusive. Really working on that build we talked about.
Imagine this video just being Arekkz staring into the camera for 8:30 minutes and in the last 4 seconds he just says "git gud."
Canta did something like this as an april fools joke.
On a notepad.
For 10:01 minutes.
I'm surprised a lot of people don't know how to run monsters into walls. You get an optional quest that teaches you about the Clutch Claw pretty well.
Why? Because some people treat the new expansion like a speed run even though they are not speed’s kinda annoying for me but hey it’s their choice..
For some of us its fun to experiment with it instead of running through a tutorial. Needless to say that the mechanic isnt too hard to figure out
Tip: Slinger Bombs can be mixed into your attack combos for major damage. instead of shooting them normally. Use "slinger burst". The only downside is, You'd have to be very close to the monster😬
It works with other slinger ammo.
But only half the weapons have this feature.
Thank you ArekkZ for showing me the light. I’ve started using the CB, went back into your 1 year old video of the CB Guide, now I WORSHIP THIS WEAPON!
My very smol team affectionately call the monster into wall thing the B O N K
I was watching the heart beat monitor to tell when the monsters were enraged
They also often has a physical tell, like snorting steam, firey mouths, crackling electricity, etc
I never noticed that
@@johnathonpeterson1046 now you do ❤
The pseudo wyvern trio have very flashy ones, barioth eyes glow red, narga leaves a trace and tigrex blood almost boils.
Yeah they kinda added the heartbeat thing in World, and my friends like to guess when to capture the monster based on it sometimes. And when it fails it always makes me wonder what the point of the damn thing is. I've played since Tri, and I'm used to just observing / laying off when I get the feeling they're low, and watch for a limp. But the new generation doesn't have time for that shit; their helmets have a god damn short-range heartbeat monitor tuned to big ass bitch monsters dying in the desert or forest or cave or wherever the fuck it needs to read them.
I felt myself getting more aggressive as I typed that.
You can yeet monsters into another hunter that has a shield👌
Step 1: mount with GS
step 2: turn monster towards guy with CB and Offensive guard
step 3: launch monster while CB readys the guard point
step 4: monster impact and activate SAED into glorious finishing combo
Are you serious?! Hell yeah I'm gonna try it out
I can hear all the CB mains boners hit their armor after reading that.
Holy shit is that true?!
@@Foul_Ghoul lmao damn you beat me to it
A helpful tip with the clutch claw yeet is that if a monster is flying you don't actually need to run them into a wall, you can just fire your slinger ammo while on their face like normal and when they hit the ground you will get the same effect as running them into a wall. Just saying this because I didn't hear Arekkz say this.
I'm absolutely loving Iceborne, I've been so addicted to it, that it's been keeping me from playing Borderlands 3 lol.
I've been trying to pickup GS lately, I'm slowly getting better at it. I'm going to be fighting Nargacuga for the first time today. I'm going to see how I fair taking it down with Great Sword.
Im curious, 3 months later, how did you fair? 😂
am i the only the one appreciating the super cool detail of that Dante's clutch claw( i assume) how switches from claw to slinger cannnon when you going to yeet the monster? i thought that was COOL
I used his layer a ton so I noticed right away haha
Fun fact: enraged monsters are are yeetable exhausting a monster to the point when they starve or get hungry mid-rage they can be steered and veered regardless.
How would you know if they reached this point?
They drool and halt their action and start panting, they're exhausted and in which fully yeetable enraged or not :3
Hope this helps!
Ive tried it, didnt work
Run a exhaust build high drain I use switch axe in my case remember it's not when they stagger back stunned drooling it's when they sorta just drop whatever their doing to take a breather pink rather is a prime example: she'll keep a straight posture and pant drooling but when struck back stunned shes curled in a defensive position this stance isn't when you latch on and yeet, it's the stance former.
When they are tired/hungry an icon flashes from them on the minimap
There were a couple of occasions when this worked, but most of the time, it doesn't work. Not reliable.
Woah nice !!! I didn't know you could tell a monsters enraged by just looking at the icon on the minimap! I just observe them when they're nose/mouth is steaming ! Thanks arekkz !
Right, that's why I grew 2,000 Gloamgrass Buds. I was planning on making Dust of Life on mass so that could add as a permanent item to my item loadout. Thank you for reminding me.
You can get a bunch of Dust of Life's from the Steamwork Mini-game too.
@@DiligentD Thank you're luckier than me. I'm luck if I get 1 per overdrive. I get (in this order from possible yellow tier rewards) Advanced Armor Sphere, Max Potion, Mega Barrel Bombs, Steam Tickets, and then Dust of Life.
@@Aklaif Owch, sorry to hear bud.
Fingers crossed the game when a that put for you ^_^
@@DiligentD It made up for it by having randoms in the post game that know what they are doing.
OMG! I already use Glider Mantle on my Hammer set! The clutch > glide > aerial attack technique is going to be so useful for even more KOs and mounts! Thanks for this!
Plus the 2x rank 4 gem slots and 60%+ uptime isn't bad either
I generally end up bringing just Glider+ and and elemental+ mantle because I can have the gems up all the time and both mantles are still really useful. Nice to run something other than Temporal/Affinity Booster or Rocksteady
The scariest monster to yeet into a wall is lunastra. Can't count how many times she's super nova the map as soon as she got up
I think you understated the importance of tenderizing monster parts via the clutchclaw. Perhaps you coulda mentioned Kirin as example of a monster that gets insane armor when enraged. But if you clutchclaw the body and weaken it, your weapons will stop bouncing off. That stuff makes all the difference
"in an area that doesn't typically have ledges". As a hammer main I am personally offended by the notion of fighting in such an area. How am I supposed to deal damage if I can't slideattack or ledgejump?
It's also worth noting, with the "clutch claw feet", you can also knock them into another monster, knocking both of them down
Thanks for the clutch claw yeet info I was hoping someone would explain this!
What are you talking about, there is a low rank quest that explains all this...
>low rank
@Leon Coombes what yes it does. There is literally a quest to teach you everything about the clutch claw. Don't be acting like it's the games fault you're bad
Something about the raider rides worth mentioning: If a monster is limping and is going to sleep, make sure you get off the raider ride when you get close but never let them get to the monster because they will just wake them up automatically and effectively waste the sleep.
I remember when I tried clutch clawing a rathian but just ended up killing it with the 4 damage from the claw
I love your vids that point out the basics that some people look over accidentally sometimes, which includes me too, so thanks for this one and all those before and following.
The best one to yeet other monsters into is savage deviljho for a good time.
You can also blast monsters off a cliff or out of the air for fall damage
This also deals massive damage to the wings if the monster has them
The wings are almost always weak, anyway
@@Virjunior01garuga's aren't
@@maroonsheepo "almost always"
Cliffs include the huge cliff on the legiana nest, or the diablos hole in the wild spire wastes.
I find it easier to monitor a monsters enrage state by looking at the life line under the monsters icon. If its consistently blue with no yellow in it its calm, but if it has a yellow hue its enraged.
How to be a better hunter? .. Get a HAMMER!
BOOM thats the only correct answer
Ahhh yes, Mi Mallet!
I think you spelt hunting horn wrong
A yes a man of culture I see
Unless they send you flying with their upward swings
Hey, here's a cool little tip I've discovered recently: You can give the monster a direction while you're doing the wallbang thing, and I don't mean the slapping animation, you'll have 2 small seconds, just when you're shooting him in the face, move the left stick to your right or left and the monster will follow that direction.
I'm amazed by the amount of hunters who stop and sharpen as the monster flees, meanwhile I've built the habit of immediately hopping on my mount and sharpening as I ride past my teammates. I'm pretty much always the first one back in the fray.
an old habit from past MH games......i to pretty much sharp as soon as it leaves the area
Hol' up. You can sharpen from your uber?!?
Yeah, but you dont wanna rush in alone while the team is still behind buffing and sharpening. Also, not everyone has raider ride.
@@possumwithacowboyhat5140 That's fine with me. As a lance and sns main i'll distract the monster as vanguard while my allies set up.
Lol I didnt know you could sharpen on your raider ride until a week ago.
Perfect video, covers all the things I think are huge for master rank plus some bonus material. Never heard the glider mantle tip, I'll definitely give this a try!
Always bring lifepowders and dust of life to heal your teammates!!
Had this playing in the background mid hunt and this def changed the flow of battle..! Never seemed to nail down when they were or weren't Yeet Ready™ lol--life saving tips, man
Is the glowy clutch claw layered armor!? Looks dope 👌
yeah its the dante layered arms, it gets a unique clutch claw.
The 3 powders have always been apart of my multiplayer item setup. An now, applying dust of life to the pack has made me a better support for the team.
"If u tryna slap him on the tail or the leg this isn't that type of game."
Lol whole time I thought I was here to slap some tail thanks j/k. Lol
on ps4 when using a bow and you dodge while aiming and you press triangle immediately after the dodge you can do an attack with an arrow. this attack can let you mount monsters so if you got the stamina you don't need ledges and you can easily mount monsters with a bow. I do it all the time :D
Tips in this video:
1. Use the new Flinch Shot
2. Bring Lifepowder
3. Soften monsterparts with Clutch Claw attacks
4. Use Raider Rider
5. Mount with the Glider Mantle
That glider mount trick is super handy! I'm horrible at using the small ledges and that is sooo much easier. Thanks for the info!
Another tip get health boost on the armor lol 👌
Great video as always! I was trying to figure out how to yeet monsters, I was doing it sometimes but other times it wouldn't work, and now I know why. Thank you, Arekkz
Ah sweet so you don't have to upgrade reg life powder.
In other words i can bring 2 dust of life 3 life powder 10 gobugs 10 of the material you mentioned and effectively have a good chunk of emergency heals. I always like bringing any powders herbal demon etc
There's a limit. You can only carry 4 gloamgrass buds.
10 godbugs
4 gloamgrass
6 blue mushrooms
That's 3 + 6 life powder, and 2 + 4 dust of life
@@Virjunior01 gotcha well better than nothin
Holy shit that glider mantle tip is a huge game changer especially with the Safi Siege because you always want to mount to bring him down and have a moment to attack the head tail which is hard to hit because it's constantly moving
Should I clutch claw yeet with a team member mounted.
no let them do the mount down then you can yeet them as they get up for more dps
You can't even yeet it
Personally no. Because then you'll waste your slinger ammo and won't have any when its ready to be rammed into a wall. And will waste the players mount.
Nathan O'Moore no lol that shit hurts when I’m about to bring a monster down, then it slams its face into a wall
Nope, let the mounting team member complete mounting process, do dps, if not enraged, send it towards the wall. i see quite a few people that while a mounting animation is happening use that to send the monster into the wall instead of waiting. your just missing out on more dps by interrupting.
Another thing that's cool to know is you when you're on your raider ride you can farm materials on the back of them faster. While you're on the back it cancels out the pickaxes animation and digging for bones animation.
Most important tip: positioning
Hammer, Hunting Horn, Impact CB -> head
You forgot dual blades > not head lol
hmm, can you elaborate? i don't 100% understand. Is it because light weapons can't Yeet? or are you referring to something else
@@amw2663 it can yeet, just dual blades are lite weapons, so I rather have a hunter with a heavy wpn do the clutch claw yeet/generate a weak spot then have them drop slinger ammo. Also lite weapons can create a weak spot, either by doing the clutch claw attack twice to same body part or press mount clutch melee (O on ps4) then doing their weapon melee. But why go through all the hard work of clutch claw twice?
@@amw2663 1) Hammers, HH and impact CB can KO a monster, LS can't. LS is great for cutting tails because of it's reach
2) getting tripped and staggered all the time, mostly by LS or DB. LS is especially obnoxious because of its range (and because there's so many of them). As a hammer user you basically can't get near the monster's head let alone hit it when a LS player is there.
From personal experience I get staggered for the full duration of at least one or two monster knock downs by LS players per hunt.
That glider mantle technique is really cool - I was hunting with a Velkhanna CritDraw/Boost Greatsword build last night and that'd make it extra spicy.
Another pro tip for some master rank hunters, longswords and insect glaives and chargeblades need to STAY AWAY from the head
Yours truly,
Hammer bros
CB also do impact damage, did you mean SA? :P
Brendan Lewis I mean impact CB does KO damage also since we use the SAED most of the time it’s likely your own fault if you get tripped. Perhaps don’t assume you’re the only one with a reason to hit the head?
Longsword on most monsters head deals alot of dmg
@@SS2LP naaa i am CB main but i know that some users just spam the button B (circle on PS) and trip players also, tose aren't CB users, tose guys just use CB :)
@@cross6325 LOL that's a lie, you can do hit every attack and still not going to do as much damage that a Big bang or the charge attack from a GS, tose weapons also have bonus damage for those parts, please stay were LS should be, tail and feet to trip monsters :)
Thank you so much for making this Arekkz; I really hope I see it in more future hunts instead of feeling like a teacher every hunt XD
Heal your teammates bring life and dust powder unless you play solo lol
Even if you play Solo; keeps the tail-raiders around for longer if you're in a tough fight and heals them for TONS
Nova D but I mean purely solo no palico or raiders
Voku purely solo? If so you must be new and uninformed because plenty of people do like myself. I love my palico and all but it’s not needed after you max it out for trophies.
Voku wym proof it’s been going on ever since monster hunters been a thing I don’t understand why you think there isn’t a lot. Do you not understand how palico can take the attention away from the hunter and mess up positioning? This isn’t new at all lol like I said you’re uninformed and I said you were new because you said almost no one plays like that.
Voku you’re going off of your experience though and I’m also on ps4 I don’t see anyone using palico unless it’s to level them up for the trophies if we are talking endgame or speedrunning or some vets it all depends on your play style. I’m not saying there’s not a a lot let’s just both just say half because I’m not talking bad about anyone who uses them I just prefer not to and not saying I don’t use mine at all or trying to argue from my experience it’s different. Even when I watch streamers that palicos aren’t on. It’s just preference tbh.
Honestly, I had to teach myself to use the clutch claw, it took me a bit to use it to it's full potential and to know when to use it. You explained it very well tho and everything else on how to be a better hunter, this will help lots of newcomers and intermediate players to be better in their hunts.
Why didn't you just do the tutorial quest?
Last one: use glider mantle and clutch claw to mount the monster.
*Laughs in Insect Glaive*
*Laughs harder in mount master charm*
Tip: If you're playing with a dedicated healer be sure to not completely rely on them, heal yourself when necessary, we aren't always able to heal you and waiting 10 seconds to be healed is a bad idea.
This video is basically "Git gud"
Haven't finished the video yet, but "Clutch Claw Yeet" is priceless and I will be saying that from now on.
Irritating how you kept saying "yeet"
Had no clue about the yellow eye for yeeting. I normally clutch claw after a stagger and now i know why they wont run with a flinch shot, gotta look for the eye now. Also didnt know the pet rider mount attack, awesome tips!
Stop only capturing monsters. Some of us are trying to carve mantels. Dont come into my gameing caping my monster, very disrespectful to the host of the sos or hunting party
if you want mantles then you should farm investigations with multiple gold rewards, preferably single monster hunts. and sever the tail if possible, that also has a good chance. comparatively, very very low chance from body carves
I don't see it as all that disrespectful especially if the head and tail are broken I've gotten as many as four mantels at once a couple of times as rewards for capturing.
It is disrespectful when i ask don't please dont capture in multiple languages. An i am already aware of the other methods of Investigation rewards and cat stealing one. You have more chances to carve then only relying on invest rewards and cat stealing you can maximize your chances.
@@airforcegame objectively false. investigations are flat out the best way to farm any materials, but especially mantles
@@toxic1698 no you havent. In investigation you get the gold silver chance or bronze doesn't matter if you break it or not, check your in game hunting notes no where does it say you get mantels as a reward for caping. only carveing after you break said part or cut tail off then carve
If you're wearing the temporal mantle while on a monster via the Clutch Claw, it can't throw you off.
Oh snap, I wonder if this will work mounting too, since you have to option to switch body Pat's when the monster tries to shake you off of one.
Finally a video I can send to people who don’t use clutch claw in every quest that I participate in.
They might just not own iceborne
that glider mantle tip is epic....
awesome for my insect glaive builds. :)
cheers bruh
wow the claw yeet just revolutionized my experience in master rank quests holy shit
To add, while Heavy weapons can make the mark in one attack and it is true that with a Light weapon 2 times works,
you can actually do it in a single grapple, given you don't get thrown off.
All you have to do is slap the enemy 3 times, then the weapon attack. Even with Light weapons, this will not drop slinger ammo, but instead cause the weak point to appear after that single grapple. You can do this on any part of the body, slapping doesn't only have to be done to the head, you're just not turning them or able to send them yeeting if not on the head.
Just a PSA since we’re talking about yeeting : this doesn’t seem to work as intended in the Guiding Lands, specifically in the area between Forest and Coral. Try to yeet one there and it’ll just run along the wall. I hope they fix this in an upcoming patch.
Just touching on some additional yeeting info. You can flinch shot two times back to back at the start of every monster encounter, just yeet them into a wall, do your damage, grab ammo and repeat as soon as they get up for two knock down times. After this they'll instantly become enraged, so just be mindful of that and make sure you ONLY yeet when the whole team is there, otherwise you've wasted precious attack time for your team. If you're generally paying close attention to when enrage wears off, you can do it two times again, but sometimes monsters might enrage instantly after one wall banger.
Another bit of info; often times, exhaustion will be met with enrage fizzling out, but try not to yeet them as soon as they become exhausted. There's a slug period for the monster where they stop moving entirely, this makes a flinch very tempting, but what I would instead recommend is trapping them, as traps tend to last twice as long when the monster is exhausted. After trapping 1-2 times, you can start flinch shotting them.
I know this is super late but I unfortunately found this out late game. The heartbeat sensor basically does the same as the yellow/red eye or skull you’ll see on the map. If the heart beat is flashing blue and yellow, it’s enraged, and when it’s almost flat, they’re dying. I tend to read the heartbeat more since it’s easier for me to see.
Lol for me it was opposite, I didn't know about the red eye thing
The part about softening the monsters body is very useful, as a hammer i always go for the head but if i have unruly hunters going for my target all the time i just soften the legs and do solid damage.
Get that trip, your teammates will love you.
Something I noticed for myself and fixed and see that a lot of people don't capitalize on is that when you stagger a monster such that it reels it's head back to the side and starts drooling from the mouth like it's exhausted is a free grapple moment. To some this may seems like a duh thing but the game actually makes it free because no matter where in the window of that state you use it, the game will let you grapple and give you the time to perform a weakening attack. It's so often that I see other players just use normal attacks when a monster does this instead of using the moment to keep the monster's head or other body part in a weakened state for free.
Something me and my group have made a habit of doing
If you mount the monster, we give a callout to a body part/s that we want wounded where we want to do the final mount attack and focus damage after they fall.
So if you want to finish on the face (lol) the mounter stays on the back or tail (to not draw agro attacks on the face) and someone else will jump on the face and weaken it, and then the mounter will move to the face to preform their final attack.
Best tip: read, watch and learn as much as you can, including those tool tips during loading, watching/listening to TH-cam's and streamers AND the in-game large monster information.
After my first Namielle, I immediately checked the hunter's notes... check this out: using a brightmoss on the water puddles Nami leaves on the ground ABSORBS some of it, effectively reducing the range of electricity she can send through it, and making spots safe from currents.
Apparently, this can be done with torch pods as well, but I haven't had a chance to confirm that yet.
Give it a shot!
Puddle pods will also short circuit zinogre and end his empowered state allowing him to be caught by shock traps.
in addition, if you're having a hard time looking at the mini map, you could check thr LifeLine below the monster's icon, if blue - free to clutch, if yellow, nope
Another good item tip: Trade in your unneeded Steam Tickets from the Steamworks + other unneeded items for Mega Demondrugs/Mega Armorskins and ATK/DEF Powders at the Elder Melder. Great way to complement your Botanical Research Center material/item cultivation.
Also, how to check if someone's eaten for safeguard yet. It's basically a free life. And you just press Options > Triangle > click on the teammate's name, then "Inspect Equipment" and hit L2 to see if they have any food skills applied yet
Not a single person I've played with has called it "yeet" and this is a month after you made this.
If they’re flying you just have to flinchshot because they fly into the ground also you can flinchshot them into other monsters for both to go down.
you do more damage if the flying monster go to a wall
Not all monsters hit the ground directly either. I think elders and some other stronger monsters need to hit a wall before they go down
The first time I did this to S. Legi I died laughing because I had no idea you could just throw monsters at each other
No it worked on kushala, silver rath, and azure rath I’m just saying they don’t have to hit a wall if they’re flying.
I'm one of those hunters who never carries life powders. Gotten so used to relying on myself to stay alive that I've admittedly never thought about keeping others alive. After this video I still don't think I'll carry any life powders unless I play a support role. Cool tip for the glider mantle though I'll still never use it either unless I'm trying to reach Legiana in the Coral Highlands up top quickly.
Some points you missed though that others in the comments also got are the following....
1) You can "Yeet" monsters into each other as well & knock both over while dealing damage. This works against even monsters who are enraged so long as the one you "yeet" isn't enraged.
2) You have to stay a good distance from the monsters sleeping area if you want them to go to sleep. Can't count the times MR hunters just kept running after the monster thinking it'd fall asleep only for it to stay awake & attack them.
3) When using a light weapons & clutch claw, after wounding or slapping a monsters body part 3 times it becomes a weak spot on the 4th & any consecutive wound you apply. I've not yet tested if this last for the entire quest for the same body part but it was something I noticed & so did a few others.
There's other small tips for beginners to this game but I don't think you'd want a list of likely 50 things a hunter can do to make things easier as a simple comment.
How to be a better hunter in master rank:
Normal burst gunlance
Lvl 6 shelling
Artillery lvl 5/capacity up
Insert wymstake blast
Rocksteady mantle
Congrats, youre a god
You forgot Health Regen augment(s)
if you use slinger 5 you'll still have amo left after a wall bang EX 45 stones , 20 left after wall bang, all others you have 1-2 left depending on amo
i have no sources to confirm this but something interesting cosmetically is that the master rank teostra male armor seems to be a walt disney beauty and the beast reference. the alpha is the beast form and the beta is his human form. just look at the helmets
You can flinch shot monsters into each other, off cliffs and out of the sky as well. Also, you can flinch shot every monster that isn't always enraged twice before they go enraged. A lot of ppl always smack the monsters then flinch shot but if they are already facing a wall or cliff no need to smack them. If you succeed or miss you usually can try again but after this it'll enrage for sure hit or miss.
Great video! i knew about wall banging monsters but i was confused on why it would work sometimes and not others.