Nicely done! These are interesting locks indeed! They have a closed shackle varient that has to be picked both clockwise to unlock one side then counterclockwise to take the shackle guard off so you could get the chain it's connected to off. They've been on my radar for the future...
Oh that sounds like a weird mechanism for sure. That would be a interesting one. I think I've only had to pick one lock counter-clockwise before. It's definintely a different feel!
Well done. Interesting lock indeed.
Thanks. I know it's "10 security pins" but I didn't really notice the serrations on the keypins at all. I only remembered afterwards.
Nicely done! These are interesting locks indeed! They have a closed shackle varient that has to be picked both clockwise to unlock one side then counterclockwise to take the shackle guard off so you could get the chain it's connected to off. They've been on my radar for the future...
Oh that sounds like a weird mechanism for sure. That would be a interesting one. I think I've only had to pick one lock counter-clockwise before. It's definintely a different feel!