The Nature of Consciousness - the Sun - Grand Master Julie Scott

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 156

  • @Knowthyself1st
    @Knowthyself1st 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +20


  • @jennyrook
    @jennyrook 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +84

    The Sun is indeed conscious, and came to me, a hardened atheist, four years ago. By far the most surprising thing in my life. It told me about the structure of the universe, and why we are here. I’ve written about this. We are the Sun’s imagination: it does not need worshipping, because we are it and it is us. There is no separation. But we have the forgetting veil, and a very limited sensual understanding, so that we think this is all real and objective, and that the Sun is a ball of helium exploding in brilliance far away. This is the game, the most profound game of all. We are here to add love to the universe, through our terrible challenges. The Sun itself is imagined into existence by the Galaxy mind, which in turn is imagined by the Universal mind. Source/Brahman/potential in the collapse of the wave function, created this and other universes. The universe/galaxy/sun/us exist like Russian dolls, each contained within the other. Relax, and enjoy the sunrises and sunsets, the way it sparkles on water, causes rainbows, and the silvery light of the moon. What a miracle it all is!

    • @Worlds_to_Explore
      @Worlds_to_Explore 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      The beauty of your words were almost poetic. Thank you for sharing that perspective in that way.

    • @wyzebull
      @wyzebull 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Thank you for sharing this! I'm going to have to dwell on it for awhile. It feels accurate.
      People will get caught up in the words used to describe the underlying process you speak of.
      If we can get past labels and words and hold the process in mind, we might be able to grasp this.

    • @vladimirlegrand2917
      @vladimirlegrand2917 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      But how specifically did it come to you, the formerly "hardened atheist" ? How can I believe your statements ?

    • @JB_7775
      @JB_7775 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Sounds correct to me. What do you mean by collapse of the wave function though?

    • @jennyrook
      @jennyrook 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      @@vladimirlegrand2917 I was curious about metaphysics and why it obsessed people. I took a course run by Jeffrey Martin, called 40 Days to Awakening, which was based on meditating and positive psychology, and on day 12, I felt a huge overwhelming ecstasy, and a clear voice in my mind saying, 'you are in my heart'. I remained in ecstasy on and off for two years, while I wrote The Book of the Sun. The above comment is just part of what it told me.

  • @knowone-sts2263
    @knowone-sts2263 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    Quantum field theory explains there is no pure matter, only energy fields created by consciousness. Logic will tell you the sun must be conscious. The hand of the creator delivering love to sustain it's children.

  • @beautifultruths9641
    @beautifultruths9641 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I can identify 3 moments in my life whereby i would say are supernatural’ while in meditation at sunrise i experienced a thin line of light which left the sun almost as a telephone wire of light where i was able to see beings of light who delivered a message which was both personal and impersonal . It confused me because my mind was stuck in the science and yet my experience was otherwise’ words limiting . I thankyou for your time and sharing your wisdom 🙏on this mysterious plane 😊

  • @ImaginationAgents
    @ImaginationAgents 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ❤ Fantastic presentation GM Julie Scott ! This is one of the Great Revelations of Humanity. All is alive. All is Aware. All is the All.

  • @Corteum
    @Corteum 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Dr Rupert Sheldrake also proposes the theory that the Sun, too, is conscious in a similar way to how we are.... i.e. it is aware and conscious of information within its field of perception. It is having a subjective experience just as we are.

  • @efoneofour
    @efoneofour 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Cosmic consciousness is to be found in each and every atom of the universe. Otherwise how could we explain that all the atoms of the universe behave exactly the same way, following exactly the same laws? There has to be a Mind behind all this.

  • @vladimirlegrand2917
    @vladimirlegrand2917 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    It's only been a few days, I began to come to this conclusion through my research and reflections on the history of religions, the nature of consciousness, NDEs, close encounters of the 3rd type, Marian encounters... Etc.
    To begin with, the internal structure and dynamics of the sun are very complex. Our star, which concentrates up to 99.9% of the total mass of the solar system, has made our existence possible by keeping the earth in orbit around it, by protecting us from galactic cosmic rays (GCR), and by nourishing the life and the climate of the energy of its radiation.
    All this to say that given its complexity, its dynamics and the confluence of these different phenomena emanating from the sun and allowing our existence, it becomes very reasonable to suspect that our father, the Sun is well conscious.
    On the other hand, the photons it emits, having spent thousands of years interacting with the plasma particles, have had ample time to become entangled with the star. So every time solar radiation reaches us, it is informed if it is well aware. Father Sun would therefore know, day after day, everything that is happening on earth.

    • @jennyrook
      @jennyrook 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @abderrahimkamili5214
    @abderrahimkamili5214 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    plants ,trees and the living things that spring from Earth carry or have the consciousnesses of the planet .

  • @bertenqvist7324
    @bertenqvist7324 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The sun is a repository that has captured all our thoughts and feelings and deeds from us fellow human beings on earth, a storage of all that they have felt and experienced in a lifetime. It is like an Akashic record, but that´s all for now, it is also a gateway.

  • @brentoniverson1020
    @brentoniverson1020 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm grateful for you sharing this beautiful time with us.💪🏿☀️🙏🏾

  • @brandonhorsford
    @brandonhorsford 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank you for sharing Grand master Julie Scott it’s always a pleasure 🌹

  • @veritas5008
    @veritas5008 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    What a perfectly clear and thoughtful presentation. Simple and complex at the same time. With that in mind, I can say that it was a very Conscious presentation of the essence of Consciousness. Thank you.

  • @SPQR748
    @SPQR748 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    When I was a young man I was staying at a hotel where there were a couple of hippies sitting in the lobby and one of them had a tarot deck and asked me if I wanted a reading. I said no but he convinced me. He gave me what he called a short reading. He told me that I had a teacher and I said that I didn’t but he insisted that the cards say otherwise. He said that the last card would reveal my teacher. He turned it over and it was the “Sun Card”. I said to him mockingly “So the Sun 🌞 is my teacher?” 😎 He said “exactly”. The janitor who was standing nearby listening asked the hippie “What lodge are you with?” The hippie stared at him for a moment and then said something to the effect that he thinks they should tell us. The janitor flew into a rage 😡 shouting “You know good and damn well that you can’t tell “Inner Temple Secrets” to the Uninitiated.” I will never forget that term. He threatened the hippie saying that if he was not gone by the morning that he was going to make a call ☎️ The hippie was gone the next morning.

  • @uuubeut
    @uuubeut 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I love Rosicrucian TV and the many mediations on our natural world . This video is timely and much appreciated . Thank you ❣

  • @Jen-e-sis
    @Jen-e-sis 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Of course, our ancients told us this. The sun is our Father and earth is our mother, both obtain a consciousness divine intelligence

    • @Jen-e-sis
      @Jen-e-sis 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      And the recent solar cmes are ASCENDING altering human consciousness . The age of awakening

  • @MonadicMedia
    @MonadicMedia 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    I highly recommend looking into the Electric Universe theories. It's a compete 180 from all gravity based cosmology and is much more in line with the esoteric teachings. Look into the Thunderbolts Project and plasma cosmology and you'll see much more direct correlations. Unfortunately none of that is on NASA's website yet.

    • @anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858
      @anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I would suggest you look into Dewey Larson's Reciprocal Systems Theory Of Space And Time.

    • @liquidluck711
      @liquidluck711 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      There is a reason why NAS has to so thoroughly l13 to the masses. What that reason is, must be a good one to have America spend 20-60 billion a year since inception to prolong the grift.
      This presenter should have an idea as to why...

    • @im1337ninja
      @im1337ninja 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Esoteric is an ego based word used typically as a booster of the ego, to make one feel better upon the understanding of said subject.
      Don't use esoteric on philosophy, esoteric in a nutshell is a nutshell.
      Technically the journey of self and conscious awareness is esoteric if you combined the masses into the same group, giving it that 0.01% "understanding" but if you only grouped those within said journey then the understanding ratio is no longer a fraction based percentage.
      Electric universe isn't something that is considered needed for journey of self. It's a philosophy one can learn from based upon perceptive view points.
      The esoteric knowledge that can be absolute in this world is the ancient wisdom that has been put through translation. "Is translation correct??" No I don't believe so.
      If you want to be esoteric, figure that stuff out. But I wish you luck. Many of the real good information is hidden, locked away. Furthermore making understanding the true value of the teachings on a scale based upon fractions of fractions. Maybe 0.00000001% especially with misinformation, altered content, destroyed content, and hidden content.
      I believe they had magical powers, vibrational powers that built many monuments, and sights around the world which is still unexplainable by scientist. But that's not even a scratch on the surface, that's a grain of sand in the biggest mall in the USA.

    • @gannonapoliticalteen9694
      @gannonapoliticalteen9694 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@liquidluck711could you point me to any readings you reccomend on usa’s relationship to the grift?

    • @liquidluck711
      @liquidluck711 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@gannonapoliticalteen9694 linck i cannot cuz utube shuts down any real linx...
      What One can do. Is observe and keep an open mind. When the word "image" or "artist interpretation" or others along these lines. Are legal descriptions of what they present. Please note. These terms get a lot of people out of hot water legally when used to describe how something has been presented.
      What you are likely looking for, is something no one person can provide. This is not to serve as a cop-out. Rather an invitation for the observer to not ingage in conflicts or loose end investigations. But to seek this out for yourself. Because you are ultimately the best judge. But if someone you perceive to be "crazy", "idi0t1c" or otherwise.... there is Truth in even the most darkest of thoughts/sharings.
      I'm sure you were expecting something entirely different from my response. Rest assured. You are the one now to break the simulation.
      Psalms 19:1 (KJV) was written on the tombstone of the proj,paper,cl1p director who helped found NAS. It is up to you now to piece together the sim from reality.
      Peace be with you broski

  • @Skoey1337
    @Skoey1337 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    everything is one consciousness there is no separation

  • @lasedadelsilencio
    @lasedadelsilencio 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We are inside the sun and his conscious is the essence of all what we see and feel. Biologically, physical and chemically. 🎉. Sol solecito.........❤ Thanks so much , Master.

  • @nikkitheevixen
    @nikkitheevixen 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    This is very good info, I feel myself eagerly approaching the rabbit hole researching this one 😁 This discussion about consciousness as it relates to the seemingly empty vastness of space or the quiet nature of plants is very much needed. Great stuff!

  • @TruTrinity
    @TruTrinity 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Wow, this was very informative. Incredible content. Thank you for you love for humanity!

  • @MrBlazingup420
    @MrBlazingup420 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    NASA says the Sun is tilted 7 degrees, they say it spins 25 days at it's equator, 35 days at the poles, 2+5=7 and so does poles 35+35=70. (7+0=7), a point on the 7 degree tile takes 79 years to complete one rotations, another 79 year cycle is found with Mercury and Mars, seen together every 79 years on the same day in the same sign. Mars retrogrades 70 to 79 days, loops around and back to the same spot every 707 days, conjuncts with Venus 3 times in 9 months, on a 77 month cycle, Venus retrogrades 43 days every 77 weeks, 7 weeks hidden behind the Sun, Mercury makes 7 triangle every 7 years with 22 retrogrades, each retrograde takes place 120 degrees from the last, after 3 they form a triangle, from Mercury's 88 day year 8+8=16, hiding a 7, which is the number of days Mercury has every Earth year, but only if you count Mercury's mid-day double sunrise as an extra day.
    Many more sevens can be found, if you know how to look, you even see it with our Pole Star, Polaris, off Earth's axis 0.736 degrees, the wagging Dog's Tail, which is what the ancient Greeks called Polaris, and the Dog Star drops below the horizon for 70 days, Sirius spins with our 365.25 day year. and what time did she say the Summer Solstice took place, 1:51 p.m. Pacific time, hiding another 7.
    Seeing all of this, is there a day of the year that aligns with all of this? Could it be connected with Christmas, I'll keep you wondering, because I know there is, ha ha ha

  • @JB_7775
    @JB_7775 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The scientific view she quoted says that the sun does not possess the complex structure associated with consciousness but scientists don’t exactly know where consciousness resides within the physical structure of our brains. If the person she quoted earlier who stated that the brain generates an electromagnetic field that we call consciousness is correct I would think the sun is perfectly capable of creating such a field. I have no proof but I do believe the sun is alive. I have felt this instinctively since I was a youth.

    • @vladimirlegrand2917
      @vladimirlegrand2917 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      And actually, the sun's structure and dynamics are highly complex.
      We don't even know everything about it.

    • @DavidTaylor-n1z
      @DavidTaylor-n1z 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      A few years ago I had an infection in one of my fingers that wouldn't go away. It came to me to hold !y finger in the bright sunlight. Within 10-15 !minutes the infection had completly gone

    • @JB_7775
      @JB_7775 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DavidTaylor-n1z nice !

  • @karencrawford9227
    @karencrawford9227 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Thank you Grand Master! That was something I never thought of before!

  • @naturalstoneartist
    @naturalstoneartist 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Gods sun is our rising savior! The sun gives life to the conscious bearer!!!

  • @ladyspellbreaker1313
    @ladyspellbreaker1313 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank You. I’m also very intrigued about the Solar Plexus Chakra and all the Planets INside us like the Kabbalah teaches with the Tree of Life.

  • @anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858
    @anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Dr Todd Murphy has a published paper called Consciousness Arises As Intrinsic Property Of Magnetism. There's a TH-cam video on it too.

  • @gracesol9
    @gracesol9 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I can hear Hakim saying “all you need is a beam from the sun on the water in a zig zag”
    Wow Julie, does Emma Buford know Michael Buford

  • @Gawillamon
    @Gawillamon 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Somehow I didn't even know the sun rotates until seeing that time-lapse of it lol... But that's really cool that NASA made that recording, it's beautiful to watch!

  • @spiralsun1
    @spiralsun1 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank you Julie. ❤🙏🏻 I live in the Silicon Valley area. Is it possible I met you at the Solstice ceremony maybe a while back? At the headquarters? Anyway you look familiar 😊❤👍🏻👁️
    On a lighter note, the sun is so cute. It’s like a cosmic tribble. I can’t resist them! 😮😂

  • @Karimi-8
    @Karimi-8 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hello its amazing presentation.
    The universe is very conscious on fundamental particle levels of existence completely.
    Thank you so much,🙏✨️

  • @WideCuriosity
    @WideCuriosity 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I'm a little concerned about how the word consciousness is used here. It seems to be very wide in it's definition which muddies the discussion and consequently allows claims that are difficult to discuss. Consciousness is, as I understand it, the way a mind processes information it receives in order to come to a decision. And even if there is a transmitter of data (as opposed to consciousness) somewhere it doesn't guarantee there are receivers receiving that data. It is difficult to understand how it, as opposed to data, can emulate from anywhere. Consciousness is more than perception, or reaction; it is even more than sentience. There needs to be an explanation of the mechanism allowing it to emerge. We have yet to know that in humans (although it's reasonable to suspect the network of connections passing and manipulating data is invovled) let alone in plants and non-living items such as stars. As a discussion of suppositions for consideration this is reasonable enough, but it all seems rather limited when tighter definitions haven't been agreed.

  • @sandylynch9440
    @sandylynch9440 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I recently came across a very interesting book called Light Eaters by Zoë Schlanger. A must read for anyone exploring conscious in nature.

  • @corygullette2269
    @corygullette2269 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you😊❤😊

  • @mercyshaver5264
    @mercyshaver5264 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Complex Beauty

    • @Dreaminsightswithvaun
      @Dreaminsightswithvaun 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      On the tree of life the for the Sun, which is in the centre, is - Beauty.

  • @sirius_s2028
    @sirius_s2028 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    If a human can be consious why shouldnt something the size of the sun? Since the sun gives all life to earth to consider it consciousnesless seems more incredible than to consider it consious.

    • @anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858
      @anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The key is understanding that in the second and third density, life seems to exist in separate bodies. When the fourth density is reached in the evolutionary ladder, the green ray vibration of matter, a collective mind, or, social memory complex is created. Now there truly is one mind, each seemingly separate individual having access to the whole. At the level of 6th density, you can indeed exist upon the surface of the Sun and help incarnate love and beingness into its fusion. Now the entire universe is seen as one. I hope you will see the Ra Material.

  • @rayybarra7864
    @rayybarra7864 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Summer, splendid cycle period!❤ thank you 🫶🏽✨🙏🏽 🌹

  • @anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858
    @anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    If you're interested in hearing what the Sun actually has to say, see the Ra Material.

  • @im1337ninja
    @im1337ninja 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The universe is conscious, this video came to me at a perfect time on my journey, giving me a resonating perceptive view that i kind of almost overlooked.
    (I'm only like 35% in on this video)

  • @hopakwai7135
    @hopakwai7135 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A interesting discourse

  • @CarmenRizzo-pn1uw
    @CarmenRizzo-pn1uw 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Good Job

  • @EndAddict
    @EndAddict 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Gracias y Bendiciones 🙏

  • @MrBlazingup420
    @MrBlazingup420 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Our sun was known as Sahmash to the Sumerians, in Sumerian, 'mash' means Twin or half. Mashu means Gemini, and "sah" means Pig or Swine, what they called Damu "The Child", the dying and rising god of Healing, and "mash" also means Goat, the She Goat Star was known as Bau-Gula, known as the first physician. and the mother of Damu "The Swine Star", maybe a son of Orion, known as Sah, Sahu the Hidden One, 'sahu' means Boar, who would you say "Su-sej" or Sausage, because "Susej" is Jesus backwards, ha ha ha, in Hebrew, Saul means Prayed for, and a Sage is a Wise Teacher, Susej sounds like Jesus to me. ha ha ha

    • @TruTrinity
      @TruTrinity 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      So do not go the other way…as it backwards like Jesus, if you do you’ll be a su-sej a sausage!

  • @seatlankau9468
    @seatlankau9468 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The sun has higher consciousness than humans; since without it life as it is on earth will cease to exist. Unless other forms of life evolve without the Sun, but not in this form.

  • @robertmitchell8630
    @robertmitchell8630 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The Hindus practice Suryanamaskara
    Sun gazing
    Early morning and late evening

    • @Dreaminsightswithvaun
      @Dreaminsightswithvaun 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Apparently there is a village in India where the villagers gather on a ridge to watch the sun going 'down' and when it does they break into a round of applause. ❤

  • @hopakwai7135
    @hopakwai7135 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    A universe contain energy and sun ray is the source of energy

  • @chuck9112
    @chuck9112 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hello, George Gurdjieff: Whole systems are conscious. This would include the sun and planets.
    E= mc2 should include consciousness, nothing is separate. NOTHING

  • @villiongo
    @villiongo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Plants,Insects almost living things are well aware.

  • @bRAgadino
    @bRAgadino 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nice 🙂

  • @anniegoodwin3534
    @anniegoodwin3534 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    For another view see Michael Clarage Body of the Sun ~ Thunderbolts 27 Feb 2021 ~ In the first of a two-part presentation, Michael Clarage, PhD, Lead Scientist of The SAFIRE Project, illustrates how the electrical systems of the Earth and the planets exists within the larger electrical body of the Sun.

  • @sophiafakevirus-ro8cc
    @sophiafakevirus-ro8cc 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Everything is aware of itself, "isness". Even a stone knows it's "stoneness", if it was possible for it to lose it's "isness" it would vanish.
    I know this. I did not read this, I know it.

    • @Dreaminsightswithvaun
      @Dreaminsightswithvaun 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Apparently in terms of levels of energy, a stone represents the trance state.

    • @sophiafakevirus-ro8cc
      @sophiafakevirus-ro8cc 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Dreaminsightswithvaun it's all vibration and your brain projects the world you see (which the subconscious mind is forever communicating through.

    • @sophiafakevirus-ro8cc
      @sophiafakevirus-ro8cc 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Dreaminsightswithvaun row, row, row the boat
      gently down the stream
      merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
      life is but a dream

    • @sophiafakevirus-ro8cc
      @sophiafakevirus-ro8cc 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Dreaminsightswithvaun I would not say that. Trance is to do with a certain level of brain activity. I just mean that everything is itself and has awareness of itself -ness, but a stone has no self awareness, it cannot think about itself. I suppose really I am saying that everything is a discreet pocket of awareness.

    • @sophiafakevirus-ro8cc
      @sophiafakevirus-ro8cc 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Dreaminsightswithvaun A stone knows it is a stone and that is why it is a stone, otherwise it wouldn't be there and the awareness/consciousness would be used for something else.

  • @livioarapopa8119
    @livioarapopa8119 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @hopakwai7135
    @hopakwai7135 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    And can I say the earth is created by sun

  • @hopakwai7135
    @hopakwai7135 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The mystical known by mystic is not but marvel at the wonder of universe and the sun ray is near planet earth and yet million of lights year away

  • @gianpaulgraziosi6171
    @gianpaulgraziosi6171 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    “Even a a rock can laugh.”
    A pebble sits on the edge of a cliff for a century and one day falls for a brief moment. That pebble was laughing having the time of its life. The pebble had vibrational experience. The pebble has a diluted and slower vibration of conciousness relative to a comparable human bungee jump experience and relative period of time to perceive the frequencies for “exhilaration.”
    The universe is just a jumbled soup of quantum strings and waveform frequencies vibrating. Spherical particles, as well as linear time, are just illusions of human perception.
    When a human is third eye open and can perceive meaning from these frequencies….one can communicate with ancient quantum notions of intelligences.
    I’ve had a conversation with a willow tree, conversations with a forest-river system and a visit from Gaia herself. I am not surprised if the sun can have a conscious seance with another human…most simply don’t try or seem to call…perhaps most human thoughts are irrelevant to its being….perhaps a few solar physicist should take a meditative metaphysics sabbatical and see if Sol answers. (No human sacrifices lol)
    Just remember to tread carefully in the quantum dark with purity of intention and inner child heart of hearts. Be well.

    • @peterfrance702
      @peterfrance702 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Does a grain of sand laugh as loudly as a boulder? If the boulder splits in two are there now two rocks with consciousness?

    • @gianpaulgraziosi6171
      @gianpaulgraziosi6171 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@peterfrance702 conciousness is not a monolith, it’s just a gradient of vibrations…sand grain vibrates less than a boulder so sand laughs less…if the boulder is split in two you have two objects each with lower concentrations of vibration/consciousness

    • @peterfrance702
      @peterfrance702 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@gianpaulgraziosi6171 Yet if someone were to split me in two...

    • @gianpaulgraziosi6171
      @gianpaulgraziosi6171 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@peterfrance702 Ok class, so here we’ve arrived at the definition of “consciousness” comparing everyday usage in colloquial English to a more universal conception based on pan-psychism.
      By layman’s usage of the word “conscious,” if Peter France were split in two…yes, he would lose conciousness of the human condition his spirit is currently embodied within. His two *sub(human)conscious* sections of body would be objects with much lower concentrations of coherent vibrations relative to an intact human body without consciousness (brain dead) or an intact human body with consciousness.
      The lower vibrations of his bodily sections would decompose and join in the vibrations of the greater ecosystem of Nature, his atoms resonating with the animals, plants and minerals within a shared notion of consciousness we call pan-psychism.
      His higher vibrational consciousness (spirit) would either reincarnate on the physical plane, enter the astral plane or transcend to higher dimensions beyond.

  • 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I truly enjoyed your presentation; very interesting; thank you. The view of the Sun is CGI, isn't it?

  • @gabrieltopan9315
    @gabrieltopan9315 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    you ahev a lot more to learn start by eating vegetarian and doing breathing exercizes to expand your mind then you will know more ... love animals dont eat them

    • @4rch3er19
      @4rch3er19 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Read "the secret life of plants", as they feel fear and pain too. Think of Earth like a mother's womb, she provides nourishment for us in the form of plants and animals, analogous to an umbilical cord.
      We are eventually destined to breathe solar plasma, but it's all an evolutionary process.
      If one can transition to vegan, that's great, but not everyone's genetics are ready for that.
      In the meantime, try not to judge random strangers on the internet for things beyond their control.

    • @gabrieltopan9315
      @gabrieltopan9315 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      people dont want to have control , the food of the human is fruits vegetables and seeds air solar light , genetics has nothing to do with discipline what people lak ... like u

  • @NancyRode-u9i
    @NancyRode-u9i 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    🙋‍♀️💖🫶wonderful ✨️

  • @carmelaleyva-grueter7920
    @carmelaleyva-grueter7920 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How could God have consciousness then? God does not have a body.

  • @hopakwai7135
    @hopakwai7135 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The information is for entertainment use only

  • @zacharybraganza3747
    @zacharybraganza3747 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The Sun is connected to me. I can heighten the Sun flares and the Schuman resonance. I blink and the Universe blinks, even the lights of the Sun Moon and the lights of the world point towards me.

  • @tonysobevski9961
    @tonysobevski9961 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Christ's conciousness, is the sun God's son.. not pagan worshipping at all.. thats what the elites and the devil want u to believe anyway.. so u miss out and to scared to connect back from where we all came from. Our soul is the sun

    • @tonysobevski9961
      @tonysobevski9961 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Iam central-sol- cell-son

  • @norushat4life
    @norushat4life 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +36

    After a 30 year heroin addiction I smoked DMT once in 2015, I'm 60. My Soul went directly into the SUN and I felt a Love that made what us meatsuits call love look STUPID & PETTY , I've been studying Rudolf Stiner ever since and have been clean , My entire existence in my remaining yrs are LOVE ,GRATITUDE AND HUMILITY ❤

  • @John-wr6ys
    @John-wr6ys 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Wow, thank you… I am not crazy… I love and talk to trees in gratitude… StChuck here😉.

  • @SeventyFive-gn9kh
    @SeventyFive-gn9kh 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I am myopic and wear thick glasses but whenever I've looked outside I've noticed probably four objects always very distinctly. The earth, the moon, the sun and the stars. Then I've noticed the blue sky and the clouds. And I feel the air. Then there the finger things: lightning, fire, water. I have noticed these as well. And I have also noticed, occasionally, the black expanse and a shooting star or something moving fast across the sky.
    The tree
    The animal
    The human
    Einstein, Picasso
    And here we are. And I don't know where it'll go from here.

  • @timshaw1712
    @timshaw1712 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Really interesting! I had a high pitched right - ear squeel when I began watching this, so I think I was meant to watch it. Funnily enough in the earliest days of plasma research, it was reported that plasma would form a sheath around any external intrusive measuring device, much like the bodily processes when you have, say, a splinter. As Above, So Below!
    Peace Profound Sorore 🌹

    • @bertenqvist7324
      @bertenqvist7324 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      if ear squeel it means someone up there is broadcasting your thoughts. Maybe you where ment to watch it or maybe you where not. I often concider a squeel as a bad omen, that I was not ment to see it.

    • @timshaw1712
      @timshaw1712 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@bertenqvist7324 that's not what I understand it to mean. In the context of me it's happened before in the way I described in drawing attention to something I should pay attention to. In this particular instance I had, about 2 minutes prior to receiving a notification of this video, completed a "solar meditation" for another part of my spiritual practices.

    • @Dreaminsightswithvaun
      @Dreaminsightswithvaun 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes it's hard to figure out which is a warning and which is a thumbs up !

  • @petergahlert3942
    @petergahlert3942 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Recommend: Homestudy Course in Cosmic Consciousness-Natural Science and Living Philosophy! By Walter & Lao Russell ! Good Luck

  • @nevsart5884
    @nevsart5884 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Hi, does anyone know if studies have been done to see if we can enhance the process of morphic resonance? I have ideas but I don’t want to reinvent the wheel. Thanks

  • @claudiamanta1943
    @claudiamanta1943 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Is this a joke?
    Last things first. Ommm is not the sound. Its vibration is more like a low humming (‘mmmmmm’).
    The sun is not The Sun. It’s a star. It has a corresponding black hole on the other side of the brane. It’s like a rainbow coloured sock, rather- our sun is the exterior, the black hole is the interior; whose foot is in it, moving is THE question.
    CG Jung was kinda right about the Sun as archetype. It’s the best outcome of inescapable anthropomorphism. He was wrong about it due to his mind being polluted with Judeo- Christian stuff.
    The only ones who got it right were the Ancient Egyptians. The sane ones, not Akhenaten. Akhenaten (if he existed at all) was an idolater of the sun disk, not The Sun. He would have dispensed with it altogether, had the sun not been the essential part of Ancient Egyptians’ soul (because Egypt is the home of The Sun on Earth).
    Having only one sun is deeply unnatural to me. Has there ever been two suns for Earth? There is a male Sun and a female Sun, Re and Hathor (named so by the Followers of Horus), His daughter who is The Life, the Mother (Mut) and The Death (Sekhmet).
    For my mind, the sun with its black hole on the other side could conceptually work- the black hole as the male Black Sun (Amun), and the sun as the female Sun. The Ancient Egyptians were fine psychologists, too. Not all of them, though, so discernment in adopting their archetypal structure is required.
    Our sun is a gate. I don’t worship the physical star. The sun is not conscious. The Sun is. What it is I don’t know and I don’t want to know. It’s a Mystery to be lived, not irreverently dissected by human mind that is quintessentially manipulative and controlling ape mind.
    She is my Mum. And He is my Dad. Life. Death. With joy in between. For forever, in this human life and beyond.
    Laugh as much as you want. I don’t care.

    • @indianna.777
      @indianna.777 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Interesting point, except from the Akhenaten part. I also believe in “The Sun”. But believing in the consciousness of “The Sun” makes me consequently believe [and admit] the consciousness of “the sun(s)”. Of course there are some specificities that are not appropriate to be debated here, and if you happen to be related to the rosicrucians you will surely know it. But we can for now conclude that, if there’s an archetype, there’s a physical correspondence to it. It’s a deduction.

  • @kittyhinkle3739
    @kittyhinkle3739 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    As all planets have intelligence to guide us, they must therefore have consciousness it seems…

    • @jennyrook
      @jennyrook 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Gives a new slant on astrology, doesn’t it?

    • @kittyhinkle3739
      @kittyhinkle3739 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@jennyrookindeed it does.

  • @CarmenRizzo-pn1uw
    @CarmenRizzo-pn1uw 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    " Here Comes the Sun "

  • @robertrobertson7782
    @robertrobertson7782 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    That was fascinating thank you🙏🌎🏔️🌲🪨🪵⚒️🚵‍♀️

  • @KenSoHappyClegg
    @KenSoHappyClegg 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is this a serious query? Everything is conscious. The Sun is "more" conscious than human beings. The bigger and brighter you are physically, the more consciousness and Self-realization you employ.

  • @James-qo3xf
    @James-qo3xf 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This made a vast concept super clear, and so inviting

  • @wechosenfew7622
    @wechosenfew7622 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Why stop at the sun? Without the universe we wouldn't exist

  • @DavidKelly-p7s
    @DavidKelly-p7s หลายเดือนก่อน

    GM Julie I am a member of AMORC under the UK affiliation how can I contact you?

  • @josephadamski13
    @josephadamski13 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What a beautiful meditation

  • @dylanscott7253
    @dylanscott7253 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you ❤

  • @heratios
    @heratios 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @MrBlazingup420
    @MrBlazingup420 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Behind Sagittarius is the center of our galaxy, where they say a black hole is, giving birth to the stars of the Milky Way, known as gods, the ancient people called this area the Golden Gate of the Gods, between Gemini and Taurus is the Silver Gate of Man, Orion and his Club standing in the center. Sagittarius was known as Pabilsag, means Chief Ancestor and the father of Damu "The Child", the Swine Star, and Orion is Sah, meaning Pig, ha ha ha. and in Orion's hand is not a club. but his sausage, which is marking the location of the Sun on the day of the Sumer Solstice.
    How cool would it be if they could speak, did you ever think about playing their names in reverse, I did, found out they speak.
    Play the words "Say There Is A Guest" in reverse, they echo Sagittarius (Golden Gate of the Gods), and the words "Say Oath--They All Rule--Beyond The Mist" played in reverse will echo "Gemini--Orion--Taurus". is it speaking of Damu, the Dying and Rising god of Healing.

    • @Dreaminsightswithvaun
      @Dreaminsightswithvaun 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Apparently according yo astronomers , our 'non binary' sun is an anomoly. Love your humourous wordplay !

    • @MrBlazingup420
      @MrBlazingup420 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@@Dreaminsightswithvaun Where did I talk of a binary sun in any of my comments. you been snooping around my channel, you're not going to learn much reading titles, and Ed Nightingale doesn't talk about a binary sun either, it's our Geo-axial Binary System, Simon Shack and Patrik Holmqvist has put together a model of our solar system showing it might be a geo-axial system, somewhat like the Sirius solar system, maybe the reason I found all those 7's in our planets cycles, you're only reading one of 4 comments I left here.
      Here is a little more of my "humorous wordplay". 90 degrees north of the gates, is Urgula, who we call Leo, in Sumerian, 'Ur" means Dog, gula means Great, the Great Dog, is Bau-Gula, mother of gods, goddess of Dogs, known as the first physician, and the mother of Damu. The ancient Greeks called Polaris "The Dog's Tail", Polaris is found 23.4 degrees off Earth's axis, taking the same 23.4 degree tilt, but to the other side of Earth, it points towards Vega, known as The She Goat star, and the Sumerians called Bau-Gula.
      When you place the sausage of Orion (Sah=Pig), the bright one at the tip of his sword, on the western horizon, Alula is found at midheaven, ONLY from 30 degrees N Lat area, where you find the pyramids, Alula means Firstborn, the star at the tip is Hatysa, which hides Haya, meaning Grain or Seed in Sumerian, but Haya is the God of Scribes, known a The Door(Gate) Keeper, husband of Nisaba, goddess of Grain, the star Spica, in Virgo. It takes 7 hours for Alula to fall from midheaven to the horizon, replaced by Vega at midheaven, mother of the Firstborn.
      I use "Say It Backwards", but anything that can play words in reverse will work.
      "Way---I'll Open It---So They Go---See God" played in reverse will echo "August---Regulus---Denebola---Leo"
      Regulus is the heart of Leo, Denebola is the tuff at the tip of the tail, which is used by the lioness to communicate with the other lionesses on the hunt.
      In Latin, Virgo means virgin, where 'vir' means Man in Latin, 'gyne' (gin) is Greek for Woman, Virgin, a Man/Woman, and playing "Boy/Girl" in reverse will echo "Virgo"
      In Sanskrit, Hatya means Slaughter, and Gohatya means Cow Slaughter, and playing "Her Mithras" in reverse will echo "September", when the Sun is said to be in Virgo, but actually still in Leo, and Mithras if you didn't know is the Bull (Cow)Slayer and Spica is the star that all the visible planets align with September 4th to 8th 2040, the 8th being the birthday of Mary, mother of Jesus, the first sight of the New Moon, that took place on the 6th, my birthday, and if you play Spica in reverse, you hear it speak my name, ha ha ha, more of my "humorous wordplay" I guess you can say.
      So you don't think I'm making things up. and pulling out my culo, here is a little something said about Virgo and Spica. from the Astronomica, by Manilius, 1st century AD.
      spicifera est Virgo Cereris” - “The Virgin with her sheaf belongs to Ceres”. [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, p.117]
      “Virginis in propriam descendunt ilia sortem“, - “the belly comes down to the Maid as her rightful lot” [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, p.119]
      “At her rising Erigone (Virgo, who reigned with Justice over a bygone age and fled when it fell into sinful ways, bestows high eminence by bestowing supreme power; she will produce a man to direct the laws of the state and the sacred code; one who will tend with reverence the hallowed temples of the gods.” [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, p.265]
      “The temperaments of those whose span of life she pronounces at their birth Erigone (Virgo) will direct to study, and she will train their minds in the learned arts. She will give not so much abundance of wealth as the impulse to investigate the causes and effects of things. On them she will confer a tongue which charms, the mastery of words, and that mental vision which can discern all things, however concealed they be by the mysterious workings of nature. From the Virgin will also come the stenographer: his letter represents a word, and by means of his symbols he can keep ahead of utterance and record in novel notation the long speech of a rapid speaker. But with the good there comes a flaw: bashfulness handicaps the early years of such persons, for the Maid, by holding back their great natural gifts, puts a bridle on their lips and restrains them by the curb of authority. And (small wonder in a virgin) her offspring is not fruitful.” [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, p.237 and 239]
      Isn't it odd, my comments got several thumbs up, but YT neglected to notify me that people enjoyed reading my comments, I wonder why they "Shadow Band" me so much, must be from all my humorous wordplay as you say, ha ha ha

    • @Dreaminsightswithvaun
      @Dreaminsightswithvaun 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@MrBlazingup420 Gosh. I didnt know you had a channel ! Judgeing by the amazing level of information, I'm really missing out !
      However, your reply leaves me with enough pondering now - a trove of information ! 😊

  • @ELAldebaran-ds8ob
    @ELAldebaran-ds8ob 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks 🙏

  • @MrBlazingup420
    @MrBlazingup420 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Now I'm wondering what Earths weakening magnetic field is doing to the consciousness, maybe wakening many people, who are so very confused, like someone shaken awake from a deep sleep, what would they do if you told them the house was on fire, would they run without think. ha ha ha I bet they would.

  • @kathybochicchio1411
    @kathybochicchio1411 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

  • @Oregon6116
    @Oregon6116 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How many different Rosicrucian organizations are there? And which of these is the real Rosicrucian organization?