This is an unbelievably accurate recreation of a real life object in a vector design program. Easy and effective tutorial to follow along with, thank you so much for uploading quality content like this!
Let me just say that as far as outstanding instructions, you are amazing! The pace, how you explain each step, (with written shortcuts!), and WHY you use each tool, well, this is a tremendous help to those of us who don’t use AD often enough to remember what tools to use. So THANK YOU so much-much appreciated! And keep making these tutorials. Please?
Ha I love the feedback so appreciate every comment! Just remember if you are using anything in that FX tab, don't forget to tick the 'scale with object' box. If you don't and you resize let's say the spoon, the gaussian blur for instance wont look right.
It is an outstanding and clear instruction. I could follow and understood everything. Thank you very much sharing with us your tutorials. One of the best tutorials I found.
Very well and systematically explained in a normal English accent that one can easily follow. No unnecessary and erratic mouse movements. I have seen many Affinity Designer tutoriuals. Some of them don't even bother to speak. They just play some wierd music in the background, move their mouse (with a really small white cursor) erratically and expect us to follow. Well, not at my age. My only request to you would be to get a screen recorder where the mouse is highlighted and it emits sort of light waves when clicked. That way, we seniors will be able to follow your tutorials better. I have suggested this to many TH-camrs and some of them have implimented it and thanked me. I am now subscribed to you. I see that you don't have an interactive Facebook group where one can ask questions to the community and the guru (you) can step in every once in a while to give a final judgement. Best wishes from Australia.
Thank you Behram I appreciate your feedback. Yes I will look around for a screen recorder to highlight the mouse movements better. On occasion I do remember to increase the size of the curser but it's still not so visible. You are right I'm not active on Facebook. I don't really like the platforms pages so much but I've joined a lot of Affinity groups on there which is good. Thank you for your subscription and feel free to recommend ideas for new tutorials. Cheers
Really good. Been using AD for years & like watching all sorts of tutorials, you find different ways to do things, I did in this tute also. Keep them coming & thanks for posting.
Wow! I just learned how to use Affinity Designer! Been playing around with Affinity Photo for years now, and handling it pretty well not at least thanks to lots of tutorials on TH-cam. But I must say.. Man, this is _the best_ tutorial I have come across so far. And that says quite a lot! Thanks you so much!
Thank you. My design went wayhire during the spoon tracing. I need to do better in perfecting that. After that, it was downhill for him. Thanks for your video it was helpful. I will keep trying.
That's Wonderful Way Of Explaining I Have Ever Came Across. Thank You So Much From The Bottom Of My Heart. You Have Surely Managed To Convert A Simple Designer Software Into A Realistic Photograph. Hats Off To You. I Will Definitely See Your Other Videos As Well To Upgrade Myself. Keep Making It Will Be Really Helpful For Us. Hare Krishna And Namaste From INDIA🙏
Hello and thanks for watching, I love reading the comments so I appreciate that you took the time to watch and comment. Great to know where you are watching too! Take care and keep designing
This was FANTASTIC!! I enjoyed this so much and learned several tips. So glad i came across your channel. It’s hard to find content creator who do Affinity Designer and I am looking forward to going through all your videos
"tis the season!" Absolutely the "Wright" gift I need to create my current project. Much appreciation for your sharp, professional observations & tutorials. Best wishes for a creative, prosperous new year.
I ran through this tutorial and ended up with a reasonable facsimile. It's somewhat complicated but you (unlike so many others) had a pacing that included all of the steps (no quick cuts or muddling over some detail) so I could always check my progress against yours.
Hi Brad, I appreciate you spending time to leave me feedback. I'm happy to hear its helping. One thing that reaaaly annoys me when I watch tutorials (currently I'm learning blender) is when they skip over an important step and I can't go further because of it. I'm mindful of this when making my tutorials
@@ArtistWright Ditto, AW. Note to those viewing at home: Take the time to label the layers as ArtistWright does. It takes time, but (because he does it first), it's a way not only to stay organized but it is the needed structure to be able to follow along. You can see what layers he has, what is above or below what, what is selected, etc., and then can duplicate the same techniques. Note to self: My Photoshop documents tend to be a big mess of thrown-together, unnamed layers, but I am learning. :) Old dogs, and all that.
Amazing video with lots of information. I thought your pen tool video explained a lot but this one WOW. Keep showing us what we can do because I can't find learning from anywhere that is clearer and as complete as yours. Thank you again for sharing.
Very nice video. Relearned use of several techniques. I like your style because it isn’t slow motion but also not high speed. Also, explanation of tool and techniques easily understandable. Thanks.
AWESOME !!! I dont seem to be getting notifications from you.... I just thought today, id not heard anything from you posting vids, so i came to your chanel and saw theres at least 2 videos i knew nothing about...
Holy shit dude, amazing tutorial!! Coming from Photoshop on PC, I bought Affinity Designer for my IPad Pro and thought I’d just learn Affinity by clicking on all the buttons and trying everything out to figure out what everything does, I watched a tutorial or 2 on the program but nothing compares to what I learned in your 30minute video tutorial! Instant subscription!! Struggled with a few things because the layout of the program and it’s tools and features is in different places than it is on the Mac and PC, but your explanation was so clear and detailed that i eventually found everything after a bit of opening menus and searching. I’m so excited to go draw more plates now.. 🥹😙 I haven’t looked yet but I really hope you have more videos tutorials on the other features and tools in Affinity as well..
Hi Silvertongue, I'm glad my tutorial has helped you so much. Yes I have many Affinity Designer Tutorials and have been making them for 7 years so far. Thank you for subscribing. More to come!
Thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial. You have organized this material well AND I love the way you label and organize your layers panel. I have just started doing that as leaving it as "curves and ellipses" just drives me crazy. I am so glad to have these tutorials as I am new to this software and some things do not seem very intuitive to me. Please keep up the good work.
Hi! Absolutely awesome video, thank you so much! I have a problem working on this on iPad, do you perhaps know if the same features are available there and I just can't find them, or they're only there in the desktop version? Thanks to anyone who tries to help :')
Hi thanks for that. I don't own an iPad but I know that you can do it all so it's in there somewhere. Sorry I can't be of more help. If someone here knows can you help our fellow designer out?
Hi I am Tony of Tony's Music I like your Affinity Designer tutorial pretty good! I do some too as I like to share things I find out, I have subscribed to your channel and wish you a merry Christmas!
I am enjoying the video but not able to fully follow along, maybe since I have Affinity Designer 2. When I drag the wood image to the circle, it won't let me go to the right and the result is different. Any tips for how this is different in AD2? Thanks!
The wood pattern is most likely hiding underneath another layer. Pay attention to the layers panel, click the drop down arrow on the layer you dragged the wood pattern into. It's in there
Thanks for this illuminating tutorial! Only one minor criticism - you pronounce gaussian incorrectly (named after German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss).
This is an unbelievably accurate recreation of a real life object in a vector design program. Easy and effective tutorial to follow along with, thank you so much for uploading quality content like this!
It's unbelievable how you turned a designer construction into a photo .Extremely accurat realization!!!!
Hi UE M thanks for that. All about experimenting to get the most out of Affinity
You are a fantastic teacher!!!
Thank you Zepun
Let me just say that as far as outstanding instructions, you are amazing! The pace, how you explain each step, (with written shortcuts!), and WHY you use each tool, well, this is a tremendous help to those of us who don’t use AD often enough to remember what tools to use. So THANK YOU so much-much appreciated! And keep making these tutorials. Please?
Very nice to read that, thank you so much. I will continue making them. Feel free to give me ideas lol!
Believe in yourself, our determination is sotNice tutorialng that never lets us down
OK can't stop commenting on your vids but this is AMAZING. I feel like I just had a world of possibility opened up to me for creating my own assets!!
Ha I love the feedback so appreciate every comment! Just remember if you are using anything in that FX tab, don't forget to tick the 'scale with object' box. If you don't and you resize let's say the spoon, the gaussian blur for instance wont look right.
The best Designer tutorials bar none.
Wulfrig, thank you and Merry Christmas!
Most useful affinity tutorial I've ever watched. On my third go around with it right now. Thanks!
Thank you Gregory!
Well this is the best tutorial ive seen. Didnt realise AFFINITY could do this THANK YOU xx
Cool feature isn't it!
As a beginner I was blown away, thank you.
Very Helpful content. Cheers from India 😊
You are welcome! Thanks for watching
This may be the best and most useful tutorial on Affinity Designer I’ve seen. This newb thanks you!
Hi Joni, I appreciate your comment. Check out my other videos!
Excellent tutorial. Thank you!
Thanks for watching, look out for a new tutorial coming tomorrow
This is Awesome.👍😃 I haven't played around 3D effects much. but after watching this, I will. Thanks for sharing. 👍😁
Yeah go for it and experiment
Great and AWESOME video
Thank you Big Wanda 🤙
PERFECT tutorial!
Thank you!
It is an outstanding and clear instruction. I could follow and understood everything. Thank you very much sharing with us your tutorials. One of the best tutorials I found.
That's great to hear Hana, thanks for watching
really nice and clear tutorial... subscribed
Thank you Gary
Really a perfect tutorial! Amazing content and amazing teaching style! thanks!
Thanks for watching!
Thank you! Thank you - this is so helpful! Subscribed!
Thank you Tiny Rooms!
Truly excellent... as ever. I think it's the calm detailed 'englishness' that hits the mark for me
Thanks Robert that's a big compliment, cheers 🥂
HI Robert I've just released a new tutorial on the contour tool if you are interested
En visionnant vos vidéos, nous devenons des illustrateurs en herbe, merci vraiment de vos démonstrations, très, très ludique
Gracias por mirar, estoy feliz de que esté ayudando a la comunidad de diseño.
Watching you do this is mesmerizing! Merry Christmas, old chap!
Hi Roger, what a nice thing to read, Merry Christmas!
Fantastic 👍👍👍
Glad you like it Mo
this was great and I will practice this design. thanks
Thanks Tara
Wow that's so cool! It's cool to see what's possible with affinity designer
Thanks Andrew
Thank you for teaching it so simply and effectively, I finally made something look decent! lol
I'm. Happy to hear that Diego
Very Nice!!! Thank you for the video. Awesome Tutorial!!
No worries and thanks for watching
Thanks, awesome work!
It has been so useful.
And happy new year.
Happy New Year to you and thanks for watching 🎊
guau. impresionante. por eso amo mas a affinity designer. gracias.
Gracias, aprecio eso
Very well and systematically explained in a normal English accent that one can easily follow. No unnecessary and erratic mouse movements. I have seen many Affinity Designer tutoriuals. Some of them don't even bother to speak. They just play some wierd music in the background, move their mouse (with a really small white cursor) erratically and expect us to follow. Well, not at my age.
My only request to you would be to get a screen recorder where the mouse is highlighted and it emits sort of light waves when clicked. That way, we seniors will be able to follow your tutorials better. I have suggested this to many TH-camrs and some of them have implimented it and thanked me.
I am now subscribed to you. I see that you don't have an interactive Facebook group where one can ask questions to the community and the guru (you) can step in every once in a while to give a final judgement. Best wishes from Australia.
Thank you Behram I appreciate your feedback. Yes I will look around for a screen recorder to highlight the mouse movements better. On occasion I do remember to increase the size of the curser but it's still not so visible.
You are right I'm not active on Facebook. I don't really like the platforms pages so much but I've joined a lot of Affinity groups on there which is good. Thank you for your subscription and feel free to recommend ideas for new tutorials. Cheers
Thanks, wonderful video
Thanks for tuning in and leaving a comment!
Really helpful tutorial and explained very clearly. Thanks so much 👍👍
Really good. Been using AD for years & like watching all sorts of tutorials, you find different ways to do things, I did in this tute also. Keep them coming & thanks for posting.
Thank you Team Spider
So nice. Thank you!
Cheers Rainer
Jaw dropping stuff!!! Too good to be true 👍👍👍🙏
You can do it too!
Wow! I just learned how to use Affinity Designer!
Been playing around with Affinity Photo for years now, and handling it pretty well not at least thanks to lots of tutorials on TH-cam. But I must say.. Man, this is _the best_ tutorial I have come across so far. And that says quite a lot! Thanks you so much!
Thank you I appreciate that!
Thank you. My design went wayhire during the spoon tracing. I need to do better in perfecting that. After that, it was downhill for him. Thanks for your video it was helpful. I will keep trying.
Keep trying, watch my pen tool tutorial if you want to perfect that.
Great tutorial. I must be learning when I am able to properly anticipate the same moves.
Thats great to hear Anthony!
By and far this is one of the best tutorial on affinity designer creating realistic designs. Awesome tips and guides..
Thank you Richard! I appreciate that. I just released a new tutorial if you are interested. All about the contour tool
Thank you, just bought the Affinity suite recently and as a complete beginner your excellent teaching makes me feel like a pro already. 😁
Thank you.
That's great to hear! Thank you
That's Wonderful Way Of Explaining I Have Ever Came Across. Thank You So Much From The Bottom Of My Heart. You Have Surely Managed To Convert A Simple Designer Software Into A Realistic Photograph. Hats Off To You. I Will Definitely See Your Other Videos As Well To Upgrade Myself. Keep Making It Will Be Really Helpful For Us. Hare Krishna And Namaste From INDIA🙏
Hello and thanks for watching, I love reading the comments so I appreciate that you took the time to watch and comment. Great to know where you are watching too! Take care and keep designing
Thank you. A complex process explained simply with clear diction, well done. I shall be watching more of yours.
Thank you Stephen, that's nice to hear thanks, please do go ahead and watch my other videos
Great vid. Lots of techniques learned. Thx.
Thanks Kurt!
Fabulous tutorial!
Thank you!
This is amazing. Thankyou for this clear guide, it's a pleasure watching you work.
Thank you Chris, appreciate it.
Great to watch one of your tuts again. Enjoyed it, thanks. Merry Xmas!!
Thanks John! Merry Christmas
I really appreciate your style, your pace, and your way of organizing the process. Just great--keep 'em coming.
Thank you Kristl! I appreciate that
For someone such as myself that is just starting out I find these videos very helpful. Thank you for going into such detail and explaining everything.
That is great to hear, thank you!
This was FANTASTIC!! I enjoyed this so much and learned several tips. So glad i came across your channel. It’s hard to find content creator who do Affinity Designer and I am looking forward to going through all your videos
Great to hear! I hope you enjoy my other tutorials.
"tis the season!" Absolutely the "Wright" gift I need to create my current project. Much appreciation for your sharp, professional observations & tutorials. Best wishes for a creative, prosperous new year.
Ryco! Merry Christmas. Always a please to read your comments and I'm glad it's useful to you. Have a happy new year!
awesome explanation, learned a lot, thank you.
Thanks Gharib!
Amazing tutorial. Thank you.
Thanks for watching Jasun
Nice result and easy to follow instruction. Thanks!
Hi Kevin, thank you! it's nice to hear from you again.
What a great Channel! Thank you for your brilliant Videos. Cheers from Kiel Germany! Stay safe and have a Merry Chistmas.
Thank you Doc! I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment and checking out the channel too!
I ran through this tutorial and ended up with a reasonable facsimile. It's somewhat complicated but you (unlike so many others) had a pacing that included all of the steps (no quick cuts or muddling over some detail) so I could always check my progress against yours.
Hi Brad, I appreciate you spending time to leave me feedback. I'm happy to hear its helping. One thing that reaaaly annoys me when I watch tutorials (currently I'm learning blender) is when they skip over an important step and I can't go further because of it. I'm mindful of this when making my tutorials
@@ArtistWright Ditto, AW. Note to those viewing at home: Take the time to label the layers as ArtistWright does. It takes time, but (because he does it first), it's a way not only to stay organized but it is the needed structure to be able to follow along. You can see what layers he has, what is above or below what, what is selected, etc., and then can duplicate the same techniques. Note to self: My Photoshop documents tend to be a big mess of thrown-together, unnamed layers, but I am learning. :) Old dogs, and all that.
Cheers Brad! Naming layers is a big one!
As always, great! Thanks for helping people to learn and understand techniques.
Thank you Neil!
SLICKLY DONE! this is really fantastic and you go to so much effort with your detail. Your videos really are the best resource for Affinity!
Thank you Andrew, i appreciate the feedback! Fantastic
Amazing video with lots of information. I thought your pen tool video explained a lot but this one WOW. Keep showing us what we can do because I can't find learning from anywhere that is clearer and as complete as yours. Thank you again for sharing.
Thanks Elona, I really appreciate you taking the time to leave such great feedback. Thank you!
Really good tutorial and well presented, I have learned so much from your videos, thank you so much
My pleasure thanks for watching
Very nice video. Relearned use of several techniques. I like your style because it isn’t slow motion but also not high speed. Also, explanation of tool and techniques easily understandable. Thanks.
Thank you Dan, I appreciate that. Yes I try to make it easy enough for everyone to follow along with me so I slow the pace down a bit.
AWESOME !!! I dont seem to be getting notifications from you.... I just thought today, id not heard anything from you posting vids, so i came to your chanel and saw theres at least 2 videos i knew nothing about...
Hi Michael that's odd, maybe click off the notification Bell and click on it again. I'm glad you are back and hope you enjoy the new videos.
just amazing man ! trying to start designing now and im really a noob in this, thank you so much for sparing your time for the lesson .
Hey I'm glad you like it. Stay tuned new tutorial coming soon
@@ArtistWright ill be here
Brilliant, thank you.
No problem Charles
Great tutorial …
this is sooo cool :) thanks for a good ideas :)
Thanks for watching
Holy shit dude, amazing tutorial!! Coming from Photoshop on PC, I bought Affinity Designer for my IPad Pro and thought I’d just learn Affinity by clicking on all the buttons and trying everything out to figure out what everything does, I watched a tutorial or 2 on the program but nothing compares to what I learned in your 30minute video tutorial! Instant subscription!!
Struggled with a few things because the layout of the program and it’s tools and features is in different places than it is on the Mac and PC, but your explanation was so clear and detailed that i eventually found everything after a bit of opening menus and searching. I’m so excited to go draw more plates now.. 🥹😙
I haven’t looked yet but I really hope you have more videos tutorials on the other features and tools in Affinity as well..
Hi Silvertongue, I'm glad my tutorial has helped you so much. Yes I have many Affinity Designer Tutorials and have been making them for 7 years so far. Thank you for subscribing. More to come!
Thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial. You have organized this material well AND I love the way you label and organize your layers panel. I have just started doing that as leaving it as "curves and ellipses" just drives me crazy. I am so glad to have these tutorials as I am new to this software and some things do not seem very intuitive to me. Please keep up the good work.
Thank you Iya! I appreciate the feedback
Wow you'ee amazing
Thank you!
Wonderful content bud, keep up the great work 👍 learnt a truck load 😀
Thank you and i'm glad to hear it James
Great video thanks
Thank you!
I think its amazing people can do this in design/photo software. Im just gonna take the lazy route and learn some Blender
I play with Blender occasionally, it's seriously amazing but a steep learning curve.
Excellent video, love your work :)
Hello again Agent, thanks
Still enjoyed making this realistic image, works great both in AD1 and 2 :) 💪
Great to hear
Hi! Absolutely awesome video, thank you so much! I have a problem working on this on iPad, do you perhaps know if the same features are available there and I just can't find them, or they're only there in the desktop version? Thanks to anyone who tries to help :')
Hi thanks for that. I don't own an iPad but I know that you can do it all so it's in there somewhere. Sorry I can't be of more help. If someone here knows can you help our fellow designer out?
Hi I am Tony of Tony's Music I like your Affinity Designer tutorial pretty good! I do some too as I like to share things I find out, I have subscribed to your channel and wish you a merry Christmas!
Thank you Tony I appreciate it!
Rad useful!
No worries
I am enjoying the video but not able to fully follow along, maybe since I have Affinity Designer 2. When I drag the wood image to the circle, it won't let me go to the right and the result is different. Any tips for how this is different in AD2? Thanks!
Ah so in Affinity V2 just drag it onto that layer, no need to drag to the right.
@@ArtistWright it drags it onto the layer but I can lo longer see the wood pattern.
The wood pattern is most likely hiding underneath another layer. Pay attention to the layers panel, click the drop down arrow on the layer you dragged the wood pattern into. It's in there
Ah yes it might have been in there but off to the side, you can always find it in the layers panel,click on it and you should see the bounding box.
You needed a dark brown shadow color (closest possible to black)to make that plate look like the real deal. Other than that, this was a great tutorial
Thanks Torinux, appreciate the feedback
Can't believe I could do this in vector. I am imagining how unstable my system would be if tried in Illustrator.
It's a cool feature, thanks
Thanks for this illuminating tutorial! Only one minor criticism - you pronounce gaussian incorrectly (named after German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss).
Thank you Rod, and thanks for flagging my pronunciation I appreciate it
@@ArtistWright Just watching your pen tool epic - absolutely definitive work!
@@rodbowkett2376 thank you so much
Infelizmente no Windows o 3D é muito limitado
Really? I did not know it was different on windows. Affinity designer 2.0 is coming soon so all is not lost!
Excellent tutorial thank you.
Thanks for watching