This video is all I am really going to post about this scandal. I am speaking up about specific things I want to stress especially to the young girls who watch this channel. I know this video is kind of all over the place but I want to focus on what I have gone through personally and what I wish for all young athletes in their career.
Thank you Emma u dont know how helpful hearing these works are for me especially since I've been feeling a little down about how my weight differs from my team mates. So thank you for making me think differently ❤
I know this was a year ago, but she was not a "young girl" she was an adult in college! If she tolerated abuse, as she described, for 3 years, then wasn't that her own fault? Blaming "men" for cutting herself? Really? Someone stuck a blade in her hand and forced her? As an adult her health and welfare was ultimately her own responsibility, not her coaches. What happened to every woman's latest favorite word "Empowerment"? Doesn't that mean taking control of your OWN LIFE? If you're an adult and you don't like your situation, then it's up to you to change it. If you're a child, you wait for someone else to change it for you.
"Weight fixation is lazy coaching." This is such a great line. So many young female runners are already susceptible to the belief that scaling back on their weight will improve performance--a coach who would promote this has zero original ideas or ability to update their coaching technique to meet current sports medicine & psychology research findings
I'm a guy but I've sorta had the same issues ever since I got into running in 8th grade. I was constantly obsessing about healthy eating(to the point where I wouldn't even chew gum) and wanted to be as thin as possible to be good at running. I had one really good cross-country season my junior year of high school but after a winter of heavy mileage I got a stress fracture in my femur that took me out for over a year. I'm in college now and I'm 20 pounds heavier and am nowhere near my old level of running. It's really difficult getting worn out at such a slow pace or looking bigger in the mirror, but if that's what it takes to recover from injury I'm willing to deal with it. As a guy I never had to deal with the pressures from coaches and teammates that I'm sure are much worse for girls, but I still feel like the issue is hardly ever talked about from the male athlete perspective(mostly because its much less widespread of a problem). Nonetheless, the running and fitness world has been really hard on my body image and I thought it would be helpful to share a guy's perspective on this for any of my bros out there who are going thru the same thing :)
Thank you Jackson! We are all in this together. Mental health isn't sexist. Be nice to yourself folks (I really wanted to say fellas). Life is short. Do what makes you happy. People love you for way more important things than your time in a 5K (which they don't care about at all).
That One i agree that the problem is much more prevalent in females, and obviously deserves more attention, but there are health risks for guys who have eating/body image disorders as well. For guys I wouldn’t say it’s as much incentivized by the sport as it is a result of ppl who are already obsessive about health and fitness having a higher likelihood to get into running
Men being skinny is very different than women being skinny. Males can have a body fat of 3-5% and be healthy since our testosterone doesn't fluctuate much with low body fat and our bones stay strong secondary to high testosterone levels and exercise. Women who have 3-5% body fat will no longer have their periods as it interferes with the hormonal axis (FSH, LH in the brain) which ultimately interferes with ovulation and hence no periods. No periods leads to lower levels of estrogen, a very important hormone for women for keeping strong bones, protecting them from strokes and heart attacks. Hence men much more than women have heart attacks/strokes in their 30's-40's and after menopause women start to have higher risk of strokes than men. For men your stress fractures are likely secondary to overtraining, not hormones (unless your diet is absolutely horrible or you are anorexic and not consuming nutrition).
large red alarm to me, is no FEMALE coaches. I'm not saying eliminate all men as coaches, but at least one female per training team would have really helped in this situation.
You are a brave soul Emma. As the father of a girl who's dealt with an eating disorder, I need to tell you this is WAY bigger than the running world. Maybe it's social media. I don't know. But you'd be shocked at the variety of kids you find at eating recovery centers. We all need to be honest with each other. Nobody's life is as good as it seems. Be the bridge that someone else needs to get to where they want to be. Someday you'll need a bridge yourself. Thank you Emma ... and keep up these "talks". They are unbelievably helpful ... to kids ... to parents.
Madison Baird it’s okay everyone is different and unique in their own ways. Everyone brings and shines brightness into everyone’s lives so don’t be ashamed or worried because you are you and that makes you amazing.
Thank you for this video! I’m a former d1 rower and let me tell you it’s not a problem limited to running. I’ve seen some really concerning stuff (teammates loosing their periods for months at a time, self harming, obsessions over food and weight, etc.) and I think it’s something that people shy away from talking about because it’s uncomfortable and sometimes just seen as part of the sport. I think the worst part when you’re a young member of a sport is seeing the issues but being relatively powerless to make any changes. I’m glad people who have the voice to make change are speaking up and it’s inspired me to call things that are not okay out as well.
I have struggled with this so hard the past 5 years. It took 4 stress fractures and 3 pulled muscles for me to realize the damage I was doing to my body with endurance running on such a small caloric intake. Emma, thank you so much for talking about this on your platform. It's so encouraging to know this no one is alone, as this is such a prevalent issue.
Thank you so much for this video. I am not at all young nor thin but I love running. Recently a long time friend told me, "No offense but you don't have a runner's body." This was AFTER I told him how I overcame difficulty and improved my running time. Women in general get this nonsense. So thank you so much!
Thank you so much for making this video! I am a high school runner who has been worrying about body changes and what that means for my performance. This really helped me put all of it into perspective!
I noticed when you went live on Instagram yesterday that there seemed to be dozens of girls asking your thoughts on this. Made me realize (as a male who never ran in high school or college) what a huge topic this is and obviously how widespread this issue is. Respect you for making this video and all of your previous content about body image.
Thank youuuu!!!!! I can't express how happy I was to see you upload a video on this issue and you totally delivered. Please keep making more videos on running!
Wow. Emma, I have had let's just say "extensive" experience with body image and an eating disorder throughout my college years, and now at 55, and a mom to three kids, it takes SO much work to undo the damage this does to your soul. Guys don't deal with this like we do. We are torn between being "feminine" and being successfully strong/fast in this sport. I've run 44 marathons to date, and if I've learned anything, it's to fuel my "vehicle" if I want to arrive on time. Great to have met you at the start in Chicago too!! Thanks for this outstanding video.
Mental health comes before sports, always. This year i scared a lot of people, because I was putting myself at a risk. I starved myself for two days, and at xc practice I ran 3 miles, I didn’t even feel like I was in my body. My arms and legs felt like they were falling off. I had to go back early because I was lightheaded and wobbly. Turns out I had dropped 4 pounds in three days. This type of stuff is damaging, to your body and your mind. I’m still trying to get back to good eating habits, and my brain is still trying to figure out that my body is my body.
Emma your comment on ‘race weight’ jogged my memory. I came back from winter break one year (long time ago) and my college coach said that I looked fat. I didn’t train over break and was 160# and 6’4”. Normally 150# in season. It didn’t really affect me because he was kind of right. But imagine being me (6’4” dude at 160#’s) and being called fat. Kinda crazy. So I don’t think it’s really strictly a female issue. It would be very interesting to see someone like touhy skip NXN this year because of all of the controversy.
So glad you're talking about this!! It's not limited to just a certain label or coach - it's a systemic problem so many of us can unfortunately relate to.
Excellent video. One has to do what makes one the best in health and happiness, etc. AS is mentally ill. I picked up on that by 1980... I have been a runner ALL my life. I'm 50 now, and I trained how I wanted to train ALL my life. I saw many of my men and women friends struggle with weight issues in this sport of athletics. As an adult, I raced at 5'9 and 120 but I am genetically very strong for my size. At times I would lift weights and weigh up to 130. Today, I am only 5'8 and I weigh between 130-140. I train how I want, etc. I'm still very fast for my age but my running is personal and I don't race much anymore. In racing, I've "done it all." Also, I know of many who ruined their bodies not getting enough nutrition. One of my favorite runners could have made 4 or 5 Olympic teams but because she starved herself too much she "only" made two Olympics.
I would rather slightly over eat my nutrient dense whole foods and still have a little fat on my body, than under eat, be skinny, anddd literally destroying my bones.
Emma Thanks for taking leadership on this issue. Social media and t.v. and movies influence badly a females perception of what is good, hot, appealing and so much more. When all of us men and women can be happy within the body we have, so much more happiness can be achieved.
Super important topic....this is precisely what happened to me in high school- amenorrheic and then stress fracture by senior year of track, Dr told me I had the bone density of a 60 year old at age 17. No one ever talked to me about the dangers of losing weight for running
Weight shouldn’t be such a big thing, however if some people still want to cut a few pounds, you should do it in your off season so you don’t affect your performance. I started cutting calories and running fasted during my xc season and then hurt my right calf and achilles. It wasn’t worth it trying to get to that “race weight” Emma was touching on, considering I couldn’t even race finals because of my injury.
@@shutupaeryn ... Emma was spot on about eating whole foods and fueling our bodies to perform to our best. A well-fueled body with a healthy mindset is the best recipe for a wonderful performance.
I am a boy. This actually happened to me. It’s very hard to speak about it because I didn’t know if I should have told anyone but during my time running in jr high, high school and college. I have come across this issue due to my body shape. I was told that you have to be skinny, don’t be eating, only one meal a day, and keep running. Don’t slow down or walk. Its hard especially if your own teammates told you have to be skinny to be fast and do the same thing their doing. At one point in high school, I noticed I was getting injured and didn’t preform well at races which effect me in my school work during high school. Even in college, my coach told me I had get skinny. I have to wear size medium or small so I can wear the uniform in order to run. A year later, I stopped running collegiate cross country. Now I’m feeling much better knowing my own self worth and I am able to eat.
I agree. I think no body should tell young girls what weight to be since their minds are so sensitive and you have no idea if they already have eating disorders. I think we should go use on telling everyone to eat healthy rather than eat less.
Damned thing is at least with women if they're missing their periods (and not on pill or pregnant), that's a good indicator something is off with their body. I don't doubt there are men who are being forced to maintain a race weight too, but there is nothing to tell men something is wrong. It's a vicious cycle, these crappy coaches will tell you to "push through pain" without taking the time to understand is it really mental pain or are they setting up their athlete to be seriously injured.
... some have more problems than others... and it is true for any girl at almost any age... not just in the running world... more so thru there teen years... no Idea on how to get it fixed... changes in the body... can not be helped and weight gain is part of it. It is something we go thru even some boys... talk all you can and hope it will get thru to them... but ever year there will be a new group that will need some help!
sure, it's happening everywhere. But what the World knows is "oregon project" Leadership has responsibility, or should have. IMO Nike cacelled the entire project last october 10 (2019) because its corporate bureaucracy had no clue how to deal with the situation. But at least they did take that step. Not exactly kudos....more like free at to speak. And, btw, thanks for putting up the NYT link. Reading as important as running:)
Spot on. Hey I have a question. I always thought it was more typical for girls to pretty much be at their adult height by around age 14. Do you feel that your growth spurt later in high school also went along with your delayed menarche, and was a consequence of delayed puberty, or is that the typical pattern in your family? Asking from the standpoint of hoping my daughter ends up tall like you :) PS later onset of periods decreases risk of breast cancer :)
Great athletes are rarely great coaches. Alberto was a great, great runner but he basically destroyed his own body with overtraining, and he did the same with Mary Cain, plus the belittling and shaming her destroyed her confidence. WTF, I am sure Bill Dillinger never did that to him. The best coaches push, but more than that, they inspire and when you have a young athlete, it should definitely be more inspiration, because these individuals will push themselves and for female athletes, there should be female mentors, trainers, and coaches.
thank youuuuuu i feel lik theres an expectation to be that scrawnu musular runner, but really strong bodies look different and u need to be strong to run fast
It's sadly all over the world. The first time I heard about such abuse was the Chinese team in the 90s that used to dope and train their women's team like they were animals.
I was not allowed to run in college because of this, they actually said i can't run and needed to gain a ton of weight and jump through hoops meanwhile I've been running perfectly fine but their decision to disenable me to compete with the team was absolutely crushing and if the whole ""body shaming underweight ""doesn't get enough publicity imagine how isolating it was to be on the other side of the spectrum. society has a tendency to go too far the other way and it can end up harming others in the opposite fashion :(
What a terrible, vicious, and tragic story involving the treatment of Mary Cain by Nike and its so-called coaches Salazar and his cronies. How dare they take young women, like Cain, and abuse them both physically and emotionally. True coaching involves a sincere concern for the welfare of the athletes, the utilization of training techniques that are effective yet healthy for the athlete, and providing emotional support through encouragement and praise as opposed to ridicule, embarrassment, and a "win-at-all-costs" mentality. Salazar is no coach! Who gives a damn that he won a few marathons-- that does not make a coach. The man has no integrity, no true concern for his athletes' safety, and only cares about the money and what's in it for him. Salazar is an embarrassment to the true running community and should never be allowed to coach again. In fact, Salazar should simply retire into the sunset and just re-read the newspaper clippings from his so-called glory days. And Nike should be sued for maltreatment of its athletes! As a marathon runner, I have worn Nikes since the days of the Waffle sole, but I will never buy another Nike product again and would encourage others to follow suit. To Hell with Nike and coaches like Salazar! Thank you Emma for your insightful thoughts on women's physical and mental development. What happened to Mary Cain should not happen to any athlete man or woman!! Bob Eilek
You prepared some with your last video, unknowing...related some-You seem sport/spot on!! M. Cain will be back under a better tutelage ...I hope her running posture gets better-belly breath they used to tell us. I do not know what your major was but you seem like you would make a good coach...teacher. Weight vs force/speed is and can be improved but when the line is crossed and it is soo unhealthy; then not good- V. serious issue..more so with young ladies....too bad they did not recognize this.
Thank you so very much I was hoping you were going to talk about this somewhat. 😎Been coaching or helping since I was a junior in high school title IX kicked and they weren’t paying attention to the girls so I started helping 😀. I did do one thing if I thought somebody was somewhat overweight I would just tell them don’t eat after 8 o’clock well I’ve change that about 15 years ago if you run properly eat properly sleep well then honestly I don’t care what your weight is
It interesting to listen to all this...shock and awe about abuse and of these white women athletes. How very, very terrible all this is. Until you look at the history of what was done to BLACKs Compared to that, this is nothing be the "same old, same old". Just in a much LESS sorta way.
Women get into college and their bodies change. Their hips develop more, body fat increases, etc. all in an effort to get them ready for being able to carry a baby. Sorry but thousands of years of evolution doesn't care about your running career. This weight gain is unfortunately detrimental to running. As a male college runner I was conscientious about my own weight. You try to come up with any thing you can to get better. This is common sense.
The thing is that you will run faster if you are lighter ,and the goal of Nike/Alberto Salazar was for his athletes to run faster. That's his job to get the fastest results from his athletes. Never have I seen the fastest distance runners who aren't super thin. Has anyone? The truth is unkind for sure, but making people feel good is not the goal in ANY profession. My boss doesn't care about my feelings. Running professionally is a profession, a job. Mary Cain didn't perform well anymore, so she needs a new profession. No big deal. Very few make it to the top, and every professional and amateur runner has had injuries, regardless of weight. It's not weight shaming. It's telling people what they need to hear so they can perform at peak levels. That's it. Love your channel, Emma.
This video is all I am really going to post about this scandal. I am speaking up about specific things I want to stress especially to the young girls who watch this channel. I know this video is kind of all over the place but I want to focus on what I have gone through personally and what I wish for all young athletes in their career.
Emma Abrahamson can you like my comment??
Thank you Emma u dont know how helpful hearing these works are for me especially since I've been feeling a little down about how my weight differs from my team mates. So thank you for making me think differently ❤
6:15 what foods would you recommend?
But omg! Emma loves her NIKE. You dont give two shits about any of this. This video was inly out of relevance.
I know this was a year ago, but she was not a "young girl" she was an adult in college! If she tolerated abuse, as she described, for 3 years, then wasn't that her own fault? Blaming "men" for cutting herself? Really? Someone stuck a blade in her hand and forced her? As an adult her health and welfare was ultimately her own responsibility, not her coaches. What happened to every woman's latest favorite word "Empowerment"? Doesn't that mean taking control of your OWN LIFE? If you're an adult and you don't like your situation, then it's up to you to change it. If you're a child, you wait for someone else to change it for you.
Living for the Emma in her bathroom giving us big sister talks series.
"Weight fixation is lazy coaching." This is such a great line. So many young female runners are already susceptible to the belief that scaling back on their weight will improve performance--a coach who would promote this has zero original ideas or ability to update their coaching technique to meet current sports medicine & psychology research findings
I'm a guy but I've sorta had the same issues ever since I got into running in 8th grade. I was constantly obsessing about healthy eating(to the point where I wouldn't even chew gum) and wanted to be as thin as possible to be good at running. I had one really good cross-country season my junior year of high school but after a winter of heavy mileage I got a stress fracture in my femur that took me out for over a year. I'm in college now and I'm 20 pounds heavier and am nowhere near my old level of running. It's really difficult getting worn out at such a slow pace or looking bigger in the mirror, but if that's what it takes to recover from injury I'm willing to deal with it. As a guy I never had to deal with the pressures from coaches and teammates that I'm sure are much worse for girls, but I still feel like the issue is hardly ever talked about from the male athlete perspective(mostly because its much less widespread of a problem). Nonetheless, the running and fitness world has been really hard on my body image and I thought it would be helpful to share a guy's perspective on this for any of my bros out there who are going thru the same thing :)
Thank you Jackson! We are all in this together. Mental health isn't sexist.
Be nice to yourself folks (I really wanted to say fellas). Life is short. Do what makes you happy. People love you for way more important things than your time in a 5K (which they don't care about at all).
That One i agree that the problem is much more prevalent in females, and obviously deserves more attention, but there are health risks for guys who have eating/body image disorders as well. For guys I wouldn’t say it’s as much incentivized by the sport as it is a result of ppl who are already obsessive about health and fitness having a higher likelihood to get into running
Men being skinny is very different than women being skinny. Males can have a body fat of 3-5% and be healthy since our testosterone doesn't fluctuate much with low body fat and our bones stay strong secondary to high testosterone levels and exercise. Women who have 3-5% body fat will no longer have their periods as it interferes with the hormonal axis (FSH, LH in the brain) which ultimately interferes with ovulation and hence no periods. No periods leads to lower levels of estrogen, a very important hormone for women for keeping strong bones, protecting them from strokes and heart attacks. Hence men much more than women have heart attacks/strokes in their 30's-40's and after menopause women start to have higher risk of strokes than men. For men your stress fractures are likely secondary to overtraining, not hormones (unless your diet is absolutely horrible or you are anorexic and not consuming nutrition).
large red alarm to me, is no FEMALE coaches. I'm not saying eliminate all men as coaches, but at least one female per training team would have really helped in this situation.
yes yes yes!!!
Indeed! Female coaches understand what female athletes need.
You are a brave soul Emma.
As the father of a girl who's dealt with an eating disorder, I need to tell you this is WAY bigger than the running world. Maybe it's social media. I don't know. But you'd be shocked at the variety of kids you find at eating recovery centers.
We all need to be honest with each other. Nobody's life is as good as it seems. Be the bridge that someone else needs to get to where they want to be. Someday you'll need a bridge yourself.
Thank you Emma ... and keep up these "talks". They are unbelievably helpful ... to kids ... to parents.
Madison Baird it’s okay everyone is different and unique in their own ways. Everyone brings and shines brightness into everyone’s lives so don’t be ashamed or worried because you are you and that makes you amazing.
Food is fuel. Food is medicine.
@Lee Adama Thanks for the response.
Thank you for this video! I’m a former d1 rower and let me tell you it’s not a problem limited to running. I’ve seen some really concerning stuff (teammates loosing their periods for months at a time, self harming, obsessions over food and weight, etc.) and I think it’s something that people shy away from talking about because it’s uncomfortable and sometimes just seen as part of the sport. I think the worst part when you’re a young member of a sport is seeing the issues but being relatively powerless to make any changes. I’m glad people who have the voice to make change are speaking up and it’s inspired me to call things that are not okay out as well.
I have struggled with this so hard the past 5 years. It took 4 stress fractures and 3 pulled muscles for me to realize the damage I was doing to my body with endurance running on such a small caloric intake. Emma, thank you so much for talking about this on your platform. It's so encouraging to know this no one is alone, as this is such a prevalent issue.
Thank you so much for this video. I am not at all young nor thin but I love running. Recently a long time friend told me, "No offense but you don't have a runner's body." This was AFTER I told him how I overcame difficulty and improved my running time. Women in general get this nonsense. So thank you so much!
Thank you so much for making this video! I am a high school runner who has been worrying about body changes and what that means for my performance. This really helped me put all of it into perspective!
I noticed when you went live on Instagram yesterday that there seemed to be dozens of girls asking your thoughts on this. Made me realize (as a male who never ran in high school or college) what a huge topic this is and obviously how widespread this issue is. Respect you for making this video and all of your previous content about body image.
yes Emma 🙏🏻🙌🏻
so good to see people talking about important topics which are often ignored
not only in the running world, also in the gymnastics world, crazy what this world is like now.
This is why Mary and Emma are like my favorite pro runners
This needs to be talked about more, because it's happening everywhere! Thank you so much Emma
Thank youuuu!!!!! I can't express how happy I was to see you upload a video on this issue and you totally delivered. Please keep making more videos on running!
Wow. Emma, I have had let's just say "extensive" experience with body image and an eating disorder throughout my college years, and now at 55, and a mom to three kids, it takes SO much work to undo the damage this does to your soul. Guys don't deal with this like we do. We are torn between being "feminine" and being successfully strong/fast in this sport. I've run 44 marathons to date, and if I've learned anything, it's to fuel my "vehicle" if I want to arrive on time. Great to have met you at the start in Chicago too!! Thanks for this outstanding video.
Mental health comes before sports, always.
This year i scared a lot of people, because I was putting myself at a risk.
I starved myself for two days, and at xc practice I ran 3 miles, I didn’t even feel like I was in my body. My arms and legs felt like they were falling off.
I had to go back early because I was lightheaded and wobbly.
Turns out I had dropped 4 pounds in three days.
This type of stuff is damaging, to your body and your mind.
I’m still trying to get back to good eating habits, and my brain is still trying to figure out that my body is my body.
Two days my bad
Thank you so much for making a video about this. Everything you said was right on point and I definitely gained confidence after watching😁
Emma your comment on ‘race weight’ jogged my memory. I came back from winter break one year (long time ago) and my college coach said that I looked fat. I didn’t train over break and was 160# and 6’4”. Normally 150# in season. It didn’t really affect me because he was kind of right. But imagine being me (6’4” dude at 160#’s) and being called fat. Kinda crazy. So I don’t think it’s really strictly a female issue.
It would be very interesting to see someone like touhy skip NXN this year because of all of the controversy.
strong, not skinny💪🏻
So glad you're talking about this!! It's not limited to just a certain label or coach - it's a systemic problem so many of us can unfortunately relate to.
SO well said emma. thank you for speaking up and being a positive role model!
This video is awesome! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and making your voice heard. Such good, balanced advice and kindness
Excellent video. One has to do what makes one the best in health and happiness, etc. AS is mentally ill. I picked up on that by 1980... I have been a runner ALL my life. I'm 50 now, and I trained how I wanted to train ALL my life. I saw many of my men and women friends struggle with weight issues in this sport of athletics. As an adult, I raced at 5'9 and 120 but I am genetically very strong for my size. At times I would lift weights and weigh up to 130. Today, I am only 5'8 and I weigh between 130-140. I train how I want, etc. I'm still very fast for my age but my running is personal and I don't race much anymore. In racing, I've "done it all." Also, I know of many who ruined their bodies not getting enough nutrition. One of my favorite runners could have made 4 or 5 Olympic teams but because she starved herself too much she "only" made two Olympics.
This video will definitely help people know they’re not alone. Well done! ♥️
I would rather slightly over eat my nutrient dense whole foods and still have a little fat on my body, than under eat, be skinny, anddd literally destroying my bones.
Thanks for taking leadership on this issue. Social media and t.v. and movies influence badly a females perception of what is good, hot, appealing and so much more. When all of us men and women can be happy within the body we have, so much more happiness can be achieved.
Super important topic....this is precisely what happened to me in high school- amenorrheic and then stress fracture by senior year of track, Dr told me I had the bone density of a 60 year old at age 17.
No one ever talked to me about the dangers of losing weight for running
We all love you emma! You are so motivational and a role model for us all!
Thank you Emma! This was a great video for me with my future. I know know what I need and don’t need to do!
Thank you Emma for speaking on these issues! ❤
Weight shouldn’t be such a big thing, however if some people still want to cut a few pounds, you should do it in your off season so you don’t affect your performance. I started cutting calories and running fasted during my xc season and then hurt my right calf and achilles. It wasn’t worth it trying to get to that “race weight” Emma was touching on, considering I couldn’t even race finals because of my injury.
Be careful. A few pounds ... becomes a few more pounds ... becomes a few more pounds.
Walter Clinch exactly, I haven’t seen much of eating disordered behavior in the sport yet, but I’m sure its there.
@@shutupaeryn ... Emma was spot on about eating whole foods and fueling our bodies to perform to our best. A well-fueled body with a healthy mindset is the best recipe for a wonderful performance.
ShutUpAeryn I did the same thing when I was in highschool. I ran in college but did it to stay in shape and had a good experience because of it
Lauren Fleshman is one of my favorite humans. So much wisdom! I can’t wait for her to finish her memoir.
I am a boy. This actually happened to me. It’s very hard to speak about it because I didn’t know if I should have told anyone but during my time running in jr high, high school and college. I have come across this issue due to my body shape. I was told that you have to be skinny, don’t be eating, only one meal a day, and keep running. Don’t slow down or walk. Its hard especially if your own teammates told you have to be skinny to be fast and do the same thing their doing. At one point in high school, I noticed I was getting injured and didn’t preform well at races which effect me in my school work during high school. Even in college, my coach told me I had get skinny. I have to wear size medium or small so I can wear the uniform in order to run. A year later, I stopped running collegiate cross country. Now I’m feeling much better knowing my own self worth and I am able to eat.
She is running for Ireland now a few days ago she qualified to become a Irish runner.
I really appreciate you speaking on this. Thank you!!
I agree. I think no body should tell young girls what weight to be since their minds are so sensitive and you have no idea if they already have eating disorders. I think we should go use on telling everyone to eat healthy rather than eat less.
Was waiting for this video / so happy u did it
Thank you, Emma 🙌🏻
Intelligent and smart runner!!!❤️
Thanks Emma, I really needed this!
Thank you! Everything you said-YES! Eat healthy stay strong!
I had the same weight change happen to me over high school!!!
This was a good talk thank you Emma
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and being so honest!
Damned thing is at least with women if they're missing their periods (and not on pill or pregnant), that's a good indicator something is off with their body. I don't doubt there are men who are being forced to maintain a race weight too, but there is nothing to tell men something is wrong. It's a vicious cycle, these crappy coaches will tell you to "push through pain" without taking the time to understand is it really mental pain or are they setting up their athlete to be seriously injured.
... some have more problems than others...
and it is true for any girl at almost any age...
not just in the running world...
more so thru there teen years... no Idea on how to get it fixed...
changes in the body... can not be helped
and weight gain is part of it.
It is something we go thru even some boys...
talk all you can and hope it will get thru to them...
but ever year there will be a new group that will need some help!
I’m making a video on this on my channel this week. But I’m happy this discussion is finally happening
love your video girl!! i posted my thoughts on this as well and i think you said this wonderfully.
Yes 👏 ma'am 👏
Being in good shape causes delayed Puberty in girls, Early Puberty in boys
sure, it's happening everywhere. But what the World knows is "oregon project" Leadership has responsibility, or should
have. IMO Nike cacelled the entire project last october 10 (2019) because its corporate bureaucracy had no clue how to
deal with the situation. But at least they did take that step. Not exactly kudos....more like free at to speak. And, btw, thanks for putting up the NYT link. Reading as important as running:)
We love you Emma!
Thank you🙌
Spot on. Hey I have a question. I always thought it was more typical for girls to pretty much be at their adult height by around age 14. Do you feel that your growth spurt later in high school also went along with your delayed menarche, and was a consequence of delayed puberty, or is that the typical pattern in your family? Asking from the standpoint of hoping my daughter ends up tall like you :) PS later onset of periods decreases risk of breast cancer :)
THANK YOU EMMA!!! Love ya fella
I watched Mary's video as well, I think your video is very appropriate.
emma you are a literal legennndddd
Great athletes are rarely great coaches. Alberto was a great, great runner but he basically destroyed his own body with overtraining, and he did the same with Mary Cain, plus the belittling and shaming her destroyed her confidence. WTF, I am sure Bill Dillinger never did that to him. The best coaches push, but more than that, they inspire and when you have a young athlete, it should definitely be more inspiration, because these individuals will push themselves and for female athletes, there should be female mentors, trainers, and coaches.
thank you💛
thank youuuuuu i feel lik theres an expectation to be that scrawnu musular runner, but really strong bodies look different and u need to be strong to run fast
Stay Healthy! That's all that really matters.
It's sadly all over the world. The first time I heard about such abuse was the Chinese team in the 90s that used to dope and train their women's team like they were animals.
Lol, I've seen female coaches perpetuating this too, especially if they were successful when they were skinny
What did you study in college? I love this message btw ❤ no one is ever alone.
What kind of change do you propose?
Strong message
Preach ✌🏽🙏🏼🧡
I was not allowed to run in college because of this, they actually said i can't run and needed to gain a ton of weight and jump through hoops meanwhile I've been running perfectly fine but their decision to disenable me to compete with the team was absolutely crushing and if the whole ""body shaming underweight ""doesn't get enough publicity imagine how isolating it was to be on the other side of the spectrum. society has a tendency to go too far the other way and it can end up harming others in the opposite fashion :(
Well done Emma.
Good video, great views!!
What a terrible, vicious, and tragic story involving the treatment of Mary Cain by Nike and its so-called coaches Salazar and his cronies. How dare they take young women, like Cain, and abuse them both physically and emotionally. True coaching involves a sincere concern for the welfare of the athletes, the utilization of training techniques that are effective yet healthy for the athlete, and providing emotional support through encouragement and praise as opposed to ridicule, embarrassment, and a "win-at-all-costs" mentality.
Salazar is no coach! Who gives a damn that he won a few marathons-- that does not make a coach. The man has no integrity, no true concern for his athletes' safety, and only cares about the money and what's in it for him. Salazar is an embarrassment to the true running community and should never be allowed to coach again. In fact, Salazar should simply retire into the sunset and just re-read the newspaper clippings from his so-called glory days.
And Nike should be sued for maltreatment of its athletes! As a marathon runner, I have worn Nikes since the days of the Waffle sole, but I will never buy another Nike product again and would encourage others to follow suit. To Hell with Nike and coaches like Salazar!
Thank you Emma for your insightful thoughts on women's physical and mental development. What happened to Mary Cain should not happen to any athlete man or woman!!
Bob Eilek
Weight should be a tool that tells you where you get sick and not just performance with pulse grafted.
Make this topic into a podcast with professional athletes!!!
You prepared some with your last video, unknowing...related some-You seem sport/spot on!!
M. Cain will be back under a better tutelage ...I hope her running posture gets better-belly breath they used to tell us. I do not know what your major was but you seem like you would make a good coach...teacher.
Weight vs force/speed is and can be improved but when the line is crossed and it is soo unhealthy; then not good- V. serious issue..more so with young ladies....too bad they did not recognize this.
The taller you are the more your body will naturally weigh because of skeleton weigh it's only natural
Thank you so very much I was hoping you were going to talk about this somewhat. 😎Been coaching or helping since I was a junior in high school title IX kicked and they weren’t paying attention to the girls so I started helping 😀. I did do one thing if I thought somebody was somewhat overweight I would just tell them don’t eat after 8 o’clock well I’ve change that about 15 years ago if you run properly eat properly sleep well then honestly I don’t care what your weight is
train hard and healthy, focusing too much on things that don't actually make you faster dont make you faster!!!!
Is this why Jordan hasay is really skinny?
But omg! Emma loves her NIKE. You dont give two shits about any of this. This video was inly out of relevance.
It interesting to listen to all this...shock and awe about abuse and of these white women athletes.
How very, very terrible all this is.
Until you look at the history of what was done to BLACKs
Compared to that, this is nothing be the "same old, same old".
Just in a much LESS sorta way.
@Sam Yaza The both history and current events anyone that say its not about race is a LAIR.
In fact, a damn LIAR.
You could shit out 2lbs.
"I'am not an expert about this". Well, against your common sense no expert can bring in anything of any substance, imho !
nice video honeybunch.
Women get into college and their bodies change. Their hips develop more, body fat increases, etc. all in an effort to get them ready for being able to carry a baby. Sorry but thousands of years of evolution doesn't care about your running career. This weight gain is unfortunately detrimental to running. As a male college runner I was conscientious about my own weight. You try to come up with any thing you can to get better. This is common sense.
The thing is that you will run faster if you are lighter ,and the goal of Nike/Alberto Salazar was for his athletes to run faster. That's his job to get the fastest results from his athletes. Never have I seen the fastest distance runners who aren't super thin. Has anyone? The truth is unkind for sure, but making people feel good is not the goal in ANY profession. My boss doesn't care about my feelings. Running professionally is a profession, a job. Mary Cain didn't perform well anymore, so she needs a new profession. No big deal. Very few make it to the top, and every professional and amateur runner has had injuries, regardless of weight. It's not weight shaming. It's telling people what they need to hear so they can perform at peak levels. That's it. Love your channel, Emma.