Yeah, it applies for a lot of things. I guess you're more focused somehow. When I was little and played goalie at the garage door with friends, I consistently did better when having to go to the bathroom and way worse after I did. Even became kind of a running joke among us. "Please go to the bathroom already!" :-p
They just run different category’s. Any% and warpless. But it’s been pretty much the same top 4 or 5 runners for years who had the record in both category’s.
Alright, I'm just gonna say it. This is awesome. Your level of calm is something to aspire to. And your response to beating the world record was adorable. An adorable Mario nerd. Be still my heart.
It takes me at least three hours to complete this entire game. It's incredible how he did it in under half an hour! And I hate how gamers often get a bad rap for being seen as people who just sit around all day eating Twinkies and drinking soda. But no, there's a skill to be learned here. And this is just a normal young kid who probably has a good life with friends and family when he's not playing and probably works hard at whatever job he does.
it's a pewdiepie thing hahaha. There is like a broken function in TH-cam for making mods that he discovered and this was one of the criteria for being a moderator lol. He thought he could make mods but turns out he can't
One of my favorite parts of speedrunning or streaming is the person reading out ridiculous screen names. Much better than real life names, you'd hear endless "thanks david"
Bruh , People Commenting that he was hacking during this run are dumb. 18:54 (Maybe Not correct Timestamp) •People were saying how didn't that firestick hurt you. This was because of hitbox of mario. •This is not warpless as he just used shortcut of Coin Tunnel at 1-1. Warpless means you are not warping (travelling to other world). Warps are located in 1-2 World Which warps you to 4-1. Just Comment Your Timestamps and i will explain it. Thank You!
You've aced this game to such a degree you might need to speedrun Lost Levels instead. 🏅PS: Never mind! The comments below say you already have and clearly I need to go watch it. I'm happy to hear you've mastered ALL SMB challenges and not the least surprised.
If you crouch on the ground and start swimming from that position, Mario's hitbox will only be the lower half of his body, allowing his upper half to pass through firebars like that. The downside to this trick is that you lose the ability to shoot fireballs. You can see me crouch at the ground at the beginning of the water section - that's me settings up this trick.
Killing bowser with fire is actually faster. If you just touch the axe without defeating Bowser the game will play a cutscene of the bridge collapsing and Bowser falling into the lava. This is skipped if Bowser is already defeated.
+God are you sure you're not mistaking when he slows down on purpose? there's a few levels he needs to slow down because if he goes at full speed, the timer will end in a 3 or a 6, which would trigger fireworks. so he has to slow down a bit to get a 2 or a 5 instead. still, the run isn't flawless. darb himself has said no human will ever get a perfect run in this game, there will always be frames to save in 8-4 alone, and new strategies to save frame rules in other levels as well.
No, it has nothing to do with being fire Mario. Darbian manipulates Mario’s hit box by ducking into the pipe when he exits the water subworld immediately before your time stamp. That’s how he gets such a tiny hitbox, it has nothing to do with the fire flower power up.
At 19:09 - 19:12 did he go through the fire hazards without getting hit because he was Fire-Mario? I don't personally remember the Fire Flower power-up allowing you to do that. But then again the last time I played this game on original hardware was back in 1987 when I was almost 12 years old at my friend's house. Man I feel old now. I'm gonna be 46 years old this November. This brings back some really old memories for me.
World Record? While actually interacting with the chat, and reposting links between levels? Holy shit.
shinobody and having to pee
+Rsps Vids He sId it wasnt Number One during the middle of stream
shinobody that's because he's a pimp
PoweradeCuber who is not number 1?
I think Mario deserves the bulk of the credit here. It ain't easy sprinting with short legs, a doughboy belly and that wind catching mustache.
Lol 😂
Juha Mieto lost by 1/100 of a second in lake placid 1980 because he had a wind catching moustache.
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The man got a world record while having to piss
We're all just young boys on twitch
Dan Slade when Did he say that
PANCAKEzilla101 It was literally the first thing he said in the video lol. 0:00 seconds
Dan Slade indeed
to be honest thats what made the whole thing swag TWITCH should give him a gold plack saying that or something
young bois
Rather calm reaction for breaking a world record lol.
Mr Madness he probs pissed himself
Mr Madness 140 bpm though. His heart rate was double his normal rate
he had to take a piss
Is that even real? How that works?
NATURALTALENT yh he wears something round his chest he has said it in the past
'W E ' R E A L L J U S T Y O U N G B O Y S O N T W I T C H' - mememaster darbian, prime minister of North Korea
Kim Darb Un
supreme ruler that you must bow down to even if your spine is broken
25+ years a Mario fan and I NEVER knew you could fireball kill Bowser.
Your comment isn't specific enough. How do we know you didn't start playing mario games until SMB3 on the SNES. 🤣
İt might be.Don't worry pal!
*Darbian seems like a really nice guy.*
From what I've seen on discord, he is.
Darby N. Allen ! in aew
Wow, darbian! Great moves. Keep it up. Proud of you.
Billy Wright are you Michelle Obama?
No, Alon. Billy Wright is Billy Wright. Michelle Obama is Michelle Obama.
Shiny Sohyun 7 months later lol
@@elliotgodinez3115 How about 4 years later?
WR in BOTH any% and warpless! You have literally conquered Super Mario Bros... Now what?
All stars! watch his last broadcast!
Seth M-T
and W -3% too,like jeez
Seth M-T and the minus world too
Seth M-T Now...the world
Watching this run was the funniest shit ever x)
"I have to use the bathroom"
"God damnit I didn't screw up"
"God damnit I didn't screw up"
Good advice for speedrunning there, too: Play like you gotta use the bathroom. XD
Yeah, it applies for a lot of things. I guess you're more focused somehow. When I was little and played goalie at the garage door with friends, I consistently did better when having to go to the bathroom and way worse after I did. Even became kind of a running joke among us. "Please go to the bathroom already!" :-p
I watched this, then watched a video on "unbeatable" video game records. I came back here to let everyone know that the old record is in that video.
Not even the previous record but an older one.
Impossible is nothing, LOL!
jmarkellos "Impossible? Ok, gimme 20 minutes." ;)
SMB speedrunners then: "I had to go through the whole game!"
SMB speedrunners now: "I have never seen World 1-3."
They just run different category’s. Any% and warpless. But it’s been pretty much the same top 4 or 5 runners for years who had the record in both category’s.
This comment shows that you no next to nothing about speed runs
Tyyy6108 which comment?
BBaoVanC ya boi Agus
Does he still hold the record?
Crazy how these runs come down to frames.
Alright, I'm just gonna say it. This is awesome. Your level of calm is something to aspire to. And your response to beating the world record was adorable. An adorable Mario nerd. Be still my heart.
Having to take a shit during a run makes you play better.
7:16 That satisfying sync with the music! :D
Five years later.. good comment. Congrats. 🎉 👏 🤣
@@someoneout-there2165 Thank you! :)
This gives me anxiety as I remember the difficult of the jumps and kills.
Oh dear, this run is too perfect. This is only beatable in some Milliseconds now
Nah, you can see that Darbian missed a few framerules here and there. There is over a second still possible to save
He also didn't do the flagpole glitch at the beginning.
animowany111 this run can be beaten for like 2 seconds
Sefo Abi bullet bill and flag glitches would drop it another seconds and a half
Sefo Abi just got broken by andrewg
Эдуард Кусмауль I thought I was the only one that saw it
Zack Yates me too
This is absolutely insane
Now you have the record in both warpless and any%. That was such an awesome run. Keep up these awesome speedruns!
So you wanted to go to the toilet less than halfway into the run, and ended up destroying the WR? AMAZING
I mean... it actually kinda makes sense. Ha
SMB3 ain’t the only game with *”P-SPEED”* strats. (Not original joke)
Это было 6 лет назад, но я посмотрел не отрываясь, и радовался в конце вместе с тобой, ты легенда чувак❤
Wow. Congratulations on achieving this! :)
Happy Lee I Subscribed
0:10 Isn't that warp?
빵순이 no it’s without using warp zones
Như con cặt
It takes me at least three hours to complete this entire game. It's incredible how he did it in under half an hour! And I hate how gamers often get a bad rap for being seen as people who just sit around all day eating Twinkies and drinking soda. But no, there's a skill to be learned here. And this is just a normal young kid who probably has a good life with friends and family when he's not playing and probably works hard at whatever job he does.
You didn't just break the WR, you spanked it
is your profile pic a meme or something I keep seeing it
that profile pic is absolutely EVERYWHERE!!!!
yeah wtf i dont get it
it's a pewdiepie thing hahaha. There is like a broken function in TH-cam for making mods that he discovered and this was one of the criteria for being a moderator lol. He thought he could make mods but turns out he can't
I find it so hilarious that the ultimate SMB speedrunner is not Japanese! XD
graduator14 xDD
Yes...highly improper.
graduator14 😂😂 true
Why would they be?
Damn! I tuned in 5 days in a row and on the day I couldn't he gets WR. GG anyway Darb!
One of my favorite parts of speedrunning or streaming is the person reading out ridiculous screen names. Much better than real life names, you'd hear endless "thanks david"
at least you didn't break your camera again
Hello from four years in the future
@@matthewhunter2443 hello good sir
That was badass. Ever since I played this even from all the way back in 1987 I warp past level 2 and 3 so much I barely recognized them! 😂
The most focused people I knew have always had a crew haircut. I might start cutting my hair like thst
You dont choose the crewcut. The crecut chooses you
World record today? History has been made and I was here to witness it.
18:55 and 19:00 went through the firestick
JK Meibers ducking in water stage makes your hitbox smaller
I've watched this like 10 times over the years. I love it. I hope you start streaming again soon darb.
Never even seen some of these levels/worlds because I would always warp.
Why would you skip over half the game?
crazymaner2003 more then half. 1-1/1-2 4-1/4-2/8-1 to 8-4 that’s like 5 worlds of eight
the way you squat jump up that staircase at the start of 8-2 is incredible. 👍
Bruh , People Commenting that he was hacking during this run are dumb. 18:54 (Maybe Not correct Timestamp)
•People were saying how didn't that firestick hurt you. This was because of hitbox of mario.
•This is not warpless as he just used shortcut of Coin Tunnel at 1-1. Warpless means you are not warping (travelling to other world). Warps are located in 1-2 World Which warps you to 4-1. Just Comment Your Timestamps and i will explain it. Thank You!
Congratulations!! I wanted you to break the WR for a long time and now it finally happened. :)))
love reading chat through that whole run lmao
congrats man, still the king of speedruns
"Let me make sure that the volume is appropiate..."
W e ' r e a l l j u s t y o u n g b o i s o n T w i t c h
I like your range of reactions from "yes! That was it." to "Oh my gosh! WOO!"
Damn dude. So you maintain the WR for both major categories now? Nice. I passed out so I missed this :[
Bradley Doesnt Give A Fox you passed out? hope you are okay now buddy
I mean from exhaustion, being awake 2 and a half days and such.
just finished watching this live on twitch watching it again cause it's sick as hell
18:09 - is that little delay when you hit the top block unavoidable? its the only level i see this hesitation on
That was done to avoid getting fireworks when the timer ends with a 3, saving time.
Tompa A makes sense
You, my good sir darbian, have you not only deserved a subscription, but have earned one.
keep it up dude
You've aced this game to such a degree you might need to speedrun Lost Levels instead. 🏅PS: Never mind! The comments below say you already have and clearly I need to go watch it. I'm happy to hear you've mastered ALL SMB challenges and not the least surprised.
lol he already has WR on Lost Levels
in both any% and warpless actually
Awesome. I consider myself updated and will go look for the videos of those speedruns. Darbian rules ALL forms of SMB!
You are an expert in playing this game dear. Great!!
19:00 that hitbox though.
In water stages, if you duck on the ground and then start swimming, your hitbox will stay as Small Mario's hitbox. A neat little trick =).
Tompa A thanks
Love watching this guy for hours playing the same 2 levels most nights lol. One day he will nail it again. :)
This young man is a Legend with a capital L
You crushed it Darb!! Great job.
Someone make an emote of his face at 13:27
le XD
and 14:34,god damn that's priceless
I like how your heartbeat increased since you entered world 7.
Why don't the fire-chains underwater (World 8) kill you even when you touch them/go through them?
If you crouch on the ground and start swimming from that position, Mario's hitbox will only be the lower half of his body, allowing his upper half to pass through firebars like that. The downside to this trick is that you lose the ability to shoot fireballs. You can see me crouch at the ground at the beginning of the water section - that's me settings up this trick.
darbian Okay...really cool! Thanks.
Does your record still holds for this run?
Yes, this is still the current record. I will update the title and description when and if it's beaten.
darbian That's totally awesome, then! Congratulations, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Mario 1's weird... Physics!
Record or not, that's incredible!
(12:27) to Jimbob49: “CREAMY”
Congrats on the new record darbian!
Is this the current world record
darbian fucking amazing!!!!!!!
Andy Bullivant not now
damn, this would have been faster if he wouldn't have stopped to kill Bowser at 4-4
Killing bowser with fire is actually faster. If you just touch the axe without defeating Bowser the game will play a cutscene of the bridge collapsing and Bowser falling into the lava. This is skipped if Bowser is already defeated.
darbian right, didn't think about that
darbian OMG!!
"One more game before dinner!"
3:35: darbianschair, "Can you move your ass a little to the left I'm getting sore."
I died laughing XD.
A sub-20 warpless SMB run...that's hard to do. Job well done.
Reckon sub 19 is possible
I looked up the TAS record and it's 18:38 so I think that normal play should able to get sub 19.
Scottish Chemist a human can get within like 10 seconds of tas so yh
Scottish Chemist for Sub 19 you have to do bbg in 8-2 or 1-1 flagpole glitch
It might have only counted the dead fake King Koopa in that small frame, which could explain you not getting hit there.
12:27 C R E A M Y
there's not really much left to improve on here. I'm shocked at how close to flawless this run is.
AaroInTheKnee there's a few little hiccups I noticed, still Probs a decent amount to improve on, like a few seconds maybe, still a remarkable run
+God are you sure you're not mistaking when he slows down on purpose? there's a few levels he needs to slow down because if he goes at full speed, the timer will end in a 3 or a 6, which would trigger fireworks. so he has to slow down a bit to get a 2 or a 5 instead.
still, the run isn't flawless. darb himself has said no human will ever get a perfect run in this game, there will always be frames to save in 8-4 alone, and new strategies to save frame rules in other levels as well.
This comment aged poorly lmao
@@WolfAeterni you're not wrong. Kosmic isn't human
mario got dem hax on
i just mean wtf
Glad youre not making those goofy faces anymore.
He's so smart and talented for this kind of challenge though. What an amazing speedrun.
GG man, you just made history for the 4th(?) time.
Wanted to say congrats, but more importantly that you have one of the best possible avatars.
I love that Lextron called it as he is finishing 2-1!
This dude is an absolute legend.
The hit boxes on this game are so forgiving lmao
this was the #1 hit for mario speedrun. 4 mos ago. vertically uplifted to the maximum
Insane run! Congrats darb!
congrats Darbian I knew you could do it!
Now this is true skill of Super Mario Bros1! Warpless, deathless and world record broken all in the same run. :)
It kills me how his heart rate spikes every time the game takes over the controls.
I learned something new. Fire Mario's hitbox is extremely tiny, or the firebars
Proof: 18:55 - 19:00
No, it has nothing to do with being fire Mario. Darbian manipulates Mario’s hit box by ducking into the pipe when he exits the water subworld immediately before your time stamp. That’s how he gets such a tiny hitbox, it has nothing to do with the fire flower power up.
These brown boxes (stairs, bridges) were always chocolate-blocks for me. 🙂
Monetary Contribution
The check is in the mail.
The only stream I missed huh? Congrats tho man, can't wait till you improve on this. Maybe I'll be there next time lol
Supreme talent ! I've been playing this game on and off for 25 years and still never finished it :/
Excellent gameplay I can remember me playing the Mario in my childhood
Nice run darb!
Congrats Darbian
7:03 *"I gotta use the restroom"*
And the true P Meter begins to build.
At 19:09 - 19:12 did he go through the fire hazards without getting hit because he was Fire-Mario? I don't personally remember the Fire Flower power-up allowing you to do that.
But then again the last time I played this game on original hardware was back in 1987 when I was almost 12 years old at my friend's house.
Man I feel old now. I'm gonna be 46 years old this November. This brings back some really old memories for me.
Just blown away by this vid. Cool as hell.
These timings are perfect.
Darbian ur king of Gaming...
proud of u
darbian you are my favorite youtuber and speedrunner!!!
Congrats, darbian!
This guy is an amazing speedrunner
For some reason i still didn't beat this game warpless on NES nor on Emulators after so many years.
Amazing!!! :D
You should try speedrunning nsmb or something like that
"Can you move your ass a little to the left, I'm getting sore" - Darbian's Chair