Great video, especially as it's not clickbait. Thoroughly and well done. A Return of the King coverage would be welcomed. Hoping for those true Ultimate Editions along the line.
Except it is clickbait. It isn't showing all those hundreds of hours of cut footage.. Simply narrating what is missing and showing a few clips here and there. Love the video, but it most certainly is still clickbait.
@@Stuck313 Kind of agree, but even before I clicked on the video I saw the 16 minute runtime and thought "Okay this clearly isn't showing 'ALL' the footage"
@@Stuck313 You can see the video length before you click it. You must have been the only person who expected hours of footage who clicked this link. Unreleased scenes are exactly that - unreleased. It's an absolute service to attempt to cobble together what these scenes may have been from teasers, trailers, and interviews from those in the know. Nothing came across as deceptive or sensationalized to me, which is the threshold for clickbait.
@@Stuck313 Nah, he says all unreleased scenes and then describes them all. Fairly sure noone but peter jackson would have the hundreds of hours of footage, and if you thought you were getting that you might be dumb
It would be a great homage to Bernard Hill if they included Theoden’s excellent speech at Helm’s Deep that they cut out. Even if it was just added as a bonus on the extended dvd’s.
You know Your a great Actor if they need You to delivere a speech that inspires hope and in the final edit they need to cut it because You inspired too much hope for the rest of the plot to work.
I would gladly see a whole movie just based on Aragorn and Arwen's story, with both their origins, their first encounter, their journey both separately and together, and their days as King and Queen of Gondor and the death of Aragorn and Arwen's end afterwards, and how their love story was all meant to happen since Eru decreted it was meant to be. I have a soft spot for these two characters. Viggo Mortensen and Liv Tyler were born to portray Aragorn and Arwen. You see them on screen and you just stand there, mesmerized ❤
Every time I watch the trilogy, I want Aragorn to choose Eowyn. Then I get to the scene at the end where he sees Arwen again and I realize he chose right.
As long as it is a seperate version and was never teh original. It is good that they did not fall into the trope trap of trying to force more romantic incentive into the epic adventure.
Grima poisoning Theodred seems like a very good explanation for how quickly he deteriorated and why Grima looked so surprised when he came into the room and found Eowyn sobbing over him.
PJ confirmed they did film a scene of Grima pouring poison into his ear, which was a reference to Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet. Originally during ROTK, Saruman was going to expose this to Theoden during the Voice of Saruman scene which was initially why Grima pulled the knife out.
I'm pretty sure this was in the script at some point. I am basing this on memory, but I'm pretty sure that the fact that Wormtounge poisoned Theodred is mentioned in some old game based on the movies (I think it's from the ROTK on Gameboy Advanced). Based on what I've heard, those games had access to early versions of the movie scripts to be able to finalize development and release close to the movie releases. Guessing there could a similar situation with the toy, that the poison vial is there due to that when manufacturing started, the intention was to have the poisoning be a plot point in the movie.
Bernard Hill was perfect for Theoden. He had that king’s aura that his speech could truly move the audiences. Hearing his speech in Pelennor Field was enough to make me want to join him in the war.
Everyone was just absolutely made for their character. The casting was so fantastic! So few trilogies and movies are like that, and LOTR (and The Hobbit too) is definitely the best!
Yes and no. I agree abiut gollums respresentation the entire time. But seeing a quick moment of what frodo was fighting inside himself could have still been very impactful, showing it is just gollum but ANYONE can become twisted inside and out by the ring.
What people don't notice is that "Haleth, son of Hama" the boy who talks to Aragorn while working on his actually the son of THAT mentioned Hama who died in the warg attack. Having Aragorn seen his death makes the scene a little bit more impactful. Could have dropped a line there.
That is a great scene; thank you for pointing it out. I always have a hard time understanding what they are sayin in it. That and I did not know the name of Hama in the movie until I had watched it about two dozen times, nor even realized he died! I know that sounds ridiculous, but in armour, Hama and Grimbold looked similar enough that for years I registered them as the same person). It was also around that two dozen times mark when I realized that the Grimbold being put in command of a third of the Rohirim was a character we were actuially supposed to know, that we had already been introdouced to him. Sure, I am not the die hard fan, but I would bet the same points are true for 90% of viewers. In one ear and outb the other without stopping.
I'm so sad about the Arwen cuts. I would have LOVED to see her at Helm's deep so much! Thank you for this wonderful video ❤ LOTR will always be one of the best movies ever made!! 🎉
I was intrigued by the Arwen alternatives as well! I always felt there was such a contrast to how we meet her in the first movie. She is playful, dynamic, and powerful. ‘What’s this? A ranger caught off his guard?’ ‘If you want him, come and claim him!’ Compared to her scenes in the rest of the films where mostly she cries, argues with Elrond, and is generally far from the action. Fighting alongside Aragorn at Helms Deep seems closer to the Arwen we first meet. I certainly don’t mean that a character can’t have both these elements, and Arwens choice to marry Aragorn as a mortal is narratively interesting. Just that Arwen changes so drastically from our first impression of her.
I would love to see her scenes at Helm’s Deep. I wonder what would have happened after? It would have been cool if she stayed with Aragorn for the rest of the movie.
@@dungeondesigns104 If Arwen had been at Helm's Deep, she would have been with the women and children fleeing through the glittering caves. If they included the probable scenes of Eowyn tending to the wounded, Arwen probably could have served a role there. If they included Eowyn's fight in the glittering caves, Arwen would not have been fighting. And if Arwen was made to fight with the men, she would be dead, just like almost every other man and elf at Helm's Deep. Arwen was a noble lady. Eowyn was the tom boy. They didn't need both women to be tom boys, any more than they needed both to be ladies. Arwen and Eowyn contrast eachother. It is telling that both loved Aragorn, but he chose Arwen, and while Arwen became queen mother, Eowyn married Faramir and became queen regent. In short, it is not Arwen being meek and mild later that was off, but Arwen portrayed as a warrior in the beginning that was wrong. Thank goodness Peter Jackson got the second and third books right.
I heard from a few different places over the years that was due to either Liv Tyler or her agent or someone threatening to walk if they didn't give her a bigger role. She was such a big name actress at the time that they made a lot of concessions to try and keep her happy but the demands for more scenes and more story just kept getting worse and worse throughout filming until they got to the point they had to tell her to get over herself and stop trashing the source material. That's why there's such a massive amount of unused footage of her.
I love how informative this was! It wasn't a deleted scene moment, but a few years ago, the movie theater near me was playing the extended version of Return of the King. I was there with a friend and my dad at the time, and from the part when Frodo, Sam, and Gollum are trying to sneak towards the stairs, to when the Orcs are ambushing Faramir and everyone in Osgilith, the sound cut from the movie. This is one of my favorite moments ever, because to make up for it, when the Orcs were stomping out of Minas Morgul, the audience in the theater room, myself included, all began to stomp on the floor until the army was gone. The first sound we heard when the audio came back was when Gothmog and his army were coming from the water and Gothmog said "QUIET... " It really made everyone laugh. Best movie theater moment I've ever had.
I don't expect a newer extended edition but I certainly want an anniversary edition with those extra scenes as seperate deleted scenes to be released. Come on, Warner Bros! Just let Jackson release them already because it'll mean more money for you!
What?! By all three again, only now as Super Special Extended Ultra Editions? (pauses for a moment to think on that, rubbing the chin a little...) Yes, yes I can!!
Thank you for putting this together. Very interesting and informative. I've always wished Arwen's story arc had a lot more than was shown. I understand the editing process is difficult, plus the pressure of compacting in a coherent way. But these additional shots would have made her character a stronger part of the story.
Sooo much material, so much effort behind this movie, so little went on the screen. Cannot imagine how is for the actors as well, to see so much of their work not appearing every time. Thanks for the video!
It's the reverse 😂😂. All the cut work makes the final product more endearing. Lasting ages by its distillment. Its hard work reflected through a shining diamond instead of a cobblestone.
Don't care if Lords trilogy was 10days long, I'd STILL watch/ love it and b mesmerised by points missed from the 1st 100x of watching it. A cinematic masterpiece which will never b liked again in my lifetime
Imagine if they whipped out a 25 minute scene from the Old Forest to Bree, and it was actually awesome and believable - with a jolly but somehow terrifying Tom Bombadil singing songs that you can't get out of your head and Barrow Wights and living trees that give adults nightmares.
Great vid. One note: Celeborn is pronounced Keleborn, not Seleborn. All names that start with C in Tolkien’s works make a K sound, not an S sound. He was of a mind to update the books with Ks instead of Cs but K looks harsher than C and he wanted to preserve the letter K for “ugly” words like Uruk (though even Orc and Sindarin Yrch replaces it with a C)!
I'm pretty sure when Gandald says "there is a union now between the two towers" that scene made it as a cut scene in the PS2 LOTR video game "Return of the King"
I played the PC version of that one and think you might be correct indeed! Been quite some time since then, but I recalled it now that you mentioned it.
@@ankymrn i don't think it would be that unbelievable for her to beat one uruk there. I'm not asking her to beat a small army like Aragorn in Amon Hen 😂
@@allandm I would have loved to see this too! There always has to be someone that simply can't stand that women can be strong warriors, even when that's LITERALLY who Eowyn is 🤦🏻♀ a shieldmaiden of Rohan who defeated the Witch-king of Angmar ❤🔥 so yeah I agree that scene would have fit perfectly
@Zoeaxel exactly, I think it would've worked even better. If we saw her fight (even if just one uruk) in Helms Deep, when we do see her fighting many orcs in Pelennor Fields it won't come as much of a surprise.. since we saw her mention she trains and we SAW her in action
It's a shame that they cut so many scenes with Arwen. Would have loved to see more of her is the movies. The fight with Haldir was epic but with Arwen it would be also really cool.
They cut the close up of grima spitting on aragorns hand due to the wind blowing so hard he ended up spitting himself in the face. Which is also why it is cut together like it is in the movie, to give the illusion that he hits aragorns hand.
Arwen being at helms deep is soo interesting. Would of been hard to understand how elrond allowed his daughter to go. would of been cool for her to have potentially escaped rivendel at night and chase after the elven army for Helms Deep to aid Aragon. Or maybe Elrond could of been still reluctant to send the army at first. So she escapes for Helms Deep to force his hand and so he sends them there to help the humans win the battle to save his daughter. Either way it would of been nice to flesh out her character and to see her chop up a few orcs in the process.
I would like very much an extra bonus version of the fight between Aragorn and Sauron at the Black Gate in 4K with the special effects and the full Dagorlad battle with Gil-galad and his death (it was filmed). Nice video. Greetings.
I'm sure PJ removed that scene because he was aware of all the backlash he's get. No, just no, there's a limit to what can be changed from the original.
@@Xiroi87 I totally agree, but I would like to see that scene in 4K as an extra in the 25th Anniversary release of that masterpiece of a trilogy. I would love to see it, along with other deleted scenes. In my opinion, Peter Jackson was wrong to eliminate the parts with Gil-galad. In the original version of the movie Gil-galad is only seen for two seconds. I would have liked an extended version of the Battle of Dagorlad in the Extended Edition of L.O.T.R.
@@Xiroi87 Many people think Sauron was just a burning eye at the time, even though he had a proven physical body, it was his corrupt form and he was missing a finger.
Of course it won't appear, I know that very well. If he had appeared he would not have been able to appear in his Annatar form. I'm a walking encyclopedia of Middle-earth.
Words being poison makes sense standing on its own. But even then, Wormtongue was called Wormtongue for a reason. And in the books, Theoden's deceit is clearly blamed on Worntongue. His words being poison already applied to Theoden, and needn't apply to Theodred as well.
@@lamdao1242ya agree, narratively it was the right decision. would still totally love to see the alternative version tho! can never say no to extra lotr
Yeah, wouldn't make sense that Elrond would send her daughter to such an incredibly dangerous siege. Especially later on RoTK where he's super protective of her and wanted her to go to the Undying Lands
Many thanks for all your work to gather these scenes. As I read the books long before the films were made, I can more easily get the context for some of the scenes omitted. That said, the text allows time for reflection and deeper understanding whilst the movies must have the wider audience appeal (perhaps for those with a shorter attention span?) It would be great to have the remaining scenes assembled for Return of the King, just to complete the set.
Its insane, there was so much more material it could easily have been another full movie, making for a tetralogy. But its ok I guess we don't need to be greedy. We are lucky this happened in the first place, and this trilogy is already legendary enough even without all that material missing. Would have been so interesting and beautiful to see more of Arwen and Eowyn, the politics and the elves, but these movies do remain relevant even today, nothing even comes close when it comes to fantasy storytelling. What a terrific job from all that amazing cast and production team, Peter Jackson at the height of its career, a once in a century masterpiece. Damn!
I've watched the extended versions multiple times. It works the way it is, but there are just a couple of areas where the pacing shifts. This is why film studios have editors, the editors and director edit the 1300 hours down to something that is digestible by the audience.
Fun fact about Aragorn's stubble: according to Tolkien, certain high Dúnedain (because of their Elvish ancestry) have no beards, explicitly including Denethor & sons, Imrahil, and Aragorn.
Peter Jackson portrays elves with neat, delicate, beautiful ears. But what they have done in the series "Rings of Power" is hard to watch without tears.
Dunland was actually mentioned in the theatrical cut of the Fellowship. Legolas shouts “Grabeye from Dunland” after Gimli says it’s nothing, just a whiff of cloud… so Eowyn saying Dunlandans would’ve only slipped those who weren’t paying attention
There is footage of the orcs of Moria chasing the Fellowship into the woods after Gandalf falls, it was in the very first trailer of Fellowship of the Ring. I remember specifically an arrow wizzing past Boromir’s face.
That battle in Lorien would have been awesome, but I am okay with it being left out, assaid battle never happened in the book. Instead, we just hear the elves complaining that the Fellowship stirred up and led orcs to Lorien, and they the elves had to clean up the Fellowship's mess.
glad they didn't use that. because ot doesnt make sense. hes turning so quickly yet frodo proves that he is the most resistant of the ring. gollum on the other hand took him years and years to evolve
They did Eowyn dirty, cut her fighting uruks in helms deep and cut her fighting orcs at the pelenor fields. At least the latter made it into the extended edition
@@FuchsiaFire444 It wasn't sexism any more than cutting out Tom Bombadil or the scouring of the shire were sexist. I would have loved to see more Eowyn fighting too, but the films were already how many hours long despite how much was cut and condensed?
I can see why they had a 'stunt double' running for Davies. John Rhys-Davies is actually 6'1" where Gimli is less than half that. Having Gimli's double do the running keeps the perspective. And I have to say, I would sit though another hour (or three) just to see Arwen fighting at Helm's Deep!
Thank you for the kind words! It took a long time to edit the video, gathering all the clips and images from various sources. It's not just thanks to us that we have all the material; it's thanks to many people in the community who have found and gathered the images, quotes, clips, and more over the years! :)
@@MiddleEarthUpdates yeah i think i cant even imagine how long it took:) so you defintly deserve those words and thank you for all your work u put in your videos. As a hard LOTR nerd i love your account
Thanks for making this, quite a bit of new information there! I am glad that they chose to go with Haldir as the leader of the Elves, as Arwen was already more prominent in the movies than in the books, and her leading an army would've been a bit much, since we don't actually know how good of a leader she is, and there is no implication about her potential skills. Also, vision Frodo is hella creepy...
When he says there are 1300 hours of footage, I have to wonder how much of that is just duplicate footage. What I mean is, if they have a ten-second shot, but they have twelve takes trying to get it right, that's two minutes. So, when they're counting that 1300 hours, does that include ten seconds from that shot, or two minutes?
It amaze me how Jackson and his team took so many liberties inventing scenes and think "yeah this is respectful to Tolkien's work" yet most likely Tolkien wouldn't have liked the elves at Helm's Deep but certainly would have love a passionate speech of Theoden bc even when there is despair and fear in the hearts of men facing evil, hope and bravery is essential in Tolien's work and there is no elves in the book just the courage of men so that speech would have been top notch.
As a female LotR fan, i am quite disappointed that they cut out so many awesome and interesting scenes of Arwen, Eowin and Galadriel. When I was a child i always imagined that the fellowship had an extra female elf fighting on their side. I was always missing some sort of female prospective. Now seeing that there were some extra scenes enlightens my heart. I hope, that they will publish the scenes for once.
7:30 Hama and Gamling's actors had one of the best BTS moments when they were dinking around with the crew's equipment. "Ridin', ridin', ridin', ridin', ridin', Ro...Haaaaan!"
Man I wish Peter Jackson would just have finished editing all the extra footage, make it work timeline wise, and release a new version of The Lord of the Rings in a series format...
Don't forget about the scene near the end where Aragorn comes home asking "what's for dinner" and Arwen says "Eowyn's stew" and he chokes on it so Arwen finally takes over Gondor which was the plan all along.
The reason they cut the "grima spitting" part was that it was very windy that day (it had calm down in that scene) but it still blew the spit back into grimas face, or it simply flew back.
honestly i had a few issues with Arwen’s lack of meaningful screentime in the movies- she’s just kinda “the ghostly love interest flashback lady” i think her being on the front lines (maybe have a small scene of the human men being weirded out by this) would’ve done wonders for her
it's pretty interesting how much of the deleted or unused content from the films and books were adapted in the tabletop game by Games Workshop, like Eowyn fighting in the glittering caves was the basis of her Helm's Deep miniature
Jackson mentioned how much footage they have of unreleased scenes, miles long footages. don't care how long would it be at the end, but he HAS TO release ALL the unseen footage. I personaly can't get enough of LOTR and The Hobbit, also all the werk films etc. these films are just magical. cannot understand those who don't like them.
I still believe PJ should put out an unabridged version of the LOTR, and the HOBBIT. Put it all out! Also, I hope PJ and the JRRT estate will come to an agreement to do "The Silmilrilian".
Here there are many I'm really thankful didn't appear in the movies, but that scene of Frodo having this nightmare of becoming something very similar to Gollum was so powerful! I can't believe they didn't add it 💔
The Uruk camp alternative scenes are actually much more in line with the book's version of events. Which takes place over a longer period of time, and includes infighting between the Isengarders, Mordor Orcs and a group of Goblins from Moria. In the movie the Orcs and Uruk-hai fight because the Orcs want to eat the Hobbits. And the Orcs are also from Isengard. But in the books there are actually three groups. The Isengard Uruk-Hai, who have orders to bring the Hobbits to Saruman unharmed and unspoiled. The Orcs are actually from Mordor and have the same orders, but they are to bring the Hobbits to a Nazgul that is waiting on the east-bank of the Anduin. And there is a group of Moria Goblins that just want to kill the Hobbits to take revenge on the fellowship for killing a Goblin Chief in Moria. (This Chieftain being killed by the Fellowship only happens in the books. It's not shown in the movies AFAIK). The deleted scene shown here is when the Orcs camp at night on a hill top, after being surrounded by Rohirim cavalry.
I would be really down for a miniseries, either on streaming platforms or in a case, with as much unused scenes that could work in it, just because of the sheer immense length. If people still prefer the extended or theatrical cuts, they can stick to those of course! Alternate, storyboarded or unfinished scenes could be released as special features. There could be at least three episodes per movie, each being a chunky film in its own right. I heard how much Helms Deep footage was made (whether glittering caves or stunt fights), and I would be down for whole episode in the miniseries centered around that battle, adding on to the immersion, brutality, scale and importance of that fight. The Last Alliance intro, more Shire scenes, the Moria Orc ambush in Lothlorien, New Zealand travel montages, extended battles and more Fourth Age scenes would be things I would look forward to as well. I also wonder if they ever filmed more scenes with Bill the Pony, as he was very much a background character. I wonder if he had an introduction in Bree and interactions with Sam.
The Glittering Caves being left out of the extended edition is by far my biggest dissapointment from all three movies, even more than the Barrow Wights (where the hobbits got their swords, which explains why Merry was able to wound the Kind of Angmar at all). Eowyn fighting would have been awesome, but in the book, Gimli also faught by her side after sounding Helm's horn. It wouldn't have had to be long, but that fight, and Legolas and Gimli comparing kill counts after was great in the book. The childbirth scene would have made no sense, but Eowyn being bloody from tending the wounded would. That all being said, I have no idea how hey would have fit said scene in, as it interrupts the crashing wave of relief and success, capped off by Sam's perfect speech, that is the finale.
I think this is an important reminder that art requires editing. You will make a bunch of stuff and some of it won't go with the rest of it and you have to keep trying things till it all makes sense.
It would be nice if they would at least release a DVD of all of the deleted scenes and commentaries on those that they wanted to include but didn't even film.
Although it's a bit of a bummer not to see Éowyn fighting the Uruk-Hai it really does make more sense to cut it, it would've curtailed her RotK narrative dramatically. Arwen fighting at Helm's Deep though, it did make sense to include. It was a desperate fight, everyone in, all or nothing, it wouldn't be out of place for her to participate even if she was more the elven Lady she is in the books, which is not even the case in the movies, it already had been established she had some physical prowess and skill that would befit that battle.
i honestly would have LOVED to have seen arwen at the battle of helms deep....really showcase more of aragorns love for a woman who isn't just some pretty face that is absent from 99.9999999% of the story, but actually will be there to fight and possibly die at his side.
Another problem with the Worg attack. The people were traveling east, from Edoras to Helm's Deep. The Worgs attacked from the left, or North. Coming from Isengard, they should have attacked from the right! No matter, I still love the films, and would love to see extended versions of the extended versions!
I think the Gollum Frodo scene would have been quite interesting to be in the theatrical release as it shows how many characters like faramir did not truly understand what the ring can do.
What do we want? FULLL EXTENDED!!! I am actually quite annoyed with Arwen's cuts from this (partially for the amount of work Liv Tyler must have done only to be cut entirely), because they started off with her as a bit of a badass; outrunning Nazgûl, drawing her sword, and then using magic to defeat them temporarily (I know this is different in the books)... however, afterwards, she's just a quiet "princess in the tower" type of character. I would have loved seeing her at Helms Deep (although, I also know the Elven army was not present either). I think part of me just wants Arwen and Éowyn to have met...
Het narrative doesn’t even make sense anymore considering Galadriel is her grandmother. And now we get to watch what a badass Galadriel is in rings of power and I think arwin would definitely follow her footsteps.
Arwen was not a warrior in the book. Her portrayal in the second and third movie were correct, while her portrayal as a warrior in the first was wrong. For the warrior woman story, you have Eowyn. Making Arwen another Eowyn eliminates one more female role model, and removes the contrast between Arwen and Eowyn.
They removed a ton of everyone. They spent three months filming just at Helm's Deep. But in the end, the cuts are what made LoTR great, and the opposite why the Hobbit trilogy sucks.
Its interesting the viewpoint of the Elves in this time because the only things keeping them in middle earth is the elven rings and their power, and the only way the elves can use the rings is if Sauron never gets the one ring. But now that the one ring is confirmed to be found and its only a matter of time before its either retaken or destroyed, the elves are basically on borrowed time till one of two futures. So what was their plans?
Eowyn with a sword was ridiculous. She just didn't seem to have the strength to lift it. If she was a little more like Xena...I could see it. But they needed someone more athletic.
I would love if they did another re-release of the films with complete deleted scenes included (as long as they do not contradict the story of the current films, ofc).
Great video, especially as it's not clickbait. Thoroughly and well done.
A Return of the King coverage would be welcomed.
Hoping for those true Ultimate Editions along the line.
Thank you for the kind words, glad you enjoyed it!
Except it is clickbait. It isn't showing all those hundreds of hours of cut footage.. Simply narrating what is missing and showing a few clips here and there.
Love the video, but it most certainly is still clickbait.
@@Stuck313 Kind of agree, but even before I clicked on the video I saw the 16 minute runtime and thought "Okay this clearly isn't showing 'ALL' the footage"
@@Stuck313 You can see the video length before you click it. You must have been the only person who expected hours of footage who clicked this link. Unreleased scenes are exactly that - unreleased. It's an absolute service to attempt to cobble together what these scenes may have been from teasers, trailers, and interviews from those in the know. Nothing came across as deceptive or sensationalized to me, which is the threshold for clickbait.
@@Stuck313 Nah, he says all unreleased scenes and then describes them all. Fairly sure noone but peter jackson would have the hundreds of hours of footage, and if you thought you were getting that you might be dumb
I would watch a 5 hour version of this movie if ever released.
Watch it at 0.75 speeed
I would watch a 25 hour version 😂
Me too!
Me too!
*R.I.P. Bernard Hill, the one and the only king Théoden of Rohan. We miss you, great actor.*
*_Forth Eorlingas!_*
It would be a great homage to Bernard Hill if they included Theoden’s excellent speech at Helm’s Deep that they cut out. Even if it was just added as a bonus on the extended dvd’s.
You know Your a great Actor if they need You to delivere a speech that inspires hope and in the final edit they need to cut it because You inspired too much hope for the rest of the plot to work.
"Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?!"
I am very sad at his passing 😢
@jakob2567 Is that seriously why it was cut? If so, God that's badass.
I would gladly see a whole movie just based on Aragorn and Arwen's story, with both their origins, their first encounter, their journey both separately and together, and their days as King and Queen of Gondor and the death of Aragorn and Arwen's end afterwards, and how their love story was all meant to happen since Eru decreted it was meant to be. I have a soft spot for these two characters. Viggo Mortensen and Liv Tyler were born to portray Aragorn and Arwen. You see them on screen and you just stand there, mesmerized ❤
I would absolutely spend any amount of hours watching that lol
@@deandean838 God please NO hahaha
Every time I watch the trilogy, I want Aragorn to choose Eowyn. Then I get to the scene at the end where he sees Arwen again and I realize he chose right.
As long as it is a seperate version and was never teh original. It is good that they did not fall into the trope trap of trying to force more romantic incentive into the epic adventure.
Grima poisoning Theodred seems like a very good explanation for how quickly he deteriorated and why Grima looked so surprised when he came into the room and found Eowyn sobbing over him.
I thought of that when I've watched
PJ confirmed they did film a scene of Grima pouring poison into his ear, which was a reference to Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet. Originally during ROTK, Saruman was going to expose this to Theoden during the Voice of Saruman scene which was initially why Grima pulled the knife out.
I'm pretty sure this was in the script at some point. I am basing this on memory, but I'm pretty sure that the fact that Wormtounge poisoned Theodred is mentioned in some old game based on the movies (I think it's from the ROTK on Gameboy Advanced). Based on what I've heard, those games had access to early versions of the movie scripts to be able to finalize development and release close to the movie releases.
Guessing there could a similar situation with the toy, that the poison vial is there due to that when manufacturing started, the intention was to have the poisoning be a plot point in the movie.
@@rj8877 Do you remember where you heard/read this?
Bernard Hill was perfect for Theoden. He had that king’s aura that his speech could truly move the audiences. Hearing his speech in Pelennor Field was enough to make me want to join him in the war.
'Ere the sun rises!" Is quite possibly the most epic scene ever filmed in cinema history.
Everyone was just absolutely made for their character. The casting was so fantastic! So few trilogies and movies are like that, and LOTR (and The Hobbit too) is definitely the best!
There was no need for a scene depicting what Frodo would look like if he failed. Gollum was a constant representation of that the entire journey
That's very perspective😊
Frodo get corrupted at last moment so its forshadowing
Yes and no.
I agree abiut gollums respresentation the entire time.
But seeing a quick moment of what frodo was fighting inside himself could have still been very impactful, showing it is just gollum but ANYONE can become twisted inside and out by the ring.
wouldn't hurt tho
That scenes was suppose to instill some doubt in fafnir of taking the ring
9:57 Bernard Hill just crushed his role as Theoden......even in a deleted scene.
RIP Bernard Hill
What people don't notice is that "Haleth, son of Hama" the boy who talks to Aragorn while working on his actually the son of THAT mentioned Hama who died in the warg attack. Having Aragorn seen his death makes the scene a little bit more impactful. Could have dropped a line there.
That’s true and could have done a lot for the movie actually!
That is a great scene; thank you for pointing it out. I always have a hard time understanding what they are sayin in it. That and I did not know the name of Hama in the movie until I had watched it about two dozen times, nor even realized he died! I know that sounds ridiculous, but in armour, Hama and Grimbold looked similar enough that for years I registered them as the same person). It was also around that two dozen times mark when I realized that the Grimbold being put in command of a third of the Rohirim was a character we were actuially supposed to know, that we had already been introdouced to him.
Sure, I am not the die hard fan, but I would bet the same points are true for 90% of viewers. In one ear and outb the other without stopping.
Damn they dropped the ball cutting that out
I'm so sad about the Arwen cuts. I would have LOVED to see her at Helm's deep so much! Thank you for this wonderful video ❤ LOTR will always be one of the best movies ever made!! 🎉
I would’ve loved more Arwen in the film. She was fantastic.
Me too!
the Arwen stuff is super interesting, considering they already added a lot to her character.
I was intrigued by the Arwen alternatives as well!
I always felt there was such a contrast to how we meet her in the first movie. She is playful, dynamic, and powerful.
‘What’s this? A ranger caught off his guard?’
‘If you want him, come and claim him!’
Compared to her scenes in the rest of the films where mostly she cries, argues with Elrond, and is generally far from the action.
Fighting alongside Aragorn at Helms Deep seems closer to the Arwen we first meet.
I certainly don’t mean that a character can’t have both these elements, and Arwens choice to marry Aragorn as a mortal is narratively interesting.
Just that Arwen changes so drastically from our first impression of her.
I would love to see her scenes at Helm’s Deep. I wonder what would have happened after? It would have been cool if she stayed with Aragorn for the rest of the movie.
@@dungeondesigns104 If Arwen had been at Helm's Deep, she would have been with the women and children fleeing through the glittering caves. If they included the probable scenes of Eowyn tending to the wounded, Arwen probably could have served a role there. If they included Eowyn's fight in the glittering caves, Arwen would not have been fighting. And if Arwen was made to fight with the men, she would be dead, just like almost every other man and elf at Helm's Deep.
Arwen was a noble lady. Eowyn was the tom boy. They didn't need both women to be tom boys, any more than they needed both to be ladies. Arwen and Eowyn contrast eachother. It is telling that both loved Aragorn, but he chose Arwen, and while Arwen became queen mother, Eowyn married Faramir and became queen regent.
In short, it is not Arwen being meek and mild later that was off, but Arwen portrayed as a warrior in the beginning that was wrong. Thank goodness Peter Jackson got the second and third books right.
I heard from a few different places over the years that was due to either Liv Tyler or her agent or someone threatening to walk if they didn't give her a bigger role. She was such a big name actress at the time that they made a lot of concessions to try and keep her happy but the demands for more scenes and more story just kept getting worse and worse throughout filming until they got to the point they had to tell her to get over herself and stop trashing the source material. That's why there's such a massive amount of unused footage of her.
I love how informative this was!
It wasn't a deleted scene moment, but a few years ago, the movie theater near me was playing the extended version of Return of the King. I was there with a friend and my dad at the time, and from the part when Frodo, Sam, and Gollum are trying to sneak towards the stairs, to when the Orcs are ambushing Faramir and everyone in Osgilith, the sound cut from the movie. This is one of my favorite moments ever, because to make up for it, when the Orcs were stomping out of Minas Morgul, the audience in the theater room, myself included, all began to stomp on the floor until the army was gone. The first sound we heard when the audio came back was when Gothmog and his army were coming from the water and Gothmog said "QUIET... "
It really made everyone laugh. Best movie theater moment I've ever had.
The secret stairway out of Morgul Vale and around Cirith Ungol! That would have been an epic memory indeed!
I don't expect a newer extended edition but I certainly want an anniversary edition with those extra scenes as seperate deleted scenes to be released. Come on, Warner Bros! Just let Jackson release them already because it'll mean more money for you!
I would love to have extended ultra version with all behind the scenes and extra shots
“Shut up and take my money!”
What?! By all three again, only now as Super Special Extended Ultra Editions? (pauses for a moment to think on that, rubbing the chin a little...) Yes, yes I can!!
Thank you for putting this together. Very interesting and informative. I've always wished Arwen's story arc had a lot more than was shown. I understand the editing process is difficult, plus the pressure of compacting in a coherent way. But these additional shots would have made her character a stronger part of the story.
Glad you enjoyed it!
In the books she barely appears.
Sooo much material, so much effort behind this movie, so little went on the screen. Cannot imagine how is for the actors as well, to see so much of their work not appearing every time. Thanks for the video!
It's the reverse 😂😂. All the cut work makes the final product more endearing. Lasting ages by its distillment. Its hard work reflected through a shining diamond instead of a cobblestone.
113 hours of raw lord of the rings footage, I would take a week of work just to watch it!
I'd 'invest' in Orville Redenbacker and Coca-Cola, draw the shades and live in a cave like Gollum, whispering 'my Precious' for every 1300 hours!
Don't care if Lords trilogy was 10days long, I'd STILL watch/ love it and b mesmerised by points missed from the 1st 100x of watching it.
A cinematic masterpiece which will never b liked again in my lifetime
Imagine if they whipped out a 25 minute scene from the Old Forest to Bree, and it was actually awesome and believable - with a jolly but somehow terrifying Tom Bombadil singing songs that you can't get out of your head and Barrow Wights and living trees that give adults nightmares.
Great vid. One note: Celeborn is pronounced Keleborn, not Seleborn.
All names that start with C in Tolkien’s works make a K sound, not an S sound. He was of a mind to update the books with Ks instead of Cs but K looks harsher than C and he wanted to preserve the letter K for “ugly” words like Uruk (though even Orc and Sindarin Yrch replaces it with a C)!
I'm pretty sure when Gandald says "there is a union now between the two towers" that scene made it as a cut scene in the PS2 LOTR video game "Return of the King"
That’s a cool fact! Didn’t know that.
Few alternate shots in the game I believe.
I played the PC version of that one and think you might be correct indeed! Been quite some time since then, but I recalled it now that you mentioned it.
I don't remember the line, but I sure loved that game, especially clearing Pelinore Fields.
Crazy how im still finding out about new deleted scenes in these movies. Kinda like Star Wars, they just keep coming.
Yeah same
Speaking of star wars I only just recently found out about the 4 hour initial cut if ROTS
That's a lot of original arwen + galadriel + elrond original storyline that was cut. That's very interesting
Makes sense. It distracts from the original story of the fellowship.
Omg Eowyn having to fight one or two uruks in helm deep would've been AMAZING
It would be the girlboss Rey Skywalker moment that no one needed, so no. It's good they cut it out.
@@ankymrn i don't think it would be that unbelievable for her to beat one uruk there. I'm not asking her to beat a small army like Aragorn in Amon Hen 😂
Nahhh glad it was cut
@@allandm I would have loved to see this too! There always has to be someone that simply can't stand that women can be strong warriors, even when that's LITERALLY who Eowyn is 🤦🏻♀ a shieldmaiden of Rohan who defeated the Witch-king of Angmar ❤🔥 so yeah I agree that scene would have fit perfectly
@Zoeaxel exactly, I think it would've worked even better. If we saw her fight (even if just one uruk) in Helms Deep, when we do see her fighting many orcs in Pelennor Fields it won't come as much of a surprise.. since we saw her mention she trains and we SAW her in action
1300 hours across all 3 films?
less than half i would have hoped
It's a shame that they cut so many scenes with Arwen. Would have loved to see more of her is the movies. The fight with Haldir was epic but with Arwen it would be also really cool.
They cut the close up of grima spitting on aragorns hand due to the wind blowing so hard he ended up spitting himself in the face. Which is also why it is cut together like it is in the movie, to give the illusion that he hits aragorns hand.
I too, could watch ALL of the films, regardless how long it will be. ❤
Awww, I'd have loved to see more of Arwen and Arwen+Aragorn together, great video 👐
Arwen being at helms deep is soo interesting. Would of been hard to understand how elrond allowed his daughter to go.
would of been cool for her to have potentially escaped rivendel at night and chase after the elven army for Helms Deep to aid Aragon. Or maybe Elrond could of been still reluctant to send the army at first. So she escapes for Helms Deep to force his hand and so he sends them there to help the humans win the battle to save his daughter.
Either way it would of been nice to flesh out her character and to see her chop up a few orcs in the process.
I would like very much an extra bonus version of the fight between Aragorn and Sauron at the Black Gate in 4K with the special effects and the full Dagorlad battle with Gil-galad and his death (it was filmed).
Nice video.
I'm sure PJ removed that scene because he was aware of all the backlash he's get. No, just no, there's a limit to what can be changed from the original.
I totally agree, but I would like to see that scene in 4K as an extra in the 25th Anniversary release of that masterpiece of a trilogy. I would love to see it, along with other deleted scenes.
In my opinion, Peter Jackson was wrong to eliminate the parts with Gil-galad. In the original version of the movie Gil-galad is only seen for two seconds.
I would have liked an extended version of the Battle of Dagorlad in the Extended Edition of L.O.T.R.
@@Xiroi87 Many people think Sauron was just a burning eye at the time, even though he had a proven physical body, it was his corrupt form and he was missing a finger.
@@kanukki84 He still didn't show up at the gates to personally fight Aragorn
Of course it won't appear, I know that very well. If he had appeared he would not have been able to appear in his Annatar form. I'm a walking encyclopedia of Middle-earth.
The scene when she tells Grima that his words are poison to her makes sense now.. she was letting him know she knew what he'd done.
Words being poison makes sense standing on its own. But even then, Wormtongue was called Wormtongue for a reason. And in the books, Theoden's deceit is clearly blamed on Worntongue. His words being poison already applied to Theoden, and needn't apply to Theodred as well.
arwen fighting at helms deep is the crazy part for me
Thank god thats not the case
Absolutely does not make sense. Thank goodness it was deleted
@@lamdao1242ya agree, narratively it was the right decision. would still totally love to see the alternative version tho! can never say no to extra lotr
Yeah, wouldn't make sense that Elrond would send her daughter to such an incredibly dangerous siege.
Especially later on RoTK where he's super protective of her and wanted her to go to the Undying Lands
Many thanks for all your work to gather these scenes. As I read the books long before the films were made, I can more easily get the context for some of the scenes omitted. That said, the text allows time for reflection and deeper understanding whilst the movies must have the wider audience appeal (perhaps for those with a shorter attention span?) It would be great to have the remaining scenes assembled for Return of the King, just to complete the set.
Its insane, there was so much more material it could easily have been another full movie, making for a tetralogy. But its ok I guess we don't need to be greedy. We are lucky this happened in the first place, and this trilogy is already legendary enough even without all that material missing. Would have been so interesting and beautiful to see more of Arwen and Eowyn, the politics and the elves, but these movies do remain relevant even today, nothing even comes close when it comes to fantasy storytelling. What a terrific job from all that amazing cast and production team, Peter Jackson at the height of its career, a once in a century masterpiece. Damn!
It distracts too much from the 'main story' for a movie.
Cutting content is a great way to show a beautiful focused movie or game
Awesome video thank you so much. This must have taken ages to put together!
"They were attacked by Dunlendings! Wild men!"
Every other line was like that, I don't know why they didn't go with that.
I've watched the extended versions multiple times. It works the way it is, but there are just a couple of areas where the pacing shifts. This is why film studios have editors, the editors and director edit the 1300 hours down to something that is digestible by the audience.
I can understand why it's not in the movie. But Shadowfax trying to smooch Gandalf is great.
Fun fact about Aragorn's stubble: according to Tolkien, certain high Dúnedain (because of their Elvish ancestry) have no beards, explicitly including Denethor & sons, Imrahil, and Aragorn.
Peter Jackson portrays elves with neat, delicate, beautiful ears.
But what they have done in the series "Rings of Power" is hard to watch without tears.
RoP is such trash
Dunland was actually mentioned in the theatrical cut of the Fellowship. Legolas shouts
“Grabeye from Dunland” after Gimli says it’s nothing, just a whiff of cloud… so Eowyn saying Dunlandans would’ve only slipped those who weren’t paying attention
Crebain* from Dunland
Crébain (crows)
Nice compilation, thanks
There is footage of the orcs of Moria chasing the Fellowship into the woods after Gandalf falls, it was in the very first trailer of Fellowship of the Ring. I remember specifically an arrow wizzing past Boromir’s face.
That battle in Lorien would have been awesome, but I am okay with it being left out, assaid battle never happened in the book. Instead, we just hear the elves complaining that the Fellowship stirred up and led orcs to Lorien, and they the elves had to clean up the Fellowship's mess.
That's crazy seeing Frodo Baggins turning into Gollum he looks really creepy and scary 👀😦😱
glad they didn't use that. because ot doesnt make sense. hes turning so quickly yet frodo proves that he is the most resistant of the ring. gollum on the other hand took him years and years to evolve
It was a vision Faramir sees. Frodo didn't actually turn into Gollum. That's why he decided not to want the ring.
@JavscoGaming i know that. but commonly in this vesion things can actually happen in the future! so in the end, its better they cut that off.
@@Shatter149 try centuries, at this point in time Gollum is over 600 years old
@@julieeverett7442 well so far the footage showed it happened like years months ago. did you watch the video? so im glad they cut that off
They did Eowyn dirty, cut her fighting uruks in helms deep and cut her fighting orcs at the pelenor fields. At least the latter made it into the extended edition
Agreed. The treatment of the female characters ..
@@FuchsiaFire444 It wasn't sexism any more than cutting out Tom Bombadil or the scouring of the shire were sexist. I would have loved to see more Eowyn fighting too, but the films were already how many hours long despite how much was cut and condensed?
I can see why they had a 'stunt double' running for Davies. John Rhys-Davies is actually 6'1" where Gimli is less than half that. Having Gimli's double do the running keeps the perspective. And I have to say, I would sit though another hour (or three) just to see Arwen fighting at Helm's Deep!
2:16 It's the greatest scene. I remember it since my first time watching at 9 years old.
And it could be longer!
We need another extended remaster. I wanna see arwen, Eowyn and the frodo horror experience.
Very good work and very good video, thanks for capturing all of this for us❤
Thank you for the kind words! It took a long time to edit the video, gathering all the clips and images from various sources. It's not just thanks to us that we have all the material; it's thanks to many people in the community who have found and gathered the images, quotes, clips, and more over the years! :)
@@MiddleEarthUpdates yeah i think i cant even imagine how long it took:) so you defintly deserve those words and thank you for all your work u put in your videos. As a hard LOTR nerd i love your account
Thanks for making this, quite a bit of new information there! I am glad that they chose to go with Haldir as the leader of the Elves, as Arwen was already more prominent in the movies than in the books, and her leading an army would've been a bit much, since we don't actually know how good of a leader she is, and there is no implication about her potential skills.
Also, vision Frodo is hella creepy...
Yes, I would watch all these too in an even longer version if it was possible
When he says there are 1300 hours of footage, I have to wonder how much of that is just duplicate footage.
What I mean is, if they have a ten-second shot, but they have twelve takes trying to get it right, that's two minutes. So, when they're counting that 1300 hours, does that include ten seconds from that shot, or two minutes?
Given Bernard Hill's passing, I would love to see his Helms Deep speech in the armory.
Yeah me too!
It amaze me how Jackson and his team took so many liberties inventing scenes and think "yeah this is respectful to Tolkien's work" yet most likely Tolkien wouldn't have liked the elves at Helm's Deep but certainly would have love a passionate speech of Theoden bc even when there is despair and fear in the hearts of men facing evil, hope and bravery is essential in Tolien's work and there is no elves in the book just the courage of men so that speech would have been top notch.
As a female LotR fan, i am quite disappointed that they cut out so many awesome and interesting scenes of Arwen, Eowin and Galadriel. When I was a child i always imagined that the fellowship had an extra female elf fighting on their side. I was always missing some sort of female prospective. Now seeing that there were some extra scenes enlightens my heart. I hope, that they will publish the scenes for once.
Read the book. There is a lot more character development than the movies.
7:30 Hama and Gamling's actors had one of the best BTS moments when they were dinking around with the crew's equipment.
"Ridin', ridin', ridin', ridin', ridin', Ro...Haaaaan!"
Arwen having involvement in the battle of helms deep is crazy.
Man I wish Peter Jackson would just have finished editing all the extra footage, make it work timeline wise, and release a new version of The Lord of the Rings in a series format...
With our king Bernard no longer with us we need to see this footage of his speech!
Don't forget about the scene near the end where Aragorn comes home asking "what's for dinner" and Arwen says "Eowyn's stew" and he chokes on it so Arwen finally takes over Gondor which was the plan all along.
The reason they cut the "grima spitting" part was that it was very windy that day (it had calm down in that scene) but it still blew the spit back into grimas face, or it simply flew back.
honestly i had a few issues with Arwen’s lack of meaningful screentime in the movies- she’s just kinda “the ghostly love interest flashback lady” i think her being on the front lines (maybe have a small scene of the human men being weirded out by this) would’ve done wonders for her
Arwen having a more active role in the story would have been amazing.
it's pretty interesting how much of the deleted or unused content from the films and books were adapted in the tabletop game by Games Workshop, like Eowyn fighting in the glittering caves was the basis of her Helm's Deep miniature
Jackson mentioned how much footage they have of unreleased scenes, miles long footages. don't care how long would it be at the end, but he HAS TO release ALL the unseen footage. I personaly can't get enough of LOTR and The Hobbit, also all the werk films etc. these films are just magical. cannot understand those who don't like them.
I still believe PJ should put out an unabridged version of the LOTR, and the HOBBIT. Put it all out! Also, I hope PJ and the JRRT estate will come to an agreement to do "The Silmilrilian".
Here there are many I'm really thankful didn't appear in the movies, but that scene of Frodo having this nightmare of becoming something very similar to Gollum was so powerful! I can't believe they didn't add it 💔
Why is Elijah so adorable that even when he’s made to look like Gollum, he’s still super cute?
So many amazing scenes they should have kept
The Uruk camp alternative scenes are actually much more in line with the book's version of events. Which takes place over a longer period of time, and includes infighting between the Isengarders, Mordor Orcs and a group of Goblins from Moria. In the movie the Orcs and Uruk-hai fight because the Orcs want to eat the Hobbits. And the Orcs are also from Isengard. But in the books there are actually three groups. The Isengard Uruk-Hai, who have orders to bring the Hobbits to Saruman unharmed and unspoiled. The Orcs are actually from Mordor and have the same orders, but they are to bring the Hobbits to a Nazgul that is waiting on the east-bank of the Anduin. And there is a group of Moria Goblins that just want to kill the Hobbits to take revenge on the fellowship for killing a Goblin Chief in Moria. (This Chieftain being killed by the Fellowship only happens in the books. It's not shown in the movies AFAIK).
The deleted scene shown here is when the Orcs camp at night on a hill top, after being surrounded by Rohirim cavalry.
7:49 that's interesting. In Two Towers game there's a level in Edoras when it's under attack, I always wandered where'd it come from
I would be really down for a miniseries, either on streaming platforms or in a case, with as much unused scenes that could work in it, just because of the sheer immense length. If people still prefer the extended or theatrical cuts, they can stick to those of course! Alternate, storyboarded or unfinished scenes could be released as special features. There could be at least three episodes per movie, each being a chunky film in its own right. I heard how much Helms Deep footage was made (whether glittering caves or stunt fights), and I would be down for whole episode in the miniseries centered around that battle, adding on to the immersion, brutality, scale and importance of that fight. The Last Alliance intro, more Shire scenes, the Moria Orc ambush in Lothlorien, New Zealand travel montages, extended battles and more Fourth Age scenes would be things I would look forward to as well. I also wonder if they ever filmed more scenes with Bill the Pony, as he was very much a background character. I wonder if he had an introduction in Bree and interactions with Sam.
You do a very nice job! I enjoy your videos 👍
Thank you very much!
The Glittering Caves being left out of the extended edition is by far my biggest dissapointment from all three movies, even more than the Barrow Wights (where the hobbits got their swords, which explains why Merry was able to wound the Kind of Angmar at all).
Eowyn fighting would have been awesome, but in the book, Gimli also faught by her side after sounding Helm's horn. It wouldn't have had to be long, but that fight, and Legolas and Gimli comparing kill counts after was great in the book.
The childbirth scene would have made no sense, but Eowyn being bloody from tending the wounded would.
That all being said, I have no idea how hey would have fit said scene in, as it interrupts the crashing wave of relief and success, capped off by Sam's perfect speech, that is the finale.
I think this is an important reminder that art requires editing. You will make a bunch of stuff and some of it won't go with the rest of it and you have to keep trying things till it all makes sense.
It would be nice if they would at least release a DVD of all of the deleted scenes and commentaries on those that they wanted to include but didn't even film.
Although it's a bit of a bummer not to see Éowyn fighting the Uruk-Hai it really does make more sense to cut it, it would've curtailed her RotK narrative dramatically. Arwen fighting at Helm's Deep though, it did make sense to include. It was a desperate fight, everyone in, all or nothing, it wouldn't be out of place for her to participate even if she was more the elven Lady she is in the books, which is not even the case in the movies, it already had been established she had some physical prowess and skill that would befit that battle.
i honestly would have LOVED to have seen arwen at the battle of helms deep....really showcase more of aragorns love for a woman who isn't just some pretty face that is absent from 99.9999999% of the story, but actually will be there to fight and possibly die at his side.
Frodos transformation into Gollumlike character is disturbing but would of loved t c it
Another problem with the Worg attack. The people were traveling east, from Edoras to Helm's Deep. The Worgs attacked from the left, or North. Coming from Isengard, they should have attacked from the right!
No matter, I still love the films, and would love to see extended versions of the extended versions!
i hope PJ actually does another cut of the movie like he has hinted to a few times.
I mean at this point I’m definitely eager to watch a whole new extended edition ;)
I think the Gollum Frodo scene would have been quite interesting to be in the theatrical release as it shows how many characters like faramir did not truly understand what the ring can do.
What do we want? FULLL EXTENDED!!! I am actually quite annoyed with Arwen's cuts from this (partially for the amount of work Liv Tyler must have done only to be cut entirely), because they started off with her as a bit of a badass; outrunning Nazgûl, drawing her sword, and then using magic to defeat them temporarily (I know this is different in the books)... however, afterwards, she's just a quiet "princess in the tower" type of character. I would have loved seeing her at Helms Deep (although, I also know the Elven army was not present either).
I think part of me just wants Arwen and Éowyn to have met...
Het narrative doesn’t even make sense anymore considering Galadriel is her grandmother. And now we get to watch what a badass Galadriel is in rings of power and I think arwin would definitely follow her footsteps.
Yes we need a scene of Arwen and Eowyn sword fighting for Aarogon
Arwen was not a warrior in the book. Her portrayal in the second and third movie were correct, while her portrayal as a warrior in the first was wrong.
For the warrior woman story, you have Eowyn. Making Arwen another Eowyn eliminates one more female role model, and removes the contrast between Arwen and Eowyn.
I can't believe they cast a real Ent for these movies. I wonder what happened to him?
Museum, not sure if it has been open yet tho
We need an "Unrated Ultimate Cut"!
Arwen/Liv Tyler deserves so much more sceen time in the trilogy they just removed so much
They removed a ton of everyone. They spent three months filming just at Helm's Deep. But in the end, the cuts are what made LoTR great, and the opposite why the Hobbit trilogy sucks.
I can vouch for the idea that the Wargs were supposed to attack at night. In the The Two Towers video game, the Warg attack is at dawn or dusk
Its interesting the viewpoint of the Elves in this time because the only things keeping them in middle earth is the elven rings and their power, and the only way the elves can use the rings is if Sauron never gets the one ring. But now that the one ring is confirmed to be found and its only a matter of time before its either retaken or destroyed, the elves are basically on borrowed time till one of two futures. So what was their plans?
Eowyn with a sword was ridiculous. She just didn't seem to have the strength to lift it. If she was a little more like Xena...I could see it. But they needed someone more athletic.
1300 hours??? I’m here for it! Let’s do it! At 10-12 hours a day we could do it in under 4 munts
no way. I would of love to more scene of Arwen
I would love to see a video similar about Return of the King
That Arwen fighting scene is epic indeed, but ridiculous.
Yes Please Return of the king unreleased scenes
These vids are so so good
I'd love to see these in an extended edition 2.0!
I would love if they did another re-release of the films with complete deleted scenes included (as long as they do not contradict the story of the current films, ofc).
So mad that they omitted Arwen from the battle 😭😭😭 Praying to those scenes see the light somehow.