@@christinedaae7323 Yeah because what we currently have now is better, Lol lmao even. If the south won, their woudln't be troons hosting drag queen shows for kids.
It's the loneliest feeling in the world-to find yourself standing up when everybody else is sitting down. To have everybody look at you and say, 'What's the matter with him?' I know. I know what it feels like. Walking down an empty street, listening to the sound of your own footsteps. Shutters closed, blinds drawn, doors locked against you. And you aren't sure whether you're walking toward something, or if you're just walking away. - Robert E Lee
I know that things are really bad in this great Country right now. But, don’t worry! President Trump will win Reelection and will have this great Country back on track in no time! Plus, President Trump is a fellow Phantom Phan of mine!
@rgb Brown I’m not saying Grant was a great person either and he owned one slave by inheritance who he freed after less than a year and by all accounts Grant wasn’t pro slavery, but even if Grant did own slaves that still doesn’t excuse Lee, who owned slaves and was by contemporary accounts a fairly brutal master, not that how nice you were makes owning people much better. Furthermore grant didn’t actively fight for a state that was founded on principles of racsim and slavery and determined to defend those institutions.
Why the fuck do I like this song. I'm not from the south I'm not even from united state's. But here I'm sitting on my balcony singing along. Greetings from Germany.
rewrote this song to remember my grandad, RWREYNOLDS, at shiloh. the REYNOLDS came in USA early and built the tobacco, aluminum, financial empire. RW lived thru war and surrendered where now is town in Alabama by the Tom Bigbie canal. RW rode with Forrest of whom blacks in Memphis hate. They have dug up his bones, moved his statue, desecrated his history! ERASE history and this will happen again. looks like bidenites are hastening it on, they arent American!!!@@richardjames1812
The true feelings of the South run deep. It's in my blood like Mississippi mud. I love the Confederate flag. No I'm not a white supremacist nor to I want to enslave anybody. I'm proud of my people and my heritage. If people want to vilify the Confederate flag then they need to do so to the British, Spanish, and Portuguese flags as well. They all flew over slavery.
If you can, take a trip to Virginia to tour all the battlefields and excellent museums there. Walk the grounds. Plenty of good hotels, restaurants around the sites. It will be a good time you won't forget.
This is an old comment, just getting around to re-reading them but I've always wanted to see them, Gettysburg as well. I get my local fill of battlefield strolling at Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield park. Not as large or as well known as those farther North but certainly worth a visit as well.
@@danieltinney8082 Commies have always had a direct line into American politics since Lincoln. Marx wrote regularly in the New York Tribune which was read daily by Lincoln. Charles Adams wrote to Marx on behalf of Lincoln after Marx congratulated Lincoln on his reelection and said that "we consider you to be a true and loyal friend". But more importantly, in 1848, there was a communist revolution in Germany that failed. Most of the leaders of that revolt came to the US and settled primarily in OH. They all became politicians and educators. They were called the 48rs. They were the ones that got the color red to symbolize the Republican party because they wanted the party that they joined to be associated with communist red. One of those 48rs immigrated to St. Louis, I can't remember his name right now, but he was a local politician and reporter in St. Louis and was a radical republican. Marx described him as "the reddest of the reds". Some of them were even in Lincoln's cabinet during the war. The reason why those commies didn't make a sudden move to take over was because they learned from Germany that you have to boil the frog slowly and they have been doing that. Presidents like Wilson and FDR at least had commie sympathies. But these commies have been entrenched in politics for a very long time. They are just taking their time taking over.
I am a tradesmen. Electricians, Rockford, Il. Local #364. Over the years I’ve worked with brothers from the South. Hand in Hand helping build AMERICA. We’ve exchanged stories of Great & Great Great Grandfathers who fought during the civil war. Sometimes relatives fighting. We’ve apologized many times when we exchange our history. BOTH RESPECTING EACH OTHER! Twin brothers from different mothers. I’m proud to say them rebels are my union brothers! And I use that term with the UTMOST RESPECT!! BECAUSE I KNOW IT COMES BACK!!!
Earlier today some one burnt my confederate flag and I guess the ghost of general lee possessed me cuz the last thing I remember is seeing his his face and then nothing then saw a red stain on the concrete and the person limping off
come on down to Shiloh Nat. Park in Tenn. Beautiful park on the river! smell the spring blossoms as u enjoy the park. the memorial is about the 12th of April. u can drive/walk the river bank, stand by the cannon, and hear them shoot in April. The last large reenactment, i heard cannon all morning 12 miles away. sounded like thunder!
Duty then is the sublimest word in the English language. You should do your duty in all things. You can never do more, you should never wish to do less.- General Robert Edward Lee
This was coincidentally the name of a season 2 Dukes of Hazzard episode, arguably one of the best in the series. Waylon Jennings was of course the balladeer of that show.
My 3rd great uncle fought beside Lee, and Jackson. He was James Kieth Boswell, Topographer to Lee, and Jackson. He got killed when Jackson was shot at Chancellorsville, and now rests in the Confederate Cemetery in Fredericksburg, Va . o7
True. My namesake / ancestor lies in his grave in Virginia though, he left South Carolina with his unit at age 19 and never saw his home again. KIA May 1864.
My father’s first name was Robert and middle was Lee. One of my boys will be named Robert and the other Lee to continue the legacy of my father and the great general Lee
Love this song; it makes you feel like your marching with General Lee...; proud to wear the Gray; just wished they had of won; there would be no BLM bullshit.
One of my favorites. U can NOT find on any jukeboxes, Pandora, or anywhere these days. That’s absolutely disgusting. I mean if people don’t like it they don’t have to listen to it but it should be out there for those of us who do. I don’t understand the censorship that this country is allowing tearing down statues trying to change history it cannot be changed you’re supposed to learn from it this is just showing more ignorance. I think this is a wonderful song I’ve always liked it Waylon is one of my favorite singers should not be so hard for to locate.
the thing about a Civil War in a society founded on the idea of a republic is that it does not end when a general surrenders, for the true power of the nation is not centered around 1 singular individual, it is held by the people itself, all of whom are wildly different from each other culturally even across county lines. So because of this, socially and culturally the fighting can, will, and has continued for the past 150 years since the end of the 1st American Civil War, but it is also because of this that over time the nation and her people will once again hyper polarize just like it had in the years prior to our first American Civil War. We are currently on the razors thin edge of another war of the spilled blood of kin against kin, except this time both sides have vastly superior and deadlier weapons and tactics than our Blue and Grey clad ancestors. This next American Civil War will be the bloodiest conflict our nation will ever see in its current lifetime, so bloody it will cause foreign nations to intervene and help one side or exploit the weakened state of the nation. Several nations have already stated that they will reclaim land that they claim as theirs, such as Mexico who had lost Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California. Or Russia who were conned into selling Alaska to the United States and are now itching to have it back
I’d like to point out that as much as i like this song and i’m fascinated and interested in the confederacy, and don’t get me wrong the uniforms, “characters” atmosphere and general history of the civil war are really cool and interesting to study. However, I don’t let that interest decieve me into thinking that the south wasn’t fighting for slavery. I know some people here will disagree and i understand that because i believed in the lost cause rhetoric for some time, but i really think it’s important to get this across. This is in no way a personal attack against anybody, and i really do understand why a lot of people have this perspective on the civil war, if anybody would like to have a conversation about my opinions or General Lee or anything about the civil war really id be happy to have one, and it’d be great to hear more about your opinions on these topics too, maybe you’ll persuade me. But stay safe and please don’t be offended by my comments as that is not there intention. Also this is a great song.
I agree with you in all honesty and I hope Im not misunderstanding you. The south was certainly fighting for slavery. It’s a weird topic to me because while I can’t fault millions of people for standing up for what they thought was right because they didn’t know any better, I can’t say that not seeing slavery as a bad thing is something any sane human being should live with. Honestly the confederate people were a victim of their time, one more group of people who fought for their way of life, one that at the time was unfortunately for slaves (and the confederates in the history books) held up financially by slavery. But honestly as far as General Lee goes, I respect him as a man defending his homeland. If Virginia sided with the Union he would have fought with them. The man never wanted a war, he just wanted to defend his home, which so happens to be the American south. He was a man that garnered the respect of all around him, no matter who he fought with or for and I think all people should strive to be like him. It’s a real shame his legacy is shunned in the eyes of many due to his CSA affiliation, but I respect him for who he was and he hasn’t lost an ounce of it in my eyes because of what he just so happened to have to fight for. Note: Edits to fix spelling
@@Tayd0g Yeah i think we’re on the same page in as far as the issues they fought for. With regards to Lee, while i think he certainly had admirable qualities that should be acknowledged and discussed , although i do hold personal concerns about his conduct of warfare but thats a whole other topic, in my opinion at least i think his treatment of slaves, i.e. the whole Custis Lee’s slaves saga, should definitely be more prominent, and although Lee did speak against slavery on some occasions it was certainly for less than wholesome reasons. I belive in a similar vein to Lincoln, Lee was against the concept of slavery but still held racist views about the superiority of whites, which were quite common at the time, but i don’t think thats a strong enough argument to excuse him of having those beliefs from a modern perspective. I’m also really glad you made the point about what people thought at the time and i totally agree that the vast majority of southerners didn’t see anything wrong with the slavery institution and that it can be hard for people today to grasp that, which is why it is so important to discuss these issues from a modern and contemporary perspective. Just to conclude my comment wasn’t aimed at you as the video uploader, i just got concerned reading some of the comments and felt i had to show another side, but thanks for replying so fast and id be happy to carry on this discussion.
@@michaelreid1209Yes that is just how people thought and lived at the time, but it’s not how we live today thankfully snd for good reason. Many in the North owned slaves, it just happens their economy did not depend on it very much. Unlike the South, which is where Lee lived. Doesn’t mean it was right though. Whether or not by our standards today, and slavery would have never lasted (for many many reasons, both related to civil rights and not), no matter who won the war. But Im glad we can have this discussion without ripping eachother’s heads off. I don’t think there’s many other places in the world that can say the same, on the internet or not. Which is really why I’ve kept this comment section open. After all, this is a song about the end of conflict, not the continuation of it.
@@michaelreid1209 Also forgot to put this in my previous message: I’ve never heard about the Custiss Lee slave saga. I tried looking it up but I can’t find anything related to it. I was hoping you could educate me about it just a little bit.
@@Tayd0g Ah, my wording wasn’t great there, but basically to summarise the whole thing, Lee’s father in Law, George Custis, died and in his will he left the slaves and plantation to Lee but with a clause stating that the slaves shoukd be emancipated within five years of his death. But Lee didn’t free many of them for a long time afterwards, and others he just sold to other slavers etc. some tried to run away and he had them whipped, including a woman, the exact details of the whippings are debated, some say lee did it himself others not, but i think the way in which Lee a) disregard the final will of his father in Law to emancipate his slaves as quickly as possible and b) his abhorrent treatment of them ie. sending them back into slavery when they thought they would be freed (the slaves had been told about Custis’ wishes) or having them brutally whipped kinda shows the true horror of what the slave holding class were capable of. And it’s accounts like this that have tarnished Lee in my eyes, i find it hard to hear some people say he was a great man when thats the sort of action he committed.
Think about... men from both sides walking shoulder to shoulder into absolute H*ll. Why? Duty and honor... something we seem to have lost along the way.
Song: anti civil war Smooth Brain Socialist: hurrr durrr song man say Robert E Lee! Bad! Bad! Racismus! Me: the fact that we're going to have a boog due to things like you is an indictment of humanity itself
It's all being orchestrated by those who want to seize power, the globalists don't care who wins so long as our country is torn apart and unable to stop their plans.
God save the south and the God-given right to self government. For some reason I have always had a fascination with the Confederacy. Whenever I hear someone say “Sherman” or “Appomattox” an irrepressible sadness comes over me. Even since a young age. It is quite creepy.
If you believe in reincarnation or some people return to the world, perhaps memories only your soul holds onto now. Whether you were confederate or union who felt bad about the trail of destruction Sherman left burning farms, looting towns, and destroying infrastructure through the south.
Me and my brother have a really cool story and family. My fathers family is the Lees and we traced it back to Robert E Lee and my moms is grant and it has been traced back to ulysses S Grant
For anyone who maybe confused as to what battle is being referenced, it probably is the entirety of the Peninsular Campaign, hence the reference to the James River, and "60 miles from Richmond". I've seen some people suggest it is referring to Manassas, which I do not believe is true.
What are we talking about here? I read the comments for songs like this, another great, Johnny Reb by Johnny Horton, and I wander are we talking about, racism or an overzealous, overreaching, overtaxing, overeverthing federal government. If its about racism than I think your wrong, I’ll listen, but I do believe your wrong. I consider myself a student of history and youall need to study. What was the emancipation proclamation? What was its purpose? Delaware was a slave state till 65 (what hell was that Lincoln really thinking), what was the cause of secession? If you’re a conservative (not a republican) and played the game the way we were supposed to, think about it. House payed off, buy your automobiles with cash, got that 401k for retirement (because pensions only exist for government employees, with a cost of living built in). Do you really own anything of value? I would argue the point that you (we) don’t. Back to the racism argument. Think of policies that reward no father in the home, more children more money, Obama phones, what the hell is going on here? What would I have done if I were in that situation? Now that I’m a little older I’m trying to figure how to hold on to what I have and play that game. What a shame. One more beer and I’ll get started on global warming.
RRR 62 hit the nail on the head here, brother. Overtaxing and government overreach was the big reason the South seceded. The same reasoning why the original colonies seceded from British rule. Nowadays the government loves incentivizing single parent homes, being unemployed, abortions, and overall a ton of shit that I don't agree with, so why are people like you and me paying for it all? Global warming is nothing but politicians and celebrities saying "do as I say, not as I do" because we all know they're polluting the environment 1000x more than average citizens. Hell, even John Coleman the cofounder of the Weather Channel doesn't believe in Global Warming
"Every state in the Confederacy issued an “Article of Secession” declaring their break from the Union. Four states went further. Texas, Mississippi, Georgia and South Carolina all issued additional documents, usually referred to as the “Declarations of Causes," which explain their decision to leave the Union." Two major themes emerge in these documents: slavery and states' rights. All four states strongly defend slavery while making varying claims related to states' rights. 1) Each declaration makes the defense of slavery a clear objective. 2) Some states argue that slavery should be expanded. 3) Abolitionism is attacked as a method of inciting violent uprisings. 4) Mississippi and Georgia point out that slavery accounts for a huge portion of the Southern economy. Basically this issue is a nuanced topic that doesn't have a clear cut answer. To say it was only about states rights is not historically accurate. Nor is it to say it was only racism. However it is harmful to continue support for the confederacy while ignoring the real racism that was a major portion of the zeitgeist during the war. www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/reasons-secession
@@Gh0stTech Thanks Mr. Sleepwalker When I read that document I do see some of what you refer to but I also see kind of a declaration on independence. Kinda like when the continent succeeded from the empire. When I read interpretations of it I see much closer to the “claims related to states' rights” that you listed. Check out Article 2 section 7 of the 1861 Georgia constitution. While thats no civil rights statement it’s almost like the days were numbered. Now cut that section out, most of the document would be much better than what we have today. May I suggest that then and now many are “reactionary”. What will people read about guns and abortion 100 years from now? Internet is great, I can view newspaper articles from 150 years ago. Anyway, thanks for the reply, keep up the good work.
Ok folks trying to get this song some people are saying it's on the The Journey six strings album but I can't see it on their am in UK it's not on Google music just the video so we're can I get this song to down load
Unpopular opinion... But as a mother of direct descendants... Has walls having both families on both sides of the surrender of the surrender at Appomattox I can honestly say... Historical records and Mr Lee's own notes show that he did not want any fanfare and he had no malice and only stood up for his beloved Virginia... It's known that he never wanted any statues nor any monuments because he said he was doing battle against his brothers and Friends
Anybody know what battle this might be about? Sounds like the overland campaign but that’s as far as my fledgling history buff knowledge is getting me here
People who think this song is glorifying the civil war and Robert E Lee are missing the point of the song. It was written in 1968 and Jennings has said it was about the countries civil strife at the time. You
@@joepetto9488 if it was even over slavery!which it wasnt!people are so simple!even Lincoln himself said it was for the interest of abolishing slavery!
I did have my rent money stolen but still gave money to the man killed from pilot mountain so he didn’t freeze who also housed the criminals & for the truth it wore my patients thin to help all those the shelter turned away even the children & disabled for what it was is or was just is what it is and I allowed them to sleep asses to elbows instead of freezing but ended with a count down from 40 seconds to call 911 to get out and was so furious with the criminals that I went from 40, 39, 38, 20, 19, 18,5,4,3 hit911,2 send 1 while they saw I wasn’t bluffing and made the way out the damn door and me and my brother never would of went down in the woods that night had we known then what we do now and all I have to say is I’m so sorry with all of my heart to put you at risk for real. Myself & you were thankfully protected by something much bigger than a gun but for what it is the for real is what it is we are at more risk to protect ourselves with a gun than we are just to die and go on to heaven because to protect ourselves with a gun lands us in hell on earth where people really do hate us more than anything in the world and for that it takes crazy as hell to do it. Crazy as hell is what I’ve decided the Lord has a touch of that all service members suffer from due to our heart conditions are so bad. It ain’t mental conditions completely but a little because that actually comes from the horrific heart conditions we all are suffering from that came from God therefore I know that God knows I mean no disrespect but it is what it is and nothing more for me to say I love you Lord with all of my heart and for the mission work my life was intended for you needed crazy and you too are fully aware that indeed you must be just as crazy looking down and really seeing how the angels have escorted me due to the true nature of how the human hearts have treated one another is why all I can say is poor God I’m so so so sorry God I’m so so sorry to you first and all the people and all service members and for the 3 or me who the heck really knows how that works but it is what it is and nothing more and nothing less and the Bible said the angel does take charge along the way and for some things it is what it is nothing more nothing less and for the sky paint and the twisted trees I’m so thankful to look out 24/7 and know I’m never alone.
I am from Denmark and I love this song😊
God bless Robert E. Lee and Waylon Jennings.
General Lee was a traitor, no different than Benedict Arnold.
I don’t think it will.
@@christinedaae7323 Yeah because what we currently have now is better, Lol lmao even. If the south won, their woudln't be troons hosting drag queen shows for kids.
@@christinedaae7323I don’t think what you think matters lmao
It's the loneliest feeling in the world-to find yourself standing up when everybody else is sitting down. To have everybody look at you and say, 'What's the matter with him?' I know. I know what it feels like. Walking down an empty street, listening to the sound of your own footsteps. Shutters closed, blinds drawn, doors locked against you. And you aren't sure whether you're walking toward something, or if you're just walking away. - Robert E Lee
Wow. That sounds very…. familiar… 😢
This song should be replaying across the states. I miss Waylon Jennings. ❤️💙🤠
I think he just died today.
I know that things are really bad in this great Country right now. But, don’t worry! President Trump will win Reelection and will have this great Country back on track in no time! Plus, President Trump is a fellow Phantom Phan of mine!
@agarthanvrilmaster He was a true American Original.
Long live Robert E Lee! A damn good and respectable man.
What about all those slaves he owned?
@rgb Brown I’m not saying Grant was a great person either and he owned one slave by inheritance who he freed after less than a year and by all accounts Grant wasn’t pro slavery, but even if Grant did own slaves that still doesn’t excuse Lee, who owned slaves and was by contemporary accounts a fairly brutal master, not that how nice you were makes owning people much better. Furthermore grant didn’t actively fight for a state that was founded on principles of racsim and slavery and determined to defend those institutions.
@@michaelreid1209 them slaves was given food shelter and clothing
@@matt9240 I hope you’re being sarcastic
@@michaelreid1209 nope
I have family from the Union and Dixie, and I respect both sides. God Bless Robert E Lee!
Same here
New reply to an old line. I am a Grant and my wife is a Lee. enough said.
Politics and history aside this is just an awesome song, full of feeling and soul
God bless Robert E. Lee and all my kin who fought for the South.
One of Waylons finest songs!! Such a classic!
+Sid Mansfield definitely
Lee still sees us fighting the civil war now
Hello Virginia how are you doing??
@@larrybill2661 ciao Larry! 🙋♀️😍😘🎉🍾🥂
Only it's not about ra ce anymore, now it's Chrlstlans versus satanlsts
The general Lee is amazing ( I mean the car and Robert. E Lee)
@@SubidubidubiDu1 Race became part of the war in 1960, not in 1860. Lincoln only wanted the South in the union for economic reasons
General Lee, a remarkable man indeed.
Sadly the part about us still fighting the civil war is very true
Yes, certainly takes on a whole different meaning today (specifically today).
@@Tayd0g yes it does. It's a shame. Wish there was no more racism and everyone could get along and treat each other with respect.
@@wiseandhumble2470 yes it is
Not sadly. We will not know peace until Democrats are gone. They want us enslaved.
I love the part, Lee can still see us fighting the civil war, ironic with the new political debates
Listening to this on General Lee's birthday. He was truly one of the greatest Americans to ever live.
Why the fuck do I like this song. I'm not from the south I'm not even from united state's. But here I'm sitting on my balcony singing along. Greetings from Germany.
God save Holy Germany!
Because noble men are worth admiration. There are none more noble than General Lee. Greetings from South Carolina.
rewrote this song to remember my grandad, RWREYNOLDS, at shiloh. the REYNOLDS came in USA early and built the tobacco, aluminum, financial empire. RW lived thru war and surrendered where now is town in Alabama by the Tom Bigbie canal. RW rode with Forrest of whom blacks in Memphis hate. They have dug up his bones, moved his statue, desecrated his history! ERASE history and this will happen again. looks like bidenites are hastening it on, they arent American!!!@@richardjames1812
The true feelings of the South run deep. It's in my blood like Mississippi mud.
I love the Confederate flag. No I'm not a white supremacist nor to I want to enslave anybody.
I'm proud of my people and my heritage.
If people want to vilify the Confederate flag then they need to do so to the British, Spanish, and Portuguese flags as well. They all flew over slavery.
@@richardjames1812 I'm in SC too. I love the South and all it stands for.
This song says it. Waylon put it straight. Timeless
This is so touching and beautiful, and I say that as a german
Thank God we had waylon as long as we did
He lives on in our hearts
He will never be forgotten.
I have only 2 words for this song. DEO VINDICE!
If you can, take a trip to Virginia to tour all the battlefields and excellent museums there. Walk the grounds. Plenty of good hotels, restaurants around the sites. It will be a good time you won't forget.
I dont associate with union mixing in the confederacy
This is an old comment, just getting around to re-reading them but I've always wanted to see them, Gettysburg as well. I get my local fill of battlefield strolling at Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield park. Not as large or as well known as those farther North but certainly worth a visit as well.
@@danieltinney8082 Dame Street I'm on the side that wants to protect history not destroy it.
@@danieltinney8082 Commies have always had a direct line into American politics since Lincoln. Marx wrote regularly in the New York Tribune which was read daily by Lincoln. Charles Adams wrote to Marx on behalf of Lincoln after Marx congratulated Lincoln on his reelection and said that "we consider you to be a true and loyal friend". But more importantly, in 1848, there was a communist revolution in Germany that failed. Most of the leaders of that revolt came to the US and settled primarily in OH. They all became politicians and educators. They were called the 48rs. They were the ones that got the color red to symbolize the Republican party because they wanted the party that they joined to be associated with communist red. One of those 48rs immigrated to St. Louis, I can't remember his name right now, but he was a local politician and reporter in St. Louis and was a radical republican. Marx described him as "the reddest of the reds". Some of them were even in Lincoln's cabinet during the war. The reason why those commies didn't make a sudden move to take over was because they learned from Germany that you have to boil the frog slowly and they have been doing that. Presidents like Wilson and FDR at least had commie sympathies. But these commies have been entrenched in politics for a very long time. They are just taking their time taking over.
@@Tayd0g Antietam is worth the trip, especially for the luminaries in December!
Absolutely love old country songs about General Lee this is one of my most favorite ones right under “God Bless Robert E Lee” by Johnny Cash
For Me too... God bless Robert Lee soul..🇵🇱
Another Uncle Sam. Can't disagree with you none though.
I am a tradesmen. Electricians, Rockford, Il. Local #364. Over the years I’ve worked with brothers from the South. Hand in Hand helping build AMERICA. We’ve exchanged stories of Great & Great Great Grandfathers who fought during the civil war. Sometimes relatives fighting. We’ve apologized many times when we exchange our history. BOTH RESPECTING EACH OTHER! Twin brothers from different mothers. I’m proud to say them rebels are my union brothers! And I use that term with the UTMOST RESPECT!! BECAUSE I KNOW IT COMES BACK!!!
Bless you Lee!
It sure as hell is one damn good song!
Lori Hensley ,thanks a lot,Godbless.
Weird to hear a Greek saying this
Мауи Dp WHY?
Ναι ρε μάγκα...god bless Robert E. Lee
Sing it Waylon. Long live the South.
I thought when Lee surrendered, that we would fight no more...
So sad this song is not on Spotify
I know right
Does anyone know WHY its not on Spotify? Please tell me its not some PC censorship nonsense!
hub it’s not that cause there’s some songs on Spotify that wouldn’t be there if this was the case
@@epaminondas64 theres a lot of songs not on spotify sadly. Cant look through every archive for every old song :(
Enjoy this song while it lasts
Mp3 convert it or record in browser. Don’t let it disappear
God bless Robert E. Lee . Respekt from Serbija to CSA .
Deo Vindice from a proud Irish Creek Confederate descendant
I love this. Greetings from greece 🇬🇷
If only they let us secede peacefully
Happy birthday and god bless General Lee
Earlier today some one burnt my confederate flag and I guess the ghost of general lee possessed me cuz the last thing I remember is seeing his his face and then nothing then saw a red stain on the concrete and the person limping off
They tried that a I got my guns out
Up the confederacy from Scotland 😅
👌🏻💪🏻👏🏻from Greece 🇬🇷The South is going to rise again!
From Southern California,stay strong, the South will rise again. Peace.
Please put up another one!!! 💔✝️👆🙏
I look around and see a country that won't last much longer.
Because we are doomed to repeat it 😢
God Bless Brother Robert E.LEE.
My son's name is Robert Lee.
I have two photo's hanging in my Office.
One of Robert E. Lee.
One of Stonewall Jackson.
This Man will be alwsys as will Lee. Great words always.
come on down to Shiloh Nat. Park in Tenn. Beautiful park on the river! smell the spring blossoms as u enjoy the park. the memorial is about the 12th of April. u can drive/walk the river bank, stand by the cannon, and hear them shoot in April. The last large reenactment, i heard cannon all morning 12 miles away. sounded like thunder!
Love the place! One of America's greatest parks.
This song is beautiful I love it I love you waylon
Hello Angela how are you doing??
@@larrybill2661 trying to make it, I hope you had a great Christmas 🌲🌲.
@@angelawheeler7825 Yes i did and it was great
@@angelawheeler7825 it my pleasure having you as a friend and where are you from if you really don’t mind me asking??
@@larrybill2661 I don't mind,I was born in Lawrenceville ga and now I live in Norcross ga USA.
Duty then is the sublimest word in the English language. You should do your duty in all things. You can never do more, you should never wish to do less.- General Robert Edward Lee
This was coincidentally the name of a season 2 Dukes of Hazzard episode, arguably one of the best in the series. Waylon Jennings was of course the balladeer of that show.
General Robert Edward Lee ❤️
My 3rd great uncle fought beside Lee, and Jackson. He was James Kieth Boswell, Topographer to Lee, and Jackson. He got killed when Jackson was shot at Chancellorsville, and now rests in the Confederate Cemetery in Fredericksburg, Va .
Hope history never repeats itself 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
What an honor it must have been to serve under Robert E Lee.
True. My namesake / ancestor lies in his grave in Virginia though, he left South Carolina with his unit at age 19 and never saw his home again. KIA May 1864.
The war continues
Trevor Phillips bought some lift back into country music for me.
Im like most people in this country i had family members from both sides of that war i love them equally
We learned our lesson. We didn't even have a cannon factory. But now we have the firearms
Bring back the pride of the south baby
The great General Lee#HERO
Being From Northern Michigan we are REAL COUNTRY FOLK and FARMER'S! and we know the real TRUTH of the Civil War! We Wave the Stars and Bars!
As do I in Southern Illinois, South Carolina born.
My father’s first name was Robert and middle was Lee. One of my boys will be named Robert and the other Lee to continue the legacy of my father and the great general Lee
God bless Robert e lee and Dixie
Long live Dixie
Love this song; it makes you feel like your marching with General Lee...; proud to wear the Gray; just wished they had of won; there would be no BLM bullshit.
I agree
listen to hank williams jr If The South Would of Won
General Lee was a traitor to his country.
Listen to Sitting up Drinking With Robert E Lee by rebel son
I am the prayer boy timothy lee Hart that praying for the whole world to go to heaven and leave the devil in a lake of fire and Jesus is King
One of my favorites. U can NOT find on any jukeboxes, Pandora, or anywhere these days. That’s absolutely disgusting. I mean if people don’t like it they don’t have to listen to it but it should be out there for those of us who do. I don’t understand the censorship that this country is allowing tearing down statues trying to change history it cannot be changed you’re supposed to learn from it this is just showing more ignorance. I think this is a wonderful song I’ve always liked it Waylon is one of my favorite singers should not be so hard for to locate.
Hello Joy how are you doing??
I always think of that one Dukes of Hazzard episode
the thing about a Civil War in a society founded on the idea of a republic is that it does not end when a general surrenders, for the true power of the nation is not centered around 1 singular individual, it is held by the people itself, all of whom are wildly different from each other culturally even across county lines. So because of this, socially and culturally the fighting can, will, and has continued for the past 150 years since the end of the 1st American Civil War, but it is also because of this that over time the nation and her people will once again hyper polarize just like it had in the years prior to our first American Civil War. We are currently on the razors thin edge of another war of the spilled blood of kin against kin, except this time both sides have vastly superior and deadlier weapons and tactics than our Blue and Grey clad ancestors. This next American Civil War will be the bloodiest conflict our nation will ever see in its current lifetime, so bloody it will cause foreign nations to intervene and help one side or exploit the weakened state of the nation. Several nations have already stated that they will reclaim land that they claim as theirs, such as Mexico who had lost Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California. Or Russia who were conned into selling Alaska to the United States and are now itching to have it back
Texas though left Mexico of their own free will If Mexico tries reclaim Texas they will have their hands full
God bless Robert E lee !!
I hate that I can’t find this song on ITunes! I want this song on my playlist
DONALD ❤we need u back
I heard that! I'm voting for him tomorrow in the Alabama primary.
Dixieland hell yeah
I’d like to point out that as much as i like this song and i’m fascinated and interested in the confederacy, and don’t get me wrong the uniforms, “characters” atmosphere and general history of the civil war are really cool and interesting to study. However, I don’t let that interest decieve me into thinking that the south wasn’t fighting for slavery. I know some people here will disagree and i understand that because i believed in the lost cause rhetoric for some time, but i really think it’s important to get this across. This is in no way a personal attack against anybody, and i really do understand why a lot of people have this perspective on the civil war, if anybody would like to have a conversation about my opinions or General Lee or anything about the civil war really id be happy to have one, and it’d be great to hear more about your opinions on these topics too, maybe you’ll persuade me. But stay safe and please don’t be offended by my comments as that is not there intention. Also this is a great song.
I agree with you in all honesty and I hope Im not misunderstanding you. The south was certainly fighting for slavery. It’s a weird topic to me because while I can’t fault millions of people for standing up for what they thought was right because they didn’t know any better, I can’t say that not seeing slavery as a bad thing is something any sane human being should live with. Honestly the confederate people were a victim of their time, one more group of people who fought for their way of life, one that at the time was unfortunately for slaves (and the confederates in the history books) held up financially by slavery. But honestly as far as General Lee goes, I respect him as a man defending his homeland. If Virginia sided with the Union he would have fought with them. The man never wanted a war, he just wanted to defend his home, which so happens to be the American south. He was a man that garnered the respect of all around him, no matter who he fought with or for and I think all people should strive to be like him. It’s a real shame his legacy is shunned in the eyes of many due to his CSA affiliation, but I respect him for who he was and he hasn’t lost an ounce of it in my eyes because of what he just so happened to have to fight for.
Note: Edits to fix spelling
@@Tayd0g Yeah i think we’re on the same page in as far as the issues they fought for. With regards to Lee, while i think he certainly had admirable qualities that should be acknowledged and discussed , although i do hold personal concerns about his conduct of warfare but thats a whole other topic, in my opinion at least i think his treatment of slaves, i.e. the whole Custis Lee’s slaves saga, should definitely be more prominent, and although Lee did speak against slavery on some occasions it was certainly for less than wholesome reasons. I belive in a similar vein to Lincoln, Lee was against the concept of slavery but still held racist views about the superiority of whites, which were quite common at the time, but i don’t think thats a strong enough argument to excuse him of having those beliefs from a modern perspective. I’m also really glad you made the point about what people thought at the time and i totally agree that the vast majority of southerners didn’t see anything wrong with the slavery institution and that it can be hard for people today to grasp that, which is why it is so important to discuss these issues from a modern and contemporary perspective. Just to conclude my comment wasn’t aimed at you as the video uploader, i just got concerned reading some of the comments and felt i had to show another side, but thanks for replying so fast and id be happy to carry on this discussion.
@@michaelreid1209Yes that is just how people thought and lived at the time, but it’s not how we live today thankfully snd for good reason. Many in the North owned slaves, it just happens their economy did not depend on it very much. Unlike the South, which is where Lee lived. Doesn’t mean it was right though. Whether or not by our standards today, and slavery would have never lasted (for many many reasons, both related to civil rights and not), no matter who won the war. But Im glad we can have this discussion without ripping eachother’s heads off. I don’t think there’s many other places in the world that can say the same, on the internet or not. Which is really why I’ve kept this comment section open. After all, this is a song about the end of conflict, not the continuation of it.
@@michaelreid1209 Also forgot to put this in my previous message: I’ve never heard about the Custiss Lee slave saga. I tried looking it up but I can’t find anything related to it. I was hoping you could educate me about it just a little bit.
@@Tayd0g Ah, my wording wasn’t great there, but basically to summarise the whole thing, Lee’s father in Law, George Custis, died and in his will he left the slaves and plantation to Lee but with a clause stating that the slaves shoukd be emancipated within five years of his death. But Lee didn’t free many of them for a long time afterwards, and others he just sold to other slavers etc. some tried to run away and he had them whipped, including a woman, the exact details of the whippings are debated, some say lee did it himself others not, but i think the way in which Lee a) disregard the final will of his father in Law to emancipate his slaves as quickly as possible and b) his abhorrent treatment of them ie. sending them back into slavery when they thought they would be freed (the slaves had been told about Custis’ wishes) or having them brutally whipped kinda shows the true horror of what the slave holding class were capable of. And it’s accounts like this that have tarnished Lee in my eyes, i find it hard to hear some people say he was a great man when thats the sort of action he committed.
Yeee yeeee brothers🤠🤠🤠
God bless
Think about... men from both sides walking shoulder to shoulder into absolute H*ll. Why? Duty and honor... something we seem to have lost along the way.
Song: anti civil war
Smooth Brain Socialist: hurrr durrr song man say Robert E Lee! Bad! Bad! Racismus!
Me: the fact that we're going to have a boog due to things like you is an indictment of humanity itself
It's all being orchestrated by those who want to seize power, the globalists don't care who wins so long as our country is torn apart and unable to stop their plans.
God save the south and the God-given right to self government. For some reason I have always had a fascination with the Confederacy. Whenever I hear someone say “Sherman” or “Appomattox” an irrepressible sadness comes over me. Even since a young age. It is quite creepy.
If you believe in reincarnation or some people return to the world, perhaps memories only your soul holds onto now. Whether you were confederate or union who felt bad about the trail of destruction Sherman left burning farms, looting towns, and destroying infrastructure through the south.
Me and my brother have a really cool story and family. My fathers family is the Lees and we traced it back to Robert E Lee and my moms is grant and it has been traced back to ulysses S Grant
has your family been undecided as in screwed up?
My grandfather’s middle name was Lee 😉
So are my Dad and my brother's.
For anyone who maybe confused as to what battle is being referenced, it probably is the entirety of the Peninsular Campaign, hence the reference to the James River, and "60 miles from Richmond".
I've seen some people suggest it is referring to Manassas, which I do not believe is true.
Probably the Battle of Wilderness
May the South rise again.
What are we talking about here? I read the comments for songs like this, another great, Johnny Reb by Johnny Horton, and I wander are we talking about, racism or an overzealous, overreaching, overtaxing, overeverthing federal government. If its about racism than I think your wrong, I’ll listen, but I do believe your wrong. I consider myself a student of history and youall need to study. What was the emancipation proclamation? What was its purpose? Delaware was a slave state till 65 (what hell was that Lincoln really thinking), what was the cause of secession?
If you’re a conservative (not a republican) and played the game the way we were supposed to, think about it. House payed off, buy your automobiles with cash, got that 401k for retirement (because pensions only exist for government employees, with a cost of living built in). Do you really own anything of value? I would argue the point that you (we) don’t.
Back to the racism argument. Think of policies that reward no father in the home, more children more money, Obama phones, what the hell is going on here? What would I have done if I were in that situation? Now that I’m a little older I’m trying to figure how to hold on to what I have and play that game. What a shame.
One more beer and I’ll get started on global warming.
RRR 62 hit the nail on the head here, brother. Overtaxing and government overreach was the big reason the South seceded. The same reasoning why the original colonies seceded from British rule.
Nowadays the government loves incentivizing single parent homes, being unemployed, abortions, and overall a ton of shit that I don't agree with, so why are people like you and me paying for it all?
Global warming is nothing but politicians and celebrities saying "do as I say, not as I do" because we all know they're polluting the environment 1000x more than average citizens. Hell, even John Coleman the cofounder of the Weather Channel doesn't believe in Global Warming
"Every state in the Confederacy issued an “Article of Secession” declaring their break from the Union. Four states went further. Texas, Mississippi, Georgia and South Carolina all issued additional documents, usually referred to as the “Declarations of Causes," which explain their decision to leave the Union."
Two major themes emerge in these documents: slavery and states' rights. All four states strongly defend slavery while making varying claims related to states' rights.
1) Each declaration makes the defense of slavery a clear objective.
2) Some states argue that slavery should be expanded.
3) Abolitionism is attacked as a method of inciting violent uprisings.
4) Mississippi and Georgia point out that slavery accounts for a huge portion of the Southern economy.
Basically this issue is a nuanced topic that doesn't have a clear cut answer. To say it was only about states rights is not historically accurate. Nor is it to say it was only racism.
However it is harmful to continue support for the confederacy while ignoring the real racism that was a major portion of the zeitgeist during the war.
Thanks Mr. Sleepwalker
When I read that document I do see some of what you refer to but I also see kind of a declaration on independence. Kinda like when the continent succeeded from the empire. When I read interpretations of it I see much closer to the “claims related to states' rights” that you listed. Check out Article 2 section 7 of the 1861 Georgia constitution. While thats no civil rights statement it’s almost like the days were numbered. Now cut that section out, most of the document would be much better than what we have today.
May I suggest that then and now many are “reactionary”. What will people read about guns and abortion 100 years from now? Internet is great, I can view newspaper articles from 150 years ago.
Anyway, thanks for the reply, keep up the good work.
Why are you creating a problem that doesn't exist? Just let us listen to this in peace.
“Johnny Reb” by Johnny Horton, another good tune.
I see this is an old comment but Im just getting around to reading them over again
Wish this was on Apple music
Ok folks trying to get this song some people are saying it's on the The Journey six strings album but I can't see it on their am in UK it's not on Google music just the video so we're can I get this song to down load
I can’t find it on Spotify, it’s like the album and song don’t even exist
@@Colin-h3n ok found it here
Honestly your best bet is to extension record or mp3 convert this video.
so sad they lost civil war
I wish people thought more about the civil war than they thought about the Roman empire
My Great Great Great Great Grandfather John Ed Thomas Fought at Petersburg Sumter Flying Artillery
I can’t find this on Spotify. Anyone know where I can get it?
Unpopular opinion...
But as a mother of direct descendants...
Has walls having both families on both sides of the surrender of the surrender at Appomattox I can honestly say...
Historical records and Mr Lee's own notes show that he did not want any fanfare and he had no malice and only stood up for his beloved Virginia...
It's known that he never wanted any statues nor any monuments because he said he was doing battle against his brothers and Friends
The only way they win is of we do nothing
The time will come, maybe not next year, maybe not this decade, but it's coming. And when it does, we'll be ready this time.
Damn Straight!
Somewhere way back in my family history I'm related to general Lee because my middle name is Kaytlyn which dates back to the civil war
Getting closer everyday our government separate color that is not good
What got the other version banned? With the porn and filth available on this platform, what could it be?
prob. erasing history in name of racism.
What’s the name of this song?
The ghost of General Lee
Anybody know what battle this might be about? Sounds like the overland campaign but that’s as far as my fledgling history buff knowledge is getting me here
10 months later But the battle has to be Petersburg cause of the trenches mentioned in the song
@@Billybob-bm7vt Cold Harbor also featured trenches.
@@joepetto9488 yea but "60 miles from richmond we faced the union army" cold harbor is little under 20 miles
@@Billybob-bm7vt So's Petersburg
@@13thvarebel16 didnt think about that a year ago.
People who think this song is glorifying the civil war and Robert E Lee are missing the point of the song. It was written in 1968 and Jennings has said it was about the countries civil strife at the time. You
I glorify slavery because I am proud of my warrior ancestors who subjugated lesser men.
I am not from the South btw.
@@joepetto9488 if it was even over slavery!which it wasnt!people are so simple!even Lincoln himself said it was for the interest of abolishing slavery!
Can I find this song on Spotify?
Category gaming
Lol time to change that
Not on Spotify.. gotta love the woke🙄
Custard ain’t taking nothing from this Roberts girl but I have the spirit of Washington for both sides
I did have my rent money stolen but still gave money to the man killed from pilot mountain so he didn’t freeze who also housed the criminals & for the truth it wore my patients thin to help all those the shelter turned away even the children & disabled for what it was is or was just is what it is and I allowed them to sleep asses to elbows instead of freezing but ended with a count down from 40 seconds to call 911 to get out and was so furious with the criminals that I went from 40, 39, 38, 20, 19, 18,5,4,3 hit911,2 send 1 while they saw I wasn’t bluffing and made the way out the damn door and me and my brother never would of went down in the woods that night had we known then what we do now and all I have to say is I’m so sorry with all of my heart to put you at risk for real. Myself & you were thankfully protected by something much bigger than a gun but for what it is the for real is what it is we are at more risk to protect ourselves with a gun than we are just to die and go on to heaven because to protect ourselves with a gun lands us in hell on earth where people really do hate us more than anything in the world and for that it takes crazy as hell to do it. Crazy as hell is what I’ve decided the Lord has a touch of that all service members suffer from due to our heart conditions are so bad. It ain’t mental conditions completely but a little because that actually comes from the horrific heart conditions we all are suffering from that came from God therefore I know that God knows I mean no disrespect but it is what it is and nothing more for me to say I love you Lord with all of my heart and for the mission work my life was intended for you needed crazy and you too are fully aware that indeed you must be just as crazy looking down and really seeing how the angels have escorted me due to the true nature of how the human hearts have treated one another is why all I can say is poor God I’m so so so sorry God I’m so so sorry to you first and all the people and all service members and for the 3 or me who the heck really knows how that works but it is what it is and nothing more and nothing less and the Bible said the angel does take charge along the way and for some things it is what it is nothing more nothing less and for the sky paint and the twisted trees I’m so thankful to look out 24/7 and know I’m never alone.
O Lord did mean me to kill my brother O Lord