As a christian father with 2 of my 4 sons coming out as transgender I have struggled a bit with this. There’s no doubt that I love all my kids the same or that I totally respect them, but the why and how has caused me some torment. But I prayed for wisdom and I got an answer. God has for quite some time spoken with me about gender in another question and have made it very clear that sex and gender has a spiritual part. Everything begins in the spirit. An argument I often hear from other christians is that “God makes no mistakes”. And I wholeheartedly agree with this. God makes no mistakes but we do! We have filled our world with hormone disrupting chemicals and that affect our bodies in many ways. It’s a pretty small switch that decides if a body is born male or female. It can get wrong. People with gender dysphoria don’t have something psychologically wrong with them that makes them think they have another sex. They have been given the wrong sex of their body, so it does not match their spiritual sex, because we have messed up the world! It’s our mistake not Gods fault or perfect plan. Thanks to science this can be corrected but it’s far from a perfect solution for the people who has been affected by this.
No God dose not make mistakes. But creation has been tainted by sin. Through history there have always been birth defects. A wide range of them I might add. What most have not considered that gender dysphoria might be a birth defect? Most people who have it and are transgender will tell you that they have felt this way senses a bought the age of 4 or 5. They never just chose to be transgender. They have simply always have been. It looks like they just chose it to the outside world, because the person suffering from gender dysphoria has spent there life trying to hide it. Tring to please parents or other people around them. So to the out side world it looks like one Monday morning Joe woke up and said, hay I want to be Jill. Trust me that's not how it works. In most cases, when some comes out and says hay I'm transgender, They have suffered to the point where they earther come out and tell people or they commit suicide. The pain that is associated with gender dysphoria is best understood as the same pain you feel when you just found out one of your parents has just passed away. Could you handle getting hit by that 1 or 3 times or more a day? Back to the birth defect thing. What if gender dysphoria is a birth defect? Did you know that all humans are conceived as female? Then depending on witch hormones are in great levels, the fetus becomes male or stays female. But what if God made a soul female and the body developed as a male or vise versa? We really do not know where Gods hands on control of the developing fetus is turned over to auto control. It is during this auto control where birth defects begin. looking at the large amount of possible birth defects that are known to exist, It would appear that God turns on the auto pilot just after he interduces the spark of life. Jesus may have eluded to this in Matthew 19:12 - English Standard Version 12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” Please pay attention to " For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth ". Here Jesus is describing a birth defect. I hope this helps you to better understand.
love and blessings to you, brother in Christ. i asked God to lead me to my answer and i found it in your comment, i've been struggling in wondering how i can possibly go to Heaven being transgender if im technically living in sin 24/7 but your comment has given me a new perspective on things. God doesn't hate me, he just has the sin that affects me and many other transgender people and he hates the suffering and the torment. but i just need to look past my own human fears/questions and just trust in Jesus Christ and know that he loves my soul, not my earthly body because this body isn't me, it's just a temporary shell. thank you brother for your encouraging comment, i hope you have a blessed day
@@Zionmatthuw I don’t claim to be right or an authority on this question. I’m still struggling with the question if the answer I’ve been given is indeed from the Lord or just sign of my own hopes and fears. But to put it simply: in Genesis 1:27 it says ”So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” That means that sex has a spiritual part, it’s not just the body. We have seriously messed up this world and many things happens that is not the will of God. Children are born with cancer or blind, that’s not the will of God. That’s our doing. We have filled our world with hormone disturbing chemicals. I think It’s possible that a girl being born end up with the body of a boy because of these things. Pray about that and don’t take my word for it.
I'm sorry I've just got some questions after watching this, are you saying that Jesus magically makes issues go away? To ignore your issues and just believe Jesus magically makes them go away? That's not a healthy way of dealing with issues, any issues, especially trans issues, pretending your issues are magically solved doesn't actually solve them, personally I disagree with this idea very much, by all means you can believe in God and Jesus, but don't ignore issues you have and face, instead face them with God and Jesus by your side, God helps those who help themselves, he doesn't magically just cure you, you must seek the cure that works and God will help you through it, God is the support you need for dealing with issue, not a cure to your issues.
Hi ToxiAudri. Read your question for Mr. Allberry and thought I'd try to give an answer. Your question was something like, is he saying God makes issues like gender dysphoria magically go away? I think the answer is no. I don't think that's what he said at all. I think he was saying Christianity is relevant to a person who experiences gender dysphoria and that Christianity provides answers as to why people experience such deep dysphoria and that it provides meaning and strong hope . Also, at the end you said God is support in finding the cure not the cure itself. I agree God supports us but fundamentally I am convinced he is also the cure. Not in a wave the wond and fix all my issues way but in a He's the ultimate purpose for my existence and I can live with all my issues and still have meaning and purpose because I am His and He he will make me whole and integrated in the end even if not fully in this life kind of way.
Joshua Owens, god helps those who help themselves, he isn't the cure, we always have to seek the cure ourselves, this idea that god is a cure is dangerous thinking that has allowed antivaxers to exist, has allowed faith healing to continue despite all evidence that is simply doesn't work and all you are doing is increasing the risk of your betting your life on the issue you're afflicted with, god didn't cure smallpox, it was a plague on humanity for decades, one that people just had to deal with, they often died because of it, until medicine was developed to combat it, it's currently considered to be eradicated because someone developed a sort of cure, it wasn't god, it was a man, god may have worked through this man, but he didn't just cure it. Now the idea that god makes life worthwhile isn't a bad thing persay, but there are faults with that type of thinking to my mind if that's the only reason life is worthwhile, if one day it was proven somehow that it was all made up that god was a fictional character created for people to take power through religious methods, does that mean your life is and was without purpose? Personally I say no, my life has meaning, value, and purpose even without god, I like to think that perhaps god inspires people to be good, and that for us to have perspective on what is good, evil has to exist to give us that perspective, to bring out the good in peoples hearts, everyday the struggle against evils like cancer plague humanity, but through that evil it unites people to combat it, to seek a cure for it, but it also divides people in other ways that we don't often consider, those with darker hearts that take pleasure and delight in the suffering of others, which means that god shows us a path, it's up to us to take it, and I don't believe that such paths that don't align with what the bible has to say are wrong, the bible was never honestly meant to be a guide for how to live, but rather a way to show what's in a persons heart, what evils they are willing to excuse because they are told those evils are justified. No in all honesty here I feel this man is teaching a false message, one that's intended to divide people on illnesses they have or don't have, to make those illnesses worse through possibly good intentioned people being misinformed as to what the real issue actually is, much like what was done with gay people for so many century's, while it's true this man here could be just as misinformed, it's also just as possible he knows full what what he's saying is wrong and leading sheep to the slaughter, justifying evil and getting others to follow him down a dark road. Honestly if you really stop to think about it in the context of religious ideology god vs satan, it would make perfect sense for satan to use the bible to lead others astray, to gather more souls for hell, to promise people power and wealth in return for souls, and what's a good way for these people to deliver such souls to satan? though deception, through twisting the purpose of the bible to suit the goal of leading lambs to the slaughter. It's said in the bible actually that god will separate the goats from the sheep, I suggest you read that passage carefully.
@@ToxicAudri Hey, you said a lot so I'll just address one point I think particularly significant. You wrote about what if God was proven not to exist would my life then be meaningful, that yours still would be. I look at it very differently. I find that there is purpose and beauty in life, in my life and in other's, weather or not they are religious. The question I ask is, "why are we convinced life is meaningful, what does the nature of existence have to be for this sense of meaning to be true?" The only answer I've found to credible is that there is some transcendent, to some degree person like, first cause. We call this God. We all experience a draw to the ground, things fall. How do we explain this? We posit an invisible force and study it's affects. We give it the name gravity though we really don't know what exactly it is even though we can study it's affects accurately. I think this an ok analogy to the experienced affects, meaning and morality, and the proposed invisible force causing the affects, God. Life is meaningful, period. How is it possible for life to be meaningful? A transcendent meaning-giving first cause, aka God, is the only credible answer.
joshua Owens "why are we convinced life is meaningful" Because by the very definition of the word meaning, it means in this context "important or worthwhile quality; purpose." while purpose can be taken out and still provide meaning or an importance or worthwhile quality to a persons life, as an example someone who is kind to others, endures hardship, always tries to help people smile and even for a moment bring a bit of light into a seemingly dark world they live in, their life has meaning because their life was/is important to someone else, we do not have inherent value to anyone except family, sometimes not even that, but depending on people's actions, how they treat others, interact with others, value can be achieved, as an example, on the front of mental illness in dealing with depression, people who suffer from it often enter into very dark thinking, a sense of pointlessness, hopelessness, loneliness, it can lead people into taking actions to ending their own lives, but often the way this is solved is to interact with such people, present a brighter way of thinking to them, just by being there and helping them you become an important person to them, your life has a greater value then it did before you talked to them, in a nutshell being there for others is valuable to people, it's how friendships are formed, made, tested and endure, if someone isn't there for you in a time of need we often leave them behind if we know they had no real reason to not be there for us when we needed them most, they've lost value in our eyes, there friendship is meaningless to us. "We all experience a draw to the ground" While this force is invisible, it's measurable, testable, and actually can be visualized using the right tools, gravity is impossible to visualize on a small scale, it's part of a much larger effect that we don't see from a smaller picture, it's possible to visualize this effect by expanding our scope of view, taking in the larger picture, in this case gravity works much like if you take a stretchy cloth like material and drape it over a frame, the material being unsupported within the frame is what we would call the fabric of space, placing objects in the fabric of space has a visible effect on it the fabric, it stretches and creates a lower point in the fabric, this is how gravity works, by weight the object effects the fabric, a lighter object has less of an impact on other objects around it, a heavier object will effect other objects, this is how gravity works on a large scale, we are able to understand that, on a smaller scale we see the effects, our object in this case is planet Earth, it is resting on the fabric of space, gravity works as we know it here because we are in the well of influence of it's gravity, things are drawn towards this dense object, so no, other then to say that god is a much larger force that we can't see in such a small scale, it's not a very good analogy, we cannot measure or test the effects god may or may not have on our world. "Life is meaningful, period. How is it possible for life to be meaningful? A transcendent meaning-giving first cause, aka God, is the only credible answer." I've just explained how life can have meaning without god, how we actually as a society judge value in those we interact with, sometimes consciously sometimes subconsciously, you don't keep a horrible friend around because like it or not they have less value and less importance to you then good friends do, while the horrible friend has less value and importance to you as an individual, that doesn't mean they are without value or importance to someone else, meaning isn't derived from god, it's derived from our effects on others lives, someone who would cure cancer would be immensely important to millions with cancer, someone who doesn't cure their cancer wouldn't be important to them unless they knew the person in question directly, this is just a fact of how life works, and by extension of that, how god has designed it, because that is the test he uses to separate the goats from the sheep, those that make themselves important to others, the poor and the sick, treating them as equals, helping them when and where they can, they are regarded as sheep, those that don't help and don't make themselves important to others treat others differently for some reason because of some invented idea like being of a superior race, or that the poor are lazy, the sick are inferior genetically, etc, etc, unwilling to help others as a result even though they are able to, are all regarded as goats.
@@ToxicAudri I think we may be arguing past each other. I certainly agree that people being good is valuable and in a sense beings meaning to both their lives and those they are good to. I agree that that is the way God designed it. My point was merely that for a world where meaning is found in interaction between persons a personal first cause is the most reasonable explanation for such meaning.
I left Islam a year ago and I’ve been thinking about Christianity randomly (I’m kinda an atheist) but now I feel myself turning to Jesus - I’m transgender and ready for Christ to help me on my journey
Praise be to God! May you experience the overwhelming love of Jesus! And may your journey fill your heart with joy and bring peace to your mind. PLEASE be careful. There are a lot of "Christians" that will try to derail your faith. Stay strong. If you find yourself in doubt as I have many times, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment on my channel. I'm no pastor but I am transgender and very much a follower of Christ.
@@joshuabach9009 I tried. Lord knows I tried. But I am NOT my body. My mind, my spirit are NOT my body. What you ask leads to endless conflict and death, not life. You are asking me to hide my mind and heart from the world so you don't have to be uncomfortable. I say no. I will not. Honestly I don't understand why people don't get it. God doesn't create just the body. He also creates the mind, heart and soul. That's why each is called out when we are commanded to love Him. (Luke 10:27) The difference is the body is born into a sinful world and is distorted by sin. This is why deformities and diseases exist. Yet it's the _body_ that is most important? Forsake my mind, heart and soul for the body? I say no. It is least important. Make the body conform to the mind as Paul did.
@@r-plattBut doesn't the bible say,"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"Jeremiah 17:9. I know our mind, thoughts, and heart are really close to us and they are all we know. But they are ultimately wicked and corrupted by sin. We need to trust in God's decision. He put you in that body and gave you a role for a reason. Transitioning would be spitting on that. My only discomfort is that you and many others are making a very bad decision.
@@joshuabach9009 Indeed. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things[k] have come." - 2 Corrinthians 5:17 God say, " I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." - Ezekiel 36:26 I've experienced gaining a new heart and mind when I attended VdC. Since then I live for Jesus. I've shed my idols. My mind seeks to worship Him daily. Yet He left my gender dysphoria intact. I feel certain that's why Jesus came to me in a vision. He hugged me, marking me as His own so that when my GD forced me into Oblivion He could find me and save me. I am fully convinced God wants and expects people with gender dysphoria to change their bodies. We are supposed to show the world that body, heart, mind and soul are distinct creations, that a new creation in Christ requires changes to the body just as He changes our hearts and minds.
See and when i came back to god i was given the strength to start on my path of transitioning. I was racked with pain and anxiety from trying to pretend to be a male. God told me its ok let it go I am with you no matter what. This is what hes called me to do right now. Just as when we break a bone we fix it. When we have a cancer we have it removed, hopefully. These bodily burdens let us have an understanding of christs broken crucified body, but he also loves us enough to give us the ability to correct many physical problems. It makes it much more difficult to feel gods love when we are racked with pain. With this issue or any other our job on this earth is to love everyone just as god loves us all.
Hey. I am also transgender amd havent been back to church in years because the last church i went to was very antigay snd i ended up feeling unsafe thete. How do you find it back at church? Are they people within your church welcoming of you being transgender
Trans Christian here. I feel the safest and most comfortable at my church. I want people out there who are struggling with gender dysphoria in the context of their faith to know that they do not have to sacrifice one for the other. You can live freely and openly. It gets better. 🧡
No God dose not make mistakes. But creation has been tainted by sin. Through history there have always been birth defects. A wide range of them I might add. What most have not considered that gender dysphoria might be a birth defect? Most people who have it and are transgender will tell you that they have felt this way senses a bought the age of 4 or 5. They never just chose to be transgender. They have simply always have been. It looks like they just chose it to the outside world, because the person suffering from gender dysphoria has spent there life trying to hide it. Tring to please parents or other people around them. So to the out side world it looks like one Monday morning Joe woke up and said, hay I want to be Jill. Trust me that's not how it works. In most cases, when some comes out and says hay I'm transgender, They have suffered to the point where they earther come out and tell people or they commit suicide. The pain that is associated with gender dysphoria is best understood as the same pain you feel when you just found out one of your parents has just passed away. Could you handle getting hit by that 1 or 3 times or more a day? Back to the birth defect thing. What if gender dysphoria is a birth defect? Did you know that all humans are conceived as female? Then depending on witch hormones are in great levels, the fetus becomes male or stays female. But what if God made a soul female and the body developed as a male or vise versa? We really do not know where Gods hands on control of the developing fetus is turned over to auto control. It is during this auto control where birth defects begin. looking at the large amount of possible birth defects that are known to exist, It would appear that God turns on the auto pilot just after he interduces the spark of life. Jesus may have eluded to this in Matthew 19:12 - English Standard Version 12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” Please pay attention to " For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth ". Here Jesus is describing a birth defect. I hope this helps you to better understand.
What does Jesus offer to transgender people? Hope. Love. Me, being a depressed lonely dysphoric gay teen. I started loosing faith in god, starting not believing. But one day I did pray, I asked god to speak to me if he was there. The next day I watched a movie it showed how god brought a miracle, how he was there. It made me smile. Made me feel like someone was there to listen I feel like god understands our pain, understands what we are going through. Being trans, gay, straight yes they are sins. But they are sins of love (loving someone). And if you keep your faith in Jesus and even if you don’t he still will love you. Jesus will always love you. Just don’t loose hope, be your best yourself if that’s what makes you happy and doesn’t stop your believing and relationship with god.
God loves sinner but hates sin, He knows our weaknesses however it is us who sin and allow sin to separate us from Him, bcos we cannot stick to darkness and expect to see light - Jesus ...Its is our freewill of either choose darkness over light, choose serving God or serving satan, worship satan or worship God, love Him with all our heart mind and strength - the first commandment. If we love someone we will do what please them, and sacrifice for their welfare, thats why we bring our sacrifice before God which is our heart to love Him that pleases Him...
Any sin is a sin against God himself. There is no such thing as a "sin of love", when the first commandment is to love the LORD your God. Paul also says how we can sin against our own body. This is both.
This doesnt make sense. Yes we live in a imperfect world, we know that we do live with broken bodies.....but if a person is born with a withered arm missing are you going to say you should look to Jesus to heal your arm instead of using a prosthetic? If someone has multiple sclerosis will you tell them to look to Jesus instead of taking drugs to alleviate symptoms? In the same way you are asking people who have gender dysphoria, a recognised medical condition, to not go for treatment, but to look to Jesus. My spouse did this. Lived for 40+ years in a body that felt 'wrong' since early childhood. Trans wasnt a thing when she was growing up so she was told to stop being girly. Was made to do boy things. As she hit puberty those feelings got worse, she went to prayer ministry, was baptised, threw herself into church, football and work. As an adult got married, trained as a nurse, led worship, ran a yourh group. All the while struggling and feeling like she was living a lie. Eventually after counselling, prayer ministry, therapy, medication didnt work, , after the kids became adults and after i screamed and cried out to God to heal her, heard a very clear voice which i know was God say "let her be who she is" she sought treatment and started her transition. I dont believe being trans is a sin, anymore than being diabetic or disabled is. Jesus was found with the outcasts of his day. I believe the lgbtq people in our midst are the outcasts of our day. So do what Jesus did. Hang out with them, get to know their stories, love them.
I've wondered about that too, as I have multiple chronic illnesses. Seeing a physiotherapist, dietitian or chiropractor has never raised any eyebrows in church, but saying I was taking ADHD medication was somehow seen as a tragedy (the real issue was the side effects, but they didn't care about that) yet I also wasn't allowed to fidget in church once I got to be an adult. I've had people tell me to my face that the reason I have allergies, or even chronic pain is that I didn't pray enough. The issue for my pain was that I'd hurt my neck and needed a physiotherapist to do some work on it. I don't think those people really see the cause and effect of different things, they just pick one side and say it's wrong, without looking at how things are connected. The whole body is connected, and if there's something that can help, that should be a good thing. Most medications originally came from plants, and God made those plants for a reason, so I don't see the issues some people have with taking meds or transitioning, unless there is a good reason not to, like safety.
I've had gender dysphoria for almost as long as I can remember. I became a Christian at around 6 and my earliest memory of feeling like a boy internally at 7. This sense of being the other gender has remained since then, though stronger or weaker at times. I want to glorify God by accepting how he sees me as more important than how I see myself, but it's hard. Every day is a struggle. Does anyone have some tips for managing gender dysphoria without transitioning?
Im so sorry you are struggling. God sees your deepest struggles and he cares about you so much that he sent his son to die for you. I know it's scary but I would encourage you to reach out to a gospel preaching church and seek counsel and encouragement there. This is going to be a long road but it's worth it.
I'm in a similar spot. From personal experience, it never completely goes away. We can cling to the hope of a new body in the next life. But in this life, we have limited options. There are three main ways to treat dysphoria. The first is behavior changes. The second is surgery and medical adjustments. The third is learning to live with (and accept) the parts we cannot change. For Christians, most of our options fall under the third category, but a few fall under the first. Personally, I made a list of what I hated about myself, and made a list of what I could change or mitigate. Hair, clothing and exercise help a lot with category 1. "Gratitude journaling," prayer, music and scripture help with category 3. Some days are/will be better than others. Some are worse. A lot worse. That's just part of the brokenness of this world. It sucks, but this is the hand I've been dealt. Ultimately, we're placing our hope in the next life. Focusing on those promises get me through the day. No matter how long it is, Life and its problems are temporary. I hope that helps.
For me just based on my experience and understanding as a child. Gender identity was never about what I felt like because I had know idea how I felt. I was into some feminine things as a kid. Barbie dolls was a big one I remember. I had lady friends and was curious about trying women's clothes but I don't know if I felt female at the time or not. I did feel a disconnect though between me being a boy and being interested in feminine things. I kept it secret from my family and just thought that I was a boy with feminine interests. My thinking has played a bigger role in my identity then my emotions ever have. From my experience the only reliable insight your feelings can give you is about how you feel. It doesn't make sense to me to trust my feelings to tell me who I am because my feelings can change at any moment.
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
As a trans woman who grew up with the moral of a christian, my heart warms with your words. You're right, Christians are supposed to be the most understandable and open people, I wished more so called "christians" held this standard, and didn't get so possessed with anger, bitterness and bigotry to what they oppose.
As a atheist why would your praise a god that you know hates transgenders? He clearly says it in the bible, you and I are going to "hell" according to god. See you there 😘
He's saying, "Our bodies live in a world of sin. But this 1 issue involving the body shouldn't be solved with medicine. It should be solved by prayer and belief." And when that doesn't work, we're just supposed to slowly die in pain beyond his comprehension. His last few statements are just OFFENSIVE. Since when is gender dysphoria a sin? Jesus became SIN, not a medical condition.
@@Whereismykar 2 Corinthians 5:21 HCSB [21] He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Jesus's last words were, "My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?" He became sin and in so doing went to hell where He freed the righteous.
Deu 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are ABOMINATION unto the LORD thy God. When something is an ABOMINATION unto God himself, how can that be the law of Moses?
So what do you call it when the soul of a woman is stuck in the body of a man? You would have to define what a woman is and a man is as well. But that is nearly impossible! You would need to make a list of attributes that one must have to be a woman. No matter how many items, or how few items you put on this list, some where in the world you will find a women who dose not have your complete list but will still be a women.
@@SleeTheSloth If born a male that's a man! If born a female that's a woman! Jesus said as it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrha so shall be in the last days!
Understand this. God loves all this creation. I'm whatever form of their "sexuality" Sam Allbery doesn't take that away . All he is saying that THAT within itself is NOT an ideal way of living, because you're not living out the purpose you were created to be. EVERYONE is loved by God. Infact the bible says it clearly in John3:16 he loved the world so much that he died for it. Not only the righteous not only the "unholy" ( if there is such a thing). We need to get the ideology out of our heads that just because the bible was written way back then that we didn't talk about these same issues
The Bible is written for instruction to live lives God gives us, just as we are given instruction to drive a car or to use a computer. Bible - is the Instruction before leaving the earth... There are timeless wisdom or advice that are relevant and applicable throughout generations. God is an everlasting God, and His Truth is eternal and His Word never changed and will never change
@Nichola s Gender dysphoria happens when you let the enemy attack. the world is blinded now in the LGBTQ community they are letting pedophilia be normal which isnt
I’ve been struggling with my gender for so long. I just want Jesus to love me but if I stay a transgender man my whole life I know he will reject me. I just want to be loved for who I am
Who told you Jesus would reject you? A human being. They aren't omniscient or all knowing, so why do you give them that authority to judge you and tell you of Jesus' character . Read the Bible for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
I want to encourage you to find understanding that when a person truly encounters Christ it’s a life changing occurrence. Come as you are but don’t stay as you are. However, coming as you are boldly before Jesus does not mean coming as you are casually. God says to come as you are, not stay as you are. It’s easy to pull Scripture out of context and think coming as we are means it doesn’t matter how we come. We can use it to say it doesn’t matter how we look when attending church, because we can come as we are. Or it doesn’t matter how we pray, because we can come as we are. Or even it doesn’t matter when we ask for forgiveness for that sin we keep on committing. Jesus has forgiven us, and we can come as we are. But, oh, it truly does matter. We can approach the throne with confidence and boldness, but we must also approach with humility. With an understanding of how we are able to approach in this way. And we must approach with our best. You are loved but when we encounter Christ, we are changed from who we were to His purpose for us and not the purpose we hope He has for us. Stay blessed!
The enemy whispers that that’s who you truly are, but the devil is a liar. I’m this generation, he attacks identity the most, whether it be sexual orientation, gender, pronouns etc. I can empathize with you sister, I used to go by male and female pronouns and I was a lesbian with no attraction to males whatsoever, but God delivered me from that lifestyle and he’s healing me of my past every single day. Don’t pray for him to take that attraction away, but pray for strength to battle those attractions. Attractions are mere feeling, and many times our feelings are unaligned to Gods word. That’s when we have to battle. Keep your eyes on Jesus. “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1Peter 5:8.
Jesus will meet you where you are and walk you gently to sanity. He does the same for all who come to Him. His Spirit, Word, and grace will change you in small ways that will cause a shift. That is why He is the Good Shepherd. Your only job is to surrender, believe and obey His Word. One day at a time sweet Jesus! I am 69 and He is stlll doing it for me and that is no easy task. Prayerfully 🌷
The Bible says that in Heaven, there is neither male nor female. I find it unsettling to talk to a transgender person, but they are all human, only "different." You cannot tell them, as the Pastors here want you to, "If you want God to love you, change your gender back." Just as they are, God loves them. As a writer put it, if we are in a hole, the Way begins in the hole, not a safe distance away.
"should be the most compassionate" should be is the key phrase. You seem to be very accepting of trans people but that isn't true of most of your fellow Christians
For all the LGBT people in particular transgender people you do not have to prove anything to anyone and you don't need acceptance from anyone but Jesus! When Jesus walked the Earth, people called him a liar, a devil. DON'T let anyone come between you and Jesus. NO one can tell you about your faith. Only you know what's in your heart and your head. It's a reason why faith is PERSONAL
all I will tell anyone about their faith is that they should never trust the translations outright. look at the core of your beliefs and what they say in any way you can. not just the interpretation of a small group made millennia after it was formed
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace will help
I am honest loving trans women from Dublin who adores Jesus and I know my heart is clean and I listen to him everyday I will continue my trans life I find more peace love and beauty in this life then the sad disturbing guy that I was!
If Jesus asked you, to return to your biological gender, would you obey him? If you can't respond with yes, then you haven't surrendered to him. Instead you are still bound by your will, not free to do his will. It's hard to surrender. It took me many years. It is also worth it. I hope you are able to get there. Love and prayers for you my dear.
@Amhad Asjer Excuse me but I have several questions 1. how do you know that S K is being "tricked by satan?" 2. Why do you say that S K has to come back to Jesus when she says that she adores Jesus? 3. Why do you think that christian faith and being a transgender HAS to be a conflict to each other? I assume that you do not know S K and her case, unless you know S K in person (which is unlikely because we are in the internet, where millions of people communicate with each other each day and each hour without knowing each other in person) so please do not try to dictate her way. I´ll pray that you both will understand each other. Spread Love not Hate, in Jesus Name, Amen.
@@alyshabeshara3197 If Jesus asked me to return to being a man then I would ask Him to take my dysphoria from me. Failing that: 1. How I am supposed to cope with the growing pain that hollows out my heart, shreds my soul and crushes my mind with intense pain? 2. How can I keep my female heart open to God's love while hiding it from the world? My heart doesn't mark me as a flamboyant man but as a normal woman. Then I would return to being a man and trust Jesus. But that won't happen. Oct, 2016: I was overwhelmed beyond breaking by gender dysphoria. My soul was screaming in pain so loudly I could hear and feel it in my mind 24/7. Finally I broke - badly. I prayed God bring me home and collapsed. I touched insanity and it filled me with a terror beyond imagining. I was dead to the world but God wasn't done with me yet. God saved me and gave me a message: *"You have 6 weeks to start your transition or you will die."* There was no ambiguity. He means for me to be a whole person. If I ignore Him I will not be going to heaven. It was clear I would either go insane or kill myself. Surrender can happen in an instant. It need not take long. Just make sure you're surrendering to Jesus for the right reasons. I gave God my dysphoria. He gave it back.
“To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose what pleases me and hold fast to my covenant-to them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that will endure forever. " -Isaiah 56: 4-5 "For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from [their] mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive [it], let him receive [it]." -Matthew 19:6-12 Seems like when a person cuts of their own testosterone it really pleases the Lord. Testosterone is a huge factor in temptation to sin and is intoxicating, how many would give up their testosterone for the Lord after hearing it will earn them a name better than sons and daughters in the lord's eyes?
Oh no, this breaks my heart! You don't need to go physically cutting yourself to stop temptation. And Eunuchs are still men! Just pray and God will help you. Just ask God to help you, and He will deliver you! But you must show Him active effort! You must resist and not make excuses! I did this, trying to find loopholes in God's Word to get away with disorder. But it still doesn't please God! Instead, God, who is so loving, will let you go and chase after what your heart desires. God will literally let you run off towards your sin! Not because He wants to! He's been trying to hold us back from it! But we are like squirming children, insisting upon eating glass marbles because they look like candy, or we are like teenagers, insisting that we know what's good for us! God said "NO!" He knows it's hard, and has been teaching you, but school isn't over yet! Don't stop going to school with God now! Don't stop reading the scripture here! Keep reading! Don't stop going to church! God IS delivering you!!! In this present moment, He is the surgeon operating on this cancer! Don't walk out of the operating room now!
No God dose not make mistakes. But creation has been tainted by sin. Through history there have always been birth defects. A wide range of them I might add. What most have not considered that gender dysphoria might be a birth defect? Most people who have it and are transgender will tell you that they have felt this way senses a bought the age of 4 or 5. They never just chose to be transgender. They have simply always have been. It looks like they just chose it to the outside world, because the person suffering from gender dysphoria has spent there life trying to hide it. Tring to please parents or other people around them. So to the out side world it looks like one Monday morning Joe woke up and said, hay I want to be Jill. Trust me that's not how it works. In most cases, when some comes out and says hay I'm transgender, They have suffered to the point where they earther come out and tell people or they commit suicide. The pain that is associated with gender dysphoria is best understood as the same pain you feel when you just found out one of your parents has just passed away. Could you handle getting hit by that 1 or 3 times or more a day? Back to the birth defect thing. What if gender dysphoria is a birth defect? Did you know that all humans are conceived as female? Then depending on witch hormones are in great levels, the fetus becomes male or stays female. But what if God made a soul female and the body developed as a male or vise versa? We really do not know where Gods hands on control of the developing fetus is turned over to auto control. It is during this auto control where birth defects begin. looking at the large amount of possible birth defects that are known to exist, It would appear that God turns on the auto pilot just after he interduces the spark of life. Jesus may have eluded to this in Matthew 19:12 - English Standard Version 12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” Please pay attention to " For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth ". Here Jesus is describing a birth defect. I hope this helps you to better understand.
Its nowhere in the Bible they're always quoting for their hate so now they put words into Jesus's mouth and say "God wants you to know..." yeah. right.
No offense but being a Christian transgender doesn’t really seem to make sense because if you think or feel that you were born the wrong gender, then you’re technically accusing God of making a mistake when making you the way you’re born, and this pretty much goes against the saying that God never makes mistakes.
but.. where in the bible does it say being trans is a sin? the bible never defines what a man and woman are, so if a man who was born with XX chromosomes feels he is a man in his soul, how is that a sin? if he makes the decision to medically transition, he is aligning his body to his soul. i see no sin, but becoming who your soul is.
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
The Bible actually does talk about transgenderism. Mattew 8:17 17 This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.”[a]
It remains impossible to know whether you're feeling "like" a boy or a girl, as we've no basis for that comparison. We've all only been just the one gender, so we'd have no way of knowing the difference between "feeling like" a man vs. "feeling like" a woman, or indeed if such a difference exists at all. What we *can* say is that we feel like *something* is wrong, but it's up to us to interpret that correctly, and transgenderism is not the way as it is a thoroughly incoherent worldview.
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
@@dan69052 "Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development." Even assuming this is true, A. I'm not criticizing homosexuality/bisexuality. I actually have no problem with either; it isn't an incoherent worldview, like transgenderism is. and B. Inclinations that have their origins in your prenatal development =/= inclinations you should act on. That doesn't work as an argument for why any given behavior is right or morally justified. "It is, therefore, not a choice" The feelings, the inclinations, temptations, etc. are not a choice. At least not in the beginning. How you choose to respond to them is. "Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority." Depends on what you mean by "religious authority". So far, every Christian I've heard say that homosexuality is wrong has used the bible to back them up. You might have good arguments as to why they've wrongly interpreted the bible or something, but the point is they didn't just decide being gay was wrong because the pope or their pastor said so. But again, my comment was about the incoherence of modern gender theory (e.g., transgenderism), not about homosexuality.
Would that logic work to reasonably hold any other person from the medical care they needed?...should people not seek hearing aids, prosthetics, insulin, glasses, medicine, therapy...should they just put their hope in the gospel instead of altering their bodies with all that unnatural medical care?..that is truly a "unique" interpretation of compassion.
@@TheRedAirOn Exactly. You aren't going to die if you don't see a doctor to transition. You're not even going to get sick because of it. You'll just continue living.
I don't do things that I think are wrong. Speak for yourself. I have morals and personal standards. As a society we agree that rape is harmful and we remove those that cause said harm from society when caught.... (except for when religion protects them.....) SOME people may be sociopaths or "broken" in some manner of the word. But to pretend that every human in the world is a Hitler is just shameful and wrong. There is a reason Hitler is your go to man for an example of evil, its because we (the moral majority) are NOT like Hitler.
@@snuffywuffykiss1522 You really don't do things that you think are wrong? Everything you've ever done is right? I simply don't believe that you're perfect and I am incrdedulous that you actually think you are.
This idea just isn’t regarding LGBT people, we are all broken and fall short to God’s glory I identify as non binary but I am going to try my best to submit my anxiety’s and self hatred to God He created me and you, he knows best Please don’t turn your back against God. When we truly seek him he will come to us
These Churches can dress up their tolerance as much as they like. But the bottom line is that the Bible that its based upon condemns it. As a Transgender woman, IU shoud be stoned to death according to mosaic law. I was dragged up a Christian when i was in my early teens and the dysphoria I had was shamed out of me so much that i didnt even get a chance to earn what it was. All i knew was that I was "Inadequate" and spent a great deal of my ife hating myself. It took me til my early 30s to even look into gender and possibilities as it was a No Go in my family's eyes. For about a decade I started to learn that I showed all the symptoms of a Transgender woman but was scared to admit so as i knew i would be abandoned by my "Good Christian" family who have plenty to say when condemning people but not so much to say whilst being questioned on something they don't have a pre written script for an answer. Anyway, after 3 suicide attempts, i decided enough was enough and it was time to start living as my true self. Suddenly i was so much more acquainted with myself and my own ways which i had previously hated for so long. This however has cost me my family. But it was either that or my life. I think Christianity is a despicable thing that bullies' people into believing that we are "sinners" before we are even born. This teaching should be banned. Its elders and leaders aught to be tried for all sorts of heinous crimes including murder,, bullying, destroying families and mental torture amongst many more. At the present, I am currently living in a tent in the freezing cold whilst my "Good Christian" family live only 3 miles away but wont even offer me a bed on their floor because I'm Trans. Loving God huh? Its child abuse to raise children in any religion. It instills fear and guilt I have no guilt. Jesus didn't die for my sins He was executed for robbing the temple You also sound so far from reality. Being Transgender is far more than just dysphoria. Its your whole DNA make up. People have been Transsexual for millennia as long as humans have existed. Even the book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy talk about "Men dressing as women" so acknowledges the fact that it was an issue. The only problem is that the bible was written by homophobic and Transphobic control freaks I don't need a book to tell that what Christians are doing to people is wrong. The only reason the Christians don't condemn so much now, is to keep numbers up A hundred years ago, you were murdering us, and still are in many countries today A despicable religion
the thing is the bible never condemns trans people in any way. the only things that say something about gender only go over gender roles. in short terms, the idea that a woman should no act as a man and vice versa. the idea that this would indicate that a trans woman is sinning because she has to act as a man is hearsay. especially with modern knowledge showing us that being trans isn't acting as a gender but being that gender at a base identity level these scriptures take on a whole new meaning. for is someone is a man in his identity, does the bible not say he has to not act as if he is a woman. it is not the bible that teaches these hateful things, it is the leaders who are taking the word of god and twisting them to fit what they want. they are no longer being led by his words but rather using them to inflict suffering. be rest assured that it is not the bible and word of god but the despicableness of humans using it to hurt. god does not want you to suffer as you have and are. he frowns upon the actions people have taken against you in his name. and these people should indeed be prosecuted for these actions. they can't twist the word of the of god and then blame him for their misuse.
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
@@supportmarxism4072 No. I don't believe we should be following the Mosaic laws at all. The goal is "do no harm" because love does no harm to a neighbor and God is love.
@@jatwangismyname900 Romans 13:8-10 would suggest the commandments can be fulfilled by simply showing love - real love. There is nothing easier and nothing harder.
I found Jesus (or more correctly: he found me) through my transition. 50 years ago. Do I have to undo my transition now? This is not medically possible. Do I have to break away from my husband, daughter and granddaughters now? Am I going to hell now? Unfortunately, I love Jesus with all my heart. I live for jesus. Not a day goes by that I don't spend time with him. I tell everyone about the love of Jesus. But what good is that to me? Transgender people go to hell.
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
Basically its an assumingly clever way to loophole a transgender person from transitioning, without sounding like your against it. And then saying Christ is the way, just dont have the procedure. Its not compassion, its a cop-out!
@@TheRedAirOn Utter ignorance! So if a baby with Spina bifida is in need of "drastic changes" do we just let them suffer or die ? If you needed surgery for cancer, would that be beautiful too, or would it be better to have some "drastic changes" to survive? People like yourself should educate yourself before making such ignorant statements. ( Go look up the meaning of gender dysphoria and educate yourself!)
I'm a born again Christian and we all are sinners and was raised my a strong Christian mother that we should not judge not pray for them and counsel to them and break them down. They are clearly dealing with a lot of confusion and affliction. Just have more humility and be a little softer.
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
God recognized this, and caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep. He then took one of Adam's ribs from him, which he fashioned into a woman, who was called Eve (Genesis 2:21-22) The only transgender story in the bible. God took man material and transgendered it into female material. This was done by God. There is no other story of a man being converted to a woman, or a woman converted to man in all of the biblical texts. The apostle Paul wrote "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or female , for you are all one in Christ" Christ doesn't care about what is between your legs or what gender you are. Lastly first words in the bible in Hebrew are Bereshit Bara Elohim = In the beginning God creates zohar reads "In wisdom Elohim creates.... Elohim is a hebrew word The root of El is Hebrew for God and masculine the feminine form of El is "eloah", which means goddess. Elohim is plural, thus meaning Gods and Goddessess , male and female . God is actually established in the first three words of the bible as being both male and female. So if God was both genders If adam was created in the likeness of God and more than likely both genders If Jesus's own words say that male and female and gender is not of importance then anything any Christian offers up as anti-trans is just simply opinionated hate The Bible is not ant-transgender People inject things into the bible that aren't even there. Rapture for instance is a word never written into the bible, it was never even discussed until the 1800s because that's when it was created out of thin air. The verse it refers to simply says in the end days the living shall be called up with the dead, that's it. It doesn't say magically evaporate, or star trek get beamed up. the only way off this rock is death, so of coarse in the end when everyone die in mass , the living will die, and be called up with those who have already died. Doesn't sound as rosey does it? The word pope doesn't exist in all of biblical texts either. I just wish people especially Christians weren't so blind to what the bible truly says and means. I wish they didn't sit in front of a preacher every sunday to hear the bible read then to hear an opinionated fool interpret what God Truly means as if the creator of the universe was too dumb to write it down exactly as it was meant. There is no anti-trans biblical texts. Period. End of story. Things that can physically cause the brain to develop during the second trimester as a sex different than the body are as follows DES exposure in the womb Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia aromotase excess or deficiency klienefelter syndrome De Le Chapelle syndrome PCOS androgen insensitivity syndrome exposure to prenatal estrogens or androgens ( all these birth control hormones etc, hrt or just naturally produced by the mother endocrine receptor sensitivity variance neuroanatomical structural differences to name just a few that would affect the mind or brain creating a brain structure that doesn't align with the genital sex seen and given at birth. Gene variants within the transgender brain show clear biomarker differences, meaning they have a brain structure opposite of their biological birth assigned sex. @t Trans people are not a sin, anymore than down syndrome kids, or autistic children and yes there are mixtures of the two genders in nature. It happens all the time it's more clear than transgender issues of the mind whenver it deals with genitals and intersex but we are told that these people don't count, it's rare so doesnt matter guess what transgender is rare as well. I'd be really careful judging transgender people too harshly, they may be closer to God than you think. You know the last thing that bothers me? 1 in 3 women are raped or molested in their lifetimes. Do you realize what huge percentage of the population that is? It's not happening in a vacuum . If there is rape there are rapists how about rape, human trafficking, and protecting the women. Protecting them from heterosexual males ? Oh that's right, males run the church, the church body, wrote the book. Transgender people are less than 1% of the population.
I don't get how the first part of your comment is transgender. Adam was still male. A rib has no gender (not that I know there's a difference). He transformed a rib. And I thought God has no gender (or at least is more on the male side, if we speak in gender).
@@rydrakeesperanza5370 Every cell in your body has your entire DNA., which includes your gender. If you are male, you would have _male_ DNA. If you are male, your rib has male DNA. So, God started with male DNA from Adam's rib and fashioned a woman (called Eve). This would make Eve a transgender woman.
Jesus came to fulfill the laws. If you are saved, why do you build them back up? (Gal 2) Love does no harm to a neighbor therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. (Rom 13) I am transitioning. As Jesus did, I am destroying this temple and rebuilding it in the image God imprinted on my heart and mind. My body is born of sin and twisted by sin. That is NOT my true image. Before my changes I was chained to my body, living in fear, and projecting the lie that my body defines me. I was literally a hypocrite! In my changes I have found freedom and joy and love beyond measure. Fear has no hold on me, except the fear of God.
@@nautikient2151 Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I believe Jesus is the son of God. He died for my sins, was buried, and rose again on the 3rd day. He is the Living God. We are righteous by faith. But what is faith without deeds? That's why I don't understand Christians. They should be bringing the LGBTQI+ community to God first. "Come as you are." Instead they judge and condemn first. The result is they push us into the darkness. And for those of us that do believe, many Christians work hard to make us doubt our faith. They undermine righteousness with accusations and demands they would never follow themselves. But my faith stands on it's own. I no longer depend on the Church to define my faith. That way the most anyone can ever do is make me doubt myself for a day.
I think that "Brokenness" is the key. I befriended a transgender person and her feeling was that there was nothing wrong with her other than he believed honestly that he was born in the wrong body. She had a difficult time accepts God or believing in God. And I had no real answer as to why that is. I had a big challenge navigating this issue in that the bible never discussed this issue. Honestly had no answer.
@@tiawouldntwannabeeya3788 Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters. Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 corinthians 6:8-10
Jesus said that whoever is his disciple will know the truth, and the truth will make people FREE. It is all a matter of truth. He said that and that we need to deny ourselves even. I don't know if your a Christian or not, but if not know that Christ came to save people like you; if your a Christian already you need to first pray to God and talk about this all at the throne, then go and search for the truth. I hope this helps a little, I can't refuse someone who needs help.
@@isaiahjones4500 The truth is the transgender community only finds freedom when we treat our severely crippling condition: gender dysphoria. Yes, deny ourselves those things that lead to sin, not those things that make us healthy and whole. Yes, turn to God. Turn to Jesus. And realize that God's healing comes through us, not in spite of us. So turn to those that are trained and truly help. Listen and pray then act. I waited for over 30 years and nothing happened until I started to act.
@@isaiahjones4500 We're not talking about works. We're talking about health. But if it matters to you, my works are many and God gets the glory. That does nothing to stop the insanely painful gender dysphoria. And if it's wrong for me to be healthy, why should you or anyone else seek medical help? That's the definition of hypocrisy.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, NOR EFFEMINATE , nor abusers of themselves with mankind,” 1 Corinthians 6:9 KJV
Before christs time several culturals had third gender, people Gali, Galli/Gallus, Enaree of scythia. All of these and more existed pre christs birth. Christ speaks of Eunuchs being allowed to join the church. The type of people listed about were seen as eunuchs by society. So to me as a transgender women it means that christ/gods love includes me. But many people keep saying I have to stop being feminine. I cannot help who I am. But I love god all the same. I think that what hurts to most is when people call me sinful for existing. When jesus never says eunuch people are sinful. Our bodies are imperfect, we all suffer differently.
For once there is a Christian who is nice about trans. I am a trans woman, but I must say we all have these crosses to bear in life. I am an epileptic 500 years ago I was stoned because Christians thought I was possessed when I had a seizure. We look at medical science now and it tells us much but Christians really get freaked out about gender.
@@supportmarxism4072 Jesus never said people couldn't change their gender because there was no need for that. If that is evidence for you to take an action. That's your concern. Jesus only recognized two genders and had no knowledge of the concept of gender fluidity or any modern woke terms
@@supportmarxism4072 because Jesus gave us freedom from dying in the cross. Also, the reason we shouldn't be trans is because you should love yourself for who you are. Being trans is saying that you hate yourself because you were born a certain gender. It's like wanting to be transformed from a human to an animal
This is only my opinion but I feel based upon the Bible I could say, I don’t believe trans could/should believe in God. The main reason would be that if you believed in a all loving God, than why would this God place you within the wrong body making your life bad? just by saying your body isn’t right is insinuating that God didn’t get it right or god didn’t care enough to do so.
I think the key dividing line Im hearing in the Trans-allied church is the place of the Fall in our understanding. This narrative begins from the brokenness of creation; whereas there are others who begin from the diversity and mystery of creation. Im not aure if they are mutualy exclusive, I only have a MTh!!! But thats where I think we need to take the theological discussion. X
I was hoping for Bible Context ? What book ? What Chapter ? What verse ? This kind of 'I believe it's this' attitude that leads to corruption in the first place. If your doctrine can speak it'll just go what am I chopped liver ? What popular and what's right are VERY different things . Religion bodies pandering to a spiralling mindset populace is a concerning thing . Religion is the guide not the other way around .
I can't offer any specific verses but they are not too hard to find by googling. what I can tell you is that the versus used to condemn trans people only ever speak of not acting to be a man when you are not and vice versa. it says nothing about what makes someone said gender, and with what we know today about gender identity the bible more likely condemns forcing trans people to conform to their sex
These are the words of a real Christian: thank you for receiving my apology. I know that with God anything is possible, but I'm also not going to pretend like I know what gender dysphoria is like. I hope that everything turns out well for you, and I'll be sure to keep you in prayer as well. Again, sorry if I sounded a little hypocritical. With that, may the Lord Jesus strengthen you - Isaiah Jones There are no demands, no rules, no declarations of truth. He shows love without reservation or limit. This is how Jesus wants us all to be. Nor does he say he agrees with anything. It's not his place to judge. And in doing this simple thing he encourages others to learn more about God. He encourages us to find our unique path and walk with Jesus. (The gate may be narrow but there are many paths that lead to it.)
I showed this to a friend of mine who is a cancer patient. They are now considering ending their treatments. I mean, they do love living in this beautiful world that the Lord has created, but after watching this video they’ve become convinced that they should embrace their own body’s imperfections and turn to the perfection of Christ. Personally, I believe in the sanctity of life, but after all, cancer comes from imperfections within and we are not perfect! Eh?
Anytime a eunuch was mentioned in the bible it was a fancy bible term for a transsexual woman. Mathew 19:4-12 For intersexed people John 9:3-7 More support 1 Corinthians 11:11-12 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 New International Version Let he or she without sin cast the first stone...
God took the DNA from Adam's rib to create Eve. So, Eve was initially male and was "fashioned" into a woman. Therefore, Eve was the first transgender woman .
I'm both male and female so what clothing should I wear? Lev 19:19 Deu 4:2 - do you follow ALL the laws? Where does it give anyone permission to dismiss some of the laws? If you can dismiss some, why do ANY apply?
Neither male nor female jew nor greek slave nor free you are all one in christ. 5 holy piercings the pierced ribs. Jesus loves you and being trans is in the glory of that cross. Mathew 19:4-12 1 Corinthians 11:12 N.I.V.
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
@@beccamakela2014 You can make the same argument for cancer. Do you tell them to stop being treated and just let God heal them? I know the change Jesus provides. I've felt it. I own it. He changed my heart so that I desire Him. God doesn't give us a new personality. He only affects the heart.
@@beccamakela2014 What treatment are psychologists not allowed to use? 1. Talk therapy isn't a treatment, just a stop-gap measure. 2. Conversion/reparative therapy is largely illegal because most use barbaric torture techniques that cause severe trauma, the success rate is abysmal and cases of attempted suicide increase significantly. That's not an option. 3. Belief in God is good, but it's extremely rare for God to heal directly - as with cancer patients. 4. Ignoring the only remaining treatment is foolish. Especially when you consider the success rate is upwards of 98%. 5. Some places are STILL using electroshock therapy. _Please watch your claims._ Social groups don't dictate medical treatments. Professionals can and do use many tools to help cope with gender dysphoria and the treatment isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. *Swedish Studies:* 1. Why does the treatment for gender dysphoria also have to treat depression? Do we tell chronic pain sufferers their pain medication doesn't work because too many patients still attempt suicide? 2. If you READ the only study talking of suicide, they state SRS is a successful treatment for gender dysphoria (but more follow-up psych care is needed) AND the data cannot be used to determine the effectiveness of transitioning. _Again, please be careful of what you claim._ You're echoing the twisted half-truths of hateful extremist Christians. *Christ transforms.* 1. Yes. If you haven't experienced it then I recommend a 3-day (or 4-day) Christian retreat. Christ transforms ALL people. 2. Jesus transforms the heart. We are reborn in spirit. He doesn't give us a new personality. He doesn't fix the body. 3. Gender dysphoria IS NOT A BEHAVIOR TO CORRECT. It's a conflict between body and mind. It tortures the mind until treated. *I use to fight, argue and just be an angry prideful person* Are you sure you've changed? You are stubbornly fighting me and arguing against my experience and education. *it all depends on your faith.* My faith is so strong that I've been visited by Jesus in a vision more than once. My faith is so strong I depend on God nearly every day for food and shelter - and He's never let me down. My faith is so strong God heals people through me. My hands are a gift and I give all praise to God. [Edit: removed unnecessary and inflammatory statement.]
@@beccamakela2014 Sorry. I removed that remark. It was unhelpful and mean. I was and am saved by Jesus. But He will not take my gender dysphoria from me. I tried for years with the help of clergy and scores of believers. I pushed myself to pretend I am my body. And it destroyed my mind, sucked all light from my heart, shredded my soul then killed my body. God saved me. He brought me back to life and pulled my soul out of a place call Oblivion. (You've never known terror until you've visited oblivion.) Satan wouldn't do that - I was already in hell. So when I could think straight I realized God left me a message: TRANSITION OR DIE. Since then God has blessed me all the more. Better still, I can hear him again. I can finally say I know what LOVE is, what it really feels like to share it with others. God expects us to treat each other the best we can with the best tools we have available.
@@beccamakela2014 I am someone who is still going through gender confusion ( or dysphoria ) for about 10 years. I'm not sure why God would allow this to happen. I don't know what other way I can 'cure' it. The media says transitioning is the only way. But I read my Bible, pray to solve this out someway and nothings working. But I know that if I transition it's not going to work either. So what do I do?
@@sweetpotatoes9882 If I may offer advice: Tackle your problems 1 at a time. Start with your biggest issue and seek help to fix it. Do NOT look for tomorrow's consequences or possible trouble. Those will be worked out in due time. Do NOT look to religion to answer medical problems. Sorry, it doesn't work. Most of all: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP. If you need help or advice, please ask. I don't have all the answers but I can share what I've learned. I wish you a CLEAR mind, a PEACEFUL heart and a HEALTHY body.
This is exactly why I left Christianity. Christians are the most compassionate people on Earth? Then why do so many Christians identify as republicans even though they are the literal opposite of loving? Believing in Jesus can magically fix any issue? Oh please, if that was the case there would be almost 0 homeless people and gender dysphoria wouldn't even be a thing. I used to be a Christian and after deconverting and transitioning from male to female, I have never been happier in my entire life until now.
Magic is a delusion from satan who is a liar, miracle belongs to God, as He is a miracle God and miracle-working with nothing but truths. Christians have many different ages and levels, baby Christians, toddler Christians, primary or secondary Christians, college or university Christians, PHD or professional Christians... so on and so forth mature and immature ones. If we are mature born-again Christians who have a solid foundation in our relationship with God, we would never fall away like standing on sinking sand. So search deep your conscience if you truly have a relationship with God or not. If you have a strong and truthful relationship with your spouse, you would never leave him/her or divorce her/him...
I struggle with my Christianity. I know transitioning is good and necessary, yet I know Jesus is real. I see transitioning as a calling, just like Jonah's calling to go to Nineveh. The longer we ignore that calling the worse life becomes and the more turbulence everyone around us feels. And when we give-in and accept the change we gain a deeper love and throw off the chains that bind us - just as Jesus promised. I've been touched by Jesus. I've felt His love and warmth. And so I look at the masses of "Christians" who talk of love and act with disdain as the masses that take the wide road that leads to damnation. Those who accept, who love without condition and let God judge are those that are saved. It's sad to realize how few real followers Jesus has. I pray you can hold on to Jesus even if Christians drive you away. But I don't blame you nor judge you for whatever path you choose.
God is a powerful God. He can do the impossible, the very things we thought are already dead end. God can heal, He can change and transform hearts. God may use doctors and medicines to heal peoole but God still does muraculous healings to this day. If God calls us to Him, He'll put in our hearts the desire to follow His commands, obey His laws. GOD is the one who sanctifies. God will not leave us doing the very things He despises. The fruit of salvation is obedience to God. So to any one God calls to Him and is struggling with homosexuality/ has a tendency to be attracted with same gender cling to God, pray, read your Bible, ask God for help, ask God to teach you to genuinely repent and turn back from your sins. Join a Bible preaching, Bible -saturated church. God is the one who heals. God is real.
@@biruss mabye thats because not everybody tries it or just doesn't accept the Bible. We didnt say we are praying the gay away, just that we are trying to help them
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
you all offer us nothing. the best i can do is be single and stay in solitude. no christian is worth any of these discussions. you all have proven that for decades. i just want to die in peace.
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
Deu_22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. Lev_20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Lev_18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Very Very few sins are called an "Abomination".. adultery is not, drunkenness is not.. Lying is not... but these are....
Deu 22:5 is a paradox for me. I am both man and woman. So I either sin in body or I sin in heart. Lev 20:13 and Lev 18:22 are also a paradox. When I lay with a woman my body does not sin but my heart does. If I lay with a man my body sins but my heart doesn't. So I'm an abomination every which way... and yet God still love me. Back at ya... Lev 19:19 You are to keep My statutes. You must not crossbreed two different kinds of your livestock, sow your fields with two kinds of seed, or put on a garment made of two kinds of material. How much of your clothing is a weave of 2 materials? The old laws were flawed, imperfect for they only condemn. That's why Jesus had to come. He died to fulfill the laws. Thus if we are in Him and He in us, then we are also fulfilling the laws. Love is the fulfillment of the laws. Thus Love does no harm to a neighbor.
Just see her as a woman, that is what she is, it’s no difference from dating any girl, except she was born with the wrong genitalia. By showing you’d date her even though she’s trans is showing that you don’t have any ignorance and are accepting of every human, your religion does stand for that i believe. i say you should tell her that you like her or something, even if it goes against what other people say.
God is not the author of confusion. He made woman for man only. If you want to please God, then you’ll keep his commandments. And if that’s the case then unfortunately it is simple to pursue that relationship. If I were you I would pray to God about it, to seek his help to understand your feelings and process what that means In regards to your relationship with him.
Polinico 2 almost certainly. However, we have to be extremely careful when approaching this issue and cannot simply write it off as the work of evil spirits. Like the speaker said, the issue lies within our own fallen flesh, and only Christ can expose and transform our understanding of it. When it comes to evil spirits, an almost scientific approach must be taken to find out if that is part of the issue. It cannot be the first assumption and cannot be taken lightly.
Blaming things and events on spirits is futile and misleading for a true understanding to solving mysteries. You can't combat problems with magic, relics, crystals, beads or holy water. Facing reality takes courage with true and honest support from respected individuals.
Guys we don't fight against flesh and blood remember? Why would Paul tell us we fight agaisnt the prince of the air and principalities... if we deny their existence and work on the earth how are we suppose to fight them? Didn't Jesus cast out evil spirits and told us those who come in my name will cast out evil spirits? If they were at work 2000 years ago imagine now that we are in the end times. I'm not saying that the sexual identity crisis is to blame evil spirits because WE are the sinners that sin agaisnt God but I say we must not ignore Satans devices and see the works of the devil and his plans and pray agaisnt them.
My Jesus is equally feminine and masculine; equally male and female. My Jesus is sexually attractive and active. My Jesus is alive and human. My Jesus is available sexually to all. My Jesus loves unconditionally. 💜🕉☯️✡️✝️☪️
This answer is crap! I'm a believer, and I understand the disconnect between Jesus body and taking on sin. All it does is make it relatable to transgendered people. Thank God for medicine to assist in a transition, it's most likely even a gift.
@@z018246 GOD doesn't want people to change the body that HE created for them. He loves you ❤️ people keep putting their own feelings above the will of GOD. Satan lies.
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
I’m ftm, born and raised by Christian family, my everyday prayer goes like “Dear god, although I’m an abomination, thank you for allowing me to live and see another day.” I love god and Jesus no matter what
God says “if you love me, you’ll keep my commandments” John 14:15. I used to have gender dysphoria and I’m an ex homosexual, but I came to God just as I was and he opened my eyes to my sinful past and renewed me. There is hope for you. Repent, meaning turn from your sins perpetually, and trust alone in Jesus. Man will disappoint you and deceive you. The end days are coming, and I want to see you in heaven. My prayers are with you, 🙏🏻❤️
Your right, he's not transgender. He does however, in his own words, struggle with same-sex attraction and entire life, but has remained celibate. Walt Heyer was a transgender for 8 years, who also speaks regarding this.
Did this idiots SAYS that his UNDERSTANDING of creation give him a special insight. MORE CHRISTIAN CRAP. They UNDERSTAND NOTHING. The solution is JESUS. WHEN WILL THESE MORONS WAKE UP?
Is Jesus the WHOLE answer? If someone is diagnosed with cancer, do we turn only to Jesus? If your child is born with a hole in his heart that will significantly shorten his life, do we turn only to Jesus? We turn to Jesus and we _also_ turn to each other, help each other with the talents God gives us in Jesus name. FAR more healing comes _through us_ than directly _to us._ That is the power of LOVE. Jesus doesn't command us to wait for Him. He commands us to go out and give blessings in His name. Give to others first those things God gives to us. If it is received leave knowing you healed and did good. If not, shake the dust from your clothes and continue. In doing this God blesses us. In giving we are given. In loving we are loved. In healing we are healed.
Im going to say one word that everyone forgets to take into account! If almighty God and his high and mighty flock doesn't like the Trans community so much how do we explain and the HERMAPHRODITES??? Also if there is a God, what's the crack with chocolate killing dogs???
What do animals have to do with that? I mean, I've heard that for humans certain mutations do not lead to real hermaphroditism, so I don't understand what animals have to do with humans here 🤔 And if your referring to sukzedanzhermaphroditism/ consecutive hermaphroditism I don't understand either because that's something different (natural, functional, transformation I normal etc.)
To all those who believe that you're following your heart by transitioning. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"Jeremiah 17:9, KJV
It's not following. It's fixing. The body and mind are 2 completely different people. One is male, the other female. This creates a conflict that works like slow torture. It never stops until treat it. It just so happens there's only 1 treatment shown to work consistently. And that's what people find offensive or wrong. Yes, the heart can be deceitful until we are changed by Jesus. He gives us a new heart, one that desires Him. The more we practice opening ourselves to love and sharing it with others the harder it is for Satan and his minions to introduce sin.
@@sonorouspiano2225 The Bible discourages people being mentally healthy? It discourages loving yourself so that "love thy neighbor" actually makes sense? It discourages changing the body so the heart is open fully to God? Because without treatment living with gender dysphoria means despising yourself and hiding your heart and pretending to be what you are not (the very definition of hypocrite!)
What’s the point in turning to fictional non Existent characters for Help to change your life You might as well turn To your door handle For help Newsflash Jesus is a Fictional character in A ancient book of fairy Tales Human life isn’t worthless we assign Our own meaning to life Carry on with your delusions.
It's a perfect math if you ask me. Both people believe in fairy-tales and both are tolerated because people with a actual brain have don't wanna debate with ignorant people and wasted there time. There are more important things to do then wasting time on mental insane people that don''t are grateful for the gift of life in the first place.
As a christian father with 2 of my 4 sons coming out as transgender I have struggled a bit with this. There’s no doubt that I love all my kids the same or that I totally respect them, but the why and how has caused me some torment. But I prayed for wisdom and I got an answer. God has for quite some time spoken with me about gender in another question and have made it very clear that sex and gender has a spiritual part. Everything begins in the spirit. An argument I often hear from other christians is that “God makes no mistakes”. And I wholeheartedly agree with this. God makes no mistakes but we do! We have filled our world with hormone disrupting chemicals and that affect our bodies in many ways. It’s a pretty small switch that decides if a body is born male or female. It can get wrong. People with gender dysphoria don’t have something psychologically wrong with them that makes them think they have another sex. They have been given the wrong sex of their body, so it does not match their spiritual sex, because we have messed up the world! It’s our mistake not Gods fault or perfect plan. Thanks to science this can be corrected but it’s far from a perfect solution for the people who has been affected by this.
No God dose not make mistakes. But creation has been tainted by sin. Through history there have always been birth defects. A wide range of them I might add. What most have not considered that gender dysphoria might be a birth defect? Most people who have it and are transgender will tell you that they have felt this way senses a bought the age of 4 or 5. They never just chose to be transgender. They have simply always have been. It looks like they just chose it to the outside world, because the person suffering from gender dysphoria has spent there life trying to hide it. Tring to please parents or other people around them. So to the out side world it looks like one Monday morning Joe woke up and said, hay I want to be Jill. Trust me that's not how it works. In most cases, when some comes out and says hay I'm transgender, They have suffered to the point where they earther come out and tell people or they commit suicide. The pain that is associated with gender dysphoria is best understood as the same pain you feel when you just found out one of your parents has just passed away. Could you handle getting hit by that 1 or 3 times or more a day? Back to the birth defect thing. What if gender dysphoria is a birth defect? Did you know that all humans are conceived as female? Then depending on witch hormones are in great levels, the fetus becomes male or stays female. But what if God made a soul female and the body developed as a male or vise versa? We really do not know where Gods hands on control of the developing fetus is turned over to auto control. It is during this auto control where birth defects begin. looking at the large amount of possible birth defects that are known to exist, It would appear that God turns on the auto pilot just after he interduces the spark of life. Jesus may have eluded to this in Matthew 19:12 - English Standard Version 12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” Please pay attention to " For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth ". Here Jesus is describing a birth defect. I hope this helps you to better understand.
Our body is a suit here on earth, it’s our spirit that will go to heaven. That’s what I believe. He loves us all.❤
love and blessings to you, brother in Christ. i asked God to lead me to my answer and i found it in your comment, i've been struggling in wondering how i can possibly go to Heaven being transgender if im technically living in sin 24/7 but your comment has given me a new perspective on things. God doesn't hate me, he just has the sin that affects me and many other transgender people and he hates the suffering and the torment. but i just need to look past my own human fears/questions and just trust in Jesus Christ and know that he loves my soul, not my earthly body because this body isn't me, it's just a temporary shell. thank you brother for your encouraging comment, i hope you have a blessed day
Can you simplify more what u mean on this.
@@Zionmatthuw I don’t claim to be right or an authority on this question. I’m still struggling with the question if the answer I’ve been given is indeed from the Lord or just sign of my own hopes and fears. But to put it simply: in Genesis 1:27 it says ”So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” That means that sex has a spiritual part, it’s not just the body. We have seriously messed up this world and many things happens that is not the will of God. Children are born with cancer or blind, that’s not the will of God. That’s our doing. We have filled our world with hormone disturbing chemicals. I think It’s possible that a girl being born end up with the body of a boy because of these things. Pray about that and don’t take my word for it.
I'm sorry I've just got some questions after watching this, are you saying that Jesus magically makes issues go away? To ignore your issues and just believe Jesus magically makes them go away?
That's not a healthy way of dealing with issues, any issues, especially trans issues, pretending your issues are magically solved doesn't actually solve them, personally I disagree with this idea very much, by all means you can believe in God and Jesus, but don't ignore issues you have and face, instead face them with God and Jesus by your side, God helps those who help themselves, he doesn't magically just cure you, you must seek the cure that works and God will help you through it, God is the support you need for dealing with issue, not a cure to your issues.
Hi ToxiAudri. Read your question for Mr. Allberry and thought I'd try to give an answer. Your question was something like, is he saying God makes issues like gender dysphoria magically go away?
I think the answer is no. I don't think that's what he said at all. I think he was saying Christianity is relevant to a person who experiences gender dysphoria and that Christianity provides answers as to why people experience such deep dysphoria and that it provides meaning and strong hope .
Also, at the end you said God is support in finding the cure not the cure itself. I agree God supports us but fundamentally I am convinced he is also the cure. Not in a wave the wond and fix all my issues way but in a He's the ultimate purpose for my existence and I can live with all my issues and still have meaning and purpose because I am His and He he will make me whole and integrated in the end even if not fully in this life kind of way.
Joshua Owens, god helps those who help themselves, he isn't the cure, we always have to seek the cure ourselves, this idea that god is a cure is dangerous thinking that has allowed antivaxers to exist, has allowed faith healing to continue despite all evidence that is simply doesn't work and all you are doing is increasing the risk of your betting your life on the issue you're afflicted with, god didn't cure smallpox, it was a plague on humanity for decades, one that people just had to deal with, they often died because of it, until medicine was developed to combat it, it's currently considered to be eradicated because someone developed a sort of cure, it wasn't god, it was a man, god may have worked through this man, but he didn't just cure it.
Now the idea that god makes life worthwhile isn't a bad thing persay, but there are faults with that type of thinking to my mind if that's the only reason life is worthwhile, if one day it was proven somehow that it was all made up that god was a fictional character created for people to take power through religious methods, does that mean your life is and was without purpose? Personally I say no, my life has meaning, value, and purpose even without god, I like to think that perhaps god inspires people to be good, and that for us to have perspective on what is good, evil has to exist to give us that perspective, to bring out the good in peoples hearts, everyday the struggle against evils like cancer plague humanity, but through that evil it unites people to combat it, to seek a cure for it, but it also divides people in other ways that we don't often consider, those with darker hearts that take pleasure and delight in the suffering of others, which means that god shows us a path, it's up to us to take it, and I don't believe that such paths that don't align with what the bible has to say are wrong, the bible was never honestly meant to be a guide for how to live, but rather a way to show what's in a persons heart, what evils they are willing to excuse because they are told those evils are justified.
No in all honesty here I feel this man is teaching a false message, one that's intended to divide people on illnesses they have or don't have, to make those illnesses worse through possibly good intentioned people being misinformed as to what the real issue actually is, much like what was done with gay people for so many century's, while it's true this man here could be just as misinformed, it's also just as possible he knows full what what he's saying is wrong and leading sheep to the slaughter, justifying evil and getting others to follow him down a dark road.
Honestly if you really stop to think about it in the context of religious ideology god vs satan, it would make perfect sense for satan to use the bible to lead others astray, to gather more souls for hell, to promise people power and wealth in return for souls, and what's a good way for these people to deliver such souls to satan? though deception, through twisting the purpose of the bible to suit the goal of leading lambs to the slaughter.
It's said in the bible actually that god will separate the goats from the sheep, I suggest you read that passage carefully.
@@ToxicAudri Hey, you said a lot so I'll just address one point I think particularly significant. You wrote about what if God was proven not to exist would my life then be meaningful, that yours still would be. I look at it very differently. I find that there is purpose and beauty in life, in my life and in other's, weather or not they are religious. The question I ask is, "why are we convinced life is meaningful, what does the nature of existence have to be for this sense of meaning to be true?" The only answer I've found to credible is that there is some transcendent, to some degree person like, first cause. We call this God.
We all experience a draw to the ground, things fall. How do we explain this? We posit an invisible force and study it's affects. We give it the name gravity though we really don't know what exactly it is even though we can study it's affects accurately. I think this an ok analogy to the experienced affects, meaning and morality, and the proposed invisible force causing the affects, God.
Life is meaningful, period. How is it possible for life to be meaningful? A transcendent meaning-giving first cause, aka God, is the only credible answer.
joshua Owens "why are we convinced life is meaningful" Because by the very definition of the word meaning, it means in this context "important or worthwhile quality; purpose." while purpose can be taken out and still provide meaning or an importance or worthwhile quality to a persons life, as an example someone who is kind to others, endures hardship, always tries to help people smile and even for a moment bring a bit of light into a seemingly dark world they live in, their life has meaning because their life was/is important to someone else, we do not have inherent value to anyone except family, sometimes not even that, but depending on people's actions, how they treat others, interact with others, value can be achieved, as an example, on the front of mental illness in dealing with depression, people who suffer from it often enter into very dark thinking, a sense of pointlessness, hopelessness, loneliness, it can lead people into taking actions to ending their own lives, but often the way this is solved is to interact with such people, present a brighter way of thinking to them, just by being there and helping them you become an important person to them, your life has a greater value then it did before you talked to them, in a nutshell being there for others is valuable to people, it's how friendships are formed, made, tested and endure, if someone isn't there for you in a time of need we often leave them behind if we know they had no real reason to not be there for us when we needed them most, they've lost value in our eyes, there friendship is meaningless to us.
"We all experience a draw to the ground" While this force is invisible, it's measurable, testable, and actually can be visualized using the right tools, gravity is impossible to visualize on a small scale, it's part of a much larger effect that we don't see from a smaller picture, it's possible to visualize this effect by expanding our scope of view, taking in the larger picture, in this case gravity works much like if you take a stretchy cloth like material and drape it over a frame, the material being unsupported within the frame is what we would call the fabric of space, placing objects in the fabric of space has a visible effect on it the fabric, it stretches and creates a lower point in the fabric, this is how gravity works, by weight the object effects the fabric, a lighter object has less of an impact on other objects around it, a heavier object will effect other objects, this is how gravity works on a large scale, we are able to understand that, on a smaller scale we see the effects, our object in this case is planet Earth, it is resting on the fabric of space, gravity works as we know it here because we are in the well of influence of it's gravity, things are drawn towards this dense object, so no, other then to say that god is a much larger force that we can't see in such a small scale, it's not a very good analogy, we cannot measure or test the effects god may or may not have on our world.
"Life is meaningful, period. How is it possible for life to be meaningful? A transcendent meaning-giving first cause, aka God, is the only credible answer." I've just explained how life can have meaning without god, how we actually as a society judge value in those we interact with, sometimes consciously sometimes subconsciously, you don't keep a horrible friend around because like it or not they have less value and less importance to you then good friends do, while the horrible friend has less value and importance to you as an individual, that doesn't mean they are without value or importance to someone else, meaning isn't derived from god, it's derived from our effects on others lives, someone who would cure cancer would be immensely important to millions with cancer, someone who doesn't cure their cancer wouldn't be important to them unless they knew the person in question directly, this is just a fact of how life works, and by extension of that, how god has designed it, because that is the test he uses to separate the goats from the sheep, those that make themselves important to others, the poor and the sick, treating them as equals, helping them when and where they can, they are regarded as sheep, those that don't help and don't make themselves important to others treat others differently for some reason because of some invented idea like being of a superior race, or that the poor are lazy, the sick are inferior genetically, etc, etc, unwilling to help others as a result even though they are able to, are all regarded as goats.
@@ToxicAudri I think we may be arguing past each other. I certainly agree that people being good is valuable and in a sense beings meaning to both their lives and those they are good to. I agree that that is the way God designed it. My point was merely that for a world where meaning is found in interaction between persons a personal first cause is the most reasonable explanation for such meaning.
Jesus👑 loves us all I can’t wait until he comes back gods bless you all whoever is reading this god bless you🙏✝️
No one:
Nobody in the universe:
Me: *please don’t be transphobic please don’t be transphobic pleases don’t be transphobic*
I feel you. I got scared watching this video cause I didn't want to hear something that would hurt....
@@xfrogs1014 hearing the truth can hurt but you should not try so hard to avoid it
@@rileybenedict1804 lmao the "truth"
@JR GAMING Facts don't care about your feelings.
@JR GAMING He's right.
I left Islam a year ago and I’ve been thinking about Christianity randomly (I’m kinda an atheist) but now I feel myself turning to Jesus - I’m transgender and ready for Christ to help me on my journey
Praise be to God! May you experience the overwhelming love of Jesus!
And may your journey fill your heart with joy and bring peace to your mind.
PLEASE be careful. There are a lot of "Christians" that will try to derail your faith. Stay strong.
If you find yourself in doubt as I have many times, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment on my channel. I'm no pastor but I am transgender and very much a follower of Christ.
I hope you reconsider and do not transition. I pray to God that you find yourself in your biological body.
@@joshuabach9009 I tried. Lord knows I tried. But I am NOT my body. My mind, my spirit are NOT my body. What you ask leads to endless conflict and death, not life. You are asking me to hide my mind and heart from the world so you don't have to be uncomfortable. I say no. I will not.
Honestly I don't understand why people don't get it. God doesn't create just the body. He also creates the mind, heart and soul. That's why each is called out when we are commanded to love Him. (Luke 10:27) The difference is the body is born into a sinful world and is distorted by sin. This is why deformities and diseases exist. Yet it's the _body_ that is most important? Forsake my mind, heart and soul for the body? I say no. It is least important.
Make the body conform to the mind as Paul did.
@@r-plattBut doesn't the bible say,"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"Jeremiah 17:9. I know our mind, thoughts, and heart are really close to us and they are all we know. But they are ultimately wicked and corrupted by sin. We need to trust in God's decision. He put you in that body and gave you a role for a reason. Transitioning would be spitting on that. My only discomfort is that you and many others are making a very bad decision.
@@joshuabach9009 Indeed. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things[k] have come." - 2 Corrinthians 5:17
God say, " I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." - Ezekiel 36:26
I've experienced gaining a new heart and mind when I attended VdC. Since then I live for Jesus. I've shed my idols. My mind seeks to worship Him daily.
Yet He left my gender dysphoria intact. I feel certain that's why Jesus came to me in a vision. He hugged me, marking me as His own so that when my GD forced me into Oblivion He could find me and save me.
I am fully convinced God wants and expects people with gender dysphoria to change their bodies. We are supposed to show the world that body, heart, mind and soul are distinct creations, that a new creation in Christ requires changes to the body just as He changes our hearts and minds.
See and when i came back to god i was given the strength to start on my path of transitioning. I was racked with pain and anxiety from trying to pretend to be a male. God told me its ok let it go I am with you no matter what. This is what hes called me to do right now. Just as when we break a bone we fix it. When we have a cancer we have it removed, hopefully. These bodily burdens let us have an understanding of christs broken crucified body, but he also loves us enough to give us the ability to correct many physical problems. It makes it much more difficult to feel gods love when we are racked with pain. With this issue or any other our job on this earth is to love everyone just as god loves us all.
Hi Trish, you took the words right out of my mouth as I am a trans woman. This guy was at least was gentle but wrong. I will respond above
Yes!!! This!
As an atheist this somehow made me feel soft and happy
I agree! I believe God looks at the heart of everyone, and I don’t think it would fulfill Him/Her/Them if we’re not being true to ourselves.
Hey. I am also transgender amd havent been back to church in years because the last church i went to was very antigay snd i ended up feeling unsafe thete. How do you find it back at church? Are they people within your church welcoming of you being transgender
Trans Christian here. I feel the safest and most comfortable at my church. I want people out there who are struggling with gender dysphoria in the context of their faith to know that they do not have to sacrifice one for the other. You can live freely and openly. It gets better. 🧡
No God dose not make mistakes. But creation has been tainted by sin. Through history there have always been birth defects. A wide range of them I might add. What most have not considered that gender dysphoria might be a birth defect? Most people who have it and are transgender will tell you that they have felt this way senses a bought the age of 4 or 5. They never just chose to be transgender. They have simply always have been. It looks like they just chose it to the outside world, because the person suffering from gender dysphoria has spent there life trying to hide it. Tring to please parents or other people around them. So to the out side world it looks like one Monday morning Joe woke up and said, hay I want to be Jill. Trust me that's not how it works. In most cases, when some comes out and says hay I'm transgender, They have suffered to the point where they earther come out and tell people or they commit suicide. The pain that is associated with gender dysphoria is best understood as the same pain you feel when you just found out one of your parents has just passed away. Could you handle getting hit by that 1 or 3 times or more a day? Back to the birth defect thing. What if gender dysphoria is a birth defect? Did you know that all humans are conceived as female? Then depending on witch hormones are in great levels, the fetus becomes male or stays female. But what if God made a soul female and the body developed as a male or vise versa? We really do not know where Gods hands on control of the developing fetus is turned over to auto control. It is during this auto control where birth defects begin. looking at the large amount of possible birth defects that are known to exist, It would appear that God turns on the auto pilot just after he interduces the spark of life. Jesus may have eluded to this in Matthew 19:12 - English Standard Version 12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” Please pay attention to " For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth ". Here Jesus is describing a birth defect. I hope this helps you to better understand.
What does Jesus offer to transgender people?
Me, being a depressed lonely dysphoric gay teen. I started loosing faith in god, starting not believing. But one day I did pray, I asked god to speak to me if he was there. The next day I watched a movie it showed how god brought a miracle, how he was there. It made me smile. Made me feel like someone was there to listen
I feel like god understands our pain, understands what we are going through. Being trans, gay, straight yes they are sins. But they are sins of love (loving someone). And if you keep your faith in Jesus and even if you don’t he still will love you.
Jesus will always love you.
Just don’t loose hope, be your best yourself if that’s what makes you happy and doesn’t stop your believing and relationship with god.
MsMarian Rogers I’m transgender and I do I love Jesus
God loves sinner but hates sin, He knows our weaknesses however it is us who sin and allow sin to separate us from Him, bcos we cannot stick to darkness and expect to see light - Jesus ...Its is our freewill of either choose darkness over light, choose serving God or serving satan, worship satan or worship God, love Him with all our heart mind and strength - the first commandment. If we love someone we will do what please them, and sacrifice for their welfare, thats why we bring our sacrifice before God which is our heart to love Him that pleases Him...
This is a great TH-cam to watch:
Any sin is a sin against God himself. There is no such thing as a "sin of love", when the first commandment is to love the LORD your God. Paul also says how we can sin against our own body. This is both.
This doesnt make sense. Yes we live in a imperfect world, we know that we do live with broken bodies.....but if a person is born with a withered arm missing are you going to say you should look to Jesus to heal your arm instead of using a prosthetic? If someone has multiple sclerosis will you tell them to look to Jesus instead of taking drugs to alleviate symptoms? In the same way you are asking people who have gender dysphoria, a recognised medical condition, to not go for treatment, but to look to Jesus. My spouse did this. Lived for 40+ years in a body that felt 'wrong' since early childhood. Trans wasnt a thing when she was growing up so she was told to stop being girly. Was made to do boy things. As she hit puberty those feelings got worse, she went to prayer ministry, was baptised, threw herself into church, football and work. As an adult got married, trained as a nurse, led worship, ran a yourh group. All the while struggling and feeling like she was living a lie. Eventually after counselling, prayer ministry, therapy, medication didnt work, , after the kids became adults and after i screamed and cried out to God to heal her, heard a very clear voice which i know was God say "let her be who she is" she sought treatment and started her transition. I dont believe being trans is a sin, anymore than being diabetic or disabled is. Jesus was found with the outcasts of his day. I believe the lgbtq people in our midst are the outcasts of our day. So do what Jesus did. Hang out with them, get to know their stories, love them.
if we all have bodily brokenness, why do we try to correct some brokenness (by use of medication, or procedures) and not others?
Alena, can you give me an example of a bodily brokenness that Christians do fix, and an example of bodily brokenness that Christians do not fix?
I've wondered about that too, as I have multiple chronic illnesses. Seeing a physiotherapist, dietitian or chiropractor has never raised any eyebrows in church, but saying I was taking ADHD medication was somehow seen as a tragedy (the real issue was the side effects, but they didn't care about that) yet I also wasn't allowed to fidget in church once I got to be an adult. I've had people tell me to my face that the reason I have allergies, or even chronic pain is that I didn't pray enough. The issue for my pain was that I'd hurt my neck and needed a physiotherapist to do some work on it.
I don't think those people really see the cause and effect of different things, they just pick one side and say it's wrong, without looking at how things are connected. The whole body is connected, and if there's something that can help, that should be a good thing. Most medications originally came from plants, and God made those plants for a reason, so I don't see the issues some people have with taking meds or transitioning, unless there is a good reason not to, like safety.
I've had gender dysphoria for almost as long as I can remember. I became a Christian at around 6 and my earliest memory of feeling like a boy internally at 7. This sense of being the other gender has remained since then, though stronger or weaker at times. I want to glorify God by accepting how he sees me as more important than how I see myself, but it's hard. Every day is a struggle. Does anyone have some tips for managing gender dysphoria without transitioning?
Im so sorry you are struggling. God sees your deepest struggles and he cares about you so much that he sent his son to die for you. I know it's scary but I would encourage you to reach out to a gospel preaching church and seek counsel and encouragement there. This is going to be a long road but it's worth it.
@@josiahcbelflower Thank you for the comfort. I've already reached out to a pastor for advice and we've had some conversations about it.
@@josiahcbelflower so you dont have any tips... is what you're saying... these little "sorry it sucks for you" comments are not helpful.
I'm in a similar spot. From personal experience, it never completely goes away. We can cling to the hope of a new body in the next life. But in this life, we have limited options.
There are three main ways to treat dysphoria. The first is behavior changes. The second is surgery and medical adjustments. The third is learning to live with (and accept) the parts we cannot change.
For Christians, most of our options fall under the third category, but a few fall under the first. Personally, I made a list of what I hated about myself, and made a list of what I could change or mitigate. Hair, clothing and exercise help a lot with category 1. "Gratitude journaling," prayer, music and scripture help with category 3.
Some days are/will be better than others. Some are worse. A lot worse. That's just part of the brokenness of this world. It sucks, but this is the hand I've been dealt.
Ultimately, we're placing our hope in the next life. Focusing on those promises get me through the day. No matter how long it is, Life and its problems are temporary.
I hope that helps.
@@Jazehiah thats extremely helpful! thank you so much im in category 3 btw!
For me just based on my experience and understanding as a child. Gender identity was never about what I felt like because I had know idea how I felt. I was into some feminine things as a kid. Barbie dolls was a big one I remember. I had lady friends and was curious about trying women's clothes but I don't know if I felt female at the time or not. I did feel a disconnect though between me being a boy and being interested in feminine things. I kept it secret from my family and just thought that I was a boy with feminine interests. My thinking has played a bigger role in my identity then my emotions ever have. From my experience the only reliable insight your feelings can give you is about how you feel. It doesn't make sense to me to trust my feelings to tell me who I am because my feelings can change at any moment.
Helpful info
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
So true.
As a trans woman who grew up with the moral of a christian, my heart warms with your words. You're right, Christians are supposed to be the most understandable and open people, I wished more so called "christians" held this standard, and didn't get so possessed with anger, bitterness and bigotry to what they oppose.
As a atheist why would your praise a god that you know hates transgenders? He clearly says it in the bible, you and I are going to "hell" according to god. See you there 😘
He's saying, "Our bodies live in a world of sin. But this 1 issue involving the body shouldn't be solved with medicine. It should be solved by prayer and belief." And when that doesn't work, we're just supposed to slowly die in pain beyond his comprehension.
His last few statements are just OFFENSIVE. Since when is gender dysphoria a sin? Jesus became SIN, not a medical condition.
There are many fake Christians out today that makes all look bad. Wheat with Tares that God will do the separating.
@@r-platt Jesus did not become sin, he held it
@@Whereismykar 2 Corinthians 5:21 HCSB
[21] He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
Jesus's last words were, "My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?"
He became sin and in so doing went to hell where He freed the righteous.
Deu 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are ABOMINATION unto the LORD thy God.
When something is an ABOMINATION unto God himself, how can that be the law of Moses?
So what do you call it when the soul of a woman is stuck in the body of a man? You would have to define what a woman is and a man is as well. But that is nearly impossible! You would need to make a list of attributes that one must have to be a woman. No matter how many items, or how few items you put on this list, some where in the world you will find a women who dose not have your complete list but will still be a women.
@@SleeTheSloth If born a male that's a man! If born a female that's a woman! Jesus said as it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrha so shall be in the last days!
War avoidance and merchant deception
Understand this.
God loves all this creation. I'm whatever form of their "sexuality" Sam Allbery doesn't take that away . All he is saying that THAT within itself is NOT an ideal way of living, because you're not living out the purpose you were created to be. EVERYONE is loved by God. Infact the bible says it clearly in John3:16 he loved the world so much that he died for it. Not only the righteous not only the "unholy" ( if there is such a thing). We need to get the ideology out of our heads that just because the bible was written way back then that we didn't talk about these same issues
The Bible is written for instruction to live lives God gives us, just as we are given instruction to drive a car or to use a computer. Bible - is the Instruction before leaving the earth... There are timeless wisdom or advice that are relevant and applicable throughout generations. God is an everlasting God, and His Truth is eternal and His Word never changed and will never change
@Nichola s Gender dysphoria happens when you let the enemy attack. the world is blinded now in the LGBTQ community they are letting pedophilia be normal which isnt
@@iwiwwh2002 they condem chomos, Anita Bryant!
@@iwiwwh2002 yell that to teens
@@iwiwwh2002 Facts
Transgenderism is rooted in the individuals as well as the cultures preoccupation with sex.
I’ve been struggling with my gender for so long. I just want Jesus to love me but if I stay a transgender man my whole life I know he will reject me. I just want to be loved for who I am
Who told you Jesus would reject you? A human being. They aren't omniscient or all knowing, so why do you give them that authority to judge you and tell you of Jesus' character . Read the Bible for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
I want to encourage you to find understanding that when a person truly encounters Christ it’s a life changing occurrence. Come as you are but don’t stay as you are. However, coming as you are boldly before Jesus does not mean coming as you are casually. God says to come as you are, not stay as you are. It’s easy to pull Scripture out of context and think coming as we are means it doesn’t matter how we come.
We can use it to say it doesn’t matter how we look when attending church, because we can come as we are. Or it doesn’t matter how we pray, because we can come as we are. Or even it doesn’t matter when we ask for forgiveness for that sin we keep on committing. Jesus has forgiven us, and we can come as we are.
But, oh, it truly does matter. We can approach the throne with confidence and boldness, but we must also approach with humility. With an understanding of how we are able to approach in this way.
And we must approach with our best.
You are loved but when we encounter Christ, we are changed from who we were to His purpose for us and not the purpose we hope He has for us. Stay blessed!
The enemy whispers that that’s who you truly are, but the devil is a liar. I’m this generation, he attacks identity the most, whether it be sexual orientation, gender, pronouns etc. I can empathize with you sister, I used to go by male and female pronouns and I was a lesbian with no attraction to males whatsoever, but God delivered me from that lifestyle and he’s healing me of my past every single day. Don’t pray for him to take that attraction away, but pray for strength to battle those attractions. Attractions are mere feeling, and many times our feelings are unaligned to Gods word. That’s when we have to battle. Keep your eyes on Jesus. “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1Peter 5:8.
Christianity is bullshit. Stop buying into this toxic society-controller.
Jesus will meet you where you are and walk you gently to sanity. He does the same for all who come to Him. His Spirit, Word, and grace will change you in small ways that will cause a shift. That is why He is the Good Shepherd. Your only job is to surrender, believe and obey His Word. One day at a time sweet Jesus! I am 69 and He is stlll doing it for me and that is no easy task. Prayerfully 🌷
The Bible says that in Heaven, there is neither male nor female. I find it unsettling to talk to a transgender person, but they are all human, only "different." You cannot tell them, as the Pastors here want you to, "If you want God to love you, change your gender back." Just as they are, God loves them. As a writer put it, if we are in a hole, the Way begins in the hole, not a safe distance away.
"should be the most compassionate" should be is the key phrase. You seem to be very accepting of trans people but that isn't true of most of your fellow Christians
There’s nothing compassionate about telling trans people that they shouldn’t be trans.
We all hate this has happened to you but true Christians do not hate the people. God is love but He also say's go and sin no more.
For all the LGBT people in particular transgender people you do not have to prove anything to anyone and you don't need acceptance from anyone but Jesus! When Jesus walked the Earth, people called him a liar, a devil. DON'T let anyone come between you and Jesus. NO one can tell you about your faith. Only you know what's in your heart and your head. It's a reason why faith is PERSONAL
all I will tell anyone about their faith is that they should never trust the translations outright. look at the core of your beliefs and what they say in any way you can. not just the interpretation of a small group made millennia after it was formed
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
will help
@@dan69052 Thanks a lot and You are 100% correct. I will definitely check out and recommend the book!
@@kamariatoure42 Thank you !!! Knowledge is the downfall of hate. Peace
I am honest loving trans women from Dublin who adores Jesus and I know my heart is clean and I listen to him everyday I will continue my trans life I find more peace love and beauty in this life then the sad disturbing guy that I was!
If Jesus asked you, to return to your biological gender, would you obey him? If you can't respond with yes, then you haven't surrendered to him. Instead you are still bound by your will, not free to do his will. It's hard to surrender. It took me many years. It is also worth it. I hope you are able to get there. Love and prayers for you my dear.
@Amhad Asjer Excuse me but I have several questions
1. how do you know that S K is being "tricked by satan?"
2. Why do you say that S K has to come back to Jesus when she says that she adores Jesus?
3. Why do you think that christian faith and being a transgender HAS to be a conflict to each other? I assume that you do not know S K and her case, unless you know S K in person (which is unlikely because we are in the internet, where millions of people communicate with each other each day and each hour without knowing each other in person)
so please do not try to dictate her way. I´ll pray that you both will understand each other. Spread Love not Hate, in Jesus Name, Amen.
@@alyshabeshara3197 If Jesus asked me to return to being a man then I would ask Him to take my dysphoria from me. Failing that:
1. How I am supposed to cope with the growing pain that hollows out my heart, shreds my soul and crushes my mind with intense pain?
2. How can I keep my female heart open to God's love while hiding it from the world? My heart doesn't mark me as a flamboyant man but as a normal woman.
Then I would return to being a man and trust Jesus.
But that won't happen.
Oct, 2016: I was overwhelmed beyond breaking by gender dysphoria. My soul was screaming in pain so loudly I could hear and feel it in my mind 24/7. Finally I broke - badly. I prayed God bring me home and collapsed. I touched insanity and it filled me with a terror beyond imagining. I was dead to the world but God wasn't done with me yet.
God saved me and gave me a message:
*"You have 6 weeks to start your transition or you will die."* There was no ambiguity. He means for me to be a whole person. If I ignore Him I will not be going to heaven. It was clear I would either go insane or kill myself.
Surrender can happen in an instant. It need not take long. Just make sure you're surrendering to Jesus for the right reasons.
I gave God my dysphoria. He gave it back.
@@r-platt You need to come out of your narcissistic bubble. Facts don't care about your feelings. You're deluding yourself.
@@nordscan9043 Really? What facts do you have? Please do share.
Formed a video response, linked below.
“To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths,
who choose what pleases me
and hold fast to my covenant-to them I will give within my temple and its walls
a memorial and a name
better than sons and daughters;
I will give them an everlasting name
that will endure forever. "
-Isaiah 56: 4-5
"For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from [their] mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive [it], let him receive [it]." -Matthew 19:6-12
Seems like when a person cuts of their own testosterone it really pleases the Lord. Testosterone is a huge factor in temptation to sin and is intoxicating, how many would give up their testosterone for the Lord after hearing it will earn them a name better than sons and daughters in the lord's eyes?
Yes. Women have a better relationship with the Lord than we do.
biological determinism for spring. groundbreaking. what about trans men or intersex ppl?
Oh no, this breaks my heart! You don't need to go physically cutting yourself to stop temptation. And Eunuchs are still men! Just pray and God will help you. Just ask God to help you, and He will deliver you! But you must show Him active effort! You must resist and not make excuses! I did this, trying to find loopholes in God's Word to get away with disorder. But it still doesn't please God! Instead, God, who is so loving, will let you go and chase after what your heart desires. God will literally let you run off towards your sin! Not because He wants to! He's been trying to hold us back from it! But we are like squirming children, insisting upon eating glass marbles because they look like candy, or we are like teenagers, insisting that we know what's good for us! God said "NO!" He knows it's hard, and has been teaching you, but school isn't over yet! Don't stop going to school with God now! Don't stop reading the scripture here! Keep reading! Don't stop going to church! God IS delivering you!!! In this present moment, He is the surgeon operating on this cancer! Don't walk out of the operating room now!
No God dose not make mistakes. But creation has been tainted by sin. Through history there have always been birth defects. A wide range of them I might add. What most have not considered that gender dysphoria might be a birth defect? Most people who have it and are transgender will tell you that they have felt this way senses a bought the age of 4 or 5. They never just chose to be transgender. They have simply always have been. It looks like they just chose it to the outside world, because the person suffering from gender dysphoria has spent there life trying to hide it. Tring to please parents or other people around them. So to the out side world it looks like one Monday morning Joe woke up and said, hay I want to be Jill. Trust me that's not how it works. In most cases, when some comes out and says hay I'm transgender, They have suffered to the point where they earther come out and tell people or they commit suicide. The pain that is associated with gender dysphoria is best understood as the same pain you feel when you just found out one of your parents has just passed away. Could you handle getting hit by that 1 or 3 times or more a day? Back to the birth defect thing. What if gender dysphoria is a birth defect? Did you know that all humans are conceived as female? Then depending on witch hormones are in great levels, the fetus becomes male or stays female. But what if God made a soul female and the body developed as a male or vise versa? We really do not know where Gods hands on control of the developing fetus is turned over to auto control. It is during this auto control where birth defects begin. looking at the large amount of possible birth defects that are known to exist, It would appear that God turns on the auto pilot just after he interduces the spark of life. Jesus may have eluded to this in Matthew 19:12 - English Standard Version 12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” Please pay attention to " For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth ". Here Jesus is describing a birth defect. I hope this helps you to better understand.
I don't recall Jesus expressing an opinion about gender.
Its nowhere in the Bible they're always quoting for their hate so now they put words into Jesus's mouth and say "God wants you to know..." yeah. right.
No offense but being a Christian transgender doesn’t really seem to make sense because if you think or feel that you were born the wrong gender, then you’re technically accusing God of making a mistake when making you the way you’re born, and this pretty much goes against the saying that God never makes mistakes.
@@ANT96-x8d Even to the crippled man, Jesus said he had been born that way to give glory to God. Then Jesus healed him!
but.. where in the bible does it say being trans is a sin? the bible never defines what a man and woman are, so if a man who was born with XX chromosomes feels he is a man in his soul, how is that a sin? if he makes the decision to medically transition, he is aligning his body to his soul. i see no sin, but becoming who your soul is.
How can this be a sin ?
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
The Bible actually does talk about transgenderism.
Mattew 8:17
17 This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.”[a]
Very well said. The ultimate hope is in the one who came and preached peace and reconciliation to God, Ephesians chapter 2. Whosoever will!
It remains impossible to know whether you're feeling "like" a boy or a girl, as we've no basis for that comparison. We've all only been just the one gender, so we'd have no way of knowing the difference between "feeling like" a man vs. "feeling like" a woman, or indeed if such a difference exists at all.
What we *can* say is that we feel like *something* is wrong, but it's up to us to interpret that correctly, and transgenderism is not the way as it is a thoroughly incoherent worldview.
will this help clear the confusion ?
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
@@dan69052 "Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development."
Even assuming this is true,
A. I'm not criticizing homosexuality/bisexuality. I actually have no problem with either; it isn't an incoherent worldview, like transgenderism is.
and B. Inclinations that have their origins in your prenatal development =/= inclinations you should act on. That doesn't work as an argument for why any given behavior is right or morally justified.
"It is, therefore, not a choice"
The feelings, the inclinations, temptations, etc. are not a choice. At least not in the beginning. How you choose to respond to them is.
"Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority."
Depends on what you mean by "religious authority". So far, every Christian I've heard say that homosexuality is wrong has used the bible to back them up. You might have good arguments as to why they've wrongly interpreted the bible or something, but the point is they didn't just decide being gay was wrong because the pope or their pastor said so.
But again, my comment was about the incoherence of modern gender theory (e.g., transgenderism), not about homosexuality.
Would that logic work to reasonably hold any other person from the medical care they needed?...should people not seek hearing aids, prosthetics, insulin, glasses, medicine, therapy...should they just put their hope in the gospel instead of altering their bodies with all that unnatural medical care?..that is truly a "unique" interpretation of compassion.
Transgender transitioning is NOT MEDICAL CARE. You are beautiful the way you are and don't really need to make such drastic changes. Cope.
@@TheRedAirOn Exactly. You aren't going to die if you don't see a doctor to transition. You're not even going to get sick because of it. You'll just continue living.
@@pebcak youll be mentally strained, and slowly eaten away
@@biruss it's a spiritual issue not medical
@@klaraxkat_k6454 tell that to millions of trans people. Tell a success spiritual story
Sorry dude... You may be broken, I am not.
Your attempt at devaluing human life is disgusting and sad.
I don't do things that I think are wrong. Speak for yourself. I have morals and personal standards.
As a society we agree that rape is harmful and we remove those that cause said harm from society when caught.... (except for when religion protects them.....)
SOME people may be sociopaths or "broken" in some manner of the word. But to pretend that every human in the world is a Hitler is just shameful and wrong. There is a reason Hitler is your go to man for an example of evil, its because we (the moral majority) are NOT like Hitler.
@@snuffywuffykiss1522 You really don't do things that you think are wrong? Everything you've ever done is right? I simply don't believe that you're perfect and I am incrdedulous that you actually think you are.
This is a great TH-cam to watch:
This idea just isn’t regarding LGBT people, we are all broken and fall short to God’s glory
I identify as non binary but I am going to try my best to submit my anxiety’s and self hatred to God
He created me and you, he knows best
Please don’t turn your back against God. When we truly seek him he will come to us
@@Encourager-Purpose-Destiny he was misdiagnosed
These Churches can dress up their tolerance as much as they like. But the bottom line is that the Bible that its based upon condemns it. As a Transgender woman, IU shoud be stoned to death according to mosaic law.
I was dragged up a Christian when i was in my early teens and the dysphoria I had was shamed out of me so much that i didnt even get a chance to earn what it was. All i knew was that I was "Inadequate" and spent a great deal of my ife hating myself. It took me til my early 30s to even look into gender and possibilities as it was a No Go in my family's eyes.
For about a decade I started to learn that I showed all the symptoms of a Transgender woman but was scared to admit so as i knew i would be abandoned by my "Good Christian" family who have plenty to say when condemning people but not so much to say whilst being questioned on something they don't have a pre written script for an answer.
Anyway, after 3 suicide attempts, i decided enough was enough and it was time to start living as my true self. Suddenly i was so much more acquainted with myself and my own ways which i had previously hated for so long.
This however has cost me my family. But it was either that or my life.
I think Christianity is a despicable thing that bullies' people into believing that we are "sinners" before we are even born.
This teaching should be banned. Its elders and leaders aught to be tried for all sorts of heinous crimes including murder,, bullying, destroying families and mental torture amongst many more.
At the present, I am currently living in a tent in the freezing cold whilst my "Good Christian" family live only 3 miles away but wont even offer me a bed on their floor because I'm Trans.
Loving God huh?
Its child abuse to raise children in any religion.
It instills fear and guilt
I have no guilt.
Jesus didn't die for my sins
He was executed for robbing the temple
You also sound so far from reality. Being Transgender is far more than just dysphoria. Its your whole DNA make up.
People have been Transsexual for millennia as long as humans have existed. Even the book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy talk about "Men dressing as women" so acknowledges the fact that it was an issue. The only problem is that the bible was written by homophobic and Transphobic control freaks
I don't need a book to tell that what Christians are doing to people is wrong.
The only reason the Christians don't condemn so much now, is to keep numbers up
A hundred years ago, you were murdering us, and still are in many countries today
A despicable religion
the thing is the bible never condemns trans people in any way. the only things that say something about gender only go over gender roles. in short terms, the idea that a woman should no act as a man and vice versa.
the idea that this would indicate that a trans woman is sinning because she has to act as a man is hearsay. especially with modern knowledge showing us that being trans isn't acting as a gender but being that gender at a base identity level these scriptures take on a whole new meaning. for is someone is a man in his identity, does the bible not say he has to not act as if he is a woman.
it is not the bible that teaches these hateful things, it is the leaders who are taking the word of god and twisting them to fit what they want. they are no longer being led by his words but rather using them to inflict suffering. be rest assured that it is not the bible and word of god but the despicableness of humans using it to hurt. god does not want you to suffer as you have and are. he frowns upon the actions people have taken against you in his name. and these people should indeed be prosecuted for these actions. they can't twist the word of the of god and then blame him for their misuse.
Inadequate ? Hardly this should clarify things
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
Where does it give anyone permission to dismiss some of the laws?
If you can dismiss some laws, why do ANY apply?
Deu 4:2
Do you agree with stoning women and children outside the village?
@@supportmarxism4072 No. I don't believe we should be following the Mosaic laws at all. The goal is "do no harm" because love does no harm to a neighbor and God is love.
The law is dead. But we still must follow the ten commandments ( Moral laws)
@@jatwangismyname900 Romans 13:8-10 would suggest the commandments can be fulfilled by simply showing love - real love. There is nothing easier and nothing harder.
@@r-platt What are you trying to say?
I found Jesus (or more correctly: he found me) through my transition. 50 years ago. Do I have to undo my transition now? This is not medically possible. Do I have to break away from my husband, daughter and granddaughters now? Am I going to hell now?
Unfortunately, I love Jesus with all my heart. I live for jesus. Not a day goes by that I don't spend time with him. I tell everyone about the love of Jesus.
But what good is that to me? Transgender people go to hell.
Hell? Really . try knowledge
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
Basically its an assumingly clever way to loophole a transgender person from transitioning, without sounding like your against it. And then saying Christ is the way, just dont have the procedure.
Its not compassion, its a cop-out!
why so angry?
So true!
Very deceptive and fake.
@@MrUranium238 Why are you assuming anger?
I didn't read that comment as angry, just as calm facts.
@@dreamclaw00 it's because everyone is beautiful the way they are and don't really need to make such certain drastic changes
@@TheRedAirOn Utter ignorance!
So if a baby with Spina bifida is in need of "drastic changes" do we just let them suffer or die ?
If you needed surgery for cancer, would that be beautiful too, or would it be better to have some "drastic changes" to survive?
People like yourself should educate yourself before making such ignorant statements.
( Go look up the meaning of gender dysphoria and educate yourself!)
I'm a born again Christian and we all are sinners and was raised my a strong Christian mother that we should not judge not pray for them and counsel to them and break them down. They are clearly dealing with a lot of confusion and affliction. Just have more humility and be a little softer.
knowledge will help
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
God recognized this, and caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep. He then took one of Adam's ribs from him, which he fashioned into a woman, who was called Eve (Genesis 2:21-22)
The only transgender story in the bible. God took man material and transgendered it into female material. This was done by God.
There is no other story of a man being converted to a woman, or a woman converted to man in all of the biblical texts.
The apostle Paul wrote "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or female , for you are all one in Christ" Christ doesn't care about what is between your legs or what gender you are.
Lastly first words in the bible in Hebrew are Bereshit Bara Elohim = In the beginning God creates
zohar reads "In wisdom Elohim creates.... Elohim is a hebrew word
The root of El is Hebrew for God and masculine
the feminine form of El is "eloah", which means goddess.
Elohim is plural, thus meaning Gods and Goddessess , male and female .
God is actually established in the first three words of the bible as being both male and female.
So if God was both genders
If adam was created in the likeness of God and more than likely both genders
If Jesus's own words say that male and female and gender is not of importance
then anything any Christian offers up as anti-trans is just simply opinionated hate
The Bible is not ant-transgender
People inject things into the bible that aren't even there.
Rapture for instance is a word never written into the bible, it was never even discussed until the 1800s because that's when it was created out of thin air.
The verse it refers to simply says in the end days the living shall be called up with the dead, that's it. It doesn't say magically evaporate, or star trek get beamed up.
the only way off this rock is death, so of coarse in the end when everyone die in mass , the living will die, and be called up with those who have already died. Doesn't sound as rosey does it? The word pope doesn't exist in all of biblical texts either.
I just wish people especially Christians weren't so blind to what the bible truly says and means. I wish they didn't sit in front of a preacher every sunday to hear the bible read then to hear an opinionated fool interpret what God Truly means as if the creator of the universe was too dumb to write it down exactly as it was meant.
There is no anti-trans biblical texts. Period. End of story.
Things that can physically cause the brain to develop during the second trimester as a sex different than the body are as follows
DES exposure in the womb
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
aromotase excess or deficiency
klienefelter syndrome
De Le Chapelle syndrome
androgen insensitivity syndrome
exposure to prenatal estrogens or androgens ( all these birth control hormones etc, hrt or just naturally produced by the mother
endocrine receptor sensitivity variance
neuroanatomical structural differences
to name just a few that would affect the mind or brain creating a brain structure that doesn't align with the genital sex seen and given at birth.
Gene variants within the transgender brain show clear biomarker differences, meaning they have a brain structure opposite of their biological birth assigned sex.
Trans people are not a sin, anymore than down syndrome kids, or autistic children and yes there are mixtures of the two genders in nature. It happens all the time
it's more clear than transgender issues of the mind whenver it deals with genitals and intersex but we are told that these people don't count, it's rare so doesnt matter
guess what transgender is rare as well.
I'd be really careful judging transgender people too harshly, they may be closer to God than you think.
You know the last thing that bothers me?
1 in 3 women are raped or molested in their lifetimes.
Do you realize what huge percentage of the population that is?
It's not happening in a vacuum . If there is rape there are rapists
how about rape, human trafficking, and protecting the women.
Protecting them from heterosexual males ? Oh that's right, males run the church, the church body, wrote the book.
Transgender people are less than 1% of the population.
I don't get how the first part of your comment is transgender. Adam was still male. A rib has no gender (not that I know there's a difference). He transformed a rib.
And I thought God has no gender (or at least is more on the male side, if we speak in gender).
This is some bad hermeneutics
@@rydrakeesperanza5370 Every cell in your body has your entire DNA., which includes your gender. If you are male, you would have _male_ DNA. If you are male, your rib has male DNA.
So, God started with male DNA from Adam's rib and fashioned a woman (called Eve). This would make Eve a transgender woman.
Romans 1:16 and down. AND
Deuteronomy 22:5
The Word of God is Blessed!
Jesus came to fulfill the laws. If you are saved, why do you build them back up? (Gal 2)
Love does no harm to a neighbor therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. (Rom 13)
I am transitioning. As Jesus did, I am destroying this temple and rebuilding it in the image God imprinted on my heart and mind. My body is born of sin and twisted by sin. That is NOT my true image.
Before my changes I was chained to my body, living in fear, and projecting the lie that my body defines me. I was literally a hypocrite!
In my changes I have found freedom and joy and love beyond measure. Fear has no hold on me, except the fear of God.
@@r-platt so are you on god side or
@@nautikient2151 Jesus is my Lord and Savior.
I believe Jesus is the son of God. He died for my sins, was buried, and rose again on the 3rd day. He is the Living God.
We are righteous by faith. But what is faith without deeds?
That's why I don't understand Christians. They should be bringing the LGBTQI+ community to God first. "Come as you are." Instead they judge and condemn first. The result is they push us into the darkness.
And for those of us that do believe, many Christians work hard to make us doubt our faith. They undermine righteousness with accusations and demands they would never follow themselves.
But my faith stands on it's own. I no longer depend on the Church to define my faith. That way the most anyone can ever do is make me doubt myself for a day.
Sorry- you wont find acceptance here at all.
I think that "Brokenness" is the key. I befriended a transgender person and her feeling was that there was nothing wrong with her other than he believed honestly that he was born in the wrong body. She had a difficult time accepts God or believing in God. And I had no real answer as to why that is. I had a big challenge navigating this issue in that the bible never discussed this issue. Honestly had no answer.
Do not misgender het
She is a woman
@@tiawouldntwannabeeya3788 Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters. Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 corinthians 6:8-10
How can I stop feeling this way then. HOW SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME HOW
Nvm I decided to stop letting the church and myself hate on who I am.
Jesus said that whoever is his disciple will know the truth, and the truth will make people FREE. It is all a matter of truth. He said that and that we need to deny ourselves even. I don't know if your a Christian or not, but if not know that Christ came to save people like you; if your a Christian already you need to first pray to God and talk about this all at the throne, then go and search for the truth. I hope this helps a little, I can't refuse someone who needs help.
@@isaiahjones4500 The truth is the transgender community only finds freedom when we treat our severely crippling condition: gender dysphoria.
Yes, deny ourselves those things that lead to sin, not those things that make us healthy and whole.
Yes, turn to God. Turn to Jesus. And realize that God's healing comes through us, not in spite of us. So turn to those that are trained and truly help. Listen and pray then act.
I waited for over 30 years and nothing happened until I started to act.
@@r-platt Goes to show that faith without works is dead. So important we act after we finishing asking God. Amen
@@isaiahjones4500 how should she have 'acted'. She tried living male.
@@isaiahjones4500 We're not talking about works. We're talking about health.
But if it matters to you, my works are many and God gets the glory. That does nothing to stop the insanely painful gender dysphoria.
And if it's wrong for me to be healthy, why should you or anyone else seek medical help? That's the definition of hypocrisy.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, NOR EFFEMINATE , nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
1 Corinthians 6:9 KJV
Before christs time several culturals had third gender, people Gali, Galli/Gallus, Enaree of scythia. All of these and more existed pre christs birth.
Christ speaks of Eunuchs being allowed to join the church. The type of people listed about were seen as eunuchs by society. So to me as a transgender women it means that christ/gods love includes me.
But many people keep saying I have to stop being feminine. I cannot help who I am. But I love god all the same. I think that what hurts to most is when people call me sinful for existing. When jesus never says eunuch people are sinful. Our bodies are imperfect, we all suffer differently.
For once there is a Christian who is nice about trans. I am a trans woman, but I must say we all have these crosses to bear in life. I am an epileptic 500 years ago I was stoned because Christians thought I was possessed when I had a seizure. We look at medical science now and it tells us much but Christians really get freaked out about gender.
It seems you didn't listen to the man. You just loved his niceness. The solution is always in Jesus
@@toyosioyejobi309 when did Jesus ever say you cannot change your gender? People putting words in his mouth
@@supportmarxism4072 Jesus never said people couldn't change their gender because there was no need for that. If that is evidence for you to take an action. That's your concern. Jesus only recognized two genders and had no knowledge of the concept of gender fluidity or any modern woke terms
@@toyosioyejobi309 why is it nonsense? we have the medical ability to correct this, is modern medicine non sense to you?
@@supportmarxism4072 because Jesus gave us freedom from dying in the cross. Also, the reason we shouldn't be trans is because you should love yourself for who you are. Being trans is saying that you hate yourself because you were born a certain gender. It's like wanting to be transformed from a human to an animal
This is only my opinion but I feel based upon the Bible I could say, I don’t believe trans could/should believe in God. The main reason would be that if you believed in a all loving God, than why would this God place you within the wrong body making your life bad? just by saying your body isn’t right is insinuating that God didn’t get it right or god didn’t care enough to do so.
I think the key dividing line Im hearing in the Trans-allied church is the place of the Fall in our understanding. This narrative begins from the brokenness of creation; whereas there are others who begin from the diversity and mystery of creation. Im not aure if they are mutualy exclusive, I only have a MTh!!! But thats where I think we need to take the theological discussion. X
I was hoping for Bible Context ? What book ? What Chapter ? What verse ? This kind of 'I believe it's this' attitude that leads to corruption in the first place. If your doctrine can speak it'll just go what am I chopped liver ? What popular and what's right are VERY different things .
Religion bodies pandering to a spiralling mindset populace is a concerning thing . Religion is the guide not the other way around .
I can't offer any specific verses but they are not too hard to find by googling. what I can tell you is that the versus used to condemn trans people only ever speak of not acting to be a man when you are not and vice versa. it says nothing about what makes someone said gender, and with what we know today about gender identity the bible more likely condemns forcing trans people to conform to their sex
it all sounds very vague...
These are the words of a real Christian:
thank you for receiving my apology. I know that with God anything is possible, but I'm also not going to pretend like I know what gender dysphoria is like. I hope that everything turns out well for you, and I'll be sure to keep you in prayer as well. Again, sorry if I sounded a little hypocritical. With that, may the Lord Jesus strengthen you
- Isaiah Jones
There are no demands, no rules, no declarations of truth. He shows love without reservation or limit. This is how Jesus wants us all to be.
Nor does he say he agrees with anything. It's not his place to judge.
And in doing this simple thing he encourages others to learn more about God. He encourages us to find our unique path and walk with Jesus. (The gate may be narrow but there are many paths that lead to it.)
Beautifully said
I showed this to a friend of mine who is a cancer patient. They are now considering ending their treatments. I mean, they do love living in this beautiful world that the Lord has created, but after watching this video they’ve become convinced that they should embrace their own body’s imperfections and turn to the perfection of Christ. Personally, I believe in the sanctity of life, but after all, cancer comes from imperfections within and we are not perfect! Eh?
Underrated comment
this dude was a just advocating for conversion therapy
Anytime a eunuch was mentioned in the bible it was a fancy bible term for a transsexual woman.
Mathew 19:4-12
For intersexed people
John 9:3-7
More support
1 Corinthians 11:11-12
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
New International Version
Let he or she without sin cast the first stone...
God took the DNA from Adam's rib to create Eve. So, Eve was initially male and was "fashioned" into a woman. Therefore, Eve was the first transgender woman .
Well said.
Great content, keep it coming!
Deuteronomy 23:1
i commented this
That was the Old Testament?
I'm both male and female so what clothing should I wear?
Lev 19:19
Deu 4:2 - do you follow ALL the laws? Where does it give anyone permission to dismiss some of the laws? If you can dismiss some, why do ANY apply?
@@r-platt how are you both male and female just curious
i commented this
In response to your verse that applies to eunuchs
Neither male nor female jew nor greek slave nor free you are all one in christ. 5 holy piercings the pierced ribs. Jesus loves you and being trans is in the glory of that cross.
Mathew 19:4-12
1 Corinthians 11:12
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
@@dan69052 I'm not steered heavily by religion or by man made opinion. God knows best! No one knows forsure. Interesting take on thus topic. Thank you
Nope it's a sin.
This is great for helping the heart. It does nothing to cure gender dysphoria. Sorry.
@@beccamakela2014 You can make the same argument for cancer. Do you tell them to stop being treated and just let God heal them?
I know the change Jesus provides. I've felt it. I own it. He changed my heart so that I desire Him.
God doesn't give us a new personality. He only affects the heart.
@@beccamakela2014 What treatment are psychologists not allowed to use?
1. Talk therapy isn't a treatment, just a stop-gap measure.
2. Conversion/reparative therapy is largely illegal because most use barbaric torture techniques that cause severe trauma, the success rate is abysmal and cases of attempted suicide increase significantly. That's not an option.
3. Belief in God is good, but it's extremely rare for God to heal directly - as with cancer patients.
4. Ignoring the only remaining treatment is foolish. Especially when you consider the success rate is upwards of 98%.
5. Some places are STILL using electroshock therapy.
_Please watch your claims._ Social groups don't dictate medical treatments. Professionals can and do use many tools to help cope with gender dysphoria and the treatment isn't a one-size-fits-all solution.
*Swedish Studies:*
1. Why does the treatment for gender dysphoria also have to treat depression? Do we tell chronic pain sufferers their pain medication doesn't work because too many patients still attempt suicide?
2. If you READ the only study talking of suicide, they state SRS is a successful treatment for gender dysphoria (but more follow-up psych care is needed) AND the data cannot be used to determine the effectiveness of transitioning.
_Again, please be careful of what you claim._ You're echoing the twisted half-truths of hateful extremist Christians.
*Christ transforms.*
1. Yes. If you haven't experienced it then I recommend a 3-day (or 4-day) Christian retreat. Christ transforms ALL people.
2. Jesus transforms the heart. We are reborn in spirit. He doesn't give us a new personality. He doesn't fix the body.
3. Gender dysphoria IS NOT A BEHAVIOR TO CORRECT. It's a conflict between body and mind. It tortures the mind until treated.
*I use to fight, argue and just be an angry prideful person*
Are you sure you've changed? You are stubbornly fighting me and arguing against my experience and education.
*it all depends on your faith.*
My faith is so strong that I've been visited by Jesus in a vision more than once.
My faith is so strong I depend on God nearly every day for food and shelter - and He's never let me down.
My faith is so strong God heals people through me. My hands are a gift and I give all praise to God.
[Edit: removed unnecessary and inflammatory statement.]
@@beccamakela2014 Sorry. I removed that remark. It was unhelpful and mean.
I was and am saved by Jesus.
But He will not take my gender dysphoria from me. I tried for years with the help of clergy and scores of believers. I pushed myself to pretend I am my body. And it destroyed my mind, sucked all light from my heart, shredded my soul then killed my body. God saved me. He brought me back to life and pulled my soul out of a place call Oblivion. (You've never known terror until you've visited oblivion.) Satan wouldn't do that - I was already in hell. So when I could think straight I realized God left me a message: TRANSITION OR DIE. Since then God has blessed me all the more. Better still, I can hear him again. I can finally say I know what LOVE is, what it really feels like to share it with others.
God expects us to treat each other the best we can with the best tools we have available.
@@beccamakela2014 I am someone who is still going through gender confusion ( or dysphoria ) for about 10 years. I'm not sure why God would allow this to happen. I don't know what other way I can 'cure' it. The media says transitioning is the only way. But I read my Bible, pray to solve this out someway and nothings working. But I know that if I transition it's not going to work either. So what do I do?
@@sweetpotatoes9882 If I may offer advice:
Tackle your problems 1 at a time. Start with your biggest issue and seek help to fix it.
Do NOT look for tomorrow's consequences or possible trouble. Those will be worked out in due time.
Do NOT look to religion to answer medical problems. Sorry, it doesn't work.
Most of all:
If you need help or advice, please ask. I don't have all the answers but I can share what I've learned.
I wish you a CLEAR mind, a PEACEFUL heart and a HEALTHY body.
This is exactly why I left Christianity. Christians are the most compassionate people on Earth? Then why do so many Christians identify as republicans even though they are the literal opposite of loving? Believing in Jesus can magically fix any issue? Oh please, if that was the case there would be almost 0 homeless people and gender dysphoria wouldn't even be a thing. I used to be a Christian and after deconverting and transitioning from male to female, I have never been happier in my entire life until now.
Magic is a delusion from satan who is a liar, miracle belongs to God, as He is a miracle God and miracle-working with nothing but truths. Christians have many different ages and levels, baby Christians, toddler Christians, primary or secondary Christians, college or university Christians, PHD or professional Christians... so on and so forth mature and immature ones. If we are mature born-again Christians who have a solid foundation in our relationship with God, we would never fall away like standing on sinking sand. So search deep your conscience if you truly have a relationship with God or not. If you have a strong and truthful relationship with your spouse, you would never leave him/her or divorce her/him...
I struggle with my Christianity. I know transitioning is good and necessary, yet I know Jesus is real. I see transitioning as a calling, just like Jonah's calling to go to Nineveh. The longer we ignore that calling the worse life becomes and the more turbulence everyone around us feels. And when we give-in and accept the change we gain a deeper love and throw off the chains that bind us - just as Jesus promised.
I've been touched by Jesus. I've felt His love and warmth. And so I look at the masses of "Christians" who talk of love and act with disdain as the masses that take the wide road that leads to damnation. Those who accept, who love without condition and let God judge are those that are saved.
It's sad to realize how few real followers Jesus has.
I pray you can hold on to Jesus even if Christians drive you away. But I don't blame you nor judge you for whatever path you choose.
Thank you so much!
I believe God created us in his image and that image is perfect and you shouldn't try and alter it.
So no glasses or lasic eye surgery?
@@rocher4767 yes glasses are actually satanic
@@mechamaniac2688 then the man in the video worships the devil.
@@rocher4767 i didn't even watch the video but yes glasses are extremley satanic and can suck your soul
God is a powerful God. He can do the impossible, the very things we thought are already dead end. God can heal, He can change and transform hearts. God may use doctors and medicines to heal peoole but God still does muraculous healings to this day. If God calls us to Him, He'll put in our hearts the desire to follow His commands, obey His laws. GOD is the one who sanctifies. God will not leave us doing the very things He despises. The fruit of salvation is obedience to God. So to any one God calls to Him and is struggling with homosexuality/ has a tendency to be attracted with same gender cling to God, pray, read your Bible, ask God for help, ask God to teach you to genuinely repent and turn back from your sins. Join a Bible preaching, Bible -saturated church. God is the one who heals. God is real.
people have tried that. you can't pray the gay away
@@biruss that’s not what they are saying
@@sonorouspiano2225 sthe people still aint str8
@@biruss mabye thats because not everybody tries it or just doesn't accept the Bible. We didnt say we are praying the gay away, just that we are trying to help them
@@sonorouspiano2225 i did both. still not straight
Jesus loves you all
Absolutely correct. Thanks Sam 🙏🤗
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
Thank you.
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
This man has said so much nothing in 3 minutes
Why do you need to reality check
That's odd because a reality check would include actually listening to medicine and science.
you all offer us nothing. the best i can do is be single and stay in solitude. no christian is worth any of these discussions. you all have proven that for decades. i just want to die in peace.
would you like peace now?
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
Well maybe not to you. For me it does.
"Christians are the most passionate and understanding people." Oh good lord, you gotta be kidding me. There is no hate like Christian love.
Deu_22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
Lev_20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Lev_18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Very Very few sins are called an "Abomination".. adultery is not, drunkenness is not.. Lying is not... but these are....
Deu 22:5 is a paradox for me. I am both man and woman. So I either sin in body or I sin in heart.
Lev 20:13 and Lev 18:22 are also a paradox. When I lay with a woman my body does not sin but my heart does. If I lay with a man my body sins but my heart doesn't.
So I'm an abomination every which way... and yet God still love me.
Back at ya...
Lev 19:19 You are to keep My statutes. You must not crossbreed two different kinds of your livestock, sow your fields with two kinds of seed, or put on a garment made of two kinds of material.
How much of your clothing is a weave of 2 materials?
The old laws were flawed, imperfect for they only condemn. That's why Jesus had to come. He died to fulfill the laws. Thus if we are in Him and He in us, then we are also fulfilling the laws.
Love is the fulfillment of the laws.
Thus Love does no harm to a neighbor.
That's referring to the fact that Christian should be the most compassionate you obviously don't know Christians
I’ve been thinking of dating my trans friend, but I also don’t want to sin. I’m really confused. And also, I doubt she’ll even wanna date me lmao.
Just see her as a woman, that is what she is, it’s no difference from dating any girl, except she was born with the wrong genitalia.
By showing you’d date her even though she’s trans is showing that you don’t have any ignorance and are accepting of every human, your religion does stand for that i believe.
i say you should tell her that you like her or something, even if it goes against what other people say.
Theres absolutely nothing wrong with dating a trans girl, just talk to her about it like friends
just make each other happy, that what friends do....
It’s not a sin to love someone, no matter in what body they were born. Just be cool about it! Treat her like any other woman, because she is a woman.
God is not the author of confusion. He made woman for man only. If you want to please God, then you’ll keep his commandments. And if that’s the case then unfortunately it is simple to pursue that relationship. If I were you I would pray to God about it, to seek his help to understand your feelings and process what that means In regards to your relationship with him.
What about evil spirits? Can they influence sexual identity issues?
Polinico 2 almost certainly. However, we have to be extremely careful when approaching this issue and cannot simply write it off as the work of evil spirits. Like the speaker said, the issue lies within our own fallen flesh, and only Christ can expose and transform our understanding of it. When it comes to evil spirits, an almost scientific approach must be taken to find out if that is part of the issue. It cannot be the first assumption and cannot be taken lightly.
Used to blame evil spirits for autism too.
Evil spirits? Come on, now.
Blaming things and events on spirits is futile and misleading for a true understanding to solving mysteries. You can't combat problems with magic, relics, crystals, beads or holy water.
Facing reality takes courage with true and honest support from respected individuals.
Guys we don't fight against flesh and blood remember? Why would Paul tell us we fight agaisnt the prince of the air and principalities... if we deny their existence and work on the earth how are we suppose to fight them? Didn't Jesus cast out evil spirits and told us those who come in my name will cast out evil spirits? If they were at work 2000 years ago imagine now that we are in the end times. I'm not saying that the sexual identity crisis is to blame evil spirits because WE are the sinners that sin agaisnt God but I say we must not ignore Satans devices and see the works of the devil and his plans and pray agaisnt them.
Oh look, conversion therapy
What does a Christian and a trans have in common? They both have ideology’s that takes faith to believe in.
My Jesus is equally feminine and masculine; equally male and female. My Jesus is sexually attractive and active. My Jesus is alive and human. My Jesus is available sexually to all. My Jesus loves unconditionally. 💜🕉☯️✡️✝️☪️
Your Jesus is not God and is not the one written about in the Bible.
Wow! Such an amazing answer, Thank you!
This answer is crap! I'm a believer, and I understand the disconnect between Jesus body and taking on sin. All it does is make it relatable to transgendered people. Thank God for medicine to assist in a transition, it's most likely even a gift.
@@z018246 GOD doesn't want people to change the body that HE created for them. He loves you ❤️ people keep putting their own feelings above the will of GOD. Satan lies.
Be yourself. Don’t be a gender. Then you can skip “gender dysphoria”. Great video by the way, very well said with great compassion.
How about a great book?
If you are gay or transgender and know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this. The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is born with predetermined physical, biological & psychologic features. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of our evolution & found commonplace in nature. Medical research in this area clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. It is their right to believe this and I understand them. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section before hand. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
Don't be a gender? Don't accept that you are a boy or girl... how does that work?
I’m ftm, born and raised by Christian family, my everyday prayer goes like “Dear god, although I’m an abomination, thank you for allowing me to live and see another day.” I love god and Jesus no matter what
You are not an abomination. God loves trans people too.
Gabby Quinn eros yes, god loves all, he creates us the way we are
God says “if you love me, you’ll keep my commandments” John 14:15. I used to have gender dysphoria and I’m an ex homosexual, but I came to God just as I was and he opened my eyes to my sinful past and renewed me. There is hope for you. Repent, meaning turn from your sins perpetually, and trust alone in Jesus. Man will disappoint you and deceive you. The end days are coming, and I want to see you in heaven. My prayers are with you, 🙏🏻❤️
nothing. stop pandering to these people.
Thank you for taking the answer to brokenness and connecting it for all of us to the broken body of Jesus. Hope in Him. Unchanging. Amazing grace.
It sounds like a nice thing for you to say, but it is tired and preachy.
@@z018246 not really
Not true, this may work for 6 months if a person with any of these conditions manages to fool themselves. I'm a born again saying this.
@@z018246 i see. I am not sure, although i agree with the second half of this person's statement
@@sonorouspiano2225 ™The second half is always used like a pseudo-vaccine. However it doesn't even work for the person preaching the claim.
I'm sorry, are you transgender? No, so quit talking about it.
Your right, he's not transgender. He does however, in his own words, struggle with same-sex attraction and entire life, but has remained celibate. Walt Heyer was a transgender for 8 years, who also speaks regarding this.
I’m sorry. Are you a Christian, so dont comment on this video. He can still have an opinion if he isn’t trans
Did this idiots SAYS that his UNDERSTANDING of creation give him a special insight.
The solution is JESUS.
Is Jesus the WHOLE answer?
If someone is diagnosed with cancer, do we turn only to Jesus?
If your child is born with a hole in his heart that will significantly shorten his life, do we turn only to Jesus?
We turn to Jesus and we _also_ turn to each other, help each other with the talents God gives us in Jesus name.
FAR more healing comes _through us_ than directly _to us._
That is the power of LOVE.
Jesus doesn't command us to wait for Him. He commands us to go out and give blessings in His name. Give to others first those things God gives to us. If it is received leave knowing you healed and did good. If not, shake the dust from your clothes and continue.
In doing this God blesses us.
In giving we are given. In loving we are loved. In healing we are healed.
Im going to say one word that everyone forgets to take into account! If almighty God and his high and mighty flock doesn't like the Trans community so much how do we explain and the HERMAPHRODITES??? Also if there is a God, what's the crack with chocolate killing dogs???
What do animals have to do with that? I mean, I've heard that for humans certain mutations do not lead to real hermaphroditism, so I don't understand what animals have to do with humans here 🤔
And if your referring to sukzedanzhermaphroditism/ consecutive hermaphroditism I don't understand either because that's something different (natural, functional, transformation I normal etc.)
@@rydrakeesperanza5370 dude, the dog thing was a Ricky Gervais joke!
@@carefreemc1445 sorryyyyy, I'm not good in spotting jokes 😅
Hermaphrodite refers to living organisms that can sexually reproduce by themselves. A more accurate term would be intersex.
To all those who believe that you're following your heart by transitioning. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"Jeremiah 17:9, KJV
It's not following. It's fixing. The body and mind are 2 completely different people. One is male, the other female. This creates a conflict that works like slow torture. It never stops until treat it. It just so happens there's only 1 treatment shown to work consistently. And that's what people find offensive or wrong.
Yes, the heart can be deceitful until we are changed by Jesus. He gives us a new heart, one that desires Him.
The more we practice opening ourselves to love and sharing it with others the harder it is for Satan and his minions to introduce sin.
@@r-platt you have a good argument. But I think the Bible discourages it, if I’m not correct
@@sonorouspiano2225 The Bible discourages people being mentally healthy?
It discourages loving yourself so that "love thy neighbor" actually makes sense?
It discourages changing the body so the heart is open fully to God?
Because without treatment living with gender dysphoria means despising yourself and hiding your heart and pretending to be what you are not (the very definition of hypocrite!)
@@sonorouspiano2225 Please know I do respect what you have to say. I'm no Bible scholar.
@@r-platt I know. Thanks. I guess we just disagree an certain things :)
Good message. Enlightening for all of us and our bodily frailties. And, that is an amazing background screen, the color! So peaceful.
Claudia williams 😂
This is wishy-washy gobbledy-goop and is trying to band-aid the issue. Also, I think what he's saying sounds heretical.
What’s the point in turning to fictional non
Existent characters for
Help to change your life
You might as well turn
To your door handle
For help
Newsflash Jesus is a
Fictional character in
A ancient book of fairy
Human life isn’t worthless we assign
Our own meaning to life
Carry on with your delusions.
I feel bad for you man
Glad we asked you. 🙄
It's a perfect math if you ask me. Both people believe in fairy-tales and both are tolerated because people with a actual brain have don't wanna debate with ignorant people and wasted there time. There are more important things to do then wasting time on mental insane people that don''t are grateful for the gift of life in the first place.
It offers absolutely nothing lol