Why I Left Poland for Turkey? (feat. Globstory) [Kult America]

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 พ.ย. 2024

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  • @KultAmerica
    @KultAmerica  7 ปีที่แล้ว +200

    I realize people have a lot of passionate feelings on this type of topic, but before we get too aggressive I'd like to point out that Adam Mickiewicz's last home was in Istanbul, Church of St. Anthony of Paduathere still gives mass in Polish, and a village in Turkey was historically founded by Poles - all places I visited. My guest on today's episode was not the first nor most prominent Polish person to form a connection with this country. th-cam.com/video/iE43QDhv0AQ/w-d-xo.html

    • @kryszottoborowikowe1795
      @kryszottoborowikowe1795 7 ปีที่แล้ว +20


    • @cagrierturk9962
      @cagrierturk9962 7 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      You know haters gonna hate

    • @peterjohn5544
      @peterjohn5544 7 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      there is no reasoning with ignorant people who have been brainwashed by right-wing propaganda.

    • @4relevants
      @4relevants 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Yea! Use Liberal reason against Polish national feelings! Good luck!

    • @xsyhladu9724
      @xsyhladu9724 7 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @Peter John B and the same works with the opposite "there is no reasoning with ignorant people who have been brainwashed by left-wing propaganda." Left = idiot

  • @Sena-jj7bq
    @Sena-jj7bq 6 ปีที่แล้ว +254

    Gerçekten yapılmak istenen şey iyi niyetli bi şey olsa da yapılma şekli beni bi Türk olarak rahatsız etti. Evet Türkiye'nin iyi kötü bi çok yönünü söylemiş fakat bazı yorumları bana fazla klişe geldi. Zamanında batı ülkelerinin Türkiye'yi hamam,türk lokumu ve eski osmanlıdan ibaret olarak görmesi gibi burda da Türk insanının özellikle erkeğinin sanki Avrupalı bi kadın için yapmayacağı şey yokmuş gibi aktarılması garibime ve komiğime gitti. Özellikle uzun boylu renkli gözlü sarışın biri olarak buralı olmadığım çok belli demesi gerçekten çok komik İstanbul'da yaşayan biri olarak hiç mi gözünü açıp etrafına bakmadın sevgili kadın ? İç anadolunun turist uğramayan bi kentinde yaşayan biri olarak bırakın renkli gözlü sarışın birini her türlü farklı fiziksel özelliğe sahip biçok insanla tanıştım. Türkiye'de asya ya da kuzey avrupa ülkelerinde yapıldığı gibi bi basmakalıp fiziksel görünüşün olmadığını bu zamana kadar anlamış olman gerekirdi. Ayrıca günümüz yapay dünyasında bi lens ve bi saç boyasıyla böyle şeyler halledilebiliyoken neyin farklılığından bahsediyosunuz. Çok eskimoda bi yorum olmuş bu. Ayriyetten Türkiye'yi öyle bi anlatmış ki sanki avrupadaki herkes burayı savaş alanı hergun kafamıza bomba yağan bi yer olarak görüyo gibi . Kimse Türkiye'nin üst derece rahat refah ve özgür yaşanılan bi ülke olduğunu iddia etmiyo zaten ama kesinlikle Polonya'dan aşağı kalır bi yanı olduğunu düşünmüyorum. Burada o kadar korktuğun islam adına görüp görebileceğin bütün muameleyi Polonya'da da hristiyanlik için yapıyolar bu çok bariz ortada herhangi bi dine mensup değilim ama bazı şeyleri değerlerimizden görüyo ve saygı duyulmasını istiyorum bu yüzden ateist deist olup Türkiye ve islamciligi hakkinda burada son derece kötümser bi şekilde ingilizce yorum yapan 'yurtdaş'larimi da kınıyorum. Evet ülkemiz iyi bi konumda değil. Ama bazı şeyleri yaparken,en azından ülkeye pislik atan yorumları yaparken, Atatürk'ün bize neleri emanet ettiğini hatırlayarak yorum atın duyar kasiyo diyeceksiniz görüyorum ki böyle şeylerin duyarı da olmazsa artık yok olup gidecekler.

    • @CrazzzyKid
      @CrazzzyKid 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      💯 1 milyon katılıyorum. Ama polonlar genelde dramatik, ve sabit fikirli oluyorlar, bir çoğu bunu aşıyor ama etkisini tamamen üzerinden atamıyor. Bu arkadaş ta onlardan biri. Türkiye yi tarif ederken sanki uzaydan bahsediyor. 😂😂

    • @abdulkerimdogan6036
      @abdulkerimdogan6036 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      EneSacarification İslamdan çok daha önce Türkler vardı ve bu türkler islamdan çok daha önce inanılmaz büyük imparatorluklar kurdu (göktürk hanlığı asya hun Avrupa hunları uygurlar hazarlar ve daha niceleri) kısacası bu yorumunla islamdan çok daha eskiye dayanan atalarına hakaret etmiş bulunuyorsun bu konuyla ilgili daha detaylı bilgiyi Hüseyin Nihal Atsızın islam birliği kuruntusu makalesinde bulabilirsin

    • @kadirenginler
      @kadirenginler 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      aradığım yorum.

    • @cuprax8816
      @cuprax8816 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Dediklerinin her bir kelimesine katılıyorum. Özellikle dış görünüşünden dolayı yabancı olduğum belli oluyo dediğinde bana da o kadar komik ve saçma geldi ki. Türkiye’de her çeşit insan var ve çoğunluk beyaz zaten. Sarışın mavi gözlü de bi çok Türk var, ve bu çok doğal bi şey. Herkesin illak ki arkadaşı vardır. Yani birinin onlara yabancı gözüyle baktığını düşününce aşırı komik bi durum oluyo

    • @alvinjunier6644
      @alvinjunier6644 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@EneSacarification Sen salakmısın türkiye resmiyette bir dini yok yani türk dediğin ateistde olur deiste hristiyanda müslümanda satanistide yahudiside budistide vs. eski kafalı şeyler yazmayın ve osmalı son dönemlerinde avrupaın hasta adamından başka birşey değildi onlar bizden korkmuyor onlar bizim arkamızdakilerden korkuyor çünkü şuanda biri en iyi petrol kaynaklarına ulaşamak isterse türkiye tamda onun için bir yol ve avrupa petrolü istesede bizi karşı çekingen davranıyor çünkü avrupalılar barışcıl insanlar(yunanistan ve fransa salkaklarını sayma) bu yüzden amerika ve rusya gibi petrol için her şeyi yapıcak ülkelerle savaşmak istemiyor. Lan dedenle övünüyorsunda hıyar daha kendin birbok yiyemiyorsun istanbulu feht edilkirken son teknoloji şahin topları kullanıldı burda biz ya yeni teknolojiyi satın alıyoruz yada 10 sene öncenin teknolojisini üretiyoruz

  • @b.e.6230
    @b.e.6230 7 ปีที่แล้ว +73

    hello,I'm a turkish and I think your boyfriend was possesive. lol no one's going to eat you just because you have green eyes. in fact there are also many turkish people that look like you. i think your boyfriend is a possesive person and made you believe that people will hurt you..😅 and other than that i agree that turkish deserts are too sweet. and they have too much callories.. and its true that istanbul is crowded. I guess it seems even more crowded to you because you come from a quiet country 😄 I'm glad you liked your time in turkey and there's nothing to get scared we arent dangerous

    • @jamestheking5386
      @jamestheking5386 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      just because we are not dangerous does not mean that she should not be cautious

    • @-db4rf
      @-db4rf 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Both of you are lame af.. 😑

    • @cuprax8816
      @cuprax8816 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      james theking 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  • @AnachelTheAngel
    @AnachelTheAngel 6 ปีที่แล้ว +117

    I can't agree with most of what she says. I am Polish, blond, tall, green eye girl who live in Istanbul for more than 2 years now, and I can say here is safe. I feel here safer than in Europe. Here, if somrething happens to you on street, other people run to help you, not ignore or watch like in Europe. Here I travel everyday by public transport by myself and no one pick me up from job/school, even thoug Im blonde tall green eye... She obviously lived here in some overprotective bf-bubble. Foreigners live here like in every other corner of the world.
    Next thing; Turks are just faster straight forward than Polish guys. Turks immidiatelly say "I love you" at the first meeting and can even struggle you with their attention, Polish guys dont try to kill you with their kidness 😂
    Last thing: Turkish guys like Polish girls AND Turkish girlslike Polish guys, they are handsome and tall and blonde color for Turkish girls, they love it and even they lower their expectations for Polish man. I know Polish-Turkish couples where Turk is a girl so what Kaya says is not true. There are relationships like that. As I said, she livedin a bubble world and didnt really look around.

    • @everAU2
      @everAU2 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Laura Aslı Kobylas good point on that turkish girls lower their strandrads when it comes to foreigners.
      Turks have to perfect for them no wonder we decide to take non turkish girl

    • @serhatdonmez2554
      @serhatdonmez2554 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      well said :)

    • @BadBoy-fe5tb
      @BadBoy-fe5tb 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Lou biece laura hahaha kohamse kohanna , i m Turk in germany and i had many polnish beauty girlfriends , i always say ,we must change our women with polnish or russian girls, Turkish girls are like men you know what i mean , all erkek fatma haha

    • @hasppl9005
      @hasppl9005 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Laura why her experience have to be like yours????? She is speaking for herself how she felt so it makes no sense for you to "correct" her. You make me really laugh😀 it is normal that guys from different countries will act differently towards girls. Just because Turkish guy will tell you "I love you" it doesn't mean he loves you donb be naive. Words are just words😕 what guy does for you and how he treat you is important.

    • @hirsizvar9835
      @hirsizvar9835 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      HT get out of izmir orasi izmir kardes

  • @GregiDIY
    @GregiDIY 6 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    Greetings from Poland my Turkish friends. I thought I write that in opposite to other comments😊

    • @aligecer1536
      @aligecer1536 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @lalala3440
      @lalala3440 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you so much

    • @yurulenteneke6241
      @yurulenteneke6241 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Why poles are very racist against Turks ?

    • @oghuzkhan5117
      @oghuzkhan5117 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Greetings from Turkey to Poland. Stay blessed my friend

  • @Ogjzhan
    @Ogjzhan 6 ปีที่แล้ว +340

    Dislike atanlar polonyalı erkekler :))

    • @fatihakin1570
      @fatihakin1570 6 ปีที่แล้ว +42

      Veya Türk kızlar :)

    • @_caracalla_
      @_caracalla_ 6 ปีที่แล้ว +41

      aga harbiden kadın tam noktaya basmış ya. "Türk kızları erkeklerden çok şey bekliyor." "kendilerini prensess yerine koyuyorlar.". Ya şunu taksimde feminist kılıklıların önünde söyle, yemin ediyorum paramparça ederler.

    • @postblue6296
      @postblue6296 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      bizim kızlarla da onlar evlensin artık. ahahah.

    • @louisxiv4831
      @louisxiv4831 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Fatih AKIN onlarda birbiriyle evlensin

    • @damekairsoft7009
      @damekairsoft7009 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      oguzhan yıldırım speak english cause we dont ynderstand :)

  • @betula.4899
    @betula.4899 6 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    I am a turkish girl in a relationship with a polish man since 3 years :)

    • @gurhan61
      @gurhan61 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I did not understand. Turk's man loves you?

    • @betula.4899
      @betula.4899 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Türk MaCBeTH excuse me what did you want to ask me?

    • @gurhan61
      @gurhan61 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Betül A. Nothing

    • @everAU2
      @everAU2 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Betül A. You are from germany right?

    • @everAU2
      @everAU2 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Leutnant M. OSSILP no i mean thish bitc* turksh girl

  • @GBK-bk3oz
    @GBK-bk3oz 7 ปีที่แล้ว +165

    I understand this woman, Turkey is a beautiful country where people smile, Poland is a good country but nobody smile, i feel bad in this country when i stayed too long time. Moja matka jest polka, (Jelenia gora)

    • @GBK-bk3oz
      @GBK-bk3oz 7 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      ADHD MC666 no my father is not Muslim, me I'm Muslim

    • @lopp5260
      @lopp5260 6 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      +GBK34000 Not a big surprise then that nobody smiles at you

    • @aliyilmaz7269
      @aliyilmaz7269 6 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      So they don't even smile at him because he is a Muslim ?

    • @CaptanDeno
      @CaptanDeno 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      even a pile of shit better than istanbul which vomits humans out of its capacity. %60 of people live their life like parasites.

    • @e.1790
      @e.1790 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Limp business idk where you living but i always seeing people smile in İstanbul

  • @davyjones791
    @davyjones791 7 ปีที่แล้ว +196

    I saw those racist comments as a Turkish. Thank you for everyone. It makes stronger me.
    Being Turkish is the hardest thing ever because you struggle with the world,however,Not being Turkish is harder thing because you struggle with Turkish people. I'M PROUD OF BEING TURKISH. Nevertheless, I will never against people who don't think like me. Being Turkish requires this.

    • @sytyvadi5091
      @sytyvadi5091 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      You see mate it is not about your nationality, but religion or cult more likely, but as usual if u have no argument, call every one a racist.

    • @melissaatmaca7730
      @melissaatmaca7730 7 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      I am Turkish, and I can proudly say that I am extremely intelligent considering that I speak 3 languages in total at the age of 14 without taking any tutoring classes, with only the addition of self-studying. Also not to mention I do well in my classes, know about history and science more than you ever will. Before you generalize, make sure you have cold hard facts to prove your point except you can't have a basic stereotypical idea of a nation once you realize that each individual is different from one another. What a shame that you judge a person by their ONE mistake, and call them stupid. On top of that, you associate one's stupidity with their ethnicity which makes you pathetic. You might as well call the Jews idiots as they claim that Judaism is both a race and a religion, lmao!

    • @sytyvadi5091
      @sytyvadi5091 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Melissa. You don't have to be intelligent to speak languages, especially if you very young as it is very easy to absorb languages. To be honest "extremely intelligent" person would know it, unless you are just narcissistic kid. I don't think any intelligent person would even use therm - extremely intelligent, so maybe it's time to go back to school kid

    • @melissaatmaca7730
      @melissaatmaca7730 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Syty Vadi Syty Vadi So it is okay for someone to make a such a claim(that someone is stupid), yet it's a problem when a teenager owns up to her abilities. Many intelligent people are aware of their capacities, and how they are distinct within the community which causes them to be over-confident. I also can advocate that speaking languages do imply somewhat intelligence as I've seen many people my age who can't even say hello in German. If you read carefully, I said through self-studying not taking classes since I was 5 years old.
      P.S: I am already in school, so telling me to go back to it was unnecessary, and you ended up sounding idiotic. Next time, focus on my main argument rather than me mentioning my capacities. You are another moron who likes to differentiate and discriminate within people just to make yourself go on top.

    • @sytyvadi5091
      @sytyvadi5091 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Melissa Atmaca you see I am 40 years old. I have never seen anyone who would be calling him/her self extremely intelligent it only proofs that you are extremely stupid and narcissistic

  • @RadioactiveRabbit
    @RadioactiveRabbit 7 ปีที่แล้ว +368

    I don't understand.why do people hate Turks ?

    • @RadioactiveRabbit
      @RadioactiveRabbit 6 ปีที่แล้ว +181

      Muslim or not , Turkish or not ... Aren't we all humans in the end ?
      Why do we have to fight like wild animals to gain land or gain some "money". (by the way its just paper its ridiculous.)
      I believe what limits human progress is religion and having multiple countries.

    • @oghuzkhan5117
      @oghuzkhan5117 6 ปีที่แล้ว +199

      Muslims Turks, read about Ottoman empire. We helped Catolics in Ireland with the famine. We helped Jews from prosecution and deportation in europe. We helped even Polish people in Istanbul we have neihbhourhood with the name "Polonezkoy" which litteraly means"village of the Poles" bc in Polish war , some Polish people flee and got shelter and permission to build there own community in Istanbul, by the sultan.
      Read about Swedih King Xll who seeked shelter in Ottoman empire after he lost against Russia,.
      Jew coomunity, Armenian communnity had own judges and court houses for there own people. None muslim were not prosecutaed with sharia law,. but with there own laws. People were free to live and believe how they wanted. Dont believe the hatred people or zionist written media

    • @p4saqqq
      @p4saqqq 6 ปีที่แล้ว +149

      MCADHD666 we arent just muslims. I am from Turkey and I am atheist. Turkey free about religion.

    • @RadioactiveRabbit
      @RadioactiveRabbit 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I'm sorry my last respond was a little communist.

    • @RadioactiveRabbit
      @RadioactiveRabbit 6 ปีที่แล้ว +73

      ScarletDespair yea i dont see a problem about them being muslim since they dont force anyone its free religion . Also They are bad for invading europe but countries like england , spain , france they invaded a lot more .Nobody hates them Accept it.
      Hating a country without knowing its history is ridiculous.
      "Ottomans" was about free religion, in england they killed people for their religion. They burned scientists becausd they were witchez.
      look at the world now!
      Turkey accepts sryans the most.
      We even helped some nations at war even if we gain nothing like that time we helped south korea.
      Im Turkish and i am proud of it.There is nothing more to say about it.If the information is false its my bad.

  • @RadosawBatrukiewicz
    @RadosawBatrukiewicz 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I know a Turkish girl that felt in love with polish boy.Also From what i have seen last time just-met Turkish girl was sitting on my knees so...But they are here in Poland and thats the main difference

  • @akkhan2856
    @akkhan2856 7 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    Love all the information. However, She mentioned, she is tall blond, so it's obvious she is not from there!!! You lost me there! Did you really when to turkey? They have every type and sizes of People. I went there for one week, and I saw this ( there are not only blond, but there are also Red hair people - who are Turkish and Muslim and lots of them!) How did she miss it?

    • @akkhan2856
      @akkhan2856 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I liked and agreed with you. And to the part 'YOU DONT LOOK TURKISH' or 'ARE YOUR PARENTS TURKISH?' believe me, it has different shape and form in different countries. I'm from Australia with Indian background. But because I have fair skin I get this looks as well when I visit India or Bangladesh.

    • @lostwisdom100
      @lostwisdom100 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Aryans arrived in India 4,000 years ago, brought with them the Sanskrit language and created Hinduism/Buddhism, they were mostly blond haired and blue eyed so there are some Indians who still have some of the ancient Aryan ancestry and it shows out in their fairer skin tone or the occasional person who happens to have blue or green eyes mainly in northern India. Where do you think the caste system came from originally? It was the ancient Aryans attempt to preserve their race, but it ultimately failed.

    • @Torsengi
      @Torsengi 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@agape_99 changing in the religion doesnt bring change in the skin colour. But i guess italians spanish and even french and greeks are "white" despite being brown in appearance, turks who came from central asia thus most probably were yellow in your racial discriminating mind mixing with anatolian people who were greek armenian bulgerian and georgian are brown because of islam and probably because when someone say turk your mind brings a picture of real "brown" people in turkey which are kurds making up 9% of the country population?

    • @abrarshan7112
      @abrarshan7112 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Torsengi at last I get a perfect comment..Many peoples take kurds feauture as the turks.. But they r completely different 〰️

    • @Torsengi
      @Torsengi 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@abrarshan7112 i agree to a degree. There are differences yes. Many kurds look persian and indian like, true. However after living together with armenians turks arabs kurds also can appear in very different shapes and forms just like turks.

  • @PLAVACEK321
    @PLAVACEK321 6 ปีที่แล้ว +92

    Some girls like Turkish guys. I like Turkish women and women with mediteranian origins: Italian, Greek, French... I found them realy beautiful.

    • @hstyler69
      @hstyler69 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      çürüyen boşluk youtube video izlemeklen istatik olmuyor salak kiz, ben orda yaşadim ve türkiyede yaşiyorum, tek bir söz avrupadaki kizlar daha temiz kalpli ve insanin dış görünüşüne ve parasina bizimkiler gibi bakmaz

    • @hstyler69
      @hstyler69 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ağıza bak gold digger miş

    • @hstyler69
      @hstyler69 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      çürüyen boşluk tamam sende standart türk kizlarindan başka degilsin ego level over 9000 thousand

    • @hstyler69
      @hstyler69 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      çürüyen boşluk senin iq un yerin dibinde zaten ölçmeye gerek yok

    • @hstyler69
      @hstyler69 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      çürüyen boşluk nerden gördün çok merak ettim

  • @SweatyCamelBalls
    @SweatyCamelBalls 6 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    Big deal, I’ve been to turkey, and there are so many women and man blonder then u can ever be. Plus you blend in, you don’t look very much different then most turks.

    • @user-pe2yx9kt4e
      @user-pe2yx9kt4e 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      She likes playing into stereotypes

    • @deejin25
      @deejin25 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@user-pe2yx9kt4e Is there a blonde in the video? I see a brunette?

    • @inconspicuous1995
      @inconspicuous1995 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Don't even need to be blonde to stand out in Turkey. Just be tall, pale and have different features...experienced it for my self. I was barely an adult back then and surprised the Turks didn't resemble the actors in the TV series that were airing.

    • @curiousteletabi2696
      @curiousteletabi2696 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@inconspicuous1995 Thats idiotic

    • @inconspicuous1995
      @inconspicuous1995 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@curiousteletabi2696 You sure showed me...

  • @vequite
    @vequite 7 ปีที่แล้ว +229

    I don't understand why this video has too many dislikes.
    The interview is kinda honest though.

    • @lara__4279
      @lara__4279 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Gerçektwn bunların önyargılarına sıçıyım sinirlerim bozuldu amk

    • @thebeast8075
      @thebeast8075 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Hey man.I see that you are anti-muslim.Its ok i am like that too.And many of the Turkish population are only muslim on paper.That means there are like %10 or less real muslims and fanatic muslims in Turkey.We are using our traditions from our religion before islam 'Tengrism' so we are not really muslims like arabs.Arabic Caliphate attacked to central asia many times and slaughtered thousands of turks and muslimized Turks with the hard way.

    • @chlopakzpolski
      @chlopakzpolski 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      u can see polish woman and turkish man together but u wont see polish man and turkish girl becouse it is not allowed for Turks. And it i s kind of racism for Poles.

    • @chlopakzpolski
      @chlopakzpolski 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      i know a situation when turkish girl made suicide (she jumped off 8-th floor) becouse her father did not accept her polish boyfriend. They lived in Poland.

    • @chlopakzpolski
      @chlopakzpolski 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Same with Chechens, there are hundreds (if not thousands) marriages of chechen man with polish women but not opposite. Becouse of religion. Isn't it racist ?

  • @oghuzkhan5117
    @oghuzkhan5117 7 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Why Turkey is not a safe country to travel ?
    Although reluctantly, we have to admit it: Turkey is not a safe country to travel.
    Read all about the dangers ahead!
    Risk of an overdose of turquoise
    With a coastline that spans more than 8,000 kilometers (approximately 5,000 miles), there is an increased risk of ending up at the beach. And those beaches are pristine! And the water is blue. Or worse…, turquoise. Turkey has beaches in all colors of blue. Colors that seem to change every day, depending on the weather, but always blue. So, if you’re not a big fan of blue - and in particular turquoise - stay away from Turkish beaches. You will be annoyed with the crystal clear water and the paradise beaches. In fact, there are so many beaches, that you will be spoiled for choice. Another risk here…, the stress of decision making! You can’t possibly try them all. 🙂
    Risk of being immersed in history and culture
    Turkey is not all about turquoise beaches and pristine bays. The country has a rich history and plenty of ancient sites to show for that. There are ‘ancient stones’ everywhere. Of course, a city like Istanbul is a cultural hub. And sites like Ephesus, Pamukkale, Mount Nemrut or Troy are world famous. The country has 16 sites inscribed on the World Heritage List! But you don’t have to visit those sites to be surrounded by history. It is simply everywhere. The smallest villages have ancient Lycian graves, rock tombs or remains of entire cities or civilizations. You will always be surprised at the amount of history that is just waiting for you to discover it. When in fear of having to deal with the beauty of history or culture when on holiday, you might want to reconsider visiting Turkey!
    Risk of gaining weight
    Beware! Turkish food is delicious! And there is food everywhere. Really… Even when you think you’ve just found the most remote and isolated spot in Turkey, someone will be offering you food or tea. And the problem is, this doesn’t just happen to you once. It happens every day. You will spend an entire trip surrounded by food stalls selling delicious (and healthy) street food. You will have to resist countless seaside restaurants serving fresh fish and meze. You will have to refuse complementary fruit plates after your meal or even when enjoying a drink or cocktail on the beach. Oh, and please DO NOT have a Turkish breakfast! It feels like dying and going to heaven. A traditional Turkish breakfast (köy kahvaltısı) is a feast! It is a table full of food, most of the times organic and it will take hours of whiling away the day enjoying those yummies. In short, the dangers of people serving you the tastiest meals are genuine. If you plan on starving yourself, don’t come to Turkey.
    Risk of making Turkish friends (for life)
    If you are the “I do not want to meet any local” kind of person, then you’re in trouble when visiting Turkey. Locals LOVE foreigners. They will go out of their way to make you happy. They are so welcoming and hospitable that they would not only feed you or even offer you a bed for the night. They might also be genuinely interested in who you are and what you love about Turkey. You might end up being the guest of honor at a wedding or meet the Muhtar (head of the village) for a cup of tea or Turkish coffee. Another thing…, Turkish people love hitchhikers and even people that are not hitchhiking but seem to have a long road ahead. It is almost part of a tradition. Makes sense, if you own a car and someone doesn’t, why not stop to take them along if you are going the same way? Of even better, why not drive your temporary guests straight to their destination? After all, that’s what being hospitable is all about! Indeed, there is a huge risk in Turkey of bonding with locals and making friends for life. If you feel uncomfortable making new friends, Turkey is not for you.
    Risk of too much contentment
    With all the good food, the lovely friendly people, beautiful nature, beaches, and bays and an always present aroma of history and culture, you risk feeling content and happy. Not just for a split second, but the entire time. And that is where the real danger of coming to Turkey lies… You may feel so good in Turkey; you never want to leave again. And if you do manage to drag yourself back home, beware, as you may be back sooner than you think! It’s magic!

    • @rodrigodiazdevivar6250
      @rodrigodiazdevivar6250 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      pkk bozkurts akp

    • @schechter01
      @schechter01 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      😄 You must work for Turkey's Dept. of Tourism!... I have to admit, it all sounds great.

    • @oghuzkhan5117
      @oghuzkhan5117 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@schechter01 Did i make you smile :)

    • @jackjack3138
      @jackjack3138 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@schechter01 we never do that for tourism. Its bc we want to meet and greet foreigners. ıts fine if you dont understand.

  • @QJeanN
    @QJeanN 6 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    elin kızı bile anladı Türk kızlarının çok şey istediğini , gelde bizimkilere anlat 😀

  • @Zonex_32
    @Zonex_32 7 ปีที่แล้ว +122

    I think Polish people r more nationalıst and patriotic than all other europen counties ..maybe because of the affect of beıng eastern european and history ..ın this case they r similar with Turks a lot

    • @moniquew327
      @moniquew327 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Poland is located in Central Europe.

    • @Zonex_32
      @Zonex_32 6 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      I know where Polond is and went to Warsaw 1 years ago . Yes It is located theoricly Central Europe but also known as Eastern Europe from the east border

    • @moniquew327
      @moniquew327 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yn Eygl Theoretically??? It is located in Central Europe. And btw it's Poland not Polond...

    • @Zonex_32
      @Zonex_32 6 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      At least ideologycly Poland is an Eastern European country because of the communısm and history ..also most of old historic and political resources take it as East European ...Although Turkey has territories in Europea We r not calling it as European ...We call it mostly Asian ...also there is no a huge difference between East and Central ..Take it easy

    • @moniquew327
      @moniquew327 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yn Eygl Poland is as Eastern country as Sweden or Norway. Being stuck in the past (communism) and saying we are Eastern Europeans shows only lack of geographical knowledge. That's all.

  • @osmanliordusudondu4880
    @osmanliordusudondu4880 7 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    I am American and love turkey turkey is the best

    • @FTC207
      @FTC207 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @lorddionysus5666
    @lorddionysus5666 7 ปีที่แล้ว +93

    Ah, I like your videos so much! I'm from Turkey and I always watch your videos, I have friends from Poland and I always text with them. They tell me Poland and I tell them Turkey. I think you are so kind, and I'm happy because I saw a foreign TH-camr who loves Turkey. I'm proud of my country thanks to you. Thank you very much for this videos! I love you and your videos so much! ❤

    • @nisahudson1033
      @nisahudson1033 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nasıl yani ırkçılar (bilmiyorumda)

    • @jamestheking5386
      @jamestheking5386 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      lol relax haha , if u love so much , then marry with him

    • @rafal-majewski
      @rafal-majewski 6 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      I am from Poland and I learn turkish xd, thanks to Atatürk for making this language one of the easiest languages

    • @ardauyan8166
      @ardauyan8166 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I have friends from other countries.(Poland,Slovakia,Litvania etc.) My friends always say that Turkish language really is the one of the most difficult languages. And also I agree with them. There are too many complicated things in it. If you need something about Turkish languge, you can ask me..Rafai :D

    • @rafal-majewski
      @rafal-majewski 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Do you have Discord?

  • @lollylula6399
    @lollylula6399 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I really enjoy your interviews, you always come across as sincere & interested. I like the way you summarise and reflect back to people what they've been saying, it shows your interest/understanding. The way you conduct the whole interview is so smooth; like you've clearly researched and are directing the flow & then the questions you ask are so pertinent to what the people have been talking about but it obviously fits into your general direction of the interview too. You're clearly very skilled, it always makes the interviews interesting and enjoyable

  • @jerimichelle
    @jerimichelle 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Beautiful- she was honest and straight forward. " She collects energy when alone." I also liked her story of having to " translate the conversations between her Mother and her new family. Thus, being able to " Moderate :-) Interesting interview.

  • @bilgehanbahcivan6318
    @bilgehanbahcivan6318 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Quite structured and fruitful conversation. I really enjoyed it.

  • @tugrulserhat
    @tugrulserhat 7 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    "there's no shy turks I would say" oh honey you are so wrong on that one

  • @nothing8343
    @nothing8343 6 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    "How happy is the one who says I am a Turk"
    Mustafa Kemal Atatürk(Founder of Turkish Republic).

    • @panickgr1536
      @panickgr1536 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Mustafa kemal had problem in head

    • @dr.muhannadalnaser2082
      @dr.muhannadalnaser2082 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Founder of Turkey from the beginning is osman son of ertugrul and without them there would never be Turkey today. 🇹🇷❤

    • @nothing8343
      @nothing8343 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dr.muhannadalnaser2082 The founder of the ottoman empire is Osman Bey, The founder of the Turkey republic is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and both of them are majestic people.

    • @dr.muhannadalnaser2082
      @dr.muhannadalnaser2082 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nothing8343 yes I just wanted to remind about the story how it's start because the the first 600 years achievement was done by the ottomans so without them no one would be able to find Turkish state that started nearly 100 years ago .
      Ben türküm ve dedem osmanlı

  • @beterb.1236
    @beterb.1236 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    güzel yorumun için teşekkür ederim.. umarım eşinle mutluluğun devam eder... :D yalnız ülkeme 3. sınıf muamelesi yapılması ve önyargı ile yaklaşılması beni üzdü :( umarım bu bakış açışını değiştirecek, daha bir çok güzel olay yaşanması dileğiyle :D

  • @hilmiarslan26
    @hilmiarslan26 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I've watched video and read the reviews.Therefore, I have some words to say. first of that, she was right and unjust. I'm living in Poland for long times with polish people. I've met too many Polish, during staying in here. Most of them really kind, who is educated and open mind. But some of them really ignorant that they've never observe about anything and just believing what media told them. My home mates have turkish girlfriends both for more than 2 years and they re not just alone in Poland. Many Polish guys trying to flirt with Turkish girls as Turkish boys trying. Turkish people are not pretending like Arabic people in religion. Totally different. I really suggest you to read and try to understand by yourself, who dissenting opinion than mine. Polska dla Polakow i Turkow :) Greetings

  • @deryaaydn9772
    @deryaaydn9772 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    i am Turkish girl and many Polish man who have i talked said Polish girls only colored their hair much blondie, doing their nails and looking rich man for money.

  • @eray-z5m
    @eray-z5m 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    10:00 Bu Avrupalıların aklında nasıl bir Türk imajı var anlamadım ya. Renkli gözlü, sarışın, uzun boylu kimse yok mu yani? Örneğin ailemin yarısı, geniş ailemin üçte biri renkli gözlü. (Sivaslıyım)

    • @anonymanonymous9763
      @anonymanonymous9763 ปีที่แล้ว

      6 senedir Avrupadayim. Oldukca acik tenli bir insanim fakat ne gozum renkli ne de saclarim sari. Ne kadar cok "aa hic turke benzemiyorsun" demelerinden cikardigim kafalarindaki turk imaji kafasinda fes olan bir goril.

  • @babakzekibi315
    @babakzekibi315 7 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    There are good people and bad people in all countries, it’s the social experiences that shape the way we look at matters. People are good not countries or nations.

  • @neriumoleander2256
    @neriumoleander2256 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I visited Poland three times. I liked Polish People. They were really polite to me.

  • @nachmanka
    @nachmanka 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Kaja is unbelievable. Beautiful, smart, well-educated :) She does a great job with her channel and she helps people. What's more, she is also extremely humble and kind. As a Polish person, I'm proud of her and she is a person whom I admire. Good luck, Kaja. You are amazing! :)

  • @OshayDukeJackson
    @OshayDukeJackson 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You are an excellent interviewer

  • @Non34stop
    @Non34stop 6 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Türk erkekleri çok özgüvenli ve dürüstmüş ah bacım ahhh 😀

    • @Torsengi
      @Torsengi 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Zaten "bacım" kullanıyosan senin ve çevrendeki insanların şark kurnazı olması büyük ihtimal.

    • @tugkancan893
      @tugkancan893 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Şark kurnazı ne ya arkadaşım adam bi replik yaptı :d gerçekten at gözlüğü takıyorsunuz

    • @Non34stop
      @Non34stop 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Banu İŞLER şakadan anlamıyorsun çevremde her insan tipinden fazlasıyla var İstanbul’un göt deliğinde büyüyüp doktor olduk herkesi az çok gördük yani😀

    • @tkendirli
      @tkendirli 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Aslında genel olarak şayet yabancı dil biliyorlarsa öyleler. Yani yanlış bir tespit değil,
      emin olabilirsiniz.

    • @cemo3292
      @cemo3292 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      kadın bi bilse sjisjsis

  • @annov7500
    @annov7500 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanx for video Ryan...

  • @sahincangaz3989
    @sahincangaz3989 7 ปีที่แล้ว +70

    So much racism rised in last 5 years in Poland. I lived a year in Katowice in Poland. It was my first time in my life that i faced with a racist woman. You know normally boys are more racist in such cases. :D. However, I love this country. Apart from "POLSKA DLA POLAKOW " :D I had really great time. Drinking Zubrowka eating pierogi, zapikanka, meeting new ppl on the street everyday contributed me a lot. For all the experiences either bad or good. Dzienkuje Barzo :)
    By the way, The title is really shit. Lefting poland for Turkey sounds like a betrayel to own nation and it provokates ppl here. I would rather write like " Why I moved out from Poland to Turkey?"

    • @damian4926
      @damian4926 6 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Some Polish people are dumbasses and some are not.
      Here is a fun fact: those who shout "POLSKA DLA POLAKOW " call themselves patriots, however in 99% cases they are not even capable of listing important dates and events in Polish history. In fact they are not even able to sing our national anthem except refrain.

    • @sahincangaz3989
      @sahincangaz3989 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thanks for your nice comment man. Right populism is a sickness around the world. The things that you have said are correct for Turkish right populist patriots, too. They are so proud of Ottoman Empire but they know the history of Ottoman from Turkish series of which is on Polish Tv recently. It is funny. Btw If you look up one comment before, you see a polish "patriot". :D

    • @damian4926
      @damian4926 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      How do you know about the Turkish series in Polish TV?? xD People in Poland like it a lot.
      Somewhere there is my comment explaining why people react so negative to this girl. It is mainly because there have been stories about Polish women that married a muslim guy and everything was fine until they moved to the muslim state and in there the women were often beaten, forced to wear hjab and they were sex slaves; sometimes families of those were finding out dead bodies of those girls in those muslim countries after they have not contacted them for years. And this was happening very often, like more often than it should. You can even see it in this video, the girl talk that her father was saying that it is a terrible idea and that she was very worried the first time she went there and if you know the context(which is every Polish man) you can read in-between lines, the guy is really interviewing her for any accidents, if anything bad happened. Try to watch it again knowing this.
      It is not about her boyfriend being Turkish (cuz People actually more like Turkish than don't like) or that we are jealous; it's about her boyfriend being muslim and her going to his country - muslim state. People just act aggressively that she is foolish because they think that this will happen to her as well. Of course I don't think like that, but people are very sensitive on that topic. You can search the web or yt, there is lot's of materials about slavic girls that once they went to middle east they become sex slaves and were beaten, and when Polish people hear that they just react very aggressive.
      I hope you understand now, it is not about us being racist to Turks it's just other things that we have in memory.

    • @damian4926
      @damian4926 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      10:06, 10:18, 1:19, 1:25, 1:54, 2:34, 3:44, 4:04, 5:17 - (I survived, I was alive). These are the parts that you should take note of, just try to hear the keywords. This video is really about showing that you will not get killed or get beaten up if you will travel to muslim state, to your muslim husband/boyfriend.

    • @damian4926
      @damian4926 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      " Rightwing is always more educated in history etc that leftside" - and that is because you said that, is it?
      "you are not pole" - I was born in Poland, my first language is Polish, I have Polish citizenship, I celebrate Polish holidays, I'm of Polish ancestry and in my family cultivate of tradition is firmly rooted. I'm pretty sure I'm a Pole.
      "You dont represent poles nation" - I never said I do represent a whole nation.
      "but only europenian wing " - not sure what you mean, I do not represent any party or political movement, only myself. And if you are asking if I concern myself as an European, yes I do. My country is on European continent, therefore I'm an European.
      " im polish patriot so that mean i more represent poles nation" - I'm Polish patriot as well, what makes you represent our nation more than I do? Who gave you that privilege?
      "that "Pole" who like more EU that Poland" - I never said I like EU more than Poland, I'll say it's actually the opposite; how did you deduce that irrational thought? What makes you think I like EU more than my country?
      "Lefthside think they can talk in name of poles, but they dont." - I'll say that any Pole can speak for himself, no matter what he thinks and that in my opinion is the problem. There are some that aren't really intelligent and they smear Polish pride with shit mainly by typing extremely stupid comments under TH-cam videos.
      This is very frustrating as it is easy for them to destroy but hard for the rest to repair, however those are the casualties of Polish intelligence being murdered during WWII. People now days prefer to type rather than think rinsing Polish heritage in toilet and mixing it with political shit. My ancestors are turning over in their graves looking at modern Polish youth. Shame.

  • @eikaradag
    @eikaradag 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    First of all thank you for such a video. I agree with whatever you say, you have told Turkish better than us :)

  • @rafapraski5279
    @rafapraski5279 7 ปีที่แล้ว +127

    7:30 Znam około 50 Turków - ŻADEN z nich nie traktuje kobiety jak księżniczki. Bzdura na resorach. Może Pani się trafiło. Dziewczynki i kobiety są GORZEJ traktowane niż mężczyźni i wynika to z ich wychowania, kultury i religi. Szanuje Turków - pracuję z kilkoma, dwaj są moimi sąsiadami, ale jestem przeciwny ich sposobowi podejścia do kobiet. Tego, że Słowianki mają mniejsze oczekiwania w stosunku do mężczyzn niż Turczynki, nawet nie skomentuje. Żenada...

    • @jojoklas8296
      @jojoklas8296 7 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      Rafał Praski
      Teraz jeszcze wszystko fajnie, ale po ślubie już nie będzie mogła wracać. Ale niech każdy robi jak chce. Tylko niech potem ona też żyje z konzekwencjami.

    • @Eminialetta
      @Eminialetta 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Jojo Klas ale ona tam nie mieszka

    • @helenakurcewiczowna6695
      @helenakurcewiczowna6695 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Rafal Praski - jest dokladnie tak jak mowisz; Turcy sa starsznie prymitywni i jezeli jakims paniom odpowiada cofanie sie cywilzacyjne no to juz jej wybor. Przykre. Zreszta, powodem dla ktorego niektore Polskie kobiety narzekaja na Polskich mezczyzn i leca za m.in Turkami jest to ze tak jak mowisz maja baaardzo male, malutkie oczekiwania w stosunku do mezczyzn daltego dostaja to na co sie nastawia, ale z Turkami tym bardziej lepiej miec nie beda.

    • @krysias2213
      @krysias2213 7 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Rafał Praski
      Dokładnie tak jak mówisz. Jeśli jeszcze się nie przekonała, to tylko znaczy że nie jest z nim długo. Znałam Turków w Londynie.

    • @Eminialetta
      @Eminialetta 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Krysia S Jest z nim 5/6 lat, wydaje mi sie, że juz zdążyła go poznać

  • @bitilkuyumcu5323
    @bitilkuyumcu5323 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yes And I've got friends they're Polish and they love Turkish people like we do, and I am happy to watch! Are you interest take some videos about Turkey?

  • @UnitedPacci
    @UnitedPacci 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Shout out to my Turkish friends. Really like you Turkish folks

  • @onurmuratsakgun7246
    @onurmuratsakgun7246 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Suprisingly positive... a nice breeze really. Thank you for your review and all those kind words about my country. And by the way, I totally agree on the matter of sweets in Turkey, theyre TOO sweet :D But there are some that are not that much of sweet, for example künefe. You should try it at least once. Thank you again and have a good day. Greetings from Turkey

  • @YummYakitori
    @YummYakitori 7 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    IMO Polish people are also quite conservative

    • @mmrock4837
      @mmrock4837 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      YummYakitori conservatism is the new progressive trend. The times we live in demand it.

    • @YummYakitori
      @YummYakitori 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Wolfie Blue
      It seems to me that conservatism in Poland actually stems from Russian / Soviet influence in the past rather than it being the new progressive trend. During the time of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth up until the 17th century AD, Poland was in every way more closely aligned to the liberal West, and in terms of religion, Poland and Lithuania were, and still are staunchly Catholic, much like other countries in the western and southern part of Europe (Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Ireland etc.); as opposed to Eastern Orthodoxy which sort of further culturally isolated the really conservative European nations in the east like Russia, Belarus & Ukraine from the rest of Europe.
      In Turkey conservatism arises from Islam, whereas in countries throughout East Asia (China, Korea & Japan), conservatism is mostly a result of long-standing geographic isolation from the rest of the world and philosophical schools of thought in China (Confucianism).

    • @mmrock4837
      @mmrock4837 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      up until the 17th c the west was far from liberal. Ever heard of religious wars and persecutions, lack of freedom of speech and intrusive surveillance at the time ?
      Equating soviet communism with conservative influence is absurd.

  • @BorderlineDestroyer
    @BorderlineDestroyer 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    what is perfect channel thank you

  • @furkanbasbug4217
    @furkanbasbug4217 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The woman describes herself in such a way that she described herself as if everyone looked the same, especially in Turkey.20 years ago, a black person came to our school in Turkey and the whole school gathered around the child, this was a new thing for us, but now everywhere is full of black people who come to study It was the same for the Japanese and Koreans, but the country has become a cradle of racial diversity, no one will target you (it made me laugh when he told it like everyone was a target I think your media is talking about Turkey as if it's Afghanistan😂🤦) . You're the only blonde with colored eyes in turkey anyway 😂😂😂 I think the reason why your wife takes you is because the public transport is so full sometimes she didn't want to throw you into that mess, so think of it as a Turkish tradition.

  • @Adam-om9si
    @Adam-om9si 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Glad to see the trash took itself out

  • @jorgesevil1137
    @jorgesevil1137 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Greetings for all turkish people and polish girls!!!

  • @ehrimannoorizadeh
    @ehrimannoorizadeh 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    i see, most of polish people have hate for turkey. İts weird because in turkey if u ask something about Poland to anybody, you can't hear any bad comment except racism.

    • @jorgesevil1137
      @jorgesevil1137 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Şahan Onur it is not like that. I saw many polish movies on you tube about Turkey. As long as girl doesnt say that she likes turkish boy, then almost no bad comments. Just polish men hates when polish girl has foregin boyfriend.

    • @swav.zielin
      @swav.zielin 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jorgesevil1137 the issue I see is it goes only one way - foreign men into or with Polish/European women- not the other way around. If it went both ways, it wouldn't be an issue.

  • @unbalancedbinarytree2194
    @unbalancedbinarytree2194 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Actually, you're not that different than some Turkish girls, No one can say that you're a foreigner by your looks and yes your boyfriend was possessive and this was probably a trick he played. I would recommend watching this video with a grain of salt.

  • @oguz4158
    @oguz4158 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I had poland friends i love them as Turk I respect Poland history

  • @nurullahcelik8326
    @nurullahcelik8326 7 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Sen artık bizim kızımızsın takma burda yazılanları :)

    • @aycapamuk9112
      @aycapamuk9112 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dedi türk olmayan biri

    • @nurullahcelik8326
      @nurullahcelik8326 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@aycapamuk9112 aynen kral türk değilim ben.

  • @hasanmuzak8387
    @hasanmuzak8387 6 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Many Polish child curse here to Turkish people's religion. Grow up guys , we live in 2017. You can't succes anything without respecting each other's believes and ideas. You can't generalize every Turkish man within getting some messages from one Turkish man.

  • @SC-rt7bq
    @SC-rt7bq 7 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    "There is no shy Turks I'd say" Jeez she learned nothing. Usually the men who are too confident are from towns or small cities. In big cities like İstanbul and Ankara people are more Americanized, so more shy. Men are less confident. But also more modern. And many Turkish women are shy. Expecting too much thing is that because they might not have the same opportunities as an European women to achieve things and Turkish women are usually raised being on the alert to protect themselves and used to getting attention and compliments a lot. Lot's of catcalling, too. And they know the compliments are usually not sincere. But European women might think that the compliment or the attention is sincere or only for them because it's new and they're not used to it.

    • @cagatayteoman5640
      @cagatayteoman5640 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Selen C İ am also as utangaç as they

    • @hstyler69
      @hstyler69 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      bullcrap they expect a lot from the man and be handsome at the same time, as a guy who lived in europe and is living now in turkey i could easily compare turkish girls with european girls, turkish girls are better looking but european girls are more open and kind and have a better heart😀

    • @gokcanaytekin3423
      @gokcanaytekin3423 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Git de kendi kendini göm , Türk erkeklerini değil...

    • @turkishh1453
      @turkishh1453 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Americanized dediklerin aslında kendine daha güvenli olur. Hatta kendine güvenden ziyade kaba ve görgüsüz olur. Eğitim arttıkça oluşan tevazu çekingenlik değildir. Yani büyük şehirlerde olan şey senin dediğinin aksine americanized oldukça gelen utangaçlık değil eğitim arttıkça gelen tevazu ve olgunluktur. Ayrıca cümlelerinin yanlış olan kısmı sadece bu da değil. Genellemeler her zaman yanlışa iter. Küçük şehirlerden gelen aklı başında insanlar bu büyük ve değişik ortamlara alışamadıkları için; büyük şehirlerde olanlardan daha utangaç olurlar. Küçük şehirlerden gelip kendine fazla güveni olanların güveni ise cahil cesaretinden kaynaklanır. Özetle Türkiye'deki kendine güveni olan erkeklerin hepsinin küçük şehirlerden geldiğini iddia etmek; boş, temelsiz ve salakça bir genellemeden ibaret. İlgi ve iltifatla alakalı olan kısımlara katılıyorum.

    • @agape_99
      @agape_99 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Çare Asyalı kızlar, bir kız düşün, senin için gününü harcayıp bilmediğin bir şehri gezdirsin üstüne uberdir yemektir paralarını da ödemeye çalışsın. Beklentisi de saygı Ve sevgi başka birşey değil, nutkum tutulmuştu amk

  • @onur8848
    @onur8848 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    As a Nationalist Turkish man, i wouldnt mind a turkish girl marry with a polish guy. If they are happy and they enjoy with their life, then nobody can talk shit about them.

    • @gustavadolf3874
      @gustavadolf3874 6 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @gustavadolf3874
      @gustavadolf3874 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Milliyetçi olmak ulusunun bütün kadınlarıyla aranda bağ kurar. Herkes başka millete domalsa ortada millet kalmaz. Sikik bir melez dünya milleti kalır. Yasalara göre bunu zorla engelleyemeyiz ama tepki gösterebiliriz.

  • @cengizgizmen3040
    @cengizgizmen3040 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am 1000 % Turkish , WE have a beautiful country WE have enough girls here , BUT THE FOREIGN media for some reason shows that it is dangerous here until Tourist from all over the world comes and seas how wonderful people are from here , Come and Visit , good food . lots to see and enjoy the Turkish Tea .

  • @sebastianschulz6531
    @sebastianschulz6531 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I like this channel, I am born Polish but left as a kid.
    There is another guy who moved to China as a South African of European and British ancestry. Winston aka serpentza, did not go to China seeking some ditant ancestral roots, but he sort of fell in love with the country and he gives a lot of behind the scenes intel about China since Chinese people have a culture that shies away of sharing too much with foreigners and even the couples who marry are not really affectionate in public life creating a false impression on westerners.
    This girl states at 4:49 something a little clumsily, she fell in love with a guy and was hesitant about sharing this within the group of friends who come from ratehr rural places. It is basically the same story everywhere, you do not owe an explanation to anybody concerning your love, this sort of crush is a healthy start for a relationship.

  • @j.k.6200
    @j.k.6200 7 ปีที่แล้ว +128

    Cóż, to jej decyzja. Skoro tak lubi Turcję i jest szczęśliwa to bardzo dobrze, cieszy mnie to. Jednak nie zamierzam się przejmować gdy coś jej się stanie. Jej decyzja, i niech sama ponosi jej konsekwencje, podobnie jak wszystkie inne dziewczyny, które tak postanowiły.

    • @mikrutta9111
      @mikrutta9111 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      A co niby ma sie jej stac? Przynajmniej zaden alkoholik z Polski jej nie pobije w jej wlasnym domu...

    • @DjKatlak
      @DjKatlak 7 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      Cokolwiek co mogło nastąpić, gdyby zeszłoroczny wojskowy zamach stanu się udał, a wtedy mogło się stać bardzo wiele. I nie wiem czy słyszałeś/łaś ale w innych krajach też spożywa się alkohol. Często więcej, Polska wcale nie przoduje w spożyciu alkoholu w Europie. Ani też w liczbie alkoholików. Jeśli miałeś/łaś trudne dzieciństwo z tym związane to współczuję, ale nie mierz wszystkich miarą swojego otoczenia,.

    • @DMKano87
      @DMKano87 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      mikrutta Dokładnie. Tam nic się jej złego nie może przytrafić i dlatego właśnie jej chłopak za każdym razem podjeżdżał pod nią samochodem, kiedy wychodziła z pracy.

    • @tomeeekcz
      @tomeeekcz 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @mikrutta akurat polska pod względem przemocy domowej jest na ostatnim miejscu w ue =D postępowa Holandia przoduje

    • @mikrutta9111
      @mikrutta9111 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Mieszkam w Turcji. Wiesz mi lub nie, ale nikt mi tutaj krzywdy nie zrobil i spokojnie sobie sama korzystam z transportu publicznego :) Ale to tylko moje doswiadczenie i zdaje sobie sprawe z zagrozen dlatego dbam o siebie i swoje otoczenie.

  • @onursalbayraktar
    @onursalbayraktar 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    it is really good that ppl can love abroad. and end up with a very nice situation. if you dont have any idea about turkey. you are welcome all the time:)

  • @reputationswift1897
    @reputationswift1897 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Nice video but it’s not obvious that she isnt turkish at all to be honest... I know a lot of turks that are more blonde than her and have blue eyes. Also she isnt even blonde that’s literally brown

  • @postive-vibes
    @postive-vibes ปีที่แล้ว

    I was in Istanbul some years ago and there was a neighborhood that had a name derived from the Poles who settled there. They were Polish folks who had fought with the Turks in WW1 (against Russia) and then stayed. You could still see some signs and other artifacts in Polish in that area. I never knew that.

  • @everAU2
    @everAU2 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Respect ! ❤️

  • @blessedone6337
    @blessedone6337 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    +Kult America well done! why so many dislikes?? dafuq is wrong with people can't even be happy for other peoples love?? fuck the haters, bless the lovers! peace

  • @L9bus
    @L9bus 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    In Russia we call such girls "chernilnitsa" or "czernilnitca" in polish letters)) that actually means inkpot, inkwell

  • @sylwesterkondracki1891
    @sylwesterkondracki1891 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Kaja, chyba nie do końca jesteś szczera jeżeli chodzi o powody powrotu do Polski, widać Twoją fascynację ale też jakiś wewnętrzny niepokój/strach związany z Turcją.

  • @adriano7678
    @adriano7678 7 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Rutkowski will bring her back, if You know what I mean :-)

    • @orkunofm2
      @orkunofm2 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      İ sense stupid religious and nationalist feeling in those 2 comments, i leave this place. Orkun is smart, Orkun knows racist,religious and nationalist people are dumb, be like him. Thank you

    • @robk2167
      @robk2167 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Adrian o Yes in the black body bag.

    • @nicolaysantangelo5341
      @nicolaysantangelo5341 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think we never find her body.

  • @abdullahhussein3775
    @abdullahhussein3775 7 ปีที่แล้ว +70

    I must admit that I found parts of this interview very hypocritical. For example why it is rare that Turkish girls date men from Poland and other parts of Europe. This has nothing to do that Turkish girls have such high expectations! That is something to do with the islamic culture they grow up with. Even if we dont like it and obviously even if the interviewed girl doesn't like to admit it, it is the fact.
    There are lots of secular men and women in Turkey. There are also Turkish women who have men of non islamic background. In fact, the mom of one friend of mine is Turkish while his father is Polish. So it does happen. However, according to islamic culture it is no way to give a "muslims" girl to a non muslim boy, while at the same time it is allowed for a muslim guy to take a non muslim girl. This became part of the "Turkish culture" and "Turkish mindset".
    Another answer which I disagree with is that Turkish men treat their wives so great. There are everywhere good and bad people. Plenty of Turkish men are great to their wives, but plenty are also very bad. And again, unfortunately according to islam, women have to be obedient to men. If they are not, men have the authority to beat them which is sated in quran and hadiths. "This" negative treatment of women within islam became also part of the mindset of Turkish men.
    The girl has been only to Istambul which always was a open minded and international city. She should travel to other parts of Turkey to see the "another face" of Turkey.
    I left islam but because I am of a muslim background, I do know what I talk about. People are reluctant to admit certain facts which need to be said. Stop to ignorance.

    • @emrehakki5257
      @emrehakki5257 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I would agree to most of what you say as an atheist Turk but Turkish men tend to treat their girlfriends like princesses a lot of the times. Of course, if the woman doesn't have economic independence, she would eventually be dependant on the guy.

    • @alperumut6670
      @alperumut6670 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +emre emre And the other bad thing is that I think we Turkish man are not very aware that how women feel so uncomfortable when they are going back home alone late at night. We have to raise more awareness about it.

    • @ahmetmamut9386
      @ahmetmamut9386 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I don't think only Muslim girl restricted to marry non Muslim men... Morman, Southern Baptist have dame rules. I knew few guys their spouses are from same religious back ground. Also Religious Jews have most strict marriage rules for woman than Islam Also something supprised me in Istanbul: four teenager girls were smoking on the ferry from Asian side to kodakoy ( maybe wrong spelling) during the Ramadan. One of the girl was in hidjab....

    • @bartoszbaranowski604
      @bartoszbaranowski604 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Free Markets
      There is no taboo around poles dating Turks(or any one other, in general). Like/dislike ratio has different source. More like it reflects what people think about what this woman say. She looks like bedazzled by attention, affection, confidence etc etc. - cause woman needs it(kind of stupid way, to solely base your choice of SO, without taking other factors into account, but hey, it is their life.). Dont get me wrong, nothing wrong about it. There is also nothing wrong to be attracted to darker skin, etc etc, However...
      First thing is that Polish women tend to a bit "cold" or passive. They wait and do very little or nothing to show affection or interest, thus unless men is really into her, he won't pursue such woman(of course, not all the time, but as general trend). With Turks( or men from similar cultural/religious circles) it is like duck hunting season - every skirt is a tent.
      Second thing about some women in Poland is the "international" status, of sort. Some women think that by having boyfirend/husband, who is an alien or living abroad ennoble them. Most likely it stems from long isolation behind iron curtain and esteem that people had back then if they even dressed properly( western, trafficked clothes etc etc)
      Third thing, kind of derivative #1 - sex tourists. Plague of every nation, but hey, you can hung on Poles.
      Please, dont get me started on the "sin" theory of yours. Suffice to say, I had my run in with Turks. Guy offered money, repeatedly, to incite my gf to go back to hotel, while he well knew she was spoken for. Things like this and above points, is why you can observe such like/dislike ratio and kind of meanish/disgusted comments.

    • @abdullahhussein3775
      @abdullahhussein3775 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Free Markets
      Indeed you have Greek and Italian men dating polish women, but equally you have Greek or Italian girls dating German, Dutch, Polish guys.
      The is a difference within people from islamic background where men can date whoever they want while women can't. This was my point and this is not restricted to Turkish women but in general to women from islamuc background.
      Speaking about islamic background, not all people being born muslims are of dark skin and hair! And still it is the same way like in Turkey! So your argument doesn't make sense.
      Besides I was a few times in Poland and i saw more men with darker hair than with lighter hair. And I also was in Turkey where I saw lots of lighter guys.
      Looking for masculinity in Turkish men? lol What do you talk about?
      As I said I know many women from islamic background, including from Turkey, that date men that are of lighter type and not from islamic background. So it implies that there are obviously lots of things that Turkish men are lacking and that attract Turkish women! The difference is that these women are either secular or left islam all together. Do you now see how your argument is based abd doesn't make sense?
      Part of the turkish mindset is unfortunatly influenced by islam and thus it is backwards. Fortunately Turkish women are becoming more and more open minded, especially those living in Europe. As I already said I know myself a turkish woman being married to a polish guy and they have lots of beautiful kids.
      Regarding beating women im islam, it is clearly stated in quran. To hide it behind "misinterpretation" is just conducting mental gymnastics! Tafsirs and islamic scholars from the prominent islamic universities from Medina and Cairo confirm that. As well as many hadiths confirm that muslim women are to be beaten.
      I see however a huge hope for many people from muslim countries, especially for women. More and more of them are leaving islam and openly critisise the islamic ideology that has remained "incritisised" for centuries

  • @4relevants
    @4relevants 7 ปีที่แล้ว +198

    Can't wait for: "Why I Left Switzerland for Somalia" perhaps I'm trying to be too funny :/

    • @DuchAmagi
      @DuchAmagi 7 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      "Because I'm a libertarian fucktard" XD

    • @KultAmerica
      @KultAmerica  7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Id definitely conduct the interview if I had the subjects!

    • @Dmitri300
      @Dmitri300 7 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      You are extremely funny if you think Poland is comparable to Switzerland.

    • @doesitmatter4918
      @doesitmatter4918 7 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      agree you cant compare poland to switzerland, you cant compare somalia to turkey either

    • @4relevants
      @4relevants 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think it is comparable in many ways. As all EU countries.

  • @Sint7485
    @Sint7485 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My mom's parents being Swiss and Polish and my dad's parents being Turkish and Greek, looking at the comments in here and from experience, I can only say every country has it's people that bring to the country to a better place while the looser mostly end up being fanatic about religions and/or races and actually contribute nothing for their country or for the human-kind in that matter being busy beating up their wife at home or whatsoever. And about this show, my personal opinion is that the interviewer and the person being interviewed are both not really giving their best at all. Anyways, don't be so bitter and go enjoy your life, or go and get one for that matter ;)

  • @TheArcnoria
    @TheArcnoria 7 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    I have friends who have Polish girlfriends all of them are beatiful and faithful. Polish guys have classic labels when they see Polish girls date with a foreigner guy. (Butthurt-jealousy). I also have Polish gf gonna visit my family next month. I am not saying all Polish guys are bad there are great people you can't generalize a nation.
    -saw a situation 2 polish guys attacked a Portuguese thought he was muslim. Portuguese guy kicked their asses. I was in shock because Polish guys were taller and looked stronger.
    -ın Germany in hotel drunk Polish guy came for a room he started a fight for a room with the receptionist lady. In fact he was there for his job it was gonna be his first day. She called the police and employer so they just fired him before even he starts.
    - about tolerance to christians in Turkey I think there 40 churches in Istanbul. In taksim province full of big cathedrals. Just try to open a little mosque in Warszawa and you will see lovely Polish people.
    -Poland is the Turkey of eu some say that's partially true about religion. My gf was charity in church meeting and wasted 50zl on shit religious stuff. While she was -zl in her credit account. I told her not to waste money in front of me for church. I also don't give penny here for mosque.
    Some love Turkey some hate in Poland. If you want to understand a culture try its food visit other cities be a guest in family home try to learn the language. Than you have right to compare. Today Poland has '0' problems with Turkey if you ask some people they hate Turkey most.
    Some Polish doesn't know who is enemy or friend. 'Ukranians at least white Europeans'. Who killed Polish people on mountains with nazis. Ukranian girls LOVE money what I heard from my friends.
    Polish stopped Turkish invasion in Wien then Austrians shared their country. Nice payback.
    Lithuania? some say close culture same nation bla bla. I heard from people some had trouble for speakin Polish in Vilnius.
    I can write many things about Poland and relations. I experienced many things in Poland. I respect country and its people.

    • @boredpandatv1214
      @boredpandatv1214 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Kızıl tuğ do you even know whole middle east used to be Christian nations until Muhammad wage jihad, cause your clueless verses didn't gave value.

    • @boredpandatv1214
      @boredpandatv1214 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      alperen kral Christians don't kill people for religious like Muslim do in jihad.

    • @portalsevil
      @portalsevil 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kızıl tuğ poles didn't win alone

    • @fakofakooglu7460
      @fakofakooglu7460 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ita-eng subber Turkey is not a stolen country. Romans foguht and conquered it and later Turks fought and conquered it. No genocide just religious freedom.

    • @fakofakooglu7460
      @fakofakooglu7460 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Bored PandaTV christians dont?? Jsjfjsnsjs what about northern crusades? Christian killed pagans and jews just because they werent christians. They did it all the time. Catholics killed other christians too.

  • @bozkurtfrtna6059
    @bozkurtfrtna6059 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wow, polish girls genetics are absolutely perrrrrfect. Hello from turkey btw.

  • @perarubin6041
    @perarubin6041 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This remind me of Roksolana (Hurrem), girls from Republic of Poland and Lithuania, who married Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and she was badass B)))))) she cared a lot about Poland-Turkey relationship and those times Poland hadn't war with Turkey. She also was writing letter to Polish King. They corresponded. Good luck Globstory, if there happens something, come back to Poland. We will welcome you home ♥

    • @boredpandatv1214
      @boredpandatv1214 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Gosachi Hyuuga fuck

    • @boredpandatv1214
      @boredpandatv1214 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      alperen kral but your government forced Christians to convert into islam

    • @SuperYAS111
      @SuperYAS111 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@boredpandatv1214 really any proofs anyway during the Spanish inquisition many non Christians was forced to convert to christianity s go look in the mirror before making such accusations

  • @M_Fatih66
    @M_Fatih66 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very honest. Great video.

  • @cuprax8816
    @cuprax8816 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    And if we look at the danger NOBODY must live in AMERICA

  • @moreneznadem4656
    @moreneznadem4656 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    They will have some beautiful babies 😇😇
    Many of Turks r Slavic n their admixture therefore they r very attractive.

  • @kamilasimov5187
    @kamilasimov5187 6 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    polonyali lar kurban olsun turklerime♥

  • @hasppl9005
    @hasppl9005 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    She is from small town-village and there is so many polish girls who wants just live their villages and they will go anywhere with anybody!!!!

  • @jiji309
    @jiji309 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I knew so many polish girls in the UK and let me tell you half of the polish girls are married to Kurds, Turks and other nationalities. They don't like polish men... Polish guys are rough they barely smile!! Polish people are not very open to other cultures and they are extremely islamophobic but once they move to western Europe their perspective changes.. My best friend is Polish and they are easy going and quite nice once they open up to the world :)

    • @jiji309
      @jiji309 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Courtshannon no not because they are white! there are plenty of white guys out there, English, American, Germans and they are way easy going than Polish men! but as I said once they leave poland and mingle with other races they become more open and sweet!! it's a cultural thing I guess in poland they are more isolated!!

    • @alidevran6763
      @alidevran6763 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      you are also beatiful jiji😁

  • @juststayhereful
    @juststayhereful 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Türkçe alt yazıdaki açıklamalar harika ya 😀

  • @damian4926
    @damian4926 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Için herşey Türkler, ben yok berbat ile çeviri yani ben yazdı içinde ingilizce. Açıklama niye ya insanları lehçe ol tepki
    yani negatif.
    To all Turks that wonder why the Polish are butthurt. There have been situations like that before where a Polish girl went to a muslim country with her new husband and before everything was ok. but after they travelled to the musilm state the girl was getting beaten up, forced to wear hijab and slaved; and that usually was for a period of years until the family of girl discovered that something is wrong, that she is not contacting them and usually forced to come back to Poland by trick, because her muslim husband wouldn't allow her. And that was happening quite often, too often; like 7/10 cases and there are many stories like that, often the girls were found killed in the muslim state after years. That is why Polish people are very sensitive to this topic. It is fine when the husband is form Spain for example, but when he is muslim Polish people tend to be not trustful towards him. You can find multiple videos on that topic on yt or dig in web, situations like that just did not end up well many times.

    • @ededede4516
      @ededede4516 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      in east of turkey people so much religious but in west people less religious thats a point u must care. so west people dont push her to wear hijab or islamic things.

  • @ottodgn
    @ottodgn 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great explanation of both countries and their cultures.

    • @Torsengi
      @Torsengi 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      And you said this as a "turkish" living in germany?

  • @asdkjh4370
    @asdkjh4370 7 ปีที่แล้ว +14


    • @AwesomeIcer9000
      @AwesomeIcer9000 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I hope she stays there. The country "Poland" will soon be in the hands of the communist party (since they are slowly on the winning hand) and your country will be a communist, poor and out of control country full of racist pigs.

    • @user-pe2yx9kt4e
      @user-pe2yx9kt4e 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope she stays there too. I looked on her channel and her boyfriend isn’t even cute. Her parents should be ashamed of her.

    • @user-pe2yx9kt4e
      @user-pe2yx9kt4e 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      She has no respect for her own country or people (including and especially her immediate family). She just wants to seem new-age. She’s cheap intellectually- believing that she thinks for herself when really she is playing into the narrative of the status quo.

  • @MCATOSr
    @MCATOSr 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    One of the turning points in the mutual history of Poland and the Ottoman Empire was the Battle of Vienna in 1683. It was the King of Poland, Jan III Sobieski who was the leader of the army that vanquished Kara Mustafa Pasha and prevented the Ottoman army from invading Europe. In 1795, partitions conducted by the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Habsburg Austria were completed, and Poland disappeared from the map for 123 years. Throughout that period the Ottoman Empire protected Polish interests. It became a second home for many Poles, who, after settling in Istanbul or Anatolia were not just ordinary refugees but they contributed greatly to Turkey’s development.
    Poles who settled in the Ottoman Empire had many other accomplishments that contributed to its development. Polish emigrés worked in a variety of places in the Ottoman Empire - universities, photography studios, banks or farm households. Stanisław Chlebowski was the court painter of the sultan, Józef Warnia-Zarzecki gave lectures at the School of Fine Arts in Istanbul. Thanks to the efforts of Józef Grekowicz, Ludwik Sas-Monastyrski, Józef Accord and Zygmunt Mineyko, many kilometres of rail tracks, roads and bridges were built within the borders of the Ottoman Empire. In 1909, Count Leon Ostroróg became the adviser to the Minister of Justice, while Alfred Bieliński (Ahmet Rüstem Pasha) was appointed ambassador of Turkey in Washington. The Poles also helped in the field of mining. We haven’t had the chance to mention many others who settled and worked for the benefit of the Ottoman Empire - they will remain Turkey’s silent heroes.

    • @SuperYAS111
      @SuperYAS111 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      After Vienna the ottomans still had control of lands in southeast Europe but they lost control of central Europe also it was a coalition Poland did not stop the ottomans by themselves it was a coalition known as the holy league

  • @akpgitsinartik
    @akpgitsinartik 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    What made you think that Turkish men coming to Poland to find a woman ? I mean thats is the most ridicuolus presume about The Turks i’ve ever heard

    • @jorgesevil1137
      @jorgesevil1137 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      A E they are here. I as spanish know many of them(turkish), who came especially for women and many found.

    • @alideniz1501
      @alideniz1501 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Those Turkish going to Poland to find girl they are Kurdish from Turkey. Not Turk. saw some them

    • @inconspicuous1995
      @inconspicuous1995 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jorgesevil1137 You'll see them going to every European country to pick up women, but mostly to Russia and Ukraine.

  • @MrSn0b
    @MrSn0b 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Vay be kız güzel anlattı bizi :)) Baya öğrenmiş bizi herşeyimizi anlattı :)) shes know all abouts us (turkish people) :))

  • @AtakanAltay
    @AtakanAltay 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    aslında bizi çok seviyorlar hatta şöyle deneyin online multiplayer bir oyun serverına bağlanın ve türk olduğunuzu yazın kardeşlerim. sevgi yumağına saracaklar sizi

  • @sonradangurbetci7704
    @sonradangurbetci7704 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Reminded me all the beautiful memories...

  • @punkek
    @punkek 7 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    Why are people disliking? If you watch the video there is nothing to dislike.
    Oh wait i know, you watched news that tells all Turkish people are islamic and terrorists. Did you go there? You didn't? Then how come you can comment about a county you didn't go and see? And How come you can dislike a video you didn't watch? People prejudging everything are ignorants.

    • @szoszk
      @szoszk 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Most of the people are Polish. Polish national television is doing a lot of propaganda and creating a lot of unnecessary hate.

    • @Razparuk
      @Razparuk 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Stop make islamic/turk propaganda. thx

    • @utkua
      @utkua 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Because fascism is a mental illness makes you hate people you never met.

    • @JoHnToFrEsH
      @JoHnToFrEsH 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Eclipse Sound you hate us cuz your aint us

    • @EclipseSound
      @EclipseSound 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No i just hate bugs. they crawl everywhere and make our life worse.

  • @Kimdir05
    @Kimdir05 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    as a we are turkish mens! Thanks for this words.

  • @cecece1224
    @cecece1224 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Türk kızları prenses gibiymiş keşke öyle olsaydı. Bence daha çok dana inek değerindeyiz. Sen hiç polonyalı babandan sırf erkek olamadığın için hakaret ve dayak yedin mi?

    • @cecece1224
      @cecece1224 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      alperen kral demek istediğim şuydu bu kadar asaglik hayata rağmen prenses havasında kız varsa helal olsun ona karakteri sağlam insanlarmış. Bu arada o asaglik küfürünuzüde size iade ediyorum.

    • @cybelekilic7131
      @cybelekilic7131 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      kürtlerde bu olur Türklerde böyle bir zihniyet yok

    • @cecece1224
      @cecece1224 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Cybele Kiliç babam çekik gözlü ve Türk. Bu ülkedeki çoğu insandan daha çok turke benziyor

    • @cybelekilic7131
      @cybelekilic7131 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      ve ne yazıkki bunun dinle yada islamla alakası yok zira islam önceside böyleydi sonrasıda pek farklı değil

    • @cecece1224
      @cecece1224 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Punroc dimi ya aslında kürtlerde ortaasyali oluyor hatta oğuz kağan da kürtmus (!) 😂

  • @cortes803
    @cortes803 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Love Poland and Turkey from Mexico

    • @atakaninat1811
      @atakaninat1811 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I love very much Mexico i hope one day i will visit.

  • @ukaszboczula8793
    @ukaszboczula8793 7 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Ryan dzięki za świetny wywiad. Byłem wiele razy w krajach arabskich i z wieloma rzeczami się nie zgadzam. Schemat jest zawsze ten sam, że jak oni się super starają jacy są lepsi od Polaków i od innych nacji. I to stwierdzenie, że Polacy nie mają szans u dziewczyn z bliskiego wschodu. Po tym jak nie wiedziałaś na początku dlaczego po Ciebie facet przyjeżdża i Cię odbiera z pracy, widać jak mało wiesz o kulturze tych krajów. Co do dziewczyn to kultura w tamtych stronach jest taka, że jeśli jakiemuś facetowi podoba się dziewczyna i chciałby ją na żonę - to musi go zaakceptować rodzina dziewczyny. Facet musi być praktykującym islamistą oraz mieć odpowiednią kasę, żeby utrzymać kobietę. Jeśli tego nie posiada to zdecydowanie lepiej mu "zdobyć" dziewczynę z Europy, która przyjeżdża tam na wakacje. Tutaj jest pełna akceptacja, pod warunkiem, że kobieta będzie kiedyś jego żoną, przyjmie wiarę męża oraz będzie miała z nim dzieci, które zostaną odpowiednio wychowane. Gdyby zdarzyło się inaczej sam facet może mieć niezłe problemy... ale o tym przecież nikomu nie będzie mówił.

    • @petermartin2817
      @petermartin2817 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      nie mają szans u kobiet z bliskiego wschodu - bo tym kobietom - muzułmankom - NIE WOLNO spotykać się i wychodzić za maż za niemuzułmanina - tego zabrania ich religia, nikt takiej kobiecie - nawet jeśli ona by chciała - nie pozwolił na to - wynika to z ksenofobii i seksizmu islamu oraz ich kultury, tam kobiety nie mają praktycznie praw, są jedynie pozorne

    • @ukaszboczula8793
      @ukaszboczula8793 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      No właśnie o tym pisałem wyżej :-) Jak pisałem wyżej byłem wiele razy w krajach arabskich, poznałem przez to wiele różnych ludzi. 90% facetów z tych krajów ma problemy ze zdobyciem kobiety z bliskiego wschodu bo przeważnie nie spełnia kryteriów utrzymania kobiety. Więc ich sportem narodowym jest obleganie kurortów gdzie przyjeżdżają europejki. Najlepiej jakby coś się udało, a jak jeszcze zostałaby jego żoną to już w ogóle. Wtedy może legalnie żyć w UE. Żeby nie było iż zmyślam, robiłem kiedyś interesy z pewną firmą z tamtych rejonów, jeden z jej pracowników właśnie tak zdobył naszą rodaczkę, która zaszła w ciąże i sprowadziła go do Polski. Później ów człowiek zgłosił się do mnie czy nie mam żadnej roboty dla niego, więc załatwiłem mu pracę u kolegi z branży. Czasem jak się spotkaliśmy i wypił trochę to oczywiście opowiadał mi różne rzeczy... Przy żonie to był najwspanialszy człowiek, ale jak wypił odrobinkę to język się rozwiązywał. Prawda jest taka, że żona potrzebna była mu tylko do obywatelstwa, dalej jeździł na wakacje do swojego kraju, na które mnie nie raz zapraszał (żonie mówił że wyjazd służbowy) i ciągle się chwalił, że w kurortach są najłatwiejsze kobiety:)

    • @Aldkcnnwpwpnn1838
      @Aldkcnnwpwpnn1838 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      gidin başka yerde random atın amk

    • @aurorafoix1382
      @aurorafoix1382 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ale przecież gdybyś chciał spotykać się z muzułmanką to wg jej religii możesz się z nią spotykać tylko aby wziąć z nią ślub musisz przejść na Islam.

    • @aurorafoix1382
      @aurorafoix1382 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Mnie to generalnie nie obchodzi skąd jest moja rodzina ważne żeby ten ktoś był dobrym człowiekiem i nie ważne z jakiego jest kraju.Znam kilku muzułmanów i z nich tacy muzułmanie jak ze mnie katoliczka czyli mają swoją religię w głębokim poważaniu.To są naprawdę pojedyńcze przypadki fanatyków a reszta ma to głęboko gdzieś,jak nie wierzysz to poleć do Egiptu dajmy na to gdy oni za dnia są tacy "religijni" a wieczorem Allah już śpi i nie patrzy a wtedy robią co chcą:).

  • @Ramazan_Durak
    @Ramazan_Durak 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Türkçe altyazıyı kim çevirdiyse son yarısıyla ilgili ufak düzeltmeler: curious = meraklı; expressive = kendini ifade etmekten hoşlanan (etkileyici değil yani) bir de istanbul'dan yaşamaktan hoşlanmayacağım bir şehir diyor.

  • @paulinaklimko2537
    @paulinaklimko2537 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Kajo, nagrywaj więcej po angielsku, tak przyjemnie się słucha :)

  • @harpy5728
    @harpy5728 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    just great ! She knows turks very well :)

  • @kazimierzmarkiel5400
    @kazimierzmarkiel5400 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Kult America: what do you want to show? That there is freedom and democracy in Poland? That the womans' laws are not threatened there ? Or rather by showing the exception, you wish to create the false impression , that the Polish women prefer the Turkish men? Such a woman belongs to the statistically meaningless group in Poland, son .Stick to the truth and do not manipulate with the facts.

    • @lidiadushka
      @lidiadushka 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Kazimierz Markiel dobre spostrzeżenie. Wydaje mi się ze on celowo drażni.

  • @Murat.Mardin
    @Murat.Mardin 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Türkiye ve Türk halkı hakkında güzel şeyler düşündüğünüz , konuştuğunuz için teşekkür ederiz

  • @wandap5390
    @wandap5390 7 ปีที่แล้ว +128

    czemu mówi że w Polsce są sami nieśmiali faceci za to w Turcji są sami pewni siebie? przecież to jest totalna bzdura...

    • @amethyst8852
      @amethyst8852 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Wanda P Raczej bzdurą jest to co napisałaś. Powiedziała że wielu (many) polskich mężczyzn jest nieśmiałych, a nie wszyscy. Jeżeli nie rozumiesz po angielsku to włącz napisy.

    • @dariuszb.9778
      @dariuszb.9778 7 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      To co powiedziała, to statystyka i miała rację. Mężczyźni w Turcji są uczeni od dziecka, aby być pewnymi siebie i kierować swoim (a i cudzym) życiem, więc MUSZĄ zgrywać macho, bo tak nakazuje im tradycja. W Polsce nie ma aż takiej presji i spotkać dzisiaj żyjącego w domu u mamy 30-latka to nic nadzwyczajnego, i najczęściej nie ma to nic wspólnego z problemami finansowymi i lokalowymi. W Europie od dekad mówiło się o relacjach partnerskich w związkach damsko-męskich i przez ostatnie 20-30 lat to stało się też częścią życia polskich mężczyzn i kobiet. W Turcji o tym zapomnij. Tam "zachodnie miazmaty" o równości płci jeszcze się nie przebiły i (może poza warstwą wyższą żyjącą w Istambule) szybko się nie przebiją.
      Czy Turcy są NAPRAWDĘ tak pewni siebie, czy tylko zgrywają? Odpowiedź pewnie nie jest prosta i jest mnóstwo kobiet i mężczyzn zmęczonych odgrywaniem narzuconych im społecznie ról. To jeden z powodów, dla których niektórzy emigrują. To samo było i jest także w Polsce, bo niektórzy Polacy i Polki emigrują nie z powodów ekonomicznych, ale społecznych/cywilizacyjnych.

    • @waszka73
      @waszka73 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      A ilu takich śmiałków (gentelmenów oczywiście) znasz?

    • @weronikaorenczak102
      @weronikaorenczak102 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Turcy to naród porywczy i wydaje mi się ,że nie mają takiej kultury międzyludzkiej jak Polacy , ciążą na nich pokoleniowe tradycje w rodzinie , które film turecki pokazuje jak jest , nawet 21 wieku kobiety w pewnych kręgach nie mają prawa głosu. A pani blogerka ,która jeszcze nie wyszła za mąż za tego swojego Turka ,dopiero po ślubie powie jacy są oni - tureccy mężowie ..😉

    • @sytyvadi5091
      @sytyvadi5091 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      to nie jest bzdura, tylko na tym to u nich polega ze zrobia wszystko, zeby tylko wyrwac naiwna kobiete.

  • @alideniz1501
    @alideniz1501 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Those people from Turkey going to Poland find girl they nationality is Turkish kurd not Turkish turk. I saw some of them

  • @user-pe2yx9kt4e
    @user-pe2yx9kt4e 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    She isn’t very smart

    • @user-pe2yx9kt4e
      @user-pe2yx9kt4e 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      She should just stay in Turkey instead of coming back to Poland

  • @samke5473
    @samke5473 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nice talk and very true in my opinion, but I would disagree with her when she said she would be targeted because she is tall, blond, and have colored eyes, because Turkey is full of girls that are blond, tall, and eye-colored. I spend there a couple of years.

  • @DeadNetCord
    @DeadNetCord 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thanks for a nice interview.
    I'm ashamed for some of the comments from so called men though.

    • @ShuttingRetroM1N3CR4FT
      @ShuttingRetroM1N3CR4FT 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Why ?

    • @ShuttingRetroM1N3CR4FT
      @ShuttingRetroM1N3CR4FT 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      So, if a pole convert to Islam, where would he live ?

    • @ShuttingRetroM1N3CR4FT
      @ShuttingRetroM1N3CR4FT 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      And what's wrong with being muslim ?

    • @AdaYavuz2002
      @AdaYavuz2002 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      MCADHD666 You need to understand the difference between the Muslims in Arab countries and in Turkey, the are not the same.