It's interesting that's the kingbolen had the option of turning off the service interval reminder when you were resetting the software. It's a pity the software didn't support it.
Funny how clever the manufacturers make their electrical circuits, systems, sensors, etc., but they won't tell you to change your oil. Unless, the oil service reminder function was deleted previously and that's why this circuit is not supported anymore. Any thoughts Jimmy? Great video again, btw.
Hi O'Brien, i have a MB s212 hybrid from 2014, and I've already detected after the 3rd limp mode that happened bcz the car have a leake in the intake air (a212158000 component). My diagnostic tool (Xentry) shows the P244309 (DPF high teor ash), P22797A (leake air admisson), P228100 (air leake between MAF sensor and buterfley valve), P013302 (lambda 1 with be late). Now, its my 3rd limp mode in a month, the car shows me the engine llight on in the dashboard. And all the faults above. The first limp mode shows me the syntoms of lose power, lower then 2000 rpm, and the gearbox won't changed. Just D - 1st and 2nd and R. After xentry diagnostic, ide erase the faults, and drive at least 600 km without problems and engine light on the dashboard. The 2nd limp mode, the engine appeared on the dashboard and ive not stop. the gearbox changed ftom 7 to the 5 changes automatictly. My gearbox in normal work change in the E mode between 1800-2000 rpm. In limp mode, change apperently between 2800-3000. I think even the S mode they change so hight. I already buy the pipe and im waiting to change it. After seen your videos, I've thinking about DPF cleaner. Ive toked from Xentry all regeneration datas. Some they need the replay. I think that happens bcz they didnt complete. My car since the covid are not doing biggest distances, and this isnt a good for a diesel motor, dpf, etc. To clean the dpf i can cleaner with launch uk from the DPF sensor hole?! And the EGR and turbo!? By where!? Note: i erase the faults but not gived the information to ECU, with xentry diagnostic, from the change of the DPF. The engine lights stayed 800 km off in the dashboard. Other symtom waz high fuel consumers. Can you help me with your opinion!? Im thinking to changes all filters, engine oil and the pipe offcurse. Im not sure if only one or the two pipes. And after seeing your vídeos, what is your opinion about clean the DPF, EGR and Turbo!? If your oppion is afirmative, what products to use, and where i should introduce the products. Ive learnd alot from you. Thanks for all.
looking to do the service reset on this model....watched with interest....thing is you don't actually know that you did reset the oil dilution and your tablet didn't you or anybody know which model service tool will work with this vehicle?
Those honda engines are cracking, had mine to 340k it use to tell me every 10k it needed a service. Best taxi ive ever owned
What about the prius with the hybrids would you say theyre any good?
@@DarkReaper-or9el I can't really comment as I've never had one. But they were a very popular choice.
Once again another nicely done job. Fab videos , cheers
Nice clean crv. Great video jimmy. Enjoy the weekend. You're a hard working man like myself 🇮🇪 💪😊
Thanks 👍
O'Rileys Autos Fixed it Again!
Thanks Jimmy excellent,, Top man , have a great weekend 👌
Same to you
Exactly the video I was looking for, thanks!
Nice one Jimmy. Interesting no oil service light.
Thanks for your videos helped me fix dpf issue on my Ford Ranger..yes it was the vapouriser part blocked
Good to hear
Top man jimbob yet another fantastic video.
Thanks again!
Well done
It's interesting that's the kingbolen had the option of turning off the service interval reminder when you were resetting the software. It's a pity the software didn't support it.
Do you need to change the oil after using the launch gun to clean the DPF?
Funny how clever the manufacturers make their electrical circuits, systems, sensors, etc., but they won't tell you to change your oil. Unless, the oil service reminder function was deleted previously and that's why this circuit is not supported anymore. Any thoughts Jimmy? Great video again, btw.
Hi O'Brien, i have a MB s212 hybrid from 2014, and I've already detected after the 3rd limp mode that happened bcz the car have a leake in the intake air (a212158000 component). My diagnostic tool (Xentry) shows the P244309 (DPF high teor ash), P22797A (leake air admisson), P228100 (air leake between MAF sensor and buterfley valve), P013302 (lambda 1 with be late).
Now, its my 3rd limp mode in a month, the car shows me the engine llight on in the dashboard. And all the faults above.
The first limp mode shows me the syntoms of lose power, lower then 2000 rpm, and the gearbox won't changed. Just D - 1st and 2nd and R.
After xentry diagnostic, ide erase the faults, and drive at least 600 km without problems and engine light on the dashboard.
The 2nd limp mode, the engine appeared on the dashboard and ive not stop. the gearbox changed ftom 7 to the 5 changes automatictly.
My gearbox in normal work change in the E mode between 1800-2000 rpm. In limp mode, change apperently between 2800-3000. I think even the S mode they change so hight.
I already buy the pipe and im waiting to change it.
After seen your videos, I've thinking about DPF cleaner.
Ive toked from Xentry all regeneration datas. Some they need the replay. I think that happens bcz they didnt complete.
My car since the covid are not doing biggest distances, and this isnt a good for a diesel motor, dpf, etc.
To clean the dpf i can cleaner with launch uk from the DPF sensor hole?! And the EGR and turbo!? By where!?
Note: i erase the faults but not gived the information to ECU, with xentry diagnostic, from the change of the DPF. The engine lights stayed 800 km off in the dashboard.
Other symtom waz high fuel consumers.
Can you help me with your opinion!?
Im thinking to changes all filters, engine oil and the pipe offcurse. Im not sure if only one or the two pipes. And after seeing your vídeos, what is your opinion about clean the DPF, EGR and Turbo!? If your oppion is afirmative, what products to use, and where i should introduce the products.
Ive learnd alot from you. Thanks for all.
Well done Mr 😎
question i cleaned my dpf with foam dpf cleaner, did a oil change because it was due but i didn't reset the dpf values, does this matter?
Jimmy I think you do a great job but it is the customers fault, servicing your car annually is a must to avoid problems.
looking to do the service reset on this model....watched with interest....thing is you don't actually know that you did reset the oil dilution and your tablet didn't you or anybody know which model service tool will work with this vehicle?
Only Honda got that problem 😢😢😢
Spooky...34 at 3000 rpm...check the time on the clock....