Ascendant Nomad, thank you for these videos. They have helped me advance in the crucible, taught me how to stay cool and collected under difficulties, and get me to a state of loving destiny 2 pvp. Your truly are my crucible doctor.
Nice. I did the exact same thing with the sidearm/fusion combo cuz I was only getting distance kills, but then I was suddenly top fragging every game. Sidearm/fusion rifle meta confirmed.
True, I was trying out the last word and a shotgun build and I was down bad. I was trying to follow some unique metas but ended up doing horrendous. After 2 games of just dying and lowering my K/D ratio. I went back to guns I was comfortablr with like True Prophecy/Duality and Handguns/Ticcu's Bow and I was going positive like 1.5-2.0 average and my playstyle just felt so much more natural. And I thought bows were harder to use but since I main them so often I found myself being a a beast in Iron Banner and Crucible. In other words - "meta" doesn't really mean much. If you have one or two builds youre comfortable with, you'll slaughter equally as much as someone who uses the meta
PvE main here, I never rush in, period. Eye on the radar, try to stay near one or two allies, never rush in and never give points away for free. That's the best I can do. And screw meta and/or goofy loadouts, just use what feels comfortable.
I don't know what caused this since in the past I'm usually the rager in my clan for PvP. But I've been approaching crucible and especially ib right now with a way calmer mindset. I spent 6-7 hours the other day in iron banner and while my buddies were all freaking out I was just kinda vibing. I didn't even really have a reason to be doing ib I was just chilling and having fun, which again is not the usual thing for me. But I had my thermos, I had my comfy chair, and a nice breeze from the fan next to me and I just relaxed. Checking my feeds for memes or interesting stories between games and just calmly approaching each engagement. I don't know what caused this shift exactly but it's become more prevalent since I started watching your content and I think it finally just hit it's stride for me. Thanks my dude
I whole-heartedly agree with #4. People are often confused when they see me having Rat King equipped alone. The stigma is "Rat King is good only when you have a team using it." However the fun part is being able to take down multiple members of the enemy team, healing and going invisible after a kill, and being able to keep fighting rather than die after the 1st duel. 99k kills, and certainly many more to come. It doesn't shoot "death lasers" or cause explosions after a kill. But it keeps you alive a lot longer than you should be.
@@naiveveg8447 It is so genuinely fun to weave in and out of teams chaining invis and health regen. Back when omnioculus first came out I would use the endless smoke bombs and my invis to destroy the enemy radar and Rat King only made that better.
Counterpoint: Don’t capture the zones. Control the zones. There is a time to tactically capture to gain control. But maintaining control (the name of the game mode) is more important than pushing for a lockout. If you have two zones on burning shrine, DO NOT RUN OUT TO ZONE B AND SPAWN FLIP.
So I just want to give a shout out to the discord community. I joined a while back but in the last 5 months I've put forward the effort of getting to know the discord and the regulars. It's been a really good 5 months and has helped me come out of my shell and play with a wider variety of people that I didn't get to do before. Very positive group that is extremely welcoming. Just throwing that out there for people who may he on the fence about joining.
The calm, soothing voice, the intelligent and witty (yet funny) jokes that might have gone over your head if you weren't already transfixed on the video because of said calm and soothing voice, and the solid tips that I still use and think about every Crucible match is why I've subbed to this channel and watch every single video that comes out. You're amazing Nomad. Keep it up.
I love your content, and this video is exactly something I needed! Being a PvE player always feels like I'm on the losing end of any PvP match, and I was literally doing Iron Banner when watching this video. I love how you can convey some of the best messages for players and keeping it focused so we can work on it. Instead of the 'git gud scrub' mentality that too many PvP players have, you help people like me stay on task and pay attention to why I'm in Iron Banner, rather then me getting fed up and quitting entirely.
Keeping calm and not letting the game get to you is huge. If I'm trying hard to win, I usually find myself getting frustrated, especially in Freelance with a bunch of people who don't even know what a flag is. So I'm focusing on getting my quests and pinnacles.. I've stayed calm so far tonight and as a 1.5 kda average player last season, I'm current at 2.05. Just by not letting it get to me.
D1 Beta vet to current day here. That rant about the zones was like someone channeled my soul and expressed my entire state of being through words. Thank you. I am at peace.
If you're a poor fella who can only solo que, there are some things to keep in mind. 1. You cannot depend on teammates, don't expect them to clean up kills or even help with dealing with supers. Keep this in mind before you go into engagements. 2. If you get locked out NEW OBJECTIVE: *SURVIVE* 3. You must attempt to prevent triple caps as much as possible. Pretend one of the flags is the Alamo and good luck man, you'll need it because you won't get backup. 4. If you have two flags or more, now is the time to use your super. Alternatively, use it to shut down a triple cap. Make the most of your points multiplier. 5. Capture the damn flag. Nobody is above capturing flags. *Nobody* . Your ability to slay out ain't worth jack if the kills you get are worth nothing to the score. 6. Expect BS to happen. Melee shortstops. Super laggy players. People who treat special weapons like primaries. Just general typical Destiny nonsense that happens. So don't get heated over it. 7. If you are just a really bad PvP player, do two things for your team. Don't throw yourself at the other team, and just shoot the other team. Nobody likes teammates who feed the other team, worse is when you're a teammate that just doesn't take potshots. Don't be a bad blueberry, you have guns, use them. Stop trying to chase someone and melee them, just shoot them. Take a second to realize that blue names are friendly and don't panic super them. There are some fundamental things you need to just know about what the control game mode is about, understand what is going on as it happens. Oh and bonus tip, for the love of god stop body blocking door ways or lanes. If you have a teammate shooting down a lane or running towards you, presumably with heat on their tail, MOVE. Either slide or jump over the lane, and just back up out of the doorway. You don't want to be helping the other team.
Love your videos! I don't struggle much in Crucible but I really enjoy your mindset and how you structure your videos. It's helped me find weak points in my playstyle too. Thanks for all your videos!
Great advice! I'm a new player and hate pvp, I got the newbie quests & bounties for Crucible and spent HOURS getting 1 shot and being Miserable trying to complete them & just ended up abandoning them. It sucks that the game forces you to pvp for exp & gear, it's very discouraging to new players.
Thank you for this. I have so many bad habits in PvP, it's no wonder I'm bad at it. These are some great tips. I never even thought about sitting tight during that control lock down. I'm going to try that and see what happens.
Hahahaha - I had to stop the video and comment. I loved the knock on Destiny veterans lack of zone capping; specifically children being born and forming complex sentences. Not only was this an accurate description of Destiny 2 Guardians, but also a mirror of my life and kiddo’s evolution.
I've never done Iron Banner but I do know that I get way more kills in PvP with the Funnelweb that I use all the time in PvE than any other guns. That tip about using what's comfortable is spot on for me.
Watched this earlier, came back to say that it was very helpful! I also watched a video a while back about Gridskipper and took one with heating up and high impact reserves, along with my trusty Witherhoard, into IB and it's been doing work. I'm one of those weirdos that plays Gambit all the time, which is not exactly a transferable skill set, and I can't get away with that reckless aggression in the Crucible. So the help is very appreciated
who else loves iron banner for solo que skill based matchmaking and the super good lobbies it provides, Ive been loving this mode than anything else and it drops guns that I like, multimach and occluded finality so even if i didnt like it id still have a reason to play it.
When I wasn’t grinding for anything specific in IB, it wasn’t stressful or raging. Maybe a one off annoyance cause of the one guy. However, when I started doing the IB bounties and quests. It started getting me tilted, and I think it had to do with: I’m think I’m making progress on [whatever] only to see I barely tickled things despite restricting myself to the sole weapon/element/task. But thats not really much, roll my eyes and replan my approach. But getting insistently killed once I spawn/take a few steps is grating
Timestamps: Tip #0 (Optional): 0:52 Tip #1 - Focus on the mission: 1:15 Tip #2 - Capture the Zones: 2:06 Tip #4 - Use weapons you're comfortable with: 4:02 Tip #5 - Look for your teammates: 5:32 Tip #6 - Build around your mission: 6:07 Tip #7 - Get up every two games: 8:01
yeah getting the sidearm kills done went a lot faster when I put on the Lorentz, it stops me from panicking over to another weapon when the sidearm isn't doing the best for me but still allows me to help my team without being a detriment. Yes, the Lorentz has more range, but that delay to fire means if I'm already in my enemies' line of sight switching is a death sentence, and using the sidearm is just better
Jumped into IB, grabbed my pinnacles, completed my quest, probably not going to touch it for the rest of the week. I gotta say though, I grew to enjoy some of the weapons I got (forge's pledge with a decent roll feels great) and I think my Chaperone aim is like 10% better than it was. My personal tip #8: play like a kill-stealing rat. Teamshotting is pretty important, but it often means your bullets get lost in everybody else's and there's less of a chance you get the final blow, as is necessary for the quest and bounties. Nothing wrong with slowing down for a second so you're teed up to get the kill shot when you can.
This is full of my best tips for friends. Great video!! 💕💕💕 Also I find this a bit funny. I totally get Iron Banner is toxic for so many, but I pretty much just log in for Iron Banner every month. Even with all my rust, my s15 KD is 1.47 atm. W/ a 1.94 KDA. . . Not the best, but I'm having fun at least. 😋
If you see your teammates' names turn into skulls, that's your cue to turn around and head for the safest spawn, or pop your Super and go ham against the enemy team.
Tbh since that sidearm part of the IB quest I've been running Traveler's Chosen and Main Ingredient. It's been so fun lol. Never thought I could be effective with a sidearm and a fusion. Also been making me really focus on my movement and positioning which has been greatly helpful.
The tilt part is so true. I find it hilarious how much people rage in Iron Banner. Had two last night in Freelance. First guy posted to the team “Y’all suck, this team’s gonna lose, bye” and quit. Looked him up after, a lifetime 0.7kd player. Oh, and we won. The next guy was properly raging in chat. I had a fun discourse with him. He advised the team that we didn’t know how to play and should all leave the game. I countered that perhaps he should leave. He responded “You’ll get mercied if I do”, then he did. Looked him up expecting to see godlike stats. Nope, lifetime 1kd. What’s wrong with these people?
IB is my favourite PVP gamemode in Destiny 2. It would be greatly improved by a balanced matchmaking system but because I know that's unlikely I'm pretty chill about the whole situation. My big thing is making sure to play with those who are of a similar mind set. If every time a fireteam member is defeated they start ranting about shatterdive/felwinters/120s/chaosreach they're probably not right for my IB fireteam.
About #6, I forced myself to learn some basic primary aim by equipping two handcannons, which although makes me feel crippled without any other option, forced me to learn quick. If I try other guns, I'll probably do the same, or equip unusable guns to pair.
What makes me actually want to go back to IB is the fun I have. I like playing while being a smart ass. It's really fun to just have fun with it. I stop myself from getting angry by making very creative insults. My personal favorite was "sacrifice yourself to the dark gods that made you you societal reject." It's really fun being creative with this.
I feel called out because I have an Overflow False Promises masterworked sitting in my vault and it was one of my first weapons masterworked. Mine just has Zen Moment instead of Rampage.
"But if you're one of those people who prefers to spend their evenings on Reddit, you're probably better off in freelance anyway" Yo wtf I didn't come here to be called out like this
Great video, always love your content even though I don’t play Destiny anymore. I still feel like there’s just way too many gimmicks in this game for it to be fun. Here’s hoping we get back to gun play at some point
But what if you play for fun and to complete your bounties. Haha that’s not me, I always play for improvement and tokens. Also that zone rant was so funny
TIP #8: Tank your power level by putting on a low level weapon or armor piece (1100 heavy or class item works well). Yes it makes it tougher to kill and you die more, but especially the ability and weapon kills bounties will go MUCH faster.
Im trying to join the role assignment on "The Tribes" discord, but I can't seem to find it... I am doing it on my phone so that could be part of the issue.
I HATE sidearms -_- Even after using an amazingly rolled Peacebond for 10 games to complete my quest (leave me alone, I suck, I cant aim up close for crap, I ignored Iron Banner week 1, and I don't enjoy PvP at all) I still hate them. However, after this past week of actually giving Iron Banner a real chance, just like finally gave Trials one with all the changes, I'm learning. I still suck, I still cant aim for crap, but I am starting to find my "zone" with The Messenger. I haven't really landed on a Special ammo weapon I like yet, though I have been experimenting a ton. I revisited this video before diving into all this. The most important things for me were salt/tilt management and remembering to stick with teammates. And I gotta say, it actually worked. I was there for loot and quest completion and I didn't feel like I was a husk of a man after I was done. I got lots of sweet loot, upgrades, finished the quest, and actually had some fun for a change. All the changes they have been making to the logistics of PvP (anti-cheat, banning recoveries, etc) have really been showing, too.
Literally backed up my team and cleaned up with sniper body shots to keep them alive. It was in a lane about 4 enemies rushed and 2 teammates were at prior to my arrival... We destroyed them
Wait.. you're telling me I shouldn't chargw at a group of opponents with my shotgun out during a triple cap??? Jeez... I've been doing IB wrong for years.
2:10 to 2:48 needs to be played on repeat, on a loop, on a loud speaker near SALADIN when guardians pick up the bounties. This way I won't have to say it anymore...word...for....word. Lol
I legit wish they would either make iron banner into clash or just suspend players for not even playing the obj, cause I have lost so many matches for my teammates stupidity
Normally, pvp doesn’t phase me, but i’ll be damned if anything pisses me off more than teammates blocking shots/bumping me out of cover/generally knocking all their allies around. If you are new to pvp, please please please be aware of where your teammates are around you
I'm still stuck at 0/15 sidearm kills. I wish it counted assists, because I never deal enough dmg up front and teammates clean up useally. (can't land crits) What worse is that I'm not doing badly, Im just not getting ques progress
It would probably be a quite an impact on obj dedication if bungie changed the super gained from zone capping to only the players who are actually capping the zones.
When I have to do things like get kills with a specific weapon, I just run two of them. Yes, I ran double side arm! HA! They thought I was going to swap to a shotgun? NO! ANOTHER SIDEARM!!! This just forces me to use the weapon I need to. Then when I'm done, I get rewarded by using my precious Crimson again!
Not sure about the rule #0 ....the matchmaking was a little bit funny when i was in a fireteam...when playing with friends you are going to experience mouch more games that end with mercy for either side...when you win you dominate....when you lose you get your ass wrecked...going in alone is actually more fun most of the time if i can speak from my experience
I played in a 4-6 stack for the first time ever in IB last night. We played 30 something games total, and only lost 5. The vast majority of the wins were mercy games. I'll never play IB without a stack again.
me: joins iron banner *gets instantly mercy* me: *breathing in and out* me: *starts another matchmaking and joins a game* *gets mercy again* me:*proceeds to turn off my computer*
Great video. This year ib made me seriously think to leave my hunter, create a lock and never ever step onto PvP again. I was doing kind ok in control, usually top two, and in previous ib around the same, but here I got stomped so so much it disgusted me. I feel everyone is using the meta soo much and is so very sweaty (like if it where trials) that there is no room for other builds for a bit of enjoyment. 140, sniper and shotguns, that's it. The changes to shotguns did nothing apparently, as they are everywhere, in the slide, in the sky, and crouching round the corner in disguise. Also why people don't take zones, and why they are so eager to die when lock out, I can't understand. The day matchmaking and special ammo economy are finally addressed all of crucible will be a better place, including iron banner. Everything else is trivial. Sorry for the rant, kinda needed to vent.
Man, we are having exact opposite experiences, and that makes me feel bad. There have been 1 or 5 shotgun episodes that made me a little tilted, but out of some 75+ games I've not had that be a real issue. I have had people using shotguns, snipers and fusions (I guess also linear fusions if we include the new one). I have not been winning most of the games I play with randoms though, for the reasons you described; not capping zones and dying 30+ times during hunts.
If this is a real question.... Then yes? But you better be 4 times better than the whole other team combined. Just my thoughts though. If this is sarcasm, good job you got me :)
@@Dethbecomethii semi sarcastic, depending on the kda of my teammates at start I’ll know if I have to slay out and I’ll try to block spawns if my team pushes up too far. Considering I only play freelance teams vary wildly. And yes I am a top .5% player.
Improvement content is back, baby. 🎉
@@geolocatingshark276 LEESSSGOOOOOOO!
And you sir, have class.
Ascendant Nomad, thank you for these videos. They have helped me advance in the crucible, taught me how to stay cool and collected under difficulties, and get me to a state of loving destiny 2 pvp. Your truly are my crucible doctor.
Nice. I did the exact same thing with the sidearm/fusion combo cuz I was only getting distance kills, but then I was suddenly top fragging every game. Sidearm/fusion rifle meta confirmed.
To point number 4: there are SO MANY cool builds. Dont limit yourself to just 5 weapons because “the meta” dictates you have to.
True, I was trying out the last word and a shotgun build and I was down bad. I was trying to follow some unique metas but ended up doing horrendous. After 2 games of just dying and lowering my K/D ratio. I went back to guns I was comfortablr with like True Prophecy/Duality and Handguns/Ticcu's Bow and I was going positive like 1.5-2.0 average and my playstyle just felt so much more natural. And I thought bows were harder to use but since I main them so often I found myself being a a beast in Iron Banner and Crucible.
In other words - "meta" doesn't really mean much. If you have one or two builds youre comfortable with, you'll slaughter equally as much as someone who uses the meta
PvE main here, I never rush in, period. Eye on the radar, try to stay near one or two allies, never rush in and never give points away for free. That's the best I can do. And screw meta and/or goofy loadouts, just use what feels comfortable.
I don't know what caused this since in the past I'm usually the rager in my clan for PvP. But I've been approaching crucible and especially ib right now with a way calmer mindset. I spent 6-7 hours the other day in iron banner and while my buddies were all freaking out I was just kinda vibing. I didn't even really have a reason to be doing ib I was just chilling and having fun, which again is not the usual thing for me. But I had my thermos, I had my comfy chair, and a nice breeze from the fan next to me and I just relaxed. Checking my feeds for memes or interesting stories between games and just calmly approaching each engagement.
I don't know what caused this shift exactly but it's become more prevalent since I started watching your content and I think it finally just hit it's stride for me.
Thanks my dude
I hope I can do the same, I'm the one who gets tilted as well.
I whole-heartedly agree with #4.
People are often confused when they see me having Rat King equipped alone. The stigma is "Rat King is good only when you have a team using it."
However the fun part is being able to take down multiple members of the enemy team, healing and going invisible after a kill, and being able to keep fighting rather than die after the 1st duel.
99k kills, and certainly many more to come.
It doesn't shoot "death lasers" or cause explosions after a kill.
But it keeps you alive a lot longer than you should be.
This comment is truth.
It only gets better with more rats.
@@naiveveg8447 It is so genuinely fun to weave in and out of teams chaining invis and health regen.
Back when omnioculus first came out I would use the endless smoke bombs and my invis to destroy the enemy radar and Rat King only made that better.
More rats to join the replies
Rat gang
Counterpoint: Don’t capture the zones. Control the zones. There is a time to tactically capture to gain control. But maintaining control (the name of the game mode) is more important than pushing for a lockout. If you have two zones on burning shrine, DO NOT RUN OUT TO ZONE B AND SPAWN FLIP.
I'm so bad at this, yet I really needed to hear these words. Thank thee.
So I just want to give a shout out to the discord community. I joined a while back but in the last 5 months I've put forward the effort of getting to know the discord and the regulars. It's been a really good 5 months and has helped me come out of my shell and play with a wider variety of people that I didn't get to do before. Very positive group that is extremely welcoming. Just throwing that out there for people who may he on the fence about joining.
The calm, soothing voice, the intelligent and witty (yet funny) jokes that might have gone over your head if you weren't already transfixed on the video because of said calm and soothing voice, and the solid tips that I still use and think about every Crucible match is why I've subbed to this channel and watch every single video that comes out.
You're amazing Nomad. Keep it up.
I love your content, and this video is exactly something I needed! Being a PvE player always feels like I'm on the losing end of any PvP match, and I was literally doing Iron Banner when watching this video. I love how you can convey some of the best messages for players and keeping it focused so we can work on it. Instead of the 'git gud scrub' mentality that too many PvP players have, you help people like me stay on task and pay attention to why I'm in Iron Banner, rather then me getting fed up and quitting entirely.
Keeping calm and not letting the game get to you is huge. If I'm trying hard to win, I usually find myself getting frustrated, especially in Freelance with a bunch of people who don't even know what a flag is. So I'm focusing on getting my quests and pinnacles.. I've stayed calm so far tonight and as a 1.5 kda average player last season, I'm current at 2.05. Just by not letting it get to me.
D1 Beta vet to current day here. That rant about the zones was like someone channeled my soul and expressed my entire state of being through words. Thank you. I am at peace.
That "capture the zone" rage is so real.
Your video's introduction is quite exquisite, sir. Very well done.
Excellent video. When you can learn things you didn't know prior to watching a video, you know it was an excellent video! Keep up the great work!
If you're a poor fella who can only solo que, there are some things to keep in mind.
1. You cannot depend on teammates, don't expect them to clean up kills or even help with dealing with supers. Keep this in mind before you go into engagements.
2. If you get locked out
3. You must attempt to prevent triple caps as much as possible. Pretend one of the flags is the Alamo and good luck man, you'll need it because you won't get backup.
4. If you have two flags or more, now is the time to use your super. Alternatively, use it to shut down a triple cap. Make the most of your points multiplier.
5. Capture the damn flag. Nobody is above capturing flags. *Nobody* . Your ability to slay out ain't worth jack if the kills you get are worth nothing to the score.
6. Expect BS to happen. Melee shortstops. Super laggy players. People who treat special weapons like primaries. Just general typical Destiny nonsense that happens. So don't get heated over it.
7. If you are just a really bad PvP player, do two things for your team. Don't throw yourself at the other team, and just shoot the other team. Nobody likes teammates who feed the other team, worse is when you're a teammate that just doesn't take potshots. Don't be a bad blueberry, you have guns, use them. Stop trying to chase someone and melee them, just shoot them. Take a second to realize that blue names are friendly and don't panic super them. There are some fundamental things you need to just know about what the control game mode is about, understand what is going on as it happens.
Oh and bonus tip, for the love of god stop body blocking door ways or lanes. If you have a teammate shooting down a lane or running towards you, presumably with heat on their tail, MOVE. Either slide or jump over the lane, and just back up out of the doorway. You don't want to be helping the other team.
Love your videos! I don't struggle much in Crucible but I really enjoy your mindset and how you structure your videos. It's helped me find weak points in my playstyle too. Thanks for all your videos!
Great video for both the new light and those who have been around the block a few times. Thank you for the great video.
Great advice! I'm a new player and hate pvp, I got the newbie quests & bounties for Crucible and spent HOURS getting 1 shot and being Miserable trying to complete them & just ended up abandoning them. It sucks that the game forces you to pvp for exp & gear, it's very discouraging to new players.
Omg, that James Corden joke, that’s the win right there
#3 blows my mind every time.
Yes, if you engage the enemy, it's usually fight or die, but don't go looking when they're on the hunt.
I’ve been playing d2 for years now and didn’t know about the exclamation mark thing indicating combat. That’s so useful!
Thank you for this. I have so many bad habits in PvP, it's no wonder I'm bad at it. These are some great tips. I never even thought about sitting tight during that control lock down. I'm going to try that and see what happens.
Hahahaha - I had to stop the video and comment. I loved the knock on Destiny veterans lack of zone capping; specifically children being born and forming complex sentences. Not only was this an accurate description of Destiny 2 Guardians, but also a mirror of my life and kiddo’s evolution.
That intro is probably the most intriguing intro ever
Great stuff as always. Simple and to the point!!!!
I've never done Iron Banner but I do know that I get way more kills in PvP with the Funnelweb that I use all the time in PvE than any other guns. That tip about using what's comfortable is spot on for me.
Watched this earlier, came back to say that it was very helpful! I also watched a video a while back about Gridskipper and took one with heating up and high impact reserves, along with my trusty Witherhoard, into IB and it's been doing work.
I'm one of those weirdos that plays Gambit all the time, which is not exactly a transferable skill set, and I can't get away with that reckless aggression in the Crucible. So the help is very appreciated
As always, Your videos are great. I know more and more with each one. And that voice!
who else loves iron banner for solo que skill based matchmaking and the super good lobbies it provides, Ive been loving this mode than anything else and it drops guns that I like, multimach and occluded finality so even if i didnt like it id still have a reason to play it.
Your "capture the zones" rant is perfect
Man, you are awesome 👏 i like your content and the way you presented it 💪🏻 greetings from Austria 🇦🇹
"Devils Ruin go brr" is what got me through the sidearm quest step
When I wasn’t grinding for anything specific in IB, it wasn’t stressful or raging. Maybe a one off annoyance cause of the one guy.
However, when I started doing the IB bounties and quests. It started getting me tilted, and I think it had to do with: I’m think I’m making progress on [whatever] only to see I barely tickled things despite restricting myself to the sole weapon/element/task.
But thats not really much, roll my eyes and replan my approach. But getting insistently killed once I spawn/take a few steps is grating
I never realized how much I needed this.
"Pet the dog", I - just... Yes, always yes!
Tip #0 (Optional): 0:52
Tip #1 - Focus on the mission: 1:15
Tip #2 - Capture the Zones: 2:06
Tip #4 - Use weapons you're comfortable with: 4:02
Tip #5 - Look for your teammates: 5:32
Tip #6 - Build around your mission: 6:07
Tip #7 - Get up every two games: 8:01
Great tips! Usually people just say 'Git Good'
yeah getting the sidearm kills done went a lot faster when I put on the Lorentz, it stops me from panicking over to another weapon when the sidearm isn't doing the best for me but still allows me to help my team without being a detriment. Yes, the Lorentz has more range, but that delay to fire means if I'm already in my enemies' line of sight switching is a death sentence, and using the sidearm is just better
Thank you sir and as always great content.
This was just what the Doctor ordered mate (ba dum tsss) gonna hit up the peeps in my clan and run so Metal bananas tonight. big up on the content!
Jumped into IB, grabbed my pinnacles, completed my quest, probably not going to touch it for the rest of the week. I gotta say though, I grew to enjoy some of the weapons I got (forge's pledge with a decent roll feels great) and I think my Chaperone aim is like 10% better than it was.
My personal tip #8: play like a kill-stealing rat. Teamshotting is pretty important, but it often means your bullets get lost in everybody else's and there's less of a chance you get the final blow, as is necessary for the quest and bounties. Nothing wrong with slowing down for a second so you're teed up to get the kill shot when you can.
This is full of my best tips for friends. Great video!! 💕💕💕
Also I find this a bit funny. I totally get Iron Banner is toxic for so many, but I pretty much just log in for Iron Banner every month. Even with all my rust, my s15 KD is 1.47 atm. W/ a 1.94 KDA. . . Not the best, but I'm having fun at least. 😋
Nice video! Will forward it to some of my clannies for sure. Also, Multimach and Null Composure? Are you me? I was running this yesterday
We're just living in Null Composure's world for the next 6 months and I'm here for it
Is it wrong I enjoy watching Nomad's videos for the creativity?
if that's wrong then never ever try to be right, I appreciate you
I'm sharing this with all my shy Iron Banner players who avoid the Crucible...thanks
If you see your teammates' names turn into skulls, that's your cue to turn around and head for the safest spawn, or pop your Super and go ham against the enemy team.
Great content! Truly appreciated..
Tbh since that sidearm part of the IB quest I've been running Traveler's Chosen and Main Ingredient. It's been so fun lol. Never thought I could be effective with a sidearm and a fusion.
Also been making me really focus on my movement and positioning which has been greatly helpful.
The tilt part is so true. I find it hilarious how much people rage in Iron Banner.
Had two last night in Freelance. First guy posted to the team “Y’all suck, this team’s gonna lose, bye” and quit. Looked him up after, a lifetime 0.7kd player. Oh, and we won.
The next guy was properly raging in chat. I had a fun discourse with him. He advised the team that we didn’t know how to play and should all leave the game. I countered that perhaps he should leave. He responded “You’ll get mercied if I do”, then he did. Looked him up expecting to see godlike stats. Nope, lifetime 1kd.
What’s wrong with these people?
IB is my favourite PVP gamemode in Destiny 2. It would be greatly improved by a balanced matchmaking system but because I know that's unlikely I'm pretty chill about the whole situation. My big thing is making sure to play with those who are of a similar mind set. If every time a fireteam member is defeated they start ranting about shatterdive/felwinters/120s/chaosreach they're probably not right for my IB fireteam.
About #6, I forced myself to learn some basic primary aim by equipping two handcannons, which although makes me feel crippled without any other option, forced me to learn quick. If I try other guns, I'll probably do the same, or equip unusable guns to pair.
Using some of these tips me and my friends went on a 20 game win streak in Iron banner
What makes me actually want to go back to IB is the fun I have. I like playing while being a smart ass. It's really fun to just have fun with it. I stop myself from getting angry by making very creative insults. My personal favorite was "sacrifice yourself to the dark gods that made you you societal reject." It's really fun being creative with this.
My child was born right after D1 launch, they understand capturing the zones better than half my teammates 🙃
My guy, GREAT VIDEO!!!!
That James cordon joke was on point
I feel called out because I have an Overflow False Promises masterworked sitting in my vault and it was one of my first weapons masterworked. Mine just has Zen Moment instead of Rampage.
"But if you're one of those people who prefers to spend their evenings on Reddit, you're probably better off in freelance anyway"
Yo wtf I didn't come here to be called out like this
Great video, always love your content even though I don’t play Destiny anymore. I still feel like there’s just way too many gimmicks in this game for it to be fun. Here’s hoping we get back to gun play at some point
Great tips!
Thanks doctor
Thanks doc
Babushka! Another great vid that made me laugh
I am usually in the top three on my team and most of the time I lose so it can’t be me and I always get picked with the losing team
Tip# 8 have some one in your group run bottom tree storm lock with The Stag exotic. You will win more matches haha
But what if you play for fun and to complete your bounties. Haha that’s not me, I always play for improvement and tokens. Also that zone rant was so funny
TIP #8: Tank your power level by putting on a low level weapon or armor piece (1100 heavy or class item works well). Yes it makes it tougher to kill and you die more, but especially the ability and weapon kills bounties will go MUCH faster.
I didn't know about the control zone kill points thing and I've been playing since d1 day 1
Im trying to join the role assignment on "The Tribes" discord, but I can't seem to find it... I am doing it on my phone so that could be part of the issue.
Good tips. I do most of this naturally. By my third character I can be ready to scream if I dont step away and as you say manage my Tilt.
A fellow zone slammer, nice.
I HATE sidearms -_- Even after using an amazingly rolled Peacebond for 10 games to complete my quest (leave me alone, I suck, I cant aim up close for crap, I ignored Iron Banner week 1, and I don't enjoy PvP at all) I still hate them. However, after this past week of actually giving Iron Banner a real chance, just like finally gave Trials one with all the changes, I'm learning. I still suck, I still cant aim for crap, but I am starting to find my "zone" with The Messenger. I haven't really landed on a Special ammo weapon I like yet, though I have been experimenting a ton. I revisited this video before diving into all this. The most important things for me were salt/tilt management and remembering to stick with teammates. And I gotta say, it actually worked. I was there for loot and quest completion and I didn't feel like I was a husk of a man after I was done. I got lots of sweet loot, upgrades, finished the quest, and actually had some fun for a change. All the changes they have been making to the logistics of PvP (anti-cheat, banning recoveries, etc) have really been showing, too.
Literally backed up my team and cleaned up with sniper body shots to keep them alive. It was in a lane about 4 enemies rushed and 2 teammates were at prior to my arrival... We destroyed them
why aren't my final super blows being counted in the iron banner
Me when the enemy team is on the hunt: NIGERUNDAYO SMOKEEEEEY!
Wait.. you're telling me I shouldn't chargw at a group of opponents with my shotgun out during a triple cap??? Jeez... I've been doing IB wrong for years.
2:10 to 2:48 needs to be played on repeat, on a loop, on a loud speaker near SALADIN when guardians pick up the bounties. This way I won't have to say it anymore...word...for....word.
My favorite part of IB is team balancing. One person with a 4.50 efficiency and everyone else a 0.7 - 1.2
I legit wish they would either make iron banner into clash or just suspend players for not even playing the obj, cause I have lost so many matches for my teammates stupidity
love the point about the Zones. IT's been 7 years, cap a damn zone.
Normally, pvp doesn’t phase me, but i’ll be damned if anything pisses me off more than teammates blocking shots/bumping me out of cover/generally knocking all their allies around. If you are new to pvp, please please please be aware of where your teammates are around you
Capture zones??? Where they do that at???
I'm still stuck at 0/15 sidearm kills. I wish it counted assists, because I never deal enough dmg up front and teammates clean up useally. (can't land crits)
What worse is that I'm not doing badly, Im just not getting ques progress
Great summary…some of my friends would benefit greatly from #7 (you know who you are lol)
It would probably be a quite an impact on obj dedication if bungie changed the super gained from zone capping to only the players who are actually capping the zones.
When I have to do things like get kills with a specific weapon, I just run two of them. Yes, I ran double side arm! HA! They thought I was going to swap to a shotgun? NO! ANOTHER SIDEARM!!! This just forces me to use the weapon I need to. Then when I'm done, I get rewarded by using my precious Crimson again!
Be high light. Control the map. Slay out.
great video glhf
Could u do a PvE video pls? 😁
Not sure about the rule #0 ....the matchmaking was a little bit funny when i was in a fireteam...when playing with friends you are going to experience mouch more games that end with mercy for either side...when you win you dominate....when you lose you get your ass wrecked...going in alone is actually more fun most of the time if i can speak from my experience
I played in a 4-6 stack for the first time ever in IB last night. We played 30 something games total, and only lost 5. The vast majority of the wins were mercy games. I'll never play IB without a stack again.
me: joins iron banner
*gets instantly mercy*
me: *breathing in and out*
me: *starts another matchmaking and joins a game*
*gets mercy again*
me:*proceeds to turn off my computer*
I feel like I do better in Iron Banner than in casual play and it both confuses and annoys me
Great video. This year ib made me seriously think to leave my hunter, create a lock and never ever step onto PvP again. I was doing kind ok in control, usually top two, and in previous ib around the same, but here I got stomped so so much it disgusted me. I feel everyone is using the meta soo much and is so very sweaty (like if it where trials) that there is no room for other builds for a bit of enjoyment. 140, sniper and shotguns, that's it. The changes to shotguns did nothing apparently, as they are everywhere, in the slide, in the sky, and crouching round the corner in disguise. Also why people don't take zones, and why they are so eager to die when lock out, I can't understand.
The day matchmaking and special ammo economy are finally addressed all of crucible will be a better place, including iron banner. Everything else is trivial.
Sorry for the rant, kinda needed to vent.
Ranting is good as long as it's part of your process to have a healthier mindset. Constant ranting/venting/malding is a bad thing.
Man, we are having exact opposite experiences, and that makes me feel bad. There have been 1 or 5 shotgun episodes that made me a little tilted, but out of some 75+ games I've not had that be a real issue. I have had people using shotguns, snipers and fusions (I guess also linear fusions if we include the new one). I have not been winning most of the games I play with randoms though, for the reasons you described; not capping zones and dying 30+ times during hunts.
I’ve been getting killed by a lot more sidearms and sub machines than shotguns lately
Isn’t capture the zones optional?
If this is a real question.... Then yes? But you better be 4 times better than the whole other team combined. Just my thoughts though. If this is sarcasm, good job you got me :)
@@Dethbecomethii semi sarcastic, depending on the kda of my teammates at start I’ll know if I have to slay out and I’ll try to block spawns if my team pushes up too far. Considering I only play freelance teams vary wildly. And yes I am a top .5% player.
Travelers Chosen + Contingency Plan is surprisingly unfair for the fact you leave no special and can delete from anywhere on basically any map.
I am a solo player, I actually have a lot more fun in Iron banner than regular crucible. It feels like it’s easier to get kills.
oh hey! i spot a destiny grandma! god i love lady dizbutt