I wanted to see what was inside, I have two of them. Looks like it's more than twice the work of the old transmissions! I had a vibration at 60-65 mph it was the driveshaft.
Customer was probably right when he said its in the transmission. but this dude passes over it when he set the torque converter and valve body aside. a simple google search will show that converter has a loooong history of shutter failures and its caused fluid limiting issues stemming in the valve body. Transgo sells a kit to correct it. flew right past it.
Was the purpose of this video to show the teardown or how fast you could do it? The way you yank the parts out of it and toss them around makes me wonder if there wasn’t something wrong with the transmission to begin with, there probably was after the teardown.
😐🙄😔😌🤯😵💫 Thank you very much for recording and going so fast as if you had to go to evening at the opera house. Because ya kept digging into Santa Claus bag and pulling out more and more presents. 🤯🫡
Had that torn down very fast. Pretty experienced in the craft.
Great video. This is what youtube was made for.
I wanted to see what was inside, I have two of them. Looks like it's more than twice the work of the old transmissions!
I had a vibration at 60-65 mph it was the driveshaft.
Hope there's a part 2. Its great that you're wearing gloves. Saves the hands. Good video 👍👍
It is the torque converter
Customer was probably right when he said its in the transmission. but this dude passes over it when he set the torque converter and valve body aside. a simple google search will show that converter has a loooong history of shutter failures and its caused fluid limiting issues stemming in the valve body. Transgo sells a kit to correct it.
flew right past it.
Please let us know what the problem was if is not in the trans
Was the purpose of this video to show the teardown or how fast you could do it? The way you yank the parts out of it and toss them around makes me wonder if there wasn’t something wrong with the transmission to begin with, there probably was after the teardown.
Is there a bearing inside the tail case ?
I would much rather rebuild a motor lol I have 4th out in my 2016 dtc says friction plate A or something, prob needs a rebuild??
Those big yellow pliers come in handy
They definitely are a life saver in the shop.
You got a part number for those?
Torque converter
My 6r80 is making a loud squawk type sound usually around 30-40 going up slight hills. Any ideas on what could be the cause?
Hey did you ever figure out what it was? My 2017 is having the same thing.
@@hanksmith8626it’s a problem with the overdrive clutch pack. E clutch.
Thank you very much for recording and going so fast as if you had to go to evening at the opera house. Because ya kept digging into Santa Claus bag and pulling out more and more presents. 🤯🫡