Rich on Moving in With Your Girlfriend | Part I

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024

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  • @richcooper6527
    @richcooper6527 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Comment Your Thoughts Below 👇🏻
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    • @handsomediscordkinglord8122
      @handsomediscordkinglord8122 ปีที่แล้ว

      You're books is so stupid and smell like piece of ( S.H.💩💩.T )

    • @taghazoutmoon5031
      @taghazoutmoon5031 ปีที่แล้ว

      Rich, my boyfriend moved in with me gradually, first spending every other night, then most nights. How do I ask him to help pay 1/3rd of the rent? He has an easy low paying job he loves and no ambition to get a more stressful but higher paying job. I'm currently on career break as i burned out from my stressful job, living off savings. Thanks in advance!

  • @markt2398
    @markt2398 ปีที่แล้ว +89

    Don't do it guys. I lived with a GF for 2 years in my mid 30's. She started acting up before we even moved in together once the decision was made. The attitude got even worse one we were in the same place. I eventually kicked her out and it was the best decision.
    Once they think they "have you", it's game over. They at least subconsciously lose some respect for you and no longer feel the need to be as nice. Expect much more nagging, bickering, etc... so if that's your thing, go for it! My home is a sacred place-I love living alone and don't need anyone here. If you don't make my life better by being here, you can fuck right off.

    • @simonhimself1
      @simonhimself1 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I had that exact same scenario bud. It was hell on earth.

    • @EllHuron
      @EllHuron ปีที่แล้ว +9

      When they think they have you, they start trying to be the boss, lose respect for you and they seem to forget, they even love you!
      When you take the decision to leave they will realise again, they love you. Start crying, saying you are the only man they will ever love and they can't live without you so on.
      So you think okay, let's give it a last try.
      3 weeks later she restarts with her bull#@%#. Same IsH just s different day.
      Definately my last goodbye. I couldn't stand this unnessecary drama anymore...

    • @Tarantulisimo
      @Tarantulisimo ปีที่แล้ว +1

      At least she moved into your world, so you had the leverage to kick her out.....I know so many guys who let the girl sucker them into moving into their house

    • @Alvin_Vivian
      @Alvin_Vivian ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Yup, they act up once they think they've locked you down.
      Now imagine if you MARRIED her.

    • @markt2398
      @markt2398 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Alvin_Vivian That spine chilling thought occurred to me many times after. The epitome of bullet dodged.

  • @Sam89365
    @Sam89365 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Been watching these videos on and off for 3 years now and this one really resonates with me. I moved in with my gf at 24 for all the same reasons rich said here; don’t have to drive over, more sex, and split rent. All of which sounds good when you’re broke and you have no better options.
    It went South fast when she was ready to get married and I wasn’t. We both became passive aggressive towards one another, very toxic environment that’s tough to get out of once you’re in. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone especially a young guy in his 20s.

    • @Spedfree
      @Spedfree ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Going through this right now 27 turning 28 started dating at 21 so I feel like I owe her the commitment of marriage and kids but I am getting no benefit out of the relationship and not ready for the extra work that comes with marriage and kids. We are working towards splitting but it is tough like you said a lot of passive aggression and you feel like shit regardless of what you do.

    • @Sam89365
      @Sam89365 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Spedfreetotally get that dude, everything you said. You feel like you owe it to her since you’ve gotten this far already, so why not just go ahead and put a ring on it ya know? The feeling of trying to convince yourself but something feels off so you hold off. It’s a wild tail spin and can be exhausting. I hope you get best outcome happens for you. 💪🏽

    • @Tarantulisimo
      @Tarantulisimo ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Women love playing that "more & better intimacy" card when trying to manipulate the guy into playing house with them -- and when we are in love or in lust, we fall for it

  • @austinmiller3618
    @austinmiller3618 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    She must move into your place. Her name on nothing…. That way you’re always able to walk away if you need 2. Never ever move into a woman’s house, you’ll be on the porch begging for a place to stay, & honestly as a man you should have a kingdom for a woman to come into. No 50/50 bs.

    • @Alvin_Vivian
      @Alvin_Vivian ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Walk away, my ass.
      Have you tried evicting a woman?
      Who do you think goes to jail if the cops get called?

    • @davidhaworth7152
      @davidhaworth7152 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Move into her place. Put your name on nothing. Move in only neccesities and always have somewhere to go at a moments notice. This is how you do it.
      Also the place you have to go should not be known to her.

  • @blacksnk
    @blacksnk ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Every single guy that I knew THOUGHT he could save money by moving in with a gf, it never worked Every single time, she would quit her job and he would end up supporting her and paying all the bills. And god help him if she got pregnant. So no, you don’t save money moving in with your gf.

  • @WhiteSox67
    @WhiteSox67 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    You can’t live with a woman. You only truly live when you are without a woman. Live freely or live dearly. The choice is yours. 😎

  • @dh12.
    @dh12. ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Any money you think you will save by living with her will be all be spent everytime you leave just to get away from her for 15 fucking minutes.

  • @ChazEevee
    @ChazEevee ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Lived through this myself two times.
    The first one I moved into her father's other house with her and she made the rules. Man I learned a lot.
    Sex went up a lot until months later where the family got weird and didn't want her to sleep over that place anymore because we weren't married (I didn't want to be tied down by marriage and the government) so I was left there for nights and she'd drive back to her spot. Ended up killing sex drive and interest
    Second one I picked an apartment with her - but she was way too controlling, and when we'd get in arguments she'd ignore me and the place would be heated. Didn't feel like a safe space whenever there were big disagreements.
    These days I'm making way more money to get my own place thankfully, and if I ever consider moving in with a girl they'd have to move into my place that I got and in my frame. Just can't have the girl / her family controlling living arrangements ever again, it sucked

  • @mysocalledknife07
    @mysocalledknife07 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Everything you mentioned in this video is fucking spot-on.
    "Just go make more money". Ding ding ding!! We have a winner! 😃

    • @pete531
      @pete531 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      or buy a motorcycle and be a chad, since riding is cool and gas is cheap for a bike. thats what i did

  • @JohnnyRebKy
    @JohnnyRebKy ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I’ve only lived with one woman ( who wasn’t family) in my life. I’ll never do it again. I’m 38 and have never been married and never will. I like to live alone. I do things MY way and my days of compromise are over. Once I got used to living alone I could never go back again.

  • @simonhimself1
    @simonhimself1 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    I’ve learned the hard way. Don’t move in together. Literally on day 1 everything went south. That’s when they get comfortable and act out because now you’re trapped.
    If for some reason this advice is ignored, make sure everything is in your name. You hold all the cards. And if she ever gets violent, record everything. I narrowly avoid a DV situation.

    • @pete531
      @pete531 ปีที่แล้ว

      cant you just kick her out (and reestablish frame that way) if she starts acting out ? its not like you are married...

    • @finalfrontier001
      @finalfrontier001 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@pete531 You missed his point he moved into her home.

    • @pete531
      @pete531 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@finalfrontier001 aha ok

    • @simonhimself1
      @simonhimself1 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@finalfrontier001 no we got an apartment together. Luckily it was in my name. I threw her out eventually.

    • @finalfrontier001
      @finalfrontier001 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@simonhimself1 good job.

  • @williambaldwin9346
    @williambaldwin9346 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    My last GF, we lived in two different places, I had my own place and she had hers. We lived about 40 minutes apart. I suggested maybe two or three times max we should just live togeather, she every time said no, it is beter we live apart. So fine, I dropped it. When the relationship was over, she said one of her reasons was she thought we would be living togeather by now and splitting bills. ..... I just told her, Yeah I said that a few times now, and told you (her) I would give her $650 a month/ help pay the bills/ repiars etc and every single time she was opposed to that idea. ( Pointing out her flaw in logic). She just looked at me knowing she was wrong. So fine go away hoe, I have saved SOOOOOOOOOO much money being single again. moved 12 hours away down south (From NY State to VA) and have a much better life without her.

  • @rochsner23
    @rochsner23 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    I was in many toxic relationships before I met my current girlfriend of a year and half. I’m probably one of the most cynical men you’ll ever meet, but when I met my current gf, she changed my view on relationships. She has one, maybe 2 red flags from Rich’s book. Other than that, she has many green flags - so many I committed to a LTR. We just bought a house together a couple months ago. The only real arguments we’ve had are about my 2 dogs that I brought into the relationship. She doesn’t like them on the bed and on the couch - that’s it. I’m willing to compromise on that. She knows I’m not interested in marriage and we both don’t know if we are interested in having children - we are both 35 years old. She does all the cooking and I’ll do the dishes after. We both are clean and share house duties where our strengths are. I do yard work and projects. She does the grocery shopping and does a little more of the cleaning than I do. So far, I’m enjoying the LTR. Again, I look at relationships and women much like Rich discusses on his channel, but I have found a woman worth compromising on things. I’ll update in 6 months to see if my mind has changed regarding living together.

    • @BaraTheVeggie
      @BaraTheVeggie ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Please do, im in a similar situation, 28, met a great girl I'd compromise for. Ex of 5 years often I didn't want to spend the nights, this one I'd take to my hometown start a new life. Tell us how it goes!

    • @rochsner23
      @rochsner23 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      I should also note that we both created a legal document regarding the house and how much we both put down. If things go south, we are required to sell the home and split the proceeds equally.

    • @cass4241
      @cass4241 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Why is she 'single' at 35?

    • @jayleon147
      @jayleon147 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Give it time

    • @Blactrumpvoter
      @Blactrumpvoter ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Eventually the mask comes off
      Its like a horror movie

  • @vinterskog
    @vinterskog ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I have good experience with living with women. The ones that are "traditional" will cook for you and take care of you in ways that are definitely an addition to your life. The ones that are not like that, you can leave early before being too attached. So it's actually an excellent way to sort out the good ones from the trash.

  • @VPortho
    @VPortho ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Been there, done that and it was a trainwreck in the end. I was a plugged in dork complicating my life and justifying why... What a waste of three years

    • @EllHuron
      @EllHuron ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Realising these 3 years were wasted, proves, that they weren't wasted.
      You know to never take a decision too fast now.

  • @montanamanculich7188
    @montanamanculich7188 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I’m living with my gf right now. Made the move before I was red pill aware. Facing a lot of the issues, but going with it right now just for the full life experience to understand everything so down the line, I don’t face the same issues. Things have gotten better since being red pill aware, I’ll say that. Actually doing pretty well living with her now

  • @ZFosterZ
    @ZFosterZ ปีที่แล้ว +15

    What were the Pros…….
    Some company..I guess…
    What were the Cons:
    Bills increased.
    Food bill massively increased (she would make us buy healthy food, then wouldn’t make meals with it, and refused to use anything within date so it would get binned, make me buy in junk, then she would want a takeaway as it meant no prep).
    I was working as much overtime as possible to keep us just above the Red line.
    Got into big debt.
    I was more often than not sleeping on the couch as she snored.
    I couldn’t listen to any of my music unless I had headphones on.
    We watched only what she wanted to watch ie films and shows. Anything I wanted to watch, I had to do in my own time, or if a series, I had to try and catch up, as she would binge watch multiple episodes.
    The bathroom became a joke as she spent ages, or would rush me if I was using it.
    I had to do more housework than ever, she did less and less.
    She redecorated, which was needed to be fair, but she did it in her style- anything that was mine, was put away into cupboards and out of the way.
    I got up early for work and had to be like a ninja in my own home so as not to disturb her, But when it was on other foot, she would be crashing about.
    I was sometimes locked out of my home, as she kept the key in the lock, and when I knocked, she wouldn’t answer right away. Make me wait, power play, then she would unlock the door and storm off.
    Meals was always what she wanted, if I suggested something, she would say no. When she made a meal, I ate it without complaint, whenever I made a meal, she would complain and criticise.
    The clothes washing pile piled up more than ever, as she wouldn’t put into the wash, or if she did, once washed she would just leave it in the machine… so the clothes would be left in their own damp, without being aired… so I’d have to wash again.
    She was a clean freak, and would criticise and complain and demand- she had a high standard but wouldn’t do it herself and complain when you did.
    I was sleep deprived too, on top of the snoring, she would keep me up late as she would stay up late to watch something, with the Tv on high volume… I couldn’t go to bed and sleep.
    It was a death by a thousand paper cuts.

    • @pete531
      @pete531 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      ahhahahahahahahahahaha oh man, you really failed to establish frame

    • @ZFosterZ
      @ZFosterZ ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@pete531 no kidding.
      I thought I was doing the right thing…..!!?!
      I was a slave.
      And I allowed it.
      In false hope of an “easier” life and “happy wife= happy life”….
      Was it fuck!
      Was barely temporary until she found something else to grind you about.
      Never again.

    • @ZFosterZ
      @ZFosterZ ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bobjames6622 she moved in with me.
      And yep,
      She would put on Ron-com drivel.
      Utter rubbish.
      Isn’t funny.
      Isn’t clever.
      Just romanticed “blue pill” femi-nazi nonsense.
      I more than not just fell asleep in the sofa.
      Mind you, I was sleep deprived for prolonged periods of time so…
      She would only watch what she wanted.
      Wasn’t any compromise either.
      Hey it’s my night, let’s watch my thing as you had your night.
      What she would do was,
      “Oh ok, you can watch that and I will go to bed and read or something…”
      Meant to be our time together.
      And I’d let her choose when she wanted, and tried to stay awake to watch it with her.
      Slavery at the cost of your mental sanity.

    • @pete531
      @pete531 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@ZFosterZ well, we were all blue pill and we all make mistakes, its important to learn

    • @tym5583
      @tym5583 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Jesus fuckkk
      Idk man I'd make a woman do a lot for me I already do and we don't live together.
      I think I could live with a woman but definitely not be there every night or stay separate parts of the house haha

  • @sirferr3870
    @sirferr3870 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Yup- 100% correct you are Rich. Didn’t matter who it was younger or older, introvert or extrovert- at some point that horrible concoction of words inevitably reared itself to form the most vile question ever to be consistently uttered in my presence more than a few times……. “TSSSHHH! YOU’RE GOING SURFING AGAIN?” and just like that, it was the beginning of The End.
    Don’t ever go POSTAL- go COASTAL 🏄🏾‍♂️

  • @TheBuffBLKBarbie
    @TheBuffBLKBarbie ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I just discovered this content… I think I might like it here. Taking notes 🤓… I don’t believe in moving in with a boyfriend but for reasons more aligned with wanting to be married with kids.

    • @ivanmclaren9509
      @ivanmclaren9509 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah, try not to live with a bf before getting married, because you would devalue yourself. A man likes to be, or feel, like a first.

  • @observelearn2345
    @observelearn2345 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I’m in this situation now and I’m telling you guys that they don’t understand or see how irritating they are. Then they never ask why you’re distant. Instead they call you hostile or narcissistic. She got mad because I made myself eggs and not her. I am praying to god that he somehow helps me get out of here.

  • @pentrubarbati
    @pentrubarbati ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I will never move with a women again i'm, 38 freedom is priceless

  • @Mustang85635
    @Mustang85635 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    It’s one of the biggest mistakes that men never know or realise. Moving on is literally the biggest mistake of most men’s life. Once you move on they will stop having seggs with you they will become demanding, annoying, miserable and always let me repeat always lose respect for you. All my friends have had the same experience. Once you date women and not have them move in ever you will see they maintain their desire for you and will work harder because they think they are not doing something right, keeping them on their toes. Now the negative that some might say is she might leave which is true but that’s fine I have resigned myself to the fact and it’s great. Abundance mindset is the way. Don’t do it any guy out there considering it. You will thank yourself later I promise.

  • @birdo623
    @birdo623 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Easier to have your own places when the inevitable breakup happens! Play on playas!

  • @tonytigervarley
    @tonytigervarley ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yeah my kids mum hated the fact I had hobbies and would try anything to screw them up for me. Shes now an ex

  • @sptrader6316
    @sptrader6316 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I moved into a woman's house twice, Never ever do that. She has the power and will take up all of your spare time with non-sense (TV etc.). Moving into your place, you have the power and she knows it. If she acts up, she knows that you can kick her out. Best is to maintain your own place, alone. (What I'm doing now - peace and quiet).

  • @williamwoody7511
    @williamwoody7511 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Don’t move in her place..

  • @chillin0715
    @chillin0715 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I should have never lived with a girl before turning 30

  • @pdizzle5302
    @pdizzle5302 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The last girlfriend I lived with was actually great for about a month. Then it turned to shit. I've lived with two women, my ex-wife and my last gf. There will not be a third. As soon as a women gets comfortable knowing your whole life, they start talking shit about you behind your back to anyone who will listen.

  • @kroschelfilms
    @kroschelfilms ปีที่แล้ว +4

    There is a something very "hard" about Mr. Cooper but I listen to him with an open mind. There is a palpable cynicism and bitterness of tonality that comes through in virtually every entry I have listened to of his thus far. There is a danger in his "Alpha Male" motif, because Cooper has a false and dangerous one. His emblematic title expresses his materialistic "market value".The REAL "Alpha" male doesn't talk about being an alpha but lives it . { Alpha is usually applied to a wolf pack leader and btw I raise wolves }... That kind of strength is unspoken. A true alpha does not "abandon" his girlfriend or wife if they are not parallel in spirit, thought , word and deed so easily as Cooper advocates. With the attitude Cooper espouses, the altruistic and idealistic "I will die for family" does not apply. So his advice rests on "my way or the highway" for him. This kind of apocryphal message contributes to the breakdown of the family, and society and even a nation. Just look at Canada and the U.S. NOW!!! The best girlfriend I have ever had -is Russian. She leaves American women I've been with in the past in the dust.

    • @stud6414
      @stud6414 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's not his fault. Coopers attitude is what I'm trying to instill in my beta son. These females are trash and they should be treated as such. Miraculously, the more you treat them like trash the more a$$ you get which equals more children. My older boy is a female magnet. 4 children. Two different mothers and they both pay HIS bills. He said he'll NEVER move in with a woman. Not in his prime but maybe in his 60s when he'll need assistance. He treats women like his friends who he happens to sleep with and he's not in the mood to put any female on a pedestal so she can treat him like a fan. He's the prize. My baby son takes women out to eat and pays. Falls hard for females and he's always lonely and treated like a joke. He's in his early 30s and childless. I watch these content to share with him.

  • @gobigrey9352
    @gobigrey9352 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I could never move into someone's house. That's crazy. I don't even like spending the night at girls homes/apartments. Like, naw you come over here.

  • @namelesssnitchy
    @namelesssnitchy ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You can move into her house right? As long as you dont give up you old place so you can still leave any minute

  • @jbone79
    @jbone79 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    If I were to live with a girlfriend, I would move in with her. This way, I can easily move out if shit goes south. I would not move her into my place, not as easy to get her to leave. Also, if I were to move into my girlfriends house, I keep frame, or I leave.

  • @MrPetertad
    @MrPetertad ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If you move in and she submits, makes you food, keeps the house clean, shuts up, wears maid uniform when she cleans the house and massages you when your back hurts, who wouldn’t want to move in with this type of woman. If you do this make sure she understands you are the man still. She wants to be dominated by a strong man, listens to you and respects you. And make sure she got no guy friends, cut her social media or have no photos on private only with her close friends.

    • @Mustang85635
      @Mustang85635 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      It’s true what you are saying. But the chances of finding someone like that is about less than 1%

    • @MrPetertad
      @MrPetertad 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Mustang85635 but there is a chance👌

  • @hgfw9295
    @hgfw9295 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Absolutely correct. Don't ever move in with him as your boyfriend. The only situation to live in together is marriage. No marriage no living in together.

    • @dorsetone8142
      @dorsetone8142 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      smart men don't marry

    • @ZAKU-GD
      @ZAKU-GD ปีที่แล้ว +1

      What makes you think he won't divorce you?! Marriage is concrete as poeple think it is. Lmao

    • @hgfw9295
      @hgfw9295 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dorsetone8142 Then smart men don't have to worry about living together at all. It is off the table for smart women

    • @hgfw9295
      @hgfw9295 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ZAKU-GD Anything can happen. It is a risky move always just like the life is. I just don't understand why complete wify duties for a boyfriend. Living together means I take care of our laundry our food prep our dirt to clean. Its twice more work for no title at all. It's just silly. Women who do that are silly and also silly are the women who agree on living in together and then refuse to do house chores as a woman is supposed to. Just a whole silly situation. Why complicate life. Don't live together if not married. Then nobody feels used or disrespected

    • @GrandPines323
      @GrandPines323 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hgfw9295 well said. Are you a rare woman who would also acknowledge that a man shouldn't do husbandry duties outside of a committed marital relationship?

  • @randyvanvliet226
    @randyvanvliet226 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Guys, just DON'T do it. You live your life, let her live hers, on her own. She will clean you out, financially, never pay her half, and leave you broke, for tainted P that gets worse the longer you live together. The juice isn't worth the squeeze.

  • @13bfc
    @13bfc 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    After 8 year relationship I was given an ultimatum to move in with her & she'll leave. There was no financial upside to it as it was going to cost us more money to rent an entire house vs living seperate until I made more money to do something like that comfortably. Said she was willing to be in a financial burden to make it or & tried to force me to he codependent & go 50/50 while also wanting to start having kids next year. That shit ended & now she go back into the dating market as a 31 year old woman.

  • @Tarantulisimo
    @Tarantulisimo ปีที่แล้ว +2

    FELLAS: DO NOT DO IT....PERIOD. Don't let her talk you into playing house. If she moves in to your place, then she thinks all your sh*t is now hers, & you'll be dumb enough to go along cuz you're "in love". If you move in with her, then you are now HER guest & she will wear you down with her rules & what you want. It's lose-lose. However, if you do think she's the one, then make sure she comes into your world.

    • @cloroxbleach118
      @cloroxbleach118 ปีที่แล้ว

      sounds like something a beta would say

    • @Tarantulisimo
      @Tarantulisimo ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cloroxbleach118 OK let's her your philosophy Mr. alpha.....

    • @cloroxbleach118
      @cloroxbleach118 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      you saying moving in together will tear you down and make you follow rules is your projection of your own mind onto others of how it would go if it were happening to YOU…. living with a woman is essential towards the social family structure, its a shame men have been too pussy for the last 100 years to put these women in their place like they belong….. instead you all just complain on youtube about women and about how unfair the male female social dynamic is… yes i agree it is very unfair if you do not exercise your inherent power as a male. thats all i have to say

    • @Tarantulisimo
      @Tarantulisimo ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cloroxbleach118 fair enough -- and yes obviously i know that living with a woman is essntial to family structure & furthering the species & blah blah blah. And I'm not projecting or complaining -- if you read my comment through, you see that I have a however caveat if a man thinks she is the one

  • @Tarantulisimo
    @Tarantulisimo ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Women love playing that "more sex & better intimacy" card when trying to manipulate the guy into playing house with them -- and when we are in love or in lust, we fall for it.....

  • @Tarantulisimo
    @Tarantulisimo ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I know a guy who sold his townhouse & moved into the chick's house -- cuz "it just made so much sense on so many levels"...That's what "love" does to your common sense. So he moves in & starts taking on bills, tackling all her home improvement projects, & essentially remodeling "their" home....Of course, things eventually went south, & of course she kicked him out of HER house.

  • @samsmusichub
    @samsmusichub ปีที่แล้ว

    Good to know.

  • @charleshunt3806
    @charleshunt3806 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well, in my house, it would be kind of hard to watch more TV weather at chick was living there or not because I simply don’t have one and I don’t want one

  • @tym5583
    @tym5583 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yo bud.. Do u not live with your single mom ltr now Rich?

  • @trishfitzpatrick2066
    @trishfitzpatrick2066 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I talked my boyfriend into letting me move in with him because my apartment lease was up. It took three hours to sort it out because he kept saying, "What if it doesn't work out?" That was 45 years ago, lol. It worked out fantastically. We still talk about that conversation and have a laugh. If you make a commitment in your own mind and believe the partner has as well, it just works.

    • @Puglord99
      @Puglord99 ปีที่แล้ว

      DO NOT listen to this trannyisms this is NOT reality!

  • @econdude3811
    @econdude3811 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Better to live apart from your girlfriend

  • @thetruthandnothingbutthetr6484
    @thetruthandnothingbutthetr6484 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This channel is hilarious

  • @mle3857
    @mle3857 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sent this to my 18 year old son.

  • @ElreyRayo
    @ElreyRayo ปีที่แล้ว +5


  • @zebageba
    @zebageba 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'll save you the trouble of watching this for his answer: Don't move in with your girlfriend.

  • @Nick-18
    @Nick-18 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Rich.
    Read your book twice over the last few weeks, along with RM and Mode one.
    What would your solution be if you want to have a kid/kids?

    • @stud6414
      @stud6414 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do what black Americans do: have the kids and let the woman and government figure it out. Society needs the kids

    • @Nick-18
      @Nick-18 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@stud6414 Haha, not the best strategy for the kids.

    • @stud6414
      @stud6414 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Nick-18 kids are resilient.

    • @Nick-18
      @Nick-18 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@stud6414 They are, but they need fathers.

  • @friebertbalazs6324
    @friebertbalazs6324 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I might be unexperienced (or naive) but shouldn't a girl complement your life if you live together? I mean, she does the dishes, cleans,, cooks, laundry etc. means more time for me. Sure I have to find one like this, but other than that please let me know if I'm wrong somewhere. As for her expectations, IDK what she would say, I'm doing my own thing.

    • @pete531
      @pete531 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      in theory yes you are correct but in real life thats usually not how things work out in the end. bottom line, for scenario 1 to happen you need to really hit jackpot with right one and you also need to do everything right yourself (frame, game, money etc)..

    • @pete531
      @pete531 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Also keep in mind this VERY important concept. if your gf is acting out you can always ignore her or break up as punishment but by living together or marriage (even worse) you give up your most precious weapon which is ability to walk away and withhold attention. you are the prize that she got but once living together or marriage, you basically say "i am on your level, you deserve me". thats when general burning desire starts to diminish. its weird logic but thats how it works

    • @rochsner23
      @rochsner23 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Pete is correct. In theory, yes, but real life is different. It’s important to always maintain frame in the relationship. It’s important to keep frame with her, and more importantly it’s important you always keep on top of yourself in maintaining frame. Otherwise it’s a slow death. There will always be instances that arise that are good opportunities to politely remind her about frame.

    • @rochsner23
      @rochsner23 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Based on my experience with women, it takes going through about 100 women to find one that is actually worth committing to. To find a woman who is emotionally mature, financially secure, in shape, meets your sexual needs, doesn’t nag, is responsible and isn’t a crazy person is very rare. They are out there, but it takes a lot of time to find them. Don’t settle.

    • @pete531
      @pete531 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bobjames6622 im not giving up f,ing women are you crazy

  • @apster07
    @apster07 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Bros a professional yapper, 6 minutes in and u haven’t even started getting to the point

  • @hawlikd
    @hawlikd ปีที่แล้ว

    Hell Fuck NO!

  • @mbongoyanguba2071
    @mbongoyanguba2071 ปีที่แล้ว

    Don't do it.

  • @mortalkomment8028
    @mortalkomment8028 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wise men learn from books and TH-cam,
    Smart men learn from friends,
    Average men learn from their own mistakes,
    Idiots don't learn anything even after repeating the same mistake over and over again.
    Don't move in with them! Just don't! You'll hate your life most likely.

  • @JoeGuapo
    @JoeGuapo ปีที่แล้ว

    I wouldn’t be able to have a “gf” if we don’t live together.. strictly cheeks only. Don’t know who would be over without me there

  • @jjeffery129
    @jjeffery129 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To men, not just moving in, dating in general is about sex at the end of the day. So no point if you are not long distance. Long distance, only do constant visit and spin the plates mate

  • @peplsuk7635
    @peplsuk7635 ปีที่แล้ว

    My latest gold digger GF transitioned to new dik promptly, knowing my vault is sealed.

  • @perrycoffey5410
    @perrycoffey5410 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wish people would stop saying the word crazy to describe someone ik your generation it's normal but it's doesn't help people with mental health issues and your lazy to actually come up with a different word to describe someone