Makoko "Hidden Venice in Africa" Life Behind Sadness, Resilience, and Spirit Amidst Devastation

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 มิ.ย. 2023
  • Makoko, known as the "Venice of Africa," presents a contrasting tale of desolation and resilience. The dark and murky Makoko Lagoon reflects a sense of sorrow, while wooden shacks burden the waters, accompanied by scattered waste. Despite these grim conditions, the residents of Makoko exhibit remarkable resilience and vibrant life. Water is intertwined with their daily existence, as stilt houses and wooden boats serve as their homes and means of transportation. However, the settlement lacks basic infrastructure and faces environmental hazards. Makoko has become a focal point for slum tourism, attracting visitors with its unique nature. The floating school stands as a remarkable architectural feat, providing education for children in need. Amidst tensions with the government, Makoko's residents strive to preserve their culture and navigate their lives with determination, showcasing their strength in the face of adversity.
    Credit: Indigo Traveller, Ludo Liu, Tayo Aina, Best Ever Food Review Show, Edward Wonder, Ludo Liu Cinematics & Extras, Everything Fluid, Travelling Mantra, Arab, UkGreat, AFP, Al Jazeera English, TheAgaKhan, Editi Effiong, Free Footage, Explore The World, Phils Guide to the World!

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