I'll probably be picking up the new version at some point. Thanks for this vid! One thing I noticed you didn't mention was the fact that the new version has colorblind symbols! On the banner next to the names of all the cards there's a small symbol indicating the color of the card. Helpful small detail that makes a big accessibility difference. :)
I will be buying the new version and expansions, mostly because I am such a fan of the Symbol upgrades from 7 Wonders Duel, and have wanted them to make the switch to them in original 7 Wonders for a long time
I couldn't agree with Zee more on this one. It is likely the deciding factor for why I won't be getting the new version. I find it gaudy and doesn't align with the rest of the game.
@@TheGiraffehead Seriously, the back of the cards is the only thing stopping you from getting the, clearly superior, new version? That's pretty shallow. It's not like there is glitter all over them. That would be gaudy.
I love the new card design, including the shiny back side. And on the cost or effect changes, I wanna believe that they did it to balance cards a bit better, maybe with all the expansions in mind and their changes. I'm sure they have an internal memo somewhere that explains why these changes were made...
I'm definitely getting the new version as the rebalancing of wonders is a major plus for me. I won't get any expansions because I enjoy the base game immensely.
I love 7 wonders and I see this as a great reason to jump on. Since two of my friends has the original I haven't had a good enough reason to get one for my self, now I think I will! I love the new backs btw.
Thanks for the video. They have the new version up on BGA now. A lot of the weaker monuments have been balanced out via small changes. They have removed the Stage 1 requirements where you were given one of the starting resources right on the card (meaning you only needed 1 wood, or 1 stone, or 1 of whatever it was) to complete stage 1. That makes a lot of sense to me, it made certain cards much easier to dive right into stage 2. And although I have yet to see the new backs in person, the bronze, silver, and gold look great from here. This game is all about building monuments to the Gods, it makes sense to have "gaudy" cards.
One would think they are done with new expansions since they did this, but if they make a new expansion i am very certain that they will make to both the original and the revised one.
Even if they put out new expansions to the game in this new format it's not a big deal. there's plenty of game just in the original base box and the old expansions add nearly infinte replay anyway. For me it looks nice but i'll keep my old version for sure.
Even bigger player boards? Why? Playing this with a handful of people, all putting 15+ cards on the table, makes this game a real table hugger already.
I am really liking the way that the art is showcased on the cards and player boards. I am still not sure about getting the new version, but it is definitely on my radar, especially when new expansions come out...
7 Wonders is one of my favorite games, but I only have the base game. I'm definitely going to buy the new version of the base game, and the new version of Leaders, Cities and Armada. Leaders and Cities will have their Anniversary Packs included in them, which will be great. Thanks for the comparison video!
It's a decent update. I really like that they switched card names with symbols for the prerequisites. However, I don't see that as a good reason to upgrade.
Awesome to see this game updated. But as someone who has all of the expansions, etc., it is hard to say if I want to jump into this and hope and wait for all of the expansions to get a similar treatment.
The Leaders, Cities, and Armada expansions will be getting updates like the base game is getting. As for the anniversary packs, I believe those are being bundled into their respective expansions but do not quote me on that. As for the Wonder Pack, I think some of those wonders are getting baked into other expansions but again don't quote me on that. Finally, with regards to Babel, there is currently no plans to bring this expansion over to the new art style. Part of the argument as to why not is that because the Babel expansion does not add any cards to the age decks that you can technically then play it with the new version no problem. No word on any of the promo stuff as in the promo leader cards, alternate art palace cards, the Catan promo wonder board, or the alternate art wonder pack.
I played this game a lot for about three years. Got leaders and cities expansion. After a while it just stood there not getting played so I got rid of it. Watching this video makes me think about jumping in that train again 🤣
Hi, and thank you for this comparison. I do have the old version, but now I bought the new version, used copy, manly becourse of the expansions. I could not find the old version expansions, and I wanted to try the Armada with the ships. Now I can see more of the changes made with the new expansion, and I like most part of these changes you show here.
I spend years and a lot of money getting EVERYTHING for this game (including all the promos) and now they want to sell me on a new version?? What is this, an iPhone??
I am amused by the fact that everyone feels the need to point out to me that I don't need to buy this new edition, completely missing the point of my aggravation. Had they released an upgrade pack for owners of the original version I would not be upset. But since this edition has made changes to the cards, it feels like a new game. If they are going to rebalance the game an upgrade pack for the original version that updates that version with the new card effects would be nice, because otherwise it makes me feel like my game is not balanced. They made these changes for a reason (supposedly) but if you want to play with them, it's either pony up for the new copy or make your own.
As soon as I saw this I went and picked up the original version of the Cities expansion (already had Leaders) in anticipation of it going out of print and up in price.
7 Wonders is one of my favorite games for many reasons. I do not know if I'll upgrade my copy (I only have Leaders and Babel expansions) because I cannot remember the last time my copy hit the table. Even if I do upgrade, I won't get rid of the original - too many memories for that to happen. Great video and much appreciated!
I’ll be sticking to the original. I could be talked into some sort of big box collection for storing all my expansions though. I like some aspects of the new look but prefer a lot of the aspects of the old look. My copy will be fine. Thanks for the info though!
I’ll probably end up buying this since I don’t own a physical copy. Looks flatter and classier overall. How many more components would they need in order to provide “Duel” in-box?
Personally I love the new look, including the card backs. I don't own the game as we always play my friend's copy, however if I were to get one it would be this new version for sure!
I've played a ton of 7 Wonders with my friend who owns it over the years, and I never pulled the trigger on my own copy because it felt like "his game". But I will definitely be buying the new edition base game+expansions. I've waited long enough. :P
Bought 7 Wonders a while back, punched it but haven't played it yet. The day after my friend told me a new print was coming out which made me feel a bit stupid for not checking first. So, I feel that I have to stick to my original version after all.
I don’t think the tokens are a good improvement: a red flag with a white circle and a black number in it, and an eagle above it, well, this reminds me of another flag. But maybe I’m the only one!
That was my immediate thought when I saw those tokens and I'm not alone. A bunch of people on BGG noticed it too. They voiced their concern to the publisher and the publisher did respond. You can read their response and the rest of the thread here, www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/2468086/article/35517171#35517171
You may not be aware but the nazis stole a lot of symbology from history’s great civilisations. They raided the Roman Empire the most. So technically it fits with the theme just fine. Personally I find it far easier to distinguish than the red on red tokens previously used.
Ripped from the Crypt Hello! I am aware of that. It’s not the symbols that shock me. It’s the way they are shown. For example, I am not shocked by a svastika in an indian temple. I am shocked if it is drawn in a white circle inside a red flag. I haven’t seen a roman flag designed like that in books or museums I visited in Italy or in France (which is my country), this is why I wrote my comment.
Thanks, Zee! Like many others I own base and the expansions. When I do get the game to the table I play with Leaders and sometimes Cities, but can't get my groups to play Babel or Armada. I just don't play enough to justify buying the new version and 2 expansions and we're not serious enough players to care about the card tweaks that balance the game.
@@Keithustus Well, I like my cards nice and new. Plus, in my country (Brazil), board games (as with much of the geek hobbies around here) are expensive as fuck, think like, a big box game like Scythe costing almost half our monthly minimum wage, just so you have an idea exactly how expensive I'm talking about, and you can understand why it's best to take good care of games instead of just getting new ones if they get too worn out.
Diego Lima, sure, I get that. The only game I have sleeved is my Battlestar Galactica with all expansions. Since it’s been out of print so long, it would be too hard to get a replacement expansion nowadays. But I still don’t like touching the sleeves.
I’m a relatively new board gamer (only since the end of 2017), and have not purchased 7 Wonders yet (but I do have and really like 7 Wonders Duel). My timing to get this new version is perfect. I like what I see in the changes, and have pre-ordered this new version with the expansions that are also coming. I get why some folks won’t re-purchase. Board games are expensive, and if the prior version works well, why spend the money? My timing on buying a few games that have recently been updated has worked out well thus far. I sin on the side of re-buying things I like when released (comic book collected editions, for example), so it’s nice to not be tempted to spend the money when it really isn’t necessary. 👍
(1) because it’s prettier, (2) because cleaner and more concise rules are never a turnoff, (3) because balance tweaks based on years and thousands of plays and discussions are never a turnoff.
I just ordered the Duel base, and I think I will buy this version eventually also. Since I haven't owned the game previously I have no attachment to the original card back design as I may if I had owned it. and I think they look nice in keeping with the theme of the game and nice to look at. I also LOVE the large boards with night and day designs. Simply stunning
I sold the old version back in 2014 after only a few plays as everyone I knew already owned a copy. I've since moved cities and become "the one with all the games", so might have to pick this new edition up! I certainly like the cleaner aesthetic.
I have everything from the original version (including al promo's and extra's) so no wont change to the new version. We enjoyed how it has always been. I do hope, if there is gonna be an expansion, that they think of the people who have supported them in the past (aka bought the original version), and release it in the old look as well. If they would make an upgrade kit with the bigger player boards in old style, replacement cards for what has changed and the new rules, I think I would buy that.
The graphic design improvements are huge, also it helps to arrange the cards in straight columns, you don't need a gigantic table to play this game now.
Nice review. Only thing you didn’t answer for me is are the card sizes different now? They appear to be wider than the original. If so then I hope there are card sleeves that work for them.
I will probably buy the new edition because my base game is well-worn and I haven't purchased the expansions; I am also very likely to buy this for friends and family just getting into the hobby.
Our first edition that we enjoyed so much got wet and torned so we are looking for a replacement. Glad to see that there has been a newer edition that we can consider as a replacement. The newer edition is tempting because it's "new" and balanced, and only makes sense to buy a newer version but also will greatly miss the older edition that drew us to love this game!
The first one is in my top 3. I'd like to buy this new one but games are so expensive right now in my country that I'll just have to ignore it for now (it launches friday at double the cost of the original) and maybe pick up a copy in a couple of years after the expansions come.
Thanks for the video Zee. Nice to see the comparison. I have the base game and most of the expansions, so I think I will stick with my original version, but I like that it makes the game a bit more accessible for new players.
Instant buy for me. Always loved this game, never liked any of the expansions so I don't care about that. Seems like they changed costs and effects, I really hope now is more balanced. Can't wait to add it to my collection!!!
Do you think you guys will do a play through of the new version and let us know of the game feels different with the different card costs? I’m curious if something that small can make a big difference. This version looks awesome! I diddo what people are saying about the military tokens looking a bit nazi 😬.... some people might be too off put by that. The changes as a whole look great. I don’t currently own this but this is making me think about picking it up!
Actually some of those balance changes are pretty nice. The Arena I felt was too good before and some of the wonders were not as powerful as others, Babylon included.
Fan of the game too. Might get this because it looks nicer imo (though I have ALL the expansions for the 1st gen). On a more important note, would anyone know whether the 2nd gen card sizes have changed? Just thinking in terms of sleeve protection for these!
Cosmetic change that wasn't mentioned: The new box no longer has a bunch of awards plastered on it. I assume this is because the tweaks mean it's technically a different game?
I already have the old base game but no expensions. Should I pick up old edition expansions or buy the new edition and throw away by old edition base game?
I have a complete set of 7 wonders with the expansions. I always hate it when they bring out these "new" versions, because at some point there will be a new expansion and it does not fit with the old game anymore.... I don't like to feel forced to have to upgrade...
@@andyscout They have said there is no plans for a new expansion, that being said I fully expect there to be a new expansion in a year or two. What I would love in this game though is a complete rulebook and complete symbols help sheet. So if that could come next I would be really excited.
I was hoping new edition would have one-for-all insert. Is there any information about it? Answering the question: no, I will stick with my current edition.
I love love love the 2 player variant in original base game of 7 Wonders! Such a shame that they removed it. I really enjoy the strategic options afforded to you in the 2 player variant. You can manipulate the non-player mat to your benefit (ex. getting coins) while also hurting your opponent (ex. building up non-player's military). I'm SO glad I have the old version! Also... I think Repos should have kept the awards on the front of the box - one of the most awarded board games ever.
I love 7 Wonders but don’t own the game. Played a lot on the app version. I may pick this one up, I like the card format changes and the gilded backs don’t really bother me. I was hoping for a bit of artwork updates as my wife hated the bathhouse cards and artwork.
I think the link icons in the previous version of the game is easier for sporadic boardgame players, since they clearly say what cards you get to build for free. That's a plus for me, since I often have sporadic players mixed in with seasoned boardgame players.
This is a pretty mainstream game, that wouldn’t be practical for people who are new to the hobby. I remember a couple years ago 7 Wonders was a game I considered getting but I knew basically nothing about modern boardgames at the time. If it had all the expansions it would have been very difficult for me to understand and play.
at this point the only way I could see buying it again is if there was a big box of all of it ... since I only have the base and that could make since to get it all. My expectation is that we will pick up expansions for the old version.
I only have the base game and was going to stick with it thinking the expansions would go on sale/clearance sometime... but now I think I'll upgrade to future proof as my bet is they invest in the IP with a lot of new content.
I'm kind of thinking about upgrading. I love 7 Wonders but have never bought any of the expansions. I've played with Leaders on someone else's copy once, and over the Pandemic played the Tabletop Simulator version with both Leaders and Cities and I liked the experience so much that I feel like it'd be tough to go back to just the base game. So I'm thinking that it might make sense to upgrade my base copy before starting to add onto it. And I do like the idea of stacking/splaying resources to the left of the board and just putting new cards on top of the old ones. It was always mildly annoying to try to slide cards under a diagonally splayed stack that juts out of your board at a weird angle. Not THAT annoying, but it'd be nice to not mess with it.
I like the new look overall. I think the shiney cards go with the whole upgrade to the theme. I won't be buying it, I'll just keep rocking my OG copy! :) Thanks for the comparison video. Did game play change?
Does this mean then that they are reprinting all of the expansions? You would have to in order for consistency I would think, I own all the materials (including many promos) and like the new card look ... not sure if I want to reinvest in getting all of it all over again though.
I wish they kept at least the back of the cards the same to keep the old explanations compatible. My copy of the base game is really banged up. I'll have to buy the old version of the base game otherwise I'll have to buy the expansions again.
I kinda wish they would have stuck to the old card sizes and background. Then you'd be able to mix and match new and old expansions. To answer the question... I don't feel tempted to upgrade
Old sizes? The cards are the same size across both editions but even so the backs are different. Technically, if you can find card sleeves of that size with opaque backs then you could potentially mix and match the two editions, but good luck finding such sleeves. On top of that have fun with the nightmare of separating the cards after the fact. :)
*Looks in the new rulebook for the 2 player variant*
2 Player Variant:
Buy 7 Wonders Duel
FWIW, the designer it should be easy to house rule in with a few "spare parts".
I'll probably be picking up the new version at some point. Thanks for this vid! One thing I noticed you didn't mention was the fact that the new version has colorblind symbols! On the banner next to the names of all the cards there's a small symbol indicating the color of the card. Helpful small detail that makes a big accessibility difference. :)
I love the back of the cards. Now, with this new version and all the little upgrades it's finally time to add this game to my collection
I will be buying the new version and expansions, mostly because I am such a fan of the Symbol upgrades from 7 Wonders Duel, and have wanted them to make the switch to them in original 7 Wonders for a long time
I like the metallic on the new cards. Not gaudy at all IMO
I agree with you, and thus disagree with Zee.
I like the look as well!
Its one of the main reasons i like the new edition
I couldn't agree with Zee more on this one. It is likely the deciding factor for why I won't be getting the new version. I find it gaudy and doesn't align with the rest of the game.
@@TheGiraffehead Seriously, the back of the cards is the only thing stopping you from getting the, clearly superior, new version? That's pretty shallow. It's not like there is glitter all over them. That would be gaudy.
I love the new card design, including the shiny back side. And on the cost or effect changes, I wanna believe that they did it to balance cards a bit better, maybe with all the expansions in mind and their changes. I'm sure they have an internal memo somewhere that explains why these changes were made...
I'm definitely getting the new version as the rebalancing of wonders is a major plus for me. I won't get any expansions because I enjoy the base game immensely.
They went that direction with those backs because they are simply stunning!
Haven't bought 7 Wonders yet as 2 of my friends who I game with frequently own it.
This is enough of a nudge to get me to purchase a copy I think :)
I love 7 wonders and I see this as a great reason to jump on. Since two of my friends has the original I haven't had a good enough reason to get one for my self, now I think I will! I love the new backs btw.
The new cards look really clean and more modern looking for sure. Love the little UI updates.
Thanks for the video. They have the new version up on BGA now. A lot of the weaker monuments have been balanced out via small changes. They have removed the Stage 1 requirements where you were given one of the starting resources right on the card (meaning you only needed 1 wood, or 1 stone, or 1 of whatever it was) to complete stage 1. That makes a lot of sense to me, it made certain cards much easier to dive right into stage 2. And although I have yet to see the new backs in person, the bronze, silver, and gold look great from here. This game is all about building monuments to the Gods, it makes sense to have "gaudy" cards.
I wouldn’t buy the new version because I have everything for the old one, but if there are new expansions, I’m gonna be in a pickle...
@@PandaOfElastic Those are replacement editions of the old ones, not brand new expansions.
@@cursivecurses Oh, I completely misread what he said. Forget my comment!
One would think they are done with new expansions since they did this, but if they make a new expansion i am very certain that they will make to both the original and the revised one.
Even if they put out new expansions to the game in this new format it's not a big deal. there's plenty of game just in the original base box and the old expansions add nearly infinte replay anyway. For me it looks nice but i'll keep my old version for sure.
Even bigger player boards? Why? Playing this with a handful of people, all putting 15+ cards on the table, makes this game a real table hugger already.
Given that you don't have to angle stack the cards, I think there's a net loss in footprint.
Cards will take less space. When you play with the expansions, more space on the board to put cash and tokens.
I am really liking the way that the art is showcased on the cards and player boards. I am still not sure about getting the new version, but it is definitely on my radar, especially when new expansions come out...
7 Wonders is one of my favorite games, but I only have the base game. I'm definitely going to buy the new version of the base game, and the new version of Leaders, Cities and Armada. Leaders and Cities will have their Anniversary Packs included in them, which will be great. Thanks for the comparison video!
Got all the expansions, promos, metal coins, and nice wooden insert that holds everything. Have no desire to start over again.
It's a decent update. I really like that they switched card names with symbols for the prerequisites. However, I don't see that as a good reason to upgrade.
Awesome to see this game updated. But as someone who has all of the expansions, etc., it is hard to say if I want to jump into this and hope and wait for all of the expansions to get a similar treatment.
Updated expansions will be launched at the start of next year.
The Leaders, Cities, and Armada expansions will be getting updates like the base game is getting. As for the anniversary packs, I believe those are being bundled into their respective expansions but do not quote me on that. As for the Wonder Pack, I think some of those wonders are getting baked into other expansions but again don't quote me on that. Finally, with regards to Babel, there is currently no plans to bring this expansion over to the new art style. Part of the argument as to why not is that because the Babel expansion does not add any cards to the age decks that you can technically then play it with the new version no problem. No word on any of the promo stuff as in the promo leader cards, alternate art palace cards, the Catan promo wonder board, or the alternate art wonder pack.
Cole Feeser: most useful comment. Thank you.
I love the new cards! Especially the backs! No game I have has cards like that which makes me want to buy this one.
I love the art filling up the full card. Overall I like the changes so I may upgrade.
I played this game a lot for about three years. Got leaders and cities expansion. After a while it just stood there not getting played so I got rid of it. Watching this video makes me think about jumping in that train again 🤣
8:51 I don't mind the shiny backs. So long as the price isn't upped to "compensate" for that.
I got my son into Duel, and am
Looking forward to getting the new version of the full game.
Hi, and thank you for this comparison. I do have the old version, but now I bought the new version, used copy, manly becourse of the expansions. I could not find the old version expansions,
and I wanted to try the Armada with the ships. Now I can see more of the changes made with the new expansion, and I like most part of these changes you show here.
lol I didn’t mind the foil backs until you mentioned it 😂
Wow those card backs are freaking epic! Never owned the original but this reprint has me tempted!
I spend years and a lot of money getting EVERYTHING for this game (including all the promos) and now they want to sell me on a new version?? What is this, an iPhone??
If you got everything, no need to buy again.
If you have everything already, you are not the target customer
They don't want you to do anything. Just relax :D
I am amused by the fact that everyone feels the need to point out to me that I don't need to buy this new edition, completely missing the point of my aggravation. Had they released an upgrade pack for owners of the original version I would not be upset. But since this edition has made changes to the cards, it feels like a new game. If they are going to rebalance the game an upgrade pack for the original version that updates that version with the new card effects would be nice, because otherwise it makes me feel like my game is not balanced. They made these changes for a reason (supposedly) but if you want to play with them, it's either pony up for the new copy or make your own.
As soon as I saw this I went and picked up the original version of the Cities expansion (already had Leaders) in anticipation of it going out of print and up in price.
7 Wonders is one of my favorite games for many reasons. I do not know if I'll upgrade my copy (I only have Leaders and Babel expansions) because I cannot remember the last time my copy hit the table. Even if I do upgrade, I won't get rid of the original - too many memories for that to happen. Great video and much appreciated!
I’ll be sticking to the original. I could be talked into some sort of big box collection for storing all my expansions though.
I like some aspects of the new look but prefer a lot of the aspects of the old look. My copy will be fine.
Thanks for the info though!
I’ll probably end up buying this since I don’t own a physical copy. Looks flatter and classier overall.
How many more components would they need in order to provide “Duel” in-box?
Duel plays completely differetly from the original, the only components you'd be able to use between the two are the coins.
Personally I love the new look, including the card backs.
I don't own the game as we always play my friend's copy, however if I were to get one it would be this new version for sure!
Its more than just a cosmetic change..there are balance changes.. wonder if the original is more fun
I've played a ton of 7 Wonders with my friend who owns it over the years, and I never pulled the trigger on my own copy because it felt like "his game". But I will definitely be buying the new edition base game+expansions. I've waited long enough. :P
Bought 7 Wonders a while back, punched it but haven't played it yet. The day after my friend told me a new print was coming out which made me feel a bit stupid for not checking first.
So, I feel that I have to stick to my original version after all.
Super useful video, gives me a real idea of where I stand and what I want to do going forward, thank you folks.
I don’t think the tokens are a good improvement: a red flag with a white circle and a black number in it, and an eagle above it, well, this reminds me of another flag. But maybe I’m the only one!
Aelegrin III I am shocked this never came up when this was being designed. It is so close, the fact that no one said anything is crazy.
That was my immediate thought when I saw those tokens and I'm not alone. A bunch of people on BGG noticed it too. They voiced their concern to the publisher and the publisher did respond. You can read their response and the rest of the thread here, www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/2468086/article/35517171#35517171
First thing I thought of. The 5 on it looks like half a swastika
You may not be aware but the nazis stole a lot of symbology from history’s great civilisations. They raided the Roman Empire the most. So technically it fits with the theme just fine. Personally I find it far easier to distinguish than the red on red tokens previously used.
Ripped from the Crypt Hello! I am aware of that. It’s not the symbols that shock me. It’s the way they are shown. For example, I am not shocked by a svastika in an indian temple. I am shocked if it is drawn in a white circle inside a red flag.
I haven’t seen a roman flag designed like that in books or museums I visited in Italy or in France (which is my country), this is why I wrote my comment.
I'll be picking up the new version. Are they going to redo all the expansions too? I love the original. It's one of my favorite games.
Thanks, Zee! Like many others I own base and the expansions. When I do get the game to the table I play with Leaders and sometimes Cities, but can't get my groups to play Babel or Armada. I just don't play enough to justify buying the new version and 2 expansions and we're not serious enough players to care about the card tweaks that balance the game.
Hi, do somebody knows if we can play 2 players with a dummy like in the first edition or did they remove components so that it is impossible to do so
thank you, i'm really stoned and had no idea there was another printing. this will be very entertraining.
Those metallic cards look like a scratch fueled nightmare.
Sleeve 'em up. Always sleeve 'em up.
Diego Lima, many of us detest sleeves. Cards are supposed to feel and shuffle like cards.
@@Keithustus Well, I like my cards nice and new. Plus, in my country (Brazil), board games (as with much of the geek hobbies around here) are expensive as fuck, think like, a big box game like Scythe costing almost half our monthly minimum wage, just so you have an idea exactly how expensive I'm talking about, and you can understand why it's best to take good care of games instead of just getting new ones if they get too worn out.
Diego Lima, sure, I get that. The only game I have sleeved is my Battlestar Galactica with all expansions. Since it’s been out of print so long, it would be too hard to get a replacement expansion nowadays.
But I still don’t like touching the sleeves.
I love the metallic look at the back of the cards. Wish they added metal coins.
For those of us that love to sleeve, it looks like the cards are now sized like normal 3.5 x 2.5 inches? It looks like, but couldn't tell.
So essentially, in terms of artwork, the new version is much like 7 WONDERS: DUEL
I’m a relatively new board gamer (only since the end of 2017), and have not purchased 7 Wonders yet (but I do have and really like 7 Wonders Duel). My timing to get this new version is perfect. I like what I see in the changes, and have pre-ordered this new version with the expansions that are also coming. I get why some folks won’t re-purchase. Board games are expensive, and if the prior version works well, why spend the money? My timing on buying a few games that have recently been updated has worked out well thus far. I sin on the side of re-buying things I like when released (comic book collected editions, for example), so it’s nice to not be tempted to spend the money when it really isn’t necessary. 👍
(1) because it’s prettier, (2) because cleaner and more concise rules are never a turnoff, (3) because balance tweaks based on years and thousands of plays and discussions are never a turnoff.
I just ordered the Duel base, and I think I will buy this version eventually also. Since I haven't owned the game previously I have no attachment to the original card back design as I may if I had owned it. and I think they look nice in keeping with the theme of the game and nice to look at. I also LOVE the large boards with night and day designs. Simply stunning
I sold the old version back in 2014 after only a few plays as everyone I knew already owned a copy. I've since moved cities and become "the one with all the games", so might have to pick this new edition up! I certainly like the cleaner aesthetic.
I have everything from the original version (including al promo's and extra's) so no wont change to the new version. We enjoyed how it has always been. I do hope, if there is gonna be an expansion, that they think of the people who have supported them in the past (aka bought the original version), and release it in the old look as well. If they would make an upgrade kit with the bigger player boards in old style, replacement cards for what has changed and the new rules, I think I would buy that.
The graphic design improvements are huge, also it helps to arrange the cards in straight columns, you don't need a gigantic table to play this game now.
Do you know the release date for second edition expansions? Cities, armada and leaders, are they available?
I like comparison videos ;) Where can I find more of these?
Nice review. Only thing you didn’t answer for me is are the card sizes different now? They appear to be wider than the original. If so then I hope there are card sleeves that work for them.
I will probably buy the new edition because my base game is well-worn and I haven't purchased the expansions; I am also very likely to buy this for friends and family just getting into the hobby.
Our first edition that we enjoyed so much got wet and torned so we are looking for a replacement. Glad to see that there has been a newer edition that we can consider as a replacement. The newer edition is tempting because it's "new" and balanced, and only makes sense to buy a newer version but also will greatly miss the older edition that drew us to love this game!
I like the new look! I was waiting to see if I should pick it up, definitely going to now
Are the card sizes in both versions the same? I want to know if the card sleeves for the old version will fit the new ones…
The first one is in my top 3. I'd like to buy this new one but games are so expensive right now in my country that I'll just have to ignore it for now (it launches friday at double the cost of the original) and maybe pick up a copy in a couple of years after the expansions come.
You said the money was the same, but same as which version? I think there was one version with wooden coins and one with cardboard coins.
Thanks for the video Zee. Nice to see the comparison. I have the base game and most of the expansions, so I think I will stick with my original version, but I like that it makes the game a bit more accessible for new players.
Will my old sleeves fit?
I think I will upgrade i dont have any expansions for my copy
Are the cards the same size as the original? I may upgrade because I like the new art, but I don't want to have to buy all new sleeves.
One of the reasons I will stick with my old copy and expansions.
Are the cards bigger? What does the new power do?
Instant buy for me.
Always loved this game, never liked any of the expansions so I don't care about that.
Seems like they changed costs and effects, I really hope now is more balanced.
Can't wait to add it to my collection!!!
I like the look, but not enough to purchase a new one until mine wears out.
Do you think you guys will do a play through of the new version and let us know of the game feels different with the different card costs? I’m curious if something that small can make a big difference.
This version looks awesome! I diddo what people are saying about the military tokens looking a bit nazi 😬.... some people might be too off put by that. The changes as a whole look great. I don’t currently own this but this is making me think about picking it up!
Do one of these for the new version of Sidereal Confluence!
Enjoy the old game, do not see a reason to “upgrade.” Never had an issue w balance in the game before. Thx for the info Zee!
Actually some of those balance changes are pretty nice. The Arena I felt was too good before and some of the wonders were not as powerful as others, Babylon included.
@@TheBrokenMeeple And houesrules were discovered. 😛
I wonder how the metallic card edges hold up after the lots of shuffling and play?
Fan of the game too. Might get this because it looks nicer imo (though I have ALL the expansions for the 1st gen). On a more important note, would anyone know whether the 2nd gen card sizes have changed? Just thinking in terms of sleeve protection for these!
Cosmetic change that wasn't mentioned: The new box no longer has a bunch of awards plastered on it. I assume this is because the tweaks mean it's technically a different game?
I love the new backs.
Why didn't you show the insert? Is it still the same?
What size sleeves you need for new version?
The chain building symbols are definitely welcome. I'll probably use them to create some stickers which I will apply to my old copy of the game.
I think they made some changes to make it harder to counterfeit. Like the metalic accents on the back of cards and on top of the box.
Fan of the game, and won't be buying the new version. Not enough difference to make it worthwhile, and not an 'upgrade' imho.
The intention was for the new players by making it more accessible. It's more a refresh.
And when they create new expansions, they will be released only in the new design for sure?
@@n.t.7768 I don't think 7 Wonders has had a new expansion in several years. I don't think they're going to release any more.
They are going to release the old expansions in the new design th-cam.com/video/pdXjZdrsg18/w-d-xo.html.
I have access to it, but i don't own it. I have to say that the new design of the cards is enough to sell this edition to me.
Can i ask you could i play this expansion with the first 7 wonders or only with the second edition? Thank you 🙏
I already have the old base game but no expensions. Should I pick up old edition expansions or buy the new edition and throw away by old edition base game?
I have a complete set of 7 wonders with the expansions. I always hate it when they bring out these "new" versions, because at some point there will be a new expansion and it does not fit with the old game anymore.... I don't like to feel forced to have to upgrade...
Yeah, I can only hope any future expansions have a version for the original. But that seems like more work than they're likely to do.
@@andyscout They have said there is no plans for a new expansion, that being said I fully expect there to be a new expansion in a year or two.
What I would love in this game though is a complete rulebook and complete symbols help sheet. So if that could come next I would be really excited.
I was hoping new edition would have one-for-all insert. Is there any information about it?
Answering the question: no, I will stick with my current edition.
Curious how the storage is on the inside of the box? Is it pretty similar to old 7 wonders?
I love love love the 2 player variant in original base game of 7 Wonders! Such a shame that they removed it. I really enjoy the strategic options afforded to you in the 2 player variant. You can manipulate the non-player mat to your benefit (ex. getting coins) while also hurting your opponent (ex. building up non-player's military). I'm SO glad I have the old version!
Also... I think Repos should have kept the awards on the front of the box - one of the most awarded board games ever.
Will these changes filter through to the phone app?
Are the new cards sturdier / higher quality than the originals? Do they have linen finish?
Wait, where are the guild cards? Wanna see those so bad!
Calistake047 expansions!
I love 7 Wonders but don’t own the game. Played a lot on the app version. I may pick this one up, I like the card format changes and the gilded backs don’t really bother me. I was hoping for a bit of artwork updates as my wife hated the bathhouse cards and artwork.
I think the link icons in the previous version of the game is easier for sporadic boardgame players, since they clearly say what cards you get to build for free. That's a plus for me, since I often have sporadic players mixed in with seasoned boardgame players.
I'm disappointed the expansions weren't just included or I would have changed it most likely.
Drashia that would have been one expensive box! So Many expansions. Sooner or later we see new expansions to this with big cards.
This is a pretty mainstream game, that wouldn’t be practical for people who are new to the hobby. I remember a couple years ago 7 Wonders was a game I considered getting but I knew basically nothing about modern boardgames at the time. If it had all the expansions it would have been very difficult for me to understand and play.
at this point the only way I could see buying it again is if there was a big box of all of it ... since I only have the base and that could make since to get it all.
My expectation is that we will pick up expansions for the old version.
If they are available for a reasonable prize.
I only have the base game and was going to stick with it thinking the expansions would go on sale/clearance sometime... but now I think I'll upgrade to future proof as my bet is they invest in the IP with a lot of new content.
I'm kind of thinking about upgrading. I love 7 Wonders but have never bought any of the expansions. I've played with Leaders on someone else's copy once, and over the Pandemic played the Tabletop Simulator version with both Leaders and Cities and I liked the experience so much that I feel like it'd be tough to go back to just the base game. So I'm thinking that it might make sense to upgrade my base copy before starting to add onto it. And I do like the idea of stacking/splaying resources to the left of the board and just putting new cards on top of the old ones. It was always mildly annoying to try to slide cards under a diagonally splayed stack that juts out of your board at a weird angle. Not THAT annoying, but it'd be nice to not mess with it.
Are the new cards slightly bigger? They appear so…just curious.
I like the new look overall. I think the shiney cards go with the whole upgrade to the theme. I won't be buying it, I'll just keep rocking my OG copy! :) Thanks for the comparison video. Did game play change?
Where can one buy this? I can’t find it anywhere online!?
It's not out yet, September.
Do the blanace changes make the game less fun? Should i buy the original?
Does this mean then that they are reprinting all of the expansions? You would have to in order for consistency I would think, I own all the materials (including many promos) and like the new card look ... not sure if I want to reinvest in getting all of it all over again though.
They announced reprints for Cities and Leaders I believe.
Yeah they will reprint them.
Thanks for additional info.
@@ian_forbes Ciries, Leaders and Armada so far.
I wish they kept at least the back of the cards the same to keep the old explanations compatible. My copy of the base game is really banged up. I'll have to buy the old version of the base game otherwise I'll have to buy the expansions again.
I kinda wish they would have stuck to the old card sizes and background. Then you'd be able to mix and match new and old expansions.
To answer the question... I don't feel tempted to upgrade
Old sizes? The cards are the same size across both editions but even so the backs are different. Technically, if you can find card sleeves of that size with opaque backs then you could potentially mix and match the two editions, but good luck finding such sleeves. On top of that have fun with the nightmare of separating the cards after the fact. :)
@@DaFees They look of different size in the comparison video to me? The new cards being larger.