Very interesting, but we all know that the acetone glue will eventually harden, after it has eaten through the innertube and after a few miles in the heat it will disintegrate to a powder. I suggest using this acetone glue with your patch and see if in fact it does work, as far as filling the innertube, I suggest using a liquid glue that will remain liquid in the innertube until it plugs a leak and comes in to contact with air and then it solidifies. You will have to invent that glue first. Bottom line, acetone and styrofoam make a great sealant for furniture and woods and you can add colorants to it and it remains rock-cock hard, but for rubber, I don't think so. Please make a follow up video of the tire in a few months and lets see the results. Many thanks for the video. The Sublime Prince currently residing in Toronto Canada and developing my ebike to unheard of new performance standards while operating in all four seasons and on ice as well. Congratulations on all the comments.
I was writing the same thing... 40 or 50 years ago, we used do fix some plastic materials (i.e. the inner part of the door of the fridge) using trichloroethylene as a solvent ("trielina" in italian) and a "patch" of the same material (i.e. taking a piece of an old discarder fridge). But, as you correctly say... the repair is "rigid". It happened some times (not in a mountain bike, but in road bikes using small tires) that the patch failed. Now, I clean better the inner tube, use before glue a solvent on the inner tube (as a solvent I use a very little amount of chloroform on a little cotton pellet ), the normal glue, I tighten the repair for a few hours in a carpenter's clamp, and the work is done. From Italy
3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3
You are correct, dissolved styrofoam in acetone after evoporation of acetone becomes very brittle almost like a glass. And considering that once you inflate the tire this patch will not be able to expand -- one bump and the glued area will crack or even deattach on the ages. This type of the glue is good for joints which do not experience bending/twisting and that's it. There are plenty glue types to be used to fix bicycle tube, but there is specialized glues for rubber. Unfortunately there are plenty videos with styrofoam and acetone which mislead to believe that it would work.
@@MsTatakai Or just good, old-fashioned puncture repair but making sure you fix the patch firmly and properly. Or even better, skip all that and replace the inner tube.
ESTA GENIAL😊 Para mi hermano willi de pacheco y firulay.😂❤ Hay que mirar el video hasta el final. La mejor parte de los parchesss Esta genial. FELICITACIONES por su tiempo. Hace ahorrar el dinero a quien lo necesite. Gracias totales.Saludos desde Argentina❤❤❤
I watched the video and found it quite interesting. I have no doubt about its effectiveness, but I’m a bit uncertain about the specific benefits that can be gained from this approach. I understand that the content of the video focuses more on explaining various methodologies rather than presenting alternatives. So, rather than overthinking it, I think it’s best to view this as just one of the options available.
I would suggest to learn applying commercial patches properly, these are cheap and well available. Why would anybody go through the procedure to dissolve polystyrene in acetone to produce a suboptimal replacement. Acetone is quite aggressive, I would not recommend to fill a conventional tube with the mixture. In 40 years of biking I had only a few occasions of conventional patches failing (probably my fault or the patches were too old) I will stick to the conventional method. From Germany.
The trouble is the patches he had on the tube were those stick on patches, for speed and ease. However, once the innertube loses air through any other puncture/reason those patches have to be replaced as they wrinkle and fail and will not work once the tube is inflated again. It’s still the old glue and patch that and will always work. I gave up those speed patches years ago.
That’s an interesting way of patching, but with all my years of fixing flat tires, I opt for easiest, less frustrating, but more expensive way. Have a supply of replacement inner tubes, and always bring one, along with the necessary tools with you.
When you sand back the rubber of the inner tube over the site of the puncture, NEVER DO AS HE DID, and that was to touch the newly sanded area with your bare finger, oils from your skin can immediately compromise the site, and the rubber glue may not stick properly, and over time the patch will seperate from the tube. Biggest cause of patch repair failure.
store bought patches work fine IF YOU DON'T TOUCH THE AREA WITH YOUR FINGERS. You will notice the patch that you pulled off, only a little area was not stuck? That was probably the part you touched when that patch was applied, the rest of the patch was stuck hard.
How will he get air in when the glue solidifies in the valve tube? He should have increase the length of the syringe spout to get the glue past the valve tube.
California, USA. Years ago we used a hot patch; Clean the leak area, stick on patch, overlay with clamp device that contained flammable material, light the patch cover, permanent vulcanized patch when cool.
Yes hot patches were great, I used them for years even on motorcycle tubes, never had one fail. I bicycled on road bikes for years and there tires had 120 psi pressure and there tubes were to small for a hot patch and cold patches were a big gamble. So I always carried 2 new tubes and a co2 cartridges to air them up. No fun having a flat that you couldn't repair on the road.
Thanks for sharing your smart idea ! I've always have the same slow leak problems from the store purchased patches in my fifty years of serious riding.
У чёрно-оранжевой заплатки отличный адгезивный слой и если использовать клей из того же набора, что и заплатки, то получается очень качественный ремонт камеры! Я много раз клеил проколы в полевых условиях и всегда отлично!
I only use Rema patches after using cheap ones. I'm in the USA. My father talked about the old patches needing to be heated with a metal iron, heated by matches.
Από Ελλάδα σε βλέπω φίλε! , πολύ καλό το βίντεο σου καί ευχαριστούμε ❤ , κόλα με φελιζολ έχω κάνει και εγώ, αλλά δεν γνώριζα για αυτή την χρήση!! ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΏ ❤
Ok, your method is very good, but the time the glue liquid stays in the inside of the bicycle, it will dry out and become ineffective. I think it's only suitable for about 30 minutes. But anyway, that ’s a good idea! Thank you sir. I am from Vietnam.
Thorn resistant tubes are a little bit heavier but worth it. I used to buy the Forte brand for my Gary Fisher and road bikes. At the moment I have slimes, but I'm that confident with them honestly. Would love to try this someday.
I've got an Electric Tyre Vulcanizing Machine which Welds the Patch on ! Of course, since I bought it a couple of years ago I've never had a Puncture ! I will have to have a go at making some glue and injecting it into my Tyres !
I ride a road bike. I make patches from latex gloves, because they can stretch with the tube which eliminates stress spots & tire distortion that occurs with thick commercial patch. This is particularly a problem with very thin road bike tyres. Anyway I apply the the glue to the tube only & wait for it to mostly dry before pressing the latex patch over the glue, bonding the latex instantly. That way the latex doesn't go or wrinkly & distorted from the glue solvents, but it still sticks great. The latex can be very thin & a single layer might eventually wear through over many long rides, so I put a 2nd layer of latex over the 1st one to give it more durability. When the tube inflates, the latex patch expands perfectly with the tube, so there is no thin spot, flat or lump that might make the wheel run untrue. I have done many big rides on this patching system & never had a single patch fail. Most patches are from thorns & this is a great way to patch those. If it's an actual tear or cut from glass etc I'd probably go for a more structural patch or simply swap out the tube. But for the thorn pin pricks, the latex gives by far the best result & is quick too. I have cycled many hundreds, probably thousands of km on these latex glove patches & not ever had one leak again or detach from a tube. It's a very reliable durable and high quality patching system.
I use to ride road bikes for years 1,000 to 1,500 miles a year, did you ever try latex tubes? I did ,they were about 1/3 the weight of a rubber tube, but you would start the ride with 120 psi and finish with 50 to 60 psi because the air would leak out of the tubes just like it does on balloons because there made out of latex rubber as well. After a couple of bike rides I got rid of the latex.
hola Sergio desde argentina!! INCREIBLE!!!! cuanto liquido debemos introducir a la camara de la rueda? parece importante distribuir y esparcir manualmente antes de armar la rueda... que solamente con el giro de la rueda no alcanza para que funcione. Muchas gracias por tu respuesta.
Yo he probado ese liquido, dentro de la camara se secara entre 3 semanas a 3 meses como maximo, si le agregas acegona por cada mez solo se extendera hasta 6 meses y luego hay que volver agregar nueva mezcla.
El parche se despega cuando no se limpia bien la camara de aire(neumático), o cuando no se quitan las venas del neumático que no permite una superficie pareja para que el parche se adhiera al neumático. En caso de mucha suciedad limpiar la zona con un paño húmedo en alcohol o tiner qué no tienen ningún tipo de aceite en sus componentes.
И всё же не следует отвергать этот способ. Внутри камеры ацетон начнёт испаряться в воздух, а если в воздухе паров ацетона станет достаточно, чтобы испарение "прекратилось". Вопрос в том, сколько надо для этого ацетона . Ещё недостаток, что колёса потяжелеют, насколько это станет заметно при раскрутке их, насколько это отразится на ускорении, станет заметно. В последнее время мне не везёт, каждые 2-3 поездки или прокол, или латка, есть камера с проколом за один раз с десяток отверстий, шуруп погулял, пока тормозил, можно попробовать.
@@Я-любимый После того,как велосипед постоит,то весь клей стечёт в нижнюю точку и при движении будет ощутимый дисбаланс..Купил себе покрышки с антипрокольным пятимиллиметровым слоем и горя не знаю.
Купил несколько лет назад самозаклеивающуюся камеру b-twen , так у нее заклеился ниппель((( Спускает воздух, а выкрутить невозможно, приклеился. Купил металлический колпачок с резинкой в автомаге, так и езжу
Для заливки лучше использовать ПВА с туалетной бумагой на миксере перемолоть получаться волокна закрывающие прокол плюс он разводиться водой для нужной консистенции а лучше купить герметик для шин чем я и пользуюсь и забыл про проколы. С пенопластом и ацетоном можно в бензине растворить но это долго будет получается хороший клей но он не гибкий. Что нибудь в виде дерева металла пластмассы подойдет там нужна жесткость.
I work with this stuff all the time. Heat doesn't make it "dry" it makes it sticky and more pliant, the only way to dry it is to expose it to air and the acetone evaporates (fairly quickly I might add) which, as others have pointed out, hardens the Styrofoam into a rock. I too am very skeptical about this solution.
Until the acetone is exposed to enough air to evaporate it and that will harden the polystyrene into a rock. Theoretically this might possibly work as long as the punctures remain small enough not to let in that much air.
Great job!.... from Spain. Gracias porque estamos hartos de ir con parches o comprar camaras con liquido, pero no funciona y tambien se pincha. I try to do the next time....
OK but the holes you drilled were just close to the valve, where most of the glue likely accumulated. What about puncturing at 180 dgrees distance from valve itself?
Hi! I'm watching you from Russia. Thanks for the video, a very interesting way to repair. The question remains - how long will the glue inside the camera last? it may dry up inside and then it will not help with a punctured wheel.
Не проще ли купить качественную антипрокольную жидкость? Она хотя бы полгода отработает, а вот этот клей наверняка засохнет внутри камеры за месяц или меньше.
No es un metodo sencillo, pero aparentemente funciona y es definitivo. Lo probare porque estoy bastante desesperado. Tengo una fat bike electrica de fabricacion China con ruedas de 20 x 4 y la rueda trasera se pincha cada dos o tres salidas . El problema en mi caso no es de los parches ni de la camara. El problema es que la calidad de la rueda es pesima. Escribo desde Madrid, España. Gracias por compartir.👍
Это будет работать, пока не испарится ацетон. Возможно перед началом сезона понадобится добавить немного в шину. На шприц лучше надеть тонкую трубку дабы не пачкать ниппель - засохнет и камера на выброс. Другой вопрос, как это сработает с широкими порезами? Я отдаю предпочтение антипрокольным покрышкам.
Ich benutzte immer 100 % pannensichere Reifen - und trotzdem hatte ich Pannen; bis ich eine Antipannenflüssigkeit einfüllte, seit da hatte ich keine Panne mehr.
I find it to be the cost savings light-weight rubber used for the innertube. After a year or so the tire goes flat if it sits for a few hours. I change my bike over to the heavier "thorn proof" innertube and never have a tire deflate again.
ша момент делать будет спецалный герметик (герметики ) втомчисле и спосные залатать 5мм разрез и даже 1 см разрезы от укусов (и еше один вариант от укусов состороны обода
Some people cannot afford to purchase patches or tubes, plus it's annoying that manufacturers rather than improve products their greed makes them make products that last less and less. Does anyone know if it's possible to make puncture patches from old inner tubes please, plus I have got about 6 racer bike inner tube valves that have snapped/broken whilst pumping air into the inner tube, again flimsy designed to break easily, anyway is it possible to purchase and replace the inner tube valves for a racer bike rather than having to purchase the complete inner tube, thankyou in advance. Great video thankyou.
I don't know yet whether it is possible to change or replace the valves myself, I will need to gather information here! As soon as I find out, I will definitely let you know.
It's all down to proper cleaning all the silicone powder off the rubber - contact cleaner, same as brake cleaner is the only solvent on a rag that cleans silicone off. Now scrub sand scratch rubber zone well beyond patch, and bond will always work. It's the way it's been done for 60 years and not one failed. But if you don't rub entire tire carcass inside for any foreign objects, like broken straight pin, like happened to mine, you'll be flat again in forty other places as it travels along the tube and tire when filled and you didn't make it to end of block and it's flat again with new pin holes. The gell made won't be able to coat the tube inside evenly 360, unless the wheel is spun to 100mph. There are special inserts used for this to make them puncture proof. Stay off the shoulder of roads where all the tire puncture items live. The rule is default, front tire upsets item, rear tire impales it. On any vehicle. Cheers
Good tip ,but I myself think that's a lot of hassel to go through mending an inner tube that has already got two patches on over 2 punchers, I myself would just get another inner tube , and also buy 2 rolls of tyre liner. From Steve from Swansea west Glamorgan wales uk
When I was young there was a device not much more than a piece of wire, that maybe attached to the fender, that sat right above the tire ! It's job was to catch thorns, pieces of glass, etc., from being allowed to seat deeper into the tire, as the device wouldn't allow but one half rotation of the tire, before the device would dislodge the object ! Worked great ! But as any real bicyclist knows, the most effective thing, is watching where you're going ! 👍👀
Aceton is no joke! ( just look at the effect over the foam and even smell it is dangerous). I dont think you should recommend that method taking into consideration there will be minors watching the video.
раньше возил клей и заплатки, но клей обязательно испарится и засохнет, если не хранить вскрытый тюбик в морозилке. Теперь вожу с собой камеры, пусть и клеенные, но целые. можно поменять их за 10 минут, это если поспать между делом, сходить в баню и съездить на море, а в условиях гонки меняю за 3 минуты А Лайк за революционность)
Hola, ¿la acetona, es lo mismo que el agua ras o el tinner? Yo prefiero comprar el pegamento y los parches en la bicicletería. También siempre tengo dos o más cámaras de repuesto. Pero es una buena técnica, que te puede sacar de un apuro. En la moto hago lo mismo, siempre llevo repuesto para todo. Es una vieja costumbre. Un saludo desde Argentina.
Bonjour. C'est très instructif. Je préfère emmener une chambre à air de rechange et réparer l'autre dans mon atelier après mon retour. Depuis quelques temps j'utilise des pneus anti crevaison qui apportent une grande tranquillité d'esprit pendant les balades..merci pour cette vidéo. A bientôt
Very interesting, but we all know that the acetone glue will eventually harden, after it has eaten through the innertube and after a few miles in the heat it will disintegrate to a powder. I suggest using this acetone glue with your patch and see if in fact it does work, as far as filling the innertube, I suggest using a liquid glue that will remain liquid in the innertube until it plugs a leak and comes in to contact with air and then it solidifies. You will have to invent that glue first. Bottom line, acetone and styrofoam make a great sealant for furniture and woods and you can add colorants to it and it remains rock-cock hard, but for rubber, I don't think so. Please make a follow up video of the tire in a few months and lets see the results. Many thanks for the video. The Sublime Prince currently residing in Toronto Canada and developing my ebike to unheard of new performance standards while operating in all four seasons and on ice as well. Congratulations on all the comments.
I was writing the same thing...
40 or 50 years ago, we used do fix some plastic materials (i.e. the inner part of the door of the fridge) using trichloroethylene as a solvent ("trielina" in italian) and a "patch" of the same material (i.e. taking a piece of an old discarder fridge).
But, as you correctly say... the repair is "rigid".
It happened some times (not in a mountain bike, but in road bikes using small tires) that the patch failed.
Now, I clean better the inner tube, use before glue a solvent on the inner tube (as a solvent I use a very little amount of chloroform on a little cotton pellet ), the normal glue,
I tighten the repair for a few hours in a carpenter's clamp, and the work is done.
From Italy
You are correct, dissolved styrofoam in acetone after evoporation of acetone becomes very brittle almost like a glass. And considering that once you inflate the tire this patch will not be able to expand -- one bump and the glued area will crack or even deattach on the ages.
This type of the glue is good for joints which do not experience bending/twisting and that's it.
There are plenty glue types to be used to fix bicycle tube, but there is specialized glues for rubber. Unfortunately there are plenty videos with styrofoam and acetone which mislead to believe that it would work.
i thought the same indeed... we need a better solution then... a nice diy glue to be a substitute of sealant would be great!
@@MsTatakai Or just good, old-fashioned puncture repair but making sure you fix the patch firmly and properly. Or even better, skip all that and replace the inner tube.
@@Muddy283 replacing the inner tube is how i usually do than bring the old flat one and repair it and repeat the process XD
ESTA GENIAL😊 Para mi hermano willi de pacheco y firulay.😂❤ Hay que mirar el video hasta el final. La mejor parte de los parchesss Esta genial. FELICITACIONES por su tiempo. Hace ahorrar el dinero a quien lo necesite. Gracias totales.Saludos desde Argentina❤❤❤
What an amazing trick! Your solution not only repairs the tire but also prevents future punctures. It’s like magic! Keep up the great work!
Merci pour les conseils 😅😅😅
I watched the video and found it quite interesting.
I have no doubt about its effectiveness, but I’m a bit uncertain about the specific benefits that can be gained from this approach.
I understand that the content of the video focuses more on explaining various methodologies rather than presenting alternatives.
So, rather than overthinking it, I think it’s best to view this as just one of the options available.
Woher kriege ich einen alten Sschlauch..??
excellent idea, i always go ride ing with acetone and a kettle
Yo usé gasolina y el pegamento no funcionó
Also must carry a couple of glasses, as well the foam packaging of the TV set.
Admirably, he doesn't want to have his bike stolen so he responsively locks it up, then leaves keys to lock on the bike ... PRICELESS.
Iva opinar lo mismo, que tal 😮...
😁 hahaha...
Bro doesn't understand it's just for the video 😭😭
I would suggest to learn applying commercial patches properly, these are cheap and well available. Why would anybody go through the procedure to dissolve polystyrene in acetone to produce a suboptimal replacement. Acetone is quite aggressive, I would not recommend to fill a conventional tube with the mixture. In 40 years of biking I had only a few occasions of conventional patches failing (probably my fault or the patches were too old) I will stick to the conventional method. From Germany.
Yep these patches work 99% successfully if applied correctly. Anyways, with two punctures it would be better buying a new tube.
Es más que evidente que no viste el Video hasta el final. 😅😅😅😅😅
The trouble is the patches he had on the tube were those stick on patches, for speed and ease. However, once the innertube loses air through any other puncture/reason those patches have to be replaced as they wrinkle and fail and will not work once the tube is inflated again. It’s still the old glue and patch that and will always work. I gave up those speed patches years ago.
Tip-top....poz iz Bayerna😊
Genial es Caro comprar y esta opción es muy buena
Very creative way to patch a tube! I hope the glue inside won't clog the airway valve.
Check the tire inside by touch for remaining pieces of wire or glass that caused the flat in the first place. Store patches always worked for me.
That’s an interesting way of patching, but with all my years of fixing flat tires, I opt for easiest, less frustrating, but more expensive way. Have a supply of replacement inner tubes, and always bring one, along with the necessary tools with you.
Its better to have patches. They weight nothing
If you have nothing else its a great idea and I'm Canadian.
On lawn tractor wheels it would also work and save you the price of a tube.
There are several commercial products to fill tyres and previous punctures. 'Slime' for example. Much easier.
If that's where you keep your keys, your bike's not going to be there when you get back anyway.
When you sand back the rubber of the inner tube over the site of the puncture, NEVER DO AS HE DID, and that was to touch the newly sanded area with your bare finger, oils from your skin can immediately compromise the site, and the rubber glue may not stick properly, and over time the patch will seperate from the tube. Biggest cause of patch repair failure.
this is not your normal rubber glue
@@690Lighthouse meaning?
store bought patches work fine IF YOU DON'T TOUCH THE AREA WITH YOUR FINGERS. You will notice the patch that you pulled off, only a little area was not stuck? That was probably the part you touched when that patch was applied, the rest of the patch was stuck hard.
How will he get air in when the glue solidifies in the valve tube? He should have increase the length of the syringe spout to get the glue past the valve tube.
USA - Pretty ingenious, and loved the self-seal demo as well. In the long run it remains to be seen if complications may arise esp clogging the valve.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts - I agree, it's super interesting! 🤝🤝🤝🤝
California, USA. Years ago we used a hot patch; Clean the leak area, stick on patch, overlay with clamp device that contained flammable material, light the patch cover, permanent vulcanized patch when cool.
Hello dear viewer, thank you for your comment! Be sure to check out my channel and watch other videos! 🤩❤️
I always think the USA is rich country. In Poland i buy new inner tube. 😢
@@Szuruburudyr my dad and others of his generation who endured the Great Depression learned to fix instead of replacing. A matter of economics,
Yes hot patches were great, I used them for years even on motorcycle tubes, never had one fail. I bicycled on road bikes for years and there tires had 120 psi pressure and there tubes were to small for a hot patch and cold patches were a big gamble. So I always carried 2 new tubes and a co2 cartridges to air them up. No fun having a flat that you couldn't repair on the road.
Thanks for sharing your smart idea ! I've always have the same slow leak problems from the store purchased patches in my fifty years of serious riding.
Thank you very much sharing this information ! Belgium.
У чёрно-оранжевой заплатки отличный адгезивный слой и если использовать клей из того же набора, что и заплатки, то получается очень качественный ремонт камеры! Я много раз клеил проколы в полевых условиях и всегда отлично!
А если другой клей?
@@sbln_igorya он сейчас один и тот же везде
@@sbln_igoryaхуже клеит, проверял. А резину к резине вообще не советую.
нет, ты должен объездить росию и найти именно пенопласт
@@nfqv чтобы найти пенопласт надо дойти до ближайшей мусорки!
U.S. here, thank you for showing us this remedy of how to make our own sealant.
I only use Rema patches after using cheap ones. I'm in the USA. My father talked about the old patches needing to be heated with a metal iron, heated by matches.
Από Ελλάδα σε βλέπω φίλε! , πολύ καλό το βίντεο σου καί ευχαριστούμε ❤ , κόλα με φελιζολ έχω κάνει και εγώ, αλλά δεν γνώριζα για αυτή την χρήση!!
I do also use home made patches but using conventional glue. Will try your method with polyestyrene.
Many thanks.
Basque Country. Europe.
Ok, your method is very good, but the time the glue liquid stays in the inside of the bicycle, it will dry out and become ineffective. I think it's only suitable for about 30 minutes.
But anyway, that ’s a good idea! Thank you sir. I am from Vietnam.
Muy fácil y práctico, me ha gustado el video. Lo aplicaré en las ruedas de mi bici. Saludos desde España
The best way is a new inner tube
Cheapest, since 'eviromental' safe glue don't work.
Never use a puncture repair waste of money...carry spare inner tubes...
А ещё лучше новый велосипед.
Thorn resistant tubes are a little bit heavier but worth it. I used to buy the Forte brand for my Gary Fisher and road bikes. At the moment I have slimes, but I'm that confident with them honestly. Would love to try this someday.
I've got an Electric Tyre Vulcanizing Machine which Welds the Patch on ! Of course, since I bought it a couple of years ago I've never had a Puncture ! I will have to have a go at making some glue and injecting it into my Tyres !
I ride a road bike. I make patches from latex gloves, because they can stretch with the tube which eliminates stress spots & tire distortion that occurs with thick commercial patch. This is particularly a problem with very thin road bike tyres. Anyway I apply the the glue to the tube only & wait for it to mostly dry before pressing the latex patch over the glue, bonding the latex instantly. That way the latex doesn't go or wrinkly & distorted from the glue solvents, but it still sticks great. The latex can be very thin & a single layer might eventually wear through over many long rides, so I put a 2nd layer of latex over the 1st one to give it more durability. When the tube inflates, the latex patch expands perfectly with the tube, so there is no thin spot, flat or lump that might make the wheel run untrue. I have done many big rides on this patching system & never had a single patch fail. Most patches are from thorns & this is a great way to patch those. If it's an actual tear or cut from glass etc I'd probably go for a more structural patch or simply swap out the tube. But for the thorn pin pricks, the latex gives by far the best result & is quick too. I have cycled many hundreds, probably thousands of km on these latex glove patches & not ever had one leak again or detach from a tube. It's a very reliable durable and high quality patching system.
I use to ride road bikes for years 1,000 to 1,500 miles a year, did you ever try latex tubes? I did ,they were about 1/3 the weight of a rubber tube, but you would start the ride with 120 psi and finish with 50 to 60 psi because the air would leak out of the tubes just like it does on balloons because there made out of latex rubber as well. After a couple of bike rides I got rid of the latex.
hola Sergio desde argentina!! INCREIBLE!!!! cuanto liquido debemos introducir a la camara de la rueda? parece importante distribuir y esparcir manualmente antes de armar la rueda... que solamente con el giro de la rueda no alcanza para que funcione. Muchas gracias por tu respuesta.
You make the tirerubber Clean, then touch with Fingers. Bad. Every Finger Always IS fat, read about fingerprints, so the Rubber IS Not Clean.
Yo he probado ese liquido, dentro de la camara se secara entre 3 semanas a 3 meses como maximo, si le agregas acegona por cada mez solo se extendera hasta 6 meses y luego hay que volver agregar nueva mezcla.
Great place to store the lock key!
Да !😂
Great tip for repairing tube when back home but not really a roadside cure. Bob UK
El parche se despega cuando no se limpia bien la camara de aire(neumático), o cuando no se quitan las venas del neumático que no permite una superficie pareja para que el parche se adhiera al neumático. En caso de mucha suciedad limpiar la zona con un paño húmedo en alcohol o tiner qué no tienen ningún tipo de aceite en sus componentes.
NOW THIS IS A ....FIVE STAR....TUTORIAL.......... thannnnnk you
В течение какого-то времени из-за воздуха в камере клей засохнет, жидкого состояния не будет и такого эффекта уже не получится!
И всё же не следует отвергать этот способ.
Внутри камеры ацетон начнёт испаряться в воздух, а если в воздухе паров ацетона станет достаточно, чтобы испарение "прекратилось". Вопрос в том, сколько надо для этого ацетона . Ещё недостаток, что колёса потяжелеют, насколько это станет заметно при раскрутке их, насколько это отразится на ускорении, станет заметно.
В последнее время мне не везёт, каждые 2-3 поездки или прокол, или латка, есть камера с проколом за один раз с десяток отверстий, шуруп погулял, пока тормозил, можно попробовать.
@@Я-любимый После того,как велосипед постоит,то весь клей стечёт в нижнюю точку и при движении будет ощутимый дисбаланс..Купил себе покрышки с антипрокольным пятимиллиметровым слоем и горя не знаю.
@@Я-любимый cheap diy tubeless sealant formula that doesnt dry out for a long time would be nice.. or in this case inner tube sealant formula.
@@Я-любимыйон густой и это будет очень чувствоваться
Купил несколько лет назад самозаклеивающуюся камеру b-twen , так у нее заклеился ниппель((( Спускает воздух, а выкрутить невозможно, приклеился. Купил металлический колпачок с резинкой в автомаге, так и езжу
This way of patching a tire is very good.
Для заливки лучше использовать ПВА с туалетной бумагой на миксере перемолоть получаться волокна закрывающие прокол плюс он разводиться водой для нужной консистенции а лучше купить герметик для шин чем я и пользуюсь и забыл про проколы.
С пенопластом и ацетоном можно в бензине растворить но это долго будет получается хороший клей но он не гибкий. Что нибудь в виде дерева металла пластмассы подойдет там нужна жесткость.
а от укусов что ?тембеол ну скажем 5мм и более ?
@@88vok Буридан, но более 6мм
I work with this stuff all the time. Heat doesn't make it "dry" it makes it sticky and more pliant, the only way to dry it is to expose it to air and the acetone evaporates (fairly quickly I might add) which, as others have pointed out, hardens the Styrofoam into a rock. I too am very skeptical about this solution.
How long will the foam glue stay pliable to fill new holes?
Until the acetone is exposed to enough air to evaporate it and that will harden the polystyrene into a rock. Theoretically this might possibly work as long as the punctures remain small enough not to let in that much air.
Hi I from Wales. Very good great.
Saludos desde santa Catarina Nuevo León México también me encanta andar en bici de montaña gracias por compartir exelente video y su contenido
Hello from my recliner in the USA.
Good video, stuff looks sticky.
Friend, glad to see you! How are you ? How's the weather here?
No thanks a lot my friend for this great advice believe me you are so smart I very respectful that . From Algeria 😊
Great job.
Great job!.... from Spain. Gracias porque estamos hartos de ir con parches o comprar camaras con liquido, pero no funciona y tambien se pincha.
I try to do the next time....
Vă urmăresc din Londra Anglia dar eu sunt din România Mulțumiri pentru prezentare.
I always cut the corners to give the patch a rounder shape and make it stick better.
Потрібно провірити під тиском мінімум в 2 атмосфери!!!
Bjr dite moi svp que que voulez vous dire part ceci sous pression d'aux moins 2 atmosphère svp 😊😊😊
OK but the holes you drilled were just close to the valve, where most of the glue likely accumulated. What about puncturing at 180 dgrees distance from valve itself?
and it hadn't dried yet
Greetings from Japan, Fix It Fast Man!! 🙂👍
Bonjour merci pour votre astuce depuis la France sympa à vous pour le partage
Danke für den genialen Tipp 👍
Hi! I'm watching you from Russia. Thanks for the video, a very interesting way to repair. The question remains - how long will the glue inside the camera last? it may dry up inside and then it will not help with a punctured wheel.
Не проще ли купить качественную антипрокольную жидкость? Она хотя бы полгода отработает, а вот этот клей наверняка засохнет внутри камеры за месяц или меньше.
i wish you showed me this 70yrs ago. younger generation dont know how lucky they are.
Yes, thanks to the Internet and Google for this knowledge 🤗
Germany - vielen Dank .
No es un metodo sencillo, pero aparentemente funciona y es definitivo. Lo probare porque estoy bastante desesperado. Tengo una fat bike electrica de fabricacion China con ruedas de 20 x 4 y la rueda trasera se pincha cada dos o tres salidas . El problema en mi caso no es de los parches ni de la camara. El problema es que la calidad de la rueda es pesima. Escribo desde Madrid, España. Gracias por compartir.👍
Дякую, друже! Я з України. Вірю і користуватимуся твоїм методом.
How long to save the liquid
How to connect darctly
А разве со временем клей из пенопласта не засохнет внутри камеры? 🤔
Если сама камера раньше от ацетона сама не растворится.
засохнет, как только зальёшь )))
наконец-то увидел разумный вопрос, почему автор молчит?
It was so useful and good advice.
Thanks from Türkiye.
Это будет работать, пока не испарится ацетон. Возможно перед началом сезона понадобится добавить немного в шину. На шприц лучше надеть тонкую трубку дабы не пачкать ниппель - засохнет и камера на выброс. Другой вопрос, как это сработает с широкими порезами? Я отдаю предпочтение антипрокольным покрышкам.
Ich benutzte immer 100 % pannensichere Reifen - und trotzdem hatte ich Pannen; bis ich eine Antipannenflüssigkeit einfüllte, seit da hatte ich keine Panne mehr.
А ацетон не разьесть резину?
@@ЕвгенНекрасов-ц7ь не должен, это с бензином будут проблемы.
I find it to be the cost savings light-weight rubber used for the innertube. After a year or so the tire goes flat if it sits for a few hours. I change my bike over to the heavier "thorn proof" innertube and never have a tire deflate again.
Я клею клеем Момент.И внутри покрышки ставлю еще покрышку с отрезанными краями.Конечно тяжелее немного.Но потом ни одного прокола много лет.
ша момент делать будет спецалный герметик (герметики ) втомчисле и спосные залатать 5мм разрез и даже 1 см разрезы от укусов (и еше один вариант от укусов состороны обода
@@88vok жесть! Вы так грамотно написали, что ютуб мне предлагает перевести ваш комментарий на русский язык.
You went through all of that trouble ,but did not check the tire for something that was stuck in the rubber that would punture the tube,
👏I'm from Iraq, I loved this... nice idea.
Bad idea.
Dont listen to a guy who store the keys of his locked bike on the bike!
Some people cannot afford to purchase patches or tubes, plus it's annoying that manufacturers rather than improve products their greed makes them make products that last less and less. Does anyone know if it's possible to make puncture patches from old inner tubes please, plus I have got about 6 racer bike inner tube valves that have snapped/broken whilst pumping air into the inner tube, again flimsy designed to break easily, anyway is it possible to purchase and replace the inner tube valves for a racer bike rather than having to purchase the complete inner tube, thankyou in advance. Great video thankyou.
I don't know yet whether it is possible to change or replace the valves myself, I will need to gather information here! As soon as I find out, I will definitely let you know.
@Fixfast1 that's very kind of you thankyou so much. Great video thankyou.
A zůstane směs v pneu tekutá i později a vyplní případný defekt třeba za 6 měsíců?
Není lepší koupit originál mléko do bezdušových pneumatik? Jinak vyzkoušet smíchat ten aceton s polystyrenem a počkat.
As long as the acetone doesn't come in contact with air it won't evaporate so should stay liquid in the tube
@@DavidFerguson-rj9ewНо ведь уже при накачивании шины воздухом этот клей и вступает в реакцию. Разве нет?
Paulo from Brasil. Valeu pela sugestão de cola e vacina anti furo. Pergunto se a acetona não ataca a borracha?
Zvyšky lepidla zo starej záplaty by som pred zalepením novej záplaty vyčistil toluénom. V toluéne sa dá polystyrén rozpustiť a vyrobiť lepidlo.
- I liked how u patch with old rubber tire ,
- for making glue and inject it's still complicated to me .
- Syria damascus
You made enough glue to fix 1000 tires😮...
Pretty cool! ... My only worry is gooping up the input valve .... BTW, I'm PanAmerican.
Cool, thanks !Yes, you can't clog it, you need to clean it later
Лучше заплатку намазать соплями зелеными!! Приклеется на век!
Thanks, from Puerto Rico!
It's all down to proper cleaning all the silicone powder off the rubber - contact cleaner, same as brake cleaner is the only solvent on a rag that cleans silicone off.
Now scrub sand scratch rubber zone well beyond patch, and bond will always work.
It's the way it's been done for 60 years and not one failed.
But if you don't rub entire tire carcass inside for any foreign objects, like broken straight pin, like happened to mine, you'll be flat again in forty other places as it travels along the tube and tire when filled and you didn't make it to end of block and it's flat again with new pin holes.
The gell made won't be able to coat the tube inside evenly 360, unless the wheel is spun to 100mph.
There are special inserts used for this to make them puncture proof.
Stay off the shoulder of roads where all the tire puncture items live.
The rule is default, front tire upsets item, rear tire impales it. On any vehicle.
Watching from Cameroon 👍👍👍
Everyone's called a hack ..I'm sure he knows how to put a patch on or change a tube
That was awsome. Thank you verry mutch. I live in Groß-Gerau near Frankfurt.
Thank you so much for your feedback! I was there once) I love your location ❤️
OMG buy a new tube 😂
Good tip ,but I myself think that's a lot of hassel to go through mending an inner tube that has already got two patches on over 2 punchers, I myself would just get another inner tube , and also buy 2 rolls of tyre liner. From Steve from Swansea west Glamorgan wales uk
А что, уже углы не нужно скруглять?
Спасибо, очень познавательно 👏👍
Che tipo di acetone ? Quello che si usa per le unghia ?
When I was young there was a device not much more than a piece of wire, that maybe attached to the fender, that sat right above the tire !
It's job was to catch thorns, pieces of glass, etc., from being allowed to seat deeper into the tire, as the device wouldn't allow but one half rotation of the tire, before the device would dislodge the object !
Worked great !
But as any real bicyclist knows, the most effective thing, is watching where you're going !
Aceton is no joke! ( just look at the effect over the foam and even smell it is dangerous). I dont think you should recommend that method taking into consideration there will be minors watching the video.
Que piensas que contiene el pegamento de los parches?
Que piensas que contiene el pegamento de los parches?
Aún no lo puedo creer!!!
Pero lo probaré
Escribo de la Ciudad de México
Заливайте антипрокол и катайтесь без проблем. А клеить камеры зто уже в прошлом
Thank you very much for your help.
Ich habe so ein Video gesehen, da wurde aber anstatt ACETON einfach BENZIN benutzt. FRAGE: Greift ACETON nicht den Schlauch an?
Il faut bien qu'elle attaque le tuyau si l'on veut que ça colle.
Thanks for this secret !!! 😁✌️
Aceton is more expensive than a new tube.
Yes, very few people have it on hand also..if you go to store you can pikup a real patch kit for 2 to 3 bucks..or buy a quart of acetone for $8...
Est ce que les pneus crevés se répare nt instantanément?
@@diogene7011il semblerait que oui,d’après la démonstration (piquer la chambre à air avec une aiguille à injection)
Entiende que funciona como anti pinchazos,
Beautiful I'm choking 😂🙏👍🏼👍🏼
Чел ! Ты просто не умеешь клеить. Эти латки отличные ! Нужно соблюдать правила . Они на коробке.😊
раньше возил клей и заплатки, но клей обязательно испарится и засохнет, если не хранить вскрытый тюбик в морозилке.
Теперь вожу с собой камеры, пусть и клеенные, но целые. можно поменять их за 10 минут, это если поспать между делом, сходить в баню и съездить на море, а в условиях гонки меняю за 3 минуты
А Лайк за революционность)
@@sofiaheramissu808 А если открытый клей поместить в колбочку с растительным маслом ?
@@АлександрХробостов-ю9э по идее долно сработать, но в полевых условиях забибёшься обезжиривать всё вокруг
Super video, pozdrav iz Srbiju
Дякую! 🇺🇦
SUPER! Poland.
Hola, ¿la acetona, es lo mismo que el agua ras o el tinner? Yo prefiero comprar el pegamento y los parches en la bicicletería. También siempre tengo dos o más cámaras de repuesto. Pero es una buena técnica, que te puede sacar de un apuro. En la moto hago lo mismo, siempre llevo repuesto para todo. Es una vieja costumbre. Un saludo desde Argentina.
what did you rub the rubber on, and what did you put the styrophome in?
Bonjour. C'est très instructif. Je préfère emmener une chambre à air de rechange et réparer l'autre dans mon atelier après mon retour. Depuis quelques temps j'utilise des pneus anti crevaison qui apportent une grande tranquillité d'esprit pendant les balades..merci pour cette vidéo. A bientôt
Vou testar essa sugestão. Direto do Brasil.🇧🇷