🇷🇺Because I see there are many Russian fans in the comment section here, I used google translate to make a short summary of the video in Russian: I don't know Russian myself, but this is what google suggests: Я пользуюсь переводчиком и теперь пишу по-русски. У Клэбо хорошая стабильность, достаточно высокая частота, т.е. много дублей в минуту. Его баланс также фантастически хорош. Баланс, пожалуй, самый важный момент, на который следует обратить внимание. Он и Большунов также ходят с удивительно широкими руками и локтями, оба. Сроки и координация также являются важными аспектами технической эффективности Клебо. Вам следует выполнять силовые тренировки на животе и спине, чтобы улучшить устойчивость центра тела. Он очень сильно наклоняется вперед. Другими словами, поза с наклоном вперед. Его лыжи скользят по направлению скорости, а не вбок. В общем, он артист на лыжах. Надеюсь, это подводит итог большей части видео. Хорошего дня, спасибо, что смотрите канал, и спасибо всем вам, россиянам, за поддержку здесь, на TH-cam. С уважением к человеку, который монтирует эти видео.
The twist in his hips could simply be a result of his hip structure. I suggest that each skier seek a position of hips that feels comfortable and relaxed for them.
Thank you so much for inspiring and teaching others to reach new levels. Really appreciate that! I would love to see a video about strength training. Which strength exercisers should be applied in a training program for improvement in muscular strength which in turn increase the speed, double poling, skate and diagonal etc. Keep up the good work! You”re doing a greater job than you think, and I’m sure I’m not only speaking for myself when it comes to you Making a video about strength exercises
Good video. Thanks for your analysis and especially for russian translation in the comments. My knowledge of English is enough to understand your speach, but that's a nice detail. Greetings from Russia :)
loving your content atm! nice diversity and interesting topics, while remaining high quality! could also film one of your workouts/routines/chill skiing if you feel confident!
Along the lines of what martinbrilli4565 mentioned, I think Klæbo's hip twist might be related to what inline speed skaters refer to as the "double push." In fact -- and speaking as former competitive inline speed skater -- I couldn't really discern this double push when watching him skate on skis, but could immediately spot it occurring to some degree in his roller skiing. The double push is when the skater deliberately lands on the outside edge of their skate, then leverages it over onto the inside edge using compression, hips and core. This magnifies and maximizes the amount of power and push you get from each stroke. If you watch videos of Chad Hedrick, who is credited with inventing the technique, the amount of angulation he gets on the outside edge is pretty extreme. Obviously, you can't lean over that far on skis because you'd probably fall over due to centrifugal force working very differently on them + the much lower friction on snow vs pavement. However, the principle of the double push can be modified in a contrived way for skate skiing so that there is minimal to no outside lean. By coincidence, I tried it earlier this week to see if at least the mental visual could help me land more consistently and firmly on the flats of my skis. And it did. I would land very momentarily on the outside, which would naturally transition to the flat for a nice glide, providing a strong base for the inside push off. This is as opposed to when I would visualize landing right on the flat, which would then sometimes result in transitioning overly quickly to the inside. It is important to note that, to achieve landing on the outside edge without causing an extreme outside lean, I had to twist my hips a certain way. When I didn't, I would glide too long on the outside edge and lose control. Also of note is that, I did not utilize it on every stroke, as it can introduce instability, especially if one doesn't have a feel for it. I used it only on stretches where the terrain was relatively flat or a mild, consistent incline because that where it felt stable and beneficial. Snow conditions were also a factor. If it was icy or debris ridden, I'd stopped using it. So my conclusion was that, it can help with speed and glide, but conditionally so. To me, it is a very feeling-based method that is nice to have as an optional tool in one's chest to pull out when appropriate for some added oomph, but is not a foundational technique to rely on for the bulk of one's skiing. Who knows if the above findings are why specifically Klæbo twists his hips in an unusual way at times. But it's my theory based on my experiences.
The hip twist is his genius of movement. The key to his balance, power, and efficiency. His rotations are outstanding, starting with the spine/hips. In walking, running, swimming, the key to mastery is knowing the spines rotational vortices, this rotation leads the limbs while providing a powerful swing. I would start any movement with eyes on the spine to determine mastery. Fun video…
Hello @THe_goat2012 could you please explain me how is the rotation he mentions in the video? I’m trying to see it but i cannot understand what it means. Open the leg? Rotate his pelvic girdle? Elevate his pelvis? Thanks!
Like so many others who have commented, I really enjoyed the analysis. As you pointed out, his rhythm and balance seem so well developed and so solid; his technique is so inspiring to watch.
Hi, here my comment to your analysis: Bending the knees more is good to generate more power! Why? Because you can push to the side longer, so you are more efficient. And the twisting hips! Very, very good point to save energy! Why? It's not just a twisting, it is the body weight transfer from one side to the other side. It's like "falling from one side to the other side. So you can also generate speed/ acceleration with that. And back to bending the knees: if you bend the knees a bit more than usually, your ankles are more "locked" which means you have much more control in steering ski. I did inline speedskating and it is a little bit similar to cross country skiing (the free technique). So it's good to learn from similar sports. 😊 regards from Austria
The hip twist/ body rotation might be caused by the weight transfer from side to side. He is "pushing" and directing his weight in a straight line to the gliding ski which causes the rotation. He also lands on the outside of the foot and only turns it inwards to push to maximize the surface area of the ski and glide
nice analysis. some comments: I tried (and am still working on it) to figure this out ... (also English is not my native language. I try to make sense, but no promises ^^) - regarding the knee angle ... I found that the best way to generate propulsion through straightening is to straighten at ankle, knee and hip - bending your back (to increase the pole push) seems counterproductive to me. Klaebo's ankle and knee angle is more but the torso is less bent. imho his movement in the hips is more in sync with the other joints which allows him a greater cadence (in my experience usually the movement of the torso limits the cadence - f.ex. Klaebo is able to up his cadence way further than his competitors). Of course the optimal ratio between the angles also depend a lot on body proportions, flexibility, ... - It seems to me that Klaebo activates latissimus and teres major to a greater and the pectoral and triceps to a lesser degree compared to other skiers. Who also did this beautifully was Darya Domracheva. When using this technique it feels to me as if the leverage between pole, arm and shoulder joint is improved. I still lack the strength and body tension to implement it for a longer period of time (stupid IT job ^^). As long as I do, however, I noticed greater stability during the gliding phase as an additional benefit. With regards to the lean forward with his torso, I believe it's directly connected to the muscle activation for the arm swing: his elbow will barely straighten to achieve the pole push. The initial force is mostly generated in the abdominal area (and later in the push the latissimus) and the arms are mostly locked to prevent energy loss. The limits the maximum range of movement but increases the efficiency. imho this is also what makes the style look effortless with high cadence: 1. the torso moves less and 2. the arms move mainly as a unit with little straightening movement (usually there is straightening at the end of the push and/or at the beginning). sorry for the rant, hope it makes sense =)
Great analyse Thank U,I didn´t really get the twisting hips movements on this video. And it would be cool with some drawings and angles drawn on the video.
I'm not sure what u mean by twist but what is really hard to see in videos is how to create the knee angle. Imo as doing also martial arts for some time as muay thai, everything starts from the hips or center of the body. So this twist if it's the up and down, is the initiation for the kick, like sitting down a little but explosively, lean into/down the poles, create the angle in the knee(knee pushes forward!) and straightens the leg in a constant kicking motion. Then stays deep and moves up with the hip FORWARD and UPWARDS onto the gliding ski to max the glide and get up to starting position. The straightent leg is pulled from the "back" as close as possible to the other leg. If the hip is not up over the gliding ski u turn to fast back and can't create the hip down into knee angle move with max power. Thats for me the twist 😅
The hip rotation is actually quite essential to his efficiency. Hips should always be squared in the direction of travel (the direction of the ski) for two reasons: balance, and activation of the quad when kicking. When the hips are static, it is far more difficult to rest the center of mass (COM) over the ski - it ends up over the inside edge, which reduces gliding efficiency. In the kick, static hips prevent an effective “knee drop”, which when done properly helps to pull the COM forward before the kick begins (preventing the hips dropping into the back seat). It also activates the quadriceps for a properly angled kick that is not over-reliant on abductors. No matter how strong your abductors and adductors are, they will never be as strong as the quad. Young athletes love to try to mimic Klæbo’s “T-Rex” arms without understanding why it is effective for him. You touch on several of the factors in your video: 1. Core strength, 2. Body position, 3. Range of motion (ROM). Anyone who cannot perform 30min straight of core exercises without rest should not try to mimic Klæbo’s poling technique, period. It only works because he is able to generate power through a subtle compression of the core, using his hips as the fulcrum and shortening the moment arm to take advantage of gravity rather than relying on strength. He does this through his extremely forward body position, in essence bringing his face to his hands (not the other way around). Young skiers trying to mimic him often do the opposite, forcing them into an upright position where the core is disengaged, defeating the purpose of the technique. Lastly, the ROM is shortened to the point at which effort would be needed to extend any further. His arms work like a pendulum, using gravity and momentum to return them to the starting position. Klæbo is a master of “technique tactics” and energy cost savings. He only works hard when he has to, which is especially clear in mass start and sprint races. Because the muscles of the core are more resilient to fatigue, he can maintain this very efficient technique that saves his strength for making powerful tactical moves and crushing sprint finishes. Solid video!
Very good video! I tried to see the hip slight twist in Klaebo's movement and could not see it! I guess it shows how you have the eye to see those things and I don't. I like when you compare his movements to other skiers which may have sub optimal movements yet manage to be so fast on the snow. I guess at one point those athletes modify their technique to capitalise on their strength. I agree it would not be a good idea to try to mimic everything he does to a carbon copy level. I like the way you highlight his strengths and trade off. I am more of a classic skiers which enjoy skiing in narrow winding trails in the wood where skating is simply not feasible as such I would appreciate your analysis on classic style skiers which have an amazing diagonal stride. I know double polling is important but this is something you cannot do much on very soft trails. Here in canada specially in Northern Quebec we have the luxury to be able to ski often on fresh powder snow in the -5C temperature range where the grip and glide is magical, you can days skiing on special blue wax without having to rewax. Just a ski paradise.
I think Klabo compact technique gives him a better balance than Northug who has a more extended poling reach and skating kick that tends to unbalance him that could cost energy. Bolshunov has a similiar technique than Klabo and he is very stable.
I think the hip twisting might be to turn the kicking foot back and keep the gliding one as straifght as possible in the direction of travel. As you said not on every kick but when he does you caj clearly see his front leg is moving in a straighter direction than when he doesn't turn his hips.
Thought on asymmetric hip twist. I struggle with glide stability on my right side and find myself twisting my left hip forward more than on the opposite side. It feels strange, but it does help my right ski glide from collapsing inward. Just a thought.
Very interesting ! Maybe the hips movement can be a biomecanical aspect that would take too much time and investment to correct and would not be a significant gain, 'cause I can't think that his trainers woul'nt know about this ! I'd love to see a Chanavat analysis, i can't think about a more refined and classy skate skier nowadays
I think a Main reason for The Right technique depends on The behavior of The Snow (high humidity vs. Dry snow). Some techniques are better on hard and Fast Track e.g. Longer side pressure vs. Higher frequency. Also as you mentioned in an other Video technique also depends on your physique and Body weight.
I am dubious that the position of the shoulders and arms can “open” or “close” the chest for breathing. The shoulder girdle moves around the upper chest independent of the rib cage and diaphragm, the muscles of breathing. I have heard this in relation to the width of bicycle handlebars. The fashion in the 1970’s was narrow bars, and they gradually went wider and wider to “open” the chest for breathing. Now the trend is back to narrow bars for aerodynamics; so much so that the sanctioning bodies now have rules about minimum bar width. And look at how narrow the arms are on the time trial bikes used by the pros. You think they don’t need good respiratory tidal and minute volumes to support the high power their muscles are making?
@@randalbladel2817 Narrow hands will cause tenting of the poles and not straight forward and back and the direction of the force is sideways to a certain therefore you are wasting energy. Ladies tend to tent more. I always say the hands should be shoulder or hip width apart depending on what is wider. Tenting is used for balance, and may also indicate that the poles are too long as well.
Bend knees aren’t used for balance, they make your legs extend further out in order for you to make more effortless power so if you are able to do it, you should🤨
Question: they seem to use very long poles in skating. Is the old rule max 0.9 x body height still valid? I feel I get more power down with longer poles. Thx for ur great vids...immensely helpful! 🤓
You have mentioned twice in this video, and once in the video of Niskenin’s classic technique, a possible obstruction of adequate blood flow from the more acute angles of Klaebo’s knees and elbows, and Niskanen’s neck. I would like to see evidence from actual anatomic studies that this is likely or even possible. These are not severe ankles we are looking at, and these are not aged bodies with atherosclerotic blood vessels, but young athletes in excellent general health. I can imagine such studies could be done with plethysmographic ultrasound.
I don’t have any evidence for claiming so. Yes, you’re right. But I have 15+ years of crazy nerdy experience in this sport myself, and watched thousand and thousand of races and discussed with high level coaches. In general, there is not much research on skiing technique at all. So there is not much that can be “confirmed in studies”, because this is a very niche thing viewed in a bigger perspective. Most of what people claim is based on feel and what we believe to be true, but there is no denying that some of the things people in the skiing community claim, can’t be like “proved” through “science” or not. Skiing with extremely deep angles will be hard on the musculature. Every person who actually has high level experience will understand what I mean. Of course, having a bit of an angle there is necessary, but not too deep for longer races
@@xcskiing_universe As much as possible there should be 1 or 2 relaxation phases per 1 complete movement, to let the blood flush out and fresh new blood to come in. :) A relation phase.
Hello, I do not know English. I am writing with a translator. I am a fan of ski racing, who wants to supply the most economical and powerful equipment, while I now own a very good technique, as I consider it. Trying to understand the nuances of the Klebo technique, I came to the conclusion that this technique is very suitable for very few people, especially not for those who have not skied since childhood and who do not have good core muscles, stabilizer muscles, do I understand correctly? What is the technical difference between the techniques of Klebo and, for example, Kruger and the rest of the Norwegians? The difference is clearly noticeable at first glance, but the nuances are not entirely clear how it works. Thank you🙏
Я также использую переводчик, чтобы теперь писать по-русски. У Клэбо хорошая стабильность, достаточно высокая частота, т.е. много дублей в минуту. Его баланс также фантастически хорош. Баланс, пожалуй, самый важный момент, на который следует обратить внимание. Он и Большунов также ходят с удивительно широкими руками и локтями, оба. Сроки и координация также являются важными аспектами технической эффективности Клебо. Вам следует выполнять силовые тренировки на животе и спине, чтобы улучшить устойчивость центра тела. Он очень сильно наклоняется вперед. Другими словами, поза с наклоном вперед. Его лыжи скользят по направлению скорости, а не вбок. В общем, он артист на лыжах. Надеюсь, это подводит итог большей части видео. Хорошего дня, спасибо, что смотрите канал, и спасибо всем вам, россиянам, за поддержку здесь, на TH-cam. С уважением к человеку, который монтирует эти видео.
@@xcskiing_universe Thank you so much for the answers. This is very valuable! I really hope that Russia will return to the world ski racing as soon as possible, so that our guys and yours will once again arrange enchanting shows and show cool races!
You will not be able to skate as Klaebo. Mimic his technic- yes. Because he and you have different physical qualities - muscles, brain, ligaments. Something is possible incorporate in your technique of movement on roller or normal skis.
Anatomically hips don’t “twist” - it’s a ball and socket joint. I think you’re referring to the pelvic girdle. Nearly no one has 100% pelvic horizontality. in my structural bodywork of 4 decades+ on athletes, my guess is that Klaebo is right foot dominant and as an avid footballer, his pelvis is out of alignment causing what you termed a “weird hip twist thing.” 🙏🏾❄
Thats my guess too. He is right foot dominant. That means his pelvis is somewhat more oriented to the right. In order to pick up a bit more internal rotation on his left foot/hip (so that he can ride that flat ski and put more forces to the ground,)he twist/ rotate his hip/ upper body on the left side. In my opinion this is a compensatory movement because of lack of mobility /movement options (internal rotation) on the left side/hip. This is probably a biomecanical issue mentioned in a previous comment, and the twisting is a sort of adjustment to optimalise the alignement when putting weight on the left foot. Try to twist the same way when standing on one foot an feel what happends under your foot, or try it if you have a tendency to fall of the ski on one side. This biomecanical issue is pretty common. I do it my self🥴
@@xcskiing_universe he is in local and very competitive field has won all races in this season (10+ races for the moment) and seems not going to stop this streak.
🇷🇺Because I see there are many Russian fans in the comment section here, I used google translate to make a short summary of the video in Russian:
I don't know Russian myself, but this is what google suggests:
Я пользуюсь переводчиком и теперь пишу по-русски. У Клэбо хорошая стабильность, достаточно высокая частота, т.е. много дублей в минуту. Его баланс также фантастически хорош. Баланс, пожалуй, самый важный момент, на который следует обратить внимание. Он и Большунов также ходят с удивительно широкими руками и локтями, оба. Сроки и координация также являются важными аспектами технической эффективности Клебо. Вам следует выполнять силовые тренировки на животе и спине, чтобы улучшить устойчивость центра тела. Он очень сильно наклоняется вперед. Другими словами, поза с наклоном вперед. Его лыжи скользят по направлению скорости, а не вбок. В общем, он артист на лыжах. Надеюсь, это подводит итог большей части видео. Хорошего дня, спасибо, что смотрите канал, и спасибо всем вам, россиянам, за поддержку здесь, на TH-cam. С уважением к человеку, который монтирует эти видео.
Yes, as I'm not sure Alexander Bolshunov would agree to the statement that JHK is the "undisputed best in cross country skiing" ...
Yup he's the only guy who can challenge klaebo on the title of best skier overall. @@erichgerber251
Спасибо большое! Сделайте такой же разбор по технике Большунова пожалуйста
The twist in his hips could simply be a result of his hip structure. I suggest that each skier seek a position of hips that feels comfortable and relaxed for them.
Can you make such video about Niskanen’s classic technique?❤
Hands down best analysis video for Klæbo. Can you make this a series?
Thank you so much for inspiring and teaching others to reach new levels. Really appreciate that! I would love to see a video about strength training. Which strength exercisers should be applied in a training program for improvement in muscular strength which in turn increase the speed, double poling, skate and diagonal etc. Keep up the good work! You”re doing a greater job than you think, and I’m sure I’m not only speaking for myself when it comes to you Making a video about strength exercises
Good video. Thanks for your analysis and especially for russian translation in the comments. My knowledge of English is enough to understand your speach, but that's a nice detail. Greetings from Russia :)
Those videos give so much direction for our practice and growth into that wonderful sport ⚔️🙏💯✨️✅️⚡️🔥🦾
Well done. Definitely do more like this.
This took quite a bit of work. What a great piece. Thank you!!
loving your content atm! nice diversity and interesting topics, while remaining high quality! could also film one of your workouts/routines/chill skiing if you feel confident!
Along the lines of what martinbrilli4565 mentioned, I think Klæbo's hip twist might be related to what inline speed skaters refer to as the "double push." In fact -- and speaking as former competitive inline speed skater -- I couldn't really discern this double push when watching him skate on skis, but could immediately spot it occurring to some degree in his roller skiing. The double push is when the skater deliberately lands on the outside edge of their skate, then leverages it over onto the inside edge using compression, hips and core. This magnifies and maximizes the amount of power and push you get from each stroke. If you watch videos of Chad Hedrick, who is credited with inventing the technique, the amount of angulation he gets on the outside edge is pretty extreme.
Obviously, you can't lean over that far on skis because you'd probably fall over due to centrifugal force working very differently on them + the much lower friction on snow vs pavement. However, the principle of the double push can be modified in a contrived way for skate skiing so that there is minimal to no outside lean. By coincidence, I tried it earlier this week to see if at least the mental visual could help me land more consistently and firmly on the flats of my skis. And it did. I would land very momentarily on the outside, which would naturally transition to the flat for a nice glide, providing a strong base for the inside push off. This is as opposed to when I would visualize landing right on the flat, which would then sometimes result in transitioning overly quickly to the inside.
It is important to note that, to achieve landing on the outside edge without causing an extreme outside lean, I had to twist my hips a certain way. When I didn't, I would glide too long on the outside edge and lose control. Also of note is that, I did not utilize it on every stroke, as it can introduce instability, especially if one doesn't have a feel for it. I used it only on stretches where the terrain was relatively flat or a mild, consistent incline because that where it felt stable and beneficial. Snow conditions were also a factor. If it was icy or debris ridden, I'd stopped using it. So my conclusion was that, it can help with speed and glide, but conditionally so. To me, it is a very feeling-based method that is nice to have as an optional tool in one's chest to pull out when appropriate for some added oomph, but is not a foundational technique to rely on for the bulk of one's skiing.
Who knows if the above findings are why specifically Klæbo twists his hips in an unusual way at times. But it's my theory based on my experiences.
The hip twist is his genius of movement. The key to his balance, power, and efficiency. His rotations are outstanding, starting with the spine/hips. In walking, running, swimming, the key to mastery is knowing the spines rotational vortices, this rotation leads the limbs while providing a powerful swing. I would start any movement with eyes on the spine to determine mastery. Fun video…
Hello @THe_goat2012 could you please explain me how is the rotation he mentions in the video? I’m trying to see it but i cannot understand what it means. Open the leg? Rotate his pelvic girdle? Elevate his pelvis? Thanks!
Very helpful analysis. Would like a similar video on classic skiing.
Like so many others who have commented, I really enjoyed the analysis. As you pointed out, his rhythm and balance seem so well developed and so solid; his technique is so inspiring to watch.
Best technical videos I've seen so far..! Thank you..!
Thank you for this analysis, very interesting as always on this channel! I'm sure anyone can agree we'd love more of that about other skiers as well!
Hi, here my comment to your analysis:
Bending the knees more is good to generate more power! Why? Because you can push to the side longer, so you are more efficient. And the twisting hips! Very, very good point to save energy! Why? It's not just a twisting, it is the body weight transfer from one side to the other side. It's like "falling from one side to the other side. So you can also generate speed/ acceleration with that. And back to bending the knees: if you bend the knees a bit more than usually, your ankles are more "locked" which means you have much more control in steering ski. I did inline speedskating and it is a little bit similar to cross country skiing (the free technique). So it's good to learn from similar sports. 😊 regards from Austria
I like his classic skiing "running" technique. I think he the best at that. Heels going pretty high up in the air.
Great content. Training detail and technique overviews of the best in the business are so interesting.👏👏👍
The hip twist/ body rotation might be caused by the weight transfer from side to side. He is "pushing" and directing his weight in a straight line to the gliding ski which causes the rotation. He also lands on the outside of the foot and only turns it inwards to push to maximize the surface area of the ski and glide
nice analysis.
some comments:
I tried (and am still working on it) to figure this out ... (also English is not my native language. I try to make sense, but no promises ^^)
- regarding the knee angle ... I found that the best way to generate propulsion through straightening is to straighten at ankle, knee and hip - bending your back (to increase the pole push) seems counterproductive to me. Klaebo's ankle and knee angle is more but the torso is less bent. imho his movement in the hips is more in sync with the other joints which allows him a greater cadence (in my experience usually the movement of the torso limits the cadence - f.ex. Klaebo is able to up his cadence way further than his competitors). Of course the optimal ratio between the angles also depend a lot on body proportions, flexibility, ...
- It seems to me that Klaebo activates latissimus and teres major to a greater and the pectoral and triceps to a lesser degree compared to other skiers. Who also did this beautifully was Darya Domracheva. When using this technique it feels to me as if the leverage between pole, arm and shoulder joint is improved. I still lack the strength and body tension to implement it for a longer period of time (stupid IT job ^^). As long as I do, however, I noticed greater stability during the gliding phase as an additional benefit.
With regards to the lean forward with his torso, I believe it's directly connected to the muscle activation for the arm swing: his elbow will barely straighten to achieve the pole push. The initial force is mostly generated in the abdominal area (and later in the push the latissimus) and the arms are mostly locked to prevent energy loss. The limits the maximum range of movement but increases the efficiency.
imho this is also what makes the style look effortless with high cadence: 1. the torso moves less and 2. the arms move mainly as a unit with little straightening movement (usually there is straightening at the end of the push and/or at the beginning).
sorry for the rant, hope it makes sense =)
Great comments which make sense. Your language is excellent
Просто круто всё сделали👌🔥❗️Огромная благодарность🙏👍😎❗️
Great analyse Thank U,I didn´t really get the twisting hips movements on this video. And it would be cool with some drawings and angles drawn on the video.
I'm not sure what u mean by twist but what is really hard to see in videos is how to create the knee angle. Imo as doing also martial arts for some time as muay thai, everything starts from the hips or center of the body. So this twist if it's the up and down, is the initiation for the kick, like sitting down a little but explosively, lean into/down the poles, create the angle in the knee(knee pushes forward!) and straightens the leg in a constant kicking motion. Then stays deep and moves up with the hip FORWARD and UPWARDS onto the gliding ski to max the glide and get up to starting position. The straightent leg is pulled from the "back" as close as possible to the other leg. If the hip is not up over the gliding ski u turn to fast back and can't create the hip down into knee angle move with max power. Thats for me the twist 😅
In his later years Martin Sundby had a very smooth, efficient V2 skate. His technique looked solid.
The hip rotation is actually quite essential to his efficiency. Hips should always be squared in the direction of travel (the direction of the ski) for two reasons: balance, and activation of the quad when kicking. When the hips are static, it is far more difficult to rest the center of mass (COM) over the ski - it ends up over the inside edge, which reduces gliding efficiency. In the kick, static hips prevent an effective “knee drop”, which when done properly helps to pull the COM forward before the kick begins (preventing the hips dropping into the back seat). It also activates the quadriceps for a properly angled kick that is not over-reliant on abductors. No matter how strong your abductors and adductors are, they will never be as strong as the quad.
Young athletes love to try to mimic Klæbo’s “T-Rex” arms without understanding why it is effective for him. You touch on several of the factors in your video: 1. Core strength, 2. Body position, 3. Range of motion (ROM). Anyone who cannot perform 30min straight of core exercises without rest should not try to mimic Klæbo’s poling technique, period. It only works because he is able to generate power through a subtle compression of the core, using his hips as the fulcrum and shortening the moment arm to take advantage of gravity rather than relying on strength. He does this through his extremely forward body position, in essence bringing his face to his hands (not the other way around). Young skiers trying to mimic him often do the opposite, forcing them into an upright position where the core is disengaged, defeating the purpose of the technique. Lastly, the ROM is shortened to the point at which effort would be needed to extend any further. His arms work like a pendulum, using gravity and momentum to return them to the starting position.
Klæbo is a master of “technique tactics” and energy cost savings. He only works hard when he has to, which is especially clear in mass start and sprint races. Because the muscles of the core are more resilient to fatigue, he can maintain this very efficient technique that saves his strength for making powerful tactical moves and crushing sprint finishes.
Solid video!
His twist with the hips, this produces a great flat ski. His ability to set a flat ski is unbelievable. Check his latest Fischer video. Peter
Hi Peter can you give us the link to that Fischer video please 😊
But he only does it on his left side. Maybe it has to do with a foot issue
Very good video! I tried to see the hip slight twist in Klaebo's movement and could not see it! I guess it shows how you have the eye to see those things and I don't. I like when you compare his movements to other skiers which may have sub optimal movements yet manage to be so fast on the snow. I guess at one point those athletes modify their technique to capitalise on their strength. I agree it would not be a good idea to try to mimic everything he does to a carbon copy level. I like the way you highlight his strengths and trade off. I am more of a classic skiers which enjoy skiing in narrow winding trails in the wood where skating is simply not feasible as such I would appreciate your analysis on classic style skiers which have an amazing diagonal stride. I know double polling is important but this is something you cannot do much on very soft trails. Here in canada specially in Northern Quebec we have the luxury to be able to ski often on fresh powder snow in the -5C temperature range where the grip and glide is magical, you can days skiing on special blue wax without having to rewax. Just a ski paradise.
Excellent video. Thank you for this.
Great stuff
Thanks for video.
Du gör bra videor! Grymt!
Hip twisting isn’t a weakness or flaw. It’s a conscious effect that enhanced edge mechanics and drives more force from his kick.
Great video! Very insightful comments
Thanks for the great video mate) From Rus with love)
This was fantastic! You did mention the late kick. I’m curious if this is something that you could expand on
I think Klabo compact technique gives him a better balance than Northug who has a more extended poling reach and skating kick that tends to unbalance him that could cost energy.
Bolshunov has a similiar technique than Klabo and he is very stable.
Amazing Video!
Awesome video, can you do one about v1 skate technique?
It seems like the hip movement helps him put his ski parallel to the track before the push.
I think the hip twisting might be to turn the kicking foot back and keep the gliding one as straifght as possible in the direction of travel. As you said not on every kick but when he does you caj clearly see his front leg is moving in a straighter direction than when he doesn't turn his hips.
Could you do a video about kruger?
Yes that would be a good idea 👍🏾
Could you do a video about Hugo Lapalus?
Or what about Andrew Musgrave?
Jørgen Nordhagen moved extremely fine in his 20km junior Wc -victory, might he be one of the best skate technicians ever in loose snow?
Thought on asymmetric hip twist. I struggle with glide stability on my right side and find myself twisting my left hip forward more than on the opposite side. It feels strange, but it does help my right ski glide from collapsing inward. Just a thought.
Super nice! Lets go with classic Ivo Niskanen!
excellent analysis
Very interesting ! Maybe the hips movement can be a biomecanical aspect that would take too much time and investment to correct and would not be a significant gain, 'cause I can't think that his trainers woul'nt know about this !
I'd love to see a Chanavat analysis, i can't think about a more refined and classy skate skier nowadays
I think a Main reason for The Right technique depends on The behavior of The Snow (high humidity vs. Dry snow). Some techniques are better on hard and Fast Track e.g. Longer side pressure vs. Higher frequency. Also as you mentioned in an other Video technique also depends on your physique and Body weight.
Awesome! :D
Thank you , really interesting and i lime Klaebo 🎉
Hip twisting is the feeling of favorite/non-favorite side
I think so, too. At least for me it is :D
cool stuff!!
Great content
As a sports therapy practitioner, I'd say the aberrant hip twist is likely anatomical or due to a muscle/joint issue. He's clearly a beast.
I agree
You mentioned nothing about the double hop and the shooting feet at high speeds! Johannes also is quicker around the corners than anyone.
Very interesting. There is not much material on xc biomechanics
Moving the ski to the side and a little bit behind, is this a better way for V2
Have you done a video of Simen Hegstad Krueger?
Haven't done it so far, but maybe I should
@@xcskiing_universe he's my height, so I model my skiing after him. Klaebo is a lot taller.
And regarding the hands close to the body may leave the chest more open for breathing, same as not looking down, keeping chin up like e.g. poromaa
I am dubious that the position of the shoulders and arms can “open” or “close” the chest for breathing. The shoulder girdle moves around the upper chest independent of the rib cage and diaphragm, the muscles of breathing. I have heard this in relation to the width of bicycle handlebars. The fashion in the 1970’s was narrow bars, and they gradually went wider and wider to “open” the chest for breathing. Now the trend is back to narrow bars for aerodynamics; so much so that the sanctioning bodies now have rules about minimum bar width. And look at how narrow the arms are on the time trial bikes used by the pros. You think they don’t need good respiratory tidal and minute volumes to support the high power their muscles are making?
@@randalbladel2817 Narrow hands will cause tenting of the poles and not straight forward and back and the direction of the force is sideways to a certain therefore you are wasting energy. Ladies tend to tent more. I always say the hands should be shoulder or hip width apart depending on what is wider. Tenting is used for balance, and may also indicate that the poles are too long as well.
Bend knees aren’t used for balance, they make your legs extend further out in order for you to make more effortless power so if you are able to do it, you should🤨
Question: they seem to use very long poles in skating. Is the old rule max 0.9 x body height still valid? I feel I get more power down with longer poles. Thx for ur great vids...immensely helpful! 🤓
@@wfels use height x 0,915
You have mentioned twice in this video, and once in the video of Niskenin’s classic technique, a possible obstruction of adequate blood flow from the more acute angles of Klaebo’s knees and elbows, and Niskanen’s neck. I would like to see evidence from actual anatomic studies that this is likely or even possible. These are not severe ankles we are looking at, and these are not aged bodies with atherosclerotic blood vessels, but young athletes in excellent general health. I can imagine such studies could be done with plethysmographic ultrasound.
I don’t have any evidence for claiming so. Yes, you’re right. But I have 15+ years of crazy nerdy experience in this sport myself, and watched thousand and thousand of races and discussed with high level coaches. In general, there is not much research on skiing technique at all. So there is not much that can be “confirmed in studies”, because this is a very niche thing viewed in a bigger perspective. Most of what people claim is based on feel and what we believe to be true, but there is no denying that some of the things people in the skiing community claim, can’t be like “proved” through “science” or not. Skiing with extremely deep angles will be hard on the musculature. Every person who actually has high level experience will understand what I mean. Of course, having a bit of an angle there is necessary, but not too deep for longer races
@@xcskiing_universe As much as possible there should be 1 or 2 relaxation phases per 1 complete movement, to let the blood flush out and fresh new blood to come in. :) A relation phase.
if you twist your hip like him you can use less energy to glide and it is more relaxed position for your technique....this is my opinion :)
Hello, I do not know English. I am writing with a translator. I am a fan of ski racing, who wants to supply the most economical and powerful equipment, while I now own a very good technique, as I consider it. Trying to understand the nuances of the Klebo technique, I came to the conclusion that this technique is very suitable for very few people, especially not for those who have not skied since childhood and who do not have good core muscles, stabilizer muscles, do I understand correctly? What is the technical difference between the techniques of Klebo and, for example, Kruger and the rest of the Norwegians? The difference is clearly noticeable at first glance, but the nuances are not entirely clear how it works. Thank you🙏
Я также использую переводчик, чтобы теперь писать по-русски. У Клэбо хорошая стабильность, достаточно высокая частота, т.е. много дублей в минуту. Его баланс также фантастически хорош. Баланс, пожалуй, самый важный момент, на который следует обратить внимание. Он и Большунов также ходят с удивительно широкими руками и локтями, оба. Сроки и координация также являются важными аспектами технической эффективности Клебо. Вам следует выполнять силовые тренировки на животе и спине, чтобы улучшить устойчивость центра тела. Он очень сильно наклоняется вперед. Другими словами, поза с наклоном вперед. Его лыжи скользят по направлению скорости, а не вбок. В общем, он артист на лыжах. Надеюсь, это подводит итог большей части видео. Хорошего дня, спасибо, что смотрите канал, и спасибо всем вам, россиянам, за поддержку здесь, на TH-cam. С уважением к человеку, который монтирует эти видео.
Thank you so much for the answers. This is very valuable! I really hope that Russia will return to the world ski racing as soon as possible, so that our guys and yours will once again arrange enchanting shows and show cool races!
Make classic/dp klaebo video!!
You will not be able to skate as Klaebo. Mimic his technic- yes. Because he and you have different physical qualities - muscles, brain, ligaments. Something is possible incorporate in your technique of movement on roller or normal skis.
Anatomically hips don’t “twist” - it’s a ball and socket joint. I think you’re referring to the pelvic girdle. Nearly no one has 100% pelvic horizontality. in my structural bodywork of 4 decades+ on athletes, my guess is that Klaebo is right foot dominant and as an avid footballer, his pelvis is out of alignment causing what you termed a “weird hip twist thing.” 🙏🏾❄
Thats my guess too. He is right foot dominant. That means his pelvis is somewhat more oriented to the right. In order to pick up a bit more internal rotation on his left foot/hip (so that he can ride that flat ski and put more forces to the ground,)he twist/ rotate his hip/ upper body on the left side. In my opinion this is a compensatory movement because of lack of mobility /movement options (internal rotation) on the left side/hip. This is probably a biomecanical issue mentioned in a previous comment, and the twisting is a sort of adjustment to optimalise the alignement when putting weight on the left foot. Try to twist the same way when standing on one foot an feel what happends under your foot, or try it if you have a tendency to fall of the ski on one side. This biomecanical issue is pretty common. I do it my self🥴
I think he does that rotatipn movement to slide his skies better in steep hill when going up and to be able to keep up the same rythm.
Hello. Could you please help me just explaining what movement in the video is what he mentions as a hip twist? I cannot see it.
@@diepra22 ikr?!
@@steveilg6134 no, really. Is he mention it referring to how he open the leg ti the side? (Rotation on the hip)
😍🤣 Love it
"Klaebo is the best skier". What about Bolshunov?)
Yeah, I agree he is better but his not in the game at the moment
@@xcskiing_universe he is in local and very competitive field has won all races in this season (10+ races for the moment) and seems not going to stop this streak.
Best cross-country skier is Bolshunov!
Yeah, I actually agree, but since he’s not in the game right now, I feel I can claim Klæbo is the man
Клебо первый после русских
Best cross-country skier? Is this video about Bolshunov?
Northug is the best.
Если вы не катаетесь на лыжеролерах, понять Клэбо не получится.
Блин, найдитесь кто нибудь, кто переведёт на русский и перезальет видео😢
Use auto translate subtitles
Скопируйте ссылку и откройте в яндекс браузере, там теперь есть автоперевод видео, не без ляпов конечно, но в целом понятно что к чему
Bolshynov is the best.
Best cross-country skier is A. Bolshunov and not Klaebo.
Best skier is Alex Bolshunov
Great video.
Great video