He loves Mercedes! He said GLE has a powerful suspension again at 14:00 he says the main problem of the Merc was the suspension! What is which? Again Volvo does better than the as its suspension is hard. VOLVO IS THE WINNER!
The braking and safety wins Volvo for me. So what Benz (at time of this video) beats Volvo (diesel) acceleration, but the Volvo (gasoline) T6/T8 engines are incredible in comparison with power, torque and fuel efficiency. A T6 does not need 10 seconds to enter a freeway.
I don't know, I'm not brand biast, but the Volvo looks better here to be honest. Overall though, I would say Mercedes makes nicer cars, but in this category, the Volvo is definitely better.
Lol it's not. Volvo is owned by a Chinese company, but that doesn't mean it's made in China. Volvo cars are still made in Sweden and designed in Sweden. The manufacturers and designers are Swedish. Volvo was owned by Ford before, and at that time it's cars were worse. It's making top quality cars nowadays. Learn before you reply you dumb fuck Btw I'm not a Volvo fanboy
This is kind a strange because Volvo is known for being really comfortable and this guy says that this Mercedes is more comfortable?! Clearly he does not like Volvo...
+2hp, I am not sure of the engine specifications for other countries. However, since you did mention horsepower, in the United States, the following engine choices are offered for the XC90:T5 FWD/AWD - 250hp T6 AWD - 316hp T8 eAWD Plug-in Hybrid - 400hp (Reference = timestamp 18:12)
So a month ago I went car shopping and ended up with volvo xc90 T8, I used to drive a 2011 mercdes S-550 4Matic, in the same price, nobody beats volvo, specially with the all new design and interior update, but let me correct this man's faulty and "crafted" description. 1.on the same class of gle, the awd version of them, volvo is almost $9k cheaper, and also saves gas cuz its 4 cylinder. 2.volvo's driving mode definitely out numbers merc, not to mention auto parking(which never shown in this video) 3.volvo uses regular gas and as the owner of the volvo dealer, which have a t5 awd xc90, said it efficiency up to 29 miles per gallon(my t8 used up to 37 miles per gallon because of electric motor that volvo co-developed with ferrari, porsche, austin martin and much more high end car makers ), oh wait, did i mentioned its gasoline, not diesel? 4.volvo is designed and made in sweden... it's on the side of the driver's door.. 5.The key feels and looks definitely much more better than merc, the quality is amazing and I seriously don't understand what means made from China...Merc have Chinese origin materials too, if you know what I mean lol. 6.the insulation and power, also the L test part is the most shittiest make up story I ever seen on youtube, all those other testers did L turn test and this channel can't do it, well, maybe he' just not bothering to turn the wheels in volvo. My primary driving type is city+highway+suburbs combined, I never feel much uncomfortable, also the driving experience compare to gle or gls, the steering wheel is the same tightness and the break, T8 wins, just because of the electric motor assist, or for the t5, it's identically the same. After all this points made, I think its more than clear that the new volvo is the way to go, this guys simply hate every other brands because he loves merc, it's something common in russia i guess, even vladimir putin rides in a merc, due to patheticness of russia even can't produce a road car, while this guy has mentioned, China have more than a dozen of car makers, I don't really understand the mentality behind such biased comment on both swedish brand volvo and China.
When it comes to Chinese car companies, Volvo should be included. Volvo is currently owned by Chinese, but I expect that to change when china’s economy collapses.
He Is German-Russian. Biased! I have owed both brands for decades. Volvo Is Superior And The Best Built From The Ground Up. Volvo In My Opinion Is Using Higher Quality Steel with Better Primers To Last Many Decades, unlike Mercedes which I think is now using less quality steel and primers. Many of the newer Mercedes Benz have shown signs of surface rust, Not VOLVO. Mercedes is Overated running on yester- year. Sorry Volvo Is My Pick
I don't like this review. My feeling is this guy simply likes MB better and thinks them to be better to Volvo from every aspect, something absolutely not true.
German quality for 3 years and the warranty expires and off to the auction. People that have money even know never buy a German car without a warranty.
Mercedes days are over. This new generation wants to look smart, wants function and safety. Volvo is way more imposing and stylish. Russian mentality goes with mercedes. They are still in the 90s where who owns a mercedes means money in the pockets (and less intelligence inside the head).
Omul asta tine cu MB dar uite ca din testele lui Volvo a batut MB-ul :)) daca tu esti cu efectul de turma din Ro si faza cu made in germany si mercedes si altele, atunci lasa-te de 'sportul' asta ca nu te prea pricepi, deschide ochii sa vezi si in afara germaniei, nu doar nemtii fac masini ! Volvo este de mult peste nemti doar ca ei nu au o politica de marketing atat de agresiva si de nesimtita ca a nemtilor, adica ei prin reclamele lor nu dezavantajeaza celelalte marci asa cum o fac nemtii ! Si marketingul suedezilor este mult mai corect, nu agresiv, cum este cel al nemtilor ! uite o dovada prin sloganurile lor : A car you can believe in, Volvo for life. si la mb 'the best or nothing' pai ce facem aici ma nene ma ? stii pe cine am mai vazut cu sloganuri de astea cu 'the best' ? mai toate firmele slabe, acum mb nu este o firma slaba dar mai toate firmele slabe au acolo scris 'best quality' dar sunt de tot rahatul, acum mb sunt masini bune, serioase dar nu peste Volvo, comparand masinile din aceeasi clasa cu motorizari identice ! Volvo are alte obiective fata de MB, Volvo nu se baga intre aia 3 nemti care se ciondanesc intr-una si scot motoare foarte puternice doar sa-i dea in cap vecinului, Volvo face motoare bune, cu putere optima pentru a aduce placerea de a conduce si de a oferi fiabilitate si rafinament ! Am un volvo de 20 de ani si bate 90% din nemtoaicele din perioada lui, daca vorbim de aceeasi clasa le bate pe toate, cateva capitole, siguranta, confort, rezistenta, calitate ! Interiorul este integral din piele, cu plastic tare pe consola centrala si pe partea inferioara a bordului, insertii de mahon, nu de autocolant cum vezi la rivali, prin cate am trecut cu masina asta si cate si mai cate si uite ca nu are gram de rugina cu toate ca eu nu am grija de ea prea mult, la interior o ingrijesc dar la exterior o spal odata la 1-2 saptamani , imediat face 500 000 km si inca merge ca noua, nu face probleme , te tras trage foarte bine, de condus o conduc destul de agresiv de scot un consum de 10% din 2.0 aspirat pe care-l are, asa la mers economic scot 7.5-8 combinat dar masina merge pe GPL, acolo onsumul este cu 1-2 litri mai mult dar na, 2.1 lei/litru , imi convine. Masina atinge 5-6k rpm mereu cand o conduc de cam 4-5 ani de cand o am si uite ca nu-mi face probleme, nu consuma ulei, nu face zgomote in mers pe drum accidentat, masina merge perfect ! Daca stau si ma uit la masina mea, este un v40, nu am precizat asta, este modelul cel mai de jos de la Volvo si totusi bate la mai toate capitolele foarte multe nemtoaice care teoretic sunt mai avansate decat masina asta ! in 96 a fost prima masina ce a obtinut 4 stele la euro NCAP , pe cand MB obtinea 2 cu indulgenta, ca si calitate a fabricatiei, caroseria este galvanizata, cum adica ? pai daca nu o lovesti nu iti rugineste niciodata, daca ma uit la E class din perioada ei le vad pe toate cu vopseaua inflorita pe la aripi, portbagaj , portiere, capota ,etc.. am vazut si C class din 2004 ruginit asa ca... alta treaba, comparatiile se fac astfel, s60/v70 an 2002 cu seria 3, a4 si C class din perioada respectiva insa v40-ul meu este peste seria 3 cu mult, siguranta, calitate, rezistenta,fiabilitate ! Cu a4 este aceeasi poveste, cu C class nu am avut ocazia sa ma plimb dar m-am plimbat cu E class din 2000 si nu m-a impresionat cine stie ce, am mers si cu un S60 si pot spune ca E class-ul este la pitici ca si dotari, confort, design si multe altele, cu toate ca E class se compara cu S80 , s80-ul da clasa totala unui E class, invata mai nene despre toate masinile si vezi ca nu numai nemtii fac masini ! Tu cred ca esti genul ala de om care daca are opel se vede deasupra tuturor celor ce nu au masini nemtesti, exact ca un vecin de-al meu care isi vedea astra g care-i in varianta de baza de nu are nici AC nici nimic pe ea , isi vede masina mai buna decat a mea... cam asa esti si tu, sa nu fii cumva o ruda de-a lui :)) doar asa imi explic si vorba cu mercedes e tata masinilor :)) halal oameni, sincer :))si uite asa am pierdut cateva minute importante incercand sa conving pe cineva ca masinile nemtesti nu sunt cele mai bune :)) esti ca un copil de ala mic care zice ca bugatti veyron este cea mai buna masina ca are 1000 cp, cel putin asa era acum cativa ani, auzeai peste tot priceputi care comparau un bugatti cu o masina normala... asa,cred, priceputi ca tine :)) lasa-te de treaba asta, nu ai condus o masina macar si dai cu presupusul, daca treci de la dacie la nemteasca este normal sa ti se para ca alea nemtesti sunt cele mai bune dar trecand de la nemteasca la Volvo, cel putin eu am simtit asta, este ca si cum ai trece de la dacie la nemteasca :)) asa ca nu incerca sa ma contrazici, nu am chef sa ma cert cu tine doar pentru ca tu nu stii nimic despre masini.
+Cristi Ursu teai chinuit sa scrii degeaba romane prietene ca tot degeaba. ..nu ma interesează marca asta o care o lauzi tu..ce istorie are Mercedes Și ce istorie are Volvo...da nu zic ca sunt rele dar nu ce mănânci tu acolo de zori. ..Am un E classe dar nu l-as schimba pe un Volvo nicicând deoarece am avut ocazia sa compar un s60 al unui var cu al meu și sincer nu ma impresionat...deci fiecare rămâne la părerea lui...tu ia-ti Volvo in continuare ca nu te condamna nimeni și critica în continuare ce marca vrei ca tot așa nu interesează a pe nimeni...bine mai nene. ? hai...ca așa mai plictisit cu romanul tău încât nici nu l-am citit tot ca se vede de la o posta ca ești un fan înrăit și nu are rost sa ne luăm la trântă ca pierzi
Am avut ocazia sa conduc o gramada de masini inainte sa-mi iau Volvo asta ce-l am, eram si eu fan made in germany, incuiat la minte si etc etc dar tatal meu mi-a spus sa ma uit si la Volvo ca au masini sigure , fiabile si rezistente, special facute pentru mine, eu sunt genul de om care strica tot ce are, ei bine, nu am reusit sa stric masina asta in 5 ani, am insa cunostinte care au trecut prin mai putine decat am trecut eu cu masina si au ajuns sa scoata bani grei pentru a le repara pe cand eu in cel mai rau caz am avut de schimbat un amortizor si de indreptat o janta de magneziu , trebuie sa fii 'norocos' al dq sa indoi o janta pe 15" de magneziu... in fine, gata cu vorbaraia, ramai la ale tale, raman la ale mele, iti urez drumuri bune si aia e, trebuie sa accepti ca XC90 este peste GLE, aia e, este greu de acceptat, stiu, nici mie nu mi-ar conveni sa vad ca MB-ul bate Volvo dar se pare ca este cam invers... poate in alta liga se schimba lucrurile, poate nu.. testele arata totul.Paul Stefan
thats the dumbest shit ive ever heard, volvo wins in exterior, interior, luxury and all categories. The volvo was the best car of 2016 and won more awards than any other car, gle won nothing, how can you say that gle is better? probably just a salty mercedes fanboy who cant accept facts
The video is quite objective. The Power output of D5 is definitely the pain of axx for the xc90. You believe or not you need here a 6 cylinders or a T8 hybride. The silentness in the vehicle is not good enough for the first class of SUVs, even with the optional isoglass. The suspenion is solid but for the comfort there is still certain space of improvement to be done. I think the bmw x5 is a good example in many aspects.
the Mercedes looks more aggressive and sporty than the volvo as an suv the engine is stronger and quicker the merc is better.... the best or nothing.....
Bruh wtf😂 this so called "revieuw" is the worst one i ve seen in my entire life! The Volvo is so much better than that Mercedes. I love both cars but this time Volvo wins. And btw the Volvo has awesome suspension (air suspension)...
Scheiße überteuert für _Nichts_ . Glückwunsch, Volvo, ihr seid der einzige Premium-Hersteller, den ich mir nie kaufen werde. Subaru, Honda, Deutschland, alles Andere ist kacke! (Außer PSA lol)
Bought the Volvo in 2018. It's been love ever since
Volvo is number one,Volvo is monster!
He loves Mercedes! He said GLE has a powerful suspension again at 14:00 he says the main problem of the Merc was the suspension! What is which? Again Volvo does better than the as its suspension is hard.
Volvo looks so fresh compared to the old-fashioned looking Mercedes.
The braking and safety wins Volvo for me. So what Benz (at time of this video) beats Volvo (diesel) acceleration, but the Volvo (gasoline) T6/T8 engines are incredible in comparison with power, torque and fuel efficiency. A T6 does not need 10 seconds to enter a freeway.
I think volvo is the best on this planet absolutely outstanding and beautiful 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
Yes after 65 years
Mercedes is a´ car. Volvo XC90 is THE car!!!
Volvo the best of safety and luxury. Mercedes is a money pit
I don't know, I'm not brand biast, but the Volvo looks better here to be honest. Overall though, I would say Mercedes makes nicer cars, but in this category, the Volvo is definitely better.
but if we put Mercedes with amg performance....It is other amotion.
there is also 63 amg.
Volvo is good after 65 years old
Volvo all the way !
Cristi Ursu made in china
Lol it's not. Volvo is owned by a Chinese company, but that doesn't mean it's made in China. Volvo cars are still made in Sweden and designed in Sweden. The manufacturers and designers are Swedish. Volvo was owned by Ford before, and at that time it's cars were worse. It's making top quality cars nowadays. Learn before you reply you dumb fuck
Btw I'm not a Volvo fanboy
DamnBigAss62 they do have factories in china
Jongwon Park Just askin, ru Korean?
Volvo is good after 65 years old
This is kind a strange because Volvo is known for being really comfortable and this guy says that this Mercedes is more comfortable?!
Clearly he does not like Volvo...
+2hp, I am not sure of the engine specifications for other countries. However, since you did mention horsepower, in the United States, the following engine choices are offered for the XC90:T5 FWD/AWD - 250hp
T6 AWD - 316hp
T8 eAWD Plug-in Hybrid - 400hp (Reference = timestamp 18:12)
Facts I was also confused bcoz the horsepower is higher
So a month ago I went car shopping and ended up with volvo xc90 T8, I used to drive a 2011 mercdes S-550 4Matic, in the same price, nobody beats volvo, specially with the all new design and interior update, but let me correct this man's faulty and "crafted" description.
1.on the same class of gle, the awd version of them, volvo is almost $9k cheaper, and also saves gas cuz its 4 cylinder.
2.volvo's driving mode definitely out numbers merc, not to mention auto parking(which never shown in this video)
3.volvo uses regular gas and as the owner of the volvo dealer, which have a t5 awd xc90, said it efficiency up to 29 miles per gallon(my t8 used up to 37 miles per gallon because of electric motor that volvo co-developed with ferrari, porsche, austin martin and much more high end car makers ), oh wait, did i mentioned its gasoline, not diesel?
4.volvo is designed and made in sweden... it's on the side of the driver's door..
5.The key feels and looks definitely much more better than merc, the quality is amazing and I seriously don't understand what means made from China...Merc have Chinese origin materials too, if you know what I mean lol.
6.the insulation and power, also the L test part is the most shittiest make up story I ever seen on youtube, all those other testers did L turn test and this channel can't do it, well, maybe he' just not bothering to turn the wheels in volvo. My primary driving type is city+highway+suburbs combined, I never feel much uncomfortable, also the driving experience compare to gle or gls, the steering wheel is the same tightness and the break, T8 wins, just because of the electric motor assist, or for the t5, it's identically the same.
After all this points made, I think its more than clear that the new volvo is the way to go, this guys simply hate every other brands because he loves merc, it's something common in russia i guess, even vladimir putin rides in a merc, due to patheticness of russia even can't produce a road car, while this guy has mentioned, China have more than a dozen of car makers, I don't really understand the mentality behind such biased comment on both swedish brand volvo and China.
Zihao Liu Shitty L test? You might re think a bout it. It shows how the ESC behaves on a sudden manouver or when you avoid an accident suddenly
When it comes to Chinese car companies, Volvo should be included. Volvo is currently owned by Chinese, but I expect that to change when china’s economy collapses.
I bought the Xc 90 💪
Great man
I love you Volvo, you are the best
I choose Volvo
@@hunt4redoctober628 My father has 2 Volvo's right now- an XC 60 and a S90. They are VERY reliable
Richard false
@@hunt4redoctober628 Correct man. I will never ever buy a damn Volvo again.
Then why are u hear?
Voice narration sound amazing and also Volvo has the best European cars ever made
Scandinavian design!!
I want the volvo over merc.
He Is German-Russian. Biased!
I have owed both brands for decades.
Volvo Is Superior And The Best Built From The Ground Up. Volvo In My Opinion Is Using Higher Quality Steel with Better Primers To Last Many Decades, unlike Mercedes which I think is now using less quality steel and primers. Many of the newer Mercedes Benz have shown signs of surface rust, Not VOLVO. Mercedes is Overated running on yester- year.
Sorry Volvo Is My Pick
Great video. 👍
Mercedes moved from being a luxury car to an average car. It's not worth the money and the high maintenance costs.
Volvo is the best!
xc 90 most beatiful
I don't like this review. My feeling is this guy simply likes MB better and thinks them to be better to Volvo from every aspect, something absolutely not true.
KM mee 2
What did you mean by Mercedes has a stronger suspension?
it has indeed
But wtf that depends on what suspension you choose
Stronger what?
aabidam i
15:06 the cone just fell, i'm laughing so hard 🤣🤣🤣
The volvo is much better and much nicer:-
Volvo is better.
He likes his Mercedes
Volvo is much much better - driven both. There is no comparison. Merc is tinny; Volvo is solid!
Volvo wins by far now
would have expected the best of both. I'd say the T9 would have influenced the results of both cabin noise and acceleration wouldn't it?
German quality for 3 years and the warranty expires and off to the auction. People that have money even know never buy a German car without a warranty.
What a nice objective review.
14:47 the cone has fallen by Volvo, i'm laughing so hard 🤣🤣🤣
mr "2hp" seams you the only one who like that GLE
the xc90 is more beuty,safer,very confy seats, better off road and ofcourse is cheaper!
lovely this is good looking car you are okay keep it up
I chose Volvo but world safest suv and car
me too after 65
No roller test for these two SUVs?
Mercedes days are over. This new generation wants to look smart, wants function and safety. Volvo is way more imposing and stylish. Russian mentality goes with mercedes. They are still in the 90s where who owns a mercedes means money in the pockets (and less intelligence inside the head).
Mercedes is the brend of quality.And will stay forever.I guess that you are Mazda driver.
@@dimitripkhaladze4277 so is Audi, BMW and Lexus. Only in the 80s who had a Mercedes looked rich, now looks stupid.
Only Mercedes, but with AMG exterior!
Hey ralph, can you do a roller test for next comparison? It shows you how good the awd system is
The beauty and the beast..
Volvo baby
Volvo for life!
When I step in a MB ...I get 10 years more in 1 second ... that is the opposite with the Volvo
How is mercedes gle 250d vs BMW x5 xdrive25d?
GLE numero 1... Le altre case automobilistiche hanno da imparare...
Mercedes is the Best here clearly
more beautiful...luxourious...elegant..rafinat...confortable
Omul asta tine cu MB dar uite ca din testele lui Volvo a batut MB-ul :)) daca tu esti cu efectul de turma din Ro si faza cu made in germany si mercedes si altele, atunci lasa-te de 'sportul' asta ca nu te prea pricepi, deschide ochii sa vezi si in afara germaniei, nu doar nemtii fac masini ! Volvo este de mult peste nemti doar ca ei nu au o politica de marketing atat de agresiva si de nesimtita ca a nemtilor, adica ei prin reclamele lor nu dezavantajeaza celelalte marci asa cum o fac nemtii ! Si marketingul suedezilor este mult mai corect, nu agresiv, cum este cel al nemtilor ! uite o dovada prin sloganurile lor : A car you can believe in, Volvo for life. si la mb 'the best or nothing' pai ce facem aici ma nene ma ? stii pe cine am mai vazut cu sloganuri de astea cu 'the best' ? mai toate firmele slabe, acum mb nu este o firma slaba dar mai toate firmele slabe au acolo scris 'best quality' dar sunt de tot rahatul, acum mb sunt masini bune, serioase dar nu peste Volvo, comparand masinile din aceeasi clasa cu motorizari identice ! Volvo are alte obiective fata de MB, Volvo nu se baga intre aia 3 nemti care se ciondanesc intr-una si scot motoare foarte puternice doar sa-i dea in cap vecinului, Volvo face motoare bune, cu putere optima pentru a aduce placerea de a conduce si de a oferi fiabilitate si rafinament ! Am un volvo de 20 de ani si bate 90% din nemtoaicele din perioada lui, daca vorbim de aceeasi clasa le bate pe toate, cateva capitole, siguranta, confort, rezistenta, calitate ! Interiorul este integral din piele, cu plastic tare pe consola centrala si pe partea inferioara a bordului, insertii de mahon, nu de autocolant cum vezi la rivali, prin cate am trecut cu masina asta si cate si mai cate si uite ca nu are gram de rugina cu toate ca eu nu am grija de ea prea mult, la interior o ingrijesc dar la exterior o spal odata la 1-2 saptamani , imediat face 500 000 km si inca merge ca noua, nu face probleme , te tras trage foarte bine, de condus o conduc destul de agresiv de scot un consum de 10% din 2.0 aspirat pe care-l are, asa la mers economic scot 7.5-8 combinat dar masina merge pe GPL, acolo onsumul este cu 1-2 litri mai mult dar na, 2.1 lei/litru , imi convine. Masina atinge 5-6k rpm mereu cand o conduc de cam 4-5 ani de cand o am si uite ca nu-mi face probleme, nu consuma ulei, nu face zgomote in mers pe drum accidentat, masina merge perfect ! Daca stau si ma uit la masina mea, este un v40, nu am precizat asta, este modelul cel mai de jos de la Volvo si totusi bate la mai toate capitolele foarte multe nemtoaice care teoretic sunt mai avansate decat masina asta ! in 96 a fost prima masina ce a obtinut 4 stele la euro NCAP , pe cand MB obtinea 2 cu indulgenta, ca si calitate a fabricatiei, caroseria este galvanizata, cum adica ? pai daca nu o lovesti nu iti rugineste niciodata, daca ma uit la E class din perioada ei le vad pe toate cu vopseaua inflorita pe la aripi, portbagaj , portiere, capota ,etc.. am vazut si C class din 2004 ruginit asa ca... alta treaba, comparatiile se fac astfel, s60/v70 an 2002 cu seria 3, a4 si C class din perioada respectiva insa v40-ul meu este peste seria 3 cu mult, siguranta, calitate, rezistenta,fiabilitate ! Cu a4 este aceeasi poveste, cu C class nu am avut ocazia sa ma plimb dar m-am plimbat cu E class din 2000 si nu m-a impresionat cine stie ce, am mers si cu un S60 si pot spune ca E class-ul este la pitici ca si dotari, confort, design si multe altele, cu toate ca E class se compara cu S80 , s80-ul da clasa totala unui E class, invata mai nene despre toate masinile si vezi ca nu numai nemtii fac masini ! Tu cred ca esti genul ala de om care daca are opel se vede deasupra tuturor celor ce nu au masini nemtesti, exact ca un vecin de-al meu care isi vedea astra g care-i in varianta de baza de nu are nici AC nici nimic pe ea , isi vede masina mai buna decat a mea... cam asa esti si tu, sa nu fii cumva o ruda de-a lui :)) doar asa imi explic si vorba cu mercedes e tata masinilor :)) halal oameni, sincer :))si uite asa am pierdut cateva minute importante incercand sa conving pe cineva ca masinile nemtesti nu sunt cele mai bune :)) esti ca un copil de ala mic care zice ca bugatti veyron este cea mai buna masina ca are 1000 cp, cel putin asa era acum cativa ani, auzeai peste tot priceputi care comparau un bugatti cu o masina normala... asa,cred, priceputi ca tine :)) lasa-te de treaba asta, nu ai condus o masina macar si dai cu presupusul, daca treci de la dacie la nemteasca este normal sa ti se para ca alea nemtesti sunt cele mai bune dar trecand de la nemteasca la Volvo, cel putin eu am simtit asta, este ca si cum ai trece de la dacie la nemteasca :)) asa ca nu incerca sa ma contrazici, nu am chef sa ma cert cu tine doar pentru ca tu nu stii nimic despre masini.
+Cristi Ursu teai chinuit sa scrii degeaba romane prietene ca tot degeaba. ..nu ma interesează marca asta o care o lauzi tu..ce istorie are Mercedes Și ce istorie are Volvo...da nu zic ca sunt rele dar nu ce mănânci tu acolo de zori. ..Am un E classe dar nu l-as schimba pe un Volvo nicicând deoarece am avut ocazia sa compar un s60 al unui var cu al meu și sincer nu ma impresionat...deci fiecare rămâne la părerea lui...tu ia-ti Volvo in continuare ca nu te condamna nimeni și critica în continuare ce marca vrei ca tot așa nu interesează a pe nimeni...bine mai nene. ? hai...ca așa mai plictisit cu romanul tău încât nici nu l-am citit tot ca se vede de la o posta ca ești un fan înrăit și nu are rost sa ne luăm la trântă ca pierzi
Am avut ocazia sa conduc o gramada de masini inainte sa-mi iau Volvo asta ce-l am, eram si eu fan made in germany, incuiat la minte si etc etc dar tatal meu mi-a spus sa ma uit si la Volvo ca au masini sigure , fiabile si rezistente, special facute pentru mine, eu sunt genul de om care strica tot ce are, ei bine, nu am reusit sa stric masina asta in 5 ani, am insa cunostinte care au trecut prin mai putine decat am trecut eu cu masina si au ajuns sa scoata bani grei pentru a le repara pe cand eu in cel mai rau caz am avut de schimbat un amortizor si de indreptat o janta de magneziu , trebuie sa fii 'norocos' al dq sa indoi o janta pe 15" de magneziu... in fine, gata cu vorbaraia, ramai la ale tale, raman la ale mele, iti urez drumuri bune si aia e, trebuie sa accepti ca XC90 este peste GLE, aia e, este greu de acceptat, stiu, nici mie nu mi-ar conveni sa vad ca MB-ul bate Volvo dar se pare ca este cam invers... poate in alta liga se schimba lucrurile, poate nu.. testele arata totul.Paul Stefan
thats the dumbest shit ive ever heard, volvo wins in exterior, interior, luxury and all categories. The volvo was the best car of 2016 and won more awards than any other car, gle won nothing, how can you say that gle is better? probably just a salty mercedes fanboy who cant accept facts
@@paulstefan357 volvo are o istorie similara cu Mercedes. Nu are rost sa comparam "istoria".
Volvo X90 stil a best 2018-2019. I have S80 D5 9 yers no problem only service
Volvo wins, but the mercedes dealers offer a much better deal on price.
Everywhere is mercedes but volvo is the best?
Volvo :)
Urban legend volvo xc90 r design
hi I am from India. guys like it or hate it, this is Russian style and I loved it.
Volvo much better then Mers
Ilaveyou volvo .ilaveyooooo😍😘😭😭😭😭kam heyer
why you are not squatting?
我要較好的一輛! I want more better one!哪台較好?which one better?
I personally like the Mercedes you will never achieve the feeling of drivng a mercdes when you are driving a volovo
15:26 lolz!
Get the air suspension
Awsome video bad thumbnail :(
14.30 saniyeden Sonrasını Türkçeye çevirecek bir arkadaş yok mu??
The video is quite objective. The Power output of D5 is definitely the pain of axx for the xc90. You believe or not you need here a 6 cylinders or a T8 hybride. The silentness in the vehicle is not good enough for the first class of SUVs, even with the optional isoglass. The suspenion is solid but for the comfort there is still certain space of improvement to be done. I think the bmw x5 is a good example in many aspects.
Гамно ваш вольва и Мерседес!! Вот мамквич это тема или ваз 2101 это шикарные тачки
the Mercedes looks more aggressive and sporty than the volvo as an suv the engine is stronger and quicker the merc is better.... the best or nothing.....
Bruh wtf😂 this so called "revieuw" is the worst one i ve seen in my entire life! The Volvo is so much better than that Mercedes. I love both cars but this time Volvo wins. And btw the Volvo has awesome suspension (air suspension)...
Volvo FTW!!
Super volvo xc90
mercedes design is awful
BMW X5 BMW The Ultimate Driving Machine
Volvo looks luxury and mer looks crap
have you seen amg performance?
wolwo is a nize caa
volvo wins
in safety volvo in technology mercedes
Not true !! I have driven both xc90 and the gle and Volvo is more spacious inside.
Scheiße überteuert für _Nichts_ . Glückwunsch, Volvo, ihr seid der einzige Premium-Hersteller, den ich mir nie kaufen werde. Subaru, Honda, Deutschland, alles Andere ist kacke! (Außer PSA lol)
I have driven both vehicles.volvos are far more comfortable than mercedes
Mercedes Benz , the best or nothing
best or nothing, exactly, so pick the volvo as it beats the merc in every single way
Volvo best
Mercedes GLE is the Best !!
xc90 vs q7
Mercedes is better
yamahaevo the best or noting bitch
***** Wow, "when intelligent people speak." lol
Hahaha, what an idiot
Volvo = problems, problems, problems. Especially with turbo. And Mercedes is high quality. At least this is my personal experience
MB GLE is better ..... on 2nd hand price
Volvo is better than a Lamborghini and a ferari
Merc is all the way better 💪👍
I choose Mercedes-benz
Volvo hi
Who wants volvo to wen say volvo
the translation is awful