+I added English subtitles✨ If you need, choose English from the CC😀 말이 많다고 느껴지는건 기분탓…🥲 1.5배 추천드립니다❤️ 그리고 키를 말씀안드렸는데 키는 156.7cm 입니다! 오늘도 와주셔서 감싸랑합니다💗 아래에 제가 매일 했던 운동영상 링크 남겨둘게요! ✔️제가 매일 따라했던 운동영상 링크 신지니 팔뚝 th-cam.com/video/T-bVqdhqW2U/w-d-xo.html 땅끄부부 일자다리 th-cam.com/video/NDsjmxTROEo/w-d-xo.html 땅끄부부 복근 th-cam.com/video/PoYzxj8Iy5M/w-d-xo.html 땅끄부부 종아리 th-cam.com/video/2xmNzityfKI/w-d-xo.html 에이핏 폼롤러 스트레칭 th-cam.com/video/kOYd2oFOojc/w-d-xo.html
Tips mentioned in video: - Don't extreme diet it would come back on the weight. - Eat 2 meals a day and stop eating at 8PM. - Replace snack and sugar craving with Greek Yogurt mixed with fruit and granola. - When making Salads add protein to make you full; crab, tuna, salmon etc. - She strictly forbids noodles and Ttaebokki. - She recommends Tofu and Cauliflower Rice which looks like reguler rice. - At times she ONLY adds ONE spoon of rice and the rest Cauliflower Rice. (You won't tell the difference :-) - She highly recommendes A Cooking Dieter for nutritional diet recipes. - No drinks; Coke, Sprite, coffee and alcohol. Replace them with sparkling water or diet sodas. - 7:05 screenshot the workouts she does. - The workouts she did were: Jinys arms workout Thank You Bubu's straight legs workout Calves stretching and Abs workouts Lastly foam Roller - 2 hours of exercise one hour of cardio (running or walking however she recommends investing in a spinning bike) and the other hour TH-cam workouts. (Correction) - Exercise 5 times a week. - Try exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. - If you you loose control and overeat only overeat on that meal and do an extra 30 minutes of cardio. Lastly, I recommendation of mine don't look at the numbers on the scale look at your body fat percentage instead. Since muscle mass and body fat weight the same you might loose a few pounds but you'll looked toner and thinner. Edit: Anyone wondering what I meant by body fat percentage. There is this scale that is very good it not only shows weight but also BMI, body fat, subcutaneous fat, body water, protein, BMR, body age etc. Here is the link for anybody looking into it a.co/d/922QJNv.
that's exactly what I thought!! When she started to mention the different parts of the video I was absolutely (positively) shocked. So much blablabla on YT!
Tbh as she was explaining on cutting sugar... It can only lead to craving it so much, like it happened to me. So I think that you can eat at least one or two pieces of chocolate in a day if u want. Now I gained a lot of weight because of eating sugar after my restriction. Now I am trying to diet again, but giving myself the freedom to eat at least one piece of Choco if I really crave it
점심 그릭요거트(or샐러드) 저녁 계란&두부 이용 맛있게 직접 요리 1. 면(밀가루)x 2. 쌀x > 컬리플라워라이스, 두부로 대체. 닭가슴살 계란으로 단백질 늘리기 3. 음료× 운동 유산소 1시간+홈트 1시간 과식하는 날 1끼, 운동량 늘리기, 18시간 공복 정체기 > 루틴 바꾸기
Thank you! I don't understand korean, but with the new youtube update I can translate the comments to english. I couldn't learn from the video because there is no english subtitlesㅜ-ㅜ. Once again, thank you~! 🤍
❤️심심해서 만든 요약❤️ 📌다이어트 식단 📍하루에 두끼 -첫끼는 12시 2시사이 주로 그릭요거트나 샐러드 -그릭요거트에 과일(딸기,블루베리)&그래놀라 or 시리얼 포만감 긋긋 -샐러드엔 닭가슴살or달걀or크래미 포만감 좋은 채소를 많이 넣어 먹기! -저녁은 6시에서 8시사이 -맛있는 다이어트 식을 직접 만들어서 먹음 (요리하는 다이어터님 영상들 추천) 📍꼭 지켜야 될 것 1. 면 먹지 않기: 쌩밀가루 칼로리 폭탄 2. 밥 먹지 않기: 탄수화물 줄이고 단백질(콜리플라워 라이스에 밥 한숟가락 or 두부+ 삶은 계란이나 닭가슴살 곁들이기) 3. 음료수 먹지 않기: 카페가면 무조건 아아 차라리 탄산수 📍치팅데이 -2주에 한번 -밀가루 음식 ㄴㄴ 차라리 치킨/한식/고기 📌운동 📍일주일에 4번에서 6번 -한시간은 유산소+한시간은 홈트=총 2시간 -유산소는 집에서 사이클 타셨음 사이클 없으면 걷기나 달리기 추천 📍운동 영상 추천 1. 신지니 팔뚝: 효과좋음 매일매일 해줌 2. 땅끄부부 일자다리: 땅끄부부 영상 중 가장 따라하기 쉬운데 허벅지 안쪽에 효과 긋-매일매일 3. 땅끄부부 복근: 운동시간 2분이라서 지겹지않은데 효과 긋 4. 땅끄부부 종아리: 종아리 겁나 얇아짐 5. 에이핏 폼롤러: 하비는 부종이 원인일 수도 있음 이걸로 부종 풀어주기 📌꿀팁 📍과식했을 때 루틴: -과식한 그 한끼만 먹기 -꼭 운동 해주기 (평소보다 빡세게) -공복 16시간 유지 -그 후엔 계속 평소대로 해주기 📍포기 하고 싶을때 -변화를 주기 Ex. 저녁운동▶️아침운동 싸이클▶️달리기 몸에 충격을 주변 정체기 깨기 쌉가능
다이어트 식단 아침 : 12 ~ 2시 사이 그릭 요거트 ( 과일 ) , 샐러드 ( 닭가슴살 ) 저녁 : 6~8시 사이 배달 음식 , 살찌는 음식 x 주 음식 ) 두부, 계란 ex ) 요리하는 다이어터 추천 다이어트 할때 꼭 지켜야 될 규칙 1 . 면 먹지 않기 2 . 밥 먹지 않기 ( 볶음밥 , 리조또 ) 3 . 음료수 먹지 않기 ( 술 x , 카페 가면 무조건 아아 , 너무 먹고 싶으면 제로콜라 , 제로사이다 ) 2주에 한번씩 피자 , 떡볶이 x , 차라리 치킨 다이어트 할려면 운동 꼭 해야됩니다 . 1시간 걷기 , 달리기 운동 ) 팔뚝 , 종아리 , 복근 , 일자다리 , 폼롤러 스트레칭 다이어트 꿀팁 1 . 과식 한 날은 하루에 한끼만 먹기 홈트를 엄청 빡세게 , 운동 엄청 빡세게 공복 16시간 !!! 2 . 정체기가 왔을때 변화를 주는거
i have the same body type as you so this is veryyy motivating !! i love how detailed your explanations are. thank you for the workout recommendations as i'm also struggling with my lower body part :(
I can confirm that this is the best way to lose weight and it’s easier to stick to it. This video is so well put together and I love that it doesn’t promote anything unhealthy. Food delivery was my weakness. I was ordering food everyday. Fast food has so much sodium so even just cutting down on salt has helped so much. I have so much more energy too and I’ve been sleeping better. The first week is hard because your body has to get use to not having such highly processed food but once you get over it, you won’t even crave it anymore. Stay strong everyone
@@kpoplove1067don’t do that that’s very unhealthy, don’t eat over the amount of calories your told when cutting whcih you can find out online, but make sure your adding protein to your foods so your more full.
@@kpoplove1067yeah she lost 12 kg in 2 months, that’s not normal, I believe everyone’s body is so different, but 12 kg in a month is still si fast, the recommended weight loss max is 0,5 kg/week, so hers can only be achieved by strict diet and exercising. I don’t know how “strict” korean diet is if she said her diet wasn’t strict. And she said 2 months is a long term diet. I believe long term diet is maintaining eating habit throughout your whole life.
I’m soo close to giving up I’m thankful this showed up on my recommendation page! I’m gonna try harder tomorrow and achieve my goal body. Thank you for the tips and sharing your journey. 감사해요 언니 ☺️
@@crunchy4879 small steps, each day you succeed brings you closer to your goals. If you take step back once in a while it doesn't matter, steps forward matter :)
hello! I would just recommend that you don't chase certain body types cos that can set you up for disappointment or you'll feel awful and ask yourself why you still don't have a certain body type. everyone's fat deposits and anatomy is different so we'll all look different. see how your body personally changes, watch how your muscles tone up but try not to get to caught up in a "goal body". sorry if this seems like I'm nagging or something! Best of luck ♡♡
I just want to remind everyone that just because someone else's body can do something in a month and a half doesn't mean yours should or can. Take your time, there is no shame in doing smaller calorie defects and aiming for more long term weight loss.
I am definitely in my weight loss plateau now and when I asked myself why? You answered it right away. I usually work out at night now that you said that I will definitely change it to morning!
Did it change??? I’m in my plateau but the thing is , I already workout twice, like in the morning and in the evening.. so I can’t change that aspect. Im left with the option of doing cheating day which scares me 😂😂..
@@angeldominick9373 my weight has lost few kilos after I changed my work out timing without any calorie deficit! i just started to drink water more than usual, like instead of 1500 ml a day i drank 2000 ml instead.
올해1월부터 꾸준히 다이어트하면서 15키로 감량했는데 1주일동안 정신 없이 먹은 적이 처음이라 현타 오고 감도 안 잡혔는데 이든님 영상보고 에너지 얻고 갑니다! 약속은 포기할 수 없어서 운동이랑 약속 없는 날 식단 열심히 하면서 차근차근 빼야겠어요 ㅎㅎ 영상 잘 봤습니다 구독도 누르고 갈게요!
I’ve lost weight before and got to 55kg, I was so close to my goal but then we went into lockdown and I continued losing weight but then I became depressed and binge ate and always sat in bed everyday with no exercise. So I gained everything back plus an extra 11kg so now, starting tomorrow I am going to use your tips and lose lots of weight and reach my goal!
such a similar thing happened to me, I reached 55kg, 52 was my goal, then lockdown happened and I gained all the weight back and more, now I'm trying to start my weight loss journey again. You can do it!
Please remember that IT IS OKAY to take your weight loss slow, steady, and sustainable because a healthy weight loss ranges from 4 to 8 lbs (1.8 to 3.6 kg) A MONTH! Yes, water weight will lose quickly which will make you think you lost so much so fast but remember, when you lose "weight" you also lose fat AND muscle. Just remember not to under eat and not to compare each others' journeys because what's important is you comparing YOURSELF. Please take care of your body and eat a bit under your maintenance calories if you want a weight loss that wont yoyo into weight gain.
I know you won’t see this but as a 12 yr old struggling with weight loss this made me open my eyes thank you so so so much for this I hope you feel proud and amazed with yourself
@@blank47 way to go!🎉 I believe in you with all my heart! Try to be safe and remember you have your whole Life to try this and I’m 15 now at 12 I also wanted to do the same but as I realized growing taller and older caused me to naturally lose just a few pounds and it made any weight look natural like example when i was younger it was all in my hips and then it went throughout my whole body making it look more subtle so I promise you got this and remember you’re still changing! Just give yourself time ❤
@@blank47 you’re still young! i do not personally recommend diet when u’re under at least 18, just eat healthier, dont do intense diet like this and do some easy workout. your body is growing and it needs a lot of nutrition and u’re hitting puberty soon! if u rlly want it wait til you are 16 at least
this is really important, i lost alot of weight fast and while it made me look better i also became super weak. to the point that if anyone gives me something to hold my arms would start shaking like crazy when trying to hold it. my legs also shake anytime i bend lol. i was never shaking like this while i still had my weight.
I love how you decided to remove the rice from the kimbap as it’s still a food that you recognise and enjoy but modified it a little bit to help the journey go by faster
This randomly popped on my recommendations, and I have to say it was quite refreshing. straightforward and easy to follow unlike most other videos. You had my attention the entire time!! Now we need the recipes for those meals! 😆
I hope everyone watching this remembers your goal weight should be relative to your height! if you're slight built and well under 160cm/5'2 going under 50kg is going to be ok but I'm 168cm/5'6 so going under that would make me underweight! also, the more muscle you build the more you can eat as your muscles burn calories just being there :)
Ive been dieting for almost 4 months and i only dropped 2 kg and it was sooo stressful because I wasn’t reaching my goal buttt recently i’ve been trying to incorporate your tips to my daily routine and in just 1 week I dropped 1 kg!!!! this is very helpful so for my personal experience I recommend this diet tips,, THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU , 사랑해요 🫶🏻🫶🏻
@@jacintamacedo3533 maybe you have pcos . I was like you until I found that i have pcos. Same thing for the original comment . I lost 15 kg after i found out and what diet suitable for it. If you don’t know how to you can go for a Gynecologist or you can do testosterone hormone test.
I watched a lot of these type of videos for motivation but I don't think none of them were as detailed and helpful as this one🥺 I feel motivated again! I love BUBU workouts, such a fun channel with great workouts! Thank you for sharing tips in this video💕
@@Chloe-kl2hk yes! Consistency is key, but I'm bad at that🤣 it's a great channel and they're so encouraging and they always assure you it's fine to go at your own pace(: reading other's workout diaries in the comment section on BUBU's videos are nice and motivating to read ^^
this suddenly appeared on my recommendation and i’m glad it did! a great watch, you explained each segments so eloquently and concisely that my attention on this video wasn’t wavering at all 😭 i also wanted to ask if you recommend any arm workout? thank you so much!
If you rewatch the part where she recommends workout videos you’ll see that the first one she talked about was for the arms! Here’s when she talked about it 8:05 hope this helped!
언니 다이어트 영상 오늘로 1주째 보고 있는 구독자인데요, 정말 다이어트 하는 기간동안 언니 영상 보면서 동기부여 많이 받고 있어요 ㅠㅠ 언니 식단과 운동 루틴을 따라하다 보니 언니 영상 본지 1주일 만에 1키로 감량 성공 입니다! 😭😭 정말 넘나 존경스럽구요, 제 목표 몸무게까지 언니 영상 늘 보면서 달려보도록 할게요😊
한달만에 12키로 진짜 대단하세요 .. 전 7키로정도 뺐는데 이것도 너무 힘들었는데 ㅠㅠ 운동에 시간투자를 정말 많이하셨네요 전 운동이 너무귀찮아서 ..ㅎㅎ 유산소 30분 홈트 30분 딱 타이머재고 한시간정도만 했어요 식단도 그냥일반식먹고 대신 저녁다이어트식! 6시전에 그이후엔 공복 ! 이건 꼭지켰구요 추가로 친구가 너~무효과좋다고 꼭 먹어보라고 활력포션 모로실을 강추해서 그거같이먹었네요 ㅎㅎ효과는 7키로뺀거보니 어느정도 있는걸로~? ㅎㅎ
Darling, overeat or binge shouldn't happen if you are eating well (in a nutritive way)..But if you binge ONCE you will definitely do not gain weight just for it, so you don't "need" to compensate it by working out harder or extensive.. It would only lead to developing EDs and join in a endless circle or bad relationship with food. For everyone who may read this, If it happens you might feel guilty but you need to understand that is not the end of the world, you haven't failed in reaching your objective and ONE food would not screw all your progress, you need to learn about it an keep going but don't try to compensate it by WO your a$$ off or skipping a meal,, please
Thank you so much for sharing a healthier diet tip, that still will work really well. I have been looking for a good video to follow, and this was the one! Thank you so much!
식단 1. 밥, 면 먹지 않기(저탄고단) 컬리플라워 라이스, 두부로 대체 2. 단 음료수/술 먹지 않기 3. 치팅 메뉴는 탄수화물보다는 단백질류 운동 첫 한달: 매일 그 후: 일주일 4~5번 유산소 1시간, 홈트 1시간 살을 많이 뺐는데도 하체 살이 안빠지는 것은 부종 ! --> 스트레칭 많이 해주기(폼롤러)
this really motivated me!! I think I’ll try your diet but change some things here and there since I don’t eat meat. I’ll try to update!! day 1 starts tomorrow!! :) Day 1/July 3 2023: around 177lbs ~ 80kg
영상봐주셔서 감사드립니다😀 각자 본인에게 맞는 속도와 때가 있는 것 같아요!! 저도 이제까지 수많은 다이어트를 해왔지만 원하는 몸무게까지 성공했던적은 별로 없거든요ㅠㅠ 근데 이번엔 진짜 뭔가 시작하면서부터 느낌이 달랐달까? 피그몽님도 그럴때가 꼭 올거에요! 그러면 피그몽님은 피그몽님의 속도대로 천천히 꾸준히 다이어트 하시면 된답니다❤️ 할 수 있어요!! 같이 다이어트 화이링해요₍₍ ( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓)◞♡
Thank you so much for this video! It was extremely helpful, and very encouraging and supportive. I am on a weight loss ‘journey’, and your tips and tricks were very easy to understand, and fit really well into any kind of schedule (my being VERY BUSY). I will definitely implement these in my routine now. Again, thank you, 감사합니다😊❤️
Thank you for watching the video. I'm so happy that my video motivated you! I'll continue to upload videos related to dieting. You're going to succeed in dieting💗
Thank you so much for this video. I wasn’t sure what workouts to do or what to eat for my diet, so this was really helpful. I also wanted to say that you are very encouraging and I really appreciate it. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for watching the video! My video is very specific, so it's really good for people who want to start dieting! You can succeed in losing weight❤️
I honestly think this is the most genuine weight loss video because in other videos, people just say "eat protein and healthy food" "do cardio and exercise" but they dont tell how to actually do it. I am so so grateful for you sharing the workout videos! I really like this video and im in the same position as you so i will definitely try this. fighting!!
im glad i saw your video cause im tired on how my family and friends keep saying that im big,fat and chubby.if i go on a family gathering then they always said “why are you so fat now”,”wow look at the difference between she (me) and her (my cousin)”.i swear i was tired of getting shamed by the others.i set my target to get a slim body to make they regret what they’ve said🫶🏻
2 meals a day is very little unless they are very calorie dense meals. 5kg a month is rarely a sustainable way to lose weight unless you are severely overweight (she wasn't). just a heads up to anyone thinking about going on this kind of a diet. its not healthy.
너무너무 꿀정보들만 그득그득 채워주시고, 생활의 문제점들을 전부다 짚어주시고 결과가 확실하게 보장되는 것들만 집어주시고ㅠ 아무렇지 않게 말해주셔서 왠지 든든해져서 멘탈관리까지 되고.. 감정소비할 시간에 대신 가벼운 마음으로 움직이는 쪽으로 선택할 수 있도록 가이드해주셔서 너무 감사해요♥️ 시원시원하신 성격인것같아요 짱좋습니다..
Not meant as hate, but this sounds like way too less calories for just being alive + long workouts... the way everyone is so loving in the comments and saying like "let's lose this weight" gives me hard pro-ana flashbacks... good for you that this worked, but it gives me a very wrong feeling and this is not how healthy weightloss will occure, it will trigger a jojo effect because once you stop eating like this you'll gain everything+more back so quickly...
알고리즘에 떠서 영상 본 고도비만 돌준맘 다이어터입니다 제가 본 다이어트 영상중 정말 시원시원 핵심만 알려주시고 꿀팁 알려주셔서 영상 너무 잘봤습니다!! 👍👍 격려까지 너무나 갓벽한 영상이에오..♡ 싸이클 하신것도 저랑 똑같고 매일 하셨던 홈트중에도 제가 했던 홈트들도 있어서 괜히 반갑더라구요 XD 어제까지 싸이클만 간신히 타고 감이 안와서 방황했었는데 이제 알려주신대로 식단,운동 꾸준하게 따라하면 될것같은 자신감까지 뿜뿜 얻어가네요 XD 오늘부터 당장 해보겠습니다!!! 뷰알못이지만 다른영상보니까 뷰티유튜버이신거 같고 뷰티영상들 안봤지만 메이크업 꿀팁 등 잘알려주실것 같은 무한 신뢰감으로() 구독도하고 갑니당 종종 들릴게오 >
+I added English subtitles✨ If you need, choose English from the CC😀
말이 많다고 느껴지는건 기분탓…🥲 1.5배 추천드립니다❤️ 그리고 키를 말씀안드렸는데 키는 156.7cm 입니다! 오늘도 와주셔서 감싸랑합니다💗 아래에 제가 매일 했던 운동영상 링크 남겨둘게요!
✔️제가 매일 따라했던 운동영상 링크
신지니 팔뚝 th-cam.com/video/T-bVqdhqW2U/w-d-xo.html
땅끄부부 일자다리 th-cam.com/video/NDsjmxTROEo/w-d-xo.html
땅끄부부 복근 th-cam.com/video/PoYzxj8Iy5M/w-d-xo.html
땅끄부부 종아리 th-cam.com/video/2xmNzityfKI/w-d-xo.html
에이핏 폼롤러 스트레칭 th-cam.com/video/kOYd2oFOojc/w-d-xo.html
Can u put the link here in English to Bubu’s straight leg work out?🙏🏽
Oops!🤦🏽♀️Found it👌🏼💖
요런 세심한 배려에 감동! !
폼 룰러는 어디제품을 구매해야 되는지..윤이든님의 꿀팁 부탁 드려욤
Thank you so much for English subtitles!! You are an inspiration
식단에, 매일 운동 2시간에, 따라하는 홈트 무조건 다섯 가지.. 너무 대단한걸 아무렇지 않게 말하니까 ㄴ ㅏ약간 당황해또
ㅇㅈ 한달 반만에 12키로나 빼신데는 이유가 있는 듯....진짜 너무 대단하셔유...
아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저도 처음엔 이걸 어떻게 맨날할까 싶었는데 막상 운동시작하니 계속 하게 되드라구요😀 재밌는 넷플릭스 영화 보면서 하면 순삭이에유❤️
근데 12키로 빼는건데 이정도는 해야 빠지는게 당연한거라서ㅋㅋ
아 2시간이였군요ㅠㅜ 해봐야쥬.. 밥도 2시간 먹는데..
먹는 것도 엄청 적게 드셨음… 2끼밖에 안 드셨는데 그 중 한끼는 요거트볼…. 대강 계산해보면 하루 700칼로리 정도 밖에 안된 ㅎㄷㄷ
1시간 유산소(싸이클, 걷기, 달리기 등)
1. 신지니 팔뚝다이어트
2. 땅끄부부 일자다리운동
3. 땅끄부부 복근운동
4. 땅끄부부 종아리스트레칭
5. 폼롤러스트레칭
과식 후 운동 더 하기+ 공복 16시간 유지
정체기 때 변화주기 :-)
thank you so much for writing these, I wasn't very able to concentrate because I didn't sleep last night hehe
Tips mentioned in video:
- Don't extreme diet it would come back on the weight.
- Eat 2 meals a day and stop eating at 8PM.
- Replace snack and sugar craving with Greek Yogurt mixed with fruit and granola.
- When making Salads add protein to make you full; crab, tuna, salmon etc.
- She strictly forbids noodles and Ttaebokki.
- She recommends Tofu and Cauliflower Rice which looks like reguler rice.
- At times she ONLY adds ONE spoon of rice and the rest Cauliflower Rice. (You won't tell the difference :-)
- She highly recommendes A Cooking Dieter for nutritional diet recipes.
- No drinks; Coke, Sprite, coffee and alcohol. Replace them with sparkling water or diet sodas.
- 7:05 screenshot the workouts she does.
- The workouts she did were:
Jinys arms workout
Thank You Bubu's straight legs workout
Calves stretching and Abs workouts
Lastly foam Roller
- 2 hours of exercise one hour of cardio (running or walking however she recommends investing in a spinning bike) and the other hour TH-cam workouts. (Correction)
- Exercise 5 times a week.
- Try exercise in the morning on an empty stomach.
- If you you loose control and overeat only overeat on that meal and do an extra 30 minutes of cardio.
Lastly, I recommendation of mine don't look at the numbers on the scale look at your body fat percentage instead. Since muscle mass and body fat weight the same you might loose a few pounds but you'll looked toner and thinner.
Edit: Anyone wondering what I meant by body fat percentage. There is this scale that is very good it not only shows weight but also BMI, body fat, subcutaneous fat, body water, protein, BMR, body age etc. Here is the link for anybody looking into it a.co/d/922QJNv.
God bless you
thx for the summaries and i also agreed with the last paragraph
I appreciate how direct and straightforward this video was, no mindless blabbering, straight tips and content. Loved it!
that's exactly what I thought!! When she started to mention the different parts of the video I was absolutely (positively) shocked. So much blablabla on YT!
Tbh as she was explaining on cutting sugar... It can only lead to craving it so much, like it happened to me. So I think that you can eat at least one or two pieces of chocolate in a day if u want. Now I gained a lot of weight because of eating sugar after my restriction. Now I am trying to diet again, but giving myself the freedom to eat at least one piece of Choco if I really crave it
@@mihaelatrpevski3857added sugars aren't good for you anyways
진짜 저는 이런 분들을 너무 존경해요... 그걸 끝까지 했다는 건 얼마나 의지가 강한지 알 수 있는 거니까 언니 너무 수고하셨어요 그리고 진짜 진심으로 존경합니다
55가 돼지라니 너무들 한다..
그니까....55kg셨던 때도 배만 좀 나왔셨을뿐 허벅지랑 팔뚝 보면 전혀 돼지 아니심 쇄골도 보이고 156/55에 저 몸매면 충분히 예쁜 몸매인건데 참..ㅋㅋ
진짜 이게 맞나 싶네요..
156에 55면 살짝 넘으면 비만위험선이긴 해요.. 근데 저기서 유지하면 아무런 문제 없는데 돼지라는 표현은 좀 오바가 심한듯;;
@@우왁-l8j obesity?? no just overweight definitely not obese haha
55킬로가 목표인데ㅠㅠ돼지였구나
점심 그릭요거트(or샐러드)
저녁 계란&두부 이용 맛있게 직접 요리
1. 면(밀가루)x
2. 쌀x > 컬리플라워라이스, 두부로 대체. 닭가슴살 계란으로 단백질 늘리기
3. 음료×
운동 유산소 1시간+홈트 1시간
과식하는 날 1끼, 운동량 늘리기, 18시간 공복
정체기 > 루틴 바꾸기
깔꼼하게 정리해주셔서 감사합니댜❤️ 다이어트 화이링입니다!!
Thank you! I don't understand korean, but with the new youtube update I can translate the comments to english. I couldn't learn from the video because there is no english subtitlesㅜ-ㅜ. Once again, thank you~! 🤍
진짜 교과서적이고 정석적인 다이어트를 하신 거 같아요.... 예전에 피티 받을 때 선생님이 해주셨던 모든 말이 영상 내에 다 들어있어요..... 진짜 멋있는 분....🥺🥺👍
우앗💟 그런가요!? 한번도 헬스장을 다녀보지 않아서 이곳저곳에서 주워들은것들을 열심히 조합해보고 실천해보고 영상을 만들었는데 다행이에요💘 영상 봐주셔서 넘 감사드립니다 ◡̈
i love the way she talks even the way she talks is somehow motivating
❤️심심해서 만든 요약❤️
📌다이어트 식단
📍하루에 두끼
-첫끼는 12시 2시사이 주로 그릭요거트나 샐러드
-그릭요거트에 과일(딸기,블루베리)&그래놀라 or 시리얼 포만감 긋긋
-샐러드엔 닭가슴살or달걀or크래미 포만감 좋은
채소를 많이 넣어 먹기!
-저녁은 6시에서 8시사이
-맛있는 다이어트 식을 직접 만들어서 먹음
(요리하는 다이어터님 영상들 추천)
📍꼭 지켜야 될 것
1. 면 먹지 않기: 쌩밀가루 칼로리 폭탄
2. 밥 먹지 않기: 탄수화물 줄이고 단백질(콜리플라워 라이스에 밥 한숟가락 or 두부+ 삶은 계란이나 닭가슴살 곁들이기)
3. 음료수 먹지 않기: 카페가면 무조건 아아 차라리 탄산수
-2주에 한번
-밀가루 음식 ㄴㄴ 차라리 치킨/한식/고기
📍일주일에 4번에서 6번
-한시간은 유산소+한시간은 홈트=총 2시간
-유산소는 집에서 사이클 타셨음 사이클 없으면 걷기나 달리기 추천
📍운동 영상 추천
1. 신지니 팔뚝: 효과좋음 매일매일 해줌
2. 땅끄부부 일자다리: 땅끄부부 영상 중 가장 따라하기 쉬운데 허벅지 안쪽에 효과 긋-매일매일
3. 땅끄부부 복근: 운동시간 2분이라서 지겹지않은데 효과 긋
4. 땅끄부부 종아리: 종아리 겁나 얇아짐
5. 에이핏 폼롤러: 하비는 부종이 원인일 수도 있음 이걸로 부종 풀어주기
📍과식했을 때 루틴:
-과식한 그 한끼만 먹기
-꼭 운동 해주기 (평소보다 빡세게)
-공복 16시간 유지
-그 후엔 계속 평소대로 해주기
📍포기 하고 싶을때
-변화를 주기
Ex. 저녁운동▶️아침운동
몸에 충격을 주변 정체기 깨기 쌉가능
우연히 보게 됐는데 이렇게 귀에 잘 들리는 딕션에 잘 정리돼있고 극단적이디 않은 다이어트 영상은 처음이에요 ㅜㅜ 감쟈합니다
다이어트 식단
아침 : 12 ~ 2시 사이
그릭 요거트 ( 과일 ) , 샐러드 ( 닭가슴살 )
저녁 : 6~8시 사이
배달 음식 , 살찌는 음식 x
주 음식 ) 두부, 계란
ex ) 요리하는 다이어터 추천
다이어트 할때 꼭 지켜야 될 규칙
1 . 면 먹지 않기
2 . 밥 먹지 않기 ( 볶음밥 , 리조또 )
3 . 음료수 먹지 않기
( 술 x , 카페 가면 무조건 아아 , 너무 먹고 싶으면 제로콜라 , 제로사이다 )
2주에 한번씩 피자 , 떡볶이 x , 차라리 치킨
다이어트 할려면 운동 꼭 해야됩니다 .
1시간 걷기 , 달리기
운동 )
팔뚝 , 종아리 , 복근 , 일자다리 , 폼롤러 스트레칭
다이어트 꿀팁
1 . 과식 한 날은 하루에 한끼만 먹기
홈트를 엄청 빡세게 , 운동 엄청 빡세게
공복 16시간 !!!
2 . 정체기가 왔을때
변화를 주는거
i have the same body type as you so this is veryyy motivating !! i love how detailed your explanations are. thank you for the workout recommendations as i'm also struggling with my lower body part :(
Thank you for watching the video! I hope my video will be of great help. And you're beautiful enough now❤️
@@you_needn اتمنى ان تضعي الترجمة العربية ❤ lm Arabic
@@you_needn you beautiful and follow Arab ❤
if you have started, how are you? how are you going? :)
Me too💖💖💗💗✌️✌️✌️
5분전에 진짜 새벽 과식하고 포기할려고했는데 이 영상이 눈에 뛰어서 왔습니다. 갈증을 없애고 다시 다이어트 계속 하고싶은 열정을 다시 주셔서 넘 감사해요 ㅠㅠ 열심히 하겠습니당
가족들은 평생 뚱뚱해서 절대 날씬할 수 없다고 말해주고, 날씬한 적도 한 번도 없어요 😭 늘 우울하지만 언니 덕분에 열심히 할게요, ,나는 지금 58이지만 나는 50이되고 싶다
I can confirm that this is the best way to lose weight and it’s easier to stick to it. This video is so well put together and I love that it doesn’t promote anything unhealthy. Food delivery was my weakness. I was ordering food everyday. Fast food has so much sodium so even just cutting down on salt has helped so much. I have so much more energy too and I’ve been sleeping better. The first week is hard because your body has to get use to not having such highly processed food but once you get over it, you won’t even crave it anymore. Stay strong everyone
I don't think this is healthy. She gives good tips but she's eating around 500-800 calories a day. And on top of that, she's exercising a lot.
@@kpoplove1067don’t do that that’s very unhealthy, don’t eat over the amount of calories your told when cutting whcih you can find out online, but make sure your adding protein to your foods so your more full.
@@kpoplove1067yeah she lost 12 kg in 2 months, that’s not normal, I believe everyone’s body is so different, but 12 kg in a month is still si fast, the recommended weight loss max is 0,5 kg/week, so hers can only be achieved by strict diet and exercising. I don’t know how “strict” korean diet is if she said her diet wasn’t strict. And she said 2 months is a long term diet. I believe long term diet is maintaining eating habit throughout your whole life.
No this isn't lol, let's not pretend that this is healthy. 2 hours of exercise is crazy per day. Along with cardio is even more deranged.
다이어트 방법이나 다이어트 후기 같은 영상 많이 찾아 봤는데 이 영상 만큼 깔끔하고 귀에 쏙쏙 박히는 영상은 처음임 ..👍🏻❤️
꺅!!!! 너무 너무 어마어마한 칭찬이에요…😀❤️ 영상봐주셔서 감사드립니다💓 앞으로도 다이어트 관련한 영상 많이 올릴게요😍
너무 정리도 잘 해주시고 다른분들처럼 식단으로만 얘기 안 해주셔서 넘무 조타. .
I’m soo close to giving up I’m thankful this showed up on my recommendation page! I’m gonna try harder tomorrow and achieve my goal body. Thank you for the tips and sharing your journey. 감사해요 언니 ☺️
Stay strong you really can do it 💙
Whatever the result, you are already beautiful :)
i ate so much today :( tomorrow i’ll do better!
@@crunchy4879 small steps, each day you succeed brings you closer to your goals. If you take step back once in a while it doesn't matter, steps forward matter :)
hello! I would just recommend that you don't chase certain body types cos that can set you up for disappointment or you'll feel awful and ask yourself why you still don't have a certain body type. everyone's fat deposits and anatomy is different so we'll all look different. see how your body personally changes, watch how your muscles tone up but try not to get to caught up in a "goal body". sorry if this seems like I'm nagging or something! Best of luck ♡♡
딕션이 너무 좋으셔서 홀린듯이 집중해서 봤어요.. ❤ 너무 대단하세요!! 한달반만에 12키로라니.. !! 저도 이 방법으로 도전해볼게요 ❤
힘차게 얘기해줘서 위로받는 느낌이에요! 나도 성공할 수 있을 것 같은 느낌이 뽝 와요 . 감사합니당
I just want to remind everyone that just because someone else's body can do something in a month and a half doesn't mean yours should or can. Take your time, there is no shame in doing smaller calorie defects and aiming for more long term weight loss.
You're right :)
I am definitely in my weight loss plateau now and when I asked myself why? You answered it right away. I usually work out at night now that you said that I will definitely change it to morning!
Good!!! If you change your diet routine, you can lose your weight quickly💗
@@you_needn Yes, this tip was really helpful, thank you!
Did it change??? I’m in my plateau but the thing is , I already workout twice, like in the morning and in the evening.. so I can’t change that aspect. Im left with the option of doing cheating day which scares me 😂😂..
@@angeldominick9373 my weight has lost few kilos after I changed my work out timing without any calorie deficit! i just started to drink water more than usual, like instead of 1500 ml a day i drank 2000 ml instead.
야무져 야무져,,, 아주 야무지신게 눈빛만봐도 느껴져여 대단해여 진짜
!. 신지니 팔뚝 다이어트
2. 땅끄 1자 다리운동
3. 땅끄 복근운동
4. 땅끄 종아리 스트레칭
5. 폼롤러 스트레칭
정리 감사해요오❤️
올해1월부터 꾸준히 다이어트하면서 15키로 감량했는데 1주일동안 정신 없이 먹은 적이 처음이라 현타 오고 감도 안 잡혔는데 이든님 영상보고 에너지 얻고 갑니다! 약속은 포기할 수 없어서 운동이랑 약속 없는 날 식단 열심히 하면서 차근차근 빼야겠어요 ㅎㅎ 영상 잘 봤습니다 구독도 누르고 갈게요!
우아! 다이어트 열심히 하셨네유💕 대단하셔요😀 저도 가끔 정신없이 먹을때가 있는데 그때 포기하지 않고 계속 다이어트하면 다이어트 무조건 성공합니다옹💞 다이어트 화이링입니다🥰 영상봐주셔서 감사해요 ◡̈
I loved this! I especially loved the motivational but realistic mindset of "I have to lose weight" to "I'm going to live a healthy life".
I’ve lost weight before and got to 55kg, I was so close to my goal but then we went into lockdown and I continued losing weight but then I became depressed and binge ate and always sat in bed everyday with no exercise. So I gained everything back plus an extra 11kg so now, starting tomorrow I am going to use your tips and lose lots of weight and reach my goal!
You can do it💙💙💙
such a similar thing happened to me, I reached 55kg, 52 was my goal, then lockdown happened and I gained all the weight back and more, now I'm trying to start my weight loss journey again. You can do it!
Damn, same. Lockdown was horrible for my mental health
how has it been going? im 18 and have been around 140 pounds since i was 13 lol
@@maple_vanilla it’s been going well! I already notice some changes in my appearance!
Please remember that IT IS OKAY to take your weight loss slow, steady, and sustainable because a healthy weight loss ranges from 4 to 8 lbs (1.8 to 3.6 kg) A MONTH! Yes, water weight will lose quickly which will make you think you lost so much so fast but remember, when you lose "weight" you also lose fat AND muscle. Just remember not to under eat and not to compare each others' journeys because what's important is you comparing YOURSELF. Please take care of your body and eat a bit under your maintenance calories if you want a weight loss that wont yoyo into weight gain.
I know you won’t see this but as a 12 yr old struggling with weight loss this made me open my eyes thank you so so so much for this I hope you feel proud and amazed with yourself
@@blank47 way to go!🎉 I believe in you with all my heart! Try to be safe and remember you have your whole
Life to try this and I’m 15 now at 12 I also wanted to do the same but as I realized growing taller and older caused me to naturally lose just a few pounds and it made any weight look natural like example when i was younger it was all in my hips and then it went throughout my whole body making it look more subtle so I promise you got this and remember you’re still changing! Just give yourself time ❤
@@blank47 you’re still young! i do not personally recommend diet when u’re under at least 18, just eat healthier, dont do intense diet like this and do some easy workout. your body is growing and it needs a lot of nutrition and u’re hitting puberty soon! if u rlly want it wait til you are 16 at least
this is really important, i lost alot of weight fast and while it made me look better i also became super weak. to the point that if anyone gives me something to hold my arms would start shaking like crazy when trying to hold it. my legs also shake anytime i bend lol. i was never shaking like this while i still had my weight.
@@ursalight do you think you could tell me more about it do you have instagram or anything like that
I love how you decided to remove the rice from the kimbap as it’s still a food that you recognise and enjoy but modified it a little bit to help the journey go by faster
This is honestly one of the best diet videos I've watched. Straightforward and informative! I will try this!
내가 인터넷에서 굶으라고 하지 않는 사람을 본 것은 당신이 처음이다🥲
엥.... 그건 아닌듯 ㅎ
This randomly popped on my recommendations, and I have to say it was quite refreshing. straightforward and easy to follow unlike most other videos. You had my attention the entire time!! Now we need the recipes for those meals! 😆
lunch meals:
greek yoghurt + any fruit that u want
salad + chicken breast / egg / meat
I hope everyone watching this remembers your goal weight should be relative to your height! if you're slight built and well under 160cm/5'2 going under 50kg is going to be ok but I'm 168cm/5'6 so going under that would make me underweight! also, the more muscle you build the more you can eat as your muscles burn calories just being there :)
She is underweight though, at 42kg and 156cm her bmi is 17. That's well into the underweight category.
Ive been dieting for almost 4 months and i only dropped 2 kg and it was sooo stressful because I wasn’t reaching my goal buttt recently i’ve been trying to incorporate your tips to my daily routine and in just 1 week I dropped 1 kg!!!! this is very helpful so for my personal experience I recommend this diet tips,, THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU , 사랑해요 🫶🏻🫶🏻
can u tell me how :(
@@ikaanasrudin3902 it’s all explained I’m the video…
The same thing happend to me, it feels like I can-t loose weight
@@jacintamacedo3533 maybe you have pcos . I was like you until I found that i have pcos. Same thing for the original comment . I lost 15 kg after i found out and what diet suitable for it. If you don’t know how to you can go for a Gynecologist or you can do testosterone hormone test.
It's all about eating lower calories ever heard of a calorie deficit
I watched a lot of these type of videos for motivation but I don't think none of them were as detailed and helpful as this one🥺 I feel motivated again! I love BUBU workouts, such a fun channel with great workouts! Thank you for sharing tips in this video💕
I was thinking of trying those workouts, are they good for long term?
@@Chloe-kl2hk yes! Consistency is key, but I'm bad at that🤣 it's a great channel and they're so encouraging and they always assure you it's fine to go at your own pace(: reading other's workout diaries in the comment section on BUBU's videos are nice and motivating to read ^^
@@Gaminggirl01 Thank you!!
Thanks for watching my video💟
@@you_needn what is your height?
55kg is never fat! Omg
되게 단호하게 말해주고 극복방법도 알려줘서 감사해요ㅠㅠ 이 영상 때문에 동기부여 받았어욥!! 아자아자!
2:20 식단
( 4:42 지켜야할 세가지 )
7:07 다이어트 운동
9:58 다이어트 꿀팁 (정체기 팁)
라면 칼국수 떡볶이 밥 등 먹지 않기
와 진짜 다이어트 영상중에서 한번도 건너뛰기 안하고 봄 ㄹㅇ
헉 대박💟 영상 봐주셔서 너무너무 감사드립니다😀
proud of everyone working hard to achieve their goals !! 💕💕
이렇게해야 빠지는구나... 진짜 대단하신거같아요 ㅎㅎ 수능 끝나면 저도 해봐야겠어요
영상봐주셔서 감사합니다 : ) 집가고싶다님도 할 수 있어요!!💘
수능 잘 보세요!! 다이어트도 성공하시고 둘다 잘 되면 좋겠네요!😄
이든이 덕분에 일주일만에 5키로나 빼었어요!! 정말 너무너무 감사합니다!! 이든님 사랑합니당♥️
헐 대박 일주일에 5키로요?? 완전 대박이에요…리스펙 리스펙!!!💘 진짜 열심히 다이어트 하셨나봐요😀 저는 추석이라구 좀 먹어버려서 지금 운동중이에요…저도 당근님처럼 열심히 다이어트 하렵니다🥰
if the day comes that ill be satisfied at what i look like, ill come back to this
Stumbled upon this. Thanks for sharing these tips that worked for you. Am really starting to find motivation again.
Thanks for watching my video💟
this suddenly appeared on my recommendation and i’m glad it did! a great watch, you explained each segments so eloquently and concisely that my attention on this video wasn’t wavering at all 😭 i also wanted to ask if you recommend any arm workout? thank you so much!
If you rewatch the part where she recommends workout videos you’ll see that the first one she talked about was for the arms! Here’s when she talked about it 8:05 hope this helped!
maybe try to do thank you bubu arm workout (you can search it up) i've heard it being very effective
한달 반만에...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 넘 멋지십니다
저는 108kg인데 이제 찐 다욧을 시작해보려고해요. 많이 배우고 갑니다😢
Your video is all is need😉 btw thanks for sharing this it motivates me more to exercise😌💛
Thanks for watching my video💘
오와 무리하지 않는 다이어트 방법이라 단기간에 그치지않는 다이어트 방법이 될 거 같아여 !! 꼭 성공해서 다시 댓 쓰러 올게용 언니 💛
꺄💗 영상봐주셔서 너무너무 감사드립니다😀 다이어트 화이링이에요💓
언니 다이어트 영상 오늘로 1주째 보고 있는 구독자인데요, 정말 다이어트 하는 기간동안 언니 영상 보면서 동기부여 많이 받고 있어요 ㅠㅠ 언니 식단과 운동 루틴을 따라하다 보니 언니 영상 본지 1주일 만에 1키로 감량 성공 입니다! 😭😭 정말 넘나 존경스럽구요, 제 목표 몸무게까지 언니 영상 늘 보면서 달려보도록 할게요😊
i can't believe 55kg can be considered a weight that needs a diet... scary thoughts...
언니 영상 처음 봤는데, 설명도 잘 해주시고 지속 가능한 다이어트 소개시켜주셔서 감사합니다. 스트레칭의 중요성 다시 한번 느꼈습니다. 짱짱!!!
한달만에 12키로 진짜 대단하세요 .. 전 7키로정도 뺐는데 이것도 너무 힘들었는데 ㅠㅠ 운동에 시간투자를 정말 많이하셨네요 전 운동이 너무귀찮아서 ..ㅎㅎ 유산소 30분 홈트 30분 딱 타이머재고 한시간정도만 했어요 식단도 그냥일반식먹고 대신 저녁다이어트식! 6시전에 그이후엔 공복 ! 이건 꼭지켰구요 추가로 친구가 너~무효과좋다고 꼭 먹어보라고 활력포션 모로실을 강추해서 그거같이먹었네요 ㅎㅎ효과는 7키로뺀거보니 어느정도 있는걸로~? ㅎㅎ
모로실 어떤거 드시나요? 한달만 먹어도 효과 볼까요?
현재 10키로 감량을 목표로 하고 5키로 정도 빠진 상태인데 정체기가 와서 조금 힘들던 와중에 알고리즘으로 이 영상이 떠있더라구요!
말씀해주신 내용에 정말 유익한 꿀팁 정보들이 많아요 !!!!! 꿀팁영상 감사합니다 :) 구독하고 갈게요!
정말 멋있으세요💟 5키로나 감량하셨다니!! 10키로도 충분히 감량하실 수 있어요 ◡̈ 정체기라면 꼭 꼭 공복운동 한번 해보시는거 추천드려요😀 정체기 깨는데에 직빵이거든요❤️ 영상봐주셔서 감사합니다! 앞으로 다이어트 관련 영상 자주 올릴게요💟
@@you_needn 꺅! 댓글 적어주셔서 감사합니다😆😆
오늘 마법이 찾아와서 식단만 조절하고 운동은 하지 않았는데 마법이 찾아온 기간에는 어떻게 유지를 하셨는지도 궁금해요!
와우 멋지세요ㅠㅠ 전 지금 47~48(왔다갔다해요)에서 45를 목표로 두고 있는데 혹시 5kg빼시는데 며칠 걸리셧나요??
really love how you positively advocate for a healthy weight loss journey! 🤍
The nice thing about eating less and eating healthier is you are more likely to save money
I just want to say thank you for putting in english subtitles, it was very helpful c:
Thanks for watching my video💟
This whole time i was just starring at her 😭😭she is soo pretty 😭😭
Darling, overeat or binge shouldn't happen if you are eating well (in a nutritive way)..But if you binge ONCE you will definitely do not gain weight just for it, so you don't "need" to compensate it by working out harder or extensive.. It would only lead to developing EDs and join in a endless circle or bad relationship with food.
For everyone who may read this, If it happens you might feel guilty but you need to understand that is not the end of the world, you haven't failed in reaching your objective and ONE food would not screw all your progress, you need to learn about it an keep going but don't try to compensate it by WO your a$$ off or skipping a meal,, please
Thank you so much for sharing a healthier diet tip, that still will work really well. I have been looking for a good video to follow, and this was the one! Thank you so much!
Thank you for watching the video! I'll upload a lot of diet videos that will help you❤️
I feel so bad for her :( the people who made fun of ur weight and called u nasty names deserve nothing but the worst
Thank you sooo much for this video I already lost 4kg and now weight 48 in just 3 weeks 🥰
썸네일에 있는 트레이닝 바지 정보가 너무 궁금해요🥲 핏이 너무 예쁜데 뭘 걸쳐도 예쁘신 이든님이 다한 거겠죠..? 저는 구냥 거적떼기,, but 알고 싶다.. 트레이닝 바지
"was it helpful?" Girl, you changed rn everything , tysm💗
Hello there, if you're reading this just know that you're beautiful no matter what
Updating you guys every 4 days!!
Before starting:67.9 kg
Day 1:✅
Day 2:✅
Day 3:✅
Day 4:✅66.4 kg
seeing this two years later and wondering where you're at!
1. 밥, 면 먹지 않기(저탄고단)
컬리플라워 라이스, 두부로 대체
2. 단 음료수/술 먹지 않기
3. 치팅 메뉴는 탄수화물보다는 단백질류
첫 한달: 매일
그 후: 일주일 4~5번
유산소 1시간, 홈트 1시간
살을 많이 뺐는데도 하체 살이 안빠지는 것은 부종 ! --> 스트레칭 많이 해주기(폼롤러)
this really motivated me!! I think I’ll try your diet but change some things here and there since I don’t eat meat. I’ll try to update!! day 1 starts tomorrow!! :)
Day 1/July 3 2023: around 177lbs ~ 80kg
결론은 비법 이랄 건 없고 의지가 중요
I love this straightforward, no nonsense video. All healthy, practical tips. Realistic and includes having a healthy mindset. Thank you!
이든님같이 날씬한분들도 다이어트하고 성공도 하는데 전 이제까지 뭐했나싶네요😂
넘 이쁘시고 대단하신거같아요
식단도 참고해서 저도 열심히 다이어트할게요
영상봐주셔서 감사드립니다😀 각자 본인에게 맞는 속도와 때가 있는 것 같아요!! 저도 이제까지 수많은 다이어트를 해왔지만 원하는 몸무게까지 성공했던적은 별로 없거든요ㅠㅠ 근데 이번엔 진짜 뭔가 시작하면서부터 느낌이 달랐달까? 피그몽님도 그럴때가 꼭 올거에요! 그러면 피그몽님은 피그몽님의 속도대로 천천히 꾸준히 다이어트 하시면 된답니다❤️ 할 수 있어요!! 같이 다이어트 화이링해요₍₍ ( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓)◞♡
Please remember that 55 kg is the perfect weight and it also depends on your height! Being 55 kg doesn’t make you “fat”, everyone looks different!
노력과 함께 예뻐지는 모습이 너무 좋네요^^
언뉘ㅠ제가 왠만한 다이어터분들 다이어트 꿀팁영상은 다~봤는데 언니꺼가 진짜 짱짱이에요ㅠㅠ
제가 키160에 몸무게가 57이였거든요?완전 돼지돼지 뚱돼지였는데 언니루틴 해보고 진짜 44키로까지 빠졌습니다ㅠ 진짜 사랑합니다ㅠ
얼마나 걸리셨어요 ?? 스펙이 완전 저랑 같으세요 !
@@jesuisalléausupermarché 저 한1달~2달걸린것같아요!!
헐!!!!!! 대박❤️ 미쳐따 미쳐써 므찌다 머쪄💓다이어트를 성공하시다니 제가 더 기쁩니다ㅠㅠ 은우님이 의지를 가지구 열심히 하셔서 다이어트를 성공한거에요💟 완전 축하드립니다 ◡̈ 영상봐주셔서 제가 더 감사하구 사랑합니다💗
@@토리댕댕 윤이든님과 같은식단으로 했어요!
Thank you so much for this video! It was extremely helpful, and very encouraging and supportive. I am on a weight loss ‘journey’, and your tips and tricks were very easy to understand, and fit really well into any kind of schedule (my being VERY BUSY). I will definitely implement these in my routine now. Again, thank you, 감사합니다😊❤️
Thank you for watching the video. I'm so happy that my video motivated you! I'll continue to upload videos related to dieting. You're going to succeed in dieting💗
being called a pig at 55 kg is crazyyyy i could NOT survive in korea 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
이든님 ! 뷰티도 좋지만 다이어트 영상 더 많이 올려주세요🙏🏻 진짜 건강한 다이어트 자극 윤이든님이 최고에요 👍🏻💜
꺄 좋습니다 좋습니다💘 이번주에도 다이어트 관련한 영상 올릴게유❤️
이든님 대박이에요 ㅜㅜ
수아님듀 다이어트 화이링이에요…💕
먹고싶은거 다 줄여가면서 다이어트하는거 진짜 대단하신듯... 원래 빼는것보다 요요가 더 무섭다고 하죠 ㅠㅠ윤이든님 대단하심
i have been dieting for two and half weeks now and already lost 6.3kg! thank you so much for this diet plan
Wow…..I hope this works for me too + congratulations🥰🥰
Wow, that is amazing! What have you done so far?
Congrats, but also be careful! This is a dangerous diet :(
Thank you so much for this video. I wasn’t sure what workouts to do or what to eat for my diet, so this was really helpful. I also wanted to say that you are very encouraging and I really appreciate it. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for watching the video! My video is very specific, so it's really good for people who want to start dieting! You can succeed in losing weight❤️
I honestly think this is the most genuine weight loss video because in other videos, people just say "eat protein and healthy food" "do cardio and exercise" but they dont tell how to actually do it. I am so so grateful for you sharing the workout videos! I really like this video and im in the same position as you so i will definitely try this. fighting!!
체중감량도 대단하신데 말을 진짜 조리있게 잘하신다 .. 전달력이 좋으신 거 같아요!! 다이어트 방법 영상 볼 때 답답할 때가 많았는데 이 영상은 진짜 도움이 됐어요 ㅎㅎ
우아…💓 너무너무 감사드립니다😀 영상이도움이 되었다니 너무 기쁘네요 ◡̈ 앞으로도 다이어트 관련한 영상 많이많이 올릴게요💟 다이어트 화이팅입니다❤️
의지가 대단하시네요 ㄷㄷ
요목조목 설명도 잘 해주시고 구독과 알림설정 했습니다. 영상보면서 다이어트 힘내볼게요!!
사랑해요 광고없는 진심이담긴 이야기 찾기가 정말 힘든데 정말 감사합니다..!
한달 반정도에 13키로 뺐습니다..딱 이든님 말씀하는거랑 비슷한 루틴으로 하고있었어요ㅜㅜ근데 지금 정체기가 일주일이나 진행되면서 오히려 1키로 찌기까지 해서 우짜나 했는데 꿀팁 얻어갑니다ㅜㅜ 앞으로 10키로 더 빼기가 목표예요..
이든님 근데 한달반만에 성공하신거 진짜 진짜 대단해요... 나모하니 ㅠㅠ이든님이랑 키랑 몸무게가 비슷했는데...이젠 너무 달라욬ㅋㅋㅋ ㅠ
이번엔 뭔가 다이어트하면서도 성공할것같다;;라는 느낌이 확 들었어요!!! 완전 독하게 하니까 살이 많이 빠지더라구요😀 쏠쏘르님도 살 빼실 수 있습니다옹!!😻 다이어트 화이링이에요💗
im glad i saw your video cause im tired on how my family and friends keep saying that im big,fat and chubby.if i go on a family gathering then they always said “why are you so fat now”,”wow look at the difference between she (me) and her (my cousin)”.i swear i was tired of getting shamed by the others.i set my target to get a slim body to make they regret what they’ve said🫶🏻
늘 빨리 빼고 싶었고 학교를 다니니까 장기보다 단기를 찾은것 같아요 ㅠ ㅠㅠ 낼 부터 다시 학교가긴 하는데 꼭꼭 빼고 싶어서 장기로 도전 하려구요 !!! 꼭 성공해서 돌아 올께요 ,!! 꿀팁 감사합니당 ♡♡♡
저도 학교 다닐 때 빨리 살을 빼고 싶은데 정말 너무 힘들더라구요ㅠㅠ 그리고 학생때는 공부에 집중해야하니까 적당히 건강하게 장기로 다이어트 하는게 좋은 것 같아요💖 다이어트 화이팅입니댜!!₍₍ ( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓)◞♡
2 meals a day is very little unless they are very calorie dense meals. 5kg a month is rarely a sustainable way to lose weight unless you are severely overweight (she wasn't). just a heads up to anyone thinking about going on this kind of a diet. its not healthy.
I eat 2 meals a day but they are very big and nutritious. I also have snacks as well. She is eating very small. Only 500-800 calories a day :(
역시 다이어트는 식단인 것 같습니다.
어성초 검색해서 들어왓다가 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이든님 화술과 매력에 홀려서 지금 추천템 다사고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ영상 전부 정주행중인데 완전 팬됏어요 !! 다이어트 영상도 너무 건강한 방법으로 귀에쏙쏙 박히게 말을 어쩜 그렇게 잘하세요?!! 사람이 건강한게 느껴짐 구독구독 !!!
앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ💟 윤며드셨군요😀 영상봐주셔서 너무너무 감사드립니다 ◡̈ 앞으로도 좋은 영상 많이 올릴게요❤️
Thank you for English sub , because i understand only 안녕하세요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
너무너무 꿀정보들만 그득그득 채워주시고, 생활의 문제점들을 전부다 짚어주시고 결과가 확실하게 보장되는 것들만 집어주시고ㅠ 아무렇지 않게 말해주셔서 왠지 든든해져서 멘탈관리까지 되고.. 감정소비할 시간에 대신 가벼운 마음으로 움직이는 쪽으로 선택할 수 있도록 가이드해주셔서 너무 감사해요♥️ 시원시원하신 성격인것같아요 짱좋습니다..
Not meant as hate, but this sounds like way too less calories for just being alive + long workouts... the way everyone is so loving in the comments and saying like "let's lose this weight" gives me hard pro-ana flashbacks... good for you that this worked, but it gives me a very wrong feeling and this is not how healthy weightloss will occure, it will trigger a jojo effect because once you stop eating like this you'll gain everything+more back so quickly...
언니 진짜 감사합니다. I'm going through a weight loss plateau. I hope your advice works well for me. 파이팅!
Thank you for watching the video! Diet, fighting💟
진짜 이분말대로 한달 저렇게 하면 살빠질듯요 중요한건 일주일도 못한다는게 문제……. 😬
알고리즘에 떠서 영상 본
고도비만 돌준맘 다이어터입니다
제가 본 다이어트 영상중
정말 시원시원 핵심만 알려주시고
꿀팁 알려주셔서 영상 너무 잘봤습니다!! 👍👍
격려까지 너무나 갓벽한 영상이에오..♡
싸이클 하신것도 저랑 똑같고
매일 하셨던 홈트중에도
제가 했던 홈트들도 있어서
괜히 반갑더라구요 XD
어제까지 싸이클만 간신히 타고
감이 안와서 방황했었는데
이제 알려주신대로
식단,운동 꾸준하게 따라하면 될것같은 자신감까지 뿜뿜 얻어가네요 XD
오늘부터 당장 해보겠습니다!!!
뷰알못이지만 다른영상보니까
뷰티유튜버이신거 같고
뷰티영상들 안봤지만
메이크업 꿀팁 등 잘알려주실것 같은
무한 신뢰감으로() 구독도하고 갑니당
종종 들릴게오 >
감사하단말을 빼먹었네오
영상 잘봤어요
정말정말 감사합니다♡
여기 대댓글로 후기 남길게오!
현재 2022.6.8기준
키 158cm 체중 79kg
입니다 ㅠㅠㅠ
사람처럼 보이게 67kg빼고 싶고
최종 희망 몸무게는 48kg입니다!!
Kind regards from Germany. You looked much healthier at 55 kilos. 43 kilos is unfortunately much too thin for me.
People look better in clothes if they're thinner
@@neonotcultured risking your health over fashion seems stupid though