Over a hundred years ago another guy associated with the name Tesla learned a very valuable lesson - the hard way. Unless you can make a product you can charge people for using you're not going to make any money. Nikola Tesla wanted to give people free electricity - his backers were having none of it. Elon wants to give people a robot (for a 'small' fee!) but while he can at the moment get some people to pay for his robots, the time of people having/making money they can spend on purchasing such things as robots or an 'abundance' of goods is rapidly coming to an end. When robots start making 'everything' and prices drop - so will wages and disposable income. You'll get a basic income but you're going to have to compete with everyone on Earth to make money in a new way. Most of us aren't going to be all that inventive or good at doing it. Manufacturing companies will start to go broke. The global economy will collapse. The only jobs where good money will be able to be made will be as security staff/armies for billionaires to keep the riff-raff away from them and their homes/yachts/jets and families. Unless robots can do that job better than us as well?
Are you going to ship a few in to muck out and ride? ""Tesla Bots are initially positioned to replace people in repetitive, boring, and dangerous tasks""
Those four people who peep out as the door opens on Mars, remember that advt., are OPTIMUS x 4
I Robot
Over a hundred years ago another guy associated with the name Tesla learned a very valuable lesson - the hard way.
Unless you can make a product you can charge people for using you're not going to make any money. Nikola Tesla wanted to give people free electricity - his backers were having none of it.
Elon wants to give people a robot (for a 'small' fee!) but while he can at the moment get some people to pay for his robots, the time of people having/making money they can spend on purchasing such things as robots or an 'abundance' of goods is rapidly coming to an end.
When robots start making 'everything' and prices drop - so will wages and disposable income. You'll get a basic income but you're going to have to compete with everyone on Earth to make money in a new way. Most of us aren't going to be all that inventive or good at doing it. Manufacturing companies will start to go broke. The global economy will collapse.
The only jobs where good money will be able to be made will be as security staff/armies for billionaires to keep the riff-raff away from them and their homes/yachts/jets and families.
Unless robots can do that job better than us as well?
Or everyone will get a paycheck and be universally happy. The End. :)
Are you going to ship a few in to muck out and ride? ""Tesla Bots are initially positioned to replace people in repetitive, boring, and dangerous tasks""
That was always my plan, I think the horses will get used to them very quickly