Yeah, it seems so hard for some of them to grasp the usefulness of turning a question around on themselves. Oh wait ... I guess they can't because that might lead to some uncomfortable answers.
@@kwk111 Wrong, they believe they’re superior to others as they believe they’ve been personally selected by the most powerful entity, which no one has ever seen, in the universe.
Personally, my reason to be actively and publicly atheist is because the religious folks aren’t just sharing their beliefs, they’re also attempting to regulate and limit my rights based on their beliefs. There’s a huge difference between “Here is what I believe, let’s talk about it” and “Here is what I believe, you must therefore follow the rules provided by my interpretation of my religious beliefs”
When I told my grandmother that I was athiest, she said things like "You worship the devil" and "Whats stopping you from sliting my throat at night?" Its that kind of response that makes me so eagerly talk about athiesism. I believe the more people are exposed to it, the less likely they are to do what my grandma did, or worse.
Have you ever compared athiesism with atheism? And if so, please tell what's the first of these two concepts, because I don't know it yet & are curious. P.S. And what's an athiest?
I think the scariest thing of all that is imagining this hypothetical person that's only stopped from slitting your throat for no reason because of some imaginary being in the sky. Is that really how Christians see themselves?
I've been an atheist all my life. I believe myself to be a good and decent person I have a great relationship with the people around me. No Jesus or God required or desired.
"Why Do Atheists Have To Say That God Isn't Real ALL THE TIME!? " Why do Theists have to say that God IS real all the time? Plus, we don't say he doesn't exists, we say we don't believe he exists, there is a difference.
I will say that gods (since there is more than just the Christian god concept) don't exist with the same level of confidence and for the same reasons that I say that orcs, ogres, giants, trolls, basilisks, dragons, Loch Ness, and the Tooth Fairy don't exist. Gods are made up fictions, like everything else I listed, and the only reason that we even discuss such an obviously fictional entity is because so many people mistakenly hold onto it. I realize that puts the burden of proof onto me but so what. I have zero problems saying that until we have an observation, which is the very first step in science, that indicates gods exist, I have no reason to think that they do. Much like without an observable fact, I have zero reason to think that green flamingos exist.
I'm perfectly fine saying god doesn't exist. Im as sure as i am about fire breathing dragons. 99.9999% sure.. People make up fantasies all the time. Its what we do. Fuck the burden of proof in this situation, we know the christ fiends will do the same.
I prefer hate , you know where you are with hate , the word love is such a misused term. So very few things in life you can properly use the word love were as hate , you know exactly where you are with hate , no chance of it being misinterpreted. Cuts to the bone and gets rid of them nice and quick and forever!!!. 😂
The only definition of "woke" I have ever heard anyone on the right actually articulate was from Ron DeSantis's lawyers in Florida: "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them". Anyone who believes this is false or an "immoral" belief should take a long, hard look at their own humanity, compassion and common human decency. “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.” - John Kenneth Galbraith
@@trebm3 I have heard black people refer to themselves as "woke", does their ignorance flow like water from a broken damn? "Woke" is just a word to refer to social Marxism, the fundemental dichotomy refering to class struggle has been changed into the struggle of the oppressed verses opressors. Secular v. Christianity, Black v. White, Men v. Women, Gay v. Straight, etc. At the heart of these struggles is a fundemental questions, Who has the power and what values are they creating with it?
of course they are about the religion aspect. but the caller is actually correct about the woke issue. even richard dawkings thinks transgender is nonsense. the left is incorrect about a few things apart from men transitioning into women, which is simply impossible in mammals. theres the overpopulation denial. theres immigration. and the renewables/ecar/net zero stuff is just batshit crazy. the left are scientifically illiterate about many things. the left and right actually have a lot in common. although i will add when the right are correct about anything, like about ecars, its for the wrong reasons.
Forrest explains in detail why he disagrees with jesus loves you being kind. Caller: BUT YOURE WOKE!!! Thanks caller for letting us all know how shallow your thought process is.
That seems to be the default position of the right, when you can't refute arguments based in reality you deflect and stoop to personal attacks. It's so boring and predictable.
They don't even understand that the opposite of being woke is being asleep, so by using it as a slur against us they are actually insulting themselves. But then I have been called a know-it-all and smart ass many times in my life and I wear those labels proudly, the best reply when someone calls you woke is to thank them and ask when it is that they are going to wake up
That caller is a ding bat. It's amazing how theists like to call atheists crazy & bad people because we don't do god worship, but yet so many of them pre judge us with their prejudice minds, as if that isn't a character flaw. I get it, they're not playing with a full deck, but I usually don't tell them that's what I'm thinking. I'm wrong sometimes about some things, but theists are always wrong for worshipping a nothing god 24/7-365.
"Woke" is a derogatory term used to slight people who generally show empathy and respect for their fellow human beings and who socially and politically support the well-being of all.
are you assuming everyone who will not normalize this mental illness is either a right winger or religious? I am as atheist as they come, and I do not endorse the dynasty-based electoral system.
@@thedave1771 first of all, Jesus is probably fictional, even as a man. Second of all, that's nonsense. Nothing that falls under 'woke' was promoted by this mythical Jesus.
My favorite example of this is the woman who literally wrote the book on anti-woke was asked in an interview to define what woke was and she fumbled and was unable to. Really drives it home how popular words in the conservo-sphere are just emotional triggers without any real meaning.
They always find a way to bring it back around to trans people smh. How dare people want to be happy, regardless if they can naturally conceive a child or not. And not realizing they're dehumanizing those who are infertile in the process
Or those who choose to remove the body parts needed for reproduction. I had my uterus and cervix removed 8 weeks ago but that didn't stop me from being a woman. Your reproductive organs don't determine your gender. I dont know why it always comes down to reproduction with these weirdos. It's so bizarre
I have responded with a thoughtful explanation “I like the word ‘woke’ because it reminds me that over the last 6 decades I’ve ‘woken up’ to the realities of other people’s lived experiences, including how badly women have suffered and how hard we had to fight for equality. It just feels like waking up so the word works for me. But if someone comes up with a better description I’m open to it.”
@@jo-p5 I find that 'woke' is about recognizing social injustice and demonstrating a willingness to do something to correct that disparity. So, a similar view.
This simple sentence is so hard to grasp for theists. They always threaten atheist with hell, like, "you'll realize when you'll dead or something", not realizing that 1) a threat of eternal torment isn't exactly the best way to "sell" an all-loving deity 2) it sounds like someone pointing a finger at you and yelling "Imma shoot you with my invisible gun!" without realizing how childish they look.
@@AcaciaAvenue”I don’t believe your threat of violence is credible, but nevertheless I respect the sentiment behind your threat of violence and wish I was allowed to handle it accordingly.”
The "you atheists" callers are always a tough listen because they’re more interested in tearing down atheism than actually defending their own beliefs. It’s like they’re using the call as their personal soapbox for a grudge match. And Jay? He must be a blast at parties-if by "fun" you mean "constantly bringing up heated debates about things being woke."
Your "like" is unnecessary - Jay calls in to WIN, for nothing else, to assure himself he OWNs "The Truth", and all others are wrong. He has no arguments, he has mantras that he believes are irrefutable gotchas. All he is interested in that him OWNING The Truth and being saved makes him feel good. His complete faith is based on emotion. As already reformator Martin Luther said here in Germany, "True Faith needs no evidence". I.e. the best christians are those that are not interested in facts. That is cult like flat earth is a cult - believing the slogan is irrefutable truth makes you a superior genius, and all others are deluded, indoctrinated morons.
Whether it's religion or race, bigotry is always used in the same way. “I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it,” he said. “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” - LBJ to a staffer describing the GOP's Southern Strategy 1960
I’ve seen a couple of “you atheists” callers leave the show having learned something and questioned their original premise. It doesn’t happen a lot, but it’s magical.
What I find funny is to flip the script. So before a "Jay" gets to babble and use the word woke, I'll be using it on him. I'll misgender him and then, when he gets upset about the pronoun, I'll just go "Why are your kind always pushing your work agenda with these pronouns?" If he talks about how he is a guy, I'll say "Are you sure? You don't look like a man to me." (I guarantee the guy who plays these games does not look like the hegemonic 6 pack strong chin male ideal. And if I'm evil, I start talking about if the person is even human. Hey... they dehumanize plenty of people. Let them feel that horror a little bit.) See, the right has been stealing our words and deliberately twisting them. See.. theory as in scientific theory vs. what the average magical creation story "theory". So when a white guy gets hired, just say "It's good to see affirmative action working out for him." Or.. I see that he's the new DEI hire. Never take them seriously. Show the world how much of a joke they are. Humiliate them. Bully them. Troll them. It may not be nice but who said that nice always works. I match the energy. Nice gets nice. Mean gets mean. Cruel gets cruel.
Exactly, these calls usually end the same way Host: Prove your god is real Caller: Prove he's not real! Host: the burden of proof is on you! Caller: WHAT ABOUT TRANS PEOPLE!!!!
Or more typically they emotionally fall back on their prejudices as their anger reveals the real source of their call. They just want to yell about gay and trans people and "own the libs."
Ironically the term woke does have a definition, and it has to do with people who are knowledgeable and aware of the deeper complexities and nuance of political topics, in particular the history and complex components of things like racism and discrimination. You used to call yourself 'woke' because you are essentially awoken, or aware of the complex truths of an issue. Evidently it's now a bad thing to understand something beyond the surface level analysis. Ignorance is what smart people do.
@@CrawfishDeluxe I totally agree, which is why I added the "conservative" clarification. They keep tossing that around with seemingly no idea what it actually means
Exactly, but what are the odds that they stop doing that because they care about how we feel ? Some theists are nice people until they find out you are an atheist, & then they open their mouths. Sometimes what follows is idiotic rambling that sounds like this caller.
These guys are a great team. Nice to see hosts working together so effortlessly and effectively to utterly dismantle a caller then sweep away the little pieces without a raised voice or insult.
"Atheists are statistically smarter than Theists on average". Jay comes in and proves the point. Good work Jay. And his last statement clearly shows he is a conspiracy theorist. So lets add delusional to the list while we are at it.
It hasn't slipped my attention that Christians will often say, "Jesus loves you," or some variant as a way to insultingly exit an argument they're losing.
I find it ironic that one symbol they use is the crucifix, as if Jesus, if he existed, was the only person to ever be crucified. It was a common method of execution. See the movie Spartacus and the end of it for example. Also, hands were not nailed through the palms as the tissue would be torn away by the weight of the body so when they show stigmata in the palms that would also be fake. Nails, if used at all, were driven through the wrist. Most were just tied and left to die from the weight of the body on the lungs and heart.
ROTFLMAO, I got thrown off twitter for my reply to some christians They knew I was an atheist, so they ganged up and flooded by account with "we will pray for you", and I just told them I am an atheist, its meaningless so please stop, so MORE of them piled on. So then I replied "Well I am going to masturbate for you, because that way we will actually know something happened and one person was made happier for it"...BOOM account closed.
"There is no Hate deeper than 'Christian Love'" sums up why I cringe when someone says "jesus loves you" or "God loves you"... like, "oh great, guess i'm going to be burned alive then" 😓
I disagree, I am sure help watch a lot of female sports because of the how sexualisation of the permissible clothing they wear is. Womens volleyball is a great example, the MUST wear clothing that covers a MAXIMUM about of their body. They are probably upset that they don't know if their sexual desires are towards someone transgender or not.
For every "one" atheist program available across the USA, there are about 500 Christian programs available & other religions. That's about the ratio......
Christianity is such a weak message that it has to be parroted by 500 programs until people give in to its inanity through sheer overexposure and repetition, whereas atheism is such a strong message that only one outlet here and there is required for atheism to thrive.
If Jay is an example of someone who isn't 'woke,' then I'm happy to be woke. He was a hateful person desperate to hold onto his worldview as society leaves him behind.
I think the simplest definition of "woke" is "actually giving a shit about people who may not be like you". Which, yes, I daresay Jay thinks is a very bad thing.
It has shifted its meaning to a degree because of a particular group of idiots who claim to be 'woke', and spout such nonsense as all whites are inherently racist, all men are inherently violent, and human reproductive biology is a social construct. And if you push back on that then apparently you're a hateful bigot. So yeah when I use that word I mean it in a derogatory way, and I mean those types. I'm far left btw and not religious.
A woman is an adult human person that has a desire to be in accordance with a particular set of Social and cultural norms that are typically associated with a female sex
I would argue it also have to include the set of rites of that society. Many societies mark the first period as the time a girl became a woman. So technically someone who has never had a period would never be a woman. The same happens with men. For the masais (i believe) You have to run avove 5 oxes to became legally a man. So You can be a father or grandfather and YET not be a man.
@@arctictruck10 I am not religious but this is just wrong. a woman is an adult female human being. a small percentage of people will experience gender dysphoria and transition to appear like the opposite sex. its a medical condition. they dont become that sex by doing so. Please stop changing defintions. i support trans people but a woman is a woman a trans woman is a trans woman theres nothing wrong with that. acknowledging the truth helps you become more understood.
also this makes it sound like gender is a social construct and anyone can say im a woman and theyll be a woman. if gender was a social construct, gender dysphoria wouldn't be a thing, and any man can say im a woman without transitioning and then theyd enter women spaces etc. youre not helping trans people like this.
@@ilovecatsandsoup I have to correct you on one thing: "medical condition" usually means illness. Being trans, even though it can cause gender dysphoria, isn't an illness per se (even if it can cause symptoms that may be illnesses, mostly mental ones). In any case gender dysphoria by itself can be considered a mental illness/issue if it goes untreated, and is severe.
As an atheist, I don't threaten people with hell, or promise them heaven. I don't accuse people of breaking divine laws that are indistinguishable from fiction. There is no supporting evidence for any alleged contact with god. I have no reason to think that any kind of afterlife is possible, following brain death.
@@clemstevenson That's easy. You lied by claiming no evidence supports belief in God. Fine Tuning of the initial conditions (constants and quantities) of the Universe. Physical beginnings (KCA), Contingent existence (Leibniz), DNA digital information in nature driving radically complex, specifically ordered biological systems aimed at multiple higher-ordered third purpose utilities, free-will, intelligence in nature, consciousness, self-aware beings , Design and engineering in nature built upon a rational and mathematical order, NDE's, ubiquitous spiritual experience, historical evidence, objective moral values and duties (moral reality) etc etc are all evidence. No amount of evidence will ever convince an idjit
"the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them" - Ron DeSantis's lawyers in Florida court “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.” - John Kenneth Galbraith
I've wondered about that. Do theists believe that everyone floats around like a ghost in heaven and hell or do they believe you get a new body? Either way, how old do you look and do you have to stay with that look/age for eternity?
@@Speednote10 I think they believe you become a spirit form. As far as what someone would look like after death, I don't know. But that's a good question 👌 I'm gonna read into it 👌👌
Because when they made this stuff up, there wasn't as sharp a line between living and dead in the generally accepted worldview. Literally everything was supernatural when you don't know where the sun goes at night.
I Dont believe that.... To them means the same thing as .... I believe that IS NOT TRUE. Its a nuance in language that they just cant comprehend because they have been primed that way
As an Iowan I feel a great deal of shame and embarrassment over people like this that live near me. It's...disappointing and disheartening. When I was a kid growing up with iptv, it made me feel like people generally wanted the best for each other whatever they believe.
Being seen and being heard is far more important than being sweet or polite. I never miss an opportunity to at least ask street preachers, JWs..."How's your imaginary friend today?"
I got regular visits from JWs. Once two women came - maybe mother and daughter. Always fun to argue. In the end I asked the young one "What is for you the most compelling argument for the existence of God?" "The prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus!" "Hmm - you are aware that the Bible was written down way later, by experts of the Old Testament. Is it not possible that these people knew of all the prophecies that God has to fulfill, and might have adjusted the story a bit? After all, when they were writing the gospels, they were decades later and hundreds of miles away, in a time you had to walk to get somewhere else. None of those that later read the gospels had ever talked with an eye witness or knew the region where it all should have taken place". In my memory she stared at me with open mouth, and the older woman grabbed her and led her away. And since then, I had no visits from JWs anymore.
Can I ask, how do you square these videos with your belief system? Doesn't it make you realize that what you've been taught as a kid might not be what you think it is?
If you take "Because God said!" off the table, a lot of issues do tend to shift leftward. I don't see that as a problem, but then, I'm a way-leftist myself.
This guy one day picked up a biology book that had a silhouette of a naked woman and naked man on the cover and declares he has a doctorate in biology. Never opening the book. He knows everything from looking at the cover.
Oh, you mean Forrest, the one with 3 biology degrees and a graduate from Tulsa? “In 2023, he graduated from the University of Tulsa as a master of arts in anthropology. The title of his thesis was “Using cervid stable isotope analysis as a paleontological proxy: a case study of 'Ubeidiya and implications for Out of Africa I” Sure, sounds real uneducated to me.
Also I am very tired of theses we all have our beliefs as if each belief has the same weight or significance. Take the example of I believe I can walk through a moving bus and the I believe I can not walk through a moving bus one person is right the other is splattered all over the asphalt.
I'm sure the guy is very interested in women's volleyball, and not just reading some right-wing stuff. Should've asked him to name a single volleyball player.
"I know better than a biologist" 😂. Ok, sweety, let's hope you get stopped before you decide to interrupt heart surgery telling a surgeon how to perform it.
My father has always been an atheist. I didn’t even know until I was grown, because he, like many atheists-from-birth, don’t much talk about things they don’t believe in. It seems likely that there are millions of people like my dad all over the world, quietly living their lives or even sitting in pews, keeping their opinions to themselves.
Why do atheist have to tell people gawd isn't real all the time? Gawd can just end thus game by presenting himself, the fact that he doesn't means two things. He doesn't care to prove himself or he doesn't EXISTS!
He already did that with his first creation which were Angels, to understand God's motivation for why mankind got there own universe and own planet, you have to learn about the history and lessons of first creation which were angels, to better understand our spiritual matrix reality of human creation.
I’ve never had a group of atheists Come to my front door to try and convince me of anything, but I have had numerous religious groups multiples of times do the same thing. Especially when they found out that I had a disability. So who is putting what in whose face.
There is a saying, attributed to Sagan: "absence of evidence does not equal evidence of absence". It meeds qualifying: "unless evidence is reasonably expected to be there". Based on that, it's safe enough to say "god isn't real".
@@seekeroftruth6728 And 1% incorrect is still incorrect. Is it more taboo to physically verify if someone has a penis or to ask them what to call them?
@@Krikenemp18 OR..... we can just act normal... y'know.... like we have for thousands of years, and if you're in that 1%, you can volunteer that info. I think wasting the time of the 99% with this nonsense is pretty taboo.
Why are theists always telling people god *IS* real?
They're trying to infect us.
Yeah, it seems so hard for some of them to grasp the usefulness of turning a question around on themselves.
Oh wait ... I guess they can't because that might lead to some uncomfortable answers.
Because they KNOW it isn't and they are trying to convince themselves..
@kwk111 it's simpler than that; it's because they believe their god commands it.
@@kwk111 Wrong, they believe they’re superior to others as they believe they’ve been personally selected by the most powerful entity, which no one has ever seen, in the universe.
Personally, my reason to be actively and publicly atheist is because the religious folks aren’t just sharing their beliefs, they’re also attempting to regulate and limit my rights based on their beliefs. There’s a huge difference between “Here is what I believe, let’s talk about it” and “Here is what I believe, you must therefore follow the rules provided by my interpretation of my religious beliefs”
Yes! Exactly!
"you can't do that, it's against my beliefs"
Well said.
@KarlBunker How extremely we'll put.
When I told my grandmother that I was athiest, she said things like
"You worship the devil" and "Whats stopping you from sliting my throat at night?"
Its that kind of response that makes me so eagerly talk about athiesism. I believe the more people are exposed to it, the less likely they are to do what my grandma did, or worse.
Have you ever compared athiesism with atheism? And if so, please tell what's the first of these two concepts, because I don't know it yet & are curious.
And what's an athiest?
I think the scariest thing of all that is imagining this hypothetical person that's only stopped from slitting your throat for no reason because of some imaginary being in the sky. Is that really how Christians see themselves?
@Apollorion That was a typo, I meant atheism. Atheist is a term for a person who is not theistic.
It sounds like the only thing keeping her from doing these things is a god. If so, she is psychopath on a short leash.
@@Apollorion Atheist or athiest, but why be an obvious asshole?
I've been an atheist all my life. I believe myself to be a good and decent person I have a great relationship with the people around me. No Jesus or God required or desired.
"Why Do Atheists Have To Say That God Isn't Real ALL THE TIME!? "
Why do Theists have to say that God IS real all the time? Plus, we don't say he doesn't exists, we say we don't believe he exists, there is a difference.
Exactly. There's a massive difference between the two. People ask me I simply reply, what god, he doesn't exist.
Well said
I will say that gods (since there is more than just the Christian god concept) don't exist with the same level of confidence and for the same reasons that I say that orcs, ogres, giants, trolls, basilisks, dragons, Loch Ness, and the Tooth Fairy don't exist. Gods are made up fictions, like everything else I listed, and the only reason that we even discuss such an obviously fictional entity is because so many people mistakenly hold onto it. I realize that puts the burden of proof onto me but so what. I have zero problems saying that until we have an observation, which is the very first step in science, that indicates gods exist, I have no reason to think that they do. Much like without an observable fact, I have zero reason to think that green flamingos exist.
I'm perfectly fine saying god doesn't exist. Im as sure as i am about fire breathing dragons. 99.9999% sure..
People make up fantasies all the time. Its what we do.
Fuck the burden of proof in this situation, we know the christ fiends will do the same.
@@mattwhite7287 Why do you say f the burden of proof? The burden of proof is on theists to demonstrate that their god exists.
"You are woke and i have hate!" No hate like christian love.
I prefer hate , you know where you are with hate , the word love is such a misused term. So very few things in life you can properly use the word love were as hate , you know exactly where you are with hate , no chance of it being misinterpreted. Cuts to the bone and gets rid of them nice and quick and forever!!!. 😂
The second you hear someone say “woke” you know the ignorance is goons flow like a broken dam
The only definition of "woke" I have ever heard anyone on the right actually articulate was from Ron DeSantis's lawyers in Florida: "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them".
Anyone who believes this is false or an "immoral" belief should take a long, hard look at their own humanity, compassion and common human decency.
“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
- John Kenneth Galbraith
@@trebm3 I have heard black people refer to themselves as "woke", does their ignorance flow like water from a broken damn?
"Woke" is just a word to refer to social Marxism, the fundemental dichotomy refering to class struggle has been changed into the struggle of the oppressed verses opressors. Secular v. Christianity, Black v. White, Men v. Women, Gay v. Straight, etc. At the heart of these struggles is a fundemental questions, Who has the power and what values are they creating with it?
@@IRGeamer Thanks, mate.
The disparaging educational difference between the caller and the hosts is embarrassing.
Education is becoming more and more rare.
@@johnatkins3017 Less education directly translates into more right wingers. There's a reason they want to defund public schools.
@@Finckelstein its easier to manipulate uneducated people.
of course they are about the religion aspect. but the caller is actually correct about the woke issue. even richard dawkings thinks transgender is nonsense. the left is incorrect about a few things apart from men transitioning into women, which is simply impossible in mammals. theres the overpopulation denial. theres immigration. and the renewables/ecar/net zero stuff is just batshit crazy. the left are scientifically illiterate about many things. the left and right actually have a lot in common. although i will add when the right are correct about anything, like about ecars, its for the wrong reasons.
“You sound like a delightful person” is the nicest f you I’ve ever heard
More than "Bless your heart"?
I often use, "I bet you're fun at parties."
@@michaelcolfin8464 well “bless your heart” is already known as a (sometimes) backhanded comment.
@@thomasdjonesn Thanks for that Thomas. I will definitely use that moving forwards.
Forrest explains in detail why he disagrees with jesus loves you being kind.
Thanks caller for letting us all know how shallow your thought process is.
That seems to be the default position of the right, when you can't refute arguments based in reality you deflect and stoop to personal attacks. It's so boring and predictable.
They don't even understand that the opposite of being woke is being asleep, so by using it as a slur against us they are actually insulting themselves. But then I have been called a know-it-all and smart ass many times in my life and I wear those labels proudly, the best reply when someone calls you woke is to thank them and ask when it is that they are going to wake up
Oh simple minded love the TRANS it's all they think about
That caller is a ding bat. It's amazing how theists like to call atheists crazy & bad people because we don't do god worship, but yet so many of them pre judge us with their prejudice minds, as if that isn't a character flaw. I get it, they're not playing with a full deck, but I usually don't tell them that's what I'm thinking. I'm wrong sometimes about some things, but theists are always wrong for worshipping a nothing god 24/7-365.
Jay is so excited to chant "Woke! Woke!"
Dictionary meanings, simplified:
Woke = not being a bigot
Bigot = not woke
@@canwelookWhen I was growing up "woke" just meant being educated/enlightened. Now it means respecting trans rights evidently.
@@flyingspaghettiauditor Mostly, it's used to describe those who pretend to care for their own gain,in a way that hurts them
Well, it IS a word of one syllable....
"You sound like a delightful person" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 No one can ever say Forrest is not generous.
Sounds can be deceiving...
@@petergeh9584They can be. Farts can sound good and kosher until you get a surprise later😂
"Woke" is a derogatory term used to slight people who generally show empathy and respect for their fellow human beings and who socially and politically support the well-being of all.
I do not find 'woke' to be derogatory at all but the people who label others with it demonstrate high levels of stupid
Whenever a right-winger says "woke", you might as well quote Bill Engvall and say "Here's your sign".
are you assuming everyone who will not normalize this mental illness is either a right winger or religious? I am as atheist as they come, and I do not endorse the dynasty-based electoral system.
They should read up on that Jesus guy, he was pretty woke too, at least the way they like to describe him.
You can always tell how someone means 'woke' by the tone of voice they use.
Rightwingnuts have no clue what it means.
@@thedave1771 first of all, Jesus is probably fictional, even as a man. Second of all, that's nonsense. Nothing that falls under 'woke' was promoted by this mythical Jesus.
@@thedave1771 actually a bunch have started rejecting Jesus teachings because they realized it was “woke” lmaooooo
Woke is anything I hate, dislike and/or fear mixed with a little anti intellectualism
I would object on the "little" part.
@@vertigo4236 With this caller I would have to agree
My favorite example of this is the woman who literally wrote the book on anti-woke was asked in an interview to define what woke was and she fumbled and was unable to. Really drives it home how popular words in the conservo-sphere are just emotional triggers without any real meaning.
I have to ask... What is a woman?
The moment I heard he said the word "woke", I could smell the bigotry minutes before it ruined the breathable air.
They always find a way to bring it back around to trans people smh. How dare people want to be happy, regardless if they can naturally conceive a child or not. And not realizing they're dehumanizing those who are infertile in the process
We're the Emanuel Goldstein du jour.
They are vile and these hateful statements are disgusting
They cant get the girldick out of their head
Or those who choose to remove the body parts needed for reproduction. I had my uterus and cervix removed 8 weeks ago but that didn't stop me from being a woman. Your reproductive organs don't determine your gender. I dont know why it always comes down to reproduction with these weirdos. It's so bizarre
Because they don’t have to be confronted with the ridiculousness of their ideas if they can distract us with the latest boogie man.
Calling someone "woke" = conservative airhead heard something that confuses them.
I have responded with a thoughtful explanation “I like the word ‘woke’ because it reminds me that over the last 6 decades I’ve ‘woken up’ to the realities of other people’s lived experiences, including how badly women have suffered and how hard we had to fight for equality. It just feels like waking up so the word works for me. But if someone comes up with a better description I’m open to it.”
@@jo-p5 I find that 'woke' is about recognizing social injustice and demonstrating a willingness to do something to correct that disparity. So, a similar view.
The changing of seasons confused them.
An atheist doesn't believe that god exists, also we don't believe in the devil and hell. Therefore, we are unafraid.
When an atheist is unafraid the theist is jealous. That's the crux of it.
This simple sentence is so hard to grasp for theists. They always threaten atheist with hell, like, "you'll realize when you'll dead or something", not realizing that
1) a threat of eternal torment isn't exactly the best way to "sell" an all-loving deity
2) it sounds like someone pointing a finger at you and yelling "Imma shoot you with my invisible gun!" without realizing how childish they look.
@@AcaciaAvenue”I don’t believe your threat of violence is credible, but nevertheless I respect the sentiment behind your threat of violence and wish I was allowed to handle it accordingly.”
@@AcaciaAvenue 🤙🤙🤙✌️✌️✌️
The "you atheists" callers are always a tough listen because they’re more interested in tearing down atheism than actually defending their own beliefs. It’s like they’re using the call as their personal soapbox for a grudge match. And Jay? He must be a blast at parties-if by "fun" you mean "constantly bringing up heated debates about things being woke."
Your "like" is unnecessary - Jay calls in to WIN, for nothing else, to assure himself he OWNs "The Truth", and all others are wrong.
He has no arguments, he has mantras that he believes are irrefutable gotchas.
All he is interested in that him OWNING The Truth and being saved makes him feel good. His complete faith is based on emotion.
As already reformator Martin Luther said here in Germany, "True Faith needs no evidence". I.e. the best christians are those that are not interested in facts.
That is cult like flat earth is a cult - believing the slogan is irrefutable truth makes you a superior genius, and all others are deluded, indoctrinated morons.
Whether it's religion or race, bigotry is always used in the same way.
“I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it,” he said. “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
- LBJ to a staffer describing the GOP's Southern Strategy 1960
I’ve seen a couple of “you atheists” callers leave the show having learned something and questioned their original premise. It doesn’t happen a lot, but it’s magical.
What I find funny is to flip the script. So before a "Jay" gets to babble and use the word woke, I'll be using it on him. I'll misgender him and then, when he gets upset about the pronoun, I'll just go "Why are your kind always pushing your work agenda with these pronouns?" If he talks about how he is a guy, I'll say "Are you sure? You don't look like a man to me." (I guarantee the guy who plays these games does not look like the hegemonic 6 pack strong chin male ideal. And if I'm evil, I start talking about if the person is even human. Hey... they dehumanize plenty of people. Let them feel that horror a little bit.)
See, the right has been stealing our words and deliberately twisting them. See.. theory as in scientific theory vs. what the average magical creation story "theory". So when a white guy gets hired, just say "It's good to see affirmative action working out for him." Or.. I see that he's the new DEI hire.
Never take them seriously. Show the world how much of a joke they are. Humiliate them. Bully them. Troll them. It may not be nice but who said that nice always works. I match the energy. Nice gets nice. Mean gets mean. Cruel gets cruel.
Whenever these dopes find themselves getting cornered, they abruptly change the topic and/or introduce a non sequitor.
Exactly, these calls usually end the same way
Host: Prove your god is real
Caller: Prove he's not real!
Host: the burden of proof is on you!
Still, it's on the hosts to keep the conversation from devolving into discussions of "woke"
It's better to be woke, than asleep all the time.
Or more typically they emotionally fall back on their prejudices as their anger reveals the real source of their call. They just want to yell about gay and trans people and "own the libs."
@@bobbybecker3572 It didn't "devolve." The nut drove it there and wouldn't stop. Thus the relatively short episode.
Every time I hear someone accuse someone else of being woke, that person has no real argument
It's code for "You think that you're enlightened in some way which disadvantages my ignorance, but to you I respond that you are totally a poo head."
[in best gameshow host voice:] But wait! There's more vitriol disguised as questions!
Talking to people who are unconscious is usually a waste of time.
*it's been years and we still have no clue what conservatives mean when they say "woke"*
They mean whatever gets them riled up.
Woke isn anything the right don't agree with.
Ironically the term woke does have a definition, and it has to do with people who are knowledgeable and aware of the deeper complexities and nuance of political topics, in particular the history and complex components of things like racism and discrimination.
You used to call yourself 'woke' because you are essentially awoken, or aware of the complex truths of an issue.
Evidently it's now a bad thing to understand something beyond the surface level analysis. Ignorance is what smart people do.
@@CrawfishDeluxe I totally agree, which is why I added the "conservative" clarification. They keep tossing that around with seemingly no idea what it actually means
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have been trying to get a definition of WOKE for a while now. It seems like each one has his own definition.
Who ever uses word Woke as some kind of an insult or something.
Are not f grown up to have an adult conversation.
@@dr.fjoer_the_crazy_scienti5841 that is about the most perfect statement
Goodness forbid the "woke stuff" come and get me
If you stop talking about your imaginary friend we won’t have to tell you he is your imaginary friend 🤷🏽♂️🤓
lol Yess!
Stop trying to get us to believe in your imaginary friend...Darn Christians🤢🤮
Exactly, but what are the odds that they stop doing that because they care about how we feel ?
Some theists are nice people until they find out you are an atheist, & then they open their mouths. Sometimes what follows is idiotic rambling that sounds like this caller.
What leads you to conclude that gods imaginary?
@ well if the christian god is not imaginary you should have no trouble proving him to exist.
"Nice soul ya got there buddy" says jeebus, "be a shame if something happened to it".
“Didn’t Jesus command you to love everyone? Why is your voice dripping with contempt for your fellow human?”
These guys are a great team.
Nice to see hosts working together so effortlessly and effectively to utterly dismantle a caller then sweep away the little pieces without a raised voice or insult.
"Why Do Atheists Have To Say That God Isn't Real ALL THE TIME!?"
Because it is a very important, fundamental truth.
"Atheists are statistically smarter than Theists on average". Jay comes in and proves the point. Good work Jay. And his last statement clearly shows he is a conspiracy theorist. So lets add delusional to the list while we are at it.
Uncle Jay isn't allowed at family dinners anymore.
It hasn't slipped my attention that Christians will often say, "Jesus loves you," or some variant as a way to insultingly exit an argument they're losing.
I find it ironic that one symbol they use is the crucifix, as if Jesus, if he existed, was the only person to ever be crucified. It was a common method of execution. See the movie Spartacus and the end of it for example. Also, hands were not nailed through the palms as the tissue would be torn away by the weight of the body so when they show stigmata in the palms that would also be fake. Nails, if used at all, were driven through the wrist. Most were just tied and left to die from the weight of the body on the lungs and heart.
"jesus loves you" is the first line in the Book of Condescension
ROTFLMAO, I got thrown off twitter for my reply to some christians
They knew I was an atheist, so they ganged up and flooded by account with "we will pray for you", and I just told them I am an atheist, its meaningless so please stop, so MORE of them piled on. So then I replied "Well I am going to masturbate for you, because that way we will actually know something happened and one person was made happier for it"...BOOM account closed.
Jesus: Let me in!
Person: Why?
Jesus: So I can save you!
Person: Save me from what?
Jesus: From what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in!
"There is no Hate deeper than 'Christian Love'" sums up why I cringe when someone says "jesus loves you" or "God loves you"... like, "oh great, guess i'm going to be burned alive then" 😓
What an idiotic comment.
Have you not experienced Christians hating on others and pretending it isn't hate but their god's love?
He has a real problem listening and understanding the words you guys are saying. Definitely hears what he wants to.
Bigots have a hard time listening to people? Not surprised.
Hmmm. He must be a Christian.
I am sure this guy never cared about women's sports ever until he was told to be upset.
I disagree, I am sure help watch a lot of female sports because of the how sexualisation of the permissible clothing they wear is. Womens volleyball is a great example, the MUST wear clothing that covers a MAXIMUM about of their body. They are probably upset that they don't know if their sexual desires are towards someone transgender or not.
This guy just wanted to come on to argue politics, which has nothing to do with atheism.
99% of things Christians whine and rant about has nothing to do with atheism.
Yeah, but the ACA also claims to be humanist, so they're going to get that.
For every "one" atheist program available across the USA, there are about 500 Christian programs available & other religions. That's about the ratio......
And entire TV channels.
Christianity is such a weak message that it has to be parroted by 500 programs until people give in to its inanity through sheer overexposure and repetition, whereas atheism is such a strong message that only one outlet here and there is required for atheism to thrive.
We can't live on beliefs we need truth and proof
Jay's poor little brain would explode if you told him about the fish that change sex organs during their lives.
If Jay is an example of someone who isn't 'woke,' then I'm happy to be woke. He was a hateful person desperate to hold onto his worldview as society leaves him behind.
Platos cave
Woke = the state of being aware of things.
Which god?
"Woke" has been so distorted it just means tell me what you believe, and if I don't agree, it's bad.
That's what you think, but that isn't the case.
I think the simplest definition of "woke" is "actually giving a shit about people who may not be like you". Which, yes, I daresay Jay thinks is a very bad thing.
It has shifted its meaning to a degree because of a particular group of idiots who claim to be 'woke', and spout such nonsense as all whites are inherently racist, all men are inherently violent, and human reproductive biology is a social construct. And if you push back on that then apparently you're a hateful bigot. So yeah when I use that word I mean it in a derogatory way, and I mean those types. I'm far left btw and not religious.
Right, it’s a trigger word to know this person has no clue and just is full of hate.
The caller seems to want to hate more than learn, let alone be kind...then, in a few short years we'll be dead.
That smile on Forrest. LOL I'm about to order a fidget toy for Christy.
A woman is an adult human person that has a desire to be in accordance with a particular set of Social and cultural norms that are typically associated with a female sex
I would argue it also have to include the set of rites of that society.
Many societies mark the first period as the time a girl became a woman. So technically someone who has never had a period would never be a woman.
The same happens with men. For the masais (i believe) You have to run avove 5 oxes to became legally a man. So You can be a father or grandfather and YET not be a man.
@@benjaminmadrigalperez9010So what? What do other cultures have to do and what business is it of others, with what a person feels about themselves.
@@arctictruck10 I am not religious but this is just wrong. a woman is an adult female human being. a small percentage of people will experience gender dysphoria and transition to appear like the opposite sex. its a medical condition. they dont become that sex by doing so.
Please stop changing defintions. i support trans people but a woman is a woman a trans woman is a trans woman theres nothing wrong with that. acknowledging the truth helps you become more understood.
also this makes it sound like gender is a social construct and anyone can say im a woman and theyll be a woman. if gender was a social construct, gender dysphoria wouldn't be a thing, and any man can say im a woman without transitioning and then theyd enter women spaces etc. youre not helping trans people like this.
@@ilovecatsandsoup I have to correct you on one thing: "medical condition" usually means illness. Being trans, even though it can cause gender dysphoria, isn't an illness per se (even if it can cause symptoms that may be illnesses, mostly mental ones). In any case gender dysphoria by itself can be considered a mental illness/issue if it goes untreated, and is severe.
People who knock on my door on weekends are complaining that I have a different opinion? Seriously?
"Its like saying Christians believe in a jewish zombie that will burn my soul."
Wait they dont believe that?
Technically Jesus was a lich.
@@Alakaizerdoesn’t a lich require a soul jar?
I would think he’s closer to a revenant.
I thought he "ascended" to godhood and therefore no longer had a physical form?
@@jayrose8638 obviously the Holy Grail was his phylactery.
@@IRGeamer Thomas had to finger his stab wounds, meaning he still possessed his original body.
As an atheist, I don't threaten people with hell, or promise them heaven. I don't accuse people of breaking divine laws that are indistinguishable from fiction. There is no supporting evidence for any alleged contact with god. I have no reason to think that any kind of afterlife is possible, following brain death.
That's neat. Lazy and false, but neat.
@@EdithBromfeld Provide supporting evidence.
@@clemstevenson That's easy. You lied by claiming no evidence supports belief in God.
Fine Tuning of the initial conditions (constants and quantities) of the Universe. Physical beginnings (KCA), Contingent existence (Leibniz), DNA digital information in nature driving radically complex, specifically ordered biological systems aimed at multiple higher-ordered third purpose utilities, free-will, intelligence in nature, consciousness, self-aware beings , Design and engineering in nature built upon a rational and mathematical order, NDE's, ubiquitous spiritual experience, historical evidence, objective moral values and duties (moral reality) etc etc are all evidence. No amount of evidence will ever convince an idjit
Provide your supporting evidence for your idiotic atheist claims. I won't hold my breath. You silly atheist dopes never deliver.
@@EdithBromfeldall claims you've made that you fail to provide evidence for.
Why wouldn’t a person be alert to racial prejudice and discrimination? That’s what “woke” is!
It's also just kinda not hating women or the trans/gay community, or not willfully pandering to all things Christian.
"the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them"
- Ron DeSantis's lawyers in Florida court
“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
- John Kenneth Galbraith
History repeats itsself. Notice the separate but equal public opinion now. "Just give them trannies their own bathroom, and sports league"
Woke is just another word for empathy. It’s weird when people are anti-empathy.
@@jettbass especially when all they go on about how loving their God is and how they are in turn loving
***And there is no Hell!! Because a SOUL DOES NOT HAVE NERVE ENDINGS!! How can you feel eternal pain when you dont have nerve endings?? 🤔🤔
I've wondered about that. Do theists believe that everyone floats around like a ghost in heaven and hell or do they believe you get a new body?
Either way, how old do you look and do you have to stay with that look/age for eternity?
it's a spiritual pain .../s
@@Speednote10 I think they believe you become a spirit form. As far as what someone would look like after death, I don't know. But that's a good question 👌 I'm gonna read into it 👌👌
@@Fufiloofa Oh. Ok 👌👌 I'm gonna read into this also 👌
Because when they made this stuff up, there wasn't as sharp a line between living and dead in the generally accepted worldview. Literally everything was supernatural when you don't know where the sun goes at night.
Atheists aren't telling, they're asking those who claim God exists to prove it.
I Dont believe that.... To them means the same thing as .... I believe that IS NOT TRUE. Its a nuance in language that they just cant comprehend because they have been primed that way
"Do theists vote for people who want to force atheists to live by their own alleged religious precepts?"
As an Iowan I feel a great deal of shame and embarrassment over people like this that live near me. It's...disappointing and disheartening. When I was a kid growing up with iptv, it made me feel like people generally wanted the best for each other whatever they believe.
ugh… this person is voting in november. please vote.
Being seen and being heard is far more important than being sweet or polite. I never miss an opportunity to at least ask street preachers, JWs..."How's your imaginary friend today?"
I got regular visits from JWs. Once two women came - maybe mother and daughter. Always fun to argue. In the end I asked the young one
"What is for you the most compelling argument for the existence of God?"
"The prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus!"
"Hmm - you are aware that the Bible was written down way later, by experts of the Old Testament. Is it not possible that these people knew of all the prophecies that God has to fulfill, and might have adjusted the story a bit? After all, when they were writing the gospels, they were decades later and hundreds of miles away, in a time you had to walk to get somewhere else. None of those that later read the gospels had ever talked with an eye witness or knew the region where it all should have taken place".
In my memory she stared at me with open mouth, and the older woman grabbed her and led her away.
And since then, I had no visits from JWs anymore.
I'd have asked the caller why does people saying that his version of god doesn't exist,
bother him so much?
"You guys just don't like truth." The projection is strong with this one.
For the record: I'm Christian and PROUDLY woke. Since woke seems to be far right code for: has morals and empathy, I think EVERYONE should be woke.
Sorry, but Woke is a cancer, and it's dying out. People are starting to realize it's a stupid thing and are leaving it.
In spite of your Christianity
@@Lupinemancer87so being aware of social injustice is a cancer?
Can I ask, how do you square these videos with your belief system? Doesn't it make you realize that what you've been taught as a kid might not be what you think it is?
Woke is a good thing. Being aware of social injustices is a good thing. Awareness of a problem is the first step toward fixing the problem.
I can't believe we're still talking about this in the twenty-first century.
If you take "Because God said!" off the table, a lot of issues do tend to shift leftward. I don't see that as a problem, but then, I'm a way-leftist myself.
heh. right? i wonder if someone has made some sort of rigorous study and essay on the grounding of reality with a lefty bias...
Whenever someone says you're woke, i ask them what woke means. They can't answer.
Woke is anything that makes me uncomfortable that I refuse to understand 😤
Jay never stopped talking and never listened. Probably never.
This guy one day picked up a biology book that had a silhouette of a naked woman and naked man on the cover and declares he has a doctorate in biology. Never opening the book. He knows everything from looking at the cover.
Oh, you mean Forrest, the one with 3 biology degrees and a graduate from Tulsa? “In 2023, he graduated from the University of Tulsa as a master of arts in anthropology. The title of his thesis was “Using cervid stable isotope analysis as a paleontological proxy: a case study of 'Ubeidiya and implications for Out of Africa I” Sure, sounds real uneducated to me.
I’m atheist and I don’t tell people their god isn’t real, I just don’t believe it is because I haven’t seen any evidence to support that hypothesis.
Read the Bible, learn about reality, there’s lots of evidence to show that god concept isn’t real.
Right around the seven minute mark Jay started to take a wrong turn. He went from inquisitive to accusatory
Also I am very tired of theses we all have our beliefs as if each belief has the same weight or significance.
Take the example of I believe I can walk through a moving bus and the I believe I can not walk through a moving bus one person is right the other is splattered all over the asphalt.
"Don't shit on and harm people because of who or what they are."
- something strange and repulsive
I agree. Some religious fruitcakes can be very strange and repulsive.
@@OceanusHeliosI second that agreement.
Wait till this guy finds out hermaphrodites exist. That will blow his mind, bro.
I'm sure the guy is very interested in women's volleyball, and not just reading some right-wing stuff. Should've asked him to name a single volleyball player.
An atheist does not ring om peoples doors and want to talk about no god. 😉
Well, Jay is from Iowa and his cosmopolitan outlook on everything (including your beliefs) must be accepted.
"I know better than a biologist" 😂. Ok, sweety, let's hope you get stopped before you decide to interrupt heart surgery telling a surgeon how to perform it.
Jay should be incredibly embarrassed by his level of ignorance
My father has always been an atheist. I didn’t even know until I was grown, because he, like many atheists-from-birth, don’t much talk about things they don’t believe in.
It seems likely that there are millions of people like my dad all over the world, quietly living their lives or even sitting in pews, keeping their opinions to themselves.
Yup, I didn't know my older sister was an atheist until relatively recently, even though we've both been atheists for decades.
"Why Do Atheists Have To Say That God Isn't Real ALL THE TIME!?" Well, why does he have to not be real ALL THE TIME!?
Why do atheist have to tell people gawd isn't real all the time?
Gawd can just end thus game by presenting himself, the fact that he doesn't means two things. He doesn't care to prove himself or he doesn't EXISTS!
He already did that with his first creation which were Angels, to understand God's motivation for why mankind got there own universe and own planet, you have
to learn about the history and lessons of first creation which were angels, to better understand our spiritual matrix reality of human creation.
I’ve never had a group of atheists Come to my front door to try and convince me of anything, but I have had numerous religious groups multiples of times do the same thing. Especially when they found out that I had a disability. So who is putting what in whose face.
The caller doesn't listen and is very clueless.
I don't know why it's taken this long for me to wonder, why don't you start every call by asking the caller what they believe atheism to be?
Why is being “woke” as a shortened for of Awake be a bad thing. The opposite is being left in the dark.
Because I'd rather be in bed sleeping where it's cozy and warm
That's not what it means in this context. Lol, The term is deliberately ironic.
Two years later, pretty sure the guy's still doesn't have a clue what "woke" means.
I probably only say it a couple of times a week...
9:12 woke means to be aware of the injustices and prejudices in society and to care about changing them
I'm pretty sure god isnt real, but whats more concerning is Valkai's hair, if that is real, it would need scientific investigation.
Because liars and charlatans keep saying the gods exist at the same time, their hands are out demanding tithing.
You do realize you challenged this guy to read a book, right?
Once again people can't handle thinking about things and resort to bigotry smh
Apparently, "woke" now means educated. Cool.
There is a saying, attributed to Sagan: "absence of evidence does not equal evidence of absence".
It meeds qualifying: "unless evidence is reasonably expected to be there".
Based on that, it's safe enough to say "god isn't real".
I have no idea how you manage to remain kind and polite with callers like this.
WHY? We like truth.
Forrest and Christy, here's the proper definition of 'woke' - "Ideas and positions the speaker disagrees with".
Jay throughout all of these calls has demonstrated he's nothing more than a troll looking for attention
forest: "you sound like a delightful person". = christians: "jesus loves you"
that said: "you sound like a delightful person" pretty much sums it up.
Atheism is as much a belief system as the off button on a TV is a channel.
Jay: "I was taught in middle school that penis = male and that's all I'm ever learning on the subject."
And in 99% of cases, that would be correct.
@@seekeroftruth6728 And 1% incorrect is still incorrect. Is it more taboo to physically verify if someone has a penis or to ask them what to call them?
@@Krikenemp18 OR..... we can just act normal... y'know.... like we have for thousands of years, and if you're in that 1%, you can volunteer that info. I think wasting the time of the 99% with this nonsense is pretty taboo.
@@Krikenemp18 Also, you said, "male." Which means we're talking biology, not gender. You seem to be confused about the difference.