Thank you. I'm just wondering if the Fathomdweller's Runed Citrine is available yet because it seemed to be bugged for a while. How did you acquire it? And for the question of the day, I would have to say 2H Swords (blood dk main) or but Shadowmourne and Fyralath top any sword imo :)
Thank you! Nice job on the rares.
Thank you. I'm just wondering if the Fathomdweller's Runed Citrine is available yet because it seemed to be bugged for a while. How did you acquire it? And for the question of the day, I would have to say 2H Swords (blood dk main) or but Shadowmourne and Fyralath top any sword imo :)
If I remember correctly, I got that one from one of the three excavation projects event.