Thank you Glenn. Yes, I think this is a great area for finding wonderful roads without having to ride for hours to get to them. If I had more time, I could simply go for a ride every evening and easily take in a road like this and be back home within the hour. But as I mentioned in the video, this year I have been soooooo busy. Once I finish work I usually just collapse on the sofa. Getting into my biking gear and going for a ride seems like a big ask in those moments, particularly now that the temperatures are stuck over 30C for the foreseeable future ! Maybe things will get better soon. It would be helpful if I could get out more than once in a week. It would make getting ahead with my videos ( for once ! ) a genuine possibility. We can but hope ! Cheers Glenn. Take care and thanks for watching ! Garry & Ruby
There is actually an active camp site up there and they do also have log cabins ( or sheds really ) for rent. As an occasional shed dweller yourself, one of those sheds could be right up your street Blake 🙂 Shall I sign you up ? Cheers bud 🥃 Garry & Ruby
Well done Tim. You were the first to get it. Congratulations. Spot on ! 🙂 Since the ER prize fund is a bit sparse at the moment, I hope that you will accept this meagre medal as a sign of our appreciation : 🎖 Cheers Tim, Garry & Ruby
Well, I found that little guided tour fascinating, It held my attention so well that i failed to see the fly that had landed in my cider....... 🥴 Best wishes to You and Ruby👍
😂 What a lovely mental image. The look of horror on your face as you looked away from TH-cam towards your glass of nectar only to find a fly was in there drinking it for you ! 😂 Lovely. Apologies for distracting you from the more important things in life with my silly little video Ken ! 🤗 Cheers Ken and hugs to the girls ! Garry & Ruby
Oh that's awesome. Not many people go to the trouble these days. Nothing wrong with that at all, I just think that wooden panniers are probably a tad on the heavy side ? Cheers Vanrides 👍🏻 Garry
@@economicalrides I wanted a side bag to carry spare inner tubes and a few tools to do tyres repairs at the side of the road. You can change a tube and be on your way long before recovery arrives. Anyway I hate spending money and had a spare sheet of 15mm ply in the garage so a couple of days later my classic 500 had a wooden side box. After 7 years the box and the bike are holding up well.
@@Vanrides. You hate spending money ? You sound just like me 😂 Great that you possess the skills to build and fit such a side box. My lack of skills and workshop does mean that I end up buying stuff that has already been manufactured, more often than not ! In case you were wondering, in this video I was referring to Peter over on the LanesExplorer channel who recently reminisced about the plywood panniers he made for his BSA A65 back in the early 70s 🙂 Apparently he designed them to look like those very expensive Craven panniers ( which you can still buy to this day ! ). You and a fair few others on here have mentioned making plywood luggage at some point, so clearly wooden luggage still has its place , even in these consumerist times 😝 Cheers Vanrides, Garry
@@economicalrides Thanks for the heads up on Lanesexplorer, had a quick look at his channel I will do some binge watching when the nights draw in. Funny you should mention Craven panniers, it was Ken Craven who introduced me to touring southern Spain in the early eighties, he would organise a yearly tour in early June to finish up in Mojacar where he owned a property. Some good and happy memories from those times. Ride safe and keep the videos coming.
@@Vanrides. That’s a great story, Lanes Explorer ( Peter ) would love that ! I really like Mojacar, it’s about the only place that isn’t home or Almeria ( RE dealer ! ) that I ever spend a night or two. You probably know this area fairly well then ! Went out to film on Buddy on Friday, got up at 6am to beat the heat, but unfortunately things didn’t work out as planned. I still got a video out of it but not the one I was intending to make ! Take care Vanrides and safe riding ! Garry & Ruby 🐕
Hi again Blake. Actually that would be a good use for those renovated but now deteriorating holiday apartments. They could turn the place into a sanctuary for men, somewhere to find peace, tranquility and pipe time. Away from the wives and kids. Man, pipe, nature. Perfect ! Shall I sign you up ? 😝
Blimey Garry those Ibex sound a bit hazardous. But what a wonderful road. And success with the helmet. 👍. Good to hear you've been paying attention this week too 😂😂. Thanks Garry. Fascinating to see the old village. Makes me smile your comments about H&S and lack of it. I grew up playing in similar sorts of places We got chased off but it didn't stop us. . Loved it! Thanks for the guided tour - you make an excellent estate agent. Hi Ruby ❤
Hi Peter, judging by the comments, you were not alone in having wooden boxes ! Nobody would go to that effort these days, just strap some cheap Chinese made textile bags to the seat somehow and call it motorcycle luggage 😂 Kudos to you though 👍🏻 Yes, the Ibex tend to bound down and up the levels, crossing the serpentine roads as they go. When that one jumped down onto the road right in front of me, I did actually have the camera running but it was filmed on my old camera and the rest of the clip was rubbish, so I binned it. Although the H&S up there certainly does not meet EU standards, I do enjoy seeing things like that. It has become so rare and like you say, we used to do it as kids and it never killed us ! Live at your own risk, just be sensible. That's the only rule we really need. It's such a shame that these days the state has to have everything 100% under its control, well, at least it feels like it must try to. A bit more anarchy is much needed. Love from Spain, Garry & Ruby
Well, watched it all now. Thought-provoking that stuff about the abandoned mine and the failure to re-invigorate it. I do love the slow ascent through Pine, Juniper and Cypress woods and the views on this type of video.😄
OK. You can go for a nice lie down now that you've watched it all 😂 Thanks Andy. I do enjoy that gentle ride up, very lovely, you just have to watch out for the maniacs on four legs and on four wheels, constantly trying to kill you. But if you get a nice safe run, it's very enjoyable. Met FIVE cars on the way back down though !!! One of them was pressing on a bit and it was a bit iffy. Managed to avoid him though ! Cheery Andy, Garry & Ruby
Yes. It's probably contravening about 1000 EU health and safety rules but we all did it as kids and lived to be this old. Quite a refreshing throwback really, quite unusual to be able to do that these days ! Cheers Pete, Garry & Ruby
Great ride Garry. I could feel the heat of the day from here. Hopefully tomorrow will be dry and sunny for me and I can get out on 'Ruby' my red and chrome 350! I remember, many years ago, making a Craven top box out of pine! I even shaped the lid of the box and painted it all in brilliant white Dulux paint. It was finished off with a couple of brown leather straps nailed to the box and had a brass padlock securing the lid. It looked the bees knees on the rear rack on my Francis Barnett 125cc, a Kestrel 66. Had some great adventures on it in the 60s/70s. Thanks for your vids. Give Ruby a pat for me!! 👍
Good morning Peter ! Brilliant to hear that your red/chrome Classic is also called Ruby, like mine was ( I only mentioned that when I sold her because having two Ruby's being mentioned on the channel would have been too confusing ! To me though, she was always Ruby too, just Metal Ruby ! ). That's a great story, your top box sounds like it was a thing of beauty. Thanks for sharing that, love it. Craven panniers are sooooo good, no wonder both you and Peter chose to build your own versions out of wood ! I went onto their website once to price up a pair of panniers for Buddy. I think I was looking at €1500 for the pair plus fitting kit. Being "economical" I ended up buying my little Custom Acess (sic) ones for €130 including fittings. They get the job done and don't look too bad ! Take care Peter, we enjoyed reading all about your homemade top box project ! Right, off to pat Ruby and then back to work. I hope you manage to get out on Ruby soon ! Garry
Ha!, at last I get to watch one of your vids on the same day it is released. Having said that, I've only watched the intro so far. 😉 I'll do the rest tomorrow.
Garry, need help... Can't make a decision .. Meteor.. Hunter .. Himmy 450.. Shotgun.. Interceptor ... Decisions, decisions ... In bloody marvelous red 😁😁 p.s. Be careful with that 'go England', Garry. Your passport may be revoked🤭🤭
Hi Stefan. All decent options although I think the vibes of the Himmy 450 make it the least attractive option to me. I think that the Shotgun would probably be the nearest thing we have to a big Meteor 350, so could be a ton of fun but unfortunately I've been unable to try one, so can't say for sure.. If like me, you like being economical, give the heavy twins a miss and go with one of the svelte 350s and save yourself a lot of money. My personal favourite would be the Meteor but the Hunter certainly has its charm too. Good luck deciding Stefan 👍🏻 Garry
Evening Peter 😊 sorry Garry, I have no idea why I called you Peter again 😅😅 very interesting village shame it's gone to pot. Love to Ruby 😊 Craven Panniers they are the future 👍
Hi Jamesworth ! Yes. You see that a lot around here. A local council gets some tourism project funded, builds the thing and then realises that it is going to cost money to staff the thing and run it. If the thing is not immediately successful, before it can properly take off, they run out of money and end up closing it down. I think it's actually a jobs for the boys scam. It provides work for the contractor doing the job and what happens after that, nobody cares ! Craven panniers are the bees knees. Amazing that they are still going today. I would love a pair for Buddy but I went onto their website, worked out what a pair was going to cost me and promptly fainted ! Custom Acess (sic) panniers are the future James. €130 the pair 😂
Hi Garry, danke das du uns auf die Tour mitgenommen und uns diesen schönen Ort gezeigt hast. Vielleicht bin ich ja mal in der Gegend und kann mir das in natura ansehen. Mir ist bei deinem Video aufgefallen das da unzählige Motive für meine Kamera sind. LG Stephan
Hallo Stephan, ja, es gibt wirklich viele Motive zum fotografieren hier. Vor allen Dingen alles in den Bergen sieht zu unterschiedlichen Tageszeiten völlig anders aus. Das ist echt faszinierend ! Wenn ich wieder off-road fahren kann, will ich mit Norman mal früh morgens in die Berge. Das sollte schöne Aufnahmen geben ! Welches Modell baust Du gerade oder bist Du gerade zwischen Modelle ? 😝 LG an alle, sag Bescheid wenn Du in Almería angekommen bist 😏 Garry & Ruby
Guten Morgen Garry, mein nächstes Modell ist wieder ein Segelschiff, die Vasa aus Schweden, die wird dann knapp 49cm lang sein, also schon recht groß mit einer aufwendigen Bemalung. Das ist als Konzentrationsübung sehr gut.😵💫 Momentan kümmere ich mich um meine Fahrzeuge, mit etwas Glück geht am Wochenende die BMW weg und dafür bekommt dann meine Vespa ET4 eine Cousine an die Seite gestellt damit sie nicht so einsam ist, eine Vespa GTS SuperSport 300.🛵 Ich muss mal sehen wieviel Kilometer es bis Almeria sind, vielleicht kann ich ja eine kleine Tour draus machen, nach dem Motto: Der Weg ist das Ziel.😜 Kraul mal Ruby hinterm linken Ohr, das hat sie bestimmt gerne 😂 LG Stephan
@@stephanl.4857 Oh ja, das ist cool. Also machst Du jetzt Motorradpause ? Das ist ja Schade aber die 300er Vespa schafft auch jede Reise, wenn man genug Zeit mitnimmt. Klingt gut. Ich sehe dich dann ! Ja, Ruby liebt das. Aber auch am rechten Ohr. Sie liebt einfach jeden Kontakt mit Menschen 🥰 Sie ist sehr schmusebedürftig und natürlich wurstbedürftig auch noch !! LG und viel Erfolg mit deinen Plänen und Konstruktionen 👍🏻 Garry & Ruby
Motorradpause würde ich das nicht nennen wollen, habe nur noch nicht die passende Maschine gefunden und bis dahin werde ich dann die 300er fahren. Damit kann man wenigstens auf die Autobahn, das ist ja mit der 125er lebensgefährlich. Bin am überlegen ob ich mir die RE Classic 350 mal ansehen soll, die gefällt mir in dem hellblau sehr gut.
@@stephanl.4857 Wie Du weißt, ich bin ein Fan von der Classic. Einziges Problem war mit dem Tacho aber die Teilnummer hat sich geändert, die scheinen eine Revision gemacht zu haben. Hoffentlich heißt das dass das Problem bei den neueren Tachos nicht mehr vorkommen wird. Ansonsten eine schöne Maschine und wie die Meteor natürlich sehr sparsam 😇 Wenn irgendwas mit der Classic dir nicht passt, schaue Dir die Hunter und die Bullet auch noch an. LG Garry
G’day Garry, what a lovely day for a ride mate..nearly as good as here 😊. Bloody shame about that village..what a waste. Ps…I think YOU are living the life of Riley or is it Brian? Cheer mate..buddy sends his love to Ruby
Thanks Clive. Oooh it's getting hot here now but thankfully the wind seems to be dropping a fair bit too, finally. We are over 30C every day now. Fortunately I take care of the neighbours' pool and they are rarely here, so when they are not here, at least I have a nice big pool to cool off in. Just wish I had more time to use it. But when I am floating on my back in the pool, with a stubby in my hand, then yes, life is good ! 😎 Take care you lot. Love from Spain, Garry & Ruby
Quite right Paul, well done ! Although judging by the comments on here, our Peter isn't the only one to have done such a thing ! Here's your prize Paul ( money's a bit tight at the moment 😝 ) 🎖️ Cheers Paul, Garry & Ruby
i do not think we are of the same DNA. i sweat like a whore (my ex wife) in church on sunday. just saying. i will never find a helmet to not sweat while riding. i sweat looking at yellow. yes, i sweat watching this video as your bike is yellow. just what happens to me. but glad you found happiness with a helmet. As far as the rats, sounds like someone near you has food in the garage. rats only stick around when there is a food source.
Hi Blakester, yellow makes you sweat ? 😂 I think my resistance to sweating varies day to day. Some days I cope better than others. And of course we all sweat more when the air is humid with it. Fortunately up here in the mountains, it is usually hot without humidity, unless thunderstorms are in the air. The new helmet is a heck of a find. Now I am going to fit a camera mount to it and also fit my decent intercom into it. It's definitely a keeper. Oh and I need to get that black visor ordered. Just been so busy. Haven't even managed that ! I think my neighbour has surplus from the almond harvest stored somewhere in his garage. Next time the door is open I will check and then have a word with him, that he is attracting the rats. Mind you, plenty of food source available to the rats now. Mars bar in my garage and Spanish cheese in the garage next door 🤔 Take care Blake. Love from Spain ( sorry, no, I haven't been smoking pipes recently, hence no updates. Just no time for such things ! ) Garry & Ruby
It really looks good in Spain.
Thank you very much for the trip.
Cheers Ruby & ER 🍻
It's getting pigging hot, I can tell you that ! Oh and the wind seems to finally be dropping !
Cheers William,
Garry & Ruby
Another great video, Garry 👍 I am really envious of the gorgeous roads and scenery around you!
Thank you Glenn. Yes, I think this is a great area for finding wonderful roads without having to ride for hours to get to them.
If I had more time, I could simply go for a ride every evening and easily take in a road like this and be back home within the hour.
But as I mentioned in the video, this year I have been soooooo busy. Once I finish work I usually just collapse on the sofa. Getting into my biking gear and going for a ride seems like a big ask in those moments, particularly now that the temperatures are stuck over 30C for the foreseeable future !
Maybe things will get better soon. It would be helpful if I could get out more than once in a week. It would make getting ahead with my videos ( for once ! ) a genuine possibility. We can but hope !
Cheers Glenn. Take care and thanks for watching !
Garry & Ruby
that area is what i want for me to own today. just a place everyone can take part in living in an area that people that leave me alone.
There is actually an active camp site up there and they do also have log cabins ( or sheds really ) for rent.
As an occasional shed dweller yourself, one of those sheds could be right up your street Blake 🙂
Shall I sign you up ?
Cheers bud 🥃
Garry & Ruby
Peter from Lanes Explorer
Well done Tim. You were the first to get it. Congratulations. Spot on ! 🙂
Since the ER prize fund is a bit sparse at the moment, I hope that you will accept this meagre medal as a sign of our appreciation : 🎖
Cheers Tim,
Garry & Ruby
@@Lanes-Explorer5733 You're soooo famous Peter, just learn to deal with it 👍🏻
@@economicalrides 😎
Well, I found that little guided tour fascinating, It held my attention so well that i failed to see the fly that had landed in my cider....... 🥴 Best wishes to You and Ruby👍
What a lovely mental image. The look of horror on your face as you looked away from TH-cam towards your glass of nectar only to find a fly was in there drinking it for you ! 😂
Apologies for distracting you from the more important things in life with my silly little video Ken ! 🤗
Cheers Ken and hugs to the girls !
Garry & Ruby
Ha Gary! The look of horror came when I took that swallow and realised too late..... 😳🤢
@@kenbrooks7794 🤣
Oh dear, sorry about that Ken !
The side box on my c500 classic is made from plywood. Its a good solid box.
Oh that's awesome. Not many people go to the trouble these days. Nothing wrong with that at all, I just think that wooden panniers are probably a tad on the heavy side ?
Cheers Vanrides 👍🏻
@@economicalrides I wanted a side bag to carry spare inner tubes and a few tools to do tyres repairs at the side of the road. You can change a tube and be on your way long before recovery arrives. Anyway I hate spending money and had a spare sheet of 15mm ply in the garage so a couple of days later my classic 500 had a wooden side box. After 7 years the box and the bike are holding up well.
@@Vanrides. You hate spending money ? You sound just like me 😂
Great that you possess the skills to build and fit such a side box. My lack of skills and workshop does mean that I end up buying stuff that has already been manufactured, more often than not !
In case you were wondering, in this video I was referring to Peter over on the LanesExplorer channel who recently reminisced about the plywood panniers he made for his BSA A65 back in the early 70s 🙂 Apparently he designed them to look like those very expensive Craven panniers ( which you can still buy to this day ! ).
You and a fair few others on here have mentioned making plywood luggage at some point, so clearly wooden luggage still has its place , even in these consumerist times 😝
Cheers Vanrides,
@@economicalrides Thanks for the heads up on Lanesexplorer, had a quick look at his channel I will do some binge watching when the nights draw in.
Funny you should mention Craven panniers, it was Ken Craven who introduced me to touring southern Spain in the early eighties, he would organise a yearly tour in early June to finish up in Mojacar where he owned a property. Some good and happy memories from those times. Ride safe and keep the videos coming.
@@Vanrides. That’s a great story, Lanes Explorer ( Peter ) would love that !
I really like Mojacar, it’s about the only place that isn’t home or Almeria ( RE dealer ! ) that I ever spend a night or two. You probably know this area fairly well then !
Went out to film on Buddy on Friday, got up at 6am to beat the heat, but unfortunately things didn’t work out as planned. I still got a video out of it but not the one I was intending to make !
Take care Vanrides and safe riding !
Garry & Ruby 🐕
thank you so much for the exploration of the village and the living conditions. most men here in America would love to have that as a living place.
Hi again Blake.
Actually that would be a good use for those renovated but now deteriorating holiday apartments.
They could turn the place into a sanctuary for men, somewhere to find peace, tranquility and pipe time. Away from the wives and kids. Man, pipe, nature. Perfect !
Shall I sign you up ? 😝
Exellent...! Lovely road and a beautiful village.. Cheers 🍻
*Plough* 🎉
Thanks Plough ! 👍🏻
It is currently beer o'clock, so yes, cheers ! 🍻
Garry & Ruby
Blimey Garry those Ibex sound a bit hazardous. But what a wonderful road. And success with the helmet. 👍. Good to hear you've been paying attention this week too 😂😂. Thanks Garry.
Fascinating to see the old village. Makes me smile your comments about H&S and lack of it. I grew up playing in similar sorts of places We got chased off but it didn't stop us. . Loved it!
Thanks for the guided tour - you make an excellent estate agent. Hi Ruby ❤
Hi Peter,
judging by the comments, you were not alone in having wooden boxes ! Nobody would go to that effort these days, just strap some cheap Chinese made textile bags to the seat somehow and call it motorcycle luggage 😂 Kudos to you though 👍🏻
Yes, the Ibex tend to bound down and up the levels, crossing the serpentine roads as they go.
When that one jumped down onto the road right in front of me, I did actually have the camera running but it was filmed on my old camera and the rest of the clip was rubbish, so I binned it.
Although the H&S up there certainly does not meet EU standards, I do enjoy seeing things like that. It has become so rare and like you say, we used to do it as kids and it never killed us ! Live at your own risk, just be sensible. That's the only rule we really need. It's such a shame that these days the state has to have everything 100% under its control, well, at least it feels like it must try to. A bit more anarchy is much needed.
Love from Spain,
Garry & Ruby
Well, watched it all now. Thought-provoking that stuff about the abandoned mine and the failure to re-invigorate it. I do love the slow ascent through Pine, Juniper and Cypress woods and the views on this type of video.😄
OK. You can go for a nice lie down now that you've watched it all 😂
Thanks Andy. I do enjoy that gentle ride up, very lovely, you just have to watch out for the maniacs on four legs and on four wheels, constantly trying to kill you. But if you get a nice safe run, it's very enjoyable. Met FIVE cars on the way back down though !!! One of them was pressing on a bit and it was a bit iffy. Managed to avoid him though !
Cheery Andy,
Garry & Ruby
Good little explore that Garry, great that you can wander around and through it all.
Yes. It's probably contravening about 1000 EU health and safety rules but we all did it as kids and lived to be this old. Quite a refreshing throwback really, quite unusual to be able to do that these days !
Cheers Pete,
Garry & Ruby
Great ride Garry. I could feel the heat of the day from here. Hopefully tomorrow will be dry and sunny for me and I can get out on 'Ruby' my red and chrome 350! I remember, many years ago, making a Craven top box out of pine! I even shaped the lid of the box and painted it all in brilliant white Dulux paint. It was finished off with a couple of brown leather straps nailed to the box and had a brass padlock securing the lid. It looked the bees knees on the rear rack on my Francis Barnett 125cc, a Kestrel 66. Had some great adventures on it in the 60s/70s. Thanks for your vids. Give Ruby a pat for me!! 👍
Good morning Peter !
Brilliant to hear that your red/chrome Classic is also called Ruby, like mine was ( I only mentioned that when I sold her because having two Ruby's being mentioned on the channel would have been too confusing ! To me though, she was always Ruby too, just Metal Ruby ! ).
That's a great story, your top box sounds like it was a thing of beauty. Thanks for sharing that, love it.
Craven panniers are sooooo good, no wonder both you and Peter chose to build your own versions out of wood !
I went onto their website once to price up a pair of panniers for Buddy. I think I was looking at €1500 for the pair plus fitting kit.
Being "economical" I ended up buying my little Custom Acess (sic) ones for €130 including fittings.
They get the job done and don't look too bad !
Take care Peter, we enjoyed reading all about your homemade top box project !
Right, off to pat Ruby and then back to work.
I hope you manage to get out on Ruby soon !
@@peterwillis4239 well done indeed, Peter 👍
Ha!, at last I get to watch one of your vids on the same day it is released. Having said that, I've only watched the intro so far. 😉 I'll do the rest tomorrow.
Yes. Don't over-stress yourself, whatever you do Andy ! 😂
Garry, need help... Can't make a decision .. Meteor.. Hunter .. Himmy 450.. Shotgun.. Interceptor ... Decisions, decisions ... In bloody marvelous red 😁😁
p.s. Be careful with that 'go England', Garry. Your passport may be revoked🤭🤭
Hi Stefan.
All decent options although I think the vibes of the Himmy 450 make it the least attractive option to me.
I think that the Shotgun would probably be the nearest thing we have to a big Meteor 350, so could be a ton of fun but unfortunately I've been unable to try one, so can't say for sure..
If like me, you like being economical, give the heavy twins a miss and go with one of the svelte 350s and save yourself a lot of money.
My personal favourite would be the Meteor but the Hunter certainly has its charm too.
Good luck deciding Stefan 👍🏻
Evening Peter 😊 sorry Garry, I have no idea why I called you Peter again 😅😅 very interesting village shame it's gone to pot. Love to Ruby 😊 Craven Panniers they are the future 👍
Hi Jamesworth !
Yes. You see that a lot around here. A local council gets some tourism project funded, builds the thing and then realises that it is going to cost money to staff the thing and run it. If the thing is not immediately successful, before it can properly take off, they run out of money and end up closing it down. I think it's actually a jobs for the boys scam. It provides work for the contractor doing the job and what happens after that, nobody cares !
Craven panniers are the bees knees. Amazing that they are still going today. I would love a pair for Buddy but I went onto their website, worked out what a pair was going to cost me and promptly fainted ! Custom Acess (sic) panniers are the future James. €130 the pair 😂
Hi Garry, danke das du uns auf die Tour mitgenommen und uns diesen schönen Ort gezeigt hast.
Vielleicht bin ich ja mal in der Gegend und kann mir das in natura ansehen.
Mir ist bei deinem Video aufgefallen das da unzählige Motive für meine Kamera sind.
LG Stephan
Hallo Stephan,
ja, es gibt wirklich viele Motive zum fotografieren hier. Vor allen Dingen alles in den Bergen sieht zu unterschiedlichen Tageszeiten völlig anders aus. Das ist echt faszinierend ! Wenn ich wieder off-road fahren kann, will ich mit Norman mal früh morgens in die Berge. Das sollte schöne Aufnahmen geben !
Welches Modell baust Du gerade oder bist Du gerade zwischen Modelle ? 😝
LG an alle, sag Bescheid wenn Du in Almería angekommen bist 😏
Garry & Ruby
Guten Morgen Garry, mein nächstes Modell ist wieder ein Segelschiff, die Vasa aus Schweden, die wird dann knapp 49cm lang sein, also schon recht groß mit einer aufwendigen Bemalung.
Das ist als Konzentrationsübung sehr gut.😵💫
Momentan kümmere ich mich um meine Fahrzeuge, mit etwas Glück geht am Wochenende die BMW weg und dafür bekommt dann meine Vespa ET4 eine Cousine an die Seite gestellt damit sie nicht so einsam ist, eine Vespa GTS SuperSport 300.🛵
Ich muss mal sehen wieviel Kilometer es bis Almeria sind, vielleicht kann ich ja eine kleine Tour draus machen, nach dem Motto: Der Weg ist das Ziel.😜
Kraul mal Ruby hinterm linken Ohr, das hat sie bestimmt gerne 😂
LG Stephan
@@stephanl.4857 Oh ja, das ist cool.
Also machst Du jetzt Motorradpause ? Das ist ja Schade aber die 300er Vespa schafft auch jede Reise, wenn man genug Zeit mitnimmt. Klingt gut. Ich sehe dich dann !
Ja, Ruby liebt das. Aber auch am rechten Ohr. Sie liebt einfach jeden Kontakt mit Menschen 🥰 Sie ist sehr schmusebedürftig und natürlich wurstbedürftig auch noch !!
LG und viel Erfolg mit deinen Plänen und Konstruktionen 👍🏻
Garry & Ruby
Motorradpause würde ich das nicht nennen wollen, habe nur noch nicht die passende Maschine gefunden und bis dahin werde ich dann die 300er fahren.
Damit kann man wenigstens auf die Autobahn, das ist ja mit der 125er lebensgefährlich.
Bin am überlegen ob ich mir die RE Classic 350 mal ansehen soll, die gefällt mir in dem hellblau sehr gut.
@@stephanl.4857 Wie Du weißt, ich bin ein Fan von der Classic. Einziges Problem war mit dem Tacho aber die Teilnummer hat sich geändert, die scheinen eine Revision gemacht zu haben. Hoffentlich heißt das dass das Problem bei den neueren Tachos nicht mehr vorkommen wird.
Ansonsten eine schöne Maschine und wie die Meteor natürlich sehr sparsam 😇
Wenn irgendwas mit der Classic dir nicht passt, schaue Dir die Hunter und die Bullet auch noch an.
G’day Garry, what a lovely day for a ride mate..nearly as good as here 😊. Bloody shame about that village..what a waste. Ps…I think YOU are living the life of Riley or is it Brian?
Cheer mate..buddy sends his love to Ruby
Thanks Clive. Oooh it's getting hot here now but thankfully the wind seems to be dropping a fair bit too, finally.
We are over 30C every day now. Fortunately I take care of the neighbours' pool and they are rarely here, so when they are not here, at least I have a nice big pool to cool off in. Just wish I had more time to use it. But when I am floating on my back in the pool, with a stubby in my hand, then yes, life is good ! 😎
Take care you lot. Love from Spain,
Garry & Ruby
Plywood luggage? That would be the famous LanesExplorer or should that be infamous?🤣
Quite right Paul, well done !
Although judging by the comments on here, our Peter isn't the only one to have done such a thing !
Here's your prize Paul ( money's a bit tight at the moment 😝 ) 🎖️
Cheers Paul,
Garry & Ruby
@@economicalrides Ooh, I'm well chuffed with my medal, I shall wear it with pride.
@@paulholmes1682 😝 As indeed you should Paul. Well earned !
i do not think we are of the same DNA. i sweat like a whore (my ex wife) in church on sunday. just saying. i will never find a helmet to not sweat while riding. i sweat looking at yellow. yes, i sweat watching this video as your bike is yellow. just what happens to me. but glad you found happiness with a helmet. As far as the rats, sounds like someone near you has food in the garage. rats only stick around when there is a food source.
Hi Blakester,
yellow makes you sweat ? 😂
I think my resistance to sweating varies day to day. Some days I cope better than others. And of course we all sweat more when the air is humid with it. Fortunately up here in the mountains, it is usually hot without humidity, unless thunderstorms are in the air.
The new helmet is a heck of a find. Now I am going to fit a camera mount to it and also fit my decent intercom into it. It's definitely a keeper. Oh and I need to get that black visor ordered. Just been so busy. Haven't even managed that !
I think my neighbour has surplus from the almond harvest stored somewhere in his garage. Next time the door is open I will check and then have a word with him, that he is attracting the rats.
Mind you, plenty of food source available to the rats now. Mars bar in my garage and Spanish cheese in the garage next door 🤔
Take care Blake. Love from Spain ( sorry, no, I haven't been smoking pipes recently, hence no updates. Just no time for such things ! )
Garry & Ruby