I'm working on a 2002 Maxima that's over charging, I ran a test light over the fuses with the ignition off hoping to get lucky I guess? But after your video 😉. Plus it's the only one that I seen about over charging. Thanks Man. Need to talk 2the Boss & get you a raise my friend.
I checked online. Next to the battery there should be two fuse boxes. The bottom one fuse f3 10amp. It shows generator from what I read up. I hope this helps.
I have a 2012 Nissan Versa Hatchback that is doing the same thing but my anti-skid and power steering lights come on too sometimes. The car goes into limp mode and did it to me right in the middle of the highway. I've spend $600 so far replacing alternator and battery but still does it and alternator voltage has gone up to over 17v. Since my car is different do you know what it is labeled as?
Thanks for sharing brother!👍🏻
Great job and amazing video. Thinking outside the box.
I'm working on a 2002 Maxima that's over charging, I ran a test light over the fuses with the ignition off hoping to get lucky I guess? But after your video 😉. Plus it's the only one that I seen about over charging. Thanks Man. Need to talk 2the Boss & get you a raise my friend.
what is that fuse labeled
this was really helpful!
Thank you, I’m having the same issue on a 2010 Nissan Rogue
I just can’t locate the charging fuse box help??
I checked online. Next to the battery there should be two fuse boxes. The bottom one fuse f3 10amp. It shows generator from what I read up. I hope this helps.
I have a 2012 Nissan Versa Hatchback that is doing the same thing but my anti-skid and power steering lights come on too sometimes. The car goes into limp mode and did it to me right in the middle of the highway. I've spend $600 so far replacing alternator and battery but still does it and alternator voltage has gone up to over 17v. Since my car is different do you know what it is labeled as?
What was the problem??
does this channel offer TH-cam Mechanic certifications?
"promosm" 👌