could have been interesting, but got a bunch of weakness: 1. little to no interesting/calming background music when we roam around with nothing happening 2. too many puzzles between events happening 3. MC talks about everything and anything, like she sees piece of paper and has to says it outloud 'oh it's a piece of paper' 4. A lot of plot is delivered by mc monologue rather than actually being shown, but her voice and dialogues arent very interesting enough. People were dying, going berserk, and her husband missing but she talks all cheerfully like a high school girl during picnic 5. 'old pal' this 'old pal' that kinda cringe tbh 🤔🤔sounds like 80 yr old grandma
@@Batman099 its the way she talks. everything is alien and ppl died but she lives in her memory with her husband how good things were. Thats just weird...
She doesn't. Her accent is annoying because it's badly done. When she does talk of course it's about her husband! She's finding his stuff! He's missing maybe dead! Because he was trying to find a cure for her! That's not weird at all!
If she's a fish creature, why does she need to lower the water levels to enter the tunnel? Couldn't she have just jumped into the water and swam through it? In fact, that's even better, seeing that being in water is where she truly belongs...
While underwater the tunnel creates a current barring you from entering. When she goes into the tunnel later you can see the control dial thing on the floor so the controls broke. Lowering the water level exposes the tunnel to air and stops the current.
Its meh so far. A review said it compae to The Room and Red Matter 2 but it doesnt! Not even close to the graphics and effects. I paid 15 so im not too upset. I will finish it..just not impressed
That was the most beautiful game/story i have watched for a long while. Thank you for sharing, Hun :) x
Thank you. Helped me to solve some of them 😄
I played 1/3 of the game and I was scared.. so I came here to watch the rest of the gameplay :) thanks for the video!
this game made me realized that im not smart enough cause i chated almost every single puzzle with this video. sadge
I just got done completing this game. It was amazing!
Gameplay is really smooth 😊 but how did u control the part at lens? At 47: minutes i guess I couldn't do it
Ty 4 alternate ending didn't wanna last puzzle again 😂😂
So all of that trouble they put us through and we don’t even get to meet Harry at the end! Ugh 😑 😂
I chose the other ending and came here for this one, I didn't have the heart to have her choose death :(
could have been interesting, but got a bunch of weakness:
1. little to no interesting/calming background music when we roam around with nothing happening
2. too many puzzles between events happening
3. MC talks about everything and anything, like she sees piece of paper and has to says it outloud 'oh it's a piece of paper'
4. A lot of plot is delivered by mc monologue rather than actually being shown, but her voice and dialogues arent very interesting enough. People were dying, going berserk, and her husband missing but she talks all cheerfully like a high school girl during picnic
5. 'old pal' this 'old pal' that kinda cringe tbh 🤔🤔sounds like 80 yr old grandma
Im too dumb for this game
Why she has to talk NON STOP ABOUT EVERYTHING.
Let me guess...First time playing such a game ?
@@Batman099 its the way she talks. everything is alien and ppl died but she lives in her memory with her husband how good things were. Thats just weird...
@@DSM15Mexil usually in such game charector talk to themselves it's kinda added to make engaging with what's going on.
@@DSM15Mexil I finished this game to be honest I didn't like the ending.
She doesn't. Her accent is annoying because it's badly done. When she does talk of course it's about her husband! She's finding his stuff! He's missing maybe dead! Because he was trying to find a cure for her! That's not weird at all!
If she's a fish creature, why does she need to lower the water levels to enter the tunnel? Couldn't she have just jumped into the water and swam through it? In fact, that's even better, seeing that being in water is where she truly belongs...
While underwater the tunnel creates a current barring you from entering. When she goes into the tunnel later you can see the control dial thing on the floor so the controls broke. Lowering the water level exposes the tunnel to air and stops the current.
Such a sad ending
Its meh so far. A review said it compae to The Room and Red Matter 2 but it doesnt! Not even close to the graphics and effects. I paid 15 so im not too upset. I will finish it..just not impressed
Are you comparing a ps5 and a quest 2 version how smooth of your brain is bruh
So boring game not interesting
Boring game.