What a trip to see this. First off thank u for clarifying what a villain really is. This is why in HVV I stated that I looked like Mother Theresa compared to the others on the villain tribe. I also wondered why Coach was on the villain tribe as well! Second I know that observations are always made from the very limited version that you get to see on tv. And I will say this in relation to “Jerky Gate”. 🤓. Yes. I described what I saw Kel eating.... but it was Colby who told us all that Kel had been caught in the airport with several bags of beef jerky (meat products are not allowed in Australia from other countries). It was then that we all put it together. As a tribe. And it was either Mad Dog or Amber who suggested looking through Kels bag. And lastly. Trust me... I had no filter back then. I realize it was not a winning strategy. But none of us had any idea of what one was. We only had Richard Hatch to look at for ideas of what that even meant. We focused on numbers and alliances. Everyone was short tempered and annoying at times. We were literally STARVING. And Australia is FREEZING at night. We hardly slept. In fact I didn’t sleep the first three nights we were there. So yeah. My behavior was not always perfect. But I was honest and loyal and I can cook some killer rice. In fact that whole thing with Elizabeth and the rice was stupid on my part. But keep in mind Kucha was never starving. They won killed a pig for goodness sakes. And had the chickens... Ogakor was not doing well in terms of food or morale. Whew. Okay. Had to get all of that off my chest. I’ve grown from this experience. More than u can imagine. I’m a better person for all that has happened.... in and out of the game. It’s been rough at times... but I’m still here kickin butt and taking names. And I’m proud of my accomplishments. And I continue to work on myself and try to be a better person every day. Thanks for the love and support! Truly. -Jerri 😍🥰😘
Thank you for watching and taking the time to comment Jerri! I could definitely tell you grew and matured in each subsequent season and I think all of us can relate. I really hope they do a legends season so you can get one more shot.
@@Murmurrr the thing with Kel was the only Villain thing she did. Besides it she just just annoying to people. The edit made her seem more of a villain then she was
@@exiaR2x78 I disagree that even that was villainous. She was the only one who had the balls to confront what she believed to be a gross injustice. Whereas everyone else was talking behind Kel’s back, she was willing to confront him directly about it. If anything, that’s a heroic quality.
I never perceived Jerri as a villain. I always found Colby's switch from flirting with Jerri to hating her and saying awful things about her pretty abrupt and nonsensical and it made me dislike Colby more than anything else. I am very biased towards the women that survivor portrays as "villains" cause I think its often unfair
Daniella from exile island is also not a villain in my opinion and she was pretty fuck in the final three as she loose to arus or terry no matter who she takes but chose arus because they were on the same tribes at the start and would say Shane is way more of villains than her
Low-key All-Stars and Heroes vs Villains kinda proved you right in every aspect. And showed us every single one of those alleged "Heroes" in more than just one light that they got in their first seasons. Their loss, your gain, girl. ;)
Jerri Manthey, TBH it seemed to me like you where the one making most out of the experience. Where others were miserable you took multiple opportunities to get your mind off of the suffering whether it was rowing in the boat, cooking or your chats with Amber. I felt like you were really misunderstood ans it's obvious production took advantage of it to paint you as a villain for views and ratings. You were always my favourite from the start & if there's ever a Survivor contestant I wish I could have a picture with that would be you. 😉
Wow ... Australia is the only season I watched. Mainly because of you and Colby. lol. I was pulling for you and thought Colby made a mistake taking Tina to the finals.
Jerri was super misunderstood. I also think the Kel incident shouldn't even count as villainous. Apparently he was caught trying to sneak beef jerky pre-game, so it seems pretty likely that Jerri was actually right.
@@OnceUponAnIsland From all the stuff I've heard, it sounds like Kel did have beef jerky. It's possible that they just didn't have footage of it or didn't want to bring attention to someone actually cheating on the show.
@@eagerturtle4791 It reminds me of the beangate incident in Africa. I can't imagine they don't have footage of that, since it happened at camp, but they chose not to show it for a particular reason. I plan on doing a breakdown of that incident in the near future.
It was established that no jerky was found after they went through his stuff behind his back and she refused to apologize. I think proof is in the fact that someone would go through someones stuff behind his back rather in front of him while being accusing, that is underhanded, sneaky and rude. That in my opinion in the situation makes me think she was lying.
i never thought jerri was a villain. a great player? yes, but a villain? not so much. i think this is a result of the obvious sexism shown within the early seasons of the show and also a difference in the way strategy was viewed during these early years. ily jerri
@@OnceUponAnIsland I am not being sarcastic !!! I think Sexism is a big part of the way she was treated by the audience. if you are a young women u had to be soft spoken & sweet to be liked & Jerri wasn't that. I love Jerri ,I watched Outback after HvV & I was shocked by how people treated her considering she did nothing wrong. If she was on today for the first time she would loved!!
@@mmmm-co4dc Well... the season was in 2001 and she didn't fit the definition of a villain. However, her edit made her out to be one despite that Colby did more villainous things.
@@OnceUponAnIsland Yeah my point is if look at it with fresh eyes you don't see how she anything she does it bad. People on now are way meaner in their confessionals than she ever was& the audience LOVE it. I watched the season way after bec i was 5 when it aired & she was my fave actually. Didn't know about people reaction to her. Also, according to interviews from other people from her season recently both the Kell thing & the Keith thing she was right about.
@@mmmm-co4dc she litteraly made sexual comments towards Colby that pissed him off, if that was a guy you would be calling him a sexist pig and one of the worst contestants "Nothing wrong," lmao get a reality check
Low-key even without this video, history itself proved Jerri right. Heroes vs Villains more so than All-Stars, but All-Stars too. All-Stars showed her to be level-headed, for sure. But Heroes vs Villains showed us the kind-hearted, socially adept, cool side of Jerri that ironically got her voted out in 4th because she was too much of a threat to win. :) And showed us how "heroic" some of those "Heroes" really are. Colby and Rupert included.
pogodziej Even from their original seasons, Colby and Rupert were a mixed bag. Colby was pretty awful to Jerri (and kind of Keith too). And the first thing Rupert did in Pearl Islands is steal all of the other tribe’s shoes. He also had zero chill.
Everything bad she said in Heroes vs Villians was cut out because they wanted people to view her as a ‘fallen angel’. All the survivors still said she was a jerk tho.
@@OnceUponAnIsland Tina was. Tina backstabbed Jerri + Amanda, and was easily the main villain of the season, given how she gained Keith's loyalty by throwing that challenge.
Once Upon An Island alright so I shared it with a lot of discord channels and I also posted it on reddit, don’t know if the post gets deleted or not but we’ll see.
For that time I believe it was even justifiable to be called a villain, at least according to what the edition was going to the public. But I really don't understand why she was so hated. The boos she got on All-Stars don't make sense to me. Anyway, Australian Outback wouldn't be the same without her. Great video :)
I discovered your channel just today and I've been binging every video since. It's everything any fan could ever want. Super excited for the long journey ahead and I hope the channel gets all the attention from the community that it deserves! Good luck I'm on board!
Yeah, Jerri really wasn't all that bad but this season aired in like, 2001. Back then, a woman who is strong and opinionated would of course be portrayed as 'the bitch.' It's not fair at all, and had Australia aired in 2020, Jerri would have definitely gotten a more nuanced edit. Regardless, she's still my favorite reality TV personality ever❤
Glad to find this episode. Currently re-watching Season 2 and I kept thinking: "Why was Jerri portrayed as such a villain? What did she ever do that was so bad? I only watched the last one or two episodes of Australia back when it first aired, but fans and the media were making her out to be queen bitch of the universe or something. Then I watched it, and I found myself siding with Jerri more often than not. As you've explained very well, there is a BIG difference between being "evil" and being "annoying".
The season 2 review is next week! Then on to Africa where I have 6 videos planned! 3 of them being stories. All of the videos are released weeks before on this channels Patreon www.patreon.com/onceuponanislandchannel
First of all Jerri was gorgeous! Oh man... And then we can discuss about the rest ;) This might be strange but personally I both loved and hated her through this season because of her acts. Obviously very special character. Thanks for another interesting and very well prepared video.
This is such an interesting breakdown!! It's so fascinating to look back - she was portrayed as The OG Survivor villain, and at the time, I sure thought she was too. But as time had gone on and we've seen so many other villains and seasons, and I've gone back to rewatch Australia a bunch of times, it's actually amazing how NOT a villain she is. 😂 So much of it just actually just reads as Colby getting annoyed with her and Keith's major ego, and a general sense that she's LIKELY untrustworthy. Yes, she did some jerk moves/moments, but she is honestly not a villain at all?? 😂 This is why I love rewatching seasons years later too, to see just how much perceptions of characters have changed compared with how the game has changed/what has come since. You almost need a Actual Villain (evil/immoral) count with a separate Just Negative count for comparison. 😂😂 LOVE all these breakdown vids - I'm casually binging my way through them. 😅
Pretty much described it pretty well here. Even though Jerri could be an annoyance at times, she never really did anything that was really all that villainous from the typical villain standpoint. If there were a typical villain on this season, she'd just be a minor antagonist and honestly, I could understand where she was coming from most of the time. Like the part at her elimination tribal where she says that she's said a lot of things that she immediately regretted and usually she wouldn't be saying this stuff in a normal setting I think is really just a classic case of the stress getting to someone. Plus, if I'm going to be honest, she's one of the few interesting parts about this season imo.
I'm sorry I loved Jerri, she was iconic, entertaining ruthless. But she was a vilain. She led a witch hunt against Kel. She was kinda cliquey and was kinda mean towards Keith and Marylyn. In the merge, she didn't listen to others and impose her choices (the shelter in the river who came bacame to bite them in the back). She didn't socialize with anyone other than Amber and Colby. She was the first female vilain (2nd because i think Sue was kinda the first female vilain and Richard was the first overall vilain).
i do think she was a villain for the show but i don’t think that makes her a bad person. idk i like villains. it’s fun to root against someone just as much as it’s fun to root for someone. it sucks that people take the show too seriously and hate on the contestants when the most they do is be kind of annoying. like in the reunion Deb talked about how her home town was awful to her for leaving first and that sucks a lot. So Jerri’s a villain but a lovable one
What do you think? Was Jerri Manthey a villain? Get access to all of my videos WEEKS before they come out on TH-cam. www.patreon.com/onceuponanislandchannel
My first introduction to Jerri was Heroes vs Villains, and I liked her. I wondered what made her a villain, and after watching Australia I realized that the show really overplayed her villain status. It was season 2, so I can see why since people were just being introduced to a show like Survivor, but all the nonsense Jerri had to take was beyond stupid. The first time I watched Colby by comparison, I didn't like him because of his performance in Heroes vs Villains, and watching him made me enjoy the season less. I can see why he was so well liked in Australia, but I didn't ignore how he treated Jerri and got away with it because he was supposed to be the "hero" and she was supposed to be the "villain."
My understanding was that production wanted to have a “story” to tell and for that, you need a hero and a villain. They’ve already decided that Colby was going to be the hero and the antithesis to that would be Jerri, who’s only win was that she had enough confidence to stand up for herself and others and make her opinions heard, regardless if they are popular opinions or not. To that end, production only revealed the nastiest of the nasty segments that they can pull for Jerri to create this effect. They’re only shown her getting in minor disagreements with Tina. They’ve only shown clips of Jerri complaining about Keith’s cooking. They’ve only shown clips of Jerri humiliating Colby by her fantasizing about him. They’ve only shown the one negative interaction she’s had with Elizabeth when she made a minor comment about Elizabeth’s cooking. They’ve deliberately only shown clips of Jerri inadvertently annoying her teammates to create the illusion that Jerri is deliberately antagonistic when in reality she only annoyed them 10-15% of the time as is bound to happen eventually when you live in close quarters with someone.
Yeah, "that bitch Jerri from Survivor", I just never saw her as such. The Black Widow is a cool nickname, but I think it was Colby who killed her, and they didn't even have sex. All of her "villainous" stuff had something to do with food. Amazing that food can be such an issue in a show called Survivor, man.
I think jerri was really annoying with the whole colby situation like it was obvious that he didn’t like her and all she did was talk about him. It was ok for the first 2-3 episodes but it hit really annoying cuz it became her whole storyline atp everything regarding her had something to do w colby. I never liked colby anyways so that’s not really a surprise that he wasn’t genuine with everyone.
Point 1 wasn’t fair, you, nor I, know for certain she was lying. Really only Jerri knows. She has no reason to lie about this anymore and she still says she saw Kel eat something like beef jerky. Come on now.
The impression I got was that she just had a personality clash with the other contestants. She was outspoken and a little tactless and they vilified her for it.
I was trying to approach her actions from a factual standpoint. She was perceived as a villain much more so than her actually being a villain. I would dare say... she was misunderstood.
@Arash Akbar By Survivor definitions, she was a villain. No one on the island seemed to care for her, besides Amber, and she was constantly edited into a villain. However, the question of the video was to see if she was a real villain and not what Survivor says is a villain in 2001.
Yeah, back then we were a little more sexist. I watched S2 not too long ago and was shocked at how douchey colby was. Colby! the guy america loved and considered a hero in survivor! He's charming and handsome, which apparantly gave him carte blanch to be a douche to jerri at times. Reality TV was different and women were more treated as cute sex objects than strong women. Crazy how different things were back then.
I would say that she's manipulative show signs of being a sociopath and a borderline psychopath but that doesn't make her bad that's literally her playing the game with strategy
What a trip to see this. First off thank u for clarifying what a villain really is. This is why in HVV I stated that I looked like Mother Theresa compared to the others on the villain tribe. I also wondered why Coach was on the villain tribe as well!
Second I know that observations are always made from the very limited version that you get to see on tv. And I will say this in relation to “Jerky Gate”. 🤓. Yes. I described what I saw Kel eating.... but it was Colby who told us all that Kel had been caught in the airport with several bags of beef jerky (meat products are not allowed in Australia from other countries). It was then that we all put it together. As a tribe. And it was either Mad Dog or Amber who suggested looking through Kels bag.
And lastly.
Trust me... I had no filter back then. I realize it was not a winning strategy. But none of us had any idea of what one was. We only had Richard Hatch to look at for ideas of what that even meant. We focused on numbers and alliances. Everyone was short tempered and annoying at times. We were literally STARVING. And Australia is FREEZING at night. We hardly slept. In fact I didn’t sleep the first three nights we were there. So yeah. My behavior was not always perfect. But I was honest and loyal and I can cook some killer rice. In fact that whole thing with Elizabeth and the rice was stupid on my part. But keep in mind Kucha was never starving. They won killed a pig for goodness sakes. And had the chickens... Ogakor was not doing well in terms of food or morale.
Whew. Okay.
Had to get all of that off my chest.
I’ve grown from this experience. More than u can imagine.
I’m a better person for all that has happened.... in and out of the game. It’s been rough at times... but I’m still here kickin butt and taking names. And I’m proud of my accomplishments. And I continue to work on myself and try to be a better person every day.
Thanks for the love and support! Truly.
-Jerri 😍🥰😘
Thank you for watching and taking the time to comment Jerri! I could definitely tell you grew and matured in each subsequent season and I think all of us can relate. I really hope they do a legends season so you can get one more shot.
OMG Jerri 🥰
Please come back to survivor we really want you back on our TVs
@@mikeramp72 She should be a top choice for a Survivor seasons for those who have never won.
You're a legend Jerri!
It is adorable what passed for villainy in season 2.
Seriously, all she did was annoy people lmao
@@Murmurrr the thing with Kel was the only Villain thing she did. Besides it she just just annoying to people. The edit made her seem more of a villain then she was
@@Murmurrr Villain or not, doesn't change the fact that she was a jerk. :)
@@exiaR2x78 I disagree that even that was villainous. She was the only one who had the balls to confront what she believed to be a gross injustice. Whereas everyone else was talking behind Kel’s back, she was willing to confront him directly about it. If anything, that’s a heroic quality.
I never perceived Jerri as a villain. I always found Colby's switch from flirting with Jerri to hating her and saying awful things about her pretty abrupt and nonsensical and it made me dislike Colby more than anything else. I am very biased towards the women that survivor portrays as "villains" cause I think its often unfair
Daniella from exile island is also not a villain in my opinion and she was pretty fuck in the final three as she loose to arus or terry no matter who she takes but chose arus because they were on the same tribes at the start and would say Shane is way more of villains than her
You're absolutely right.
Oh! And I NEVER played my drums at night and kept anyone awake. 💗💗💗
Rupert however.... well.... that’s another story! 😏
Low-key All-Stars and Heroes vs Villains kinda proved you right in every aspect. And showed us every single one of those alleged "Heroes" in more than just one light that they got in their first seasons. Their loss, your gain, girl. ;)
viewers think for some reason that is also a better idea to build an underground shelter on a beach
Jerri Manthey, TBH it seemed to me like you where the one making most out of the experience. Where others were miserable you took multiple opportunities to get your mind off of the suffering whether it was rowing in the boat, cooking or your chats with Amber.
I felt like you were really misunderstood ans it's obvious production took advantage of it to paint you as a villain for views and ratings.
You were always my favourite from the start & if there's ever a Survivor contestant I wish I could have a picture with that would be you. 😉
Wow ... Australia is the only season I watched. Mainly because of you and Colby. lol. I was pulling for you and thought Colby made a mistake taking Tina to the finals.
Jerri was super misunderstood. I also think the Kel incident shouldn't even count as villainous. Apparently he was caught trying to sneak beef jerky pre-game, so it seems pretty likely that Jerri was actually right.
I feel like if he really had it then why wouldn't they show it? But then I think, maybe it was to make us doubt Jerri if he really did have it.
@@OnceUponAnIsland From all the stuff I've heard, it sounds like Kel did have beef jerky. It's possible that they just didn't have footage of it or didn't want to bring attention to someone actually cheating on the show.
@@eagerturtle4791 It reminds me of the beangate incident in Africa. I can't imagine they don't have footage of that, since it happened at camp, but they chose not to show it for a particular reason. I plan on doing a breakdown of that incident in the near future.
It was established that no jerky was found after they went through his stuff behind his back and she refused to apologize. I think proof is in the fact that someone would go through someones stuff behind his back rather in front of him while being accusing, that is underhanded, sneaky and rude. That in my opinion in the situation makes me think she was lying.
@@Nana-Tammy but it wasn't her who suggested it was beef jerky.. and it wasn't her who suggested looking into his bag. I don't get your point
i never thought jerri was a villain. a great player? yes, but a villain? not so much. i think this is a result of the obvious sexism shown within the early seasons of the show and also a difference in the way strategy was viewed during these early years. ily jerri
Jerri was an outspoken young women who confident in her ability & her Sexuality and in the year 2000 that alone made her a villain!
The sarcasm is thicccck.
@@OnceUponAnIsland I am not being sarcastic !!! I think Sexism is a big part of the way she was treated by the audience. if you are a young women u had to be soft spoken & sweet to be liked & Jerri wasn't that. I love Jerri ,I watched Outback after HvV & I was shocked by how people treated her considering she did nothing wrong. If she was on today for the first time she would loved!!
@@mmmm-co4dc Well... the season was in 2001 and she didn't fit the definition of a villain. However, her edit made her out to be one despite that Colby did more villainous things.
@@OnceUponAnIsland Yeah my point is if look at it with fresh eyes you don't see how she anything she does it bad. People on now are way meaner in their confessionals than she ever was& the audience LOVE it. I watched the season way after bec i was 5 when it aired & she was my fave actually. Didn't know about people reaction to her. Also, according to interviews from other people from her season recently both the Kell thing & the Keith thing she was right about.
@@mmmm-co4dc she litteraly made sexual comments towards Colby that pissed him off, if that was a guy you would be calling him a sexist pig and one of the worst contestants "Nothing wrong," lmao get a reality check
Low-key even without this video, history itself proved Jerri right. Heroes vs Villains more so than All-Stars, but All-Stars too. All-Stars showed her to be level-headed, for sure. But Heroes vs Villains showed us the kind-hearted, socially adept, cool side of Jerri that ironically got her voted out in 4th because she was too much of a threat to win. :) And showed us how "heroic" some of those "Heroes" really are. Colby and Rupert included.
Even from their original seasons, Colby and Rupert were a mixed bag. Colby was pretty awful to Jerri (and kind of Keith too). And the first thing Rupert did in Pearl Islands is steal all of the other tribe’s shoes. He also had zero chill.
Everything bad she said in Heroes vs Villians was cut out because they wanted people to view her as a ‘fallen angel’. All the survivors still said she was a jerk tho.
I mean, Rupert is one of the biggest POS bullies that Survivor has ever seen. How he was EVER seen as a hero is baffling to me.
Colby and Tina played more villainous than Jerri.
I don't think Tina was villainous, but Colby certainly had it in him.
@@OnceUponAnIsland Tina was. Tina backstabbed Jerri + Amanda, and was easily the main villain of the season, given how she gained Keith's loyalty by throwing that challenge.
@@925263 There was no Amanda this season. You've probably got confused with Amber.
Colby threw a pissy fit on the blindfold challenge and rightfully almost got voted out ep 7
@@925263 She also blindsided Mad Dog when Mad Dog thought she was the closest friend Tina had on the tribe. Tina was shrewd.
Wish these videos get more views, very professional and very entertaining. Can’t wait for you to keep growing your channel!
Thank you! If they get shared on reddit/facebook/twitter then maybe more people will notice?
Once Upon An Island I’m on it!
@@Jervyras Awesome :)
Once Upon An Island alright so I shared it with a lot of discord channels and I also posted it on reddit, don’t know if the post gets deleted or not but we’ll see.
@@Jervyras Wow! I didn't even think about discord. There are Survivor discords?
For that time I believe it was even justifiable to be called a villain, at least according to what the edition was going to the public. But I really don't understand why she was so hated. The boos she got on All-Stars don't make sense to me. Anyway, Australian Outback wouldn't be the same without her. Great video :)
Everyone was in love with Colby and she was his nemesis. I cover this in depth in the Colby video as well.
I’m so glad America is moving away from obsessing over golden boys like Colby. Things have changed culturally.
I discovered your channel just today and I've been binging every video since. It's everything any fan could ever want. Super excited for the long journey ahead and I hope the channel gets all the attention from the community that it deserves! Good luck I'm on board!
Yeah, Jerri really wasn't all that bad but this season aired in like, 2001. Back then, a woman who is strong and opinionated would of course be portrayed as 'the bitch.' It's not fair at all, and had Australia aired in 2020, Jerri would have definitely gotten a more nuanced edit. Regardless, she's still my favorite reality TV personality ever❤
I remember Rosie O Donnell wanted Jerri eliminated which in hindsight if Rosie doesn't like you it's likely a good thing.
What Villain is today and what was 20 years ago it's a different thing !!!!
Glad to find this episode. Currently re-watching Season 2 and I kept thinking: "Why was Jerri portrayed as such a villain? What did she ever do that was so bad? I only watched the last one or two episodes of Australia back when it first aired, but fans and the media were making her out to be queen bitch of the universe or something. Then I watched it, and I found myself siding with Jerri more often than not. As you've explained very well, there is a BIG difference between being "evil" and being "annoying".
These are amazing for new survivor viewers, are you doing the season 2 review soon?
The season 2 review is next week! Then on to Africa where I have 6 videos planned! 3 of them being stories. All of the videos are released weeks before on this channels Patreon www.patreon.com/onceuponanislandchannel
So aside from the beef jerky incident, Jerri wasn’t a villain, she was simply annoying as hell and overly dramatic
Other contestants on this season confirmed that they also suspected Kel had beef jerky. She just got blamed because of the edit
First of all Jerri was gorgeous! Oh man... And then we can discuss about the rest ;) This might be strange but personally I both loved and hated her through this season because of her acts. Obviously very special character.
Thanks for another interesting and very well prepared video.
This is such an interesting breakdown!! It's so fascinating to look back - she was portrayed as The OG Survivor villain, and at the time, I sure thought she was too. But as time had gone on and we've seen so many other villains and seasons, and I've gone back to rewatch Australia a bunch of times, it's actually amazing how NOT a villain she is. 😂
So much of it just actually just reads as Colby getting annoyed with her and Keith's major ego, and a general sense that she's LIKELY untrustworthy. Yes, she did some jerk moves/moments, but she is honestly not a villain at all?? 😂 This is why I love rewatching seasons years later too, to see just how much perceptions of characters have changed compared with how the game has changed/what has come since.
You almost need a Actual Villain (evil/immoral) count with a separate Just Negative count for comparison. 😂😂
LOVE all these breakdown vids - I'm casually binging my way through them. 😅
Wife and I started watching from season 1 a few week ago. Love your takes. This is good stuff.
Would LOVE a video about Colby and Jerri's 3 season arc
By the standards of old-school Survivor, yes. In modern-day survivor, no (as we saw her in HvV)
Pretty much described it pretty well here. Even though Jerri could be an annoyance at times, she never really did anything that was really all that villainous from the typical villain standpoint. If there were a typical villain on this season, she'd just be a minor antagonist and honestly, I could understand where she was coming from most of the time. Like the part at her elimination tribal where she says that she's said a lot of things that she immediately regretted and usually she wouldn't be saying this stuff in a normal setting I think is really just a classic case of the stress getting to someone. Plus, if I'm going to be honest, she's one of the few interesting parts about this season imo.
Jerry was the best in HvV. She was one night away from winning.
I'm sorry I loved Jerri, she was iconic, entertaining ruthless. But she was a vilain. She led a witch hunt against Kel. She was kinda cliquey and was kinda mean towards Keith and Marylyn. In the merge, she didn't listen to others and impose her choices (the shelter in the river who came bacame to bite them in the back). She didn't socialize with anyone other than Amber and Colby. She was the first female vilain (2nd because i think Sue was kinda the first female vilain and Richard was the first overall vilain).
I think you make some great valid points!
i do think she was a villain for the show but i don’t think that makes her a bad person. idk i like villains. it’s fun to root against someone just as much as it’s fun to root for someone.
it sucks that people take the show too seriously and hate on the contestants when the most they do is be kind of annoying. like in the reunion Deb talked about how her home town was awful to her for leaving first and that sucks a lot.
So Jerri’s a villain but a lovable one
What do you think? Was Jerri Manthey a villain? Get access to all of my videos WEEKS before they come out on TH-cam. www.patreon.com/onceuponanislandchannel
To me she was a villain
@@marycornett3165 Why is that?
@@OnceUponAnIsland I mean they call her the black widow for a reason
@@marycornett3165 Yes, but why is she a villain to you?
My first introduction to Jerri was Heroes vs Villains, and I liked her. I wondered what made her a villain, and after watching Australia I realized that the show really overplayed her villain status. It was season 2, so I can see why since people were just being introduced to a show like Survivor, but all the nonsense Jerri had to take was beyond stupid. The first time I watched Colby by comparison, I didn't like him because of his performance in Heroes vs Villains, and watching him made me enjoy the season less. I can see why he was so well liked in Australia, but I didn't ignore how he treated Jerri and got away with it because he was supposed to be the "hero" and she was supposed to be the "villain."
My understanding was that production wanted to have a “story” to tell and for that, you need a hero and a villain. They’ve already decided that Colby was going to be the hero and the antithesis to that would be Jerri, who’s only win was that she had enough confidence to stand up for herself and others and make her opinions heard, regardless if they are popular opinions or not.
To that end, production only revealed the nastiest of the nasty segments that they can pull for Jerri to create this effect. They’re only shown her getting in minor disagreements with Tina. They’ve only shown clips of Jerri complaining about Keith’s cooking. They’ve only shown clips of Jerri humiliating Colby by her fantasizing about him. They’ve only shown the one negative interaction she’s had with Elizabeth when she made a minor comment about Elizabeth’s cooking. They’ve deliberately only shown clips of Jerri inadvertently annoying her teammates to create the illusion that Jerri is deliberately antagonistic when in reality she only annoyed them 10-15% of the time as is bound to happen eventually when you live in close quarters with someone.
Yeah, "that bitch Jerri from Survivor", I just never saw her as such. The Black Widow is a cool nickname, but I think it was Colby who killed her, and they didn't even have sex. All of her "villainous" stuff had something to do with food. Amazing that food can be such an issue in a show called Survivor, man.
If anyone was an OG, it would be her for the anti-villain on survivor
I think you went a little too extreme with the criteria of Evil and Immoral, because not many survivor contestants have gotten to that point.
i think that's the point
Did Colby ever apologize to Jerri? He was mean to her, telling her to put the rope around her neck!!
I have no idea.
The rope remark was funny, the only time I remember him being mean is when he threw the water on her.
Jerri ain't a villain cirie is more villain than Jerri
I think jerri was really annoying with the whole colby situation like it was obvious that he didn’t like her and all she did was talk about him. It was ok for the first 2-3 episodes but it hit really annoying cuz it became her whole storyline atp everything regarding her had something to do w colby. I never liked colby anyways so that’s not really a surprise that he wasn’t genuine with everyone.
I just watched season 2. After rewatching season 20 because I wanted to see Jerri and Colby and I don't see how Jerri was a villain.
Go listen to Why Kel Lost. David Bloomberg brought up some good points about the Beef Jerky situation.
Being mean to people passes for evil on a show like this. I dont think many people are evil in a game. Aside from Jonny fairplay lol
Jerri was not a villain. She was just a woman who put two egomaniac men in their place.
Point 1 wasn’t fair, you, nor I, know for certain she was lying. Really only Jerri knows. She has no reason to lie about this anymore and she still says she saw Kel eat something like beef jerky. Come on now.
Everything I am judging is based on what the show is telling us. The show is telling us she is lying.
No, she wasn't. In fact, Jerri was betrayed by 2 of her allies and every single word she said in front of the cameras was obviously edited.
Yeah Colby, your not a"Hershey bar"! You would be a "ALMOND JOY "or "SNICKERS"!😄😄😄😄
“Why is it all the gorgeous ones are homicidal maniacs?” - Batman
I suppose in contrast to Tina she may have appeared to be but I don't think so.
It's her looks and mannerisms more than her game imo
e yes
I didn't see her as evil at all.
The fan of survivor evolves. Earlier season people hated a villains but now villains are worshiped.
the fans have evolved, but so have the edits. the early seasons would be edited extremely different if they aired today.
e no
Lol yeah she was more annoying than evil!
The impression I got was that she just had a personality clash with the other contestants. She was outspoken and a little tactless and they vilified her for it.
somebody doesnt like this video...it has to be russel...:)
Why ?
I dont think she was a villain in all 3 seasons she was on. I actually think colby was more villainous than her especially in all stars.
I don't even remember All-Stars. I think I blocked it out because everybody was playing like idiots by just LETTING Rob and Amber win.
Jerri was just annoying with a little bit of being catty enough for her to be edited in that sort of way that the viewers would dislike her
It’s complete revisionist history to say she wasn’t a villian imo. She was easily one of the most hated people in America at the time it was airing
I was trying to approach her actions from a factual standpoint. She was perceived as a villain much more so than her actually being a villain. I would dare say... she was misunderstood.
I laughed my ass off at the season 8 reunion show they actually boo her out of the building lol
@@marycornett3165 I think it was because of how she exacted her revenge on Colby, who everyone still loved then.
@@OnceUponAnIsland Joke's on them, since she's hell of a lot more popular since HvV
@Arash Akbar By Survivor definitions, she was a villain. No one on the island seemed to care for her, besides Amber, and she was constantly edited into a villain. However, the question of the video was to see if she was a real villain and not what Survivor says is a villain in 2001.
Jerri wanting to pick Colby for the reward challenge without a random draw isn't villainous. It's just bad gameplay.
No she wasnt, she was an alpha woman, and peope didnt like that. But jerri was amazing
Yeah, back then we were a little more sexist. I watched S2 not too long ago and was shocked at how douchey colby was. Colby! the guy america loved and considered a hero in survivor! He's charming and handsome, which apparantly gave him carte blanch to be a douche to jerri at times. Reality TV was different and women were more treated as cute sex objects than strong women. Crazy how different things were back then.
I have grow to think Corinne more interesting and more memorable then Jerri
Shame Corinne didn't come back for HvV.
@@mhalbe1984 Do you think Corinne would join Parvati and Russell or Rob and rest?.
@@Homeandawayguy Honestly have no idea. We'll never know.
The phobic verse grossly strip because peak possibly slip qua a cold suede. blue, fabulous eye
I would say that she's manipulative show signs of being a sociopath and a borderline psychopath but that doesn't make her bad that's literally her playing the game with strategy
10/10 very believable
There was Twitter in 2002?
@@machoman1016 definitely not. It came out in 2006. But Facebook and other social media was out.