New wood stove finally installed | EP 8

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 59

  • @VirginiaMurauskas
    @VirginiaMurauskas 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Miro couldn’t have picked a better home. He’s lucky that you have such a kind heart. Despite the rain and frustrations, you continue to move forward and make progress.

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Hi Virginia. Yes I only recently started looking at it from the cat's view. I guess he couldn't have picked a better place. Today was a sunny day and he still needs to learn to go out a bit more really. Into the garden in stead of hanging around me all the time :)

    • @VirginiaMurauskas
      @VirginiaMurauskas 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @ Trauma. He’s probably afraid of being abandoned yet again. 🐈

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Maybe. The vet said that he might have been taken away from the mother too soon. And this is a new environment. So yeah some trauma if you are abandoned like that

  • @mariannekuijpers9298
    @mariannekuijpers9298 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The shiney woodstove pipe you can paint with heath resistant black paint. Great to see you have found the cutest co-worker, just imagine him purring away in front of the cosy fire! So wonderderful you installed a cast iron fire stove, kicking of heat and beautiful flames, best thing ever! Have a hopefully dry and frustration free week. 😉

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you Marianne. It's still a lot of work to build all the furniture I have in mind but hopefully with some better weather I can move a bit faster! And the cat ... well what a lazy bum!

  • @MarianneInmarsilia
    @MarianneInmarsilia 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    That is a smart kitty that adopted your lap and fireside ! Maybe he’ll help keep the field mice away if he’s not too lazy !

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I hope so Marianne. So far there is little action. Maybe I have to show the garden a bit more. We will see when I go outside ... if the weather stays dry for a while. Greetz

  • @CUBuffnSD
    @CUBuffnSD 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Another task complete. Great to see you will be warm this winter

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks Tim. Now to wrap up that room. Still some work ahead if you build the furniture yourself. But I like doing it so all good. Give a bit of dry and sunny weather and all will be good@

  • @janeblandford852
    @janeblandford852 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The drone shot at the beginning was beautiful....the tree colours are amazing. Your room is coming together and the fireplace is a perfect set up......well done!!! The lights really blend in well with the ceiling as well. I love how you always come up with the right solutions. The cat looks very relaxed and is quite happy living in this lovely place. So glad that you have a working...LOL!....companion. Too bad about the weather..... Have a good week! Cheers!

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks Jane! Yeah yeah love those lights already. In the end everything takes time. Deciding how to configure the room, which elements, building, fixing, ordering furniture, looking for lights. Anyway I can see the end result now. Hope to be done soon and enjoy a good winter with my new buddy :)

  • @Maddie2u
    @Maddie2u 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    My absolute favorite time of the year Bart. I'm the odd one out in that summer is my least favorite season, at least where I live ... noisey, humid, loud, city.......yeah summer is actually my least favorite...
    I adore autumn....I'm ok in winter provided the car doesn't act up..
    And I don't mind spring...To be honest, I need to move and, this is the plan.
    There is something about wood burning that is mesmerizing and how nice that you have that set up. That whole room is your 'lodge'.
    Cheers, is right!
    You will have a wonderful cozy winter and Miro will keep any pesty rodents away....cats are all lazy lol.
    I'm a dog person, for sure.
    Glad you could take advantage of a sale, makes up for all those times you are forced to pay too much.
    For sure the beaurocracy can be frustrating especially for the organized Dutch.
    I think all in all you had a phenomenal week.

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thanks Maria. Yeah I am not the biggest fan of summer either. Usually it's just to hot. Spring and autumn are my favorites. Winters too cold. I too am more of a dog person but a cat is maybe better for now. He feels like a dog. Follows me everywhere. Yesterday out in the garden he ran and crawled into the trees even. Greetings

  • @csabanetoth6386
    @csabanetoth6386 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Szia Bart! Gyönyörű képpel indítottál. Az ősz csodálatos évszak. A sejtelmes fények, a lapos szögben beeső napsugarak, a színek, az illatok, a természet halk búcsúzása. A hosszú " ökörnyál" a levegőben.( Segítség a fordítónak: ez pók által font hosszú fonalat jelent, amin megülnek a páracseppek) Ez a szebbik része. Az állandó esőzés idegesítő lehet, és hátráltatja a munkákat. Látom, téged is feszültté tett. A pult viszont nagyon klassz lett, a kályha pedig gyönyörű. A sakkpartik biztosan jók lesznek. Már most otthonos a helyiség, kitartás, lesz még jó idő! Ne hagyd, hogy elkedvetlenítsen , hogy nem tudsz úgy haladni, ahogy szeretnél. Meríts erőt magadból, a fényt lásd ne a sötétséget! ( Az ősz a kedvenc évszakom. És a virágaid se törődnek a rossz idővel, ugyanúgy virulnak,mint nyáron!)

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Szia Vera. Igen, szeretem azokat a vad körömvirágokat. Az egész két éve kezdődött, amikor virágot szedtem, megszárítottam a magokat, és most nézem őket. Ne aggódj, szinte mindig látom a fényt. Szerintem ez az időjárás. Általában az ősz szárazabb, de idén más a helyzet. Ez az időjárás inkább a benti lógásra, sakkozásra, kandalló melletti könyvolvasásra való. Szóval remélhetőleg két hét múlva elkészül a munka. Még mindig ki kell választani a tűzhelyet a konyhába ...

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@csabanetoth6386 Ó igen, nagyon elégedett vagyok. Alig hiszem el, milyen szép lett. Ma egy újabb túrát adtam néhány barátomnak. Ráadásul én csak egy kreatív és érdeklődő ember vagyok, nagyon széles érdeklődési körrel. szeretek alkotni :) És te?

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Többnyire korrekt. Vannak közeli barátaim, és szeretem a társaságot, de szeretek elvonulni is. Nem sokat tudok rólad. Házas vagy. Oroszlán. Úgy tűnik, jól megérted az embereket és az érdeklődésedet. És rengeteg tudást gyűjtöttél életed során. De nem tudom, mit csinálsz vagy tettél, vagy hogy milyen álmaid vannak, és mit teszel, hogy beteljesítsd azokat.

    • @csabanetoth6386
      @csabanetoth6386 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Kár, hogy válaszra sem méltattál. Vajon mit értettél félre?
      Tudod a szabadság nem azt jelenti, hogy mindent megtehetünk. Azt jelenti, hogy nem kell megtennünk azt, amit nem akarunk.

  • @ronaldautry7798
    @ronaldautry7798 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The fireplace looks great. The whole space is looking very very inviting and comfortable.

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thanks Ronald. Place goes forward a bit slow but I guess the weather has some influence. Also need time to choose furniture and building all the lements take time. Love the fact that I am reusing a lot of material I still have.

  • @markoschwarz5239
    @markoschwarz5239 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Ciao Bartolome, è sempre un grande piacere scriverti e farti almeno un po' di compagnia virtuale . È già , e tornato inverno con tanta pioggia che a te piace moltissimo 😅, ma con la stufa nuova è la compagnia affettuosa pelosa sarà uno spettacolo. Il Borgo è sempre più colorato e sempre più ricco di attenzioni che gli dai . ...un saluto a tutti e due e buona settimana

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Grazie Marko! Bene, oggi è stata una bella giornata di sole. Ho fatto tutto il bucato e mi sono goduto il sole. Il gatto deve uscire un po' di più. Mi sta sempre intorno. E grazie per la compagnia virtuale. Lo apprezzo. Spero di vederti qui un giorno. Saluti

  • @vivienneokeeffe
    @vivienneokeeffe 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Hey Bart, lovely shots of Autumn, season of mist and mellow fruitfulness. I love this time of year. Yes, the stove is fabulous, something I really miss on the cold and wet days. Miró is one very clever animal. He knows where the best seats in the house are (your lap, or on a chair beside you). Dont be discouraged by the lack of good weather and the snail speed of bureaucracy. Look at all you have achieved. May it be a productive week!!

    • @ciaociao2921
      @ciaociao2921 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Hallo Bartholome, Dankeschön für das wunderbare Drohnenvideo. Es ist sehr eindrücklich und ich sehe die schöne Gegend mit Deinem prächtigen Borgo. Der Raum mit dem Holzofen ist sehr gemütlich geworden. Da kann man sich wohl darin fühlen, so wie der Kater Miro es auch gerne tut. Die vielen Blumen im Garten, so wie besonders die Rosen gefallen mir sehr. Du hast eine schöne Oase geschaffen, wo man sich gerne aufhält. Weiterhin viel Erfolg mit den benötigten Formularen, damit dann alles passt. Schöne sonnige Woche für Dich und Deinen süßen Kater Miro, ciao, ciao Bea 🤩😀👍👍👍🐞🍀🌻

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks Vivienne. Don't you have a stove at your place? Even in Spain winter can be a bit cold right? And yeah, just hanging in. Bureaucracy is sometimes annoying. But everything will be all right, right? Greetings

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Danke, Bea. Es war ein außergewöhnliches Jahr. Ich habe so viel Wasser für den Sommer gespeichert und es wegen des vielen Regens nie verwendet. Aber dann blühte der Garten und wuchs so schnell! Grüße

  • @FrancoiseHomerin
    @FrancoiseHomerin 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Bonjour Bart l'es couleurs d'automne qui entourent votre domaine c'est magnifique et votre poêle à bois comme vous le dites c'est très romantique Miro à bien de là chance de vous avoir rencontré j'en connais plus d'un qui aimerait être à ça place dommage pour là pluie j'espère que vous aurez une meilleure semaine ensoleillée chapeau pour le bon goût que vous avez l'es lumières sont trop belles sur ce bonne semaine Bart 😊❤

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Eh bien, Franciose. C'était le seul après-midi ensoleillé et puis ça a l'air magnifique. Il a tellement plu. J'ai du mal à y croire. Quoi qu'il en soit, un temps sec s'annonce. J'espère donc pouvoir avancer rapidement maintenant. Salutations

  • @elianadedeusvieira331
    @elianadedeusvieira331 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Love the red roses.🌹

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thanks Eliana. Strange though. I pplanted one on each side of the arch. One is growing and blossoming like crazy. The other one seems to have a hard time. Nature has it's ways.

  • @adnanjaradat825
    @adnanjaradat825 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Beautiful fireplace

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah I love it too. Polish brand actually. A bit retro. Cast iron.

  • @tanjawilli1781
    @tanjawilli1781 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    you guys are a dreamteam😍
    and what you‘ve created: aaawesome😊

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thanks Tanja. The dreamteam ... maybe we are becoming friends but he is more like a boss keeping an eye on me :)))

    • @tanjawilli1781
      @tanjawilli1781 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@borgopoggiodeifiori ha haa, good cat😉😂

  • @DianneSmith-fv1vi
    @DianneSmith-fv1vi 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Hi there its very beautiful where your house is situated looks misty there today. We had a shower of rain but now just cloudy. Lets see what you up to…🎉

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It is. I love the location. And with this view you can see the location is facing South on the top of the hill so I have sun all day. On the other side of the hill it is much colder!

  • @DianneSmith-fv1vi
    @DianneSmith-fv1vi 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻the stove is working romantic i am proud of you

  • @DianneSmith-fv1vi
    @DianneSmith-fv1vi 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Oh my word Miro woke up

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Dianne. This cat has to learn a lot of things yet. For one there is a whole world outside the courtyard but so far only staying close to me.....

  • @silvialeprattomazza6214
    @silvialeprattomazza6214 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Love the chairs in front of the cozy stove. Miro is sooo owning. Luv it. Love his marking. You can almost call him a O/W Brittany bird dog.😃 What is the name of the bushes with the beautiful orange flowers you filmed in this vlog. Thanks

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Hi Silvia. Wild marigolds. 2 years ago I picked 4 flowers and dried the seeds. Now they are everywhere and I love the fact they flower until deep in autumn.

    • @silvialeprattomazza6214
      @silvialeprattomazza6214 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@borgopoggiodeifiori beautiful marigolds.

  • @jdrew5367
    @jdrew5367 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Your cat is very smart. He’s a bum.😂 So sorry to hear thing are not moving a smoothly as possible. Hang in there, Bart . Thank you

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks Drew! Yeah he is a bit of a bum. Sunny today. Sticks around still in stead of heading intio the garden by himself. Needs to be thought I guess :)

  • @ΛίληΧάλαρη
    @ΛίληΧάλαρη 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I can tell you which country is worse in bureaucracy than Italy. Greece! One year for a building permit and let's not talk about electricity and water. So there are worse things. Good luck with your work and please let this rain come to Greece!!! We need her so much. 👍

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes I can imagine. Well mine took more then a year too and it's now 5 months trying to close the project. It's like they enjoy it :) Anyway will try some of that rain to Greece. I saw it has been so dry

  • @wayneguy6043
    @wayneguy6043 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    It looks like the courtyard could use a couple truckloads of stone, kind of looks unfinished with all the different types of stone and weeds growing all over the place. Is that what your plans are?

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi Wayne. Yeah I know. The courtyard was muddy this year. So I bought some pebbels stones. There is also a water problem. If I would close if with pavement my water drainage problems will only become bigger since we have some reactivated underground streams. I am looking at it and if I can keep the weeds under control maybe I can grow some more grass especially since there is a lot let traffic going in and out. Will see. Greetings

  • @Kwazulujabul
    @Kwazulujabul 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Should you need more heat in the room, install a small fan behind the wood burning stove to blow the heat back into the room.

    • @BurroughWolf
      @BurroughWolf 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Another great episode Bart that showed how busy you have been and that you can turn your hand to anything. I really loved the new log burner. I thought it looked great at night when the hearth was back lit by your portable hand lamp. Not sure how much work you are going to get out of your co worker🤣. Have a great week ahead my friend. Stay safe. Yeah man👍🏻

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes Janine. I know exactly which one you mean. Have heard good things about that tyope of fan. Probably will get myself one. Greetings

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Nothing I am afraid Burrough. This cat is lazyy. I think I need to take him by hand into the garden so he gets a bit more familiar with the land and the outside world in stead of haging around me all the time or lying in some chair all day :)) Greetings

  • @jasperbrouwer
    @jasperbrouwer 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Bureaucratie in Italië… wie had nu verwacht? Je kat is leuk, ik zou ook lui in een stoel gaan hangen met dit weer als ik een kat was. Ik benieuwd naar je verlichting want het lijkt wat aan de donkere kant zonder. Zal ook met het weer te maken hebben.succes komende week!

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Hi Jasper. Ja het is een beest. Wel gezellig moet ik zeggen, maar mag zelf wel wat meer naar buiten wat mij betreft. Misschien moet ik de weg wijzen. en de lichten ... nog even. Moet even een afspraak regelen met de elektricien voordat de draadjes erin kunnen. Hopelijk snel want dan kan ik tenminste wat langer doorwerken. Ben niet zo'n vroege vogel. Groet

  • @Devon-r1f
    @Devon-r1f 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Can't see much it's too dark

    • @borgopoggiodeifiori
      @borgopoggiodeifiori  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He Ricky yeah I get that. For me too. I like to finish and work in the evenings but without good light it is just not possible. Hopefully soon I can turn them on. Still some work to prepare.