It's amazing how fighters kept trying to throw right hands against Qawi. He lures you to think you can hit him with a right cross and then he counters you perfectly. The punch that can't miss is the left uppercut to the body. Easier said than done I'm sure.
Saad was throwing his jab with conviction through the 3rd but he just couldn’t get it landing. It looked powerful but he Qawi gave him little to no opening. Saad was tired from missing and the buzzsaw let his shots go. He looked strong as hell in this fight.
It's amazing how fighters kept trying to throw right hands against Qawi. He lures you to think you can hit him with a right cross and then he counters you perfectly. The punch that can't miss is the left uppercut to the body. Easier said than done I'm sure.
Yes, that's why Spinks used his left hand primarily in their fight as I saw no over hand rights by Spinks.
Saad 1 of The Best
1 of my Pugilistic Hero's
Muhammad Qawi
You could see that Muhammed was done in this fight. All of those wars had caught up with him.
Saad was throwing his jab with conviction through the 3rd but he just couldn’t get it landing. It looked powerful but he Qawi gave him little to no opening. Saad was tired from missing and the buzzsaw let his shots go. He looked strong as hell in this fight.
I am sure this fight added to Mathew's later unfortunate battle with CTE.
most of his fights added to his cte
Marvin Johnson
Good fight.
This is a 2005 broadcast.
When boxing was boxing