I downvoted this video too. But that's because everything mike said either a blatant lie or a nitpick only he cares about. The Xbox one shipped with 3 separate titles that were not fps's. Dead rising 3, forza, & killer instinct. An open world game, racer, & fighting game. 3 things sony didn't have when they launched. Also the remote thing he was complaining about is ridiculous. Tv remotes are out dated anyway & to need one for anything is stupid.
Colton Grayson You are right, and I'm especially never going to silence people for their own personal opinions And whilst everything you say is definitely the truth, Mike definitely has his opinion and that is simply the fact that Xbox really doesn't appeal to him which I think is really silly that he bought one in the first place but hey. Whatever floats your boat, game on whatever console you wish to game.
DarkStarAngelo Well I could venture that b/c they are gamers/game reviewers, why wouldn't they buy the new overhyped consoles every 6 years? I mean tons of people bought the xbone/ps4 expecting certain things and were subsequently disappointed with aspects of both consoles, some ppl were more disappointed than others. I'd just say that more people were dismayed w/xbone purchases simply because it was $100 more, so they were naturally expecting that much greater experience than ps4, but so far they've run pretty equal/similar problems.
My friends and I used to have a blast with the Mario, Metroid, and Luigi’s Mansion mini games. Hands down one of the best Wii U games I’ve ever played.
And the PS4 is called that because no thought was put into it. Honestly, you just called the Xbox One, the PS4 with more features and game, worse than the PS4, less features and games with it's only new thing, pixels. That backfired on you didn't it?
AuzzGames fanboy much? Why are you defending the xbox so much really...lol also a lot of the stuff I read that you wrote it's bias so yeah..I got all the consoles that way I don't have to be a bitchy fanboy :).
AuzzGames The names of both are pretty lame to be honest. Although, I love the nickname Xbone. It's really too early to tell which console will be better, atm neither one has a single exclusive worth a damn, the specs and features of the consoles are pretty much irrelevant until some worthwhile games show up. Same goes for WiiU, very few games worth playing that weren't rehashes.
AuzzGames Not at all actually, because my point was that they took 359 steps back from the xbox 360; as in it's a worse console than the 360 was. "That backfired on you didn't it?"
For what it is, the Wii U is a fun console in my opinion. I'm surprised to see how much other fans of James seem to care so much about all the gimmicky little features consoles come with. Does anyone honestly care about the fact that you can watch Netflix or go on the internet with a home console? I just buy a console for the games, that's that, and outdated as you can call it, I seriously think people are nitpicking when they see a game like Mario Kart 8 or Wind Waker HD and go "woah it's so outdated it's like i'm playing an atari game haha!!". At least Nintendo knows how to make their games jump out of the screen unlike 75% of other games that make every texture brown and black keeping it from really catching your eye. But on the other hand, I really, really hope Nintendo learns from their mistakes and are currently developing something to bring them back into the game because while I enjoy the Wii U it's still enjoying an experience that potentially could be better. Nintendo's offerings make it clear they don't have the money to innovate much and instead focus on polishing big titles like Mario Kart and Smash Bros as much as possible instead, which is a shame. I also agree that Nintendo Land here is one of the only games that actually uses the gamepad as something other than a menu screen or a small gimmick. But Nintendo can make good decisions, and I hope they do next time around, and please, please, please for the love of God just use modern day tech next time because silly as it is it does turn a ton of people away.
It's like even though the WiiU's target demographic is children, they view the console as too childish and like the PS4 and XBOX1 over it. But, it's the opposite for adults, mostly because of nostalgic memories. What a strange paradox.
Cartridge based Gaming systems: put's in the game, turn's it on, brings you right into the game. CD based Gaming systems: put's in the game, turn's it on, loads for a few minutes, brings you right into the game. Today's Gaming Systems: Turn's it on, wait until menu pop's-up, put's in the game, game install's for about an hour, now updates for a few minute's, brings you right into the game.
I totally agree....its kind of funny in a way because as technology advances its suppose to make these things easier and more fun but if you go from putting a game in and playing it all the way to putting a game in and waiting an hour for it to install then I don't really see how we are...."advancing"...XD
Yes, "advancing". The most option about a game is. TO BE ABLE TO FUCKING PLAY IT! (if anybody knows that reference, you're a AVGN genius. And yes, I'm back genesis.)
Games have gotten a lot more complicated as players are demanding more and more. Companies have gotten kind of bad in shipping broken games that need patches. Don't forget the 30 minute tutorial you need to play games nowadays as well before you can really get into it.
Oh boy, long load times. Sure is nice that we have good fuckin' games. What are the best Zelda games of the cartridge generation, for instance? Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Link To The Past? Compare those to BoTW, and you're looking at what is pratically an _objectively_ better experience. To be fair, Nintendo specifically has been dramatically off of their game with the exception of BoTW, but look at other companies. The fact is, games are _too big_ to be carried on cartridges, and so big that they'll take forever to download off of discs, if you want to go back to the olden days, go ahead, hell, I do sometimes. (Street Fighter 2, baby! Megaman X!) But you have to make sacrifices if you're gonna want to play far bigger, modern games.
Need to say that I completely disagree about the "lack" of remote. You can totally do all that's needed with a controller and it's not reasonable to expect a remote to be included since it's primarily a game console. Another version with the remote included would cause extra expenses too.
Brace yourselves. The Xbox fans are coming. Nonetheless, I wish you would've done this episode with more than two players. The game's a lot more fun that way!
The thing with the remote was so fucking silly. The use with DVD and bluray movies are more of an bonus. No one buys a console for $400 just to watch movies. A good bluray player cost around $120
What if parents needed a DVD/Bluray and a console for their kids? They're just going to buy an Xbox or a PlayStation. But the parents would most likely prefer to watch movies with a remote.
Nintendo: Excellent couch multiplayer and 1st party exclusives. Playstation: Superior 3rd party multi-plats, enjoyable 1st party games as well. Xbox: A few great shooter games......not much else sadly PC: Porn There, the console debate is over.
I'd love to see more of this. There is a surprising amount of content in this game. The first set of missions are slightly boring because they are showing you the ropes but things get pretty crazy later on.
I agree so much with the FPS thing. It's almost ridiculous how many developers are subscribing to this genre. I wish more Metal Gear-like games would come out.
Yeah but the Xbox zone has few FPS' right now. It has better games than the PS4. But I have to agree. Have they heard of innovation. Make something innovative and you might just get more money. This simple phrase explains it all, No Guts No Glory. That's why Nintendo and the former Sega (before 2003) are praised for their good games. They weren't afraid to take risks.
SonicBoone56 Frankly, both consoles are still new to the market and lacking a good selection of games, PS4 I can see in the future having a great selection with some amazing devs such as NaughtyDog on their teams, always loved Uncharted and their story telling and gameplay. I haven't found a reason to purchase the PS4 or XBONE as of late, if I want FPS I have an over abundance of them as it is on my previous generation of console, but yeah, in the end devs are choosing the easy way to sell games by making fps's cause its a formula if done well that works.
It's not just the FPS games, it's that they're all the same type of FPS. Gritty, brown, duck and cover. You can have all kinds of different games with that control scheme.
So I'm sitting here...five minutes into the video and all I've heard so far is two grown men bitching about how their Wii isn't cool enough for kids and their Xbox doesn't come with a remote.
Wow do you have a learning disability? They literally said "these games are so much more creative and so much more varied gameplay" about the Wii:U. They were explaining why culturally the "console war" is just PS vs Xbox.
Well if you don't like the video, guess what, there is a magnifying glass icon on the right side of that bar looking thing. Do you know what it does? IT SEARCHES OTHER VIDEOS!!!! You're a special kind of stupid, huh?
JuberLOL And Mike LITERALLY said "It's not cool to play these games because they're cartoony or whatever" and "The Xbox One has a blu-ray player, I open up the box, and it doesn't have a remote". So how did your comment invalidate mine in any way?
Mark Maddon Huh, that's weird. I clicked on this video expecting to see James and Mike play Nintendo Land on the Wii U. What I got was 5 minutes of Mike bitching about a console that's entirely irrelevant to the video. Sorry for voicing a complaint though. Apparently you fangirls can't handle a criticism.
WiiU is actually pretty decent. It has a really nice variety of games so far, compared to PS4 and Xbox One. WiiU and PS4 is definitely the way to go this generation. As well as PC and maybe a handheld or two. Both Vita and 3DS are worth owning.
Plenty of people are going for the PS4 but no one really cares about the Wii U even if there are plenty of decent games for the system. I wouldn't be surprised in Nintendo pulled the plug on the Wii U and made new hardware soon.
I agree, Nintendo's marketing for the WiiU was particularly horrible, so it did not help. Games like The Wonderful 101 were barely marketed at all. I think Nintendo said they were working on new hardware but I haven't followed it up enough to be properly informed.
as a 12 year old i can clarify that yes most people do play mostly FPS games but i play some but mostly stick to my 3DS and Wii U and only use my PS3 to play with my cousin and to play Just Cause 2 (an amazing game) and Borderlands 1 & 2. I spend a lot of time playing Smash Bros. and Mario 3D World while my peers play Call of Duty: Bullshit edition with barely noticable changes
I really enjoy seeing all the Wii U appreciation you guys have shown lately. It's disappointing that so many others are quick to hate on Nintendo lately, when I personally have found the Wii U to be a great, fun console!
TheOrthodoxWaffle no people who like to throw away money play PC^^ they could take it and give it to homeless people lol or throw it down a bride. whould be the same as investing it for PC "gaming". WASTED MONEY ;)
When I heard Nintendo Land, I was picturing a massive open world game like wow but populated by classic nintendo environments/characters. Theres a billion dollar game Idea for Nintendo. A nintendo mmo with all the old school franchises mixed together in 1 gigantic world.
Yeah that's a really awesome idea for Nintendo to come up with! It would be like Super Smash Bros blended with World of Warcraft, that game would probably called something other than Nintendo land, it should be called Nintendo Universe online.
King John Only about 20% of the games with mini-games here have been "done to death" in recent times. Please look up the list of games and tell me that they are being done to death other than Zelda and Mario. That being said, mulky's idea is pretty cool.
***** i don't man, i had couple of PC for the last 20 years and they never failed me, take care of your PC and the PC will take of you. and btw, if your PS4 get burned = lol talking about expensive. PC is always cheaper if its the same level as consoles. consoles are just money grinding machines.
You took the words right out of my mouth on the 8th gen console war. The one with the confusing name has more COD clones than anyone else, PS4 has good games, and Wii U has the innovative games AND integrated motion controls, along with three different controllers you can use. (Also, Wii U is backwards compatible, something Nintendo's competitors seem to be overlooking, and Nintendo did it in the early 90's with the Super Game Boy)
FreedumFries Lol, sony is the one going backwards not microsoft. Sony is royally fucking over their player base. Their 'mod support' for skyrim is a fucking joke. No backwards compatibility is another one. Fuck sony, I know this is a really old video but the xbox one is great.
Honestly they're all going back, even as a huge nintendo fan. I can say that nintendo is going back just as much as sony and microsoft. Although i think the switch is just what they need, they've been really falling behind but if they make more games like mario maker and smash 4, then they can fucking catch up.
I agree with that Wii U statement. It's kinda ironic, the XB1 and PS4 are marketed towards adults yet it's kids buying it, the Wii U is marketed towards kids and it's adults that are buying it. Honestly I still don't see any games worth getting for the "next gen" consoles. Kingdom Hearts for the PS4 Maybe, but even then I haven't played 1 or 2 so there's nothing there for me personally.
That's why i'm getting a wii U first ... then a ps4 latter when when more games come out that I want right now the only game i'm excited for on the ps4 is the witness, and kingdom hearts 3 maybe infamous but that's it for now. The wii u has games that I want now and want to play and it's a very couch friendly console where you don't need to go online to play with friends. Mike is totally right. Nintendo is still trying and experimenting and though it is flawed i'm still getting it. and if you read this long ass comment thank you
Correction: the Wii U is marketing to kids but nobody's buying it. The Wii U is selling worse than the Dreamcast. (In other words it's a complete flop)
Picklesaregreen101 Its only since all the great games promised at launch NEVER came. Now it has a decent libary.. I would say PS4 is taking last in the good console exclusives at the moment. XboxOne has a lead with Titanfall (though pc as well) and KI. Wii U's launch titles such as a Bayonetta and Rayman Legends have been delayed or well you know...
Picklesaregreen101 Ooh FYI.. that doesnt mean WiiU is better then PS4. I am just saying Wii U has the more interresting console exclusives then the PS4. It has more Exclusives then the XboxONe though.. but the XboxOne has the better exclusives.
PS4 does not have update problems, it updates DURING GAMEPLAY (Some updates are not mandatory to play online) PS4 is more powerful than Xbox one PS4 got more AAA games than Xbox one coming up (Even more than Wii U) PS4 got better controller than Xbox one (touchpad vs no touchpad) PS4 is smaller than Xbox one PS4 runs cooler than Xbox one PS4 eats less power than Xbox one PS4 got better name than Xbox one
Maybe I'm just too old now (been gaming since the SNES), but I find that this generation of games is, at the moment, among most uninteresting generations in a long time on the console front. The games so far just do not look like they would be fun to play for more than maybe a few weeks (if that) and, for me, I feel like I've seen it all before (and better in some cases) on consoles as recent as the last gen consoles. Wii U is really the only one I have even a little bit of interest at this point, but even so, Wonderful 101 seems to be the most fun looking game the console has right now and it was one of the launch titles. Visuals this generation look stunning, though, and I love what they are doing now with more focus on particle effects and lighting. Also, it looks like this generation likes to have the games focus a lot on the story and plot (even some of the shooters are doing it), which can be good. However, the games just don't look fun to play in my opinion. Hopefully it gets better, but so far this generation is a huge disappointment for me.
From someone who owns a PS4 & Wii U, almost all my time is spent on the Wii U because everything I'm playing on my PS4 seems like something I've already played before..
There are plenty of great games from this generation (especially from the indie library). You just have to be willing to find them among the commercial crap. That is how it has always been. A few amazing gems among an endless sea of mediocre crap.
I agree with what you are saying. The new games arnt as interresting as they were for me like 15 years ago. I remember getting new games for the PS1 and ofcourse there were bad games, but I had more tolerance towards games back then. Now I can say that about the only game that interrest me is Borderlands 2 with all DLC's included. Hours/Days of fun, a good dialogue and alot of humor.
As a PC Gamer Wii U is the only console that makes sense...... I can play 95% of xbox/playstation games on my PC with much better graphics and framerate..
The problem is that two guys have their own opinions about the current status of the video game industry and are sharing them with themselves and the public?
I own both the Xbox One & PS4 & here's the thing: I'm having much more fun with & I'm looking forward to more games on my Xbox One than on my PS4, The first party exclusives on Xbox One are more fun than on PS4, IMO (Dead Rising 3, Ryse: Son of Rome, Forza Motorsports, Titanfall. & Killer Instinct) If you think Xbox One will have "only one good game that's not a first-person shooter", then CLEARLY you haven't been paying attention or keeping up w/all the awesome games that are coming out. Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Forza Horizon 2, as well as awesome 3rd party games that will be better on Xbox One because of the superior online experience, as well as, many others that have yet to announce are not only coming, but a lot of these jealous Sony & Nintendo fanboys wish they were getting on THEIR favorite console. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of Sony 1st party games I'm looking forward to, but your FAILURE at trying to be clever w/your little joke there was pathetically fanboyish, Mike & it seems like a classic case of projection.
I love watching stuff that was made in a time period I´m not currently experiencing, there´s a perfect level of escapism for me since I can´t actually experience this now but also realism but it did actually happen
All three consoles are majorly screwing up in one form or another. PS4 and Xbox One are so identical they're downright interchangable. They may as well join forces next gen and just call it the Playstation X. Wii U is killing it in as far as the opposite market, but falls way behind in hardware specs. As much as we want to pretend Nintendo relied solely on gameplay, during the 90s it was relying heavily on both gameplay and graphical power and was one of the major reasons why they did so well. Plus you can't just ignore whole genres. Wii U basically appeals not just to kids but the "if you don't play sports" kids. Alienating FPSs is one thing, but you're not going to feature a console that has no NBA, NFL, NHL, FIFA, UFC, OR WWE and not expect to take a huge hit.
We are here to represent our new console. Behold the XPlay. Curtains fall and people start to aplaud. The way things are now for the company of sony and the microsoft division of xbox they will be better together than apart.
There is nothing I hate more than sports games. Bigger cash-in games than CoD. Same fucking game every year with like what, a slightly updated roster of people I don't give a fuck about. Brilliant. Than again, I've always been bored to tears by sports so whatev.
those games are shit my friend, Dead Rising 3 fuck up all the time, Ryse suck ass and Forza is just a racing game nothing fun there after you race a few times and guess what only Forza is able to run in 1080p 60FPS, Xbox one promise to run most of their games on 1080P 60FPS but most of their games are not doing so and is just relaying on First Person Shooters that are third party games and Titan Fall is just trash..
AuzzGames PS4 There are currently 249 games on this list (15 of which have been confirmed as free-to-play). Exclusive = 28 (1 of these are free-to-play) Sony Exclusive = 20 Console exclusive and/or timed = 70/1 (8 of these are free-to-play) Multiplatform = 130 (1 of these is free-to-play) Playable = 76 available to purchase (10 of these are exclusive to PS4) Xbox One There are currently 173 games on this list. Exclusive = 17 Microsoft exclusive = 9 Console exclusive or timed = 11/3 Multiplatform = 133 Playable = 42 available to purchase (9 of these are exclusive to Xbox One) Your argument on PS4 games only having 3 exclusives is invalid. I have both Xbox One and PS4 and I like the PS4 better. Yes their libraries are lacking games. Heres the titles on PS4 I play. (NOTE Not all are exclusive) Final Fantasy 14, Killzone Shadowfall, Thief, inFamous Second Son, Warframe, Strider, Outlast, Battlefield 4, Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeros, DC Universe, Watch Dogs, And a whole bunch of downloaded games. On Xbox One I play: Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Killer Instinct Classic, Ryse Son Of Rome. Thats it. Thats the Only Xbox One titles that really appealed to me. Titanfall I have on PC. Don't tell me Xbox One has more because for me they lack MMOs and J-RPGs which are 2 of my favorite types of games. I pay for both plus and live. I find Xbox One to actually have faster internet speed but I REALLY hate the interface. Looks like Windows 8 Ugh. But its a great console I just wish it had more of my type of gaming. As for the Kinect? I don't like it at all. It just sits at my TV. Same with the Playstation camera since I hate motion gaming. If I wanted motion gaming I play my Wii. Also I find Xbox's controller design to be better designed for FPS and Driving games. PS4's design though for me fits every situation and definitely a better controller for fighting games. The thing that annoys me about PS4 is I keep pressing the god damn share button and theres like a million pictures on my PS4 now like god dammit I just want to go live on Twitch. I have only had the console freeze on me once only because Assassins Creed has the worst connection ever. Well that sums of most of it for me. I don't hate the Xbox One I just wish it had more of my taste and interface. (Maybe not the windows 8 look either :) ) Not to mention it really won't sell in Japan and well their global marketing isn't the best
Finally, a gamer among the crowd of butthurt fanboys :) I agree with your preferences fully :D (See guys? That's how I act if you're not a complete jerk)
I am a big fan of Playstation beacause of the superiority they had with the ps2 and the ps3 (the x360 was a generation late) but the xbox one is nearly equal to the ps4 and that's why i am wondering if i will buy the xbox or the ps4.
The titles on you PS4 that you play. Answer honestly my question. Did you just buy or download anyway randomly just because its a brand new console? You obviously trusted the "hype" in internet. & you complained a little lol.
***** Actually I can careless for hype. I just play whatever game appeals to my eye. Not by looks but more of story and gameplay. I'm guessing the games I got because of hype are because of the reviews I got from people and friends and decided hey I should try it out and usually I will buy it and like it. It's pretty hard for me to hate any game as it keeps me playing until I beat it. As for multiplayer games I just play them when theres nothing else on my mind. I feel like I left the PS4 part out but the games I got because of hype were Watchdogs and Outlast. (Outlast was free for me) Other than that as I said before I check the game out first. Yeah I think I complain at times but I think it's not much of a big deal here. I don't exactly believe in hype though otherwise I would have got titles like Hyperdimension Neptunia on PS3 or Lost Planet on Xbox 360.
You guys should play the other games too... The Luigi one is great fun too! More Wii U promotion please... we need to get people realising its not for little kids.. this is a "real" games console, with LOADS to offer!
Nintendo has the MOST VERSATILE platform over Xbox and Playstation. Lets face it. I dont care whether it failed or not, it hits a larger crowd. Its only a matter of 4 months until the Switch hits and takes over the market.
5:38 and this is why I use android....even though every time I plug it into my computer it's always like "what are you trying to transfer from the phone" instead of every ten seconds updating iTunes.
PS4 has the best update system. It's all in the background while you play, then if you want to let the updated version of the game run, you just reboot the game.
The big problem with PS4 is it is true, the games don't feel like they have advanced much over the last generation except for moderate graphical upgrades. I am interested in Wii U, Mario Kart 8 looks like it has added a lot of things: flying, under-water, magnetic anti-gravity travel, and all sorts of new things that look like it really adds to the formula. The bundle on the commercial is very tempting, but I might wait and see if that beyond awesome Xenogears-like game gets released Wii U before commiting to purchasing it.
the best advice I could give you is to wait a couple more years man, Nintendo is already planning on a new console, so you might as well save the money you would spend on a WiiU and go for the next one, I mean is it really worth buying a WiiU just for MK8? But is up to you man. Have a nice day!
Edgar Valdez Duque You know, Consoles need years and years of work before they are released, Wii for example was conceived in 2001 (when gamecube was released) and released 5 years later.
I agree with Mike's issue with most modern gaming consoles. The market is just too over-saturated with first person shooters. If I had to choose any of the next-gen consoles I would definitely favour the Wii U for one main reason. It actually has games.
That's why we're PC gamers. Not only does PC gaming give you a superior FPS experience with better graphics and resolution and proper keyboard and mouse controls, it also allows you to play OTHER games. Not just FPSs. It even has deep, intelligent games that you cannot find on any other system. Wanna play Hearts of Iron on your iPad or Xbox? HAH!!
That was sort of an awesome moment when he switched his phone on and the perspective changed. Sure it's simple editing but in the video it felt like a super cool everythings-connected-moment. ;)
Not the true is Wii: Family and everyone Xbox: For lonely person and adult only Sony: for pervert and for pedophile because all japaneserpg is only in this console.
I wasn't watching the video just a minute ago 'cause I was busy with my oven and therefore I was quite surprised when I heard Mike say to James "BLOW! BLOW HARDER!".
Like James & Mike Mondays? See more game playthroughs with Mike on Twitch!
This video is 4 years old
And this is comment is 5 months old
didn't like dead rising 3?
Forza is a good game
Cinemassacre ive never once needed a remote for my ps4 or xbox
Cinemassacre complain about shooters...plays a shooter
"This game is really fun!"
"Blow on the mic!"
"Now it sucks."
I love how the footage keeps cutting to the system update screen, lol.
extreme closeup.. WHOOOOOAAA!! lol these guys are a trip
Someones never seen Waynes World.
17:02 Is The Funniest lol
I bet the 246 people who disliked this video had VERY tight sphincter muscles when James and Mike ragged on about Xbox One.
Xbox One sucks and it has been confirmed it is nothing but a spy box.
I downvoted this video too. But that's because everything mike said either a blatant lie or a nitpick only he cares about.
The Xbox one shipped with 3 separate titles that were not fps's. Dead rising 3, forza, & killer instinct. An open world game, racer, & fighting game. 3 things sony didn't have when they launched. Also the remote thing he was complaining about is ridiculous. Tv remotes are out dated anyway & to need one for anything is stupid.
Colton Grayson You are right, and I'm especially never going to silence people for their own personal opinions And whilst everything you say is definitely the truth, Mike definitely has his opinion and that is simply the fact that Xbox really doesn't appeal to him which I think is really silly that he bought one in the first place but hey. Whatever floats your boat, game on whatever console you wish to game.
Colton Grayson I suppose that's true, but why the hell would you spend 100$ for a voice controller?
DarkStarAngelo Well I could venture that b/c they are gamers/game reviewers, why wouldn't they buy the new overhyped consoles every 6 years? I mean tons of people bought the xbone/ps4 expecting certain things and were subsequently disappointed with aspects of both consoles, some ppl were more disappointed than others. I'd just say that more people were dismayed w/xbone purchases simply because it was $100 more, so they were naturally expecting that much greater experience than ps4, but so far they've run pretty equal/similar problems.
James and Mike: The Bill and Ted of this generation.
LJN should come back and make a game about James and Mike.
Oh my god yes, and make it extra shitty.
coverkillernation! what are you doin here? lol , love your channel!
Cannot... Unsee... This!!!
he does, but he's foolish
My friends and I used to have a blast with the Mario, Metroid, and Luigi’s Mansion mini games. Hands down one of the best Wii U games I’ve ever played.
Aw, Mike, I can't believe you didn't figure it out! It's called the Xbox one because they took 359 steps backward lol.
And the PS4 is called that because no thought was put into it. Honestly, you just called the Xbox One, the PS4 with more features and game, worse than the PS4, less features and games with it's only new thing, pixels.
That backfired on you didn't it?
AuzzGames fanboy much? Why are you defending the xbox so much really...lol also a lot of the stuff I read that you wrote it's bias so yeah..I got all the consoles that way I don't have to be a bitchy fanboy :).
AuzzGames The names of both are pretty lame to be honest. Although, I love the nickname Xbone.
It's really too early to tell which console will be better, atm neither one has a single exclusive worth a damn, the specs and features of the consoles are pretty much irrelevant until some worthwhile games show up. Same goes for WiiU, very few games worth playing that weren't rehashes.
AuzzGames Not at all actually, because my point was that they took 359 steps back from the xbox 360; as in it's a worse console than the 360 was. "That backfired on you didn't it?"
For what it is, the Wii U is a fun console in my opinion. I'm surprised to see how much other fans of James seem to care so much about all the gimmicky little features consoles come with. Does anyone honestly care about the fact that you can watch Netflix or go on the internet with a home console? I just buy a console for the games, that's that, and outdated as you can call it, I seriously think people are nitpicking when they see a game like Mario Kart 8 or Wind Waker HD and go "woah it's so outdated it's like i'm playing an atari game haha!!". At least Nintendo knows how to make their games jump out of the screen unlike 75% of other games that make every texture brown and black keeping it from really catching your eye.
But on the other hand, I really, really hope Nintendo learns from their mistakes and are currently developing something to bring them back into the game because while I enjoy the Wii U it's still enjoying an experience that potentially could be better. Nintendo's offerings make it clear they don't have the money to innovate much and instead focus on polishing big titles like Mario Kart and Smash Bros as much as possible instead, which is a shame. I also agree that Nintendo Land here is one of the only games that actually uses the gamepad as something other than a menu screen or a small gimmick. But Nintendo can make good decisions, and I hope they do next time around, and please, please, please for the love of God just use modern day tech next time because silly as it is it does turn a ton of people away.
Luigi My nipple is itchy
This video is 17 minutes long, which is to say, twice as long as the battery life of the Wii U game pad
Mikes face in the corner is the best part, my sides
And James too, of course
The Wayne's World reference was the best thing you could have possibly done :D
I agree. Nintendo deserves more attention than it gets. It's the strawberry ice cream of game consoles.
@Alladeen Mdfkr 😂 I don't even need to refute your statement thats so ridiculous its actually funny! You know its time to Switch it up 😎
The strawberry side of a neapolitan ice cream tub lol
Extreme Close Up!
It's like even though the WiiU's target demographic is children, they view the console as too childish and like the PS4 and XBOX1 over it. But, it's the opposite for adults, mostly because of nostalgic memories. What a strange paradox.
All valid criticisms of modern consoles btw, I should know I play on Xbox while listening to their criticisms and fully agree
@Alladeen Mdfkr I see what you're saying. However, have you seen the quite impressive library of classics on the WiiU?
I lost my shit at the extreme close-up part. XD
Extreme Close-Up!!!
Cinemassacre WOOOOOOOOAH
Cinemassacre holy shit they actually commented on a comment! I didn't think you guys read the comments. My mind is officially BLOWN!!!
Lmfao I dieeeeeeeeed of laughter, now I have to watch Wayne's World again hahaha
Cartridge based Gaming systems: put's in the game, turn's it on, brings you right into the game.
CD based Gaming systems: put's in the game, turn's it on, loads for a few minutes, brings you right into the game.
Today's Gaming Systems: Turn's it on, wait until menu pop's-up, put's in the game, game install's for about an hour, now updates for a few minute's, brings you right into the game.
I totally agree....its kind of funny in a way because as technology advances its suppose to make these things easier and more fun but if you go from putting a game in and playing it all the way to putting a game in and waiting an hour for it to install then I don't really see how we are...."advancing"...XD
Yes, "advancing". The most option about a game is. TO BE ABLE TO FUCKING PLAY IT! (if anybody knows that reference, you're a AVGN genius. And yes, I'm back genesis.)
Games have gotten a lot more complicated as players are demanding more and more. Companies have gotten kind of bad in shipping broken games that need patches. Don't forget the 30 minute tutorial you need to play games nowadays as well before you can really get into it.
Oh boy, long load times.
Sure is nice that we have good fuckin' games. What are the best Zelda games of the cartridge generation, for instance? Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Link To The Past? Compare those to BoTW, and you're looking at what is pratically an _objectively_ better experience.
To be fair, Nintendo specifically has been dramatically off of their game with the exception of BoTW, but look at other companies. The fact is, games are _too big_ to be carried on cartridges, and so big that they'll take forever to download off of discs, if you want to go back to the olden days, go ahead, hell, I do sometimes. (Street Fighter 2, baby! Megaman X!) But you have to make sacrifices if you're gonna want to play far bigger, modern games.
@@gurvmlk Exactly! Nintendo know just what a player wants :)
This is how to enjoy video games. Being stupid, laughing, and just having fun. James and Mike do it perfectly.
13:33 I was laughing my ass off, guys! Lol.
I want a Wii U so badly, just for Mario Kart 8, Nintendo Land, and the new Super Smash Bros game coming out
Did you ever get it?
Don't worry it's super dead now
"Extreme close up!! Whoaaaa!!" lol. You guys rule.
SEGA Master System > X Box One
Literally any name ever > Xbox Series X
Need to say that I completely disagree about the "lack" of remote. You can totally do all that's needed with a controller and it's not reasonable to expect a remote to be included since it's primarily a game console. Another version with the remote included would cause extra expenses too.
Brace yourselves. The Xbox fans are coming.
Nonetheless, I wish you would've done this episode with more than two players. The game's a lot more fun that way!
The thing with the remote was so fucking silly. The use with DVD and bluray movies are more of an bonus. No one buys a console for $400 just to watch movies. A good bluray player cost around $120
What if parents needed a DVD/Bluray and a console for their kids? They're just going to buy an Xbox or a PlayStation. But the parents would most likely prefer to watch movies with a remote.
Then buy a official remote for $15. For me my Ps3 gamepad works brilliant when I watch blurays.
daogenify They're nitpicking on the remote being bundled with the console, not gonna lie.
captain kirka
Like I said, the remote isn't necessary. Its pretty easy to use the gamepad for media.
daogenify Some people aren't good with technology and it would take them a book just to use a controller.
Nintendo: Excellent couch multiplayer and 1st party exclusives.
Playstation: Superior 3rd party multi-plats, enjoyable 1st party games as well.
Xbox: A few great shooter games......not much else sadly
PC: Porn
There, the console debate is over.
Daniel Córdoba Tesla?
PC: 60 FPS 1080p. Enough said.
Noobahmastah 4k
I'd love to see more of this. There is a surprising amount of content in this game. The first set of missions are slightly boring because they are showing you the ropes but things get pretty crazy later on.
I agree so much with the FPS thing. It's almost ridiculous how many developers are subscribing to this genre. I wish more Metal Gear-like games would come out.
Yeah but the Xbox zone has few FPS' right now. It has better games than the PS4. But I have to agree. Have they heard of innovation. Make something innovative and you might just get more money. This simple phrase explains it all, No Guts No Glory. That's why Nintendo and the former Sega (before 2003) are praised for their good games. They weren't afraid to take risks.
SonicBoone56 Frankly, both consoles are still new to the market and lacking a good selection of games, PS4 I can see in the future having a great selection with some amazing devs such as NaughtyDog on their teams, always loved Uncharted and their story telling and gameplay. I haven't found a reason to purchase the PS4 or XBONE as of late, if I want FPS I have an over abundance of them as it is on my previous generation of console, but yeah, in the end devs are choosing the easy way to sell games by making fps's cause its a formula if done well that works.
It's not just the FPS games, it's that they're all the same type of FPS. Gritty, brown, duck and cover. You can have all kinds of different games with that control scheme.
What about Splinter Cell?
OCD Kicking in, that stack of N64 games needs to be properly stacked.
Why in the shit would you stack cartridges? That's terrible
Mike, you don't even need to apologize man. You hit the nail on the head with the FPS rant.
OMG James I wanna see a Mario Kart 8 video for J&M next week!
So I'm sitting here...five minutes into the video and all I've heard so far is two grown men bitching about how their Wii isn't cool enough for kids and their Xbox doesn't come with a remote.
wow, aren't you special
Wow do you have a learning disability? They literally said "these games are so much more creative and so much more varied gameplay" about the Wii:U.
They were explaining why culturally the "console war" is just PS vs Xbox.
Well if you don't like the video, guess what, there is a magnifying glass icon on the right side of that bar looking thing. Do you know what it does? IT SEARCHES OTHER VIDEOS!!!! You're a special kind of stupid, huh?
JuberLOL And Mike LITERALLY said "It's not cool to play these games because they're cartoony or whatever" and "The Xbox One has a blu-ray player, I open up the box, and it doesn't have a remote". So how did your comment invalidate mine in any way?
Mark Maddon Huh, that's weird. I clicked on this video expecting to see James and Mike play Nintendo Land on the Wii U. What I got was 5 minutes of Mike bitching about a console that's entirely irrelevant to the video.
Sorry for voicing a complaint though. Apparently you fangirls can't handle a criticism.
WiiU is actually pretty decent. It has a really nice variety of games so far, compared to PS4 and Xbox One.
WiiU and PS4 is definitely the way to go this generation. As well as PC and maybe a handheld or two. Both Vita and 3DS are worth owning.
Plenty of people are going for the PS4 but no one really cares about the Wii U even if there are plenty of decent games for the system. I wouldn't be surprised in Nintendo pulled the plug on the Wii U and made new hardware soon.
I agree, Nintendo's marketing for the WiiU was particularly horrible, so it did not help. Games like The Wonderful 101 were barely marketed at all. I think Nintendo said they were working on new hardware but I haven't followed it up enough to be properly informed.
as a 12 year old i can clarify that yes most people do play mostly FPS games but i play some but mostly stick to my 3DS and Wii U and only use my PS3 to play with my cousin and to play Just Cause 2 (an amazing game) and Borderlands 1 & 2. I spend a lot of time playing Smash Bros. and Mario 3D World while my peers play Call of Duty: Bullshit edition with barely noticable changes
+nate Damn, we got a badass over here.
+rrrozkminatorrr If you've ever play a Nintendo game I don't think you'd be calling it garbage. :P
congrats you're 12 and you don't play cod
no one gives a shit
Fizzbizz Damn son. Don't cut urself on dat edgy comment guys.
SalmonAniminim [muffled rap music playing in the distance]
mike shits on xbone. I love this show.
James is just sitting there like "wtf is mike talking about...?" lol
James simply not give shit about modern games and consoles
You see those smiles? You don't get those kind of smiles from Sony or Microsoft.
Those are Nintendo smiles.
I really enjoy seeing all the Wii U appreciation you guys have shown lately. It's disappointing that so many others are quick to hate on Nintendo lately, when I personally have found the Wii U to be a great, fun console!
Kids want to be adults, and adults want to be kids. So kids play Xbox, and adults play Nintendo! ...Maybe.
I like where you are going with this
Adults play PC
And gaming adults who have the money would get all 3 consoles of a certain hardware generation.
Logic finally makes sense! Thanks for helping my research on logic!
TheOrthodoxWaffle no people who like to throw away money play PC^^
they could take it and give it to homeless people lol or throw it down a bride. whould be the same as investing it for PC "gaming". WASTED MONEY ;)
Excellent Wayne's World reference dude.
Finally something that isn't a gaming fanboy rant!
"It's sitting right there!" Under the Sega Master System.
"My PS4's sitting right there!" Collecting dust on a store shelf.
(He doesn't have one, it's a joke, chill)
Yes Mike, Wii u is the best.
***** how much is the WII U COST?
like 250
xbox one: 350
ps4: 400
i cant afford that :(
Dang :/ at least it's cheaper than other consoles though :)
Kent Antenor Cruz i made a gaming pc from spare parts for around 180$ can play all new games on 1080p on medium
When I heard Nintendo Land, I was picturing a massive open world game like wow but populated by classic nintendo environments/characters. Theres a billion dollar game Idea for Nintendo. A nintendo mmo with all the old school franchises mixed together in 1 gigantic world.
Nope, just shitty mini-games on franchises that are being done to death at Nintendo.
Yeah that's a really awesome idea for Nintendo to come up with! It would be like Super Smash Bros blended with World of Warcraft, that game would probably called something other than Nintendo land, it should be called Nintendo Universe online.
That does sound really cool.
King John Only about 20% of the games with mini-games here have been "done to death" in recent times. Please look up the list of games and tell me that they are being done to death other than Zelda and Mario.
That being said, mulky's idea is pretty cool.
that would be awesome
every time i hear a discussion about "what's better? PS vs Xbox" all i think about is "all hail PC the master race"
Celebrity endorsement acquired. PC until the world caves under.
***** you sir are too serious.
SingingGamingPhysics When the world caves under we will still be on PC's
Zkull You are probably right.
i don't man, i had couple of PC for the last 20 years and they never failed me, take care of your PC and the PC will take of you. and btw, if your PS4 get burned = lol talking about expensive. PC is always cheaper if its the same level as consoles. consoles are just money grinding machines.
Two kids having fun xD
Love it
Extreme close up had me in tears!
Best James & Mike Mondays yet, hilarious ending!
Glad to see you've also got some great Wii U games on the floor there! ;)
You took the words right out of my mouth on the 8th gen console war. The one with the confusing name has more COD clones than anyone else, PS4 has good games, and Wii U has the innovative games AND integrated motion controls, along with three different controllers you can use. (Also, Wii U is backwards compatible, something Nintendo's competitors seem to be overlooking, and Nintendo did it in the early 90's with the Super Game Boy)
Whoa! The 5 minute-long xbox one bashing intro was a surprise...
hahah yall had me cracking up at the extreme closeups
Xbox 1 because they took 359 steps back HA!
FreedumFries Lol, sony is the one going backwards not microsoft. Sony is royally fucking over their player base. Their 'mod support' for skyrim is a fucking joke. No backwards compatibility is another one. Fuck sony, I know this is a really old video but the xbox one is great.
Martin Adams I own all of them. Fuck em both.
Honestly they're all going back, even as a huge nintendo fan. I can say that nintendo is going back just as much as sony and microsoft. Although i think the switch is just what they need, they've been really falling behind but if they make more games like mario maker and smash 4, then they can fucking catch up.
PS4 because its the 4th playstation console HA!
Martin Adams Xbox one is just an object if you have a pc.
I agree with that Wii U statement.
It's kinda ironic, the XB1 and PS4 are marketed towards adults yet it's kids buying it, the Wii U is marketed towards kids and it's adults that are buying it.
Honestly I still don't see any games worth getting for the "next gen" consoles. Kingdom Hearts for the PS4 Maybe, but even then I haven't played 1 or 2 so there's nothing there for me personally.
They should put a E for everyone on the mature consoles and A for adults only on the kid consoles.
That's why i'm getting a wii U first ... then a ps4 latter when when more games come out that I want right now the only game i'm excited for on the ps4 is the witness, and kingdom hearts 3 maybe infamous but that's it for now. The wii u has games that I want now and want to play and it's a very couch friendly console where you don't need to go online to play with friends. Mike is totally right. Nintendo is still trying and experimenting and though it is flawed i'm still getting it.
and if you read this long ass comment thank you
Correction: the Wii U is marketing to kids but nobody's buying it. The Wii U is selling worse than the Dreamcast. (In other words it's a complete flop)
Its only since all the great games promised at launch NEVER came.
Now it has a decent libary.. I would say PS4 is taking last in the good console exclusives at the moment. XboxOne has a lead with Titanfall (though pc as well) and KI.
Wii U's launch titles such as a Bayonetta and Rayman Legends have been delayed or well you know...
Ooh FYI.. that doesnt mean WiiU is better then PS4. I am just saying Wii U has the more interresting console exclusives then the PS4.
It has more Exclusives then the XboxONe though.. but the XboxOne has the better exclusives.
PS4 does not have update problems, it updates DURING GAMEPLAY (Some updates are not mandatory to play online)
PS4 is more powerful than Xbox one
PS4 got more AAA games than Xbox one coming up (Even more than Wii U)
PS4 got better controller than Xbox one (touchpad vs no touchpad)
PS4 is smaller than Xbox one
PS4 runs cooler than Xbox one
PS4 eats less power than Xbox one
PS4 got better name than Xbox one
This is the best episode ever, the conversation in the beggining is so funny
Maybe I'm just too old now (been gaming since the SNES), but I find that this generation of games is, at the moment, among most uninteresting generations in a long time on the console front. The games so far just do not look like they would be fun to play for more than maybe a few weeks (if that) and, for me, I feel like I've seen it all before (and better in some cases) on consoles as recent as the last gen consoles. Wii U is really the only one I have even a little bit of interest at this point, but even so, Wonderful 101 seems to be the most fun looking game the console has right now and it was one of the launch titles.
Visuals this generation look stunning, though, and I love what they are doing now with more focus on particle effects and lighting. Also, it looks like this generation likes to have the games focus a lot on the story and plot (even some of the shooters are doing it), which can be good. However, the games just don't look fun to play in my opinion. Hopefully it gets better, but so far this generation is a huge disappointment for me.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is the most addicting game of this generation so far. Can't put it down lol
From someone who owns a PS4 & Wii U, almost all my time is spent on the Wii U because everything I'm playing on my PS4 seems like something I've already played before..
There are plenty of great games from this generation (especially from the indie library). You just have to be willing to find them among the commercial crap. That is how it has always been. A few amazing gems among an endless sea of mediocre crap.
EverythingSmash same here. Kinda regret getting the ps4.
I agree with what you are saying. The new games arnt as interresting as they were for me like 15 years ago. I remember getting new games for the PS1 and ofcourse there were bad games, but I had more tolerance towards games back then.
Now I can say that about the only game that interrest me is Borderlands 2 with all DLC's included. Hours/Days of fun, a good dialogue and alot of humor.
Im really gonna miss this series. Please never delete these james
who has more updates:
Windows 8
Windows 8
Windows Vista lmao
Windows 7
Ohhhhhhh! I'm gonna cry tears of joy! I finally found someone else who understands the Wii U!
As a PC Gamer Wii U is the only console that makes sense...... I can play 95% of xbox/playstation games on my PC with much better graphics and framerate..
Not to mention almost every game is multiplatform and its "exclusives" are ported to PC time after. So the system has no point.
This is how I plan to approach the next gen console wars.
PC master race.
Nintendo master taste.
I hope you don't mind, but I'll be stealing that phrasing and using it with my buddies from now on. That was brilliant. DENOUTTADEN!
I want nothing more than to hang out with James and Mike.
I can't believe Mike invested money into an Xbone.
Duuude, this shit was hilarious. I loved the rant about itunes updates. Spot on.
The issue with this video is the majority was a rant about updates, xbox one and ps3 updates.
All part of the gaming experience.
The issue with this comment is that its nothing but a rant about the video having updates, xbox one and ps3 updates.
The problem is that two guys have their own opinions about the current status of the video game industry and are sharing them with themselves and the public?
derpy doodoo lol
derpy doodoo It's really not a rant.
bahaha never know what to expect from each of your videos, but always entertained by you guys! another great one, and the ending is the cherry on top
What you guys really should play is Luigi's Ghost Mansion. It's easily the best multiplayer game in Nintendo Land.
I agree with Mike's definition of the of the Xbone.
You guys just described my main reasons why I like Nintendo games more then Sony or Microsoft games.
You guys made my whole night at 16:40 through the end! XD
I own both the Xbox One & PS4 & here's the thing: I'm having much more fun with & I'm looking forward to more games on my Xbox One than on my PS4, The first party exclusives on Xbox One are more fun than on PS4, IMO (Dead Rising 3, Ryse: Son of Rome, Forza Motorsports, Titanfall. & Killer Instinct) If you think Xbox One will have "only one good game that's not a first-person shooter", then CLEARLY you haven't been paying attention or keeping up w/all the awesome games that are coming out. Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Forza Horizon 2, as well as awesome 3rd party games that will be better on Xbox One because of the superior online experience, as well as, many others that have yet to announce are not only coming, but a lot of these jealous Sony & Nintendo fanboys wish they were getting on THEIR favorite console. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of Sony 1st party games I'm looking forward to, but your FAILURE at trying to be clever w/your little joke there was pathetically fanboyish, Mike & it seems like a classic case of projection.
James needs to buy some Rogaine
PS3 doesn't update THAT much
for me it use to update almost everytime i turned it on
it used to , it was ridiculous a few years ago
Hang on, chat needs updating.
CPower2012 no they meant update when james talked about lords of shadows he kept mentioning the updates the actually updates not installs
Is this what we're really talking about guys? Talking about updates? What are we doing?
I love watching stuff that was made in a time period I´m not currently experiencing, there´s a perfect level of escapism for me since I can´t actually experience this now but also realism but it did actually happen
All three consoles are majorly screwing up in one form or another. PS4 and Xbox One are so identical they're downright interchangable. They may as well join forces next gen and just call it the Playstation X. Wii U is killing it in as far as the opposite market, but falls way behind in hardware specs. As much as we want to pretend Nintendo relied solely on gameplay, during the 90s it was relying heavily on both gameplay and graphical power and was one of the major reasons why they did so well. Plus you can't just ignore whole genres. Wii U basically appeals not just to kids but the "if you don't play sports" kids. Alienating FPSs is one thing, but you're not going to feature a console that has no NBA, NFL, NHL, FIFA, UFC, OR WWE and not expect to take a huge hit.
We are here to represent our new console. Behold the XPlay. Curtains fall and people start to aplaud.
The way things are now for the company of sony and the microsoft division of xbox they will be better together than apart.
***** Hey don't blame him! the microsoft fucking advertised XBONE as a fucking all in one TV box NOT a dedicated gaming console!
There is nothing I hate more than sports games. Bigger cash-in games than CoD. Same fucking game every year with like what, a slightly updated roster of people I don't give a fuck about. Brilliant.
Than again, I've always been bored to tears by sports so whatev.
***** since I was that kid that hated sports, I have no problem with this XD
Dragonrider1227 i am as well
xbox game doesn't have any game? are you kidding me? xbox one is the platform with best exclusives. dead rising 3, ryse, forza
Ryse? Why not play Simon Says or Bop It? All silly quick time events.
anthonicia have you ever played it?
"xbox one is the platform with best exclusives. dead rising 3, ryse, forza" Are you on crack or some shit?
those games are shit my friend, Dead Rising 3 fuck up all the time, Ryse suck ass and Forza is just a racing game nothing fun there after you race a few times and guess what only Forza is able to run in 1080p 60FPS, Xbox one promise to run most of their games on 1080P 60FPS but most of their games are not doing so and is just relaying on First Person Shooters that are third party games and Titan Fall is just trash..
Killer Instinct is all I see Xbox One having something good for
There are currently 249 games on this list (15 of which have been confirmed as free-to-play).
Exclusive = 28 (1 of these are free-to-play)
Sony Exclusive = 20
Console exclusive and/or timed = 70/1 (8 of these are free-to-play)
Multiplatform = 130 (1 of these is free-to-play)
Playable = 76 available to purchase (10 of these are exclusive to PS4)
Xbox One
There are currently 173 games on this list.
Exclusive = 17
Microsoft exclusive = 9
Console exclusive or timed = 11/3
Multiplatform = 133
Playable = 42 available to purchase (9 of these are exclusive to Xbox One)
Your argument on PS4 games only having 3 exclusives is invalid. I have both Xbox One and PS4 and I like the PS4 better. Yes their libraries are lacking games.
Heres the titles on PS4 I play.
(NOTE Not all are exclusive) Final Fantasy 14, Killzone Shadowfall, Thief, inFamous Second Son, Warframe, Strider, Outlast, Battlefield 4, Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeros, DC Universe, Watch Dogs, And a whole bunch of downloaded games.
On Xbox One I play: Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Killer Instinct Classic, Ryse Son Of Rome.
Thats it. Thats the Only Xbox One titles that really appealed to me. Titanfall I have on PC. Don't tell me Xbox One has more because for me they lack MMOs and J-RPGs which are 2 of my favorite types of games. I pay for both plus and live. I find Xbox One to actually have faster internet speed but I REALLY hate the interface. Looks like Windows 8 Ugh. But its a great console I just wish it had more of my type of gaming. As for the Kinect? I don't like it at all. It just sits at my TV. Same with the Playstation camera since I hate motion gaming. If I wanted motion gaming I play my Wii. Also I find Xbox's controller design to be better designed for FPS and Driving games. PS4's design though for me fits every situation and definitely a better controller for fighting games. The thing that annoys me about PS4 is I keep pressing the god damn share button and theres like a million pictures on my PS4 now like god dammit I just want to go live on Twitch. I have only had the console freeze on me once only because Assassins Creed has the worst connection ever.
Well that sums of most of it for me. I don't hate the Xbox One I just wish it had more of my taste and interface. (Maybe not the windows 8 look either :) )
Not to mention it really won't sell in Japan and well their global marketing isn't the best
Finally, a gamer among the crowd of butthurt fanboys :)
I agree with your preferences fully :D (See guys? That's how I act if you're not a complete jerk)
I am a big fan of Playstation beacause of the superiority they had with the ps2 and the ps3 (the x360 was a generation late) but the xbox one is nearly equal to the ps4 and that's why i am wondering if i will buy the xbox or the ps4.
man2803 and i don't care about the quantity of games there are at the moment because i am mainly playing on pc and my good old ps3
The titles on you PS4 that you play. Answer honestly my question. Did you just buy or download anyway randomly just because its a brand new console? You obviously trusted the "hype" in internet. & you complained a little lol.
***** Actually I can careless for hype. I just play whatever game appeals to my eye. Not by looks but more of story and gameplay. I'm guessing the games I got because of hype are because of the reviews I got from people and friends and decided hey I should try it out and usually I will buy it and like it. It's pretty hard for me to hate any game as it keeps me playing until I beat it. As for multiplayer games I just play them when theres nothing else on my mind. I feel like I left the PS4 part out but the games I got because of hype were Watchdogs and Outlast. (Outlast was free for me) Other than that as I said before I check the game out first. Yeah I think I complain at times but I think it's not much of a big deal here. I don't exactly believe in hype though otherwise I would have got titles like Hyperdimension Neptunia on PS3 or Lost Planet on Xbox 360.
Your reaction to the camera on the controller made me quite happy.
Mike is not very educated about current gaming consoles.... You can use any blu ray player remote and sync it to your device...
You guys should play the other games too... The Luigi one is great fun too!
More Wii U promotion please... we need to get people realising its not for little kids.. this is a "real" games console, with LOADS to offer!
Nintendo has the MOST VERSATILE platform over Xbox and Playstation. Lets face it. I dont care whether it failed or not, it hits a larger crowd. Its only a matter of 4 months until the Switch hits and takes over the market.
FastLikeUNO u have to watch out for the new consoles that would make the switch look obsolete
I still love my Wii U, gonna keep it even after I buy a switch.
FastLikeUNO Nintendo is great for kids. Adults who are gamers need more then what Nintendo can give them.
I LOVED Nintendo Land. me and my best friend back in Michigan played it for about 6 hours one night before i moved. Good memories.
5:38 and this is why I use android....even though every time I plug it into my computer it's always like "what are you trying to transfer from the phone" instead of every ten seconds updating iTunes.
PS4 has the best update system. It's all in the background while you play, then if you want to let the updated version of the game run, you just reboot the game.
The Wii U can do that as well. While it updates you just press Launch Game.
The update system is shit really while it runs in the background it makes the system really FUCKING SLOW and sometimes takes hours to complete
8:46 that lovely gameboy at the top of the screen...
Elite do you have any game boys ?
devournzt all of them except the light and micro
Elite Even the original Game Boy, and the game boy pocket? What color is your Game Boy pocket?
Elite I guess it's one of a kind man cuz I can't find pics of that! Haha. That's cool though, thanks for sharing bro!
devournzt no problem I post pics of my collection on Instagram it's goodah1988
Interesting that in these episodes it’s Mike who’s naturally the angry video game nerd
The big problem with PS4 is it is true, the games don't feel like they have advanced much over the last generation except for moderate graphical upgrades. I am interested in Wii U, Mario Kart 8 looks like it has added a lot of things: flying, under-water, magnetic anti-gravity travel, and all sorts of new things that look like it really adds to the formula. The bundle on the commercial is very tempting, but I might wait and see if that beyond awesome Xenogears-like game gets released Wii U before commiting to purchasing it.
the best advice I could give you is to wait a couple more years man, Nintendo is already planning on a new console, so you might as well save the money you would spend on a WiiU and go for the next one, I mean is it really worth buying a WiiU just for MK8? But is up to you man.
Have a nice day!
Edgar Valdez Duque You know, Consoles need years and years of work before they are released, Wii for example was conceived in 2001 (when gamecube was released) and released 5 years later.
I know man, it was just my humble advice. (:
I agree with Mike's issue with most modern gaming consoles. The market is just too over-saturated with first person shooters. If I had to choose any of the next-gen consoles I would definitely favour the Wii U for one main reason. It actually has games.
That's why we're PC gamers. Not only does PC gaming give you a superior FPS experience with better graphics and resolution and proper keyboard and mouse controls, it also allows you to play OTHER games. Not just FPSs. It even has deep, intelligent games that you cannot find on any other system. Wanna play Hearts of Iron on your iPad or Xbox? HAH!!
Wanna play The Last of Us, Uncharted, Heavy Rain or *insert any awesome console exclusive game* on your PC?
Pukis18 Nope.
Then you are missing out REAL classics.
Pukis18 No. It's all QTE driven and/or third person perspective cover shooter garbage. It's dumb. Not interested.
I played those games, I think I know what I`m talking about. You think that way because you are a PC gamer.
That was sort of an awesome moment when he switched his phone on and the perspective changed. Sure it's simple editing but in the video it felt like a super cool everythings-connected-moment. ;)
It's called the Xbox one because only 1 person in japan is going to buy it. (Really though)
It doesn't help that their big Japanese exclusive ended up being a VN, and VNs have a tendency to get ported to PC
Wii: for kids
Xbox: for adult and "mature" kids
Playstation: everyone
wii U may be "for kids" but it still has the best games
Ik a variety of people who has each of those consoles all of different ages, so ur kinda just making stupid shit up bcus ur a gay ass fanboy
I always said that Nintendo has the best local multiplayer and the best platformers
Not the true is
Wii: Family and everyone
Xbox: For lonely person and adult only
Sony: for pervert and for pedophile because all japaneserpg is only in this console.
WiiU has Call of Duty, ZombiU, The Walking Dead it has FPS and also AC3 and AC4 it has mature games
I wasn't watching the video just a minute ago 'cause I was busy with my oven and therefore I was quite surprised when I heard Mike say to James "BLOW! BLOW HARDER!".
Oh god, I fucking HATE having to update the PS3 all the time! I'm so glad that the ps4 doesn't have to update so damn often.
All this butthurt from Xbots is rather amusing.
Xbone`s Xbots.
***** his reasoning was pretty sound actually. I typically hurt's that the xbone and ps4 have absolutely no good games atm.
PC Master Race.
FreakinSweet1987 That's really a subjective statement.Some people still find it funny and that's up to them.
Derp herp PC master race
FreakinSweet1987 Who's Joke? I feel kinda sorry for him/her.
FreakinSweet1987 What joke? PC is still the superior platform.
FreakinSweet1987 The fact that you think you have to use so much money on a pc to have higher quality reveals your utter peasantry
EXTREME CLOSE-UP! WOAH!!! Hahahaaha, you guys make my day!
Let's end this debate. Both PS4 and Xbox One are unimpressive.
Dreamcast is the best.
SonicBoone56 CD-i dude! CD-i master race!
Snes > Genesis
*grabs popcorn*
We cant simply compare these, we all know its the Tiger handheld games
Don't you mean Xbone and Piss 4