Bullies actually bully people who are better than them in some way, happiness, luck, good personality etc. The stronger people than weak ones. The biggest reason behind bullying is envy
@@Sarah-bn1hg That’s so true! I walked in on a break room conversation and they were talking about the reason others were so mean to another nurse was bc she was happy! That’s when I figured out why they were so mean to me too bc I was always happy. They want everyone at their same level of misery.
That is so true! My former supervisor hated me because many people would say nice comments about my hair, my makeup, my perfume stuff like that and my work. She would say good morning to everyone individually and skip me she celebrated every coworkers birthday except me. Whenever I had a question and ask her she would ignore me. She would even turn other coworkers against me. In the end I left and I feel so much happier.
The insecure “charge nurse” at my old clinic gets mad everytime I speak and thinks I’m competing with her ! So sad ! And yes I do know more since I do patient care and she will NOT touch the patients and she’s scared I’ll take her job and she will have to actually work hands on. And she doesn’t know what she’s talking about half the time so sad
Why do nurses bully at all??!! They're in the practice of HELPING people, not abusing them. They need to look for a different line of work if they enjoying torturing innocent people. That has no place in the healthcare line of work.
I've been asking myself that same question for decades!!! How can nurses be so caring and compassionate but so cruel to each other? I'm hoping to change that. Thanks so much for watching my video and commenting!! #kindnessmatters
Wow. It still amazes me that nurses can be so cruel and bold - to actually say out loud that she worked hard to get you fired...something not right there!! Unfortunately, I've seen and heard things that borderline psychological issues. Sorry you had to deal with this!
I HAVE A FEELING YOU, DUSTY ARE NOT AN RN. Or else you would understand this entire phenomena. It does not make sense, does it? I agree. That is why I am getting out.
@@healthyworkforceinstitute I listened to M Scott Peck audio book on youtube the other day and it was so helpful. I really recommend it ! Especially about one hour in. Nothing specific to nurses, but just the lengths people will go to demonise others around them in order to avoid having their perception of themself challenged. If you make them confront something, almost, if some awareness tries to pop up, they will sweep it under the rug of their consciousness by making you the enemy and acting accordingly.
Lumpy Custard This is absolutely right. Those bullies are very jealous and scared, and wish they could be more like the the happy, confident people. Instead of working on their own insecurities, they attack their targets, just to make them feel as miserable as they do. Misery loves company.
No because i can tell you as a fact from the point that i started MMA and gym 3 years ago and became more popular, confident and successful no-one had the guts to come and confront me anymore because they knew i would probably beat them without mercy
@@antreaseuagorou9142 I think youre misguided, if you think physically hitting a bully in a work situation will improve your position. If you do, you will be the one losing your job!
It’s sad. I have worked in healthcare for years being a ward clerk to now an RN. Nurses complain about being short staffed yet they hate on a new nurse instead of teaching them. I never understood. I treat any new nurse I train with respect. Male nurses don’t really go through this from what I have seen. They are managers in a year.
This is not true - The bully hates hates, joyful, happy,, confidident, competent and assertive women - They target women who have a conscious and have empathy, and are collaborative, and will give anyone the benefit of the doubt - a conscious person is what they are looking for. They put you under threat for a fight or flight scenario over and over again - until they break you down emotonally and pychologically so that you become timid, fearful and/or insecure. so that they can control you. They have to attack you within legal grounds consistently and over a period of time so that they can kill your inner joy and confidence so that they can then control you.
It's so sad that anyone has to resort to treating others poorly. But what I've learned over the years is that human behavior is very complex...there isn't one reason but many. However, you are right!! They do squash your confidence, especially if you're a new nurse!! This is why I am doing everything I can to stop bullying!
It's an epedimic in offices all over the world, and in airlines, not just nursing - it is even worse hear this is happening in the medical industry because sick patients are involved. This has become a very sick world.
I used to be a CNA back in 2017. I witnessed tremendoused bullying in the nursing home from my colleagues. That coined phrase "Nurses eat their young" is very true.
No one should change who they are because of a bully. Create a paper trail, document the incident, go above that person. Report it. Don’t let these losers win. Be yourself and report it. Also be quick with a professional response that makes them look dumb. Shut the bully down in real time. They will be scared to come at you again.
Having a professional response that makes them aware of their behavior is a great tip. Scripting is key! If you haven't already gotten your free copy of my 33 scripts to address disruptive behaviors when you don't know what to say, check it out here: healthyworkforceinstitute.com/33-scripts/
This isn’t just particular to the nursing field. This happens in 90% of workplaces and oftentimes the bullies know how to kiss up to supervisors. It’s disgusting and I wish the media would address workplace bullying - but all they focus on is school bullying. I honestly wish bullies were dead!
I'm an Australian nursing student. I was bullied significantly in my placement and by the time I approached my facilitator, the bullies successfully kicked me off placement on an incident which never happened. My facilitator was on my side and felt that I was unfairly targeted especially by one nurse. This was my first placement in aged care and I was placed with students who were completing their own qualifications. I believe that the organisation had a higher expectation of my position as a novice however by the time a meeting was called about me, the organisation still asked me to leave. I was devastated and almost left the course completely. What you said was definitely accurate. I suffered completely from anxiety. I was fearful of doing things wrong as a perfectionist. I was insecure. I wasn't assertive. I didn't have the ability to stand up for myself. I took everything to heart. One nurse said after I questioned safety of a patient who was bed ridden, whether it was appropriate to use a hoist to transfer her to the bathroom and she said in normal circumstances, no, but she was in a hurry and if I didn't have the intelligence to do it, she'd get someone else. I really hope you're able to shake the behaviour of training nurses who believe in eating their young makes them better nurses. What makes a nurse isn't their dominance in a situation. What makes a great nurse is their ability to work and create trust/rapport with patients, family, staff and colleagues. I definitely noticed that certain work place cultures were different because the senior management allowed it to occur. I have been told that I will make a great nurse especially if I learn how to speak up and that I am incredibly analytical/knowledgeable/innovative.... but my self esteem has stopped me from completely my acute/subacute placements. I really don't think I could be the type of nurse who destroys the soul and desire for young nurses who believe in holistic, dignified and compassionate care. The reality is that method isn't practiced because the bitchy competitive efficiency outweighs the quality of patient care. I don't know what to do.
I find it hypocritical that in practice, everything is pretentious. There's an unspoken rule of never going against the grain and never stand out as a nurse who actually values nursing. I cannot fathom how some nurses forgot about the care Nightingale offered in WWI and how patient care reflects patient outcomes. Now, that quality of care has been factory reset to robotics and almost disregarded completely. I believe in what they taught us but it's vastly different out there and I am disgusted in how $$ business like and how sterile it's become. Holistic approach to positive patient outcomes minimises pharmacology dependence and we are taught that! Yet HR allows bullying to occur and that affects care. I hate it
I couldn't agree with you more and that's why I've dedicated my life to stopping the cycle of bullying. I just couldn't sit back and accept bullying as the norm!! Just imagine what nurses could do if we supported each other instead of ATE each other!
that is what they want to make you think something is wrong with you. the AZ BON has psych on their list but only if they will order counseling for YOU, AND that automatically puts you on probation. On probation you can get NO work, so you cant get off probation, (it stipulates you must work full time ). SO then the AZ BON THINKS they have a reason to revoke because you didnt follow probation. (the probation also contained a clause that said, you agree not to sue them) I didnt sign so they have emergency meeting , and revoked it , mind you lst time to see this judge !!!! the one who signed my case, of course he isa BISHOP mormon, as well as the AZBON members ! go figure , very corrupt the cult is bullying gentiles!!!
Same story, an oldtimer criticizes a new nurse for not being up to speed as she is. But the manager allows it because they don't want the more experienced oldtimer nurse to leave, and they are so short-staffed already. It's terrible to witness, makes you wonder.
You're right. That's one of the biggest mistakes leaders make-ignoring bad behavior because an employee is clinically competent, even excellent. Especially now, healthcare leaders and executives don't want to lose ANYONE, even if they are disruptive. However, when we ignore bad behavior, we put patients at risk and the GOOD employees will leave you. Numerous studies prove this. No nurse is NOT better than a bad nurse.
The worst bullies, the most successful ones...go for the strongest links. Now, if one is too weak to be bullied when new, they will never make it. That is wrong as well...but the worst bullies go for the opposite of the weak. They are most dangerous. WAtch out yall.
@@IceSk8Princessa12 same. I can’t even with some of them they’re too hateful it won’t change they’re brats that’s how they feed their ego it’ll never change. They will continue to bully others because they don’t see what they’re doing as wrong and management doesn’t do much since they’re solid nurses in every other way
Sorry, ma'am, but I was targeted for the opposite reasons. I am ex-military, and am used to giving orders as well as receiving them. I am very blunt and not afraid to stand up to people or call them out for any behavior that is not logical but is instead malicious or rude. I was targeted for this. I was yelled at and threatened by my nursing instructor on my 1st day of clinicals for asking questions such as "What is Werdnig Hoffman's disease?" I asked this because my first patient had it and I wanted to know, before I went in the room, what her abilities or limitations were. I was snapped at and told that my questions were irrelevant and "distracted me from focusing on my job." When I reported this instructor's bullying behavior to another instructor, I was chastised for not using the title 'Mrs.' in front of her full name, "Students will address me respectfully as Mrs. Whitnie Saunders". The woman then proceeded to dismiss my complaint and told me that my clinical behavior was unprofessional even though it absolutely was not and asking questions is not indicative of unprofessionalism. I said as much to her, which then got me written up for not calling her by "Mrs." and also for unprofessional clinical behavior. This was vindictive. And lastly, I gave an heparin injection with the supervision and instruction of a registered nurse on my 5th clinical and was promptly failed for the class because, according to my instructor, she was the one who had to supervise and if it wasn't her, then I endangered patient safety. Student Nursing handbook stated that students can be failed for endangering patient safety but did not explicitly state that administering medications under the supervision of a registered nurse vs. an instructor (who is also a registered nurse) somehow puts the patient in danger. There is no logic to this, only bullying. So the way I see it, the moment I stood up for myself as someone who will not be treated disrespectfully, yelled at or threatened by my instructors, I became a target. For them, doing this to me was about power. They thought that having the title "Instructor" gave them the right to treat students however they wanted. They had a system. There was no one to go to. Everyone on up to the Director of the Nursing Program was a nurse and they all had each other's backs. I also noticed that the atmosphere was not truly collaborative, it was only collaborative within cliques of which there were many all based on gossiping and creating drama and which girls relished this sort of thing. If you did not fit in with group A or B, they found ways to ignore you or treat you as the outcast. There is collaboration in the military. Even if men don't like each other, they can put aside their differences and come together to build a strong team and get the job done. I cannot say the same for these types of women I encountered in nursing school. They were the epitome of unprofessionalism, high school behavior, and the 'mean girls club'. What we need is not only to talk about it more so that it is more public and well-known that this is a problem, but we also need there to be legal consequences for this type of behavior. Female bullies need to be legally charged with a crime such as "harrassment at the work place" or "creating a hostile work environment." I do believe these are actual legal crimes, but they don't really recognize how subtle and deceptive female bullying is and how much damage it does. I cannot be 100% certain of my claims, but my take-home point is, we need to be able to take them to court and sue them for their behavior just as you can sue someone for physically attacking you and legally it's considered "assault and battery".
Thank you for taking the time to comment Delilah. As you can see, human behavior can be very complex and although it sounds as though your instructors could have handled these situations differently, based on what you wrote, their behavior doesn't fit the definition of bullying (target, harmful, repeated over time). You're so right that females can be so cruel to other females!! I'm doing everything I can to change that! Thank you for sharing.
@@lauraslaney8554 Then maybe she should have just admitted that and be honest rather than deflecting and bullying. Nursing is just seriously full of bitchy, under developed women who are driving decent people away from the profession.
Thank you for your videos, and helping the nurse being bullied. This was my greatest fear going into nursing and a new job. I am being bullied by my preceptor. I am finally off of orientation but it is still occurring. I fit all 3 of the targets for this person. I am a passive communicator ( I am nice). I am not confident yet ( just graduated, and this is my first job as a nurse). #3 I am an older new nurse 55 yrs old. So that makes me different. I am going to take your sound advice and stand tall ( did i mention i am only 5' 2), anyways I am going to act more confident and learn to communicate more assertively. My daughter who is also a nurse said to use my "Mom" voice to this person. I am insecure in my role as a nurse and I think that is why I am a target. Thanks again for your work and advice in this area. I am a subscriber now.
Hi Diane. So glad you took my advice and are now standing TALL!!! Your daughter gave you good advice. Just because you're a new nurse doesn't mean you don't know anything! And, they should be supporting you..not criticizing you! Air hugs to you!!
Diane Hansen You sound a lot like me! I’m new too and the same age and was told I was also bullied because I am older so people expected me to be in the field for a long time and know more, forgetting I’m a new grad. I think it’s really exactly what you gave for reasons 1-3! Only thing different is that I’m tall, but I have noticed after incidents happen I stop wearing shoes that make me even taller and go to very flat shoes in an attempt to blend in more!
My preceptor was good to me, but my ward manager and deputy manager both bullied me, and were working to get me gone. I qualified at 58 , and am short too, plus I have always been polite , and known as a smiler. I lost a lot of confidence, but moving to a new unit 2 years ago, I feel like I am ok now.
💗💕💗 A select few classmates been trying to bully me for a while now I just ignore it and keep being my happy self. I don’t talk a lot and when I do it’s usually me asking a few questions and I continue to be nice to everyone 🤷🏽♀️. A lot of people have issues and misery loves company. I have a blessed life and I love it 🥰. Hopefully they will have a blessed life as well 💩😎💗💕💗
I worked in "health care" for 25 years and some of the WORST people I ever met were nurses, doctors, and consultants. People I wouldn't trust to look after my pet goldfish for a week.
To the nurse and caregivers who are or have been bullied, please remember why you got into nursing, colleagues and bosses can be very cruel but you are there for the patients, every patient you give the best care you can to and everyone that you can share the kindness with that others haven't afforded to you , is someone who would otherwise have been stuck with the very people who think it's okay to treat you and others as worthless and I would never want people who are that horrible to be entrusted to care for anyone I love , please be brave and don't let the haiters win by letting them chase you off, show them how human beings should treat each other, if you are a kind nurse than you are a rare blessing, let no-one take that from you or the people you help ❤
Yeah. It's really bad. I just don't understand how nurses can be so cruel to other nurses. I'm doing my part to help individuals stand up to the bullies!
Nah im not a hater about salary. I just want ppl to be nice. But i am the person thats like ? Its clearly just bc im hot. 😅 Bc like y r they so mean to me. Idc if pppl r attractive either. Just be nice. Its really that simple to me
@ahhwe-any7434 it's because of your personality that makes you attractive. It can be your smile how the way you care your self. It be many be many things.
Great video! The need to appear confident and assertive permeates medicine. It's NOT optional! Many times, people in stressful circumstances assume introverts outright hate them or that they are unenthusiastic about their job just because they aren't as expressive (something I learned the hard way in school). I was learning this the hard way in med school until a very compassionate and wise ICU doc pulled me aside and explained this to me. Was a total eye opener! This needs to change. Actions should be the main metric, not body language.
Those three things you mentioned are me. So I was bullied when I was new at the hospital. I reported it to the manager but that bully nurse still bullied others. I wish I had reported her to the upper management.
@@healthyworkforceinstitute yes and after that incident, I change my responses towards that bully nurse. I am not allowing her actions to back me down.
I'm glad to hear that! It always saddens me to hear that people leave the profession altogether due to bullying behavior. We can't afford to lose any more nurses. I'm glad to hear you are still working in healthcare. AND that you aren't silent about their behavior. I have 2 resources that are extremely popular because they are scripts you can practice and have ready to use in certain types of situations when someone is bullying or being uncivil. I highly recommend signing up to get them. They are free. Powerful Scripts to Stop Bullying in the Moment: healthyworkforceinstitute.com/scripts-for-staff-to-address-disruptive-behavior/ 33 Scripts to Address Disruptive Behavior When You Don’t Know What to Say: healthyworkforceinstitute.com/33-scripts/ I'm rooting for your success!
Bullying is just abuse of power. Instead of giving advise to the targets, it's best to educate people in position of power, why they should not destroy innocent people's lives.
It's definitely not just the targets my company focuses on-it's also the bullies. You are absolutely right about educating those in power. It's our job to equip leaders with the skills and tools to be able to properly address disruptive behaviors in healthcare. As I travel the country doing my part to eradicate bullying and incivility in healthcare, I’ve learned that the bullies can’t be everyone else. We all have to look in the mirror and determine if WE might be the bullies or at least, in some way, contribute to bullying. Some people don't even realize they are the bully. But that doesn't excuse them. We actually have a bully assessment to bring awareness to those who don't realize the bully is them. healthyworkforceinstitute.com/bully-assessment-tool/
Hi, this was useful. Twice now, a stronger willed person in a group has frozen me out. Whilst being simultaneously effusively warm and friendly to everybody else. The first time, I just thought, what a cow, such bad luck. She left luckily, but now I"m back in the same situation. I wouldn't really think I lack confidence. I was watching some other videos about bullying and I think being a single older woman is a lot of women's WORST fear. The fact that I"m happy makes no difference. I make them confront their worst fear perhaps. I wish this would stop happening. I want to resolve the situation with bully number two and I want to make sure this doesn't happen again!
Hi @Susan C Any positive outcome? Nursing is really a TOXIC working environment contrary to what they teach you at nursing school...to be more compassion, more understanding, more considerate towards patients.....but among nurses is all crap.
well, bully 1 has gone. Bully 2 is still there but I have not withered around her in the same way. It does seem really unfair and sometimes I think about the ways I would like to shame her, but on the whole, I think I've dealt with a really difficult situation fairly well. And although she would have loved me to have lost my temper with her and confronted her publicly,, I have not. She just made a passive aggressive dig at me in a whatsapp group earlier today and I didn't respond. She has no life, she lives in the whatsapp group.
Health care has highly educated individuals, with the most ego, pride, and most unforgiven, critical, toxic people. Education builds position not character or manners. I am surprised how many people agree with this video, yet there continues to be no change in the field. Which is why I left the hospital (pool of sharks) to open up my own practice (pool of dolphins). My friends who continue to work in the hospital continue to complain how toxic it still is in the hospital. Professionals being unprofessional with each other. Toxic environment shouldn't be excused, should know better as "educated people". Hope this video reaches more people.
You are absolutely right-it should NOT be excused. Which is why I made it my mission to change that. But there's only so much I can do. It takes healthcare professionals-actually, people in general-to stop using silence as a strategy when faced with toxicity and unprofessionalism. It takes leaders having a willingness to learn how to address bullying and incivility. It takes organizations wanting to equip those leaders for better employee and PATIENT outcomes. Thank you for your comments.
I am SO glad you are working on this bullying problem: it is huge and universal. Regarding your thoughts on communication, I have found it is stronger and more effective to tell instead of to ask, eg, say, ‘My BSN doesn’t matter; are all here for the same purpose’, versus, ‘Why does my BSN matter? We are here for the same purpose.’ Tell, don’t ask.
I am a junior dr and I was quite upset today of how a consultant keep targeting me at ward round about the little things. It’s hard when they have more “authority” over you so I just kept quiet. I guess I need to stand up for myself, but easier said than done 🙁I hope this rotation end soon.
I wish i didnt have a problem with social anxiety thats what they use against me. They even call the police on me just for standing up for myself. Bullies are cowards and use their numbers and power to walk over me. At this point i think its how many people you already know in the facility, meaning you being in enemies territory. I also notice some gangs affiliations too
Thank you for this video because all this is on me even though I know what I’m capable of. I work in a PICU where I’m different from almost everyone. I have an accent, I’m not use to look people in the eyes due to cultural beliefs, I’m respectful to everyone in the work place. Sometimes I let things slide even if I’m hurt. I love my job but it’s been 2 days I’m just emotional and crying.
It's not all on you. There's no excuse for bullying and incivility. Especially in healthcare. But you can adopt ways to protect yourself from the bullies.
OMG....i just found this channel and I am going to binge watch... I need this so much right now...I am a nursing assistant of 27 year and I just left a position two months ago for this very reason....I had a nurse scream at me because at the end of my shift I went of into the break room to take a personal call about a dying family in hospice care. Of course it was brought to my boss and became a huge thing...I couldnt take anymore...as prepare to look for my next position....I will watch as much as I can as fast as I can!!!!!!
I'm sorry to hear about what you are dealing with. But I'm glad you found my channel! If you haven't already, you should check out our company's web page that has tons of free resources. healthyworkforceinstitute.com. I recommend signing up for our community as well where you'll get more goodies delivered to your inbox once a week. I'm rooting for your success!
Im a good looking in shape male nurse that cares about my patients and has a humble and positive attitude. I’m constantly trying to be bullied by older miserable female nurses.
I worked at a crappy hospital and my coworkers at their very best behavior... keyed my car, threatened to kill me often, would slam at the table in front of me to get my attention, scream, yank me out of my chair, it did turn to both physical abuse and emotional, it was extreme and painful. I cried so much all the time, even in front of the coworkers once, who pointed and laughed in a group. I think hospital fear culture comes from the top down. I never blamed them bc I knew they were only abusing me bc boss abuses them. The boss feels justified to abuse them due to all the horrific mistakes they make...due to their burnout...caused overwork abuse from mgmt. An abuse spiral never ending.
From the point i started MMA and gym 3 years ago most bullies act friendly with me. For example they come and shake my hand all the time. I can’t remember the last time someone tried to bully me.
This is very helpful. Thankyou for dedicating your life to talking about nurse bullying. I worked at the same facility for 30 years and along came a new nurse manager. Well. She is lazy. Entitled and tried to get me fired.
I'm glad you found this video helpful! I'm sorry you are dealing with that. You should check out our website healthyworkforceinstitute.com for more resources. We have a ton of free downloads and scripting that can help you, including a blog about dealing with lazy nurses. healthyworkforceinstitute.com/how-to-deal-with-a-lazy-nurse/
I have worked my way up from being a nurses aide to LPN to RN. Nurse of 50 years. NOT AFRAID to get up in a persons face (if necessary) to confront a bully. I explain to my co-workers that being a bully exists in ALL fields. That person became a bully long ago before they worked in their chosen field, they just chose to bring it along to their work place. I have witnessed first hand management that DOES NOTHING to end this behavior. I am aware that some of those very individuals are themselves AFRAID to address these individuals. If I see this kind of behavior I intervene and work on stopping it ASAP.
I'm glad to hear that you speak up and address bad behavior. What we have found at the Healthy Workforce Institute is that managers don't address bad behavior because they are never equipped with the skills and tools needed to address bad behavior. They are usually promoted because they are clinically excellent and then trained on payroll, scheduling, policies, procedures, etc. But never trained on how to actually lead people and hold people accountable.
@@healthyworkforceinstitute Mmm thanks for the feedback. I will say too many managers & even directors (for that matter) lack floor experience. Several places I have worked these very individuals do NOT know how to manage, assign, communicate with doctors, NP and PA’s obtain & execute orders & treatments. Where I currently work because of this too many of our residents/patients SUFFER miserably at the hands of these individuals & their actions! When I bring this up in discussion it is NOT taken favorably. I do what I can and take responsibility. To speak quite frankly, I take good care of myself because I am TERRIFIED to be a patient. I have ZERO tolerance for staff that are toxic to patients & staff. I make sure I document EVERYTHING that is happening and then I send these people home!
I must tell you I am not shy at work, in my work place I am one that would be considered a threat to some incompetent bimbo, that has more power than brains. Naturally I am very aware of bullies and the games they like to play colluding together with others to really push your stress levels up while secretly remaining invisible to the target, as with help from other participants it's gets even more tricky, in my work place the organizational rules are loose so foreign languages are spoken and not NOT ENGLISH so makes it even harder to know what is happening from minute to minute just a little mafia running the place .
@@a.sontoloyo6887 not nurses but yes to this nationality unfortunately, these people can speak English write English very well but choose not to speak it at work ,choose to be disrespectfully rude and unmannered at work, like their grew up in a cave where cave people had no moral sense to be respectful to others, they forgot that their in Canada now, most folks in this country understand and speak English at least at work for the most part , most folks have enough sense to speak a common language English, however not at my workplace unfortunately, bulling is very high here, including malicious and humiliating gossips on a daily basis, management seems to just ignore it and have become complacent to it because they keep hiring them, friends and family members galore, many are just bearly qualified for the position in which was posted, outsiders applied with the qualifications needed but their resumes were disposed and shredded so that corruption could enter via the family and friends nepotism policy employed here could enter. The TV news is always talking about racism however only the BLM racism is what seems to be on the TV news not the racist which hire such people in work places like this, while completely ignoring multi culture hiring practices which is Canadian law for every workplace, which has allowed so much corruption and bulling to increase with every new friend of the bully to start also in participating in harrasing ploys, to those few of us who are not one of them, very disturbing in a Canadian workplace, what ever happened to multi - culture hiring practices? Not here that's for sure. Very Very disturbing.
I used to work with high school age students and on occassion have to sit with girls in detention. Amazing how some of the girls known for fights and other poor behavior were also going to the nursing training programs. ....As a nurse myself im continually amazed at the poor to absent social skills some of these nurses possess. You can be good at your job but a nasty person. Plain and simple. And due to short staffing it is tolerated.
Thank you so much for replying but I have! Four days ago the teachers at my school actually told her off for getting bullied which I think is COMPLETELY wrong. That's crap English senior schools for you...
still not good but she wasn't in school today because she was on holiday. I think the day without the bullies helped but she is in school tomorrow, she does have me to talk to but I also want to punch the bullies, and my mom has given me permission to lol.
I like your mom!!! However, be careful not to do something that will get YOU in trouble. Please keep following up with her..show her support...help her to know that she is important!!!
I just would like to point out for the number 2. confidence, even if you are simply an introvert or they think you are is seen as «lacking confidence» as narcisistic bullies are very shallow and superficial and just not being like that makes you a target, because it is likely the ones not being bullied are shallow and superficial just enough to not be bullied.
I am a nursing student dealing with this and the other students in my clinical group tend to follow this one person so it’s just me again like x4 girls
3. Somebody who uses passive Communication-style they won’t confront anyone , someone who does not give eye contact who does not appear confident , someone who is different example ( location ) someone who appears to be nervous .. be honest respectful , look confident , look people in the eyes stand tall shoulders back ..
I just tendered resignation after putting up with a bully at work for 3 yrs. I just can't take it no more. I don't wanna be a nurse anymore because of the toxicity. It's horrible.
That makes me so sad to hear that. I'm sorry that you experienced any level of toxicity, let alone so much that it caused you to quit nursing altogether. I hope that you find something you are passionate about where you are surrounded by people who support each other.
Unfortunately, I've seen people accused of bullying who are finally speaking up and confronting abrasive coworkers - or a manager gets accused of bullying just because he/she finally is holding employees accountable for behavior. This is why it's important to keep a documentation trail of incidents.
@@healthyworkforceinstitute Unfortunately documenting the trail of events doesn't help because there's people who will side with the bully and lie so it's your word against 3-4 people. Management doesn't care and is always supportive of the bullies by doing nothing about it or worse by labeling you as the troublemaker and a poor team member! Then the bullying escalates because the bullies know nothing will be done about it. I have left many jobs because I was bullied so badly and so much with no where to turn to for help and/or because the workload was insane and not safe. Sad thing is that it's everywhere in healthcare.
I get bullied all the time by the nurses about the lights but when I here the other lights go off I time them of how long they go off and I don’t here the other nurses tell them about their lights going off I feel that is just not professional and not fair at all and I get screen at all the time and my lights barly come on and I get screen at just sick of it so yeah I am a target to the nurses
I wonder if it's that they pick them based on those things; it's that they decide to make those things "their reasons" for going for that victim. The victim mostly is chosen if they pose a threat to their selfish agenda. After all, being different, being nervous, passive communication styles, etc. can also be found in the bullies themselves.
Hi Molly. You're welcome! I'm really trying to help nurses all over the world who are struggling with bullying. It breaks my heart to hear how some nurses treat each other - so wrong!
Bullies at times are use by others are their huntsman, when you ask they are after you due to a lie or someone else fabrication, rarely the bully have problems with you personally. That is why to tell things as they really happened and if possible remove yourself from their area if the person is problematic and irrational, direct them to psychological help or some self improvement workshop.
Understand that this video is made almost ten years ago. Unfortunately, in my generation, bullies don't necessarily choose their target based only on weak people but can also be at people who are strong. You know bullies do not like people/colleagues who are smarter than them or have a special talent that they don't have. They are jealous people who cannot see others doing better than them. They want to be in control of everything. I have seen confident performance people being taken by under table means
You are exactly right about bullies not liking those who are smarter or have a special talent. But it's more than just not liking - it's ENVY. They want what someone else has, i.e. new car, vacation property, award, etc. and RESENT them for having it. At the core of envy is a feeling of unfairness - I am owed this and I’ve been cheated. Or, I deserve this more than this person. Make no mistake about it…Envy is a violent emotion. We may not intentionally attack the person outright, but envy will find its way into the way we communicate, interact, and make decisions - all of which impact the work environment AND patient outcomes. Envy makes us competitors and as competitors we have trouble seeing each other as colleagues who are all working together to achieve a common goal. Envy poisons every relationship, every work environment, and every profession - including the nursing profession.
I'm not sure I'm understanding correctly - are you asking how you stop BEING the bully or how do you stop the bully if you are witnessing them bullying someone else?
I can't believe this women. I have been bullied by a group of high level nurses why in hospital along side 2 other patiants and the 3 reasons that she gave that makes u a target of bullying are not true in my case nor the other people I was in hospital with. We all was bullied very badly and I honestly mean VERY BADLY!!! all 3 of us were vulnerable adults with similar issues and we had a group of 4/5 nurses that run the ward that would psychologically and physical bully us bc they were just "BULLIES". nasty bitter cruel people who bullied bc they liked taking advantage of VULNERABLE people and not bc of the 3 reasons given here. I feel this lady is getting this very wrong
Well...there are many leaders that believe that a "bad" nurse is better than no nurse. Especially during a major staffing shortage. However, a "bad" nurse is NOT better than no nurse. If the bullying behavior is a character trait and not a behavior that can be changed with guidance and leadership, then yes- sometimes it's best to therapeutically extract the bullies. And take the time to make sure you don't hire bullies in the first place. healthyworkforceinstitute.com/strategies-to-make-sure-you-dont-hire-a-bully/
Just because we scribes don't have the same level of education or pay as nurses/MA's does not mean we are not competent/intelligent or deserve to be bullied. :'( Luckily there are plenty of kind nurses out there!
Intersting. I think what you are saying is true and the advice sound but what happens when you are confident and you do stand up to the bully and all it does is my then angrier and bully you 10x more???? I’ve found it best to document and bring the copy straight to HR.
I am really shy and socially unconfident, but my face down trap card is that I am a masochist. This encourage me to find something unique within me and continue doing what I love because _I would love to_ get bullied, so thanks. This is probably not the kind of comments you wanted hehehehe
Nurses bully patients 2 Whenever this happens to me I tell them that I am going to make a complaint I don't usually but this puts the fear of God into them
do you have insta. Damn, I had a target being bullied, Masters practice intake of nursing Qut and mature-aged student. I got bullied two weeks in a row from my laser clinic from two young ones. makes sense but I always say learning . I need the big L I had as a checkout operator
I do! It's @healthyworkforceinstitute (instagram.com/healthyworkforceinstitute/) You should also definitely check out our website if you haven't already. Tons of free resources, blog articles, etc. Healthyworkforceinstitute.com. Let me know if you need help finding anything in particular! Rooting for your success!
Ok thanks for information. @ workplace bullying nasty behavior at work place creates Unwanted stress . Absolutely created lot of issues in my job's life Experiencing lot of unwanted hedache. fear of such brainstroke Heart issues due to nasty sarcastic work place physcopaths
Oh my goodness! Bombshell! Still doesn't make it right though. And it's not just nurses and nursing. Bullying has been rampant in every workplace I have ever been in. I'm the one standing up for folks when others are gossiping about them behind their back. But it usually didn't take long to run me off. And lots of those folks I stood up for never did the same for me. Argh!!! I was diagnosed ASD1 (Mensa level IQ), when I was 60, after 40+ years in the work force, severely burned out, ragged out adrenals from a lifetime of bullying. I was my family scapegoat as well. I had no problem with the academic side of nursing, but did become a target of one of my instructors when I made an A my first semester, working full time and going to school full time...not supposed to happen. My course score was like 92.75, so they had to round up to the 93 for A. The head instructor was so mad....lol I've not gotten jobs because I "wasn't assertive enough." I've taken classes in assertiveness training. None of it made much sense to me and I had much difficulty applying it. A person really needs a strong sense of self to be able to stand up for that self. Most of our population has no clue what it is like not to have a strong sense of self...NO CLUE!!!! I do FULLY AND FIRMLY believe my ASD1 can be traced back to the Endocrine Disruptors my mother was given when pregnant with me back in 1956......BY THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. Sooo many folks with an autism diagnosis with higher IQs on the DES - Diethylstilbestrol FB pages. The synthetic estrogen caused cell proliferation in many developing organs of babies in the womb, even brain cells. DES skews just about every endocrine system organ in the body, thereby affecting everything, especially adrenals, which affects reaction time, personal confidence, mental functioning, etc. Oh well. Took almost 50 years of consulting mental health professionals to get a working diagnosis. THEIR BAD!!!! The PhD who diagnosed me recommended that I work from home, since she understood how very "different (neurodiverse)" I am. And she understands that our vicious, animalistic culture is not going to change. I recommend the RCP - Root Cause Protocol - for improved adrenal function, but it's not mainstream.
This is not the problem of those who are bullied. It is a problem for management to fix and the consistently refuse to do that. Ultimately it is a deep rooted problem with nursing culture. You give good advice superficially, but it is really addressing the least of the problem. Nursing culture is toxic and nursing is collapsing because of it. Telling targets to act more confident and to defend directly and openly when they are being attacked covertly is not the solution.
Well, you are right about this being a deep-rooted problem. I'm not sure if you're implying that I think the answer is just to teach the targets better strategies. I hope not.
Renee Thompson Speaking from personal experience and as evident from the research done by Dr. Gary Namie, the target of workplace bullying, typically, is someone who is competent, self-confident, ethical.
Thanks Mandy! Yes. I've read the studies from the workplace bullying instituted. Great information! I've seen both ends of the spectrum in healthcare - people are targeted because they look like an easy target OR they're perceived as a threat because they are self confident and competent. Isn't it a shame anyone has to be targeted in the first place? Especially in healthcare. So disturbing.
@@healthyworkforceinstitute There is nithing5 much that can be done about workplace bullying without passing a law because the management is complicit in not doing anything about it. In fact, the management typically tries to intimidate the target so that the target would leave. In my case I was not going to run off to another of the same level job at the same type of busibess environment where I would meet the same Tom, Duck, and Harry.
Although passing a law might help, it's not enough. I have seen bullying and incivility stopped without laws...requires committed leaders and support from HR and executive leadership.
Bullies actually bully people who are better than them in some way, happiness, luck, good personality etc. The stronger people than weak ones. The biggest reason behind bullying is envy
Yes they’re jealous if you’re prettier or just overall happier they hate it. It’s like they want to drain your energy. It’s sick
@@Sarah-bn1hg That’s so true! I walked in on a break room conversation and they were talking about the reason others were so mean to another nurse was bc she was happy! That’s when I figured out why they were so mean to me too bc I was always happy. They want everyone at their same level of misery.
That is so true! My former supervisor hated me because many people would say nice comments about my hair, my makeup, my perfume stuff like that and my work. She would say good morning to everyone individually and skip me she celebrated every coworkers birthday except me. Whenever I had a question and ask her she would ignore me. She would even turn other coworkers against me. In the end I left and I feel so much happier.
I agree with you. But it's not always. Sometimes it's because they think they're better than you and want to push u around or so lazy
Confidence and ability can be among the first things bullies become envious of
The insecure “charge nurse” at my old clinic gets mad everytime I speak and thinks I’m competing with her ! So sad ! And yes I do know more since I do patient care and she will NOT touch the patients and she’s scared I’ll take her job and she will have to actually work hands on. And she doesn’t know what she’s talking about half the time so sad
Why do nurses bully at all??!! They're in the practice of HELPING people, not abusing them. They need to look for a different line of work if they enjoying torturing innocent people. That has no place in the healthcare line of work.
I've been asking myself that same question for decades!!! How can nurses be so caring and compassionate but so cruel to each other? I'm hoping to change that. Thanks so much for watching my video and commenting!! #kindnessmatters
Wow. It still amazes me that nurses can be so cruel and bold - to actually say out loud that she worked hard to get you fired...something not right there!! Unfortunately, I've seen and heard things that borderline psychological issues. Sorry you had to deal with this!
They need to go be a call center nurse
I HAVE A FEELING YOU, DUSTY ARE NOT AN RN. Or else you would understand this entire phenomena. It does not make sense, does it? I agree. That is why I am getting out.
@@healthyworkforceinstitute I listened to M Scott Peck audio book on youtube the other day and it was so helpful. I really recommend it ! Especially about one hour in. Nothing specific to nurses, but just the lengths people will go to demonise others around them in order to avoid having their perception of themself challenged. If you make them confront something, almost, if some awareness tries to pop up, they will sweep it under the rug of their consciousness by making you the enemy and acting accordingly.
Bullies also pick on popular, confident and competant people!
Let’s lower bullying by recognizing it, loving yourself and not allowing the bully to bring you down ❤️
Lumpy Custard This is absolutely right. Those bullies are very jealous and scared, and wish they could be more like the the happy, confident people. Instead of working on their own insecurities, they attack their targets, just to make them feel as miserable as they do. Misery loves company.
I've personally never seen it. Not saying it doesn't happen but it's probably rare.
No because i can tell you as a fact from the point that i started MMA and gym 3 years ago and became more popular, confident and successful no-one had the guts to come and confront me anymore because they knew i would probably beat them without mercy
@@antreaseuagorou9142 I think youre misguided, if you think physically hitting a bully in a work situation will improve your position. If you do, you will be the one losing your job!
It’s sad. I have worked in healthcare for years being a ward clerk to now an RN. Nurses complain about being short staffed yet they hate on a new nurse instead of teaching them. I never understood. I treat any new nurse I train with respect. Male nurses don’t really go through this from what I have seen. They are managers in a year.
I never understand that either. Just keep leading by example!
Nursing is a female dominated profession, female nurses are often the victim of these bullying because of jealousy
This is not true - The bully hates hates, joyful, happy,, confidident, competent and assertive women - They target women who have a conscious and have empathy, and are collaborative, and will give anyone the benefit of the doubt - a conscious person is what they are looking for. They put you under threat for a fight or flight scenario over and over again - until they break you down emotonally and pychologically so that you become timid, fearful and/or insecure. so that they can control you. They have to attack you within legal grounds consistently and over a period of time so that they can kill your inner joy and confidence so that they can then control you.
It's so sad that anyone has to resort to treating others poorly. But what I've learned over the years is that human behavior is very complex...there isn't one reason but many. However, you are right!! They do squash your confidence, especially if you're a new nurse!! This is why I am doing everything I can to stop bullying!
It's an epedimic in offices all over the world, and in airlines, not just nursing - it is even worse hear this is happening in the medical industry because sick patients are involved. This has become a very sick world.
However, I know there are more good people out there!! We just need to have a stronger voice than the cruel people!
Yes yes, yes... your description on workplace bullying is right on the money.
@@Reconciliation777 Yes. It us an epidemic all iver the workd because the management alliws it. Geck, they encourage this behavior.
I used to be a CNA back in 2017. I witnessed tremendoused bullying in the nursing home from my colleagues. That coined phrase "Nurses eat their young" is very true.
Yes - unfortunately that is a common phrase in healthcare.
@@healthyworkforceinstitute Absolutely
Some of the nastiest people I have met have been nurses.
@@MrBenflanagan Very true. Let's add the DONs (Director of Nursing) in there as well.
No one should change who they are because of a bully. Create a paper trail, document the incident, go above that person. Report it. Don’t let these losers win. Be yourself and report it. Also be quick with a professional response that makes them look dumb. Shut the bully down in real time. They will be scared to come at you again.
Having a professional response that makes them aware of their behavior is a great tip. Scripting is key! If you haven't already gotten your free copy of my 33 scripts to address disruptive behaviors when you don't know what to say, check it out here: healthyworkforceinstitute.com/33-scripts/
@@healthyworkforceinstitute thanks 😊
useless truth me
This isn’t just particular to the nursing field. This happens in 90% of workplaces and oftentimes the bullies know how to kiss up to supervisors. It’s disgusting and I wish the media would address workplace bullying - but all they focus on is school bullying. I honestly wish bullies were dead!
Worplace bullying is worse than school cause at work its either quit n lose money or stay n suffer
Fair enough
I'm an Australian nursing student.
I was bullied significantly in my placement and by the time I approached my facilitator, the bullies successfully kicked me off placement on an incident which never happened.
My facilitator was on my side and felt that I was unfairly targeted especially by one nurse.
This was my first placement in aged care and I was placed with students who were completing their own qualifications. I believe that the organisation had a higher expectation of my position as a novice however by the time a meeting was called about me, the organisation still asked me to leave.
I was devastated and almost left the course completely.
What you said was definitely accurate. I suffered completely from anxiety. I was fearful of doing things wrong as a perfectionist. I was insecure. I wasn't assertive. I didn't have the ability to stand up for myself. I took everything to heart.
One nurse said after I questioned safety of a patient who was bed ridden, whether it was appropriate to use a hoist to transfer her to the bathroom and she said in normal circumstances, no, but she was in a hurry and if I didn't have the intelligence to do it, she'd get someone else.
I really hope you're able to shake the behaviour of training nurses who believe in eating their young makes them better nurses.
What makes a nurse isn't their dominance in a situation. What makes a great nurse is their ability to work and create trust/rapport with patients, family, staff and colleagues. I definitely noticed that certain work place cultures were different because the senior management allowed it to occur.
I have been told that I will make a great nurse especially if I learn how to speak up and that I am incredibly analytical/knowledgeable/innovative.... but my self esteem has stopped me from completely my acute/subacute placements.
I really don't think I could be the type of nurse who destroys the soul and desire for young nurses who believe in holistic, dignified and compassionate care. The reality is that method isn't practiced because the bitchy competitive efficiency outweighs the quality of patient care.
I don't know what to do.
I find it hypocritical that in practice, everything is pretentious. There's an unspoken rule of never going against the grain and never stand out as a nurse who actually values nursing. I cannot fathom how some nurses forgot about the care Nightingale offered in WWI and how patient care reflects patient outcomes. Now, that quality of care has been factory reset to robotics and almost disregarded completely. I believe in what they taught us but it's vastly different out there and I am disgusted in how $$ business like and how sterile it's become.
Holistic approach to positive patient outcomes minimises pharmacology dependence and we are taught that!
Yet HR allows bullying to occur and that affects care.
I hate it
Hi Kat. I'm so sorry to hear this. Have you taken any action?
I couldn't agree with you more and that's why I've dedicated my life to stopping the cycle of bullying. I just couldn't sit back and accept bullying as the norm!! Just imagine what nurses could do if we supported each other instead of ATE each other!
I have by deferring my course and seeing a psychologist.
that is what they want to make you think something is wrong with you. the AZ BON has psych on their list but only if they will order counseling for YOU, AND that automatically puts you on probation. On probation you can get NO work, so you cant get off probation, (it stipulates you must work full time ). SO then the AZ BON THINKS they have a reason to revoke because you didnt follow probation. (the probation also contained a clause that said, you agree not to sue them) I didnt sign so they have emergency meeting , and revoked it , mind you lst time to see this judge !!!! the one who signed my case, of course he isa BISHOP mormon, as well as the AZBON members ! go figure , very corrupt the cult is bullying gentiles!!!
bullies are sick in the soul. the soul needs more of a place in the "real" world
There are many reasons why humans treat others with cruelty. it's never justified but sometimes understood that some people are not mentally healthy.
I suffer from anxiety and I'm passive 😢
They Strip you of your right to be passive and coerce you into changing your personality
Same story, an oldtimer criticizes a new nurse for not being up to speed as she is. But the manager allows it because they don't want the more experienced oldtimer nurse to leave, and they are so short-staffed already. It's terrible to witness, makes you wonder.
You're right. That's one of the biggest mistakes leaders make-ignoring bad behavior because an employee is clinically competent, even excellent. Especially now, healthcare leaders and executives don't want to lose ANYONE, even if they are disruptive. However, when we ignore bad behavior, we put patients at risk and the GOOD employees will leave you. Numerous studies prove this. No nurse is NOT better than a bad nurse.
Bullies are scared of confidence. Hence why they go for the weakest link.
The worst bullies, the most successful ones...go for the strongest links. Now, if one is too weak to be bullied when new, they will never make it. That is wrong as well...but the worst bullies go for the opposite of the weak. They are most dangerous. WAtch out yall.
annony most This is true! I was extremely confident when I started and they destroyed that!
@@IceSk8Princessa12 same. I can’t even with some of them they’re too hateful it won’t change they’re brats that’s how they feed their ego it’ll never change. They will continue to bully others because they don’t see what they’re doing as wrong and management doesn’t do much since they’re solid nurses in every other way
@@Sarah-bn1hg True and so incredibly sad! Ruined my career and destroyed all my confidence.
Sorry, ma'am, but I was targeted for the opposite reasons. I am ex-military, and am used to giving orders as well as receiving them. I am very blunt and not afraid to stand up to people or call them out for any behavior that is not logical but is instead malicious or rude. I was targeted for this. I was yelled at and threatened by my nursing instructor on my 1st day of clinicals for asking questions such as "What is Werdnig Hoffman's disease?" I asked this because my first patient had it and I wanted to know, before I went in the room, what her abilities or limitations were. I was snapped at and told that my questions were irrelevant and "distracted me from focusing on my job."
When I reported this instructor's bullying behavior to another instructor, I was chastised for not using the title 'Mrs.' in front of her full name, "Students will address me respectfully as Mrs. Whitnie Saunders". The woman then proceeded to dismiss my complaint and told me that my clinical behavior was unprofessional even though it absolutely was not and asking questions is not indicative of unprofessionalism. I said as much to her, which then got me written up for not calling her by "Mrs." and also for unprofessional clinical behavior. This was vindictive.
And lastly, I gave an heparin injection with the supervision and instruction of a registered nurse on my 5th clinical and was promptly failed for the class because, according to my instructor, she was the one who had to supervise and if it wasn't her, then I endangered patient safety. Student Nursing handbook stated that students can be failed for endangering patient safety but did not explicitly state that administering medications under the supervision of a registered nurse vs. an instructor (who is also a registered nurse) somehow puts the patient in danger. There is no logic to this, only bullying.
So the way I see it, the moment I stood up for myself as someone who will not be treated disrespectfully, yelled at or threatened by my instructors, I became a target. For them, doing this to me was about power. They thought that having the title "Instructor" gave them the right to treat students however they wanted. They had a system. There was no one to go to. Everyone on up to the Director of the Nursing Program was a nurse and they all had each other's backs.
I also noticed that the atmosphere was not truly collaborative, it was only collaborative within cliques of which there were many all based on gossiping and creating drama and which girls relished this sort of thing. If you did not fit in with group A or B, they found ways to ignore you or treat you as the outcast. There is collaboration in the military. Even if men don't like each other, they can put aside their differences and come together to build a strong team and get the job done. I cannot say the same for these types of women I encountered in nursing school. They were the epitome of unprofessionalism, high school behavior, and the 'mean girls club'.
What we need is not only to talk about it more so that it is more public and well-known that this is a problem, but we also need there to be legal consequences for this type of behavior. Female bullies need to be legally charged with a crime such as "harrassment at the work place" or "creating a hostile work environment." I do believe these are actual legal crimes, but they don't really recognize how subtle and deceptive female bullying is and how much damage it does. I cannot be 100% certain of my claims, but my take-home point is, we need to be able to take them to court and sue them for their behavior just as you can sue someone for physically attacking you and legally it's considered "assault and battery".
Thank you for taking the time to comment Delilah. As you can see, human behavior can be very complex and although it sounds as though your instructors could have handled these situations differently, based on what you wrote, their behavior doesn't fit the definition of bullying (target, harmful, repeated over time). You're so right that females can be so cruel to other females!! I'm doing everything I can to change that! Thank you for sharing.
That was a narcissist
@@healthyworkforceinstitute I disagree, their behavior sounds like bullying of a certain type to me.
@@rosieposie9564 maybe the instructor didn't know what the disease was.... just sayin...
@@lauraslaney8554 Then maybe she should have just admitted that and be honest rather than deflecting and bullying. Nursing is just seriously full of bitchy, under developed women who are driving decent people away from the profession.
Thank you for your videos, and helping the nurse being bullied. This was my greatest fear going into nursing and a new job. I am being bullied by my preceptor. I am finally off of orientation but it is still occurring. I fit all 3 of the targets for this person. I am a passive communicator ( I am nice). I am not confident yet ( just graduated, and this is my first job as a nurse). #3 I am an older new nurse 55 yrs old. So that makes me different. I am going to take your sound advice and stand tall ( did i mention i am only 5' 2), anyways I am going to act more confident and learn to communicate more assertively. My daughter who is also a nurse said to use my "Mom" voice to this person. I am insecure in my role as a nurse and I think that is why I am a target. Thanks again for your work and advice in this area. I am a subscriber now.
Hi Diane. So glad you took my advice and are now standing TALL!!! Your daughter gave you good advice. Just because you're a new nurse doesn't mean you don't know anything! And, they should be supporting you..not criticizing you! Air hugs to you!!
Diane Hansen You sound a lot like me! I’m new too and the same age and was told I was also bullied because I am older so people expected me to be in the field for a long time and know more, forgetting I’m a new grad. I think it’s really exactly what you gave for reasons 1-3! Only thing different is that I’m tall, but I have noticed after incidents happen I stop wearing shoes that make me even taller and go to very flat shoes in an attempt to blend in more!
My preceptor was good to me, but my ward manager and deputy manager both bullied me, and were working to get me gone. I qualified at 58 , and am short too, plus I have always been polite , and known as a smiler. I lost a lot of confidence, but moving to a new unit 2 years ago, I feel like I am ok now.
💗💕💗 A select few classmates been trying to bully me for a while now I just ignore it and keep being my happy self. I don’t talk a lot and when I do it’s usually me asking a few questions and I continue to be nice to everyone 🤷🏽♀️. A lot of people have issues and misery loves company. I have a blessed life and I love it 🥰. Hopefully they will have a blessed life as well 💩😎💗💕💗
Misery DOES love company. I'm glad to hear you have not been sucked into the vortex of negativity! I love your positive attitude!
I worked in "health care" for 25 years and some of the WORST people I ever met were nurses, doctors, and consultants. People I wouldn't trust to look after my pet goldfish for a week.
To the nurse and caregivers who are or have been bullied, please remember why you got into nursing, colleagues and bosses can be very cruel but you are there for the patients, every patient you give the best care you can to and everyone that you can share the kindness with that others haven't afforded to you , is someone who would otherwise have been stuck with the very people who think it's okay to treat you and others as worthless and I would never want people who are that horrible to be entrusted to care for anyone I love , please be brave and don't let the haiters win by letting them chase you off, show them how human beings should treat each other, if you are a kind nurse than you are a rare blessing, let no-one take that from you or the people you help ❤
Very true! I shared this on my linkenIn account. It's amazing how nuch bullying goes on with nurses. We are suppose to be compassionate caring ppl!
Yeah. It's really bad. I just don't understand how nurses can be so cruel to other nurses. I'm doing my part to help individuals stand up to the bullies!
1. A person who is kreativ and innovativ!
2. Your kindness!
3. A good looking woman!
4. More experiance!
5. Better saliry!
Nah im not a hater about salary. I just want ppl to be nice. But i am the person thats like ? Its clearly just bc im hot. 😅 Bc like y r they so mean to me. Idc if pppl r attractive either. Just be nice. Its really that simple to me
@ahhwe-any7434 it's because of your personality that makes you attractive. It can be your smile how the way you care your self. It be many be many things.
Great video! The need to appear confident and assertive permeates medicine. It's NOT optional! Many times, people in stressful circumstances assume introverts outright hate them or that they are unenthusiastic about their job just because they aren't as expressive (something I learned the hard way in school). I was learning this the hard way in med school until a very compassionate and wise ICU doc pulled me aside and explained this to me. Was a total eye opener! This needs to change. Actions should be the main metric, not body language.
Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Senator Armstromg How did you change and/or handle this? My other Dr friend changed the pitch of her voice and she said that worked!
Good advice.
Those three things you mentioned are me. So I was bullied when I was new at the hospital. I reported it to the manager but that bully nurse still bullied others. I wish I had reported her to the upper management.
I'm sorry to hear that. Are you still working in healthcare?
@@healthyworkforceinstitute yes and after that incident, I change my responses towards that bully nurse. I am not allowing her actions to back me down.
I'm glad to hear that! It always saddens me to hear that people leave the profession altogether due to bullying behavior. We can't afford to lose any more nurses. I'm glad to hear you are still working in healthcare. AND that you aren't silent about their behavior. I have 2 resources that are extremely popular because they are scripts you can practice and have ready to use in certain types of situations when someone is bullying or being uncivil. I highly recommend signing up to get them. They are free.
Powerful Scripts to Stop Bullying in the Moment: healthyworkforceinstitute.com/scripts-for-staff-to-address-disruptive-behavior/
33 Scripts to Address Disruptive Behavior When You Don’t Know What to Say:
I'm rooting for your success!
Thank you so much!
Yup. I’m not allowing behaviors of the bullies to dictate me to become loser.
Bullying is just abuse of power. Instead of giving advise to the targets, it's best to educate people in position of power, why they should not destroy innocent people's lives.
It's definitely not just the targets my company focuses on-it's also the bullies. You are absolutely right about educating those in power. It's our job to equip leaders with the skills and tools to be able to properly address disruptive behaviors in healthcare. As I travel the country doing my part to eradicate bullying and incivility in healthcare, I’ve learned that the bullies can’t be everyone else. We all have to look in the mirror and determine if WE might be the bullies or at least, in some way, contribute to bullying. Some people don't even realize they are the bully. But that doesn't excuse them. We actually have a bully assessment to bring awareness to those who don't realize the bully is them.
God did not intend them to have this kind of power. Its in the Bible, and not because God did not love them.
Hi, this was useful. Twice now, a stronger willed person in a group has frozen me out. Whilst being simultaneously effusively warm and friendly to everybody else. The first time, I just thought, what a cow, such bad luck. She left luckily, but now I"m back in the same situation. I wouldn't really think I lack confidence. I was watching some other videos about bullying and I think being a single older woman is a lot of women's WORST fear. The fact that I"m happy makes no difference. I make them confront their worst fear perhaps. I wish this would stop happening. I want to resolve the situation with bully number two and I want to make sure this doesn't happen again!
Hi @Susan C
Any positive outcome?
Nursing is really a TOXIC working environment contrary to what they teach you at nursing school...to be more compassion, more understanding, more considerate towards patients.....but among nurses is all crap.
well, bully 1 has gone. Bully 2 is still there but I have not withered around her in the same way. It does seem really unfair and sometimes I think about the ways I would like to shame her, but on the whole, I think I've dealt with a really difficult situation fairly well. And although she would have loved me to have lost my temper with her and confronted her publicly,, I have not. She just made a passive aggressive dig at me in a whatsapp group earlier today and I didn't respond. She has no life, she lives in the whatsapp group.
Health care has highly educated individuals, with the most ego, pride, and most unforgiven, critical, toxic people. Education builds position not character or manners. I am surprised how many people agree with this video, yet there continues to be no change in the field. Which is why I left the hospital (pool of sharks) to open up my own practice (pool of dolphins). My friends who continue to work in the hospital continue to complain how toxic it still is in the hospital. Professionals being unprofessional with each other. Toxic environment shouldn't be excused, should know better as "educated people". Hope this video reaches more people.
You are absolutely right-it should NOT be excused. Which is why I made it my mission to change that. But there's only so much I can do. It takes healthcare professionals-actually, people in general-to stop using silence as a strategy when faced with toxicity and unprofessionalism. It takes leaders having a willingness to learn how to address bullying and incivility. It takes organizations wanting to equip those leaders for better employee and PATIENT outcomes. Thank you for your comments.
I am SO glad you are working on this bullying problem: it is huge and universal.
Regarding your thoughts on communication, I have found it is stronger and more effective to tell instead of to ask, eg, say, ‘My BSN doesn’t matter; are all here for the same purpose’, versus, ‘Why does my BSN matter? We are here for the same purpose.’ Tell, don’t ask.
I am a junior dr and I was quite upset today of how a consultant keep targeting me at ward round about the little things. It’s hard when they have more “authority” over you so I just kept quiet. I guess I need to stand up for myself, but easier said than done 🙁I hope this rotation end soon.
I love how you said- do no harm- applies to us a well..
I wish i didnt have a problem with social anxiety thats what they use against me. They even call the police on me just for standing up for myself. Bullies are cowards and use their numbers and power to walk over me. At this point i think its how many people you already know in the facility, meaning you being in enemies territory. I also notice some gangs affiliations too
my daughters working on a bullying project and this helped her a lot! thank you
Yay!! So glad to help Amber! It's never too early or late to heighten awareness to engage in conversations about eradicating bullying!!
Thank you for this video because all this is on me even though I know what I’m capable of. I work in a PICU where I’m different from almost everyone. I have an accent, I’m not use to look people in the eyes due to cultural beliefs, I’m respectful to everyone in the work place. Sometimes I let things slide even if I’m hurt. I love my job but it’s been 2 days I’m just emotional and crying.
It's not all on you. There's no excuse for bullying and incivility. Especially in healthcare. But you can adopt ways to protect yourself from the bullies.
I'm sorry this is happening to you. Stay positive and strong. You got this
OMG....i just found this channel and I am going to binge watch... I need this so much right now...I am a nursing assistant of 27 year and I just left a position two months ago for this very reason....I had a nurse scream at me because at the end of my shift I went of into the break room to take a personal call about a dying family in hospice care. Of course it was brought to my boss and became a huge thing...I couldnt take anymore...as prepare to look for my next position....I will watch as much as I can as fast as I can!!!!!!
I'm sorry to hear about what you are dealing with. But I'm glad you found my channel! If you haven't already, you should check out our company's web page that has tons of free resources. healthyworkforceinstitute.com. I recommend signing up for our community as well where you'll get more goodies delivered to your inbox once a week. I'm rooting for your success!
Of coarse bullies are cowards they would always appear tough yet they only prey on the weak
Im a good looking in shape male nurse that cares about my patients and has a humble and positive attitude. I’m constantly trying to be bullied by older miserable female nurses.
Okayyy 😎
I worked at a crappy hospital and my coworkers at their very best behavior... keyed my car, threatened to kill me often, would slam at the table in front of me to get my attention, scream, yank me out of my chair, it did turn to both physical abuse and emotional, it was extreme and painful. I cried so much all the time, even in front of the coworkers once, who pointed and laughed in a group. I think hospital fear culture comes from the top down. I never blamed them bc I knew they were only abusing me bc boss abuses them. The boss feels justified to abuse them due to all the horrific mistakes they make...due to their burnout...caused overwork abuse from mgmt. An abuse spiral never ending.
Oh my...how horrible for you! There is something not quite right with people who behave this way. I'm so glad you're not there anymore!!!
If they are doing this to you what are they doing to the patients. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. This is a terrible problem.
Couldn't you have reported it to HR? All Hospitals have an HR Department.
From the point i started MMA and gym 3 years ago most bullies act friendly with me. For example they come and shake my hand all the time. I can’t remember the last time someone tried to bully me.
This is very helpful. Thankyou for dedicating your life to talking about nurse bullying. I worked at the same facility for 30 years and along came a new nurse manager. Well. She is lazy. Entitled and tried to get me fired.
I'm glad you found this video helpful! I'm sorry you are dealing with that. You should check out our website healthyworkforceinstitute.com for more resources. We have a ton of free downloads and scripting that can help you, including a blog about dealing with lazy nurses. healthyworkforceinstitute.com/how-to-deal-with-a-lazy-nurse/
They bully people who they don't think will speak up for themselves.
I have worked my way up from being a nurses aide to LPN to RN. Nurse of 50 years. NOT AFRAID to get up in a persons face (if necessary) to confront a bully. I explain to my co-workers that being a bully exists in ALL fields. That person became a bully long ago before they worked in their chosen field, they just chose to bring it along to their work place. I have witnessed first hand management that DOES NOTHING to end this behavior. I am aware that some of those very individuals are themselves AFRAID to address these individuals. If I see this kind of behavior I intervene and work on stopping it ASAP.
I'm glad to hear that you speak up and address bad behavior. What we have found at the Healthy Workforce Institute is that managers don't address bad behavior because they are never equipped with the skills and tools needed to address bad behavior. They are usually promoted because they are clinically excellent and then trained on payroll, scheduling, policies, procedures, etc. But never trained on how to actually lead people and hold people accountable.
@@healthyworkforceinstitute Mmm thanks for the feedback. I will say too many managers & even directors (for that matter) lack floor experience. Several places I have worked these very individuals do NOT know how to manage, assign, communicate with doctors, NP and PA’s obtain & execute orders & treatments. Where I currently work because of this too many of our residents/patients SUFFER miserably at the hands of these individuals & their actions! When I bring this up in discussion it is NOT taken favorably. I do what I can and take responsibility. To speak quite frankly, I take good care of myself because I am TERRIFIED to be a patient. I have ZERO tolerance for staff that are toxic to patients & staff. I make sure I document EVERYTHING that is happening and then I send these people home!
Oh nurse bullying. That’s a massive minefield.
They almost killed me in 2017 …. It was fun for them ….. now they fear me ….
I must tell you I am not shy at work, in my work place I am one that would be considered a threat to some incompetent bimbo, that has more power than brains. Naturally I am very aware of bullies and the games they like to play colluding together with others to really push your stress levels up while secretly remaining invisible to the target, as with help from other participants it's gets even more tricky, in my work place the organizational rules are loose so foreign languages are spoken and not NOT ENGLISH so makes it even harder to know what is happening from minute to minute just a little mafia running the place .
Let me guess...the filipino nurses?
@@a.sontoloyo6887 not nurses but yes to this nationality unfortunately, these people can speak English write English very well but choose not to speak it at work ,choose to be disrespectfully rude and unmannered at work, like their grew up in a cave where cave people had no moral sense to be respectful to others, they forgot that their in Canada now, most folks in this country understand and speak English at least at work for the most part , most folks have enough sense to speak a common language English, however not at my workplace unfortunately, bulling is very high here, including malicious and humiliating gossips on a daily basis, management seems to just ignore it and have become complacent to it because they keep hiring them, friends and family members galore, many are just bearly qualified for the position in which was posted, outsiders applied with the qualifications needed but their resumes were disposed and shredded so that corruption could enter via the family and friends nepotism policy employed here could enter. The TV news is always talking about racism however only the BLM racism is what seems to be on the TV news not the racist which hire such people in work places like this, while completely ignoring multi culture hiring practices which is Canadian law for every workplace, which has allowed so much corruption and bulling to increase with every new friend of the bully to start also in participating in harrasing ploys, to those few of us who are not one of them, very disturbing in a Canadian workplace, what ever happened to multi - culture hiring practices? Not here that's for sure. Very Very disturbing.
I noticed the *different* thing. Clinical instructor started the clinical by checking to see who is not from the bay area 🤦♂️
I used to work with high school age students and on occassion have to sit with girls in detention. Amazing how some of the girls known for fights and other poor behavior were also going to the nursing training programs. ....As a nurse myself im continually amazed at the poor to absent social skills some of these nurses possess. You can be good at your job but a nasty person. Plain and simple. And due to short staffing it is tolerated.
My friends is getting bullied but nobody can stop it. She used to cut herself and I am scared that she will start again, what can I do?
Oh no!! Please, please get her help. Contact her parents/spouse...someone who lives with her. Don't delay!
Thank you so much for replying but I have! Four days ago the teachers at my school actually told her off for getting bullied which I think is COMPLETELY wrong. That's crap English senior schools for you...
How are things now???
still not good but she wasn't in school today because she was on holiday. I think the day without the bullies helped but she is in school tomorrow, she does have me to talk to but I also want to punch the bullies, and my mom has given me permission to lol.
I like your mom!!! However, be careful not to do something that will get YOU in trouble. Please keep following up with her..show her support...help her to know that she is important!!!
I just would like to point out for the number 2. confidence, even if you are simply an introvert or they think you are is seen as «lacking confidence» as narcisistic bullies are very shallow and superficial and just not being like that makes you a target, because it is likely the ones not being bullied are shallow and superficial just enough to not be bullied.
Great video Renee and thanks for being an advocate!
Thanks for taking the time to comment!! I post a new video every 2 weeks. More to come!
I am a nursing student dealing with this and the other students in my clinical group tend to follow this one person so it’s just me again like x4 girls
I'm sorry you are dealing with that!
Bullies always bully in groups
I vote for shipping all of the bullies off to their own island and let them fight amongst themselves lord of the flies style
3. Somebody who uses passive Communication-style they won’t confront anyone , someone who does not give eye contact who does not appear confident , someone who is different example ( location ) someone who appears to be nervous .. be honest respectful , look confident , look people in the eyes stand tall shoulders back ..
I just tendered resignation after putting up with a bully at work for 3 yrs. I just can't take it no more. I don't wanna be a nurse anymore because of the toxicity. It's horrible.
That makes me so sad to hear that. I'm sorry that you experienced any level of toxicity, let alone so much that it caused you to quit nursing altogether. I hope that you find something you are passionate about where you are surrounded by people who support each other.
What about a CNA falsely acvusding a nurse of bullying
Unfortunately, I've seen people accused of bullying who are finally speaking up and confronting abrasive coworkers - or a manager gets accused of bullying just because he/she finally is holding employees accountable for behavior. This is why it's important to keep a documentation trail of incidents.
@@healthyworkforceinstitute Unfortunately documenting the trail of events doesn't help because there's people who will side with the bully and lie so it's your word against 3-4 people. Management doesn't care and is always supportive of the bullies by doing nothing about it or worse by labeling you as the troublemaker and a poor team member! Then the bullying escalates because the bullies know nothing will be done about it. I have left many jobs because I was bullied so badly and so much with no where to turn to for help and/or because the workload was insane and not safe. Sad thing is that it's everywhere in healthcare.
I get bullied all the time by the nurses about the lights but when I here the other lights go off I time them of how long they go off and I don’t here the other nurses tell them about their lights going off I feel that is just not professional and not fair at all and I get screen at all the time and my lights barly come on and I get screen at just sick of it so yeah I am a target to the nurses
I wonder if it's that they pick them based on those things; it's that they decide to make those things "their reasons" for going for that victim. The victim mostly is chosen if they pose a threat to their selfish agenda. After all, being different, being nervous, passive communication styles, etc. can also be found in the bullies themselves.
Just fight back
@Zion Miller
Did it work?
@@a.sontoloyo6887 hell yea
Hello Dr. Renee, great video and thank you for discussing a value topic to our field. Warm regards, Molly Hillig Rodriguez
Hi Molly. You're welcome! I'm really trying to help nurses all over the world who are struggling with bullying. It breaks my heart to hear how some nurses treat each other - so wrong!
Bullies at times are use by others are their huntsman, when you ask they are after you due to a lie or someone else fabrication, rarely the bully have problems with you personally. That is why to tell things as they really happened and if possible remove yourself from their area if the person is problematic and irrational, direct them to psychological help or some self improvement workshop.
Understand that this video is made almost ten years ago. Unfortunately, in my generation, bullies don't necessarily choose their target based only on weak people but can also be at people who are strong. You know bullies do not like people/colleagues who are smarter than them or have a special talent that they don't have. They are jealous people who cannot see others doing better than them. They want to be in control of everything. I have seen confident performance people being taken by under table means
You are exactly right about bullies not liking those who are smarter or have a special talent. But it's more than just not liking - it's ENVY. They want what someone else has, i.e. new car, vacation property, award, etc. and RESENT them for having it. At the core of envy is a feeling of unfairness - I am owed this and I’ve been cheated. Or, I deserve this more than this person.
Make no mistake about it…Envy is a violent emotion. We may not intentionally attack the person outright, but envy will find its way into the way we communicate, interact, and make decisions - all of which impact the work environment AND patient outcomes. Envy makes us competitors and as competitors we have trouble seeing each other as colleagues who are all working together to achieve a common goal.
Envy poisons every relationship, every work environment, and every profession - including the nursing profession.
How do I stop bullying other people?
I'm not sure I'm understanding correctly - are you asking how you stop BEING the bully or how do you stop the bully if you are witnessing them bullying someone else?
How to stop. I don't want to hurt other people anymore.@@healthyworkforceinstitute
I can't believe this women. I have been bullied by a group of high level nurses why in hospital along side 2 other patiants and the 3 reasons that she gave that makes u a target of bullying are not true in my case nor the other people I was in hospital with. We all was bullied very badly and I honestly mean VERY BADLY!!! all 3 of us were vulnerable adults with similar issues and we had a group of 4/5 nurses that run the ward that would psychologically and physical bully us bc they were just "BULLIES". nasty bitter cruel people who bullied bc they liked taking advantage of VULNERABLE people and not bc of the 3 reasons given here. I feel this lady is getting this very wrong
I'm sorry you experienced bullying! Nobody should ever go what you went through,
Wow I was target
I'm so sorry to hear that and pray you are are still not in that same situation!
How about instead of the tips you fire the bullies. And screen ppl you're hiring throughly.
Well...there are many leaders that believe that a "bad" nurse is better than no nurse. Especially during a major staffing shortage. However, a "bad" nurse is NOT better than no nurse. If the bullying behavior is a character trait and not a behavior that can be changed with guidance and leadership, then yes- sometimes it's best to therapeutically extract the bullies. And take the time to make sure you don't hire bullies in the first place.
Managers are scared of the bullies and never get fired
Just because we scribes don't have the same level of education or pay as nurses/MA's does not mean we are not competent/intelligent or deserve to be bullied. :'( Luckily there are plenty of kind nurses out there!
Exactly!! It shouldn't matter what role you have, degrees, or money you make - it's about the TEAM!
Very Great Video
Thank you very much! Glad it was helpful.
Thanks it has been helpful
Colossians 3:23:24 -Work willingly at whatever you do,as though you were working for the lord rather than for people .
In my opinion the Bullies are the insecure ones who know nothing
but will never get fired.
As a black its beyond bullying its sick #JusticeforDonQuenick
Intersting. I think what you are saying is true and the advice sound but what happens when you are confident and you do stand up to the bully and all it does is my then angrier and bully you 10x more???? I’ve found it best to document and bring the copy straight to HR.
Documentation is key! There's no doubt that documentation is so important.
never to hr you will get fired
no harm ive tryed all those methods and its still no good my life is ruined
I am really shy and socially unconfident, but my face down trap card is that I am a masochist. This encourage me to find something unique within me and continue doing what I love because _I would love to_ get bullied, so thanks. This is probably not the kind of comments you wanted hehehehe
Have you ever crossed your mind to even consider a psychiatric?
Most likely a troll.
Wow 👏 👏
Nurses bully patients 2
Whenever this happens to me I tell them that I am going to make a complaint
I don't usually but this puts the fear of God into them
do you have insta. Damn, I had a target being bullied, Masters practice intake of nursing Qut and mature-aged student. I got bullied two weeks in a row from my laser clinic from two young ones. makes sense but I always say learning . I need the big L I had as a checkout operator
I do! It's @healthyworkforceinstitute (instagram.com/healthyworkforceinstitute/)
You should also definitely check out our website if you haven't already. Tons of free resources, blog articles, etc. Healthyworkforceinstitute.com. Let me know if you need help finding anything in particular! Rooting for your success!
Ok thanks for information.
@ workplace bullying
nasty behavior at work place creates
Unwanted stress . Absolutely created lot of issues in my job's life
Experiencing lot of unwanted hedache.
fear of such brainstroke
Heart issues due to nasty sarcastic work place physcopaths
Oh my goodness! Bombshell!
Still doesn't make it right though. And it's not just nurses and nursing. Bullying has been rampant in every workplace I have ever been in. I'm the one standing up for folks when others are gossiping about them behind their back. But it usually didn't take long to run me off. And lots of those folks I stood up for never did the same for me. Argh!!!
I was diagnosed ASD1 (Mensa level IQ), when I was 60, after 40+ years in the work force, severely burned out, ragged out adrenals from a lifetime of bullying. I was my family scapegoat as well.
I had no problem with the academic side of nursing, but did become a target of one of my instructors when I made an A my first semester, working full time and going to school full time...not supposed to happen. My course score was like 92.75, so they had to round up to the 93 for A. The head instructor was so mad....lol
I've not gotten jobs because I "wasn't assertive enough." I've taken classes in assertiveness training. None of it made much sense to me and I had much difficulty applying it. A person really needs a strong sense of self to be able to stand up for that self. Most of our population has no clue what it is like not to have a strong sense of self...NO CLUE!!!!
I do FULLY AND FIRMLY believe my ASD1 can be traced back to the Endocrine Disruptors my mother was given when pregnant with me back in 1956......BY THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. Sooo many folks with an autism diagnosis with higher IQs on the DES - Diethylstilbestrol FB pages. The synthetic estrogen caused cell proliferation in many developing organs of babies in the womb, even brain cells. DES skews just about every endocrine system organ in the body, thereby affecting everything, especially adrenals, which affects reaction time, personal confidence, mental functioning, etc.
Oh well. Took almost 50 years of consulting mental health professionals to get a working diagnosis. THEIR BAD!!!! The PhD who diagnosed me recommended that I work from home, since she understood how very "different (neurodiverse)" I am. And she understands that our vicious, animalistic culture is not going to change.
I recommend the RCP - Root Cause Protocol - for improved adrenal function, but it's not mainstream.
We can't stop bullying in Sweden if the person is immigrant
It really has to do with just not being in the clique - you do not have to be a new nurse
Don't work in GA
Women or nurses tend to be narcissist
This is not the problem of those who are bullied. It is a problem for management to fix and the consistently refuse to do that. Ultimately it is a deep rooted problem with nursing culture.
You give good advice superficially, but it is really addressing the least of the problem.
Nursing culture is toxic and nursing is collapsing because of it.
Telling targets to act more confident and to defend directly and openly when they are being attacked covertly is not the solution.
Well, you are right about this being a deep-rooted problem. I'm not sure if you're implying that I think the answer is just to teach the targets better strategies. I hope not.
You are blaming the victim
Is it me or does mrs Thompson look like a bully herself
Help me to understand why you would write that.
I disagree with tbe furst 2 of your 3 things
Thanks for commenting Mandy. I'm curious...What would you say makes someone a target?
Renee Thompson Speaking from personal experience and as evident from the research done by Dr. Gary Namie, the target of workplace bullying, typically, is someone who is competent, self-confident, ethical.
Thanks Mandy! Yes. I've read the studies from the workplace bullying instituted. Great information! I've seen both ends of the spectrum in healthcare - people are targeted because they look like an easy target OR they're perceived as a threat because they are self confident and competent. Isn't it a shame anyone has to be targeted in the first place? Especially in healthcare. So disturbing.
@@healthyworkforceinstitute There is nithing5 much that can be done about workplace bullying without passing a law because the management is complicit in not doing anything about it. In fact, the management typically tries to intimidate the target so that the target would leave. In my case I was not going to run off to another of the same level job at the same type of busibess environment where I would meet the same Tom, Duck, and Harry.
Although passing a law might help, it's not enough. I have seen bullying and incivility stopped without laws...requires committed leaders and support from HR and executive leadership.
yes it is ur fault u are getting bullied. Talk more assertive!