**Part 1/2** I love Sansa, but she can’t keep a secret. 😑 *GAME OF THRONES* (8x4 Reaction)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 194

  • @LordofFullmetal
    @LordofFullmetal ปีที่แล้ว +8

    What's interesting is that Dany starts to parallel her brother in this episode. Not much later, she basically repeats what HE says in season one, when he's talking about Dany: "Not once did they give me what they gave her in that tent. Not one piece of it". She's come all this way, just to find herself in exactly the same position with Jon. And now she understands how Viserys felt.
    You'll also notice that she's repeating all the same motions she went through early in her career (rewarding people, being humble, etc) - but it's a bit more forced. She's a little stiffer, just a little less natural. And by her own admission, she's no longer doing it out of genuine kindness. Now she's kind because she wants something in return, not because it's right.
    You can see the seeds being sown here. If only they'd taken the proper amount of time to develop this, it could've been awesome.

  • @finalshock5685
    @finalshock5685 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    I think a defense for Sansa telling would be, imagine from her pov, she was imprisoned by families that murdered her family, she kept being married off like a trophy, (jeoffrey, loras sort of, tyrion, her cousin Robin, ramsay), she was beaten and tortured and her home was stolen from her and her family. Imagine after several years of constant torture of not just herself, but her whole family, and she fights to get her home back despite all the odds of winning, and she finally gets her home back, just so John gives it away seemingly overnight to a total stranger who happens to be the duaghter of the man who also killed members of Sansas family. I'd be pretty pissed to honestly. Sansa also tends to notice when someone is acting like a tyrant, since she's been around most of them, and I think she's sensing that from Dany

    • @karmenh8844
      @karmenh8844 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Exactly. My original reaction was against Sansa, but the more times I see it, this is what she needed to do. I'm glad my opinion has changed because it improves my opinion of the show.

    • @jjh2456
      @jjh2456 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      The scene where Dany begged him not to tell Sansa in particular said that Sansa made the right choice. Also…it was telling that Dany legitimized Gendry right in front of everyone. Did you see the look on both Jon and Sansa’s faces when she did that. Like yeah…Sansa did the right thing.

  • @dahliadaydream6897
    @dahliadaydream6897 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    Before Dany stans go off about Sansa. Just note that Sansa didn't go looking for Tyrion to tell him anything. Tyrion went talking to Sansa, and she didn't say anything to him until AFTER Tyrion admitted to her he was afraid of Dany. Now, imagine realizing that someone who's sister is Cersei Lannister is afraid of Dany. I don't blame Sansa at all for what she did. As soon as she realized Tyrion is scared of Dany, she realized Jon's life is potentially in danger. It doesn't matter that Dany tried to "help" or "loves" Jon. She's seen people like Littlefinger claim the same things and completely destroy her family. Sansa makes sense to me here, if you want to ignore the overall questionable writing of this whole season.

    • @crunchy6931
      @crunchy6931 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      THIS is the best comment about Sansa EVER! She learned the game from those who played it best. She learned the game in an incredibly dirty and tortured way. She KNOWS people, even when they’re unsure of themselves. And IMO, she is probably the best one at protecting her family by taking so much brutality in the name of her family.

    • @cherrypi_b
      @cherrypi_b ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Thank you, very well explained.

    • @leonrobinson2475
      @leonrobinson2475 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If you think Sansa did that to protect Jon, I have some ocean front property in Nebraska to sell you.

    • @NovaLena22
      @NovaLena22 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@leonrobinson2475 You have nothing. Sansa absolutely did it to save his life. If she was so "power-hungry to be Queen" as all you Sansa-haters claim, she would have taken it when Jon left Winterfell on his trip to Dragonstone, when the Lords of the North were regretting their decision to make him King. They strongly suggested that perhaps they should have named Sansa as their Queen, and Sansa immediately defended Jon asked them to have faith in him. That's not exactly a power-grab.

    • @dahliadaydream6897
      @dahliadaydream6897 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@leonrobinson2475 You're kind of right it wasn't simply to protect Jon, it was to protect everyone.

  • @roseofthegarden_
    @roseofthegarden_ ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Yeah, Sansa told Tyrion and I don't blame her, because who exactly is this secret protecting except the same woman trying to put the North under her dominion?
    And if you say it protects Jon's life, then I say this: if Dany is so dangerous that she would murder Jon to secure a throne that isn't even hers by right, that proves Sansa was right about her anyway. She'd kill a good man who is beloved by his people, all to secure a seat of power.
    More importantly, Tyrion is Dany's Hand, yet even he felt frightened of Dany & didn't trust her nearly as much as he said he did, and Sansa _saw_ that, thats why she said: "you're afraid of her."
    It's why Sansa looked scared and told Tyrion she didn't want Jon to leave. Because she knows how badly things go for her family who travel south. Her grandfather, uncle, father, mother, brother. They all went south and were killed.
    So of _course_ when Sansa saw that Dany's _own advisor_ didn't trust her and was hiding _fear_ , she told him. Because that as good as confirmed _all_ of Sansa's fears about Daenerys, and Sansa wants to _protect_ Jon and the North.
    It isn't Sansa's fault that Dany's _own advisors_ see her as a potential threat to the realm. Dany gave them that impression all on her own.

  • @cherrypi_b
    @cherrypi_b ปีที่แล้ว +41

    Sansa thinks about the North and what the North wants. And she trusts Jon but she doesn't trust Danaerys. So it's quite logical that she tells Tyrion.

    • @lolilol5346
      @lolilol5346 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      No it's not

    • @BhBc8f8
      @BhBc8f8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@lolilol5346No, she just wants to be Queen by using what's learned from Little finger and Cersei. She knows she is breaking a sacred Northern oath (weirwood tree vow), she knows she is betraying her King's confidence and she knows she is putting him in Danger by outing him. She's playing the game not "thinking about the North"

    • @patrickulas
      @patrickulas ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@BhBc8f8 jon stopped being her king when he gave the north up. sansa has been prioritizing northern independence all season. it wasn’t about being queen. she asked dany “what about the north” for a reason

    • @NovaLena22
      @NovaLena22 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@BhBc8f8 As I wrote to another commentor earlier, if Sansa was so "power-hungry to be Queen" as all you Sansa-haters claim, she would have taken it when Jon left Winterfell on his trip to Dragonstone, when the Lords of the North (even Lady Mormont) were regretting their decision to make him King. They strongly suggested that perhaps they should have named Sansa as their Queen, and Sansa immediately defended Jon asked them to have faith in him. She could have easily taken his crown right then and there, but she didn't. No..according to you, she waited for the most inconvenient and convoluted opportunity to try to take the North and possibly get Jon killed. Brilliant assessment!!

    • @roseofthegarden_
      @roseofthegarden_ ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@BhBc8f8 Y'all say this, but the show has proven you wrong over and over. Time to stop ignoring facts to suit your narrative.
      Only characters who wanted to be Queen so badly they'd use manipulation, fear and/or violence to get it were Cersei, Margaery and Daenerys.

  • @NovaLena22
    @NovaLena22 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    It was as unfair of Jon to ask his sisters to keep that secret as it was for Dany to ask the same thing of Jon. But Dany wanted the secret hidden because she was power-hungry for the throne. Sansa told Tyrion because she didn't trust Dany. She feared for the fate of the North, and for Jon's life most especially. Sansa knew that as long as Jon was alive, he would always be a potential threat to her claim. The fact that Dany loved him didn't matter nearly as much. If it did, she would have never tried to swear Jon to secrecy.

  • @patrickulas
    @patrickulas ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Honestly the way I look at this is that Sansa has become more morally grey but what she does isn’t to hurt Jon. She’s prioritizing Northern independence. It’s shady but Ned tried to play the game honorably and Sansa was a first hand witness to how that ended for him.

    • @roseofthegarden_
      @roseofthegarden_ ปีที่แล้ว +5

      also, I think what some people forget is that this show has taught us that doing things "honorably" all the time doesn't always wield good results. sometimes you gotta be realistic. it's foolish to think doing honorable stuff all the time will automatically mean you're good and good things will happen to you.
      for example, it was _honorable_ to tell cersei about robert, but it _wasn't_ smart, and it led to his downfall. you could argue in some cases, ned was _too_ honorable, and that led to plenty of problems for himself and his family.
      jaime lannister slayed the king he swore to serve. this is one of the _highest treasons_ and _very_ dishonorable. so many honored knights have done things considered _honorable_ by standing by their king, regardless of the kind of person they were. but doing so wasn't _right_ . jaime did something dishonorable, but he was _right_ to do it.
      jon did the _honorable_ thing and he brought wildlings back from beyond the wall. it was also the right thing to do. but it _wasn't_ smart, because he failed to see how angry it made his nights watch brothers and it ended up getting him _murdered_ .
      sansa told a secret. it wasn't _honorable_ to do it because she swore an oath, but it was _smart_ of her to use this information in order to defend her people and her family, because to her, it wouldn't have been _smart_ to see tyrion (dany's hand) is so afraid, and yet do absolutely nothing because it would have been "honorable" to stay silent.
      this show/books wants us to realize that being honorable, _doesn't_ mean you're always doing the _right_ or _smart_ thing. that being smart, doesn't always mean being honorable, and being right, doesn't always mean that right thing is the smart thing. and that sometimes. sometimes you gotta play it safe, and sometimes, you gotta choose what matters more.
      honor, family, or what. when ned got his head chopped, he didn't choose honor. he chose his family. he chose to dishonor himself more than once for family. sansa chose the dishonorable route and she was _smart_ to do it. that doesn't make her a bad person. it makes her somebody who understands how the world around them works and using the cards she has to best navigate in a way that will aid her and her people.
      that's the beauty of grrm's world that a lot of people seem to miss. It's very nuanced and grey, and people are so stuck on black and white.

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

      @@roseofthegarden_ Jaime killing the king was actually an honorable thing, and Jon trying to use the wildlings to help in the fight instead of add to the army of the dead was a pragmatic thing to do, but he had people around him who wanted him to do what they viewed as the honorable thing and not reward people who destroyed villages and murdered people (which was kind of a weird thing to do on their way to get shelter from Castle Black--their goal according to Mance--but that's beside the point) by giving them shelter. He didn't handle it as well as he could have, but he wasn't motivated by how honorable the choice was. And Ned's choice to sacrifice himself (he thought he would go to the wall) to save his daughters was framed as duty vs. love, family vs. honor, but was really an honorable choice; he had a duty to his family, as well. So, although I am quibbling a bit with popular interpretation here, I agree with your basic point that things are not that cut-and-dried for most of the characters.

  • @bigvirgonrg
    @bigvirgonrg ปีที่แล้ว +5

    “what kind of person climbs on a dragon? a mad man… or a king” hello? the mother of dragons, a woman, a queen, birthed those dragons and rides drogon daily. rides him to war regularly like the conquerer and warrior she is. it made me mad they gave her no credit. not even a thank you? they wouldn’t have survived without her pledging her army and dragons.

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Not to mention a bunch of people including Tormund climbed on a dragon to escape very recently.

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

      Like being in a meeting where they ignore your ideas but then a man repeats them and suddenly it's brilliant, basically.

    • @tylabarros1506
      @tylabarros1506 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's what Targaryens do. In their minds Jon isn't a Targaryen, so it would seem to be exceptional. But, yeah, Tormund and the others also rode Drogon.
      Also, people, including Dany act like this was Jon's war and Dany was sacrificing her army for him. She believes herself to be the rightful ruler of Westeros, the least she could do was participate in the war to save it. It's literally her job if she wants to call herself Queen.

  • @rin68nyr90
    @rin68nyr90 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You’ve seen Arya appear out of nowhere before…her reunion with Jon…he even remarks that he didn’t hear her. It was part of her training. Also…watch that sequence again…a few moments before we see her, one of the white walkers feels wind and turns to look…but missed her…

  • @jjh2456
    @jjh2456 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Like did anyone pay attention to both Jon and Sansa’s reactions when she legitimized Gendry. Dany knew Jon’s heritage at that time and quite honestly he took that as a slap in the face. No wonder Sansa spilled the beans.

  • @carolinecarpenter7973
    @carolinecarpenter7973 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    To be fair, Bronn has always been upfront about who he is - he was a sellsword when Tyrion met him, and as he said himself, despite their friendship Tyrion wouldn’t die for him.

  • @LordofFullmetal
    @LordofFullmetal ปีที่แล้ว +2

    On the note of Bronn: He's not fake, he's a mercenary. He LITERALLY earns his living by fighting for people, and not once has he ever pretended that wasn't the case. That's his trade. What Miya said about him here is kinda like insulting an office worker because they only file paperwork for money - it's silly. Of COURSE they do, that's their job.

    • @MiyaElizabethReacts
      @MiyaElizabethReacts  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah i know, i was still upset with him though :/

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MiyaElizabethReacts You can still dislike the character. And Tyrion told him if anyone ever offered him money to "betray" him, that Tyrion would pay more. There might be some ethical considerations even in sellswordery. ;)

  • @Raminagrobisfr
    @Raminagrobisfr ปีที่แล้ว +10

    It's funny that no consideration is given to the fact that gendry now has a claim to the iron throne.

    • @jjh2456
      @jjh2456 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Not really. In exchange for his legitimization he swore fealty to Dany.

  • @EK-kd3qe
    @EK-kd3qe ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I can't be the only one who's "love" for Sansa has grown A LOT in all the seasons, especially this and this episode. She showed that she can play the game.

    • @tb5124
      @tb5124 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I agree. She grew so much. I’m team Sansa > Dany all day. I wonder though if I didn’t like Dany because I didn’t think the actress in this role was very good. She wasn’t believable, came across kind of hollow.

    • @JessChillN_
      @JessChillN_ ปีที่แล้ว

      @@tb5124 🤨

    • @CardinalFanSince
      @CardinalFanSince ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Sorry but no, she continued to be ignorant throughout it all. Getting bailed out through luck

    • @JessChillN_
      @JessChillN_ ปีที่แล้ว

      @@CardinalFanSince 100%

    • @roseofthegarden_
      @roseofthegarden_ ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@CardinalFanSince No.

  • @arginkara9548
    @arginkara9548 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    People are upset that Sansa told Tyrion about Jon and say she is power hungry but forget that Jon revealed that secret in the first place while Dany begged him not to,if he really wanted to he could just keep it to himself and trust Sam and Bran with his secret.

  • @sarahe1491
    @sarahe1491 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    I don’t blame Sansa. I would’ve told everyone too 😂

    • @elvin2514
      @elvin2514 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      right? like people being mad at her acting like they wouldn’t do the same thing
      especially when Dany lost her sanity later, lol i am telling every goddamn person in the realm about this cmon now

    • @NovaLena22
      @NovaLena22 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@elvin2514 The funniest thing is seeing people condemn Sansa for telling the secret of his lineage, and then getting mad at the show because he never became king. What?!! How could he possibly become king if Jon wanted his claim to remain a secret??

    • @elvin2514
      @elvin2514 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@NovaLena22 they just want a reason to hate her i guess🤷🏼‍♂️

    • @rtellez19891
      @rtellez19891 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@NovaLena22the hell you mean? We got mad cause Sansa swore to secrecy and not even 5 minutes later she broke it. And at the council Tyrion nor Sansa even brought up that he was the rightful ruler when it soo important a few episodes ago…

    • @NovaLena22
      @NovaLena22 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@rtellez19891 Would you not spill the secret to someone you trusted if you thought it would save the North and your brothers life??? I would.

  • @mamakat114
    @mamakat114 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Berics purpose was to save Arya by sacrificing himself so she could go on and kill the Night King. Just my thoughts

  • @rin68nyr90
    @rin68nyr90 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I was one of the few people who completely agreed with Sansa. There’s no reason that the North can’t remain a separate ally. Dany is showing more and more that she is selfish. She only wants the North for her own pride.

    • @jordanrivers5825
      @jordanrivers5825 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      For most of her life pride was all she had she was raised up on tales of her family and their legacy and what it means to be a Targaryen and for most of her life she saw the Starks as oath breakers who helped take part in taking that all away from her and were the reason she had to grow up running from assassins and hungry on the streets with no family but a brother who mentally and physically abused her and showed that she meant nothing to him by selling her. Pride has kept her going and she tried to be friendly to Sansa and was immediately met with a snarky attitude from people begging for HER help

    • @jjh2456
      @jjh2456 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@jordanrivers5825you do realize that if Dany didn’t come help, especially after losing a dragon, she wouldn’t have a kingdom to rule.

    • @jordanrivers5825
      @jordanrivers5825 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jjh2456 You do realize that if Dany hadn’t sacrificed her armies and her dragons and put aside her own personal ambitions to help Jon they’d all be dead right? because the only reason she went to the north first instead of immediately dealing with Cersei was because she loved him and he asked that of her, she put her trust in him when she took all of her people to the north and Sansa didn’t respect her brother enough to trust his judgment. anything that’s not in the books really isn’t canon to me and in the books I love both Sansa and Daenerys but in the show I think Sansa was dead ass wrong by being a huge bitch to the woman that is literally the only hope she has of living. Daenerys could’ve immediately took care of Cersei as soon as she got in westeros, instead she kept listening to Tyrion and varys backstabbing selves who kept cautioning her and shaming her for her nature and if she had just done what she always did which is take charge with fire and blood she could’ve toppled Cersei immediately and united all of Westeros for this threat but instead she went immediately to the north and ended up suffering great losses over it which wasn’t even appreciated, she’s the one that brought dragons and magic back into the world, she’s the one that bonded with them and united all kinds of people, she’s the only one that gave a shit about slavery and she’s the one that saved the north because without her arya never would’ve gotten to the night king, bran would’ve been killed, Sansa would’ve been killed, they all would’ve been killed without her and it wasn’t appreciate it in the slightest

    • @jordanrivers5825
      @jordanrivers5825 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jjh2456 Daenerys literally supplied the bulk of the army, she supplied two dragons, she provided all of the dragon glass which is the only thing besides fire that kills the wights and all she got was some smart ass question in front of all the Lords that she’s trying to get the respect of from Sansa “what do dragons even eat anyways?”

  • @sekaamy
    @sekaamy ปีที่แล้ว +2

    No One wants to look at things from Danys side. Everyone will tel you Dany is the power hungry one while Sansa is just looking out for the North which is true but she learned the game of thrones from Baelish and Cersei 2 of the most power hungry people in Westeros but suddenly Sansa is just innocent “she suffered so much” which is why it’s acceptable for her to be stubborn. But Dany lost literally everything and sacrificed everything including a child to help people who can’t even meet her half way or show her respect. Sansa been bitter from jump when Dany tried to be amicable plus already sacrificed her whole objective with Cersei (which could have been ended quickly then go north) and child to help the North BEFOREE JON EVEN COMMITTED HIMSELF AND BENT THE KNEE. I feel like the whole reason we saw the sequence with Sansa and Arya is to remind us yes the Starks are still strong and together but also that Sansa isn’t willing to settle and WANTS POWER she realized power is power and she’s never had that feeling and wasn’t willing to relinquish it because of her pride

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think it might have gone better if she'd just taken Cersei prisoner or killed her if necessary and taken the throne. Then she could have brought the power of Westeros's armies to fight the Night King. She could have put that together in not that much time (especially how the show was the last couple of seasons). Arya echoing Cersei's "Everyone but us is an enemy" wasn't the flex she thought it was.

  • @kad9487
    @kad9487 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awww that’s kind of a bummer; S8 E3 is my absolute favorite episode in the entire series 💜💜💜
    I even consider that episode one of my “favorite movies” lol that’s how much I love it! (I’ll even just watch that one episode sometimes randomly 😅)

  • @sandraellis7397
    @sandraellis7397 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yep, you pretty much have to watch episode 3 with the brightness turned all the way up on your tv. It helps.

  • @arielsteinsaltz1956
    @arielsteinsaltz1956 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I think this was a bad sister move from Sansa, but as a political operative working for Northern independence, it was brilliant. Sometimes you have to not do what your brother asked in exchange for saving your people I guess. Also, she didn't announce it publicly, she told one person who she trusted and who was already working for Dany and had every choice to just keep it to himself.

    • @LordofFullmetal
      @LordofFullmetal ปีที่แล้ว

      It also fits with their characters. Sansa learned the one lesson from Ned that Jon never did - sometimes it's better to cast your honour aside, to save your family. It's why Jon had no idea she would do what she did; and it's why she did it.

  • @LS13.
    @LS13. ปีที่แล้ว +6

    People blamed Sansa for what happens next but honestly I think everyone is responsible for their own actions, I think Dany knowing is alone something that would haunt her and cause a break at some point.
    In the end yes Sansa should have not told, but also she totally has no reason to fully trust Daenerys. And who would rather have their kind and honest brother in charge

    • @leonrobinson2475
      @leonrobinson2475 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sansa was only thinking of herself and becoming Queen in the North. At that moment she put to use the teachings of Littlefinger.. chaos is a ladder.

    • @LS13.
      @LS13. ปีที่แล้ว

      @@leonrobinson2475 I don’t think her only motivation was being queen at all (that would be pretty daft characteristically to only have one drive) It was to secure the north in general after the amount of crap she and it went through. She’s not a full Cercei but she did learn well and she’s a good player of the game no one denies that.

    • @leonrobinson2475
      @leonrobinson2475 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LS13. Tell me one scene in the eight seasons that showed Sansa caring about anyone else. She wanted to be a queen since she was young, the only thing that changed is that she had bad experiences with men (to put it mildly) so instead of being a Queen to a King she wanted to do it on her own.

    • @NovaLena22
      @NovaLena22 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@leonrobinson2475 During the Battle of the Blackwater she helped to calm the other women down and lead them in a prayer song (before Shea told her to go back to her room). And during Jon's trip to Winterfell, she acted as leader to make sure they had food and munitions to prepare for the long winter. She also saw to it that other families in the North could come and house themselves at Winterfell. She was also willing to fight to protect Theon against Jon when they were on their way to Castle Black -- but Theon chose to go back to the Iron Islands. And even so, Sansa obviously stuck up for Theon once she and Jon were reunited, because Jon spared him his life when he ran into Theon at Dragonstone.

    • @jjh2456
      @jjh2456 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@NovaLena22do not engage that person. They are on a rampage and there is no reasoning with them. You see the truth of the events. The other person is trying to create their own narrative that isn’t supported anywhere in canon.

  • @MiscellaneousAB
    @MiscellaneousAB ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yeah, I think it was a power move on Sansa's part....not necessary a tattle-tell girlish/childish action of not being able to keep a secret. I think it was a her first underhanded political move that people just want make into being "disloyal" to Jon. She wanted to deliberately thwart Dany's plans of taking of the North, and spilling the beans to Tyrion would definitely cause chaos for Dany in the long run. You can tell she thought about it, and it was a calculated move. I don't blame her though, someone has to act in the best interest of her and her people, because Jon got lost in the sauce with both wars and with Dany. He didn't have to give up his crown. I'm not 100% convinced he had his family's (and the North) best interest in mind when he gave it all up. The North and Sansa went through far too much to just submit like that to some foreigner.

    • @roseofthegarden_
      @roseofthegarden_ ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Oh he didn't. We clearly saw Jon didn't need to give Dany the North. She literally lost Viserion and was ready to fight regardless. He gave the North to her because he fell in love with her and he never wanted the crown anyway, so he figured he'd give it to her. Sansa called this out the first episode.
      "Did you give up your crown to save the North...or because you love her?" - Sansa to Jon 8x1.
      Sansa believed Jon was blinded by his feelings. His naivety and sense of honor was going to be his downfall. So she acted in what she felt was the best interest of her family and people, even if it meant doing it behind his back. Because the honorable thing isn't always the smart thing. And the right thing isn't always pretty.

    • @MiscellaneousAB
      @MiscellaneousAB ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@roseofthegarden_ Yep I remember! What makes me most upset is that the woman that help you take the North had already been by your side and had already shown herself worthy of a crown. It was her idea to take back the North. If you didn't want the crown, the North would have supported him giving it over to Sansa. But you give it to Dany as a freaking consolation prize? WTF Jon...I lost respect. So everything Sansa does by disregarding him and his little secret is well within her rights to do so.

    • @leonrobinson2475
      @leonrobinson2475 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This was Sansa putting the teachings of Littlefinger into action.. chaos is a ladder.

    • @BhBc8f8
      @BhBc8f8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dany's not a foreigner. She was born in Westeros but was forced to flee from her home. Also Sansa's ancestors swore to serve and protect her family.
      Sansa knows that Jon is in love with Dany and so if she was acting in the interest of the Northern peoole, she would be encouraging their alliance. A marriage pact ensures that the Starks will always have political influence with a seat at the capital and will be safe for generations to come. But instead she was looking out for herself. Even when her own brother had "the best story" she still looked out for her own interest. Little finger would be proud.

    • @MiscellaneousAB
      @MiscellaneousAB ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BhBc8f8 She is a foreigner. She knows nothing about Westeros because she was not raise there. Doesn't matter where she was born. She is not of that land, her home is Essos. And I don't particularly care about old oaths AFTER that dynasty was overthrown. Ned stark rebelled against the Targs, so an oath made hundreds of years earlier is nullified and void now. Dany would need to re-conquer and THEN establish a new pact.

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

    Is that Sansa encouraging Jon to chug the drink Tormund gave him? "I believe in you." Right next to Tormund. Wow.

  • @jimmymcfan
    @jimmymcfan 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    .i completely forgot that dany literally begged this man.

  • @mamakat114
    @mamakat114 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My thoughts after seeing this whole series dozens of times is that Jon is the hero, the Prince that was Promised. If not for him, none of those people would've banded together to fight the Night King. However, if you think about it, Jon is the one that sent Arya on her true path, by giving her 'needle' then Ned set her up with Serio & water dancing where she learned the trick of switching hands with weapons, chasing cats to be quiet & quick. Seeing in the dark to fight by being blind with Jagen. When Jon was standing at the Godswood and he asked how Arya snuck up on him....that is the exact spot where Bran was and the same direction Arya came at the Night King. Did you notice one of his generals hair blew, that was Arya being quick. Bran said at one point 'no one can kill the Night king' Arya learned to be no one. Mellisandra said Arya would shut many eyes forever. And finally, Bran gave Arya the dagger at the same spot at the tree where he was sitting when the Night King came. I know Arya is my favorite, so you could say I'm impartial, but, watching 8 times on my own and over 12 reactors, these are the details I have picked up on. What do we say to the God of Death? Not today.

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We could say you're not impartial, you mean. Or are partial. Jon doesn't get enough credit for bringing everyone together.

  • @user-uh5hl8wd5c
    @user-uh5hl8wd5c ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I really hope you react to house of the dragons after this

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

    Daenerys just handed Gendry a claim to the throne.

  • @jirimar
    @jirimar ปีที่แล้ว +1

    just an fyi, your part 2 in the vid link is part 2 of the previous episode. gonna search for the 2nd part of this one

  • @kallistacross
    @kallistacross ปีที่แล้ว +1

    nah in the books sansa won’t have animosity towards dany. it doesn’t make sense to me that there is in the show. i think they just wanted drama

  • @dumdumadam8960
    @dumdumadam8960 ปีที่แล้ว

    Having alcohol for the last episode was probably a good call - but probably not for the reasons you expected.

  • @hchiaramida
    @hchiaramida ปีที่แล้ว

    The goat back at it

  • @serarthurdayne4509
    @serarthurdayne4509 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We can't Love Bron for saving Tyrion & Jaime(being a sellsword), then Hate him for being a sellsword. ijs😭😭😭😭

    • @MiyaElizabethReacts
      @MiyaElizabethReacts  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ehhhh i guess i still don’t really have any feelings towards that character

    • @serarthurdayne4509
      @serarthurdayne4509 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MiyaElizabethReacts Heard U😆😅🤣

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MiyaElizabethReacts I've disliked him all the way through. I know a lot of people are fond of him because he can be funny, but a little of Bronn goes a long way for me.

  • @rutgerdejong1660
    @rutgerdejong1660 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Arya's entire training storyline with the faceless men in Braavos made her able to sneak up on the Night King unnoticed. Right before she jumps at him, you see a very quick shot of another white walker noticing something while the wind blows his hair a bit, maybe he heard a small sounds or saw something move in the shadows. I think that's the moment that white walker noticed something/Arya was around, and then she jumped the Night King.

    • @frankvandorp2059
      @frankvandorp2059 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      If she is so good at sneaking up to people, why was she screaming at the top of her lungs when she lunged at him?

    • @slenderfoxx3797
      @slenderfoxx3797 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@frankvandorp2059 don't ask questions. Thinking only leads to disappointment and frustration when it comes to anything that happens past season 6 lol.

    • @dero2430
      @dero2430 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@slenderfoxx3797 Ain't that the truth xD

    • @slenderfoxx3797
      @slenderfoxx3797 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@dero2430 sadly lol. Here's hoping for the books to finish and for HOTD not to completely fall apart.

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Well, it's too bad they didn't have enough money to finish the series and it ended partway through this episode. Guess we'll have to write our own endings.

  • @doubleexoticokay
    @doubleexoticokay ปีที่แล้ว

    the best back to you, young "angel." it was better to see your responses during the playing; so much kinder. well done. i want to see your finals.

  • @jealaniash3554
    @jealaniash3554 ปีที่แล้ว

    That look Sansa and Lil Man gave each other when Dragon Queen was making Robert's bastard son Lord of wateva told it all!!!

  • @cleonpierre7969
    @cleonpierre7969 ปีที่แล้ว

    You're gonna need that wine for other reasons to child 💁🏾‍♂️🙄🤦🏾‍♂️

  • @jaygld1094
    @jaygld1094 ปีที่แล้ว

    save your wine ! fr

  • @bfdsixtyfour6969
    @bfdsixtyfour6969 ปีที่แล้ว

    The infamous Starbucks ep

  • @deepugallgali3985
    @deepugallgali3985 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    All are defending sansa like, there should be a limit, daenerys fought for winterfell defended them even knowing her children's life is in danger, lost more than half her armies that she built along all the way, lost her most trusted best friend, saved jons life their king, and sansa rewarded her with that, yes she should be smart, but that doesn't mean like that, it's extreme, it's like what a selfish person or an honor less evil person would do.

    • @arielsteinsaltz1956
      @arielsteinsaltz1956 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Dany did nothing more than she was morally obligated to do. She wanted to be their queen, that meant she was expected to defend them against threats. If she hadn't done that then she would have absolutely no argument for why she should rule. Also, the white walkers would have come south eventually so it was her problem too.

    • @deepugallgali3985
      @deepugallgali3985 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@arielsteinsaltz1956 respect your opinion yes, but would they have won without dany? no and even if night king invaded kings landing daenerys still can escape to dragonstone were dead can't come due to water.

    • @NovaLena22
      @NovaLena22 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@deepugallgali3985 Maybe not. But Dany didn't come to save the North out of genuine concern. She decided to fight the Night King because he killed her dragon. She pledged herself, her dragons, and her armies to Jon's cause because of Viseryon's death. And Jon, hearing her make that pledge, stupidly chose to bend the knee and hand over the North to her without any forethought. Brilliant!!

    • @arielsteinsaltz1956
      @arielsteinsaltz1956 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@deepugallgali3985 Sure she could escape but then the whole kingdom she’s so determined to rule is gone. That’s what we call “being a terrible queen.”

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

      @@arielsteinsaltz1956 It would have been better for her to go to King's Landing. She could have defeated Cersei in a day without even bringing her army or wights to show her, and then she could have brought their army back to help with the war in the North.

  • @Ariii2000
    @Ariii2000 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m sorry but you’re so pretty miya 😍☺️

  • @richardsteiner8992
    @richardsteiner8992 ปีที่แล้ว

    Clever people don't have to mention that to others. lol

  • @jordanrivers5825
    @jordanrivers5825 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sansa is right to be cautious of anyone and everyone but at the same time she had zero gratitude for all the sacrifice Dany had to make and she basically didn’t do shit it was Jon hustling up Daenerys army that saved the entire north and she just rides off the coattails of everyone else’s hard work and then this isn’t very emphasized in the show but it’s a huge deal to break a promise or a vow made in front of a heart tree. Ned kept his secret for over a decade and sansa couldn’t wait to tell Tyrion that. Tyrion is a big fat huge hypocrite in my opinion he was perfectly happy and content to swagger about using the fear that the Lannister name brings because of his father for his entire life and hiding behind Jamie‘s title as a king slayer, he did terrible things to protect his family and every piece of advice he’s given Daenerys has screwed her over and then she comes to this land after she’s been begged by Jon for her army and her dragons, after she loses a dragon and is met with all the suspicion, I don’t blame her for losing her shit and then Jon completely abandons her when she’s already isolated in the north and I don’t understand that at all because even Starks have married cousins

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

      The Starks have even married half-uncle to half-niece at least twice.

  • @mamakat114
    @mamakat114 ปีที่แล้ว

    Think wine was needed for this. But not as a celebration

  • @kimcottingham8043
    @kimcottingham8043 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Are u going to react to house of the dragons?

    • @MiyaElizabethReacts
      @MiyaElizabethReacts  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes 😊

    • @kimcottingham8043
      @kimcottingham8043 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@MiyaElizabethReacts yeah!! Can't wait. Let me know when so i can sign up for your patreon

  • @annjenkins2677
    @annjenkins2677 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Miya Elizabeth are you going to react to that new show coming out January 15th called The Last of Us ?

    • @MiyaElizabethReacts
      @MiyaElizabethReacts  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes most definitely!!

    • @annjenkins2677
      @annjenkins2677 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MiyaElizabethReacts nice !! I can't wait to watch your reaction to it. I'm really excited for that show.

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

    Tyrion is so rude. She's a high-born lady, for gods' sakes.

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

    Yeah, I think it's possible to grow up without being flayed and raped, but maybe that's just me. Sansa definitely would have learned a lot being on the road with the Hound.

  • @powertrip25
    @powertrip25 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Bran has to be the most useless character in history

    • @ianvera4299
      @ianvera4299 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      How? He gave Arya the weapon to literally kill the NK

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

      I've read fanfics that make much better use of his powers in the battle.

  • @Ash.Crow.Goddess
    @Ash.Crow.Goddess ปีที่แล้ว

    Now you are beginning to see why the fans hated this shite.

  • @bleachedout805
    @bleachedout805 ปีที่แล้ว

    I didn't know that GOT was still relevant.

    • @Finians_Mancave
      @Finians_Mancave ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Then why are you here?

    • @ianvera4299
      @ianvera4299 ปีที่แล้ว

      It will ALWAYS be relevant

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Finians_Mancave Good question.

  • @ericaarcidi4252
    @ericaarcidi4252 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @Darksista1
    @Darksista1 ปีที่แล้ว

    This ep. is why I never really liked dany or sansa😊

  • @nicki7919
    @nicki7919 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Sansa gets on my nerves

    • @corsicanlulu
      @corsicanlulu ปีที่แล้ว +1

      cant stand her

    • @dahliadaydream6897
      @dahliadaydream6897 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dany gets on my nerves. Her entitlement is annoying and very white colonizery. She is all about manifest destiny, which isn't cute.

    • @JessChillN_
      @JessChillN_ ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dahliadaydream6897 😂🤣

    • @elvin2514
      @elvin2514 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      stay mad

  • @erickalonso13
    @erickalonso13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sam is annoying af

    • @MiyaElizabethReacts
      @MiyaElizabethReacts  ปีที่แล้ว

      huhhh? Sam is just minding his own business 😂

    • @erickalonso13
      @erickalonso13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@MiyaElizabethReacts lol true but at least 2 ppl sacrificed themselves for him because he was helpless..how he survives is crazy

  • @stargirl963
    @stargirl963 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sansa was the most boring character ever.

    • @NovaLena22
      @NovaLena22 ปีที่แล้ว

      Disagree. I would put the Sand Snakes, Euron Greyjoy, Lancel Lannister, Pycelle, and even Daario on that list way before Sansa... who I didn't find boring at all.

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

      @@NovaLena22 I thought Daario (2) was interesting.

  • @JessChillN_
    @JessChillN_ ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’ve always hated Sansa ever since the dog thing and she only got worse😂🤣Season 8 Sansa is the worst the seasons a mess in general but her characters a mess we all know dany and she is kind and no one ever gives her a chance it’s so odd.Her turn starts cause she gets 0 breaks she’s just labeled based off the faults of her dad and I hate that it’s so annoying😴

    • @roseofthegarden_
      @roseofthegarden_ ปีที่แล้ว +6

      You can always tell when someone doesn't understand Sansa or her story when you see it said they hated her for Lady. As if she was ever going to be the deciding factor in Lady living or not.

    • @JessChillN_
      @JessChillN_ ปีที่แล้ว

      @@roseofthegarden_ has nothing to do with her story😂She was just a annoying child who wanted to be royal and she got her wish🤣

    • @roseofthegarden_
      @roseofthegarden_ ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JessChillN_ She was 11. Bffr

    • @JessChillN_
      @JessChillN_ ปีที่แล้ว

      @@roseofthegarden_ we’ve seen multiple children who were also smart enough to not be like that🙄It’s not like she was raised to not know better she had good parents and was still the snot nosed I want to be queen kid😂