ISA/Vekta logic is quite stupid. Why would they allow their enemy to have an army after they defeated them AND allow them an army while they are in their planet.
Kcus Kcidu Really? I live in England and almost everyone I've met who plays Killzone loved the accents and thought they were awesome. The only person I know of who did get butthurt was Yahtzee but he gets angry over bloody everything.
Each kill zone game makes me root for the helghast more. My bet is in the next game you play as the helghast girl, fighting the ISA. Then she will most likely end up killing her mother or her mother will be killed, causing her to inherit the the throne to helghan uniting the people under half breed rule.
i feel like u shouldnt rlly be rooting for them since the ISA didnt even start the first extrasolar war (the USC and Helghan corporation did) and the Helghan claims that they were attacked when in exodus were just false propaganda since they chose to leave after the ISA on vetka got tired of the Helghan majority population committing acts of terrorism and trying to massacre the USC minority population
I don't know man. Even tho I sympathize with the hellghast. They get refuge in vecta, half the planet, and still end up killing the humans. Makes me wonder why they didn't evacuate those on the hellghan side of the wall before bringing the hellghast. Seems like a recipe for disaster Why allow your own people, the humans on the ISA side, to get killed by hellghans during the eviction?
I kinda want to play as a third faction, if they come out with another killzone. Like a half-blooded faction, neutral, that fights for unity between Helghast and Vektans. ISA/VSA and Helghast are just wrong.
Guilherme Matos Passarini maybe, but I'd prefer a faction seeking unity rather than an alien faction....unless it causes both sides to join forces. That I'd applaud.
He wasn't stabbed in the leg, it was the left side of his chest, with a decent sized knife. If the game designers were even slightly familiar with human anatomy, they'd have known that blade would have went between the ribs and probably pierced a lung, causing Lucas to drown in his own blood as his lungs flood.
I'm sorry, but the story's plot are several questions to this... 1. Why given them half a planet when virtually all of them were wiped out? 2. Why settle them RIGHT NEXT to the capital city of the very people that took out their planet 3. Why allow them to have weapons given questions 1 and 2 which leads to: 4. Given they were allowed weapons and they went nuts on unarmed civilians, why didn't they clear out that side prior to their arrival? Far too many questions and the rationale to how such a plot can make any sense whatsoever...
Killed it? More like screwed it...the plot was horrible. Would have preferred a more realistic plot like, it took the Helgans some time to recover and they invaded a small colony or something. It's the equivalent of WWII and they gave half of the US to the Japanese right after the war.
Because introducing Earth, Mars and who knows how many other colonies and setting someone else as a villian was TOO hard for those guys. Damn, saying that the whole Helghan/Vecta war was orchestrated from Earth would have been a better plot despite sounding just as bad. Don't know why I've written this:)
More stupid sequel logic. You spend three games fighting the Helghast to keep them off Vekta because, lets face it, they're space-nazis. So when they blow themselves up like idiots, you let them invade half the planet they invaded to begin with. Genius.
This game literally shows Hellghast acting like fanatical bad guys, yet because a pretty lady says both sides are bad guys, you switch sides. It's incredibly lame. If you wanna have the Hellghast be given a grey. Why not show more Hellghast civilians or Hellghast soldiers, not who are good guys. Man, no wonder they abandoned this franchise. As much as she bugs me, the Hellghast lady should have been the protagonist instead of the snooze Kellan guy.
this game is my personal favorite because Lucas (the main Character) starts off as a child then grows up as a soldier of the resistance but later finds out his mentor/ father figure betrayed him and the resistance.
It always bugged me how the Helghast always got the shit end of the stick (you need to know the history that takes place before the first game.) and the Vetkans who always take things too far are the good guys. The Vetkans are racist, puritans who lack discipline and were originally a mercenary organization. Next game the Helghast had better win and get a home world of their own.
Helghan was always a bad guy, they became literally space tyrants then got their shit rocked by a coalition then got salty and started another war, which lead to them destroying their own planet and for some reason act like ISA destroyed their planet
I always dislike "superweapon that will won the war" stories. It's often an unrealistic fantasy that has little to do with reality. In any way, I can't help, but to like Helghan. I just hope that further games will have story of better quality and they will expand on their cool setting.
Wait a sec, when in this game has there been any realistic things, we have Aliens who live along side the race that destroyed there planet. This whole game is unrealistic.
Buzlter Relatively realistic scenario. A good science fiction will create its rules and will make these rules clear. It will not twist them or break them in any way. Those rules will be logical in context of that universe. It's interesting to me why ISA wasn't obliterate in a first place. It's most likely because of invasion fleet loosing all support from home world and thus, making any long-term unsustainable. Due to that, they had enough power to make demands, but not to win a war.
i reaaaaaly didn't see this end coming... love how it's not just another straightforward everythingwilloffcourseturnoutgreatintheend kind of game like most others! really enjoyed game!!!!
I never quite understood why Vecta gave half their planet away. If the Helghast lost so many of their population they would only need a smaller portion of land. Maybe a continent at most. They could build their walls and the ISA could keep the area quarantined with the navy.
I'd rather see this game over now, and yet they screwed us over into yet another money milking sequel. It was supposed to end with peace, we saw Black Hand destroyed, that black racist killed by Echo and possibly the WMD project with him. It should be ok now, and yet we still see a massive helghan fleet now I guess under command of Visari's daughter who, I presume, should bargain for peace from position of power (cause Echo tells us she ain't that bad) and so everything could be ok. BUT NO it's 80% chance that Guerrilla will make her the villain and so we'll probably get another VSA/ISA campaign against the yet again vilified Helghast. Using Rico of perhaps some other mindless animal shooting Helghast cause "they are bad". Because the main rule of spunkgragleweewee must be a chain of vengeance. Cause Helghast must retaliate for Helghan now that they have footing and a large army at their hands. Cause we all feel much better about ripping other people into shreds if we know they don't have honor, noble qualities, humanity, racial prejudice or bigotary. Allthroought this game I had a tingling sense Helghats were FAKELY made WAY TOO EVIL.
***** I thought the this was game was great especially in the storyline department. Evil is just a matter of perspective, especially in this game. Sinclair felt like a bad guy since the beginning of the game, and we all know the Helghast are a little rough around the edges. Don't forget that there is a 3rd faction that could appear in future sequals, The Earth Colonies which are a bit overpowered which could make for a good story. If you think about it both sides are pretty equal in pros & cons by the end of the game, and the end pretty much spells out a sequal where the Helghast are as you say "Good Guys". So don't loose faith in Gorilla, theres still ALOT more possibilities to continue this story of which i personally hope never ends.
***** A Helghast grunt talks to himself about the pain he feels following the Terracide and the fact that his ancestors were on Vekta first. So they have to fight on against the oppressors of the ISA/UCA. I didn't want to kill that Helghast but I had to. He is the first enemy you meet in Chapter 8.
Asura Kuro Stahl Shadow Fall 2 could be a very good game story wise. I feel like at some point we need to have a big battle with Saric. However any good story has a start, middle and end. As much as I like Killzone, I really would like to see the end, be it an ever lasting peace or the destruction of either the Vektan or Helghan people. Killzone has been about the Second Extrasolar War between Helghan and Vekta and the subsequent aftermath. Although Earth has been lightly touched upon in Killzone 1 (when they sent the fleet) and Killzone 3 (when Stahl planned on killing every Earthling), I don't think a Killzone game should focus on Earth and the UCA. Like so many others I would like to story to focus on a Helghast victory, which could lead to the end of the story.
In the end, no one won. They were both one people. Vektan or Helghan, they were the same. it's already happening today, American, Japanese, Muslim, etc. all different but human. No one wins when we fight eachother. Just history.
I still cannot comprehend why Vekta and their leaders would settle for this, if anything they would probably just destroy whatever remains of Helgan forces if they even try to settle for a favorable peace deal. Except the BS Deux ex Machina plot of Helgans always having a secret fleet as an ace up their sleeve but still. What the hell?
You think? Personally I don't think he is dead perhaps he will come bcak like the kingsman Even though... Actually everybody might be dead considering there may not be a 5th game
Really? I'll say this. Far cry 2, the older gears of War, and lots of franchises thst had ground breaking games on Ps3 Xbox 360 ended up downgrading quality Especially gears of War regarding the environmental effects like bullets hitting the walls, the water, sandbags, and destructible environments were better on the Ps3 and Xbox 360 gen Game developers have dropped in quality of making a game for profits over the years. Less effort and less passion is put into making a good and memorable IP nowadays. Compare the left for dead from Xbox 360 to the new iteration (back for blood); this was an utter downgrade in quality. Games get "better" graphics over time while the overall quality of games drops. Now it's all about pre orders, micro transactions, paid DLC (that is hastily put together and crap), and the worst offense... Releasing games incomplete with the attitude that "we'll fix it later"... While they take your money
Fidelity in modern AAA games is much bigger there's no argument against that but the art style here is so well refined and used that it looks better than moder stuff
@@colonelmaelradec4577_No???_ The Helgans start a war, get their asses beat, get butthurt and pretends it was the coalitions fault, runs back the war they started, lose _again_ and then accidentally blow up their own planet. Then proceed to continue to be fanatical space-nazis who gun down civilians for existing.
The story here is very lack luster to say the least. The new setting looks pretty but inviting your worst enemy to live on the same planet as you, right next door...what would happen next seems very obvious.
Simon Says vekta was helghast planet at first ISA just took it from them right after helghan was destroyed in killzone 3 the helghans had nowhere to go so ISA had to take them somewhere and vekta was close and it belonged to helghast once so they kinda had a right to return home It makes perfect sense
Wait...the Vektans destroy Helgan and, then have to give up half of THIER planet? What did I miss?(edit) You know what they say....keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Still a weird plot twist. It makes this original that's for sure.
It never explains, but I have a theory: Vekta has them listed as missing, while the Helghast have a bounty on them for war crimes having caused the Terracide. My theory is that the ISA "extradited" them to Earth and they're under protection, or more likely house arrest there since they are War Criminals but also War Heroes, and they don't want the Helghast to get their hands on them.
You know what amazes me, this game is graphically stunning and it's on next gen, but Halo 4 is almost as graphically stunning as Kz:Sf. I mean Halo 4 was on the previous gen and it still gives killzone, bf4, ghosts (and maybe ryse cuz ryse graphics are superb) all on the next gen a run for their money. Hats off to you Halo 4, hats off to you. (NOTICE I AM NOT COMPARING OR DISSING ANY OF THE GAMES, I AM JUST SAYING THE ENGINE ON HALO 4 DID A GOOD JOB)
Howard Ehana Yep. Its because how much TH-cam compresses everything so that the video could be uploaded. If you have a PS4, go out and get the game and then you will see how gorgeous it is. Just imagine what they will be able to do with the PS4 in terms of visuals down the road. If you do not have one, I would suggest, if you like Destiny, to pre-order the Destiny bundle. Its a white PS4 and it looks pretty slick
The beginning of tthis game sounds... funny. So they've basically won the war, anihilated their whole evil planet, then signed a treaty in which the winner gave them half of their own planet and let them do whatever the heck they wanted there, including with the previous residents, while raising a new hell in there? I. See. I mean I'd call it stupid but considering what's happening in US nowdays, I guess it's more of a realistic and "ahead of its time."
It's analogous to the Berlin Wall. The First Extrasolar War is WW1, the sanction and treaties that oppressed Helghan are the same as the Treaty of Versailles. The Second Extrasolar War is WW2, and Shadow fall is The Cold War, but more specifically Berlin.
@@Montoya1371No, yeah, the historical connotation is cool, and RIFE in the franchise, but logically, it doesn't make sense. > Win a war against Space dictatorship > They try it again > beat them again, they accidentally blow up their planet. > give them half of _your_ planet _and_ set them directly next to the capital, even though they have proven to be distrustful. It just doesn't make sense from the ISA's perspective.
Wow, so the ISA was so remorseful about what happened to Helgahn that they gave half of Vekta to the Helghast so that they could bend the ISA over when the time came. Clearly, the ISA knew the Helghast were still hostile and would seek to devastate the Vektans' behinds. The ISA REALLY wanted to make amends it seems.
I like to disregard this game as simply "Shadow Fall, Not Killzone" Not only does it feel like a spin-off by being set 30 years after everything else, but the setting is completely different, the in-game realistic technology frame has been smashed to bits to make way for shiny graphics, the setting the has changed, the structure of the plot and more or less the feel of the plot has changed, and the soundtrack and it's style has all changed. I get that difference =/= bad, but Killzone does not need innovation and renovation, Killzone needs expansion and conclusion, and that is why I do not consider Shadow Fall the true Killzone 4. That, and there seems to be indications from Guerilla Games that Shadow Fall is intended to be exactly the kind of sort-of-cannon-filler-while-you-wait material, and that a game called "Killzone 4" may well come out soon for the Ps4. Seeing as they've now made a graphics engine that works just fine(and is gorgeous), they'll have more time to work on the actual game instead of putting glowy bits everywhere.
>>That being said, I think Killzone Shadow Fall still presents a better campaign than most games of the kind, and the multiplayer remains true to the franchise with it's lovely Warzone mode.
Shadow Fall is a spin off. If it wasn't it would've been labeled Killzone 4 such as previous titles "Killzone, Killzone 2, Killzone 3" but it isn't. Though it does tie in with the other three games.
Shadow Fall isn't Killzone 4. It is Killzone: Shadow Fall. It IS a spin off. There was a trilogy (Killzone 1, Killzone 2, and Killzone 3) and now a spin off set 30 years after Killzone 3. I still think it's a great installment in the franchise. Definitely different from the others, but also very similar and better in my opinion.
Uhh, I'm kinda new to the whole Killzone thing...but...gonna hazard a guess and say Vektan isn't remotely connected to Earth? Still doesn't stop Lucas from exclaiming "Oh, Jesus Christ, thats near Templar Park." at 28:56
They are connected to earth though. Read some wiki about first extrasolar war. If i recall correctly, ISA and helghan corporation is what escaoed earth after it became unhabitable. Then helghan were figbting isa over vekta, after losing helghan were sent to planet helghan, where helghast nation was born.
What's the name of the ending track (start at 1:28) ? I can't f**king find it seaching with KZ key words XD ! If somebody can help me (amnd probably others) it would be cool !
It seems like with each consecutive release in the Killzone series the story just gets worse and worse. I want to like this series, I really do. The Helghast are an interesting enemy, it's always looked fantastic, the gameplay is heavy which is rare for a shooter. But man oh man would it kill Guerrilla to actually put some thought into their stories?
As much as I love unorthodox endings that aren't you're basic "And they all lived happily ever after" kind of deals, I'm not sure how assassinating the head of the ISA special forces in broad daylight and public view is a good idea to prevent further conflict. Though, it was nice to at least avenge Kellan after that brutal backstab that left me shaking.
So let me get this all the way straight. The Vektans let helghast civilians & soldiers come to their planet & take half of it? Either I'm not comprehending this right or the Vektans have good hearts. If I'm wrong someone please comment & explain to me lol.
After the ISA "accidentally " destroyed their, the UCN made a agreement or deal let the survivors of Helghan take half of Vekta, in a sign of good gesture and to say sorry about let me give half of the land of the people who destroyed your home.
The difference in story quality between the PS3 Killzone's and Shadow Fall is just night and day. So much of what made the previous ones hard to take seriously story wise seems to have been fixed for this game. Certainly the dialog is much improved (which isn't saying much, at least for ISA characters). The only thing that bothers me this time around is Vladko Tyran (black hand leader that loves vlogging), who just seems to be remind me of all the things I hated story wise about Killzone 2 and 3, like he tries to hard to come across as crazy and maniacal. His performance makes sense only on paper, execution wise it's corny and out of place. The plot armor doesn't help. Can't blame the actor though as I'm pretty sure he delivered exactly what they asked for. Not his fault if the character they fleshed out was garbage.
Srsly why let Helghans come to your planet in the first place and then let them (even though their numbers should be much less than yours) take over in a very hostile way. Can someone explain to me the logic of this story
I don't get the logic. Why give the hellghans half of the planet of your own people (humans/vektans)? Why then did your own side, who helped out their enemies/refugees/hellghans, do nothing when the occupying hellghans kill your own people during the eviction? Wouldn't there be a rules or something? This sounds like a recipe for disaster...
MC just been guilt traped in her lies she talks like vikta my home was distroyed and then she use both sides this how psychological warfare works In this sclire was right having that super weapons would have stoped this big feet underground
ISA/Vekta logic is quite stupid. Why would they allow their enemy to have an army after they defeated them AND allow them an army while they are in their planet.
Elijah Pantino they didnt want to they were forced by ucn
Elijah Pantino )) like Japan...🇯🇵 ...?
i didnt get it
Because it makes the enemies feel secured and to know their place.
More stupid than selling guns AND knowledge to your potential enemies...?
I miss Helghast brittish accents from Killzone 3, it was one of the little things that I liked.
Brits got butthurt
Kcus Kcidu Really? I live in England and almost everyone I've met who plays Killzone loved the accents and thought they were awesome.
The only person I know of who did get butthurt was Yahtzee but he gets angry over bloody everything.
Damian Vrednic
Who isn't?
Urist McDwarfington
Great minds DO think alike, my friend!
Vostok Yahtzee Isn't British.
12 dislikes in 1 minute? Strange...
Gamer's Little Playground there are a lot of assholes on TH-cam just disliking for the fun of it :/
+Gamer's Little Playground There are some who dislike every single video
"killzone shadow fall" **Uses killzone 3 as thumbnail**
Each kill zone game makes me root for the helghast more. My bet is in the next game you play as the helghast girl, fighting the ISA. Then she will most likely end up killing her mother or her mother will be killed, causing her to inherit the the throne to helghan uniting the people under half breed rule.
thats some pretty shit plot there friend.
Better plot than all of the Killzone games combined, though.
Yes and I'm sure you're one of those freaks who idolizes Stalin and Hitler.
i feel like u shouldnt rlly be rooting for them since the ISA didnt even start the first extrasolar war (the USC and Helghan corporation did) and the Helghan claims that they were attacked when in exodus were just false propaganda since they chose to leave after the ISA on vetka got tired of the Helghan majority population committing acts of terrorism and trying to massacre the USC minority population
I don't know man. Even tho I sympathize with the hellghast. They get refuge in vecta, half the planet, and still end up killing the humans.
Makes me wonder why they didn't evacuate those on the hellghan side of the wall before bringing the hellghast.
Seems like a recipe for disaster
Why allow your own people, the humans on the ISA side, to get killed by hellghans during the eviction?
57:02 "Don't move!"
*immediately flails into a corner*
the ending was awesome, it's nice to see a game that doesn't have a storybook ending.
Thanks for uploading! I'm a fan of Killzone and I don't plan on getting a PS4 unfortunately so this is great!
Np, thanks for watching!
I kinda want to play as a third faction, if they come out with another killzone. Like a half-blooded faction, neutral, that fights for unity between Helghast and Vektans.
ISA/VSA and Helghast are just wrong.
Christian Gallegos The third factin could be aliens it would be awesome what do you think?
Guilherme Matos Passarini maybe, but I'd prefer a faction seeking unity rather than an alien faction....unless it causes both sides to join forces. That I'd applaud.
this was ok
Christian Gallegos, I agree
"That's all I ask".
*crouches down*
Lets get it on
36:30 he seems to be running well for someone who WAS STABBED IN THE LEG!!!
He wasn't stabbed in the leg
He wasn't stabbed in the leg, it was the left side of his chest, with a decent sized knife. If the game designers were even slightly familiar with human anatomy, they'd have known that blade would have went between the ribs and probably pierced a lung, causing Lucas to drown in his own blood as his lungs flood.
One question: why is it always raining/cloudy in New Helgan? Is that to remind the Helgast of home or something?
remember killzone 3 where they killed a fake vasari and stahl died in the crash? wtf happened to the old writer
I'm sorry, but the story's plot are several questions to this...
1. Why given them half a planet when virtually all of them were wiped out?
2. Why settle them RIGHT NEXT to the capital city of the very people that took out their planet
3. Why allow them to have weapons given questions 1 and 2 which leads to:
4. Given they were allowed weapons and they went nuts on unarmed civilians, why didn't they clear out that side prior to their arrival?
Far too many questions and the rationale to how such a plot can make any sense whatsoever...
Killed it? More like screwed it...the plot was horrible. Would have preferred a more realistic plot like, it took the Helgans some time to recover and they invaded a small colony or something. It's the equivalent of WWII and they gave half of the US to the Japanese right after the war.
just a uninovative development team with many millionsof budget, fps genre is definitively dead
Because introducing Earth, Mars and who knows how many other colonies and setting someone else as a villian was TOO hard for those guys. Damn, saying that the whole Helghan/Vecta war was orchestrated from Earth would have been a better plot despite sounding just as bad. Don't know why I've written this:)
Killzone has great graphics and multiplayer, but they obviously put next to no effort into the lore. Killzone has never been about the story.
Killzone actually has fantastic lore. It's just the games themselves that are eh.
More stupid sequel logic. You spend three games fighting the Helghast to keep them off Vekta because, lets face it, they're space-nazis. So when they blow themselves up like idiots, you let them invade half the planet they invaded to begin with.
+Blisterdude123 perfect summary...
Fucking this. And they're allowed to just kill Vectans as they please without repercussion. I don't buy any of it.
No. It wasn't even their fault that the Helgan planet blew up. Were you paying attention? It's a retcon.
This game literally shows Hellghast acting like fanatical bad guys, yet because a pretty lady says both sides are bad guys, you switch sides. It's incredibly lame. If you wanna have the Hellghast be given a grey. Why not show more Hellghast civilians or Hellghast soldiers, not who are good guys.
Man, no wonder they abandoned this franchise. As much as she bugs me, the Hellghast lady should have been the protagonist instead of the snooze Kellan guy.
this game is my personal favorite because Lucas (the main Character) starts off as a child then grows up as a soldier of the resistance but later finds out his mentor/ father figure betrayed him and the resistance.
It always bugged me how the Helghast always got the shit end of the stick (you need to know the history that takes place before the first game.) and the Vetkans who always take things too far are the good guys. The Vetkans are racist, puritans who lack discipline and were originally a mercenary organization.
Next game the Helghast had better win and get a home world of their own.
Helghan was always a bad guy, they became literally space tyrants then got their shit rocked by a coalition then got salty and started another war, which lead to them destroying their own planet and for some reason act like ISA destroyed their planet
_Finally!_ Thank you! So many people pretend the Helghast are the good guys it gives me a headache. @Jamesgates355
23:21 is probably the most realistic scene graphic wise
I wish rico, sev and the rest came back :(
This game was hard to play but i liked it. It gave me chills
I always dislike "superweapon that will won the war" stories. It's often an unrealistic fantasy that has little to do with reality.
In any way, I can't help, but to like Helghan. I just hope that further games will have story of better quality and they will expand on their cool setting.
Wait a sec, when in this game has there been any realistic things, we have Aliens who live along side the race that destroyed there planet. This whole game is unrealistic.
Relatively realistic scenario. A good science fiction will create its rules and will make these rules clear. It will not twist them or break them in any way. Those rules will be logical in context of that universe.
It's interesting to me why ISA wasn't obliterate in a first place. It's most likely because of invasion fleet loosing all support from home world and thus, making any long-term unsustainable. Due to that, they had enough power to make demands, but not to win a war.
REgamesplayer The game has amazing graphics... lets leave it at that >.
you dont like super weapons that won the war because it's unrealistic ? do you even have a clue what happened in world war 2 ?
Lee Yuan
Enlighten me.
i reaaaaaly didn't see this end coming... love how it's not just another straightforward everythingwilloffcourseturnoutgreatintheend kind of game like most others! really enjoyed game!!!!
I never quite understood why Vecta gave half their planet away. If the Helghast lost so many of their population they would only need a smaller portion of land. Maybe a continent at most. They could build their walls and the ISA could keep the area quarantined with the navy.
i hope we get a helghast campain soon im sick of isa
I'd rather see this game over now, and yet they screwed us over into yet another money milking sequel. It was supposed to end with peace, we saw Black Hand destroyed, that black racist killed by Echo and possibly the WMD project with him. It should be ok now, and yet we still see a massive helghan fleet now I guess under command of Visari's daughter who, I presume, should bargain for peace from position of power (cause Echo tells us she ain't that bad) and so everything could be ok.
BUT NO it's 80% chance that Guerrilla will make her the villain and so we'll probably get another VSA/ISA campaign against the yet again vilified Helghast. Using Rico of perhaps some other mindless animal shooting Helghast cause "they are bad". Because the main rule of spunkgragleweewee must be a chain of vengeance. Cause Helghast must retaliate for Helghan now that they have footing and a large army at their hands. Cause we all feel much better about ripping other people into shreds if we know they don't have honor, noble qualities, humanity, racial prejudice or bigotary. Allthroought this game I had a tingling sense Helghats were FAKELY made WAY TOO EVIL.
its the same way with cod when you think about it
***** I thought the this was game was great especially in the storyline department. Evil is just a matter of perspective, especially in this game. Sinclair felt like a bad guy since the beginning of the game, and we all know the Helghast are a little rough around the edges. Don't forget that there is a 3rd faction that could appear in future sequals, The Earth Colonies which are a bit overpowered which could make for a good story. If you think about it both sides are pretty equal in pros & cons by the end of the game, and the end pretty much spells out a sequal where the Helghast are as you say "Good Guys". So don't loose faith in Gorilla, theres still ALOT more possibilities to continue this story of which i personally hope never ends.
***** A Helghast grunt talks to himself about the pain he feels following the Terracide and the fact that his ancestors were on Vekta first. So they have to fight on against the oppressors of the ISA/UCA. I didn't want to kill that Helghast but I had to. He is the first enemy you meet in Chapter 8.
Asura Kuro Stahl Shadow Fall 2 could be a very good game story wise. I feel like at some point we need to have a big battle with Saric. However any good story has a start, middle and end. As much as I like Killzone, I really would like to see the end, be it an ever lasting peace or the destruction of either the Vektan or Helghan people.
Killzone has been about the Second Extrasolar War between Helghan and Vekta and the subsequent aftermath. Although Earth has been lightly touched upon in Killzone 1 (when they sent the fleet) and Killzone 3 (when Stahl planned on killing every Earthling), I don't think a Killzone game should focus on Earth and the UCA. Like so many others I would like to story to focus on a Helghast victory, which could lead to the end of the story.
In the end, no one won. They were both one people. Vektan or Helghan, they were the same. it's already happening today, American, Japanese, Muslim, etc. all different but human. No one wins when we fight eachother. Just history.
This can only end when forces like the Covernant comes and wrecks havoc to unite these people!!
That right human cannot stay like that forever
Didnt you listen to Stahl?? You were born on the wrong side.
I still cannot comprehend why Vekta and their leaders would settle for this, if anything they would probably just destroy whatever remains of Helgan forces if they even try to settle for a favorable peace deal. Except the BS Deux ex Machina plot of Helgans always having a secret fleet as an ace up their sleeve but still. What the hell?
I new Sinclair was gonna be a rotten apple since the begining
This Game looks Beautiful
SimplyPops no its called art
This is basically the same thing as The Cold War where the ISA is the USA (hence the blue) and the Helgan are the Russians (hence the red).
Another masterpiece from GLP. I wonder, how you guys make it... I mean the movie??!!
5:34 "your" spelled incorrectly.
ty for doing this
the fucking lens flares everywhere
The ending sucked
The character animations/emotions were awful.
Thats one thing ive noticed, the ps4 character animations suck.
Well infamous second son had really good facial emotions so I wouldn't say all ps4 games
True it was mostly this game.
54:39 the soldiers at the door: "awkward ..... "
Imagine how good the graphics would be on a ps5… insanity
Kinda bad ending to me :/
You think?
Personally I don't think he is dead perhaps he will come bcak like the kingsman
Even though... Actually everybody might be dead considering there may not be a 5th game
27:36 am I the only one... or is anyone gonna talk about this pain scream
This game looks better than some modern games from 2022 😂
Really? I'll say this. Far cry 2, the older gears of War, and lots of franchises thst had ground breaking games on Ps3 Xbox 360 ended up downgrading quality
Especially gears of War regarding the environmental effects like bullets hitting the walls, the water, sandbags, and destructible environments were better on the Ps3 and Xbox 360 gen
Game developers have dropped in quality of making a game for profits over the years. Less effort and less passion is put into making a good and memorable IP nowadays.
Compare the left for dead from Xbox 360 to the new iteration (back for blood); this was an utter downgrade in quality.
Games get "better" graphics over time while the overall quality of games drops. Now it's all about pre orders, micro transactions, paid DLC (that is hastily put together and crap), and the worst offense... Releasing games incomplete with the attitude that "we'll fix it later"... While they take your money
Fidelity in modern AAA games is much bigger there's no argument against that but the art style here is so well refined and used that it looks better than moder stuff
I play this game since 2004. I'm hoping they can remastered to ps5, so I can buy the original trilogy plus this one
At least it finally shows that the ISA can be just as bad as the Helghan, hell even worse
Helghan is the good side
@@colonelmaelradec4577_No???_ The Helgans start a war, get their asses beat, get butthurt and pretends it was the coalitions fault, runs back the war they started, lose _again_ and then accidentally blow up their own planet. Then proceed to continue to be fanatical space-nazis who gun down civilians for existing.
I miss Killzone 3 so much.
A very nice looking game that lives up to it's hype
I love the armor suits the resistance wears in this game it's almost similar to halo only cooler.
The story here is very lack luster to say the least. The new setting looks pretty but inviting your worst enemy to live on the same planet as you, right next door...what would happen next seems very obvious.
It was based of of Cold War Berlin.
Just because something actually happened it doesn't make it any cleverer.
Simon Says vekta was helghast planet at first ISA just took it from them right after helghan was destroyed in killzone 3 the helghans had nowhere to go so ISA had to take them somewhere and vekta was close and it belonged to helghast once so they kinda had a right to return home
It makes perfect sense
Helghan are awesome military wise!Fck yea gas masks!
But are you awesome?
man I want some of that half breed assassin poon
with the way you play, meelee killing and all, the game could have given you a hidden blade :P
25:10 like my little brother would say “do you like cake?”
9:09 Lucas: NOOOO!
Wait...the Vektans destroy Helgan and, then have to give up half of THIER planet? What did I miss?(edit) You know what they say....keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Still a weird plot twist. It makes this original that's for sure.
what happen to sev, narville, rico ??
It never explains, but I have a theory: Vekta has them listed as missing, while the Helghast have a bounty on them for war crimes having caused the Terracide. My theory is that the ISA "extradited" them to Earth and they're under protection, or more likely house arrest there since they are War Criminals but also War Heroes, and they don't want the Helghast to get their hands on them.
I love this music score.
You know what amazes me, this game is graphically stunning and it's on next gen, but Halo 4 is almost as graphically stunning as Kz:Sf. I mean Halo 4 was on the previous gen and it still gives killzone, bf4, ghosts (and maybe ryse cuz ryse graphics are superb) all on the next gen a run for their money. Hats off to you Halo 4, hats off to you. (NOTICE I AM NOT COMPARING OR DISSING ANY OF THE GAMES, I AM JUST SAYING THE ENGINE ON HALO 4 DID A GOOD JOB)
Trust me kzsf looks far better on TV that TH-cam, yeah I agree halo4 looks great but playing these 2 you can tell theres a massive difference
Shivvy24 I guess TH-cam and TV look different.
There is a lot of pre gen gens that have next gen graphics heck some of them should have waited to be released into NextGen.
maybe but then PS3 games like God of war 3, the last of us, uncharted 3 and Beyond:two souls look better than any game on xbox 360
Howard Ehana Yep. Its because how much TH-cam compresses everything so that the video could be uploaded. If you have a PS4, go out and get the game and then you will see how gorgeous it is. Just imagine what they will be able to do with the PS4 in terms of visuals down the road. If you do not have one, I would suggest, if you like Destiny, to pre-order the Destiny bundle. Its a white PS4 and it looks pretty slick
The beginning of tthis game sounds... funny. So they've basically won the war, anihilated their whole evil planet, then signed a treaty in which the winner gave them half of their own planet and let them do whatever the heck they wanted there, including with the previous residents, while raising a new hell in there?
I. See.
I mean I'd call it stupid but considering what's happening in US nowdays, I guess it's more of a realistic and "ahead of its time."
Yup. Its literally unfolding before our eyes. Same thing happened after WWII as well with the Nazis.
It's analogous to the Berlin Wall. The First Extrasolar War is WW1, the sanction and treaties that oppressed Helghan are the same as the Treaty of Versailles. The Second Extrasolar War is WW2, and Shadow fall is The Cold War, but more specifically Berlin.
@@Montoya1371No, yeah, the historical connotation is cool, and RIFE in the franchise, but logically, it doesn't make sense.
> Win a war against Space dictatorship
> They try it again
> beat them again, they accidentally blow up their planet.
> give them half of _your_ planet _and_ set them directly next to the capital, even though they have proven to be distrustful.
It just doesn't make sense from the ISA's perspective.
i really got to stop looking at the comments before i finish the video otherwise i know what to expect
28:08 looks like im seeing a PS1 visual effect
Wow, so the ISA was so remorseful about what happened to Helgahn that they gave half of Vekta to the Helghast so that they could bend the ISA over when the time came. Clearly, the ISA knew the Helghast were still hostile and would seek to devastate the Vektans' behinds. The ISA REALLY wanted to make amends it seems.
I like to disregard this game as simply "Shadow Fall, Not Killzone"
Not only does it feel like a spin-off by being set 30 years after everything else, but the setting is completely different, the in-game realistic technology frame has been smashed to bits to make way for shiny graphics, the setting the has changed, the structure of the plot and more or less the feel of the plot has changed, and the soundtrack and it's style has all changed.
I get that difference =/= bad, but Killzone does not need innovation and renovation, Killzone needs expansion and conclusion, and that is why I do not consider Shadow Fall the true Killzone 4.
That, and there seems to be indications from Guerilla Games that Shadow Fall is intended to be exactly the kind of sort-of-cannon-filler-while-you-wait material, and that a game called "Killzone 4" may well come out soon for the Ps4. Seeing as they've now made a graphics engine that works just fine(and is gorgeous), they'll have more time to work on the actual game instead of putting glowy bits everywhere.
>>That being said, I think Killzone Shadow Fall still presents a better campaign than most games of the kind, and the multiplayer remains true to the franchise with it's lovely Warzone mode.
Shadow Fall is a spin off.
If it wasn't it would've been labeled Killzone 4 such as previous titles "Killzone, Killzone 2, Killzone 3" but it isn't. Though it does tie in with the other three games.
Shadow Fall isn't Killzone 4. It is Killzone: Shadow Fall. It IS a spin off. There was a trilogy (Killzone 1, Killzone 2, and Killzone 3) and now a spin off set 30 years after Killzone 3. I still think it's a great installment in the franchise. Definitely different from the others, but also very similar and better in my opinion.
damn that ending was hardcore
Uhh, I'm kinda new to the whole Killzone thing...but...gonna hazard a guess and say Vektan isn't remotely connected to Earth? Still doesn't stop Lucas from exclaiming "Oh, Jesus Christ, thats near Templar Park." at 28:56
The Templar Park he's referring to was named after Jan Templar from Killzone 1 and 2.
They are connected to earth though. Read some wiki about first extrasolar war. If i recall correctly, ISA and helghan corporation is what escaoed earth after it became unhabitable. Then helghan were figbting isa over vekta, after losing helghan were sent to planet helghan, where helghast nation was born.
after years of making Killzone games i'm surprised they haven't made a live action or animated movie yet.
What's the name of the ending track (start at 1:28) ? I can't f**king find it seaching with KZ key words XD ! If somebody can help me (amnd probably others) it would be cool !
Joan Sutherland & Huguette Tourangeau - Lakme - Flower Duet (1976) Skip ahead about a minute and 20 seconds to get that part
Man this game is boooooorrrrriiiinngg. Great graphics though.
KZ2 graphics were better
Game was a great intro to Killszone for me. Was hoping for more
Dude stop skiping the parts of the game
It seems like with each consecutive release in the Killzone series the story just gets worse and worse. I want to like this series, I really do. The Helghast are an interesting enemy, it's always looked fantastic, the gameplay is heavy which is rare for a shooter. But man oh man would it kill Guerrilla to actually put some thought into their stories?
Love GLP work in making these videos. Personally however, I dislike Shadow Falls. It in a way ruin the Killzone series.
Imagine if this was a legit movie
The animations could use some work, the blood made me Lol, but sweet game so far
As much as I love unorthodox endings that aren't you're basic "And they all lived happily ever after" kind of deals, I'm not sure how assassinating the head of the ISA special forces in broad daylight and public view is a good idea to prevent further conflict. Though, it was nice to at least avenge Kellan after that brutal backstab that left me shaking.
Helghast technology is always number one no wonder there always a threat.
1:03:05 how convenient
They should name this game "in a future without any asians".
what song plays over the credits?
Why is everything in this game so stupefyingly poorly executed?
damn, killing a child's parent? that's over the limit
please what is name song in ending ?
So new helgan and the VSA/ISA are at war now?
1:13:05 lmao
I miss Helghast accent and characters from Killzone 1
So let me get this all the way straight. The Vektans let helghast civilians & soldiers come to their planet & take half of it? Either I'm not comprehending this right or the Vektans have good hearts. If I'm wrong someone please comment & explain to me lol.
After the ISA "accidentally " destroyed their, the UCN made a agreement or deal let the survivors of Helghan take half of Vekta, in a sign of good gesture and to say sorry about let me give half of the land of the people who destroyed your home.
It was Helghast land to begin with anyway. So I think they have every right to take back parts of their original planet.
The difference in story quality between the PS3 Killzone's and Shadow Fall is just night and day. So much of what made the previous ones hard to take seriously story wise seems to have been fixed for this game. Certainly the dialog is much improved (which isn't saying much, at least for ISA characters).
The only thing that bothers me this time around is Vladko Tyran (black hand leader that loves vlogging), who just seems to be remind me of all the things I hated story wise about Killzone 2 and 3, like he tries to hard to come across as crazy and maniacal. His performance makes sense only on paper, execution wise it's corny and out of place. The plot armor doesn't help. Can't blame the actor though as I'm pretty sure he delivered exactly what they asked for. Not his fault if the character they fleshed out was garbage.
the story makes no sense
guys.. is this a 60 fps game? I been playing this campaign and im not too sure
I fear that Call of Duty stupid "future tech" warfare games, is the reason that Killzone is not around anymore :(
This game looks beautiful why it get such bad reviews???
So in the beginning when you play as a child, do you start out on Earth???
Srsly why let Helghans come to your planet in the first place and then let them (even though their numbers should be much less than yours) take over in a very hostile way. Can someone explain to me the logic of this story
So Lucas becomes part of the helghast?
pretty much.
We can call it enemy to the both sides
Holy shit the graphics are awesome
Yet another shit ending this year that strikes 4 on the board... The fuck
So the weapon was used and Kellen and the half breed didn't die?
(dad dies) "Oh no.... WHAT ABOUT ME, IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!)
ISA ISA ISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn’t even buy this game and this makes me want a refun
am i the only one who wasn't impressed by kilzones visuals?
wait someone destroyed someone elses planet and them gave them half of their planet?
I don't get the logic. Why give the hellghans half of the planet of your own people (humans/vektans)? Why then did your own side, who helped out their enemies/refugees/hellghans, do nothing when the occupying hellghans kill your own people during the eviction? Wouldn't there be a rules or something?
This sounds like a recipe for disaster...
MC just been guilt traped in her lies she talks like vikta my home was distroyed and then she use both sides this how psychological warfare works
In this sclire was right having that super weapons would have stoped this big feet underground
Am I the only one who thinks Sinclair looks really strange?