⭐️ Update ⭐️ Elsa is doing great. She is healthy and growing well. She has a balance of wet and dry food. She is getting plenty of play time and interaction. We recognise that every Ragdoll is different and not all of our tips will be the same for others 😊
My Ragdoll Cocoa lived to be 16. He didn't like wet food either. I measured/free fed him Royal Canin Ragdoll formula. He was always a healthy weight. Toward the end of his life, I did switch him to a vet recommended kidney diet due to his lab work. He was such a wonderful cat. He passed away on 10/30/23 from kidney failure. I had him euthanized at home when his kidney levels were reaching critical levels. He transitioned peacefully in my arms. A happy cat to the end, he purred up to his final moments. I loved Cocoa so much. Tou are so right that this is a commitment. While the loss is awful, I would do it all again. I'm so glad I got to know such a wonderful cat. I always took extra moments to spend additional time with him when he sought attention. Even if it meant stopping what I was doing. I talked to him and engaged with him often. It makes such a difference when you put in the effort. Elsa is beautiful. I know you will cherish her. ❤
I think the ragdolls’ behaviour depends on the cat’s personality. I have two ragdolls and they’re not at all fussy or messy. They’re both so gentle and patient! While I’m writing this my eldest rag doll (an 8 year old male) is asleep next to me and has managed to drown me in 2 tonnes of cat fluff 😂
I agree mine already loves being social and he’s been really good with eating and litter box but I think the breeder was the difference and yes they all have different personalities, I have a bi-colored blue point 12 week kitten plus I am programming him to be awake in the daytime and sleep at night. He of course wakes up but he’s mellow and loving.
I have a 9 month old ragdoll. The top thing I wish I was told before getting her was how much energy they have. I thought I was getting a lazy laid back cat but she doesn’t stop playing!! I wouldn’t change her for anything in the world but be prepared they’re feisty little buggers.
@@satxrnsringz608 She will definitely come out of her shell soon! I have a boy so not sure if that'll make a difference .. but he was shy but he adjusted very quickly and within a day or 2 he was running riot around the house lol. All cats are different though !
⭐️ UPDATE ⭐️ Elsa now has a combination of Applaws dry and Wet food! Which is 100% natural ingredients and no added nastiness! Thanks for everyone’s comments
I'm laughing so hard about how cats really are fussy like humans. I think that's why I like them so much 😂 i respect an animal that cares about cleanliness like I do 😂
There is always food in my cats bowls. I prep a "special" dinner in the evening where I mix a reasonable portion of dry food with about a quarter of a 3oz can of wet food, mixed well. It seems to help them sleep through the night. Not a proven fact, but it works well for my clan of 8 (feral/rescue) cats. In the morning, I lay down fresh dry food for the day.
Really like your video, thank you for sharing! Just a note on the tail wagging and sleep. We've had our Ragdoll for 2 years (Sophie) and we have a Tortoise shell cat as well (Bella). I created a routine with my girls, when it's sleep time, play time, when it's breakfast and dinner. Even though cats are nocturnal, my girls always come and sleep with us, we taught them that it was not play time, we made a comfortable environment and they sleep through the night with us. We dedicate time when we get home in the evenings to play with them - this is were the tail wagging comes in, Sophie will stick her bottom in the air and her tail looks like a propeller, it swings around and goes crazy but she is in full play mode, she just wants us to throw her mouse and chase her into her toy tunnels and up the stairs. When she is annoyed, you'll see it on her face and then her tail sort of just flicks up and down - very different to when she is playing. So I guess you have to judge your cat personally, you'll know immediately if they want to play or if they are annoyed :) I have fallen in love with Ragdolls they are amazing!
@@Audrey-uf6ot Thank you so much for this beautiful comment! Everything is amazing, we love her so much and she has brought so much joy to the family. She is so comfortable here at home and was quick to play and show off her feisty personality! I'm so happy you are getting one soon! It will be so much fun and they are an amazing breed of cats, not to mention they are adorable!
@@yukiii1680 Um its hard to remember but I think around 1-2 k. It depends on the breeder and their reputation. Lesser known or smaller breeders might charge less but it really depends. You just have to find the best one that suits you. Hope this helps
I found my Lynx Point Ragdoll one night, I scooped him up and brought him inside thinking he was my aunt's cat, what's inside it turns out he was a beautiful sweet stray whose head looked at like it had been used as a chew toy by a raccoon recently!! He was so sweet and calm and cuddly and affectionate and amazing to me I have nursed him back to health just the two of us he's the size of a full grown cat but he's definitely a kitten LOL I've never had a cat is disposition before and I've had many cats ragdolls are amazing and so beautiful and sweet I'm so glad I found him!
I had a Ragdoll from '71 to '91. Yes, he lived 20 years as an indoor/outdoor cat and only on dry food. If not for an unfortunate event, he would've loved another year or two. I just got another.
Mine was put down after 17yrs, again same as you. Mostly indoor except supervised outdoors and mostly dry food. And again an unfortunate event which ultimate led to him being put to sleep. If not for it, he definitely would of lasted a few more years. Will be getting more in Jan 2023
@@fionnmaccumhaill3257 thank you very much but I'm a long way away. In London England. Already been in touch with a breeder who has been registered since 91, expecting a litter in 2 weeks.
We have a precious ragdoll (Wooly) cat, too. He's VERY shy with strangers, but he loves to snuggle, and he follows us around like a puppy. We leave his crunchy food out, too, and he self-regulates, and isn't overweight at all. We also feed him Fancy Feast soft food with gravy every night. I wonder if he's a healthy weight because we feed him really good food without a lot of fillers (so he doesn't feel the urge to overeat). Anyway, he's about 4 years old, and his full coat is finally in. He's a sweet boy, for sure!
We rescued a litter of kittens in our backyard and ended up keeping 3. That was 22 years ago. We still have 1 left, and it's our ragdoll. If you take good care of your furbabies, they will be with you for a long time. Sadly, he's approaching the end, but he's still a loveable little man. If possible, I want to get another ragdoll cat, but not really all that soon.
Elsa is so beautiful. I have a 3 year old seal point and she is the love of my life. She is a bit finicky with food so I usually sprinkle some freeze dried treats on top of her wet food and that works, as I personally believe in a mostly wet food diet (I free feed some dry so she can snack when she wants). She won't take a bath but the only smelly issue that occasionally happens is with her pants so they just get an occasional trim when necessary and it isn't an issue. You do make a few "absolute" points which aren't necessarily true though - tail wagging is often because they are annoyed but can be a response to varying stimuli depending on the cat, and also, not every indoor cat requires you trim their nails because often their scratching post takes care of that for them.
JulesQ thank you for your feedback! We’re learning everyday (first time Ragdoll owners). It’s important to remember that every Ragdoll is different and so will be their character. I completely agree with your points though 😊
My ragdoll is a clumsy unco - the only cat who cant jump fences, fell out of a tree and gets attacked by birds, with his only defence flopping over. He’s an indoor boy! Love his unco-ness!
We have an 8-year-old, blue-mitted Ragdoll named Mr. McCloud! He's only ever had dry food, and absolutely HATED the wet food. I work from home and he's really my little buddy, following me from room to room and letting me know when he wants to be cuddled! He's the sweetest thing ever and we're so thrilled that we went with a Ragdoll!!
Patty Nunez ours was exactly the same. We’ve actually moved her onto applaws canned tuna which she’s loving. She also has her dry food too so has a good balance. We absolutely love her
I got my ragdoll after she was deemed unadopptable at the pound. She had littleraly no trust in humans and her past owners snipped half her ear off. My dad had finally gotten her for me. This cat has been with me threw thick and thin. I've had her since I was 7 and I'm 16 now, I dont know where I would be without her.
We have a blue point male ragdoll who's 1.7 years old. He's getting a little brother next month (October,) a blue mink ragdoll. If you're thinking about getting a dog or a cat, get a ragdoll - you'll get both! Also, I recommend getting a litter robot. They're spendy but well worth the money!
I have a rescue ragdoll mix, and I tried to give her a mix of dry and wet food, and she wouldn't hold the wet food down. She's actually pretty chill about what food I give her, but she had shown me a preference for a certain type after I bought her two kinds of dry food and two brands of wet food (I gave her one type per test, and some she'd ignore) The one she showed the most eagerness for is the one I've stuck with 15 scares me, it was something I was unsure if I could handle before adopting her. There was a point where I thought she got outside (inside cat) and my anxiety went overload
I have a ragdoll and he don't care at all about the litter that much I can use any type, and he don't get smelly at all, I only bath him ones a year, told by the veterinarian, they told me they don't really need it, He is sweet but very independent, I had street cats that were more affectionate, so don't think cause u have a ragdoll is gonna be more affectionate than any other cat I put food 3 times or so a day He is very friendly to anyone and to my mums dog
Got a male ragdoll kitten 4 weeks ago. Just loving him, he has sooooo much energy and plays alot. We called him bodhi. He is liking wet and dry food but that might change in the future. Your video was sooooo informative. Tx
Over the past 20 years I have had 6 purebreed Ragdolls, and I haven't had any that were fussy concerning their litterbox. I think this is just specific to Elsa. They need a bath on a regular basis, and need a haircut just like we do.
I kinda have to disagree with you about a few things in your video though: I have 2 pure breed ragdolls myself so this is how I have done it: * Wet food? We give them twice per day. Dry food, one time which is always at lunch. They don't get food all the time but they get a certain time just so they can get used to it. Wet food is both Applaws and Royal Canin. Dry food is Royal Canin. I don't like that "Nature brand thing". But Royal Canin and Applaws are great! * They are up all nights playing? Yeah in the beginning kinda a bit but once they get a bit older, they stopped doing that, they nowadays sleep all the way from 00:00 midnight (sometimes even earlier, like 10 PM) to 6:00 AM where they want to go pooping and peeing and yeah, want to get food. Which is fine for us since 6 hours of sleep is all we need. * I would suggest everyone to get PURE BREED ragdolls which means 100 % ragdolls and that their parents should both have certified "pedigree" for their cats. In that way, you own cat will also get a certified pedigree. This is important since you will for sure know your cat is 100 % ragdolls and not a mixed one with hidden disease or something. In Sweden, we have family tree for pure bred cats and we can follow if there have been incests in the tree or nor or any hidden disease, etc. Also important to get a certified vet confirmation that your cat is healthy one week before you bring your cat home. * Our cats are... EXPENSIVE! They costed us like 1500 eur EACH when we bought them. Important to sign insurrance for them immediately. One of our cats got problems with stomach and the vet bill was like almost 3000 eur....and thank god we had insurrance already back then. * The worst part with owning Ragdolls is that you really gotta check their asses everytime they poop since their poop can hang and stuck in their fur now and then everytime they poop. Make sure to check it out as much as you can! Nobody likes to have poop hanging next to your anus all days... * Otherwise, I think owning ragdolls is the best decision we have made! They love us as much as we love them. They are truly loving family members. They regard YOU humans as their fellow cat family member. They don't change their behavior just because you are human. They treat you the same way they would treat their siblings or parents. That's why when a cat loves you, you know that you truly deserved that love. You basically earnt it. Just pity cats cannot live 80-90 years like humans. That's something we would wished. They deserve to live a long life.
I’m getting a ragdoll cat in two days and im so excited I really want to treat him well so I’ve been doing a lot of research about some stuff like wet food or dry food and this really helped me bc people kept saying that you have to feed wet food only and that got me really worried because I felt I would to him wrong if I just gave him dry food
There isn’t much NUTRITION in dry burned out dry food. Cats don’t eat that in nature, don’t give it to a beloved house cat! My Ragdoll was best cat ever, loving ,gentle, sweet! BEWARE :Ragdolls, bc of the inbreeding it took, have tendency to develop hardening around heart which is often fatal. (Owners often have to inform the vets about it.!)
We have a Balenese, she’s our fussy little baby. We’ve fell in love w her. You’re tips are right on. Scratching posts and cat-trees will be much appreciated by everyone. Discipline to cats is not like dogs. I’ve found the best way to reprimand is to change my voice inflection. We have 2 kitties, one is a rescue. He still doesn’t trust humans like Snowy does. He runs to hide when voices are raised, or loud noises where she is curious...& seeks to find out what’s causing the ruckus. I’m going to try a harness to see if she would care for a stroll outdoors.
we've had cats before and now we want a Ragdoll because our boy just passed away and the house is sad without a cat. We've always let our cats eat throughout the day and none of them were ever obese...
I have 8 four boys four girls. Fiona, Chino , Francesca, Harley, Harlynn , Yogi,Magoo lastly Lucy. The first two are mom and dad all cats are fixed not a breeder
I have a 10 week old kitten Ragdoll two day’s now he so full of life running jumping my 7 year old twins love him My breeder feed him Royal Cannin kitten food & he seems okay with that.
I have a Ragdoll His name is Tucker he is 5 years old ,I have him since he was 12 weeks old all 2lb 6oz of him. He came from a breeder in Texas and I live in Connecticut all alone on a Delta flight and my heart burst when I saw him. He is a flame point ragdoll so he is creamy white with peach / red on his points he also has a few freckles on his pink nose.He is a pure joy I love him so much.He is very smart .... and he eats very well also but he loves to get his teeth brushed 2X a week. I can’t say he has any fault but I have been told that male Ragdoll are more loving than a female. He understand when I talk to him and he know when it treat time . I don’t think there is a more loving breed than Ragdoll. But I think I am very lucky he is the love of my life. Enjoy you Ragdoll they are a special gift
I have a Ragdoll kitten who is now 7 months old. She is huge. She enjoys raw food which consists of minced beef/diced chicken, boiled chicken dices and I have found purizon dry food is one she really likes mixed with Royal canin kitten. Your so right about them sleeping all day! She chaces her tail at like 3 in the morning.
We always leave food out 24/7 for our 3 cats. They are at a healthy weight. We also give them a half can of wet cat food in the evening & a couple of treats.
We have a male seal point ragdoll that is almost two years old. He’s a very big boy! He uses the restroom outside. He’s very vocal and will have conversations with us (me, my youngest son, my roommate, and my roommate’s daughter)
My ragdoll gets wet breakfast at 7 am and dry throughout the day and wet dinner at 7 pm. The vet said that was perfect, but to watch how much dry she eats. Kittens (my ragdoll is 1 year old) need around 300 Kcal/day. Each can of wet provides between 180 - 220 Kcal per can. So half a can of food per feeding. Plenty of water and lots of play.
I have a seal mitted mink Ragdoll male that is 7yrs old that I got when he was abandoned by his own and left to fin for himself outside when his family moved away so I've been his mom since he was about 4 months old the vet guessed, he's name is Neko Maru he is looks like your kitty but has a white patch on his upper lip that looks like a milk spot that makes him unique at 20lbs he still loves his bath weekly and goes for a stroller ride outside daily to watch the birds and sunbathe, we love him dearly, thanks for making this video your kitty is so beautiful and you are an angel to teach people about responsibility being a pet owner, we also use kitten dry food and clump litter in a very very large open litter box daily cleaned
I think most cats can be "programmed" to be day animals, but it does take a little effort. I am blessed to be home all day, so I wake them up to play and eat as often as I can. Only had these two (8 weeks old) for three days and last night they slept thru almost the whole night. They haven't cried for their mom at all. I really don't want to hear anyone telling me they are too young for separation, they are bonded with me as their mother already, and are perfectly capable of their own toilet and cleaning chores - mini adults, really :)
Thank you so much for creating this video I’ve seen a lot of cat videos and I would say be on the shadow of a doubt that’s the best cat video I’ve ever seen very informative 👍👍 thank you again
Elsa needs a Litter-Robot. I have 3 Ragdolls and the Litter-Robot has been our best cat related purchase ever. I swear I don't work for the company...just love the fact I don't have to waste my time scooping litter anymore!
@@MeetTheBarwicks We are going to pick a kitten from the litter hopefully this weekend :-) We are hoping to get a male seal bicolor But if one of the other ones are more cuddly then we might get that one :-) We won't be able to get it until the last week of September I think. I'm so excited! We got a tabby cat from the humane society a year ago and I really love her but she is definitely moody and independent and I'm excited to get a ragdoll because of hearing that they are more cuddly and like to be more of a companion. Have you found that to be true?
my dog died instantly. literally I was having a coffee with her, cuddling and watching tv,. I got up to put my mug into the sink and got her some of her favorite treats, when I turned around to call her cause I was going back to the living room couch, SHE just fell over dead-no warning. she had been healthy all morning. I was devastated . we had her for 14yrs. literally here one minute, 14yrs gone in less than 7 seconds.
I am sorry for your loss. There are several positive aspects to the way your dog passed away, however One, she did not suffer. Two, you did not have to go through the agonizing decision whether or not you should put a terminally ill pet to sleep or not in order to end their suffering. Three, her last moments were being cuddled and loved by you! Sounds like she lived a long life and was well cared for and loved. I know your pain. My cat, Bunny Precious, was 19 years old when I lost her to kidney failure. I miss her very much. She was a Ragdoll. I highly recommend the breed. She was amazing!
I had a Rag doll cat that looked exactly like your baby. I wouldn't give her any dry food at all. They make cats get crystals in their urine, then blocks. Males and females get it. Once I just gave them wet food, no more urinary and kidney issues. Highly suggest. Use the dry as a treat now and then.
No. 15, Couldn’t agree more. I experienced losing twice and it still hurts. We can never be able to be prepared for losing them. Especially cats you adopted from the streets who was once in devastating condition. You feel like you should've done more for them. I stopped making TH-cam video after losing my last cat.
Big mistake to leave food out all day for when she will get older that breed is prone to gaining weight. Get an automatic food dispenser. I always add an ounce of no salt( no onions or garlic either) chicken broth to the food to compensate for the lack of moisture from dry food. Play with her for at least 30 minutes a day so that she can burn energy and invest in quality interactive toys so that she can continue to play while you are at work. You will see then that she will sleep at night. They are also prone to separation anxiety so if you can afford 2 from the same litter and of the same sex from the beginning they won't get bored when you are out of your house.If you cannot afford another ragdoll you can still get a 2nd cat, a regular cat for company. Your little diva is gorgeous by the way. You also have to groom them daily so they are pretty high maintenance but worth every second for they are so lovable. Also get a water fountain and always use stainless steel bowl. Give them also a high protein, low carb, no grain diet, dry or wet. If you have plants at your place find out which ones are toxic on TH-cam. My ex had 2 females, Baby Girl and Pussy Galore (Puss for short) and I honestly miss them more than I ever missed him.
Feed your cat a little at a time. Working the room is often the only exercise your rag doll gets. I fed my rag doll 4-6 times per day and she loved the excitement of being fed. She never had a weight proble either.
These are some really good tips for preparing for a Ragdoll. I've had Ragdolls in my life and home since 2013 and love them to pieces. On my channel- Living with Ragdolls- my current two Harry and Odin are the stars of my mini movies! The latest film is an action adventure story which involves finding a 'treasure' and for the eight minutes of final film I think I actually took two hours of footage just so that I could capture them doing what they do best - being Ragdolls. Great to hear that Elsa is doing well, you obviously love her to pieces. X
This was exceptionally helpful. Thank you. I don't have my Ragdoll kitten yet but on the list, hopefully by the end of March. In the meantime I am really enjoying shopping for al l the cute and fun things for my kitten also the necessities like a good litter box, now I know I have to get two. LOL! I am doing quite a bit of sorting out and making a nice space for my beautiful Ragdoll. so excited and really looking forward to it.
Where is this man from? He's got that whole South Boston side-of-mouth talking/smiling thing going on, but (call me crazy) I'm guessing he's not from Boston. It's charmingly endearing. Reminds me of my great uncles. Somewhere in England- I wonder the city. Be well!
We took a ”boy” ragdoll then at the vet comes we have a girl ))) but the funniest thing is, we lookied for a name like for a months, Archie btw)) after Vet sad this is girl, we thought it’s Ok,we leave it, because she knows her name is Archie.
Meet The Barwicks sorry for my English 🙄🙈 now we have a real diva😌After I watched your video, I see “her” in a new perspective,still hard to realize that “he” is a girl. Food is now our big problem. 🤯
I have a Ragdoll 4 years always leave food out for him.He never over eats.Mind he does have 2 wet meals a day plus a Purizon brand of kibble.Like yourself it was all trial and error to find the food he likes.If he doesn't like it he paws it and walks away.We have tried the all natural wet cat food bought it on line he hated it ! We have tried fish turned his nose up at it also chicken ! Its true Ragdolls are very fussy,usually he comes to me and meows when its his dinner time.The only wet food he likes is Sheba seafood.At times he is fussy with that!! I love Ragdolls!!
I got a ragdoll 2 weeks ago. I put his food out 4 times a day but he often grazes on it at points. He loves his wet food but isn't so interested by dry food, though will eat it if he's hungry.
Hello 👋 I had 2 ragdoll brothers Bailey & Jake. We lost Bailey aged 16, and more recently lost Jake last year aged 19. We had them from 3 months old. I was also told that this dry food diet was a good thing. How wrong that information is! Cats need raw meet as well as the other things. It's natural for them and their digestive system's. My 2 cat's ended up having issues with digestion and kidney function, which can all be connected to dry food only diets. So 🙏 please just give it some thought before choosing your kitties diets. 😻💌🐾
What about the fluff that mats and notice with mine my whole house is being draped in grey fur. My Lola is my Princess, a beauty like yours. Yep, extremely fussy. I clean litter EVERY time she uses it. I have a bag of grooming tools, have to brush, pull out matted bits, really every day. She is on the small side with green eyes, her tiny face is perfect. I leave food out all day, as I want her to keep up her weight. Other cats I've had no, but Lola, food always available. Your doing all the right things, I think.
Those were excellent tips…my beautiful Ragdoll lived to 19 yrs…wonderful cat! One important omission on your video I thought was how “social” and I think their need for social companionship would benefit them…even tho they are also independent and “strong willed”, I wish I had purchased 2 Ragdolls….instead of 1, he might have been even happier! Also…only negative I found was how much they shed!, even with grooming…tho that applies to other breeds too!
Can someone please tell me where to get a ragdoll kitten? (which is not adopted) It would really help because I want a ragdoll cat but I don't know where to fine one.
We have a ragdoll too. He looks just like your Elsa. Many vets advocate for a bit of wet at least to avoid crystals in the urine. It also is more in line with their natural diet. Imagine eating only dry food only every day. Yikes. I'm so glad you give her some wet food now. Ours is fussy too but we only give him the best food we can too. Hey try a tablespoon of tuna sometime. Great occasional treat and ours loves it. 🙂
I have 2 Persians I keep 6 litter boxs all over house. Fresh Waters bowls are all over corners. Kitten need to be taught to drink water often as possible.
Aw, Bonk is a good name. Now that you have him, does he live up to it, showing his love by bonking your forehead? I don't think I've ever had a cat that doesn't do this :). Lost my 2 20yearolds a couple years ago & still have a 14yearold. Got 2 new 8weekolds three days ago (ragdoll mixes) & they are a blast. I'm waiting very impatiently for them to tell me their names!
Thanks for the video, I have 2 ragdolls and they are quite different than Elsa. They sleep at night and play during the day, they looove their wet food and cant get them to eat the dried one at night (still trying hard!) and they are outdoor pets.
Great video! Was unsure whether to have a few routine or have food available all day. Bringing the kitten home in a cpl of days and looking forward to it. My plan is to have him in the spare room until he is happy and ready to explore the rest of the house. Is this the right method. My downstairs is very open plan and quite a large room. I'm nervous about leaving him downstairs alone at night whilst we asleep.
GPJ i know of a Ragdolls breeder in Western Washington and I know they will fly the cat. Their Facebook page is called ThunderingPaws Ragdolls Cattery in Joyce WA. Their kittens are beautiful and all live with husband and wife. Very friendly.
Actually until your kitten is 12weeks old they should have kitten milk at which point they start weening. As advised by my Vet. As long as it's lactose free cat milk.
Thanks for commenting. I think the advice given is different from breed to breed. It also depends at what age you actually get your kitten unless you’ve had them from birth
My little dude is mellow, nothing bothers him….. he is only 9 months so far very low maintenance…. I have 3 cats though 1 rescue pure black, 1 Himalayan blue point, and a Ragdoll. The Himalayan owns the house, the black cat gets in trouble, the ragdoll is the chillest cat ever…
My ragdoll does great with one litter box no accidents & seems happy! But...I know all kitties are very diff! And we got the ex lrg box & clean as often as possible! I want a robot litter box but I'm scared to get for him haha! But I def love all cats but ragdolls are my favorite no doubt! Good remarks on responsibility!
With all due respect, my cat, Dorian, LOVED Half-&-Half & she ADORED Eggnog & raw eggs! - She lived for over 20 years. AND, when I put Icy Hot on my legs, she would immediately run up to me & start licking away! LOL - I miss her SO very much . . . - Susan Burns
⭐️ Update ⭐️
Elsa is doing great. She is healthy and growing well. She has a balance of wet and dry food. She is getting plenty of play time and interaction. We recognise that every Ragdoll is different and not all of our tips will be the same for others 😊
shes a cutie
Hopefully you are also brushing her daily.
My Ragdoll Cocoa lived to be 16. He didn't like wet food either. I measured/free fed him Royal Canin Ragdoll formula. He was always a healthy weight. Toward the end of his life, I did switch him to a vet recommended kidney diet due to his lab work. He was such a wonderful cat. He passed away on 10/30/23 from kidney failure. I had him euthanized at home when his kidney levels were reaching critical levels. He transitioned peacefully in my arms. A happy cat to the end, he purred up to his final moments.
I loved Cocoa so much. Tou are so right that this is a commitment. While the loss is awful, I would do it all again. I'm so glad I got to know such a wonderful cat.
I always took extra moments to spend additional time with him when he sought attention. Even if it meant stopping what I was doing. I talked to him and engaged with him often. It makes such a difference when you put in the effort.
Elsa is beautiful. I know you will cherish her. ❤
I think the ragdolls’ behaviour depends on the cat’s personality. I have two ragdolls and they’re not at all fussy or messy. They’re both so gentle and patient! While I’m writing this my eldest rag doll (an 8 year old male) is asleep next to me and has managed to drown me in 2 tonnes of cat fluff 😂
You’re absolutely right 😊 they’re all so different
I agree mine already loves being social and he’s been really good with eating and litter box but I think the breeder was the difference and yes they all have different personalities, I have a bi-colored blue point 12 week kitten plus I am programming him to be awake in the daytime and sleep at night. He of course wakes up but he’s mellow and loving.
And my ragdoll is extremely shy 😔😔😔
I have a 9 month old ragdoll. The top thing I wish I was told before getting her was how much energy they have. I thought I was getting a lazy laid back cat but she doesn’t stop playing!! I wouldn’t change her for anything in the world but be prepared they’re feisty little buggers.
So true My 13 week old Blue lynx mitted is a nut case lol
@@isaacluke7344 hii! I’ve only gotten mine today, but she’s very shy so is she gonna be a nut job later.. Orr…?
@@satxrnsringz608 She will definitely come out of her shell soon! I have a boy so not sure if that'll make a difference .. but he was shy but he adjusted very quickly and within a day or 2 he was running riot around the house lol. All cats are different though !
@@isaacluke7344 I have the same color Ragdoll that you have, and he is sooooooo wild and hyper 😂. He only stops when he is sleeping
My kitten was shy the first 2 days and after that I couldn't get her to stop playing. she wakes me up at 6am every day to play
⭐️ UPDATE ⭐️
Elsa now has a combination of Applaws dry and Wet food! Which is 100% natural ingredients and no added nastiness! Thanks for everyone’s comments
It takes at least three to four years for a Ragdoll to fully mature.
Ahh thank you for letting us know 😊
Yes my Ragdoll kitten at night he plays with my hair and scratchs me! But thanks for telling us
baby spirit :)))
@@MeetTheBarwicks they also take two years for their coat to fully get it’s color. Pure ones are born white.
@@MeetTheBarwicks It also takes up to 4 years for Ragdolls to complete their colouring.
I'm laughing so hard about how cats really are fussy like humans. I think that's why I like them so much 😂 i respect an animal that cares about cleanliness like I do 😂
Absolutely. She’s so perfect that we can’t complain
My Radgoll is exactly the same ♥️😅😅
There is always food in my cats bowls. I prep a "special" dinner in the evening where I mix a reasonable portion of dry food with about a quarter of a 3oz can of wet food, mixed well. It seems to help them sleep through the night. Not a proven fact, but it works well for my clan of 8 (feral/rescue) cats. In the morning, I lay down fresh dry food for the day.
Really like your video, thank you for sharing! Just a note on the tail wagging and sleep. We've had our Ragdoll for 2 years (Sophie) and we have a Tortoise shell cat as well (Bella). I created a routine with my girls, when it's sleep time, play time, when it's breakfast and dinner. Even though cats are nocturnal, my girls always come and sleep with us, we taught them that it was not play time, we made a comfortable environment and they sleep through the night with us. We dedicate time when we get home in the evenings to play with them - this is were the tail wagging comes in, Sophie will stick her bottom in the air and her tail looks like a propeller, it swings around and goes crazy but she is in full play mode, she just wants us to throw her mouse and chase her into her toy tunnels and up the stairs. When she is annoyed, you'll see it on her face and then her tail sort of just flicks up and down - very different to when she is playing. So I guess you have to judge your cat personally, you'll know immediately if they want to play or if they are annoyed :) I have fallen in love with Ragdolls they are amazing!
I love your routine
The funniest thing about this is that i'm watching this bc im getting a ragdoll kitten tomorrow and I already have a cat named Elsa.
Same here 9 more hours for mine
i’m getting a ragdoll in 4 weeks,noticed that ur comment is from 2 weeks ago,hope everything is going well for you and your kitty❤️
@@Audrey-uf6ot Thank you so much for this beautiful comment! Everything is amazing, we love her so much and she has brought so much joy to the family. She is so comfortable here at home and was quick to play and show off her feisty personality! I'm so happy you are getting one soon! It will be so much fun and they are an amazing breed of cats, not to mention they are adorable!
How much did she cost you??
@@yukiii1680 Um its hard to remember but I think around 1-2 k. It depends on the breeder and their reputation. Lesser known or smaller breeders might charge less but it really depends. You just have to find the best one that suits you. Hope this helps
I found my Lynx Point Ragdoll one night, I scooped him up and brought him inside thinking he was my aunt's cat, what's inside it turns out he was a beautiful sweet stray whose head looked at like it had been used as a chew toy by a raccoon recently!! He was so sweet and calm and cuddly and affectionate and amazing to me I have nursed him back to health just the two of us he's the size of a full grown cat but he's definitely a kitten LOL I've never had a cat is disposition before and I've had many cats ragdolls are amazing and so beautiful and sweet I'm so glad I found him!
I had a Ragdoll from '71 to '91. Yes, he lived 20 years as an indoor/outdoor cat and only on dry food. If not for an unfortunate event, he would've loved another year or two. I just got another.
Have two, ages 10 and 11. I hope mine make it as long as yours did.
Mine was put down after 17yrs, again same as you. Mostly indoor except supervised outdoors and mostly dry food. And again an unfortunate event which ultimate led to him being put to sleep. If not for it, he definitely would of lasted a few more years. Will be getting more in Jan 2023
If you want or need a recommendation and you live in So Cal, I know a two breeders of quality Ragdolls.
@@fionnmaccumhaill3257 thank you very much but I'm a long way away. In London England. Already been in touch with a breeder who has been registered since 91, expecting a litter in 2 weeks.
Do you already know what you're getting in regards to pattern/color?
We have a precious ragdoll (Wooly) cat, too. He's VERY shy with strangers, but he loves to snuggle, and he follows us around like a puppy. We leave his crunchy food out, too, and he self-regulates, and isn't overweight at all. We also feed him Fancy Feast soft food with gravy every night. I wonder if he's a healthy weight because we feed him really good food without a lot of fillers (so he doesn't feel the urge to overeat). Anyway, he's about 4 years old, and his full coat is finally in. He's a sweet boy, for sure!
I loved reading this
What are fillers
I’ve reserved two ragdolls and I’m so excited 🥺
lucky ! I want to save for one
@@SM-ce1uy u should so worth it!
Don’t buy but adopt.
@@rush6968 sometimes people want certain breeds and there’s nothing wrong with that
@@crimson_auror Exactly!
We rescued a litter of kittens in our backyard and ended up keeping 3. That was 22 years ago. We still have 1 left, and it's our ragdoll. If you take good care of your furbabies, they will be with you for a long time. Sadly, he's approaching the end, but he's still a loveable little man. If possible, I want to get another ragdoll cat, but not really all that soon.
Absolutely love this comment. Thanks for sharing it
Elsa is so beautiful. I have a 3 year old seal point and she is the love of my life. She is a bit finicky with food so I usually sprinkle some freeze dried treats on top of her wet food and that works, as I personally believe in a mostly wet food diet (I free feed some dry so she can snack when she wants). She won't take a bath but the only smelly issue that occasionally happens is with her pants so they just get an occasional trim when necessary and it isn't an issue.
You do make a few "absolute" points which aren't necessarily true though - tail wagging is often because they are annoyed but can be a response to varying stimuli depending on the cat, and also, not every indoor cat requires you trim their nails because often their scratching post takes care of that for them.
JulesQ thank you for your feedback! We’re learning everyday (first time Ragdoll owners). It’s important to remember that every Ragdoll is different and so will be their character. I completely agree with your points though 😊
My ragdoll is a clumsy unco - the only cat who cant jump fences, fell out of a tree and gets attacked by birds, with his only defence flopping over. He’s an indoor boy! Love his unco-ness!
Ragdoll shave huge personalities so it’s hard to know what’s to expects from them, they all are so different😂
We have an 8-year-old, blue-mitted Ragdoll named Mr. McCloud! He's only ever had dry food, and absolutely HATED the wet food. I work from home and he's really my little buddy, following me from room to room and letting me know when he wants to be cuddled! He's the sweetest thing ever and we're so thrilled that we went with a Ragdoll!!
Patty Nunez ours was exactly the same. We’ve actually moved her onto applaws canned tuna which she’s loving. She also has her dry food too so has a good balance. We absolutely love her
I got my ragdoll after she was deemed unadopptable at the pound. She had littleraly no trust in humans and her past owners snipped half her ear off. My dad had finally gotten her for me. This cat has been with me threw thick and thin. I've had her since I was 7 and I'm 16 now, I dont know where I would be without her.
Oh my gosh, that’s absolutely beautiful (the part about having her since you were 7)
I have a Ragdoll who is 1, she is a blue point 😁 we have reserved a 2nd kitten from the same breeder. Ragdolls are amazing!
I hope you’re all really happy together
Where did you get ur kitten from! I’ve been interested in getting one but we can’t seem to find one!
Piper Crews where do you stay? I live in Scotland and got both of mine from
A breeder just outside glasgow x
Rach Hunter ok thank you!
We have a blue point male ragdoll who's 1.7 years old. He's getting a little brother next month (October,) a blue mink ragdoll.
If you're thinking about getting a dog or a cat, get a ragdoll - you'll get both!
Also, I recommend getting a litter robot. They're spendy but well worth the money!
You summed up everything ♥️♥️♥️♥️ I cannot imagine my life without my Ragdoll. Today is the birthday of the day she came into my life.
Thanks so much 😊
I have a rescue ragdoll mix, and I tried to give her a mix of dry and wet food, and she wouldn't hold the wet food down. She's actually pretty chill about what food I give her, but she had shown me a preference for a certain type after I bought her two kinds of dry food and two brands of wet food (I gave her one type per test, and some she'd ignore) The one she showed the most eagerness for is the one I've stuck with
15 scares me, it was something I was unsure if I could handle before adopting her. There was a point where I thought she got outside (inside cat) and my anxiety went overload
I have a ragdoll and he don't care at all about the litter that much I can use any type, and he don't get smelly at all, I only bath him ones a year, told by the veterinarian, they told me they don't really need it,
He is sweet but very independent, I had street cats that were more affectionate, so don't think cause u have a ragdoll is gonna be more affectionate than any other cat
I put food 3 times or so a day
He is very friendly to anyone and to my mums dog
I guess every Ragdoll is different
Got a male ragdoll kitten 4 weeks ago. Just loving him, he has sooooo much energy and plays alot. We called him bodhi. He is liking wet and dry food but that might change in the future. Your video was sooooo informative. Tx
I think ragdolls are considered adults around 3-4 years old :) also Elsa is a wonderful name!!
Thank you
Elsa was the lioness from Born free is that where you got her name from ?
@@boroboystu1 nope. Frozen
Over the past 20 years I have had 6 purebreed Ragdolls, and I haven't had any that were fussy concerning their litterbox. I think this is just specific to Elsa. They need a bath on a regular basis, and need a haircut just like we do.
I'm torn between a Maine Coon or a Ragdoll as my first time cat, how would you compare both personalities?. I live in an apartment.
I kinda have to disagree with you about a few things in your video though:
I have 2 pure breed ragdolls myself so this is how I have done it:
* Wet food? We give them twice per day. Dry food, one time which is always at lunch. They don't get food all the time but they get a certain time just so they can get used to it. Wet food is both Applaws and Royal Canin. Dry food is Royal Canin. I don't like that "Nature brand thing". But Royal Canin and Applaws are great!
* They are up all nights playing? Yeah in the beginning kinda a bit but once they get a bit older, they stopped doing that, they nowadays sleep all the way from 00:00 midnight (sometimes even earlier, like 10 PM) to 6:00 AM where they want to go pooping and peeing and yeah, want to get food. Which is fine for us since 6 hours of sleep is all we need.
* I would suggest everyone to get PURE BREED ragdolls which means 100 % ragdolls and that their parents should both have certified "pedigree" for their cats. In that way, you own cat will also get a certified pedigree. This is important since you will for sure know your cat is 100 % ragdolls and not a mixed one with hidden disease or something. In Sweden, we have family tree for pure bred cats and we can follow if there have been incests in the tree or nor or any hidden disease, etc. Also important to get a certified vet confirmation that your cat is healthy one week before you bring your cat home.
* Our cats are... EXPENSIVE! They costed us like 1500 eur EACH when we bought them. Important to sign insurrance for them immediately. One of our cats got problems with stomach and the vet bill was like almost 3000 eur....and thank god we had insurrance already back then.
* The worst part with owning Ragdolls is that you really gotta check their asses everytime they poop since their poop can hang and stuck in their fur now and then everytime they poop. Make sure to check it out as much as you can! Nobody likes to have poop hanging next to your anus all days...
* Otherwise, I think owning ragdolls is the best decision we have made! They love us as much as we love them. They are truly loving family members. They regard YOU humans as their fellow cat family member. They don't change their behavior just because you are human. They treat you the same way they would treat their siblings or parents.
That's why when a cat loves you, you know that you truly deserved that love. You basically earnt it.
Just pity cats cannot live 80-90 years like humans. That's something we would wished. They deserve to live a long life.
Fantastic advice! We have 3 Ragdolls age 7,8 and 9, they all have different characters but we love each one of them
John White thank you! Not all the advice is relevant to every Ragdoll. We’re learning everyday the differences between some!
I’m getting a ragdoll cat in two days and im so excited I really want to treat him well so I’ve been doing a lot of research about some stuff like wet food or dry food and this really helped me bc people kept saying that you have to feed wet food only and that got me really worried because I felt I would to him wrong if I just gave him dry food
There isn’t much NUTRITION in dry burned out dry food. Cats don’t eat that in nature, don’t give it to a beloved house cat!
My Ragdoll was best cat ever, loving ,gentle, sweet!
BEWARE :Ragdolls, bc of the inbreeding it took, have tendency to develop hardening around heart which is often fatal.
(Owners often have to inform the vets about it.!)
You are never ever prepared for the loss of your beloved member of your family. 😢 even when you can see that it’s coming, it will still be too soon
We have a Balenese, she’s our fussy little baby. We’ve fell in love w her. You’re tips are right on. Scratching posts and cat-trees will be much appreciated by everyone. Discipline to cats is not like dogs. I’ve found the best way to reprimand is to change my voice inflection. We have 2 kitties, one is a rescue. He still doesn’t trust humans like Snowy does. He runs to hide when voices are raised, or loud noises where she is curious...& seeks to find out what’s causing the ruckus. I’m going to try a harness to see if she would care for a stroll outdoors.
we've had cats before and now we want a Ragdoll because our boy just passed away and the house is sad without a cat. We've always let our cats eat throughout the day and none of them were ever obese...
I’m getting a ragdoll kitten this weekend
Congratulations 🥳
Toilet Paper me too! I am going to name her Piper and she is a blue lynx mink Ragdoll female! She is currently 7 1/2 weeks old.
Schuyler Durant enjoy
Oh, don’t worry... I WILL
If you don’t mind me asking, how much do ragdoll kittens cost please? x
I have 8 four boys four girls. Fiona, Chino , Francesca, Harley, Harlynn , Yogi,Magoo lastly Lucy. The first two are mom and dad all cats are fixed not a breeder
This was excellent information, very helpful. Straight up advice.
You have said vital things about having a pet 👏👏👏👏👏👏 well done & Elsa is absolutely gorgeous 😻
Thanks so much
I have a 10 week old kitten Ragdoll two day’s now he so full of life running jumping my 7 year old twins love him
My breeder feed him Royal Cannin kitten food & he seems okay with that.
I’m excited to get a Ragdoll 😊
When are you getting one?
I’m getting one June 4th and I’m so exited! I never got a heart thank you so much!
@@saltyermoose9030 Where are you getting from. I am in Atlanta and was looking for recommendations for a breeder to get my Ragdooll from
GPJ I have no idea my mom picked the breaker but i think she is around Georgia. But I don’t know sorry.
Saltyer Moose Getting one in July
I have a Ragdoll His name is Tucker he is 5 years old ,I have him since he was 12 weeks old all 2lb 6oz of him. He came from a breeder in Texas and I live in Connecticut all alone on a Delta flight and my heart burst when I saw him. He is a flame point ragdoll so he is creamy white with peach / red on his points he also has a few freckles on his pink nose.He is a pure joy I love him so much.He is very smart .... and he eats very well also but he loves to get his teeth brushed 2X a week. I can’t say he has any fault but I have been told that male Ragdoll are more loving than a female. He understand when I talk to him and he know when it treat time . I don’t think there is a more loving breed than Ragdoll. But I think I am very lucky he is the love of my life. Enjoy you Ragdoll they are a special gift
I have a Ragdoll kitten who is now 7 months old. She is huge. She enjoys raw food which consists of minced beef/diced chicken, boiled chicken dices and I have found purizon dry food is one she really likes mixed with Royal canin kitten. Your so right about them sleeping all day! She chaces her tail at like 3 in the morning.
Did you ever have trouble with kitten diarrhoea? No matter what we give our ragdoll kitten .she still has diarrhoea.
We always leave food out 24/7 for our 3 cats. They are at a healthy weight. We also give them a half can of wet cat food in the evening & a couple of treats.
We have a male seal point ragdoll that is almost two years old. He’s a very big boy! He uses the restroom outside. He’s very vocal and will have conversations with us (me, my youngest son, my roommate, and my roommate’s daughter)
I was waiting for her to swat at you lol
Gamegirl I was too 😂 she’s so gentle and loving that she just doesn’t do that
My ragdoll gets wet breakfast at 7 am and dry throughout the day and wet dinner at 7 pm. The vet said that was perfect, but to watch how much dry she eats. Kittens (my ragdoll is 1 year old) need around 300 Kcal/day. Each can of wet provides between 180 - 220 Kcal per can. So half a can of food per feeding. Plenty of water and lots of play.
I have a seal mitted mink Ragdoll male that is 7yrs old that I got when he was abandoned by his own and left to fin for himself outside when his family moved away so I've been his mom since he was about 4 months old the vet guessed, he's name is Neko Maru he is looks like your kitty but has a white patch on his upper lip that looks like a milk spot that makes him unique at 20lbs he still loves his bath weekly and goes for a stroller ride outside daily to watch the birds and sunbathe, we love him dearly, thanks for making this video your kitty is so beautiful and you are an angel to teach people about responsibility being a pet owner, we also use kitten dry food and clump litter in a very very large open litter box daily cleaned
That's sad rag doll can't defend them selves
That’s sad
I think most cats can be "programmed" to be day animals, but it does take a little effort. I am blessed to be home all day, so I wake them up to play and eat as often as I can. Only had these two (8 weeks old) for three days and last night they slept thru almost the whole night. They haven't cried for their mom at all. I really don't want to hear anyone telling me they are too young for separation, they are bonded with me as their mother already, and are perfectly capable of their own toilet and cleaning chores - mini adults, really :)
Thank you so much for creating this video I’ve seen a lot of cat videos and I would say be on the shadow of a doubt that’s the best cat video I’ve ever seen very informative 👍👍 thank you again
Thanks so much 😊
Elsa needs a Litter-Robot. I have 3 Ragdolls and the Litter-Robot has been our best cat related purchase ever. I swear I don't work for the company...just love the fact I don't have to waste my time scooping litter anymore!
We’ll check that out
Hello, does having a litter robot eliminate the need of having 2 litter boxes for one cat?
great video, thank you. I adore these cats, my favorite is ragdoll. little darlings. thank you
Thank you
Love the video! We are getting a ragdoll in a month and we're so excited :-)
RobDeb L how’s your Ragdoll doing
@@MeetTheBarwicks We are going to pick a kitten from the litter hopefully this weekend :-) We are hoping to get a male seal bicolor But if one of the other ones are more cuddly then we might get that one :-) We won't be able to get it until the last week of September I think. I'm so excited! We got a tabby cat from the humane society a year ago and I really love her but she is definitely moody and independent and I'm excited to get a ragdoll because of hearing that they are more cuddly and like to be more of a companion. Have you found that to be true?
my dog died instantly. literally I was having a coffee with her, cuddling and watching tv,. I got up to put my mug into the sink and got her some of her favorite treats, when I turned around to call her cause I was going back to the living room couch, SHE just fell over dead-no warning. she had been healthy all morning. I was devastated . we had her for 14yrs. literally here one minute, 14yrs gone in less than 7 seconds.
Garden Glory , I’m so sorry for your loss. I think the reason I have not had a pet in many years is because I find it so hard to get over the end.
I am sorry for your loss. There are several positive aspects to the way your dog passed away, however One, she did not suffer. Two, you did not have to go through the agonizing decision whether or not you should put a terminally ill pet to sleep or not in order to end their suffering. Three, her last moments were being cuddled and loved by you! Sounds like she lived a long life and was well cared for and loved. I know your pain. My cat, Bunny Precious, was 19 years old when I lost her to kidney failure. I miss her very much. She was a Ragdoll. I highly recommend the breed. She was amazing!
Really wanted a ragdoll but no shelters in my area had one 😭 (I still love my dsh though 💕)
I had a Rag doll cat that looked exactly like your baby. I wouldn't give her any dry food at all. They make cats get crystals in their urine, then blocks. Males and females get it. Once I just gave them wet food, no more urinary and kidney issues. Highly suggest. Use the dry as a treat now and then.
No. 15, Couldn’t agree more. I experienced losing twice and it still hurts. We can never be able to be prepared for losing them.
Especially cats you adopted from the streets who was once in devastating condition. You feel like you should've done more for them.
I stopped making TH-cam video after losing my last cat.
Big mistake to leave food out all day for when she will get older that breed is prone to gaining weight. Get an automatic food dispenser. I always add an ounce of no salt( no onions or garlic either) chicken broth to the food to compensate for the lack of moisture from dry food. Play with her for at least 30 minutes a day so that she can burn energy and invest in quality interactive toys so that she can continue to play while you are at work. You will see then that she will sleep at night. They are also prone to separation anxiety so if you can afford 2 from the same litter and of the same sex from the beginning they won't get bored when you are out of your house.If you cannot afford another ragdoll you can still get a 2nd cat, a regular cat for company. Your little diva is gorgeous by the way. You also have to groom them daily so they are pretty high maintenance but worth every second for they are so lovable. Also get a water fountain and always use stainless steel bowl. Give them also a high protein, low carb, no grain diet, dry or wet. If you have plants at your place find out which ones are toxic on TH-cam. My ex had 2 females, Baby Girl and Pussy Galore (Puss for short) and I honestly miss them more than I ever missed him.
Feed your cat a little at a time. Working the room is often the only exercise your rag doll gets. I fed my rag doll 4-6 times per day and she loved the excitement of being fed. She never had a weight proble either.
These are some really good tips for preparing for a Ragdoll. I've had Ragdolls in my life and home since 2013 and love them to pieces. On my channel- Living with Ragdolls- my current two Harry and Odin are the stars of my mini movies! The latest film is an action adventure story which involves finding a 'treasure' and for the eight minutes of final film I think I actually took two hours of footage just so that I could capture them doing what they do best - being Ragdolls. Great to hear that Elsa is doing well, you obviously love her to pieces. X
Very nice advice.
This was exceptionally helpful. Thank you. I don't have my Ragdoll kitten yet but on the list, hopefully by the end of March. In the meantime I am really enjoying shopping for al l the cute and fun things for my kitten also the necessities like a good litter box, now I know I have to get two. LOL! I am doing quite a bit of sorting out and making a nice space for my beautiful Ragdoll. so excited and really looking forward to it.
We’re planning on getting one soon! Naming her Coconut.
good name
What a lovely name
Where is this man from?
He's got that whole South Boston side-of-mouth talking/smiling thing going on, but (call me crazy) I'm guessing he's not from Boston.
It's charmingly endearing. Reminds me of my great uncles.
Somewhere in England- I wonder the city.
Be well!
We took a ”boy” ragdoll then at the vet comes we have a girl ))) but the funniest thing is, we lookied for a name like for a months, Archie btw)) after Vet sad this is girl, we thought it’s Ok,we leave it, because she knows her name is Archie.
😂 this made me chuckle
Meet The Barwicks sorry for my English 🙄🙈 now we have a real diva😌After I watched your video, I see “her” in a new perspective,still hard to realize that “he” is a girl. Food is now our big problem. 🤯
Loved the video!!
I have a Ragdoll 4 years always leave food out for him.He never over eats.Mind he does have 2 wet meals a day plus a Purizon brand of kibble.Like yourself it was all trial and error to find the food he likes.If he doesn't like it he paws it and walks away.We have tried the all natural wet cat food bought it on line he hated it ! We have tried fish turned his nose up at it also chicken ! Its true Ragdolls are very fussy,usually he comes to me and meows when its his dinner time.The only wet food he likes is Sheba seafood.At times he is fussy with that!! I love Ragdolls!!
I got a ragdoll 2 weeks ago. I put his food out 4 times a day but he often grazes on it at points. He loves his wet food but isn't so interested by dry food, though will eat it if he's hungry.
I guess every Ragdoll is different 😊
Hello 👋
I had 2 ragdoll brothers Bailey & Jake. We lost Bailey aged 16, and more recently lost Jake last year aged 19.
We had them from 3 months old.
I was also told that this dry food diet was a good thing.
How wrong that information is!
Cats need raw meet as well as the other things. It's natural for them and their digestive system's.
My 2 cat's ended up having issues with digestion and kidney function, which can all be connected to dry food only diets.
So 🙏 please just give it some thought before choosing your kitties diets. 😻💌🐾
I’m getting my Ragdoll in about two weeks, I’m so excited!❤️😭
What about the fluff that mats and notice with mine my whole house is being draped in grey fur. My Lola is my Princess, a beauty like yours. Yep, extremely fussy. I clean litter EVERY time she uses it. I have a bag of grooming tools, have to brush, pull out matted bits, really every day. She is on the small side with green eyes, her tiny face is perfect. I leave food out all day, as I want her to keep up her weight. Other cats I've had no, but Lola, food always available. Your doing all the right things, I think.
Those were excellent tips…my beautiful Ragdoll lived to 19 yrs…wonderful cat! One important omission on your video I thought was how “social” and I think their need for social companionship would benefit them…even tho they are also independent and “strong willed”, I wish I had purchased 2 Ragdolls….instead of 1, he might have been even happier!
Also…only negative I found was how much they shed!, even with grooming…tho that applies to other breeds too!
very good video, I learn a lot , Grt from Belgium
Can someone please tell me where to get a ragdoll kitten? (which is not adopted) It would really help because I want a ragdoll cat but I don't know where to fine one.
We have a ragdoll too. He looks just like your Elsa. Many vets advocate for a bit of wet at least to avoid crystals in the urine. It also is more in line with their natural diet. Imagine eating only dry food only every day. Yikes. I'm so glad you give her some wet food now. Ours is fussy too but we only give him the best food we can too. Hey try a tablespoon of tuna sometime. Great occasional treat and ours loves it. 🙂
Tha ks for sharing! Elsa is beautiful. ❤
Awww I have a seal minted mink. He is my favorite!!!
They’re so beautiful 😍
It's so useful thank you♡♡ And you're cat is so beautiful. I am planning to buy a ragdoll, and so it's so so so useful thank you!! ♡♡
Jordan Afruz thank you
Thanks for sharing the useful info 👍
Fantastic suggestions and ideas! Awesome!!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Hope it all goes well for you
We just bought our "Ragdollkitten Pixie. We are teaching her to walk, because we have always had a dog, I wonder if we will succeed..
How's it going? I am getting one in a month and hope to teach mine to walk too
I have 2 Persians I keep 6 litter boxs all over house. Fresh Waters bowls are all over corners. Kitten need to be taught to drink water often as possible.
They sound beautiful 😊
Absolutely gorgeous
I’m so excited to get my ragdoll kitten June 5!!! His name is going to be bonk 💕
Cute name
How is it going?.
Aw, Bonk is a good name. Now that you have him, does he live up to it, showing his love by bonking your forehead? I don't think I've ever had a cat that doesn't do this :). Lost my 2 20yearolds a couple years ago & still have a 14yearold. Got 2 new 8weekolds three days ago (ragdoll mixes) & they are a blast. I'm waiting very impatiently for them to tell me their names!
I have gorgeous Birmans and leave measured food out all day too. I think cats are grazers and like to eat little and often. Elsa is a real beauty!
Getting a Mink seal Ragdoll kitten in two weeks, super excited 🤩🥰
I get my first ragdoll in Nov so excited, hes a blue bicolor lynx ...just need to find a name
Thanks for the video, I have 2 ragdolls and they are quite different than Elsa. They sleep at night and play during the day, they looove their wet food and cant get them to eat the dried one at night (still trying hard!) and they are outdoor pets.
So excited to get my ragdoll in 2 weeks ☺️
ragdolls really are the cutest...
We are getting a ragdoll kitten next weekend I saw her grumpy face like come on human put me down. ..I'm like this is my kinda cat boujee lol
Great video! Was unsure whether to have a few routine or have food available all day. Bringing the kitten home in a cpl of days and looking forward to it. My plan is to have him in the spare room until he is happy and ready to explore the rest of the house. Is this the right method. My downstairs is very open plan and quite a large room. I'm nervous about leaving him downstairs alone at night whilst we asleep.
I just put a deposit down for my second one. Love my ragdolls!
That’s fantastic
Where are you getting the Ragdoll from ?
GPJ i know of a Ragdolls breeder in Western Washington and I know they will fly the cat. Their Facebook page is called ThunderingPaws Ragdolls Cattery in Joyce WA. Their kittens are beautiful and all live with husband and wife. Very friendly.
@@victoriayork9608 Thank you
Actually until your kitten is 12weeks old they should have kitten milk at which point they start weening. As advised by my Vet. As long as it's lactose free cat milk.
Thanks for commenting. I think the advice given is different from breed to breed. It also depends at what age you actually get your kitten unless you’ve had them from birth
My little dude is mellow, nothing bothers him….. he is only 9 months so far very low maintenance…. I have 3 cats though 1 rescue pure black, 1 Himalayan blue point, and a Ragdoll. The Himalayan owns the house, the black cat gets in trouble, the ragdoll is the chillest cat ever…
We have a seal mit girl too and another boy coming this week. They’re very good cats. Out girl sleeps all night.
They’re just so puuuuuurfect
My ragdoll literally ruled the house within 2 hours, didn't even need the feline spray 😂
My ragdoll does great with one litter box no accidents & seems happy! But...I know all kitties are very diff! And we got the ex lrg box & clean as often as possible! I want a robot litter box but I'm scared to get for him haha! But I def love all cats but ragdolls are my favorite no doubt! Good remarks on responsibility!
With all due respect, my cat, Dorian, LOVED Half-&-Half & she ADORED Eggnog & raw eggs! - She lived for over 20 years. AND, when I put Icy Hot on my legs, she would immediately run up to me & start licking away! LOL - I miss her SO very much . . . - Susan Burns
I love his Ragdoll but the kitties in cages at the local animal shelter make just as good a furry family member as a $1K plus “special breed” cat.
I also have a seal mitted Mink Ragdoll. I usually have to hold her in order for others to pet her.