'member when base fights used to be 50/50 pop. I thought popdumping platoons with beacons used to be bad but this last nine months has put things into perspective. 'member sustained fights? 'member when you could fight at a base and people would always show up and it wasn't either 40 people or zero. What are your thoughts? Subscribe for more!
Tbh i dont really care if i dont like a fight i go somewhere else i have more problems with prowlers vanguards and shotguns then with the spawn system honestly i even like it cause i can just choose a fight and i dont have to drive somewhere for 10 min and die in 10 sec
Stop with the fights were always 50/50 Lie...They weren't, they always ranged between 40-50/50-60 fights, that was the usual range...It wasn't always exactly 50/50. Also you don't need all fights to be 50/50, this is Planetside, a WAR/Resource game....It's not suppose to be 100% even all the time, just like real war, sometimes you are outgunned....and that's ok, I love that personally(also appreciate 50/50 fights). 40-50/50-60 fights are winnable....Sure the odds might be against you when it's 40/60, but they are totally winnable if your team is good enough....So stop putting this idea into people's heads that they automatically lose if they are below 50%....that's complete BS, and a horrible idea to put into people's head. I agree with you though, something is wrong with the current system and it needs to be changed/reverted, these 33/66 and 20/80 fights that we seen more of lately is horrible to the game since those are truly pretty much unwinnable(base matters and the lesser the players, the more likely you can win a 33/66 and 20/80 so it can happen, it's just very hard).......but yeah you don't need exact 50/50 fight, this ain't a matchmaking game. "if you do really well, it doesn't matter", yeah it does, in 40/60 fights, it totally does and you can totally beat the bigger team..stop with this defeatism BS, sure the odds are against you but it's still very much winnable.....and you don't need an outfit of tryhards to win 40/60 fights, a few vets and some will can win 40/60 fights. It seems like you want LEGIT matchmaking, and control over players freedom of movement like it was some Arena shooter....That has never been planetside and never will...perfect 50/50 sounds like the worst idea ever, and stop lying that it happened, it was more balanced but not 50/50. Bro, it's a WAR game......WAR is never 50/50 always....Sure you get 50/50 fights which is awesome, I hope Planetside gets more of them, I hope the majority are as close to 50/50 as they can but you don't need perfect 50/50....40/60, is perfectly fine, specially in a WAR game............It's ok with the odds being against you, it makes the defending/capture even better......If you want a controlled matchmaking experience, go play another game, it ain't planetside.
The current spawn system is so terrible, I practically stopped playing Medic and switched to Infiltrator because its the only viable class in overpoped fights.
even with the old spawns rules , it was 'easy' to bring overpop , had to for some places like west pass for exemple .you just carryfully place spawns for people to spawn , instantly redeploy or run for 20 second and then be in the right hex , mext death they will be able to spawn on a closer in hex spawn . that a lot of 'spawn' words .😅
I hate the current spawn system and overpopulation problems, but I would never trade performance consistency to fix it either on client side or server side.
Currently not playing PS2 till there's a fix to this very issue. It's just unplayable for me now even when using alt accounts. It's a shame as this game really gives gampeplay that you won't really find anywhere else. Hope it gets fixed...
Agree. I lost interest in Planetside 2 because for some reason the last couple weeks i was eigher me part of a big Zerg force, waiting with the tank outside to get the capture XP or being victim to such a Zerg force, playing the "who lasts the longest outside the spawn room?". The only time I felt like I do change the ties on the battlefield was when I tried to solo-capture bases. I was playing that game for a month straight after not playing it for a couple years, and sure, I had very enjoyable moments with this game, but the frustrating or just plain bad moments are worse and I found that I could use that time to do other things.
I know planetside2 since they realased game. My laptop is to old to handle game so i started on my PS4... Game is different now... There is short time for redeploy...u are risking life for revive, then body is gone... medic is useless if u are not camping on point...no one wanna bring sundy to battle u are sitting on base and no one want to start battle enemy at home you at home in spawn room because u unlocked continent (i hate oshur btw no more esamir? :( ...)but there in only one connection to enemy base and people are pissed off u can feel apathy...or zerg so sad
I believe stronger sunderers, and the ability to spawn a sunderer for AMS, as well as being able to spawn your own tank to defend it, would make huge changes when it comes to spawns and spawn protection. After all, who would want to defend the sunderer more than yourself? But if tanks start rolling in, how are you truly going to counter them when you're already the person who has spawned the sundy?
I have been complaining since january, i didnt wanted this BS to be in game at all. These overpops are killing so many aspects of the game, its a total mystery to me, how nobody is complaining..... is it because devs said "temporary" so people >know< it will eventually end so they dont bother to complain about it? Are devs outsmarting overybody with that? ... ?
Look, I see both sides of your argument friend; some players do want competitive, small stacks of skilled players vs small stacks of skilled players "Battlefield" CS: GO style gameplay. The reason I theorize why people aren't complaining about the spawn system as much has a lot to do with the fact that this isn't the two mentioned games above, on top of the fact that many hours of the day we have such LOW pop...I want you to understand, and I'm hoping that others have had the same impression that it sucks to see the game have many 1 big battle going with old days level of troops on ground (I don't really care about differences faction pop wise, I'm the stubborn "Dig in and hold out until reinforcements arrive" Mentality to begin with. I love seeing 2hr + Slogs at one area fighting 3:1 and somehow surviving). To get back to the point, the game across many hours on Emerald (Only server I play on, so I speak for its case) is dead most 1st and 2nd shift Weekday hours US East Coast hours, with only one continent usually even running. Weekends I have to wait until afternoon for things to pick up so the fact that we all can get to the intensive kill farms faster, is what in my opinion keeps to the game's strengths and hides the fact we just don't have the player base across the time zones we used to. Not here to argue as my closing sentence, just trying to provide a 2nd opinion, since there has been quite a few videos you've put out that have the same grinding wheel on the same topic of "Spawn system needs to be redone"/ Yet not many people are complaining about it. I joke saying it gives a "Think man, think" meme impression :P
Hit detection is still a problem for me on Ps5. Idk about other players, but after years of playing this game I'm considering calling it quits on this game.
@@-.sy.5367 sorry my english is not good. I mean i just wish they bring back the old days... mass gal..mass parachute into a base fight. Was cool to watch. Also PhysX.
How about they start with not allowing vehicles in trees, or tanks to drive up mountain sides, or heck, how about not allowing vehicles to sit halfway across the map and just shoot into a decent fight taking place at a base. And for goodness sakes, get rid of all the ridiculous amounts of orbital strikes. Put a limit on them!
I don't think people are complaining because the zerging isnt an issue. Its planetside 2, the whole point is big fights 96+/96+ where you have to call in reinforcements to push out the enemy. I wouldn't play this game if every fight was 12-24. Theres nothing more epic than the enemy spawn camping where your platoon flanks them behind or drops on the point. Half the noobies dont even know most bases have a teleporter room or how to set up a router base for extra spawn logistics
in last 2 week, connery turn into "no fun" server always 45%+ NC pop at prime time, and at off time when R18 online it's 40~50% TR, even try hard NSO player play the most pop faction instead of help lower pop.
I thought the nso were put in the game to help with the underpopped factions, why is it that theres so many of them running around on overpopped factions ? am i missing something ... and yeah, also tired of the 40%+ NC .. i rarely ever see TR in the 40's though, not half as much as everyone loves to stack NC .. TR won both prime time alerts yesterday though, when NC had a massive overpop .. it was glorious, the NC were so mad after losing that first alert, so they focused all of their forces on TR at the begining and ended up losing again.. it made my day
80% of current NSO player is member and they can pick faction they wanna play. NSO weapon abit hard for new player to stick around long enought. Also if that player login when pop still balance and he's NC merc, without login out he still a Nc for the rest of the day.
@@l.ignasio7326 yeah, i thought when you logged into an nso character that it would put you on a faction that was struggling with population.. i thought that was the whole idea of it. I think alot of the nso weapons are pretty decent but yeah, they all feel the same and it would get pretty boring.. ive never played nso personally, i only play TR no matter what the circumstances are, i see alot of people switching factions during alerts and after alerts.
Somewhat offtopic but for the love of god can ALL amp stations be 3 control point bases? I am so sick and tired of the gate diffusor cheese and the fact that repairing the shield gens actually HELPS the attackers...
Wanted to write before I watch. Then I'll add more after, I love fighting as the underpop. I know the majority doesn't but for me it's the best way to farm. Nothing like a 65-35 fight where I can rack up maybe 15-20 kills in the 3 ish minutes I have with a hard spawn.
So after vid thoughts, I mean the hit reg was a big issue. For me it's is more important. I definitely think zergs are an issue primarily during off hours(non primetime) I often find the term "redeployside" appropriate for this though. If you stop entertaining a zerg during off hours/non alert they will get bored and disband. And if it's during an alert, there is no issue imo🤷♂️ the game is an fps mmo. If a faction wants to take a 96+ group and March across the map in order to try and win who's to say they shouldn't be allowed to? The games about teamwork right? Cut them off. Back cap them or, again, avoid it entirely and go to the other front... I agree though zergs shouldn't be so common. It's a tough one I think change is needed and more should talk about it. That way we can find a better solution then messing with hit reg again. Commend the video
I agree with your points those 65-35 fights are great, really make you feel badass going against the horde; but in my experience the majority of fights are more like 90-10 and you just get pummeled. It gets a bit frustrating to see that quick deploy is disabled even when you are literally the only one fighting 20+ people. I just hope that whatever the devs do doesn’t destroy the game (idk why but for like a month the game was unplayable for me)
@@felixfonderie8391 I definitely agree there are times when no one can be bothered to come fight a zerg and it's 80-20 or worse like you said, 90-10. Unfortunately I don't think I have a solution and it definitely needs to be talked about more. For me reverting and sacrificing fair fights only to see more unfair faulty hit registration isn't a good move so. I think that's why they don't have a solution yet. It's not so simple!
i think the dev team needs the (old blood) bring back the old planetside 1 devs & put back some of the good stuff that was lost not the bad stuff like lvl caps:( but like build your own class:) or continental ladies. maybe even mechs but implement it right so people dont hate it giv it to every1 dont make it a eleetest unlock just a big timer/cost :). bring back building land bases & building in/up existing baces. tone down the 1 hit kill stuff so new peeps can learn the game like the implant in ps1 called second chances that stopped u from get istagbd or just add more hp so its 1 hit 1 hp beuce 1 hit kill stuff is super OP & givs your opponent no chance to fight back thats y i ues it :(so im nerfing my selff saying this & add more class customizations more implants slots so its not just best in slot stuf more cross class stuff i much rather thay went back to the ps1 make your own class system because i bin paying engy for like 20+ years:(& every time i switch it feel like im getting jipped for passive XP or at least give all the classes some type passive XP deployables/or buffs like HA & LA r strong but lak XP drip:(. & Y cant i respec?? devs??? i wass a alfa bata noob i spent points on dumb stuff or u nerfd the stuff that was good i want my points back:( PS sorry for the rant u started it lol& to much coffee
Wild cards aren't the problem for zergs on connery especially right now since NC is usually the one 1.5-2x the pop. Also is one of the few platoons that do try strategize. All the factions have atleast one prominent public platoon open outfit, and wildcards just happen to be the one on connery vs. But having played all the factions they actually are just more coordinated, and folks in the vs seem more quick to listen to orders. In turn TR are not to bad either. NC has the pop and zerg the most mindlessly, but depending on how big the pop still lose because of it. Haha also am a NC connery main.
for me TWC isn't the problem, their leader only seeking fun and "unfair" fight to boost their member spirit, that why they always make stupid decision. The real problem of connery is alot of player prefer toxic game play like how R18, WTAC instantly overpop that base in under 10s with shjt lot of vehicles and footzerg.
@@Igor369 We do, but not like it was, after Oshur came around we couldn't fight anywhere in large groups or the area would just turn into a mass of flying bodies.
@@Igor369 believe or not i'm a Vietnamese player playing from Vietnam, my ping always stable at 180 190ms. I rather play at high ping than play at Soltech the doom server.
could they please remove spawning at other bases unless you make it INTO the hex. like bring some logistics gameplay like columns and galaxy squadrons. would give both armor and infantry more to do and stop redeployside
Zerging is REQUIRED for the game to function. commanders have a response speed issue. any problem in the game can be solved by bringing more dudes and going fast + cohesively at the weak link with hard counters.
Yea they fixed lag and lost plenty of people I know used to play. I get on once a month to check if it's better, till then I would rather play a game that cares about small groups of people who want to enjoy this VIDEO GAME.
IMO the current spawn system (no delay on spawns) result in on average very, very low quality fights and MUCH less actual engagements since it's either stomp or get stomped. And if it's this bad, that it's either hit reg problems or having to go to the legacy spawn system then drop EVERYTHING else and work on this to solve it. As it is now the game is dying/turning to a pile of shit.
RPG keeps getting side tracked all the freaking time, what game are they actually trying to develop here? Planetside 2 or PS Arena? They need to drop OW and focus on their primary live product instead of some sweat niche, RPG also demonstrates their inability to understand the cause and effects whenever they make changes which leads to to the conclusion that they have no idea what they're doing or which direction they're taking this game, it's simply a matter of blowing in the wind like the past 10 years or so, as for the other major youtubers covering this game here on youtube are likely for too concerned with getting on a bad footnote with the devs that they rather keep quiet about instead of speaking their minds, it's such a sad frustrating situation, a decade after release Planetside 2 has a huge laundry list of broken things that the devs refuse to do anything about and many of them are very much fixable.
lattice is made for a dying game , adjust the lattice system :D remove rockletrifle ,and forbid ipdan from zerging. And maybe a crazy change would be to remove squadbeacons and let people use logistic
Overpop fights are everywhere . Noobs are ok with going in the zerg and trying to get some fun there . It's not fun , if you play for more than 100 hours that's not what the game is about . People on forums / discord are part of outfits . Big outfits don't really care about the spawn , as they gather a lot of people and can do something on any fight . If they can't in the most populated one , they'll choose the next one . But this spawn system is cancer for solo players . After 10 years of quick-redeploy base defense , this kind of gameplay is void right now . Defending can't be done unless you use some meta builds that can work when underpop . So you can't do directives . The alert is just a joke and always frustrating . Double team is so painful it's the moment to quit . Frankly they should allow ghost capping any region and delete the lattice system . So the result of the alert is more clear : vanu warpgates the other 2 , while NC and TR fight in a remote region . Or they should just delete the alerts and close the continent after 2-3 hours .
PS2 is a mindless zergfest, it literally cannot be fixed. Everything in this game that matters revolves around having more players instead of skill/strategy and there is no getting around it. really the only solution is to play PS1
This dude literally starts the video complaining being overwhelmed with the current spawn system, then 4 minutes later he talks about how he and his mates don't go for sundees and just wanna farm players. This man plays a mmo shooter like it's farmville, you people are the reason this game is dying lmfao Might get back into it, might actually become better at this point
F%#^$# outfit wars devs just go make a lobby shoot someplace else.:( & i play planetside because its not a lobby shooter its a war sim & war is not 10V10 faer :(& i love this games mass epic craycray wars:) this dev team needs to bring in fresh new blood and the crusty ps1 old blood i feel like the devs ran out of good ideas & R working on fluff :( if only they let me mod this game
'member when base fights used to be 50/50 pop. I thought popdumping platoons with beacons used to be bad but this last nine months has put things into perspective.
'member sustained fights? 'member when you could fight at a base and people would always show up and it wasn't either 40 people or zero.
What are your thoughts? Subscribe for more!
Tbh i dont really care if i dont like a fight i go somewhere else i have more problems with prowlers vanguards and shotguns then with the spawn system honestly i even like it cause i can just choose a fight and i dont have to drive somewhere for 10 min and die in 10 sec
Stop with the fights were always 50/50 Lie...They weren't, they always ranged between 40-50/50-60 fights, that was the usual range...It wasn't always exactly 50/50.
Also you don't need all fights to be 50/50, this is Planetside, a WAR/Resource game....It's not suppose to be 100% even all the time, just like real war, sometimes you are outgunned....and that's ok, I love that personally(also appreciate 50/50 fights).
40-50/50-60 fights are winnable....Sure the odds might be against you when it's 40/60, but they are totally winnable if your team is good enough....So stop putting this idea into people's heads that they automatically lose if they are below 50%....that's complete BS, and a horrible idea to put into people's head.
I agree with you though, something is wrong with the current system and it needs to be changed/reverted, these 33/66 and 20/80 fights that we seen more of lately is horrible to the game since those are truly pretty much unwinnable(base matters and the lesser the players, the more likely you can win a 33/66 and 20/80 so it can happen, it's just very hard).......but yeah you don't need exact 50/50 fight, this ain't a matchmaking game.
"if you do really well, it doesn't matter", yeah it does, in 40/60 fights, it totally does and you can totally beat the bigger team..stop with this defeatism BS, sure the odds are against you but it's still very much winnable.....and you don't need an outfit of tryhards to win 40/60 fights, a few vets and some will can win 40/60 fights.
It seems like you want LEGIT matchmaking, and control over players freedom of movement like it was some Arena shooter....That has never been planetside and never will...perfect 50/50 sounds like the worst idea ever, and stop lying that it happened, it was more balanced but not 50/50.
Bro, it's a WAR game......WAR is never 50/50 always....Sure you get 50/50 fights which is awesome, I hope Planetside gets more of them, I hope the majority are as close to 50/50 as they can but you don't need perfect 50/50....40/60, is perfectly fine, specially in a WAR game............It's ok with the odds being against you, it makes the defending/capture even better......If you want a controlled matchmaking experience, go play another game, it ain't planetside.
The current spawn system is so terrible, I practically stopped playing Medic and switched to Infiltrator because its the only viable class in overpoped fights.
even with the old spawns rules , it was 'easy' to bring overpop , had to for some places like west pass for exemple .you just carryfully place spawns for people to spawn , instantly redeploy or run for 20 second and then be in the right hex , mext death they will be able to spawn on a closer in hex spawn . that a lot of 'spawn' words .😅
I hate the current spawn system and overpopulation problems, but I would never trade performance consistency to fix it either on client side or server side.
Currently not playing PS2 till there's a fix to this very issue. It's just unplayable for me now even when using alt accounts. It's a shame as this game really gives gampeplay that you won't really find anywhere else. Hope it gets fixed...
Imho the lattice system is to blame for overpop, it naturally funnels everyone into the same fight.
Agree. I lost interest in Planetside 2 because for some reason the last couple weeks i was eigher me part of a big Zerg force, waiting with the tank outside to get the capture XP or being victim to such a Zerg force, playing the "who lasts the longest outside the spawn room?". The only time I felt like I do change the ties on the battlefield was when I tried to solo-capture bases. I was playing that game for a month straight after not playing it for a couple years, and sure, I had very enjoyable moments with this game, but the frustrating or just plain bad moments are worse and I found that I could use that time to do other things.
The Sundy garages might be useful in low pop where players can't just chain pull tanks to kill spawns
Chain pull? In low pop a single viper lightning is enough lol.
@@Igor369 a single lightning? More like a single flash
The reg issue the old system was disproportionately effecting TR.
Like a Fifth of a mag dump wouldn't register.
I know planetside2 since they realased game. My laptop is to old to handle game so i started on my PS4... Game is different now... There is short time for redeploy...u are risking life for revive, then body is gone... medic is useless if u are not camping on point...no one wanna bring sundy to battle u are sitting on base and no one want to start battle enemy at home you at home in spawn room because u unlocked continent (i hate oshur btw no more esamir? :( ...)but there in only one connection to enemy base and people are pissed off u can feel apathy...or zerg so sad
I believe stronger sunderers, and the ability to spawn a sunderer for AMS, as well as being able to spawn your own tank to defend it, would make huge changes when it comes to spawns and spawn protection.
After all, who would want to defend the sunderer more than yourself? But if tanks start rolling in, how are you truly going to counter them when you're already the person who has spawned the sundy?
I have been complaining since january, i didnt wanted this BS to be in game at all. These overpops are killing so many aspects of the game, its a total mystery to me, how nobody is complaining..... is it because devs said "temporary" so people >know< it will eventually end so they dont bother to complain about it? Are devs outsmarting overybody with that? ... ?
Look, I see both sides of your argument friend; some players do want competitive, small stacks of skilled players vs small stacks of skilled players "Battlefield" CS: GO style gameplay. The reason I theorize why people aren't complaining about the spawn system as much has a lot to do with the fact that this isn't the two mentioned games above, on top of the fact that many hours of the day we have such LOW pop...I want you to understand, and I'm hoping that others have had the same impression that it sucks to see the game have many 1 big battle going with old days level of troops on ground (I don't really care about differences faction pop wise, I'm the stubborn "Dig in and hold out until reinforcements arrive" Mentality to begin with. I love seeing 2hr + Slogs at one area fighting 3:1 and somehow surviving). To get back to the point, the game across many hours on Emerald (Only server I play on, so I speak for its case) is dead most 1st and 2nd shift Weekday hours US East Coast hours, with only one continent usually even running. Weekends I have to wait until afternoon for things to pick up so the fact that we all can get to the intensive kill farms faster, is what in my opinion keeps to the game's strengths and hides the fact we just don't have the player base across the time zones we used to. Not here to argue as my closing sentence, just trying to provide a 2nd opinion, since there has been quite a few videos you've put out that have the same grinding wheel on the same topic of "Spawn system needs to be redone"/ Yet not many people are complaining about it. I joke saying it gives a "Think man, think" meme impression :P
Hit detection is still a problem for me on Ps5. Idk about other players, but after years of playing this game I'm considering calling it quits on this game.
Unfortunately I don't know the old spawn system so I can't compare. Could you explain the differences in more details?
in open beta day. everyone have to redeploy back to warpgate. to mass transfer by gal to another fight.
@@fantaboy113 But Zealous mentioned they changed the spawn system a year ago or so. That cannot be beta, right?
@@-.sy.5367 sorry my english is not good. I mean i just wish they bring back the old days... mass gal..mass parachute into a base fight. Was cool to watch. Also PhysX.
How about they start with not allowing vehicles in trees, or tanks to drive up mountain sides, or heck, how about not allowing vehicles to sit halfway across the map and just shoot into a decent fight taking place at a base. And for goodness sakes, get rid of all the ridiculous amounts of orbital strikes. Put a limit on them!
I think the main problem is many, not only the spawn system, also that high ping players are favoured by the game against low ping players.
I don't think people are complaining because the zerging isnt an issue. Its planetside 2, the whole point is big fights 96+/96+ where you have to call in reinforcements to push out the enemy. I wouldn't play this game if every fight was 12-24. Theres nothing more epic than the enemy spawn camping where your platoon flanks them behind or drops on the point. Half the noobies dont even know most bases have a teleporter room or how to set up a router base for extra spawn logistics
in last 2 week, connery turn into "no fun" server always 45%+ NC pop at prime time, and at off time when R18 online it's 40~50% TR, even try hard NSO player play the most pop faction instead of help lower pop.
I thought the nso were put in the game to help with the underpopped factions, why is it that theres so many of them running around on overpopped factions ? am i missing something ... and yeah, also tired of the 40%+ NC .. i rarely ever see TR in the 40's though, not half as much as everyone loves to stack NC ..
TR won both prime time alerts yesterday though, when NC had a massive overpop .. it was glorious, the NC were so mad after losing that first alert, so they focused all of their forces on TR at the begining and ended up losing again.. it made my day
80% of current NSO player is member and they can pick faction they wanna play. NSO weapon abit hard for new player to stick around long enought. Also if that player login when pop still balance and he's NC merc, without login out he still a Nc for the rest of the day.
@@l.ignasio7326 yeah, i thought when you logged into an nso character that it would put you on a faction that was struggling with population.. i thought that was the whole idea of it. I think alot of the nso weapons are pretty decent but yeah, they all feel the same and it would get pretty boring.. ive never played nso personally, i only play TR no matter what the circumstances are, i see alot of people switching factions during alerts and after alerts.
Somewhat offtopic but for the love of god can ALL amp stations be 3 control point bases? I am so sick and tired of the gate diffusor cheese and the fact that repairing the shield gens actually HELPS the attackers...
I just wish nanoweave was a anti-shotgun type suit slot. Nothing else just that.
1) Terrible map design (spawns mainly).
2) Terrible spawn system.
3) no map penalty for overpop zergs (less exp if 96+ on a base for example).
Wanted to write before I watch. Then I'll add more after, I love fighting as the underpop. I know the majority doesn't but for me it's the best way to farm. Nothing like a 65-35 fight where I can rack up maybe 15-20 kills in the 3 ish minutes I have with a hard spawn.
So after vid thoughts, I mean the hit reg was a big issue. For me it's is more important. I definitely think zergs are an issue primarily during off hours(non primetime) I often find the term "redeployside" appropriate for this though. If you stop entertaining a zerg during off hours/non alert they will get bored and disband. And if it's during an alert, there is no issue imo🤷♂️ the game is an fps mmo. If a faction wants to take a 96+ group and March across the map in order to try and win who's to say they shouldn't be allowed to? The games about teamwork right? Cut them off. Back cap them or, again, avoid it entirely and go to the other front... I agree though zergs shouldn't be so common. It's a tough one I think change is needed and more should talk about it. That way we can find a better solution then messing with hit reg again. Commend the video
I agree with your points those 65-35 fights are great, really make you feel badass going against the horde; but in my experience the majority of fights are more like 90-10 and you just get pummeled. It gets a bit frustrating to see that quick deploy is disabled even when you are literally the only one fighting 20+ people. I just hope that whatever the devs do doesn’t destroy the game (idk why but for like a month the game was unplayable for me)
@@felixfonderie8391 I definitely agree there are times when no one can be bothered to come fight a zerg and it's 80-20 or worse like you said, 90-10. Unfortunately I don't think I have a solution and it definitely needs to be talked about more. For me reverting and sacrificing fair fights only to see more unfair faulty hit registration isn't a good move so. I think that's why they don't have a solution yet. It's not so simple!
While PC has this issue, console is still “trying” to catch up lol
i think the dev team needs the (old blood) bring back the old planetside 1 devs & put back some of the good stuff that was lost not the bad stuff like lvl caps:( but like build your own class:) or continental ladies. maybe even mechs but implement it right so people dont hate it giv it to every1 dont make it a eleetest unlock just a big timer/cost :). bring back building land bases & building in/up existing baces. tone down the 1 hit kill stuff so new peeps can learn the game like the implant in ps1 called second chances that stopped u from get istagbd or just add more hp so its 1 hit 1 hp beuce 1 hit kill stuff is super OP & givs your opponent no chance to fight back thats y i ues it :(so im nerfing my selff saying this & add more class customizations more implants slots so its not just best in slot stuf more cross class stuff i much rather thay went back to the ps1 make your own class system because i bin paying engy for like 20+ years:(& every time i switch it feel like im getting jipped for passive XP or at least give all the classes some type passive XP deployables/or buffs like HA & LA r strong but lak XP drip:(. & Y cant i respec?? devs??? i wass a alfa bata noob i spent points on dumb stuff or u nerfd the stuff that was good i want my points back:( PS sorry for the rant u started it lol& to much coffee
Outfit wars can kiss my ass.
The main issue was lag on Connery - I had to live through that, and it was awful, as for zergfits, I blame the Wild cards
Wild cards aren't the problem for zergs on connery especially right now since NC is usually the one 1.5-2x the pop. Also is one of the few platoons that do try strategize.
All the factions have atleast one prominent public platoon open outfit, and wildcards just happen to be the one on connery vs. But having played all the factions they actually are just more coordinated, and folks in the vs seem more quick to listen to orders.
In turn TR are not to bad either. NC has the pop and zerg the most mindlessly, but depending on how big the pop still lose because of it. Haha also am a NC connery main.
for me TWC isn't the problem, their leader only seeking fun and "unfair" fight to boost their member spirit, that why they always make stupid decision. The real problem of connery is alot of player prefer toxic game play like how R18, WTAC instantly overpop that base in under 10s with shjt lot of vehicles and footzerg.
You guys do not lag anymore?
@@Igor369 We do, but not like it was, after Oshur came around we couldn't fight anywhere in large groups or the area would just turn into a mass of flying bodies.
@@Igor369 believe or not i'm a Vietnamese player playing from Vietnam, my ping always stable at 180 190ms.
I rather play at high ping than play at Soltech the doom server.
could they please remove spawning at other bases unless you make it INTO the hex. like bring some logistics gameplay like columns and galaxy squadrons. would give both armor and infantry more to do and stop redeployside
Doom721 small?… he has 10k subscribers
What’s the best scythe load out for air to air and air to ground I’m on console and trying to learn.
Zerging is REQUIRED for the game to function.
commanders have a response speed issue.
any problem in the game can be solved by bringing more dudes and going fast + cohesively at the weak link with hard counters.
Yea they fixed lag and lost plenty of people I know used to play. I get on once a month to check if it's better, till then I would rather play a game that cares about small groups of people who want to enjoy this VIDEO GAME.
IMO the current spawn system (no delay on spawns) result in on average very, very low quality fights and MUCH less actual engagements since it's either stomp or get stomped. And if it's this bad, that it's either hit reg problems or having to go to the legacy spawn system then drop EVERYTHING else and work on this to solve it. As it is now the game is dying/turning to a pile of shit.
Why complain when I can go where ever I want. Ghost cappers don't even annoy me any more.
I waann play the game tho it wont let me its BS i never done anything to anyone really. So idk why this happens really
Outfit wars is a joke when the spawn system is shit
RPG keeps getting side tracked all the freaking time, what game are they actually trying to develop here? Planetside 2 or PS Arena? They need to drop OW and focus on their primary live product instead of some sweat niche, RPG also demonstrates their inability to understand the cause and effects whenever they make changes which leads to to the conclusion that they have no idea what they're doing or which direction they're taking this game, it's simply a matter of blowing in the wind like the past 10 years or so, as for the other major youtubers covering this game here on youtube are likely for too concerned with getting on a bad footnote with the devs that they rather keep quiet about instead of speaking their minds, it's such a sad frustrating situation, a decade after release Planetside 2 has a huge laundry list of broken things that the devs refuse to do anything about and many of them are very much fixable.
lattice is made for a dying game , adjust the lattice system :D remove rockletrifle ,and forbid ipdan from zerging. And maybe a crazy change would be to remove squadbeacons and let people use logistic
What? Again?
Overpop fights are everywhere . Noobs are ok with going in the zerg and trying to get some fun there . It's not fun , if you play for more than 100 hours that's not what the game is about .
People on forums / discord are part of outfits . Big outfits don't really care about the spawn , as they gather a lot of people and can do something on any fight . If they can't in the most populated one , they'll choose the next one .
But this spawn system is cancer for solo players . After 10 years of quick-redeploy base defense , this kind of gameplay is void right now . Defending can't be done unless you use some meta builds that can work when underpop . So you can't do directives .
The alert is just a joke and always frustrating . Double team is so painful it's the moment to quit . Frankly they should allow ghost capping any region and delete the lattice system . So the result of the alert is more clear : vanu warpgates the other 2 , while NC and TR fight in a remote region . Or they should just delete the alerts and close the continent after 2-3 hours .
I dont care about s slight disbalance but a 20:80 ratio is just garbage :) (either way)
PS2 is a mindless zergfest, it literally cannot be fixed.
Everything in this game that matters revolves around having more players instead of skill/strategy and there is no getting around it.
really the only solution is to play PS1
But the most important issues is the cheater... The game will be dead sooner if this issues not fix asap...
This dude literally starts the video complaining being overwhelmed with the current spawn system, then 4 minutes later he talks about how he and his mates don't go for sundees and just wanna farm players.
This man plays a mmo shooter like it's farmville, you people are the reason this game is dying lmfao
Might get back into it, might actually become better at this point
F%#^$# outfit wars devs just go make a lobby shoot someplace else.:( & i play planetside because its not a lobby shooter its a war sim & war is not 10V10 faer :(& i love this games mass epic craycray wars:) this dev team needs to bring in fresh new blood and the crusty ps1 old blood i feel like the devs ran out of good ideas & R working on fluff :( if only they let me mod this game