I use minor cloak when Im soloing as a heavy with lock-ons out in the middle of no where. Shoot a reaver once, then cloak up. Reaver comes to kill you and you are invisible. Take a bite of your sandwich while the reaver pokes his nose through every crevasse. When the reaver flies away shoot him again. Repeat. You can time the re-cloak to occur when the rocket leaves the launcher. Work against harassers and MBTs too. Though you need a good set of rocks to hide from a harasser crew that wants to kill you. You spend a lot of time doing nothing. Have the news or youtube up on your other monitor while you are cloaked. There are other silly things you can do for laughs like cloak light assault on cordium piles or cloak heavy with dumb fire on the top of tech plants waiting for Libs to resupply. Cloak and decloak times are too slow for any practical use.
Catlike is honestly one of my favorite implants. It only gets good when maxed out. It's honestly an implant that I personally think shines in the hands of the solo, crafty player. Don't under estimate the parkour/platforming options this opens up. I've since found all sorts of positions and jumps that I can now easily do to get into little to no traffic spots. This Implant made it super easy for me to aurax all Vanu Snipers cause I could get into positions that no one expected. I know some are going to bring up using aircraft to get to spots but that would require nanites or construction time. I could, for example, get on top of the rafters of the bridges in mere seconds with Catlike 5. As an infil. And I can attest that no one expects you to be up there. And a lot of people would wait behind the walls before running out, so a lot of static shots. I pretty much have some bs spots on most bases that have tons of fights. You would be surprised how many bases have bs spots cause there's a weird bit of geometry on a building that you can't reach without it where you could shimmy you way up in the same way of fence hopping. I've also come to super love Safe Fall cause of Catlike and OSes. When scaling high places, at times its almost like the ground is covered in butter with the odd slips you'll experience. With a few escapes I was able to pull off cause I could jump off a high place where enemies couldn't follow. Surviving those high falls from OSes are nice too.
I like to use catlike on my harasser gunner load out. I can jump over enemy harassers when they try to run me over when I'm repping or my harasser is dead.
@@CramerNews It's hilarious when you can reverse uno card people when they do that, or even chase you, while you round a corner and jump on top of something then shoot them from above. They never see it coming XD
I use catlike mostly with drifter jets and it is awesome, compensates for the jets lack of vertical movement by giving you extra momentum initially i considered it really useless bar stalker infiltraitor but i found it a place on my medic and heavy loadouts. enemies never expect a medic to be jumping that high and rain a few good headshots from there!
Avoidance should get modded so it makes it that AI turrets in construction ignore them too. That would be a hard counter to construction as well. Pair that up with cold heart and my friend you just hard countered everything about construction especially if you use any armor piercing rifle like the rail jack or the slicer so you can snipe people through one way shields.
Advanced shield capacitor with Bionics is my favorite combo on light assault or infiltrator. Basically, if you survive the engagement, next one will be at 901-1000hp guaranteed. And you can equip C4, mines with that. It's like you have unlimited medkits as long as you stay alive.
i wont argue on the uselessness of firestorm but if you think about it on certain weapons like the chaingun or lasher if you use adrenaline shield and keep getting kills with it then the only thing thats gonna cause your death is lack of ammo
Level 1 assassin can be used in thumper/lasher/UBL farming in Nason's, you can get more spotting assists. Since it doesn't require any iso4 investment so I consider it as somewhat useful.
7:36 Catlike is best used on either stalker cloaker build that goes on spec ops missions or SMG hunter cloakers in both cases this implant just helps the cloaker A crotch walk everywhere for smallest cloak footprint and B just jump onto anything around or just getting through rough terrain vastly more easily to get the drop on the target. Part this up with Deep ops reduce cloak foot print/decloaking faster ability and you got yourself a solid cloak build.
I absolutely use catlike to avoid censors, and I do what you do when I play defensive. When I'm offensive, I actually switch to Adrenaline and add athlete, because it lets you dance around Maxes
Well, if confusing people in the warpgate qualifies as useful then Sidewinder has a use: The "crab people" build. Catlike + Sidewinder on a MAX crouch walking sideways while you're in the queue in sanctuary. Funny thing is I tries this for zergsurfing and it was more effective than it had any right to be. Everyone's anti-MAX behavior is rehearsed to the point of musle memory, so being weird can work sometimes.
Mobility Mesh + Sidewinder on HA allows you to maintain your 4 m/sec movement even when shielded, allowing to strafe more and perhaps dodge some shots, increasing your survivability. Continuous circular movements, more from side to side, allows you to circumvent the increased strafe acceleration, at least from my calculations, plus you have the 5 tier bonuses.
I think nanomesh specialist and mobility mesh together with a resist shield are really strong in large fights. It is great for peeking from cover and maintaining your up-time because you gain the full amount of extra HP as soon as your health and shields are full, whereas with adrenaline and nanomesh you have a relatively long wait. It also opens up your suit slot for advanced shield capacitor and bandolier since flak doesn't stack while resist shield is on, and you get extra value off of any health or shield-regen you receive from allies or your med-pens mid-engagemet.
Mobility Mesh helps but I don't like Nanomesh. The duration of resist shield is never the problem. The shield recharge bonus is too minor to use a slot on.
Mending field either needs to be able to heal people all the way or to buff it's healing rate up to 30 or 45 a second or the other should make this a good implant.
Where mending field really shines is the cert farm, with that baby on you get heal assists like nothing because it's always active, and takes so long to get them to that 300 mark, it just rains in that xp lol
@@nemojH4 So I found taking a flash with scout radar then maxing out medic Triage paired with the shield regen ability then just parking the flash anywhere there is a stalemate doorway will print certs faster than anything else while you sit back and eat chips and res people from the back seat of the flash. It even heals max suits.
Cold heart also straight up hard counter to pain spirals yet no one uses it for that mostly due to the fact if you know what you're doing pain spirals die too fast for it to be of any real use of an implant
Deep Operative plus Catlike on Stalker Infilitrator as a solo player is situational S tier, particlular on tower stomping. The additional crouched speed bonus coupled with Deep Operatives additional cloak give you insane survivability. Drop stalker from an ESF to the upper section of a tower equipped with these and a solid silence pistol such as the pilot and kill ratios of 30+:1 are not impossible - it just depends on how quickly someone gets annoyed enough to spend 20 mins hunting you down. In fact this combination can be so successful that the major problem is getting ammo refils when you burn through the pilot's reserve.
Assassin is useful. It spots, generates xp (from any source, such as a Spitfire Turret, or grenade) and is also great for counter sniping, keeping you off the radar.
Phylactery use to have a glitch where any open chair seat you were in if you died in it then you can res yourself so a popular use for it was engies on their turrets as you couldn't keep them down. Though I'm not sure if they ever patched it or not.
Returned to ps2 after 6 years and created a new char. Regeneration is a strong B and seems really nice choice at the start-mid game, because you don't have many implants at the beginning and those you have are actually D/F category. I play 40% medic, 40% engi and 20% infil. I'm trying not to be under fire so i always prefer not to have a medic kit and have something like mines or C4. Regeneration allows you to live longer, but don't pushes you to sacrifice all this explodable goods
Pretty sure deep operative does not reduce decloak time, regardless the invis strength buff you get from it very fun to play around for stalker infils while crouched standing still the only time you get shot is when someone good players run into you and notice that there is something invisible noobs often get confused for a sec after then walking around you, if you want to infiltrate for example a cramped building with a router inside you can often just crouch walk straight through doors and up stairs without anybody noticing you and even so good players can see you if walk into the area there are tunnel visioned on and you are within 5 meters or so it can be realy funny role playing as james bond or assasin, assasinating enemys with a surpressed pilot or pilot quick knife combo when nobody is watching. For this playstyle catlike is also very important because while standing/walking your invis is not strong enough to be truely invisible crouching without moving on deep operative is basicly perfect invis while crouch moving archives allmost perfect invis and even so not having to avoid spiti line of sight while backstabbbing is good, not being a snail is better. In the sameway even so its kind of a meme sidewinder with catlike can be somewhat effective when used with a chaingun or unstable canis for highspeed crouch spamming strafing, paratrooper is a potential replacement for safe fall on light assault but only on lvl 5 since it gives you lvl 1 safe fall, parasite need to have active mid combat shield regen to be even somewhat viable which can only be archived with shield recharge fields and assimilate, mending field still provides some value, atleast more than firewall or coldheart, making it only relatively useless and not completly useless. covert drop is also very good in 2 very specific situations which are droping next to a ascent/nasons tunnel to throw tank mines into the tunnel since you also get 6 sec invis from exiting a drop pod and for droping on a collosus with tank mines if thats enough to put it in situational is questionable but there are areas where it can shine. when it comes to regeneration on LAs its more a question if which jetpack you are using even for skirmisher/icarus where you tend to rooftop ambush it is very nice to have c4 when you have to go inside building and encounter maxes or just to thow c4 into choke points when enemys are stuck outside a door at searo listening for example when going the default route towards B point or any other choke point situation where you got the option to throw c4 from roofs or just to kill vehicles you come across, just having c4 as a option to pull out when needed is very nice to the point where a lot of players prefer to give up the option of chuging medkits to may survive a few situations here and there and take regen instead. And as a final node resist shield giving you up to an effective health of ~1534 it allows you to sometimes deppeding on dmg models/range headshots etc to tank 1 more shot than adrenalin and the amount of effective health you get from assimilate while resist is active is also pretty close to how much you get on a adrenalin headshot (a 200 shields on resist equals ~308 effective hp, with adrenalin on a head shot you gain 200 shields +35% ability energy which is ~158 health not including activation cost). The amount of times i got saved from being annoyed by getting bolted alone makes resist worth using for me not to mentions that resists uptime is completly unrivald considering you dont have to use flak and can use asc instead. Even so you have to develop a sixed sense for when you could get ambushed or sniped and you have to idealy activate it before getting shot face tanking 2 bolter headshots within 10 seconds or not gaining any shield energy when someone steals your kill or if you dont get the headshot or in general just being able to have your 1534 hp in literaly any engagement without you having to do anything in return exept being ready for the engagement by activating resist before hand is very valuable. And for playing resist mobility mesh is a must have since it increases your strafe speed which is extreamly valuable and it allows to just activate it while running around while only having a ~8% move speed reduction which is barely noticable so if you expect a bolter looking at you or some LA or smg infil being around you turning the shield on without becoming a snail is pretty good, as it goes for nanomesh it makes the shield ifinitly easier to use, no micro managment to recharge your shield and recharge rate stays the same while the energy consumption is reduced significantly granting what feels like allmost infinite ability energy making a good option for getting used to resist and developing the sixed sense needed to effectivly use the shield since you can just keep it active basicly forever but eventualy assimilate becomes the better option once someone is used to resist, oh and a good one chuging medkits with resist on is a lot stronger, same with your unstable take your horizon on stuff you arent using seems very limited why not play around with certain very specific builds or aspects which have atleast the potential to be good and use them until you managed to made build/ability shine or have giving up on it because its to specific/difficult or whatever. Also i dont know what clientside has to do with resist being bad pretty, sure what matters is if resist in active when you actualy take the dmg at which it doesnt matter if you get clientsided or not, if you are activating resist mid fight you are not using it right to begin with and while its not possible to predict any engagment its still possible to predict a large majority especaily on point holds where you can just allways activate it before peaking and even without getting a kill before going back into cover the moment you get to full hp you can peak with your optimal 1534 hp again or when you see a nade symbol on your screen. Can agree on the rest of the implants though and also impressive if you finished this entire book of a comment.
I'm not totally sure either about Deep Operative, gonna wait a little bit longer before amending that because I can't find anyone saying 'no, that was a rumour'
Don't you dare! Caparace, resist, nanomesh spec is beast in pointhold for surviving. When you are bad as me, you simply activate resist before combat and you can take a lot of beating.
Assassin is like a S tier implant for a vehicle gunner and I do believe the "kills past 50m clears spots and prevent spotting attempts on your for one second" still works in vehicles, not the clears spots but PREVENTS them, got no other explanation for the impossible to spot Valkyrie/Liberators flying around. Most of their kills are past 50m making this last basically as long as they are able to get kills. Its also very helpful for the driver/pilot when you constantly spot what you are shooting at. Its even quite a powerful utility implant for infantry since any damage you do will spot enemies, AoE included. People often use this in combination with Orbital Strikes to spot every single enemy in the base but smaller AoE like grenade/launcher/Thumper/Lasher etc still does a lot of work letting you and friendlies nearby know exactly how many people are around the corner or whatever you are bombing.
nah catlike is amazing for getting around weird bases and attacking from unexpected places when ur not a light assault main, and u can use it as an engineer to hide behind a max while its marching into the enemy.
Paratrooper is amazing my guy I run it on ambushers exclusively my jets are full charge ready to head out in almost every engagement the 1 or 2 shots u receive help a ton. And the passive safe fall built in is butter to it never take call damage again during ambush jumps. It's a 2 In one implant. Just for ambushers only. But it's a flank gank dash play style so shoot one or 2 kills and quickly relocate
I would like to upgrade "nanomesh" , "nightmare" , "sidewinder and paratrooper from unsuable to slight usage. lemme share my personal usage strategies i use nanomesh with dmr and do long range farming when choke points are clogged. also good for directive farm nightmare and paratrooper works extremely well with ambush shotgun LA build. you really are underestimating this build sidewinder + survivavlist works extremely well with hipfire weapons.
I agree with most stuff, but Resist Shield isn´t trash. The clientside argument realy only applies to propably 1 second after it is activated, latency is usualy measured in ms remember, it realy isnt that much of a deal. Simply activate it before engaging and you are good to go. Even without Nanomesh it has more than enough time before it runs out, it recharges fast and unlike adrenaline it always gives you the same effective health. I wont say it is better than the other two options, but its not trash by far and I pretty much only talked about its obvious benefits.
Wow, can't agree with you on Catlike. If you're a career inf (stalker or SMG), Catlike is a game-changer, because it lets you go everywhere that everyone else (except LA's) can't get to. I can climb to the top of the Crown completely on the outside of the tower (up the tree, then up the walls and overhangs) with Catlike. When you're running, escaping, etc., it's easy to simply bounce up a tree, or on top of things (into the pipes at a tech planet, etc) with Catlike. At Eisa (and everywhere else, really), if there's a large column, you can climb up it and get on the roof and snipe as a stalker with a Blackhand. Of course, when you're in a melee/knife fight, being able to jump completely over your enemy while stabbing down into his head is huge. The main win, though, is that people are just used to not looking up; with Catlike, you can get 10' above everyone else, and for some reason, most people simply don't look up. As a stalker, I often run Catlike and Ammo Printer, and with patience, you can simply stay out, never resupply. and rack up a 50/0+ killstreak - just because people can't find you and they don't pat attention. It's definitely not the best implant for inf's who like to mix it up. But if you're just looking to rack up kills and push your faction, it's pretty great, IMHO. :)
nanomesh specialist is more useful than you give it credit for, its still not much better than situational though, especially if you need to cover ground to get to a better position on a more lightly defended area. but outside of tunnel fights its not super useful
The difference is 56% vs 61%. I don't think that's worth an entire implant slot. The fact of the matter is taking only 25% off of a 25% movement penalty is never going to make a huge difference.
i use assassin on LA because i tend to shoot midair and can't be bothered to spot them at the same time, as any other class i can do it this results in some extra certs for spotting and ofc from the assists since if i die someone will clean him up. without this implant i'd probably go 1v1 and leave them unspotted if i don't react in time, which is most of the time you're trying to get out alive of the 1v1. idk it's a really worthy implant.
Deep Operative + Catlike + Stalker Cloak is great. Mending Field stacks with all other healing sources. You don't need to max rank it and I think it reduces TTK by a bit.
I LOVE SIDEWINDER AND CATLIKE for a heavy assault. Sidewinder for mobility and cat like, the jump is just such a good life style benefit wether it be going over walls or getting in high grounds. I will say it was for the Guindine PS4 and I have yet to unlock for PC so...
Minor Cloak is a meme implant honestly it was great when we could put it on a max suit and get a jump scare out of some poor sap reaching the point. Outside of that eh pretty worthless.
I only use bionic / survivalist / advanced shield capacitor + auxiliary shield with engineer. This build has extremely fast shield Regen and by definition, high up time. The amount of times I have lived with a sliver of health in duels is too many to count and that's simply due to the slightly higher shield capacity plus survivalist speed boost and since you have 100 HP with this build, completely heal every time and get your shields back very fast. All in all it's a great way to play engi imo.
ASC does not stack with Survivalist, I don't think. The sprint speed also doesn't help; it's quite rare that the last shot that hits you doesn't outright kill you or is followed up by another single bullet.
I've found myself using Heavyweight sometimes when sniping in large fights. I've heard it's also viable on long-range AV Max loadouts... Not sure how much it adds, though. I don't feel like shelling out the 2k certs to try it.
I actually really like using regen. I have started to take it on my SMG infil in combo with cat like. One you can get into surprising angles but also you are harder to see when moving while crouched. In addition since you have regen I am free to take the shield so instead my infil nerf goes from 125 hp to 75 hp loss of shield. In addition when moving while crouched radar cannot detect you. Peaking corners while crouched on infil is extremely strong. Finally, my engineer load out for point hold is regen, tech specialist, and then in my off hand slot I take a baby gate and I have a spit fire. Pretty strong imo. I also have ASP for LMGs on engineer so point hold capability is insanely strong.
Yeah knifes need to be unnerfed as it's rather sad that the power knife can't 1 tap people anymore like for real who thought this thing was OP. That said I have a horrible idea for the knife if anyone is interested.
@@theDemolisher13 Well, that sounds like a them problem, specifically the them problem that got them nerfed at all. If the Lumin Edge made light saber noises as loud as the TR it would be fine.
@@Markfr0mCanada You're right it is a them problem. But this stems into a bigger problem without convincing the core crowd that change needs to happen and in a way that may slightly nerf them but to avoid major nerfs. They'll just keep crying and stomping their feet so we end up having to pull the big nerfs out. This behavior stems in all fields of the game. Now I get it no one likes to be nerfed it's no fun especially when you've been doing that exact play style for 9 literal years and nothing needed to be done. It can feel like you're being cheated out of your fun. Which is why I always propose a trade off rather than straight up nerfs. Though I feel like the loud minority don't understand what that means.
There is lot of WRONG with this vid, Bionics reduce health by 400, not 450, nightmare is amazing for pump action light assault, rank 5 cloaks you as long you kill at close range, regeneration is must have implant for solo infiltrators that want to use mines cus no body will heal you behind the lines, sidewinder is amazing for MCG heavy assault, or unstable ammo Canis/Skropios infiltrator, also good with normal smgs.
Critical Chain is the strongest close combat infil implant there is. Hitting the first headshot is almost always guaranteed because you have enough time to aim and prepare lining up the shot. Once you shoot and your cloak goes away you instantly get the attention of everyone there so hitting the follow ups will be absolutely necessary to survive in a building fight etc because most heavy assaults etc will proceed to push you after baiting a shot (rechamber time) so being able to follow up and have a fast enough rechamber speed will even forgive missing shots. Catlike is one of the most useful things for cloak infiltrators because they allow you to shift walk around quite quickly at least for the people that enjoy that kind of style My current fav to play Loadout: Infiltrator with: Moonshot or LA80(with suppressor since we are in close combat and its near silent that way) Recon dart, hunter cloaking, adrenaline pump, emp nade, med kit Athlete and Critical chain This is the kind of Loadout that enables you the call of duty kind of quickscoping and is super satisfying to farm tons of kills.
Oh also to add to that: Light Assault with Nightmare and Ambusher Jets with a Shotgun are absolutely nasty. You get in and are basically constantly cloaked while farming away in the Backline. It will only do that once its maxed though so it takes some investment.
Disengage wouldn't be bad if it could knock people back a good 10m but as it stand eh I find it to be pretty worthless. As I see it more of a hindrance a than anything as if the person getting close to you has C4 and you disengaged them away congrats you just made their job at pushing the button to blow you a lot easier.
Regeneration with carapace is op plus u dont get shield drain for amp nades neither weapons with those effects, i miss the old phylacery :( xp xp nice video.
Regen with carapace is so horrendously slow. 35 hp per second over 1000 hp, after a 10 second delay. That's nearly 40 seconds total to full heal. Medic heal ability is 75 with no delay (duh) for about 13 seconds - remember that you can't use Combat Surgeon if you're using regen - and kits are 70 hp/s for about 14 seconds. If you're medic which you always should be with carapace you might as well carry around pocket flashes to use triage on yourself - even that is still 30 hp per second with no delay (33 seconds to full heal), so you'll always heal from that faster than regeneration. And you don't add another 10 seconds every time you get tickled by a lasher. It just isn't worth it, dude. On normal builds you can argue it frees up the utility slot, but with Carapace you *need* more healing than that.
Sometimes i wonder what the developers were thinking, and i mean in the sense of: A new player confronting a player who has these advances implants, like those that can cloak, heal or refill ammo. How in the hell do you compete with that? Why the fuck would you add something like that to this game?
In my opinion your take on Nanomesh and mobility mesh and resist shield are just bad. Using carapace with nanomesh, resist, and a pocket medic makes you pretty much unkillable. And nano mesh generator is just a worse version of adrenaline, unless you’re unable to get the required kill every 6-7 seconds which skilled players are easily able to get.
What are your thoughts?
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Nightmare rank 5 works on all kills in short range and not just melee. Giving you an invisible shotgun murderer that's really annoying to fight.
forgot about that, good shout!
Best combo with cover drop and ambusher
i just discovered that today as well during a game, not many people have it maxed out
I use minor cloak when Im soloing as a heavy with lock-ons out in the middle of no where. Shoot a reaver once, then cloak up. Reaver comes to kill you and you are invisible. Take a bite of your sandwich while the reaver pokes his nose through every crevasse. When the reaver flies away shoot him again. Repeat. You can time the re-cloak to occur when the rocket leaves the launcher. Work against harassers and MBTs too. Though you need a good set of rocks to hide from a harasser crew that wants to kill you. You spend a lot of time doing nothing. Have the news or youtube up on your other monitor while you are cloaked. There are other silly things you can do for laughs like cloak light assault on cordium piles or cloak heavy with dumb fire on the top of tech plants waiting for Libs to resupply. Cloak and decloak times are too slow for any practical use.
Catlike is honestly one of my favorite implants. It only gets good when maxed out. It's honestly an implant that I personally think shines in the hands of the solo, crafty player. Don't under estimate the parkour/platforming options this opens up. I've since found all sorts of positions and jumps that I can now easily do to get into little to no traffic spots. This Implant made it super easy for me to aurax all Vanu Snipers cause I could get into positions that no one expected. I know some are going to bring up using aircraft to get to spots but that would require nanites or construction time. I could, for example, get on top of the rafters of the bridges in mere seconds with Catlike 5. As an infil. And I can attest that no one expects you to be up there. And a lot of people would wait behind the walls before running out, so a lot of static shots. I pretty much have some bs spots on most bases that have tons of fights. You would be surprised how many bases have bs spots cause there's a weird bit of geometry on a building that you can't reach without it where you could shimmy you way up in the same way of fence hopping.
I've also come to super love Safe Fall cause of Catlike and OSes. When scaling high places, at times its almost like the ground is covered in butter with the odd slips you'll experience. With a few escapes I was able to pull off cause I could jump off a high place where enemies couldn't follow. Surviving those high falls from OSes are nice too.
Yeah it's a infils best friend.
I like to use catlike on my harasser gunner load out. I can jump over enemy harassers when they try to run me over when I'm repping or my harasser is dead.
@@CramerNews It's hilarious when you can reverse uno card people when they do that, or even chase you, while you round a corner and jump on top of something then shoot them from above. They never see it coming XD
Catlike with Drifters and Avoidance is my favourite light assault build. Super high kpm flying around corners.
I use catlike mostly with drifter jets and it is awesome, compensates for the jets lack of vertical movement by giving you extra momentum
initially i considered it really useless bar stalker infiltraitor but i found it a place on my medic and heavy loadouts. enemies never expect a medic to be jumping that high and rain a few good headshots from there!
Avoidance should get modded so it makes it that AI turrets in construction ignore them too. That would be a hard counter to construction as well. Pair that up with cold heart and my friend you just hard countered everything about construction especially if you use any armor piercing rifle like the rail jack or the slicer so you can snipe people through one way shields.
Its already good as is, doesn't need buffing.
Advanced shield capacitor with Bionics is my favorite combo on light assault or infiltrator. Basically, if you survive the engagement, next one will be at 901-1000hp guaranteed. And you can equip C4, mines with that. It's like you have unlimited medkits as long as you stay alive.
i've seen a guy using bionics+jockey on a javelin
he was so hard to kill!
i wont argue on the uselessness of firestorm but if you think about it on certain weapons like the chaingun or lasher if you use adrenaline shield and keep getting kills with it then the only thing thats gonna cause your death is lack of ammo
That strange noise and ice effect was coldheart, I finally know that.
Level 1 assassin can be used in thumper/lasher/UBL
farming in Nason's, you can get more spotting assists. Since it doesn't require any iso4 investment so I consider it as somewhat useful.
7:36 Catlike is best used on either stalker cloaker build that goes on spec ops missions or SMG hunter cloakers in both cases this implant just helps the cloaker A crotch walk everywhere for smallest cloak footprint and B just jump onto anything around or just getting through rough terrain vastly more easily to get the drop on the target. Part this up with Deep ops reduce cloak foot print/decloaking faster ability and you got yourself a solid cloak build.
I absolutely use catlike to avoid censors, and I do what you do when I play defensive. When I'm offensive, I actually switch to Adrenaline and add athlete, because it lets you dance around Maxes
Where's the tier list part of the tier list video
Well, if confusing people in the warpgate qualifies as useful then Sidewinder has a use: The "crab people" build.
Catlike + Sidewinder on a MAX crouch walking sideways while you're in the queue in sanctuary.
Funny thing is I tries this for zergsurfing and it was more effective than it had any right to be. Everyone's anti-MAX behavior is rehearsed to the point of musle memory, so being weird can work sometimes.
Mobility Mesh + Sidewinder on HA allows you to maintain your 4 m/sec movement even when shielded, allowing to strafe more and perhaps dodge some shots, increasing your survivability. Continuous circular movements, more from side to side, allows you to circumvent the increased strafe acceleration, at least from my calculations, plus you have the 5 tier bonuses.
I think nanomesh specialist and mobility mesh together with a resist shield are really strong in large fights. It is great for peeking from cover and maintaining your up-time because you gain the full amount of extra HP as soon as your health and shields are full, whereas with adrenaline and nanomesh you have a relatively long wait. It also opens up your suit slot for advanced shield capacitor and bandolier since flak doesn't stack while resist shield is on, and you get extra value off of any health or shield-regen you receive from allies or your med-pens mid-engagemet.
Mobility Mesh helps but I don't like Nanomesh. The duration of resist shield is never the problem. The shield recharge bonus is too minor to use a slot on.
Mending field either needs to be able to heal people all the way or to buff it's healing rate up to 30 or 45 a second or the other should make this a good implant.
Where mending field really shines is the cert farm, with that baby on you get heal assists like nothing because it's always active, and takes so long to get them to that 300 mark, it just rains in that xp lol
@@nemojH4 So I found taking a flash with scout radar then maxing out medic Triage paired with the shield regen ability then just parking the flash anywhere there is a stalemate doorway will print certs faster than anything else while you sit back and eat chips and res people from the back seat of the flash. It even heals max suits.
@@theDemolisher13 ok, ima have to try this one out, id probably slap jockey on just for extra survivability too
Cold heart also straight up hard counter to pain spirals yet no one uses it for that mostly due to the fact if you know what you're doing pain spirals die too fast for it to be of any real use of an implant
You underestimate an entire squad with suppressors and sensor shield. Did it the other day with my outfit on ps4, amazing results.
Deep Operative plus Catlike on Stalker Infilitrator as a solo player is situational S tier, particlular on tower stomping.
The additional crouched speed bonus coupled with Deep Operatives additional cloak give you insane survivability.
Drop stalker from an ESF to the upper section of a tower equipped with these and a solid silence pistol such as the pilot and kill ratios of 30+:1 are not impossible - it just depends on how quickly someone gets annoyed enough to spend 20 mins hunting you down. In fact this combination can be so successful that the major problem is getting ammo refils when you burn through the pilot's reserve.
IMO firestorm is so underrated its absurd. notably in CQC the TTKs are incredibly good, especially if you're a good shooter its quite easy to control.
Firestorm in combination with the lasher is a beast. Once you get that first kill bodies just start dropping
8% is unnoticeable to me idk
@@silverblank1139 In terms of meta times to kill, a gun doing 143 @750rpm vs 143 @810 rpm is actually huge. The downside is balancing that bloom.
Assassin is useful. It spots, generates xp (from any source, such as a Spitfire Turret, or grenade) and is also great for counter sniping, keeping you off the radar.
Phylactery use to have a glitch where any open chair seat you were in if you died in it then you can res yourself so a popular use for it was engies on their turrets as you couldn't keep them down. Though I'm not sure if they ever patched it or not.
Hardly anyone used it even back then. Not sure why it was nerfed in to oblivion when no one used it in the first place.
@@CramerNews honestly just make its glitch its actually ability and then all engies will live it with their mana turrets
Carapace is also really good on NSO Resist Shield Heavy Assault since they can repair themselves passively
Returned to ps2 after 6 years and created a new char. Regeneration is a strong B and seems really nice choice at the start-mid game, because you don't have many implants at the beginning and those you have are actually D/F category. I play 40% medic, 40% engi and 20% infil. I'm trying not to be under fire so i always prefer not to have a medic kit and have something like mines or C4. Regeneration allows you to live longer, but don't pushes you to sacrifice all this explodable goods
Pretty sure deep operative does not reduce decloak time, regardless the invis strength buff you get from it very fun to play around for stalker infils while crouched standing still the only time you get shot is when someone good players run into you and notice that there is something invisible noobs often get confused for a sec after then walking around you, if you want to infiltrate for example a cramped building with a router inside you can often just crouch walk straight through doors and up stairs without anybody noticing you and even so good players can see you if walk into the area there are tunnel visioned on and you are within 5 meters or so it can be realy funny role playing as james bond or assasin, assasinating enemys with a surpressed pilot or pilot quick knife combo when nobody is watching. For this playstyle catlike is also very important because while standing/walking your invis is not strong enough to be truely invisible crouching without moving on deep operative is basicly perfect invis while crouch moving archives allmost perfect invis and even so not having to avoid spiti line of sight while backstabbbing is good, not being a snail is better. In the sameway even so its kind of a meme sidewinder with catlike can be somewhat effective when used with a chaingun or unstable canis for highspeed crouch spamming strafing, paratrooper is a potential replacement for safe fall on light assault but only on lvl 5 since it gives you lvl 1 safe fall, parasite need to have active mid combat shield regen to be even somewhat viable which can only be archived with shield recharge fields and assimilate, mending field still provides some value, atleast more than firewall or coldheart, making it only relatively useless and not completly useless. covert drop is also very good in 2 very specific situations which are droping next to a ascent/nasons tunnel to throw tank mines into the tunnel since you also get 6 sec invis from exiting a drop pod and for droping on a collosus with tank mines if thats enough to put it in situational is questionable but there are areas where it can shine. when it comes to regeneration on LAs its more a question if which jetpack you are using even for skirmisher/icarus where you tend to rooftop ambush it is very nice to have c4 when you have to go inside building and encounter maxes or just to thow c4 into choke points when enemys are stuck outside a door at searo listening for example when going the default route towards B point or any other choke point situation where you got the option to throw c4 from roofs or just to kill vehicles you come across, just having c4 as a option to pull out when needed is very nice to the point where a lot of players prefer to give up the option of chuging medkits to may survive a few situations here and there and take regen instead. And as a final node resist shield giving you up to an effective health of ~1534 it allows you to sometimes deppeding on dmg models/range headshots etc to tank 1 more shot than adrenalin and the amount of effective health you get from assimilate while resist is active is also pretty close to how much you get on a adrenalin headshot (a 200 shields on resist equals ~308 effective hp, with adrenalin on a head shot you gain 200 shields +35% ability energy which is ~158 health not including activation cost). The amount of times i got saved from being annoyed by getting bolted alone makes resist worth using for me not to mentions that resists uptime is completly unrivald considering you dont have to use flak and can use asc instead. Even so you have to develop a sixed sense for when you could get ambushed or sniped and you have to idealy activate it before getting shot face tanking 2 bolter headshots within 10 seconds or not gaining any shield energy when someone steals your kill or if you dont get the headshot or in general just being able to have your 1534 hp in literaly any engagement without you having to do anything in return exept being ready for the engagement by activating resist before hand is very valuable. And for playing resist mobility mesh is a must have since it increases your strafe speed which is extreamly valuable and it allows to just activate it while running around while only having a ~8% move speed reduction which is barely noticable so if you expect a bolter looking at you or some LA or smg infil being around you turning the shield on without becoming a snail is pretty good, as it goes for nanomesh it makes the shield ifinitly easier to use, no micro managment to recharge your shield and recharge rate stays the same while the energy consumption is reduced significantly granting what feels like allmost infinite ability energy making a good option for getting used to resist and developing the sixed sense needed to effectivly use the shield since you can just keep it active basicly forever but eventualy assimilate becomes the better option once someone is used to resist, oh and a good one chuging medkits with resist on is a lot stronger, same with your unstable take your horizon on stuff you arent using seems very limited why not play around with certain very specific builds or aspects which have atleast the potential to be good and use them until you managed to made build/ability shine or have giving up on it because its to specific/difficult or whatever. Also i dont know what clientside has to do with resist being bad pretty, sure what matters is if resist in active when you actualy take the dmg at which it doesnt matter if you get clientsided or not, if you are activating resist mid fight you are not using it right to begin with and while its not possible to predict any engagment its still possible to predict a large majority especaily on point holds where you can just allways activate it before peaking and even without getting a kill before going back into cover the moment you get to full hp you can peak with your optimal 1534 hp again or when you see a nade symbol on your screen. Can agree on the rest of the implants though and also impressive if you finished this entire book of a comment.
I'm not totally sure either about Deep Operative, gonna wait a little bit longer before amending that because I can't find anyone saying 'no, that was a rumour'
also use shift + enter to format your post cuz this is really difficult to read ^^
Don't you dare! Caparace, resist, nanomesh spec is beast in pointhold for surviving. When you are bad as me, you simply activate resist before combat and you can take a lot of beating.
Assassin is like a S tier implant for a vehicle gunner and I do believe the "kills past 50m clears spots and prevent spotting attempts on your for one second" still works in vehicles, not the clears spots but PREVENTS them, got no other explanation for the impossible to spot Valkyrie/Liberators flying around. Most of their kills are past 50m making this last basically as long as they are able to get kills. Its also very helpful for the driver/pilot when you constantly spot what you are shooting at.
Its even quite a powerful utility implant for infantry since any damage you do will spot enemies, AoE included. People often use this in combination with Orbital Strikes to spot every single enemy in the base but smaller AoE like grenade/launcher/Thumper/Lasher etc still does a lot of work letting you and friendlies nearby know exactly how many people are around the corner or whatever you are bombing.
i use it on LA and lancer heavy
on LA i can't spot most of the time if im shootin midair so that takes some workload off my plate
As a Stalker you can get a great use out of catlike since you crouch faster what makes you less visible while still moving faster crouched
nah catlike is amazing for getting around weird bases and attacking from unexpected places when ur not a light assault main, and u can use it as an engineer to hide behind a max while its marching into the enemy.
Paratrooper is amazing my guy I run it on ambushers exclusively my jets are full charge ready to head out in almost every engagement the 1 or 2 shots u receive help a ton. And the passive safe fall built in is butter to it never take call damage again during ambush jumps. It's a 2 In one implant. Just for ambushers only. But it's a flank gank dash play style so shoot one or 2 kills and quickly relocate
I would like to upgrade "nanomesh" , "nightmare" , "sidewinder and paratrooper from unsuable to slight usage. lemme share my personal usage strategies
i use nanomesh with dmr and do long range farming when choke points are clogged. also good for directive farm
nightmare and paratrooper works extremely well with ambush shotgun LA build. you really are underestimating this build
sidewinder + survivavlist works extremely well with hipfire weapons.
Why not Aerial Combatant for the Nightmare shottie build?
@@capiron2316 Aerial Combatant just isn't good anymore because shotguns are weak.
@John from Accounting Ohhh, I keep forgetting about that nerf. The one-shot knives getting basically deleted kind of overshadowed that for me.
Ransack is one of the best implants in the game. That 10% repair on a CQC kill is really hard to live without once you get used to having it.
I agree with most stuff, but Resist Shield isn´t trash. The clientside argument realy only applies to propably 1 second after it is activated, latency is usualy measured in ms remember, it realy isnt that much of a deal. Simply activate it before engaging and you are good to go. Even without Nanomesh it has more than enough time before it runs out, it recharges fast and unlike adrenaline it always gives you the same effective health. I wont say it is better than the other two options, but its not trash by far and I pretty much only talked about its obvious benefits.
Wow, can't agree with you on Catlike. If you're a career inf (stalker or SMG), Catlike is a game-changer, because it lets you go everywhere that everyone else (except LA's) can't get to. I can climb to the top of the Crown completely on the outside of the tower (up the tree, then up the walls and overhangs) with Catlike. When you're running, escaping, etc., it's easy to simply bounce up a tree, or on top of things (into the pipes at a tech planet, etc) with Catlike. At Eisa (and everywhere else, really), if there's a large column, you can climb up it and get on the roof and snipe as a stalker with a Blackhand. Of course, when you're in a melee/knife fight, being able to jump completely over your enemy while stabbing down into his head is huge. The main win, though, is that people are just used to not looking up; with Catlike, you can get 10' above everyone else, and for some reason, most people simply don't look up. As a stalker, I often run Catlike and Ammo Printer, and with patience, you can simply stay out, never resupply. and rack up a 50/0+ killstreak - just because people can't find you and they don't pat attention.
It's definitely not the best implant for inf's who like to mix it up. But if you're just looking to rack up kills and push your faction, it's pretty great, IMHO. :)
What about assassin with a spitfire?
nanomesh specialist is more useful than you give it credit for, its still not much better than situational though, especially if you need to cover ground to get to a better position on a more lightly defended area. but outside of tunnel fights its not super useful
Nanomesh is only good with NMG, which is not the preferred shield.
How do u take shots like that on the beginning of the video ? (0:00 to 0:15)
roulden on youtube -
Don't sleep on Mobi Mesh and the NS-15, hella underrated combo
The difference is 56% vs 61%. I don't think that's worth an entire implant slot. The fact of the matter is taking only 25% off of a 25% movement penalty is never going to make a huge difference.
Assassin is a great implan for a anti infantry vehicle. It allow you to track your targets easily especially an night
i use assassin on LA because i tend to shoot midair and can't be bothered to spot them at the same time, as any other class i can do it
this results in some extra certs for spotting and ofc from the assists since if i die someone will clean him up. without this implant i'd probably go 1v1 and leave them unspotted if i don't react in time, which is most of the time you're trying to get out alive of the 1v1. idk it's a really worthy implant.
Deep Operative + Catlike + Stalker Cloak is great.
Mending Field stacks with all other healing sources. You don't need to max rank it and I think it reduces TTK by a bit.
I LOVE SIDEWINDER AND CATLIKE for a heavy assault. Sidewinder for mobility and cat like, the jump is just such a good life style benefit wether it be going over walls or getting in high grounds. I will say it was for the Guindine PS4 and I have yet to unlock for PC so...
Minor Cloak is a meme implant honestly it was great when we could put it on a max suit and get a jump scare out of some poor sap reaching the point. Outside of that eh pretty worthless.
Advanced shield capacitor, and survivalist doesnt stack?
I only use bionic / survivalist / advanced shield capacitor + auxiliary shield with engineer. This build has extremely fast shield Regen and by definition, high up time. The amount of times I have lived with a sliver of health in duels is too many to count and that's simply due to the slightly higher shield capacity plus survivalist speed boost and since you have 100 HP with this build, completely heal every time and get your shields back very fast. All in all it's a great way to play engi imo.
ASC does not stack with Survivalist, I don't think. The sprint speed also doesn't help; it's quite rare that the last shot that hits you doesn't outright kill you or is followed up by another single bullet.
@@davidmalkowski7850 I've used this combo for well over 1000 hours and yes it stacks and yes the sprint speed is very useful.
I'm still farming for bionics for that reason 😂 I mostly play engi and this seems like the strongest implant syngerie that I can think of
I was curious about a heavy loadout with:
Resist shield, Fortify, Carapace. I saw someone use fortify and I noticed a difference trying to kill them
Resist fortify don't stack
@@ZealousVidya good to know thanks!
I've found myself using Heavyweight sometimes when sniping in large fights. I've heard it's also viable on long-range AV Max loadouts... Not sure how much it adds, though. I don't feel like shelling out the 2k certs to try it.
I actually really like using regen. I have started to take it on my SMG infil in combo with cat like. One you can get into surprising angles but also you are harder to see when moving while crouched. In addition since you have regen I am free to take the shield so instead my infil nerf goes from 125 hp to 75 hp loss of shield. In addition when moving while crouched radar cannot detect you. Peaking corners while crouched on infil is extremely strong. Finally, my engineer load out for point hold is regen, tech specialist, and then in my off hand slot I take a baby gate and I have a spit fire. Pretty strong imo. I also have ASP for LMGs on engineer so point hold capability is insanely strong.
side winder on chain gun TR heavy is amazing ngl
What implants whould recomend for a Engineer NC/TR
loadouts video
Yeah knifes need to be unnerfed as it's rather sad that the power knife can't 1 tap people anymore like for real who thought this thing was OP. That said I have a horrible idea for the knife if anyone is interested.
Knives were stupid pre-nerf. You could kill someone that was twenty feet from you. (not the throwing knife)
1 hit kill knives would have been fine if they'd all been as noisy as the TR chain sword.
@@Markfr0mCanada I agree but everytime I mentioned that to other knifers they practically kick me out of the room.
@@theDemolisher13 Well, that sounds like a them problem, specifically the them problem that got them nerfed at all. If the Lumin Edge made light saber noises as loud as the TR it would be fine.
@@Markfr0mCanada You're right it is a them problem. But this stems into a bigger problem without convincing the core crowd that change needs to happen and in a way that may slightly nerf them but to avoid major nerfs. They'll just keep crying and stomping their feet so we end up having to pull the big nerfs out. This behavior stems in all fields of the game.
Now I get it no one likes to be nerfed it's no fun especially when you've been doing that exact play style for 9 literal years and nothing needed to be done. It can feel like you're being cheated out of your fun. Which is why I always propose a trade off rather than straight up nerfs. Though I feel like the loud minority don't understand what that means.
There is lot of WRONG with this vid, Bionics reduce health by 400, not 450, nightmare is amazing for pump action light assault, rank 5 cloaks you as long you kill at close range, regeneration is must have implant for solo infiltrators that want to use mines cus no body will heal you behind the lines, sidewinder is amazing for MCG heavy assault, or unstable ammo Canis/Skropios infiltrator, also good with normal smgs.
Bru... why not making a list at the end to sumarize all the tier
try sidewinder with mobility mesh on a tr heavy with a minigun equipped with laser, god mode cqb
Critical Chain is the strongest close combat infil implant there is. Hitting the first headshot is almost always guaranteed because you have enough time to aim and prepare lining up the shot. Once you shoot and your cloak goes away you instantly get the attention of everyone there so hitting the follow ups will be absolutely necessary to survive in a building fight etc because most heavy assaults etc will proceed to push you after baiting a shot (rechamber time) so being able to follow up and have a fast enough rechamber speed will even forgive missing shots.
Catlike is one of the most useful things for cloak infiltrators because they allow you to shift walk around quite quickly at least for the people that enjoy that kind of style
My current fav to play Loadout:
Infiltrator with: Moonshot or LA80(with suppressor since we are in close combat and its near silent that way)
Recon dart, hunter cloaking, adrenaline pump, emp nade, med kit
Athlete and Critical chain
This is the kind of Loadout that enables you the call of duty kind of quickscoping and is super satisfying to farm tons of kills.
Oh also to add to that: Light Assault with Nightmare and Ambusher Jets with a Shotgun are absolutely nasty. You get in and are basically constantly cloaked while farming away in the Backline. It will only do that once its maxed though so it takes some investment.
Critical Chain is a better fit on Archer engineer.
Much needed thank you 😊
Eh I just say Regen is your noobie friendly implant to get them going with something.
Liked for the Mass Effect 1 music!
Disengage wouldn't be bad if it could knock people back a good 10m but as it stand eh I find it to be pretty worthless. As I see it more of a hindrance a than anything as if the person getting close to you has C4 and you disengaged them away congrats you just made their job at pushing the button to blow you a lot easier.
I just miss the old Symbiote implant
Regeneration with carapace is op plus u dont get shield drain for amp nades neither weapons with those effects, i miss the old phylacery :( xp xp nice video.
Old Phylactery on Max was my favourite.
Regen with carapace is so horrendously slow. 35 hp per second over 1000 hp, after a 10 second delay. That's nearly 40 seconds total to full heal. Medic heal ability is 75 with no delay (duh) for about 13 seconds - remember that you can't use Combat Surgeon if you're using regen - and kits are 70 hp/s for about 14 seconds. If you're medic which you always should be with carapace you might as well carry around pocket flashes to use triage on yourself - even that is still 30 hp per second with no delay (33 seconds to full heal), so you'll always heal from that faster than regeneration. And you don't add another 10 seconds every time you get tickled by a lasher. It just isn't worth it, dude. On normal builds you can argue it frees up the utility slot, but with Carapace you *need* more healing than that.
Heavyweight in indeed useless, but very very funny on a light assault
Sometimes i wonder what the developers were thinking, and i mean in the sense of: A new player confronting a player who has these advances implants, like those that can cloak, heal or refill ammo. How in the hell do you compete with that? Why the fuck would you add something like that to this game?
they were considered pay2win when they were introduced
at the same time, why should a noobie going head to head with a vet win?
@@silverblank1139 Its not like you´re gonna know at a glance mate.
Still waiting for Assimilate nerf.
How tf do I get an implant
Great list!
In my opinion your take on Nanomesh and mobility mesh and resist shield are just bad. Using carapace with nanomesh, resist, and a pocket medic makes you pretty much unkillable. And nano mesh generator is just a worse version of adrenaline, unless you’re unable to get the required kill every 6-7 seconds which skilled players are easily able to get.
Situationally good in farms
Yeah I disagree with a looot of these placements
Care to enlighten us with some examples?