Most people said it was fine as a standalone, and any sequel would just be an unnecessary cash grab. But I don't think anybody expected it to be straight up bad.
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore- While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. “’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door- Only this and nothing more.” Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December; And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor. Eagerly I wished the morrow;-vainly I had sought to borrow From my books surcease of sorrow-sorrow for the lost Lenore- For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore- Nameless here for evermore. And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain Thrilled me-filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before; So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating “’Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door- Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;- This it is and nothing more.” Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer, “Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore; But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping, And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door, That I scarce was sure I heard you”-here I opened wide the door;- Darkness there and nothing more. Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before; But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token, And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, “Lenore?” This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, “Lenore!”- Merely this and nothing more. Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning, Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before. “Surely,” said I, “surely that is something at my window lattice; Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore- Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;- ’Tis the wind and nothing more!” Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore; Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he; But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door- Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door- Perched, and sat, and nothing more. Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling, By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore, “Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,” I said, “art sure no craven, Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore- Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!” Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.” Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly, Though its answer little meaning-little relevancy bore; For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door- Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door, With such name as “Nevermore.” But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour. Nothing farther then he uttered-not a feather then he fluttered- Till I scarcely more than muttered “Other friends have flown before- On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have flown before.” Then the bird said “Nevermore.” Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken, “Doubtless,” said I, “what it utters is its only stock and store Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore- Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore Of ‘Never-nevermore’.” But the Raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling, Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door; Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore- What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore Meant in croaking “Nevermore.” This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom’s core; This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining On the cushion’s velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o’er, But whose velvet-violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o’er, She shall press, ah, nevermore! Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor. “Wretch,” I cried, “thy God hath lent thee-by these angels he hath sent thee Respite-respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore; Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!” Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.” “Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!-prophet still, if bird or devil!- Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted- On this home by Horror haunted-tell me truly, I implore- Is there-is there balm in Gilead?-tell me-tell me, I implore!” Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.” “Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!-prophet still, if bird or devil! By that Heaven that bends above us-by that God we both adore- Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn, It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore- Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore.” Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.” “Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!” I shrieked, upstarting- “Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore! Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken!-quit the bust above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!” Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.” And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming, And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted-nevermore!
There's only 3 ways a Joker sequel could have worked, and they did none of them. 1. Turn Arthur into the antagonist of the film and not the protagonist. Focus on an entirely different character as the lead and center the film around them and the consequences of Arthur's rampage. 2. Make another villain origin story film but for Harley Quinn instead of Arthur. Keep Arthur a central figure in the movie, but focus purely on Harley's decent into madness, make her a somewhat sympathetic character that gets drawn into by Arthur's charisma, eventually leading to his escape and end on the implication of Arthur's plan to just use and abuse her to do evil, like he does in the TAS and the comics. 3. Hammer down on the "society is broken" theme presented by the first film and make a movie where the corruption and self-righteous blindess of the media and court system allows Arthur to play it like a fiddle, highlight the hypocrisy and vulnerabilities of the system with Arthur pulling the strings. A thriller similar to Law Abiding Citizen, or even a court room thriller like Primal Fear. The first movie already gave him the full transformation. The very end where he's walking down the hospital hallway with the bloody footprints after his therapist's interview in Arkham signifies Arthur had already, at that point, fully become The Joker. He already made the full transformation when he decided to kill the TV host instead of himself during the Talk Show, the scenes following that were just flavor. A sequel didn't need to be made, and in fact, really couldn't be from a story standpoint. Once that story was told there was no where else for the character to evolve other than as a meaner, or inferior, version of himself. Unfortunately, they went with the latter, which no one wanted to see...
Your three suggestions are great for a movie portraying the comic book joker but these films are really about Arthur and having him become the Joker in the comics (able to play the law like a fiddle, become a real villain, escape and do evil schemes with harley) wouldn’t be realistic for the story set up in the first film.
I heavily disagree with the idea that there are only 3 possible ways to make an interesting sequel, but I do heavily agree with the fact that were not very many ways to make a movie all about the Joker's origin story interesting after already showing us his full origin story. What I was hoping would happen would be us seeing him just being the Joker, maybe not playing the legal system like a fiddle, but doing something to show that he had competence, or at least something to show off his ability to achieve stuff through his craziness, considering the fact that that's the whole point of the Joker comic book character, he's just a normal guy with the most f'd up sense of humour and a lot of free time and resources. I was hoping a movie series all about showing the origins of that character would let us see that character do what makes the character so interesting, let us see the character go crazy, but instead they kinda just made him an idiot who didn't achieve anything throughout the film and then implied he wasn't even the Joker character but just the guy who inspired it
So you didn’t watch it? I hate musicals but I give it a 6/10, it’s an alright watch, but I was expecting a complete and utter train wreck since everyone has a hate boner for it.
@@TheMintybreath Welcome to online culture. Everything must be made into content so it either needs to be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever. The minecraft movie will probably be a decent kids movie too.
In case anyone wants to know just how bad this film is. Joker never shows up in reality. The only time he ever shows up is in musical numbers within Arthur's head. Arthur ends up going to prison where he is raped and stabbed. Thats the entire film.
@@bshhhhhhh You cannot compare one segment of the first film. To literally every single Joker "appearance" in the 2nd. No one asked for this "artistic" take on The Joker. No one asked for a musical. No one asked to only see Joker doing musical numbers inside of Arthur's head. No one asked for Joker and Arthur to be two separate entities.
> todd phillips walks in > Makes highest grossing R movie at the time > Studio wants a sequel > Todd Phillips walks in >Intentionally butchers the francise and trolls fans >Refuses to elaborate >Leaves
Todd was never good at sequels but this one feels intentional. I think he did make this movie dog crap on purpose so the studio stops bothering him for more sequels.
I honestly thought this movie was going to be Harley’s story and the musical numbers are all in her head to cope with being in an abusive relationship with Arthur.
I think part of the problem is it seems to make Joaquin's Joker kinda pointless. Like he just goes back to being a sad tragic character again when he should have become the monster he was supposed to turn into after the first film.
I can see what you are saying but I thought the movie was fine. Not as good as the first Joker, but still fine. I think your criticism is more based than others who only want to see an struggling insane man when it’s “cool”. Not when it looks almost “pathetic” (I don’t think it’s pathetic)
@@iamaustrailia5067 it literally ended with him pussying out of the joker character and some tweaker stabbing him to death in prison. like what was the point
@omEon they could’ve done that by having him turn into the normal insane joker, the one who just does random acts of violence instead of killing him. Bro didn’t even meet batman bruh how do you defend that
I'm sorry but the first joker movie was pretty horrible as well. if you want some actual good joker movie, watch dark knight movies made by Christopher nolan. great script and great acting , heath ledger was very talented.
2024 joker lore >Be me >Go to jail >Get S/A'd >Find a literal fused celebrity there >Have a longer scene than CSM's recent chapters *Is this movie even canon to the first joker?*
Deconstructing the Joker is not a bad idea, The Killing Joke kinda did that at the end. The real problem was the execution, with the sequel erasing most of the mysteries in the first movie and regressing the main character like what happened in the first movie didn't matter. The whole sequel was just unnecessary.
It wasn't just unnecessary, at least if it was we could just pretend it didn't happen, instead it completely regressed the character and then killed him, which mean this whole story that we thought was the origin of the Joker character was actually a waste of time and the real joker was just a random psychopath we saw 3 times
@@shinobix4925peak storytelling. This movie is amazing, a fuck you to the audiences. Meta commentary at its finest. I really think people should go to the theaters to see this film, but the poor response is part of the overall art and commentary of it. The audiences themselfs prove that even beyond the fourth wall no one gives a shit about Arthur, only the Joker.
I was gonna watch this despite the bad reviews but now that I know there’s a grape scene I’m noping the heck out I don’t wanna see nor hear that on a huge cinema screen 😭
@@TinAlien7they didn’t show anything it was just inferred, *SPOILERS* after he got back from trials the guards got pissed that he called them out so they beat him up and brought him to the showers and pull down his pants then the scene cuts
0:28 I went and saw it last night with a friend. I pointed out the fact that the theater was pretty empty, then I watched the movie. I want my money back
I walked out early and when my friends came out after it was done they said I missed the part that would of pissed me off the most and they should of left too
Joker: Folie à Deux: Electric Boogaloo. It's a shame that this sequel was so disappointing, but I'm not surprised. The original just works so much better as a stand alone film.
@@hydromancer4916it was 100% made unironically. The self insert “velma” character is just as obnoxious and unbearable as the real life mindy kaling. She summed up the criticism as “if you don’t like velma, you’re a bigot” meanwhile, the entirety of velma is bashing on white people and men in general.
being honest, we need a Joker like Jack Nicholson's, someone who puts the "clown" in "The Prince Clown of Crime", someone who has crazy gadgets like a long ahh pistol that fires a flag that says "bang" (also dont get me wrong Ledger and Joker 1 Phoenix are goated)
FR why does every director have to make the joker such a serious, brooding, and unfunnily sadistic character nowadays? Can’t we have an actual “joker” again instead of a weird singer serial killer/weirdly serious psychopath?
its like they wanted to undo the message incells took from the first one "society owes me" but instead of going it in the delicate way such a complicated topic should be handled, they made a musical
@@mariasol1545man vs society is a very good story conflict and something the masses can relate too. And you knew it was good because the Hollywood establishment tried so hard to tell us it was garbage. Well of course they hated it they saw a representation of themselves get shot on their golden throne by a representation of their victims.
@@aqeelraja4750heath ledger is the best movie joker, he still doesn’t feel like the joker from the comics and that’s fine. it’s fine to have different interpretations of the Joker, I like Telltale’s joker a lot as well but he doesn’t feel like the “Joker” but it works for that story so it’s fine
The best Joker we've ever had for thr last century or so feels like only Arkham game series does well. Both the voice and writting of Arkham Joker is amazing.@@justinportillo3996
yap! exactly what I thought. people shit all over him at the time, but you know what? that performance is going to be CLASSIC. the way he made joker into a completely over the top, meth-head trailer trash, true to the comic books psychotic creep was fantastic! I personally enjoyed that a lot, despite people not. I'm happy for him that people are now saying this movie redeemed his joker! :D
It is honestly kinda impressive how much a studio can ignore or misread what people liked about a movie when making a sequel. Though I think the biggest misunderstanding is that people weren't asking for Joker 2, given that what made Joker so good is watching Arthur being turned into the monster that reflects the society that created 'the Joker', but given that the first movie ended with the Joker persona being born and the question as to if it was real or just Arthur's fantasy, it wrapped it up with a nice little bow.
Todd Philips has openly said many of the people who liked the first film liked it for the wrong reasons and it actively bothers him how many of those people there are. This movie going against everything those people liked about it is intentional and done to spite them.
When tere were rumors that the sequel will be a musical I was laughing, because it seemed to be stupid, silly and an absurd, when the rumors got confirmed, I was 100% sure this will be a flop.
@@CidGuerreiro1234What you don't like giving rich people money that you worked hard for so they can mock you and somehow delude themselves into thinking they are far above us dumb plebs? These clowns would never get into the industry if they weren't given actual stories for them to butcher.
At least megamind 2 didnt have the main character get GR@PED the stabbed to death in prison ……..actually they probably saving that for the grand finale of a megamind trilogy
Are you f-ing kidding me? It's literally the opposite, this movie was too real. It just explored the consequences of his actions from the first movie, which was fairly uninteresting. And at the end, he dies like the rest of us... In silence. But you should know this as you've actually seen the movie, right?
In a span of a year, we got - Batman getting humiliated and executed on a bench - Joker getting gang-r*ped in prison All that just to prop up Harley Quinn😢
People in Hollywood are the funniest. Sony re-releases Morbius thinking they'd get 1 morbillion dollars, and now Todd Phillips made a whole movie because of "he's literally me fr fr" Joker memes
The first movie was built as a standalone film. Any attempt at a sequel was going to struggle. It just goes to show that not everything needs a damn continuation.
you people speak as though this entire thing was not propagandaa from the start. The first film was what is known as bait and switch propaganda. other things in this genre include last of us 2, Scot pilgrim takes off. and Velma These are overtly polotical anger films and shows. they are created to make you "hate" your neighbor.
I work in a movie theater and my boss scheduled literally all of us for this Saturday (last night) and needless to say hardly anyone showed up to see joker and alot of us had to be sent home early because it was not nearly as busy as he was expecting
The funniest part is that the director did this as some act of spite towards all the "evil bigots" who liked the first movie. He really dumpstered his career, an entire franchise, and multiple billions of dollars just to get back at some people who pissed him off online.
Agreed, and the fact that the movie served literally no point, like no moral, nothing to think about, it was just there describing his eventual death. Really disappointing because you could see all of the elements for another great film, and they just did nothing with it. It just regressed from the first movie, there was no point for half of that movie to even be there. It undid everything the first movie set up.
If the first Joker was supposed to emulate New Hollywood films of the 70s like Taxi Driver, then this movie seems to be emulating the unnecessary sequels to those films with little or none of the original cast or crew, like Jaws 2, Airplane 2, Grease 2, Staying Alive, etc. Except they actually kept all the original cast and crew, so I don't know what went wrong (haven't seen it yet, but idk if I want to)
its like they wanted to undo the message incells took from the first one "society owes me" but instead of going it in the delicate way such a complicated topic should be handled, they made a musical
@@mariasol1545 ikr, they COULD have made a sequel that shows just how twisted the Joker has become, and how it shouldn't be idolized. What they should've done is made us sympathize for Arthur Fleck, while the Joker pushes Arthur down and abuses him the same way society has. They should've ended the movie with us feeling sick to our guts with what the Joker has become. But instead they made Arthur a 5-pump chump who gets graped and stabbed to death by a tweaker in prison. What is the lesson we've learned here? It's stupid as fuck.
Him dying honestly would have been acceptable without the scene earlier where he breaks down and apologizes for the murders. Also if he at least died cool, like making a smiling face outta the blood and dying with that neurotic 'not actually laughing' laugh but no. This was a hollywood humiliation ritual for the fans. They wanted us to not enjoy the movie (just hoped that it would do better with non-fans and expert critic types)
@@mr.keleton9710Seems like alot of our media is intentionally doing a bad job so people who smell their own the farts can feel good about owning the "chuds" with hundreds of millions of dollars. How about make a good product and try owning the chuds that way
What bothers me is that this could have been phenomenal. You recontextualize the first film, add a fan favorite character played by an award winning actress and singer, and explore an iconic location from the Batman mythos and what goes on behind closed doors.
I knew this movie was doomed the second they put Lady Gaga in it as Harley Quinn 😂😂😂 This version of Joker doesn't really garner a Harley Quinn because Harley Quinn is supposed to be a psychopath that became enamored with Joker's chaotic nature, but this version of Joker didn't directly incite the chaos at the end of the first movie, he didn't even knew the riots were for him until after the very last scene where he stands on top of the cop car and paints a smile on his face with his own blood. This is literally a Chris Chan and Flutter situation!!!
Rare occasion where the second movie makes the first movie worse. I loved the first movie but never thought it had much to say about society or mental health, I thought it was just a great character study with great acting and direction so i was confused when people were liking it for the social commentary. I think going into the second one expecting it to be a great work of social commentary was a mistake and Todd Phillips proves that he wasn't trying to say anything with the first one and he just seemed to make a great movie by accident.
Idk, I mean the joker's backstory (the two we have specifically) have shown that it's basically about how enough bad days can make anyone go mad. it could work as social commentary on some level, and the first and second act and the title were leaning the direction of joker making others crazy with him...then he basically gave it all up and died for it. Not sure what to take from that
I literally didn’t watch the movie cuz I felt it was going to hit to close to home. It resonated so much it became one. Living in the butthole of America, nothing but hospital stays from being insane from having an alter that took the sex abuse for me as but a start… no help.. no one will understand, no friends but I cause plenty of smiles.. who doesn’t like the idea of ppl getting what they fucking deserve. Anyway so they took the character they now felt symbolized these lowly beaten men’s frustrations and made a desperately not needed sequel where the main point seems to jait be to see him GGGRRRRRAPED and stabbed to death with no real plot advancement. I could read that as a jab lol
The first directly was was social commentary, thats pretty obvious from anyone that’s seen a batman movie compared to the joker, the second was intentionally bad because the director hated people idolizing a mentally ill murderer and wanted to make him a loser.
Musicals are fine. I don’t personally like them, but some people do and that’s fine. The fact that they thought anyone who liked the first Joker would be interested in a musical about the Joker is on them, not us. Was a horrible business decision.
Who cares about the business aspect of a movie other than the producers? He made a good movie and a near perfect sequel. I loved the first movie and then loved the second movie. Stupid people are going to see the movie and are mad it's an artsy film, ga ga fans are going to see the movie and are mad it's not gay and silly and lighthearted. Then their opinions are the first to come out about the movie, and the other 800 million dollars worth of viewers aren't bothering to go give it a try because it's literally being called "The worst comic book movie of all time" while sony spiderman villain movies exist.
@@Dead4911 Fair enough. Glad you liked it. I do agree there’s a certain amount of things just being a constant outrage cycle these days. Can’t be healthy for us. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Hollywood's so bad at making movies at this point they don't even bother advertising new movies because people will see how shit it is and choose no to see it versus hearing about it being shit
The director hated that people related to and liked the character HE CREATED AND ICONIZED AGAIN, that he intentionally made this movie as shit as possible. This movie exists as a cry baby's tantrum about him not liking how much people liked his work.
I really liked the Joker 2 though. It developped what the first film was about, someone sick in a mad world. The music tells a story on many layers and plays an important role. I don't know what people really expected to see.
The first movie was clearly meant to be a one off movie, but it made a ton of money so studios demanded more. I am convinced Todd Phillips took the bag and ensured the franchise dies. This would explain why it's a musical.
I saw that people were saying negative things about the film, and I thought, eh, I’ll still give it a chance. And there were some actual good scenes. The beginning, some bits from the court room. And maybe two or three musical scenes. But singing every 5-6 minutes with 2-3 minute songs????!?? Joker has used music before to advance the plot, but there was none!
@@Dr.Oofers God I still get a laugh at how the Super-Death-Virus clone that is the Main Character thinks the original version of himself is an irredeemable piece of shit when he finds out the shit he did before the first game even starts.
honestly, it would've been cool if there was a movie about a more realistic interpretation of Batman. Like, him being a cop, trying to hunt down this evil mentally ill dude that wears clown makeup. And not in an edgy type of movie. Like, maybe it would be more grounded and focus more about Bruce's relationship with his friends and family. like his adopted son Robin
“Man, that was so good! I wish we could get a Joker sequel.”
And thus, the monkey’s paw curled a finger.
we need a monkey's paw horror adaptation
@@lynashmcmash4427 I mean, I'm pretty sure the original version of it was kinda horror, yeah?
@@themonkeyspaw7359 keep your paws to yourself bucko
Most people said it was fine as a standalone, and any sequel would just be an unnecessary cash grab. But I don't think anybody expected it to be straight up bad.
"Why so serious batman?!?!?!" *followed by 600 capcut effects*
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore-
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door-
Only this and nothing more.”
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow;-vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow-sorrow for the lost Lenore-
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore-
Nameless here for evermore.
And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me-filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating
“’Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door-
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;-
This it is and nothing more.”
Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
“Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you”-here I opened wide the door;-
Darkness there and nothing more.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, “Lenore?”
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, “Lenore!”-
Merely this and nothing more.
Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
“Surely,” said I, “surely that is something at my window lattice;
Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore-
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;-
’Tis the wind and nothing more!”
Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore;
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door-
Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door-
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.
Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
“Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,” I said, “art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore-
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!”
Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”
Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,
Though its answer little meaning-little relevancy bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door-
Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door,
With such name as “Nevermore.”
But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing farther then he uttered-not a feather then he fluttered-
Till I scarcely more than muttered “Other friends have flown before-
On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have flown before.”
Then the bird said “Nevermore.”
Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,
“Doubtless,” said I, “what it utters is its only stock and store
Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore-
Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore
Of ‘Never-nevermore’.”
But the Raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling,
Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door;
Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking
Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore-
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore
Meant in croaking “Nevermore.”
This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing
To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom’s core;
This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining
On the cushion’s velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o’er,
But whose velvet-violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o’er,
She shall press, ah, nevermore!
Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer
Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.
“Wretch,” I cried, “thy God hath lent thee-by these angels he hath sent thee
Respite-respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore;
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!”
Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”
“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!-prophet still, if bird or devil!-
Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted-
On this home by Horror haunted-tell me truly, I implore-
Is there-is there balm in Gilead?-tell me-tell me, I implore!”
Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”
“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!-prophet still, if bird or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us-by that God we both adore-
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore-
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore.”
Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”
“Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!” I shrieked, upstarting-
“Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
Leave my loneliness unbroken!-quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!”
Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”
And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted-nevermore!
GET OUT! @RyuzennYT
@@somemadnessfan4763The jonkler strikes again
I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now i realize it's a musical.
-Arthur 2024
This ain't the Joker, this the Clown 😭 😭
"We have Joker at home" ahh Joker
"But Doctor, I am Pagliacci."
The Jonkle
The Jester
The clownster
Joker got a girlfriend, meaning that he isn't Literally Me anymore 😢
Dude got dumped by his gf because he didn't want to murder people, bro literally is
@@Stack-12did you just use the fucking skull emoji please man just do you homework
@@enjoyerofstuffRelatable af 😢
There's only 3 ways a Joker sequel could have worked, and they did none of them.
1. Turn Arthur into the antagonist of the film and not the protagonist. Focus on an entirely different character as the lead and center the film around them and the consequences of Arthur's rampage.
2. Make another villain origin story film but for Harley Quinn instead of Arthur. Keep Arthur a central figure in the movie, but focus purely on Harley's decent into madness, make her a somewhat sympathetic character that gets drawn into by Arthur's charisma, eventually leading to his escape and end on the implication of Arthur's plan to just use and abuse her to do evil, like he does in the TAS and the comics.
3. Hammer down on the "society is broken" theme presented by the first film and make a movie where the corruption and self-righteous blindess of the media and court system allows Arthur to play it like a fiddle, highlight the hypocrisy and vulnerabilities of the system with Arthur pulling the strings. A thriller similar to Law Abiding Citizen, or even a court room thriller like Primal Fear.
The first movie already gave him the full transformation. The very end where he's walking down the hospital hallway with the bloody footprints after his therapist's interview in Arkham signifies Arthur had already, at that point, fully become The Joker. He already made the full transformation when he decided to kill the TV host instead of himself during the Talk Show, the scenes following that were just flavor.
A sequel didn't need to be made, and in fact, really couldn't be from a story standpoint. Once that story was told there was no where else for the character to evolve other than as a meaner, or inferior, version of himself.
Unfortunately, they went with the latter, which no one wanted to see...
Your three suggestions are great for a movie portraying the comic book joker but these films are really about Arthur and having him become the Joker in the comics (able to play the law like a fiddle, become a real villain, escape and do evil schemes with harley) wouldn’t be realistic for the story set up in the first film.
I heavily disagree with the idea that there are only 3 possible ways to make an interesting sequel, but I do heavily agree with the fact that were not very many ways to make a movie all about the Joker's origin story interesting after already showing us his full origin story. What I was hoping would happen would be us seeing him just being the Joker, maybe not playing the legal system like a fiddle, but doing something to show that he had competence, or at least something to show off his ability to achieve stuff through his craziness, considering the fact that that's the whole point of the Joker comic book character, he's just a normal guy with the most f'd up sense of humour and a lot of free time and resources. I was hoping a movie series all about showing the origins of that character would let us see that character do what makes the character so interesting, let us see the character go crazy, but instead they kinda just made him an idiot who didn't achieve anything throughout the film and then implied he wasn't even the Joker character but just the guy who inspired it
2019: omg he’s literally me!
2024: *bro is a fking clown 💀*
@IcabtRekate shhhh like beggar
@IcabtRekatewomp womp
@IcabtRekatebugger off bot
@IcabtRekatebegging for likes 💀
So still literally you then.
It wouldn't suprise me if lady gaga starts singing "Joker face" halfway through the movie.
So you didn’t watch it? I hate musicals but I give it a 6/10, it’s an alright watch, but I was expecting a complete and utter train wreck since everyone has a hate boner for it.
@@TheMintybreath Welcome to online culture. Everything must be made into content so it either needs to be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever. The minecraft movie will probably be a decent kids movie too.
@@uberculex yikes.
or poker face
"joker oh laalala joker olalala jookerr oooolalala put on dat cloownn face"
In case anyone wants to know just how bad this film is. Joker never shows up in reality. The only time he ever shows up is in musical numbers within Arthur's head. Arthur ends up going to prison where he is raped and stabbed. Thats the entire film.
@@bshhhhhhh Joker clearly shows up and is around for the entire final act.
@@bshhhhhhh You cannot compare one segment of the first film. To literally every single Joker "appearance" in the 2nd. No one asked for this "artistic" take on The Joker. No one asked for a musical. No one asked to only see Joker doing musical numbers inside of Arthur's head. No one asked for Joker and Arthur to be two separate entities.
@@mee091000 I asked for it to be a musical, wym? Do you guys only want boring superhero movie schlock? Can we not have a little bit of fun?
@@bshhhhhhh A musical comic book movie is not fun for 99.9% of comic fans. Live action or Paperback.
@@bshhhhhhh Watching Arthur get raped in prison is not fun for 99.9% of movie viewers in general.
> todd phillips walks in
> Makes highest grossing R movie at the time
> Studio wants a sequel
> Todd Phillips walks in
>Intentionally butchers the francise and trolls fans
>Refuses to elaborate
So slacktivism?
Todd was never good at sequels but this one feels intentional. I think he did make this movie dog crap on purpose so the studio stops bothering him for more sequels.
@@cattysplat yup, and leftychuds will unironically eat it up
This is the type of movie that Joker would make if he released one about his backstory
I honestly thought this movie was going to be Harley’s story and the musical numbers are all in her head to cope with being in an abusive relationship with Arthur.
that would've been much cooler
You should direct a movie
Nah that would've been good 💀
@@ouch892Nope, maybe produce but this does not mean they should direct because of a cool idea.
You know a movie is really bad when the critic and audience scores are both low.
Joaquin Phoenix said he won't do joker 2 unless the script was really good
He must have been a paid a lot then
He was probably paid more than the movie made.
Hollywood mfs when i show them integrity
@@epicclown4587 JONKLER said $20M is $20M
I heard it was said they change the script twice
I think part of the problem is it seems to make Joaquin's Joker kinda pointless. Like he just goes back to being a sad tragic character again when he should have become the monster he was supposed to turn into after the first film.
I can see what you are saying but I thought the movie was fine. Not as good as the first Joker, but still fine. I think your criticism is more based than others who only want to see an struggling insane man when it’s “cool”. Not when it looks almost “pathetic” (I don’t think it’s pathetic)
@@iamaustrailia5067 it literally ended with him pussying out of the joker character and some tweaker stabbing him to death in prison. like what was the point
@@autumnaltumn to reinforce the message that he's a sick in the head clown, not a thought leader.
@omEon they could’ve done that by having him turn into the normal insane joker, the one who just does random acts of violence instead of killing him. Bro didn’t even meet batman bruh how do you defend that
who up dejonkling they jonklers?
They cant keep jerking like that
Are they stupid?
“People liked the dancing on stairs scene in the first movie.”
Director: “let’s make him dance for the entire movie!”
Also the scene of him smoking at the end.
Lets fill the movie with smoking!
I'm sorry but the first joker movie was pretty horrible as well.
if you want some actual good joker movie, watch dark knight movies made by Christopher nolan. great script and great acting , heath ledger was very talented.
Sit down, Barbenheimer fans. Its time for Jokerlopolis
@@Chris-sm2uj"do you wanna have a stupid time?" - Sankler
Jonom, or Veker
@FigrollMan-h4qmade my dumbass subscribe
2024 joker lore
>Be me
>Go to jail
>Get S/A'd
>Find a literal fused celebrity there
>Have a longer scene than CSM's recent chapters
*Is this movie even canon to the first joker?*
“Why so serious?”
Why so serious?
*starts beatboxing*
Would’ve unironically made the movie better.
@@erdtroll7010 Now this is a story all about how i made this clown turned upside down!
>Gets graped
>Stops being Joker
What did they mean by this?
Gordon was right all along
Why did jonkler get graped? Is he stupid?
@@boofy1347there was fr*nch in the title, of course it was gonna happen !!1! 🐆🐴🫎🦏🫏🐩🐗🫎🐎🦄🦓🦊🐎🦌🐏🐻🦏🐻❄️🦚🐼🦒🦫🪶🦇🦣
He got gapped.
@@boofy1347is there a lore reason jinker got graped
Deconstructing the Joker is not a bad idea, The Killing Joke kinda did that at the end. The real problem was the execution, with the sequel erasing most of the mysteries in the first movie and regressing the main character like what happened in the first movie didn't matter. The whole sequel was just unnecessary.
It wasn't just unnecessary, at least if it was we could just pretend it didn't happen, instead it completely regressed the character and then killed him, which mean this whole story that we thought was the origin of the Joker character was actually a waste of time and the real joker was just a random psychopath we saw 3 times
@@shinobix4925peak storytelling. This movie is amazing, a fuck you to the audiences. Meta commentary at its finest.
I really think people should go to the theaters to see this film, but the poor response is part of the overall art and commentary of it.
The audiences themselfs prove that even beyond the fourth wall no one gives a shit about Arthur, only the Joker.
@@MrDragonorp "I was only pretending to be incompetent and I fooled you"
Joker Folie a Doo Doo 2 Electric Boogaloo.
Joker Hawk a tooh
JokerMind vs the Folie a Doo doo syndicate
@FigrollManZNTP-e3bshut up
@RyuzennYTcomplete bullshit, don’t click it
Jelqer 6% folly el scooby dooby doo
The fact that La La Land was promoted as a musical but was barely 20-30% musical while this shit was the inverse is pretty surreal.
I've definitely seen less music numbers in musicals than in joker 2.
it was very clear that it was a musical...
"Incels liked the first one a bit too much. I know lets make it a musical and have him get graped"
I was gonna watch this despite the bad reviews but now that I know there’s a grape scene I’m noping the heck out I don’t wanna see nor hear that on a huge cinema screen 😭
@@TinAlien7they didn’t show anything it was just inferred, *SPOILERS* after he got back from trials the guards got pissed that he called them out so they beat him up and brought him to the showers and pull down his pants then the scene cuts
your mother
@@Mookie_Y Reminds me of the South Park episode where George Lucas grapes Indiana Jones
1:54 "gamers and society haters" 😭
Gang weed enjoyers
"These are the same picture"
@@SnaksiXD God I miss the "gang weed" era of the internet
@@Surokkh has doritos gone too far???
Gamers rise up😈😈😈
We live in a society where joker 2 exists
@FigrollManZNTP-e3byou do realise I read Hindi, right?
@@imabitmidthis ain't Hindi, this is Sanskrit.
@@mrlarolapra6288 sorry, my bad, I just wanted to troll the bot
[dies of death]
@FigrollManZNTP-e3b huh, guess you aren’t, I’m still not translating that
They just HAVE to make everything suck huh?
Fr. No franchise is safe
Fr man. Nothing makes sense anymore... this year is getting worse by the minute
@@HumeAnn get help if you believe that.
@@lisalisa-x9x Get a load of blissfully unaware armchair psychologist here everyone
You may need Lasik. As you're obliviously going blind.
0:28 I went and saw it last night with a friend. I pointed out the fact that the theater was pretty empty, then I watched the movie. I want my money back
Well at least now you know why it was empty
I walked out early and when my friends came out after it was done they said I missed the part that would of pissed me off the most and they should of left too
@@Anthem76 Better to pretend there’s only 1 Joker movie
@@aaronlandry3934There is only one Joker movie.
Pointed out to whom?
This was r/BatmanArkham: The Movie
that is an insult to the aslume
This comment makes it funny.😆
@@unter1103 youre really saying this on youtube 💀💀
@@unter1103 you're so cool and different writing this in a youtube comment section of channel 'lessons in meme culture'
@@leoortiiizwhy so trigggggggered?
This ain't the Joker, it's the Joke
I love how blunt the title is.
the jonkler 2 situation is crazy
Wait what? I smoke it.
It's better to save people from wasting their time watching it
Joker: Folie à Deux: Electric Boogaloo. It's a shame that this sequel was so disappointing, but I'm not surprised. The original just works so much better as a stand alone film.
The original is garbage
@@lokimiguel2452 bait used to be believable
it should have been kept as a standalone film.
i enjoyed this film i dont get the hate
They made it bad on purpose as a humiliation ritual in response to the "wrong people" liking the first one.
The first film was no diffreint. it was a bait and switch propaganda film like scot pligrim takes off and Velma.
@@MaxCapNibba I feel like Velma was a parody making fun of SJWs, there's no way it was made unironically.
@@hydromancer4916 If you read about the director and writers it'll make sense. It's basically a bad self insert fanfiction
@@hydromancer4916it was 100% made unironically. The self insert “velma” character is just as obnoxious and unbearable as the real life mindy kaling.
She summed up the criticism as “if you don’t like velma, you’re a bigot” meanwhile, the entirety of velma is bashing on white people and men in general.
@@hydromancer4916 You wish it was a joke. I do as well. that's the horrid part. It was 100% legit. there is no evidence showing otherwise.
I've never seen a director being so petty that he chose to waste $200 million to spite Joker fans
Ultimate troll
@@adamlisiewicz1777 he's a bit o a joker himself.
"It's not about the money, it's about sending a message" and the message is that he is a clown.
@@DashY_GD I dunno man, the way it's making people pressed is pretty funny.
being honest, we need a Joker like Jack Nicholson's, someone who puts the "clown" in "The Prince Clown of Crime", someone who has crazy gadgets like a long ahh pistol that fires a flag that says "bang"
(also dont get me wrong Ledger and Joker 1 Phoenix are goated)
I agree. I think i had enough of the late takes of the joker having to be grim and gritty
And it has to be an african american female
FR why does every director have to make the joker such a serious, brooding, and unfunnily sadistic character nowadays? Can’t we have an actual “joker” again instead of a weird singer serial killer/weirdly serious psychopath?
everyone here should watch the Lego batman movie. if you haven't already
@@tjudi goated movie
For me personally, the movie was decent but a lot of the potential that the story had was wasted by the movie being literally High School Musical😭
Jonkler is better ngl
What about his brother, the Binkler?
Officer Balls
Ken's old neighbour? I'd agree
Jonkler: Folly and Dumb
The Jerker
This was not Joker… It was Jonkler…
No, it was the Giggler.
Nah, it was the Twinkler
Nah, this is rekoJ
where was man during the events of jonkler 2?
the jerker
The first movie was perfect and didn't need a sequel, the moment they announced a sequel, i knew it was gonna hot garbage
Seriously why is this concept so hard for people to grasp
Meanwhile Multiversus twitter learned about The Man meme and now the Arkham subreddit is in shambles
Lmao what?
Multiverus twitter started referencing r/BatmanArkham, driving many of the aslume patients into sanity.
How does danil not know of Man? Is he stupid?
@@randomduck8679how could they do that? Take away a man's insanity like it's nothing?
They even found out about Officer Balls I think.
Joker and Harley Quinn's twisted relationship in the movie gives the whole new meaning of "Bad Romance".
its like they wanted to undo the message incells took from the first one "society owes me"
but instead of going it in the delicate way such a complicated topic should be handled, they made a musical
I guess she really liked his "Joker face"
@@mariasol1545man vs society is a very good story conflict and something the masses can relate too. And you knew it was good because the Hollywood establishment tried so hard to tell us it was garbage. Well of course they hated it they saw a representation of themselves get shot on their golden throne by a representation of their victims.
The is movie isnt bad, its just born this way
joker❌️ the prankster✅️
This movie solidified heath ledger as the best joker
Nah he was always the best joker. This movie doesn’t change that fact
@@aqeelraja4750heath ledger is the best movie joker, he still doesn’t feel like the joker from the comics and that’s fine. it’s fine to have different interpretations of the Joker, I like Telltale’s joker a lot as well but he doesn’t feel like the “Joker” but it works for that story so it’s fine
The best Joker we've ever had for thr last century or so feels like only Arkham game series does well.
Both the voice and writting of Arkham Joker is amazing.@@justinportillo3996
You are idiots who have never read any comics ever
yap! exactly what I thought. people shit all over him at the time, but you know what? that performance is going to be CLASSIC. the way he made joker into a completely over the top, meth-head trailer trash, true to the comic books psychotic creep was fantastic! I personally enjoyed that a lot, despite people not. I'm happy for him that people are now saying this movie redeemed his joker! :D
It is honestly kinda impressive how much a studio can ignore or misread what people liked about a movie when making a sequel. Though I think the biggest misunderstanding is that people weren't asking for Joker 2, given that what made Joker so good is watching Arthur being turned into the monster that reflects the society that created 'the Joker', but given that the first movie ended with the Joker persona being born and the question as to if it was real or just Arthur's fantasy, it wrapped it up with a nice little bow.
@@Algebruh2407 You are just a child who sees himself in joker. You are a piece of trash
Thw first movie sucked cause it appealed to clowns like you
The movie was made to piss off the fans of the original.
Todd Philips has openly said many of the people who liked the first film liked it for the wrong reasons and it actively bothers him how many of those people there are. This movie going against everything those people liked about it is intentional and done to spite them.
@@EvieCorwellthat's because his own film grew to create a life of its own, and Todd Philips never followed through with that life.
When tere were rumors that the sequel will be a musical I was laughing, because it seemed to be stupid, silly and an absurd, when the rumors got confirmed, I was 100% sure this will be a flop.
Joker 2: the joke is on you
I'm sick of spite movies ffs
Sick of people who hate their audience being hired to make stuff.
@@CidGuerreiro1234What you don't like giving rich people money that you worked hard for so they can mock you and somehow delude themselves into thinking they are far above us dumb plebs? These clowns would never get into the industry if they weren't given actual stories for them to butcher.
it felt like they hated that the "wrong people" liked the first movie and made the sequel as bad as possible out of spite.
@@JJAB91 it's childish and a waste of everybody's time
Fr, the ending is both figuratively, and literally a joke.
"You either die a hero or , live long enough to see youselves become the villain"
Heath Ledger perfectly resembles this quote
0:19 wtf is that
Skibidi toilet dance 🕺 🤣 😍
Lmao cringe dance
I hope Count of Monte Cristo memes start appearing, i feel like it's emotional moments could be turned into ironic memes
The 2002 rendition holds a special place in my heart.
@@-et37- have you seen the new one? I find it to be amazing
@FigrollMan-h4q my heart will stop beating but your dumb ass will still keep getting beaten by your drunk ass father
i read the book version, are the movies any good?
@@jezaillebrett1897 the newly released one is of very high quality, I'd recommend to watch it in theaters at the moment
I am sorry Megamind 2, you are somehow not the worst sequel to an beloved movie with an villain protagonist
Shut up with both your garbage movies.
Let's not get carried away at least this had some returning actors
@@chefboyardee2223 I'd argue that's even worse actually. You could at least argue by not returning, they dodged a bullet.
I think you went too far there. Peacock butchered Megamind more than Joker 2 butchered Joker
At least megamind 2 didnt have the main character get GR@PED the stabbed to death in prison
……..actually they probably saving that for the grand finale of a megamind trilogy
Joker : no lady gaga = success
Joker 2 : has lady gaga = failed
Lady gaga ruined joker 2 confirmed
The real joke was turning a serious character drama into a musical.
Are you f-ing kidding me? It's literally the opposite, this movie was too real. It just explored the consequences of his actions from the first movie, which was fairly uninteresting. And at the end, he dies like the rest of us... In silence. But you should know this as you've actually seen the movie, right?
@@comebackguy8892wowie we get to see the consequences of our actio- *snoooore* Jesus Christ who cares
@@numpy979 I didn't, which I literally said in my comment, you damn illiterate.
@@numpy979 I literally said in my comment that I didn't care (uninteresting) either. The movie had no purpose just like your comment 🤦♂️
Bro didn't watch the movie😂
In a span of a year, we got
- Batman getting humiliated and executed on a bench
- Joker getting gang-r*ped in prison
All that just to prop up Harley Quinn😢
When did the first one happen?
@@kingofnoobs9728 Suicide Squad game
@@kingofnoobs9728 The Sucide squad game.
When did joker get r
People in Hollywood are the funniest. Sony re-releases Morbius thinking they'd get 1 morbillion dollars, and now Todd Phillips made a whole movie because of "he's literally me fr fr" Joker memes
The first movie was built as a standalone film. Any attempt at a sequel was going to struggle. It just goes to show that not everything needs a damn continuation.
I’m honestly not surprised. Joker didn’t need a sequel. The first movie had said everything it needed to say.
you people speak as though this entire thing was not propagandaa from the start. The first film was what is known as bait and switch propaganda. other things in this genre include last of us 2, Scot pilgrim takes off. and Velma These are overtly polotical anger films and shows. they are created to make you "hate" your neighbor.
@@MaxCapNibbamental illness
The writers walking into the room to work on Joker 2.
"Send in the clowns."🎵🎵
That Zack Snyder quote about Batman in prison aged perfectly.
My thoughts exactly
I work in a movie theater and my boss scheduled literally all of us for this Saturday (last night) and needless to say hardly anyone showed up to see joker and alot of us had to be sent home early because it was not nearly as busy as he was expecting
Your boss is dumb
@@Hawk7886you are
@@Davidpostingshid 🗿
The funniest part is that the director did this as some act of spite towards all the "evil bigots" who liked the first movie. He really dumpstered his career, an entire franchise, and multiple billions of dollars just to get back at some people who pissed him off online.
1:41 My guy the acting in this movie is amazing. It's the character assasination that's the problem
Lady Gaga did a good job I've heard from pretty much everyone. And obviously Jouquin goes without saying. Its the writing unfortuantely
I don’t think Lady Gaga got enough material though.
Agreed, and the fact that the movie served literally no point, like no moral, nothing to think about, it was just there describing his eventual death. Really disappointing because you could see all of the elements for another great film, and they just did nothing with it. It just regressed from the first movie, there was no point for half of that movie to even be there. It undid everything the first movie set up.
When La La Land become Ha Ha Land :
If the first Joker was supposed to emulate New Hollywood films of the 70s like Taxi Driver, then this movie seems to be emulating the unnecessary sequels to those films with little or none of the original cast or crew, like Jaws 2, Airplane 2, Grease 2, Staying Alive, etc.
Except they actually kept all the original cast and crew, so I don't know what went wrong (haven't seen it yet, but idk if I want to)
Best part about this movie is watching people pronounce "folie à deux".
I hate that crap. I pronounce it "fall of ducks". Same thing with le mis when it first came out i said " le miserables". La croix - "la cross"
"Well, no one's laughing now." -Arthur Fleck
its like they wanted to undo the message incells took from the first one "society owes me"
but instead of going it in the delicate way such a complicated topic should be handled, they made a musical
@@mariasol1545 ikr, they COULD have made a sequel that shows just how twisted the Joker has become, and how it shouldn't be idolized. What they should've done is made us sympathize for Arthur Fleck, while the Joker pushes Arthur down and abuses him the same way society has. They should've ended the movie with us feeling sick to our guts with what the Joker has become. But instead they made Arthur a 5-pump chump who gets graped and stabbed to death by a tweaker in prison. What is the lesson we've learned here? It's stupid as fuck.
Him dying honestly would have been acceptable without the scene earlier where he breaks down and apologizes for the murders. Also if he at least died cool, like making a smiling face outta the blood and dying with that neurotic 'not actually laughing' laugh but no. This was a hollywood humiliation ritual for the fans. They wanted us to not enjoy the movie (just hoped that it would do better with non-fans and expert critic types)
There were too lazy to shill. They couldn't even be bothered grease up some critics for this open mockery
This movie was created for the sole purpose to spite the people that liked and related to the Joker from the original
That's an expensive f u
To spite losers who had a mental breakdown over cruella Deville
@@lokimiguel2452 Bro your bait is so obvious. Come on man, do better.
Seems a good reason to me 😃
@@mr.keleton9710Seems like alot of our media is intentionally doing a bad job so people who smell their own the farts can feel good about owning the "chuds" with hundreds of millions of dollars. How about make a good product and try owning the chuds that way
Seeing the radical difference between the first and second movie is quite incredible
Bruh, I misread your comment as “seeing the racial difference” and was wondering wtf Joker got up to in the second movie.
What bothers me is that this could have been phenomenal. You recontextualize the first film, add a fan favorite character played by an award winning actress and singer, and explore an iconic location from the Batman mythos and what goes on behind closed doors.
I knew this movie was doomed the second they put Lady Gaga in it as Harley Quinn 😂😂😂 This version of Joker doesn't really garner a Harley Quinn because Harley Quinn is supposed to be a psychopath that became enamored with Joker's chaotic nature, but this version of Joker didn't directly incite the chaos at the end of the first movie, he didn't even knew the riots were for him until after the very last scene where he stands on top of the cop car and paints a smile on his face with his own blood. This is literally a Chris Chan and Flutter situation!!!
"why so serious"
-wise words of jonkler
@FigrollManZNTP-e3b nah
"why so skibidi?"
- The Jonkler
This is why there is only one Joker movie, I act like the new one doesn’t exist
literally the definition of "your not a clown, your the entire circus"
Maybe Todd Philips was the Joker all along, by creating this joke of a movie
Rare occasion where the second movie makes the first movie worse. I loved the first movie but never thought it had much to say about society or mental health, I thought it was just a great character study with great acting and direction so i was confused when people were liking it for the social commentary.
I think going into the second one expecting it to be a great work of social commentary was a mistake and Todd Phillips proves that he wasn't trying to say anything with the first one and he just seemed to make a great movie by accident.
Idk, I mean the joker's backstory (the two we have specifically) have shown that it's basically about how enough bad days can make anyone go mad. it could work as social commentary on some level, and the first and second act and the title were leaning the direction of joker making others crazy with him...then he basically gave it all up and died for it. Not sure what to take from that
I literally didn’t watch the movie cuz I felt it was going to hit to close to home. It resonated so much it became one. Living in the butthole of America, nothing but hospital stays from being insane from having an alter that took the sex abuse for me as but a start… no help.. no one will understand, no friends but I cause plenty of smiles.. who doesn’t like the idea of ppl getting what they fucking deserve.
Anyway so they took the character they now felt symbolized these lowly beaten men’s frustrations and made a desperately not needed sequel where the main point seems to jait be to see him GGGRRRRRAPED and stabbed to death with no real plot advancement. I could read that as a jab lol
The first directly was was social commentary, thats pretty obvious from anyone that’s seen a batman movie compared to the joker, the second was intentionally bad because the director hated people idolizing a mentally ill murderer and wanted to make him a loser.
@@monk3110 alter?
@@monk3110You are a clown moron who idolized a psychopath
Musicals are fine. I don’t personally like them, but some people do and that’s fine. The fact that they thought anyone who liked the first Joker would be interested in a musical about the Joker is on them, not us. Was a horrible business decision.
Who cares about the business aspect of a movie other than the producers? He made a good movie and a near perfect sequel. I loved the first movie and then loved the second movie. Stupid people are going to see the movie and are mad it's an artsy film, ga ga fans are going to see the movie and are mad it's not gay and silly and lighthearted. Then their opinions are the first to come out about the movie, and the other 800 million dollars worth of viewers aren't bothering to go give it a try because it's literally being called "The worst comic book movie of all time" while sony spiderman villain movies exist.
@@Dead4911 Fair enough. Glad you liked it. I do agree there’s a certain amount of things just being a constant outrage cycle these days. Can’t be healthy for us. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Hollywood's so bad at making movies at this point they don't even bother advertising new movies because people will see how shit it is and choose no to see it versus hearing about it being shit
The director hated that people related to and liked the character HE CREATED AND ICONIZED AGAIN, that he intentionally made this movie as shit as possible. This movie exists as a cry baby's tantrum about him not liking how much people liked his work.
nailed it
Well that’s weird. He does know that people can like villainous characters too, right?
Sounds like you're the cry baby lol
if people related to joker in part 1 then something's wrong with them.
@@Erisblackstonebait used to be believable
I really liked the Joker 2 though.
It developped what the first film was about, someone sick in a mad world.
The music tells a story on many layers and plays an important role.
I don't know what people really expected to see.
Why so serious 😈
Is he stupid!?
@@JohnRhaizel starts beatboxing:
@IcabtRekate u gon be begging for a while lil bro, you're gonna have to start licking shoes and toilets soon
0:59 Didn’t they reveal that before the movie came out?
They did
Not everyone follows pre release material.
@@Hugelag it was the trailer
Case in point: Me.
@@Hugelag yeah that's the problem, most people don't follow pre release material anymore
You either die a hero or live long enough to get a sequel.
Todd Philipps: "It's about the money and sending a message!"
Are you stupid
I feel like all of this could be avoided if the movie is named "Harley Queen" instead of the prolonged Joker 2
I loved the scene where he turned around and said: "Its joking time."
You know it's shit when the critics you pay for is calling it shit
The first movie was clearly meant to be a one off movie, but it made a ton of money so studios demanded more. I am convinced Todd Phillips took the bag and ensured the franchise dies. This would explain why it's a musical.
Literally felt like character assassination
"Why If ____ is so good, why isn't there a ____ 2?"
**Points at Megamind 2 and Joker 2** Because they would have ruin it.
I love the part where the Joker went and said "I'M THE JONKLER BABY~" then jonkler all over the place.
Truly the Jonkler of all time
Truly the Jonkler of all time
I saw that people were saying negative things about the film, and I thought, eh, I’ll still give it a chance. And there were some actual good scenes. The beginning, some bits from the court room. And maybe two or three musical scenes.
But singing every 5-6 minutes with 2-3 minute songs????!??
Joker has used music before to advance the plot, but there was none!
Joker went from "why is everyone so mean to me? 😭" to "oh shit, my actions have consequences"
Are you gay ?@FigrollManZNTP-e3b
You are telling me he didn't become a genetic power fantasy
@@lokimiguel2452I love genetic power fantasies. Prototype’s my favorite.
@@Dr.Oofers God I still get a laugh at how the Super-Death-Virus clone that is the Main Character thinks the original version of himself is an irredeemable piece of shit when he finds out the shit he did before the first game even starts.
@@Dr.Oofersbased game choice
"Wait, this isn't the joker, it's the joke" ahh movie 💀
that's crazy, the sequel they said they weren't going to make was forced into existing with 0 passion behind is bad
Everytime you worry about a sequel, and your worries come true, it is an awful feeling.
You either die a hero or live long enough to become the -joker- entire circus. A certain Edgeworth would be proud xD
bro saw Jonkler beatboxing memes and decided to make a movie about it.
why so serious critics😭😭😭
honestly, it would've been cool if there was a movie about a more realistic interpretation of Batman. Like, him being a cop, trying to hunt down this evil mentally ill dude that wears clown makeup.
And not in an edgy type of movie. Like, maybe it would be more grounded and focus more about Bruce's relationship with his friends and family. like his adopted son Robin
What if Batman wasn't Batman? Just watch Monster instead.
What if Batman wasn't a vigilante and wasn't rich and didn't wear a costume and used a gun and drove around in a police car?
@FigrollManZNTP-e3b Nice try.
You know what movie doesn't suck?
Transformers ONE is in cinemas right now receiving glowing reviews from fans and critics alike!
0:47 mate thinks she's tate langdon😭😭😭💀
she is not the taxi driver 😭😭😭💀💀💀