I am here now? ahaha! "I" is the ego! In Greek we call I an ego, isnot it? I am here now is a false statement to make! Present can never be communicated!
@@coursefacilitator2342 I'm with you on this. There is no "I" because that means there is a "You", a "Them" and "Other", which is duality, and duality is the mind. Also, there's not even awareness because that belongs to the mind in order to be aware of awareness, so without awareness/mind there's just what IS, and Is-ness cannot be aware of Is-ness.
@@RobbeyT1 it means that is-ness is aware itself. Not I am aware of awareness or something, which would take us to regression, mirror mirroring another mirror mirroring another one, so on regression, infinitely. Awareness is present and non dual.
Now I'm finally feeling a whole lot better with my own mental health watching this. I have so much hope for my god will help me to get my life away from unnecessary stupid unkind & destructive sadness, loneliness, aggravating, emotional paralysis, & depressing states forever in my life!! 😤🙏🏼☺
You can do it. That happens usually to smart and good heart people. At some point they assume that the self is the mind, and really, the mind is just an amazing tool, but it requires our awareness to lead it, not the opposite. You will make it. I premise!
Time is eternal consciousness objectified by thought. Now + thought = time. Space is infinite consciousness objectified by perception. Here + perception = space. Now = here = I am Crystal clear 💎 🙏💖💞
To me, Rupert is the best teacher about Reality. I've read several books about the Now, including Eckhart Tolle's books, but I never grasped the nature of Now (and of the Here) until watching this video. While I have a grasp on the concepts, I will continue to meditate on them until I fully understand that Reality is consciousness/awareness that is always Here and Now. I think it means that, in Reality, we are never actually 'going' anywhere (no space) at anytime (no time). We have always been still, pure Consciousness. We have never left our source. We have never left God. And the world we live in is not real in the sense that it is not our True Nature, it is not our Reality. The world most of us live in (the unawaken beings) is full of strife, negative feelings, obsessions about past events that we can't let go of, and suffering from desires that were not fulfilled. That world is not reality. Our Reality is Pure Consciousness which is outside of space and time. We exist in this world of space and time, this illusory world, for whatever reason (I'm not sure why?!) but in Reality we are and always have been one with God...we just forgot or "fell asleep." The story/myth of Adam and Eve, of going against God and Adam falling into a deep sleep (which the Bible never says he woke up from) seems particularly relevant here. If there is no time, this seeming disconnection from God/Consciousness/Reality is happening to all of us Now, and most of us are asleep because we haven't realized that the disconnection never really occurred. But we can understand all of this now, and realize the Truth now, and be free of longing for love since we already have Love Here and Now from the only Real source: Awareness/Consciousness/God. These concepts seem difficult for me at the level of thought in the egoic mind, but bringing these concepts to the light of Consciousness/Awareness will drop the confusion I have about them. Thoughts/comments are much appreciated. Namaste.
Thank you for your vivid comment. We fell sleep in heaven and dreaming we are in hell. You are right we never left God, we can never leave God . Because there is only ever present conscious awareness which is us in here and now as l am. You are absolutely right ,all we need is to wake up and realize our own misunderstanding. But it seems to me that I cannot do it by myself, I need the help and the guidance of compassionate loving souls like Rupert. Thank you very much, may you live in contentment and happiness.🙏
A very beautiful summary of essences. How is it going for you after about a year after writing this down? You wrote : "These concepts seem difficult for me at the level of thought in the egoic mind, but bringing these concepts to the light of Consciousness/Awareness will drop the confusion I have about them". Did it work out to be that way for you? Or do you 'mind' and conceptualize too much about it. Which is something that could happen. Well,...to me it could happen. This is a very strong talk from Rupert and beautifully followed by your comment. I also never heard Eckhart Tolle emphasizing that the 'Now' is not a part of what we call time. I realized this myself a few years ago: now equals eternity. And this is the first time I hear a teacher putting this together in such a perfect way. But realizing, and living from this truth...? Well I have just digested this talk two times,...maybe tomorrow. "I love you tomorrow"
Gary Deyter amen 🙏. I too am trying to become aware of all of this , I did have an amazing experience while listening to Rupert , this flowing through myself of understanding about our true experience, it wasn’t a brain thing , it was a recognized understanding once I felt it . Then it slowly wore off . Interesting experience, similar to mushrooms but I wasn’t on anything at the time , this happened to me just by really listening . I agree with your awareness. These understandings are fascinating .
This talk/meditation is my favorite by Rupert Spira. He discusses time, space, and consciousness, and reveals the nature of our relationship to the eternal through direct experience. I have listened multiple times and have deepened my understanding each time.
❤ I discovered Non-dualism in 2017... It is now 2023... Where was RUPERT in my algorithm on TH-cam? Always there...always here.. Waiting... And yet, as he speaks... It all falls into place. Would I have grasped what he says, in that self I was, back in 2017? How strange we need linear time to understand such profound teachings. ❤ I feel peace as I listen to him. Such Peace. ❤
When some valuable gifts and treasures are being shared freely ,without you paying for it this is love that’s coming from that source. I appreciate it thank you🙏
Thank God for Rupert! When other spiritual teachers speak the truth about reality, I only sort of, conditionally believe it. When Rupert speaks the truth, I believe it. I feel it. I see it. I know it. I AM it. Thank you, Rupert!
How do you rest as awareness such as non dual teachers like rupert or adyashanti say? ): They say its a "turning around of attention" but that is so confusing.
@Jake Lerms Seeing as you've asked this 2 months ago you might already know, so feel free to ignore. Resting as awareness isn't an activity. So it is not something you "do". A simple example is when you sit down to meditate to "achieve peace". You are aware of the attempt to achieve peace. If so, you are prior to the attempt, explore that which knows the attempt, is it at peace already? Yes. So, no attempt has to be made. However, the mind is structured in such a way that it has to "do" peace. Which unfortunately it cannot, otherwise we'd all be blissed-out right now. Adyashanti's enlightenment experience was similar to what I am describing. He sat down on his meditation pillow and he knew this was the day he was going to "do it". Then he tried so hard up until a certain moment he realized that it could not be "done" and he felt a tremendous amount of relief. So in a sense, you have to "try to do" it just to realize you cannot do it. That's the way the mind surrenders, through the realization that it cannot achieve that which you are. Or as Alan Watts put it, by trying to bite your own teeth. It cannot be done, this you can only know through experience, not words or descriptions. The amount of time "spent" depends on how fast you catch on to that through experience, which is anybody's guess. Or at least this is the extend to which I can explain what I know about "it". Since you can't explain awareness by saying "this is it" as it has no objective properties you have to use negations (I even did it just now trying to explain why you have to use negations). That's why the neti-neti approach is so efficient, since technically you can only "know" what it is not. Up until the moment you realize that awareness is also what it is not. At which point your mind will just give up trying to understand because you've gained an experiential understanding, seemingly haha.
Rupert has Many amazing talks, but this one is one of his absolute best... it sumarizes Space, Time, Consciousness, Eternity, Experience, Knowing, Knowing of Experience, Infinity, Though all in One.
Wow, listening and reading for decades never heard any thing remotely as profound as this talk by far. No wonder I wander sometime but I keep on coming back to Rupert Spira. A lot to learn from him. Love man to man.
The greatest gift one can make to oneself is to attend one of Rupert's retreats or even follow his webinars. I just returned from the latest in Burlingame, Calif. Words can't do it justice it was THAT good and he is THAT uniquely gifted in conducting them.
Thank you Rupert. I listened to this in the wee mooring hours and for brief flashes of a second experienced NOTHING. Pure Beingness before thought interrupted. This is the most powerful meditation I have ever had.
When I listen to Rupert, it all falls away and I AM the present. The now is me, is made up of me, the present moment and my being are one and the same thing... the world or reality does not exist without pure consciousness which I AM. It is a great mystery. It cannot be known. It is too much for the mind which for some reason must prevail so consciousness rises again in the form of a separate thought... but more and more it is dissolving, evaporating, the energy behind it is burning off like a morning mist. Thanks Rupert!
There seem to be two versions of "now" in our language. The "now" we experience as eternal, and the "now" we use on a time scale as we count down the numbers until we throw our hats together after the graduation. So there is not only one now ...
🙏 Thank you Rupert for I am🙏 obviously the word revelation means for the first time something new is born or is revealed to me. For example when for the first time the concept of multiple Gods or different personalities of gods dawned in me I was really scared.Because my deep rooted belief that there was only one God, it took me a while to except it. And after 30 some years this is the norm for me. What I am driving at is by repeatedly listening to Rupert‘s videos that resonated in me ,little by little they’re settling in making sense not mentally but experientially ,feeling and sensing it becomes a total perception of truth that I am pure consciousness .all there is the knowing of awareness and that’s liberating. Peace serenity and love to all thank you.🙏
What I love about you, Rupert, is that you vocalize conclusions I came to as well. The only time I have ever experienced is now, therefore there cannot be a past. I looked for feelings and realized they were sensations I named. I looked for my personality, couldn't find it. I just love all your talks, as well as your passion that sometimes show.
Thank you . This is the clearest way that I have understood and am aware of the infinite presence of Now ! Pure awareness of the ever presence of Now . Thank you . 😌
I was giggling throughout this because there is nothing Rupert says that isnt exactly true anywhere throughout this meditation yet, my mind has had me convinced that conciousness was in space & time when all experiential evidence is clearly to the contrary. Shows how our the limited perception of the finite mind and perception distorts eternal, infinite conciousness! Excellent guided meditation! 🙏😢
What you said about 3 people on a couch is how communication theory explains interactions between two people. Instead of 2 people talking it's more like 6 people, with 3 different views for each person; like you said in the video. I've also been listening to a lot of lectures about string theory and the hologram theory. Very cool to see this perspective as well.
"My way is not Philosophy,Philosophy involves thinking. Thinking comes from the mind, My way comes from beyond the mind. It involves no thinking at all. But a knowing of Awareness. The mind is silent, But you are awake." (A Buddha) Osho...... You are the space between thoughts and words.
When you meditate you slowly realise you are not the mind made sense of self,a person,which obviously is false because its simply an idea based on memories.(conditioned mind) you can also come to the realisation through inquiry,see Ramana Maharishis teaching, Who am I? The mind is useful for this and worldy activities,but it is NOT who you are.you are NOT name mind.the brain, and form. You are Awareness or pure Consciousness itself,or Soul,Self, Being,lots of names. Wordly knowledge is simply memories , mostly other peoples....some of it useful to spiritual growth,most of it not. Spiritual knowlege of who you really are comes from beyond the mind,all virtues naturally surface once you realise who you really are.i.e.Truth, right conduct,peace, pure love, non violence. Gradually the false ego self idea diminishes. and you realise you are one Soul manifest in the objects of perception. All of it arises in you, That why Jesus said "Love your neighbour as your Self" their awareness is your awareness,only the ego personality is different
***** Well you are talking about thing that I'm 100% sure you don't know what they are, no one knows . What's a soul ? really, do you know ? I'm 100% sure you don't, but why talking about it, like you know it, Is the self and the soul are the same ? So what is the ego then ? do you know ? Do you know what the desire is ? Is it the ego ? I thought all virtue surface, when you start to be aware of your out of controlled desire and take the driving site to control it and stop doing bad things because of it . I though virtue surface, when you start to be a good person . Do you think everyone on this earth love themselves ? I don't think so , So how they do that, love their neighbor as their self ?
I am not teacher,I just have over 40 years of serious spiritual searching....my body is 70,saying that I did have an extraordinary experience of Soul or God awareness when I was about 8-9,it was spontainious,I didn't know what was happening all I can say is I was not the same little boy,I didn't know who I was, all I knew was intense love,calmness and peace,it lasted about 4 hours. I have never forgotten it,I now know it was Grace,God showing me who I am,who we ALL are,not the body,mind or name.Why I dont know.perhaps karma from a past life?I was an atheist up to 1972 when I went to healer,I had that same experience as when 8-9.... I came out of his house a believer,I know this was God Consciousness.Then the search began.Study of all the religions,but mainly meditation.that was the key for myself, to get still in mind.. I then had the same thing happen several mor e times in later years. So all I say is based on my experience not from books,although certain teachers and books have given me the explaination of my experiences. Now your questions I'll answer to the best I can. You love your neighbour anywhere in the world as your Self, even animals because I know I am Self or Awareness,Pure Consciousness. likewise everybody,YOU is the pure Consciousness,but they dont know it. They feel they are body, name, ego mind. You become good or better person AFTER Self awareness comes,its natural and it takes time.You can do good deeds but it comes with a motive to get God.it may work but most likely wont because the ego is expecting a reward..ego cannot get God because ego is selfish. First find the God within then all virtues surface no effort at all. egothe little I vanishes in time. Ego is mind made self,a feeling I am mind body, name, profession. a person,It is false, it doesn't exist only as an idea.these things are only labels. Soul is who you are,Soul is God, Awareness,only one Truth,no separate souls,you are NOT a person with soul,you ARE the Soul.the ideas of mind body name appear in it.like the Universe does. Desire comes from mind , in a search for happiness,but hey lead to more desires which only bring misery.search for the desire of all desires,God.mind is just a bundle of thoughts,it actually doesn't exist as an entity because it comes and goes.Awareness is always here,it doesn't come and go. You're aware of these words,the sights and sounds around you,the thoughts from the mind BECAUSE you are the Awareness,the one Soul,the same as mine, of everything. But it is a mystery, it can be known,felt, but not explained,but we try.no words can explain it, only point in the direction, Can the eye see itself? no, but it knows it IS.
Sorry to say it but thinking like that shows you don't understand the basic truths at all..you sound like a confused ego,like most people you are brainwashed into believing you are separate from God. Soul is only one of many names of God. just a label for that mystery,which is our own Being. You as body mind or seperate soul are dream. What you really are is existance itself,knowledge bliss,you are the God (Pure Consciousness,Soul) of this Universe. There is only one Soul, God,All the time you think you are a "Me" or a "We" or " I " you are deluded..thats ego mind, book knowlege memories. ego cannot get God as a prize. thats arrogance. The wave cannot fit the Ocean inside it, but the Ocean can fit countless waves inside it, ego is wave, an illusion of self, Ocean is God,you are the Ocean Self,Soul.etc. God is not separate,you are God,beyond the thinking process. Stop thinking, be still, quieten the mind through meditation,and be free from ego!
This resonates in my body. It becomes more and more clear for me that Outer world and Inner world are connected and need each other in the proces of finding who I am.. individuation 0f the Unity.
I totally love this how it's about what happens after Enlightenment is important. And that's where I'm at now and that's where I know a lot of us are at now so we've gone through the initial stages of transferring over into an enlightened awareness position of life and reality and people and songs and birds and rivers and sounds and presents and sitting in nature feeling the abundance of awareness the infinite effortlessness of all awareness the ultimate movie going on which includes all Sensations sounds appearances enjoyment at the same time
There is only Conscience, what everything appears in. Including thought,perceptions and apparent change. There is only it, conscience/awareness indescribable.This is where words fail.
If one were to listen to this and read Power of Now book by Eckhart tolle, I am of the opinion that he or she will fully understand what's reality Thank you for this wonderful vedio
Love Love Love ! Thank you Thank you ! I am enjoying lisining , and lurning from you , Thank you Thank you . Blessings always, to all. Be saf and happy.
Thank you for such a clearly explained and guided meditation amazing to know that how time and space or mind and its perception appears as reality,I salute your ability of explaining as it comes out straight from the awareness without any filter i.e. MIND'
When Thought thinks about Now, it turns it into time. When we buy a novel in a bookstore, the entire novel is present. But the mind cannot read the entire novel at the same time. Thought needs Time to read the novel but the entirety of the novel is always present now. It is not the limitations of the novel, it is the limitations of Thought, that make the entire novel inaccessible in every moment. Our entire experience likewise, everything that we have ever experienced, takes place in this Now. The only Now that ever is.
I’ve only just discovered Rupert. Can I just ask, without any intention of being rude, why is he charging large sums of money for retreats? If he is truly realised and aware, would he be making a business out of his self-realisation. The holy monks and the Buddha didn’t charge a dime. I really love hearing Rupert, but the exchange of money worries me.
this talk deserves a nobel prize, taught to all citizens of the world, in all textbooks. Brilliant. I Am Here and Now, dimensionless
I am here now? ahaha! "I" is the ego! In Greek we call I an ego, isnot it? I am here now is a false statement to make! Present can never be communicated!
@@coursefacilitator2342 yep, whatever floats your boats man
@@coursefacilitator2342 I'm with you on this. There is no "I" because that means there is a "You", a "Them" and "Other", which is duality, and duality is the mind. Also, there's not even awareness because that belongs to the mind in order to be aware of awareness, so without awareness/mind there's just what IS, and Is-ness cannot be aware of Is-ness.
@@RobbeyT1 it means that is-ness is aware itself. Not I am aware of awareness or something, which would take us to regression, mirror mirroring another mirror mirroring another one, so on regression, infinitely. Awareness is present and non dual.
"Time is eternal consciousness objectified by thought; Space is infinite consciousness objectified by perception" (at 29:20).
Should be the first thing learned in school! I love this guy!
Amen to that :)
if they taught this in school there would probably be world peace
⚡👍🥴⚡ That's the entire point of Authentic Awareness.
he is amazing! i love him too 💗
Now I'm finally feeling a whole lot better with my own mental health watching this. I have so much hope for my god will help me to get my life away from unnecessary stupid unkind & destructive sadness, loneliness, aggravating, emotional paralysis, & depressing states forever in my life!! 😤🙏🏼☺
Such paralysis & states brought me here too…from the past to present…Now.
@@stagingsuccess9260 Really? So does this mean you're coming down with a lot of stress and anxiety? 😲
Stress & anxiety more like the weather now - the moods change, but I’m free to just watch, more & more.
@@stagingsuccess9260 Ok. Good luck with that for yourself.👋🏼🙂
You can do it. That happens usually to smart and good heart people. At some point they assume that the self is the mind, and really, the mind is just an amazing tool, but it requires our awareness to lead it, not the opposite. You will make it. I premise!
"Time is eternity filtered through thought, space is infinity filtered through perception", (at 37:45) thank you Master !
Time is eternal consciousness objectified by thought.
Now + thought = time.
Space is infinite consciousness objectified by perception.
Here + perception = space.
Now = here = I am
Crystal clear 💎
Good recap! Goede samenvatting!
Wilma you made it more clear.. Thank you
@SavageArfad What do you mean?
To me, Rupert is the best teacher about Reality. I've read several books about the Now, including Eckhart Tolle's books, but I never grasped the nature of Now (and of the Here) until watching this video. While I have a grasp on the concepts, I will continue to meditate on them until I fully understand that Reality is consciousness/awareness that is always Here and Now. I think it means that, in Reality, we are never actually 'going' anywhere (no space) at anytime (no time). We have always been still, pure Consciousness. We have never left our source. We have never left God. And the world we live in is not real in the sense that it is not our True Nature, it is not our Reality. The world most of us live in (the unawaken beings) is full of strife, negative feelings, obsessions about past events that we can't let go of, and suffering from desires that were not fulfilled. That world is not reality. Our Reality is Pure Consciousness which is outside of space and time.
We exist in this world of space and time, this illusory world, for whatever reason (I'm not sure why?!) but in Reality we are and always have been one with God...we just forgot or "fell asleep." The story/myth of Adam and Eve, of going against God and Adam falling into a deep sleep (which the Bible never says he woke up from) seems particularly relevant here. If there is no time, this seeming disconnection from God/Consciousness/Reality is happening to all of us Now, and most of us are asleep because we haven't realized that the disconnection never really occurred. But we can understand all of this now, and realize the Truth now, and be free of longing for love since we already have Love Here and Now from the only Real source: Awareness/Consciousness/God. These concepts seem difficult for me at the level of thought in the egoic mind, but bringing these concepts to the light of Consciousness/Awareness will drop the confusion I have about them.
Thoughts/comments are much appreciated. Namaste.
Thank you for your vivid comment.
We fell sleep in heaven and dreaming we are in hell. You are right we never left God, we can never leave God . Because there is only ever present conscious awareness which is us in here and now as l am. You are absolutely right ,all we need is to wake up and realize our own misunderstanding. But it seems to me that I cannot do it by myself, I need the help and the guidance of compassionate loving souls like Rupert. Thank you very much, may you live in contentment and happiness.🙏
A very beautiful summary of essences.
How is it going for you after about a year after writing this down?
You wrote : "These concepts seem difficult for me at the level of thought in the egoic mind, but bringing these concepts to the light of Consciousness/Awareness will drop the confusion I have about them".
Did it work out to be that way for you? Or do you 'mind' and conceptualize too much about it. Which is something that could happen. Well,...to me it could happen.
This is a very strong talk from Rupert and beautifully followed by your comment.
I also never heard Eckhart Tolle emphasizing that the 'Now' is not a part of what we call time.
I realized this myself a few years ago: now equals eternity. And this is the first time I hear a teacher putting this together in such a perfect way.
But realizing, and living from this truth...? Well I have just digested this talk two times,...maybe tomorrow.
"I love you tomorrow"
thanks for summarising Rupert's thoughts. gratful for your contribution
Gary Deyter amen 🙏. I too am trying to become aware of all of this , I did have an amazing experience while listening to Rupert , this flowing through myself of understanding about our true experience, it wasn’t a brain thing , it was a recognized understanding once I felt it . Then it slowly wore off . Interesting experience, similar to mushrooms but I wasn’t on anything at the time , this happened to me just by really listening . I agree with your awareness. These understandings are fascinating .
Don’t worry.Shake the dust off and just walk. You couldn’t walk if there was no death.
This talk/meditation is my favorite by Rupert Spira. He discusses time, space, and consciousness, and reveals the nature of our relationship to the eternal through direct experience. I have listened multiple times and have deepened my understanding each time.
❤ I discovered Non-dualism in 2017...
It is now 2023...
Where was RUPERT in my algorithm on TH-cam?
Always there...always here..
And yet, as he speaks...
It all falls into place.
Would I have grasped what he says, in that self I was, back in 2017?
How strange we need linear time to understand such profound teachings.
I feel peace as I listen to him.
Such Peace.
When some valuable gifts and treasures are being shared freely ,without you paying for it this is love that’s coming from that source. I appreciate it thank you🙏
This is the true Big Bang! "Everything" is derived from Consciousness! Isn't it amazing?
Wow!! He cuts through Maya and drops you wide- eyed into Atman/ Brahman. Awaken World!!👌
Thank God for Rupert! When other spiritual teachers speak the truth about reality, I only sort of, conditionally believe it. When Rupert speaks the truth, I believe it. I feel it. I see it. I know it. I AM it. Thank you, Rupert!
I feel the same way. Pure Direct path.
Other teachers put small cracks in the egg. Rupert rolled it off the table.
How do you rest as awareness such as non dual teachers like rupert or adyashanti say? ):
They say its a "turning around of attention" but that is so confusing.
@Jake Lerms Seeing as you've asked this 2 months ago you might already know, so feel free to ignore. Resting as awareness isn't an activity. So it is not something you "do". A simple example is when you sit down to meditate to "achieve peace". You are aware of the attempt to achieve peace.
If so, you are prior to the attempt, explore that which knows the attempt, is it at peace already? Yes. So, no attempt has to be made.
However, the mind is structured in such a way that it has to "do" peace. Which unfortunately it cannot, otherwise we'd all be blissed-out right now. Adyashanti's enlightenment experience was similar to what I am describing. He sat down on his meditation pillow and he knew this was the day he was going to "do it". Then he tried so hard up until a certain moment he realized that it could not be "done" and he felt a tremendous amount of relief.
So in a sense, you have to "try to do" it just to realize you cannot do it. That's the way the mind surrenders, through the realization that it cannot achieve that which you are. Or as Alan Watts put it, by trying to bite your own teeth. It cannot be done, this you can only know through experience, not words or descriptions. The amount of time "spent" depends on how fast you catch on to that through experience, which is anybody's guess.
Or at least this is the extend to which I can explain what I know about "it". Since you can't explain awareness by saying "this is it" as it has no objective properties you have to use negations (I even did it just now trying to explain why you have to use negations). That's why the neti-neti approach is so efficient, since technically you can only "know" what it is not.
Up until the moment you realize that awareness is also what it is not. At which point your mind will just give up trying to understand because you've gained an experiential understanding, seemingly haha.
he is a no bullshit teacher, clear and concise
As always, no-one like Ruppert. Top of the top 👍💪
Rupert has Many amazing talks, but this one is one of his absolute best... it sumarizes Space, Time, Consciousness, Eternity, Experience, Knowing, Knowing of Experience, Infinity, Though all in One.
Here, Now and This experience is the eternal context of being aware of being aware.
Wow, listening and reading for decades never heard any thing remotely as profound as this talk by far. No wonder I wander sometime but I keep on coming back to Rupert Spira. A lot to learn from him. Love man to man.
The first talk which made all my studies and work in my life made clear deny and meaning in my studies! Thanks a million, Rupert Spira!!!
Finally a comprehensive understanding to my ongoing search for understanding the reality of time and space. Thank You!
Best video ever: the NOW and HERE is I Am.
This is the most powerful thing I have ever heard or experienced! Thank you Rupert. I love you. 💙
The greatest gift one can make to oneself is to attend one of Rupert's retreats or even follow his webinars. I just returned from the latest in Burlingame, Calif. Words can't do it justice it was THAT good and he is THAT uniquely gifted in conducting them.
Beautiful!!What is beautiful about him is he names the Unnameable with the clearest language. In that sense, he goes beyond Tao Te Ching!!
Truth revealed by direct experience. No faith required. See for yourself. Thank you Rupert. You are "all that"
You have opend wide another window. I like
what it brings to me.
So clearly quietly
Thank you.
Wow, the way he speaks on this is so clear
The truth recognises the truth. The appreciation of clarity is the most overlooked. Yet the only one known. Such a paradox. Great insight.
Thank you Rupert. I listened to this in the wee mooring hours and for brief flashes of a second experienced NOTHING. Pure Beingness before thought interrupted. This is the most powerful meditation I have ever had.
Offering from India: You are now "Rupananda" the finest explicator of the principle called "Here and Now". Aum Shantih.
A mindbender...A pranam to you, Rupert!
Thank you for sharing this liberty. May we All Be Happy Be Peaceful Be Liberated ☯️
Rupert is amazing on so many fronts but think I could listen to this 100 times...
A million thanks, sir!!
So beautiful. So clear. So grateful. Thank you Rupert 🙏
Thank you so much Rupert for your continual sharing of such amazing wisdom. So kind.
Rupert, what a gift! Thank you.
Fantastic! Wonderfully explained!
There is nothing else to say except a big heart felt gratitude and thank your Rupert🙏
"I spoke about wings
You just flew
I wondered I guessed and I tried
You just knew"
"I saw the crescent; but you saw the whole of the moon." ;)
...and the illuminating sun, dispelling gloom
That's perfect? Who said this...?
Patricia Gray water boys whole ot the moon
As Jesus is quoted as saying - Narrow is the path and straight is the way and few there are who find it.
When I listen to Rupert, it all falls away and I AM the present. The now is me, is made up of me, the present moment and my being are one and the same thing... the world or reality does not exist without pure consciousness which I AM.
It is a great mystery. It cannot be known. It is too much for the mind which for some reason must prevail so consciousness rises again in the form of a separate thought... but more and more it is dissolving, evaporating, the energy behind it is burning off like a morning mist. Thanks Rupert!
Yes now is “being” “awareness “
When the student is ready the teacher appears, thank you ❤
Wow! This is for me a transmission of presence, I am so grateful for the shift in me it facilitated. Thank you
John sher
John Sherman
This seems to be one of the most important, and clearest meditations from RS
This is why nothing is new under the sun because everything IS NOW. Now is all that exist. The I AM.
Ecstatic! Feeling grateful for a classy, good looking sage who speaks the truth. _/\_
Wonderful! ✨✨
Thankyou so much Rupert . This touched me very deeply .
A true Light you are .
I Love you
Amazing. So simple. So clear. Thank you, Rupert. ❤
There seem to be two versions of "now" in our language. The "now" we experience as eternal, and the "now" we use on a time scale as we count down the numbers until we throw our hats together after the graduation. So there is not only one now ...
🙏 Thank you Rupert for I am🙏 obviously the word revelation means for the first time something new is born or is revealed to me. For example when for the first time the concept of multiple Gods or different personalities of gods dawned in me I was really scared.Because my deep rooted belief that there was only one God, it took me a while to except it. And after 30 some years this is the norm for me. What I am driving at is by repeatedly listening to Rupert‘s videos that resonated in me ,little by little they’re settling in making sense not mentally but experientially ,feeling and sensing it becomes a total perception of truth that I am pure consciousness .all there is the knowing of awareness and that’s liberating. Peace serenity and love to all thank you.🙏
What I love about you, Rupert, is that you vocalize conclusions I came to as well.
The only time I have ever experienced is now, therefore there cannot be a past. I looked for feelings and realized they were sensations I named. I looked for my personality, couldn't find it.
I just love all your talks, as well as your passion that sometimes show.
Thank you . This is the clearest way that I have understood and am aware of the infinite presence of Now ! Pure awareness of the ever presence of Now . Thank you . 😌
I was giggling throughout this because there is nothing Rupert says that isnt exactly true anywhere throughout this meditation yet, my mind has had me convinced that conciousness was in space & time when all experiential evidence is clearly to the contrary. Shows how our the limited perception of the finite mind and perception distorts eternal, infinite conciousness!
Excellent guided meditation! 🙏😢
Wonderful . thank you.
This dude is next level
This was absolutely brilliant. The best explanation I've heard of time and space. Bravo Rupert!! Many thanks for this.
Love Love Love Rupert 💗🙏💗
What you said about 3 people on a couch is how communication theory explains interactions between two people. Instead of 2 people talking it's more like 6 people, with 3 different views for each person; like you said in the video. I've also been listening to a lot of lectures about string theory and the hologram theory. Very cool to see this perspective as well.
“Reason’s last step is the recognition that there are an infinite number of things which are beyond it.” ~ Pascal
Beautifully explained ❤️
what a great voice he has, great for meditation, very calm and soothing
Amazingly clear, stunningly real and intensely satisfying! Brilliant! Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I don't find words to express my infinite gratitude for this!
"My way is not Philosophy,Philosophy involves thinking.
Thinking comes from the mind,
My way comes from beyond the mind.
It involves no thinking at all.
But a knowing of Awareness.
The mind is silent,
But you are awake."
(A Buddha)
You are the space between thoughts and words.
***** Where the knowledge and awareness come from, if you don't involve the mind ?
When you meditate you slowly realise you are not the mind made sense of self,a person,which obviously is false because its simply an idea based on memories.(conditioned mind) you can also come to the realisation through inquiry,see Ramana Maharishis teaching, Who am I?
The mind is useful for this and worldy activities,but it is NOT who you are.you are NOT name mind.the brain, and form.
You are Awareness or pure Consciousness itself,or Soul,Self, Being,lots of names.
Wordly knowledge is simply memories , mostly other peoples....some of it useful to spiritual growth,most of it not.
Spiritual knowlege of who you really are comes from beyond the mind,all virtues naturally surface once you realise who you really are.i.e.Truth, right conduct,peace, pure love, non violence.
Gradually the false ego self idea diminishes.
and you realise you are one Soul manifest in the objects of perception.
All of it arises in you,
That why Jesus said "Love your neighbour as your Self" their awareness is your awareness,only the ego personality is different
***** Well you are talking about thing that I'm 100% sure you don't know what they are, no one knows . What's a soul ? really, do you know ? I'm 100% sure you don't, but why talking about it, like you know it,
Is the self and the soul are the same ? So what is the ego then ? do you know ? Do you know what the desire is ? Is it the ego ?
I thought all virtue surface, when you start to be aware of your out of controlled desire and take the driving site to control it and stop doing bad things because of it . I though virtue surface, when you start to be a good person .
Do you think everyone on this earth love themselves ? I don't think so , So how they do that, love their neighbor as their self ?
I am not teacher,I just have over 40 years of serious spiritual searching....my body is 70,saying that I did have an extraordinary experience of Soul or God awareness when I was about 8-9,it was spontainious,I didn't know what was happening all I can say is I was not the same little boy,I didn't know who I was, all I knew was intense love,calmness and peace,it lasted about 4 hours.
I have never forgotten it,I now know it was Grace,God showing me who I am,who we ALL are,not the body,mind or name.Why I dont know.perhaps karma from a past life?I was an atheist up to 1972 when I went to healer,I had that same experience as when 8-9.... I came out of his house a believer,I know this was God Consciousness.Then the search began.Study of all the religions,but mainly meditation.that was the key for myself, to get still in mind..
I then had the same thing happen several mor e times in later years.
So all I say is based on my experience not from books,although certain teachers and books have given me the explaination of my experiences.
Now your questions I'll answer to the best I can.
You love your neighbour anywhere in the world as your Self, even animals because I know I am Self or Awareness,Pure Consciousness. likewise everybody,YOU is the pure Consciousness,but they dont know it.
They feel they are body, name, ego mind.
You become good or better person AFTER Self awareness comes,its natural and it takes time.You can do good deeds but it comes with a motive to get God.it may work but most likely wont because the ego is expecting a reward..ego cannot get God because ego is selfish.
First find the God within then all virtues surface no effort at all. egothe little I vanishes in time.
Ego is mind made self,a feeling I am mind body, name, profession. a person,It is false, it doesn't exist only as an idea.these things are only labels.
Soul is who you are,Soul is God, Awareness,only one Truth,no separate souls,you are NOT a person with soul,you ARE the Soul.the ideas of mind body name appear in it.like the Universe does.
Desire comes from mind , in a search for happiness,but hey lead to more desires which only bring misery.search for the desire of all desires,God.mind is just a bundle of thoughts,it actually doesn't exist as an entity because it comes and goes.Awareness is always here,it doesn't come and go.
You're aware of these words,the sights and sounds around you,the thoughts from the mind BECAUSE you are the Awareness,the one Soul,the same as mine, of everything.
But it is a mystery, it can be known,felt, but not explained,but we try.no words can explain it, only point in the direction,
Can the eye see itself? no, but it knows it IS.
Sorry to say it but thinking like that shows you don't understand the basic truths at all..you sound like a confused ego,like most people you are brainwashed into believing you are separate from God.
Soul is only one of many names of God. just a label for that mystery,which is our own Being.
You as body mind or seperate soul are dream.
What you really are is existance itself,knowledge bliss,you are the God (Pure Consciousness,Soul) of this Universe.
There is only one Soul, God,All the time you think you are a "Me" or a "We" or " I " you are deluded..thats ego mind, book knowlege memories.
ego cannot get God as a prize. thats arrogance.
The wave cannot fit the Ocean inside it, but the Ocean can fit countless waves inside it, ego is wave, an illusion of self, Ocean is God,you are the Ocean Self,Soul.etc.
God is not separate,you are God,beyond the thinking process.
Stop thinking, be still, quieten the mind through meditation,and be free from ego!
Just can say Thank you, can't express in words the experience !!
I have recently discovered you, Rupert, and I am delighted! What you communicate rings so true! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
"Make yourself at home"
This resonates in my body. It becomes more and more clear for me that Outer world and Inner world are connected and need each other in the proces of finding who I am.. individuation 0f the Unity.
I totally love this how it's about what happens after Enlightenment is important. And that's where I'm at now and that's where I know a lot of us are at now so we've gone through the initial stages of transferring over into an enlightened awareness position of life and reality and people and songs and birds and rivers and sounds and presents and sitting in nature feeling the abundance of awareness the infinite effortlessness of all awareness the ultimate movie going on which includes all Sensations sounds appearances enjoyment at the same time
One of, if not THE, best video from you yet.
Just as wonderful as when I heard it live during retreat. Rupert is the wish-fulfilling jewel.
It’s so simple so clear and amazing!!!
To be fair, change is a constant. Just as "now". Nothing except the now, and change is everlasting.
There is only Conscience, what everything appears in. Including thought,perceptions and apparent change. There is only it, conscience/awareness indescribable.This is where words fail.
"Timeless Eternal Wisdom" 🧡
Thank you Master.
I love listening to you Rupert!
I love you and this video is excellent , but aren't sensations always present. Thank you a million times for all you do.
If one were to listen to this and read Power of Now book by Eckhart tolle, I am of the opinion that he or she will fully understand what's reality
Thank you for this wonderful vedio
Love Love Love ! Thank you Thank you ! I am enjoying lisining , and lurning from you , Thank you Thank you . Blessings always, to all. Be saf and happy.
Why hasn't anyone told me this before? ( this s all that I ever needed to know )
Thank you sir.
Wow, that is what i call true channeling.
Straight from the source
Thank you for such a clearly explained and guided meditation amazing to know that how time and space or mind and its perception appears as reality,I salute your ability of explaining as it comes out straight from the awareness without any filter i.e. MIND'
Dude, you just messed my whole head up for-ever, which is MY end...I guess I mean for eternity. Damn!
When Thought thinks about Now, it turns it into time. When we buy a novel in a bookstore, the entire novel is present. But the mind cannot read the entire novel at the same time. Thought needs Time to read the novel but the entirety of the novel is always present now. It is not the limitations of the novel, it is the limitations of Thought, that make the entire novel inaccessible in every moment. Our entire experience likewise, everything that we have ever experienced, takes place in this Now. The only Now that ever is.
Advaita Vedanta is the way of life, it is the ultimate truth of all of us
clear, illuminating, great explanation. Thank you
Thank you very much. I've been waiting for one of your meditations. I cannot afford the CDs or retreats. What a gift this is. Namaste'
there's also another meditation a few videos back fyi.
Anthony F thanks!
Thank you for providing this John.
Why using namaste at every sauce lol ?
I’ve only just discovered Rupert. Can I just ask, without any intention of being rude, why is he charging large sums of money for retreats? If he is truly realised and aware, would he be making a business out of his self-realisation. The holy monks and the Buddha didn’t charge a dime. I really love hearing Rupert, but the exchange of money worries me.
Thank you very much for sharing this.
Beautiful Voice...beautifully explained...thank you for putting on line...and sharing with everyone...this too is beautiful..
Brilliant exposition of Reality
Thank you Rupert! Namaste!
EX-TRA-OR-DI-NA-RIO! Gratidão ❤
If you can only grasp this concept. Depression will flee!
and the anxiety should (since anxiety is thoughts racing into the future as opposed to thoughts going into the past for depression)
Thank you!
Here is infinite and now is eternal.
Rupert dropping truth bombs like it's hot !
The "Now" only gets you here!!!!! But it is a starting path!