As a college professor, I support your decision. Society makes everyone think they need to go to college at 18. Most people don't know what they want to do or who they are at 18 or even 25. Some of my best students are in their 20s or even 30s and they have more life experience and know what they want to do. If you come back to college, that's great, but you do not need a degree to make money and be successful. There are plenty of people with degrees who can't support themselves. I have friends who never went to college and they're smarter than me, have read more books than me, and make more money. Don't get frustrated. Give it some time. You will find yourself and you will eventually find the path that leads you to peace and fulfillment.
Thank you my friend, I agree and I know I’ll find that path. it sounds nice the though of going back to college later in life. Maybe I’ll end up doing that down the line. But I do know I can be successful without college, I just have to find that success and truly work hard for it
I applaud you for dropping out honestly, it takes serious guts to throw away a potential stable career choice and follow your dreams, you are amazing man
I started college when I was 18 and it didn't work out for me as well. I also have adhd and had a lot of trouble managing my time. I started again this year (I'm 24 now) and everything is fine now. I worked a lot in the meantime and developed a lot of time management skills. Everything is going great now. But I just wasn't ready yet. Don't let the pressure of society get to you. You're still young and you can do whatever you want. Keep it up!
I left college in my sophomore year. It was way to stressful and overwhelming for me as well. I was full time, while working part time, along with just life responsibilities. I took a job working full time at a hospital. I really liked that job, and all the great benefits too. It all worked out.
Yeah, this crucial life lesson isn’t going to disappear by running away from it. College isn’t for everyone, I totally get that, but most of these reasons are things you have to deal with by becoming an adult, in college or not.
you’re absolutely right. I was getting better at managing my time in college and I was able to use those “free days” wisely after being in the mental hospital. I agree with you, and I’ll keep working on it
I think that it was a mistake for you to just move on to college when you , family and therapists knew you had serious mental health issues that you really weren't able to deal with appropriately. It would have been better if you had postponed your college start until you had time to get a grip the other vital issues you were trying to deal with.
I don't think families realize how their kid's mental health is paramount over any random college start date. The pressure to just carry on with "the plan" is immense and so it's really not your fault or mistake to to have just followed the momentum.
Im proud of you for making the decision to drop out. Now your heading the right direction. College is not for most people. I went for 2 years and wasted my time there. it was a waste of 2 years that I cant get back. im 63 now. Im so glad that you made a great move. Keep it up.
Hey Jimmy. College is a great opportunity (that many don’t have in this world) to learn about something you’d like to dedicate your life to. It also pushes you to do things by yourself and mature quickly. See it as one of those obstacles in life you have to surpass because you chose to do so. If you don’t want to, it’s fine, so go regroup and consider coming back soon with the knowledge you acquired about how it is. Thousands of kids have gone through the same and eventually succeeded. Whatever you accomplish in College, it won’t be necessarily a 9 to 5 job, it just gives you the first tools (education) to set you a bit higher in a mountain from where you can better see the valley of opportunities below. Go do it brother. Be brave, you got this.
Your personal diary has been fascinating. Discovering yourself isnt easy, but you are in the process of finding your own way. Thats a lot better than just going with the flow or what everyone else is doing. Time management is really important, but its the cart and not the horse. When you have found a goal that is truly your own, time management will become an asset.
Haha so true and I had no motivation so that could have been my fate. I’m glad everything worked out for you in the end, and I’m sure itll work out for me too. Thank you for the 10$ my friend
I wish you the very best Jwool. College is a great experience that everyone should have access to. It’s also not worthwhile for everyone. That totally valid and cool of you to see and internalize so young. I can say, you’ve got a decent sized, engaged community on your hands and that is powerful. All of the biggest names on this platform had that number by their name at one point. Keep following your passions and taking time to also focus on your mental health bro!
You can't worry about what others think about your decision. Follow your passion. In your life you will try many things. Some will work out, others not so well, but you'll never know unless you take the risk. The only regrets in life are the risks that you don't take. You know. James, I've always supported you and believe in you brother. I'm here for you if you ever need anything. I'm here in the valley. Love you bro
Glad that you took time to think deeply and discuss the issue of leaving college with those close to you and then made a considered decision. You first video showed just how hard it was for you. So I admire your honesty and wish you well for the new pathway.
I’ve dropped out too (age 19). I intend to go back later, but I had a lot of issues finding direction, managing my time, and adapting to a new environment. People/society made me feel like if I didn’t go to uni straight out of school then I would be a failure, but this isn’t the truth at all. I really relate to what you said here, and I know you’ll find your way. This isn’t the be all and end all 💛
Honestly, dropping out of college takes a lot of guts. I haven’t done that (at least yet), but I wish that during this time that you feel more secure with everything (if you are already, I’m all happy for it).
one thing is true: knowledge = power, whether that comes via academics or experience/street smarts. the quicker you gain it, the higher advantage you have over the rest of society.
it’s overwhelming the first few months u drop out, but that subsides, i promise. i had almost the exact situation last year before dropping out. im the happiest ive ever been, successful, i have a job i like, and now i post too. good luck!
Jwool, it’s wonderful that you want to share your experience with your followers, but remember that you’re in this for you, and you don’t need to justify your decisions to us, or be too concerned whether the nice and well meaning people here fully understand your motivations.
you’re right. I did wanna let you guys know why but I spent too much time in the video justifying it. Ultimately, this is for me, and I need to remember that. Thank you
Is this guy for real? "overwhelmed by college work" he was off college four days out of 7, and didn't have many classes when he was in. I had to commute 1.5 hours to mine, was in classes from 9am until 5pm every week day, except Thursdays when I had to stay until 8pm for lab work, then commute 1.5 hours home again. The work was damned hard because it was a STEM subject, I had no money and no parental support. Today's generation are so spoilt they want everything on a plate with no effort. Time for a reality check.
you and him are not the same person. things that work for him might not work for you. things that work for you might not work for him. doing what is best for him and his mental health does not make him spoiled. and that crap you're saying about no effort, James has built this youtube channel from scratch earning more subscribers than you could ever get. that takes work and effort. i, as well as 28.7k others, are extremely proud of him.
@@weloveyoupayno Vacuous sentiments. I know we are not the same person, I don't wallow in self pity and expect the world to give me a comfortable life for little effort. There was no 'mental health' epidemic when I was growing up, because my generation weren't mollycoddled into believing that everyday set-backs are unbearable strife. They are challenges to overcome with resilience and determination and a bit of graft. You have no idea how successful a channel I could make if I wanted to, so that line was just empty drivel. I'm just not so narcissistic and morbid that I can justify to myself frittering away a brief existence on this world waffling about nothing to strangers for hours on end. Sitting in front of a camera moping is "work and effort" is it? Wow, tell that to the Steel workers, miners, construction workers and engineers that built this civilisation. If more people encouraged a 'can-do' attitude instead of arse licking in the hope of a re-tweet and 'like' then the country wouldn't be going down the pan.
it's really hard to make decisions like that, but I'm glad your sticking to it no matter what people think. I hope (and know) everything will work out, you got this
For me, you took on too much at one time too soon. The guidance I had when stepping out had me pace my progress. Your outlook on your issue is a great realization. Good lord, I was there so much in High School. I’m 71 now. My way is so clear now. Hang on my brother. 🙏🏼👍
Thanks for sharing. I originally thought you were too young to go away to a four year college at 17. I thought a community college would have been a better fit. When you told us the classes you were taking and the number of units, I thought that was too much. I think you made the right decision for you. Don't think of a 9-5 job as a life sentence. Think of it as a job where you can earn and save money. Continue your TH-cam channel and see how it grows. And who knows you may actually like your "9-5" job. As always, please be healthy, happy, and safe.
Amazing progress little brother. So much pain and adversity but you got through it to a place with some clarity! I used to teach coping skills and it gets easier and they work better and faster the more you use them. Sounds like you're on the right track. I support your decision to leave school, and I respect you saying, hey, six months from now, we'll see... You are open to learning and making changes (mistakes, failures, successes)... (and this is really important)... you are making good quality decisions about your life and allowing yourself the option of changing your mind latter! Fantastic! Most people never make decisions and then they wonder why nothing changes. Stay positive brother. Keep feeling good about yourself! You have my brotherly love and prayers man! Stay true!
The fact is it's your life and you have to make the choices in it, not for anyone else but you. Many people will offer you advice, it's the single thing most freely given, but you have to do what is best for you.
College is designed to be difficult. It's not like high school where everyone is expected to succeed. However, if you have a disability that makes it more difficult, there's no reason you can't spread it out to make it manageable. There's also no reason you can't take a break, then go back. It took me a total of 8 years full time, with a 10 year break in between to earn my BS. It took so long partly because I had a challenging course load, partly because my parents got divorced and sold the house in which I was living, and partly because I took a lot of classes for fun, rather than just concentrating on getting to graduation ASAP. You'll never regret finishing college. Remember, the more educated you are, the smarter your decisions will be.
You are obviously a smart young man. You made the decision that is right for you and that is all that matters. Our opinions as viewers don’t matter. I think we all just want you be happy and follow your heart.
Hey Jwool, I’ve been watching your videos for a few months. I have been where you are. When I was throw in college after high school and I couldn’t take it mentally and couldn’t understand the concept and the assignments and I went on probation first semester and then the second semester I was suspended. Decades later I went back and I was more responsible and as of 2021 I got my bachelors degree that I never thought I wouldn’t ever get that. Don’t worry Jwool find out what you really want to do and college will always be theee. Take the time to figure out what u want to do. Good luck to you. You will go far in anything you want to. I went to work and decided to go back to school. Everyone got their own path. Stick to it.
I'm glad you are following your own intuition and not being pressured by others' views that all young people should go to college. College just isn't for everyone. You will find your way. Just keep listening to your inner voice to steer you on your own chosen path.
Mate great courage talking about your mental health, talk to people, make connections with good friends that can ask you questions when not good. Great TH-cam video. Your are not stupid, my parents told me to leave school 2 years before the ability to go to university. Now at the age of 60 I have a resume of every teenagers dream. Green Beret in the Australian Army, helicopter rescue crewmen, a fireman and out door educator. Teaching 12 to 17 years olds how to hike, navigate the bush, kayak and abseil and climbing. I have driven around Australia 2 or 3 times . University isn’t the end, go and enjoy life
You are yourself and you are willing to try and better yourself. You understand the challenges that life brings and dropping out of college is not always bad. I admire you so don't beat yourself up because you dropped out. You have to try things before you understand they're not for you. You have your pathway mapped out and that is clear. You will become a youtuber because you have us with you. You will make it!
Don’t feel stupid about your decision man. College just doesn’t work out for some people. Who knows maybe you reconsider it and you could always go back whenever. School will always be there. You never know.
Man I feel you. I'm in college now and just finished my stressful exams. Now its christmas time but I'm cooked for next semester. TBH I wanna drop out of college and just pursue my dream of being a violinst/musician
Don’t look at this as an all to end all. You found out in the first semester that the college road is not your thing. You endured a lot in those weeks and you got a clear head. For now, you will have to work a 9 to 5 until the TH-cam channel starts paying, but if you’re smart, you won’t think that TH-cam will be your ultimate destiny. Take this time to fully reflect on what has worked in the past and build on that. Then, even if you think that it is working out, talk to people about your goals and your dreams. This will give you perspective and it may even help you find a direction you otherwise might not have thought about. Just keep thinking positive thoughts in all you do. The main thing above all is to let you be you, not what somebody else thinks you should be.
You made the right choice for right now. College is always there if/when you want it. I'd suggest a community college class or two, creative writing, editing, whatever. Just one at a time, any class that will benefit you as an entrepreneur. . Cuz thats what you are as a TH-camr, a businessperson. Good luck, man, you got this.
You have got to do what you want to do, do what makes YOU happy. You don't have to justify yourself to anyone. If it makes you feel good, or happy, do what you want to do and don't let anyone stop you. Also, glad you talked things out with your love. Communication and being open with each other is a key to making it work. So many people don't stay committed to one another anymore and disappear at the first sign of trouble, and don't communicate. Always talk through problems. That will be 90 % the other 10 % is forgiveness, and when true love is there, just about anything will be forgiven. You don't HAVE to go to college. And if down the road, you ever decide you do want to go, you'll have money saved up to realize that goal. So don't feel bad for doing what is right for you. You have to put yourself first. Hope you find peace and happiness. All the best.
J Wool, ppl can make all kinds of decisions or tell you, you should’ve done this or You should have that. But at the end of the day, it's yours. Decision nobody else’s. The big problem with wanting to be a Utuber is everyone else. Who knows if it is around in 10 or more years something else might come along and replace it what do you do then?
i apologize that i have not been there for you. but i told myself to back off and to let you live your own life and find yourself... i am so proud of you for coming to this derision by yourself.
I'm older here and college grad in the 1980's. I loved the college lifestyle but I was really not interested in the education learning part. I just hung in there to get through it. If I did it all over again I would have chosen to learn a trade instead. Honest i feel I learned nothing in college that made me successful in the job I have had in my adult life.Today I see a lack of trade skills and think it a better option for those that don't want to go the college route. You're really going to need something besides TH-cam and arts. Very few succeed in the long term, these interests should be look at more as hobbies with a little income stream. All the best you you, you're young, you have a long life ahead of you. You will fail with some things, it happens to all of us, just expect that. But I can tell you are a good person and you will find a way to be successful in the long term. Good luck to you!
Real talk? You've made a lot of progress handling things that come at you. Your body language and your... energy, for lack of a better word, is much more "present." Taking a break from (or just not going back to) college is no big deal. Seriously. There will still be colleges out there if you decide to go back. That's it. The boomer mindset is all about doing it the 'right' way (which is their way, of course.) You can set your own course, change it, change it again, go back to what it was originally, and then change it completely and still be on your right path. The choice to be together with your ex is only between you two and no one else. Don't let the internet tell you otherwise. I wish you the best re: finding a job to pay your bills while you continue to grow your channel. It sounds like you're monetized but it takes time to get enough revenue to live on! I have a lot of thoughts about this based on my own experience but I'll save the parasocial advice. Keep doing what you do. A lot of people are out here watching you. I have faith you can do this.
Life is a leaning process you do you and you will be successful. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone so live your life and be happy. I never went to college and woked my ass off so i could retire at 50 years old. You do you and everything will work out.
Do what makes you happy in life. College isn’t for everyone and there’s no shame in it at all. Always watch your videos and can’t wait to see what wonderful things life has in store for you :)
You are doing just fine. You are listening to your heart and making decisions that are best for you. Right or wrong, you have to follow your intuition and do what's best for you. It's okay to make mistakes along the way. It's how you grow. Don't give up your dream. There's more than one way to achieve your goals. The world is filled with highly successful people who don't have much schooling. School is not the magic ticket. Ingenuity and being yourself is key.
I dropped out of high school and never went back. I am also a university graduate. I went as an older student having had worked for a bit before hand. Life always has some options I think. Some doors open and others close.
I support your decision. You can always revisit the idea. There are senior citizens getting their diplomas. I dropped out of college after 3 1/2 years and didn't move out of my parent's home until I was 23, all because of mental problems. And in the end it all turned out well.
If you find yourself in your first semester in college making Cs and Ds I think taking a break is about the only option for you. You can always come back later when you've got things a little more together. I wish you luck on TH-cam but I don't understand what your vision for the future is. The "young kid floundering with his mental health issues" can only take you so far.
Best of luck, James! I do want to suggest that college does not equal a nine-to-five job! In fact, the education you receive can actually expand your options by providing new skills so you won't be anchored by a 9-5 job. I know you can do this, but please also consider taking classes part time. The discipline of learning and studying and doing projects will help you in all areas of your pursuits! Hope you and Esther have a great time over these holidays.
The only thing to consider is that, even without college, you’ll still have to work a 9-5, but likely 9-5 jobs that are even more grueling and hard to deal with. Obviously it can work, but you’ll have to eventually pick *some* career, and whatever that is will almost certainly be a 9-5. It’s about choosing the one you like and can handle the stress of best
College is an expectation of society end of many families. But you must follow the path that will get you where you want to be in life pour yourself. College will always be there if you want to come back to it. It is better not to waste money on college if it is not meeting your needs.
The one thing I think is important to realize is that though not getting a cash job may not be very appealing there are so many experiences on so many levels that are beyond the work itself just dealing with people and circumstances and getting to know people of different types and so many things like that like that you can only gain from working. There are so many things that you learn and experience that you can't know in advance. I think it might be something to consider that going to work if you approach it as it's just an adventure it's not necessarily about the work itself but it's about the whole human interaction and your personal evolution from being in new and different experiences on a daily basis that we grow and learn and discover. And that's really only something that you can get from doing things that are new or even initially
This isn't rambling at all. I think you explained your situation well, even if you don't have to. I think your subscribers are appreciative of your genuine candor about your life, your issues and your problems. I think most people can understand and commiserate. I don't think college is for everyone. Also, how do your own parents feel about your living with Esther's family instead of in your own home.
I am very PROUD of you and HAPPY for you. i am currently busy working two jobs and making lots of $. you already know my situation about me failing in college... but i do have GREAT NEWS for you. before i make any promises; i want you to continue your job search. yes i know it will suck working a min wage job; but trust me it HELPS. i am currently in the process of building a brand name and a commercial film studio. i will be looking for a group of talented individuals to help staff and run my studio. non union; so this would be a great start for many newbees. give me a call after the holidays.
You don’t need or really want to know WHY. But you and all these other YT I been watchin all these past 6 years have really made me TRULY appreciate what I’ve been dealt and you deserve to hear/be told that everything will be fine and nothing honestly is goin anywhere so literally smoke a fattie(NOT D8 SHIT) or whatever you do and let it all unfold as it comes. We all makin to the higher vibrations one way or another. -♐️🏹☀️♉️🐂🌕♊️🎭🌅
If I have to be honest, college used to be the way to success in the previous generations, but now skills and experience are far more important. There are people with bachelors and masters degrees who can’t even get an interview. Trades are some of the most profitable and widespread careers now. It could even give you a stronger foundation for college in the future so you can afford more of it on your own and you’ll always have something to fall back on.
college is not for everyone, but you will likely need some more education to excel in the youtube environment. You will just have to deal with becoming independent and how that will work financially, mentally, etc.
I say do whay you want, college / uni is a waste of time unless you gonna be a doctor or something like that ..youll be good justbroll with what you wanna do..but yeah you should get a job so you can have money and also be involved in life outside yr bedroom 😊
After I dropped out at 18 aswell I figured my only option was saving enough money for a house. I don't have good social skills and my confidence and motivation is gone so I don't think I can pursue a career. My parents will let me stay until I'm 23 as long as I pitch in $150 a month. I figured I'll be able to have a house fully paid off by the time I move out.
College is an experience just like everything else. The 'real' real world, is only and has been about failures and sucesses, it will be, as long as we are human. You can't have one without the other, in a multitude of ways. How you win at life> Engage the failures and successes. How you lose at life> Run away from failures and successes.
You didn't have to explain yourself, your decision was already appreciated, but thanks anyway. Can relate as well because I did the same thing. But we tried our best & it wasn't meant to be, that's life. At least you have YT to fall back on so it's still a good situation. 🤷♂ Also maybe do that livestream with mxtttxw because it would be funny.
A lot of Famous TH-camrs stopped going to collage, or never went. Idk if that has any correlation with how successful they were, but maybe that will be the case with you.
I'm just a poor 23 year old guy in no position to give life advice, but I did want to reassure you that despite what adult influences have told us, college is not everything. And it's not meant for everyone. I went to college and graduated with a BA in English because that's what I liked studying. I got excellent grades the whole way through. But I was never pursuing that degree with the intention of using it for my career. I mainly went to college because my parents told me I had to do it to be successful, and because I thought it would be a fun experience. And yeah, I made good friends and good memories. But now I'm working a job that I could have started immediately after high school. It's far from ideal, but I enjoy it way more than any office job or other higher profession because I'm simply not cut out for that kind of work. In hindsight, I sincerely regret going to college. It was a mistake for me personally (it's a great idea for lots of people... maybe even the majority of people, but it wasn't for me). You don't have to go to college to get a decent job and live a simple happy life. I wish I had someone to tell me that before I amassed all this debt from student loans when I could have spent 4 years working instead.
Aww do what you need to Jwool! Just be careful not to end up on Welfare by the time you’re in your 40s (because you will know real depression then lol)
You know yourself better than I, so I support your decision. But, nstead of dropping out, how about considering it as a pause on college. Many of my students (I teach college) leave a university (for whatever reason) then take classes at a community college. Might be something worth thinking about if you want
I get it, college is not for everyone. Become an electrician or plumber, they make bank. I have my undergrad and MBA and what I’m doing currently didn’t require that level of education. You’re young, have time to figure shit out. Don’t worry man. Life works itself out in time.
As a college professor, I support your decision. Society makes everyone think they need to go to college at 18. Most people don't know what they want to do or who they are at 18 or even 25. Some of my best students are in their 20s or even 30s and they have more life experience and know what they want to do. If you come back to college, that's great, but you do not need a degree to make money and be successful. There are plenty of people with degrees who can't support themselves. I have friends who never went to college and they're smarter than me, have read more books than me, and make more money. Don't get frustrated. Give it some time. You will find yourself and you will eventually find the path that leads you to peace and fulfillment.
Best advise on the thread!
Thank you my friend, I agree and I know I’ll find that path. it sounds nice the though of going back to college later in life. Maybe I’ll end up doing that down the line. But I do know I can be successful without college, I just have to find that success and truly work hard for it
Thank you for saying this
thank you professor for sharing your thoughts ❤❤
Agreed, and very well sad Thank you for sharing your advice and great experience with today's youth! 💚💚
I applaud you for dropping out honestly, it takes serious guts to throw away a potential stable career choice and follow your dreams, you are amazing man
Thank you Leon I appreciate that man 🙏
I started college when I was 18 and it didn't work out for me as well. I also have adhd and had a lot of trouble managing my time. I started again this year (I'm 24 now) and everything is fine now. I worked a lot in the meantime and developed a lot of time management skills. Everything is going great now. But I just wasn't ready yet.
Don't let the pressure of society get to you. You're still young and you can do whatever you want. Keep it up!
I left college in my sophomore year. It was way to stressful and overwhelming for me as well. I was full time, while working part time, along with just life responsibilities. I took a job working full time at a hospital. I really liked that job, and all the great benefits too. It all worked out.
I dropped out of college as well. Don’t feel bad
College or no college you'll need to learn to manage your time. This will serve you well over the years.
Yeah, this crucial life lesson isn’t going to disappear by running away from it. College isn’t for everyone, I totally get that, but most of these reasons are things you have to deal with by becoming an adult, in college or not.
you’re absolutely right. I was getting better at managing my time in college and I was able to use those “free days” wisely after being in the mental hospital. I agree with you, and I’ll keep working on it
I think that it was a mistake for you to just move on to college when you , family and therapists knew you had serious mental health issues that you really weren't able to deal with appropriately.
It would have been better if you had postponed your college start until you had time to get a grip the other vital issues you were trying to deal with.
I don't think families realize how their kid's mental health is paramount over any random college start date.
The pressure to just carry on with "the plan" is immense and so it's really not your fault or mistake to to have just followed the momentum.
I don't think your experience is isolated . Many young people know they aren't quite ready for college for a myriad of reasons.😅
Im proud of you for making the decision to drop out. Now your heading the right direction.
College is not for most people. I went for 2 years and wasted my time there. it was a waste of 2 years that I cant get back. im 63 now. Im so glad that you made a great move. Keep it up.
Hey Jimmy. College is a great opportunity (that many don’t have in this world) to learn about something you’d like to dedicate your life to. It also pushes you to do things by yourself and mature quickly. See it as one of those obstacles in life you have to surpass because you chose to do so. If you don’t want to, it’s fine, so go regroup and consider coming back soon with the knowledge you acquired about how it is. Thousands of kids have gone through the same and eventually succeeded. Whatever you accomplish in College, it won’t be necessarily a 9 to 5 job, it just gives you the first tools (education) to set you a bit higher in a mountain from where you can better see the valley of opportunities below. Go do it brother. Be brave, you got this.
Your personal diary has been fascinating. Discovering yourself isnt easy, but you are in the process of finding your own way. Thats a lot better than just going with the flow or what everyone else is doing. Time management is really important, but its the cart and not the horse. When you have found a goal that is truly your own, time management will become an asset.
Dropping out is better than flunking out. I flunked out twice but finally made it and got a 4 year degree in 6. 😅😊
Haha so true and I had no motivation so that could have been my fate. I’m glad everything worked out for you in the end, and I’m sure itll work out for me too. Thank you for the 10$ my friend
I wish you the very best Jwool. College is a great experience that everyone should have access to. It’s also not worthwhile for everyone. That totally valid and cool of you to see and internalize so young.
I can say, you’ve got a decent sized, engaged community on your hands and that is powerful. All of the biggest names on this platform had that number by their name at one point. Keep following your passions and taking time to also focus on your mental health bro!
You can't worry about what others think about your decision. Follow your passion. In your life you will try many things. Some will work out, others not so well, but you'll never know unless you take the risk. The only regrets in life are the risks that you don't take. You know. James, I've always supported you and believe in you brother. I'm here for you if you ever need anything. I'm here in the valley. Love you bro
Glad that you took time to think deeply and discuss the issue of leaving college with those close to you and then made a considered decision. You first video showed just how hard it was for you. So I admire your honesty and wish you well for the new pathway.
I’ve dropped out too (age 19). I intend to go back later, but I had a lot of issues finding direction, managing my time, and adapting to a new environment. People/society made me feel like if I didn’t go to uni straight out of school then I would be a failure, but this isn’t the truth at all. I really relate to what you said here, and I know you’ll find your way. This isn’t the be all and end all 💛
James you are an awesome human! Thanks for that. I try to be an awesome human everyday. Sometimes I win, sometimes I do not.
Honestly, dropping out of college takes a lot of guts. I haven’t done that (at least yet), but I wish that during this time that you feel more secure with everything (if you are already, I’m all happy for it).
one thing is true: knowledge = power, whether that comes via academics or experience/street smarts. the quicker you gain it, the higher advantage you have over the rest of society.
it’s overwhelming the first few months u drop out, but that subsides, i promise. i had almost the exact situation last year before dropping out. im the happiest ive ever been, successful, i have a job i like, and now i post too. good luck!
so proud of you! i apologize for not being there for you many times
Jwool, it’s wonderful that you want to share your experience with your followers, but remember that you’re in this for you, and you don’t need to justify your decisions to us, or be too concerned whether the nice and well meaning people here fully understand your motivations.
you’re right. I did wanna let you guys know why but I spent too much time in the video justifying it. Ultimately, this is for me, and I need to remember that. Thank you
Is this guy for real? "overwhelmed by college work" he was off college four days out of 7, and didn't have many classes when he was in. I had to commute 1.5 hours to mine, was in classes from 9am until 5pm every week day, except Thursdays when I had to stay until 8pm for lab work, then commute 1.5 hours home again. The work was damned hard because it was a STEM subject, I had no money and no parental support. Today's generation are so spoilt they want everything on a plate with no effort. Time for a reality check.
you and him are not the same person. things that work for him might not work for you. things that work for you might not work for him. doing what is best for him and his mental health does not make him spoiled. and that crap you're saying about no effort, James has built this youtube channel from scratch earning more subscribers than you could ever get. that takes work and effort. i, as well as 28.7k others, are extremely proud of him.
@@weloveyoupayno Vacuous sentiments. I know we are not the same person, I don't wallow in self pity and expect the world to give me a comfortable life for little effort. There was no 'mental health' epidemic when I was growing up, because my generation weren't mollycoddled into believing that everyday set-backs are unbearable strife. They are challenges to overcome with resilience and determination and a bit of graft. You have no idea how successful a channel I could make if I wanted to, so that line was just empty drivel. I'm just not so narcissistic and morbid that I can justify to myself frittering away a brief existence on this world waffling about nothing to strangers for hours on end. Sitting in front of a camera moping is "work and effort" is it? Wow, tell that to the Steel workers, miners, construction workers and engineers that built this civilisation. If more people encouraged a 'can-do' attitude instead of arse licking in the hope of a re-tweet and 'like' then the country wouldn't be going down the pan.
it's really hard to make decisions like that, but I'm glad your sticking to it no matter what people think. I hope (and know) everything will work out, you got this
For me, you took on too much at one time too soon. The guidance I had when stepping out had me pace my progress. Your outlook on your issue is a great realization. Good lord, I was there so much in High School. I’m 71 now. My way is so clear now. Hang on my brother. 🙏🏼👍
Just ❤, I’m in highschool now and I look up to all your decisions. If you feel like you did the right thing. You did.
Hello from Ukraine my dearest brother.. remember we are brothers always..
God bless your life
🔥🔥 You are a creative artist!! Do not worry about ones that do not know you as an artist.
Thanks for sharing. I originally thought you were too young to go away to a four year college at 17. I thought a community college would have been a better fit. When you told us the classes you were taking and the number of units, I thought that was too much. I think you made the right decision for you. Don't think of a 9-5 job as a life sentence. Think of it as a job where you can earn and save money. Continue your TH-cam channel and see how it grows. And who knows you may actually like your "9-5" job. As always, please be healthy, happy, and safe.
Amazing progress little brother. So much pain and adversity but you got through it to a place with some clarity! I used to teach coping skills and it gets easier and they work better and faster the more you use them. Sounds like you're on the right track. I support your decision to leave school, and I respect you saying, hey, six months from now, we'll see... You are open to learning and making changes (mistakes, failures, successes)... (and this is really important)... you are making good quality decisions about your life and allowing yourself the option of changing your mind latter! Fantastic! Most people never make decisions and then they wonder why nothing changes. Stay positive brother. Keep feeling good about yourself! You have my brotherly love and prayers man! Stay true!
The fact is it's your life and you have to make the choices in it, not for anyone else but you. Many people will offer you advice, it's the single thing most freely given, but you have to do what is best for you.
College is designed to be difficult. It's not like high school where everyone is expected to succeed. However, if you have a disability that makes it more difficult, there's no reason you can't spread it out to make it manageable. There's also no reason you can't take a break, then go back. It took me a total of 8 years full time, with a 10 year break in between to earn my BS. It took so long partly because I had a challenging course load, partly because my parents got divorced and sold the house in which I was living, and partly because I took a lot of classes for fun, rather than just concentrating on getting to graduation ASAP. You'll never regret finishing college. Remember, the more educated you are, the smarter your decisions will be.
You are obviously a smart young man. You made the decision that is right for you and that is all that matters. Our opinions as viewers don’t matter. I think we all just want you be happy and follow your heart.
Hey Jwool, I’ve been watching your videos for a few months. I have been where you are. When I was throw in college after high school and I couldn’t take it mentally and couldn’t understand the concept and the assignments and I went on probation first semester and then the second semester I was suspended. Decades later I went back and I was more responsible and as of 2021 I got my bachelors degree that I never thought I wouldn’t ever get that. Don’t worry Jwool find out what you really want to do and college will always be theee. Take the time to figure out what u want to do. Good luck to you. You will go far in anything you want to. I went to work and decided to go back to school. Everyone got their own path. Stick to it.
I'm glad you are following your own intuition and not being pressured by others' views that all young people should go to college. College just isn't for everyone. You will find your way. Just keep listening to your inner voice to steer you on your own chosen path.
Mate great courage talking about your mental health, talk to people, make connections with good friends that can ask you questions when not good. Great TH-cam video. Your are not stupid, my parents told me to leave school 2 years before the ability to go to university. Now at the age of 60 I have a resume of every teenagers dream. Green Beret in the Australian Army, helicopter rescue crewmen, a fireman and out door educator. Teaching 12 to 17 years olds how to hike, navigate the bush, kayak and abseil and climbing.
I have driven around Australia 2 or 3 times . University isn’t the end, go and enjoy life
Congrats! I'm really happy for you getting back together, man!
You are yourself and you are willing to try and better yourself. You understand the challenges that life brings and dropping out of college is not always bad. I admire you so don't beat yourself up because you dropped out. You have to try things before you understand they're not for you. You have your pathway mapped out and that is clear. You will become a youtuber because you have us with you. You will make it!
Don’t feel stupid about your decision man. College just doesn’t work out for some people. Who knows maybe you reconsider it and you could always go back whenever. School will always be there. You never know.
Follow your creative, free spirited heart; do it while you are young .
Man I feel you. I'm in college now and just finished my stressful exams. Now its christmas time but I'm cooked for next semester. TBH I wanna drop out of college and just pursue my dream of being a violinst/musician
Don’t look at this as an all to end all. You found out in the first semester that the college road is not your thing. You endured a lot in those weeks and you got a clear head. For now, you will have to work a 9 to 5 until the TH-cam channel starts paying, but if you’re smart, you won’t think that TH-cam will be your ultimate destiny. Take this time to fully reflect on what has worked in the past and build on that. Then, even if you think that it is working out, talk to people about your goals and your dreams. This will give you perspective and it may even help you find a direction you otherwise might not have thought about. Just keep thinking positive thoughts in all you do. The main thing above all is to let you be you, not what somebody else thinks you should be.
You made the right choice for right now. College is always there if/when you want it. I'd suggest a community college class or two, creative writing, editing, whatever. Just one at a time, any class that will benefit you as an entrepreneur. . Cuz thats what you are as a TH-camr, a businessperson. Good luck, man, you got this.
You have got to do what you want to do, do what makes YOU happy. You don't have to justify yourself to anyone. If it makes you feel good, or happy, do what you want to do and don't let anyone stop you.
Also, glad you talked things out with your love. Communication and being open with each other is a key to making it work. So many people don't stay committed to one another anymore and disappear at the first sign of trouble, and don't communicate. Always talk through problems. That will be 90 % the other 10 % is forgiveness, and when true love is there, just about anything will be forgiven.
You don't HAVE to go to college. And if down the road, you ever decide you do want to go, you'll have money saved up to realize that goal. So don't feel bad for doing what is right for you. You have to put yourself first. Hope you find peace and happiness. All the best.
I think a regular job will be really good for you. It will give you a sense of purpose and of course money to spend on things you want.
J Wool, ppl can make all kinds of decisions or tell you, you should’ve done this or You should have that. But at the end of the day, it's yours.
Decision nobody else’s. The big problem with wanting to be a Utuber is everyone else. Who knows if it is around in 10 or more years something else might come along and replace it what do you do then?
i apologize that i have not been there for you. but i told myself to back off and to let you live your own life and find yourself... i am so proud of you for coming to this derision by yourself.
Timing is everything!
Cute kid. Whatever you do, please DONT off yourself!
I'm older here and college grad in the 1980's. I loved the college lifestyle but I was really not interested in the education learning part. I just hung in there to get through it. If I did it all over again I would have chosen to learn a trade instead. Honest i feel I learned nothing in college that made me successful in the job I have had in my adult life.Today I see a lack of trade skills and think it a better option for those that don't want to go the college route. You're really going to need something besides TH-cam and arts. Very few succeed in the long term, these interests should be look at more as hobbies with a little income stream. All the best you you, you're young, you have a long life ahead of you. You will fail with some things, it happens to all of us, just expect that. But I can tell you are a good person and you will find a way to be successful in the long term. Good luck to you!
Real talk? You've made a lot of progress handling things that come at you. Your body language and your... energy, for lack of a better word, is much more "present."
Taking a break from (or just not going back to) college is no big deal. Seriously. There will still be colleges out there if you decide to go back. That's it. The boomer mindset is all about doing it the 'right' way (which is their way, of course.) You can set your own course, change it, change it again, go back to what it was originally, and then change it completely and still be on your right path.
The choice to be together with your ex is only between you two and no one else. Don't let the internet tell you otherwise.
I wish you the best re: finding a job to pay your bills while you continue to grow your channel. It sounds like you're monetized but it takes time to get enough revenue to live on! I have a lot of thoughts about this based on my own experience but I'll save the parasocial advice.
Keep doing what you do. A lot of people are out here watching you. I have faith you can do this.
Hey man, good luck in the future . You sound upbeat, and I know it will all work out for you. Hang in there my man.
Life is a leaning process you do you and you will be successful. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone so live your life and be happy.
I never went to college and woked my ass off so i could retire at 50 years old. You do you and everything will work out.
Do what makes you happy in life. College isn’t for everyone and there’s no shame in it at all. Always watch your videos and can’t wait to see what wonderful things life has in store for you :)
I suggest, when ready, be open to virtual studies as an option. Don’t let anxiety rule you long term. Meds were my best answer. ❤
Happy Sunday from South Florida beautiful guy ❤
You are doing just fine. You are listening to your heart and making decisions that are best for you. Right or wrong, you have to follow your intuition and do what's best for you. It's okay to make mistakes along the way. It's how you grow. Don't give up your dream. There's more than one way to achieve your goals. The world is filled with highly successful people who don't have much schooling. School is not the magic ticket. Ingenuity and being yourself is key.
great video James
Thank you John
@@Jwool.mp3you're welcome James
hey man im proud of you for doing what you think is right
The future will always be uncertain because we can't know everything that will happen tomorrow.
Very true, but although it’s uncertain, I know I’ll be okay :)
Articulate , thoughtful, self aware . James , you continue to impress. Also , I’d be interested to know what films are important to you .
I dropped out of high school and never went back. I am also a university graduate. I went as an older student having had worked for a bit before hand. Life always has some options I think. Some doors open and others close.
The struggle continues.
This video was self-affirming and pretty clear. Not sad at all and I support James's decision.
I support your decision. You can always revisit the idea. There are senior citizens getting their diplomas. I dropped out of college after 3 1/2 years and didn't move out of my parent's home until I was 23, all because of mental problems. And in the end it all turned out well.
If you find yourself in your first semester in college making Cs and Ds I think taking a break is about the only option for you. You can always come back later when you've got things a little more together. I wish you luck on TH-cam but I don't understand what your vision for the future is. The "young kid floundering with his mental health issues" can only take you so far.
Best of luck, James! I do want to suggest that college does not equal a nine-to-five job! In fact, the education you receive can actually expand your options by providing new skills so you won't be anchored by a 9-5 job.
I know you can do this, but please also consider taking classes part time. The discipline of learning and studying and doing projects will help you in all areas of your pursuits!
Hope you and Esther have a great time over these holidays.
The only thing to consider is that, even without college, you’ll still have to work a 9-5, but likely 9-5 jobs that are even more grueling and hard to deal with. Obviously it can work, but you’ll have to eventually pick *some* career, and whatever that is will almost certainly be a 9-5. It’s about choosing the one you like and can handle the stress of best
He just wants to make millions on TH-cam
College is an expectation of society end of many families. But you must follow the path that will get you where you want to be in life pour yourself. College will always be there if you want to come back to it. It is better not to waste money on college if it is not meeting your needs.
The one thing I think is important to realize is that though not getting a cash job may not be very appealing there are so many experiences on so many levels that are beyond the work itself just dealing with people and circumstances and getting to know people of different types and so many things like that like that you can only gain from working.
There are so many things that you learn and experience that you can't know in advance.
I think it might be something to consider that going to work if you approach it as it's just an adventure it's not necessarily about the work itself but it's about the whole human interaction and your personal evolution from being in new and different experiences on a daily basis that we grow and learn and discover.
And that's really only something that you can get from doing things that are new or even initially
This isn't rambling at all. I think you explained your situation well, even if you don't have to. I think your subscribers are appreciative of your genuine candor about your life, your issues and your problems. I think most people can understand and commiserate. I don't think college is for everyone. Also, how do your own parents feel about your living with Esther's family instead of in your own home.
Thank you my friend. My parents are not happy, but even when I wasn’t an adult I did not enjoying living with them, so I didn’t wanna go back to it
Hey Jwool, I understand bro. Ive considered dropping out of middle school. But i do like school. So it's not because of that.
Where there is a will there is a way. Make some vlogs about your life. Many of us will watch you. Success James!
I am very PROUD of you and HAPPY for you. i am currently busy working two jobs and making lots of $. you already know my situation about me failing in college... but i do have GREAT NEWS for you. before i make any promises; i want you to continue your job search. yes i know it will suck working a min wage job; but trust me it HELPS. i am currently in the process of building a brand name and a commercial film studio. i will be looking for a group of talented individuals to help staff and run my studio. non union; so this would be a great start for many newbees. give me a call after the holidays.
Glad to hear that you & Esther are back together again!
I dropped out of college the first term at 18 you’re not alone!
You don’t need or really want to know WHY. But you and all these other YT I been watchin all these past 6 years have really made me TRULY appreciate what I’ve been dealt and you deserve to hear/be told that everything will be fine and nothing honestly is goin anywhere so literally smoke a fattie(NOT D8 SHIT) or whatever you do and let it all unfold as it comes. We all makin to the higher vibrations one way or another.
College will be there your entire life. You can go anytime you want, or not go at all. Do whatever makes you happy!
No problem There will be plenty of time for College, you will figure out what you need and want
If I have to be honest, college used to be the way to success in the previous generations, but now skills and experience are far more important. There are people with bachelors and masters degrees who can’t even get an interview. Trades are some of the most profitable and widespread careers now. It could even give you a stronger foundation for college in the future so you can afford more of it on your own and you’ll always have something to fall back on.
You give me hope
college is not for everyone, but you will likely need some more education to excel in the youtube environment. You will just have to deal with becoming independent and how that will work financially, mentally, etc.
I say do whay you want, college / uni is a waste of time unless you gonna be a doctor or something like that ..youll be good justbroll with what you wanna do..but yeah you should get a job so you can have money and also be involved in life outside yr bedroom 😊
After I dropped out at 18 aswell I figured my only option was saving enough money for a house. I don't have good social skills and my confidence and motivation is gone so I don't think I can pursue a career. My parents will let me stay until I'm 23 as long as I pitch in $150 a month. I figured I'll be able to have a house fully paid off by the time I move out.
College is an experience just like everything else. The 'real' real world, is only and has been about failures and sucesses, it will be, as long as we are human. You can't have one without the other, in a multitude of ways. How you win at life> Engage the failures and successes. How you lose at life> Run away from failures and successes.
I respect your decision
I like your music! Hope you will create more
FYI, i dropped out of college, too.
I support you ❤
You didn't have to explain yourself, your decision was already appreciated, but thanks anyway.
Can relate as well because I did the same thing. But we tried our best & it wasn't meant to be, that's life. At least you have YT to fall back on so it's still a good situation. 🤷♂
Also maybe do that livestream with mxtttxw because it would be funny.
A lot of Famous TH-camrs stopped going to collage, or never went. Idk if that has any correlation with how successful they were, but maybe that will be the case with you.
I'm just a poor 23 year old guy in no position to give life advice, but I did want to reassure you that despite what adult influences have told us, college is not everything. And it's not meant for everyone. I went to college and graduated with a BA in English because that's what I liked studying. I got excellent grades the whole way through. But I was never pursuing that degree with the intention of using it for my career. I mainly went to college because my parents told me I had to do it to be successful, and because I thought it would be a fun experience. And yeah, I made good friends and good memories. But now I'm working a job that I could have started immediately after high school. It's far from ideal, but I enjoy it way more than any office job or other higher profession because I'm simply not cut out for that kind of work. In hindsight, I sincerely regret going to college. It was a mistake for me personally (it's a great idea for lots of people... maybe even the majority of people, but it wasn't for me). You don't have to go to college to get a decent job and live a simple happy life. I wish I had someone to tell me that before I amassed all this debt from student loans when I could have spent 4 years working instead.
I got my degree from ASU when I was 36! You can make up your own timeline.
You’re an amazing man and you’re very cute btw ❤
You should look at ASU's online film and media degree
College is not for everyone. There are other opportunities to learn for life. Good luck in your next decisions.
Beautiful boy
Good luck to you James
Aww do what you need to Jwool! Just be careful not to end up on Welfare by the time you’re in your 40s (because you will know real depression then lol)
You know yourself better than I, so I support your decision.
But, nstead of dropping out, how about considering it as a pause on college. Many of my students (I teach college) leave a university (for whatever reason) then take classes at a community college. Might be something worth thinking about if you want
I understand you so much
I get it, college is not for everyone. Become an electrician or plumber, they make bank. I have my undergrad and MBA and what I’m doing currently didn’t require that level of education. You’re young, have time to figure shit out. Don’t worry man. Life works itself out in time.