rosario moreno violo mi hija nino estela you with hot water and a half years ago when the only one who can help you with hot water and a few other hand is that it is the only one who can help you with hot water and a half years ago when I was ago and the only way to get it done in the past year or so I was ago when the only one who can help me with hot water and a half years ago when the only one who is that it is the only way to get it done in the past year and rosario moreno puso mucho maria angela alcaraz agilar loves you and a half years ago when the only one who can help you with hot water and a half years of the time to read it is a good day at work today so I'm not sure how long it takes to get to get it done in the past year and rosario moreno puso hombre come to the
TheLorinExhibit I recently discovered myself as an ESTP by using reference points from other’s and my mom reminded me that I used to have a tshirt I wore in middle school that said “I see stupid people” hahaha I had forgotten about it until she brought it up
@@TaxingIsThieving lol mmm well we’re not one dimensional jock bully stereotypes only capable and enjoying rage/ joy and bullying lol. What on earth would make you think Ti parent, Te critic , or being Fe child on the secret squishy inside , whilst the majority of the world basically mob mentality bully projects sadistic demon intentions on you, as if not a human being , for literally just sacrificing ur own child functions Safety and comfort in hopes to provide the actual bullies and their friends a path to wellbeing and growth as a human being , key hack paths and truths that no one (entp possibly excepted ?) else will be willing to provide to avoid the lash back, but later on rare occasions the more growth oriented mature ones may one day endlessly thank you for having the balls and yknow , caring to even bother… but like , years after creating a monster image of you for ut tho 😂 and never going back to reflect on that, and around the world turns for the next thankless twerp we can’t help but try to help if we see so clearly how, to do the same like why wouldn’t be misanthropic as all fuck 😂 WUT.
When ESTP are mad....DON'T GIVE THEM OPTIONS! They will feel overwhelmed and get more pissed off. Wait until they cool off then they'll be ready for options. --from an ESTJ wife married to an ESTP
I, an ESTP, had my doubts this video would be accurate, but you nailed it in every area 100%. Much respect! I haven't been that impressed with someone's research and topic knowledge in quite a while.
My husband is a ESTP and it took me forever just to get him to take the test, I said, babe I wrote down what I think you are on a piece of paper and it would mean so much to me if I could see how "in tune" I am with this personailty stuff ive been digging into...I cracked up bc you described my hubby SO well, hes SO cranky in the morning, he is SO direct at times it comes off to me as cold, heartless and uncaring, I am a INFJ, yeah its been years of me growing thicker skin, and my hubby taming down his direct word arrows to my heart lol I love ESTP though bc it helps bring me back to "reailty" and they just dont care what others think about them.
If your husband is an ESTP then it is very very unlikely that you are an INFJ. It is more likely that you are an INFP, because that is the bronzw pair of the ESTP, which is quite common
@@ashuranero5721 I agree. That or her husband is actually ESTJ. ESTJs can be walking reality check too as far as I know. INFJ and ESTP relationship (MBTI version, not socionic) would be a disaster if we're looking at their cognitive function stack.
@@reysabelr4343 ESTJ are quite often walking dogma enforcers, not walking reality check. They don't test something on how realistic it is, but rather they usually test something for how well it aligns with the pattern they know. These patterns CAN be realistic and pragmatic, but it depends big time
This video helped, I'm a female ESTP I'm my mid 20s and I'm literally right now feel that I'm stuck that idk what to do and feel like I have no freedom and it's driving me crazy!
OMG sis same! I literally have been scrolling down to see if someone was going through the same thing as I. I feel so stuck and stagnant exactly like he was saying. I hope you got out of that funk and if you did, please let me know what you did because I feel like I'm wasting away and don't know how to "snap out of it".
I’m an Infp married to an Estp and when we were first married he thought I was the laziest and most selfish person, I thought he was selfish and just an a**hole. Because of our religious beliefs though we were going to learn how to love each other and make it work... well it was difficult, but after 20 years and a lot of maturing we have seen how much better our lives are because of our differences. He showed me and encouraged me to actually live in the today and he makes my life so fun, I showed him that there is more to life than just the tyranny of tasks that need to get done and that I would follow him off a cliff😊. I think ESTPs are misunderstood, but they are worth it. I am thoroughly enjoying my mature Middle -aged ESTP.
I'm a female INFP and I'm very attracted to ESTPs. Not just opposite sex. I have two ESTP close women friends whom I trust. I wouldn't follow them over a cliff, though. I can only do that for ENFJs.
I’m an INFJ, and my high school boyfriend was an ESTP. I always joke that he was extremely intelligent, yet so dumb at the same time (in regards to empathy, relating to other people, being oblivious to everyone else’s needs). He was very sweet to me in unique way, and everyone thought he was a dick but I knew that he came from a good place. Such a great guy; he opened my mind to different experiences and connections. Love ESTP’s, I also believe that my mother is one!
Man I am going through the worst period in my life, I can't even eat food these days, but this video is making me understand myself better and why I do the things I do, why I pushed myself away from my ex? And why I doubt myself everytime I do something new, I have moves to a different country all by myself for the second time in my life and I have really struggled here. I really like your video, I feel so understood.
this won me over i’ve been in denial about being an ESTP because of the stereotype but i’ve never been explained this well from “analysis paralysis” to “stupid-zoning” this was incredibly enlightening !!! thank you :))
I'm an INFP learning about ESTPs (I work with 3), we get along super well and their mind fascinates me. This video makes me understand where they're coming from even more, it's amazing.
@@CSJoseph, lol that's not quite what I said. However, speaking of that; my own society and family do actually disagree with all my life decisions and lifestyle (and the other way around). :)
@@hananabusalih7894 he meant the world disagrees with your assessment of his ability to describe the ESTP type…, or any type for that matter. But the more I learn, the more I realize this guy knows more than most anyone else. Actually… more than anyone else that I’ve seen.
That hit me like a wall, but like a proper ESTP, I am gonna use this information to not fall victim to my weaknesses and improve myself accordingly😉 thx👍
I’m an INFJ, the ESTP being the aspirational side of my mind I find most of this stuff to be stuff I would want to do, especially with the breaking down and the building up of a person. I often get scared with my Inferior Se to speak out against anything when it comes to someone I think is being an awful person. That’s not to say I haven’t, I recently cut off a friendship with an ESFP because she was spreading rumors about someone she disliked. All I told her was that she was doing a lot of shitty things, I could have told her more, but I didn’t because my Ego was pulling back my ESTP.
„They will push you away just to see if you’ll come back“ OMG, that’s me! About respect, I always said that I need my partner first to respect me and then to live because I don’t need love if he doesn’t respect me. Your videos was very much focused on male or at least you said often „male ESTP“ but in general it was very interesting. I really saw myself. When you said that they don’t know what they want I was thinking that it’s not true but then I remembered that when I was younger (now 34) I really didn’t know what I want and now I know exactly what I want. I was sitting at home and wasn’t going out. I was following rules but now I’m a bit different. And it might be not interesting to you but since I feel like alpha and act like alpha men are a bit afraid of me and it causes problems in a relationship. Maybe you can make a video about this topic too. Would be nice :)
My biggest reason for stagnating is a fear of committing. I'll be hesitant to take on responsibilities and make decisions which will have an impact on my personal life for more than half a year. It stresses me out because I feel like I'm giving up a lot of my freedom. When I get an uncontrollable urge to do something spontaneous that clashes with these responsibilities, it always leads to me letting whoever down. Not to mention that responsibilities are more often than not dull and uneventful. Committing to a relationship is also stressful as it comes with the expectation of not being flirtatious with others. I'm not a cheater, but flirting is a fun sort of 'game' that comes naturally to me and a difficult thing to keep in.
My sister is an ESTP and I am an INFP. And I feel like for the most part of our life I spent time adapting to her. And not vise versa. I disliked it but still went along with it. She made rules the entire time we grew up. TV shows that only she could watch or songs or products only she could use. It was very much her comfort first. And it continued like that for all our teenage years until she tired of it and just changed the rules. Which temporarily caused a rift between us as I felt like she just did things as she liked with no regard to the fact that I was adapting to her and trying to get her to appreciate me. This does explain a lot about her. She is so tough love. She doesn't care when I want to talk about what could be or dreams or people suffering. She's got empathy, but it doesn't come out for most issues. We're very different in terms of what make us us. But we also have very similar principles and fine we both have a very live and let live attitude
Explain to me how an individual can live a life that is “very much their comfort first” as opposed to others comfort, make others feel like most of the time they’re around them that they have to adapt to them, make rules about having things only they can use/tv shows only they can watch and still have “empathy”? That sounds like the polar opposite of empathy. In fact, it sounds like straight up selfishness and a marked lack of consideration for others. What am I missing?
This is so dead on. One of my best male friends is an ESTP. He's an ER nurse and ex-military. Very alpha, but not super domineering at the same time. He's very charismatic and always looking out for people who are loyal friends. He witnessed my exboyfriend verbally being a dick to me. He didn't confront my exboyfriend, but he told me later he wanted to, and he wanted me to be very aware that he noticed what an asshole he was to me, and how he was this close to punching him. Most guys wouldn't say anything, and kinda mind their own business.
Sorry, that kind of bragging does not impress me. It sounds like he put you in a position of "damsel in distress" ...without actually doing anything to help. So, sexism plus laziness? IDK
wow. phenomenally accurate. brings so much depth of understanding to my past and my patterns. i've watched this before but it wasn't until i wrote it all down and really studied it that i could see myself clearly.. much appreciation for your time and effort in delivering this!
That was actually incredibly enlightening. I have overcome many demons with age, but in my youth, oofff! I just started studying this part of Jung's Philosophies. It's astounding that such a human could exist, especially back then. I subscribed to your channel. You seam to be the most informed, and able to explain in a rational way, thus far. Thank you ♥
Soo true! I am an ENTP and my boyfriend is an ESTP. I give him options and perspectives, help him with his "path" and inspire him to create his life :) He gives me new experiences, company and initiative to act. He is a cure for my procrastination. He helps me to implement my ideas, which he understands (thanks to high logic) and he makes them more practical. In my opinion this is perfect match
ESTP are carefree, free-spirited. They value their freedom to do whatever they want most of all. If you want something from them, you have to plant seeds in their mind so they feel like it was their idea, or they won't want to do it.
@@CyanydeKiss *squinting … ohhhh. Lol one of my partner always does that when suggesting plans 😂 ahead of time he gives some ideas and says just planting a seed ahead of time don’t respond or decide now we can figure it out later. Hmm. Smart guy 😂
You described me in ways i can't describe myself! but you didn't go much into the ESTP female though! yes it's a slightly rare to find an ESTP woman but worthy of a little more elaboration, don't you think!
I (infp) work for a man described by this presentation. He must be the most misunderstood individual in Ninilchik, AK. As a probable INFP, I am able to understand him as hard and reasonable and not as the biggest a- hole in town. Thank you.
Sounds like my dad. He insults people as a way to motivate them, but this is because he had a military background where insulting subordinates is considered an effective way to toughen them up.
I would love to hear more about ESTP struggles especially for the ESTP woman and mother. Being an ESTP female is interesting and sometimes quite challenging I would love to hear more about statistics for ESTP women etc. I'm actually an ESTP woman married to an ESTJ man and I have a 12 year old ENTP daughter. Thanks for the video I enjoyed it very much can't wait to listen to more ❤
@Leearn the ESTP I dated for 13 years didn't really appreciate sarcasm. He was always joking around but his humor was more about pointing out dumb things others were doing. I guess hence the reality checks again.
@Leearn I am the most sarcastic ESTP you could ever meet, and take the piss out of everything, everyone, and almost all situations. Life is for living, and for being fun, and sarcasm is a form of warped humour. I am also in a relationship that will pass 30 years this year, and married for almost 28 years.
@Leearn Yes she is an ESTJ - dont laugh, she writes lists - miles of them, shopping, holidays, almost everything has a list. My holiday list comes out of my head at the eleventh hour the night before, and I never forget anything. unlike Mrs List. :) Who usually misses something of it. She is also ultra funny, and when grumpy, I just do something daft and make her laugh again.
@@Prettydee90 ESTPs and INFJs have the 3rd lowest compatibility whereas ESTPs and ISFJs have 5th highest compatibility so it would make sense that you are an ISFJ since you've been together since 12 years.
No believe me he is a estp lol we are completely the opposite but I love him for that. There is no such thing as a low compatibility when you love and respect one another for who they are and dont try to change that.. do to our opposite function, we help better one another's inferior function.(INFJ ni,fe,ti,se VS ESTP se,ti,fe,ni) we have a unique understanding in our communication same point different ways expressed and Experience. I go in to detail and he loves to bottom line it lol.. It just take time, patience understanding and trust. We have our moments just like any other couple but my Estp is loyal,committed, and explosive with spontaneous and a doer of (acts of love). He give me my space to recharge and I let he explore his adventures. He keeps me in the present and in the moment as I help him have more insight and plan the future.. it's a great thing! He is the peanut butter and I'm his jelly lol!
I'm an ESTP, but I do believe that all living things have this invisible energy called Qi, and some humans can manipulate it in personally beneficial ways. I have seen a Chinese master done it with my own eyes, or else I wouldn't believe it. This has also lead me to be more open to other impossible to prove concepts like Karma, life after death, and even the very existence "The Creator".
Same on everything pretty much. I used to discard anything hypothetical as boring but now, especially after trying lsd hsve turned towards spirituality. I've become engrossed in Buddhism, yogi, stoicism and psychology. This didn't happen until after my lsd trips though, I was starting my journey before that but they pushed me miles ahead. Since I experienced spiritual things I'm now very convinced of them
My estp boyfriend has some metaphysical beliefs too, I think if you're a more subconscious heavy estp you might adopt that infj interest in the metaphysical?
Wow this explains everything. As an estp i just finished editing people's papers for group work right before watching this and there was this girl i kinda liked so i changed her paper a lot and did a lot of commenting probably because i cared more for her. And finding out that estp tries to break apart people who they actually care was surprising lol
Lmao literally just told my esfj partner who’s practicing his boundaries agency blah blah , that … “wow so me being me must be really rough on you Bec my immediate reaction to feeling excited about discussion WITH YOU is to like ask a million questions, test ur logic lol, explore the bounds of everything ur saying 😂 must be fun for that Ti inferior huh. Lolol. (I also don’t consciously register thst it’s viewed as tearing them apart even at such minor levels lol 😆 I’m literally just NEUTRALLY intaking information FROM MY PWRSPECTIVE and people be feelin torn apart lol like ok😩 but maybe I’m not scared to tell you shit so if I didn’t tell you shit I don’t mean that shit you imagined it means 😆 but okaaaaay general human population. *sighs in estp * lol Not sure if this helps but i told him. You realize that me doing that means I actually respect and enjoy and want to know what you think right? I’m not gonna waste my energy search ur words for shit if I think ur stupid and useless in the brain dear love. 😂 my “challenging “ you is literally Bec I’m excited to see what you got. I want to play fight ur brain. Let me wrestle you… intellectually lmao. That means love and respect okaaaaay this is SP land keep up esfj 😂 I always am surprised when people think I have some sort of nefarious intentions (trying to convince them of any particular conclusion, away them away, assume they’re wrong or uninformed etc etc some sort of disrespect implied ?). Literally I just insta explore the bounds of this thing. It’s got nothing to do with a goal beyond seeing what is here 😂 I am not invested in the outcome or thinking about ur worth or security as a human being like relax ! A question is literall a question. No idea how often I have said the words “please do not add layers of interpretation to what I’ve said. If I didn’t say it. That’s not what I meant. Pls. Im very clear and honest lol just take my yes for yes and my no for no ?”
Thank you! I'm an INTP with an ESTP husband, and the struggle is real. This helps me understand him a bit more. The loyalty checks are super accurate. I'm kinda offended by it but when you explained that it helps him feel safer, although i think means he doesnt trust me, ill probably let it go for now. The only bit that's different is that he is really energized in the morning and always in a good mood. And it most situation giving him options doesn't really work well, he gets overwhelmed i think and burst. I'm now kinda doubting he is ESTP bec yes he gives reality checks, but sometimea it isn't logical. Like he thinks he is giving checks but it doesn't make sense. Plus the excuses..omg the excuses he gives himself! I know you have lots and lots of requests but if you ever get the chance to do a compatibility of an INTP Female and ESTP male that would be awesome. (If you didn't already i mean, im gonna check your videos)
Good video Joseph, Straight shooters, yes One month after getting a new boss I told him he was a control-freak and explained him to get off my back. Want the people around them to perform well. Yes! In the office and in sports I’m always spotting for talent and I love to see them grow to their best potential. Wow, so true on the low Ni making us struggle sometimes. I’ve several wonderful NFJ ladies in my life and an INTJ friend who are my Ni guides to the future. But never cranky when I wake up. It’s as if all my systems are switched on immediately and I’m ready to kick ass. I think it’s Se.
Now this is interesting ,the fact that if I (INFJ) get over my Se insecurities , I can become this ESTP alpha (even if it's for a short time). Thank you so much for these videos everything is starting to make more an more sense. I'm going to keep watching and writing notes
@@ishami5004 Yes. Now more than ever. I realized how sensitive Se inferior can be. Even a prolonged thought of failure could easily create a self fulfilling prophecy. Learning to feel the fear and anxiety and doing it anyway and reminding myself that fear is not in control and trusting myself helped me alot. Now I can command a room. I can communicate my standards, my boundaries, my ideas clearly. Took a lot of work but well worth it. Let me know if you want me to elaborate.
@@kian1941 intresting,im estp and i recently been in an ni grip its been so bad i got a panic attack cuz i felt so empty,life felt so meaningless,i hate the feeling of ni idk how u do it everyday lol
I was raised in a religious home and found spirituality after that. Both destroyed me and made me super depressed my whole life until I left it all altogether and chose to just go by the physical and what made sense to me, then I became my true self for the first time in my life. Dogma really is an ESTPs kryptonite. I’m not against all that but it sent me back very far. Thank u Chase!
I’ve been trying to figure this shit out for weeks now bugging out, getting intj over and over and over, but I’m not an intj. Then I took the test on your site and it spit out ESTP. And watched this video and ok. Now I get it. I am female and as a mother I’m incredibly close to my 2 boys but I do notice in hindsight as they’re now almost grown, I have a tough love side, not in the traditional sense of spanking or control in conventional society standard ways, but letting them fall, fail, and figure things out. I didn’t mean to raise good boys but they are absolutely little alphas now. This was a great break down. Thank you.
My sister is an INFJ and I'm an ESTP. When we were growing up, I gave her so much crap because at the time I could definitely sense some self-doubt. She would annoy the hell out of me, I could not understand how she could worry about such small things! We've both grown up a lot, I'm way less of an evil DIC ;) and her naïve optimism for all groups of people is a little endearing. And that Omega comparison was spot on, I have a strong distaste for people who act like weasels. But if they want to become better, I'm there to help them every step of the way...with a little tough love.
This helps me understand why some personality types either come across as high on the narcissist spectrum (or psychopath LoL) and it may require a lot more understanding than what meets the eye ;)
I hope this might help people who are having a difficult time trying to figure out someone's type. I had an especially difficult time because I was so sure my husband was an NF idealist. Please be forewarned, this is going to be a very long comment: I decided to forgo all preconceived notions of what I think someone is, and attempt to type him objectively (instead of using my subjective bias). I watched all the temperament and interaction style videos and drew conclusions from those. He acts initiating instead of responding, which makes him extravert, which narrows it to 8 possibilities. At first, I was only looking at initiating/abstract personalities because I was so sure he was abstract vs. concrete, but no one abstract type was entirely accurate. I kept coming up with an ENFP result, but the directness in speech was too prevalent to ignore. I was stuck on volume of words, but, Thank you, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, for showing a talkative person can also be direct. Therefore, I concluded direct, not informative, which narrows it to 4 possibilities in the interaction style Structure category. This also eliminated the movement possibility, which I was having a difficult time determining anyway. Being initiating and direct automatically also makes him control. Next, I went with what I knew for sure, in that he acts interest, not systematic. He is not a methodical type, and definitely people, not systems, focused. (Which is what led me to conclude NF, initially). This narrows it to ESTP or ENFJ. However, what really tripped me up was pragmatic vs affiliative. Although he is affiliative with me, with almost everything and everyone else, he acts pragmatic, in that he prefers what works vs. what is right. This brings us to the conclusive result of ESTP. This is why I was seeing both cerebral and mechanical aptitude, since ESTP tend to have both. I think he has highly developed people skills, a born salesperson, he is naturally charismatic and persuasive. People are drawn to him like magnets, and I am one of them. We have had our share of relationship challenges, all of which you might expect from a dualistic pairing, but have a tremendous amount of respect and love for each other, and you could say that either of us would take a bullet for the other. True to form, we aspire to be more like each other, and as time has passed, I admit this is coming true. We have strengthened each other and have both grown so much together, and are continuing to grow. However, do not think this relationship was easy. It took patience, time, effort and energy. I would not trade it for the world, but if you want easy-breezy, find your unconscious complement, because you won't find it in your dualistic subconscious. But, if you are up for the challenge, high risk yields high rewards, speaking from my experience.
Great job explaining ESTP's. I am one big time!!!! Although im not grumpy in the mornings, and i do have high moral standards. Spot on on testing everything, facts r facts. The whole Alfa thing finally makes sense, LOL. Big thanks for taking the time to do this video!!!
30:00 if ESTP is so insecure, how could it be some kind of help giving a lot of alternatives/options? So many options wouldn't let him lost/stuck and not been able to take a decision?
The options come from an Si user who has already experienced success with said option which makes hte ESTP not be afraid and they are able ot execute on the decision. Such is the way with their interactions with STJs.
As an ESTP. I’m not the stereotype estp. I would like to have a sexual relationship only with the right person who I’ve decided to spend the rest of my life with. I don’t have the eagerness to go to different people, to me this is waste of time, lack of self worth.
Hey CS, I don’t know if you recognize me, but a few years ago I commented on a not so cool ESTP ex, the first DV relationship I’ve had But I have something really interesting to say. I have a good male friend, you can read ESTP all over him, and he’s so cool. He’s similar in that he knows what he thinks, sees, feels, and says it bluntly. He’s like a mental turnaround- abrupt, shocking and exhilarating. He’s challenging, but not subjugating. His brain is so sharp, he doesn’t have time for all the intellectual dissections, but instead has a sense of humor and a sorta tough- love empathy towards me. He inspires me, sharpens me and loves me. His heart is pure, but his behaviors are pure bad-boy. Kindness and a unconditional love reside within him Unfortunately, we are like twin flames, chemically or with pheromones or whatever, I’ve never experienced someone I felt so comfortable with physically, but he doesn’t go the same philosophical or intellectual routes as me, even though he’s totally capable But we’re both mature enough to be cognizant of the electric soul bond of our connection and the bitter-sweetness that it’s irreplaceable, but not psychological or philosophical enough for me to be a life partner. Darn- but he’s strong enough to still be my friend I honor him -Confused INFJ or INFP idk Thank you ☮️
So... the ESTP is all about tough love... I kind of get that, the problem I have with them is that they think they're right all the time and can't be shown when they're morons in actuality so i kind of say "yeah yeah" when they speak and then do my own thing later. Can't get them to see my point since my points are theoretical sometimes which now I see is almost impossible for an ESTP to grasp.
C.S. Joseph no way I'll get that amount of respect from this ESTP, he's my 12 year older brother who will probably always view me as his little brother, even though im 30. The problem is that he has zero patience and if the information is not delivered on a platter he won't watch it. Take your videos for exaple. "What, watching 30min videos? I have no time for that." is a thing he'd say :) He still thinks he's the smartest guy out there which is quite hilarious :)
Yeah, the testing the rules thing...the ESTP I know always has traffic tickets and excuses for every one such as some technicality or reason the rule was stupid.
OMG I only now realize that when I close my front door in the morning, I leave my INFJ ego behind and embrace my ESTP subconscious. Yep, alpha woman here! ;-) This explains A LOT. Thank you for this video!
Estp here and first off- Love the name, Man! Pretty rare that I hear the name "Chase." I have to admit that you are spot on with what you said. I've been told alot that i come off arrogant and then once they get to know me they say "Wow, you are nothing like I origionally thought." lol. I was always confused by this and many other things you explained..I appreciate the clarification! Keep up the great work. Love us or hate us we are who we are and we will always do what we want! Also- Currently in a relationship with an ISFP and we are opposites. Love her to death, But it's hard to see things through her eyes and sometimes I feel that i'm too tough on her. Any advice?
Chase Sweeney the same thing happens to me all the time people always say to me things like “ I really fuck with you I didn’t think you were like this” “ wow you are actually really nice” “You always looked unfriendly but you are super chill” I don’t know why people think otherwise before knowing me but I’m liked by most people I know so I don’t care
watching this has really really hepled me put my inferior funciton at peace. I have been searching for me forever. I found why I cannot make a decision and why i am stuck and unable to launch.
Hey there, i'm an ESTP and while i'm recovering from the shock of all the information you've presented in these 32 minutes and 20 seconds...the type under "unconscious" should say ISTJ. Cheers and thanks for making such great, informative vids!
Good video. 99% accurate. Some ESTPs are early risers who wake up happy and ready to cook breakfast for everyone, while singing, loudly...then wash the car, take the kids to the park, go visit grandma...all before the INFPs and ENFPs are even really awake. (Go ahead-ask me how I know.)
I believe that I had a bad childhood, so I intentionally tease my brothers before they get teased by others , but after I thought about it I don’t think I would do it anymore , when I’m away I feel like they are happier witch is heart breaking for me ,I’m surprised you mentioned that exact point in your video .
yes its not useful or helpful at all. I am thankful you were hit with this point so you can learn and be a better person. Thank you for taking responsibility for your actions. Means you are much stronger than the rest of us.
I am struggling with my ESTP acquaintance. He ignores me a lot. I try to be patient and swallow my pride, becoming less of an INTJ and more of something else. I learn a lot from him and am now concerned I am so close to giving up.
Great video and one of the few really in depth explanations. Found 95% very accurate as an ESTP! And yeah, the part with the female attraction is pretty nice - can't complain :D
I would guess ESTP are reputed as abusers because they are trying to improve person's trickster but completely lack the patience and kindness to do so. And they treat the absence of a result as disrespect, laziness and disloyalty. Imagine ESTP picking up his INTJ partner from Uni. He comes up the stairs and sees her talking to other students. When he calls out, she turns around, nods to him, finishes the conversation and then walks away to join him. An ordinary thing for her and betrayal and a huge disrespect to him. Of course. She didn't introduce him to HER pack. She didn't ACKNOWLEDGE his alpha and his presence in front of the public PROPERLY. She was HIDING him and possibly having an AFFAIR with someone from that group. And if not, the person must be taught the proper MANNERS because only then their partner would be GOOD enough to deserve a better life with them. In short, a total screw up scenario.
Bruh id just be happy to meet my girlfriend . We (i) dont actually behave that way but i think it makes sense that people can perceive estps like that if they've had negative experiences with estps. But it still kinda stings being put in a shitty person box because someone with the same cognitive order is shitty lmao
This video was so great to watch and relate too. I am 45 now and have been doing so much self reflection past couple years with interactions and marriage. So many things ran true, I have never sought out leadership roles but always end up there by trying to make things better or others asking me to takeover. Always was so bluntly honest and careless of others feeling and not understanding how they don’t see the logic or my way lol. There is another popular female YT with a ton of Type videos who went on about ESTPs getting into conspiracy theories, so far from the truth for me, I rage at conspiracy theories and videos , thank you 😂 The sexual aspect is spot on too, been with wife for 27 years and definitely always been sexual. Was monogamous for 20 years but the last 7 we have been in the lifestyle or swingers 😂
I'm an ESTP. Dude you're reading my soul.
Same dude lmao.
Do u get along with an INFP ?
Boban Ilic brøther, I’ve found you😂
mariem ochi somehow yeah my best friend is an infp😂
rosario moreno violo mi hija nino estela you with hot water and a half years ago when the only one who can help you with hot water and a few other hand is that it is the only one who can help you with hot water and a half years ago when I was ago and the only way to get it done in the past year or so I was ago when the only one who can help me with hot water and a half years ago when the only one who is that it is the only way to get it done in the past year and rosario moreno puso mucho maria angela alcaraz agilar loves you and a half years ago when the only one who can help you with hot water and a half years of the time to read it is a good day at work today so I'm not sure how long it takes to get to get it done in the past year and rosario moreno puso hombre come to the
ESTP woman and man I cried when you said "as children, you think everyone is stupid"
Theory does cause rage.
TheLorinExhibit I recently discovered myself as an ESTP by using reference points from other’s and my mom reminded me that I used to have a tshirt I wore in middle school that said “I see stupid people” hahaha I had forgotten about it until she brought it up
That sounds way too misanthropic for an ESTP
Damn, this whole video must have caused rage for you then
@@TaxingIsThieving lol mmm well we’re not one dimensional jock bully stereotypes only capable and enjoying rage/ joy and bullying lol. What on earth would make you think Ti parent, Te critic , or being Fe child on the secret squishy inside , whilst the majority of the world basically mob mentality bully projects sadistic demon intentions on you, as if not a human being , for literally just sacrificing ur own child functions Safety and comfort in hopes to provide the actual bullies and their friends a path to wellbeing and growth as a human being , key hack paths and truths that no one (entp possibly excepted ?) else will be willing to provide to avoid the lash back, but later on rare occasions the more growth oriented mature ones may one day endlessly thank you for having the balls and yknow , caring to even bother… but like , years after creating a monster image of you for ut tho 😂 and never going back to reflect on that, and around the world turns for the next thankless twerp we can’t help but try to help if we see so clearly how, to do the same like why wouldn’t be misanthropic as all fuck 😂 WUT.
@@TaxingIsThieving That's because you are mistaking ESFPs for ESTP.
ESTP the most attractive type to = perfectly dodged the advantage, by being an female ESTP lmao
female ESTPs are pretty dope, not going to lie
It's okay; I frankly have never been attracted to ESTP men either... but Se is my trickster.
Gibb tomboy owo
I dodged it also
Become lesbian - improvise, adapt, overcome lol
I'm an INTJ, and I regularly go to my ESTP sister when I need a good slap in the face with reality.
Corinne Lewis me too dude
Lol hahah
How does that look like?
@@ashuranero5721 A nice red mark on my cheek
@@caitporter_24 No i mean for real, what does she do?
When ESTP are mad....DON'T GIVE THEM OPTIONS! They will feel overwhelmed and get more pissed off. Wait until they cool off then they'll be ready for options. --from an ESTJ wife married to an ESTP
Hahahaha I relate to this so much
I can't relate because I can't get mad.
Wow, that household.... I can only imagine.
@@gigip4727 I know right 😂
I, an ESTP, had my doubts this video would be accurate, but you nailed it in every area 100%. Much respect! I haven't been that impressed with someone's research and topic knowledge in quite a while.
What jobs should ESTP avoid, due to their struggles and fears ? What job suits ESTPs in your experience ??
@@markqq4487Emergency services
My husband is a ESTP and it took me forever just to get him to take the test, I said, babe I wrote down what I think you are on a piece of paper and it would mean so much to me if I could see how "in tune" I am with this personailty stuff ive been digging into...I cracked up bc you described my hubby SO well, hes SO cranky in the morning, he is SO direct at times it comes off to me as cold, heartless and uncaring, I am a INFJ, yeah its been years of me growing thicker skin, and my hubby taming down his direct word arrows to my heart lol I love ESTP though bc it helps bring me back to "reailty" and they just dont care what others think about them.
If your husband is an ESTP then it is very very unlikely that you are an INFJ. It is more likely that you are an INFP, because that is the bronzw pair of the ESTP, which is quite common
@@ashuranero5721 I agree. That or her husband is actually ESTJ. ESTJs can be walking reality check too as far as I know. INFJ and ESTP relationship (MBTI version, not socionic) would be a disaster if we're looking at their cognitive function stack.
@@reysabelr4343 they are disasters
Still waiting to hear if they're still together.
@@reysabelr4343 ESTJ are quite often walking dogma enforcers, not walking reality check. They don't test something on how realistic it is, but rather they usually test something for how well it aligns with the pattern they know. These patterns CAN be realistic and pragmatic, but it depends big time
This video helped, I'm a female ESTP I'm my mid 20s and I'm literally right now feel that I'm stuck that idk what to do and feel like I have no freedom and it's driving me crazy!
OMG sis same! I literally have been scrolling down to see if someone was going through the same thing as I. I feel so stuck and stagnant exactly like he was saying. I hope you got out of that funk and if you did, please let me know what you did because I feel like I'm wasting away and don't know how to "snap out of it".
Feel this yoo.. 😔
@@amieg get pregnant. Than you will really be stuck.
@@rohanofelvenpower5566 omgs no. I never had kids for that reason
I’m an Infp married to an Estp and when we were first married he thought I was the laziest and most selfish person, I thought he was selfish and just an a**hole. Because of our religious beliefs though we were going to learn how to love each other and make it work... well it was difficult, but after 20 years and a lot of maturing we have seen how much better our lives are because of our differences. He showed me and encouraged me to actually live in the today and he makes my life so fun, I showed him that there is more to life than just the tyranny of tasks that need to get done and that I would follow him off a cliff😊. I think ESTPs are misunderstood, but they are worth it. I am thoroughly enjoying my mature Middle -aged ESTP.
Patricia Heath I just shared this comment with an ESTP friend who is going through the same. Thank you for being a source of hope.
glad it worked out! we ARE fun! meet in the middle :)
im an INFP dating and ESTP and he's taught me so much and I have grown a lot from watching him because we are really different from each other.
Patricia Heath wow !! 💖 well they say love wins💖💖
I'm a female INFP and I'm very attracted to ESTPs. Not just opposite sex. I have two ESTP close women friends whom I trust. I wouldn't follow them over a cliff, though. I can only do that for ENFJs.
I’m an INFJ, and my high school boyfriend was an ESTP. I always joke that he was extremely intelligent, yet so dumb at the same time (in regards to empathy, relating to other people, being oblivious to everyone else’s needs). He was very sweet to me in unique way, and everyone thought he was a dick but I knew that he came from a good place. Such a great guy; he opened my mind to different experiences and connections. Love ESTP’s, I also believe that my mother is one!
have you verified he wasnt an ENTP?
Man I am going through the worst period in my life, I can't even eat food these days, but this video is making me understand myself better and why I do the things I do, why I pushed myself away from my ex? And why I doubt myself everytime I do something new, I have moves to a different country all by myself for the second time in my life and I have really struggled here. I really like your video, I feel so understood.
I am ESTP married to ESTJ and life is fabulous. 23 years together and we are like life has just began.
so ESTP of you lmao :)
Yesssss me too! I'm ESTP and my husband is ESTJ! Best combination!
How do you do reality checks?
What jobs should ESTP avoid, due to their struggles and fears ? What job suits ESTPs in your experience ??
As an ESTP, I’ve been called a “walking reality check” countless times.
Oh yeah me too.
@@ondrejspilko9768 How do your Reality Checks look like?
@@ashuranero5721 uP
What does it mean ????
this won me over i’ve been in denial about being an ESTP because of the stereotype but i’ve never been explained this well from “analysis paralysis” to “stupid-zoning” this was incredibly enlightening !!! thank you :))
I loved your video no one else has ever explained and understand ESTP more than you I really relate to everything you said, thanks man and keep it up
What jobs should ESTP avoid, due to their struggles and fears ? What job suits ESTPs in your experience ??
I'm an INFP learning about ESTPs (I work with 3), we get along super well and their mind fascinates me. This video makes me understand where they're coming from even more, it's amazing.
I dated one for 13 years. They make the best salesmen. They can sell ice to an Eskimo.
@@halilyn4123 I think you can sell ice to an Eskimo too.
Good lecture. I have an ESTP cousin and she is the ultimate alpha female. Very persuasive and mature, and doesn't think she's ever wrong.
What jobs should ESTP avoid, due to their struggles and fears ? What job suits ESTPs in your experience ??
@@markqq4487special forces.
ESTPs have more fun, both at the expense and benefit of others.
@Skeltion No
@Skeltion No, I'm having fun at your expense.
Wow! You are a genius!!! nobody /no other source can describe my personality in a better way.
too bad the world disagrees with you. I am thankful you see it this way.
@@CSJoseph, lol that's not quite what I said. However, speaking of that; my own society and family do actually disagree with all my life decisions and lifestyle (and the other way around). :)
@@CSJoseph such an ENTP way of responding 😂
@@hananabusalih7894 what about your life decisions/lifestyle do you find your society disagrees with? If anything in particular
@@hananabusalih7894 he meant the world disagrees with your assessment of his ability to describe the ESTP type…, or any type for that matter. But the more I learn, the more I realize this guy knows more than most anyone else. Actually… more than anyone else that I’ve seen.
That hit me like a wall, but like a proper ESTP, I am gonna use this information to not fall victim to my weaknesses and improve myself accordingly😉
I’m an INFJ, the ESTP being the aspirational side of my mind I find most of this stuff to be stuff I would want to do, especially with the breaking down and the building up of a person. I often get scared with my Inferior Se to speak out against anything when it comes to someone I think is being an awful person. That’s not to say I haven’t, I recently cut off a friendship with an ESFP because she was spreading rumors about someone she disliked. All I told her was that she was doing a lot of shitty things, I could have told her more, but I didn’t because my Ego was pulling back my ESTP.
That’s why many INFJs married ESTP
@@jlc6735 The most common INFJ relationship is the ESTJ
I'd love to see a video comparing ESTP and ENTP...!
ESTP vs ENTP video already exists on this channel
@@imjustrambling Link
„They will push you away just to see if you’ll come back“ OMG, that’s me!
About respect, I always said that I need my partner first to respect me and then to live because I don’t need love if he doesn’t respect me.
Your videos was very much focused on male or at least you said often „male ESTP“ but in general it was very interesting. I really saw myself. When you said that they don’t know what they want I was thinking that it’s not true but then I remembered that when I was younger (now 34) I really didn’t know what I want and now I know exactly what I want. I was sitting at home and wasn’t going out. I was following rules but now I’m a bit different. And it might be not interesting to you but since I feel like alpha and act like alpha men are a bit afraid of me and it causes problems in a relationship. Maybe you can make a video about this topic too. Would be nice :)
I do, its in season 17
Careful about that. If you do it to an INTP I'd never come back if you pushed just once.
My biggest reason for stagnating is a fear of committing. I'll be hesitant to take on responsibilities and make decisions which will have an impact on my personal life for more than half a year. It stresses me out because I feel like I'm giving up a lot of my freedom. When I get an uncontrollable urge to do something spontaneous that clashes with these responsibilities, it always leads to me letting whoever down. Not to mention that responsibilities are more often than not dull and uneventful. Committing to a relationship is also stressful as it comes with the expectation of not being flirtatious with others. I'm not a cheater, but flirting is a fun sort of 'game' that comes naturally to me and a difficult thing to keep in.
My sister is an ESTP and I am an INFP. And I feel like for the most part of our life I spent time adapting to her. And not vise versa. I disliked it but still went along with it. She made rules the entire time we grew up. TV shows that only she could watch or songs or products only she could use. It was very much her comfort first. And it continued like that for all our teenage years until she tired of it and just changed the rules. Which temporarily caused a rift between us as I felt like she just did things as she liked with no regard to the fact that I was adapting to her and trying to get her to appreciate me. This does explain a lot about her. She is so tough love. She doesn't care when I want to talk about what could be or dreams or people suffering. She's got empathy, but it doesn't come out for most issues. We're very different in terms of what make us us. But we also have very similar principles and fine we both have a very live and let live attitude
Explain to me how an individual can live a life that is “very much their comfort first” as opposed to others comfort, make others feel like most of the time they’re around them that they have to adapt to them, make rules about having things only they can use/tv shows only they can watch and still have “empathy”? That sounds like the polar opposite of empathy. In fact, it sounds like straight up selfishness and a marked lack of consideration for others. What am I missing?
This is so dead on. One of my best male friends is an ESTP. He's an ER nurse and ex-military. Very alpha, but not super domineering at the same time. He's very charismatic and always looking out for people who are loyal friends. He witnessed my exboyfriend verbally being a dick to me. He didn't confront my exboyfriend, but he told me later he wanted to, and he wanted me to be very aware that he noticed what an asshole he was to me, and how he was this close to punching him. Most guys wouldn't say anything, and kinda mind their own business.
My exboyfriend is an ISTJ and I'm an ENFP. Chew on that for dysfunctional relationships! Lol
Sorry, that kind of bragging does not impress me.
It sounds like he put you in a position of "damsel in distress" ...without actually doing anything to help.
So, sexism plus laziness? IDK
@@jennysmith9591 validation = sexism, 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
What is your MBTI type?
wow. phenomenally accurate. brings so much depth of understanding to my past and my patterns. i've watched this before but it wasn't until i wrote it all down and really studied it that i could see myself clearly.. much appreciation for your time and effort in delivering this!
Spot on, you’d think he’s been observing me for my entire life
I have the ability for remote viewing.
Your videos are gold. I've never learned so much about the inner workings of the people I'm close with. Keep up the great work mah dude!
Mr. Brillz thanks bro
Thank you for making me sound so awesome!!
That was actually incredibly enlightening. I have overcome many demons with age, but in my youth, oofff! I just started studying this part of Jung's Philosophies. It's astounding that such a human could exist, especially back then. I subscribed to your channel. You seam to be the most informed, and able to explain in a rational way, thus far. Thank you ♥
Much appreciated
Well Jung was an INFJ, your ESTP polar mirror so you also have subconscious INFJ ;)
@@c.s.70 Jung was an INTP typed by C.S Joseph
What jobs should ESTP avoid, due to their struggles and fears ? What job suits ESTPs in your experience ??
Soo true! I am an ENTP and my boyfriend is an ESTP. I give him options and perspectives, help him with his "path" and inspire him to create his life :) He gives me new experiences, company and initiative to act. He is a cure for my procrastination. He helps me to implement my ideas, which he understands (thanks to high logic) and he makes them more practical. In my opinion this is perfect match
What jobs should ESTP avoid, due to their struggles and fears ? What job suits ESTPs in your experience ??
As a INFJ, I absolutely love ESTPs. We get along great. I do feel like they don't always care, but that might be an INFJ issue.
ESTP are carefree, free-spirited. They value their freedom to do whatever they want most of all. If you want something from them, you have to plant seeds in their mind so they feel like it was their idea, or they won't want to do it.
@@CyanydeKiss as an ESTP, I’m telling you: you’re goddamn right.
we don't always care unless you show us your super caring to us(that's me anyways)
@@CyanydeKiss *squinting … ohhhh. Lol one of my partner always does that when suggesting plans 😂 ahead of time he gives some ideas and says just planting a seed ahead of time don’t respond or decide now we can figure it out later. Hmm. Smart guy 😂
@@CyanydeKiss Those are ESFPs you are talking about. An ESTP is going to catch you getting sneaky.
Dude, I like you a lot for knowing me more than my own friends and family.
You described me in ways i can't describe myself!
but you didn't go much into the ESTP female though! yes it's a slightly rare to find an ESTP woman but worthy of a little more elaboration, don't you think!
I second this! Please and thank you!
i would love to hear more about estp women!! -an estp woman lol
I (infp) work for a man described by this presentation. He must be the most misunderstood individual in Ninilchik, AK. As a probable INFP, I am able to understand him as hard and reasonable and not as the biggest a- hole in town. Thank you.
THANK YOU for showing both the positive AND negative sides
Sounds like my dad. He insults people as a way to motivate them, but this is because he had a military background where insulting subordinates is considered an effective way to toughen them up.
please watch my interview with Robert Glover on Grimerica podcast that explains more about this.
This is so GOOD! I feel EXPOSED! Thank you so much! So accurate!!!
"...all the social rules, social machinations, and the social expectations of the social situations."
That was spoken word art!!
I was going to point out the ISTP/ISTJ error but thankfully you caught it and corrected it already
I would love to hear more about ESTP struggles especially for the ESTP woman and mother. Being an ESTP female is interesting and sometimes quite challenging I would love to hear more about statistics for ESTP women etc. I'm actually an ESTP woman married to an ESTJ man and I have a 12 year old ENTP daughter. Thanks for the video I enjoyed it very much can't wait to listen to more ❤
I have known many ESTPs and the vast majority of them are quite nice
Steve Davenport yeah I find they can be pretty aggressive sensation seekers but they can switch to this caring and empathetic side with their Fe
@Leearn the ESTP I dated for 13 years didn't really appreciate sarcasm. He was always joking around but his humor was more about pointing out dumb things others were doing. I guess hence the reality checks again.
@Leearn I am the most sarcastic ESTP you could ever meet, and take the piss out of everything, everyone, and almost all situations. Life is for living, and for being fun, and sarcasm is a form of warped humour.
I am also in a relationship that will pass 30 years this year, and married for almost 28 years.
@Leearn Yes she is an ESTJ - dont laugh, she writes lists - miles of them, shopping, holidays, almost everything has a list. My holiday list comes out of my head at the eleventh hour the night before, and I never forget anything. unlike Mrs List. :) Who usually misses something of it.
She is also ultra funny, and when grumpy, I just do something daft and make her laugh again.
Thank you.
Great job! I’m a INFJ married to a estp and that’s perfect information. We have been together for 12 years!
I need a INFJ and estp relationship video
you mean you are ISFJ?
C.S. Joseph no I’m an infj lol why did you say isfj
@@Prettydee90 ESTPs and INFJs have the 3rd lowest compatibility whereas ESTPs and ISFJs have 5th highest compatibility so it would make sense that you are
an ISFJ since you've been together since 12 years.
No believe me he is a estp lol we are completely the opposite but I love him for that. There is no such thing as a low compatibility when you love and respect one another for who they are and dont try to change that.. do to our opposite function, we help better one another's inferior function.(INFJ ni,fe,ti,se VS ESTP se,ti,fe,ni) we have a unique understanding in our communication same point different ways expressed and Experience. I go in to detail and he loves to bottom line it lol.. It just take time, patience understanding and trust. We have our moments just like any other couple but my Estp is loyal,committed, and explosive with spontaneous and a doer of (acts of love). He give me my space to recharge and I let he explore his adventures. He keeps me in the present and in the moment as I help him have more insight and plan the future.. it's a great thing! He is the peanut butter and I'm his jelly lol!
I'm an ESTP, but I do believe that all living things have this invisible energy called Qi, and some humans can manipulate it in personally beneficial ways. I have seen a Chinese master done it with my own eyes, or else I wouldn't believe it. This has also lead me to be more open to other impossible to prove concepts like Karma, life after death, and even the very existence "The Creator".
Same on everything pretty much. I used to discard anything hypothetical as boring but now, especially after trying lsd hsve turned towards spirituality. I've become engrossed in Buddhism, yogi, stoicism and psychology. This didn't happen until after my lsd trips though, I was starting my journey before that but they pushed me miles ahead. Since I experienced spiritual things I'm now very convinced of them
My estp boyfriend has some metaphysical beliefs too, I think if you're a more subconscious heavy estp you might adopt that infj interest in the metaphysical?
This is awesome and interesting that you still needed that sensory "with your own eyes " experience to be open to it. Pretty cool!
Hi, I'm and ESTP and I watch Goku too...
And yes, I you needed a reality check...
Wow this explains everything. As an estp i just finished editing people's papers for group work right before watching this and there was this girl i kinda liked so i changed her paper a lot and did a lot of commenting probably because i cared more for her. And finding out that estp tries to break apart people who they actually care was surprising lol
Lmao literally just told my esfj partner who’s practicing his boundaries agency blah blah , that … “wow so me being me must be really rough on you Bec my immediate reaction to feeling excited about discussion WITH YOU is to like ask a million questions, test ur logic lol, explore the bounds of everything ur saying 😂 must be fun for that Ti inferior huh. Lolol. (I also don’t consciously register thst it’s viewed as tearing them apart even at such minor levels lol 😆 I’m literally just NEUTRALLY intaking information FROM MY PWRSPECTIVE and people be feelin torn apart lol like ok😩 but maybe I’m not scared to tell you shit so if I didn’t tell you shit I don’t mean that shit you imagined it means 😆 but okaaaaay general human population. *sighs in estp * lol
Not sure if this helps but i told him. You realize that me doing that means I actually respect and enjoy and want to know what you think right? I’m not gonna waste my energy search ur words for shit if I think ur stupid and useless in the brain dear love. 😂 my “challenging “ you is literally Bec I’m excited to see what you got. I want to play fight ur brain. Let me wrestle you… intellectually lmao. That means love and respect okaaaaay this is SP land keep up esfj 😂 I always am surprised when people think I have some sort of nefarious intentions (trying to convince them of any particular conclusion, away them away, assume they’re wrong or uninformed etc etc some sort of disrespect implied ?). Literally I just insta explore the bounds of this thing. It’s got nothing to do with a goal beyond seeing what is here 😂 I am not invested in the outcome or thinking about ur worth or security as a human being like relax ! A question is literall a question.
No idea how often I have said the words “please do not add layers of interpretation to what I’ve said. If I didn’t say it. That’s not what I meant. Pls. Im very clear and honest lol just take my yes for yes and my no for no ?”
"Walking reality checks" hehehehe, pure gold!
Thank you!
I'm an INTP with an ESTP husband, and the struggle is real.
This helps me understand him a bit more.
The loyalty checks are super accurate.
I'm kinda offended by it but when you explained that it helps him feel safer, although i think means he doesnt trust me, ill probably let it go for now.
The only bit that's different is that he is really energized in the morning and always in a good mood. And it most situation giving him options doesn't really work well, he gets overwhelmed i think and burst.
I'm now kinda doubting he is ESTP bec yes he gives reality checks, but sometimea it isn't logical. Like he thinks he is giving checks but it doesn't make sense.
Plus the excuses..omg the excuses he gives himself!
I know you have lots and lots of requests but if you ever get the chance to do a compatibility of an INTP Female and ESTP male that would be awesome. (If you didn't already i mean, im gonna check your videos)
One day
Overwhelmed? Doesn't sound like an ESTP to me. But as an employee of an INTP, bloody hell does he always test me!
@@CSJosephso ? 😌
Good video Joseph,
Straight shooters, yes One month after getting a new boss I told him he was a control-freak and explained him to get off my back.
Want the people around them to perform well. Yes! In the office and in sports I’m always spotting for talent and I love to see them grow to their best potential.
Wow, so true on the low Ni making us struggle sometimes. I’ve several wonderful NFJ ladies in my life and an INTJ friend who are my Ni guides to the future.
But never cranky when I wake up. It’s as if all my systems are switched on immediately and I’m ready to kick ass. I think it’s Se.
Wow I was uncertain about my personality type but now i know it’s estp ! Thanks alot !
you're welcome
This is so good. What a great description. Very educational and spot on... thank you.
Now this is interesting ,the fact that if I (INFJ) get over my Se insecurities , I can become this ESTP alpha (even if it's for a short time). Thank you so much for these videos
everything is starting to make more an more sense. I'm going to keep watching and writing notes
kian 19 INFJ here. Same happens to me as I work on my S. I become more alpha.
do u still have the same thoughts
@@ishami5004 Yes. Now more than ever. I realized how sensitive Se inferior can be. Even a prolonged thought of failure could easily create a self fulfilling prophecy.
Learning to feel the fear and anxiety and doing it anyway and reminding myself that fear is not in control and trusting myself helped me alot. Now I can command a room. I can communicate my standards, my boundaries, my ideas clearly. Took a lot of work but well worth it. Let me know if you want me to elaborate.
@@kian1941 intresting,im estp and i recently been in an ni grip its been so bad i got a panic attack cuz i felt so empty,life felt so meaningless,i hate the feeling of ni idk how u do it everyday lol
@@ishami5004 Try to be grateful for what you have. Try to experience new things. Have a journal. Sorround yourself with people who have a purpose.
I was raised in a religious home and found spirituality after that. Both destroyed me and made me super depressed my whole life until I left it all altogether and chose to just go by the physical and what made sense to me, then I became my true self for the first time in my life. Dogma really is an ESTPs kryptonite. I’m not against all that but it sent me back very far.
Thank u Chase!
I’ve been trying to figure this shit out for weeks now bugging out, getting intj over and over and over, but I’m not an intj.
Then I took the test on your site and it spit out ESTP. And watched this video and ok. Now I get it.
I am female and as a mother I’m incredibly close to my 2 boys but I do notice in hindsight as they’re now almost grown, I have a tough love side, not in the traditional sense of spanking or control in conventional society standard ways, but letting them fall, fail, and figure things out. I didn’t mean to raise good boys but they are absolutely little alphas now.
This was a great break down. Thank you.
the I'm going to tear you down part is so spot on. thought I was just a bully
What exactly do you do to tear others down?
My sister is an INFJ and I'm an ESTP. When we were growing up, I gave her so much crap because at the time I could definitely sense some self-doubt. She would annoy the hell out of me, I could not understand how she could worry about such small things! We've both grown up a lot, I'm way less of an evil DIC ;) and her naïve optimism for all groups of people is a little endearing.
And that Omega comparison was spot on, I have a strong distaste for people who act like weasels. But if they want to become better, I'm there to help them every step of the way...with a little tough love.
This helps me understand why some personality types either come across as high on the narcissist spectrum (or psychopath LoL) and it may require a lot more understanding than what meets the eye ;)
You REALLY know your shit and it shows! Kudos!!
OMG. I’m ESTP and my man you just reading me like a book. I even laughed how accurate you are 😀👌.
What jobs should ESTP avoid, due to their struggles and fears ? What job suits ESTPs in your experience ??
Dude... you are a fucking genius... the Si indecision and insecurity part is so spot-on its scary.
I hope this might help people who are having a difficult time trying to figure out someone's type. I had an especially difficult time because I was so sure my husband was an NF idealist.
Please be forewarned, this is going to be a very long comment:
I decided to forgo all preconceived notions of what I think someone is, and attempt to type him objectively (instead of using my subjective bias).
I watched all the temperament and interaction style videos and drew conclusions from those.
He acts initiating instead of responding, which makes him extravert, which narrows it to 8 possibilities.
At first, I was only looking at initiating/abstract personalities because I was so sure he was abstract vs. concrete, but no one abstract type was entirely accurate. I kept coming up with an ENFP result, but the directness in speech was too prevalent to ignore. I was stuck on volume of words, but, Thank you, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, for showing a talkative person can also be direct.
Therefore, I concluded direct, not informative, which narrows it to 4 possibilities in the interaction style Structure category. This also eliminated the movement possibility, which I was having a difficult time determining anyway. Being initiating and direct automatically also makes him control.
Next, I went with what I knew for sure, in that he acts interest, not systematic. He is not a methodical type, and definitely people, not systems, focused. (Which is what led me to conclude NF, initially).
This narrows it to ESTP or ENFJ.
However, what really tripped me up was pragmatic vs affiliative. Although he is affiliative with me, with almost everything and everyone else, he acts pragmatic, in that he prefers what works vs. what is right.
This brings us to the conclusive result of ESTP.
This is why I was seeing both cerebral and mechanical aptitude, since ESTP tend to have both. I think he has highly developed people skills, a born salesperson, he is naturally charismatic and persuasive. People are drawn to him like magnets, and I am one of them.
We have had our share of relationship challenges, all of which you might expect from a dualistic pairing, but have a tremendous amount of respect and love for each other, and you could say that either of us would take a bullet for the other.
True to form, we aspire to be more like each other, and as time has passed, I admit this is coming true. We have strengthened each other and have both grown so much together, and are continuing to grow. However, do not think this relationship was easy. It took patience, time, effort and energy. I would not trade it for the world, but if you want easy-breezy, find your unconscious complement, because you won't find it in your dualistic subconscious. But, if you are up for the challenge, high risk yields high rewards, speaking from my experience.
Hello. Would you mind sharing what your type is? Are you an infp?
Great job explaining ESTP's. I am one big time!!!! Although im not grumpy in the mornings, and i do have high moral standards. Spot on on testing everything, facts r facts. The whole Alfa thing finally makes sense, LOL. Big thanks for taking the time to do this video!!!
30:00 if ESTP is so insecure, how could it be some kind of help giving a lot of alternatives/options? So many options wouldn't let him lost/stuck and not been able to take a decision?
The options come from an Si user who has already experienced success with said option which makes hte ESTP not be afraid and they are able ot execute on the decision. Such is the way with their interactions with STJs.
These videos are amazing. Keep up the good work!
I questioned if I'm an ESTP because I've lost my ways through life and poor choices but this makes sense to me.
Female Estp here... Exactly who I am!!! Thanks Joseph!
Great work Joseph! I am very impressed!
I just typed my friend ESTP. Super good analysis of his persona I didn't know he was so valuable to me. My man gotta test my systems
As an ESTP. I’m not the stereotype estp. I would like to have a sexual relationship only with the right person who I’ve decided to spend the rest of my life with. I don’t have the eagerness to go to different people, to me this is waste of time, lack of self worth.
Watch C. S. Joseph's video about ESTP's vice and virtue!!
Yep sex after marriage is what I want even if my sex drive is sky high all the time :/ - estp
@@oscarwong4201 Female or male?
@@oscarwong4201 Yeah same :D. The believe is for me far more.
I am an ENFJ, my besties are ENFJ and ESTP and INFP. Hubby ENTP. I love this!
weirdo estp who doesn't wake up cranky every morning(unless people interrupt my sleep, then I am pissed off). Really thankful for the whole guide here
I love this I'm an enfp but I have a close estp friend and shes awsome :)
Hey CS, I don’t know if you recognize me, but a few years ago I commented on a not so cool ESTP ex, the first DV relationship I’ve had
But I have something really interesting to say. I have a good male friend, you can read ESTP all over him, and he’s so cool. He’s similar in that he knows what he thinks, sees, feels, and says it bluntly. He’s like a mental turnaround- abrupt, shocking and exhilarating. He’s challenging, but not subjugating. His brain is so sharp, he doesn’t have time for all the intellectual dissections, but instead has a sense of humor and a sorta tough- love empathy towards me.
He inspires me, sharpens me and loves me. His heart is pure, but his behaviors are pure bad-boy. Kindness and a unconditional love reside within him
Unfortunately, we are like twin flames, chemically or with pheromones or whatever, I’ve never experienced someone I felt so comfortable with physically, but he doesn’t go the same philosophical or intellectual routes as me, even though he’s totally capable
But we’re both mature enough to be cognizant of the electric soul bond of our connection and the bitter-sweetness that it’s irreplaceable, but not psychological or philosophical enough for me to be a life partner. Darn- but he’s strong enough to still be my friend
I honor him
-Confused INFJ or INFP idk
Thank you ☮️
we could dive deeper in a coaching session. A little knowledge always lights the way.
Recently the mother of a dear ESTP friend of mine passed away. Me and other close friends went there to comfort him. He comforted everybody.
I literally yelled, "YES!" at the "analysis paralysis."
So... the ESTP is all about tough love... I kind of get that, the problem I have with them is that they think they're right all the time and can't be shown when they're morons in actuality so i kind of say "yeah yeah" when they speak and then do my own thing later. Can't get them to see my point since my points are theoretical sometimes which now I see is almost impossible for an ESTP to grasp.
Hybe if it’s someone they respect, they will actually listen to that person’s thoughts and thus change their beliefs
C.S. Joseph no way I'll get that amount of respect from this ESTP, he's my 12 year older brother who will probably always view me as his little brother, even though im 30. The problem is that he has zero patience and if the information is not delivered on a platter he won't watch it. Take your videos for exaple. "What, watching 30min videos? I have no time for that." is a thing he'd say :)
He still thinks he's the smartest guy out there which is quite hilarious :)
lol yeah that happens to me a lot.
Hybe, share what you think with someone he respects who has an open mind, then they can share it with him.
That's what I was going to ask, is...can ESTP's take criticism? From what I have seen they can dish it but can't take it.
Yeah, the testing the rules thing...the ESTP I know always has traffic tickets and excuses for every one such as some technicality or reason the rule was stupid.
So true! no one has better explained my Estp husband. Now so much makes sense! Thank you CSJ!
I definitely agree with their struggle with monogamy
You empathize with them ? What type are you then.
@@braxtonmills1235 INFJ. An ex was ESTP, not sure if empathize is the word, but I've seen this .
The dept of the Analisation is unbelievavle. You are a genius!! What is your Personality type?
I found out so much about myself from this. Thank you!
6:50 My dad is an ESTP and i am an INTJ. He always gets triggered when i break the social rules.
OMG I only now realize that when I close my front door in the morning, I leave my INFJ ego behind and embrace my ESTP subconscious. Yep, alpha woman here! ;-) This explains A LOT. Thank you for this video!
I don't hate theory as long as I think it's reasonable.
Bravo. Amazing job. Very impressed
I love them too. Your description is beautiful tooo.
Estp here and first off- Love the name, Man! Pretty rare that I hear the name "Chase." I have to admit that you are spot on with what you said. I've been told alot that i come off arrogant and then once they get to know me they say "Wow, you are nothing like I origionally thought." lol. I was always confused by this and many other things you explained..I appreciate the clarification! Keep up the great work. Love us or hate us we are who we are and we will always do what we want! Also- Currently in a relationship with an ISFP and we are opposites. Love her to death, But it's hard to see things through her eyes and sometimes I feel that i'm too tough on her. Any advice?
sad to say but, move on.
Chase Sweeney the same thing happens to me all the time people always say to me things like “ I really fuck with you I didn’t think you were like this” “ wow you are actually really nice” “You always looked unfriendly but you are super chill” I don’t know why people think otherwise before knowing me but I’m liked by most people I know so I don’t care
watching this has really really hepled me put my inferior funciton at peace. I have been searching for me forever. I found why I cannot make a decision and why i am stuck and unable to launch.
Hey there, i'm an ESTP and while i'm recovering from the shock of all the information you've presented in these 32 minutes and 20 seconds...the type under "unconscious" should say ISTJ.
Cheers and thanks for making such great, informative vids!
What jobs should ESTP avoid, due to their struggles and fears ? What job suits ESTPs in your experience ??
Good video. 99% accurate. Some ESTPs are early risers who wake up happy and ready to cook breakfast for everyone, while singing, loudly...then wash the car, take the kids to the park, go visit grandma...all before the INFPs and ENFPs are even really awake. (Go ahead-ask me how I know.)
Carly M Estep how do you know this?
My hubby is an ESTP and I’m an ENFP. He’s the best!!
Hey my boyfriend is an enfp and im the estp and my boyfriend is amazing
This is the saddest comment I've read.
This explains why everyone asks me for advice
I believe that I had a bad childhood, so I intentionally tease my brothers before they get teased by others , but after I thought about it I don’t think I would do it anymore , when I’m away I feel like they are happier witch is heart breaking for me ,I’m surprised you mentioned that exact point in your video .
yes its not useful or helpful at all. I am thankful you were hit with this point so you can learn and be a better person. Thank you for taking responsibility for your actions. Means you are much stronger than the rest of us.
I am struggling with my ESTP acquaintance. He ignores me a lot. I try to be patient and swallow my pride, becoming less of an INTJ and more of something else. I learn a lot from him and am now concerned I am so close to giving up.
Great video and one of the few really in depth explanations. Found 95% very accurate as an ESTP! And yeah, the part with the female attraction is pretty nice - can't complain :D
ESTP here, love the jabs at my personality type, looks like you've had some personal experience with ESTPs
"None of you [truly] believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself.", 40 Hadith Nawawi 13
That's the saying of our beloved prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H.
I have NEVER heard a better description of my personality.
Stephanie B awesome!
I would guess ESTP are reputed as abusers because they are trying to improve person's trickster but completely lack the patience and kindness to do so. And they treat the absence of a result as disrespect, laziness and disloyalty.
Imagine ESTP picking up his INTJ partner from Uni. He comes up the stairs and sees her talking to other students. When he calls out, she turns around, nods to him, finishes the conversation and then walks away to join him. An ordinary thing for her and betrayal and a huge disrespect to him. Of course. She didn't introduce him to HER pack. She didn't ACKNOWLEDGE his alpha and his presence in front of the public PROPERLY. She was HIDING him and possibly having an AFFAIR with someone from that group. And if not, the person must be taught the proper MANNERS because only then their partner would be GOOD enough to deserve a better life with them.
In short, a total screw up scenario.
Ummmm, that's not how we work.
Lol that's an immature, insecure estp. To be young again
Sounds like a narcissist ESTP to me...
@@iman5147 my brother is an ESTP hes spot on.
Bruh id just be happy to meet my girlfriend . We (i) dont actually behave that way but i think it makes sense that people can perceive estps like that if they've had negative experiences with estps. But it still kinda stings being put in a shitty person box because someone with the same cognitive order is shitty lmao
This video was so great to watch and relate too. I am 45 now and have been doing so much self reflection past couple years with interactions and marriage. So many things ran true, I have never sought out leadership roles but always end up there by trying to make things better or others asking me to takeover. Always was so bluntly honest and careless of others feeling and not understanding how they don’t see the logic or my way lol.
There is another popular female YT with a ton of Type videos who went on about ESTPs getting into conspiracy theories, so far from the truth for me, I rage at conspiracy theories and videos , thank you 😂
The sexual aspect is spot on too, been with wife for 27 years and definitely always been sexual. Was monogamous for 20 years but the last 7 we have been in the lifestyle or swingers 😂