In this video I re-use the same XTN tracking nock I'd used a week prior to take another doe Video link below for that track. • Tracking archery deer ...
Then the unit stays in the arrow and still works. The failure mode is no pass through and the back of the arrow breaking off but that at least leads you to the trail where you find the broken half of the arrow.
How far was the track? Thats a big ole doe, Congratulations!
Where can I buy these? Someone mentioned they are expensive? How expensive?
Do you recommend these?
How does it hook to the arrow
Where can you go to buy these?
Were can I buy this at
Have you found it works as well if the deer is laying on top of the tracker?
m finding that the signal strength is weakened by about 30%
great video thank you
What if you dont get a pass through
Then the unit stays in the arrow and still works. The failure mode is no pass through and the back of the arrow breaking off but that at least leads you to the trail where you find the broken half of the arrow.
Great idea but they are sooooo expensive!