Dang, I’ve noticed a lot of these things but never knew they were from hyper mobility. I guess I always saw constantly popping and stretching my joints to feel better was just normal.
this video was so helpful, I am hypermobile in every joint that was demonstrated in this video. I happened to stumble apon this video because I just realized at the age of 22 that the Piezogenic papules on the heels of my feet and my elastic skin is not normal. I began to experience pain on my lower back, legs, and knees when I hike and I'm sure it has to do with this. I'll try to take it easy now. thank you so much
I am have 7 of the 9 points (my knees have never been hypermobile), I have the papules in the heels, pain in joints, am in excruciating pain if I sit for too long, etc. I'm 39 and my PT told me just about 2 months ago I was hypermobile. I didn't know the thumb trick or bending fingers and toes backwards wasn't normal. I used to work in an orthodontics lab making teeth molds and pushing the molds against the shaping machine would make my fingers get stuck/locked in the first joint (which I found out 2 weeks ago is a dislocation). I have been popping both hips in and out of place since a child and now they fall out on their own and I have dislocated ribs on a weekly basis for years by just doing a skill called floating split or by sleeping at night. I didn't realize any of this was any sort of syndrome. Being a dancer and aerialist these were all good things. Now I'm not so sure. :/ I've also had digestive issues since being an infant.
I have eds, ehlers danlos syndrome. It's a horific condition, but it's worth a mention that a lot of people pass the bieghton scale test when you get older because our muscles and tendons get so tight that you can't bend as much, however you end up with more injuries and problems. The fact that you even know what eds is, is incredible.
I’m 65 now and less hyper mobile. I used to be able to touch my thumbs to my wrists, and even take my fingers and pull them all back to touch my arm! My elbows and knees were pretty bendy too. And now, despite having had back problems most of my life I can still palm the floor with ease. I always said that I had loose ligaments everywhere except my hamstrings. A close family member has been diagnosed recently with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I’m seeing a specialist at the end of March so might be tested for that too!
I've always realized the knee hyperextension. I used to walk with my knees hyperextended all the time and my mother would get so annoyed😂 I forced myself to stop walking like that because I freaked her out so much lol
As soon as I wanted to see if I was hyper mobile I looked at this video and it helped me a lot to figure out that I was hyper mobile. These easy steps are really good to see if your hyper mobile or not, and plus they tell you the side effects of being hyper mobile!
I overextended my knee once. From bending over a bed, cleaning a few guinea pig cages, and it caused the back of the knee to have pain and inflammation. It took a long time to go back to normal.
I'm hypermobile in all the joints except the hip.Already feel some pain in the right knee,shoulder and hip.You guys are so helpful with these advices,thank you. I've heard that this problem is caused by collagen not being produced enough in the body.Unfortunatly some people have it so bad that they dislocate their joints just by doing daily activities.
I am so happy I stumbled onto these guys. They are the perfect combination of funny, dorky, and super informational. Thanks you too. I am so glad I am not hyper-mobile....
im a hypermobile guy and i used to do crazy stuff with my body in one of them i used to grab my hand and put it in back of my neck all the way down. my bicep was touching my neck , and shoulder was popping out. im 16 now and suffer from shoulder/knee/elbow and lowerback pain.
Story: I was on a trampoline and I chickened out of a front flip at last second so I made a weird landing which applied pressure to my leg, so now I can bend this leg farther than my other leg
If you stretch cause you have this feeling of something isn't right even though there is no pain. Then you may have tight muscles or muscle imbalances.
I'm extremely double jointed & so is my son ( thankfully not as much as me). My son & I were tested for marfan's disease because of our mobility & the interest in his height (over 7 foot).. Thank goodness we do not have that disease, just weird joints that are sometimes painful when out of place. Thanks for the video, it helped me understand why it hurts for me to write. 👍
I have hypo mobility. I stretch every day but never see progress. My best friend at school was insanely flexible. Used to do the Jean Claude Van Damme splits between two chairs with no warm up.
everything they said I literally have and I always thought why I always had painful knees sometimes and I never knew it was because of the way I was standing obviously by getting physically fit I corrected my posture and I no longer do that but that's something really good to know for the rest of my life.
I'm actually double jointed. I can do the jump rope with my hands, Just with something stretchy. This was very helpful. And I'm double jointed in my Knees, Pinky, and Arm. (::
I’m greatly double jointed & always have been; I didn’t know it’s called being hyper mobility. I was able to do every ‘test’ they did. My son can do them as well. The downside is most definitely the chronic pain I stay in as I have three diseases! My joints are terrible and can’t seem to get any relief.
Thank you so much for this. It is so difficult to explain to people why I'm always in pain and I hope showing them this video helps. I've been diagnosed with jhs but no one seems to understand what that means
Ah, man. I have 9 points and varying levels of pain in all of my joints. Especially my knees. I'm hoping to get into a physical therapist soon. I saw one years ago who said I had the weakest legs he has ever seen because of my years of locking my knees.
I'm double jointed in the fingers, hips and shoulders. I can move the bones so they seem to slide. Also my ankles, well, I can walk on the insides and outsides of them. Not sure if I explained that but it's weird. I think that flexibility has kept me from twisting/hurting my ankles many times.
I got 7 points in your test, but when I was younger and didn't have arthritis in my elbows, I would have gotten 9. My right hip especially easily dislocates, and I have learned to recognize the onset and perform a sort of "reset" where I move the hip in the opposite direction and stop the dislocation. It helps, but then the joint is unstable for the rest of the day. Thanks for making this video and showing the tests.
I find it so difficult to tell if my elbows and knees are hyperextending. I think most people can hyperextend them a few degrees, which is what mine do I think.
I'm extremely close to managing all of those -though the only one I pass is trunk, I've always been able to touch my palms to the floor with knees straight. I avoid over-extending my joints, but I am very flexible all over. Not bad for 50 years old LMAO. I find if I sit with my legs up without support under the knees (so they are sitting at slightly hyper-extended) it gets pretty painful pretty fast. The obvious answer is don't do that. of course. So I tend to either make sure I have knee support or sit in other positions. Sane with my arms, if they're allowed to rest and still overextension (which is where they naturally fall - less than 10 degrees, more like 4 or 5 degrees) they get sore quickly, so I just avoid it. Every time I get a new physiotherapist, as soon as they see how flexible I am they run the hypermobility test, even though I tell them I've done it many times and don't quite make the cut. LOL /pointless ramble
I think I could "palm the floor" if my hamstrings weren't so tight. I was just diagnosed with hypermobile EDS last week because I got 7 out of 9 ( she couldn't test all of them because one of my joints was in a lot of pain and I couldn't move it well) and have joint and muscle pain, first degree relatives diagnosed with EDS (my daughter and likely my son) and I have the other issues associated but not a diagnosis criteria such as POTS and functional digestive problems.
😂In school kids would always ask me about why my body would do certain things, I never knew what they meant until recently. My entire body is hyper mobile, I’d been self trained in acrobatics and unknowingly took advantage of my hyper mobility and pushed my joints and body to hugeee extents- and now I’m sitting here realizing that may be the VERY reason I suffer from such bad pains at only 17. 🤦🏽♀️
Me: wait, you're not in pain all of the time?(・o・) Coworker: no (˘・_・˘) This conversation was my first clue that something was wrong haha....༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
i do jiuitsu and someone was trying to reverse armbar me (a move where ur kinda bending the elbow the wrong way) and it wasnt working so my coach was like "uh are you double jointed? because it looks like you have no elbow." after this test, it turns out I am! 8 out of 9 points!
Wow. I had hoped you two would do a better job with this subject. Ehlers Danlos is not just joint hypermobility. It's not interchangeable. It's a serious genetic condition that causes a defect in collagen. It includes a varying degree of hypermobility, but it also includes systematic problems, skin involvement, etc.
Amanda Moore they weren’t focusing on EDS.. they were focusing on hypermobility and they said that if there is also pain or other symptoms then to see your doctor to get checked for connective tissue disorders. They never said EDS and hypermobility were the same.
I didn’t realise I was hypermobyle, I’m double jointed in all of the joints shown in this video (when I went to the doctor she said I was hyper flexible so it might be the same thing. Edit: I get a lot of joint pains since I was a baby
Why does using an eliptical machine hurt my knees? Do I have the foot sections set wrong? Thank you for all your wonderful videos, I really enjoy them.
I'm 36 and had no idea until this video that I was extremely hypermobile. I used to be a massage therapist which made my thumbs and wrists ache with pain and now I do Data Entry work all day. Bad career choices! 😫 People would say I had weird-looking thumbs and legs but I never put 2 + 2 together! 😕😜
I fit these,have joint pain and get injured a lot but My parents just tell me to sleep+ i do dance and there some of My hypermobility is praised lol(but other parts like My elbows annoy teachers cause when i out Them straight they go further so it looks weird
oh my goodness, i didn't realize i had this... my elbow would always make a pop sound whenever i did a bicep curl (and yes Brad, i'm a girl). it didn't hurt or anything but it just felt wrong, like i was so focused on stopping the pop than working the bicep. but don't worry, i found a solution, which is to rotate my arm 90 degrees whenever i go down or the eccentric part of the movement so my pinky goes down first rather than the whole back of my hand. i found that doing this stops my elbow from popping and lets me work my biceps.
So my problem with the test is, it doesn't necessarily test the hypermobility of your joints in some cases, but the flexibility of your muscles. For example, the pinky and thumb ones are super easy for me, but when we get to the legs and arms, I don't think I would count as hypermobile because my muscles aren't flexible enough to go to my joints maximum range of motion. That has to do with muscles, not joints, right? Not to mention, I'm hypermobile in areas that aren't even in the test, like in my hips- I can do the butterfly stretch and get my knees ALL the way down easily, and I used to be able to do the full splits with EASE as a kid. And my shoulder joints are super loose, I know that for a fact. Why aren't those things in the test? How does that test prove that I don't have hypermobility, when I quite litterally do in so many areas? Or am I just misunderstanding something?
I am hyper mobile in my fingers, and in my knees I was a lot more hyper mobile as a child and teenager than I am now. But you was talking about different types of jobs that people who are like that shouldn’t do, what about being a housekeeper at a Bowling Alley? I have dislocated my right shoulder ample time just from cleaning a table. And I have had my knees to lock up on me just standing, I guess I didn’t realize that I was hyper extending my knees while standing still. Luckily I was able to get them unlocked by myself.
I am hypermobile, and have pretty severe RA and lupus. I used to be able to bend a lot more. The problem I run into with it is that things keep dislocating. I try to mirror my husbands exercise routing (with less weights), but my elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, just keep popping out. Even when I am walking, if I am not careful to walk with my knees partially bent, they will just like go out on me and it hurts really badly.
Thank you. I fortunately do have a physical therapist that I really like, who is really understanding of the fact that I have chronic conditions. In the past I have had PTs who just want me to be better, and don't really understand the ups and downs of chronic conditions. Right now I'm not actively seeing her for insurance reasons, but I will be using her more in the future. :)
I have 2 points. Both of my shoulders are. I can completely turn my arms around. It doesn’t sound like it when I say it, but a picture or in person it’s clearly not normal
My housemates are shocked at how much my joints can crack, and one of them notes that I am also very flexible so I might be "double-jointed". I laughed it off but like maybe, based on this test. I just can't measure degrees so I might be borderline on my pinkies and my arms. Can't really see my legs. The thumb and palming the floor are easy though.
Ooookay guys I love you but it’s pronounced “Ehl ers Dan Los” Also please update the outdated terms you’re using, see Ehlers-Danlos.com to get the info from the international consortium last year.
I can bend my pinky back far I can twist my arm around to make it look like it’s broken and still move my hand and fingers and same thing with the thumb and knees
What if you aren’t hyper mobile on the bottom joint of your thumb, but the top joint, so where you finger nail on your thumb can point straight down while the bottom half of your thumb is pointing straight up?
I have the hyper mobile fingers, elbows and shoulders. My thumb is hyper mobile at the first joint and I always gross people out with both my fingers and thumb. As a result of the hyper mobility in my thumb and fingers, I have trouble opening bottles and jars without using a rubber gripping pad. My elbows tend to get inflamed in the tendons and take six months to calm down when I have an "episode" of tendinitis. I have had shoulder problems, but that's because of over training at the gym. My crazy joints don't really upset me that much except for the stupid elbow and I just figure it's one of those things that makes me different from the rest of the pack.
I had 6 of the things and I’ve been diagnosed with hyper mobility but I was told I didn’t have it in my elbows but in my right elbow I have Osteochondritis dissecans i think
8 points. Couldn’t do either of my thumbs. It’s painful do hyperextend my left knee because of a incident when I was young. (Broke my knee cap sledding when I was 8)
Living for that theme omgg
Hahahaha. It is never truly out of one's head, is it? Whenever someone complains of pain, I always send them a video!
Ha ha my first video from them
I'm hypermobile too, specially on my hands, so now I know why it has always been torture to write after I wrote like half a page.
I feel you
And why i feel uncomfortable placing my hand "normal" when i stretch out my hand.
dude is it just me or does everyone whos hypermobile have really REALLY fragile wrists?
@@sixqm2 Facts
Dang, I’ve noticed a lot of these things but never knew they were from hyper mobility. I guess I always saw constantly popping and stretching my joints to feel better was just normal.
Joshua Jones same damn
Joshua Jones wait it’s not
Yay I’m not the only one
I used to stand on the side of my feet. Thinking it was normal.
You could have a condition called EDS, please research it
this video was so helpful, I am hypermobile in every joint that was demonstrated in this video. I happened to stumble apon this video because I just realized at the age of 22 that the Piezogenic papules on the heels of my feet and my elastic skin is not normal. I began to experience pain on my lower back, legs, and knees when I hike and I'm sure it has to do with this. I'll try to take it easy now. thank you so much
Me tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
I am have 7 of the 9 points (my knees have never been hypermobile), I have the papules in the heels, pain in joints, am in excruciating pain if I sit for too long, etc. I'm 39 and my PT told me just about 2 months ago I was hypermobile. I didn't know the thumb trick or bending fingers and toes backwards wasn't normal. I used to work in an orthodontics lab making teeth molds and pushing the molds against the shaping machine would make my fingers get stuck/locked in the first joint (which I found out 2 weeks ago is a dislocation). I have been popping both hips in and out of place since a child and now they fall out on their own and I have dislocated ribs on a weekly basis for years by just doing a skill called floating split or by sleeping at night. I didn't realize any of this was any sort of syndrome. Being a dancer and aerialist these were all good things. Now I'm not so sure. :/ I've also had digestive issues since being an infant.
Me too. Like in every one they said, I have
But not the one you said at the end of your statement
@@Laundrey1 rubbing a few drops of peppermint essential oil on the tummy really helps digestive issues.
I scored high in all of those. Thanks for the advice, now I see why my shoulder hurts when I play tennis.
You know what's easy on the shoulders? Shipping and selling your own turquoise jewelry
@@deathmachinestar _first of all this comment was 3 years ago_
*second of all, why do you have o be so rude, he did nothing to no one especially you*
@@eiko1 huh
@@eiko1 what are you talking about
@@deathmachinestar well, since you don't know if they even wear jewelry, that tone is kind of rude, but idk
I've been standing hyper extended for ever.. Bending my knees while standing feels weird
Thank goodness Im only hypermobile on my elbows...
I’m double jointed, and I never realized, people bend their knees while standing??? I have never done that because it feels weird
It does feel weird I stand with my knees hyperextended and don’t even realize it
@@ellie_grace_gymnast7720 same I do it when im just standing
I have eds, ehlers danlos syndrome. It's a horific condition, but it's worth a mention that a lot of people pass the bieghton scale test when you get older because our muscles and tendons get so tight that you can't bend as much, however you end up with more injuries and problems. The fact that you even know what eds is, is incredible.
I’m sorry to hear that, it sucks you have to go through that
I have Ehlers Danlos and I was having knee pain. I didn't realize that I was standing with them hyperextended. I wish I knew 20 years ago.
Glad I learned now I always stand with my knees hyper extended
I’m 65 now and less hyper mobile. I used to be able to touch my thumbs to my wrists, and even take my fingers and pull them all back to touch my arm! My elbows and knees were pretty bendy too. And now, despite having had back problems most of my life I can still palm the floor with ease. I always said that I had loose ligaments everywhere except my hamstrings. A close family member has been diagnosed recently with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I’m seeing a specialist at the end of March so might be tested for that too!
Dude that theme song is a straight bop I love it
Brick oven pizza? Bop?
Hypermobility is NOT also called Elhers Danlos syndrome nor interchangeable. EDS has hypermobility as a symptom.
I've always realized the knee hyperextension. I used to walk with my knees hyperextended all the time and my mother would get so annoyed😂
I forced myself to stop walking like that because I freaked her out so much lol
That was really informative and you guys are a riot!
As soon as I wanted to see if I was hyper mobile I looked at this video and it helped me a lot to figure out that I was hyper mobile. These easy steps are really good to see if your hyper mobile or not, and plus they tell you the side effects of being hyper mobile!
Hypermobility is so frustrating. I just want to be able to do what I want with my life
I overextended my knee once. From bending over a bed, cleaning a few guinea pig cages, and it caused the back of the knee to have pain and inflammation. It took a long time to go back to normal.
I wanted to wish you happy holidays and express my gratitude to you for helping those like me who suffer with pain.
Thank you for watching!
I'm hypermobile in all the joints except the hip.Already feel some pain in the right knee,shoulder and hip.You guys are so helpful with these advices,thank you.
I've heard that this problem is caused by collagen not being produced enough in the body.Unfortunatly some people have it so bad that they dislocate their joints just by doing daily activities.
I only feel pain in my elbow and im only 10 :(
I thought same. I am devasted as i want to workout normal
@@paulinamaryniak i've been working out for years without problems🤞
I am only hyper mobile in my elbows and knees.I stand with my legs locked back.
Kat Parks I’m hyper mobile in my legs i can get my legs to the back of my head
I am so happy I stumbled onto these guys. They are the perfect combination of funny, dorky, and super informational. Thanks you too. I am so glad I am not hyper-mobile....
im a hypermobile guy and i used to do crazy stuff with my body
in one of them i used to grab my hand and put it in back of my neck all the way down.
my bicep was touching my neck , and shoulder was popping out.
im 16 now and suffer from shoulder/knee/elbow and lowerback pain.
Story: I was on a trampoline and I chickened out of a front flip at last second so I made a weird landing which applied pressure to my leg, so now I can bend this leg farther than my other leg
These guys are great together 👌
Why do I stretch all the time? I feel so bad when I don't stretch for a while
wow after 2 years you still didn’t get an answer
@@prllynotderrick lol
If you stretch cause you have this feeling of something isn't right even though there is no pain. Then you may have tight muscles or muscle imbalances.
I'm extremely double jointed & so is my son ( thankfully not as much as me). My son & I were tested for marfan's disease because of our mobility & the interest in his height (over 7 foot).. Thank goodness we do not have that disease, just weird joints that are sometimes painful when out of place. Thanks for the video, it helped me understand why it hurts for me to write. 👍
I have hypo mobility. I stretch every day but never see progress.
My best friend at school was insanely flexible. Used to do the Jean Claude Van Damme splits between two chairs with no warm up.
I'm hypermobile in every joint except for the when where you bent down and had to keep your knees straight and touch the floor.
everything they said I literally have and I always thought why I always had painful knees sometimes and I never knew it was because of the way I was standing obviously by getting physically fit I corrected my posture and I no longer do that but that's something really good to know for the rest of my life.
I'm actually double jointed. I can do the jump rope with my hands, Just with something stretchy. This was very helpful. And I'm double jointed in my Knees, Pinky, and Arm. (::
lucky i want to be double jointed
6 points was all 9 7 years ago it’s getting better
I’m greatly double jointed & always have been; I didn’t know it’s called being hyper mobility. I was able to do every ‘test’ they did. My son can do them as well.
The downside is most definitely the chronic pain I stay in as I have three diseases! My joints are terrible and can’t seem to get any relief.
Thank you so much for this. It is so difficult to explain to people why I'm always in pain and I hope showing them this video helps. I've been diagnosed with jhs but no one seems to understand what that means
Well that explains a lot. Thank you!
I’m double jointed in my thumbs, my pinky finger, my index finger, and my elbows
Ah, man. I have 9 points and varying levels of pain in all of my joints. Especially my knees. I'm hoping to get into a physical therapist soon. I saw one years ago who said I had the weakest legs he has ever seen because of my years of locking my knees.
I'm double jointed in the fingers, hips and shoulders. I can move the bones so they seem to slide. Also my ankles, well, I can walk on the insides and outsides of them. Not sure if I explained that but it's weird. I think that flexibility has kept me from twisting/hurting my ankles many times.
SAME every single bone is double jointed for me
I got 7 points in your test, but when I was younger and didn't have arthritis in my elbows, I would have gotten 9. My right hip especially easily dislocates, and I have learned to recognize the onset and perform a sort of "reset" where I move the hip in the opposite direction and stop the dislocation. It helps, but then the joint is unstable for the rest of the day. Thanks for making this video and showing the tests.
I find it so difficult to tell if my elbows and knees are hyperextending. I think most people can hyperextend them a few degrees, which is what mine do I think.
I scored a 5 lol. 4/4 on hands and I can go well past palms on floor lol.
I can twist me elbo but... I spained it so but did NOT sprin my right but i can twist that too
I takling about 360 around
I'm extremely close to managing all of those -though the only one I pass is trunk, I've always been able to touch my palms to the floor with knees straight. I avoid over-extending my joints, but I am very flexible all over. Not bad for 50 years old LMAO.
I find if I sit with my legs up without support under the knees (so they are sitting at slightly hyper-extended) it gets pretty painful pretty fast. The obvious answer is don't do that. of course. So I tend to either make sure I have knee support or sit in other positions. Sane with my arms, if they're allowed to rest and still overextension (which is where they naturally fall - less than 10 degrees, more like 4 or 5 degrees) they get sore quickly, so I just avoid it.
Every time I get a new physiotherapist, as soon as they see how flexible I am they run the hypermobility test, even though I tell them I've done it many times and don't quite make the cut. LOL /pointless ramble
I think I could "palm the floor" if my hamstrings weren't so tight. I was just diagnosed with hypermobile EDS last week because I got 7 out of 9 ( she couldn't test all of them because one of my joints was in a lot of pain and I couldn't move it well) and have joint and muscle pain, first degree relatives diagnosed with EDS (my daughter and likely my son) and I have the other issues associated but not a diagnosis criteria such as POTS and functional digestive problems.
Wow I never realized I was hyper mobile till now. I thought it was just my thumbs. I didn’t realize all people weren’t like this.
The lol same😹😹😹😹 I just realized that... I never thought my thumb is able to do that 2:28 ...🤯
I'm the strongest thrower in dodgeball and my shoulder always hurts after
Plus my hand cramps really easily while writing.
I scored 7
😂In school kids would always ask me about why my body would do certain things, I never knew what they meant until recently. My entire body is hyper mobile, I’d been self trained in acrobatics and unknowingly took advantage of my hyper mobility and pushed my joints and body to hugeee extents- and now I’m sitting here realizing that may be the VERY reason I suffer from such bad pains at only 17. 🤦🏽♀️
Very interesting video. I've learned a lot from your series. (By the way, great audio compared to the first episode of yours that I watched.)
my physiotherapist recently told me I am hypermobile, do you guys think it's connected to the rheumatoid arthritis?
Me: wait, you're not in pain all of the time?(・o・)
Coworker: no (˘・_・˘)
This conversation was my first clue that something was wrong haha....༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Thank you guys I am double joints
i do jiuitsu and someone was trying to reverse armbar me (a move where ur kinda bending the elbow the wrong way) and it wasnt working so my coach was like "uh are you double jointed? because it looks like you have no elbow." after this test, it turns out I am! 8 out of 9 points!
Guy from boxing noticed this in me today
omg i didn't even know i was hypermobile lol
Damn I got every point 💀
Wow. I had hoped you two would do a better job with this subject. Ehlers Danlos is not just joint hypermobility. It's not interchangeable. It's a serious genetic condition that causes a defect in collagen. It includes a varying degree of hypermobility, but it also includes systematic problems, skin involvement, etc.
Amanda Moore they weren’t focusing on EDS.. they were focusing on hypermobility and they said that if there is also pain or other symptoms then to see your doctor to get checked for connective tissue disorders. They never said EDS and hypermobility were the same.
I didn’t realise I was hypermobyle, I’m double jointed in all of the joints shown in this video (when I went to the doctor she said I was hyper flexible so it might be the same thing. Edit: I get a lot of joint pains since I was a baby
get this i have one hitch-hiker thumb and one straight thumb both on my own body and neither one was injured or anything.
Why does using an eliptical machine hurt my knees? Do I have the foot sections set wrong? Thank you for all your wonderful videos, I really enjoy them.
My thumb is double jointed to the point that i can use it as a catapult! i even made a trickshot with it on my channel
I'm 36 and had no idea until this video that I was extremely hypermobile. I used to be a massage therapist which made my thumbs and wrists ache with pain and now I do Data Entry work all day. Bad career choices! 😫 People would say I had weird-looking thumbs and legs but I never put 2 + 2 together! 😕😜
I fit these,have joint pain and get injured a lot but My parents just tell me to sleep+ i do dance and there some of My hypermobility is praised lol(but other parts like My elbows annoy teachers cause when i out Them straight they go further so it looks weird
oh my goodness, i didn't realize i had this... my elbow would always make a pop sound whenever i did a bicep curl (and yes Brad, i'm a girl). it didn't hurt or anything but it just felt wrong, like i was so focused on stopping the pop than working the bicep. but don't worry, i found a solution, which is to rotate my arm 90 degrees whenever i go down or the eccentric part of the movement so my pinky goes down first rather than the whole back of my hand. i found that doing this stops my elbow from popping and lets me work my biceps.
So my problem with the test is, it doesn't necessarily test the hypermobility of your joints in some cases, but the flexibility of your muscles. For example, the pinky and thumb ones are super easy for me, but when we get to the legs and arms, I don't think I would count as hypermobile because my muscles aren't flexible enough to go to my joints maximum range of motion. That has to do with muscles, not joints, right? Not to mention, I'm hypermobile in areas that aren't even in the test, like in my hips- I can do the butterfly stretch and get my knees ALL the way down easily, and I used to be able to do the full splits with EASE as a kid. And my shoulder joints are super loose, I know that for a fact. Why aren't those things in the test? How does that test prove that I don't have hypermobility, when I quite litterally do in so many areas? Or am I just misunderstanding something?
I've been hypermobile my whole life (I'm 60.) My question is, should I modify the stretches you show in your videos because of this condition?
Any update on Ehlers Danlos Syndrome?
You are like alex and mike but older!!!!
And i love it
I am hyper mobile in my fingers, and in my knees I was a lot more hyper mobile as a child and teenager than I am now. But you was talking about different types of jobs that people who are like that shouldn’t do, what about being a housekeeper at a Bowling Alley? I have dislocated my right shoulder ample time just from cleaning a table. And I have had my knees to lock up on me just standing, I guess I didn’t realize that I was hyper extending my knees while standing still. Luckily I was able to get them unlocked by myself.
Ok I've always known that I am double joined for my elbows. But I didn't know that I could hyper extended my knees or my fingers.
well may explains why I couldn't ice skate and why my right knee is messed up from jogging in my 20s.
I am hypermobile, and have pretty severe RA and lupus. I used to be able to bend a lot more. The problem I run into with it is that things keep dislocating. I try to mirror my husbands exercise routing (with less weights), but my elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, just keep popping out. Even when I am walking, if I am not careful to walk with my knees partially bent, they will just like go out on me and it hurts really badly.
Thank you. I fortunately do have a physical therapist that I really like, who is really understanding of the fact that I have chronic conditions. In the past I have had PTs who just want me to be better, and don't really understand the ups and downs of chronic conditions. Right now I'm not actively seeing her for insurance reasons, but I will be using her more in the future. :)
I have 2 points. Both of my shoulders are. I can completely turn my arms around. It doesn’t sound like it when I say it, but a picture or in person it’s clearly not normal
Thank you for this video. With this I figured I’m hypermobile in my trunk, meaning I can palm the floor
Good vid hope u hit 100k soon
physicaltherapyvideo happy holidays
100080 well deserved congrats
physicaltherapyvideo congrates on 100k i new it would happen
Thank you for sharing your videos,they are very informative.May you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!🎄🎄
The start is hilarious LOL😂😂
I am double jointed in my hands.I also have a incredibly long thumb.it can go partially visible at the opposite side.
And I had 4 points
Love the intro
"two most famous ....on the internet.." thats a good way of saying terms and conditions apply
My housemates are shocked at how much my joints can crack, and one of them notes that I am also very flexible so I might be "double-jointed". I laughed it off but like maybe, based on this test. I just can't measure degrees so I might be borderline on my pinkies and my arms. Can't really see my legs. The thumb and palming the floor are easy though.
Ooookay guys I love you but it’s pronounced “Ehl ers Dan Los”
Also please update the outdated terms you’re using, see Ehlers-Danlos.com to get the info from the international consortium last year.
It’s ok. Don’t get triggered
@@Idkbutcooliguess All “zebras” are super triggered when it comes to their clinically diagnosed “EDS” 😅
@Los Santos Bud more like a wile late lol
what are your "knees locked" mean
I got 8/9 points, I can do all of these on both sides except for the “palming” one cos that one just hurts
Some of their diagnostic info is wrong/out of date. And this test is called the Beighton score.
Is it true that people with double jointed fingers have a harder time playing the clarinet?
I can bend my pinky back far I can twist my arm around to make it look like it’s broken and still move my hand and fingers and same thing with the thumb and knees
What if you aren’t hyper mobile on the bottom joint of your thumb, but the top joint, so where you finger nail on your thumb can point straight down while the bottom half of your thumb is pointing straight up?
I have hypermobility so I wanna try the test to make sure
Yes I am.
Oh I am Hypermobile...I was knowing about it when I realise that I can turn my wrist 360 degrees...
Helps for getting out of handcuffs
I can do weird things with mah thumb but I'm not double jointed.
I've met none of my friends that can do that
Woah first time I'm getting full marks on some test lol
I have the hyper mobile fingers, elbows and shoulders. My thumb is hyper mobile at the first joint and I always gross people out with both my fingers and thumb. As a result of the hyper mobility in my thumb and fingers, I have trouble opening bottles and jars without using a rubber gripping pad. My elbows tend to get inflamed in the tendons and take six months to calm down when I have an "episode" of tendinitis. I have had shoulder problems, but that's because of over training at the gym. My crazy joints don't really upset me that much except for the stupid elbow and I just figure it's one of those things that makes me different from the rest of the pack.
That opening tho 🔥🔥
I got all the six points..... I have a problem with my lower back and my knee join. I also always feel the need to crack my joints..... sigh...
I have swollen knees and can palm the floor and I’m only twelve is that bad
I had 6 of the things and I’ve been diagnosed with hyper mobility but I was told I didn’t have it in my elbows but in my right elbow I have Osteochondritis dissecans i think
8 points. Couldn’t do either of my thumbs.
It’s painful do hyperextend my left knee because of a incident when I was young.
(Broke my knee cap sledding when I was 8)
I have learned today
That I am hypermobile
I can also touch my knees with my head without bending my knees
I am hypermoblie. To a point it freaked out my doctor. My knees are the worst for it, my left knee is able to bend the wrong way.
Only my left 4 fingers are double joined and it's so weird