Can you connect to a corrs network and do your calibration under that? Once complete shoot a control point with you rover. Set the base up on that point and tell it what it is by choosing the control point. Would this method work the same? Thanks.
my base gives me an option to use 3rd party it ok to use it? what does that mean new in surveying would appreciate any help thanks
Can you connect to a corrs network and do your calibration under that? Once complete shoot a control point with you rover. Set the base up on that point and tell it what it is by choosing the control point. Would this method work the same? Thanks.
my base gives me an option to use 3rd party it ok to use it? what does that mean new in surveying would appreciate any help thanks
Just gain massive knowledge
Trying the emulator no control point set up …pop up after60s measure says failed to get receiver position
Appreciate it