Low elo your teammates also consistently lack the execution with their champs and decision making. They will have 0 clue what they need to be doing. Lee taking the rift? Low elo your jgler will be busy farming his jg instead of taking the dragon. Enemy gets all the objectives and then you have no time to scale from your team inting, afk, or just straight up bad. It's like, you know your teammates are just terrible and do not have the potential to make the comeback but you're stuck in the game.
@@alluringgrace413 What about beeing yourself the good teammate, you want to have in your game? If all of your teammates suck, so does the enemy team, so there is one good player (you), taking over the game, against all that players, who are straight bad.
Rather remove it from the game like every other Mejaia’s like item, I have no idea why this is in the game and the AD or tank version would be to “anti-fun” or “toxic”
@@schere1161 i think Mejais is still in the game due to a lack of magic penetration items, its too easy to stack MR against a fed mage, so Mejais counters MR stacking with sheer AP.
Omg finally someone talks about people getting overconfident in League! I've been preaching that idea for like 3 months and no one seems to believe me because I'm just a random silver player
@@whyisgamora4191 I've gotten better at not loosing games like that after I started playing more control mages, but I still often throw games like that if I play assassins
@@Oznerock I think that's false, especially depending on how your team got behind to begin with. If they're straight up inting, there's nothing you can do to stop the bleeding.
I guess if 22 kills are on a master yi in the enemy team and you got a malz or Morgana who can cc him to kill.. It is an easy game if they don't miss their skills 😅
And I hate when the game is lost and there are always those specific 2 bastards and purposefully press no just to waste my and my teammates time and just fuck with us
@@SKtasaras maybe because it is winnable? I main top and I've played so many game where I clicked no at early surrender and it was 4 1, but then one other person decided no at 20 minutes and we ended up winning. Happens to often. Don't ff your game.
@@bait_0154 lmao, the amount of times i won a game when i had 4 crybabies voting yes but i voted no... learn to carry and stop bitching and crying about ff after 3min
4:50 hey my name is Jimmy too. but i play norms and theory craft things and get excited when it works or it gets buffed. (ingenious got buffed and been going it since january and works on items like tear, banshees, guardian angel, zhonyas, support items, and works well with ghost poro, which got buffed some months ago, everfrost buffed back in like february or so, rylais works with rocketbelt missiles, etc.)
Hey Hector and the rest of skillcapped, I liked this video. I would love to see a video where you explain when it's best to group with your team and when it's best to farm. In the example in this video, when they threw the game at min 18:45. I would've probably found myself farming krugs instead of grouping mid and that turnaround wouldnt have happened. Thanks in advance!
Hey, I have a question regarding communication. How often do you type in chat and explain your team what to in such clutch games? I do that most of my games, telling my teammates where to go, which lane to push, when to recall, make calls to pick up kills by ambushing and creating a 5v4 or better situation, calling for baron since low elo players fear it a lot, etc. The thing is, it's really exhausting for me to tell all of these in chat although it really pays off. I remember I could turn the win to our favor whereas the enemy team outscaled us and I was playing Jarvan. Another question is: How to coordinate when finding ourselves in a situation where the ally team is stuck in base, the ally jungle is taken by the enemies and it's too risky to face check? I don't always have teammates who listen to group in these cases so it's rather the enemy team who plays it slowly and gets every drake till the soul. Is it possible to win in such situation if my team is the one getting outscaled? Also most of the time the enemies push the first 2 turrets in all lanes, how much do you push back waves to be safe from an enemy trying to splitpush while we're doing a comeback outside of base (like contesting drake)?
In streams I see them at the start of the match explaining to each other their situation at the lane, so the jungler knows what to gank and which objectives play around. Other than that they fight to see who got a greater knowledge XD
it's weird, in league so many people don't want to surrender, but don't give a reason on how it's winnable, it annoys me so much, especially playing ADC. I'm always the team leader since nobody ever types what's our win con. there are 5 different people thinking 5 different things, being on the same page can win you games.
If i have to choose between the AFK Farmer and Over Ganker I pick the farmer. I don't care if my JG ignores my lane all game. I usually just assume that'll happen anyway. I cant stand when My JG shows up when I'm not ready to go in and best case he forces me to break my freeze i was setting up and worst case he actively feeds the enemy laner. they never listen to my danger pings and just gank when they want no matter what.
Hard agree, jgl should know lane states and when to or when not to gank. However I do find telling my jgl when a good time to gank would be in advance so he can path towards my lane is helpful, although I will admit that you do take the risk of tilting them by bossing them around.
@@abcdefg57572 the problem is most junglers think enemy is pushing = easy gank for me so whenever ur playing ur lane out corectly they want to come gank for no reason.... what they should be doing is come if ur lanestate is garbo to break it or dive the enemy laner
Sven N. Or they come when you have big minion wave under tower that will aggro you. And they tilt if you dont help. Anyway i agree i prefer a farmer too. I reach around 250-300 farm between 25-27min game. Most of the time im lvl 16 adc while the other adc is 13-14 max
I agree to disagree. I mean, I know that many times junglers just randomly gank when not needed, but also too many times I have a jungler that is literally afk farming without doing anything else. And I'm not talking about ganks here, I'm talking about counter-ganking or counter-jungling. It's so stressful being ganked and maybe put a little behind from enemy jungler, while your jungler is just sitting in his jungle auto piloting. I mean, go make a play on the other side of the map, go steal some camps, go secure some vision, give some pressure on the map or it's just a 4 v 5. Just having a little bit of presence can really help the team (and that's why I love Galio, becouse even if the jungler is just farming, I can release some pressure for my team just by being lvl 6 lol)
I like to shove to punish the over gankers when I play trist, if you play out early game well (>8min) you will always win the 2v2. and there is no danger in hard shoving.
I stopped the video @ 5:12 to mention my own experience with that human side Hector is talking about. In my last game as Illaoi I got matched into Darius. Darius, with the exception of a single game where the player was incredibly unfamiliar with him, has always, always, always crushed me. I'm in Gold and I've definitely got a ways to go on tracking the jungler and my precognition on things like "If I miss this, can they kill me?". Thus I have always fed Darius; no matter how safely I believed myself to be playing. So this game starts up and I tell my team, look, gents, I always get mauled in lane against Darius, so just ignore my lane state and take everything you can while I inevitably fail this lane. Typical of my SoloQ games I'm told play safe and I mentally prepare to get flamed, lol. I go into lane and I tell myself give him lane priority, no, don't try to E him, he'll run you down like all the rest of the Darius (Dari-i? Dari-eople?), don't try to poke him, just snipe CS, and farm under tower. This Darius got so frustrated with me not running into his axe that he tried diving me several times while I had tentacles staged and outlasted through ult that it got to the point where I could kill him on sight and ignore his ult. I've still got a ways to go, I'm still inconsistent, but I'm really proud of that one, lol.
I love your content Hector, your understanding of how the game works and human psyche too. I feel so inspired rn. Would love to see more of your high-elo soloQ gameplay where such small nuances can make such a big difference like they did in this video
More High Elo D4 oriented guides please (as you asked in the end) You highligh basic elementals of the game often, I adopted them nicely already imo, but in d4 it feels like you have to minimize mistakes in order to climb. The less you do, the more likely you win. So maybe a guide on how to focus mistake improvement? How do I recognize a mistake and how do I transfer that into ingame thoughts? Much love, long fan
I had a couple games just yesterday where we were winning, butbslowly let our lead slip over the mid and late game. I was really disappointed and spent a while reflecting on why I lost those games. I came to the conclusion that I need to "Be Making And Executing A Plan At All Times" and I lost those games because I stopped playing proactively when we got ahead, and just auto-piloted looking for kills etc..
You generally recommend, when having the early advantage, to take rift herald in order to snowball a gank into a free tower. And here you say the opposite, I'm kinda confused. What exactly is the objective priority ?
I remember this recommendation too! However, hector did point it out in the video mentioning the difference is in low elo vs. high elo. This game is in high elo, and with the explanation it makes sense and is relevant in this case. I say definitely rewatch both this video and the other and apply it to your games from the past.
Assuming you are winning, you can take the first dragon before the herald (Which means, between arround 5-8 minutes) then you pick up first herald for the tower, and keeping in mind that, you should use it before 14 min for the plates gold. Also, as you might know, each plate gives extra resistance to the turrent, so the best usage is when the tower has 2 plates + a bit more hp for the herald's true damage do it's magic. Here, like hector said, the importance of early drakes is that it forces the scalling team to contest it, because a dragon soul is pretty strong, and a few minutes after, makes Elder drake available, which is even stronger. By "unlocking" stronger objectives earlier, it gives the enemy early comp better chances to win, because if they take too much to close the game, Hector's team 3 item spike will be stronger than enemies 3 items. Hope it wasn't too confusing, since I'm just making assumptions based on what I see in videos xD
i just got really fed as fiora, and got a qaudra, but really just got so close to winning, and i throwed hard. i need this video as this happens too much to me. thank you
It's a pretty clear concept that you win by stalling with a scaling comp, the issue in low elo is that people pick scaling and then tilt and feed like crazy into the enemy early game comp. In grandmaster people know they just have to wait and not die too much, what can you do if the gp or kaise just kept inting?
i would like a video about mental when your position or champs you play are weak, example top lane now we feel useless but is obvious u can climb from top, adcs say the same and rn tank junglers arent in the best spot, would be nice a video about mental when you feel this way
okay, but wouldn't Zhonya's have been a better defensive item in that game scenario? Lee Sin is fed, Pyke is a thing and Caitlyn ulti. Wouldn't Zhonya's armor and active help you with all of those? So why take Mejais over Zhonyas? I understand that what you said about the stacks, but wouldn't the enemy team just abe able to murder you over and over again because of it since you are lacking any defensive stats? Not trying to flame, just trying to understand as I am a Malz main.
But what are you supposed to do when you cant analyse who will get outscaled by whom and what your win conditions are? Also how do you prevent your team from inting when you are pinned under your tower in the early game?
sadly this is mostly experience... however, there's this app called mobalytics that actually shows if a champion is more early, mid or late game based, and that might help you with this decision, included with other features like profile analysis, maybe you should give it a shot.
I'd like to add that a lot of it comes down to kit base vs scaling (what they get from items or levels). Kassadin, for example, gets HUGE scaling off just hitting 16 and getting Rank 3 ult due to the CD reduction. Ezreal gets big bonuses off his Q when he starts adding items that play off triggering the on-hit. Both of those examples take times and thus are seen as scaling. Lucian's big benefit is his kit, it gives him substantial power early on as he can all in and knife fight other ADCs waiting on items. However, as the game goes on and the enemy get items and resistances, they aren't challenged by his all in as fast and thus he starts falling off to ADCs that now attack fast, have greater range, and items to back up the damage.
Just played another low elo game in silver... Our mid champ was afk. I suggested to restart, but my team didn't accept. I asked wtf, and our ADK guy answered that he didn't play league for 10 years, and he thought it's just surrender/lose, not a remake/cancel (I know that feel because I started playing league a month ago, after 8 years pause, and was in the same exact situation with that remake, so I didn't even blame him: poor design from Riot). Our top laner had 200 ping, and was spamming and complaining about it all the time. Fortunately, the enemy team was just the worst, giving me some free starting kills as a jungler. I was still upset we're 4vs5, so at some point wasn't trying to survive, and gave them kills on me too, though. But after some minute, when enemy pantheon got lvl8, our fizz got back in the game, and didn't even feed him. While I was making more and more kills, taking a lot of farm in both forests and sometimes on lane. With every minute more I felt more confident, and in the end I was 3-5 lvl ahead of any enemy champion having 19/5/16, with overall 43/27 team score. Weirdly, fizz got only a single death with 8/1/15. Enemy team was probably full of rage of how they lost a game with that huge advantage with free farm pantheon lvl 8 vs fizz lvl 1. Guys, low elo is a joke. (Proof: www.leagueofgraphs.com/ru/match/ru/282123168?ref=AntsZnKH#participant6)
Good video. Btw TF Blade failed jungler to challenger,had like 75% win ratio 50wins 25 loses,when in top he goes 60-0 untill diamond :) I Improved so much by macro plays video,but still strugle with this bonobo players,who get like 4 kills thanks to jungler and not using the lead:/
we need to know how to counter the frustrating team combos some times it's your promos u go as kha only to find out that the enemy team will go shen top soraka supp wiz 2 solo carry champs or a kindred + yuumi my point that some times it's so hard to do ur job at team fights we need a video about this
My team always wants to surrender under 10 minutes of the game when we’re doing fine D: I’d rather lose normally then give up. This video makes me feel so much better.
This is nice. But my experience has been very different. The second we're 500 gold behind, someone on our team starts raging the person with most deaths (if it's them, then everyone else). They start facechecking everything, hoping to get kills. They rage more. And you see the pattern.
what if you cant even clear the wave after being behind? what if your team doesn't "wait" for them to throw on their own? what if they had the better team comp?
Still in low elo too many people how a go next mentality I've had games were I would be the one person stalling out the game to 40-60 min but someone would go afk from my team or just get impatient throw or even just do things that dont make sense like trying to 1v5 hehe
Even I as a Plat player do that. Like counter pick my lane opponent, or picking AP/Tank when our team doesn't have any. I would imagine they doing a much better job.
Just played a game of Ezreal against Cait, was super ahead early to midgame but it just went downhill from there, can anyone tell me how Ezreal outscales Caitlyn?
1. Ezreal has more dps in the late game, while Caitlyn is way more bursty with her full combo 2. Ezreals current item build contains hard scaling items like Manamune, Deaths Dance, and Iceborn Gauntlet 3. The lower his Cooldowns go, the higher his damage gets due to the Q CD reduction 4. Caitlyn has no Attackspeed-Steroid or anything that would make her have consistent damage
@@schere1161 am critical about that id say its slightly favored towards cait late but she has one flaw when she gets a lead her midgame is terrible which is were ez shines
Ya but what happens when the enemy lee gets 1 kill early and just massacres ur entire team because they expect u (scaling jg) to be able to match a 3/0 lee early?
I prefer both high elo and smurf content. I highly like smurf content because they often do shit that high elo would never do, but too often I don't know how to punish it.
"We have a 90% chance of winning the game" Every time there's a cut in the video, their team gets more kills. In every other video, we're told dragon is "absolutely useless". Relying on a team to throw the game isn't a reliable strategy lmao
Even when you are winning early, your team gets cocky as hell and so they overextend and the enemy team collapses on them, they give away the bounty they had and my team continues getting caught out. Now you aren't winning anymore and it happens more than half the time and its pretty much gg then. Am I wrong??
That's why it's important that you're the guy who makes the team group when they should and take objectives while ahead and close the game as quick as possible, since that eliminates your team throwing.
if ur ahead u ping objectives if they dont group u just go where they go u cant controle them but if u know ur 10-10 yas is gonna go in again just follow up on him and hit the enemy with ur goldbags
@@mattdrew4563 np uc an do a couple of things liek if grouped but it would be a way forced fight go on a bit of a distance ping them abcka dn look hwo they respond if they never lsiten u jsut gotta paly the way they want and hope for the best... the worst thing u saw in this game where cait is solo mid pushing when she ahs no business being there
Okay so I've got a theory on how to autowin games. -According to the video you should build mejais when behind -According to the video you will put yourself behind when buying mejais Step 1: Go even in lane Step 2: Buy mejais, you are now behind your enemy laner Step 3: ??? Step 4: Gain free lp
I know this game since the start but I never played more ranked games than my placement matches 😆 I dont win that often in blind matches so I never really attempted more 😬 now that I am playing Dead by Daylight since 2017 and there is only ranked mode in that game I wonder where I would have been if I also only played ranked in LoL. This video makes it sound so easy, when you literally have >130IQ I guess
One of these days my team FF a game, because the enemy team "scaled too hard" okay they had a Yasuo and a Ezreal who were strong, but on the other hand we ha a Vayne an Teemo AND a Cassiopea, none of us were particulary strong but we had two drakes and more towers up, but still, for them the weaker team (in objectives) and with less scaling was "unbeatable" i mean it was just a normal game that i was playing casualy so nothing of value was lost, but still, it baffles me how someplayers can't get a hold of themselfs to just look at the game for a second or two and see a winning condition other than *STOMP LANE*
I can feel you, I was playing one where we had a Nasus, a Kassadin (i was the kassadin), and a Cassio adc, my team still decided to surrender. We were not even that bad, I was 8/4 and the Nasus was 6/7 with good farm
I also hate how one player is feeding, but it's still winnable, no one is even flaming the feeder, but the feeder is just so self-tilted that they intentionally throw for the rest of the game
can someone pls explain to me, on "push lanes randomly for no reason" cuz i don't get it. Thanks Edit: And what does it mean them throwing rather than you doing a bit of extra damage, PLS HELP TO THOSE WHO GET'S IT
Me: "Man, these low elo players are easy to abuse for good players."
Hector: "Remember, these are grandmaster players!"
Me: "Wut."
It’s just that in low elo they’ll keep running it down before the enemy gets a chance to throw
I had the exact same reaction
Low elo your teammates also consistently lack the execution with their champs and decision making. They will have 0 clue what they need to be doing. Lee taking the rift? Low elo your jgler will be busy farming his jg instead of taking the dragon. Enemy gets all the objectives and then you have no time to scale from your team inting, afk, or just straight up bad. It's like, you know your teammates are just terrible and do not have the potential to make the comeback but you're stuck in the game.
Alluring Grace then they’ll refuse to ff when it’s 4-31 at 20 minute
@@alluringgrace413 What about beeing yourself the good teammate, you want to have in your game? If all of your teammates suck, so does the enemy team, so there is one good player (you), taking over the game, against all that players, who are straight bad.
when you smurf in grandmaster
69th like
@@Phoeniiks.E Nice
XD ikr
I feel like Majei's Soulstealer really needs its own Item guide.
does it? literally garbo unless u hail mary
Rather remove it from the game like every other Mejaia’s like item, I have no idea why this is in the game and the AD or tank version would be to “anti-fun” or “toxic”
@@schere1161 also sometimes it makes u play like a coward to not lose the stacks. Maybe they will remove it in this season items update.
@@mohamadzakaria96 I absolutely hope so, there is no explanation for an item that is only useful if you last-hit properly and become a KDA-Player
@@schere1161 i think Mejais is still in the game due to a lack of magic penetration items, its too easy to stack MR against a fed mage, so Mejais counters MR stacking with sheer AP.
ME: lmao look how bad these gold/plat players are
Hector: keep in mind guys these are grandmaster elo players ...
Me: ...
Haha everyone think we see more than we see.
There is no way tnis is grandmaster, or just Lee and cait stopped caring and gave up
Omg finally someone talks about people getting overconfident in League! I've been preaching that idea for like 3 months and no one seems to believe me because I'm just a random silver player
If I'm gonna be honest, that's how I lose most of my games lol
@@whyisgamora4191 I've gotten better at not loosing games like that after I started playing more control mages, but I still often throw games like that if I play assassins
Playing 'from behind' in Challenger elo: 13 kills to 10 after 14 mins
Playing from behind in Gold elo: 22 kills to 3 after 8 minutes
And yet the gold elo game is much easier to win.
No obj most of the time so take a shutdown and your back in gold... Ok 3 shutdown
Nah some games are unwinnable. 22 kills to 3 you're most likely gonna lose that game if not at least two of those three kills are on you
@@Oznerock I think that's false, especially depending on how your team got behind to begin with. If they're straight up inting, there's nothing you can do to stop the bleeding.
I guess if 22 kills are on a master yi in the enemy team and you got a malz or Morgana who can cc him to kill.. It is an easy game if they don't miss their skills 😅
I just lost because I let my guard down while winning in my ranked game. Perfect timing!
Skillcapped and Mobalytics are legit. All the other ones are click bait, or information that I already knew
sounds like youve never watched coach curtis
@@Marquis987 Oh him too but he's just one guy who does one lane so I personally have him in his own category.
@@Marquis987 Curtis is great, but he only does mid.
This dude just one up’d RossBoomSocks. Literally Auto fill to challenger.
IWD is doing the same thing (or was, don't watch him that often)
Hector: Keep in mind guys, these are Grandmaster ELO players.
Me: *Brain.exe has stopped working*
God I hate when my team surrenders for no reason
Literally It's always "Your team surrendered with 4 votes and 1 against"
And I hate when the game is lost and there are always those specific 2 bastards and purposefully press no just to waste my and my teammates time and just fuck with us
@@SKtasaras trueeeee
if your voting no when there's 4 yes votes, die. If your not being the team leader then don't even bother voting no
@@SKtasaras maybe because it is winnable? I main top and I've played so many game where I clicked no at early surrender and it was 4 1, but then one other person decided no at 20 minutes and we ended up winning. Happens to often. Don't ff your game.
@@bait_0154 lmao, the amount of times i won a game when i had 4 crybabies voting yes but i voted no... learn to carry and stop bitching and crying about ff after 3min
4:50 hey my name is Jimmy too. but i play norms and theory craft things and get excited when it works or it gets buffed. (ingenious got buffed and been going it since january and works on items like tear, banshees, guardian angel, zhonyas, support items, and works well with ghost poro, which got buffed some months ago, everfrost buffed back in like february or so, rylais works with rocketbelt missiles, etc.)
Hey Hector and the rest of skillcapped, I liked this video. I would love to see a video where you explain when it's best to group with your team and when it's best to farm. In the example in this video, when they threw the game at min 18:45. I would've probably found myself farming krugs instead of grouping mid and that turnaround wouldnt have happened. Thanks in advance!
they already made at least 1 video about that just go check the channel
Hey, I have a question regarding communication. How often do you type in chat and explain your team what to in such clutch games? I do that most of my games, telling my teammates where to go, which lane to push, when to recall, make calls to pick up kills by ambushing and creating a 5v4 or better situation, calling for baron since low elo players fear it a lot, etc. The thing is, it's really exhausting for me to tell all of these in chat although it really pays off. I remember I could turn the win to our favor whereas the enemy team outscaled us and I was playing Jarvan.
Another question is: How to coordinate when finding ourselves in a situation where the ally team is stuck in base, the ally jungle is taken by the enemies and it's too risky to face check? I don't always have teammates who listen to group in these cases so it's rather the enemy team who plays it slowly and gets every drake till the soul. Is it possible to win in such situation if my team is the one getting outscaled? Also most of the time the enemies push the first 2 turrets in all lanes, how much do you push back waves to be safe from an enemy trying to splitpush while we're doing a comeback outside of base (like contesting drake)?
In streams I see them at the start of the match explaining to each other their situation at the lane, so the jungler knows what to gank and which objectives play around.
Other than that they fight to see who got a greater knowledge XD
Just spam ping with a purpose, it works
it's weird, in league so many people don't want to surrender, but don't give a reason on how it's winnable, it annoys me so much, especially playing ADC. I'm always the team leader since nobody ever types what's our win con. there are 5 different people thinking 5 different things, being on the same page can win you games.
low elo, smurf, or high elo? 😶
@@bengallagher5630 lol
1hour ago????
I'm plat2 so mid elo
Honestly like this channel more than most because it covers actual in-game scenarios more than other channels.
This is why I follow the saying "Every game is throwable" I have seen too many clutch wins and early surrenders in winning positions, it infuriates me
ikr, never surrender because enemy might throw
"Hey Guys : Hector here"
Ow yes the king is BACK
Is there anywhere I can watch that auto-fill to challenger Hector did, or is that entirely private?
If i have to choose between the AFK Farmer and Over Ganker I pick the farmer. I don't care if my JG ignores my lane all game. I usually just assume that'll happen anyway. I cant stand when My JG shows up when I'm not ready to go in and best case he forces me to break my freeze i was setting up and worst case he actively feeds the enemy laner. they never listen to my danger pings and just gank when they want no matter what.
Hard agree, jgl should know lane states and when to or when not to gank. However I do find telling my jgl when a good time to gank would be in advance so he can path towards my lane is helpful, although I will admit that you do take the risk of tilting them by bossing them around.
@@abcdefg57572 the problem is most junglers think enemy is pushing = easy gank for me so whenever ur playing ur lane out corectly they want to come gank for no reason.... what they should be doing is come if ur lanestate is garbo to break it or dive the enemy laner
Sven N. Or they come when you have big minion wave under tower that will aggro you. And they tilt if you dont help. Anyway i agree i prefer a farmer too. I reach around 250-300 farm between 25-27min game. Most of the time im lvl 16 adc while the other adc is 13-14 max
I agree to disagree. I mean, I know that many times junglers just randomly gank when not needed, but also too many times I have a jungler that is literally afk farming without doing anything else. And I'm not talking about ganks here, I'm talking about counter-ganking or counter-jungling.
It's so stressful being ganked and maybe put a little behind from enemy jungler, while your jungler is just sitting in his jungle auto piloting.
I mean, go make a play on the other side of the map, go steal some camps, go secure some vision, give some pressure on the map or it's just a 4 v 5.
Just having a little bit of presence can really help the team
(and that's why I love Galio, becouse even if the jungler is just farming, I can release some pressure for my team just by being lvl 6 lol)
I like to shove to punish the over gankers when I play trist, if you play out early game well (>8min) you will always win the 2v2. and there is no danger in hard shoving.
I feel this is quite enlightening. Imma check this out.
Farming in the enemy jgl is a huge factor giving so much opportunities , thanks for pointing that out
I stopped the video @ 5:12 to mention my own experience with that human side Hector is talking about.
In my last game as Illaoi I got matched into Darius. Darius, with the exception of a single game where the player was incredibly unfamiliar with him, has always, always, always crushed me.
I'm in Gold and I've definitely got a ways to go on tracking the jungler and my precognition on things like "If I miss this, can they kill me?". Thus I have always fed Darius; no matter how safely I believed myself to be playing.
So this game starts up and I tell my team, look, gents, I always get mauled in lane against Darius, so just ignore my lane state and take everything you can while I inevitably fail this lane.
Typical of my SoloQ games I'm told play safe and I mentally prepare to get flamed, lol. I go into lane and I tell myself give him lane priority, no, don't try to E him, he'll run you down like all the rest of the Darius (Dari-i? Dari-eople?), don't try to poke him, just snipe CS, and farm under tower.
This Darius got so frustrated with me not running into his axe that he tried diving me several times while I had tentacles staged and outlasted through ult that it got to the point where I could kill him on sight and ignore his ult.
I've still got a ways to go, I'm still inconsistent, but I'm really proud of that one, lol.
I love your content Hector, your understanding of how the game works and human psyche too. I feel so inspired rn. Would love to see more of your high-elo soloQ gameplay where such small nuances can make such a big difference like they did in this video
Kinda hard to not give up when you get outvoted in the surrender menu
Jjust want to say, thank you for taking your time to making these guides Skilled Capped
More High Elo D4 oriented guides please (as you asked in the end)
You highligh basic elementals of the game often, I adopted them nicely already imo, but in d4 it feels like you have to minimize mistakes in order to climb.
The less you do, the more likely you win. So maybe a guide on how to focus mistake improvement? How do I recognize a mistake and how do I transfer that into ingame thoughts?
Much love, long fan
Is there a list for the musics used? i really like this intro music
I really like the high elo content, since you can more learn from these.
jimmy, the enemy zed
Fantastic video, and great commentary. Thank you for the awesome video.
I had a couple games just yesterday where we were winning, butbslowly let our lead slip over the mid and late game. I was really disappointed and spent a while reflecting on why I lost those games. I came to the conclusion that I need to "Be Making And Executing A Plan At All Times" and I lost those games because I stopped playing proactively when we got ahead, and just auto-piloted looking for kills etc..
Hector is just amazing, I love this kind of content. Thank you skill capped guys!!
You generally recommend, when having the early advantage, to take rift herald in order to snowball a gank into a free tower. And here you say the opposite, I'm kinda confused. What exactly is the objective priority ?
I remember this recommendation too! However, hector did point it out in the video mentioning the difference is in low elo vs. high elo. This game is in high elo, and with the explanation it makes sense and is relevant in this case. I say definitely rewatch both this video and the other and apply it to your games from the past.
Assuming you are winning, you can take the first dragon before the herald (Which means, between arround 5-8 minutes) then you pick up first herald for the tower, and keeping in mind that, you should use it before 14 min for the plates gold. Also, as you might know, each plate gives extra resistance to the turrent, so the best usage is when the tower has 2 plates + a bit more hp for the herald's true damage do it's magic. Here, like hector said, the importance of early drakes is that it forces the scalling team to contest it, because a dragon soul is pretty strong, and a few minutes after, makes Elder drake available, which is even stronger. By "unlocking" stronger objectives earlier, it gives the enemy early comp better chances to win, because if they take too much to close the game, Hector's team 3 item spike will be stronger than enemies 3 items.
Hope it wasn't too confusing, since I'm just making assumptions based on what I see in videos xD
This is actually the best guild so far
This is guild is so good
i just got really fed as fiora, and got a qaudra, but really just got so close to winning, and i throwed hard. i need this video as this happens too much to me. thank you
Hector: "I have a good feeling that we are going to win. Why do you think that is?"
Me: "Because it's an Hector smurf game duh"
It's a pretty clear concept that you win by stalling with a scaling comp, the issue in low elo is that people pick scaling and then tilt and feed like crazy into the enemy early game comp. In grandmaster people know they just have to wait and not die too much, what can you do if the gp or kaise just kept inting?
i would like a video about mental when your position or champs you play are weak, example top lane now we feel useless but is obvious u can climb from top, adcs say the same and rn tank junglers arent in the best spot, would be nice a video about mental when you feel this way
okay, but wouldn't Zhonya's have been a better defensive item in that game scenario? Lee Sin is fed, Pyke is a thing and Caitlyn ulti. Wouldn't Zhonya's armor and active help you with all of those? So why take Mejais over Zhonyas? I understand that what you said about the stacks, but wouldn't the enemy team just abe able to murder you over and over again because of it since you are lacking any defensive stats? Not trying to flame, just trying to understand as I am a Malz main.
Video of how to play the opposing side please, aside from the drag how can they take advantage of ur team not properly playing from behind
Skill caped videos in webpage have subtitiles? Its hard for me understand winout subtitles.
Is there a tier list on which champs scale the most?
But what are you supposed to do when you cant analyse who will get outscaled by whom and what your win conditions are? Also how do you prevent your team from inting when you are pinned under your tower in the early game?
Can u guys make a rengar jungle guide as a farming jungler? Please I really need it. Thank you 🙏🏿
How ezreal outscales Caitlyn? Also, how nunu does it?
How do I know a champion outscales another enemy champion? Thanks.
sadly this is mostly experience...
however, there's this app called mobalytics that actually shows if a champion is more early, mid or late game based, and that might help you with this decision, included with other features like profile analysis, maybe you should give it a shot.
I'd like to add that a lot of it comes down to kit base vs scaling (what they get from items or levels).
Kassadin, for example, gets HUGE scaling off just hitting 16 and getting Rank 3 ult due to the CD reduction.
Ezreal gets big bonuses off his Q when he starts adding items that play off triggering the on-hit.
Both of those examples take times and thus are seen as scaling.
Lucian's big benefit is his kit, it gives him substantial power early on as he can all in and knife fight other ADCs waiting on items. However, as the game goes on and the enemy get items and resistances, they aren't challenged by his all in as fast and thus he starts falling off to ADCs that now attack fast, have greater range, and items to back up the damage.
hector you make good videos !
As far as which game I prefer I like smurf content and high elo. High elo concepts end up crushing low elo anyway keep up the high elo stuff.
Cripling WOW addiction. No Truer words have been spoken today.
Just played another low elo game in silver... Our mid champ was afk. I suggested to restart, but my team didn't accept. I asked wtf, and our ADK guy answered that he didn't play league for 10 years, and he thought it's just surrender/lose, not a remake/cancel (I know that feel because I started playing league a month ago, after 8 years pause, and was in the same exact situation with that remake, so I didn't even blame him: poor design from Riot). Our top laner had 200 ping, and was spamming and complaining about it all the time.
Fortunately, the enemy team was just the worst, giving me some free starting kills as a jungler. I was still upset we're 4vs5, so at some point wasn't trying to survive, and gave them kills on me too, though. But after some minute, when enemy pantheon got lvl8, our fizz got back in the game, and didn't even feed him. While I was making more and more kills, taking a lot of farm in both forests and sometimes on lane. With every minute more I felt more confident, and in the end I was 3-5 lvl ahead of any enemy champion having 19/5/16, with overall 43/27 team score. Weirdly, fizz got only a single death with 8/1/15. Enemy team was probably full of rage of how they lost a game with that huge advantage with free farm pantheon lvl 8 vs fizz lvl 1.
Guys, low elo is a joke.
(Proof: www.leagueofgraphs.com/ru/match/ru/282123168?ref=AntsZnKH#participant6)
can you please make a playlist with hector teaching/smurfing
I figured it out guys. I knew right away why they were going to win. Blue team had Hector on it. That's the key to winning most match ups.
Team: *Surrender*
Hector: No
Good video. Btw TF Blade failed jungler to challenger,had like 75% win ratio 50wins 25 loses,when in top he goes 60-0 untill diamond :) I Improved so much by macro plays video,but still strugle with this bonobo players,who get like 4 kills thanks to jungler and not using the lead:/
we need to know how to counter the frustrating team combos
some times it's your promos u go as kha only to find out that the enemy team will go
shen top soraka supp wiz 2 solo carry champs
or a kindred + yuumi
my point that some times it's so hard to do ur job at team fights we need a video about this
Smurf, we love video featuring hector
Have you guys heard of 0/10 yasuo in your team and 16/0 talon on the enemy team at 15 min?
Of course i know him. He's me!
Don't remind me of the worst adc game i've ever played😢
The numbers are actually quite accurate too
My team always wants to surrender under 10 minutes of the game when we’re doing fine D: I’d rather lose normally then give up. This video makes me feel so much better.
This is nice. But my experience has been very different. The second we're 500 gold behind, someone on our team starts raging the person with most deaths (if it's them, then everyone else). They start facechecking everything, hoping to get kills. They rage more. And you see the pattern.
Is Tear of the goddes a must buy on malz? i always bought luden's on him
nice profile pic
So when do I build mejais on a control mage? When we’re losing only?
or when ur hard winning, dont buy it when ur even
man now i want a video dedicated to explain the spectrum of mejais
what if you cant even clear the wave after being behind?
what if your team doesn't "wait" for them to throw on their own?
what if they had the better team comp?
Still in low elo too many people how a go next mentality I've had games were I would be the one person stalling out the game to 40-60 min but someone would go afk from my team or just get impatient throw or even just do things that dont make sense like trying to 1v5 hehe
During champ select, do higher elo players actually look at what their teammates and opponents choose to decide what kinda champ to pick?
Even I as a Plat player do that. Like counter pick my lane opponent, or picking AP/Tank when our team doesn't have any. I would imagine they doing a much better job.
Or like Malphite/Rammus against full AD opponents
The thing is for me even if I do that my team will still do the enemy teams mistake which makes it waaay more uncertain
Hector saying these were GM players was a slap to the face.
Just played a game of Ezreal against Cait, was super ahead early to midgame but it just went downhill from there, can anyone tell me how Ezreal outscales Caitlyn?
How do i turn losses into win when i have 1/5 yasuo top and 0/5 mid kassadin, plz explain
It would be pretty usefull
Why does ezreal outscale cait?
Stronger wuth 2 ítems , W+Q hallf hp
1. Ezreal has more dps in the late game, while Caitlyn is way more bursty with her full combo
2. Ezreals current item build contains hard scaling items like Manamune, Deaths Dance, and Iceborn Gauntlet
3. The lower his Cooldowns go, the higher his damage gets due to the Q CD reduction
4. Caitlyn has no Attackspeed-Steroid or anything that would make her have consistent damage
@@schere1161 am critical about that id say its slightly favored towards cait late but she has one flaw when she gets a lead her midgame is terrible which is were ez shines
Ya but what happens when the enemy lee gets 1 kill early and just massacres ur entire team because they expect u (scaling jg) to be able to match a 3/0 lee early?
Wait, you autofill and got placed Mid? I thought autofillers only ever got support, with a little jungle sometimes.
How does this work with a bad set up against a scaling team?
Okay, but what would you do if it was YOUR team starting to throw, how do you prevent it?
I prefer both high elo and smurf content. I highly like smurf content because they often do shit that high elo would never do, but too often I don't know how to punish it.
HECTOR, you a god, a god to idiots but a god nonetheless
what about how to not throw as the early game team next guide?
Does hector stream?
"We have a 90% chance of winning the game"
Every time there's a cut in the video, their team gets more kills.
In every other video, we're told dragon is "absolutely useless".
Relying on a team to throw the game isn't a reliable strategy lmao
It was 20-11 with 3-0 towers for the enemy team. They were far behind no matter how you look at it
The thing is in low elo, they think they know everything and how to play it out but they only run it down. They don't understand how to stall it out
Even when you are winning early, your team gets cocky as hell and so they overextend and the enemy team collapses on them, they give away the bounty they had and my team continues getting caught out. Now you aren't winning anymore and it happens more than half the time and its pretty much gg then. Am I wrong??
That's why it's important that you're the guy who makes the team group when they should and take objectives while ahead and close the game as quick as possible, since that eliminates your team throwing.
My team gets tilted because they get caught and keeps getting caught because they’re tilted
Classified It do be an endless hole of shit and babyrage sometimes.
how ezreal and zilean outscale caitlyn and pyke?
why not both? smurfing and high elo?
what if i'm on the team that lost
what can i do if they don't stop doing random plays ?
is it unwinnable ?
if ur ahead u ping objectives if they dont group u just go where they go u cant controle them but if u know ur 10-10 yas is gonna go in again just follow up on him and hit the enemy with ur goldbags
@@iFParasit ohhhh, thanks for the reply i really appreciate it, now i get it
@@mattdrew4563 np uc an do a couple of things liek if grouped but it would be a way forced fight go on a bit of a distance ping them abcka dn look hwo they respond if they never lsiten u jsut gotta paly the way they want and hope for the best... the worst thing u saw in this game where cait is solo mid pushing when she ahs no business being there
the argument to take first dragon as scaling team is pure gold. Thank you
You should always try to take first dragon if given the opportunity, whether scaling or not.
this video we made hector raise his own kids and then let him not cs for 5 minutes
Okay so I've got a theory on how to autowin games.
-According to the video you should build mejais when behind
-According to the video you will put yourself behind when buying mejais
Step 1: Go even in lane
Step 2: Buy mejais, you are now behind your enemy laner
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Gain free lp
I know this game since the start but I never played more ranked games than my placement matches 😆 I dont win that often in blind matches so I never really attempted more 😬 now that I am playing Dead by Daylight since 2017 and there is only ranked mode in that game I wonder where I would have been if I also only played ranked in LoL. This video makes it sound so easy, when you literally have >130IQ I guess
I read that thumbnail wrong and now im on lose streak. Wow
One of these days my team FF a game, because the enemy team "scaled too hard" okay they had a Yasuo and a Ezreal who were strong, but on the other hand we ha a Vayne an Teemo AND a Cassiopea, none of us were particulary strong but we had two drakes and more towers up, but still, for them the weaker team (in objectives) and with less scaling was "unbeatable" i mean it was just a normal game that i was playing casualy so nothing of value was lost, but still, it baffles me how someplayers can't get a hold of themselfs to just look at the game for a second or two and see a winning condition other than *STOMP LANE*
I can feel you, I was playing one where we had a Nasus, a Kassadin (i was the kassadin), and a Cassio adc, my team still decided to surrender. We were not even that bad, I was 8/4 and the Nasus was 6/7 with good farm
most of us surrender winnable games if it’s just norms...it’s not like u lose anything
I also hate how one player is feeding, but it's still winnable, no one is even flaming the feeder, but the feeder is just so self-tilted that they intentionally throw for the rest of the game
True but, how do you carry an inting player going 0/15 on your team?
But what am i supposed with a mid game champ with meh early and ok late
I prefer high elo content since in high elo people know what to do so you can show us what to do when they play right
Is your game winnable? I mean its too early to tell.
can someone pls explain to me, on "push lanes randomly for no reason" cuz i don't get it. Thanks
Edit: And what does it mean them throwing rather than you doing a bit of extra damage, PLS HELP TO THOSE WHO GET'S IT
Please make an offer! I'm from Peru and USD is kind of expensive here but I do love your content and would like to subscribe to your website!
How does Ezreal outscale Caitlyn?