Hey @Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides I have successfully be pulling off a 3 buff start in my low elo games but I'm wondering is this worth the time I'm losing running around?
@Emile Salmon-Legagneur aye buddy in my comment right above yours the champion I'm getting those starts on is good ol Shyvana lol. Idk just thought it was funny the next commenter was using the same champion when there are so many champions
I can't think of another TH-cam channel where I watched all of its uploaded videos for at least 5 months straight, whether its League of Legends related or not. It amazes me how much I enjoy these guides to always try to improve my knowledge and play.
@@skillcapped Same here, especially the jungler related videos! I currently try maining bruiser shyvana and it works super good lol. All because I picked up quite a lot of tips and tricks about jungle in this season (which apparently is some sort of a different specie from s3 which was when I last played XD) Thanks a ton guys, keep up that content, its amazing!! :)
You should just secure your buffs if you're playing in low elo and you can pretty much out macro a low elo jungler from there if you know what you're doing
@@thiagoklock5064 Yes actually, I made a smurf account and went 40-0 with my hecarim and only lost in high plat. I see no sensible reason to use a utility jungler to support braindead teammates lol
@@Steven-so5ss Ye, i was tryharding with my main Vi for a long time but in the end, reached platinum only because of early drakes, fast ganks. If not, enemy Yi Amumu or so always owned me later.
I just did the same in a normal, i wanted to try (i am main adc plat 3). I was 7/0 against a lee sin at 13 mins. But my mid and bot were feeding so we lost. The enemy supp was a talon btw and mine was soraka hahahah.
The thing I like about jungle is that every each one of the scenarios can be countered with pathing. If the rengar had started red for example, he couldve gone for a red blue gromp clear and surprise the eve at bot scuttle, and eve ofc would have a false sense of security. You need to keep the potential options in mind.
They really think we junglers in low gold, high silver can rely on our team to actually check the map and collapse on the enmy jgl invading while they have prio? Naaah man better continue shoving that wave in until we die to a gank pfffft gg ez report jgl
These games were all recorded in gold, 10:57 and this guy's account is still in Bronze 1 with Gold/Plat mmr. Not challenger. His username's manlet v2 and on euw.
Yeah but most of the viewers here are gold/plat or below, so this is useful for them, Unless the viewer is a GM/Challenger this won't be much of use for him/her. But if viewer is Hardstuck D or a simple plat or below this could be useful.
Ah, but the peoples game play that he is commenting on are in high elo with high mmr, for example the evelen with the graves game. The evelen is a D1 player with a 73% winrate with evelen.
y'all should make a video on how to win games with early game disadvantages. IE you die early in jg, or your mid lane goes 0/3 within 10 minutes, or just other scenarios in which things happen that are out of your own control. because often in low elo things like your laners collapsing are a true 50/50.
One thing to note, you should still be checking how your side lanes are doing during all of this. If an easy first blood gank appears b/c the enemy is being really aggro, then path towards that side and get an early kill. If not, just get your safe clear in and hope that you scale (which you should, if you're playing the champs listed in the video).
One tip if your laner does not rotate is dont tilt./mute all and play yourself.win most of my games by doing this and i acknowledge that not every games i need to contest scuttle like if you facing olaf or ww i really need to avoid that.red blue gromp wolves raptors and scuttle.most of junglers (not full clear like nunu and vi)skip the krugs because i heard T1 said the damage by the krugs not worth the xp given xDDD i donno i just skip kruggs and do it if i passed that lane or im using a full clear jungle.Correct me if im wrong.Good video btw good job
3:48 erm... there are really few junglers who can do a full clear after red->krugs and beeing at scuttle in time. I recognize that in many of your videos that you kinda ignore the clearing time. In Dia+ Scuttle might be gone already if you show up at 3:20 instead 3:15. You just need to look at how you drag the icons in this clear. Kayn is doing 2 camps (Blue and Gromp) while Zac is "waiting" at red (3:51). Another thing is that you often don't know where the enemy jungler started since laners do fake leashes in higher elos and show up on lane at the same time. Sometimes you can check their mana but that doesn't always work. This is why i sometimes place my ward at enemy top buff, so I know for sure where they start. In this case I ask my laner if he can ward my blue.
d3af exact opposite. In low elo they fake leash because they dont care if they had any prio or not, but in dia+ lane priority is waaay important than fake elashing
@@seroo9119 no? I play in Dia EUW and laners do it all the time. You can wait a bit and still get every single minion. I also smurfing a new Acc right now in silver and people don't even know what fake leashing is.
Yeah, this video is definitely made for a specific smallish group of champions. We also very, very rarely see fake leashes while reviewing high or low ELO games in different regions, but if you do end up pathing to the same side as the enemy Jungler that just means that you might not get scuttle, which isn't the end of the world. You're still safe from invades with this vision setup which is the real, game losing danger we're trying to avoid here.
Potionless clear on Evelynn or Yi - no problem. On Karthus - you've got to be joking, right? I''m simply not good enough at kiting camps. I'm also reminded of a Shyvana game I played a few days ago. My team decides to invade. So I went with them. We didn't get anything from the invade and I missed the chance to get a defensive ward down. I started blue and went to red. Nidalee started Red and went straight to my red. She cound me mid-camp, hit a spear, chunking my health and forcing a flash to avoid her pounce follow up. I was now down a camp, a flash and a big chunk of health. From that moment on, Nidalee lived in my jungle, and with 3 weak, scaling lanes, I had no help. I did what I could to avoid her, but ended the laning phase down 1 death and lots of farm. So what was my error. Should I have not joined my team for the level 1 invade?
just don´t bother with it. try to play your own game in jng and to make it i find it´s a importent step to you deactivate your chat because you should never gank a lane just because they cry for ganks. try to play scaling jng champs like in the video said and build up a lead whereever you can than you can actually try to solo carry the game.
@@sworter "build up a lead wherever you can"... Sometimes it's impossible... I played FIVE in a row... where my team goes 0-5, 0-7 in 5 minutes or less... I think even Faker would struggle in BR server Silver XD
@@viniciusrusso5959 i think you missunderstond me because you need to get a lead for yourself from other lanes and if possible also a lead for the teammates but that´s more something you do while building your own lead. If possible take the kills and carry the game with your own hands but remember that is only possible if you are good enough to carry them. Also never forget even if you follow all steps everyone loses games.
I think a skill people need to learn is not only how you plan the game (as this video does nicely) but how to adjust your play style due to every game not being a perfect match according to plan. Team bad gank setups, dying at awkward times(e.g drag coming up in 40 sec and you die while whole top side up, bot side full cleared and nearly level 6) or maybe even you dying early once or twice.
@@Pawnlust How this Jungler "Reaches" Challenger with 80% Win Rates is what the title says Basically he got to challenger before, I doubt he even did it with 80% win rate tbh even though EUNE is an easy server but yeah, he did it before doesn't mean he did it now
I'm a Diamond or Master Jg on 5 servers worldwide in the last two seasons. I'm gonna try some no-refillable openings. Very interesting... The biggest challenge for me climbing is NOT the enemy Jg counter-jungling me. My losses are primarily from my laners all feeding faster than I can get fed on their laners. Climbing through plat is easier than gold because low elo is a clown fiesta, with the outcome too frequently determined by the biggest troll rather than the best teamwork or the hardest carry. The biggest trick to climbing is finding an emotionally stable and obedient duo, reducing the risk of an ally trolling by 25%, and having a second voice for play calls.
please make a video about EU kanavi (Euw challenger, had more than 80% winrate when he reached challenger) he is quite the opposite, he plays aggressive junglers like nidalee and lee sin
I know you guys are focusing on the game itself, but maybe there are some other factors that can be somewhat related to improving at the game, like tips on how to make your eyes hurt less while watching monitor. Idk something like ventilating your room, minimizing the dust in air, keeping the humidity levels at certain levels . Maybe things like sleep quality and teaching players something about Ego exhaustion and so on.
dont force matches, take a break when you feel like losing your mind. league can be very tilting, and you cannot make proper calls when you don't feel right
Sleep is huge and I'm at least a tier below my normals kill level when I grind lots of games with 4-5 hours of sleep a couple of days in a row. The crazy thing is that you don't even notice you're playing badly. You just miss a lot of tiny things.
I've been using the ward trick where you recalled but didnt know about the no potions start. Thanks tho this was helpful and added to my game knowledge so now I can play better on my Kha'zix hopefully
There is something I didn't understand. In a previous video, you said that doing krugs was not necessary and that it often led to being late on every play. However, in this video, the junglers always clear krugs. Has it changed since? Why?
I love these videos but hate them at the same time. Love them because you explain everything that's happening, but hate it cuz you are not always specifying what would happen if something went differently in some parts, what if in 7:07 the graves *Was* in his wolves, what should i do if that was the case? just leave him alone and fall behind cuz he took my buff and i was there loosing time? it has happened to me that i put some of these strategies but when something goes differently from the video i get confused and don't know what to do, then loose a lot of time.
Im zac jungle OTP plat 1. I swear to you i've been waiting for a video like this for a long time. My usual strategy would be to ward blue, go b, change to sweeping lens and start red, but this would make me die to red late invades some times. Theres a strategy you didnt talk about tho which has happened to me several times: What if both me and the enemy start full clearing red side but then he invades me on my blue? (this happens a lot vs shaco). Great video! Thanks!
i know this is an old comment but i think you are suppose to cross invade that is what the second ward is for so you see them invading and just go take their blue.
I'm going to tell you right now you aren't getting either scuttle in this meta if you follow that first suggested route. I've already taken both and setting up for drag.
What Skill Capped wanted to teach me about scale jungle: *worry about invades, set up good vision, avoid parallel jungling* What I actually learned: *Get ignite on shyvana jg* EDIT: seriously, i'm aware of most of the things mentioned in the vid , but haven't considered the possibility of taking ignite on my shyvana jungle to gain stronger early game resulting in stronger late
The Evelynn game that was shown here wasn't high elo, it was on d3 elo, graves is 48% winrate d3. Eve was gold 1 at the time, and ezreal was smurfing too, right now he is d1 71lp with 78% winrate while Eve is D1 44lp with 75%, not even close to challanger. Way too missleading in my opinion. Eve acc: eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=grf%20tarzan%20v2 Graves acc: eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Vinicius+Junior Ezreal acc: eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Korea+o7 Game was played on Jun 16, eve ended 4/0/3 getting pretty much carried by the fact ezreal stomped botlane and varus go tilted and sold all his items.
No potions is a hardcore troll. If it becomes standard for farming champs the enemy team is just gonna invade the buff you are starting on and win because you decided to not buy potions. Also, why skip potions at 7:27 I thought kayn is supposed to invade and take trades with shyv in the jg all game. Is he not supposed to invade the first clear?
Hey skillcapped, why does Eve go for the top scuttle 6:05 when its very likely for Graves to come topside, what we dont want. Shouldn't Eve go to bot scuttle after invading blue?
Why do you think he would go topside? since logically after his failed invade he would expect to be counter jungled and punished (she took his blue). Also darius top has lane prio but not sure if that's a reason to why we would go top. not sure if what I'm saying is true though.
I just want to ask for the pink ward if u go firt ward river then recall that take much time and enemy team can be on your second buff where u go to Place ward and can kill u
lol what would you want him to do? I'm pretty sure that was at least 90% ezreal's fault overextending. he's supposed to be hard to gank too since he has E + flash.
Question, I'm low elo, arguably iron skill level who coin flipped to bronze, and I die a LOT. Makes sense, it's why I'm in my elo, but does that mean I should try this strategy on all my champions, including decent duelists like Vi and Kha'zix? This route looks incredibly safe and a good way to practice tracking, but I don't want to accidentally troll my teammates by farming to 6 on a champion that can gank early.
if youre iron or bronze I would heavily recommend playing any lane to grasp fundamentals first, it will help you climb trust me. Jungle is the role that has the most carry potential, and it's the most game influencing role, but its also the hardest to both start off with and master, for now better to just play simpler roll, go to lane kill minions, and remember to push before recalling and you will make it to low gold just fine as long as you know most champion's abilities and what they do...
you do red > krugs > raptors usually. based on what I can get from the video, it makes more sense to go up then down since you're gonna head to your bot side anyway to finish your clear. Also even if she planned to quickly go to not lose her blue, she used raptors to heal here, which wouldn't have been possible otherwise.
if the xerath doesn't use q's on the wave easy prior for velkoz, especially in low elo mid laners sometimes don't really know how to manage their wave against their enemies so honestly just depends, but generally speaking below plat I don't really see xeraths using q's on the wave, they usually only use it to poke velkoz down, but at where I am which is diamond 2 atm, xerath usually has prio if velkoz doesn't just hit level 2, get w and hard shove the wave which isn't really beneficial for him
i got almost 400k mastery on vi and im playing her since 2015 (not so much right now tho) i ranked up to platinum with vi. if you got any questions about vi feel free to reply.
@@Ace-Vincent-Arevalo Honestly I know how to play her its just the match ups for the past few games this patch seems a bit too hard for me to carry with her so I'm really thinking to use other junglers to play in certain match up.
MOBA RIAN I mean Ive been doing that for about 300 games now before this video was out, havent been caught yet really. Only get caught if my team doesnt understand what I am doing and plays very aggressively
I hate the fact that my diamond cousin can get to gold 4 in 40 games with 80% wr and i cant win 3 fucking games to reach gold after 400 games. Im afk'ing every game now, this got really boring
Actually early game is super important for a jungler. If i get fucked lvl 1-6 as a Jungler my game is over most of the time. I have the feeling thats even harder to get back than on lanes. And if all your lanes are pushed in on top of this, you can just FF because enemy jungler will rape you 24/7.
Some junglers are early game/gank oriented, intended to influence the game as much as possible to close it fastly. However, games are really random and you will always have teammates throwing their lead to give shutodwns or simply avoid pressuring, that's why if you want to win a LOT (like 80-90% win rate), you need a 1v9 champion who can solo carry fights and win them all the time. The problem is that early game junglers can easily look for invading the enemy scaling jungler and deny their farm. It's quite easy to ruin a scaling jungler's game, you just take their camps and delete them when they're coming. If a good player makes through the early game, he basically won the entire game.
This is about how to optimize a specific style of jungling. Of course it's not the whole picture. Look at Evelynn dance behind Thresh to dodge Graves autos. How many Silvers would be present enough to do that? The truth is that knowledge will only get you so far without high execution ability. Ultimately, this isn't chess. You can't just make the perfect moves in your mind and translate that directly to results. Mouse movements, how quickly and accurately you press buttons and other things like that all have a big impact.
Make sure you subscribe if you haven't already! Special uploads coming VERY soon 👀
I cant wait for the bext upload love you
So until now it wasn’t special you say?
Hey @Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides I have successfully be pulling off a 3 buff start in my low elo games but I'm wondering is this worth the time I'm losing running around?
Hector face reveal?
@Emile Salmon-Legagneur aye buddy in my comment right above yours the champion I'm getting those starts on is good ol Shyvana lol. Idk just thought it was funny the next commenter was using the same champion when there are so many champions
I can't think of another TH-cam channel where I watched all of its uploaded videos for at least 5 months straight, whether its League of Legends related or not. It amazes me how much I enjoy these guides to always try to improve my knowledge and play.
Thanks a ton! :) Glad you enjoy
@@skillcapped Same here, especially the jungler related videos! I currently try maining bruiser shyvana and it works super good lol. All because I picked up quite a lot of tips and tricks about jungle in this season (which apparently is some sort of a different specie from s3 which was when I last played XD)
Thanks a ton guys, keep up that content, its amazing!! :)
Not Rossboomsocks, Hawkin?
"Don't AFK"
My PC freezing: " I won't let you go"
Go play normals or something
lol rip
These good ol' silver games :>
you must have an HDD, just buy an SSD (changed my life)
Honestly low elo games are a completely different story than this. Some lanes will be 0-3 before you can clear
@Music Account but it's way easier to carry games like that.
You should just secure your buffs if you're playing in low elo and you can pretty much out macro a low elo jungler from there if you know what you're doing
@@peaky6622 and make sure you're always with hard carry junglers. Tank and utility junglers are a waste of time in most of the low elo games
@@thiagoklock5064 Yes actually, I made a smurf account and went 40-0 with my hecarim and only lost in high plat. I see no sensible reason to use a utility jungler to support braindead teammates lol
@@peaky6622 I spammed Olaf in gold/plat building full ad because i felt so defenseless the only game i built tank on my smurf
*He just wins, it’s not that hard lol*
WHAT AN IDEA! Why didnt I think of That!?
@@TheTalentLessxd I know right, its pretty easy
Perfect, a vid for my exact playstyle. Cant stand playing junglers that fall off after 20 minutes
Yea right you have to make something happen before it or you can’t carry
@@Steven-so5ss Ye, i was tryharding with my main Vi for a long time but in the end, reached platinum only because of early drakes, fast ganks. If not, enemy Yi Amumu or so always owned me later.
I just did the same in a normal, i wanted to try (i am main adc plat 3). I was 7/0 against a lee sin at 13 mins. But my mid and bot were feeding so we lost. The enemy supp was a talon btw and mine was soraka hahahah.
Could you share the background music, please Skilled Capped? - Day 28
could be th-cam.com/video/bCIEgfzduWc/w-d-xo.html, close but not quite
Go on the website Audiojungle then search for Tech music
The thing I like about jungle is that every each one of the scenarios can be countered with pathing. If the rengar had started red for example, he couldve gone for a red blue gromp clear and surprise the eve at bot scuttle, and eve ofc would have a false sense of security. You need to keep the potential options in mind.
I love the red krugs blue gromp path against invaders! Will use in my games for sure, awesome content!
They really think we junglers in low gold, high silver can rely on our team to actually check the map and collapse on the enmy jgl invading while they have prio? Naaah man better continue shoving that wave in until we die to a gank pfffft gg ez report jgl
adapt your playstyle, for low elo i can suggest playing a jgl with outplay potential and take all ressources, enemys wont move either...
The pop quizes are annoying when the minimap is small and missing icons.
These games were all recorded in gold, 10:57 and this guy's account is still in Bronze 1 with Gold/Plat mmr. Not challenger.
His username's manlet v2 and on euw.
that smurf Rengar is Spherestαlker from EUNE
Yeah but most of the viewers here are gold/plat or below, so this is useful for them, Unless the viewer is a GM/Challenger this won't be much of use for him/her.
But if viewer is Hardstuck D or a simple plat or below this could be useful.
Yea but he's a challenger jungler
Ah, but the peoples game play that he is commenting on are in high elo with high mmr, for example the evelen with the graves game. The evelen is a D1 player with a 73% winrate with evelen.
@@rishijoshi1758 but his enemies arent
y'all should make a video on how to win games with early game disadvantages. IE you die early in jg, or your mid lane goes 0/3 within 10 minutes, or just other scenarios in which things happen that are out of your own control. because often in low elo things like your laners collapsing are a true 50/50.
tried this a couple times, successfully defended/took advantage but then all 3 lanes ran it down exdee
sad promo noises :(
One thing to note, you should still be checking how your side lanes are doing during all of this. If an easy first blood gank appears b/c the enemy is being really aggro, then path towards that side and get an early kill. If not, just get your safe clear in and hope that you scale (which you should, if you're playing the champs listed in the video).
One tip if your laner does not rotate is dont tilt./mute all and play yourself.win most of my games by doing this and i acknowledge that not every games i need to contest scuttle like if you facing olaf or ww i really need to avoid that.red blue gromp wolves raptors and scuttle.most of junglers (not full clear like nunu and vi)skip the krugs because i heard T1 said the damage by the krugs not worth the xp given xDDD i donno i just skip kruggs and do it if i passed that lane or im using a full clear jungle.Correct me if im wrong.Good video btw good job
Newbie rengar mains without potions: "I don't feel so good"
@Zcooger Second Channel lmao!
This menthod has made my early game more consistent, now i need to sure up my mid game. i don't feel like im having enough impact
3:48 erm... there are really few junglers who can do a full clear after red->krugs and beeing at scuttle in time.
I recognize that in many of your videos that you kinda ignore the clearing time.
In Dia+ Scuttle might be gone already if you show up at 3:20 instead 3:15.
You just need to look at how you drag the icons in this clear.
Kayn is doing 2 camps (Blue and Gromp) while Zac is "waiting" at red (3:51).
Another thing is that you often don't know where the enemy jungler started since laners do fake leashes in higher elos and show up on lane at the same time. Sometimes you can check their mana but that doesn't always work. This is why i sometimes place my ward at enemy top buff, so I know for sure where they start. In this case I ask my laner if he can ward my blue.
d3af exact opposite. In low elo they fake leash because they dont care if they had any prio or not, but in dia+ lane priority is waaay important than fake elashing
zac clear is just rly slow and shit
@@seroo9119 no? I play in Dia EUW and laners do it all the time. You can wait a bit and still get every single minion.
I also smurfing a new Acc right now in silver and people don't even know what fake leashing is.
d3af well i also play in euw but seems like we spectate from different angles (Im plat)
Yeah, this video is definitely made for a specific smallish group of champions. We also very, very rarely see fake leashes while reviewing high or low ELO games in different regions, but if you do end up pathing to the same side as the enemy Jungler that just means that you might not get scuttle, which isn't the end of the world. You're still safe from invades with this vision setup which is the real, game losing danger we're trying to avoid here.
great video! can you make a guide on how to perform a successful invade with different team comps? that would be a nice follow up on this video!
This is my favourite channel. You folks make a video super understandable and engaging.
Potionless clear on Evelynn or Yi - no problem. On Karthus - you've got to be joking, right? I''m simply not good enough at kiting camps.
I'm also reminded of a Shyvana game I played a few days ago. My team decides to invade. So I went with them. We didn't get anything from the invade and I missed the chance to get a defensive ward down. I started blue and went to red. Nidalee started Red and went straight to my red. She cound me mid-camp, hit a spear, chunking my health and forcing a flash to avoid her pounce follow up. I was now down a camp, a flash and a big chunk of health. From that moment on, Nidalee lived in my jungle, and with 3 weak, scaling lanes, I had no help. I did what I could to avoid her, but ended the laning phase down 1 death and lots of farm.
So what was my error. Should I have not joined my team for the level 1 invade?
i struggle more with my lanes dying to every single gank than with being invaded
just don´t bother with it. try to play your own game in jng and to make it i find it´s a importent step to you deactivate your chat because you should never gank a lane just because they cry for ganks. try to play scaling jng champs like in the video said and build up a lead whereever you can than you can actually try to solo carry the game.
more farm for you huehuehue
@@sworter "build up a lead wherever you can"... Sometimes it's impossible... I played FIVE in a row... where my team goes 0-5, 0-7 in 5 minutes or less... I think even Faker would struggle in BR server Silver XD
@@viniciusrusso5959 i think you missunderstond me because you need to get a lead for yourself from other lanes and if possible also a lead for the teammates but that´s more something you do while building your own lead. If possible take the kills and carry the game with your own hands but remember that is only possible if you are good enough to carry them. Also never forget even if you follow all steps everyone loses games.
I think a skill people need to learn is not only how you plan the game (as this video does nicely) but how to adjust your play style due to every game not being a perfect match according to plan. Team bad gank setups, dying at awkward times(e.g drag coming up in 40 sec and you die while whole top side up, bot side full cleared and nearly level 6) or maybe even you dying early once or twice.
VEry insightful as always. Also, I love the trick to heal with the talisman on raptors, never seen it before
Legit just picking up on shyv jungle and struggle against early invade champs, this helped a lot
For anyone wondering, the opgg for the player in the video is GRF Tarzan v2 on EUNE
I'm guessing EUNE has lower cutoffs for Challenger but that account was never Challenger in the tier graph.
@@Pawnlust How this Jungler "Reaches" Challenger with 80% Win Rates is what the title says
Basically he got to challenger before, I doubt he even did it with 80% win rate tbh even though EUNE is an easy server but yeah, he did it before doesn't mean he did it now
Why not buy the control ward when leaving base as opposed to recalling? Assume for the sweeper?
Because when you recall you need to take swiper and after your back you can change your mind and finally take potions
i'm an 8 year casual player jungle diamond, and these lessons still helping
I'm a Diamond or Master Jg on 5 servers worldwide in the last two seasons. I'm gonna try some no-refillable openings. Very interesting...
The biggest challenge for me climbing is NOT the enemy Jg counter-jungling me. My losses are primarily from my laners all feeding faster than I can get fed on their laners. Climbing through plat is easier than gold because low elo is a clown fiesta, with the outcome too frequently determined by the biggest troll rather than the best teamwork or the hardest carry. The biggest trick to climbing is finding an emotionally stable and obedient duo, reducing the risk of an ally trolling by 25%, and having a second voice for play calls.
Did its good buying heath potions with control Ward?
Only channel needed to follow to improve LOL skills
10:52 cancelled auto
Typing that made me satisfied
please make a video about EU kanavi (Euw challenger, had more than 80% winrate when he reached challenger)
he is quite the opposite, he plays aggressive junglers like nidalee and lee sin
Ty for this pick me up skill capped. Been a while since I played league and this was really great info to start playing again.
I know you guys are focusing on the game itself, but maybe there are some other factors that can be somewhat related to improving at the game, like tips on how to make your eyes hurt less while watching monitor. Idk something like ventilating your room, minimizing the dust in air, keeping the humidity levels at certain levels . Maybe things like sleep quality and teaching players something about Ego exhaustion and so on.
dont force matches, take a break when you feel like losing your mind. league can be very tilting, and you cannot make proper calls when you don't feel right
Sleep is huge and I'm at least a tier below my normals kill level when I grind lots of games with 4-5 hours of sleep a couple of days in a row. The crazy thing is that you don't even notice you're playing badly. You just miss a lot of tiny things.
Amazing guide for the early jgl start, thx!
I've been using the ward trick where you recalled but didnt know about the no potions start. Thanks tho this was helpful and added to my game knowledge so now I can play better on my Kha'zix hopefully
There is something I didn't understand. In a previous video, you said that doing krugs was not necessary and that it often led to being late on every play. However, in this video, the junglers always clear krugs. Has it changed since? Why?
The way i see it, unnecessary but can be beneficial, you have to think and see if the 20 secs to clear Krugs will be a problem or not
Bro I'm learning so many great stuff from these videos I almost feel sorry I'm not paying them lol
6:35 you almost choked yourself sir xD
you know i figured all that on my own, still im silver with 48% win rate, cant do anything after my first clear
this is very helpful lmao. i really suck at jungling and ganking
Love your videos, jax works too or not?
6:48 at this point of the game, I would start throwing until I lose the game in the next 20 minutes.
I love these videos but hate them at the same time. Love them because you explain everything that's happening, but hate it cuz you are not always specifying what would happen if something went differently in some parts, what if in 7:07 the graves *Was* in his wolves, what should i do if that was the case? just leave him alone and fall behind cuz he took my buff and i was there loosing time? it has happened to me that i put some of these strategies but when something goes differently from the video i get confused and don't know what to do, then loose a lot of time.
Does someone know the name of the rengar account please ? I have games to spectacte
Pretty sure the op gg app has a feature where you can see the highest performing players with each champ
Spherestαlker (EUNE)
you can watch dopamine influx on twitch, euw challenger rengar otp, smurfs often and makes informative content
Dopamine_influx on twitch
Ty for the replies !
Im zac jungle OTP plat 1. I swear to you i've been waiting for a video like this for a long time. My usual strategy would be to ward blue, go b, change to sweeping lens and start red, but this would make me die to red late invades some times. Theres a strategy you didnt talk about tho which has happened to me several times: What if both me and the enemy start full clearing red side but then he invades me on my blue? (this happens a lot vs shaco). Great video! Thanks!
i know this is an old comment but i think you are suppose to cross invade that is what the second ward is for so you see them invading and just go take their blue.
I'm going to tell you right now you aren't getting either scuttle in this meta if you follow that first suggested route. I've already taken both and setting up for drag.
What Skill Capped wanted to teach me about scale jungle: *worry about invades, set up good vision, avoid parallel jungling*
What I actually learned: *Get ignite on shyvana jg*
EDIT: seriously, i'm aware of most of the things mentioned in the vid , but haven't considered the possibility of taking ignite on my shyvana jungle to gain stronger early game resulting in stronger late
The Evelynn game that was shown here wasn't high elo, it was on d3 elo, graves is 48% winrate d3. Eve was gold 1 at the time, and ezreal was smurfing too, right now he is d1 71lp with 78% winrate while Eve is D1 44lp with 75%, not even close to challanger. Way too missleading in my opinion.
Eve acc: eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=grf%20tarzan%20v2
Graves acc: eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Vinicius+Junior
Ezreal acc: eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Korea+o7
Game was played on Jun 16, eve ended 4/0/3 getting pretty much carried by the fact ezreal stomped botlane and varus go tilted and sold all his items.
D1 with near 80% winrates are not even near challenger, are you drunk? Even regular d1s regularly get in games with challengers.
Also guess who Tarzan is...
Diamond/ challanger all the same for as low elo players, people in low elo even think gold/platinum players are very good at the game.
Brilliant guide, thank-you skillcapped
Hey guys your guides are really I mean REALLY helping but it would be good to put such similar guides for ADC ... Cheers!
Anyway, any chance we could get support video? With Enchanter supports.
Very informative video thank you !!!
Good Video now show us what match ups to worry about & when to dodge & what not to pick when X jungler is picked
What about kindred, is she strong early or not, should i invade ans fight?
No potions is a hardcore troll. If it becomes standard for farming champs the enemy team is just gonna invade the buff you are starting on and win because you decided to not buy potions.
Also, why skip potions at 7:27 I thought kayn is supposed to invade and take trades with shyv in the jg all game. Is he not supposed to invade the first clear?
you'll lose with it without potions I believe lol.
the point is if you expect to get invaded you ward both sides.
if not you can get potions
Awesome video. I will have to rewatch it 5 times and implement it asap cause it seems uncounterable
Hey skillcapped, why does Eve go for the top scuttle 6:05 when its very likely for Graves to come topside, what we dont want. Shouldn't Eve go to bot scuttle after invading blue?
Why do you think he would go topside? since logically after his failed invade he would expect to be counter jungled and punished (she took his blue).
Also darius top has lane prio but not sure if that's a reason to why we would go top.
not sure if what I'm saying is true though.
7 months later , still havent heard of twitch jg 1v9
I think I've been scarred by this game, playing for 8 years. I did not make a single decision based on what this challenger dong did.
If Eve finds that she got spotted by a ward with her red trinket at 5:44, is the plan to immediately retreat to her raptors for a full clear?
Im not sure but did he explain when to start red / blue or does it depend on the champion?
Can I apply the same playstyle playing kindred??
This applies for the new season 11?
I wish my teachers taught me like u just did xD
So Eve prevents the 90% w/r rengar from taking her blue, but what about the rest of the game?
rengar needs early advantages to snowball, which he didnt get. now eve is in a way better spot to carry than rengar is
I just want to ask for the pink ward if u go firt ward river then recall that take much time and enemy team can be on your second buff where u go to Place ward and can kill u
8:47 "Turn the situation into a positive" Ez just die to kayn wich makes him come back from all the counter jg shyvana was doing :)
lol what would you want him to do? I'm pretty sure that was at least 90% ezreal's fault overextending. he's supposed to be hard to gank too since he has E + flash.
@@NotLerro haven't said was jg fault, just pointing at how players randomly ruins jg macro, and throw out their lead, and then " /all: jg diff " XD
Question, I'm low elo, arguably iron skill level who coin flipped to bronze, and I die a LOT. Makes sense, it's why I'm in my elo, but does that mean I should try this strategy on all my champions, including decent duelists like Vi and Kha'zix? This route looks incredibly safe and a good way to practice tracking, but I don't want to accidentally troll my teammates by farming to 6 on a champion that can gank early.
if youre iron or bronze I would heavily recommend playing any lane to grasp fundamentals first, it will help you climb trust me.
Jungle is the role that has the most carry potential, and it's the most game influencing role, but its also the hardest to both start off with and master, for now better to just play simpler roll, go to lane kill minions, and remember to push before recalling and you will make it to low gold just fine as long as you know most champion's abilities and what they do...
Playing in unranked is beautiful when people don’t even know what does a jungler do and you can take their camps and never even see a jungler lmao
This man is so talented its amazing
Very usefull!!! Thank you!❤️
What does the eve go for after gromp in the eve vs rengar game?
1v9 doesn't mean jack if your team is constantly intentionally feeding, getting caught or fighting 4v5.
Thank you it helped me a lot !!
What about playing against bunglers that don’t need a leash like Graves, Olaf, or Lee Sin. It is hard to track them if no one leashes.
in the last example, why would Evelynn do krugs instead of raptors then run to her blue? is it because they are worth more?
you do red > krugs > raptors usually.
based on what I can get from the video, it makes more sense to go up then down since you're gonna head to your bot side anyway to finish your clear.
Also even if she planned to quickly go to not lose her blue, she used raptors to heal here, which wouldn't have been possible otherwise.
First normal with shiv and worked so nice S 11/3/10.
3:47 How do you expect a Vel'Koz to get priority over Xerath?
if the xerath doesn't use q's on the wave easy prior for velkoz, especially in low elo mid laners sometimes don't really know how to manage their wave against their enemies so honestly just depends, but generally speaking below plat I don't really see xeraths using q's on the wave, they usually only use it to poke velkoz down, but at where I am which is diamond 2 atm, xerath usually has prio if velkoz doesn't just hit level 2, get w and hard shove the wave which isn't really beneficial for him
Need to try these junglers Vi haven't been doing it for me in the pass few games...at least she got me to B1
Just have fun
i got almost 400k mastery on vi and im playing her since 2015 (not so much right now tho)
i ranked up to platinum with vi.
if you got any questions about vi feel free to reply.
@@Ace-Vincent-Arevalo Honestly I know how to play her its just the match ups for the past few games this patch seems a bit too hard for me to carry with her so I'm really thinking to use other junglers to play in certain match up.
"This challenger was afk for just 10 seconds".... takes 15 seconds for the gates to open.
Ok good tips. Now what happens when you go 12/0 and your toplaner decides to feed because you took the kill while ganking. (Plat elo)
They wont climb in the long run and you will no worries
What about a bead start, if you're sure that you won't be invaded?
How about warding their blue or red when the game starts to see where they start? Could this be a viable strategy too to avoid the early game fights?
Too risky especially when the enemy knows.
MOBA RIAN I mean Ive been doing that for about 300 games now before this video was out, havent been caught yet really. Only get caught if my team doesnt understand what I am doing and plays very aggressively
OMG, what a cool tips! Now scaling JG can survivie : )
SKILL CAPPED u did not upload patch 10.13 tier list ?!??!?!?!?! please i have been waiting i need it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"He does a drive by mid"... oof
10:42 you say that we can manipulate scuddle movement? Tell me how please!!!
it runs away from you, so position behind it
Does khazix and Kayn fall in this category?
Our chally consultant... Grf Tarzan lol
please do this for top lane man
That's so fking big brain love it
song at 7:41 ?
Should I always start red buff?
this video is what i'm looking for
Usefull video indeed
I hate the fact that my diamond cousin can get to gold 4 in 40 games with 80% wr and i cant win 3 fucking games to reach gold after 400 games. Im afk'ing every game now, this got really boring
@Testigos de Kojima facts
This has nothing to do with 80% win-rate, just securing early game...
Actually early game is super important for a jungler.
If i get fucked lvl 1-6 as a Jungler my game is over most of the time.
I have the feeling thats even harder to get back than on lanes.
And if all your lanes are pushed in on top of this, you can just FF because enemy jungler will rape you 24/7.
Truly this is helpful to many, I myself don't find value from this since my early can be 2/0/1 only to become 2/8/6 later.
Some junglers are early game/gank oriented, intended to influence the game as much as possible to close it fastly. However, games are really random and you will always have teammates throwing their lead to give shutodwns or simply avoid pressuring, that's why if you want to win a LOT (like 80-90% win rate), you need a 1v9 champion who can solo carry fights and win them all the time. The problem is that early game junglers can easily look for invading the enemy scaling jungler and deny their farm. It's quite easy to ruin a scaling jungler's game, you just take their camps and delete them when they're coming. If a good player makes through the early game, he basically won the entire game.
This is about how to optimize a specific style of jungling. Of course it's not the whole picture. Look at Evelynn dance behind Thresh to dodge Graves autos. How many Silvers would be present enough to do that? The truth is that knowledge will only get you so far without high execution ability. Ultimately, this isn't chess. You can't just make the perfect moves in your mind and translate that directly to results. Mouse movements, how quickly and accurately you press buttons and other things like that all have a big impact.